Kubernetes in Action, Second Edition MEAP V15

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Kubernetes in Action, Second Edition MEAP V15

1. Copyright_2023_Manning_Publications
2. welcome
3. 1_Introducing_Kubernetes
4. 2_Understanding_containers
5. 3_Deploying_your_first_application
6. 4_Introducing_Kubernetes_API_objects
7. 5_Running_workloads_in_Pods
8. 6_Manging_the_Pod_lifecycle
9. 7_Attaching_storage_volumes_to_Pods
10. 8_Persisting_data_in_PersistentVolumes
11. 9_Configuration_via_ConfigMaps,_Secrets,_and_the_Downward_API
12. 10_Organizing_objects_using_Namespaces_and_Labels
13. 11_Exposing_Pods_with_Services
14. 12_Exposing_Services_with_Ingress
15. 13_Replicating_Pods_with_ReplicaSets
16. 14_Managing_Pods_with_Deployments
17. 15_Deploying_stateful_workloads_with_StatefulSets
18. 16_Deploying_node_agents_and_daemons_with_DaemonSets
19. 17_Running_finite_workloads_with_Jobs_and_CronJobs
MEAP Edition

Manning Early Access Program

Kubernetes in Action

Second edition

Version 15

Copyright 2023 Manning

©Manning Publications Co. We welcome reader comments about anything in
the manuscript - other than typos and other simple mistakes.

These will be cleaned up during production of the book by copyeditors and



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Thank you for purchasing the MEAP for Kubernetes in Action, Second

As part of my work at Red Hat, I started using Kubernetes in 2014, even

before version 1.0 was released. Those were interesting times. Not many
people working in the software industry knew about Kubernetes, and there
was no real community yet. There were hardly any blog posts about it and the
documentation was still very basic. Kubernetes itself was ridden with bugs.
When you combine all these facts, you can imagine that working with
Kubernetes was extremely difficult.

In 2015 I was asked by Manning to write the first edition of this book. The
originally planned 300-page book grew to over 600 pages full of information.
The writing forced me to also research those parts of Kubernetes that I
wouldn’t have looked at more closely otherwise. I put most of what I learned
into the book. Judging by their reviews and comments, readers love a detailed
book like this.

The plan for the second edition of the book is to add even more information
and to rearrange some of the existing content. The exercises in this book will
take you from deploying a trivial application that initially uses only the basic
features of Kubernetes to a full-fledged application that incorporates
additional features as the book introduces them.

The book is divided into five parts. In the first part, after the introduction of
Kubernetes and containers, you’ll deploy the application in the simplest way.
In the second part you’ll learn the main concepts used to describe and deploy
your application. After that you’ll explore the inner workings of Kubernetes
components. This will give you a good foundation to learn the difficult part -
how to manage Kubernetes in production. In the last part of the book you’ll
learn about best practices and how to extend Kubernetes.

I hope you all like this second edition even better than the first, and if you’re
reading the book for the first time, your feedback will be even more valuable.
If any part of the book is difficult to understand, please post your questions,
comments or suggestions in the liveBook forum.

Thank you for helping me write the best book possible.

—Marko Lukša

In this book

Copyright 2023 Manning Publications welcome brief contents 1 Introducing

Kubernetes 2 Understanding containers 3 Deploying your first application 4
Introducing Kubernetes API objects 5 Running workloads in Pods 6 Manging
the Pod lifecycle 7 Attaching storage volumes to Pods 8 Persisting data in
PersistentVolumes 9 Configuration via ConfigMaps, Secrets, and the
Downward API 10 Organizing objects using Namespaces and Labels 11
Exposing Pods with Services 12 Exposing Services with Ingress 13
Replicating Pods with ReplicaSets 14 Managing Pods with Deployments 15
Deploying stateful workloads with StatefulSets 16 Deploying node agents
and daemons with DaemonSets 17 Running finite workloads with Jobs and
1 Introducing Kubernetes
This chapter covers
Introductory information about Kubernetes and its origins
Why Kubernetes has seen such wide adoption
How Kubernetes transforms your data center
An overview of its architecture and operation
How and if you should integrate Kubernetes into your own organization

Before you can learn about the ins and outs of running applications with
Kubernetes, you must first gain a basic understanding of the problems
Kubernetes is designed to solve, how it came about, and its impact on
application development and deployment. This first chapter is intended to
give a general overview of these topics.

1.1 Introducing Kubernetes

The word Kubernetes is Greek for pilot or helmsman, the person who steers
the ship - the person standing at the helm (the ship’s wheel). A helmsman is
not necessarily the same as a captain. A captain is responsible for the ship,
while the helmsman is the one who steers it.

After learning more about what Kubernetes does, you’ll find that the name
hits the spot perfectly. A helmsman maintains the course of the ship, carries
out the orders given by the captain and reports back the ship's heading.
Kubernetes steers your applications and reports on their status while you - the
captain - decide where you want the system to go.

How to pronounce Kubernetes and what is k8s?

The correct Greek pronunciation of Kubernetes, which is Kie-ver-nee-tees, is

different from the English pronunciation you normally hear in technical
conversations. Most often it’s Koo-ber-netties or Koo-ber-nay’-tace, but you
may also hear Koo-ber-nets, although rarely.

In both written and oral conversations, it’s also referred to as Kube or K8s,
pronounced Kates, where the 8 signifies the number of letters omitted
between the first and last letter.

1.1.1 Kubernetes in a nutshell

Kubernetes is a software system for automating the deployment and
management of complex, large-scale application systems composed of
computer processes running in containers. Let’s learn what it does and how it
does it.

Abstracting away the infrastructure

When software developers or operators decide to deploy an application, they

do this through Kubernetes instead of deploying the application to individual
computers. Kubernetes provides an abstraction layer over the underlying
hardware to both users and applications.

As you can see in the following figure, the underlying infrastructure, meaning
the computers, the network and other components, is hidden from the
applications, making it easier to develop and configure them.

Figure 1.1 Infrastructure abstraction using Kubernetes

Standardizing how we deploy applications

Because the details of the underlying infrastructure no longer affect the

deployment of applications, you deploy applications to your corporate data
center in the same way as you do in the cloud. A single manifest that
describes the application can be used for local deployment and for deploying
on any cloud provider. All differences in the underlying infrastructure are
handled by Kubernetes, so you can focus on the application and the business
logic it contains.

Deploying applications declaratively

Kubernetes uses a declarative model to define an application, as shown in the

next figure. You describe the components that make up your application and
Kubernetes turns this description into a running application. It then keeps the
application healthy by restarting or recreating parts of it as needed.

Figure 1.2 The declarative model of application deployment

Whenever you change the description, Kubernetes will take the necessary
steps to reconfigure the running application to match the new description, as
shown in the next figure.

Figure 1.3 Changes in the description are reflected in the running application

Taking on the daily management of applications

As soon as you deploy an application to Kubernetes, it takes over the daily
management of the application. If the application fails, Kubernetes will
automatically restart it. If the hardware fails or the infrastructure topology
changes so that the application needs to be moved to other machines,
Kubernetes does this all by itself. The engineers responsible for operating the
system can focus on the big picture instead of wasting time on the details.

To circle back to the sailing analogy: the development and operations

engineers are the ship’s officers who make high-level decisions while sitting
comfortably in their armchairs, and Kubernetes is the helmsman who takes
care of the low-level tasks of steering the system through the rough waters
your applications and infrastructure sail through.

Figure 1.4 Kubernetes takes over the management of applications

Everything that Kubernetes does and all the advantages it brings requires a
longer explanation, which we’ll discuss later. Before we do that, it might help
you to know how it all began and where the Kubernetes project currently

1.1.2 About the Kubernetes project

Kubernetes was originally developed by Google. Google has practically
always run applications in containers. As early as 2014, it was reported that
they start two billion containers every week. That’s over 3,000 containers per
second, and the figure is much higher today. They run these containers on
thousands of computers distributed across dozens of data centers around the
world. Now imagine doing all this manually. It’s clear that you need
automation, and at this massive scale, it better be perfect.

About Borg and Omega - the predecessors of Kubernetes

The sheer scale of Google’s workload has forced them to develop solutions to
make the development and management of thousands of software
components manageable and cost-effective. Over the years, Google
developed an internal system called Borg (and later a new system called
Omega) that helped both application developers and operators manage these
thousands of applications and services.

In addition to simplifying development and management, these systems have

also helped them to achieve better utilization of their infrastructure. This is
important in any organization, but when you operate hundreds of thousands
of machines, even tiny improvements in utilization mean savings in the
millions, so the incentives for developing such a system are clear.


Data on Google’s energy use suggests that they run around 900,000 servers.

Over time, your infrastructure grows and evolves. Every new data center is
state-of-the-art. Its infrastructure differs from those built in the past. Despite
the differences, the deployment of applications in one data center should not
differ from deployment in another data center. This is especially important
when you deploy your application across multiple zones or regions to reduce
the likelihood that a regional failure will cause application downtime. To do
this effectively, it’s worth having a consistent method for deploying your

About Kubernetes - the open-source project - and commercial products

derived from it

Based on the experience they gained while developing Borg, Omega and
other internal systems, in 2014 Google introduced Kubernetes, an open-
source project that can now be used and further improved by everyone.

Figure 1.5 The origins and state of the Kubernetes open-source project

As soon as Kubernetes was announced, long before version 1.0 was officially
released, other companies, such as Red Hat, who has always been at the
forefront of open-source software, quickly stepped on board and helped
develop the project. It eventually grew far beyond the expectations of its
founders, and today is arguably one of the world’s leading open-source
projects, with dozens of organizations and thousands of individuals
contributing to it.

Several companies are now offering enterprise-quality Kubernetes products

that are built from the open-source project. These include Red Hat OpenShift,
Pivotal Container Service, Rancher and many others.

How Kubernetes grew a whole new cloud-native eco-system

Kubernetes has also spawned many other related open-source projects, most
of which are now under the umbrella of the Cloud Native Computing
Foundation (CNCF), which is part of the Linux Foundation.

CNCF organizes several KubeCon - CloudNativeCon conferences per year -

in North America, Europe and China. In 2019, the total number of attendees
exceeded 23,000, with KubeCon North America reaching an overwhelming
number of 12,000 participants. These figures show that Kubernetes has had
an incredibly positive impact on the way companies around the world deploy
applications today. It wouldn’t have been so widely adopted if that wasn’t the

1.1.3 Understanding why Kubernetes is so popular

In recent years, the way we develop applications has changed considerably.
This has led to the development of new tools like Kubernetes, which in turn
have fed back and fuelled further changes in application architecture and the
way we develop them. Let’s look at concrete examples of this.

Automating the management of microservices

In the past, most applications were large monoliths. The components of the
application were tightly coupled, and they all ran in a single computer
process. The application was developed as a unit by a large team of
developers and the deployment of the application was straightforward. You
installed it on a powerful computer and provided the little configuration it
required. Scaling the application horizontally was rarely possible, so
whenever you needed to increase the capacity of the application, you had to
upgrade the hardware - in other words, scale the application vertically.

Then came the microservices paradigm. The monoliths were divided into
dozens, sometimes hundreds, of separate processes, as shown in the
following figure. This allowed organizations to divide their development
departments into smaller teams where each team developed only a part of the
entire system - just some of the microservices.

Figure 1.6 Comparing monolithic applications with microservices

Each microservice is now a separate application with its own development
and release cycle. The dependencies of different microservices will inevitably
diverge over time. One microservice requires one version of a library, while
another microservice requires another, possibly incompatible, version of the
same library. Running the two applications in the same operating system
becomes difficult.

Fortunately, containers alone solve this problem where each microservice

requires a different environment, but each microservice is now a separate
application that must be managed individually. The increased number of
applications makes this much more difficult.

Individual parts of the entire application no longer need to run on the same
computer, which makes it easier to scale the entire system, but also means
that the applications need to be configured to communicate with each other.
For systems with only a handful of components, this can usually be done
manually, but it’s now common to see deployments with well over a hundred

When the system consists of many microservices, automated management is

crucial. Kubernetes provides this automation. The features it offers make the
task of managing hundreds of microservices almost trivial.

Bridging the dev and ops divide

Along with these changes in application architecture, we’ve also seen
changes in the way teams develop and run software. It used to be normal for
a development team to build the software in isolation and then throw the
finished product over the wall to the operations team, who would then deploy
it and manage it from there.

With the advent of the Dev-ops paradigm, the two teams now work much
more closely together throughout the entire life of the software product. The
development team is now much more involved in the daily management of
the deployed software. But that means that they now need to know about the
infrastructure on which it’s running.

As a software developer, your primary focus is on implementing the business

logic. You don’t want to deal with the details of the underlying servers.
Fortunately, Kubernetes hides these details.

Standardizing the cloud

Over the past decade or two, many organizations have moved their software
from local servers to the cloud. The benefits of this seem to have outweighed
the fear of being locked-in to a particular cloud provider, which is caused by
relying on the provider’s proprietary APIs to deploy and manage

Any company that wants to be able to move its applications from one
provider to another will have to make additional, initially unnecessary efforts
to abstract the infrastructure and APIs of the underlying cloud provider from
the applications. This requires resources that could otherwise be focused on
building the primary business logic.

Kubernetes has also helped in this respect. The popularity of Kubernetes has
forced all major cloud providers to integrate Kubernetes into their offerings.
Customers can now deploy applications to any cloud provider through a
standard set of APIs provided by Kubernetes.

Figure 1.7 Kubernetes has standardized how you deploy applications on cloud providers
If the application is built on the APIs of Kubernetes instead of directly on the
proprietary APIs of a specific cloud provider, it can be transferred relatively
easily to any other provider.

1.2 Understanding Kubernetes

The previous section explained the origins of Kubernetes and the reasons for
its wide adoption. In this section we’ll take a closer look at what exactly
Kubernetes is.

1.2.1 Understanding how Kubernetes transforms a computer


Let’s take a closer look at how the perception of the data center changes
when you deploy Kubernetes on your servers.

Kubernetes is like an operating system for computer clusters

One can imagine Kubernetes as an operating system for the cluster. The next
figure illustrates the analogies between an operating system running on a
computer and Kubernetes running on a cluster of computers.

Figure 1.8 Kubernetes is to a computer cluster what an Operating System is to a computer

Just as an operating system supports the basic functions of a computer, such
as scheduling processes onto its CPUs and acting as an interface between the
application and the computer’s hardware, Kubernetes schedules the
components of a distributed application onto individual computers in the
underlying computer cluster and acts as an interface between the application
and the cluster.

It frees application developers from the need to implement infrastructure-

related mechanisms in their applications; instead, they rely on Kubernetes to
provide them. This includes things like:

service discovery - a mechanism that allows applications to find other

applications and use the services they provide,
horizontal scaling - replicating your application to adjust to fluctuations
in load,
load-balancing - distributing load across all the application replicas,
self-healing - keeping the system healthy by automatically restarting
failed applications and moving them to healthy nodes after their nodes
leader election - a mechanism that decides which instance of the
application should be active while the others remain idle but ready to
take over if the active instance fails.

By relying on Kubernetes to provide these features, application developers

can focus on implementing the core business logic instead of wasting time
integrating applications with the infrastructure.
How Kubernetes fits into a computer cluster

To get a concrete example of how Kubernetes is deployed onto a cluster of

computers, look at the following figure.

Figure 1.9 Computers in a Kubernetes cluster are divided into the Control Plane and the
Workload Plane

You start with a fleet of machines that you divide into two groups - the
master and the worker nodes. The master nodes will run the Kubernetes
Control Plane, which represents the brain of your system and controls the
cluster, while the rest will run your applications - your workloads - and will
therefore represent the Workload Plane.


The Workload Plane is sometimes referred to as the Data Plane, but this term
could be confusing because the plane doesn’t host data but applications.
Don’t be confused by the term “plane” either - in this context you can think
of it as the “surface” the applications run on.
Non-production clusters can use a single master node, but highly available
clusters use at least three physical master nodes to host the Control Plane.
The number of worker nodes depends on the number of applications you’ll

How all cluster nodes become one large deployment area

After Kubernetes is installed on the computers, you no longer need to think

about individual computers when deploying applications. Regardless of the
number of worker nodes in your cluster, they all become a single space where
you deploy your applications. You do this using the Kubernetes API, which
is provided by the Kubernetes Control Plane.

Figure 1.10 Kubernetes exposes the cluster as a uniform deployment area

When I say that all worker nodes become one space, I don’t want you to
think that you can deploy an extremely large application that is spread across
several small machines. Kubernetes doesn’t do magic tricks like this. Each
application must be small enough to fit on one of the worker nodes.

What I meant was that when deploying applications, it doesn’t matter which
worker node they end up on. Kubernetes may later even move the application
from one node to another. You may not even notice when that happens, and
you shouldn’t care.
1.2.2 The benefits of using Kubernetes

You’ve already learned why many organizations across the world have
welcomed Kubernetes into their data centers. Now, let’s take a closer look at
the specific benefits it brings to both development and IT operations teams.

Self-service deployment of applications

Because Kubernetes presents all its worker nodes as a single deployment

surface, it no longer matters which node you deploy your application to. This
means that developers can now deploy applications on their own, even if they
don’t know anything about the number of nodes or the characteristics of each

In the past, the system administrators were the ones who decided where each
application should be placed. This task is now left to Kubernetes. This allows
a developer to deploy applications without having to rely on other people to
do so. When a developer deploys an application, Kubernetes chooses the best
node on which to run the application based on the resource requirements of
the application and the resources available on each node.

Reducing costs via better infrastructure utilization

If you don’t care which node your application lands on, it also means that it
can be moved to any other node at any time without you having to worry
about it. Kubernetes may need to do this to make room for a larger
application that someone wants to deploy. This ability to move applications
allows the applications to be packed tightly together so that the resources of
the nodes can be utilized in the best possible way.


In chapter 17 you’ll learn more about how Kubernetes decides where to place
each application and how you can influence the decision.

Finding optimal combinations can be challenging and time consuming,

especially when the number of all possible options is huge, such as when you
have many application components and many server nodes on which they can
be deployed. Computers can perform this task much better and faster than
humans. Kubernetes does it very well. By combining different applications
on the same machines, Kubernetes improves the utilization of your hardware
infrastructure so you can run more applications on fewer servers.

Automatically adjusting to changing load

Using Kubernetes to manage your deployed applications also means that the
operations team doesn’t have to constantly monitor the load of each
application to respond to sudden load peaks. Kubernetes takes care of this
also. It can monitor the resources consumed by each application and other
metrics and adjust the number of running instances of each application to
cope with increased load or resource usage.

When you run Kubernetes on cloud infrastructure, it can even increase the
size of your cluster by provisioning additional nodes through the cloud
provider’s API. This way, you never run out of space to run additional
instances of your applications.

Keeping applications running smoothly

Kubernetes also makes every effort to ensure that your applications run
smoothly. If your application crashes, Kubernetes will restart it automatically.
So even if you have a broken application that runs out of memory after
running for more than a few hours, Kubernetes will ensure that your
application continues to provide the service to its users by automatically
restarting it in this case.

Kubernetes is a self-healing system in that it deals with software errors like

the one just described, but it also handles hardware failures. As clusters grow
in size, the frequency of node failure also increases. For example, in a cluster
with one hundred nodes and a MTBF (mean-time-between-failure) of 100
days for each node, you can expect one node to fail every day.

When a node fails, Kubernetes automatically moves applications to the

remaining healthy nodes. The operations team no longer needs to manually
move the application and can instead focus on repairing the node itself and
returning it to the pool of available hardware resources.

If your infrastructure has enough free resources to allow normal system

operation without the failed node, the operations team doesn’t even have to
react immediately to the failure. If it occurs in the middle of the night, no one
from the operations team even has to wake up. They can sleep peacefully and
deal with the failed node during regular working hours.

Simplifying application development

The improvements described in the previous section mainly concern

application deployment. But what about the process of application
development? Does Kubernetes bring anything to their table? It definitely

As mentioned previously, Kubernetes offers infrastructure-related services

that would otherwise have to be implemented in your applications. This
includes the discovery of services and/or peers in a distributed application,
leader election, centralized application configuration and others. Kubernetes
provides this while keeping the application Kubernetes-agnostic, but when
required, applications can also query the Kubernetes API to obtain detailed
information about their environment. They can also use the API to change the

1.2.3 The architecture of a Kubernetes cluster

As you’ve already learned, a Kubernetes cluster consists of nodes divided
into two groups:

A set of master nodes that host the Control Plane components, which
are the brains of the system, since they control the entire cluster.
A set of worker nodes that form the Workload Plane, which is where
your workloads (or applications) run.

The following figure shows the two planes and the different nodes they
consist of.
Figure 1.11 The two planes that make up a Kubernetes cluster

The two planes, and hence the two types of nodes, run different Kubernetes
components. The next two sections of the book introduce them and
summarize their functions without going into details. These components will
be mentioned several times in the next part of the book where I explain the
fundamental concepts of Kubernetes. An in-depth look at the components and
their internals follows in the third part of the book.

Control Plane components

The Control Plane is what controls the cluster. It consists of several

components that run on a single master node or are replicated across multiple
master nodes to ensure high availability. The Control Plane’s components are
shown in the following figure.

Figure 1.12 The components of the Kubernetes Control Plane

These are the components and their functions:

The Kubernetes API Server exposes the RESTful Kubernetes API.

Engineers using the cluster and other Kubernetes components create
objects via this API.
The etcd distributed datastore persists the objects you create through the
API, since the API Server itself is stateless. The Server is the only
component that talks to etcd.
The Scheduler decides on which worker node each application instance
should run.
Controllers bring to life the objects you create through the API. Most of
them simply create other objects, but some also communicate with
external systems (for example, the cloud provider via its API).

The components of the Control Plane hold and control the state of the cluster,
but they don’t run your applications. This is done by the (worker) nodes.
Worker node components

The worker nodes are the computers on which your applications run. They
form the cluster’s Workload Plane. In addition to applications, several
Kubernetes components also run on these nodes. They perform the task of
running, monitoring and providing connectivity between your applications.
They are shown in the following figure.

Figure 1.13 The Kubernetes components that run on each node

Each node runs the following set of components:

The Kubelet, an agent that talks to the API server and manages the
applications running on its node. It reports the status of these
applications and the node via the API.
The Container Runtime, which can be Docker or any other runtime
compatible with Kubernetes. It runs your applications in containers as
instructed by the Kubelet.
The Kubernetes Service Proxy (Kube Proxy) load-balances network
traffic between applications. Its name suggests that traffic flows through
it, but that’s no longer the case. You’ll learn why in chapter 14.
Add-on components

Most Kubernetes clusters also contain several other components. This

includes a DNS server, network plugins, logging agents and many others.
They typically run on the worker nodes but can also be configured to run on
the master.

Gaining a deeper understanding of the architecture

For now, I only expect you to be vaguely familiar with the names of these
components and their function, as I’ll mention them many times throughout
the following chapters. You’ll learn snippets about them in these chapters,
but I’ll explain them in more detail in chapter 14.

I’m not a fan of explaining how things work until I first explain what
something does and teach you how to use it. It’s like learning to drive. You
don’t want to know what’s under the hood. At first, you just want to learn
how to get from point A to B. Only then will you be interested in how the car
makes this possible. Knowing what’s under the hood may one day help you
get your car moving again after it has broken down and you are stranded on
the side of the road. I hate to say it, but you’ll have many moments like this
when dealing with Kubernetes due to its sheer complexity.

1.2.4 How Kubernetes runs an application

With a general overview of the components that make up Kubernetes, I can

finally explain how to deploy an application in Kubernetes.

Defining your application

Everything in Kubernetes is represented by an object. You create and retrieve

these objects via the Kubernetes API. Your application consists of several
types of these objects - one type represents the application deployment as a
whole, another represents a running instance of your application, another
represents the service provided by a set of these instances and allows
reaching them at a single IP address, and there are many others.
All these types are explained in detail in the second part of the book. At the
moment, it’s enough to know that you define your application through
several types of objects. These objects are usually defined in one or more
manifest files in either YAML or JSON format.


YAML was initially said to mean “Yet Another Markup Language”, but it
was latter changed to the recursive acronym “YAML Ain’t Markup
Language”. It’s one of the ways to serialize an object into a human-readable
text file.


JSON is short for JavaScript Object Notation. It’s a different way of

serializing an object, but more suitable for exchanging data between

The following figure shows an example of deploying an application by

creating a manifest with two deployments exposed using two services.

Figure 1.14 Deploying an application to Kubernetes

These actions take place when you deploy the application:

1. You submit the application manifest to the Kubernetes API. The API
Server writes the objects defined in the manifest to etcd.
2. A controller notices the newly created objects and creates several new
objects - one for each application instance.
3. The Scheduler assigns a node to each instance.
4. The Kubelet notices that an instance is assigned to the Kubelet’s node. It
runs the application instance via the Container Runtime.
5. The Kube Proxy notices that the application instances are ready to
accept connections from clients and configures a load balancer for them.
6. The Kubelets and the Controllers monitor the system and keep the
applications running.
The procedure is explained in more detail in the following sections, but the
complete explanation is given in chapter 14, after you have familiarized
yourself with all the objects and controllers involved.

Submitting the application to the API

After you’ve created your YAML or JSON file(s), you submit the file to the
API, usually via the Kubernetes command-line tool called kubectl.


Kubectl is pronounced kube-control, but the softer souls in the community

prefer to call it kube-cuddle. Some refer to it as kube-C-T-L.

Kubectl splits the file into individual objects and creates each of them by
sending an HTTP PUT or POST request to the API, as is usually the case
with RESTful APIs. The API Server validates the objects and stores them in
the etcd datastore. In addition, it notifies all interested components that these
objects have been created. Controllers, which are explained next, are one of
these components.

About the controllers

Most object types have an associated controller. A controller is interested in a

particular object type. It waits for the API server to notify it that a new object
has been created, and then performs operations to bring that object to life.
Typically, the controller just creates other objects via the same Kubernetes
API. For example, the controller responsible for application deployments
creates one or more objects that represent individual instances of the
application. The number of objects created by the controller depends on the
number of replicas specified in the application deployment object.

About the Scheduler

The scheduler is a special type of controller, whose only task is to schedule

application instances onto worker nodes. It selects the best worker node for
each new application instance object and assigns it to the instance - by
modifying the object via the API.

About the Kubelet and the Container Runtime

The Kubelet that runs on each worker node is also a type of controller. Its
task is to wait for application instances to be assigned to the node on which it
is located and run the application. This is done by instructing the Container
Runtime to start the application’s container.

About the Kube Proxy

Because an application deployment can consist of multiple application

instances, a load balancer is required to expose them at a single IP address.
The Kube Proxy, another controller running alongside the Kubelet, is
responsible for setting up the load balancer.

Keeping the applications healthy

Once the application is up and running, the Kubelet keeps the application
healthy by restarting it when it terminates. It also reports the status of the
application by updating the object that represents the application instance.
The other controllers monitor these objects and ensure that applications are
moved to healthy nodes if their nodes fail.

You’re now roughly familiar with the architecture and functionality of

Kubernetes. You don’t need to understand or remember all the details at this
moment, because internalizing this information will be easier when you learn
about each individual object types and the controllers that bring them to life
in the second part of the book.

1.3 Introducing Kubernetes into your organization

To close this chapter, let’s see what options are available to you if you decide
to introduce Kubernetes in your own IT environment.
1.3.1 Running Kubernetes on-premises and in the cloud

If you want to run your applications on Kubernetes, you have to decide

whether you want to run them locally, in your organization’s own
infrastructure (on-premises) or with one of the major cloud providers, or
perhaps both - in a hybrid cloud solution.

Running Kubernetes on-premises

Running Kubernetes on your own infrastructure may be your only option if

regulations require you to run applications on site. This usually means that
you’ll have to manage Kubernetes yourself, but we’ll come to that later.

Kubernetes can run directly on your bare-metal machines or in virtual

machines running in your data center. In either case, you won’t be able to
scale your cluster as easily as when you run it in virtual machines provided
by a cloud provider.

Deploying Kubernetes in the cloud

If you have no on-premises infrastructure, you have no choice but to run

Kubernetes in the cloud. This has the advantage that you can scale your
cluster at any time at short notice if required. As mentioned earlier,
Kubernetes itself can ask the cloud provider to provision additional virtual
machines when the current size of the cluster is no longer sufficient to run all
the applications you want to deploy.

When the number of workloads decreases and some worker nodes are left
without running workloads, Kubernetes can ask the cloud provider to destroy
the virtual machines of these nodes to reduce your operational costs. This
elasticity of the cluster is certainly one of the main benefits of running
Kubernetes in the cloud.

Using a hybrid cloud solution

A more complex option is to run Kubernetes on-premises, but also allow it to

spill over into the cloud. It’s possible to configure Kubernetes to provision
additional nodes in the cloud if you exceed the capacity of your own data
center. This way, you get the best of both worlds. Most of the time, your
applications run locally without the cost of virtual machine rental, but in short
periods of peak load that may occur only a few times a year, your
applications can handle the extra load by using the additional resources in the

If your use-case requires it, you can also run a Kubernetes cluster across
multiple cloud providers or a combination of any of the options mentioned.
This can be done using a single control plane or one control plane in each

1.3.2 To manage or not to manage Kubernetes yourself

If you are considering introducing Kubernetes in your organization, the most
important question you need to answer is whether you’ll manage Kubernetes
yourself or use a Kubernetes-as-a-Service type offering where someone else
manages it for you.

Managing Kubernetes yourself

If you already run applications on-premises and have enough hardware to run
a production-ready Kubernetes cluster, your first instinct is probably to
deploy and manage it yourself. If you ask anyone in the Kubernetes
community if this is a good idea, you’ll usually get a very definite “no”.

Figure 1.14 was a very simplified representation of what happens in a

Kubernetes cluster when you deploy an application. Even that figure should
have scared you. Kubernetes brings with it an enormous amount of additional
complexity. Anyone who wants to run a Kubernetes cluster must be
intimately familiar with its inner workings.

The management of production-ready Kubernetes clusters is a multi-billion-

dollar industry. Before you decide to manage one yourself, it’s essential that
you consult with engineers who have already done it to learn about the issues
most teams run into. If you don’t, you may be setting yourself up for failure.
On the other hand, trying out Kubernetes for non-production use-cases or
using a managed Kubernetes cluster is much less problematic.

Using a managed Kubernetes cluster in the cloud

Using Kubernetes is ten times easier than managing it. Most major cloud
providers now offer Kubernetes-as-a-Service. They take care of managing
Kubernetes and its components while you simply use the Kubernetes API like
any of the other APIs the cloud provider offers.

The top managed Kubernetes offerings include the following:

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
Red Hat OpenShift Online and Dedicated
VMware Cloud PKS
Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)

The first half of this book focuses on just using Kubernetes. You’ll run the
exercises in a local development cluster and on a managed GKE cluster, as I
find it’s the easiest to use and offers the best user experience. The second part
of the book gives you a solid foundation for managing Kubernetes, but to
truly master it, you’ll need to gain additional experience.

1.3.3 Using vanilla or extended Kubernetes

The final question is whether to use a vanilla open-source version of
Kubernetes or an extended, enterprise-quality Kubernetes product.

Using a vanilla version of Kubernetes

The open-source version of Kubernetes is maintained by the community and

represents the cutting edge of Kubernetes development. This also means that
it may not be as stable as the other options. It may also lack good security
defaults. Deploying the vanilla version requires a lot of fine tuning to set
everything up for production use.

Using enterprise-grade Kubernetes distributions

A better option for using Kubernetes in production is to use an enterprise-

quality Kubernetes distribution such as OpenShift or Rancher. In addition to
the increased security and performance provided by better defaults, they offer
additional object types in addition to those provided in the upstream
Kubernetes API. For example, vanilla Kubernetes does not contain object
types that represent cluster users, whereas commercial distributions do. They
also provide additional software tools for deploying and managing well-
known third-party applications on Kubernetes.

Of course, extending and hardening Kubernetes takes time, so these

commercial Kubernetes distributions usually lag one or two versions behind
the upstream version of Kubernetes. It’s not as bad as it sounds. The benefits
usually outweigh the disadvantages.

1.3.4 Should you even use Kubernetes?

I hope this chapter has made you excited about Kubernetes and you can’t
wait to squeeze it into your IT stack. But to close this chapter properly, we
need to say a word or two about when introducing Kubernetes is not a good

Do your workloads require automated management?

The first thing you need to be honest about is whether you need to automate
the management of your applications at all. If your application is a large
monolith, you definitely don’t need Kubernetes.

Even if you deploy microservices, using Kubernetes may not be the best
option, especially if the number of your microservices is very small. It’s
difficult to provide an exact number when the scales tip over, since other
factors also influence the decision. But if your system consists of less than
five microservices, throwing Kubernetes into the mix is probably not a good
idea. If your system has more than twenty microservices, you will most likely
benefit from the integration of Kubernetes. If the number of your
microservices falls somewhere in between, other factors, such as the ones
described next, should be considered.

Can you afford to invest your engineers’ time into learning Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is designed to allow applications to run without them knowing

that they are running in Kubernetes. While the applications themselves don’t
need to be modified to run in Kubernetes, development engineers will
inevitably spend a lot of time learning how to use Kubernetes, even though
the operators are the only ones that actually need that knowledge.

It would be hard to tell your teams that you’re switching to Kubernetes and
expect only the operations team to start exploring it. Developers like shiny
new things. At the time of writing, Kubernetes is still a very shiny thing.

Are you prepared for increased costs in the interim?

While Kubernetes reduces long-term operational costs, introducing

Kubernetes in your organization initially involves increased costs for
training, hiring new engineers, building and purchasing new tools and
possibly additional hardware. Kubernetes requires additional computing
resources in addition to the resources that the applications use.

Don’t believe the hype

Although Kubernetes has been around for several years at the time of writing
this book, I can’t say that the hype phase is over. The initial excitement has
just begun to calm down, but many engineers may still be unable to make
rational decisions about whether the integration of Kubernetes is as necessary
as it seems.

1.4 Summary
In this introductory chapter, you’ve learned that:
Kubernetes is Greek for helmsman. As a ship’s captain oversees the ship
while the helmsman steers it, you oversee your computer cluster, while
Kubernetes performs the day-to-day management tasks.
Kubernetes is pronounced koo-ber-netties. Kubectl, the Kubernetes
command-line tool, is pronounced kube-control.
Kubernetes is an open-source project built upon Google’s vast
experience in running applications on a global scale. Thousands of
individuals now contribute to it.
Kubernetes uses a declarative model to describe application
deployments. After you provide a description of your application to
Kubernetes, it brings it to life.
Kubernetes is like an operating system for the cluster. It abstracts the
infrastructure and presents all computers in a data center as one large,
contiguous deployment area.
Microservice-based applications are more difficult to manage than
monolithic applications. The more microservices you have, the more
you need to automate their management with a system like Kubernetes.
Kubernetes helps both development and operations teams to do what
they do best. It frees them from mundane tasks and introduces a standard
way of deploying applications both on-premises and in any cloud.
Using Kubernetes allows developers to deploy applications without the
help of system administrators. It reduces operational costs through better
utilization of existing hardware, automatically adjusts your system to
load fluctuations, and heals itself and the applications running on it.
A Kubernetes cluster consists of master and worker nodes. The master
nodes run the Control Plane, which controls the entire cluster, while the
worker nodes run the deployed applications or workloads, and therefore
represent the Workload Plane.
Using Kubernetes is simple, but managing it is hard. An inexperienced
team should use a Kubernetes-as-a-Service offering instead of deploying
Kubernetes by itself.

So far, you’ve only observed the ship from the pier. It’s time to come aboard.
But before you leave the docks, you should inspect the shipping containers
it’s carrying. You’ll do this next.
2 Understanding containers
This chapter covers
Understanding what a container is
Differences between containers and virtual machines
Creating, running, and sharing a container image with Docker
Linux kernel features that make containers possible

Kubernetes primarily manages applications that run in containers - so before

you start exploring Kubernetes, you need to have a good understanding of
what a container is. This chapter explains the basics of Linux containers that
a typical Kubernetes user needs to know.

2.1 Introducing containers

In Chapter 1 you learned how different microservices running in the same
operating system may require different, potentially conflicting versions of
dynamically linked libraries or have different environment requirements.

When a system consists of a small number of applications, it’s okay to assign

a dedicated virtual machine to each application and run each in its own
operating system. But as the microservices become smaller and their numbers
start to grow, you may not be able to afford to give each one its own VM if
you want to keep your hardware costs low and not waste resources.

It’s not just a matter of wasting hardware resources - each VM typically

needs to be individually configured and managed, which means that running
higher numbers of VMs also results in higher staffing requirements and the
need for a better, often more complicated automation system. Due to the shift
to microservice architectures, where systems consist of hundreds of deployed
application instances, an alternative to VMs was needed. Containers are that
2.1.1 Comparing containers to virtual machines

Instead of using virtual machines to isolate the environments of individual

microservices (or software processes in general), most development and
operations teams now prefer to use containers. They allow you to run
multiple services on the same host computer, while keeping them isolated
from each other. Like VMs, but with much less overhead.

Unlike VMs, which each run a separate operating system with several system
processes, a process running in a container runs within the existing host
operating system. Because there is only one operating system, no duplicate
system processes exist. Although all the application processes run in the same
operating system, their environments are isolated, though not as well as when
you run them in separate VMs. To the process in the container, this isolation
makes it look like no other processes exist on the computer. You’ll learn how
this is possible in the next few sections, but first let’s dive deeper into the
differences between containers and virtual machines.

Comparing the overhead of containers and virtual machines

Compared to VMs, containers are much lighter, because they don’t require a
separate resource pool or any additional OS-level processes. While each VM
usually runs its own set of system processes, which requires additional
computing resources in addition to those consumed by the user application’s
own process, a container is nothing more than an isolated process running in
the existing host OS that consumes only the resources the app consumes.
They have virtually no overhead.

Figure 2.1 shows two bare metal computers, one running two virtual
machines, and the other running containers instead. The latter has space for
additional containers, as it runs only one operating system, while the first
runs three – one host and two guest OSes.

Figure 2.1 Using VMs to isolate groups of applications vs. isolating individual apps with
Because of the resource overhead of VMs, you often group multiple
applications into each VM. You may not be able to afford dedicating a whole
VM to each app. But containers introduce no overhead, which means you can
afford to create a separate container for each application. In fact, you should
never run multiple applications in the same container, as this makes
managing the processes in the container much more difficult. Moreover, all
existing software dealing with containers, including Kubernetes itself, is
designed under the premise that there’s only one application in a container.
But as you’ll learn in the next chapter, Kubernetes provides a way to run
related applications together, yet still keep them in separate containers.

Comparing the start-up time of containers and virtual machines

In addition to the lower runtime overhead, containers also start the

application faster, because only the application process itself needs to be
started. No additional system processes need to be started first, as is the case
when booting up a new virtual machine.

Comparing the isolation of containers and virtual machines

You’ll agree that containers are clearly better when it comes to the use of
resources, but there’s also a disadvantage. When you run applications in
virtual machines, each VM runs its own operating system and kernel.
Underneath those VMs is the hypervisor (and possibly an additional
operating system), which splits the physical hardware resources into smaller
sets of virtual resources that the operating system in each VM can use. As
figure 2.2 shows, applications running in these VMs make system calls (sys-
calls) to the guest OS kernel in the VM, and the machine instructions that the
kernel then executes on the virtual CPUs are then forwarded to the host’s
physical CPU via the hypervisor.

Figure 2.2 How apps use the hardware when running in a VM vs. in a container

Two types of hypervisors exist. Type 1 hypervisors don’t require running a

host OS, while type 2 hypervisors do.

