As the old age salutation goes, I would like to express my whole hearted gratitude
to every individual who helped me in different ways to make this project a success
especially ICFAI UNIVERSITY for giving the opportunity to do this project
under the guidance of their faculty.
I would like to thank Dr. KHUSHBU BHARDWAJ for always being there for
helpful suggestions and viewpoints for presenting a better work.
I hereby declare that the project work with the title DIGITAL MARKETING
me for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration under the ICFAI UNIVERSITY is my original work and has not
been submitted earlier to any other University / Institutions for the fulfillment of
the requirement for any course of study .
I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has been
incorporated in this report from any earlier work done by others or me .
However , extracts of any literature which has been used for this report has been
duly acknowledged providing details of such literature in the references.
Signature :
Name :
Enrollment no :
Program :
Place :
This is to certify that Ms Rajul Chordiya ( ENROLMENT NO
21BSUJP01066) is a bonafide student Bachelor of Business
Administration Semester 2 student in the ICFAI Business School
(IBS) at ICFAI University , Jaipur .
This is to certify that she has completed her project titled “ DIGITAL
COMMUNICATION “. Under my guidance and supervision towards the
partial fulfillment of Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration .
Designation :
Date :
Students Declaration…………………………………………..….3
Certificate of project completion………………………......…..4
List of Figures……………………………………………………….6
List of Tables………………………………………………………..6
List of Abbreviations………………………………………………7
Executive Summary………………………………………………..8
Literature Review…………………………………………………12
Aims and Objectives……………………………………………..16
Industry Analysis………………………………………………….18
India and Internet Population…………………………………24
Digital Marketing…………………………………………………32
Result and Discussions………………………………………….47
India and Internet
I am Rajul Chordiya of ICFAI University Jaipur a UG student. This report explains the
importance of digital media marketing in present era and this report will help the reader to get an
idea about the Industry, Indian population and digital media, concepts of digital marketing
Duties and responsibility of client servicing executives in an agency, Steps involved in client
servicing and Consumer buying behavior in the digital era. After reading the whole report the
reader will be able understand the reason behind growing digital media marketing.
Title of the Report is “Digital Marketing – The New Face Of Marketing Communication”
and Objectives of the project is to understand the change in consumer buying behavior in
digital era.
Methodologies used for achieving the objective are descriptive study and a research. For
achieving the objective, I have done one research using an online questionnaire. The title for
the research is “Understand the consumer buying behaviour of Indian in digital era”.
Main findings of the research are given here. Indian customers are highly information seekers.
They collect more information about a product before buying it. Internet penetration in India is
key player for this phenomenon. Most of Indians are getting stimulus through advertisements,
but they are not reaching to end phase of customers purchase journey, mainly in high
involvement purchases. Brands are getting more touch point to reach their target group in this
digital era. More details about findings are given this report. The successful completion of this
project indicates that the future of marketing is in the hands of digital. I conclude my research by
quoting again that “Brands can’t sustain without digital presence”
Advertising in business is a form of marketing communication used to encourage, persuade, or
manipulate an audience to take or continue to take some action. Most commonly, the desired
result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Advertising is
defined by Richard F. Taflinger as “Advertising is the non-personal communication of
information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by
identified sponsors through the various media."
Specialized agencies
In-house agencies
Digital agencies or new media agencies
This report is completely discussing about digital or new media agencies. There was a time when
Television was the most popular medium for Marketer to promote, spread awareness and
generate leads for their products but now the trend has changed and Digital media has taken its
place. Main reason for this change was
Traditional methods are expensive. Compared to digital marketing channels, you could
end up spending thousands of dollars more.
Traditional marketing channels fail to provide instant feedback and reports about who
saw or heard an ad, and took action. This data is collected long after the initial ad
impression is made (and still then, the statistics are far from exact numbers).
marketing, on the
other hand, refers to
marketing methods
that allow
organizations to see how a campaign is performing in real-time, such as what is being viewed,
how often, how long, as well as other statistics such as sales conversions.
Digital Media Marketing or Digital Marketing
The term 'digital marketing' was first used in the 1990s. In the 2000s and the 2010s, digital
marketing became more sophisticated as an effective way to create a relationship with the
consumer that has depth and relevance.
