Ficha Tecnica Onset Hobo UX100-003
Ficha Tecnica Onset Hobo UX100-003
Ficha Tecnica Onset Hobo UX100-003
The HOBO Temp/RH data logger records temperature and relative humidity (within 3.5%
accuracy) in indoor environments with its integrated sensors. Using HOBOware®, you can easily
configure the logger alarm to trip for specific high or low sensor readings. Or, you can set up burst
logging in which the logger records data at a different interval during certain conditions. The
logger can also calculate minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation statistics. This
compact data logger has a built-in LCD screen to monitor the current temperature, relative
humidity, logging status, battery use, and memory consumption in between readouts.
Temperature Sensor
Range -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F)
Accuracy ±0.21°C from 0° to 50°C (±0.38°F from 32° to 122°F), see Plot A
HOBO Temp/RH 3.5% Resolution 0.024°C at 25°C (0.04°F at 77°F), see Plot A
Data Logger Response Time 4 minutes in air moving 1 m/s (2.2 mph)
RH Sensor
Included Items:
Range 15% to 95% (non-condensing)
• Command™ strip
• Double-sided tape Accuracy ±3.5% from 25% to 85% including hysteresis at 25°C (77°F); below
25% and above 85% ±5% typical
• Hook & loop strap
Resolution 0.07% at 25°C (77°F) and 30% RH
Required Items:
Response Time 43 seconds to 90% in airflow of 1 m/s (2.2 mph)
• HOBOware 3.4 or later
(download at Drift <1% per year typical
hoboware-free-download) Logger
• USB cable Logger Operating Range Logging: -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F); 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)
Launch/Readout: 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F) per USB specification
Logging Rate 1 second to 18 hours, 12 minutes, 15 seconds
Logging Modes Fixed interval (normal), burst, or statistics
Memory Modes Wrap when full or stop when full
Start Modes Immediate, push button, date & time, or next interval
Stop Modes When memory full, push button, or date & time
Restart Mode Push button
Time Accuracy ±1 minute per month at 25°C (77°F), see Plot B
Power Source One 3V CR2032 lithium battery and USB cable
Battery Life 1 year, typical with logging rate of 1 minute and sampling interval of
15 seconds or greater
Memory 128 KB (84,650 measurements, maximum)
Download Type USB 2.0 interface
Full Memory Download Time 20 seconds
LCD LCD is visible from 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F); the LCD may react slowly
or go blank in temperatures outside this range
Size 3.66 x 8.48 x 1.52 cm (1.44 x 3.34 x 0.6 in.)
Weight 30 g (1.06 oz)
Environmental Rating IP50
The CE Marking identifies this product as complying with all relevant
directives in the European Union (EU).
HOBO Temp/RH 3.5% Data Logger (UX100-003) Manual
Specifications (continued)
LCD Screen
USB Port
RH Sensor (behind
louvered door)
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HOBO Temp/RH 3.5% Data Logger (UX100-003) Manual
LCD Symbol Description • When the logger has stopped logging, the LCD screen will
The logger is currently logging. remain on until the logger is offloaded to a computer or
A sensor reading is above or below the high or low HOBO U-Shuttle (unless launched with the “Turn LCD off”
alarm that you configured. Press and release the option). Once the logger has been offloaded and
Alarm/Stats button until the “alm” symbol disconnected from the computer, the LCD will turn off
(described below) is displayed on the screen. This automatically after 2 hours. The LCD will turn back on the
symbol at left will clear depending on how alarms next time the logger is connected to the computer.
were configured in HOBOware. If the alarm was
configured to clear when the logger is relaunched,
this symbol will remain on the LCD. Otherwise, it Setting up the Logger
will clear when the sensor reading is back within Use HOBOware to set up the logger, including setting alarms,
the alarm limits or by pressing the Alarm/Stats
selecting the options to start and stop logging, and choosing a
button for 3 seconds.
logging mode.
An alarm is ready to be cleared. This will only
appear if “Cleared with button press” was selected 1. Connect the logger and open the Launch Logger window.
in the HOBOware alarm settings. Press the To connect the logger to a computer, use the USB cable
Alarm/Stats button for 3 seconds to clear the provided. Click the Launch icon on the HOBOware toolbar
or select Launch from the Device menu.
