Expt. 8 Salivary Digestion
Expt. 8 Salivary Digestion
Expt. 8 Salivary Digestion
1. Leslie Jane B. Jala Section: YB2
2. Shimea Pagurayan Date Submitted: November
10, 2020
• Electrolytes
• Enzymes
• Mucus
• Proteins
• Epithelial cells
• water
a) saliva + dil. FeCl3 + dil. HCl till acidic Color: Clear Yellow Solution
Fehling’s Test at achromatic point Color: Deep Blue solution with Red
What is the reduction due to? Due to the reducing sugars (maltose)
present in hydrolyzed starch
Saliva Preparation
Rinse mouth with water
saliva in water
Collect 50-60 ml
1 drop unfiltered
saliva saliva in water
Filter saliva
test tube
+ 3 mL filtered saliva
Test tube
5 mL saliva in test
+ 1 drop 6N HNO3
Heat to boiling
+ 2 drops of FeCl3
+ 2 drops of Saliva
Mixture is acidified
+ 1 drop HCl
+ a drop of HgCl2
Observe the results
Digestion of Starch Paste
+ 25 mL starch paste
Stirred thoroughly
Saliva is dissolved in
50 mL CH3CH2OH.
Test Test
Tube 1 Tube 2
+ 1 mL starch paste
+ drop of saliva
+ 1 mL starch paste
+ drop of saliva
+ 5 drops of CH3COOH
Water bath at 40℃ for 20 min.
+ 5 drops of I2
Saliva is essential in formation of the pellicle, which protects the tooth after
eruption (Maddu, 2019). Furthermore, normal salivary composition, flow, and
function are extremely important on a daily basis (Maddu, 2019). It occurs in
quantities, large or small, and recognition should be given to the many contributions
it makes to the preservation and maintenance of health (Maddu, 2019). Thus, the
purpose of this experiment is to prepare saliva sample as well as to identify and
detect the components present in saliva, the product formed on the salivary digestion
of starch, salivary digestion through iodine solution, and factors that affect enzymatic
activity. Qualitative tests, digestion of starch paste, separation of the products of
salivary digestion, and influence of free acid and alkali were all performed to further
analyze and study the properties, composition and products formed of the saliva and
amylase enzymatic activity.
A. Saliva Preparation
The first part of the experiment is to get the saliva sample wherein the mouth
is rinsed well with water to loosen as many cells from the mouth as possible. Next is
to collect 50-60 ml saliva in a water. Chewing a small piece of pure paraffin wax can
also help stimulate secretion of saliva. Afterwards, microscopial examination is
performed by adding one drop of methylene blue to small amount of unfiltered saliva.
Then the sample is placed under a microscope. Methylene blue is a popular alkaline
stain used to view microscopic life in brilliant color and thus help identify the
sample’s components and parts using light microscopes (Microscope LCC, 2020).
B. Qualitative Test
I. Test for Mucin
Mucins are high-molecular-weight glycoproteins that coat the hard and soft
tissues serving to lubricate and hydrate the oral structures in the mouth, prevent
bacteria build-up, and assist in swallowing (Tabak, 1990). Furthermore, mucins also
function to protect the surface of oral mucous membranes from various types of
irritants and toxins in food or stimulants (Kubala et al., 2018). In this test, a clear
solution with blue-green precipitate was observed in the test. This indicates that
mucin is present in the collected saliva as precipitate formed upon addition of 2
drops of dilute acetic acid which is about pH 4.5 (Svensson, 2008). The test for
mucin is used clinically as diagnostic markers between normal and disease
conditions and can be used in many carcinomas such as cancer of the breast, colon,
stomach, lung, ovary, pancreas, prostate and other tissues (Rachagani et al., 2009).