Digital marketing was defined in Wikipedia as “marketing that makes use of electronic
devices (computers) such as personal computers, smart phones, cell phones, tablets and game
consoles to engage with customers. Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as
websites, e-mail, apps (classic and mobile) and social networks”.
Peoples often referred digital marketing as 'online marketing' or 'internet marketing' but it’s
wrong. Digital marketing revolves around the Internet, which explains why people tend to
believe that digital marketing and Internet marketing are synonymous. Nonetheless, they are
different. Internet marketing falls under the category of digital marketing. Internet marketing
encompasses digital marketing services such as search engine optimization, display advertising,
and email marketing.
The purpose of doing research in the area of digital marketing is because it seem huge,
intimidating and foreign. Businesses are looking for clearer picture to start but do not know
where and how to start doing digital marketing. In today’s time, social media channels such
as Face book, Twitter, Google and other social media firms have successfully transformed
the attitudes and perceptions of consumers and in the end helped revolutionized many
businesses. This was done through measurable vast network of customers with trustworthy
data with real-time feedback of customer experiences.
It is much more convenient for businesses to conduct surveys online with a purpose to get
relevant information from targeted groups and analyzing the results based on their responses.
Potential customers can look for reviews and recommendations to make informed decisions
about buying a product or using the service. On the other hand, businesses can use the
exercise to take action on relevant feedback from customers in meeting their needs more
Marketing has been around for a long time. Business owners felt the need to spread the word
about their products or services through newspapers and word of mouth. Digital marketing
on the other end is becoming popular because it utilizes mass media devices like television,
radio and the Internet. The most common digital marketing tool used today is Search Engine
Optimization (SEO). Its role is to maximize the way search engines like Google find your
Digital marketing concept originated from the Internet and search engines ranking of
websites. The first search engine was started in 1991 with a network protocol called Gopher
for query and search. After the launch of Yahoo in 1994 companies started to maximize their
ranking on the website (Smyth 2007).
When the Internet bubble burst in 2001, market was dominated by Google and Yahoo for
search optimization. Internet search traffic grew in 2006; the rise of search engine
optimization grew for major companies like Google (Smyth 2007). In 2007, the usage of
mobile devices increased the Internet usage on the move drastically and people all over the
world started connecting with each other more conveniently through social media.
In the developed world, companies have realized the importance of digital marketing. In
order for businesses to be successful they will have to merge online with traditional methods
for meeting the needs of customers more precisely (Parsons, Zeisser, Waitman 1996).
Introduction of new technologies has creating new business opportunities for marketers to
manage their websites and achieve their business objectives (Kiani, 1998).
With the availability of so many choices for customers, it is very difficult for marketers to
create brands and increase traffic for their products and services. Online advertising is a
powerful marketing vehicle for building brands and increasing traffic for companies to
achieve success (Song, 2001).
Expectations in terms of producing results and measuring success for advertisement money
spent, digital marketing is more cost-efficient for measuring ROI on advertisement
(Pepelnjak, 2008).
Today, monotonous advertising and marketing techniques have given way to digital
marketing. In addition, it is so powerful that it can help revive the economy and can create
tremendous opportunities for governments to function in a more efficient manner (Munshi,
2012). Firms in Singapore have tested the success of digital marketing tools as being
effective and useful for achieving results. (Teo, 2005). More importantly, growth in digital
marketing has been due to the rapid advances in technologies and changing market dynamics
(Mort, Sullivan, Drennan, Judy, 2002). In order for digital marketing to deliver result for
businesses, digital content such as accessibility, navigation and speed are defined as the key
characteristics for marketing (Kanttila, 2004).
Other tried and tested tool for achieving success through digital marketing is the use of
word-of-mouth WOM on social media and for making the site popular (Trusov, 2009). In
addition, WOM is linked with creating new members and increasing traffic on the website
which in return increases the visibility in terms of marketing.
Social media with an extra ordinary example Facebook has opened the door for businesses to
communicate with millions of people about products and services and has opened new
marketing opportunities in the market.
Blogs as a tool for digital marketing have successfully created an impact for increasing sales
revenue, especially for products where customers can read reviews and write comments
about personal experiences.
For businesses, online reviews have worked really well as part of their overall strategic
marketing strategy (Zhang, 2013). Online services tools are more influencing than traditional
methods of communication (Helm, Möller, Mauroner, Conrad, 2013).