Containers, on the other hand, all make system calls on the single kernel
running in the host OS. This single kernel is the only one that executes
instructions on the host’s CPU. The CPU doesn’t need to handle any kind of
virtualization the way it does with VMs.

Examine the following figure to see the difference between running three
applications on bare metal, running them in two separate virtual machines, or
running them in three containers.

Figure 2.3 The difference between running applications on bare metal, in virtual machines, and
in containers

In the first case, all three applications use the same kernel and aren’t isolated
at all. In the second case, applications A and B run in the same VM and thus
share the kernel, while application C is completely isolated from the other
two, since it uses its own kernel. It only shares the hardware with the first

The third case shows the same three applications running in containers.
Although they all use the same kernel, they are isolated from each other and
completely unaware of the others’ existence. The isolation is provided by the
kernel itself. Each application sees only a part of the physical hardware and
sees itself as the only process running in the OS, although they all run in the
same OS.

Understanding the security-implications of container isolation

The main advantage of using virtual machines over containers is the complete
isolation they provide, since each VM has its own Linux kernel, while
containers all use the same kernel. This can clearly pose a security risk. If
there’s a bug in the kernel, an application in one container might use it to
read the memory of applications in other containers. If the apps run in
different VMs and therefore share only the hardware, the probability of such
attacks is much lower. Of course, complete isolation is only achieved by
running applications on separate physical machines.

Additionally, containers share memory space, whereas each VM uses its own
chunk of memory. Therefore, if you don’t limit the amount of memory that a
container can use, this could cause other containers to run out of memory or
cause their data to be swapped out to disk.


This can’t happen in Kubernetes, because it requires that swap is disabled on

all the nodes.

Understanding what enables containers and what enables virtual


While virtual machines are enabled through virtualization support in the CPU
and by virtualization software on the host, containers are enabled by the
Linux kernel itself. You’ll learn about container technologies later when you
can try them out for yourself. You’ll need to have Docker installed for that,
so let’s learn how it fits into the container story.

2.1.2 Introducing the Docker container platform

While container technologies have existed for a long time, they only became
widely known with the rise of Docker. Docker was the first container system
that made them easily portable across different computers. It simplified the
process of packaging up the application and all its libraries and other
dependencies - even the entire OS file system - into a simple, portable
package that can be used to deploy the application on any computer running

Introducing containers, images and registries

Docker is a platform for packaging, distributing and running applications. As

mentioned earlier, it allows you to package your application along with its
entire environment. This can be just a few dynamically linked libraries
required by the app, or all the files that are usually shipped with an operating
system. Docker allows you to distribute this package via a public repository
to any other Docker-enabled computer.

Figure 2.4 The three main Docker concepts are images, registries and containers
Figure 2.4 shows three main Docker concepts that appear in the process I’ve
just described. Here’s what each of them is:

Images—A container image is something you package your application

and its environment into. Like a zip file or a tarball. It contains the
whole filesystem that the application will use and additional metadata,
such as the path to the executable file to run when the image is executed,
the ports the application listens on, and other information about the
Registries—A registry is a repository of container images that enables
the exchange of images between different people and computers. After
you build your image, you can either run it on the same computer, or
push (upload) the image to a registry and then pull (download) it to
another computer. Certain registries are public, allowing anyone to pull
images from it, while others are private and only accessible to
individuals, organizations or computers that have the required
authentication credentials.
Containers—A container is instantiated from a container image. A
running container is a normal process running in the host operating
system, but its environment is isolated from that of the host and the
environments of other processes. The file system of the container
originates from the container image, but additional file systems can also
be mounted into the container. A container is usually resource-restricted,
meaning it can only access and use the amount of resources such as CPU
and memory that have been allocated to it.

Building, distributing, and running a container image

To understand how containers, images and registries relate to each other, let’s
look at how to build a container image, distribute it through a registry and
create a running container from the image. These three processes are shown
in figures 2.5 to 2.7.

Figure 2.5 Building a container image

As shown in figure 2.5, the developer first builds an image, and then pushes it
to a registry, as shown in figure 2.6. The image is now available to anyone
who can access the registry.

Figure 2.6 Uploading a container image to a registry

As the next figure shows, another person can now pull the image to any other
computer running Docker and run it. Docker creates an isolated container
based on the image and invokes the executable file specified in the image.

Figure 2.7 Running a container on a different computer

Running the application on any computer is made possible by the fact that the
environment of the application is decoupled from the environment of the

Understanding the environment that the application sees

When you run an application in a container, it sees exactly the file system
content you bundled into the container image, as well as any additional file
systems you mount into the container. The application sees the same files
whether it’s running on your laptop or a full-fledged production server, even
if the production server uses a completely different Linux distribution. The
application typically has no access to the files in the host’s operating system,
so it doesn’t matter if the server has a completely different set of installed
libraries than your development computer.

For example, if you package your application with the files of the entire Red
Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system and then run it, the
application will think it’s running inside RHEL, whether you run it on your
Fedora-based or a Debian-based computer. The Linux distribution installed
on the host is irrelevant. The only thing that might be important is the kernel
version and the kernel modules it loads. Later, I’ll explain why.

This is similar to creating a VM image by creating a new VM, installing an

operating system and your app in it, and then distributing the whole VM
image so that other people can run it on different hosts. Docker achieves the
same effect, but instead of using VMs for app isolation, it uses Linux
container technologies to achieve (almost) the same level of isolation.

Understanding image layers

Unlike virtual machine images, which are big blobs of the entire filesystem
required by the operating system installed in the VM, container images
consist of layers that are usually much smaller. These layers can be shared
and reused across multiple images. This means that only certain layers of an
image need to be downloaded if the rest were already downloaded to the host
as part of another image containing the same layers.

Layers make image distribution very efficient but also help to reduce the
storage footprint of images. Docker stores each layer only once. As you can
see in the following figure, two containers created from two images that
contain the same layers use the same files.

Figure 2.8 Containers can share image layers

The figure shows that containers A and B share an image layer, which means
that applications A and B read some of the same files. In addition, they also
share the underlying layer with container C. But if all three containers have
access to the same files, how can they be completely isolated from each
other? Are changes that application A makes to a file stored in the shared
layer not visible to application B? They aren’t. Here’s why.

The filesystems are isolated by the Copy-on-Write (CoW) mechanism. The

filesystem of a container consists of read-only layers from the container
image and an additional read/write layer stacked on top. When an application
running in container A changes a file in one of the read-only layers, the entire
file is copied into the container’s read/write layer and the file contents are
changed there. Since each container has its own writable layer, changes to
shared files are not visible in any other container.

When you delete a file, it is only marked as deleted in the read/write layer,
but it’s still present in one or more of the layers below. What follows is that
deleting files never reduces the size of the image.


Even seemingly harmless operations such as changing permissions or

ownership of a file result in a new copy of the entire file being created in the
read/write layer. If you perform this type of operation on a large file or many
files, the image size may swell significantly.

Understanding the portability limitations of container images

In theory, a Docker-based container image can be run on any Linux computer

running Docker, but one small caveat exists, because containers don’t have
their own kernel. If a containerized application requires a particular kernel
version, it may not work on every computer. If a computer is running a
different version of the Linux kernel or doesn’t load the required kernel
modules, the app can’t run on it. This scenario is illustrated in the following

Figure 2.9 If a container requires specific kernel features or modules, it may not work
Container B requires a specific kernel module to run properly. This module is
loaded in the kernel in the first computer, but not in the second. You can run
the container image on the second computer, but it will break when it tries to
use the missing module.

And it’s not just about the kernel and its modules. It should also be clear that
a containerized app built for a specific hardware architecture can only run on
computers with the same architecture. You can’t put an application compiled
for the x86 CPU architecture into a container and expect to run it on an
ARM-based computer just because Docker is available there. For this you
would need a VM to emulate the x86 architecture.

2.1.3 Installing Docker and running a Hello World container

You should now have a basic understanding of what a container is, so let’s
use Docker to run one. You’ll install Docker and run a Hello World

Installing Docker

Ideally, you’ll install Docker directly on a Linux computer, so you won’t

have to deal with the additional complexity of running containers inside a
VM running within your host OS. But, if you’re using macOS or Windows
and don’t know how to set up a Linux VM, the Docker Desktop application
will set it up for you. The Docker command-line (CLI) tool that you’ll use to
run containers will be installed in your host OS, but the Docker daemon will
run inside the VM, as will all the containers it creates.

The Docker Platform consists of many components, but you only need to
install Docker Engine to run containers. If you use macOS or Windows,
install Docker Desktop. For details, follow the instructions at


Docker Desktop for Windows can run either Windows or Linux containers.
Make sure that you configure it to use Linux containers, as all the examples
in this book assume that’s the case.

Running a Hello World container

After the installation is complete, you use the docker CLI tool to run Docker
commands. Let’s try pulling and running an existing image from Docker
Hub, the public image registry that contains ready-to-use container images
for many well-known software packages. One of them is the busybox image,
which you’ll use to run a simple echo "Hello world" command in your first

If you’re unfamiliar with busybox, it’s a single executable file that combines
many of the standard UNIX command-line tools, such as echo, ls, gzip, and
so on. Instead of the busybox image, you could also use any other full-
fledged OS container image like Fedora, Ubuntu, or any other image that
contains the echo executable file.

Once you’ve got Docker installed, you don’t need to download or install
anything else to run the busybox image. You can do everything with a single
docker run command, by specifying the image to download and the
command to run in it. To run the Hello World container, the command and its
output are as follows:
$ docker run busybox echo "Hello World"
Unable to find image 'busybox:latest' locally #A
latest: Pulling from library/busybox #A
7c9d20b9b6cd: Pull complete #A
Digest: sha256:fe301db49df08c384001ed752dff6d52b4... #A
Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest #A
Hello World #B

With this single command, you told Docker what image to create the
container from and what command to run in the container. This may not look
so impressive, but keep in mind that the entire “application” was downloaded
and executed with a single command, without you having to install the
application or any of its dependencies.

In this example, the application was just a single executable file, but it could
also have been a complex application with dozens of libraries and additional
files. The entire process of setting up and running the application would be
the same. What isn’t obvious is that it ran in a container, isolated from the
other processes on the computer. You’ll see that this is true in the remaining
exercises in this chapter.

Understanding what happens when you run a container

Figure 2.10 shows exactly what happens when you execute the docker run

Figure 2.10 Running echo “Hello world” in a container based on the busybox container image
The docker CLI tool sends an instruction to run the container to the Docker
daemon, which checks whether the busybox image is already present in its
local image cache. If it isn’t, the daemon pulls it from the Docker Hub

After downloading the image to your computer, the Docker daemon creates a
container from that image and executes the echo command in it. The
command prints the text to the standard output, the process then terminates
and the container stops.

If your local computer runs a Linux OS, the Docker CLI tool and the daemon
both run in this OS. If it runs macOS or Windows, the daemon and the
containers run in the Linux VM.

Running other images

Running other existing container images is much the same as running the
busybox image. In fact, it’s often even simpler, since you don’t normally
need to specify what command to execute, as with the echo command in the
previous example. The command that should be executed is usually written in
the image itself, but you can override it when you run it.
For example, if you want to run the Redis datastore, you can find the image
name on http://hub.docker.com or another public registry. In the case of
Redis, one of the images is called redis:alpine, so you’d run it like this:
$ docker run redis:alpine

To stop and exit the container, press Control-C.


If you want to run an image from a different registry, you must specify the
registry along with the image name. For example, if you want to run an
image from the Quay.io registry, which is another publicly accessible image
registry, run it as follows: docker run quay.io/some/image.

Understanding image tags

If you’ve searched for the Redis image on Docker Hub, you’ve noticed that
there are many image tags you can choose from. For Redis, the tags are
latest, buster, alpine, but also 5.0.7-buster, 5.0.7-alpine, and so on.

Docker allows you to have multiple versions or variants of the same image
under the same name. Each variant has a unique tag. If you refer to images
without explicitly specifying the tag, Docker assumes that you’re referring to
the special latest tag. When uploading a new version of an image, image
authors usually tag it with both the actual version number and with latest.
When you want to run the latest version of an image, use the latest tag
instead of specifying the version.


The docker run command only pulls the image if it hasn’t already pulled it
before. Using the latest tag ensures that you get the latest version when you
first run the image. The locally cached image is used from that point on.

Even for a single version, there are usually several variants of an image. For
Redis I mentioned 5.0.7-buster and 5.0.7-alpine. They both contain the
same version of Redis, but differ in the base image they are built on. 5.0.7-
buster is based on Debian version “Buster”, while 5.0.7-alpine is based on
the Alpine Linux base image, a very stripped-down image that is only 5MB
in total – it contains only a small set of the installed binaries you see in a
typical Linux distribution.

To run a specific version and/or variant of the image, specify the tag in the
image name. For example, to run the 5.0.7-alpine tag, you’d execute the
following command:
$ docker run redis:5.0.7-alpine

These days, you can find container images for virtually all popular
applications. You can use Docker to run those images using the simple
docker run single-line command.

2.1.4 Introducing the Open Container Initiative and Docker

Docker was the first container platform to make containers mainstream. I
hope I’ve made it clear that Docker itself is not what provides the process
isolation. The actual isolation of containers takes place at the Linux kernel
level using the mechanisms it provides. Docker is the tool using these
mechanisms to make running container almost trivial. But it’s by no means
the only one.

Introducing the Open Container Initiative (OCI)

After the success of Docker, the Open Container Initiative (OCI) was born to
create open industry standards around container formats and runtime. Docker
is part of this initiative, as are other container runtimes and a number of
organizations with interest in container technologies.

OCI members created the OCI Image Format Specification, which prescribes
a standard format for container images, and the OCI Runtime Specification,
which defines a standard interface for container runtimes with the aim of
standardizing the creation, configuration and execution of containers.
Introducing the Container Runtime Interface (CRI) and its
implementation (CRI-O)

This book focuses on using Docker as the container runtime for Kubernetes,
as it was initially the only one supported by Kubernetes and is still the most
widely used. But Kubernetes now supports many other container runtimes
through the Container Runtime Interface (CRI).

One implementation of CRI is CRI-O, a lightweight alternative to Docker

that allows you to leverage any OCI-compliant container runtime with
Kubernetes. Examples of OCI-compliant runtimes include rkt (pronounced
Rocket), runC, and Kata Containers.

2.2 Deploying Kiada—the Kubernetes in Action

Demo Application
Now that you’ve got a working Docker setup, you can start building a more
complex application. You’ll build a microservices-based application called
Kiada - the Kubernetes in Action Demo Application.

In this chapter, you’ll use Docker to run this application. In the next and
remaining chapters, you’ll run the application in Kubernetes. Over the course
of this book, you’ll iteratively expand it and learn about individual
Kubernetes features that help you solve the typical problems you face when
running applications.

2.2.1 Introducing the Kiada Suite

The Kubernetes in Action Demo Application is a web-based application that

shows quotes from this book, asks you Kubernetes-related questions to help
you check how your knowledge is progressing, and provides a list of
hyperlinks to external websites related to Kubernetes or this book. It also
prints out the information about the container that served processed the
browser’s request. You’ll soon see why this is important.

The look and operation of the application

A screenshot of the web application is presented in the following figure.

Figure 2.11 A screenshot of the Kubernetes in Action Demo Application (Kiada)

The architecture of the Kiada application is shown in the next figure. The
HTML is served by a web application running in a Node.js server. The client-
side JavaScript code then retrieves the quote and question from the Quote and
the Quiz RESTful services. The Node.js application and the services
comprise the complete Kiada Suite.

Figure 2.12 The architecture and operation of the Kiada Suite

The web browser talks directly to three different services. If you’re familiar
with microservice architectures, you might wonder why no API gateway
exists in the system. This is so that I can demonstrate the issues and solutions
associated with cases where many different services are deployed in
Kubernetes (services that may not belong behind the same API gateway). But
chapter 11 will also explain how to introduce Kubernetes-native API
gateways into the system.

The look and operation of the plain-text version

You’ll spend a lot of time interacting with Kubernetes via a terminal, so you
may not want to go back and forth between it and a web browser when you
perform the exercises. For this reason, the application can also be used in
plain-text mode.

The plain-text mode allows you to use the application directly from the
terminal using a tool such as curl. In that case, the response sent by the
application looks like the following:
Liveness probes can only be used in the pod’s regular containers.
They can’t be defined in init containers.
Third question
0) First answer
1) Second answer
2) Third answer

Submit your answer to /question/0/answers/<index of answer> using the POST m


Request processed by Kubia 1.0 running in pod "kiada-ssl" on node "kind-work
Pod hostname: kiada-ssl; Pod IP:; Node IP:; Client I

The HTML version is accessible at the request URI /html, whereas the text
version is at /text. If the client requests the root URI path /, the application
inspects the Accept request header to guess whether the client is a graphical
web browser, in which case it redirects it to /html, or a text-based tool like
curl, in which case it sends the plain-text response.

In this mode of operation, it’s the Node.js application that calls the Quote and
the Quiz services, as shown in the next figure.

Figure 2.13 The operation when the client requests the text version

From a networking standpoint, this mode of operation is much different than

the one described previously. In this case, the Quote and the Quiz service are
invoked within the cluster, whereas previously, they were invoked directly
from the browser. To support both operation modes, the services must
therefore be exposed both internally and externally.


The initial version of the application will not connect to any services. You’ll
build and incorporate the services in later chapters.

2.2.2 Building the application

With the general overview of the application behind us, it’s time to start
building the application. Instead of going straight to the full-blown version of
the application, we’ll take things slow and build the application iteratively
throughout the book.

Introducing the initial version of the application

The initial version of the application that you’ll run in this chapter, while
supporting both HTML and plain-text modes, will not display the quote and
pop quiz, but merely the information about the application and the request.
This includes the version of the application, the network hostname of the
server that processed the client’s request, and the IP of the client. Here’s the
plain-text response that it sends:
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "<server-hostname>". Client IP: <cli

The application source code is available in the book’s code repository on

GitHub. You’ll find the code of the initial version in the directory
Chapter02/kiada-0.1. The JavaScript code is in the app.js file and the
HTML and other resources are in the html subdirectory. The template for the
HTML response is in index.html. For the plain-text response it’s in

You could now download and install Node.js locally and test the application
directly on your computer, but that’s not necessary. Since you already have
Docker installed, it’s easier to package the application into a container image
and run it in a container. This way, you don’t need to install anything, and
you’ll be able to run the same image on any other Docker-enabled host
without installing anything there either.

Creating the Dockerfile for the container image

To package your app into an image, you need a file called Dockerfile, which
contains a list of instructions that Docker performs when building the image.
The following listing shows the contents of the file, which you’ll find in

Listing 2.1 A minimal Dockerfile for building a container image for your app

FROM node:16 #A
COPY app.js /app.js #B
COPY html/ /html #C
ENTRYPOINT ["node", "app.js"] #D

The FROM line defines the container image that you’ll use as the starting point
(the base image you’re building on top of). The base image used in the listing
is the node container image with the tag 12. In the second line, the app.js file
is copied from your local directory into the root directory of the image.
Likewise, the third line copies the html directory into the image. Finally, the
last line specifies the command that Docker should run when you start the
container. In the listing, the command is node app.js.

Choosing a base image

You may wonder why use this specific image as your base. Because your app
is a Node.js app, you need your image to contain the node binary file to run
the app. You could have used any image containing this binary, or you could
have even used a Linux distribution base image such as fedora or ubuntu
and installed Node.js into the container when building the image. But since
the node image already contains everything needed to run Node.js apps, it
doesn’t make sense to build the image from scratch. In some organizations,
however, the use of a specific base image and adding software to it at build-
time may be mandatory.

Building the container image

The Dockerfile, the app.js file, and the files in the html directory is all you
need to build your image. With the following command, you’ll build the
image and tag it as kiada:latest:
$ docker build -t kiada:latest .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072kB
Step 1/4 : FROM node:16 #A
12: Pulling from library/node
092586df9206: Pull complete #B
ef599477fae0: Pull complete #B
... #B
89e674ac3af7: Pull complete #B
08df71ec9bb0: Pull complete #B
Digest: sha256:a919d679dd773a56acce15afa0f436055c9b9f20e1f28b4469a4bee69e0..
Status: Downloaded newer image for node:16
---> e498dabfee1c #C
Step 2/4 : COPY app.js /app.js #D
---> 28d67701d6d9 #D
Step 3/4 : COPY html/ /html #E
---> 1d4de446f0f0 #E
Step 4/4 : ENTRYPOINT ["node", "app.js"] #F
---> Running in a01d42eda116 #F
Removing intermediate container a01d42eda116 #F
---> b0ecc49d7a1d #F
Successfully built b0ecc49d7a1d #G
Successfully tagged kiada:latest #G

The -t option specifies the desired image name and tag, and the dot at the
end specifies that Dockerfile and the artefacts needed to build the image are
in the current directory. This is the so-called build context.

When the build process is complete, the newly created image is available in
your computer’s local image store. You can see it by listing local images with
the following command:
$ docker images
kiada latest b0ecc49d7a1d 1 minute ago 908 MB

Understanding how the image is built

The following figure shows what happens during the build process. You tell
Docker to build an image called kiada based on the contents of the current
directory. Docker reads the Dockerfile in the directory and builds the image
based on the directives in the file.

Figure 2.14 Building a new container image using a Dockerfile

The build itself isn’t performed by the docker CLI tool. Instead, the contents
of the entire directory are uploaded to the Docker daemon and the image is
built by it. You’ve already learned that the CLI tool and the daemon aren’t
necessarily on the same computer. If you’re using Docker on a non-Linux
system such as macOS or Windows, the client is in your host OS, but the
daemon runs inside a Linux VM. But it could also run on a remote computer.


Don’t add unnecessary files to the build directory, as they will slow down the
build process—especially if the Docker daemon is located on a remote

To build the image, Docker first pulls the base image (node:16) from the
public image repository (Docker Hub in this case), unless the image is
already stored locally. It then creates a new container from the image and
executes the next directive from the Dockerfile. The container’s final state
yields a new image with its own ID. The build process continues by
processing the remaining directives in the Dockerfile. Each one creates a new
image. The final image is then tagged with the tag you specified with the -t
flag in the docker build command.

Understanding the image layers

Some pages ago, you learned that images consist of several layers. One might
think that each image consists of only the layers of the base image and a
single new layer on top, but that’s not the case. When building an image, a
new layer is created for each individual directive in the Dockerfile.

During the build of the kiada image, after it pulls all the layers of the base
image, Docker creates a new layer and adds the app.js file into it. It then
adds another layer with the files from the html directory and finally creates
the last layer, which specifies the command to run when the container is
started. This last layer is then tagged as kiada:latest.

You can see the layers of an image and their size by running docker
history. The command and its output are shown next (note that the top-most
layers are printed first):
$ docker history kiada:latest
b0ecc49d7a1d 7 min ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["n... 0B #A
1d4de446f0f0 7 min ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:6ecee... 534kB #A
28d67701d6d9 7 min ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:2ed5... 2.8kB #A
e498dabfee1c 2 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["node"] 0B #B
<missing> 2 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["d... 0B #B
<missing> 2 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:2387... 116B #B
<missing> 2 days ago /bin/sh -c set -ex && for key in... 5.4MB #B
<missing> 2 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV YARN_VERS... 0B #B
<missing> 2 days ago /bin/sh -c ARCH= && dpkgArch="$(... 67MB #B
<missing> 2 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV NODE_VERS... 0B #B
<missing> 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c groupadd --gid 1000 n... 333kB #B
<missing> 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c set -ex; apt-get upd... 562MB #B
<missing> 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt... 142MB #B
<missing> 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c set -ex; if ! comman... 7.8MB #B
<missing> 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt... 23.2MB #B
<missing> 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"] 0B #B
<missing> 3 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:9788b... 101MB #B
Most of the layers you see come from the node:16 image (they also include
layers of that image’s own base image). The three uppermost layers
correspond to the COPY and ENTRYPOINT directives in the Dockerfile.

As you can see in the CREATED BY column, each layer is created by executing
a command in the container. In addition to adding files with the COPY
directive, you can also use other directives in the Dockerfile. For example,
the RUN directive executes a command in the container during the build. In the
listing above, you’ll find a layer where the apt-get update and some
additional apt-get commands were executed. apt-get is part of the Ubuntu
package manager used to install software packages. The command shown in
the listing installs some packages onto the image’s filesystem.

To learn about RUN and other directives you can use in a Dockerfile, refer to
the Dockerfile reference at https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/.


Each directive creates a new layer. I have already mentioned that when you
delete a file, it is only marked as deleted in the new layer and is not removed
from the layers below. Therefore, deleting a file with a subsequent directive
won’t reduce the size of the image. If you use the RUN directive, make sure
that the command it executes deletes all temporary files it creates before it

2.2.3 Running the container

With the image built and ready, you can now run the container with the
following command:
$ docker run --name kiada-container -p 1234:8080 -d kiada

This tells Docker to run a new container called kiada-container from the
kiada image. The container is detached from the console (-d flag) and runs in
the background. Port 1234 on the host computer is mapped to port 8080 in the
container (specified by the -p 1234:8080 option), so you can access the app
at http://localhost:1234.
The following figure should help you visualize how everything fits together.
Note that the Linux VM exists only if you use macOS or Windows. If you
use Linux directly, there is no VM and the box depicting port 1234 is at the
edge of the local computer.

Figure 2.15 Visualizing your running container

Accessing your app

Now access the application at http://localhost:1234 using curl or your

internet browser:
$ curl localhost:1234
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "44d76963e8e1". Client IP: ::ffff:17


If the Docker Daemon runs on a different machine, you must replace

localhost with the IP of that machine. You can look it up in the
DOCKER_HOST environment variable.

If all went well, you should see the response sent by the application. In my
case, it returns 44d76963e8e1 as its hostname. In your case, you’ll see a
different hexadecimal number. That’s the ID of the container. You’ll also see
it displayed when you list the running containers next.

Listing all running containers

To list all the containers that are running on your computer, run the following
command. Its output has been edited to make it more readable—the last two
lines of the output are the continuation of the first two.
$ docker ps
44d76963e8e1 kiada:latest "node app.js" 6 minutes ago ...


... Up 6 minutes>8080/tcp kiada-container

For each container, Docker prints its ID and name, the image it uses, and the
command it executes. It also shows when the container was created, what
status it has, and which host ports are mapped to the container.

Getting additional information about a container

The docker ps command shows the most basic information about the
containers. To see additional information, you can use docker inspect:
$ docker inspect kiada-container

Docker prints a long JSON-formatted document containing a lot of

information about the container, such as its state, config, and network
settings, including its IP address.

Inspecting the application log

Docker captures and stores everything the application writes to the standard
output and error streams. This is typically the place where applications write
their logs. You can use the docker logs command to see the output:
$ docker logs kiada-container
Kiada - Kubernetes in Action Demo Application
Kiada 0.1 starting...
Local hostname is 44d76963e8e1
Listening on port 8080
Received request for / from ::ffff:

You now know the basic commands for executing and inspecting an
application in a container. Next, you’ll learn how to distribute it.

2.2.4 Distributing the container image

The image you’ve built is only available locally. To run it on other

computers, you must first push it to an external image registry. Let’s push it
to the public Docker Hub registry, so that you don’t need to set up a private
one. You can also use other registries, such as Quay.io, which I’ve already
mentioned, or the Google Container Registry.

Before you push the image, you must re-tag it according to Docker Hub’s
image naming schema. The image name must include your Docker Hub ID,
which you choose when you register at http://hub.docker.com. I’ll use my
own ID (luksa) in the following examples, so remember to replace it with
your ID when trying the commands yourself.

Tagging an image under an additional tag

Once you have your ID, you’re ready to add an additional tag for your
image. Its current name is kiada and you’ll now tag it also as
yourid/kiada:0.1 (replace yourid with your actual Docker Hub ID). This is
the command I used:
$ docker tag kiada luksa/kiada:0.1

Run docker images again to confirm that your image now has two names :
$ docker images
luksa/kiada 0.1 b0ecc49d7a1d About an hour ago 908 MB
kiada latest b0ecc49d7a1d About an hour ago 908 MB
node 12 e498dabfee1c 3 days ago 908 MB
As you can see, both kiada and luksa/kiada:0.1 point to the same image
ID, meaning that these aren’t two images, but a single image with two names.

Pushing the image to Docker Hub

Before you can push the image to Docker Hub, you must log in with your
user ID using the docker login command as follows:
$ docker login -u yourid docker.io

The command will ask you to enter your Docker Hub password. After you’re
logged in, push the yourid/kiada:0.1 image to Docker Hub with the
following command:
$ docker push yourid/kiada:0.1

Running the image on other hosts

When the push to Docker Hub is complete, the image is available to all. You
can now run the image on any Docker-enabled host by running the following
$ docker run --name kiada-container -p 1234:8080 -d luksa/kiada:0.1

If the container runs correctly on your computer, it should run on any other
Linux computer, provided that the Node.js binary doesn’t need any special
Kernel features (it doesn’t).

2.2.5 Stopping and deleting the container

If you’ve run the container on the other host, you can now terminate it, as
you’ll only need the one on your local computer for the exercises that follow.

Stopping a container

Instruct Docker to stop the container with this command:

$ docker stop kiada-container
This sends a termination signal to the main process in the container so that it
can shut down gracefully. If the process doesn’t respond to the termination
signal or doesn’t shut down in time, Docker kills it. When the top-level
process in the container terminates, no other process runs in the container, so
the container is stopped.

Deleting a container

The container is no longer running, but it still exists. Docker keeps it around
in case you decide to start it again. You can see stopped containers by
running docker ps -a. The -a option prints all the containers - those running
and those that have been stopped. As an exercise, you can start the container
again by running docker start kiada-container.

You can safely delete the container on the other host, because you no longer
need it. To delete it, run the following docker rm command:
$ docker rm kiada-container

This deletes the container. All its contents are removed and it can no longer
be started. The image is still there, though. If you decide to create the
container again, the image won’t need to be downloaded again. If you also
want to delete the image, use the docker rmi command:
$ docker rmi kiada:latest

Alternatively, you can remove all unused images with the docker image
prune command.

2.3 Understanding containers

You should keep the container running on your local computer so that you
can use it in the following exercises, in which you’ll examine how containers
allow process isolation without using virtual machines. Several features of
the Linux kernel make this possible and it’s time to get to know them.

2.3.1 Using Namespaces to customize the environment of a


The first feature called Linux Namespaces ensures that each process has its
own view of the system. This means that a process running in a container will
only see some of the files, processes and network interfaces on the system, as
well as a different system hostname, just as if it were running in a separate
virtual machine.

Initially, all the system resources available in a Linux OS, such as

filesystems, process IDs, user IDs, network interfaces, and others, are all in
the same bucket that all processes see and use. But the Kernel allows you to
create additional buckets known as namespaces and move resources into
them so that they are organized in smaller sets. This allows you to make each
set visible only to one process or a group of processes. When you create a
new process, you can specify which namespace it should use. The process
only sees resources that are in this namespace and none in the other

Introducing the available namespace types

More specifically, there isn’t just a single type of namespace. There are in
fact several types – one for each resource type. A process thus uses not only
one namespace, but one namespace for each type.

The following types of namespaces exist:

The Mount namespace (mnt) isolates mount points (file systems).

The Process ID namespace (pid) isolates process IDs.
The Network namespace (net) isolates network devices, stacks, ports,
The Inter-process communication namespace (ipc) isolates the
communication between processes (this includes isolating message
queues, shared memory, and others).
The UNIX Time-sharing System (UTS) namespace isolates the system
hostname and the Network Information Service (NIS) domain name.
The User ID namespace (user) isolates user and group IDs.
The Time namespace allows each container to have its own offset to the
system clocks.
The Cgroup namespace isolates the Control Groups root directory.
You’ll learn about cgroups later in this chapter.

Using network namespaces to give a process a dedicated set of network


The network namespace in which a process runs determines what network

interfaces the process can see. Each network interface belongs to exactly one
namespace but can be moved from one namespace to another. If each
container uses its own network namespace, each container sees its own set of
network interfaces.

Examine the following figure for a better overview of how network

namespaces are used to create a container. Imagine you want to run a
containerized process and provide it with a dedicated set of network
interfaces that only that process can use.

Figure 2.16 The network namespace limits which network interfaces a process uses
Initially, only the default network namespace exists. You then create two new
network interfaces for the container and a new network namespace. The
interfaces can then be moved from the default namespace to the new
namespace. Once there, they can be renamed, because names must only be
unique in each namespace. Finally, the process can be started in this network
namespace, which allows it to only see the two interfaces that were created
for it.

By looking solely at the available network interfaces, the process can’t tell
whether it’s in a container or a VM or an OS running directly on a bare-metal

Using the UTS namespace to give a process a dedicated hostname

Another example of how to make it look like the process is running on its
own host is to use the UTS namespace. It determines what hostname and
domain name the process running inside this namespace sees. By assigning
two different UTS namespaces to two different processes, you can make
them see different system hostnames. To the two processes, it looks as if they
run on two different computers.

Understanding how namespaces isolate processes from each other

By creating a dedicated namespace instance for all available namespace types

and assigning it to a process, you can make the process believe that it’s
running in its own OS. The main reason for this is that each process has its
own environment. A process can only see and use the resources in its own
namespaces. It can’t use any in other namespaces. Likewise, other processes
can’t use its resources either. This is how containers isolate the environments
of the processes that run within them.

Sharing namespaces between multiple processes

In the next chapter you’ll learn that you don’t always want to isolate the
containers completely from each other. Related containers may want to share
certain resources. The following figure shows an example of two processes
that share the same network interfaces and the host and domain name of the
system, but not the file system.

Figure 2.17 Each process is associated with multiple namespace types, some of which can be
Concentrate on the shared network devices first. The two processes see and
use the same two devices (eth0 and lo) because they use the same network
namespace. This allows them to bind to the same IP address and
communicate through the loopback device, just as they could if they were
running on a machine that doesn’t use containers. The two processes also use
the same UTS namespace and therefore see the same system host name. In
contrast, they each use their own mount namespace, which means they have
separate file systems.

In summary, processes may want to share some resources but not others. This
is possible because separate namespace types exist. A process has an
associated namespace for each type.

In view of all this, one might ask what is a container at all? A process that
runs “in a container” doesn’t run in something that resembles a real enclosure
like a VM. It’s only a process to which several namespaces (one for each
type) are assigned. Some are shared with other processes, while others are
not. This means that the boundaries between the processes do not all fall on
the same line.

In a later chapter, you’ll learn how to debug a container by running a new

process directly on the host OS, but using the network namespace of an
existing container, while using the host’s default namespaces for everything
else. This will allow you to debug the container’s networking system with
tools available on the host that may not be available in the container.

2.3.2 Exploring the environment of a running container

What if you want to see what the environment inside the container looks like?
What is the system host name, what is the local IP address, what binaries and
libraries are available on the file system, and so on?

To explore these features in the case of a VM, you typically connect to it

remotely via ssh and use a shell to execute commands. With containers, you
run a shell in the container.


The shell’s executable file must be present in the container’s file system. This
isn’t always the case with containers running in production.

Running a shell inside an existing container

The Node.js image on which your image is based provides the bash shell,
meaning you can run it in the container with the following command:
$ docker exec -it kiada-container bash
root@44d76963e8e1:/# #A

This command runs bash as an additional process in the existing kiada-

container container. The process has the same Linux namespaces as the
main container process (the running Node.js server). This way you can
explore the container from within and see how Node.js and your app see the
system when running in the container. The -it option is shorthand for two

-i tells Docker to run the command in interactive mode.

-t tells it to allocate a pseudo terminal (TTY) so you can use the shell

You need both if you want to use the shell the way you’re used to. If you
omit the first, you can’t execute any commands, and if you omit the second,
the command prompt doesn’t appear and some commands may complain that
the TERM variable is not set.

Listing running processes in a container

Let’s list the processes running in the container by executing the ps aux
command inside the shell that you ran in the container:
root@44d76963e8e1:/# ps aux
root 1 0.0 0.1 676380 16504 ? Sl 12:31 0:00 node app.js
root 10 0.0 0.0 20216 1924 ? Ss 12:31 0:00 bash
root 19 0.0 0.0 17492 1136 ? R+ 12:38 0:00 ps aux

The list shows only three processes. These are the only ones that run in the
container. You can’t see the other processes that run in the host OS or in
other containers because the container runs in its own Process ID namespace.

Seeing container processes in the host’s list of processes

If you now open another terminal and list the processes in the host OS itself,
you will also see the processes that run in the container. This will confirm
that the processes in the container are in fact regular processes that run in the
host OS. Here’s the command and its output:
$ ps aux | grep app.js
root 382 0.0 0.1 676380 16504 ? Sl 12:31 0:00 node app.js


If you use macOS or Windows, you must list the processes in the VM that
hosts the Docker daemon, as that’s where your containers run. In Docker
Desktop, you can enter the VM using the command wsl -d docker-desktop
or with docker run --net=host --ipc=host --uts=host --pid=host -it
--security-opt=seccomp=unconfined --privileged --rm -v /:/host
alpine chroot /host
If you have a sharp eye, you may notice that the process IDs in the container
are different from those on the host. Because the container uses its own
Process ID namespace it has its own process tree with its own ID number
sequence. As the next figure shows, the tree is a subtree of the host’s full
process tree. Each process thus has two IDs.

Figure 2.18 The PID namespace makes a process sub-tree appear as a separate process tree with
its own numbering sequence

Understanding container filesystem isolation from the host and other


As with an isolated process tree, each container also has an isolated

filesystem. If you list the contents of the container’s root directory, only the
files in the container are displayed. This includes files from the container
image and files created during container operation, such as log files. The next
listing shows the files in the kiada container’s root file directory:
root@44d76963e8e1:/# ls /
app.js boot etc lib media opt root sbin sys usr
bin dev home lib64 mnt proc run srv tmp var

It contains the app.js file and other system directories that are part of the
node:16 base image. You are welcome to browse the container’s filesystem.
You’ll see that there is no way to view files from the host’s filesystem. This
is great, because it prevents a potential attacker from gaining access to them
through vulnerabilities in the Node.js server.

To leave the container, leave the shell by running the exit command or
pressing Control-D and you’ll be returned to your host computer (similar to
logging out from an ssh session).


Entering a running container like this is useful when debugging an app

running in a container. When something breaks, the first thing you’ll want to
investigate is the actual state of the system your application sees.

2.3.3 Limiting a process’ resource usage with Linux Control

Linux Namespaces make it possible for processes to access only some of the
host’s resources, but they don’t limit how much of a single resource each
process can consume. For example, you can use namespaces to allow a
process to access only a particular network interface, but you can’t limit the
network bandwidth the process consumes. Likewise, you can’t use
namespaces to limit the CPU time or memory available to a process. You
may want to do that to prevent one process from consuming all the CPU time
and preventing critical system processes from running properly. For that, we
need another feature of the Linux kernel.

Introducing cgroups

The second Linux kernel feature that makes containers possible is called
Linux Control Groups (cgroups). It limits, accounts for and isolates system
resources such as CPU, memory and disk or network bandwidth. When using
cgroups, a process or group of processes can only use the allotted CPU time,
memory, and network bandwidth for example. This way, processes cannot
occupy resources that are reserved for other processes.
At this point, you don’t need to know how Control Groups do all this, but it
may be worth seeing how you can ask Docker to limit the amount of CPU
and memory a container can use.

Limiting a container’s use of the CPU

If you don’t impose any restrictions on the container’s use of the CPU, it has
unrestricted access to all CPU cores on the host. You can explicitly specify
which cores a container can use with Docker’s --cpuset-cpus option. For
example, to allow the container to only use cores one and two, you can run
the container with the following option:
$ docker run --cpuset-cpus="1,2" ...

You can also limit the available CPU time using options --cpus, --cpu-
period, --cpu-quota and --cpu-shares. For example, to allow the container
to use only half of a CPU core, run the container as follows:
$ docker run --cpus="0.5" ...