These symbols show the maximum, minimum,
average, and standard deviation values most Important: USB 2.0 specifications do not guarantee
recently calculated for the logger (if the logging
operation outside the range of 0°C (32°F) to 50°C (122°F).
mode has been set to Statistics in HOBOware).
Press the Alarm/Stats button for 1 second to cycle
through each of the available statistics and then 2. Select the sensors to log in this deployment. Choose
back to the current sensor reading (or to the alarm Temperature or Temperature and RH. Type a label for the
value if applicable). sensor(s) if desired. Note that both sensors are required to
This is the sensor reading that tripped the alarm. calculate dew point, which is an additional data series
Press the Alarm/Stats button to view this reading. available for plotting after reading out the logger.
Press the Alarm/Stats button again to cycle
through any statistics (defined above) and
ultimately back to the current sensor reading.
This is an example of a temperature reading.
Temperature units are determined by the settings
in HOBOware. To switch between Celsius and
Fahrenheit, change the Display Preferences in
HOBOware before launching the logger.
This is an example of an RH reading.
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HOBO Temp/RH 3.5% Data Logger (UX100-003) Manual
• Statistics. In Statistics mode, maximum, minimum, 10. Click the Start button to launch the logger. Disconnect the
average, and standard deviation statistics are calculated logger from the computer and deploy it using the mounting
for all enabled sensors during logging, sampling at an materials (see Mounting the Logger). After logging begins,
interval you specify. See Statistics for more information. you can read out the logger at any time (see Reading Out
the Logger for details).
7. Choose when to start logging:
• Now. Logging begins immediately.
Setting up Alarms
• At Interval. Logging will begin at the next even interval as
You can set an alarm to trip on the logger when a sensor
determined by the selected logging interval.
reading rises above or falls below a specified value. To set an
• On Date/Time. Logging will begin at a date and time you alarm:
1. Click the Alarms button from the Launch Logger window. If
• Push Button. Logging will begin once you press the the Alarms button is disabled, make sure the Logging Mode
Start/Stop logging button for 3 seconds. is not set to Burst. (Alarms can only be configured if the
logger is in Normal or Statistics mode.)
8. Choose when to stop logging:
2. Select a sensor. In this example, the temperature sensor
• When Memory Fills. Logging will end once the logger
was selected.
memory is full.
• Never (Wrap When Full). The logger will continue
recording data indefinitely, with newest data overwriting
the oldest. This option is not available if Burst is selected
for the Logging Mode.
• Push Button. Logging will end once you press the
Start/Stop logging button for 3 seconds. Note that if you
also choose Push Button to start logging, then you will
not be able to stop logging until 30 seconds after logging
If you select the Push Button setting, then you also have
the option to select “Allow button restart.” This allows
you to stop and then restart logging during the
deployment by pushing the Start/Stop button on the
logger for 3 seconds.
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HOBO Temp/RH 3.5% Data Logger (UX100-003) Manual
alarm will trip only if all sensor readings are 85°F or above Note that you cannot set up alarms with burst logging. You
for a continuous 30-minute period. also cannot select the Stop Logging option “Never (wrap
7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for the other sensor if desired. when full)” if burst logging is configured.
8. Choose how long the logger should maintain a sensor alarm 2. In the Burst Logging window, select a sensor. In the
once it has tripped. Select “Host has relaunched logger” if example, the temperature sensor was selected.
you want the alarm to remain visible on the LCD until the 3. Select the High Limit checkbox if you want to set up a
next time you relaunch the logger. Select “Sensor reading condition in which burst logging will occur when the sensor
within limits” if you want the alarm to clear once the sensor reading rises above the high limit value. Type in the value or
reading returns to the normal range between the high and drag the red upper slider.
low alarm limits. Select “Cleared with button press” if you
4. Select the Low Limit checkbox if you want to set up a
want the alarm to remain on until you press the Alarm/Stats
condition in which burst logging will occur when the sensor
button on the logger.