As part of study, it is proven that users experience increase in self-esteem and enjoyment
when they adapt to social media which itself is a motivating sign for businesses and
marketing professional (Arnott, 2013). Web experiences affect the mental process of
consumers and enhance their buying decision online (Cetină, Cristiana, Rădulescu, 2012).
This study is very valuable for marketing professional as it highlights the importance of
digital marketing.
To know affinity in customers for collecting information before purchase.
To determine out the media, which is most important in creating stimulus in
To understand the media consumption of Indians.
To figure out how Indian will purchase a product.
To understand post purchase behaviour of Indian
Importance of digital media marketing in present era .
TO understand Consumer buying behaviour.
The descriptive research design is used for analyzing and studying the process of Business
Development. It is very simple & more specific than explanatory study.
Data Sources:
Primary Data: -
It is a firsthand data which is collected by you only. The different way of collecting primary data
is personal interview, questionnaire, survey etc. As my project is descriptive study there is no
primary data collected as such.
Secondary Data:-
Secondary data is collected from already existing sources in various organization broachers &
records. Secondary data for the study were collected from the magazines, websites & other
previous studies.
To meet the objectives, the study used qualitative research. The descriptive study was done
through review of existing literature that helped in validation and extraction of the important
variables and factors. Data was collected from secondary sources. Secondary sources were
magazines, websites, books, office executives, and company data.
I have also used an online questionnaire to understand the consumer buying behaviour of Indian
in digital era .
The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) Industry, one of the most vibrant and exciting
industries in the world, has had a tremendous impact on the lives and the Indian economy. As the
M&E industry widens its reach, it plays a critical role in creating awareness on issues affecting,
channelling the energy of and building aspirations among India’s millions. As it entertains and
informs the country, the M&E industry has been a catalyst for the growth of large parts of the
Indian economy. M&E industry consist of TV, Print, Films, Radio, Music, OOH, Animation and
VFX, Gaming and Digital Advertising.
The FICCI-KPMG 2014 Report 'The Stage Is Set' showing the Indian media and entertainment
(M&E) industry has grown by 11.8 per cent in 2013 while comparing with 2012 and touched
Rs 918 billion. It is expected to touch Rs 1785.8 billion by 2018, with a CAGR of 14.2 per cent.
By the end of 2014, the industry is expected to stand at Rs 1039 billion. Additionally, digital
advertising has shown promising growth in 2013 while comparing with 2012, which is about
38.7 per cent, followed by gaming which grew by 25.5 per cent. As for the 2018 prediction:
Digital advertising is expected to lead the CAGR with 27.7 per cent, followed by radio with 18.1
per cent.
It is estimated that the total internet user base will reach 494 Million by the end of 2018 as
against 938 million TV viewers in the same year. This means that the internet user population
will be approximately 53 per cent of the total number of TV viewer in the According to the
annual advertising expenditure report from GroupM, The digital media advertising revenues for
the year 2013 is estimated at Rs 2,520.1 crore (around $405 million) , up 30% from Rs 1,938.6
crore in 2012,. Digital contributed to 6.5% of the total media advertising expenditure in 2013, up
from 5.5% share in 2012.
The agency estimates that the digital media advertising revenues to reach Rs 3,402.2 crore ($546
million) in 2014, registering a 35% growth year on year. This will represent around 7.9% of the
total media advertising expenditure in 2014, which is estimated at Rs 43,065.4 crore. The
company notes this will be driven by election spending by the government and political parties
across all media. GroupM made the prediction in the latest edition of its annual report This
Year, Next Year. Digital media were projected to increase 35%, with TV slowing to 12% from
last year’s 14.6% and print picking up to 8.5% from 4.6% in 2013.
Digital ad spends accounted for 8.3 percent of the total ad spends of Inr362.5 billion in 2013. [6]
With the dramatic growth in mobile usage, content country in 2018 compared to 27 per cent in
2013. This shift towards the digital media is important for digital media strategists to consider, in
order balancing their marketing budgets between online media and traditional TV strategy.
IAMAI & IMRB report of March 2013 showing trends in breakup of Digital ad market among
various ad types like search ads, display ads, mobile ads, social media ads, email ads and video
ads. By seeing this breakup we can understand marketer are giving importance to all venues to
place ads.