Limiting a container’s use of memory

As with CPU, a container can use all the available system memory, just like
any regular OS process, but you may want to limit this. Docker provides the
following options to limit container memory and swap usage: --memory, --
memory-reservation, --kernel-memory, --memory-swap, and --memory-

For example, to set the maximum memory size available in the container to
100MB, run the container as follows (m stands for megabyte):
$ docker run --memory="100m" ...

Behind the scenes, all these Docker options merely configure the cgroups of
the process. It’s the Kernel that takes care of limiting the resources available
to the process. See the Docker documentation for more information about the
other memory and CPU limit options.
2.3.4 Strengthening isolation between containers

Linux Namespaces and Cgroups separate the containers’ environments and

prevent one container from starving the other containers of compute
resources. But the processes in these containers use the same system kernel,
so we can’t say that they are really isolated. A rogue container could make
malicious system calls that would affect its neighbours.

Imagine a Kubernetes node on which several containers run. Each has its own
network devices and files and can only consume a limited amount of CPU
and memory. At first glance, a rogue program in one of these containers can’t
cause damage to the other containers. But what if the rogue program modifies
the system clock that is shared by all containers?

Depending on the application, changing the time may not be too much of a
problem, but allowing programs to make any system call to the kernel allows
them to do virtually anything. Sys-calls allow them to modify the kernel
memory, add or remove kernel modules, and many other things that regular
containers aren’t supposed to do.

This brings us to the third set of technologies that make containers possible.
Explaining them fully is outside the scope of this book, so please refer to
other resources that focus specifically on containers or the technologies used
to secure them. This section provides a brief introduction to these

Giving containers full privileges to the system

The operating system kernel provides a set of sys-calls that programs use to
interact with the operating system and underlying hardware. These includes
calls to create processes, manipulate files and devices, establish
communication channels between applications, and so on.

Some of these sys-calls are safe and available to any process, but others are
reserved for processes with elevated privileges only. If you look at the
example presented earlier, applications running on the Kubernetes node
should be allowed to open their local files, but not change the system clock or
modify the kernel in a way that breaks the other containers.

Most containers should run without elevated privileges. Only those programs
that you trust and that actually need the additional privileges should run in
privileged containers.


With Docker you create a privileged container by using the --privileged


Using Capabilities to give containers a subset of all privileges

If an application only needs to invoke some of the sys-calls that require

elevated privileges, creating a container with full privileges is not ideal.
Fortunately, the Linux kernel also divides privileges into units called
capabilities. Examples of capabilities are:

CAP_NET_ADMIN allows the process to perform network-related

CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE allows it to bind to port numbers less than 1024,
CAP_SYS_TIME allows it to modify the system clock, and so on.

Capabilities can be added or removed (dropped) from a container when you

create it. Each capability represents a set of privileges available to the
processes in the container. Docker and Kubernetes drop all capabilities
except those required by typical applications, but users can add or drop other
capabilities if authorized to do so.


Always follow the principle of least privilege when running containers. Don’t
give them any capabilities that they don’t need. This prevents attackers from
using them to gain access to your operating system.

Using seccomp profiles to filter individual sys-calls

If you need even finer control over what sys-calls a program can make, you
can use seccomp (Secure Computing Mode). You can create a custom
seccomp profile by creating a JSON file that lists the sys-calls that the
container using the profile is allowed to make. You then provide the file to
Docker when you create the container.

Hardening containers using AppArmor and SELinux

And as if the technologies discussed so far weren’t enough, containers can

also be secured with two additional mandatory access control (MAC)
mechanisms: SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) and AppArmor
(Application Armor).

With SELinux, you attach labels to files and system resources, as well as to
users and processes. A user or process can only access a file or resource if the
labels of all subjects and objects involved match a set of policies. AppArmor
is similar but uses file paths instead of labels and focuses on processes rather
than users.

Both SELinux and AppArmor considerably improve the security of an

operating system, but don’t worry if you are overwhelmed by all these
security-related mechanisms. The aim of this section was to shed light on
everything involved in the proper isolation of containers, but a basic
understanding of namespaces should be more than sufficient for the moment.

2.4 Summary
If you were new to containers before reading this chapter, you should now
understand what they are, why we use them, and what features of the Linux
kernel make them possible. If you have previously used containers, I hope
this chapter has helped to clarify your uncertainties about how containers
work, and you now understand that they’re nothing more than regular OS
processes that the Linux kernel isolates from other processes.

After reading this chapter, you should know that:

Containers are regular processes, but isolated from each other and the
other processes running in the host OS.
Containers are much lighter than virtual machines, but because they use
the same Linux kernel, they are not as isolated as VMs.
Docker was the first container platform to make containers popular and
the first container runtime supported by Kubernetes. Now, others are
supported through the Container Runtime Interface (CRI).
A container image contains the user application and all its dependencies.
It is distributed through a container registry and used to create running
Containers can be downloaded and executed with a single docker run
Docker builds an image from a Dockerfile that contains commands that
Docker should execute during the build process. Images consist of layers
that can be shared between multiple images. Each layer only needs to be
transmitted and stored once.
Containers are isolated by Linux kernel features called Namespaces,
Control groups, Capabilities, seccomp, AppArmor and/or SELinux.
Namespaces ensure that a container sees only a part of the resources
available on the host, Control groups limit the amount of a resource it
can use, while other features strengthen the isolation between containers.

After inspecting the containers on this ship, you’re now ready to raise the
anchor and sail into the next chapter, where you’ll learn about running
containers with Kubernetes.
3 Deploying your first application
This chapter covers
Running a local Kubernetes cluster on your laptop
Setting up a cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine
Setting up a cluster on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
Setting up and using the kubectl command-line tool
Deploying an application in Kubernetes and making it available across
the globe
Horizontally scaling the application

The goal of this chapter is to show you how to run a local single-node
development Kubernetes cluster or set up a proper, managed multi-node
cluster in the cloud. Once your cluster is running, you’ll use it to run the
container you created in the previous chapter.


You’ll find the code files for this chapter at


3.1 Deploying a Kubernetes cluster

Setting up a full-fledged, multi-node Kubernetes cluster isn’t a simple task,
especially if you’re not familiar with Linux and network administration. A
proper Kubernetes installation spans multiple physical or virtual machines
and requires proper network setup to allow all containers in the cluster to
communicate with each other.

You can install Kubernetes on your laptop computer, on your organization’s

infrastructure, or on virtual machines provided by cloud providers (Google
Compute Engine, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, and so on). Alternatively,
most cloud providers now offer managed Kubernetes services, saving you
from the hassle of installation and management. Here’s a short overview of
what the largest cloud providers offer:

Google offers GKE - Google Kubernetes Engine,

Amazon has EKS - Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service,
Microsoft has AKS – Azure Kubernetes Service,
IBM has IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service,
Alibaba provides the Alibaba Cloud Container Service.

Installing and managing Kubernetes is much more difficult than just using it,
especially until you’re intimately familiar with its architecture and operation.
For this reason, we’ll start with the easiest ways to obtain a working
Kubernetes cluster. You’ll learn several ways to run a single-node
Kubernetes cluster on your local computer and how to use a hosted cluster
running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

A third option, which involves installing a cluster using the kubeadm tool, is
explained in Appendix B. The tutorial there will show you how to set up a
three-node Kubernetes cluster using virtual machines. But you may want to
try that only after you’ve become familiar with using Kubernetes. Many other
options also exist, but they are beyond the scope of this book. Refer to the
kubernetes.io website to learn more.

If you’ve been granted access to an existing cluster deployed by someone

else, you can skip this section and go on to section 3.2 where you’ll learn
how to interact with Kubernetes clusters.

3.1.1 Using the built-in Kubernetes cluster in Docker Desktop

If you use macOS or Windows, you’ve most likely installed Docker Desktop
to run the exercises in the previous chapter. It contains a single-node
Kubernetes cluster that you can enable via its Settings dialog box. This may
be the easiest way for you to start your Kubernetes journey, but keep in mind
that the version of Kubernetes may not be as recent as when using the
alternative options described in the next sections.

Although technically not a cluster, the single-node Kubernetes system
provided by Docker Desktop should be enough to explore most of the topics
discussed in this book. When an exercise requires a multi-node cluster, I will
point this out.

Enabling Kubernetes in Docker Desktop

Assuming Docker Desktop is already installed on your computer, you can

start the Kubernetes cluster by clicking the whale icon in the system tray and
opening the Settings dialog box. Click the Kubernetes tab and make sure the
Enable Kubernetes checkbox is selected. The components that make up the
Control Plane run as Docker containers, but they aren’t displayed in the list
of running containers when you invoke the docker ps command. To display
them, select the Show system containers checkbox.


The initial installation of the cluster takes several minutes, as all container
images for the Kubernetes components must be downloaded.

Figure 3.1 The Settings dialog box in Docker Desktop for Windows
Remember the Reset Kubernetes Cluster button if you ever want to reset the
cluster to remove all the objects you’ve deployed in it.

Visualizing the system

To understand where the various components that make up the Kubernetes

cluster run in Docker Desktop, look at the following figure.

Figure 3.2 Kubernetes running in Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop sets up a Linux virtual machine that hosts the Docker
Daemon and all the containers. This VM also runs the Kubelet - the
Kubernetes agent that manages the node. The components of the Control
Plane run in containers, as do all the applications you deploy.

To list the running containers, you don’t need to log on to the VM because
the docker CLI tool available in your host OS displays them.

Exploring the Virtual Machine from the inside

At the time of writing, Docker Desktop provides no command to log into the
VM if you want to explore it from the inside. However, you can run a special
container configured to use the VM’s namespaces to run a remote shell,
which is virtually identical to using SSH to access a remote server. To run the
container, execute the following command:
$ docker run --net=host --ipc=host --uts=host --pid=host --privileged \
--security-opt=seccomp=unconfined -it --rm -v /:/host alpine chroot /host
This long command requires explanation:

The container is created from the alpine image.

The --net, --ipc, --uts and --pid flags make the container use the
host’s namespaces instead of being sandboxed, and the --privileged
and --security-opt flags give the container unrestricted access to all
The -it flag runs the container interactive mode and the --rm flags
ensures the container is deleted when it terminates.
The -v flag mounts the host’s root directory to the /host directory in the
container. The chroot /host command then makes this directory the
root directory in the container.

After you run the command, you are in a shell that’s effectively the same as if
you had used SSH to enter the VM. Use this shell to explore the VM - try
listing processes by executing the ps aux command or explore the network
interfaces by running ip addr.

3.1.2 Running a local cluster using Minikube

Another way to create a Kubernetes cluster is to use Minikube, a tool
maintained by the Kubernetes community. The version of Kubernetes that
Minikube deploys is usually more recent than the version deployed by
Docker Desktop. The cluster consists of a single node and is suitable for both
testing Kubernetes and developing applications locally. It normally runs
Kubernetes in a Linux VM, but if your computer is Linux-based, it can also
deploy Kubernetes directly in your host OS via Docker.


If you configure Minikube to use a VM, you don’t need Docker, but you do
need a hypervisor like VirtualBox. In the other case you need Docker, but not
the hypervisor.

Installing Minikube

Minikube supports macOS, Linux, and Windows. It has a single binary

executable file, which you’ll find in the Minikube repository on GitHub
(http://github.com/kubernetes/minikube). It’s best to follow the current
installation instructions published there, but roughly speaking, you install it
as follows.

On macOS you can install it using the Brew Package Manager, on Windows
there’s an installer that you can download, and on Linux you can either
download a .deb or .rpm package or simply download the binary file and
make it executable with the following command:
$ curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube

For details on your specific OS, please refer to the installation guide online.

Starting a Kubernetes cluster with Minikube

After Minikube is installed, start the Kubernetes cluster as shown next:

$ minikube start
minikube v1.11.0 on Fedora 31
Using the virtualbox driver based on user configuration
Downloading VM boot image ...
> minikube-v1.11.0.iso.sha256: 65 B / 65 B [-------------] 100.00% ? p/s 0s
> minikube-v1.11.0.iso: 174.99 MiB / 174.99 MiB [] 100.00% 50.16 MiB p/s 4s
Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
Downloading Kubernetes v1.18.3 preload ...
> preloaded-images-k8s-v3-v1.18.3-docker-overlay2-amd64.tar.lz4: 526.01 MiB
Creating virtualbox VM (CPUs=2, Memory=6000MB, Disk=20000MB) ...
Preparing Kubernetes v1.18.3 on Docker 19.03.8 ...
Verifying Kubernetes components...
Enabled addons: default-storageclass, storage-provisioner
Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube"

The process may take several minutes, because the VM image and the
container images of the Kubernetes components must be downloaded.


If you use Linux, you can reduce the resources required by Minikube by
creating the cluster without a VM. Use this command: minikube start --
vm-driver none

Checking Minikube’s status

When the minikube start command is complete, you can check the status of
the cluster by running the minikube status command:
$ minikube status
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubeconfig: Configured

The output of the command shows that the Kubernetes host (the VM that
hosts Kubernetes) is running, and so are the Kubelet – the agent responsible
for managing the node – and the Kubernetes API server. The last line shows
that the kubectl command-line tool (CLI) is configured to use the Kubernetes
cluster that Minikube has provided. Minikube doesn’t install the CLI tool, but
it does create its configuration file. Installation of the CLI tool is explained in
section 3.2.

Visualizing the system

The architecture of the system, which is shown in the next figure, is

practically identical to the one in Docker Desktop.

Figure 3.3 Running a single-node Kubernetes cluster using Minikube

The Control Plane components run in containers in the VM or directly in
your host OS if you used the --vm-driver none option to create the cluster.
The Kubelet runs directly in the VM’s or your host’s operating system. It
runs the applications you deploy in the cluster via the Docker Daemon.

You can run minikube ssh to log into the Minikube VM and explore it from
inside. For example, you can see what’s running in the VM by running ps
aux to list running processes or docker ps to list running containers.


If you want to list containers using your local docker CLI instance, as in the
case of Docker Desktop, run the following command: eval $(minikube

3.1.3 Running a local cluster using kind (Kubernetes in Docker)

An alternative to Minikube, although not as mature, is kind (Kubernetes-in-
Docker). Instead of running Kubernetes in a virtual machine or directly on
the host, kind runs each Kubernetes cluster node inside a container. Unlike
Minikube, this allows it to create multi-node clusters by starting several
containers. The actual application containers that you deploy to Kubernetes
then run within these node containers. The system is shown in the next figure.

Figure 3.4 Running a multi-node Kubernetes cluster using kind

In the previous chapter I mentioned that a process that runs in a container

actually runs in the host OS. This means that when you run Kubernetes using
kind, all Kubernetes components run in your host OS. The applications you
deploy to the Kubernetes cluster also run in your host OS.

This makes kind the perfect tool for development and testing, as everything
runs locally and you can debug running processes as easily as when you run
them outside of a container. I prefer to use this approach when I develop apps
on Kubernetes, as it allows me to do magical things like run network traffic
analysis tools such as Wireshark or even my web browser inside the
containers that run my applications. I use a tool called nsenter that allows
me to run these tools in the network or other namespaces of the container.

If you’re new to Kubernetes, the safest bet is to start with Minikube, but if
you’re feeling adventurous, here’s how to get started with kind.

Installing kind

Just like Minikube, kind consists of a single binary executable file. To install
it, refer to the installation instructions at
https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/. On macOS and Linux, the
commands to install it are as follows:
$ curl -Lo ./kind https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/dl/v0.11.1/kind-$(uname)-amd64
$ chmod +x ./kind
$ mv ./kind /some-dir-in-your-PATH/kind

Check the documentation to see what the latest version is and use it instead of
v0.7.0 in the above example. Also, replace /some-dir-in-your-PATH/ with
an actual directory in your path.


Docker must be installed on your system to use kind.

Starting a Kubernetes cluster with kind

Starting a new cluster is as easy as it is with Minikube. Execute the following

$ kind create cluster

Like Minikube, kind configures kubectl to use the cluster that it creates.
Starting a multi-node cluster with kind

Kind runs a single-node cluster by default. If you want to run a cluster with
multiple worker nodes, you must first create a configuration file. The
following listing shows the contents of this file (Chapter03/kind-multi-

Listing 3.1 Config file for running a three-node cluster with the kind tool

kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.sigs.k8s.io/v1alpha3
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker

With the file in place, create the cluster using the following command:
$ kind create cluster --config kind-multi-node.yaml

Listing worker nodes

At the time of this writing, kind doesn’t provide a command to check the
status of the cluster, but you can list cluster nodes using kind get nodes:
$ kind get nodes

Since each node runs as a container, you can also see the nodes by listing the
running containers using docker ps:
$ docker ps
45d0f712eac0 kindest/node:v1.18.2 ... kind-worker2
d1e88e98e3ae kindest/node:v1.18.2 ... kind-worker
4b7751144ca4 kindest/node:v1.18.2 ... kind-control-plane

Logging into cluster nodes provisioned by kind

Unlike Minikube, where you use minikube ssh to log into the node if you
want to explore the processes running inside it, with kind you use docker
exec. For example, to enter the node called kind-control-plane, run:

$ docker exec -it kind-control-plane bash

Instead of using Docker to run containers, nodes created by kind use the CRI-
O container runtime, which I mentioned in the previous chapter as a
lightweight alternative to Docker. The crictl CLI tool is used to interact
with CRI-O. Its use is very similar to that of the docker tool. After logging
into the node, list the containers running in it by running crictl ps instead
of docker ps. Here’s an example of the command and its output:
root@kind-control-plane:/# crictl ps
c7f44d171fb72 eb516548c180f 15 min ago Running coredns ...
cce9c0261854c eb516548c180f 15 min ago Running coredns ...
e6522aae66fcc d428039608992 16 min ago Running kube-proxy ...
6b2dc4bbfee0c ef97cccdfdb50 16 min ago Running kindnet-cni ...
c3e66dfe44deb be321f2ded3f3 16 min ago Running kube-apiserver ...

3.1.4 Creating a managed cluster with Google Kubernetes

If you want to use a full-fledged multi-node Kubernetes cluster instead of a
local one, you can use a managed cluster, such as the one provided by Google
Kubernetes Engine (GKE). This way, you don’t have to manually set up all
the cluster nodes and networking, which is usually too hard for someone
taking their first steps with Kubernetes. Using a managed solution such as
GKE ensures that you don’t end up with an incorrectly configured cluster.

Setting up Google Cloud and installing the gcloud client binary

Before you can set up a new Kubernetes cluster, you must set up your GKE
environment. The process may change in the future, so I’ll only give you a
few general instructions here. For complete instructions, refer to

Roughly, the whole procedure includes

1. Signing up for a Google account if you don’t have one already.
2. Creating a project in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
3. Enabling billing. This does require your credit card info, but Google
provides a 12-month free trial with a free $300 credit. And they don’t
start charging automatically after the free trial is over.
4. Downloading and installing the Google Cloud SDK, which includes the
gcloud tool.
5. Creating the cluster using the gcloud command-line tool.


Certain operations (the one in step 2, for example) may take a few minutes to
complete, so relax and grab a coffee in the meantime.

Creating a GKE Kubernetes cluster with three nodes

Before you create your cluster, you must decide in which geographical region
and zone it should be created. Refer to
https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones to see the list of
available locations. In the following examples, I use the europe-west3 region
based in Frankfurt, Germany. It has three different zones - I’ll use the zone
europe-west3-c. The default zone for all gcloud operations can be set with the
following command:
$ gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west3-c

Create the Kubernetes cluster like this:

$ gcloud container clusters create kiada --num-nodes 3
Creating cluster kiada in europe-west3-c...
kubeconfig entry generated for kiada.
kiada eu-w3-c 1.13.11... n1-standard-1 ... 3 RUNNING


I’m creating all three worker nodes in the same zone, but you can also spread
them across all zones in the region by setting the compute/zone config value
to an entire region instead of a single zone. If you do so, note that --num-
nodes indicates the number of nodes per zone. If the region contains three
zones and you only want three nodes, you must set --num-nodes to 1.

You should now have a running Kubernetes cluster with three worker nodes.
Each node is a virtual machine provided by the Google Compute Engine
(GCE) infrastructure-as-a-service platform. You can list GCE virtual
machines using the following command:
$ gcloud compute instances list
...-ctlk eu-west3-c n1-standard-1 RUNNING
...-gj1f eu-west3-c n1-standard-1 RUNNING
...-r01z eu-west3-c n1-standard-1 RUNNING


Each VM incurs costs. To reduce the cost of your cluster, you can reduce the
number of nodes to one, or even to zero while not using it. See next section
for details.

The system is shown in the next figure. Note that only your worker nodes run
in GCE virtual machines. The control plane runs elsewhere - you can’t access
the machines hosting it.

Figure 3.5 Your Kubernetes cluster in Google Kubernetes Engine

Scaling the number of nodes

Google allows you to easily increase or decrease the number of nodes in your
cluster. For most exercises in this book you can scale it down to just one node
if you want to save money. You can even scale it down to zero so that your
cluster doesn’t incur any costs.

To scale the cluster to zero, use the following command:

$ gcloud container clusters resize kiada --size 0

The nice thing about scaling to zero is that none of the objects you create in
your Kubernetes cluster, including the applications you deploy, are deleted.
Granted, if you scale down to zero, the applications will have no nodes to run
on, so they won’t run. But as soon as you scale the cluster back up, they will
be redeployed. And even with no worker nodes you can still interact with the
Kubernetes API (you can create, update, and delete objects).
Inspecting a GKE worker node

If you’re interested in what’s running on your nodes, you can log into them
with the following command (use one of the node names from the output of
the previous command):
$ gcloud compute ssh gke-kiada-default-pool-9bba9b18-4glf

While logged into the node, you can try to list all running containers with
docker ps. You haven’t run any applications yet, so you’ll only see
Kubernetes system containers. What they are isn’t important right now, but
you’ll learn about them in later chapters.

3.1.5 Creating a cluster using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes


If you prefer to use Amazon instead of Google to deploy your Kubernetes

cluster in the cloud, you can try the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
(EKS). Let’s go over the basics.

First, you have to install the eksctl command-line tool by following the
instructions at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/getting-

Creating an EKS Kubernetes cluster

Creating an EKS Kubernetes cluster using eksctl does not differ

significantly from how you create a cluster in GKE. All you must do is run
the following command:
$ eksctl create cluster --name kiada --region eu-central-1 --nodes 3 --ssh-a

This command creates a three-node cluster in the eu-central-1 region. The

regions are listed at https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/global-

Inspecting an EKS worker node

If you’re interested in what’s running on those nodes, you can use SSH to
connect to them. The --ssh-access flag used in the command that creates
the cluster ensures that your SSH public key is imported to the node.

As with GKE and Minikube, once you’ve logged into the node, you can try to
list all running containers with docker ps. You can expect to see similar
containers as in the clusters we covered earlier.

3.1.6 Deploying a multi-node cluster from scratch

Until you get a deeper understanding of Kubernetes, I strongly recommend

that you don’t try to install a multi-node cluster from scratch. If you are an
experienced systems administrator, you may be able to do it without much
pain and suffering, but most people may want to try one of the methods
described in the previous sections first. Proper management of Kubernetes
clusters is incredibly difficult. The installation alone is a task not to be

If you still feel adventurous, you can start with the instructions in Appendix
B, which explain how to create VMs with VirtualBox and install Kubernetes
using the kubeadm tool. You can also use those instructions to install
Kubernetes on your bare-metal machines or in VMs running in the cloud.

Once you’ve successfully deployed one or two clusters using kubeadm, you
can then try to deploy it completely manually, by following Kelsey
Hightower’s Kubernetes the Hard Way tutorial at
github.com/kelseyhightower/Kubernetes-the-hard-way. Though you may run
into several problems, figuring out how to solve them can be a great learning

3.2 Interacting with Kubernetes

You’ve now learned about several possible methods to deploy a Kubernetes
cluster. Now’s the time to learn how to use the cluster. To interact with
Kubernetes, you use a command-line tool called kubectl, pronounced kube-
control, kube-C-T-L or kube-cuddle.
As the next figure shows, the tool communicates with the Kubernetes API
server, which is part of the Kubernetes Control Plane. The control plane then
triggers the other components to do whatever needs to be done based on the
changes you made via the API.

Figure 3.6 How you interact with a Kubernetes cluster

3.2.1 Setting up kubectl - the Kubernetes command-line client

Kubectl is a single executable file that you must download to your computer
and place into your path. It loads its configuration from a configuration file
called kubeconfig. To use kubectl, you must both install it and prepare the
kubeconfig file so kubectl knows what cluster to talk to.

Downloading and Installing kubectl

The latest stable release for Linux can be downloaded and installed with the
following commands:
$ curl -LO "https://dl.k8s.io/release/$(curl -L -s https://dl.k8s.io/release
$ chmod +x kubectl
$ sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
To install kubectl on macOS, you can either run the same command, but
replace linux in the URL with darwin, or install the tool via Homebrew by
running brew install kubectl.

On Windows, download kubectl.exe from

release/release/v1.18.2/bin/windows/amd64/kubectl.exe. To download the
latest version, first go to https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-
release/release/stable.txt to see what the latest stable version is and then
replace the version number in the first URL with this version. To check if
you’ve installed it correctly, run kubectl --help. Note that kubectl may or
may not yet be configured to talk to your Kubernetes cluster, which means
most commands may not work yet.


You can always append --help to any kubectl command to get more

Setting up a short alias for kubectl

You’ll use kubectl often. Having to type the full command every time is
needlessly time-consuming, but you can speed things up by setting up an
alias and tab completion for it.

Most users of Kubernetes use k as the alias for kubectl. If you haven’t used
aliases yet, here’s how to define it in Linux and macOS. Add the following
line to your ~/.bashrc or equivalent file:
alias k=kubectl

On Windows, if you use the Command Prompt, define the alias by executing
doskey k=kubectl $*. If you use PowerShell, execute set-alias -name k
-value kubectl.


You may not need an alias if you used gcloud to set up the cluster. It installs
the k binary in addition to kubectl.

Configuring tab completion for kubectl

Even with a short alias like k, you’ll still have to type a lot. Fortunately, the
kubectl command can also output shell completion code for both the bash
and the zsh shell. It enables tab completion of not only command names but
also the object names. For example, later you’ll learn how to view details of a
particular cluster node by executing the following command:
$ kubectl describe node gke-kiada-default-pool-9bba9b18-4glf

That’s a lot of typing that you’ll repeat all the time. With tab completion,
things are much easier. You just press TAB after typing the first few
characters of each token:
$ kubectl desc<TAB> no<TAB> gke-ku<TAB>

To enable tab completion in bash, you must first install a package called
bash-completion and then run the following command (you can also add it
to ~/.bashrc or equivalent):
$ source <(kubectl completion bash)


This enables completion in bash. You can also run this command with a
different shell. At the time of writing, the available options are bash, zsh,
fish, and powershell.

However, this will only complete your commands when you use the full
kubectl command name. It won’t work when you use the k alias. To enable
completion for the alias, you must run the following command:
$ complete -o default -F __start_kubectl k

3.2.2 Configuring kubectl to use a specific Kubernetes cluster

The kubeconfig configuration file is located at ~/.kube/config. If you
deployed your cluster using Docker Desktop, Minikube or GKE, the file was
created for you. If you’ve been given access to an existing cluster, you should
have received the file. Other tools, such as kind, may have written the file to a
different location. Instead of moving the file to the default location, you can
also point kubectl to it by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable as
$ export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/custom/kubeconfig

To learn more about how to manage kubectl’s configuration and create a

config file from scratch, refer to appendix A.


If you want to use several Kubernetes clusters (for example, both Minikube
and GKE), see appendix A for information on switching between different
kubectl contexts.

3.2.3 Using kubectl

Assuming you’ve installed and configured kubectl, you can now use it to talk
to your cluster.

Verifying if the cluster is up and kubectl can talk to it

To verify that your cluster is working, use the kubectl cluster-info

$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at

This indicates that the API server is active and responding to requests. The
output lists the URLs of the various Kubernetes cluster services running in
your cluster. The above example shows that besides the API server, the
KubeDNS service, which provides domain-name services within the cluster,
is another service that runs in the cluster.
Listing cluster nodes

Now use the kubectl get nodes command to list all nodes in your cluster.
Here’s the output that is generated when you run the command in a cluster
provisioned by kind:
$ kubectl get nodes
control-plane Ready <none> 12m v1.18.2
kind-worker Ready <none> 12m v1.18.2
kind-worker2 Ready <none> 12m v1.18.2

Everything in Kubernetes is represented by an object and can be retrieved

and manipulated via the RESTful API. The kubectl get command retrieves a
list of objects of the specified type from the API. You’ll use this command all
the time, but it only displays summary information about the listed objects.

Retrieving additional details of an object

To see more detailed information about an object, you use the kubectl
describe command, which shows much more:

$ kubectl describe node gke-kiada-85f6-node-0rrx

I omit the actual output of the describe command because it’s quite wide
and would be completely unreadable here in the book. If you run the
command yourself, you’ll see that it displays the status of the node,
information about its CPU and memory usage, system information,
containers running on the node, and much more.

If you run the kubectl describe command without specifying the resource
name, information of all nodes will be printed.


Executing the describe command without specifying the object name is

useful when only one object of a certain type exists. You don’t have to type
or copy/paste the object name.
You’ll learn more about the numerous other kubectl commands throughout
the book.

3.2.4 Interacting with Kubernetes through web dashboards

If you prefer using graphical web user interfaces, you’ll be happy to hear that
Kubernetes also comes with a nice web dashboard. Note, however, that the
functionality of the dashboard may lag significantly behind kubectl, which is
the primary tool for interacting with Kubernetes.

Nevertheless, the dashboard shows different resources in context and can be a

good start to get a feel for what the main resource types in Kubernetes are
and how they relate to each other. The dashboard also offers the possibility to
modify the deployed objects and displays the equivalent kubectl command
for each action - a feature most beginners will appreciate.

Figure 3.7 shows the dashboard with two workloads deployed in the cluster.

Figure 3.7 Screenshot of the Kubernetes web-based dashboard

Although you won’t use the dashboard in this book, you can always open it to
quickly see a graphical view of the objects deployed in your cluster after you
create them via kubectl.

Accessing the dashboard in Docker Desktop

Unfortunately, Docker Desktop does not install the Kubernetes dashboard by

default. Accessing it is also not trivial, but here’s how. First, you need to
install it using the following command:
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2

Refer to github.com/kubernetes/dashboard to find the latest version number.

After installing the dashboard, the next command you must run is:
$ kubectl proxy

This command runs a local proxy to the API server, allowing you to access
the services through it. Let the proxy process run and use the browser to open
the dashboard at the following URL:


You’ll be presented with an authentication page. You must then run the
following command to retrieve an authentication token.
PS C:\> kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret $(kubectl -n kuberne


This command must be run in Windows PowerShell.

Find the token listed under kubernetes-dashboard-token-xyz and paste it

into the token field on the authentication page shown in your browser. After
you do this, you should be able to use the dashboard. When you’re finished
using it, terminate the kubectl proxy process using Control-C.

Accessing the dashboard when using Minikube

If you’re using Minikube, accessing the dashboard is much easier. Run the
following command and the dashboard will open in your default browser:
$ minikube dashboard

Accessing the dashboard when running Kubernetes elsewhere

The Google Kubernetes Engine no longer provides access to the open source
Kubernetes Dashboard, but it offers an alternative web-based console. The
same applies to other cloud providers. For information on how to access the
dashboard, please refer to the documentation of the respective provider.

If your cluster runs on your own infrastructure, you can deploy the dashboard
by following the guide at kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-

3.3 Running your first application on Kubernetes

Now is the time to finally deploy something to your cluster. Usually, to
deploy an application, you’d prepare a JSON or YAML file describing all the
components that your application consists of and apply that file to your
cluster. This would be the declarative approach.

Since this may be your first time deploying an application to Kubernetes,

let’s choose an easier way to do this. We’ll use simple, one-line imperative
commands to deploy your application.

3.3.1 Deploying your application

The imperative way to deploy an application is to use the kubectl create
deployment command. As the command itself suggests, it creates a
Deployment object, which represents an application deployed in the cluster.
By using the imperative command, you avoid the need to know the structure
of Deployment objects as when you write YAML or JSON manifests.

Creating a Deployment

In the previous chapter, you created a Node.js application called Kiada that
you packaged into a container image and pushed to Docker Hub to make it
easily distributable to any computer.


If you skipped chapter two because you are already familiar with Docker and
containers, you might want to go back and read section 2.2.1 that describes
the application that you’ll deploy here and in the rest of this book.

Let’s deploy the Kiada application to your Kubernetes cluster. Here’s the
command that does this:
$ kubectl create deployment kiada --image=luksa/kiada:0.1
deployment.apps/kiada created

In the command, you specify three things:

You want to create a deployment object.

You want the object to be called kiada.
You want the deployment to use the container image luksa/kiada:0.1.

By default, the image is pulled from Docker Hub, but you can also specify
the image registry in the image name (for example,


Make sure that the image is stored in a public registry and can be pulled
without access authorization. You’ll learn how to provide credentials for
pulling private images in chapter 8.

The Deployment object is now stored in the Kubernetes API. The existence
of this object tells Kubernetes that the luksa/kiada:0.1 container must run
in your cluster. You’ve stated your desired state. Kubernetes must now
ensure that the actual state reflects your wishes.

Listing deployments

The interaction with Kubernetes consists mainly of the creation and

manipulation of objects via its API. Kubernetes stores these objects and then
performs operations to bring them to life. For example, when you create a
Deployment object, Kubernetes runs an application. Kubernetes then keeps
you informed about the current state of the application by writing the status to
the same Deployment object. You can view the status by reading back the
object. One way to do this is to list all Deployment objects as follows:
$ kubectl get deployments
kiada 0/1 1 0 6s

The kubectl get deployments command lists all Deployment objects that
currently exist in the cluster. You have only one Deployment in your cluster.
It runs one instance of your application as shown in the UP-TO-DATE column,
but the AVAILABLE column indicates that the application is not yet available.
That’s because the container isn’t ready, as shown in the READY column. You
can see that zero of a total of one container are ready.

You may wonder if you can ask Kubernetes to list all the running containers
by running kubectl get containers. Let’s try this.
$ kubectl get containers
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "containers"

The command fails because Kubernetes doesn’t have a “Container” object

type. This may seem odd, since Kubernetes is all about running containers,
but there’s a twist. A container is not the smallest unit of deployment in
Kubernetes. So, what is?

Introducing Pods

In Kubernetes, instead of deploying individual containers, you deploy groups

of co-located containers – so-called pods. You know, as in pod of whales, or
a pea pod.

A pod is a group of one or more closely related containers (not unlike peas in
a pod) that run together on the same worker node and need to share certain
Linux namespaces, so that they can interact more closely than with other

In the previous chapter I showed an example where two processes use the
same namespaces. By sharing the network namespace, both processes use the
same network interfaces, share the same IP address and port space. By
sharing the UTS namespace, both see the same system hostname. This is
exactly what happens when you run containers in the same pod. They use the
same network and UTS namespaces, as well as others, depending on the
pod’s spec.

Figure 3.8 The relationship between containers, pods, and worker nodes
As illustrated in figure 3.8, you can think of each pod as a separate logical
computer that contains one application. The application can consist of a
single process running in a container, or a main application process and
additional supporting processes, each running in a separate container. Pods
are distributed across all the worker nodes of the cluster.

Each pod has its own IP, hostname, processes, network interfaces and other
resources. Containers that are part of the same pod think that they’re the only
ones running on the computer. They don’t see the processes of any other pod,
even if located on the same node.

Listing pods

Since containers aren’t a top-level Kubernetes object, you can’t list them. But
you can list pods. As the following output of the kubectl get pods
command shows, by creating the Deployment object, you’ve deployed one
$ kubectl get pods
kiada-9d785b578-p449x 0/1 Pending 0 1m #A
This is the pod that houses the container running your application. To be
precise, since the status is still Pending, the application, or rather the
container, isn’t running yet. This is also expressed in the READY column,
which indicates that the pod has a single container that’s not ready.

The reason the pod is pending is because the worker node to which the pod
has been assigned must first download the container image before it can run
it. When the download is complete, the pod’s container is created and the pod
enters the Running state.

If Kubernetes can’t pull the image from the registry, the kubectl get pods
command will indicate this in the STATUS column. If you’re using your own
image, ensure it’s marked as public on Docker Hub. Try pulling the image
manually with the docker pull command on another computer.

If another issue is causing your pod not to run, or if you simply want to see
more information about the pod, you can also use the kubectl describe pod
command, as you did earlier to see the details of a worker node. If there are
any issues with the pod, they should be displayed by this command. Look at
the events shown at the bottom of its output. For a running pod, they should
be close the following:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 25s default-scheduler Successfully assigned
to kind-worker2
Normal Pulling 23s kubelet, kind-worker2 Pulling image "luksa/kiada:
Normal Pulled 21s kubelet, kind-worker2 Successfully pulled image
Normal Created 21s kubelet, kind-worker2 Created container kiada
Normal Started 21s kubelet, kind-worker2 Started container kiada

Understanding what happens behind the scenes

To help you visualize what happened when you created the Deployment, see
figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9 How creating a Deployment object results in a running application container
When you ran the kubectl create command, it created a new Deployment
object in the cluster by sending an HTTP request to the Kubernetes API
server. Kubernetes then created a new Pod object, which was then assigned
or scheduled to one of the worker nodes. The Kubernetes agent on the worker
node (the Kubelet) became aware of the newly created Pod object, saw that it
was scheduled to its node, and instructed Docker to pull the specified image
from the registry, create a container from the image, and execute it.


The term scheduling refers to the assignment of the pod to a node. The pod
runs immediately, not at some point in the future. Just like how the CPU
scheduler in an operating system selects what CPU to run a process on, the
scheduler in Kubernetes decides what worker node should execute each
container. Unlike an OS process, once a pod is assigned to a node, it runs
only on that node. Even if it fails, this instance of the pod is never moved to
other nodes, as is the case with CPU processes, but a new pod instance may
be created to replace it.
Depending on what you use to run your Kubernetes cluster, the number of
worker nodes in your cluster may vary. The figure shows only the worker
node that the pod was scheduled to. In a multi-node cluster, none of the other
worker nodes are involved in the process.

3.3.2 Exposing your application to the world

Your application is now running, so the next question to answer is how to
access it. I mentioned that each pod gets its own IP address, but this address
is internal to the cluster and not accessible from the outside. To make the pod
accessible externally, you’ll expose it by creating a Service object.

Several types of Service objects exist. You decide what type you need. Some
expose pods only within the cluster, while others expose them externally. A
service with the type LoadBalancer provisions an external load balancer,
which makes the service accessible via a public IP. This is the type of service
you’ll create now.

Creating a Service

The easiest way to create the service is to use the following imperative
$ kubectl expose deployment kiada --type=LoadBalancer --port 8080
service/kiada exposed

The create deployment command that you ran previously created a

Deployment object, whereas the expose deployment command creates a
Service object. This is what running the above command tells Kubernetes:

You want to expose all pods that belong to the kiada Deployment as a
new service.
You want the pods to be accessible from outside the cluster via a load
The application listens on port 8080, so you want to access it via that

You didn’t specify a name for the Service object, so it inherits the name of
the Deployment.

Listing services

Services are API objects, just like Pods, Deployments, Nodes and virtually
everything else in Kubernetes, so you can list them by executing kubectl get

$ kubectl get svc

kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 34m
kiada LoadBalancer <pending> 8080:30838/TCP 4s


Notice the use of the abbreviation svc instead of services. Most resource
types have a short name that you can use instead of the full object type (for
example, po is short for pods, no for nodes and deploy for deployments).