The biuret test is used in this part of the experiment to detect the presence of
proteins in the saliva sample. An alkalinized sample of saliva was mixed with two
drops of copper (II) sulfate forming a blue-violet precipitate in a clear solution. Thus,
a protein is present in the saliva sample which is as expected as saliva contains
proteins such as mucin, amylases, defensins, cystatins, and histatins (Loo et al.,
The principle of this test is that the peptide structure in protein containing at
least two peptide links produces a violet color when treated with alkaline copper (II)
sulfate (Aryal, 2020). The reagent’s copper ions bind itself to the nitrogen atoms
present in the protein peptides and the copper (II) undergoes reduction and is
converted to copper (I) (BYJUS, 2020). Then four nitrogen atoms donate lone pairs
to form coordinate covalent bonds with cupric ions, forming a chelate complex
(BYJUS, 2020). This complex has the ability to absorb light with a wavelength of 540
nm, which imparts a purple color to the solution (BYJUS, 2020). The intensity of the
color is directly proportional to the number of peptide bonds present in the protein
molecule and the number of protein molecules present in the reaction system (Aryal,
2+ 2+
+ Cu O Cu O
Figure 1. Chemical reaction in the Biuret Test
In this test, the first step was to prepare the reagent, wherein 5 mL of saliva is
acidified with one drop of the 6M nitric acid solution. The saliva sample is acidified to
remove residual matrix components that interfere in the detection of inorganic matter
(Matusiewiez, 2017). The mixture was then boiled and filtered to remove protein
residues. This is because most proteins are insoluble in boiling water and are
denatured by it and is irreversibly converted into an insoluble material (Koshland &
Haurowitz, 2020). The filtrate was then used for the test for chlorides, phosphates,
sulfates, and calcium.
Chlorides are a type of electrolyte that help control the amount of fluids and
balance of acids and bases in the body (Medline Plus, 2020). It is often measured
along with other electrolytes to monitor conditions such as high blood pressure, heart
failure, kidney disease and liver disease (Medline Plus, 2020). In the test, five drops
of silver nitrate were added to the sample of filtered saliva. The test for chlorides is
based on the precipitation of chloride salt (Government of Canada, 2018). When a
few drops of a solution containing silver ions (Ag+), such as silver nitrate, is added to
a slightly acidic aqueous solution containing chloride ions (Cl-), a white precipitate of
silver chloride (AgCl) will form unless concentration of chloride ions is very low
(Government of Canada, 2018). The reaction is written as:
Furthermore, the higher the starting concentrations of chloride and silver ions
are, the more precipitate will form (Government of Canada, 2018). In the test, a milky
white precipitate is formed indicating the presence of chloride. This is as expected as
saliva contains chlorine which maintains osmotic pressure balance in the mouth
(Humphrey & Williamson, 2001).
In the test, a yellow precipitate was formed in the yellow solution indicating the
presence of phosphates. This is as expected as phosphate is a component of saliva
that function as a buffer that prevent sudden fluctuation of pH level in the oral cavity
and are needed for remineralization of tooth surfaces (GC Asia Dental Pte Ltd,
3. Test for Sulfates
In this test, 5 drops of barium chloride were added to 5 drops of filtered saliva.
The test for sulfates is based on the precipitation of sulfate salt. When barium
chloride is added to an acidified solution that contains sulfate ions, a white
precipitate of barium sulfate forms (Goalby, 2016). The reaction is written as:
In the test, the white precipitate did not form which is unexpected as calcium
is a component of saliva that help to modulate remineralization and demineralization
of tooth surfaces (Humphrey & Williamson, 2001). The negative result could be due
to not enough concentration of calcium in saliva for the reaction to occur.