Some of the key players in the Digital advertising are Ogilvy & Mather, Webchutney, IBS,
Isobar, Maxus, 22 Feet, Grey Digital, Mind Share, Interactive Avenues, Omnicom Media
Group, Digital Law & Kenneth, Pinstrom.
2.1) Business Model of Industry
ATD- Agency Trading Desk DSP- Demand Side Platform SSP- Selling Side
About Process
Clients would give authority to agencies, to wear the shoes of clients. Agency will create ads,
which may be banner ads or videos. After the creation and getting approval from clients, agency
while find out the portals or websites where the T.G is present. Later give the order to DSP or
ATD, this order contains details regarding where to place ads or which portal is requiring to
placing the ad. This DSP/ ATD will bid in ad exchange for that portal. Otherwise agency can
directly approach to ad networks and give orders. These ad networks buy the inventories from
publisher and give to agency. From publisher view he can sell inventories through Ad networks
or through SSP. If publisher give to SSP, they will place those space in ad exchange for bidding.
Through ad exchange DSP/ATD will buy those inventories. Bidding will not only for space but
also for T.G which required for clients.
Ad exchanges are technology platforms that facilitate the bids for buying and selling of online
media advertising inventory from multiple ad networks. The approach is technology-driven as
opposed to the historical approach of negotiating price on media inventory.
A demand-side platform (DSP) is a system that allows buyers of digital advertising inventory
to manage multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface. Real-time
bidding for displaying online ads takes place within the ad exchanges, and by utilizing a DSP,
marketers can manage their bids for the banners and the pricing for the data that they are layering
on to target their audiences. A supply-side platform or sell-side platform (SSP) is a technology
platform, web publishers of the world use a supply-side platform to automate and optimize the
selling of their online media space.
Clients like long term relationships with agencies, so they also try to adjust with
Clients can ask agencies to change pattern of campaigns at any time.
4) Threats of substitutes
No. of substitutes is high, substitutes include Print media, TV, OOH and Radio.
Substitutes are too popular among buyers. They had high demand in past years.
Main competitor for Digital advertising is TVC, but trends are now changing FICCI-
KPMG report of 2014 showing growth of digital is very high while comparing with
others media.
But media consumption through radio is increasing now.
Indian market is a potential market for digital advertising due to high internet and mobile
India has bypassed Japan to become the world’s third largest Internet user after China and the
United States, and its users are significantly younger than those of other emerging economies,
global digital measurement and analytics firm comScore has said in a report. Riding on a 31%
year-on-year increase, India’s online population grew to 73.9 million. With an extended online
universe in excess of 145 million the market is at a tipping point for online businesses.
4.1) Gender Wise
India currently have online population of 213M, among them 60% are males and 40% are
females. In have 110 M mobile internet users, among them 80% are males and 20% are females.
176M of the total internet population are part of Social Medias.
According to the Internet And Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), the Internet user base in the
country stood at 190 million at the end of June, 2013. For the whole year 2013, the internet user
base grew 42% to 213 million, from 150 million in 2012. With more and more people accessing
the web through mobile phones, the internet user base in the country is projected to touch 243
million by June 2014, a year-on-year growth of 28%.
India males aged between “15-24” are major users among Males and in females 35-44 are
major users of internet. Age wise distributions are given below.
4.2) Online Behaviour of Indian Internet Users
Trends in online behaviour are changed a lot, social networking is leading now. Early people will
use internet to access email and for searching information. But now people like to be social, they
are interested in sharing their life with others. 25% of the population are doing social networking
in India followed by 23% in services. Services include emailing and instant messaging.
4.3) Mobile Internet Users
Internet penetration in India is driven largely by mobile phones, with some of the cheapest and
most basic hand-sets today offering access to the internet. According to IMAI, India has 110
million mobile internet users of which 25 million are in rural India. The growth of internet
penetration in rural India is driven largely by the mobile phone; 70% of rural India's active
internet population access the web via mobile phones. This may have to do with the difficulty in
accessing PCs. Forty-two percent of rural India's internet users prefer using the internet in local
languages. The high prevalence of content in English is a hurdle for much of rural India.