The list shows two services with their types, IPs and the ports they expose.
Ignore the kubernetes service for now and take a close look at the kiada
service. It doesn’t yet have an external IP address. Whether it gets one
depends on how you’ve deployed the cluster.

Listing the available object types with kubectl api-resources

You’ve used the kubectl get command to list various things in your cluster:
Nodes, Deployments, Pods and now Services. These are all Kubernetes
object types. You can display a list of all supported types by running kubectl
api-resources. The list also shows the short name for each type and some
other information you need to define objects in JSON/YAML files, which
you’ll learn in the following chapters.

Understanding load balancer services

While Kubernetes allows you to create so-called LoadBalancer services, it

doesn’t provide the load balancer itself. If your cluster is deployed in the
cloud, Kubernetes can ask the cloud infrastructure to provision a load
balancer and configure it to forward traffic into your cluster. The
infrastructure tells Kubernetes the IP address of the load balancer and this
becomes the external address of your service.

The process of creating the Service object, provisioning the load balancer and
how it forwards connections into the cluster is shown in the next figure.

Figure 3.10 What happens when you create a Service object of type LoadBalancer

Provisioning of the load balancer takes some time, so let’s wait a few more
seconds and check again whether the IP address is already assigned. This
time, instead of listing all services, you’ll display only the kiada service as
$ kubectl get svc kiada
kiada LoadBalancer 8080:30838/TCP 82s

The external IP is now displayed. This means that the load balancer is ready
to forward requests to your application for clients around the world.


If you deployed your cluster with Docker Desktop, the load balancer’s IP
address is shown as localhost, referring to your Windows or macOS
machine, not the VM where Kubernetes and the application runs. If you use
Minikube to create the cluster, no load balancer is created, but you can access
the service in another way. More on this later.

Accessing your application through the load balancer

You can now send requests to your application through the external IP and
port of the service:
$ curl
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "kiada-9d785b578-p449x". Client IP:


If you use Docker Desktop, the service is available at localhost:8080 from

within your host operating system. Use curl or your browser to access it.

Congratulations! If you use Google Kubernetes Engine, you’ve successfully

published your application to users across the globe. Anyone who knows its
IP and port can now access it. If you don’t count the steps needed to deploy
the cluster itself, only two simple commands were needed to deploy your

kubectl create deployment and

kubectl expose deployment.

Accessing your application when a load balancer isn’t available

Not all Kubernetes clusters have mechanisms to provide a load balancer. The
cluster provided by Minikube is one of them. If you create a service of type
LoadBalancer, the service itself works, but there is no load balancer. Kubectl
always shows the external IP as <pending> and you must use a different
method to access the service.

Several methods of accessing services exist. You can even bypass the service
and access individual pods directly, but this is mostly used for
troubleshooting. You’ll learn how to do this in chapter 5. For now, let’s
explore the next easier way to access your service if no load balancer is

Minikube can tell you where to access the service if you use the following
$ minikube service kiada --url

The command prints out the URL of the service. You can now point curl or
your browser to that URL to access your application:
$ curl
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "kiada-9d785b578-p449x". Client IP:


If you omit the --url option when running the minikube service command,
your browser opens and loads the service URL.

You may wonder where this IP address and port come from. This is the IP of
the Minikube virtual machine. You can confirm this by executing the
minikube ip command. The Minikube VM is also your single worker node.
The port 30838 is the so-called node port. It’s the port on the worker node
that forwards connections to your service. You may have noticed the port in
the service’s port list when you ran the kubectl get svc command:
$ kubectl get svc kiada
kiada LoadBalancer <pending> 8080:30838/TCP 82s

Your service is accessible via this port number on all your worker nodes,
regardless of whether you’re using Minikube or any other Kubernetes cluster.


If you use Docker Desktop, the VM running Kubernetes can’t be reached

from your host OS through the VM’s IP. You can access the service through
the node port only within the VM by logging into it using the special
container as described in section 3.1.1.

If you know the IP of at least one of your worker nodes, you should be able
to access your service through this IP:port combination, provided that
firewall rules do not prevent you from accessing the port.

The next figure shows how external clients access the application via the
node ports.

Figure 3.11 Connection routing through a service’s node port

To connect this to what I mentioned earlier about the load balancer

forwarding connections to the nodes and the nodes then forwarding them to
the containers: the node ports are exactly where the load balancer sends
incoming requests to. Kubernetes then ensures that they are forwarded to the
application running in the container. You’ll learn how it does this in chapter
10, as we delve deeper into services. Don’t lose too much time thinking about
it until then. Instead, let’s play a little more with our cluster to see what else
Kubernetes can do.

3.3.3 Horizontally scaling the application

You now have a running application that is represented by a Deployment and
exposed to the world by a Service object. Now let’s create some additional

One of the major benefits of running applications in containers is the ease

with which you can scale your application deployments. You’re currently
running a single instance of your application. Imagine you suddenly see
many more users using your application. The single instance can no longer
handle the load. You need to run additional instances to distribute the load
and provide service to your users. This is known as scaling out. With
Kubernetes, it’s trivial to do.

Increasing the number of running application instances

To deploy your application, you’ve created a Deployment object. By default,

it runs a single instance of your application. To run additional instances, you
only need to scale the Deployment object with the following command:
$ kubectl scale deployment kiada --replicas=3
deployment.apps/kiada scaled

You’ve now told Kubernetes that you want to run three exact copies or
replicas of your pod. Note that you haven’t instructed Kubernetes what to do.
You haven’t told it to add two more pods. You just set the new desired
number of replicas and let Kubernetes determine what action it must take to
reach the new desired state.

This is one of the most fundamental principles in Kubernetes. Instead of

telling Kubernetes what to do, you simply set a new desired state of the
system and let Kubernetes achieve it. To do this, it examines the current state,
compares it with the desired state, identifies the differences and determines
what it must do to reconcile them.

Seeing the results of the scale-out

Although it’s true that the kubectl scale deployment command seems
imperative, since it apparently tells Kubernetes to scale your application,
what the command actually does is modify the specified Deployment object.
As you’ll see in a later chapter, you could have simply edited the object
instead of giving the imperative command. Let’s view the Deployment object
again to see how the scale command has affected it:
$ kubectl get deploy
kiada 3/3 3 3 18m

Three instances are now up to date and available and three of three containers
are ready. This isn’t clear from the command output, but the three containers
are not part of the same pod instance. There are three pods with one container
each. You can confirm this by listing pods:
$ kubectl get pods
kiada-9d785b578-58vhc 1/1 Running 0 17s
kiada-9d785b578-jmnj8 1/1 Running 0 17s
kiada-9d785b578-p449x 1/1 Running 0 18m

As you can see, three pods now exist. As indicated in the READY column, each
has a single container, and all the containers are ready. All the pods are

Displaying the pods’ host node when listing pods

If you use a single-node cluster, all your pods run on the same node. But in a
multi-node cluster, the three pods should be distributed throughout the
cluster. To see which nodes the pods were scheduled to, you can use the -o
wide option to display a more detailed pod list:

$ kubectl get pods -o wide

kiada-9d785b578-58vhc ... kind-worker #A
kiada-9d785b578-jmnj8 ... kind-worker2 #B
kiada-9d785b578-p449x ... kind-worker2 #B


You can also use the -o wide output option to see additional information
when listing other object types.

The wide output shows that one pod was scheduled to one node, whereas the
other two were both scheduled to a different node. The Scheduler usually
distributes pods evenly, but it depends on how it’s configured. You’ll learn
more about scheduling in chapter 21.
Does the host node matter?

Regardless of the node they run on, all instances of your application have an
identical OS environment, because they run in containers created from the
same container image. You may remember from the previous chapter that the
only thing that might be different is the OS kernel, but this only happens
when different nodes use different kernel versions or load different kernel

In addition, each pod gets its own IP and can communicate in the same way
with any other pod - it doesn’t matter if the other pod is on the same worker
node, another node located in the same server rack or even a completely
different data center.

So far, you’ve set no resource requirements for the pods, but if you had, each
pod would have been allocated the requested amount of compute resources. It
shouldn’t matter to the pod which node provides these resources, as long as
the pod’s requirements are met.

Therefore, you shouldn’t care where a pod is scheduled to. It’s also why the
default kubectl get pods command doesn’t display information about the
worker nodes for the listed pods. In the world of Kubernetes, it’s just not that

As you can see, scaling an application is incredibly easy. Once your

application is in production and there is a need to scale it, you can add
additional instances with a single command without having to manually
install, configure and run additional copies.


The app itself must support horizontal scaling. Kubernetes doesn’t magically
make your app scalable; it merely makes it trivial to replicate it.

Observing requests hitting all three pods when using the service

Now that multiple instances of your app are running, let’s see what happens
when you hit the service URL again. Will the response come from the same
instance every time? Here’s the answer:
$ curl
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "kiada-9d785b578-58vhc". Client IP:
$ curl
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "kiada-9d785b578-p449x". Client IP:
$ curl
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "kiada-9d785b578-jmnj8". Client IP:
$ curl
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "kiada-9d785b578-p449x". Client IP:

If you look closely at the responses, you’ll see that they correspond to the
names of the pods. Each request arrives at a different pod in random order.
This is what services in Kubernetes do when more than one pod instance is
behind them. They act as load balancers in front of the pods. Let’s visualize
the system using the following figure.

Figure 3.12 Load balancing across multiple pods backing the same service

As the figure shows, you shouldn’t confuse this load balancing mechanism,
which is provided by the Kubernetes service itself, with the additional load
balancer provided by the infrastructure when running in GKE or another
cluster running in the cloud. Even if you use Minikube and have no external
load balancer, your requests are still distributed across the three pods by the
service itself. If you use GKE, there are actually two load balancers in play.
The figure shows that the load balancer provided by the infrastructure
distributes requests across the nodes, and the service then distributes requests
across the pods.

I know this may be very confusing right now, but it should all become clear
in chapter 10.

3.3.4 Understanding the deployed application

To conclude this chapter, let’s review what your system consists of. There are
two ways to look at your system – the logical and the physical view. You’ve
just seen the physical view in figure 3.12. There are three running containers
that are deployed on three worker nodes (a single node when using
Minikube). If you run Kubernetes in the cloud, the cloud infrastructure has
also created a load balancer for you. Docker Desktop also creates a type of
local load balancer. Minikube doesn’t create a load balancer, but you can
access your service directly through the node port.

While differences in the physical view of the system in different clusters

exist, the logical view is always the same, whether you use a small
development cluster or a large production cluster with thousands of nodes. If
you’re not the one who manages the cluster, you don’t even need to worry
about the physical view of the cluster. If everything works as expected, the
logical view is all you need to worry about. Let’s take a closer look at this

Understanding the API objects representing your application

The logical view consists of the objects you’ve created in the Kubernetes API
– either directly or indirectly. The following figure shows how the objects
relate to each other.
Figure 3.13 Your deployed application consists of a Deployment, several Pods, and a Service.

The objects are as follows:

the Deployment object you created,

the Pod objects that were automatically created based on the
Deployment, and
the Service object you created manually.

There are other objects between the three just mentioned, but you don’t need
to know them yet. You’ll learn about them in the following chapters.

Remember when I explained in chapter 1 that Kubernetes abstracts the

infrastructure? The logical view of your application is a great example of this.
There are no nodes, no complex network topology, no physical load
balancers. Just a simple view that only contains your applications and the
supporting objects. Let’s look at how these objects fit together and what role
they play in your small setup.

The Deployment object represents an application deployment. It specifies

which container image contains your application and how many replicas of
the application Kubernetes should run. Each replica is represented by a Pod
object. The Service object represents a single communication entry point to
these replicas.

Understanding the pods

The essential and most important part of your system are the pods. Each pod
definition contains one or more containers that make up the pod. When
Kubernetes brings a pod to life, it runs all the containers specified in its
definition. As long as a Pod object exists, Kubernetes will do its best to
ensure that its containers keep running. It only shuts them down when the
Pod object is deleted.

Understanding the role of the Deployment

When you first created the Deployment object, only a single Pod object was
created. But when you increased the desired number of replicas on the
Deployment, Kubernetes created additional replicas. Kubernetes ensures that
the actual number of pods always matches the desired number.

If one or more pods disappear or their status is unknown, Kubernetes replaces

them to bring the actual number of pods back to the desired number of
replicas. A pod disappears when someone or something deletes it, whereas a
pod’s status is unknown when the node it is running on no longer reports its
status due to a network or node failure.

Strictly speaking, a Deployment results in nothing more than the creation of a

certain number of Pod objects. You may wonder if you can create Pods
directly instead of having the Deployment create them for you. You can
certainly do this, but if you wanted to run multiple replicas, you’d have to
manually create each pod individually and make sure you give each one a
unique name. You’d then also have to keep a constant eye on your pods to
replace them if they suddenly disappear or the node on which they run fails.
And that’s exactly why you almost never create pods directly but use a
Deployment instead.
Understanding why you need a service

The third component of your system is the Service object. By creating it, you
tell Kubernetes that you need a single communication entry point to your
pods. The service gives you a single IP address to talk to your pods,
regardless of how many replicas are currently deployed. If the service is
backed by multiple pods, it acts as a load balancer. But even if there is only
one pod, you still want to expose it through a service. To understand why,
you need to learn an important detail about pods.

Pods are ephemeral. A pod may disappear at any time. This can happen when
its host node fails, when someone inadvertently deletes the pod, or when the
pod is evicted from an otherwise healthy node to make room for other, more
important pods. As explained in the previous section, when pods are created
through a Deployment, a missing pod is immediately replaced with a new
one. This new pod is not the same as the one it replaces. It’s a completely
new pod, with a new IP address.

If you weren’t using a service and had configured your clients to connect
directly to the IP of the original pod, you would now need to reconfigure all
these clients to connect to the IP of the new pod. This is not necessary when
using a service. Unlike pods, services aren’t ephemeral. When you create a
service, it is assigned a static IP address that never changes during lifetime of
the service.

Instead of connecting directly to the pod, clients should connect to the IP of

the service. This ensures that their connections are always routed to a healthy
pod, even if the set of pods behind the service is constantly changing. It also
ensures that the load is distributed evenly across all pods should you decide
to scale the deployment horizontally.

3.4 Summary
In this hands-on chapter, you’ve learned:

Virtually all cloud providers offer a managed Kubernetes option. They

take on the burden of maintaining your Kubernetes cluster, while you
just use its API to deploy your applications.
You can also install Kubernetes in the cloud yourself, but this has often
proven not to be the best idea until you master all aspects of managing
You can install Kubernetes locally, even on your laptop, using tools
such as Docker Desktop or Minikube, which run Kubernetes in a Linux
VM, or kind, which runs the master and worker nodes as Docker
containers and the application containers inside those containers.
Kubectl, the command-line tool, is the usual way you interact with
Kubernetes. A web-based dashboard also exists but is not as stable and
up to date as the CLI tool.
To work faster with kubectl, it is useful to define a short alias for it and
enable shell completion.
An application can be deployed using kubectl create deployment. It
can then be exposed to clients by running kubectl expose deployment.
Horizontally scaling the application is trivial: kubectl scale
deployment instructs Kubernetes to add new replicas or removes
existing ones to reach the number of replicas you specify.
The basic unit of deployment is not a container, but a pod, which can
contain one or more related containers.
Deployments, Services, Pods and Nodes are Kubernetes
objects/resources. You can list them with kubectl get and inspect them
with kubectl describe.
The Deployment object deploys the desired number of Pods, while the
Service object makes them accessible under a single, stable IP address.
Each service provides internal load balancing in the cluster, but if you
set the type of service to LoadBalancer, Kubernetes will ask the cloud
infrastructure it runs in for an additional load balancer to make your
application available at a publicly accessible address.

You’ve now completed your first guided tour around the bay. Now it’s time
to start learning the ropes, so that you’ll be able to sail independently. The
next part of the book focuses on the different Kubernetes objects and
how/when to use them. You’ll start with the most important one – the Pod.
4 Introducing Kubernetes API
This chapter covers
Managing a Kubernetes cluster and the applications it hosts via its API
Understanding the structure of Kubernetes API objects
Retrieving and understanding an object’s YAML or JSON manifest
Inspecting the status of cluster nodes via Node objects
Inspecting cluster events through Event objects

The previous chapter introduced three fundamental objects that make up a

deployed application. You created a Deployment object that spawned
multiple Pod objects representing individual instances of your application and
exposed them to the world by creating a Service object that deployed a load
balancer in front of them.

The chapters in the second part of this book explain these and other object
types in detail. In this chapter, the common features of Kubernetes objects are
presented using the example of Node and Event objects.

4.1 Getting familiar with the Kubernetes API

In a Kubernetes cluster, both users and Kubernetes components interact with
the cluster by manipulating objects through the Kubernetes API, as shown in
figure 4.1.

These objects represent the configuration of the entire cluster. They include
the applications running in the cluster, their configuration, the load balancers
through which they are exposed within the cluster or externally, the
underlying servers and the storage used by these applications, the security
privileges of users and applications, and many other details of the
Figure 4.1 A Kubernetes cluster is configured by manipulating objects in the Kubernetes API

4.1.1 Introducing the API

The Kubernetes API is the central point of interaction with the cluster, so
much of this book is dedicated to explaining this API. The most important
API objects are described in the following chapters, but a basic introduction
to the API is presented here.

Understanding the architectural style of the API

The Kubernetes API is an HTTP-based RESTful API where the state is

represented by resources on which you perform CRUD operations (Create,
Read, Update, Delete) using standard HTTP methods such as POST, GET,

REST is Representational State Transfer, an architectural style for

implementing interoperability between computer systems via web services
using stateless operations, described by Roy Thomas Fielding in his doctoral
dissertation. To learn more, read the dissertation at

It is these resources (or objects) that represent the configuration of the cluster.
Cluster administrators and engineers who deploy applications into the cluster
therefore influence the configuration by manipulating these objects.

In the Kubernetes community, the terms “resource” and “object” are used
interchangeably, but there are subtle differences that warrant an explanation.

Understanding the difference between resources and objects

The essential concept in RESTful APIs is the resource, and each resource is
assigned a URI or Uniform Resource Identifier that uniquely identifies it. For
example, in the Kubernetes API, application deployments are represented by
deployment resources.

The collection of all deployments in the cluster is a REST resource exposed

at /api/v1/deployments. When you use the GET method to send an HTTP
request to this URI, you receive a response that lists all deployment instances
in the cluster.

Each individual deployment instance also has its own unique URI through
which it can be manipulated. The individual deployment is thus exposed as
another REST resource. You can retrieve information about the deployment
by sending a GET request to the resource URI and you can modify it using a
PUT request.

Figure 4.2 A single object can be exposed by two or more resources

An object can therefore be exposed through more than one resource. As
shown in figure 4.2, the Deployment object instance named mydeploy is
returned both as an element of a collection when you query the deployments
resource and as a single object when you query the individual resource URI

In addition, a single object instance can also be exposed via multiple

resources if multiple API versions exist for an object type. Up to Kubernetes
version 1.15, two different representations of Deployment objects were
exposed by the API. In addition to the apps/v1 version, exposed at
/apis/apps/v1/deployments, an older version, extensions/v1beta1,
exposed at /apis/extensions/v1beta1/deployments was available in the
API. These two resources didn’t represent two different sets of Deployment
objects, but a single set that was represented in two different ways - with
small differences in the object schema. You could create an instance of a
Deployment object via the first URI and then read it back using the second.
In some cases, a resource doesn’t represent any object at all. An example of
this is the way the Kubernetes API allows clients to verify whether a subject
(a person or a service) is authorized to perform an API operation. This is
done by submitting a POST request to the
/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1/subjectaccessreviews resource. The
response indicates whether the subject is authorized to perform the operation
specified in the request body. The key thing here is that no object is created
by the POST request.

The examples described above show that a resource isn’t the same as an
object. If you are familiar with relational database systems, you can compare
resources and object types with views and tables. Resources are views
through which you interact with objects.


Because the term “resource” can also refer to compute resources, such as
CPU and memory, to reduce confusion, the term “objects” is used in this
book to refer to API resources.

Understanding how objects are represented

When you make a GET request for a resource, the Kubernetes API server
returns the object in structured text form. The default data model is JSON,
but you can also tell the server to return YAML instead. When you update the
object using a POST or PUT request, you also specify the new state with either

The individual fields in an object’s manifest depend on the object type, but
the general structure and many fields are shared by all Kubernetes API
objects. You’ll learn about them next.

4.1.2 Understanding the structure of an object manifest

Before you are confronted with the complete manifest of a Kubernetes object,
let me first explain its major parts, because this will help you to find your
way through the sometimes hundreds of lines it is composed of.
Introducing the main parts of an object

The manifest of most Kubernetes API objects consists of the following four

Type Metadata contains information about the type of object this

manifest describes. It specifies the object type, the group to which the
type belongs, and the API version.
Object Metadata holds the basic information about the object instance,
including its name, time of creation, owner of the object, and other
identifying information. The fields in the Object Metadata are the same
for all object types.
Spec is the part in which you specify the desired state of the object. Its
fields differ between different object types. For pods, this is the part that
specifies the pod’s containers, storage volumes and other information
related to its operation.
Status contains the current actual state of the object. For a pod, it tells
you the condition of the pod, the status of each of its containers, its IP
address, the node it’s running on, and other information that reveals
what’s happening to your pod.

A visual representation of an object manifest and its four sections is shown in

the next figure.

Figure 4.3 The main sections of a Kubernetes API object.


Although the figure shows that users write to the object’s Spec section and
read its Status, the API server always returns the entire object when you
perform a GET request; to update the object, you also send the entire object
in the PUT request.

You’ll see an example later to see which fields exist in these sections but let
me first explain the Spec and Status sections, as they represent the flesh of
the object.

Understanding the spec and status sections

As you may have noticed in the previous figure, the two most important parts
of an object are the Spec and Status sections. You use the Spec to specify the
desired state of the object and read the actual state of the object from the
Status section. So, you are the one who writes the Spec and reads the Status,
but who or what reads the Spec and writes the Status?

The Kubernetes Control Plane runs several components called controllers

that manage the objects you create. Each controller is usually only
responsible for one object type. For example, the Deployment controller
manages Deployment objects.

As shown in figure 4.4, the task of a controller is to read the desired object
state from the object’s Spec section, perform the actions required to achieve
this state, and report back the actual state of the object by writing to its Status

Figure 4.4 How a controller manages an object

Essentially, you tell Kubernetes what it has to do by creating and updating

API objects. Kubernetes controllers use the same API objects to tell you what
they have done and what the status of their work is.

You’ll learn more about the individual controllers and their responsibilities in
chapter 13. For now, just remember that a controller is associated with most
object types and that the controller is the thing that reads the Spec and writes
the Status of the object.

Not all objects have the spec and status sections

All Kubernetes API objects contain the two metadata sections, but not all
have the Spec and Status sections. Those that don’t, typically contain just
static data and don’t have a corresponding controller, so it is not necessary to
distinguish between the desired and the actual state of the object.

An example of such an object is the Event object, which is created by various

controllers to provide additional information about what is happening with an
object that the controller is managing. The Event object is explained in
section 4.3.

You now understand the general outline of an object, so the next section of
this chapter can finally explore the individual fields of an object.

4.2 Examining an object’s individual properties

To examine Kubernetes API objects up close, we’ll need a concrete example.
Let’s take the Node object, which should be easy to understand because it
represents something you might be relatively familiar with - a computer in
the cluster.

My Kubernetes cluster provisioned by the kind tool has three nodes - one
master and two workers. They are represented by three Node objects in the
API. I can query the API and list these objects using kubectl get nodes:
$ kubectl get nodes
kind-control-plane Ready master 1h v1.18.2
kind-worker Ready <none> 1h v1.18.2
kind-worker2 Ready <none> 1h v1.18.2
The following figure shows the three Node objects and the actual cluster
machines that make up the cluster. Each Node object instance represents one
host. In each instance, the Spec section contains (part of) the configuration of
the host, and the Status section contains the state of the host.

Figure 4.5 Cluster nodes are represented by Node objects


Node objects are slightly different from other objects because they are
usually created by the Kubelet - the node agent running on the cluster node -
rather than by users. When you add a machine to the cluster, the Kubelet
registers the node by creating a Node object that represents the host. Users
can then edit (some of) the fields in the Spec section.

4.2.1 Exploring the full manifest of a Node object

Let’s take a close look at one of the Node objects. List all Node objects in
your cluster by running the kubectl get nodes command and select one you
want to inspect. Then, execute the kubectl get node <node-name> -o yaml
command, where you replace <node-name> with the name of the node, as
shown here:
$ kubectl get node kind-control-plane -o yaml
apiVersion: v1 #A
kind: Node #A
metadata: #B
annotations: ...
creationTimestamp: "2020-05-03T15:09:17Z"
labels: ...
name: kind-control-plane #C
resourceVersion: "3220054"
selfLink: /api/v1/nodes/kind-control-plane
uid: 16dc1e0b-8d34-4cfb-8ade-3b0e91ec838b
spec: #D
podCIDR: #E
podCIDRs: #E
- #E
- effect: NoSchedule
key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
status: #F
addresses: #G
- address: #G
type: InternalIP #G
- address: kind-control-plane #G
type: Hostname #G
allocatable: ...
capacity: #H
cpu: "8" #H
ephemeral-storage: 401520944Ki #H
hugepages-1Gi: "0" #H
hugepages-2Mi: "0" #H
memory: 32720824Ki #H
pods: "110" #H
- lastHeartbeatTime: "2020-05-17T12:28:41Z"
lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-03T15:09:17Z"
message: kubelet has sufficient memory available
reason: KubeletHasSufficientMemory
status: "False"
type: MemoryPressure
Port: 10250
images: #I
- names: #I
- k8s.gcr.io/etcd:3.4.3-0 #I
sizeBytes: 289997247 #I
... #I
nodeInfo: #J
architecture: amd64 #J
bootID: 233a359f-5897-4860-863d-06546130e1ff #J
containerRuntimeVersion: containerd://1.3.3-14-g449e9269 #J
kernelVersion: 5.5.10-200.fc31.x86_64 #J
kubeProxyVersion: v1.18.2 #J
kubeletVersion: v1.18.2 #J
machineID: 74b74e389bb246e99abdf731d145142d #J
operatingSystem: linux #J
osImage: Ubuntu 19.10 #J
systemUUID: 8749f818-8269-4a02-bdc2-84bf5fa21700 #J


Use the -o json option to display the object in JSON instead of YAML.

In the YAML manifest, the four main sections of the object definition and the
more important properties of the node are annotated to help you distinguish
between the more and less important fields. Some lines have been omitted to
reduce the length of the manifest.

Accessing the API directly

You may be interested in trying to access the API directly instead of through
kubectl. As explained earlier, the Kubernetes API is web based, so you can
use a web browser or the curl command to perform API operations, but the
API server uses TLS and you typically need a client certificate or token for
authentication. Fortunately, kubectl provides a special proxy that takes care
of this, allowing you to talk to the API through the proxy using plain HTTP.

To run the proxy, execute the command:

$ kubectl proxy
Starting to serve on

You can now access the API using HTTP at For example, to
retrieve the node object, open the URL (replace kind-control-
plane with one of your nodes’ names).

Now let’s take a closer look at the fields in each of the four main sections.
The Type Metadata fields

As you can see, the manifest starts with the apiVersion and kind fields,
which specify the API version and type of the object that this object manifest
specifies. The API version is the schema used to describe this object. As
mentioned before, an object type can be associated with more than one
schema, with different fields in each schema being used to describe the
object. However, usually only one schema exists for each type.

The apiVersion in the previous manifest is v1, but you’ll see in the following
chapters that the apiVersion in other object types contains more than just the
version number. For Deployment objects, for example, the apiVersion is
apps/v1. Whereas the field was originally used only to specify the API
version, it is now also used to specify the API group to which the resource
belongs. Node objects belong to the core API group, which is conventionally
omitted from the apiVersion field.

The type of object defined in the manifest is specified by the field kind. The
object kind in the previous manifest is Node. In the previous chapters, you
created objects of kind Deployment, Service, and Pod.

Fields in the Object Metadata section

The metadata section contains the metadata of this object instance. It

contains the name of the instance, along with additional attributes such as
labels and annotations, which are explained in chapter 9, and fields such as
resourceVersion, managedFields, and other low-level fields, which are
explained at depth in chapter 12.

Fields in the Spec section

Next comes the spec section, which is specific to each object kind. It is
relatively short for Node objects compared to what you find for other object
kinds. The podCIDR fields specify the pod IP range assigned to the node. Pods
running on this node are assigned IPs from this range. The taints field is not
important at this point, but you’ll learn about it in chapter 18.
Typically, an object’s spec section contains many more fields that you use to
configure the object.

Fields in the Status section

The status section also differs between the different kinds of object, but its
purpose is always the same - it contains the last observed state of the thing
the object represents. For Node objects, the status reveals the node’s IP
address(es), host name, capacity to provide compute resources, the current
conditions of the node, the container images it has already downloaded and
which are now cached locally, and information about its operating system
and the version of Kubernetes components running on it.

4.2.2 Understanding individual object fields

To learn more about individual fields in the manifest, you can refer to the
API reference documentation at http://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/ or use
the kubectl explain command as described next.

Using kubectl explain to explore API object fields

The kubectl tool has a nice feature that allows you to look up the explanation
of each field for each object type (kind) from the command line. Usually, you
start by asking it to provide the basic description of the object kind by
running kubectl explain <kind>, as shown here:
$ kubectl explain nodes
KIND: Node

Node is a worker node in Kubernetes. Each node will have a unique
identifier in the cache (i.e. in etcd).

apiVersion <string>
APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an
object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest...
kind <string>
Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object
represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client...

metadata <Object>
Standard object's metadata. More info: ...

spec <Object>
Spec defines the behavior of a node...

status <Object>
Most recently observed status of the node. Populated by the system.
Read-only. More info: ...

The command prints the explanation of the object and lists the top-level
fields that the object can contain.

Drilling deeper into an API object’s structure

You can then drill deeper to find subfields under each specific field. For
example, you can use the following command to explain the node’s spec
$ kubectl explain node.spec
KIND: Node

RESOURCE: spec <Object>

Spec defines the behavior of a node.

NodeSpec describes the attributes that a node is created with.

configSource <Object>
If specified, the source to get node configuration from The
DynamicKubeletConfig feature gate must be enabled for the Kubelet...

externalID <string>
Deprecated. Not all kubelets will set this field...

podCIDR <string>
PodCIDR represents the pod IP range assigned to the node.
Please note the API version given at the top. As explained earlier, multiple
versions of the same kind can exist. Different versions can have different
fields or default values. If you want to display a different version, specify it
with the --api-version option.


If you want to see the complete structure of an object (the complete

hierarchical list of fields without the descriptions), try kubectl explain
pods --recursive.

4.2.3 Understanding an object’s status conditions

The set of fields in both the spec and status sections is different for each
object kind, but the conditions field is found in many of them. It gives a list
of conditions the object is currently in. They are very useful when you need
to troubleshoot an object, so let’s examine them more closely. Since the Node
object is used as an example, this section also teaches you how to easily
identify problems with a cluster node.

Introducing the node’s status conditions

Let’s print out the YAML manifest of the one of the node objects again, but
this time we’ll only focus on the conditions field in the object’s status. The
command to run and its output are as follows:
$ kubectl get node kind-control-plane -o yaml
- lastHeartbeatTime: "2020-05-17T13:03:42Z"
lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-03T15:09:17Z"
message: kubelet has sufficient memory available
reason: KubeletHasSufficientMemory
status: "False" #A
type: MemoryPressure #A
- lastHeartbeatTime: "2020-05-17T13:03:42Z"
lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-03T15:09:17Z"
message: kubelet has no disk pressure
reason: KubeletHasNoDiskPressure
status: "False" #B
type: DiskPressure #B
- lastHeartbeatTime: "2020-05-17T13:03:42Z"
lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-03T15:09:17Z"
message: kubelet has sufficient PID available
reason: KubeletHasSufficientPID
status: "False" #C
type: PIDPressure #C
- lastHeartbeatTime: "2020-05-17T13:03:42Z"
lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-03T15:10:15Z"
message: kubelet is posting ready status
reason: KubeletReady
status: "True" #D
type: Ready #D


The jq tool is very handy if you want to see only a part of the object’s
structure. For example, to display the node’s status conditions, you can run
kubectl get node <name> -o json | jq .status.conditions. The
equivalent tool for YAML is yq.

There are four conditions that reveal the state of the node. Each condition has
a type and a status field, which can be True, False or Unknown, as shown in
the figure 4.6. A condition can also specify a machine-facing reason for the
last transition of the condition and a human-facing message with details about
the transition. The lastTransitionTime field indicates when the condition
moved from one status to another, whereas the lastHeartbeatTime field
reveals the last time the controller received an update on the given condition.

Figure 4.6 The status conditions indicating the state of a Node object
Although it’s the last condition in the list, the Ready condition is probably the
most important, as it signals whether the node is ready to accept new
workloads (pods). The other conditions (MemoryPressure, DiskPressure and
PIDPressure) signal whether the node is running out of resources. Remember
to check these conditions if a node starts to behave strangely - for example, if
the applications running on it start running out of resources and/or crash.

Understanding conditions in other object kinds

A condition list such as that in Node objects is also used in many other object
kinds. The conditions explained earlier are a good example of why the state
of most objects is represented by multiple conditions instead of a single field.


Conditions are usually orthogonal, meaning that they represent unrelated

aspects of the object.

If the state of an object were represented as a single field, it would be very

difficult to subsequently extend it with new values, as this would require
updating all clients that monitor the state of the object and perform actions
based on it. Some object kinds originally used such a single field, and some
still do, but most now use a list of conditions instead.

Since the focus of this chapter is to introduce the common features of the
Kubernetes API objects, we’ve focused only on the conditions field, but it is
far from being the only field in the status of the Node object. To explore the
others, use the kubectl explain command as described in the previous
sidebar. The fields that are not immediately easy for you to understand should
become clear to you after reading the remaining chapters in this part of the


As an exercise, use the command kubectl get <kind> <name> -o yaml to

explore the other objects you’ve created so far (deployments, services, and

4.2.4 Inspecting objects using the kubectl describe command

To give you a correct impression of the entire structure of the Kubernetes
API objects, it was necessary to show you the complete YAML manifest of
an object. While I personally often use this method to inspect an object, a
more user-friendly way to inspect an object is the kubectl describe
command, which typically displays the same information or sometimes even

Understanding the kubectl describe output for a Node object

Let’s try running the kubectl describe command on a Node object. To keep
things interesting, let’s use it to describe one of the worker nodes instead of
the master. This is the command and its output:
$ kubectl describe node kind-worker-2
Name: kind-worker2
Roles: <none>
Labels: beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64
Annotations: kubeadm.alpha.kubernetes.io/cri-socket: /run/contain...
node.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl: 0
CreationTimestamp: Sun, 03 May 2020 17:09:48 +0200
Taints: <none>
Unschedulable: false
HolderIdentity: kind-worker2
AcquireTime: <unset>
RenewTime: Sun, 17 May 2020 16:15:03 +0200
Type Status ... Reason Message
---- ------ --- ------ -------
MemoryPressure False ... KubeletHasSufficientMemory ...
DiskPressure False ... KubeletHasNoDiskPressure ...
PIDPressure False ... KubeletHasSufficientPID ...
Ready True ... KubeletReady ...
Hostname: kind-worker2
cpu: 8
ephemeral-storage: 401520944Ki
hugepages-1Gi: 0
hugepages-2Mi: 0
memory: 32720824Ki
pods: 110
System Info:
Non-terminated Pods: (2 in total)
Namespace Name CPU Requests CPU Limits ... AGE
--------- ---- ------------ ---------- ... ---
kube-system kindnet-4xmjh 100m (1%) 100m (1%) ... 13d
kube-system kube-proxy-dgkfm 0 (0%) 0 (0%) ... 13d
Allocated resources:
(Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
Resource Requests Limits
-------- -------- ------
cpu 100m (1%) 100m (1%)
memory 50Mi (0%) 50Mi (0%)
ephemeral-storage 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
hugepages-1Gi 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
hugepages-2Mi 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Starting 3m50s kubelet, kind-worker2 ...
Normal NodeAllocatableEnforced 3m50s kubelet, kind-worker2 ...
Normal NodeHasSufficientMemory 3m50s kubelet, kind-worker2 ...
Normal NodeHasNoDiskPressure 3m50s kubelet, kind-worker2 ...
Normal NodeHasSufficientPID 3m50s kubelet, kind-worker2 ...
Normal Starting 3m49s kube-proxy, kind-worker2 ...

As you can see, the kubectl describe command displays all the information
you previously found in the YAML manifest of the Node object, but in a
more readable form. You can see the name, IP address, and hostname, as well
as the conditions and available capacity of the node.

Inspecting other objects related to the Node

In addition to the information stored in the Node object itself, the kubectl
describe command also displays the pods running on the node and the total
amount of compute resources allocated to them. Below is also a list of events
related to the node.

This additional information isn’t found in the Node object itself but is
collected by the kubectl tool from other API objects. For example, the list of
pods running on the node is obtained by retrieving Pod objects via the pods

If you run the describe command yourself, no events may be displayed. This
is because only events that have occurred recently are shown. For Node
objects, unless the node has resource capacity issues, you’ll only see events if
you’ve recently (re)started the node.

Virtually every API object kind has events associated with it. Since they are
crucial for debugging a cluster, they warrant a closer look before you start
exploring other objects.
4.3 Observing cluster events via Event objects
As controllers perform their task of reconciling the actual state of an object
with the desired state, as specified in the object’s spec field, they generate
events to reveal what they have done. Two types of events exist: Normal and
Warning. Events of the latter type are usually generated by controllers when
something prevents them from reconciling the object. By monitoring this type
of events, you can be quickly informed of any problems that the cluster

4.3.1 Introducing the Event object

Like everything else in Kubernetes, events are represented by Event objects

that are created and read via the Kubernetes API. As the following figure
shows, they contain information about what happened to the object and what
the source of the event was. Unlike other objects, each Event object is deleted
one hour after its creation to reduce the burden on etcd, the data store for
Kubernetes API objects.

Figure 4.7 The relationship between Event objects, controllers, and other API objects.

The amount of time to retain events is configurable via the API server’s
command-line options.

Listing events using kubectl get events

The events displayed by kubectl describe refer to the object you specify as
the argument to the command. Due to their nature and the fact that many
events can be created for an object in a short time, they aren’t part of the
object itself. You won’t find them in the object’s YAML manifest, as they
exist on their own, just like Nodes and the other objects you’ve seen so far.


If you want to follow the exercises in this section in your own cluster, you
may need to restart one of the nodes to ensure that the events are recent
enough to still be present in etcd. If you can’t do this, don’t worry, and just
skip doing these exercises yourself, as you’ll also be generating and
inspecting events in the exercises in the next chapter.
Because Events are standalone objects, you can list them using kubectl get

$ kubectl get ev
48s Normal Starting node/kind-worker2 Starting kubelet.
48s Normal NodeAllocatableEnforced node/kind-worker2 Updated Node A...
48s Normal NodeHasSufficientMemory node/kind-worker2 Node kind-work...
48s Normal NodeHasNoDiskPressure node/kind-worker2 Node kind-work...
48s Normal NodeHasSufficientPID node/kind-worker2 Node kind-work...
47s Normal Starting node/kind-worker2 Starting kube-...


The previous listing uses the short name ev in place of events.

You’ll notice that some events displayed in the listing match the status
conditions of the Node. This is often the case, but you’ll also find additional
events. The two events with the reason Starting are two such examples. In
the case at hand, they signal that the Kubelet and the Kube Proxy components
have been started on the node. You don’t need to worry about these
components yet. They are explained in the third part of the book.