reading falls below the low limit value. Type in the value or
9. Click OK to save alarm settings. drag the blue lower slider.
• Once the logger is launched, alarms will trip as
determined by these settings. Logger alarms will display
on the LCD screen. Note that the alarm limits are only
checked when the logger’s LCD screen refreshes every 15
• The actual values for the high and low alarm limits are set
to the closest value supported by the logger. For
example, the closest value to 85°F that the UX100 series
logger can record is 84.990°F and the closest value to
32°F is 32.043°F. In addition, alarms can trip or clear
when the sensor reading is within the logger
specifications of 0.02°C resolution. This means the value
that triggers the alarm may differ slightly than the value
entered. For example, if the High Alarm is set to
75.999°F, the alarm can trip when the sensor reading is
75.994°F (which is within the 0.02°C resolution).
• When you read out the logger, high and low alarm levels
will be displayed on the plot along with “Chan <#> Alarm
Tripped” and “Chan <#> Alarm Cleared” events showing
when the sensor alarm tripped and cleared. The “Chan 5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the other sensor, if desired.
<#> Alarm Cleared” event contains the value that was 6. Set the burst logging interval, which must be less than the
furthest out of range for the sensor before the alarm logging interval. Select either a preset burst logging interval
cleared (see the Points table for the actual value). or select Custom and enter your own interval. Keep in mind
that the more frequent the burst logging rate, the greater
Burst Logging the impact on battery life and the shorter the logging
Burst logging is a logging mode that allows you to set up more
7. Click OK when done. This will return you to the Launch
frequent logging when a specified condition is met. For
Logger window. Click the Edit button next to Logging Mode
example, let’s say the logger is recording data at a 5-minute
in the Launch Logger window to make additional changes.
logging interval and burst logging is configured to log every 10
seconds when the temperature goes above 85°F (the high limit) Notes:
or falls below 32°F (the low limit). This means the logger will • Once the logger is launched, the high and low burst
record data every 5 minutes as long as the temperature logging limits are only checked when the logger’s
remains between 85°F and 32°F. Once the temperature reaches LCD screen refreshes once every 15 seconds. Therefore,
90°F, for example, the logger will switch to the faster logging if you set the logging interval to less than 15 seconds and
rate and record data every 10 seconds until the temperature the sensor reading falls outside the limits, the burst
falls back below the high limit (or 85°F in this case). At that logging will not begin until the next 15-second refresh
time, logging then resumes every 5 minutes at the normal cycle.
logging interval. Similarly, if the temperature falls to 30°F, for
• If high and/or low limits have been configured for more
example, then the logger would switch to burst logging mode
than one sensor, then burst logging will begin when any
again and record data every 10 seconds. Once the temperature
high or low condition goes out of range. Burst logging will
rises back to 32°F, the logger will then return to normal mode,
not end until all conditions on all sensors are back within
logging every 5 minutes.
normal range.
To set up burst logging:
• The actual values for the burst logging limits are set to
1. Select Burst for Logging Mode in the Launch Logger the closest value supported by the logger. For example,
window. If Burst has already been configured for this the closest value to 85°F that the logger can record is
logger, click the Edit button in the Launch Logger window. 84.990°F and the closest value to 32°F is 32.043°F.
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HOBO Temp/RH 3.5% Data Logger (UX100-003) Manual
• Burst logging mode can begin or end when the sensor calculate during logging. Note that Average is automatically
reading is within the logger specifications of 0.02°C enabled when selecting Standard Deviation. Important:
resolution. This means the value that triggers burst Statistics apply to all enabled sensors; every selected
logging may differ slightly than the value entered. For statistic will be calculated for all sensors (except battery
example, if the high limit for a temperature alarm is set voltage). For example, if both the temperature and RH
to 75.999°F, burst logging can start when the sensor sensors have been selected in the Launch Logger window
reading is 75.994°F (which is within the 0.02°C and you select Average, then the average will be calculated
resolution). for both temperature and RH. In addition, the more
• Once the high or low condition clears, the logging statistics you record, the shorter the logger duration and
interval time will be calculated using the last recorded the more memory is required.
data point in burst logging mode, not the last data point
recorded in “normal mode.” For example, let’s assume
the logger has a 10-minute logging interval and logged a
data point at 9:05. Then, the high limit was surpassed
and burst logging began at 9:06. Burst logging then
continued until 9:12 when the sensor reading fell back
below the high limit. Now back in normal mode, the next
logging interval will be 10 minutes from the last burst
logging point, or 9:22 in this case. If burst logging had not
occurred, the next data point would have been at 9:15.