21% of their total consumption is for Entertainment and Social Media, which followed by
Games, General Information Search and Email.
Social Networks capture the largest percentage of consumers’ time in the region. comScore
data’s showing 86% of the Indian web user visit a social networking site. Facebook continues to
be the number one social network with a 28% increase in traffic and a reach of 86%. Average
time spend by a Indian user on facebook is 217 minutes. LinkedIn emerges as number two, while
Pinterest and Tumblr are the growing networks but growth of twitter is declined by 15% in 2013
while comparing with 2012.
(Source: exchange4media report, 2014)
Social Video report saying 46% of internet users watch brand related video every week. 54%
watching videos that are informative or entertaining often leads to a number of other positive
activities such as visiting the brand website. Peoples are now likely to regularly watch videos
using their smart phones.
Almost six in ten internet users have gone to purchase an item after seeing it in an online video.
4.6) Media Consumption of Indian’s
On an average Indian consumers are spending 6.10 hours in media per day. In traditional media
Indian audience spend only 195 min or 3.15 hours. If we see the breakup it will be 86min in
television, 37 min in newspaper and 30 min in radio. Remaining 4.55 hours or 214 min in new
media or digital media. Break up of new media will be like 102 min in mobile, 79min in online
and 33 min in tablets.
From a marketers view digital platform is very important because customers have more presence
in digital media. Customers are spending more time on digital, so it is easy to catch customers in
digital platform, more than that spending digital is much cost effective while comparing with
Digital marketing is the promotion of your business, organisation or brand using channels such
as the Internet, mobile devices, television and radio in addition to using creative online
advertising, video, podcasts and other such methods to communicate your message. Internet
marketing in particular plays a huge part in any digital marketing strategy and is becoming the
core of many organisations overall marketing strategies, particularly with regard to social media
and viral marketing.
Digital marketing ecosystem is not only concerned with internet marketing and social media
marketing, in introduction we discussed that peoples have a belief that internet or social media
marketing are same but not same, be clear from beginning itself. Digital marketing ecosystem
consists of internet marketing and social media marketing.
5.1.1) Search Engine
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the art of getting a website to work better with search
engines (like Google, Bing & Yahoo), and to look for achievable, profitable, ranking
opportunities through keyword research. It is a quest for increased visibility in search engines via
relevant copy, quality links, domain trust, social popularity and search engine connectivity.
Search engine marketing (SEM) is a broader term than SEO, and is used to encompass different
options available to use a search engine’s technology, including paid ads. SEM is often used to
describe acts associated with researching, submitting and positioning a website within search
engines. It includes things such as search engine optimization, paid listings and other search-
engine related services and functions that will increase exposure and traffic to your Web site.
5.1.2) Displays
Display advertising is a type of advertising that typically contains text (i.e., copy),
logos, photographs or other images, location maps, and similar items. In
periodicals, display advertising can appear on the same page as, or on the page
adjacent to, general editorial content. Normal banners, Rich media banner,
Interstitials and pops are example of displays.
Mobile marketing is used in reference to any marketing efforts on or with a mobile device. It
involves planning, creating, and implementing a mix of initiatives to bring together sellers and
buyers via mobile devices. Mobile ads, Mobile websites, Apps and Games are some of examples
for mobile marketing.
E-MAIL marketing is a type of direct marketing that involves sending personalized, targeted
messages to a specific audience. E-MAIL marketing is easy to use, low cost, and effective. Most
of the B2B business in present era in following email marketing, but in B2C also email
marketing is productive.
5.1.6) Video
Marketers are now use video to make customers aware of brands and to sharing the experience of
other customers. YouTube ads are too popular in video ads. In social media platforms also
brands are sharing video.
5.1.7) Analysis
Analytics is the practice of evaluating data, and the process by which a company arrives at a
most advantageous decision. Here marketer analysis the integrate channel to understand the
effectiveness of communication. Analysis may be based on numbers of visitor or like in social
media pages..Etc.
Advanced targeting are techniques involving the sending of targeted messages to a specific
audience. It is used to increase the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. Behavioural targeting
is also a part of advanced targeting, here marketer can target the customer based on their past
behaviour in online. Marketer can put ads in other webpage where customer is going.