Understanding what’s in an Event object

As with other objects, the kubectl get command only outputs the most
important object data. To display additional information, you can enable
additional columns by executing the command with the -o wide option:
$ kubectl get ev -o wide

The output of this command is extremely wide and is not listed here in the
book. Instead, the information that is displayed is explained in the following

Table 4.1 Properties of the Event object

Property Description
The name of this Event object instance. Useful only if you want to
retrieve the given object from the API.

Type The type of the event. Either Normal or Warning.

Reason The machine-facing description why the event occurred.

The component that reported this event. This is usually a


The object instance to which the event refers. For example,


Sub- The sub-object to which the event refers. For example, what
object container of the pod.

Message The human-facing description of the event.

The first time this event occurred. Remember that each Event
object is deleted after a while, so this may not be the first time that
the event actually occurred.

Last Events often occur repeatedly. This field indicates when this event
seen last occurred.

Count The number of times this event has occurred.


As you complete the exercises throughout this book, you may find it useful to
run the kubectl get events command each time you make changes to one
of your objects. This will help you learn what happens beneath the surface.

Displaying only warning events

Unlike the kubectl describe command, which only displays events related
to the object you’re describing, the kubectl get events command displays
all events. This is useful if you want to check if there are events that you
should be concerned about. You may want to ignore events of type Normal
and focus only on those of type Warning.

The API provides a way to filter objects through a mechanism called field
selectors. Only objects where the specified field matches the specified
selector value are returned. You can use this to display only Warning events.
The kubectl get command allows you to specify the field selector with the -
-field-selector option. To list only events that represent warnings, you
execute the following command:
$ kubectl get ev --field-selector type=Warning
No resources found in default namespace.

If the command does not print any events, as in the above case, no warnings
have been recorded in your cluster recently.

You may wonder how I knew the exact name of the field to be used in the
field selector and what its exact value should be (perhaps it should have been
lower case, for example). Hats off if you guessed that this information is
provided by the kubectl explain events command. Since events are
regular API objects, you can use it to look up documentation on the event
objects’ structure. There you’ll learn that the type field can have two values:
either Normal or Warning.

4.3.2 Examining the YAML of the Event object

To inspect the events in your cluster, the commands kubectl describe and
kubectl get events should be sufficient. Unlike other objects, you’ll
probably never have to display the complete YAML of an Event object. But
I’d like to take this opportunity to show you an annoying thing about
Kubernetes object manifests that the API returns.

Event objects have no spec and status sections

If you use the kubectl explain to explore the structure of the Event object,
you’ll notice that it has no spec or status sections. Unfortunately, this means
that its fields are not as nicely organized as in the Node object, for example.

Inspect the following YAML and see if you can easily find the object’s kind,
metadata, and other fields.

apiVersion: v1 #A
count: 1
eventTime: null
firstTimestamp: "2020-05-17T18:16:40Z"
kind: Node
name: kind-worker2
uid: kind-worker2
kind: Event #B
lastTimestamp: "2020-05-17T18:16:40Z"
message: Starting kubelet.
metadata: #C
creationTimestamp: "2020-05-17T18:16:40Z"
name: kind-worker2.160fe38fc0bc3703 #D
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "3528471"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/events/kind-worker2.160f...
uid: da97e812-d89e-4890-9663-091fd1ec5e2d
reason: Starting
reportingComponent: ""
reportingInstance: ""
component: kubelet
host: kind-worker2
type: Normal

You will surely agree that the YAML manifest in the listing is disorganized.
The fields are listed alphabetically instead of being organized into coherent
groups. This makes it difficult for us humans to read. It looks so chaotic that
it’s no wonder that many people hate to deal with Kubernetes YAML or
JSON manifests, since both suffer from this problem.

In contrast, the earlier YAML manifest of the Node object was relatively easy
to read, because the order of the top-level fields is what one would expect:
apiVersion, kind, metadata, spec, and status. You’ll notice that this is
simply because the alphabetical order of the five fields just happens to make
sense. But the fields under those fields suffer from the same problem, as they
are also sorted alphabetically.

YAML is supposed to be easy for people to read, but the alphabetical field
order in Kubernetes YAML breaks this. Fortunately, most objects contain the
spec and status sections, so at least the top-level fields in these objects are
well organized. As for the rest, you’ll just have to accept this unfortunate
aspect of dealing with Kubernetes manifests.

4.4 Summary
In this chapter, you’ve learned:

Kubernetes provides a RESTful API for interaction with a cluster. API

Objects map to actual components that make up the cluster, including
applications, load balancers, nodes, storage volumes, and many others.
An object instance can be represented by many resources. A single
object type can be exposed through several resources that are just
different representations of the same thing.
Kubernetes API objects are described in YAML or JSON manifests.
Objects are created by posting a manifest to the API. The status of the
object is stored in the object itself and can be retrieved by requesting the
object from the API with a GET request.
All Kubernetes API objects contain Type and Object Metadata, and
most have a spec and status sections. A few object types don’t have
these two sections, because they only contain static data.
Controllers bring objects to life by constantly watching for changes in
their spec, updating the cluster state and reporting the current state via
the object’s status field.
As controllers manage Kubernetes API objects, they emit events to
reveal what actions they have performed. Like everything else, events
are represented by Event objects and can be retrieved through the API.
Events signal what is happening to a Node or other object. They show
what has recently happened to the object and can provide clues as to
why it is broken.
The kubectl explain command provides a quick way to look up
documentation on a specific object kind and its fields from the command
The status in a Node object contains information about the node’s IP
address and hostname, its resource capacity, conditions, cached
container images and other information about the node. Pods running on
the node are not part of the node’s status, but the kubectl describe
node commands gets this information from the pods resource.
Many object types use status conditions to signal the state of the
component that the object represents. For nodes, these conditions are
MemoryPressure, DiskPressure and PIDPressure. Each condition is
either True, False, or Unknown and has an associated reason and
message that explain why the condition is in the specified state.

You should now be familiar with the general structure of the Kubernetes API
objects. In the next chapter, you’ll learn about the Pod object, the
fundamental building block which represents one running instance of your
5 Running workloads in Pods
This chapter covers
Understanding how and when to group containers
Running an application by creating a Pod object from a YAML file
Communicating with an application, viewing its logs, and exploring its
Adding a sidecar container to extend the pod’s main container
Initializing pods by running init containers at pod startup

Let me refresh your memory with a diagram that shows the three types of
objects you created in chapter 3 to deploy a minimal application on
Kubernetes. Figure 5.1 shows how they relate to each other and what
functions they have in the system.

Figure 5.1 Three basic object types comprising a deployed application

You now have a basic understanding of how these objects are exposed via the
Kubernetes API. In this and the following chapters, you’ll learn about the
specifics of each of them and many others that are typically used to deploy a
full application. Let’s start with the Pod object, as it represents the central,
most important concept in Kubernetes - a running instance of your

You’ll find the code files for this chapter at


5.1 Understanding pods

You’ve already learned that a pod is a co-located group of containers and the
basic building block in Kubernetes. Instead of deploying containers
individually, you deploy and manage a group of containers as a single unit —
a pod. Although pods may contain several, it’s not uncommon for a pod to
contain just a single container. When a pod has multiple containers, all of
them run on the same worker node — a single pod instance never spans
multiple nodes. Figure 5.2 will help you visualize this information.

Figure 5.2 All containers of a pod run on the same node. A pod never spans multiple nodes.

5.1.1 Understanding why we need pods

Let’s discuss why we need to run multiple containers together, as opposed to,
for example, running multiple processes in the same container.

Understanding why one container shouldn’t contain multiple processes

Imagine an application that consists of several processes that communicate
with each other via IPC (Inter-Process Communication) or shared files,
which requires them to run on the same computer. In chapter 2, you learned
that each container is like an isolated computer or virtual machine. A
computer typically runs several processes; containers can also do this. You
can run all the processes that make up an application in just one container,
but that makes the container very difficult to manage.

Containers are designed to run only a single process, not counting any child
processes that it spawns. Both container tooling and Kubernetes were
developed around this fact. For example, a process running in a container is
expected to write its logs to standard output. Docker and Kubernetes
commands that you use to display the logs only show what has been captured
from this output. If a single process is running in the container, it’s the only
writer, but if you run multiple processes in the container, they all write to the
same output. Their logs are therefore intertwined, and it’s difficult to tell
which process each line belongs to.

Another indication that containers should only run a single process is the fact
that the container runtime only restarts the container when the container’s
root process dies. It doesn’t care about any child processes created by this
root process. If it spawns child processes, it alone is responsible for keeping
all these processes running.

To take full advantage of the features provided by the container runtime, you
should consider running only one process in each container.

Understanding how a pod combines multiple containers

Since you shouldn’t run multiple processes in a single container, it’s evident
you need another higher-level construct that allows you to run related
processes together even when divided into multiple containers. These
processes must be able to communicate with each other like processes in a
normal computer. And that is why pods were introduced.

With a pod, you can run closely related processes together, giving them
(almost) the same environment as if they were all running in a single
container. These processes are somewhat isolated, but not completely - they
share some resources. This gives you the best of both worlds. You can use all
the features that containers offer, but also allow processes to work together.
A pod makes these interconnected containers manageable as one unit.

In the second chapter, you learned that a container uses its own set of Linux
namespaces, but it can also share some with other containers. This sharing of
namespaces is exactly how Kubernetes and the container runtime combine
containers into pods.

As shown in figure 5.3, all containers in a pod share the same Network
namespace and thus the network interfaces, IP address(es) and port space that
belong to it.

Figure 5.3 Containers in a pod share the same network interfaces

Because of the shared port space, processes running in containers of the same
pod can’t be bound to the same port numbers, whereas processes in other
pods have their own network interfaces and port spaces, eliminating port
conflicts between different pods.

All the containers in a pod also see the same system hostname, because they
share the UTS namespace, and can communicate through the usual IPC
mechanisms because they share the IPC namespace. A pod can also be
configured to use a single PID namespace for all its containers, which makes
them share a single process tree, but you must explicitly enable this for each
pod individually.


When containers of the same pod use separate PID namespaces, they can’t
see each other or send process signals like SIGTERM or SIGINT between them.

It’s this sharing of certain namespaces that gives the processes running in a
pod the impression that they run together, even though they run in separate

In contrast, each container always has its own Mount namespace, giving it its
own file system, but when two containers must share a part of the file system,
you can add a volume to the pod and mount it into both containers. The two
containers still use two separate Mount namespaces, but the shared volume is
mounted into both. You’ll learn more about volumes in chapter 7.

5.1.2 Organizing containers into pods

You can think of each pod as a separate computer. Unlike virtual machines,
which typically host multiple applications, you typically run only one
application in each pod. You never need to combine multiple applications in
a single pod, as pods have almost no resource overhead. You can have as
many pods as you need, so instead of stuffing all your applications into a
single pod, you should divide them so that each pod runs only closely related
application processes.

Let me illustrate this with a concrete example.

Splitting a multi-tier application stack into multiple pods

Imagine a simple system composed of a front-end web server and a back-end

database. I’ve already explained that the front-end server and the database
shouldn’t run in the same container, as all the features built into containers
were designed around the expectation that not more than one process runs in
a container. If not in a single container, should you then run them in separate
containers that are all in the same pod?
Although nothing prevents you from running both the front-end server and
the database in a single pod, this isn’t the best approach. I’ve explained that
all containers of a pod always run co-located, but do the web server and the
database have to run on the same computer? The answer is obviously no, as
they can easily communicate over the network. Therefore you shouldn’t run
them in the same pod.

If both the front-end and the back-end are in the same pod, both run on the
same cluster node. If you have a two-node cluster and only create this one
pod, you are using only a single worker node and aren’t taking advantage of
the computing resources available on the second node. This means wasted
CPU, memory, disk storage and bandwidth. Splitting the containers into two
pods allows Kubernetes to place the front-end pod on one node and the back-
end pod on the other, thereby improving the utilization of your hardware.

Splitting into multiple pods to enable individual scaling

Another reason not to use a single pod has to do with horizontal scaling. A
pod is not only the basic unit of deployment, but also the basic unit of
scaling. In chapter 2 you scaled the Deployment object and Kubernetes
created additional pods – additional replicas of your application. Kubernetes
doesn’t replicate containers within a pod. It replicates the entire pod.

Front-end components usually have different scaling requirements than back-

end components, so we typically scale them individually. When your pod
contains both the front-end and back-end containers and Kubernetes
replicates it, you end up with multiple instances of both the front-end and
back-end containers, which isn’t always what you want. Stateful back-ends,
such as databases, usually can’t be scaled. At least not as easily as stateless
front ends. If a container has to be scaled separately from the other
components, this is a clear indication that it must be deployed in a separate

The following figure illustrates what was just explained.

Figure 5.4 Splitting an application stack into pods

Splitting application stacks into multiple pods is the correct approach. But
then, when does one run multiple containers in the same pod?

Introducing sidecar containers

Placing several containers in a single pod is only appropriate if the

application consists of a primary process and one or more processes that
complement the operation of the primary process. The container in which the
complementary process runs is called a sidecar container because it’s
analogous to a motorcycle sidecar, which makes the motorcycle more stable
and offers the possibility of carrying an additional passenger. But unlike
motorcycles, a pod can have more than one sidecar, as shown in figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5 A pod with a primary and sidecar container(s)

It’s difficult to imagine what constitutes a complementary process, so I’ll
give you some examples. In chapter 2, you deployed pods with one container
that runs a Node.js application. The Node.js application only supports the
HTTP protocol. To make it support HTTPS, we could add a bit more
JavaScript code, but we can also do it without changing the existing
application at all - by adding an additional container to the pod – a reverse
proxy that converts HTTPS traffic to HTTP and forwards it to the Node.js
container. The Node.js container is thus the primary container, whereas the
container running the proxy is the sidecar container. Figure 5.6 shows this

Figure 5.6 A sidecar container that converts HTTPS traffic to HTTP


You’ll create this pod in section 5.4.

Another example, shown in figure 5.7, is a pod where the primary container
runs a web server that serves files from its webroot directory. The other
container in the pod is an agent that periodically downloads content from an
external source and stores it in the web server’s webroot directory. As I
mentioned earlier, two containers can share files by sharing a volume. The
webroot directory would be located on this volume.

Figure 5.7 A sidecar container that delivers content to the web server container via a volume


You’ll create this pod in the chapter 7.

Other examples of sidecar containers are log rotators and collectors, data
processors, communication adapters, and others.

Unlike changing the application’s existing code, adding a sidecar increases

the pod’s resources requirements because an additional process must run in
the pod. But keep in mind that adding code to legacy applications can be very
difficult. This could be because its code is difficult to modify, it’s difficult to
set up the build environment, or the source code itself is no longer available.
Extending the application by adding an additional process is sometimes a
cheaper and faster option.

How to decide whether to split containers into multiple pods

When deciding whether to use the sidecar pattern and place containers in a
single pod, or to place them in separate pods, ask yourself the following

Do these containers have to run on the same host?

Do I want to manage them as a single unit?
Do they form a unified whole instead of being independent components?
Do they have to be scaled together?
Can a single node meet their combined resource needs?

If the answer to all these questions is yes, put them all in the same pod. As a
rule of thumb, always place containers in separate pods unless a specific
reason requires them to be part of the same pod.

5.2 Creating pods from YAML or JSON files

With the information you learned in the previous sections, you can now start
creating pods. In chapter 3, you created them using the imperative command
kubectl create, but pods and other Kubernetes objects are usually created
by creating a JSON or YAML manifest file and posting it to the Kubernetes
API, as you’ve already learned in the previous chapter.


The decision whether to use YAML or JSON to define your objects is yours.
Most people prefer to use YAML because it’s slightly more human-friendly
and allows you to add comments to the object definition.

By using YAML files to define the structure of your application, you don’t
need shell scripts to make the process of deploying your applications
repeatable, and you can keep a history of all changes by storing these files in
a VCS (Version Control System). Just like you store code.

In fact, the application manifests of the exercises in this book are all stored in
a VCS. You can find them on GitHub at github.com/luksa/kubernetes-in-

5.2.1 Creating a YAML manifest for a pod

In the previous chapter you learned how to retrieve and examine the YAML
manifests of existing API objects. Now you’ll create an object manifest from

You’ll start by creating a file called pod.kiada.yaml on your computer, in a

location of your choosing. You can also find the file in the book’s code
archive in the Chapter05/ directory. The following listing shows the contents
of the file.

Listing 5.1 A basic pod manifest file

apiVersion: v1 #A
kind: Pod #B
name: kiada #C
- name: kiada #D
image: luksa/kiada:0.1 #E
- containerPort: 8080 #F

I’m sure you’ll agree that this pod manifest is much easier to understand than
the mammoth of a manifest representing the Node object, which you saw in
the previous chapter. But once you post this pod object manifest to the API
and then read it back, it won’t be much different.

The manifest in listing 5.1 is short only because it does not yet contain all the
fields that a pod object gets after it is created through the API. For example,
you’ll notice that the metadata section contains only a single field and that
the status section is completely missing. Once you create the object from
this manifest, this will no longer be the case. But we’ll get to that later.

Before you create the object, let’s examine the manifest in detail. It uses
version v1 of the Kubernetes API to describe the object. The object kind is
Pod and the name of the object is kiada. The pod consists of a single
container also called kiada, based on the luksa/kiada:0.1 image. The pod
definition also specifies that the application in the container listens on port


Whenever you want to create a pod manifest from scratch, you can also use
the following command to create the file and then edit it to add more fields:
kubectl run kiada --image=luksa/kiada:0.1 --dry-run=client -o
yaml > mypod.yaml. The --dry-run=client flag tells kubectl to output the
definition instead of actually creating the object via the API.

The fields in the YAML file are self-explanatory, but if you want more
information about each field or want to know what additional fields you can
add, remember to use the kubectl explain pods command.

5.2.2 Creating the Pod object from the YAML file

After you’ve prepared the manifest file for your pod, you can now create the
object by posting the file to the Kubernetes API.

Creating objects by applying the manifest file to the cluster

When you post the manifest to the API, you are directing Kubernetes to apply
the manifest to the cluster. That’s why the kubectl sub-command that does
this is called apply. Let’s use it to create the pod:
$ kubectl apply -f pod.kiada.yaml
pod "kiada" created

Updating objects by modifying the manifest file and re-applying it

The kubectl apply command is used for creating objects as well as for
making changes to existing objects. If you later decide to make changes to
your pod object, you can simply edit the pod.kiada.yaml file and run the
apply command again. Some of the pod’s fields aren’t mutable, so the update
may fail, but you can always delete the pod and re-create it. You’ll learn how
to delete pods and other objects at the end of this chapter.

Retrieving the full manifest of a running pod

The pod object is now part of the cluster configuration. You can now read it
back from the API to see the full object manifest with the following
$ kubectl get po kiada -o yaml

If you run this command, you’ll notice that the manifest has grown
considerably compared to the one in the pod.kiada.yaml file. You’ll see that
the metadata section is now much bigger, and the object now has a status
section. The spec section has also grown by several fields. You can use
kubectl explain to learn more about these new fields, but most of them will
be explained in this and the following chapters.

5.2.3 Checking the newly created pod

Let’s use the basic kubectl commands to see how the pod is doing before we
start interacting with the application running inside it.

Quickly checking the status of a pod

Your Pod object has been created, but how do you know if the container in
the pod is actually running? You can use the kubectl get command to see a
summary of the pod:
$ kubectl get pod kiada
kiada 1/1 Running 0 32s

You can see that the pod is running, but not much else. To see more, you can
try the kubectl get pod -o wide or the kubectl describe command that
you learned in the previous chapter.

Using kubectl describe to see pod details

To display a more detailed view of the pod, use the kubectl describe
$ kubectl describe pod kiada
Name: kiada
Namespace: default
Priority: 0
Node: worker2/
Start Time: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 12:53:28 +0100

The listing doesn’t show the entire output, but if you run the command
yourself, you’ll see virtually all information that you’d see if you print the
complete object manifest using the kubectl get -o yaml command.

Inspecting events to see what happens beneath the surface

As in the previous chapter where you used the describe node command to
inspect a Node object, the describe pod command should display several
events related to the pod at the bottom of the output.

If you remember, these events aren’t part of the object itself, but are separate
objects. Let’s print them to learn more about what happens when you create
the pod object. These are the events that were logged after the pod was
$ kubectl get events
<unknown> Normal Scheduled pod/kiada Successfully assigned default/
kiada to kind-worker2
5m Normal Pulling pod/kiada Pulling image luksa/kiada:0.1
5m Normal Pulled pod/kiada Successfully pulled image
5m Normal Created pod/kiada Created container kiada
5m Normal Started pod/kiada Started container kiada
These events are printed in chronological order. The most recent event is at
the bottom. You see that the pod was first assigned to one of the worker
nodes, then the container image was pulled, then the container was created
and finally started.

No warning events are displayed, so everything seems to be fine. If this is not

the case in your cluster, you should read section 5.4 to learn how to
troubleshoot pod failures.

5.3 Interacting with the application and the pod

Your container is now running. In this section, you’ll learn how to
communicate with the application, inspect its logs, and execute commands in
the container to explore the application’s environment. Let’s confirm that the
application running in the container responds to your requests.

5.3.1 Sending requests to the application in the pod

In chapter 2, you used the kubectl expose command to create a service that
provisioned a load balancer so you could talk to the application running in
your pod(s). You’ll now take a different approach. For development, testing
and debugging purposes, you may want to communicate directly with a
specific pod, rather than using a service that forwards connections to
randomly selected pods.

You’ve learned that each pod is assigned its own IP address where it can be
accessed by every other pod in the cluster. This IP address is typically
internal to the cluster. You can’t access it from your local computer, except
when Kubernetes is deployed in a specific way – for example, when using
kind or Minikube without a VM to create the cluster.

In general, to access pods, you must use one of the methods described in the
following sections. First, let’s determine the pod’s IP address.

Getting the pod’s IP address

You can get the pod’s IP address by retrieving the pod’s full YAML and
searching for the podIP field in the status section. Alternatively, you can
display the IP with kubectl describe, but the easiest way is to use kubectl
get with the wide output option:

$ kubectl get pod kiada -o wide

kiada 1/1 Running 0 35m worker2 ...

As indicated in the IP column, my pod’s IP is Now I need to

determine the port number the application is listening on.

Getting the port number used by the application

If I wasn’t the author of the application, it would be difficult for me to find

out which port the application listens on. I could inspect its source code or the
Dockerfile of the container image, as the port is usually specified there, but I
might not have access to either. If someone else had created the pod, how
would I know which port it was listening on?

Fortunately, you can specify a list of ports in the pod definition itself. It isn’t
necessary to specify any ports, but it is a good idea to always do so. See
sidebar for details.

Why specify container ports in pod definitions

Specifying ports in the pod definition is purely informative. Their omission

has no effect on whether clients can connect to the pod’s port. If the container
accepts connections through a port bound to its IP address, anyone can
connect to it, even if the port isn’t explicitly specified in the pod spec or if
you specify an incorrect port number.

Despite this, it’s a good idea to always specify the ports so that anyone who
has access to your cluster can see which ports each pod exposes. By
explicitly defining ports, you can also assign a name to each port, which is
very useful when you expose pods via services.

The pod manifest says that the container uses port 8080, so you now have
everything you need to talk to the application.
Connecting to the pod from the worker nodes

The Kubernetes network model dictates that each pod is accessible from any
other pod and that each node can reach any pod on any node in the cluster.

Because of this, one way to communicate with your pod is to log into one of
your worker nodes and talk to the pod from there. You’ve already learned
that the way you log on to a node depends on what you used to deploy your
cluster. If you’re using kind, run docker exec -it kind-worker bash, or
minikube ssh if you’re using Minikube. On GKE use the gcloud compute
ssh command. For other clusters refer to their documentation.

Once you have logged into the node, use the curl command with the pod’s
IP and port to access your application. My pod’s IP is and the port
is 8080, so I run the following command:
$ curl
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "kiada". Client IP: ::ffff:10.244.2.

Normally you don’t use this method to talk to your pods, but you may need to
use it if there are communication issues and you want to find the cause by
first trying the shortest possible communication route. In this case, it’s best to
log into the node where the pod is located and run curl from there. The
communication between it and the pod takes place locally, so this method
always has the highest chances of success.

Connecting from a one-off client pod

The second way to test the connectivity of your application is to run curl in
another pod that you create specifically for this task. Use this method to test
if other pods will be able to access your pod. Even if the network works
perfectly, this may not be the case. In chapter 24, you’ll learn how to lock
down the network by isolating pods from each other. In such a system, a pod
can only talk to the pods it’s allowed to.

To run curl in a one-off pod, use the following command:

$ kubectl run --image=curlimages/curl -it --restart=Never --rm client-pod cu
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "kiada". Client IP: ::ffff:10.244.2.
pod "client-pod" deleted

This command runs a pod with a single container created from the
curlimages/curl image. You can also use any other image that provides the
curl binary executable. The -it option attaches your console to the
container’s standard input and output, the --restart=Never option ensures
that the pod is considered Completed when the curl command and its
container terminate, and the --rm options removes the pod at the end. The
name of the pod is client-pod and the command executed in its container is


You can also modify the command to run the bash shell in the client pod and
then run curl from the shell.

Creating a pod just to see if it can access another pod is useful when you’re
specifically testing pod-to-pod connectivity. If you only want to know if your
pod is responding to requests, you can also use the method explained in the
next section.

Connecting to pods via kubectl port forwarding

During development, the easiest way to talk to applications running in your

pods is to use the kubectl port-forward command, which allows you to
communicate with a specific pod through a proxy bound to a network port on
your local computer, as shown in the next figure.

Figure 5.8 Connecting to a pod through the kubectl port-forward proxy

To open a communication path with a pod, you don’t even need to look up
the pod’s IP, as you only need to specify its name and the port. The following
command starts a proxy that forwards your computer’s local port 8080 to the
kiada pod’s port 8080:

$ kubectl port-forward kiada 8080

... Forwarding from -> 8080
... Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080

The proxy now waits for incoming connections. Run the following curl
command in another terminal:
$ curl localhost:8080
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "kiada". Client IP: ::ffff:

As you can see, curl has connected to the local proxy and received the
response from the pod. While the port-forward command is the easiest
method for communicating with a specific pod during development and
troubleshooting, it’s also the most complex method in terms of what happens
underneath. Communication passes through several components, so if
anything is broken in the communication path, you won’t be able to talk to
the pod, even if the pod itself is accessible via regular communication


The kubectl port-forward command can also forward connections to

services instead of pods and has several other useful features. Run kubectl
port-forward --help to learn more.
Figure 5.9 shows how the network packets flow from the curl process to
your application and back.

Figure 5.9 The long communication path between curl and the container when using port

As shown in the figure, the curl process connects to the proxy, which
connects to the API server, which then connects to the Kubelet on the node
that hosts the pod, and the Kubelet then connects to the container through the
pod’s loopback device (in other words, through the localhost address). I’m
sure you’ll agree that the communication path is exceptionally long.


The application in the container must be bound to a port on the loopback

device for the Kubelet to reach it. If it listens only on the pod’s eth0 network
interface, you won’t be able to reach it with the kubectl port-forward

5.3.2 Viewing application logs

Your Node.js application writes its log to the standard output stream. Instead
of writing the log to a file, containerized applications usually log to the
standard output (stdout) and standard error streams (stderr). This allows the
container runtime to intercept the output, store it in a consistent location
(usually /var/log/containers) and provide access to the log without having
to know where each application stores its log files.

When you run an application in a container using Docker, you can display its
log with docker logs <container-id>. When you run your application in
Kubernetes, you could log into the node that hosts the pod and display its log
using docker logs, but Kubernetes provides an easier way to do this with the
kubectl logs command.

Retrieving a pod’s log with kubectl logs

To view the log of your pod (more specifically, the container’s log), run the
following command:
$ kubectl logs kiada
Kiada - Kubernetes in Action Demo Application
Kiada 0.1 starting...
Local hostname is kiada
Listening on port 8080
Received request for / from ::ffff: #A
Received request for / from ::ffff: #B
Received request for / from ::ffff: #C

Streaming logs using kubectl logs -f

If you want to stream the application log in real-time to see each request as it
comes in, you can run the command with the --follow option (or the shorter
version -f):
$ kubectl logs kiada -f

Now send some additional requests to the application and have a look at the
log. Press ctrl-C to stop streaming the log when you’re done.

Displaying the timestamp of each logged line

You may have noticed that we forgot to include the timestamp in the log
statement. Logs without timestamps have limited usability. Fortunately, the
container runtime attaches the current timestamp to every line produced by
the application. You can display these timestamps by using the --
timestamps=true option as follows:

$ kubectl logs kiada --timestamps=true

2020-02-01T09:44:40.954641934Z Kiada - Kubernetes in Action Demo Application
2020-02-01T09:44:40.954843234Z ---------------------------------------------
2020-02-01T09:44:40.955032432Z Kiada 0.1 starting...
2020-02-01T09:44:40.955123432Z Local hostname is kiada
2020-02-01T09:44:40.956435431Z Listening on port 8080
2020-02-01T09:50:04.978043089Z Received request for / from ...
2020-02-01T09:50:33.640897378Z Received request for / from ...
2020-02-01T09:50:44.781473256Z Received request for / from ...


You can display timestamps by only typing --timestamps without the value.
For boolean options, merely specifying the option name sets the option to
true. This applies to all kubectl options that take a Boolean value and default
to false.

Displaying recent logs

The previous feature is great if you run third-party applications that don’t
include the timestamp in their log output, but the fact that each line is
timestamped brings us another benefit: filtering log lines by time. Kubectl
provides two ways of filtering the logs by time.

The first option is when you want to only display logs from the past several
seconds, minutes or hours. For example, to see the logs produced in the last
two minutes, run:
$ kubectl logs kiada --since=2m

The other option is to display logs produced after a specific date and time
using the --since-time option. The time format to be used is RFC3339. For
example, the following command is used to print logs produced after
February 1st, 2020 at 9:50 a.m.:
$ kubectl logs kiada --since-time=2020-02-01T09:50:00Z

Displaying the last several lines of the log

Instead of using time to constrain the output, you can also specify how many
lines from the end of the log you want to display. To display the last ten lines,
$ kubectl logs kiada --tail=10


Kubectl options that take a value can be specified with an equal sign or with a
space. Instead of --tail=10, you can also type --tail 10.

Understanding the availability of the pod’s logs

Kubernetes keeps a separate log file for each container. They are usually
stored in /var/log/containers on the node that runs the container. A
separate file is created for each container. If the container is restarted, its logs
are written to a new file. Because of this, if the container is restarted while
you’re following its log with kubectl logs -f, the command will terminate,
and you’ll need to run it again to stream the new container’s logs.

The kubectl logs command displays only the logs of the current container.
To view the logs from the previous container, use the --previous (or -p)


Depending on your cluster configuration, the log files may also be rotated
when they reach a certain size. In this case, kubectl logs will only display
the current log file. When streaming the logs, you must restart the command
to switch to the new file when the log is rotated.

When you delete a pod, all its log files are also deleted. To make pods’ logs
available permanently, you need to set up a central, cluster-wide logging
system. Chapter 23 explains how.

What about applications that write their logs to files?

If your application writes its logs to a file instead of stdout, you may be
wondering how to access that file. Ideally, you’d configure the centralized
logging system to collect the logs so you can view them in a central location,
but sometimes you just want to keep things simple and don’t mind accessing
the logs manually. In the next two sections, you’ll learn how to copy log and
other files from the container to your computer and in the opposite direction,
and how to run commands in running containers. You can use either method
to display the log files or any other file inside the container.

5.3.3 Copying files to and from containers

Sometimes you may want to add a file to a running container or retrieve a file
from it. Modifying files in running containers isn’t something you normally
do - at least not in production - but it can be useful during development.

Kubectl offers the cp command to copy files or directories from your local
computer to a container of any pod or from the container to your computer.
For example, if you’d like to modify the HTML file that the kiada pod
serves, you can use to following command to copy it to your local file
$ kubectl cp kiada:html/index.html /tmp/index.html

This command copies the file /html/index.html file from the pod named
kiada to the /tmp/index.html file on your computer. You can now edit the
file locally. Once you’re happy with the changes, copy the file back to the
container with the following command:
$ kubectl cp /tmp/index.html kiada:html/

Hitting refresh in your browser should now include the changes you’ve

The kubectl cp command requires the tar binary to be present in your
container, but this requirement may change in the future.

5.3.4 Executing commands in running containers

When debugging an application running in a container, it may be necessary to
examine the container and its environment from the inside. Kubectl provides
this functionality, too. You can execute any binary file present in the
container’s file system using the kubectl exec command.

Invoking a single command in the container

For example, you can list the processes running in the container in the kiada
pod by running the following command:
$ kubectl exec kiada -- ps aux
root 1 0.0 1.3 812860 27356 ? Ssl 11:54 0:00 node app.js #A
root 120 0.0 0.1 17500 2128 ? Rs 12:22 0:00 ps aux #B

This is the Kubernetes equivalent of the Docker command you used to

explore the processes in a running container in chapter 2. It allows you to
remotely run a command in any pod without having to log in to the node that
hosts the pod. If you’ve used ssh to execute commands on a remote system,
you’ll see that kubectl exec is not much different.

In section 5.3.1 you executed the curl command in a one-off client pod to
send a request to your application, but you can also run the command inside
the kiada pod itself:
$ kubectl exec kiada -- curl -s localhost:8080
Kiada version 0.1. Request processed by "kiada". Client IP: ::1

Why use a double dash in the kubectl exec command?

The double dash (--) in the command delimits kubectl arguments from the
command to be executed in the container. The use of the double dash isn’t
necessary if the command has no arguments that begin with a dash. If you
omit the double dash in the previous example, the -s option is interpreted as
an option for kubectl exec and results in the following misleading error:
$ kubectl exec kiada curl -s localhost:8080
The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused – did you specify th

This may look like the Node.js server is refusing to accept the connection, but
the issue lies elsewhere. The curl command is never executed. The error is
reported by kubectl itself when it tries to talk to the Kubernetes API server
at localhost:8080, which isn’t where the server is. If you run the kubectl
options command, you’ll see that the -s option can be used to specify the
address and port of the Kubernetes API server. Instead of passing that option
to curl, kubectl adopted it as its own. Adding the double dash prevents this.

Fortunately, to prevent scenarios like this, newer versions of kubectl are set
to return an error if you forget the double dash.

Running an interactive shell in the container

The two previous examples showed how a single command can be executed
in the container. When the command completes, you are returned to your
shell. If you want to run several commands in the container, you can run a
shell in the container as follows:
$ kubectl exec -it kiada -- bash
root@kiada:/# #A

The -it is short for two options: -i and -t, which indicate that you want to
execute the bash command interactively by passing the standard input to the
container and marking it as a terminal (TTY).

You can now explore the inside of the container by executing commands in
the shell. For example, you can view the files in the container by running ls
-la, view its network interfaces with ip link, or test its connectivity with
ping. You can run any tool available in the container.

Not all containers allow you to run shells

The container image of your application contains many important debugging

tools, but this isn’t the case with every container image. To keep images
small and improve security in the container, most containers used in
production don’t contain any binary files other than those required for the
container’s primary process. This significantly reduces the attack surface, but
also means that you can’t run shells or other tools in production containers.
Fortunately, a new Kubernetes feature called ephemeral containers allows
you to debug running containers by attaching a debug container to them.

Note to MEAP readers

Ephemeral containers are currently an alpha feature, which means they may
change or even be removed at any time. This is also why they are currently
not explained in this book. If they graduate to beta before the book goes into
production, a section explaining them will be added.

5.3.5 Attaching to a running container

The kubectl attach command is another way to interact with a running
container. It attaches itself to the standard input, output and error streams of
the main process running in the container. Normally, you only use it to
interact with applications that read from the standard input.

Using kubectl attach to see what the application prints to standard


If the application doesn’t read from standard input, the kubectl attach
command is no more than an alternative way to stream the application logs,
as these are typically written to the standard output and error streams, and the
attach command streams them just like the kubectl logs -f command

Attach to your kiada pod by running the following command:

$ kubectl attach kiada
Defaulting container name to kiada.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/kiada -n default' to see all of the containers in
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
Now, when you send new HTTP requests to the application using curl in
another terminal, you’ll see the lines that the application logs to standard
output also printed in the terminal where the kubectl attach command is

Using kubectl attach to write to the application’s standard input

The Kiada application version 0.1 doesn’t read from the standard input
stream, but you’ll find the source code of version 0.2 that does this in the
book’s code archive. This version allows you to set a status message by
writing it to the standard input stream of the application. This status message
will be included in the application’s response. Let’s deploy this version of the
application in a new pod and use the kubectl attach command to set the
status message.

You can find the artifacts required to build the image in the kiada-0.2/
directory. You can also use the pre-built image
docker.io/luksa/kiada:0.2. The pod manifest is in the file
Chapter05/pod.kiada-stdin.yaml and is shown in the following listing. It
contains one additional line compared to the previous manifest (this line is
highlighted in the listing).

Listing 5.2 Enabling standard input for a container

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-stdin #A
- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.2 #B
stdin: true #C
- containerPort: 8080

As you can see in the listing, if the application running in a pod wants to read
from standard input, you must indicate this in the pod manifest by setting the
stdin field in the container definition to true. This tells Kubernetes to
allocate a buffer for the standard input stream, otherwise the application will
always receive an EOF when it tries to read from it.

Create the pod from this manifest file with the kubectl apply command:
$ kubectl apply -f pod.kiada-stdin.yaml
pod/kiada-stdin created

To enable communication with the application, use the kubectl port-

forward command again, but because the local port 8080 is still being used
by the previously executed port-forward command, you must either
terminate it or choose a different local port to forward to the new pod. You
can do this as follows:
$ kubectl port-forward kiada-stdin 8888:8080
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8888 -> 8080

The command-line argument 8888:8080 instructs the command to forward

local port 8888 to the pod’s port 8080.

You can now reach the application at http://localhost:8888:

$ curl localhost:8888
Kiada version 0.2. Request processed by "kiada-stdin". Client IP: ::ffff:127

Let’s set the status message by using kubectl attach to write to the standard
input stream of the application. Run the following command:
$ kubectl attach -i kiada-stdin

Note the use of the additional option -i in the command. It instructs kubectl
to pass its standard input to the container.


Like the kubectl exec command, kubectl attach also supports the --tty or
-t option, which indicates that the standard input is a terminal (TTY), but the
container must be configured to allocate a terminal through the tty field in
the container definition.
You can now enter the status message into the terminal and press the ENTER
key. For example, type the following message:
This is my custom status message.

The application prints the new message to the standard output:

Status message set to: This is my custom status message.

To see if the application now includes the message in its responses to HTTP
requests, re-execute the curl command or refresh the page in your web
$ curl localhost:8888
Kiada version 0.2. Request processed by "kiada-stdin". Client IP: ::ffff:127
This is my custom status message. #A

You can change the status message again by typing another line in the
terminal running the kubectl attach command. To exit the attach
command, press Control-C or the equivalent key.


An additional field in the container definition, stdinOnce, determines

whether the standard input channel is closed when the attach session ends.
It’s set to false by default, which allows you to use the standard input in
every kubectl attach session. If you set it to true, standard input remains
open only during the first session.

5.4 Running multiple containers in a pod

The Kiada application you deployed in section 5.2 only supports HTTP. Let's
add TLS support so it can also serve clients over HTTPS. You could do this
by adding code to the app.js file, but an easier option exists where you don’t
need to touch the code at all.

You can run a reverse proxy alongside the Node.js application in a sidecar
container, as explained in section 5.1.2, and let it handle HTTPS requests on
behalf of the application. A very popular software package that can provide
this functionality is Envoy. The Envoy proxy is a high-performance open
source service proxy originally built by Lyft that has since been contributed
to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Let’s add it to your pod.