• A New Interval event will appear on the plot (if you select
events for plotting in the Plot Setup window) each time 3. Set the sampling interval, which must be less than and a
the logger enters or exits burst logging mode. factor of the logging interval. Choose either a preset
sampling interval or select Custom and enter your own
sampling interval. Keep in mind that the more frequent the
sampling rate, the greater the impact on battery life.
Statistics is a logging mode in which the logger calculates
4. Click OK when done. This will return you to the Launch
maximum, minimum, average, and standard deviation statistics
Logger window. Click the Edit button next to Logging Mode
during logging, recording the results at each logging interval
in the Launch Logger window to make additional changes.
based on samples taken at a rate you specify. This will result in
up to four additional series per sensor that record the following Once logging begins, click the Alarm/Stats button on the logger
information at each logging interval: to cycle through the current maximum, minimum, average, and
standard deviation data on the LCD screen. You can plot the
• The maximum, or highest, sampled value,
statistics series once you read out the logger.
• The minimum, or lowest, sampled value,
• An average of all sampled values, and Reading Out the Logger
• The standard deviation from the average for all sampled There are two options for reading out the logger: connect it to
values. the computer with a USB cable and read out it with HOBOware,
For example, let’s say both the temperature and RH sensors or connect it to a HOBO U-Shuttle (U-DT-1, firmware version
have been enabled, the logging interval is set to 5 minutes and 1.18m030 or higher) and then offload the data files from the
the sampling interval is set to 30 seconds (with maximum, U-Shuttle to HOBOware. Refer to the HOBOware Help for more
minimum, average, and standard deviation all enabled). Once details.
logging begins, the logger will measure and record the actual
temperature and RH sensor values every 5 minutes. In addition, Recording Internal Logger Events
the logger will take a temperature and RH sample every 30
seconds and temporarily store them in memory. The logger will The logger records the following internal events to track logger
then calculate the maximum, minimum, average, and standard operation and status. You can plot these events in HOBOware
deviation using the samples gathered over the previous 5- after reading out the logger and opening the data file.
minute period and log the resulting values. When reading out Internal Event Name Definition
the logger, this would result in 10 data series (not including any
Host Connected The logger was connected to the computer.
derived series, such as dew point): two sensor series (with
temperature and RH data logged every 5 minutes) plus eight Started The Start/Stop button was pressed to begin
maximum, minimum, average, and standard deviation series logging.
(four for temperature and four for RH with values calculated
Stopped The logger received a command to stop
and logged every 5 minutes based on the 30-second sampling). recording data (from HOBOware or by
To set up statistics: pushing the Start/Stop button).
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HOBO Temp/RH 3.5% Data Logger (UX100-003) Manual
Internal Event Name Definition 2. Use needle-nose pliers to remove the RH sensor from the
Chan <#> Alarm A sensor alarm has cleared; # is the channel
board inside the logger case and discard it.
Cleared or sensor number as shown in the Launch 3. Insert the new sensor so that the pins are in the two holes
Logger window in HOBOware. This event also
on the board (shown here enlarged and without the logger
contains the value that was furthest out of
range for the sensor before the alarm
case for illustrative purposes).
New Interval The logger has entered or exited burst RH sensor with two
logging mode. pins inserted in board
RH Sensor
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HOBO Temp/RH 3.5% Data Logger (UX100-003) Manual
4. With the LCD screen still facing up, slide the tray back into
the logger. The LCD should display “HOBO” briefly after
correctly installing the battery.
© 2013–2016 Onset Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Onset, HOBO, and HOBOware are trademarks or
1-800-LOGGERS (564-4377) • 508-759-9500 registered trademarks of Onset Computer Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.