5.1.10) Creative
Creative is the artistic component of an ad or website. It usually includes an image and copy
present in ads or website. Marketer can make those contents attractive to customers. Marketer
will sometimes change the entire design of websites, apps..Etc.
Digital strategy is the process of specifying an organization's vision, goals, opportunities and
initiatives in order to maximize the business benefits through digital media. Strategy will be
different for each brand, it will base on the brand objective and target groups interest. It is actual
a plan formulated by the marketer to explore the opportunities. Strategy may be short term or
In normal outbound marketing, we will use pull and push marketing strategy. Like that in digital
marketing also pull and push are types.
In push digital marketing the marketer sends a message without the recipient actively seeking
the content, such as display advertising on websites and news blogs. Email, text messaging and
web feeds with customized contents can also be classed as push digital marketing when the
recipient has not actively sought the marketing message. Push marketing allows you to target
your demographics and use your marketing dollars to promote your product to the people you
know are interested in what you have to sell. A push marketing campaign can be more expensive
when it comes to upfront costs, so you really need to be sure that your marketing is going to
reach the right people at the right time. Behaviour targeting is good example for push digital
In Pull digital marketing includes blogging, email marketing, social media, info graphics and
other forms of visual messaging and search engine optimization (SEO). A pull marketing
campaign also includes public relations or other ways of reaching out to potential or already
realized customers who you want to keep engaged. Pull marketing also requires a greater
investment in time, but it gives you more ability to entertain your customers and educate them
about your company.
But don't get confused by seeing Email in push and pull, there is a difference. If marketer is
sending emails with customized content or banners to specific group of customers is push digital
marketing. If marketer is sending emails with the same content or banner to all customers is pull
digital marketing.
5.3) AIDMA as AISAS in Digital Era
AIDMA widely accepted model describing the psychological process leading up to the
consumer’s decision to purchase a product. This model is similar to AIDA model. The AIDMA
Model was first advocated by Roland Hall, an American economist, around 1920.
According to this model, there are five key processes: Attention, in which the consumer first
notices the product or advertisement, followed by Interest, Desire, Memory and action .
AISAS is a process model of consumers purchasing activities in the Internet age. AISAS is a
consumption behaviour model that has been advocated by Dentsu since 2004.
It was developed to observe behaviours based on the understanding that the Internet has become
prevalent, and that consumers now have access to environments in which they can obtain and
transmit information themselves.
In this model, the key processes are: Attention, in which the consumer first notices the product or
advertisement, followed by Interest.
After this, the consumer Searches for information, and then makes a purchase (Action), after
which information is shared with others. In comparison to “AIDMA,” the psychological process
has become more compact, and the Action process has expanded.
These changes are shown how presences in digital are important for brands. Brands can able to
create awareness and internet without digital. But it will not lead to action in current scenario.
Customers need more information in present era; they are information seeker and always search
for best deal. Brands can’t sustain without digital media.
Reach - The ability of the online medium to target a certain demographic of users is one of the
greatest advantages of digital advertising. In addition, the geographical reach of the online
medium is far greater than that of traditional media. It’s not only cost effective to achieve a wider
geographic area but the ads can also be targeted to the desired audience.
Interactive and Engagement - The Internet is arguably the most interactive and engaging
medium among various others. Interactive campaigns have become a norm with the power of the
online medium. One such advertisement worth mentioning is the campaign by AXE where the
end user could alter the smile of a woman as he/she liked to i.e. in an interactive framework.
Time - Through the Internet, an advertiser can reach a desired target group or demographic in a
much shorter time frame. For example, if an advertiser needs to plan some sort of ambush
marketing, the online medium can be an effective means of achieving it. Even otherwise i.e. for
regular marketing campaigns, the total time necessary to complete an online advertising
campaign is less than that of traditional advertising methods.
Cost - When compared to traditional forms of advertising, digital advertising is cheaper. Various
payment models are available between the advertisers and publishers. Many a time, advertisers
are charged only when visitors click on their ads. The various payment models are discussed in
detail in the next section.
SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISEMENTS : Advertisements of any type: text, display, stamp pads
etc displayed on various social media websites like: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest,
Orkut etc fall into this category.
VIDEO ADVERTISEMENTS : Advertisements that fall broadly under the display type but have
video within them and are served before, during and/or after a video stream on the internet. This
type comprises In-Video ads, Standard In-Stream ads (pre rolls, mid rolls or post rolls) and True
View ads.