5.4.1 Extending the Kiada Node.js application using the Envoy

Let me briefly explain what the new architecture of the application will look
like. As shown in the next figure, the pod will have two containers - the
Node.js and the new Envoy container. The Node.js container will continue to
handle HTTP requests directly, but the HTTPS requests will be handled by
Envoy. For each incoming HTTPS request, Envoy will create a new HTTP
request that it will then send to the Node.js application via the local loopback
device (via the localhost IP address).

Figure 5.10 Detailed view of the pod’s containers and network interfaces

Envoy also provides a web-based administration interface that will prove

handy in some of the exercises in the next chapter.

It’s obvious that if you implement TLS support within the Node.js
application itself, the application will consume less computing resources and
have lower latency because no additional network hop is required, but adding
the Envoy proxy could be a faster and easier solution. It also provides a good
starting point from which you can add many other features provided by
Envoy that you would probably never implement in the application code
itself. Refer to the Envoy proxy documentation at envoyproxy.io to learn

5.4.2 Adding Envoy proxy to the pod

You’ll create a new pod with two containers. You’ve already got the Node.js
container, but you also need a container that will run Envoy.

Creating the Envoy container image

The authors of the proxy have published the official Envoy proxy container
image at Docker Hub. You could use this image directly, but you would need
to somehow provide the configuration, certificate, and private key files to the
Envoy process in the container. You’ll learn how to do this in chapter 7. For
now, you’ll use an image that already contains all three files.

I’ve already created the image and made it available at

docker.io/luksa/kiada-ssl-proxy:0.1, but if you want to build it
yourself, you can find the files in the kiada-ssl-proxy-image directory in
the book's code archive.

The directory contains the Dockerfile, as well as the private key and
certificate that the proxy will use to serve HTTPS. It also contains the
envoy.conf config file. In it, you’ll see that the proxy is configured to listen
on port 8443, terminate TLS, and forward requests to port 8080 on
localhost, which is where the Node.js application is listening. The proxy is
also configured to provide an administration interface on port 9901, as
explained earlier.

Creating the pod manifest

After building the image, you must create the manifest for the new pod. The
following listing shows the contents of the pod manifest file pod.kiada-
Listing 5.3 Manifest of pod kiada-ssl

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-ssl
- name: kiada #A
image: luksa/kiada:0.2 #A
ports: #A
- name: http #A
containerPort: 8080 #A
- name: envoy #B
image: luksa/kiada-ssl-proxy:0.1 #B
ports: #B
- name: https #B
containerPort: 8443 #B
- name: admin #B
containerPort: 9901 #B

The name of this pod is kiada-ssl. It has two containers: kiada and envoy.
The manifest is only slightly more complex than the manifest in section 5.2.1.
The only new fields are the port names, which are included so that anyone
reading the manifest can understand what each port number stands for.

Creating the pod

Create the pod from the manifest using the command kubectl apply -f
pod.kiada-ssl.yaml. Then use the kubectl get and kubectl describe
commands to confirm that the pod’s containers were successfully launched.

5.4.3 Interacting with the two-container pod

When the pod starts, you can start using the application in the pod, inspect its
logs and explore the containers from within.

Communicating with the application

As before, you can use the kubectl port-forward to enable communication

with the application in the pod. Because it exposes three different ports, you
enable forwarding to all three ports as follows:
$ kubectl port-forward kiada-ssl 8080 8443 9901
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080
Forwarding from -> 8443
Forwarding from [::1]:8443 -> 8443
Forwarding from -> 9901
Forwarding from [::1]:9901 -> 9901

First, confirm that you can communicate with the application via HTTP by
opening the URL http://localhost:8080 in your browser or by using curl:
$ curl localhost:8080
Kiada version 0.2. Request processed by "kiada-ssl". Client IP: ::ffff:127.0

If this works, you can also try to access the application over HTTPS at
https://localhost:8443. With curl you can do this as follows:
$ curl https://localhost:8443 --insecure
Kiada version 0.2. Request processed by "kiada-ssl". Client IP: ::ffff:127.0

Success! The Envoy proxy handles the task perfectly. Your application now
supports HTTPS using a sidecar container.

Why use the --insecure option?

There are two reasons to use the --insecure option when accessing the
service. The certificate used by the Envoy proxy is self-signed and was issued
for the domain name example.com. You’re accessing the service through
localhost, where the local kubectl proxy process is listening. Therefore,
the hostname doesn’t match the name in the server certificate.

To make the names match, you can tell curl to send the request to
example.com, but resolve it to with the --resolve flag. This will
ensure that the certificate matches the requested URL, but since the server’s
certificate is self-signed, curl will still not accept it as valid. You can fix the
problem by telling curl the certificate to use to verify the server with the --
cacert flag. The whole command then looks like this:

$ curl https://example.com:8443 --resolve example.com:8443: --cacer

That’s a lot of typing. That’s why I prefer to use the --insecure option or the
shorter -k variant.

Displaying logs of pods with multiple containers

The kiada-ssl pod contains two containers, so if you want to display the
logs, you must specify the name of the container using the --container or -c
option. For example, to view the logs of the kiada container, run the
following command:
$ kubectl logs kiada-ssl -c kiada

The Envoy proxy runs in the container named envoy, so you display its logs
as follows:
$ kubectl logs kiada-ssl -c envoy

Alternatively, you can display the logs of both containers with the --all-
containers option:

$ kubectl logs kiada-ssl --all-containers

You can also combine these commands with the other options explained in
section 5.3.2.

Running commands in containers of multi-container pods

If you’d like to run a shell or another command in one of the pod’s containers
using the kubectl exec command, you also specify the container name using
the --container or -c option. For example, to run a shell inside the envoy
container, run the following command:
$ kubectl exec -it kiada-ssl -c envoy -- bash


If you don’t provide the name, kubectl exec defaults to the first container
specified in the pod manifest.
5.5 Running additional containers at pod startup
When a pod contains more than one container, all the containers are started in
parallel. Kubernetes doesn’t yet provide a mechanism to specify whether a
container depends on another container, which would allow you to ensure
that one is started before the other. However, Kubernetes allows you to run a
sequence of containers to initialize the pod before its main containers start.
This special type of container is explained in this section.

5.5.1 Introducing init containers

A pod manifest can specify a list of containers to run when the pod starts and
before the pod’s normal containers are started. These containers are intended
to initialize the pod and are appropriately called init containers. As the
following figure shows, they run one after the other and must all finish
successfully before the main containers of the pod are started.

Figure 5.11 Time sequence showing how a pod’s init and regular containers are started

Init containers are like the pod’s regular containers, but they don’t run in
parallel - only one init container runs at a time.

Understanding what init containers can do

Init containers are typically added to pods to achieve the following:

Initialize files in the volumes used by the pod’s main containers. This
includes retrieving certificates and private keys used by the main
container from secure certificate stores, generating config files,
downloading data, and so on.
Initialize the pod’s networking system. Because all containers of the pod
share the same network namespaces, and thus the network interfaces and
configuration, any changes made to it by an init container also affect the
main container.
Delay the start of the pod’s main containers until a precondition is met.
For example, if the main container relies on another service being
available before the container is started, an init container can block until
this service is ready.
Notify an external service that the pod is about to start running. In
special cases where an external system must be notified when a new
instance of the application is started, an init container can be used to
deliver this notification.

You could perform these operations in the main container itself but using an
init container is sometimes a better option and can have other advantages.
Let’s see why.

Understanding when moving initialization code to init containers makes


Using an init container to perform initialization tasks doesn’t require the main
container image to be rebuilt and allows a single init container image to be
reused with many different applications. This is especially useful if you want
to inject the same infrastructure-specific initialization code into all your pods.
Using an init container also ensures that this initialization is complete before
any of the (possibly multiple) main containers start.

Another important reason is security. By moving tools or data that could be

used by an attacker to compromise your cluster from the main container to an
init container, you reduce the pod’s attack surface.

For example, imagine that the pod must be registered with an external
system. The pod needs some sort of secret token to authenticate against this
system. If the registration procedure is performed by the main container, this
secret token must be present in its filesystem. If the application running in the
main container has a vulnerability that allows an attacker to read arbitrary
files on the filesystem, the attacker may be able to obtain this token. By
performing the registration from an init container, the token must be available
only in the filesystem of the init container, which an attacker can’t easily

5.5.2 Adding init containers to a pod

In a pod manifest, init containers are defined in the initContainers field in
the spec section, just as regular containers are defined in its containers field.

Defining init containers in a pod manifest

Let’s look at an example of adding two init containers to the kiada pod. The
first init container emulates an initialization procedure. It runs for 5 seconds,
while printing a few lines of text to standard output.

The second init container performs a network connectivity test by using the
ping command to check if a specific IP address is reachable from within the
pod. The IP address is configurable via a command-line argument which
defaults to


An init container that checks if specific IP addresses are reachable could be

used to block an application from starting until the services it depends on
become available.

You’ll find the Dockerfiles and other artifacts for both images in the book’s
code archive, if you want to build them yourself. Alternatively, you can use
the images that I’ve built.

A pod manifest file containing these two init containers is pod.kiada-

init.yaml. Its contents are shown in the following listing.

Listing 5.4 Defining init containers in a pod manifest

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-init
initContainers: #A
- name: init-demo #B
image: luksa/init-demo:0.1 #B
- name: network-check #C
image: luksa/network-connectivity-checker:0.1 #C
containers: #D
- name: kiada #D
image: luksa/kiada:0.2 #D
stdin: true #D
ports: #D
- name: http #D
containerPort: 8080 #D
- name: envoy #D
image: luksa/kiada-ssl-proxy:0.1 #D
ports: #D
- name: https #D
containerPort: 8443 #D
- name: admin #D
containerPort: 9901 #D

As you can see, the definition of an init container is almost trivial. It’s
sufficient to specify only the name and image for each container.


Container names must be unique within the union of all init and regular

Deploying a pod with init containers

Before you create the pod from the manifest file, run the following command
in a separate terminal so you can see how the pod’s status changes as the init
and regular containers start:
$ kubectl get pods -w

You’ll also want to watch events in another terminal using the following
$ kubectl get events -w

When ready, create the pod by running the apply command:

$ kubectl apply -f pod.kiada-init.yaml

Inspecting the startup of a pod with init containers

As the pod starts up, inspect the events that are shown by the kubectl get
events -w command:


Normal Scheduled Successfully assigned pod to worker2
Normal Pulling Pulling image "luksa/init-demo:0.1" #A
Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image #A
Normal Created Created container init-demo #A
Normal Started Started container init-demo #A
Normal Pulling Pulling image "luksa/network-connec... #B
Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image #B
Normal Created Created container network-check #B
Normal Started Started container network-check #B
Normal Pulled Container image "luksa/kiada:0.1" #C
already present on machine #C
Normal Created Created container kiada #C
Normal Started Started container kiada #C
Normal Pulled Container image "luksa/kiada-ssl- #C
proxy:0.1" already present on machine #C
Normal Created Created container envoy #C
Normal Started Started container envoy #C

The listing shows the order in which the containers are started. The init-
demo container is started first. When it completes, the network-check
container is started, and when it completes, the two main containers, kiada
and envoy, are started.

Now inspect the transitions of the pod’s status in the other terminal. They
should look like this:
kiada-init 0/2 Pending 0 0s
kiada-init 0/2 Pending 0 0s
kiada-init 0/2 Init:0/2 0 0s #A
kiada-init 0/2 Init:0/2 0 1s #A
kiada-init 0/2 Init:1/2 0 6s #B
kiada-init 0/2 PodInitializing 0 7s #C
kiada-init 2/2 Running 0 8s #D

As the listing shows, when the init containers run, the pod’s status shows the
number of init containers that have completed and the total number. When all
init containers are done, the pod’s status is displayed as PodInitializing. At
this point, the images of the main containers are pulled. When the containers
start, the status changes to Running.

5.5.3 Inspecting init containers

As with regular containers, you can run additional commands in a running

init container using kubectl exec and display the logs using kubectl logs.

Displaying the logs of an init container

The standard and error output, into which each init container can write, are
captured exactly as they are for regular containers. The logs of an init
container can be displayed using the kubectl logs command by specifying
the name of the container with the -c option either while the container runs or
after it has completed. To display the logs of the network-check container in
the kiada-init pod, run the next command:
$ kubectl logs kiada-init -c network-check
Checking network connectivity to ...
Host appears to be reachable

The logs show that the network-check init container ran without errors. In
the next chapter, you’ll see what happens if an init container fails.

Entering a running init container

You can use the kubectl exec command to run a shell or a different
command inside an init container the same way you can with regular
containers, but you can only do this before the init container terminates. If
you’d like to try this yourself, create a pod from the pod.kiada-init-
slow.yaml file, which makes the init-demo container run for 60 seconds.
When the pod starts, run a shell in the container with the following
$ kubectl exec -it kiada-init-slow -c init-demo -- sh

You can use the shell to explore the container from the inside, but only for a
short time. When the container’s main process exits after 60 seconds, the
shell process is also terminated.

You typically enter a running init container only when it fails to complete in
time, and you want to find the cause. During normal operation, the init
container terminates before you can run the kubectl exec command.

5.6 Deleting pods and other objects

If you’ve tried the exercises in this chapter and in chapter 2, several pods and
other objects now exist in your cluster. To close this chapter, you’ll learn
various ways to delete them. Deleting a pod will terminate its containers and
remove them from the node. Deleting a Deployment object causes the
deletion of its pods, whereas deleting a LoadBalancer-typed Service
deprovisions the load balancer if one was provisioned.

5.6.1 Deleting a pod by name

The easiest way to delete an object is to delete it by name.

Deleting a single pod

Use the following command to remove the kiada pod from your cluster:
$ kubectl delete po kiada
pod "kiada" deleted

By deleting a pod, you state that you no longer want the pod or its containers
to exist. The Kubelet shuts down the pod’s containers, removes all associated
resources, such as log files, and notifies the API server after this process is
complete. The Pod object is then removed.

By default, the kubectl delete command waits until the object no longer
exists. To skip the wait, run the command with the --wait=false option.

While the pod is in the process of shutting down, its status changes to

$ kubectl get po kiada

kiada 1/1 Terminating 0 35m

Knowing exactly how containers are shut down is important if you want your
application to provide a good experience for its clients. This is explained in
the next chapter, where we dive deeper into the life cycle of the pod and its


If you’re familiar with Docker, you may wonder if you can stop a pod and
start it again later, as you can with Docker containers. The answer is no. With
Kubernetes, you can only remove a pod completely and create it again later.

Deleting multiple pods with a single command

You can also delete multiple pods with a single command. If you ran the
kiada-init and the kiada-init-slow pods, you can delete them both by
specifying their names separated by a space, as follows:
$ kubectl delete po kiada-init kiada-init-slow
pod "kiada-init" deleted
pod "kiada-init-slow" deleted

5.6.2 Deleting objects defined in manifest files

Whenever you create objects from a file, you can also delete them by passing
the file to the delete command instead of specifying the name of the pod.

Deleting objects by specifying the manifest file

You can delete the kiada-ssl pod, which you created from the pod.kiada-
ssl.yaml file, with the following command:

$ kubectl delete -f pod.kiada-ssl.yaml

pod "kiada-ssl" deleted

In your case, the file contains only a single pod object, but you’ll typically
come across files that contain several objects of different types that represent
a complete application. This makes deploying and removing the application
as easy as executing kubectl apply -f app.yaml and kubectl delete -f
app.yaml, respectively.

Deleting objects from multiple manifest files

Sometimes, an application is defined in several manifest files. You can

specify multiple files by separating them with a comma. For example:
$ kubectl delete -f pod.kiada.yaml,pod.kiada-ssl.yaml


You can also apply several files at the same time using this syntax (for
example: kubectl apply -f pod.kiada.yaml,pod.kiada-ssl.yaml).

I’ve never actually used this approach in the many years I’ve been using
Kubernetes, but I often deploy all the manifest files from a file directory by
specifying the directory name instead of the names of individual files. For
example, you can deploy all the pods you created in this chapter again by
running the following command in the base directory of this book’s code
$ kubectl apply -f Chapter05/

This applies to all files in the directory that have the correct file extension
(.yaml, .json, and similar). You can then delete the pods using the same
$ kubectl delete -f Chapter05/

If your manifest files are stored in subdirectories, you must use the --
recursive flag (or -R).

5.6.3 Deleting all pods

You’ve now removed all pods except kiada-stdin and the pods you created
in chapter 3 using the kubectl create deployment command. Depending on
how you’ve scaled the deployment, some of these pods should still be
$ kubectl get pods
kiada-stdin 1/1 Running 0 10m
kiada-9d785b578-58vhc 1/1 Running 0 1d
kiada-9d785b578-jmnj8 1/1 Running 0 1d

Instead of deleting these pods by name, we can delete them all using the --
all option:

$ kubectl delete po --all

pod "kiada-stdin" deleted
pod "kiada-9d785b578-58vhc" deleted
pod "kiada-9d785b578-jmnj8" deleted

Now confirm that no pods exist by executing the kubectl get pods
command again:
$ kubectl get po
kiada-9d785b578-cc6tk 1/1 Running 0 13s
kiada-9d785b578-h4gml 1/1 Running 0 13s

That was unexpected! Two pods are still running. If you look closely at their
names, you’ll see that these aren’t the two you’ve just deleted. The AGE
column also indicates that these are new pods. You can try to delete them as
well, but you’ll see that no matter how often you delete them, new pods are
created to replace them.

The reason why these pods keep popping up is because of the Deployment
object. The controller responsible for bringing Deployment objects to life
must ensure that the number of pods always matches the desired number of
replicas specified in the object. When you delete a pod associated with the
Deployment, the controller immediately creates a replacement pod.

To delete these pods, you must either scale the Deployment to zero or delete
the object altogether. This would indicate that you no longer want this
deployment or its pods to exist in your cluster.

5.6.4 Deleting objects using the “all” keyword

You can delete everything you’ve created so far - including the deployment,
its pods, and the service - with the following command:
$ kubectl delete all --all
pod "kiada-9d785b578-cc6tk" deleted
pod "kiada-9d785b578-h4gml" deleted
service "kubernetes" deleted
service "kiada" deleted
deployment.apps "kiada" deleted
replicaset.apps "kiada-9d785b578" deleted

The first all in the command indicates that you want to delete objects of all
types. The --all option indicates that you want to delete all instances of each
object type. You used this option in the previous section when you tried to
delete all pods.

When deleting objects, kubectl prints the type and name of each deleted
object. In the previous listing, you should see that it deleted the pods, the
deployment, and the service, but also a so-called replica set object. You’ll
learn what this is in chapter 11, where we take a closer look at deployments.

You’ll notice that the delete command also deletes the built-in kubernetes
service. Don’t worry about this, as the service is automatically recreated after
a few moments.

Certain objects aren’t deleted when using this method, because the keyword
all does not include all object kinds. This is a precaution to prevent you from
accidentally deleting objects that contain important information. The Event
object kind is one example of this.


You can specify multiple object types in the delete command. For example,
you can use kubectl delete events,all --all to delete events along with
all object kinds included in all.

5.7 Summary
In this chapter, you’ve learned:

Pods run one or more containers as a co-located group. They are the unit
of deployment and horizontal scaling. A typical container runs only one
process. Sidecar containers complement the primary container in the
Containers should only be part of the same pod if they must run
together. A frontend and a backend process should run in separate pods.
This allows them to be scaled individually.
When a pod starts, its init containers run one after the other. When the
last init container completes, the pod’s main containers are started. You
can use an init container to configure the pod from within, delay startup
of its main containers until a precondition is met, or notify an external
service that the pod is about to start running.
The kubectl tool is used to create pods, view their logs, copy files
to/from their containers, execute commands in those containers and
enable communication with individual pods during development.

In the next chapter, you’ll learn about the lifecycle of the pod and its
6 Manging the Pod lifecycle
This chapter covers
Inspecting the pod’s status
Keeping containers healthy using liveness probes
Using lifecycle hooks to perform actions at container startup and
Understanding the complete lifecycle of the pod and its containers

After reading the previous chapter, you should be able to deploy, inspect and
communicate with pods containing one or more containers. In this chapter,
you’ll gain a much deeper understanding of how the pod and its containers


You’ll find the code files for this chapter at


6.1 Understanding the pod's status

After you create a pod object and it runs, you can see what’s going on with
the pod by reading the pod object back from the API. As you’ve learned in
chapter 4, the pod object manifest, as well as the manifests of most other
kinds of objects, contain a section, which provides the status of the object. A
pod’s status section contains the following information:

the IP addresses of the pod and the worker node that hosts it
when the pod was started
the pod’s quality-of-service (QoS) class
what phase the pod is in,
the conditions of the pod, and
the state of its individual containers.

The IP addresses and the start time don’t need any further explanation, and
the QoS class isn’t relevant now - you’ll learn about it in chapter 19.
However, the phase and conditions of the pod, as well as the states of its
containers are important for you to understand the pod lifecycle.

6.1.1 Understanding the pod phase

In any moment of the pod’s life, it’s in one of the five phases shown in the
following figure.

Figure 6.1 The phases of a Kubernetes pod

The meaning of each phase is explained in the following table.

Table 6.1 List of phases a pod can be in

Pod Phase Description

After you create the Pod object, this is its initial phase. Until the
Pending pod is scheduled to a node and the images of its containers are
pulled and started, it remains in this phase.
Running At least one of the pod’s containers is running.

Pods that aren’t intended to run indefinitely are marked as

Succeeded when all their containers complete successfully.

When a pod is not configured to run indefinitely and at least one

Failed of its containers terminates unsuccessfully, the pod is marked as

The state of the pod is unknown because the Kubelet has

stopped reporting communicating with the API server. Possibly
the worker node has failed or has disconnected from the

The pod’s phase provides a quick summary of what’s happening with the
pod. Let’s deploy the kiada pod again and inspect its phase. Create the pod
by applying the manifest file to your cluster again, as in the previous chapter
(you’ll find it in Chapter06/pod.kiada.yaml):
$ kubectl apply -f pod.kiada.yaml

Displaying a pod’s phase

The pod’s phase is one of the fields in the pod object’s status section. You
can see it by displaying its manifest and optionally grepping the output to
search for the field:
$ kubectl get po kiada -o yaml | grep phase
phase: Running

Remember the jq tool? You can use it to print out the value of the phase field
like this: kubectl get po kiada -o json | jq .status.phase

You can also see the pod’s phase using kubectl describe. The pod’s status
is shown close to the top of the output.
$ kubectl describe po kiada
Name: kiada
Namespace: default
Status: Running

Although it may appear that the STATUS column displayed by kubectl get
pods also shows the phase, this is only true for pods that are healthy:

$ kubectl get po kiada

kiada 1/1 Running 0 40m

For unhealthy pods, the STATUS column indicates what’s wrong with the pod.
You’ll see this later in this chapter.

6.1.2 Understanding pod conditions

The phase of a pod says little about the condition of the pod. You can learn
more by looking at the pod’s list of conditions, just as you did for the node
object in chapter 4. A pod’s conditions indicate whether a pod has reached a
certain state or not, and why that’s the case.

In contrast to the phase, a pod has several conditions at the same time. Four
condition types are known at the time of writing. They are explained in the
following table.

Table 6.2 List of pod conditions

Pod Condition Description

Indicates whether or not the pod has been scheduled to a
PodScheduled node.

Initialized The pod’s init containers have all completed successfully.

All containers in the pod indicate that they are ready.

ContainersReady This is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the
entire pod to be ready.

The pod is ready to provide services to its clients. The

containers in the pod and the pod’s readiness gates are all
reporting that they are ready. Note: this is explained in
chapter 10.

Each condition is either fulfilled or not. As you can see in the following
figure, the PodScheduled and Initialized conditions start as unfulfilled, but
are soon fulfilled and remain so throughout the life of the pod. In contrast, the
Ready and ContainersReady conditions can change many times during the
pod’s lifetime.

Figure 6.2 The transitions of the pod’s conditions during its lifecycle
Do you remember the conditions you can find in a node object? They are
MemoryPressure, DiskPressure, PIDPressure and Ready. As you can see,
each object has its own set of condition types, but many contain the generic
Ready condition, which typically indicates whether everything is fine with the

Inspecting the pod’s conditions

To see the conditions of a pod, you can use kubectl describe as shown
$ kubectl describe po kiada
Type Status
Initialized True #A
Ready True #B
ContainersReady True #B
PodScheduled True #C

The kubectl describe command shows only whether each condition is true
or not. To find out why a condition is false, you must look for the
status.conditions field in the pod manifest as follows:
$ kubectl get po kiada -o json | jq .status.conditions
"lastProbeTime": null,
"lastTransitionTime": "2020-02-02T11:42:59Z",
"status": "True",
"type": "Initialized"

Each condition has a status field that indicates whether the condition is
True, False or Unknown. In the case of the kiada pod, the status of all
conditions is True, which means they are all fulfilled. The condition can also
contain a reason field that specifies a machine-facing reason for the last
change of the condition’s status, and a message field that explains the change
in detail. The lastTransitionTime field shows when the change occurred,
while the lastProbeTime indicates when this condition was last checked.

6.1.3 Understanding the container status

Also contained in the status of the pod is the status of each of its containers.
Inspecting the status provides better insight into the operation of each
individual container.

The status contains several fields. The state field indicates the container’s
current state, whereas the lastState field shows the state of the previous
container after it has terminated. The container status also indicates the
internal ID of the container (containerID), the image and imageID the
container is running, whether the container is ready or not and how often it
has been restarted (restartCount).

Understanding the container state

The most important part of a container’s status is its state. A container can
be in one of the states shown in the following figure.

Figure 6.3 The possible states of a container

Individual states are explained in the following table.

Table 6.3 Possible container states


The container is waiting to be started. The reason and message

fields indicate why the container is in this state.

The container has been created and processes are running in it.
Running The startedAt field indicates the time at which this container
was started.

The processes that had been running in the container have

terminated. The startedAt and finishedAt fields indicate
Terminated when the container was started and when it terminated. The exit
code with which the main process terminated is in the
exitCode field.

Unknown The state of the container couldn’t be determined.

Displaying the status of the pod’s containers

The pod list displayed by kubectl get pods shows only the number of
containers in each pod and how many of them are ready. To see the status of
individual containers, you can use kubectl describe:
$ kubectl describe po kiada
Container ID: docker://c64944a684d57faacfced0be1af44686...
Image: luksa/kiada:0.1
Image ID: docker-pullable://luksa/kiada@sha256:3f28...
Port: 8080/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
State: Running #A
Started: Sun, 02 Feb 2020 12:43:03 +0100 #A
Ready: True #B
Restart Count: 0 #C
Environment: <none>

Focus on the annotated lines in the listing, as they indicate whether the
container is healthy. The kiada container is Running and is Ready. It has
never been restarted.


You can also display the container status(es) using jq like this: kubectl get
po kiada -o json | jq .status.containerStatuses

Inspecting the status of an init container

In the previous chapter, you learned that in addition to regular containers, a

pod can also have init containers that run when the pod starts. As with regular
containers, the status of these containers is available in the status section of
the pod object manifest, but in the initContainerStatuses field.

Inspecting the status of the kiada-init pod

As an additional exercise you can try on your own, create the kiada-init
pod from the previous chapter and inspect its phase, conditions and the status
of its two regular and two init containers. Use the kubectl describe
command and the kubectl get po kiada-init -o json | jq .status
command to find the information in the object definition.

6.2 Keeping containers healthy

The pods you created in the previous chapter ran without any problems. But
what if one of the containers dies? What if all the containers in a pod die?
How do you keep the pods healthy and their containers running? That’s the
focus of this section.

6.2.1 Understanding container auto-restart

When a pod is scheduled to a node, the Kubelet on that node starts its
containers and from then on keeps them running for as long as the pod object
exists. If the main process in the container terminates for any reason, the
Kubelet restarts the container. If an error in your application causes it to
crash, Kubernetes automatically restarts it, so even without doing anything
special in the application itself, running it in Kubernetes automatically gives
it the ability to heal itself. Let’s see this in action.

Observing a container failure

In the previous chapter, you created the kiada-ssl pod, which contains the
Node.js and the Envoy containers. Create the pod again and enable
communication with the pod by running the following two commands:
$ kubectl apply -f pod.kiada-ssl.yaml
$ kubectl port-forward kiada-ssl 8080 8443 9901

You’ll now cause the Envoy container to terminate to see how Kubernetes
deals with the situation. Run the following command in a separate terminal so
you can see how the pod’s status changes when one of its containers
$ kubectl get pods -w

You’ll also want to watch events in another terminal using the following
$ kubectl get events -w

You could emulate a crash of the container’s main process by sending it the
KILL signal, but you can’t do this from inside the container because the Linux
Kernel doesn’t let you kill the root process (the process with PID 1). You
would have to SSH to the pod’s host node and kill the process from there.
Fortunately, Envoy’s administration interface allows you to stop the process
via its HTTP API.

To terminate the envoy container, open the URL http://localhost:9901 in your

browser and click the quitquitquit button or run the following curl command
in another terminal:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:9901/quitquitquit

To see what happens with the container and the pod it belongs to, examine
the output of the kubectl get pods -w command you ran earlier. This is its
$ kubectl get po -w
kiada-ssl 2/2 Running 0 1s
kiada-ssl 1/2 NotReady 0 9m33s
kiada-ssl 2/2 Running 1 9m34s

The listing shows that the pod’s STATUS changes from Running to NotReady,
while the READY column indicates that only one of the two containers is ready.
Immediately thereafter, Kubernetes restarts the container and the pod’s status
returns to Running. The RESTARTS column indicates that one container has
been restarted.


If one of the pod’s containers fails, the other containers continue to run.
Now examine the output of the kubectl get events -w command you ran
earlier. Here’s the command and its output:
$ kubectl get ev -w
0s Normal Pulled pod/kiada-ssl Container image already
present on machine
0s Normal Created pod/kiada-ssl Created container envoy
0s Normal Started pod/kiada-ssl Started container envoy

The events show that the new envoy container has been started. You should
be able to access the application via HTTPS again. Please confirm with your
browser or curl.

The events in the listing also expose an important detail about how
Kubernetes restarts containers. The second event indicates that the entire
envoy container has been recreated. Kubernetes never restarts a container, but
instead discards it and creates a new container. Regardless, we call this
restarting a container.


Any data that the process writes to the container’s filesystem is lost when the
container is recreated. This behavior is sometimes undesirable. To persist
data, you must add a storage volume to the pod, as explained in the next


If init containers are defined in the pod and one of the pod’s regular
containers is restarted, the init containers are not executed again.

Configuring the pod’s restart policy

By default, Kubernetes restarts the container regardless of whether the

process in the container exits with a zero or non-zero exit code - in other
words, whether the container completes successfully or fails. This behavior
can be changed by setting the restartPolicy field in the pod’s spec.
Three restart policies exist. They are explained in the following figure.

Figure 6.4 The pod’s restartPolicy determines whether its containers are restarted or not

The following table describes the three restart policies.

Table 6.4 Pod restart policies


Container is restarted regardless of the exit code the process in

the container terminates with. This is the default restart policy.

The container is restarted only if the process terminates with a

non-zero exit code, which by convention indicates failure.

Never The container is never restarted - not even when it fails.

Surprisingly, the restart policy is configured at the pod level and applies to all
its containers. It can’t be configured for each container individually.

Understanding the time delay inserted before a container is restarted

If you call Envoy’s /quitquitquit endpoint several times, you’ll notice that
each time it takes longer to restart the container after it terminates. The pod’s
status is displayed as either NotReady or CrashLoopBackOff. Here’s what it

As shown in the following figure, the first time a container terminates, it is

restarted immediately. The next time, however, Kubernetes waits ten seconds
before restarting it again. This delay is then doubled to 20, 40, 80 and then to
160 seconds after each subsequent termination. From then on, the delay is
kept at five minutes. This delay that doubles between attempts is called
exponential back-off.

Figure 6.5 Exponential back-off between container restarts

In the worst case, a container can therefore be prevented from starting for up
to five minutes.

The delay is reset to zero when the container has run successfully for 10
minutes. If the container must be restarted later, it is restarted immediately.

Check the container status in the pod manifest as follows:

$ kubectl get po kiada-ssl -o json | jq .status.containerStatuses
"state": {
"waiting": {
"message": "back-off 40s restarting failed container=envoy ...",
"reason": "CrashLoopBackOff"

As you can see in the output, while the container is waiting to be restarted, its
state is Waiting, and the reason is CrashLoopBackOff. The message field
tells you how long it will take for the container to be restarted.


When you tell Envoy to terminate, it terminates with exit code zero, which
means it hasn’t crashed. The CrashLoopBackOff status can therefore be

6.2.2 Checking the container’s health using liveness probes

In the previous section, you learned that Kubernetes keeps your application
healthy by restarting it when its process terminates. But applications can also
become unresponsive without terminating. For example, a Java application
with a memory leak eventually starts spewing out OutOfMemoryErrors, but
its JVM process continues to run. Ideally, Kubernetes should detect this kind
of error and restart the container.

The application could catch these errors by itself and immediately terminate,
but what about the situations where your application stops responding
because it gets into an infinite loop or deadlock? What if the application can’t
detect this? To ensure that the application is restarted in such cases, it may be
necessary to check its state from the outside.

Introducing liveness probes

Kubernetes can be configured to check whether an application is still alive by
defining a liveness probe. You can specify a liveness probe for each container
in the pod. Kubernetes runs the probe periodically to ask the application if
it’s still alive and well. If the application doesn’t respond, an error occurs, or
the response is negative, the container is considered unhealthy and is
terminated. The container is then restarted if the restart policy allows it.


Liveness probes can only be used in the pod’s regular containers. They can’t
be defined in init containers.

Types of liveness probes

Kubernetes can probe a container with one of the following three


An HTTP GET probe sends a GET request to the container’s IP address,

on the network port and path you specify. If the probe receives a
response, and the response code doesn’t represent an error (in other
words, if the HTTP response code is 2xx or 3xx), the probe is considered
successful. If the server returns an error response code, or if it doesn’t
respond in time, the probe is considered to have failed.
A TCP Socket probe attempts to open a TCP connection to the specified
port of the container. If the connection is successfully established, the
probe is considered successful. If the connection can’t be established in
time, the probe is considered failed.
An Exec probe executes a command inside the container and checks the
exit code it terminates with. If the exit code is zero, the probe is
successful. A non-zero exit code is considered a failure. The probe is
also considered to have failed if the command fails to terminate in time.


In addition to a liveness probe, a container may also have a startup probe,

which is discussed in section 6.2.6, and a readiness probe, which is explained
in chapter 10.
6.2.3 Creating an HTTP GET liveness probe

Let’s look at how to add a liveness probe to each of the containers in the
kiada-ssl pod. Because they both run applications that understand HTTP, it
makes sense to use an HTTP GET probe in each of them. The Node.js
application doesn’t provide any endpoints to explicitly check the health of the
application, but the Envoy proxy does. In real-world applications, you’ll
encounter both cases.

Defining liveness probes in the pod manifest

The following listing shows an updated manifest for the pod, which defines a
liveness probe for each of the two containers, with different levels of
configuration (file pod.kiada-liveness.yaml).

Listing 6.1 Adding a liveness probe to a pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-liveness
- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.1
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
livenessProbe: #A
httpGet: #A
path: / #A
port: 8080 #A
- name: envoy
image: luksa/kiada-ssl-proxy:0.1
- name: https
containerPort: 8443
- name: admin
containerPort: 9901
livenessProbe: #B
httpGet: #B
path: /ready #B
port: admin #B
initialDelaySeconds: 10 #B
periodSeconds: 5 #B
timeoutSeconds: 2 #B
failureThreshold: 3 #B

These liveness probes are explained in the next two sections.

Defining a liveness probe using the minimum required configuration

The liveness probe for the kiada container is the simplest version of a probe
for HTTP-based applications. The probe simply sends an HTTP GET request
for the path / on port 8080 to determine if the container can still serve
requests. If the application responds with an HTTP status between 200 and
399, the application is considered healthy.

The probe doesn’t specify any other fields, so the default settings are used.
The first request is sent 10s after the container starts and is repeated every 5s.
If the application doesn’t respond within two seconds, the probe attempt is
considered failed. If it fails three times in a row, the container is considered
unhealthy and is terminated.

Understanding liveness probe configuration options

The administration interface of the Envoy proxy provides the special

endpoint /ready through which it exposes its health status. Instead of
targeting port 8443, which is the port through which Envoy forwards HTTPS
requests to Node.js, the liveness probe for the envoy container targets this
special endpoint on the admin port, which is port number 9901.


As you can see in the envoy container’s liveness probe, you can specify the
probe’s target port by name instead of by number.

The liveness probe for the envoy container also contains additional fields.
These are best explained with the following figure.
Figure 6.6 The configuration and operation of a liveness probe

The parameter initialDelaySeconds determines how long Kubernetes

should delay the execution of the first probe after starting the container. The
periodSeconds field specifies the amount of time between the execution of
two consecutive probes, whereas the timeoutSeconds field specifies how
long to wait for a response before the probe attempt counts as failed. The
failureThreshold field specifies how many times the probe must fail for the
container to be considered unhealthy and potentially restarted.

6.2.4 Observing the liveness probe in action

To see Kubernetes restart a container when its liveness probe fails, create the
pod from the pod.kiada-liveness.yaml manifest file using kubectl apply,
and run kubectl port-forward to enable communication with the pod.
You’ll need to stop the kubectl port-forward command still running from
the previous exercise. Confirm that the pod is running and is responding to
HTTP requests.

Observing a successful liveness probe

The liveness probes for the pod’s containers starts firing soon after the start
of each individual container. Since the processes in both containers are
healthy, the probes continuously report success. As this is the normal state,
the fact that the probes are successful is not explicitly indicated anywhere in
the status of the pod nor in its events.

The only indication that Kubernetes is executing the probe is found in the
container logs. The Node.js application in the kiada container prints a line to
the standard output every time it handles an HTTP request. This includes the
liveness probe requests, so you can display them using the following
$ kubectl logs kiada-liveness -c kiada -f

The liveness probe for the envoy container is configured to send HTTP
requests to Envoy’s administration interface, which doesn’t log HTTP
requests to the standard output, but to the file /tmp/envoy.admin.log in the
container’s filesystem. To display the log file, you use the following
$ kubectl exec kiada-liveness -c envoy -- tail -f /tmp/envoy.admin.log

Observing the liveness probe fail

A successful liveness probe isn’t interesting, so let’s cause Envoy’s liveness

probe to fail. To see what will happen behind the scenes, start watching
events by executing the following command in a separate terminal:
$ kubectl get events -w

Using Envoy’s administration interface, you can configure its health check
endpoint to succeed or fail. To make it fail, open URL http://localhost:9901
in your browser and click the healthcheck/fail button, or use the following
curl command:

$ curl -X POST localhost:9901/healthcheck/fail

Immediately after executing the command, observe the events that are
displayed in the other terminal. When the probe fails, a Warning event is
recorded, indicating the error and the HTTP status code returned:
Warning Unhealthy Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with code 503
Because the probe’s failureThreshold is set to three, a single failure is not
enough to consider the container unhealthy, so it continues to run. You can
make the liveness probe succeed again by clicking the healthcheck/ok button
in Envoy’s admin interface, or by using curl as follows:
$ curl -X POST localhost:9901/healthcheck/ok

If you are fast enough, the container won’t be restarted.