IV. Test for Thiocyanate
This test is used for identifying individuals who are cigarette smokers as
thiocyanate is an end product of detoxification of hydrogen cyanide in cigarette
smoke (Luepker et al., 1981). A positive test is indicated by formation white
precipitate in a solution (Oxford Reference). Thiocyanate ion (SCN-) is converted into
hypothiocyanite (OSCN-) by peroxidase; the concentration of hypothiocyanite is due
to food consumption and smoking (Sotto, 2019). Furthermore, OSCN- can block
glucose uptake, inhibit amino acid transport, and disrupt electrochemical gradients in
the body (Sotto, 2019). Large amounts of thiocyanate are generated from people
with high intake of cyanide from smoking cigarettes, foods rich in cyanide, or even
from industrial pollution of the environment with cyanide (Sotto, 2019). Humans,
when exposed to high levels of thiocyanate, are in risk of having thyroid disease as
well as developmental and iodine deficiency disorders (Sotto, 2019). The risks can
be prevented by increasing iodine uptake (Sotto, 2019). The reaction is written as:
In this experiment, the reagents used were hydrochloric acid (3 M HCl), Iron
(III) chloride (0.1 M FeCl3), and Mercury (II) chloride (0.1 M HgCl2). In a porcelain
crucible 2 drops of FeCl3 were added to 2 drops of saliva. The mixture is acidified
with 1 drop of HCl and then a drop of HgCl2 was added. As for the results, it gave a
negative yellow solution which means thiocyanate is absent in the saliva and the
person being tested does not smoke.
salivary amylase
Starch Paste Maltose/Trose/Maltotriose
The result of the test shows the following: (1) at the 1st minute, after a drop of
the Iodine solution, a blue-black colored solution was formed; (2) at 2nd minute and 3
minute the solution turned to brownish-blue color; (3) in the last 4th and 5th minute, it
formed a dark brown and brown solutions respectively. This is as expected as the
longer the reaction between starch and amylase in saliva, the more the starch
undergoes hydrolysis and forms lighter color with the iodine solution (Cheng, 1992).
In this test, the 5th minute can be considered as the achromic point as the blue-black
color no longer formed. Although, the 6th minute that was not performed in the
experiment could also be the achromatic point wherein no color reaction is produced
after adding the reagent. The monosaccharide or disaccharide produced in this
experiment was detected by the Benedict’s test and Fehling’s test (Cheng, 1992).
The Fehling’s test comprises of two reagents; the Fehling’s solution A and
Fehling’s solution B (Karki, 2018). Fehling’s A is a blue aqueous solution of copper
sulphate and Fehling’s B is a clear and colorless alkaline solution of sodium
potassium tartrate (Rochelle salt), (Karki, 2018). Rochelle salts (sodium potassium
tartrate) present in the reagent acts as the chelating agent in this reaction (Karki,
2018). In this test, 0.5 mL of Fehling’s Reagent A and B together with 1 drop of
hydrolyzed starch paste were mixed in a test tube with a few drops of saliva added.
The mixture is then warmed in a water bath. On heating an aldehyde or reducing
sugar with Fehling’s solution, some sugars can be oxidized and losses their electron
while the Fehling’s mixture can obtain the electrons (reduced) (Karki, 2018). This
reaction will give a reddish-brown precipitate (Karki, 2018). Formation of red
precipitate of cuprous oxide denotes the presence of reducing sugars (Karki, 2018).
In this test, the results showed the formation of a deep blue solution with a red
precipitate indicating a positive result for reducing sugars. This is expected as at the
achromatic point, starch is completely digested by the saliva which means that
starch is hydrolyzed into glucose units such as maltose and erythrodextrin, wherein,
maltose is the reducing sugar that reduced copper II ions to copper I ions forming the
red precipitate (Sotto, 2019).
+ 2 CU+2 + 5 OH- + 2 CU2O + 3 H2O
In this experiment, the reagents used were Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Iodine
solution (I2). A series of different hydrochloric acid concentrations are prepared first;
0.2% HCl, 0.05% HCl, 0.0125% HCl, and 0.006% HCl. Then, 1 mL of starch paste is
added to each test tube together with a drop of saliva, after which the test tubes are
agitated. These are then placed in a water bath at 40℃ for 20 minutes. Afterwards, 5
drops of Iodine solution was added to each test tube. Based from results of the
experiment, the more acidic the solution, the faster the coloration. Test tube #1 with
acidity of 0.16% showed a very high acidity as it spread quickly in the test tube.