Page View - Viewing the page is known as page view. It gets counted once the page
Leads - When one person fills his details in the given box is known as lead.
Conversion - The percentage of people whose activity can be tracked while clicking on
an ad or visiting a website to actually purchasing a product or service. A high conversion
rate indicates that the link, ad or site was successful
Landing Page - A custom we page designed to convert visitor into leads or sales. Email,
banner ads and even offline outbound marketing campaigns drive traffic to a landing
page to capture information or trigger a sale. Landing page is also called as destination
page or splash page.
Above The Fold: Above the fold refer to banners ads which are displayed at the top of a
web page.
Rich- media: Online ads that contain motion, sounds or video are termed as rich media
Interstitial Ads: Ads that appears between web pages.
Banner Ads: Embedding an ad into a web page- know as a click through due to
interactive actions where the consumers clicks and is taken to the banner ad’s company
Pop-up: Ads that displays in a browser window either in the front or behind the current
browser window.
Cost –Per- Action (CPA): Cost of advertising based on a visitor taking some specifically
defined action in response to an ad. “Action” include such thing as a sales, transaction, a
customer acquisition or a click
Cost- Per -Click (CPC): Cost of advertising based on the number of clicks received.
Cost- Per-Thousand (CPM):s The standard unit for buying or selling Internet
advertising. The thousand stands for ‘thousand advertising impression or views’.
Pay- Per- Impression: Online advertising where an advertiser pays a pre-agreed price
each time a user clicks on their advertisement. The cost for the click is often negotiated
through auction, with ad placement determined by the relative size of the bid, as well as
other factors.
Pay-Per-Inclusion: Search engine marketing programs that guarantee web site listing for
specific keyword search term for a fee.
Pay-Per-Lead: Paying to acquire leads from an outside party at a set rate or amount per
Before doing this internship, I believed marketer is responsible for building a brand or marketer
is a custodian for a brand. But while doing internship, I understood marketer is not a custodian,
he is a person who guides a product to become a brand.
Today, brand custodians are the connected users who exist across digital platforms. They are
multifaceted. They are the publishers, circulators, ambassadors, instigators and at the same time
they are the custodians as well. Their digitally connected existence has power, credibility,
influence, depth, and reach.[26] Their digital messaging has the velocity, acceleration, and
momentum required to impact brands. Yet brands and their default custodians continue to live
blissfully in an illusion about the control they exercise over their brand.
Brand is an enabler in the current age. It is the participants, the brand conversations and the
platforms that amplify the brand and drive the brand philosophy. Businesses need to, therefore,
understand the consumers and the evolving digital sphere better and continue to build brands
within the digitally connected ecosystem by focusing on the following 3 elements .
The digital age has democratized individuals. They are no longer passive consumers, but active
and creative participants. They expect and believe in the co-creation of an experience, thereby
evolving from consumers to users. They are becoming the most credible and reliable source of
the true picture of a brand.
Consumers are beginning to seek a relationship of fair exchange between themselves and the
businesses where each contributes and everyone gains. Individuals are seeking a
multidimensional relationship that provides them with more than just the brand product/service.
The fair exchange relationship is also offering new opportunities to the business to build more
human connections. Businesses will have to become receptive to this new age definition of
relationship that consumers seek. They may do well to go a step ahead and create an
environment that is receptive to this fair relationship.
With consumers evolving into users and participating in co-creation, it is important for brands to
offer those channels and platforms that allow them to participate in this process. Users are
seeking channels that offer them more than just digital promotional activities; they want channels
that allow them the freedom to be publishers of content, information and data, that give them
control over what content they produce and consume, that allow them to co-create brand
The channels also need to be device agnostic. Users are adapting to the usage of different devices
throughout the day to execute tasks at hand.
They might use a smart phone or tablet to complete functional tasks etc. while on the move, but
they use a PC for heavy content creation and research.
It is about creating a window with enhanced attention to influence behaviour and motivations.
With every business eyeing the opportunity to engage users, it is critical to focus on engagement
by increasing brand salience and influencing buyer behaviour and choice.
Brands should be able to map a customer’s journey to understand where they can add value and
create an opportunity to engage them.