Observing the liveness probe reach the failure threshold

If you let the liveness probe fail multiple times, the kubectl get events -w
command should print the following events (note that some columns are
omitted due to page width constraints):
$ kubectl get events -w
Warning Unhealthy Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with code 503
Warning Unhealthy Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with code 503
Warning Unhealthy Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with code 503
Normal Killing Container envoy failed liveness probe, will be restarted
Normal Pulled Container image already present on machine
Normal Created Created container envoy
Normal Started Started container envoy

Remember that the probe failure threshold is set to 3, so when the probe fails
three times in a row, the container is stopped and restarted. This is indicated
by the events in the listing.

The kubectl get pods command shows that the container has been
$ kubectl get po kiada-liveness
kiada-liveness 2/2 Running 1 5m

The RESTARTS column shows that one container restart has taken place in the

Understanding how a container that fails its liveness probe is restarted

If you’re wondering whether the main process in the container was gracefully
stopped or killed forcibly, you can check the pod’s status by retrieving the
full manifest using kubectl get or using kubectl describe:
$ kubectl describe po kiada-liveness
Name: kiada-liveness
State: Running #A
Started: Sun, 31 May 2020 21:33:13 +0200 #A
Last State: Terminated #B
Reason: Completed #B
Exit Code: 0 #B
Started: Sun, 31 May 2020 21:16:43 +0200 #B
Finished: Sun, 31 May 2020 21:33:13 +0200 #B

The exit code zero shown in the listing implies that the application process
gracefully exited on its own. If it had been killed, the exit code would have
been 137.


Exit code 128+n indicates that the process exited due to external signal n. Exit
code 137 is 128+9, where 9 represents the KILL signal. You’ll see this exit
code whenever the container is killed. Exit code 143 is 128+15, where 15 is
the TERM signal. You’ll typically see this exit code when the container runs a
shell that has terminated gracefully.

Examine Envoy’s log to confirm that it caught the TERM signal and has
terminated by itself. You must use the kubectl logs command with the --
container or the shorter -c option to specify what container you’re
interested in.

Also, because the container has been replaced with a new one due to the
restart, you must request the log of the previous container using the --
previous or -p flag. Here’s the command to use and the last four lines of its
$ kubectl logs kiada-liveness -c envoy -p
...[warning][main] [source/server/server.cc:493] caught SIGTERM
...[info][main] [source/server/server.cc:613] shutting down server instance
...[info][main] [source/server/server.cc:560] main dispatch loop exited
...[info][main] [source/server/server.cc:606] exiting

The log confirms that Kubernetes sent the TERM signal to the process,
allowing it to shut down gracefully. Had it not terminated by itself,
Kubernetes would have killed it forcibly.

After the container is restarted, its health check endpoint responds with HTTP
status 200 OK again, indicating that the container is healthy.

6.2.5 Using the exec and the tcpSocket liveness probe types
For applications that don’t expose HTTP health-check endpoints, the
tcpSocket or the exec liveness probes should be used.

Adding a tcpSocket liveness probe

For applications that accept non-HTTP TCP connections, a tcpSocket

liveness probe can be configured. Kubernetes tries to open a socket to the
TCP port and if the connection is established, the probe is considered a
success, otherwise it's considered a failure.

An example of a tcpSocket liveness probe is shown here:

tcpSocket: #A
port: 1234 #A
periodSeconds: 2 #B
failureThreshold: 1 #C

The probe in the listing is configured to check if the container’s network port
1234 is open. An attempt to establish a connection is made every two seconds
and a single failed attempt is enough to consider the container as unhealthy.

Adding an exec liveness probe

Applications that do not accept TCP connections may provide a command to
check their status. For these applications, an exec liveness probe is used. As
shown in the next figure, the command is executed inside the container and
must therefore be available on the container’s file system.

Figure 6.7 The exec liveness probe runs the command inside the container

The following is an example of a probe that runs /usr/bin/healthcheck

every two seconds to determine if the application running in the container is
still alive:
command: #A
- /usr/bin/healthcheck #A
periodSeconds: 2 #B
timeoutSeconds: 1 #C
failureThreshold: 1 #D

If the command returns exit code zero, the container is considered healthy. If
it returns a non-zero exit code or fails to complete within one second as
specified in the timeoutSeconds field, the container is terminated
immediately, as configured in the failureThreshold field, which indicates
that a single probe failure is sufficient to consider the container as unhealthy.

6.2.6 Using a startup probe when an application is slow to start

The default liveness probe settings give the application between 20 and 30
seconds to start responding to liveness probe requests. If the application takes
longer to start, it is restarted and must start again. If the second start also
takes as long, it is restarted again. If this continues, the container never
reaches the state where the liveness probe succeeds and gets stuck in an
endless restart loop.

To prevent this, you can increase the initialDelaySeconds, periodSeconds

or failureThreshold settings to account for the long start time, but this will
have a negative effect on the normal operation of the application. The higher
the result of periodSeconds * failureThreshold, the longer it takes to
restart the application if it becomes unhealthy. For applications that take
minutes to start, increasing these parameters enough to prevent the
application from being restarted prematurely may not be a viable option.

Introducing startup probes

To deal with the discrepancy between the start and the steady-state operation
of an application, Kubernetes also provides startup probes.

If a startup probe is defined for a container, only the startup probe is executed
when the container is started. The startup probe can be configured to consider
the slow start of the application. When the startup probe succeeds,
Kubernetes switches to using the liveness probe, which is configured to
quickly detect when the application becomes unhealthy.

Adding a startup probe to a pod’s manifest

Imagine that the Kiada Node.js application needs more than a minute to
warm up, but you want it to be restarted within 10 seconds when it becomes
unhealthy during normal operation. The following listing shows how you
configure the startup and liveness probes (you can find it in the file

Listing 6.2 Using a combination of a startup and a liveness probe

- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.1
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
path: / #A
port: http #A
periodSeconds: 10 #B
failureThreshold: 12 #B
path: / #A
port: http #A
periodSeconds: 5 #C
failureThreshold: 2 #C

When the container defined in the listing starts, the application has 120
seconds to start responding to requests. Kubernetes performs the startup
probe every 10 seconds and makes a maximum of 12 attempts.

As shown in the following figure, unlike liveness probes, it’s perfectly

normal for a startup probe to fail. A failure only indicates that the application
hasn’t yet been completely started. A successful startup probe indicates that
the application has started successfully, and Kubernetes should switch to the
liveness probe. The liveness probe is then typically executed using a shorter
period of time, which allows for faster detection of non-responsive

Figure 6.8 Fast detection of application health problems using a combination of startup and
liveness probe

If the startup probe fails often enough to reach the failureThreshold, the
container is terminated as if the liveness probe had failed.

Usually, the startup and liveness probes are configured to use the same HTTP
endpoint, but different endpoints can be used. You can also configure the
startup probe as an exec or tcpSocket probe instead of an httpGet probe.

6.2.7 Creating effective liveness probe handlers

You should define a liveness probe for all your pods. Without one,
Kubernetes has no way of knowing whether your app is still alive or not,
apart from checking whether the application process has terminated.

Causing unnecessary restarts with badly implemented liveness probe


When you implement a handler for the liveness probe, either as an HTTP
endpoint in your application or as an additional executable command, be very
careful to implement it correctly. If a poorly implemented probe returns a
negative response even though the application is healthy, the application will
be restarted unnecessarily. Many Kubernetes users learn this the hard way. If
you can make sure that the application process terminates by itself when it
becomes unhealthy, it may be safer not to define a liveness probe.

What a liveness probe should check

The liveness probe for the kiada container isn’t configured to call an actual
health-check endpoint, but only checks that the Node.js server responds to
simple HTTP requests for the root URI. This may seem overly simple, but
even such a liveness probe works wonders, because it causes a restart of the
container if the server no longer responds to HTTP requests, which is its
main task. If no liveness probe were defined, the pod would remain in an
unhealthy state where it doesn’t respond to any requests and would have to be
restarted manually. A simple liveness probe like this is better than nothing.

To provide a better liveness check, web applications typically expose a

specific health-check endpoint, such as /healthz. When this endpoint is
called, the application performs an internal status check of all the major
components running within the application to ensure that none of them have
died or are no longer doing what they should.


Make sure that the /healthz HTTP endpoint doesn’t require authentication
or the probe will always fail, causing your container to be restarted

Make sure that the application checks only the operation of its internal
components and nothing that is influenced by an external factor. For
example, the health-check endpoint of a frontend service should never
respond with failure when it can’t connect to a backend service. If the
backend service fails, restarting the frontend will not solve the problem. Such
a liveness probe will fail again after the restart, so the container will be
restarted repeatedly until the backend is repaired. If many services are
interdependent in this way, the failure of a single service can result in
cascading failures across the entire system.
Keeping probes light

The handler invoked by a liveness probe shouldn’t use too much computing
resources and shouldn’t take too long to complete. By default, probes are
executed relatively often and only given one second to complete.

Using a handler that consumes a lot of CPU or memory can seriously affect
the main process of your container. Later in the book you’ll learn how to
limit the CPU time and total memory available to a container. The CPU and
memory consumed by the probe handler invocation count towards the
resource quota of the container, so using a resource-intensive handler will
reduce the CPU time available to the main process of the application.


When running a Java application in your container, you may want to use an
HTTP GET probe instead of an exec liveness probe that starts an entire JVM.
The same applies to commands that require considerable computing

Avoiding retry loops in your probe handlers

You’ve learned that the failure threshold for the probe is configurable.
Instead of implementing a retry loop in your probe handlers, keep it simple
and instead set the failureThreshold field to a higher value so that the probe
must fail several times before the application is considered unhealthy.
Implementing your own retry mechanism in the handler is a waste of effort
and represents another potential point of failure.

6.3 Executing actions at container start-up and

In the previous chapter you learned that you could use init containers to run
containers at the start of the pod lifecycle. You may also want to run
additional processes every time a container starts and just before it stops. You
can do this by adding lifecycle hooks to the container. Two types of hooks are
currently supported:

Post-start hooks, which are executed when the container starts, and
Pre-stop hooks, which are executed shortly before the container stops.

These lifecycle hooks are specified per container, as opposed to init

containers, which are specified at the pod level. The next figure should help
you visualize how lifecycle hooks fit into the lifecycle of a container.

Figure 6.9 How the post-start and pre-stop hook fit into the container’s lifecycle

Like liveness probes, lifecycle hooks can be used to either

execute a command inside the container, or

send an HTTP GET request to the application in the container.


The same as with liveness probes, lifecycle hooks can only be applied to
regular containers and not to init containers. Unlike probes, lifecycle hooks
do not support tcpSocket handlers.

Let’s look at the two types of hooks individually to see what you can use
them for.

6.3.1 Using post-start hooks to perform actions when the

container starts
The post-start lifecycle hook is invoked immediately after the container is
created. You can use the exec type of the hook to execute an additional
process as the main process starts, or you can use the httpGet hook to send
an HTTP request to the application running in the container to perform some
type of initialization or warm-up procedure.

If you’re the author of the application, you could perform the same operation
within the application code itself, but if you need to add it to an existing
application that you didn’t create yourself, you may not be able to do so. A
post-start hook provides a simple alternative that doesn’t require you to
change the application or its container image.

Let’s look at an example of how a post-start hook can be used in a new

service you’ll create.

Introducing the Quote service

You may remember from section 2.2.1 that the final version of the
Kubernetes in Action Demo Application (Kiada) Suite will contain the Quote
and Quiz services in addition to the Node.js application. The data from those
two services will be used to show a random quote from the book and a
multiple-choice pop quiz to help you test your Kubernetes knowledge. To
refresh your memory, the following figure shows the three components that
make up the Kiada Suite.

Figure 6.10 The Kubernetes in Action Demo Application Suite

During my first steps with Unix in the 1990s, one of the things I found most
amusing was the random, sometimes funny message that the fortune
command displayed every time I logged into our high school’s Sun Ultra
server. Nowadays, you’ll rarely see the fortune command installed on
Unix/Linux systems anymore, but you can still install it and run it whenever
you’re bored. Here’s an example of what it may display:
$ fortune
Dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off.

The command gets the quotes from files that are packaged with it, but you
can also use your own file(s). So why not use fortune to build the Quote
service? Instead of using the default files, I’ll provide a file with quotes from
this book.

But one caveat exists. The fortune command prints to the standard output. It
can’t serve the quote over HTTP. However, this isn’t a hard problem to solve.
We can combine the fortune program with a web server such as Nginx to get
the result we want.

Using a post-start container lifecycle hook to run a command in the


For the first version of the service, the container will run the fortune
command when it starts up. The output will be redirected to a file in Nginx’
web-root directory, so that it can serve it. Although this means that the same
quote is returned in every request, this is a perfectly good start. You’ll later
improve the service iteratively.

The Nginx web server is available as a container image, so let’s use it.
Because the fortune command is not available in the image, you’d normally
build a new image that uses that image as the base and installs the fortune
package on top of it. But we’ll keep things even simpler for now.

Instead of building a completely new image you’ll use a post-start hook to

install the fortune software package, download the file containing the quotes
from this book, and finally run the fortune command and write its output to
a file that Nginx can serve. The operation of the quote-poststart pod is
presented in the following figure.
Figure 6.11 The operation of the quote-poststart pod

The following listing shows how to define the hook (file pod.quote-

Listing 6.3 Pod with a post-start lifecycle hook

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: quote-poststart #A
- name: nginx #B
image: nginx:alpine #B
ports: #C
- name: http #C
containerPort: 80 #C
lifecycle: #D
postStart: #D
exec: #D
command: #D
- sh #E
- -c #F
- | #G
apk add fortune && \ #H
curl -O https://luksa.github.io/kiada/book-quotes.txt && \ #H
curl -O https://luksa.github.io/kiada/book-quotes.txt.dat && \
fortune book-quotes.txt > /usr/share/nginx/html/quote #H

The YAML in the listing is not simple, so let me make sense of it. First, the
easy parts. The pod is named quote-poststart and contains a single
container based on the nginx:alpine image. A single port is defined in the
container. A postStart lifecycle hook is also defined for the container. It
specifies what command to run when the container starts. The tricky part is
the definition of this command, but I’ll break it down for you.

It’s a list of commands that are passed to the sh command as an argument.

The reason this needs to be so is because you can’t define multiple
commands in a lifecycle hook. The solution is to invoke a shell as the main
command and letting it run the list of commands by specifying them in the
command string:
sh -c "the command string"

In the previous listing, the third argument (the command string) is rather
long, so it must be specified over multiple lines to keep the YAML legible.
Multi-line string values in YAML can be defined by typing a pipeline
character and following it with properly indented lines. The command string
in the previous listing is therefore as follows:
apk add fortune && \
curl -O https://luksa.github.io/kiada/book-quotes.txt && \
curl -O https://luksa.github.io/kiada/book-quotes.txt.dat && \
fortune book-quotes.txt > /usr/share/nginx/html/quote

As you can see, the command string consists of four commands. Here’s what
they do:

1. The apk add fortune command runs the Alpine Linux package
management tool, which is part of the image that nginx:alpine is based
on, to install the fortune package in the container.
2. The first curl command downloads the book-quotes.txt file.
3. The second curl command downloads the book-quotes.txt.dat file.
4. The fortune command selects a random quote from the book-
quotes.txt file and prints it to standard output. That output is redirected
to the /usr/share/nginx/html/quote file.

The lifecycle hook command runs parallel to the main process. The
postStart name is somewhat misleading, because the hook isn’t executed
after the main process is fully started, but as soon as the container is created,
at around the same time the main process starts.

When the postStart hook in this example completes, the quote produced by
the fortune command is stored in the /usr/share/nginx/html/quote file
and can be served by Nginx.

Use the kubectl apply command to create the pod from the pod.quote-
poststart.yaml file, and you should then be able to use curl or your
browser to get the quote at URI /quote on port 80 of the quote-poststart
pod. You’ve already learned how to use the kubectl port-forward
command to open a tunnel to the container, but you may want to refer to the
sidebar because a caveat exists.

Accessing the quote-poststart pod

To retrieve the quote from the quote-poststart pod, you must first run the
kubectl port-forward command, which may fail as shown here:

$ kubectl port-forward quote-poststart 80

Unable to listen on port 80: Listeners failed to create with the following e
error: unable to listen on any of the requested ports: [{80 80}]

The command fails if your operating system doesn’t allow you to run
processes that bind to port numbers 0-1023. To fix this, you must use a
higher local port number as follows:
$ kubectl port-forward quote-poststart 1080:80

The last argument tells kubectl to use port 1080 locally and forward it to port
80 of the pod. You can now access the Quote service at
If everything works as it should, the Nginx server will return a random quote
from this book as in the following example:
$ curl localhost:1080/quote
The same as with liveness probes, lifecycle hooks can only be applied to reg
not to init containers. Unlike probes, lifecycle hooks do not support tcpSoc

The first version of the Quote service is now done, but you’ll improve it in
the next chapter. Now let’s learn about the caveats of using post-start hooks
before we move on.

Understanding how a post-start hook affects the container

Although the post-start hook runs asynchronously with the main container
process, it affects the container in two ways.

First, the container remains in the Waiting state with the reason
ContainerCreating until the hook invocation is completed. The phase of the
pod is Pending. If you run the kubectl logs command at this point, it
refuses to show the logs, even though the container is running. The kubectl
port-forward command also refuses to forward ports to the pod.

If you want to see this for yourself, deploy the pod.quote-poststart-

slow.yaml pod manifest file. It defines a post-start hook that takes 60
seconds to complete. Immediately after the pod is created, inspect its state,
and display the logs with the following command:
$ kubectl logs quote-poststart-slow
Error from server (BadRequest): container "nginx" in pod "quote-poststart-sl

The error message returned implies that the container hasn’t started yet,
which isn’t the case. To prove this, use the following command to list
processes in the container:
$ kubectl exec quote-poststart-slow -- ps x
1 root 0:00 nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off; #A
7 root 0:00 sh -c apk add fortune && \ sleep 60 && \ curl... #B
13 nginx 0:00 nginx: worker process #A
... #A
20 nginx 0:00 nginx: worker process #A
21 root 0:00 sleep 60 #B
22 root 0:00 ps x

The other way a post-start hook could affect the container is if the command
used in the hook can’t be executed or returns a non-zero exit code. If this
happens, the entire container is restarted. To see an example of a post-start
hook that fails, deploy the pod manifest pod.quote-poststart-fail.yaml.

If you watch the pod’s status using kubectl get pods -w, you’ll see the
following status:
quote-poststart-fail 0/1 PostStartHookError: command 'sh -c echo 'Emul

It shows the command that was executed and the code with which it
terminated. When you review the pod events, you’ll see a
FailedPostStartHook warning event that indicates the exit code and what
the command printed to the standard or error output. This is the event:
Warning FailedPostStartHook Exec lifecycle hook ([sh -c ...]) for Containe

The same information is also contained in the containerStatuses field in

the pod’s status field, but only for a short time, as the container status
changes to CrashLoopBackOff shortly afterwards.


Because the state of a pod can change quickly, inspecting just its status may
not tell you everything you need to know. Rather than inspecting the state at a
particular moment in time, reviewing the pod’s events is usually a better way
to get the full picture.

Capturing the output produced by the process invoked via a post-start


As you’ve just learned, the output of the command defined in the post-start
hook can be inspected if it fails. In cases where the command completes
successfully, the output of the command is not logged anywhere. To see the
output, the command must log to a file instead of the standard or error output.
You can then view the contents of the file with a command like the
$ kubectl exec my-pod -- cat logfile.txt

Using an HTTP GET post-start hook

In the previous example, you configured the post-start hook to execute a

command inside the container. Alternatively, you can have Kubernetes send
an HTTP GET request when it starts the container by using an httpGet post-
start hook.


You can’t specify both an exec and an httpGet post-start hook for a
container. They are exclusive.

You can configure the lifecycle hook to send the request to a process running
in the container itself, a different container in the pod, or a different host

For example, you can use an httpGet post-start hook to tell another service
about your pod. The following listing shows an example of a post-start hook
definition that does this. You’ll find it in file pod.poststart-httpget.yaml.

Listing 6.4 Using an httpGet post-start hook to warm up a web server

lifecycle: #A
postStart: #A
httpGet: #A
host: myservice.example.com #B
port: 80 #B
path: /container-started #C

The example in the listing shows an httpGet post-start hook that calls the
following URL when the container starts:

In addition to the host, port, and path fields shown in the listing, you can
also specify the scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) and the httpHeaders to be sent in the
request. The host field defaults to the pod IP. Don’t set it to localhost
unless you want to send the request to the node hosting the pod. That’s
because the request is sent from the host node, not from within the container.

As with command-based post-start hooks, the HTTP GET post-start hook is

executed at the same time as the container’s main process. And this is what
makes these types of lifecycle hooks applicable only to a limited set of use-

If you configure the hook to send the request to the container its defined in,
you’ll be in trouble if the container’s main process isn’t yet ready to accept
requests. In that case, the post-start hook fails, which then causes the
container to be restarted. On the next run, the same thing happens. The result
is a container that keeps being restarted.

To see this for yourself, try creating the pod defined in pod.poststart-
httpget-slow.yaml. I’ve made the container wait one second before starting
the web server. This ensures that the post-start hook never succeeds. But the
same thing could also happen if the pause didn’t exist. There is no guarantee
that the web server will always start up fast enough. It might start fast on
your own computer or a server that’s not overloaded, but on a production
system under considerable load, the container may never start properly.


Using an HTTP GET post-start hook might cause the container to enter an
endless restart loop. Never configure this type of lifecycle hook to target the
same container or any other container in the same pod.

Another problem with HTTP GET post-start hooks is that Kubernetes doesn’t
treat the hook as failed if the HTTP server responds with status code such as
404 Not Found. Make sure you specify the correct URI in your HTTP GET
hook, otherwise you might not even notice that the post-start hook missed its

6.3.2 Using pre-stop hooks to run a process just before the

container terminates

Besides executing a command or sending an HTTP request at container

startup, Kubernetes also allows the definition of a pre-stop hook in your

A pre-stop hook is executed immediately before a container is terminated. To

terminate a process, the TERM signal is usually sent to it. This tells the
application to finish what it’s doing and shut down. The same happens with
containers. Whenever a container needs to be stopped or restarted, the TERM
signal is sent to the main process in the container. Before this happens,
however, Kubernetes first executes the pre-stop hook, if one is configured for
the container. The TERM signal is not sent until the pre-stop hook completes
unless the process has already terminated due to the invocation of the pre-
stop hook handler itself.


When container termination is initiated, the liveness and other probes are no
longer invoked.

A pre-stop hook can be used to initiate a graceful shutdown of the container

or to perform additional operations without having to implement them in the
application itself. As with post-start hooks, you can either execute a
command within the container or send an HTTP request to the application
running in it.

Using a pre-stop lifecycle hook to shut down a container gracefully

The Nginx web server used in the quote pod responds to the TERM signal by
immediately closing all open connections and terminating the process. This is
not ideal, as the client requests that are being processed at this time aren’t
allowed to complete.

Fortunately, you can instruct Nginx to shut down gracefully by running the
command nginx -s quit. When you run this command, the server stops
accepting new connections, waits until all in-flight requests have been
processed, and then quits.

When you run Nginx in a Kubernetes pod, you can use a pre-stop lifecycle
hook to run this command and ensure that the pod shuts down gracefully. The
following listing shows the definition of this pre-stop hook (you’ll find it in
the file pod.quote-prestop.yaml).

Listing 6.5 Defining a pre-stop hook for Nginx

lifecycle: #A
preStop: #A
exec: #B
command: #B
- nginx #C
- -s #C
- quit #C

Whenever a container using this pre-stop hook is terminated, the command

nginx -s quit is executed in the container before the main process of the
container receives the TERM signal.

Unlike the post-start hook, the container is terminated regardless of the result
of the pre-stop hook - a failure to execute the command or a non-zero exit
code does not prevent the container from being terminated. If the pre-stop
hook fails, you’ll see a FailedPreStopHook warning event among the pod
events, but you might not see any indication of the failure if you are only
monitoring the status of the pod.


If successful completion of the pre-stop hook is critical to the proper

operation of your system, make sure that it runs successfully. I’ve
experienced situations where the pre-stop hook didn’t run at all, but the
engineers weren’t even aware of it.

Like post-start hooks, you can also configure the pre-stop hook to send an
HTTP GET request to your application instead of executing commands. The
configuration of the HTTP GET pre-stop hook is the same as for a post-start
hook. For more information, see section 6.3.1.
Why doesn’t my application receive the TERM signal?

Many developers make the mistake of defining a pre-stop hook just to send a
TERM signal to their applications in the pre-stop hook. They do this when they
find that their application never receives the TERM signal. The root cause is
usually not that the signal is never sent, but that it is swallowed by something
inside the container. This typically happens when you use the shell form of
the ENTRYPOINT or the CMD directive in your Dockerfile. Two forms of these
directives exist.

The exec form is: ENTRYPOINT ["/myexecutable", "1st-arg", "2nd-arg"]

The shell form is: ENTRYPOINT /myexecutable 1st-arg 2nd-arg

When you use the exec form, the executable file is called directly. The
process it starts becomes the root process of the container. When you use the
shell form, a shell runs as the root process, and the shell runs the executable
as its child process. In this case, the shell process is the one that receives the
TERM signal. Unfortunately, it doesn’t pass this signal to the child process.

In such cases, instead of adding a pre-stop hook to send the TERM signal to
your app, the correct solution is to use the exec form of ENTRYPOINT or CMD.

Note that the same problem occurs if you use a shell script in your container
to run the application. In this case, you must either intercept and pass signals
to the application or use the exec shell command to run the application in
your script.

Pre-stop hooks are only invoked when the container is requested to terminate,
either because it has failed its liveness probe or because the pod has to shut
down. They are not called when the process running in the container
terminates by itself.

Understanding that lifecycle hooks target containers, not pods

As a final consideration on the post-start and pre-stop hooks, I would like to

emphasize that these lifecycle hooks apply to containers and not to pods. You
shouldn’t use a pre-stop hook to perform an action that needs to be performed
when the entire pod is shut down, because pre-stop hooks run every time the
container needs to terminate. This can happen several times during the pod’s
lifetime, not just when the pod shuts down.

6.4 Understanding the pod lifecycle

So far in this chapter you’ve learned a lot about how the containers in a pod
run. Now let’s take a closer look at the entire lifecycle of a pod and its

When you create a pod object, Kubernetes schedules it to a worker node that
then runs its containers. The pod’s lifecycle is divided into the three stages
shown in the next figure:

Figure 6.12 The three stages of the pod’s lifecycle

The three stages of the pod’s lifecycle are:

1. The initialization stage, during which the pod’s init containers run.
2. The run stage, in which the regular containers of the pod run.
3. The termination stage, in which the pod’s containers are terminated.

Let’s see what happens in each of these stages.

6.4.1 Understanding the initialization stage

As you’ve already learned, the pod’s init containers run first. They run in the
order specified in the initContainers field in the pod’s spec. Let me explain
everything that unfolds.

Pulling the container image

Before each init container is started, its container image is pulled to the
worker node. The imagePullPolicy field in the container definition in the
pod specification determines whether the image is pulled every time, only the
first time, or never.

Table 6.5 List of image-pull policies

Image pull

If the imagePullPolicy is not explicitly specified, it defaults

Not specified to Always if the :latest tag is used in the image. For other
image tags, it defaults to IfNotPresent.

The image is pulled every time the container is (re)started. If

the locally cached image matches the one in the registry, it is
not downloaded again, but the registry still needs to be

The container image is never pulled from the registry. It

must exist on the worker node beforehand. Either it was
Never stored locally when another container with the same image
was deployed, or it was built on the node itself, or simply
downloaded by someone or something else.

Image is pulled if it is not already present on the worker

IfNotPresent node. This ensures that the image is only pulled the first time
it’s required.

The image-pull policy is also applied every time the container is restarted, so
a closer look is warranted. Examine the following figure to understand the
behavior of these three policies.

Figure 6.13 An overview of the three different image-pull policies


If the imagePullPolicy is set to Always and the image registry is offline, the
container will not run even if the same image is already stored locally. A
registry that is unavailable may therefore prevent your application from
Running the containers

When the first container image is downloaded to the node, the container is
started. When the first init container is complete, the image for the next init
container is pulled and the container is started. This process is repeated until
all init containers are successfully completed. Containers that fail might be
restarted, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6.14 All init containers must run to completion before the regular containers can start

Restarting failed init containers

If an init container terminates with an error and the pod’s restart policy is set
to Always or OnFailure, the failed init container is restarted. If the policy is
set to Never, the subsequent init containers and the pod’s regular containers
are never started. The pod’s status is displayed as Init:Error indefinitely.
You must then delete and recreate the pod object to restart the application. To
try this yourself, deploy the file pod.kiada-init-fail-norestart.yaml.


If the container needs to be restarted and imagePullPolicy is set to Always,

the container image is pulled again. If the container had terminated due to an
error and you push a new image with the same tag that fixes the error, you
don’t need to recreate the pod, as the updated container image will be pulled
before the container is restarted.

Re-executing the pod’s init containers

Init containers are normally only executed once. Even if one of the pod’s
main containers is terminated later, the pod’s init containers are not re-
executed. However, in exceptional cases, such as when Kubernetes must
restart the entire pod, the pod’s init containers might be executed again. This
means that the operations performed by your init containers must be

6.4.2 Understanding the run stage

When all init containers are successfully completed, the pod’s regular
containers are all created in parallel. In theory, the lifecycle of each container
should be independent of the other containers in the pod, but this is not quite
true. See sidebar for more information.

A container’s post-start hook blocks the creation of the subsequent container

The Kubelet doesn’t start all containers of the pod at the same time. It creates
and starts the containers synchronously in the order they are defined in the
pod’s spec. If a post-start hook is defined for a container, it runs
asynchronously with the main container process, but the execution of the
post-start hook handler blocks the creation and start of the subsequent

This is an implementation detail that might change in the future.

In contrast, the termination of containers is performed in parallel. A long-

running pre-stop hook does block the shutdown of the container in which it is
defined, but it does not block the shutdown of other containers. The pre-stop
hooks of the containers are all invoked at the same time.

The following sequence runs independently for each container. First, the
container image is pulled, and the container is started. When the container
terminates, it is restarted, if this is provided for in the pod’s restart policy.
The container continues to run until the termination of the pod is initiated. A
more detailed explanation of this sequence is presented next.

Pulling the container image

Before the container is created, its image is pulled from the image registry,
following the pod’s imagePullPolicy. Once the image is pulled, the
container is created.


Even if a container image can’t be pulled, the other containers in the pod are
started nevertheless.


Containers don’t necessarily start at the same moment. If pulling the image
takes time, the container may start long after all the others have already
started. Consider this if a containers depends on others.

Running the container

The container starts when the main container process starts. If a post-start
hook is defined in the container, it is invoked in parallel with the main
container process. The post-start hook runs asynchronously and must be
successful for the container to continue running.

Together with the main container and the potential post-start hook process,
the startup probe, if defined for the container, is started. When the startup
probe is successful, or if the startup probe is not configured, the liveness
probe is started.

Terminating and restarting the container on failures

If the startup or the liveness probe fails so often that it reaches the configured
failure threshold, the container is terminated. As with init containers, the
pod’s restartPolicy determines whether the container is then restarted or

Perhaps surprisingly, if the restart policy is set to Never and the startup hook
fails, the pod’s status is shown as Completed even though the post-start hook
failed. You can see this for yourself by creating the pod defined in the file

Introducing the termination grace period

If a container must be terminated, the container’s pre-stop hook is called so

that the application can shut down gracefully. When the pre-stop hook is
completed, or if no pre-stop hook is defined, the TERM signal is sent to the
main container process. This is another hint to the application that it should
shut down.

The application is given a certain amount of time to terminate. This time can
be configured using the terminationGracePeriodSeconds field in the pod’s
spec and defaults to 30 seconds. The timer starts when the pre-stop hook is
called or when the TERM signal is sent if no hook is defined. If the process is
still running after the termination grace period has expired, it’s terminated by
force via the KILL signal. This terminates the container.

The following figure illustrates the container termination sequence.

Figure 6.15 A container’s termination sequence

After the container has terminated, it will be restarted if the pod’s restart
policy allows it. If not, the container will remain in the Terminated state, but
the other containers will continue running until the entire pod is shut down or
until they fail as well.

6.4.3 Understanding the termination stage

The pod’s containers continue to run until you finally delete the pod object.
When this happens, termination of all containers in the pod is initiated and its
status is changed to Terminating.

Introducing the deletion grace period

The termination of each container at pod shutdown follows the same

sequence as when the container is terminated because it has failed its liveness
probe, except that instead of the termination grace period, the pod’s deletion
grace period determines how much time is available to the containers to shut
down on their own.

This grace period is defined in the pod’s

metadata.deletionGracePeriodSeconds field, which gets initialized when
you delete the pod. By default, it gets its value from the
spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds field, but you can specify a different
value in the kubectl delete command. You’ll see how to do this later.

Understanding how the pod’s containers are terminated

As shown in the next figure, the pod’s containers are terminated in parallel.
For each of the pod’s containers, the container’s pre-stop hook is called, the
TERM signal is then sent to the main container process, and finally the process
is terminated using the KILL signal if the deletion grace period expires before
the process stops by itself. After all the containers in the pod have stopped
running, the pod object is deleted.

Figure 6.16 The termination sequence inside a pod

Inspecting the slow shutdown of a pod

Let’s look at this last stage of the pod’s life on one of the pods you created
previously. If the kiada-ssl pod doesn’t run in your cluster, please create it
again. Now delete the pod by running kubectl delete pod kiada-ssl.

It takes surprisingly long to delete the pod, doesn’t it? I counted at least 30
seconds. This is neither normal nor acceptable, so let’s fix it.

Considering what you’ve learned in this section, you may already know
what’s causing the pod to take so long to finish. If not, let me help you
analyze the situation.

The kiada-ssl pod has two containers. Both must stop before the pod object
can be deleted. Neither container has a pre-stop hook defined, so both
containers should receive the TERM signal immediately when you delete the
pod. The 30s I mentioned earlier match the default termination grace period
value, so it looks like one of the containers, if not both, doesn’t stop when it
receives the TERM signal, and is killed after the grace period expires.

Changing the termination grace period

You can try setting the pod’s terminationGracePeriodSeconds field to a

lower value to see if it terminates sooner. The following manifest shows how
to the field in the pod manifest (file pod.kiada-ssl-

Listing 6.6 Setting a lower terminationGracePeriodSeconds for faster pod shutdown

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-ssl-shortgraceperiod
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 5 #A

In the listing above, the pod’s terminationGracePeriodSeconds is set to 5.

If you create and then delete this pod, you’ll see that its containers are
terminated within 5s of receiving the TERM signal.


A reduction of the termination grace period is rarely necessary. However, it is

advisable to extend it if the application usually needs more time to shut down

Specifying the deletion grace period when deleting the pod

Any time you delete a pod, the pod’s terminationGracePeriodSeconds

determines the amount of time the pod is given to shut down, but you can
override this time when you execute the kubectl delete command using the
--grace-period command line option.

For example, to give the pod 10s to shut down, you run the following
$ kubectl delete po kiada-ssl --grace-period 10


If you set this grace period to zero, the pod’s pre-stop hooks are not executed.

Fixing the shutdown behavior of the Kiada application

Considering that the shortening of the grace period leads to a faster shutdown
of the pod, it’s clear that at least one of the two containers doesn’t terminate
by itself after it receives the TERM signal. To see which one, recreate the pod,
then run the following commands to stream the logs of each container before
deleting the pod again:
$ kubectl logs kiada-ssl -c kiada -f
$ kubectl logs kiada-ssl -c envoy -f

The logs show that the Envoy proxy catches the signal and immediately
terminates, whereas the Node.js application doesn’t respond to the signal. To
fix this, you need to add the code in the following listing to the end of your
app.js file. You’ll find the updated file in Chapter06/kiada-0.3/app.js.

Listing 6.7 Handling the TERM signal in the kiada application

process.on('SIGTERM', function () {
console.log("Received SIGTERM. Server shutting down...");
server.close(function () {

After you make the change to the code, create a new container image with the
tag :0.3, push it to your image registry, and deploy a new pod that uses the
new image. You can also use the image docker.io/luksa/kiada:0.3 that
I’ve built. To create the pod, apply the manifest file pod.kiada-ssl-

If you delete this new pod, you’ll see that it shuts down considerably faster.
From the logs of the kiada container, you can see that it begins to shut down
as soon as it receives the TERM signal.


Don’t forget to ensure that your init containers also handle the TERM signal so
that they shut down immediately if you delete the pod object while it’s still
being initialized.

6.4.4 Visualizing the full lifecycle of the pod’s containers

To conclude this chapter on what goes on in a pod, I present a final overview
of everything that happens during the life of a pod. The following two figures
summarize everything that has been explained in this chapter. The
initialization of the pod is shown in the next figure.

Figure 6.17 Complete overview of the pod’s initialization stage

When initialization is complete, normal operation of the pod’s containers
begins. This is shown in the next figure.

Figure 6.18 Complete overview of the pod’s normal operation

6.5 Summary
In this chapter, you’ve learned:

The status of the pod contains information about the phase of the pod, its
conditions, and the status of each of its containers. You can view the
status by running the kubectl describe command or by retrieving the
full pod manifest using the command kubectl get -o yaml.
Depending on the pod’s restart policy, its containers can be restarted
after they are terminated. In reality, a container is never actually
restarted. Instead, the old container is destroyed, and a new container is
created in its place.
If a container is repeatedly terminated, an exponentially increasing delay
is inserted before each restart. There is no delay for the first restart, then
the delay is 10 seconds and then doubles before each subsequent restart.
The maximum delay is 5 minutes and is reset to zero when the container
has been running properly for at least twice this time.
An exponentially increasing delay is also used after each failed attempt
to download a container image.
Adding a liveness probe to a container ensures that the container is
restarted when it stops responding. The liveness probe checks the state
of the application via an HTTP GET request, by executing a command
in the container, or opening a TCP connection to one of the network
ports of the container.
If the application needs a long time to start, a startup probe can be
defined with settings that are more forgiving than those in the liveness
probe to prevent premature restarting of the container.
You can define lifecycle hooks for each of the pod’s main containers. A
post-start hook is invoked when the container starts, whereas a pre-stop
hook is invoked when the container must shut down. A lifecycle hook is
configured to either send an HTTP GET request or execute a command
within the container.
If a pre-stop hook is defined in the container and the container must
terminate, the hook is invoked first. The TERM signal is then sent to the
main process in the container. If the process doesn’t stop within
terminationGracePeriodSeconds after the start of the termination
sequence, the process is killed.
When you delete a pod object, all its containers are terminated in
parallel. The pod’s deletionGracePeriodSeconds is the time given to
the containers to shut down. By default, it’s set to the termination grace
period, but can be overridden with the kubectl delete command.
If shutting down a pod takes a long time, it is likely that one of the
processes running in it doesn’t handle the TERM signal. Adding a TERM
signal handler is a better solution than shortening the termination or
deletion grace period.

You now understand everything about the operation of containers in pods. In

the next chapter you’ll learn about the other important component of pods -
storage volumes.
7 Attaching storage volumes to Pods
This chapter covers
Persisting files across container restarts
Sharing files between containers of the same pod
Sharing files between pods
Attaching network storage to pods
Accessing the host node filesystem from within a pod

The previous two chapters focused on the pod’s containers, but they are only
half of what a pod typically contains. They are typically accompanied by
storage volumes that allow a pod’s containers to store data for the lifetime of
the pod or beyond, or to share files with the other containers of the pod. This
is the focus of this chapter.


You’ll find the code files for this chapter at


7.1 Introducing volumes

A pod is like a small logical computer that runs a single application. This
application can consist of one or more containers that run the application
processes. These processes share computing resources such as CPU, RAM,
network interfaces, and others. In a typical computer, the processes use the
same filesystem, but this isn’t the case with containers. Instead, each
container has its own isolated filesystem provided by the container image.