Followed by the test tube #2 with the acidity of 0.04%, #3 with the acidity of 0.01%
and lastly is #4 with the acidity of 0.0048% which has the most diluted acidity among
the four test tubes. As all the test tubes formed a blue solution, this indicates the
presence of starch, which means that there was no occurrence of digestion or
hydrolysis. This is due to the acidity brought by the hydrochloric acid as in acidic
solutions, the rate of reaction decreases or would lead to inactivation of the enzyme
(Amrita Olabs, 2015). This is what happens in the stomach wherein, the hydrochloric
acid that is naturally produced in the stomach causes the salivary amylase to
denature by breaking down its structure which result to inactivating the enzymatic
activity of the enzyme to run at optimal conditions (Amrita Olabs, 2015).
E. Influence of Alkali
In this experiment, the reagents used were Hydrochloric acid (HCl), Sodium
carbonate (Na2CO3), and Iodine solution (I2). A series of different Sodium carbonate
concentrations are also prepared; 2% Na2CO3, 1% Na2CO3, 0.5% Na2CO3, and
0.05% Na2CO3. Then 1 mL of starch paste is added to each test tube together with a
drop of saliva, after which the test tubes are agitated. Then, 5 drops of the acetic
acid was added to acidify the solution for the Iodine test. The acetic acid has the
greatest inhibiting power as this solution disrupts the alkalinity which is necessary for
buffering capability. The test tubes are then placed in a water bath at 40℃ for 20
minutes. Then 5 drops of Iodine solution was added to each test tube. Based from
the results, the only variables are the percentage of acidity. Test tube #1 which has
the sodium carbonate concentration of 2% and test tube #2 which has the sodium
carbonate concentration of 1% showed the same movement of the mixture which
spreads slowly forming a dark blue solution. Test tube #3 also showed a dark blue
solution, which has the sodium carbonate concentration of 0.5%. But in test tube #4
which has the sodium carbonate concentration of 0.05%, instead of a blue solution a
red colored solution formed meaning that starch is no longer present in this solution
as it was already hydrolyzed by the saliva into the disaccharide maltose (Amrita
Olabs, 2015). Most enzymes work only within a narrow pH level and the pH at which
enzymes function optimally is called the pH optimum (Amrita Olabs, 2015). Thus, in
this test, the sodium carbonate solution of 0.05 % has the pH wherein the enzymatic
activity of salivary amylase works, digesting the starch paste (Amrita Olabs, 2015).
Thus, the goal of this experiment which was preparing saliva sample and
identifying components present in saliva, the product formed on the salivary
digestion of starch, salivary digestion through iodine solution, and factors that affect
enzymatic activity was accomplished successfully. Saliva sample was prepared and
subjected to the following qualitative tests: (1) mucin test which yielded a positive
result forming a green-blue precipitate; (2) Biuret test which gave a positive result
with the formation of a blue-violet precipitate (3) Test for Inorganic matter which
yielded a positive result for chlorides and phosphates forming a white and yellow
precipitate respectively while sulfates and calcium tested negative with no formation
of precipitate which may be due to in their low amount or concentration in the saliva
sample; (4) and lastly, test for thiocyanate gave a negative result forming a yellow
solution indicating that the person tested does not smoke. Then the digestion of
starch paste was monitored with the iodine test to determine its achromatic point.
Afterwards, the hydrolysis product was tested using the Fehling’s and Benedict’s test
giving out a positive result for both tests forming a red precipitate and orange
solution respectively. Then lastly, factors that affect enzymatic activity (free acid and
alkali) were tested with the iodine test. It revealed that the enzymatic activity of
salivary amylase in saliva works at a narrow pH range of pH 6 to 7. Below or above
this pH would cause the enzyme to denature and inactivate.
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