Brands need to understand that engagement is not about pushing product messages; it is about
capturing the imagination and the attention of the user. It is about designing a naturally engaging
Businesses need to understand that digital environment is not about technology but about
attention, where the consumer is at the core, armed with powers like never before.
Businesses and brands should, therefore, focus on connecting the dots and realize that now, in
the digital age, it is all about co-owning a brand.
Other Sources 7%
News 13%
Advertisements 40%
Family 10%
Friends 30%
4) If yes, then what type of product / services did you purchase online?
Electronic 22%
Books 11%
Toys 2%
Gifts 13%
Automotives 3%
47% Yes
53% No
12) Do you have an internet connection in any of the above mentioned gadgets?
College 26%
Office 16%
Chatting 21%
E- books 6%
Blogging 6%
Shopping 12%
Surfing 16%
Games 14%
Radio 6%
OOH 6%
Magazines 14%
Newspaper 17%
TV 22%
17) Mention one from of media, which you give more importance?
Radio 4%
OOH 3%
Newspapers 11%
Online 48%
TV 34%
Visit and purchase from retail shop itself 19%
19) After purchase, what type of experience will you share with others?
Bad experience 2%
In company website 4%
Write a blog 3%
Messaging 24%
Indian customers are highly information seekers. They collect more information about
quality, price and refer customer’s experiences before purchasing a product.
Advertisements have high impact for creating stimulus in Indian customers. But this
stimulus will get in to action only through opinion leaders.
One of the current trends in Indian youth and young Indians are watching the T.V
programs via online portals. May be the main reason is convenience of time, they can
watch programs which they had skipped due to some reasons.
The same thing is happening for the newspaper also, people have more affinity towards
online news portals. Here's the reason may be they can get news updates very early; they
don’t need to wait for daily newspapers.
From the first part of this research itself, we know that customers are highly information
seeker. It may be the reason for high trust in online ads. They can search for more
information after seeing an ad or online is the only two way communication channel for
Most of the Indians prefer to purchase from a retail shop only, but before going to retail
shop they will seek information about the product through an online platform. Here is
actually change happens in consumer buying journey, early times consumer belief a
product only after seeing the product in a retail shop.
The successful completion of this project indicates that the future of marketing is in the hands of
digital. Digital marketing is not only concerned with placing ads in portals, it consists of
integrated services and integrated channels. Marketers want to use these components in an
effective way to reach target groups and to build a brand. In this digital era marketer is not the
custodian for a brand, people who are connected across the digital platforms are the custodians.
Brands want to build their presence over digital platform, because customers have high affinity
towards digital media than other media’s. More than that customers are highly information
seekers and digital media is the only platform for two way communication between brands and
Digital media is the best platform to convert a product to a brand. Because it is more cost
effective and it provide lot of touch points to marketer. Brands can able to engage their target
group in an effective way through digital platforms. Digital media is not only for engagement,
brands can increase their customers or they can retain their existing customers. Digital platforms
help to increase the impact of brand recall in target groups. The research focused on the
consumer buying behaviour shows that, Indian consumers are highly information seeker and they
will do research about a product before going to a retail shop.
I honestly believe that this project report will be at most useful for marketers to understand the
digital marketing and also to plan for future strategies.
I conclude my research by quoting again that “Brands can’t sustain without digital presence”.
Annexure 1 : Questionnaire
Understand Consumer Buying Behaviour of Indians
This questionnaire will be used to understand the consumer buying behaviour of Indians.
Other sources
Customer's Experience
5) If yes, then what type of product/ service did you purchase online?
Travel Products
Fashion accessories
Kitchen and Home items
Sports equipments
Health and Beauty Products
6) Do you watch television?
13) Do you have internet connection in any of the above mentioned gadgets?
While watching TV
With friends
News reading
E-booking Reading
Watching Videos
Out Door Hoardings
18) Mention one form of media from the list below, which you give more importance?
Out Door Hoarding
Display ads in shops
Research in mobile and purchase from retail shop
Research in laptop and purchase from retail shop
Research in mobile and purchase from laptops
Research and purchase from mobile
Research and purchase from laptop
Visit the retail shop and purchase from mobile
Visit the retail shop and purchase from laptop
Visit and purchase from retail shop itself
20) After purchase, what type of experience will you share with others?
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