When a container starts, the files in its filesystem are those that were added to
its container image during build time. The process running in the container
can then modify those files or create new ones. When the container is
terminated and restarted, all changes it made to its files are lost, because the
previous container is not really restarted, but completely replaced, as
explained in the previous chapter. Therefore, when a containerized
application is restarted, it can’t continue from the point where it was when it
stopped. Although this may be okay for some types of applications, others
may need the entire filesystem or at least part of it to be preserved on restart.

This is achieved by adding a volume to the pod and mounting it into the


Mounting is the act of attaching the filesystem of some storage device or

volume into a specific location in the operating system’s file tree, as shown in
figure 7.1. The contents of the volume are then available at that location.

Figure 7.1 Mounting a filesystem into the file tree

7.1.1 Demonstrating the need for volumes

In this chapter, you’ll build a new service that requires its data to be
persisted. To do this, the pod that runs the service will need to contain a
volume. But before we get to that, let me tell you about this service, and
allow you to experience first-hand why it can’t work without a volume.
Introducing the Quiz service

The first 14 chapters of this book aim to teach you about the main Kubernetes
concepts by showing you how to deploy the Kubernetes in Action Demo
Application Suite. You already know the three components that comprise it.
If not, the following figure should refresh your memory.

Figure 7.2 How the Quiz service fits into the architecture of the Kiada Suite

You’ve already built the initial version of the Kiada web application and the
Quote service. Now you’ll create the Quiz Service. It will provide the
multiple-choice questions that the Kiada web application displays and store
your answers to those questions.

The Quiz service consists of a RESTful API frontend and a MongoDB

database as the backend. Initially, you’ll run these two components in
separate containers of the same pod, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 7.3 The Quiz API and the MongoDB database run in the same pod
As I explained in the pod introduction in chapter 5, creating pods like this is
not the best idea, as it doesn’t allow for the containers to be scaled
individually. The reason we’ll use a single pod is because you haven’t yet
learned the correct way to make pods communicate with each other. You’ll
learn this in chapter 11. That’s when you’ll split the two containers into
separate pods.

Building the Quiz API container

The source code and the artefacts for the container image for the Quiz API
component are in the Chapter07/quiz-api-0.1/ directory. The code is written
in Go and built using a container. This may need further explanation for some
readers. Instead of having to install the Go environment on your own
computer to build the binary file from the Go source code, you build it in a
container that already contains the Go environment. The result of the build is
the quiz-api binary executable file that is written to the Chapter07/quiz-api-
0.1/app/bin/ directory.

This file is then packaged into the quiz-api:0.1 container image with a
separate docker build command. If you wish, you can try building the
binary and the container image yourself, but you can also use the image that
I’ve built. It’s available at docker.io/luksa/quiz-api:0.1.

Running the Quiz service in a pod without a volume

The following listing shows the YAML manifest of the quiz pod. You can
find it in the file Chapter07/pod.quiz.novolume.yaml.

Listing 7.1 The Quiz pod with no volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: quiz
spec: #A
- name: quiz-api #B
image: luksa/quiz-api:0.1 #B
- name: http #C
containerPort: 8080 #C
- name: mongo #C
image: mongo #C

The listing shows that two containers are defined in the pod. The quiz-api
container runs the Quiz API component explained earlier, and the mongo
container runs the MongoDB database that the API component uses to store

Create the pod from the manifest and use kubectl port-forward to open a
tunnel to the pod’s port 8080 so that you can talk to the Quiz API. To get a
random question, send a GET request to the /questions/random URI as
$ curl localhost:8080/questions/random
ERROR: Question random not found

The database is still empty. You need to add questions to it.

Adding questions to the database

The Quiz API doesn’t provide a way to add questions to the database, so
you’ll have to insert it directly. You can do this via the mongo shell that’s
available in the mongo container. Use kubectl exec to run the shell like this:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz -c mongo -- mongo
MongoDB shell version v4.4.2
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("42671520-0cf7-...") }
MongoDB server version: 4.4.2
Welcome to the MongoDB shell.

The Quiz API reads the questions from the questions collection in the kiada
database. To add a question to that collection, type the following two
commands (printed in bold):
> use kiada
switched to db kiada
> db.questions.insert({
... id: 1,
... text: "What does k8s mean?",
... answers: ["Kates", "Kubernetes", "Kooba Dooba Doo!"],
... correctAnswerIndex: 1})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })


Instead of typing all these commands, you can simply run the
Chapter07/insert-question.sh shell script on your local computer to insert the

Feel free to add additional questions. When you’re done, exit the shell by
pressing Control-D or typing the exit command.

Reading questions from the database and the Quiz API

To confirm that the questions that you’ve just inserted are now stored in the
database, run the following command:
> db.questions.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5fc249ac18d1e29fed666ab7"), "id" : 1, "text" : "What doe
"answers" : [ "Kates", "Kubernetes", "Kooba Dooba Doo!" ], "correctAnswerInd

Now try to retrieve a random question through the Quiz API:

$ curl localhost:8080/questions/random
{"id":1,"text":"What does k8s mean?","correctAnswerIndex":1,
"answers":["Kates","Kubernetes","Kooba Dooba Doo!"]}

Good. It looks like the quiz pod provides the service we need for the Kiada
Suite. But is that always the case?

Restarting the MongoDB database

Because the MongoDB database writes its files to the container’s filesystem,
they are lost every time the container is restarted. You can confirm this by
telling the database to shut down with the following command:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz -c mongo -- mongo admin --eval "db.shutdownServer()"

When the database shuts down, the container stops, and Kubernetes starts a
new one in its place. Because this is now a new container, with a fresh
filesystem, it doesn’t contain the questions you entered earlier. You can
confirm this is true with the following command:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz -c mongo -- mongo kiada --quiet --eval "db.questions
0 #A

Keep in mind that the quiz pod is still the same pod as before. The quiz-api
container has been running fine this whole time. Only the mongo container
was restarted. To be perfectly accurate, it was re-created, not restarted. You
caused this by shutting down MongoDB, but it could happen for any reason.
You’ll agree that it’s not acceptable that a simple restart causes data to be

To ensure that the data is persisted, it needs to be stored outside of the

container - in a volume.

7.1.2 Understanding how volumes fit into pods

Like containers, volumes aren’t top-level resources like pods or nodes, but
are a component within the pod and thus share its lifecycle. As the following
figure shows, a volume is defined at the pod level and then mounted at the
desired location in the container.
Figure 7.4 Volumes are defined at the pod level and mounted in the pod’s containers

The lifecycle of a volume is tied to the lifecycle of the entire pod and is
independent of the lifecycle of the container in which it is mounted. Due to
this fact, volumes are also used to persist data across container restarts.

Persisting files across container restarts

All volumes in a pod are created when the pod is set up - before any of its
containers are started. They are torn down when the pod is shut down.

Each time a container is (re)started, the volumes that the container is

configured to use are mounted in the container’s filesystem. The application
running in the container can read from the volume and write to it if the
volume and mount are configured to be writable.

A typical reason for adding a volume to a pod is to persist data across

container restarts. If no volume is mounted in the container, the entire
filesystem of the container is ephemeral. Since a container restart replaces the
entire container, its filesystem is also re-created from the container image. As
a result, all files written by the application are lost.

If, on the other hand, the application writes data to a volume mounted inside
the container, as shown in the following figure, the application process in the
new container can access the same data after the container is restarted.

Figure 7.5 Volumes ensure that part of the container’s filesystem is persisted across restarts
It is up to the author of the application to determine which files must be
retained on restart. Normally you want to preserve data representing the
application’s state, but you may not want to preserve files that contain the
application’s locally cached data, as this prevents the container from starting
fresh when it’s restarted. Starting fresh every time may allow the application
to heal itself when corruption of the local cache causes it to crash. Just
restarting the container and using the same corrupted files could result in an
endless crash loop.


Before you mount a volume in a container to preserve files across container

restarts, consider how this affects the container’s self-healing capability.

Mounting multiple volumes in a container

A pod can have multiple volumes and each container can mount zero or more
of these volumes in different locations, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 7.6 A pod can contain multiple volumes and a container can mount multiple volumes

The reason why you might want to mount multiple volumes in one container
is that these volumes may serve different purposes and can be of different
types with different performance characteristics.

In pods with more than one container, some volumes can be mounted in some
containers but not in others. This is especially useful when a volume contains
sensitive information that should only be accessible to some containers.

Sharing files between multiple containers

A volume can be mounted in more than one container so that applications

running in these containers can share files. As discussed in chapter 5, a pod
can combine a main application container with sidecar containers that extend
the behavior of the main application. In some cases, the containers must read
or write the same files.

For example, you could create a pod that combines a web server running in
one container with a content-producing agent running in another container.
The content agent container generates the static content that the web server
then delivers to its clients. Each of the two containers performs a single task
that has no real value on its own. However, as the next figure shows, if you
add a volume to the pod and mount it in both containers, you enable these
containers to become a complete system that provides a valuable service and
is more than the sum of its parts.

Figure 7.7 A volume can be mounted into more than one container

The same volume can be mounted at different places in each container,

depending on the needs of the container itself. If the content agent writes
content to /var/data, it makes sense to mount the volume there. Since the
web server expects the content to be in /var/html, the container running it
has the volume mounted at this location.

In the figure you’ll also notice that the volume mount in each container can
be configured either as read/write or as read-only. Because the content agent
needs to write to the volume whereas the web server only reads from it, the
two mounts are configured differently. In the interest of security, it’s
advisable to prevent the web server from writing to the volume, since this
could allow an attacker to compromise the system if the web server software
has a vulnerability that allows attackers to write arbitrary files to the
filesystem and execute them.

Other examples of using a single volume in two containers are cases where a
sidecar container runs a tool that processes or rotates the web server logs or
when an init container creates configuration files for the main application

Persisting data across pod instances

A volume is tied to the lifecycle of the pod and only exists for as long as the
pod exists, but depending on the volume type, the files in the volume can
remain intact after the pod and volume disappear and can later be mounted
into a new volume.

As the following figure shows, a pod volume can map to persistent storage
outside the pod. In this case, the file directory representing the volume isn’t a
local file directory that persists data only for the duration of the pod, but is
instead a volume mount to an existing, typically network-attached storage
volume (NAS) whose lifecycle isn’t tied to any pod. The data stored in the
volume is thus persistent and can be used by the application even after the
pod it runs in is replaced with a new pod running on a different worker node.

Figure 7.8 Pod volumes can also map to storage volumes that persist across pod restarts

If the pod is deleted and a new pod is created to replace it, the same network-
attached storage volume can be attached to the new pod instance so that it can
access the data stored there by the previous instance.
Sharing data between pods

Depending on the technology that provides the external storage volume, the
same external volume can be attached to multiple pods simultaneously,
allowing them to share data. The following figure shows a scenario where
three pods each define a volume that is mapped to the same external
persistent storage volume.

Figure 7.9 Using volumes to share data between pods

In the simplest case, the persistent storage volume could be a simple local
directory on the worker node’s filesystem, and the three pods have volumes
that map to that directory. If all three pods are running on the same node, they
can share files through this directory.

If the persistent storage is a network-attached storage volume, the pods may

be able to use it even when they are deployed to different nodes. However,
this depends on whether the underlying storage technology supports
concurrently attaching the network volume to multiple computers.

While technologies such as Network File System (NFS) allow you to attach
the volume in read/write mode on multiple computers, other technologies
typically available in cloud environments, such as the Google Compute
Engine Persistent Disk, allow the volume to be used either in read/write mode
on a single cluster node, or in read-only mode on many nodes.

Introducing the available volume types

When you add a volume to a pod, you must specify the volume type. A wide
range of volume types is available. Some are generic, while others are
specific to the storage technologies used underneath. Here’s a non-exhaustive
list of the supported volume types:

emptyDir—A simple directory that allows the pod to store data for the
duration of its life cycle. The directory is created just before the pod
starts and is initially empty - hence the name. The gitRepo volume,
which is now deprecated, is similar, but is initialized by cloning a Git
repository. Instead of using a gitRepo volume, it is recommended to use
an emptyDir volume and initialize it using an init container.
hostPath—Used for mounting files from the worker node’s filesystem
into the pod.
nfs—An NFS share mounted into the pod.
gcePersistentDisk (Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk),
awsElasticBlockStore (Amazon Web Services Elastic Block Store),
azureFile (Microsoft Azure File Service), azureDisk (Microsoft Azure
Data Disk)—Used for mounting cloud provider-specific storage.
cephfs, cinder, fc, flexVolume, flocker, glusterfs, iscsi,
portworxVolume, quobyte, rbd, scaleIO, storageos,
photonPersistentDisk, vsphereVolume—Used for mounting other
types of network storage.
configMap, secret, downwardAPI, and the projected volume type—
Special types of volumes used to expose information about the pod and
other Kubernetes objects through files. They are typically used to
configure the application running in the pod. You’ll learn about them in
chapter 9.
persistentVolumeClaim—A portable way to integrate external storage
into pods. Instead of pointing directly to an external storage volume, this
volume type points to a PersistentVolumeClaim object that points to a
PersistentVolume object that finally references the actual storage. This
volume type requires a separate explanation, which you’ll find in the
next chapter.
csi—A pluggable way of adding storage via the Container Storage
Interface. This volume type allows anyone to implement their own
storage driver that is then referenced in the csi volume definition.
During pod setup, the CSI driver is called to attach the volume to the

These volume types serve different purposes. The following sections cover
the most representative volume types and help you to gain a general
understanding of volumes.

7.2 Using an emptyDir volume

The simplest volume type is emptyDir. As its name suggests, a volume of this
type starts as an empty directory. When this type of volume is mounted in a
container, files written by the application to the path where the volume is
mounted are preserved for the duration of the pod’s existence.

This volume type is used in single-container pods when data must be

preserved even if the container is restarted. It’s also used when the
container’s filesystem is marked read-only, and you want part of it to be
writable. In pods with two or more containers, an emptyDir volume is used to
share data between them.

7.2.1 Persisting files across container restarts

Let’s add an emptyDir volume to the quiz pod from section 7.1.1 to ensure
that its data isn’t lost when the MongoDB container restarts.

Adding an emptyDir volume to a pod

You’ll modify the definition of the quiz pod so that the MongoDB process
writes its files to the volume instead of the filesystem of the container it runs
in, which is perishable. A visual representation of the pod is given in the next

Figure 7.10 The quiz pod with an emptyDir volume for storing MongoDB data files

Two changes to the pod manifest are required to achieve this:

1. An emptyDir volume must be added to the pod.

2. The volume must be mounted into the container.

The following listing shows the new pod manifest with these two changes
highlighted in bold. You’ll find the manifest in the file

Listing 7.2 The quiz pod with an emptyDir volume for the mongo container

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: quiz
volumes: #A
- name: quiz-data #A
emptyDir: {} #A
- name: quiz-api
image: luksa/quiz-api:0.1
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
- name: mongo
image: mongo
volumeMounts: #B
- name: quiz-data #B
mountPath: /data/db #B

The listing shows that an emptyDir volume named quiz-data is defined in

the spec.volumes array of the pod manifest and that it is mounted into the
mongo container’s filesystem at the location /data/db. The following two
sections explain more about the volume and the volume mount definitions.

Configuring the emptyDir volume

In general, each volume definition must include a name and a type, which is
indicated by the name of the nested field (for example: emptyDir,
gcePersistentDisk, nfs, and so on). This field typically contains several
sub-fields that allow you to configure the volume. The set of sub-fields that
you set depends on the volume type.

For example, the emptyDir volume type supports two fields for configuring
the volume. They are explained in the following table.

Table 7.1 Configuration options for an emptyDir volume

Field Description

The type of storage medium to use for the directory. If left

empty, the default medium of the host node is used (the
directory is created on one of the node’s disks). The only other
supported option is Memory, which causes the volume to use
tmpfs, a virtual memory filesystem where the files are kept in
memory instead of on the hard disk.

The total amount of local storage required for the directory,

sizeLimit whether on disk or in memory. For example, to set the maximum
size to ten mebibytes, you set this field to 10Mi.

The emptyDir field in the volume definition defines neither of these

properties. The curly braces {} have been added to indicate this explicitly,
but they can be omitted.

Mounting the volume in a container

Defining a volume in the pod is only half of what you need to do to make it
available in a container. The volume must also be mounted in the container.
This is done by referencing the volume by name in the volumeMounts array in
the container definition.

In addition to the name, a volume mount definition must also include the
mountPath - the path within the container where the volume should be
mounted. In listing 7.2, the volume is mounted at /data/db because that’s
where MongoDB stores its files. You want these files to be written to the
volume instead of the container’s filesystem, which is ephemeral.

The full list of supported fields in a volume mount definition is presented in

the following table.

Table 7.2 Configuration options for a volume mount

Field Description

The name of the volume to mount. This must match one

of the volumes defined in the pod.

The path within the container at which to mount the

Whether to mount the volume as read-only. Defaults to
readOnly false.

Specifies what should happen if additional filesystem

volumes are mounted inside the volume.

Defaults to None, which means that the container won’t

receive any mounts that are mounted by the host, and
the host won’t receive any mounts that are mounted by
the container.
HostToContainer means that the container will receive
all mounts that are mounted into this volume by the
host, but not the other way around.

Bidirectional means that the container will receive

mounts added by the host, and the host will receive
mounts added by the container.

Defaults to "" which indicates that the entire volume is

to be mounted into the container. When set to a non-
empty string, only the specified subPath within the
volume is mounted into the container.

Just like subPath but can have environment variable

references using the syntax $(ENV_VAR_NAME). Only
environment variables that are explicitly defined in the
container definition are applicable. Implicit variables
such as HOSTNAME will not be resolved. You’ll learn how
to specify environment variables in chapter 9.

In most cases, you only specify the name, mountPath and whether the mount
should be readOnly. The mountPropagation option comes into play for
advanced use-cases where additional mounts are added to the volume’s file
tree later, either from the host or from the container. The subPath and
subPathExpr options are useful when you want to use a single volume with
multiple directories that you want to mount to different containers instead of
using multiple volumes.

The subPathExpr option is also used when a volume is shared by multiple

pod replicas. In chapter 9, you’ll learn how to use the Downward API to
inject the name of the pod into an environment variable. By referencing this
variable in subPathExpr, you can configure each replica to use its own
subdirectory based on its name.

Understanding the lifespan of an emptyDir volume

If you replace the quiz pod with the one in listing 7.2 and insert questions
into the database, you’ll notice that the questions you add to the database
remain intact, regardless of how often the container is restarted. This is
because the volume’s lifecycle is tied to that of the pod.

To see this is the case, insert the question(s) into the MongoDB database as
you did in section 7.1.1. I suggest using the shell script in the file
Chapter07/insert-question.sh so that you don’t have to type the entire
question JSON again. After you add the question, count the number of
questions in the database as follows:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz -c mongo -- mongo kiada --quiet --eval "db.questions
1 #A

Now shut down the MongoDB server:

$ kubectl exec -it quiz -c mongo -- mongo admin --eval "db.shutdownServer()"

Check that the mongo container was restarted:

$ kubectl get po quiz
quiz 2/2 Running 1 10m #A

After the container restarts, recheck the number of questions in the database:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz -c mongo -- mongo kiada --quiet --eval "db.questions
1 #A

Restarting the container no longer causes the files to disappear because they
no longer reside in the container’s filesystem. They are stored in the volume.
But where exactly is that? Let’s find out.

Understanding where the files in an emptyDir volume are stored

As you can see in the following figure, the files in an emptyDir volume are
stored in a directory in the host node’s filesystem. It’s nothing but a normal
file directory. This directory is mounted into the container at the desired

Figure 7.11 The emptyDir is a normal file directory in the node’s filesystem that’s mounted into
the container

The directory is typically located at the following location in the node’s


The pod_UID is the unique ID of the pod, which you’ll find the Pod object’s
metadata section. If you want to see the directory for yourself, run the
following command to get the pod_UID:
$ kubectl get po quiz -o json | jq .metadata.uid

The volume_name is the name of the volume in the pod manifest - in the quiz
pod, the name is quiz-data.

To get the name of the node that runs the pod, use kubectl get po quiz -o
wide or the following alternative:

$ kubectl get po quiz -o json | jq .spec.nodeName

Now you have everything you need. Try to log into the node and inspect the
contents of the directory. You’ll notice that the files match those in the mongo
container’s /data/db directory.

If you delete the pod, the directory is deleted. This means that the data is lost
once again. You’ll learn how to persist it properly by using external storage
volumes in section 7.3.

Creating the emptyDir volume in memory

The emptyDir volume in the previous example created a directory on the

actual drive of the worker node that runs your pod, so its performance
depends on the type of drive installed on the node. If you want the I/O
operations on the volume to be as fast as possible, you can instruct
Kubernetes to create the volume using the tmpfs filesystem, which keeps files
in memory. To do this, set the emptyDir’s medium field to Memory as in the
following snippet:
- name: content
medium: Memory #A
Creating the emptyDir volume in memory is also a good idea whenever it’s
used to store sensitive data. Because the data is not written to disk, there is
less chance that the data will be compromised and persisted longer than
desired. As you’ll learn in chapter 9, Kubernetes uses the same in-memory
approach when it exposes the data from the Secret object kind in the

Specifying the size limit for the emptyDir volume

The size of an emptyDir volume can be limited by setting the sizeLimit

field. Setting this field is especially important for in-memory volumes when
the overall memory usage of the pod is limited by so-called resource limits.
You’ll learn about this in chapter 20.

Next, let’s see how an emptyDir volume is used to share files between
containers of the same pod.

7.2.2 Populating an emptyDir volume with data using an init

Every time you create the quiz pod from the previous section, the MongoDB
database is empty, and you have to insert the questions manually. Let’s
improve the pod by automatically populating the database when the pod

Many ways of doing this exist. You could run the MongoDB container
locally, insert the data, commit the container state into a new image and use
that image in your pod. But then you’d have to repeat the process every time
a new version of the MongoDB container image is released.

Fortunately, the MongoDB container image provides a mechanism to

populate the database the first time it’s started. On start-up, if the database is
empty, it invokes any .js and .sh files that it finds in the /docker-entrypoint-
initdb.d directory. All you need to do is get the file into that location. Again,
you could build a new MongoDB image with the file in that location, but
you’d run into the same problem as described previously. An alternative
solution is to use a volume to inject the file into that location of the
MongoDB container’s filesystem. But how do you get the file into the
volume in the first place?

Kubernetes provides a special type of volume that is initialized by cloning a

Git repository - the gitRepo volume. However, this type of volume is now
deprecated. The proposed alternative is to use an emptyDir volume that you
initialize with an init container that executes the git clone command. You
could use this approach, but this would mean that the pod must make a
network call to fetch the data.

Another, more generic way of populating an emptyDir volume, is to package

the data into a container image and copy the data files from the container to
the volume when the container starts. This removes the dependency on any
external systems and allows the pod to run regardless of the network
connectivity status.

To help you visualize the pod, look at the following figure.

Figure 7.12 Using an init container to initialize an emptyDir volume

When the pod starts, first the volumes and then the init container is created.
The initdb volume is mounted into this init container. The container image
contains the insert-questions.js file, which the container copies to the volume
when it runs. Then the copy operation is complete, the init container finishes
and the pod’s main containers are started. The initdb volume is mounted into
the mongo container at the location where MongoDB looks for database
initialization scripts. On first start-up, MongoDB executes the insert-
questions.js script. This inserts the questions into the database. As in the
previous version of the pod, the database files are stored in the quiz-data
volume to allow the data to survive container restarts.

You’ll find the insert-questions.js file and the Dockerfile required to build
init container image in the book’s code repository. The following listing
shows part of the insert-questions.js file.

Listing 7.3 The contents of the insert-questions.js file

db.getSiblingDB("kiada").questions.insertMany( #A
[{ #B
"id": 1, #B
"text": "What is kubectl?", #B
... #B

The Dockerfile for the container image is shown in the next listing.

Listing 7.4 Dockerfile for the quiz-initdb-script-installer:0.1 container image

FROM busybox
COPY insert-questions.js / #A
CMD cp /insert-questions.js /initdb.d/ \ #B
&& echo "Successfully copied insert-questions.js to /initdb.d" \ #B
|| echo "Error copying insert-questions.js to /initdb.d" #B

Use these two files to build the image or use the image that I’ve built. You’ll
find it at docker.io/luksa/quiz-initdb-script-installer:0.1.

After you’ve got the container image, modify the pod manifest from the
previous section so its contents match the next listing (the resulting file is
pod.quiz.emptydir.init.yaml). The lines that you must add are highlighted
in bold font.

Listing 7.5 Using an init container to initialize an emptyDir volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: quiz
- name: initdb #A
emptyDir: {} #A
- name: quiz-data
emptyDir: {}
- name: installer #B
image: luksa/quiz-initdb-script-installer:0.1 #B
volumeMounts: #B
- name: initdb #B
mountPath: /initdb.d #B
- name: quiz-api
image: luksa/quiz-api:0.1
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
- name: mongo
image: mongo
- name: quiz-data
mountPath: /data/db
- name: initdb #C
mountPath: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ #C
readOnly: true #C

The listing shows that the initdb volume is mounted into the init container.
After this container copies the insert-questions.js file to the volume, it
terminates and allows the mongo and quiz-api containers to start. Because the
initdb volume is mounted in the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d directory in the
mongo container, MongoDB executes the .js file, which populates the
database with questions.

You can delete the old quiz pod and deploy this new version of the pod.
You’ll see that the database gets populated every time you deploy the pod.

7.2.3 Sharing files between containers

As you saw in the previous section, an emptyDir volume can be initialized
with an init container and then used by one of the pod’s main containers. But
a volume can also be used by multiple main containers concurrently. The
quiz-api and the mongo containers that are in the quiz pod don’t need to share
files, so you’ll use a different example to learn how volumes are shared
between containers.

Remember the quote pod from the previous chapter? The one that uses a
post-start hook to run the fortune command. The command writes a quote
from this book into a file that is then served by the Nginx web server. The
quote pod currently serves the same quote throughout the lifetime of the pod.
This isn’t that interesting. Let’s build a new version of the pod, where a new
quote is served every 60 seconds.

You’ll retain Nginx as the web server but will replace the post-start hook
with a container that periodically runs the fortune command to update the
file where the quote is stored. Let’s call this container quote-writer. The
Nginx server will continue to be in the nginx container.

As visualized in the following figure, the pod now has two containers instead
of one. To allow the nginx container to see the file that the quote-writer
creates, a volume must be defined in the pod and mounted into both

Figure 7.13 The new version of the Quote service uses two containers and a shared volume
Creating a pod with two containers and a shared volume

The image for the quote-writer container is available at

docker.io/luksa/quote-writer:0.1, but you can also build it yourself
from the files in the Chapter07/quote-writer-0.1 directory. The nginx
container will continue to use the existing nginx:alpine image.

The pod manifest for the new quote pod is shown in the next listing. You can
find it in file pod.quote.yaml.

Listing 7.6 A pod with two containers that share a volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: quote
volumes: #A
- name: shared #A
emptyDir: {} #A
- name: quote-writer #B
image: luksa/quote-writer:0.1 #B
volumeMounts: #C
- name: shared #C
mountPath: /var/local/output #C
- name: nginx #D
image: nginx:alpine #D
volumeMounts: #E
- name: shared #E
mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html #E
readOnly: true #E
- name: http
containerPort: 80

The pod consists of two containers and a single volume, which is mounted in
both containers, but at a different location in each container. The reason for
this is that the quote-writer container writes the quote file to the
/var/local/output directory, whereas the nginx container serves files from
the /usr/share/nginx/html directory.


Since the two containers start at the same time, there can be a short period
where nginx is already running, but the quote hasn’t been generated yet. One
way of making sure this doesn’t happen is to generate the initial quote using
an init container, as explained in section 7.2.3.

Running the pod

When you create the pod from the manifest, the two containers start and
continue running until the pod is deleted. The quote-writer container writes
a new quote to the file every 60 seconds, and the nginx container serves this
file. After you create the pod, use the kubectl port-forward command to
open a communication tunnel to the pod:
$ kubectl port-forward quote 1080:80

In another terminal, verify that the server responds with a different quote
every 60 seconds by running the following command several times:
$ curl localhost:1080/quote
Alternatively, you can also display the contents of the file using either of the
following two commands:
$ kubectl exec quote -c quote-writer -- cat /var/local/output/quote
$ kubectl exec quote -c nginx -- cat /usr/share/nginx/html/quote

As you can see, one of them prints the contents of the file from within the
quote-writer container, whereas the other command prints the contents
from within the nginx container. Because the two paths point to the same
quote file on the shared volume, the output of the commands is identical.

7.3 Using external storage in pods

An emptyDir volume is a dedicated directory created specifically for and
used exclusively by the pod in which the volume is defined. When the pod is
deleted, the volume and its contents are deleted. However, other types of
volumes don’t create a new directory, but instead mount an existing external
directory in the filesystem of the container. The contents of this volume can
survive multiple instantiations of the same pod and can even be shared by
multiple pods. These are the types of volumes we’ll explore next.

To learn how external storage is used in a pod, you’ll create a pod that runs
the document-oriented database MongoDB. To ensure that the data stored in
the database is persisted, you’ll add a volume to the pod and mount it in the
container at the location where MongoDB writes its data files.

The tricky part of this exercise is that the type of persistent volumes available
in your cluster depends on the environment in which the cluster is running.
At the beginning of this book, you learned that Kubernetes could reschedule a
pod to another node at any time. To ensure that the quiz pod can still access
its data, it should use network-attached storage instead of the worker node’s
local drive.

Ideally, you should use a proper Kubernetes cluster, such as GKE, for the
following exercises. Unfortunately, clusters provisioned with Minikube or
kind don’t provide any kind of network storage volume out of the box. So, if
you’re using either of these tools, you’ll need to resort to using node-local
storage provided by the so-called hostPath volume type, but this volume
type is not explained until section 7.4.

7.3.1 Using a Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk as a

If you use Google Kubernetes Engine to run the exercises in this book, your
cluster nodes run on Google Compute Engine (GCE). In GCE, persistent
storage is provided via GCE Persistent Disks. Kubernetes supports adding
them to your pods via the gcePersistentDisk volume type.


To adapt this exercise for use with other cloud providers, use the appropriate
volume type supported by the cloud provider. Consult the documentation
provided by the cloud provider to determine how to create the storage volume
and how to mount it into the pod.

Creating a GCE Persistent Disk

Before you can use the GCE Persistent Disk volume in your pod, you must
create the disk itself. It must reside in the same zone as your Kubernetes
cluster. If you don’t remember in which zone you created the cluster, you can
see it by listing your Kubernetes clusters using the gcloud command as
$ gcloud container clusters list
kiada europe-west3-c 1.14.10-gke.42 ...

In my case, the command output indicates that the cluster is in zone europe-
west3-c, so I have to create the GCE Persistent Disk there. Create the disk in
the correct zone as follows:
$ gcloud compute disks create --size=10GiB --zone=europe-west3-c quiz-data
WARNING: You have selected a disk size of under [200GB]. This may result in
For more information, see: https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/disks#
Created [https://www.googleapis.com/.../zones/europe-west3-c/disks/quiz-data
quiz-data europe-west3-c 10 pd-standard READY
This command creates a GCE Persistent Disk called quiz-data with 10GiB
of space. You can freely ignore the disk size warning, because it doesn’t
affect the exercises you’re about to run. You may also see an additional
warning that the disk is not yet formatted. You can ignore that, too, because
formatting is done automatically when you use the disk in your pod.

Creating a pod with a gcePersistentDisk volume

Now that you have set up your physical storage, you can use it in a volume
inside your quiz pod. You’ll create the pod from the YAML in the following
listing (file pod.quiz.gcepd.yaml). The highlighted lines are the only
difference from the pod.quiz.emptydir.yaml file that you deployed in
section 7.2.1.

Listing 7.7 Using a gcePersistentDisk volume in the quiz pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: quiz
- name: quiz-data
gcePersistentDisk: #A
pdName: quiz-data #B
fsType: ext4 #C
- name: quiz-api
image: luksa/quiz-api:0.1
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
- name: mongo
image: mongo
- name: quiz-data
mountPath: /data/db


If you created your cluster with Minikube or kind, you can’t use a GCE
Persistent Disk. Use the file pod.quiz.hostpath.yaml, which uses a
hostPath volume in place of the GCE PD. This type of volume uses node-
local instead of network storage, so you must ensure that the pod is always
deployed to the same node. This is always true in Minikube because it creates
a single node cluster. However, if you’re using kind, create the pod from the
file pod.quiz.hostpath.kind.yaml to ensure that the pod is always
deployed to the same node.

The pod is visualized in the following figure. It contains a single volume that
refers to the GCE Persistent Disk you created earlier. The volume is mounted
in the mongo container at /data/db. This ensures that MongoDB writes its
files to the persistent disk.

Figure 7.14 A GCE Persistent Disk referenced in a pod volume and mounted into the mongo

Verifying that the GCE Persistent Disk persists data

Use the shell script in the file Chapter07/insert-question.sh to add a question

to the MongoDB database. Confirm that the question is stored by using the
following command:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz -c mongo -- mongo kiada --quiet --eval "db.questions
1 #A

Okay, the database has the data. MongoDB’s data files are stored in the
/data/db directory, which is where you mounted the GCE Persistent Disk.
Therefore, the data files should be stored on the GCE PD.

You can now safely delete the quiz pod and recreate it:
$ kubectl delete pod quiz
pod "quiz" deleted
$ kubectl apply -f pod.quiz.gcepd.yaml
pod "quiz" created

Since the new pod is an exact replica of the previous, it points to the same
GCE Persistent Disk as the previous pod did. The mongo container should
see the files that it wrote earlier, even if the new pod is scheduled to another


You can see what node a pod is scheduled to by running kubectl get po -o


If you use a kind-provisioned cluster, the pod is always scheduled to the same

After the pod starts, recheck the number of questions in the database:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz -c mongo -- mongo kiada --quiet --eval "db.questions
1 #A

As expected, the data still exists even though you deleted and recreated the
pod. This confirms that you can use a GCE Persistent Disk to persist data
across multiple instantiations of the same pod. To be perfectly precise, it isn’t
the same pod. These are two pods whose volumes point to the same
underlying persistent storage volume.

You might wonder if you can use the same persistent disk in two or more
pods at the same time. The answer to this question is not straightforward,
because it requires the understanding of how external volumes are mounted
in pods. I’ll explain this in section 7.3.3. Before I do that, I need to explain
how use external storage when your cluster doesn’t run on Google’s

7.3.2 Using other persistent volume types

In the previous exercise, I explained how to add persistent storage to a pod
running in Google Kubernetes Engine. If you run your cluster elsewhere, you
should use whatever volume type is supported by the underlying

For example, if your Kubernetes cluster runs on Amazon’s AWS EC2, you
can use an awsElasticBlockStore volume. If your cluster runs on Microsoft
Azure, you can use the azureFile or the azureDisk volume. I won’t go into
detail about how to do this, but it’s practically the same as in the previous
example. You first need to create the actual underlying storage and then set
the right fields in the volume definition.

Using an AWS Elastic Block Store volume

For example, if you want to use an AWS Elastic Block Store volume instead
of the GCE Persistent Disk, you only need to change the volume definition as
shown in the following listing (file pod.quiz.aws.yaml).

Listing 7.8 Using an awsElasticBlockStore volume in the quiz pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: quiz
- name: quiz-data
awsElasticBlockStore: #A
volumeID: quiz-data #B
fsType: ext4 #C
- ...

Using an NFS volume

If your cluster runs on your own servers, you have a range of other supported
options for adding external storage to your pods. For example, to mount an
NFS share, you specify the NFS server address and the exported path, as
shown in the following listing (file pod.quiz.nfs.yaml).

Listing 7.9 Using an nfs volume in the quiz pod

- name: quiz-data
nfs: #A
server: #B
path: /some/path #C


Although Kubernetes supports nfs volumes, the operating system running on

the worker nodes provisioned by Minikube or kind might not support
mounting nfs volumes.

Using other storage technologies

Other supported options are iscsi for mounting an iSCSI disk resource,
glusterfs for a GlusterFS mount, rbd for a RADOS Block Device,
flexVolume, cinder, cephfs, flocker, fc (Fibre Channel), and others. You
don’t need to understand all these technologies. They’re mentioned here to
show you that Kubernetes supports a wide range of these technologies, and
you can use the technologies that are available in your environment or that
you prefer.

For details on the properties that you need to set for each of these volume
types, you can either refer to the Kubernetes API definitions in the
Kubernetes API reference or look up the information by running kubectl
explain pod.spec.volumes. If you’re already familiar with a particular
storage technology, you should be able to use the explain command to easily
find out how to configure the correct volume type (for example, for iSCSI
you can see the configuration options by running kubectl explain
Why does Kubernetes force software developers to understand low-level

If you’re a software developer and not a system administrator, you might

wonder if you really need to know all this low-level information about
storage volumes? As a developer, should you have to deal with
infrastructure-related storage details when writing the pod definition, or
should this be left to the cluster administrator?

At the beginning of this book, I explained that Kubernetes abstracts away the
underlying infrastructure. The configuration of storage volumes explained
earlier clearly contradicts this. Furthermore, including infrastructure-related
information, such as the NFS server hostname directly in a pod manifest
means that this manifest is tied to this specific Kubernetes cluster. You can’t
use the same manifest without modification to deploy the pod in another

Fortunately, Kubernetes offers another way to add external storage to your

pods. One that divides the responsibility for configuring and using the
external storage volume into two parts. The low-level part is managed by
cluster administrators, while software developers only specify the high-level
storage requirements for their applications. Kubernetes then connects the two

You’ll learn about this in the next chapter, but first you need a basic
understanding of pod volumes. You’ve already learned most of it, but I still
need to explain some details.

7.3.3 Understanding how external volumes are mounted

To understand the limitations of using external volumes in your pods,

whether a pod references the volume directly or indirectly, as explained in the
next chapter, you must be aware of the caveats associated with the way
network storage volumes are actually attached to the pods.

Let’s return to the issue of using the same network storage volume in
multiple pods at the same time. What happens if you create a second pod and
point it to the same GCE Persistent Disk?

I’ve prepared a manifest for a second MongoDB pod that uses the same GCE
Persistent Disk. The manifest can be found in the file
pod.quiz2.gcepd.yaml. If you use it to create the second pod, you’ll notice
that it never runs. It never gets past the ContainerCreating status:
$ kubectl get po
quiz 2/2 Running 0 10m
quiz2 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 2m


If your GKE cluster has a single worker node and the pod’s status is Pending,
the reason could be that there isn’t enough unallocated CPU for the pod to fit
on the node. Resize the cluster to at least two nodes with the command
gcloud container clusters resize <cluster-name> --size <number-

You can see why this is the case with the kubectl describe pod quiz2
command. At the very bottom, you see a FailedAttachVolume event
generated by the attachdetach-controller. The event has the following
AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "quiz-data" : googleapi: Error 400:
The disk resource
'projects/kiada/zones/europe-west3-c/disks/quiz-data' is already being used

The message indicates that the node hosting the quiz2 pod can’t attach the
external volume because it’s already in use by another node. If you check
where the two pods are scheduled, you’ll see that they are not on the same
$ kubectl get po -o wide
quiz 2/2 Running ... gke-kiada-default-pool-xyz-1b27
quiz2 0/2 ContainerCreating ... gke-kiada-default-pool-xyz-gqbj
The quiz pod runs on node xyz-1b27, whereas quiz2 is on node xyz-gqbj.
As is typically the case in cloud environments, you can’t mount the same
GCE Persistent Disk on multiple hosts simultaneously in read/write mode.
You can only mount it on multiple hosts if you use the read-only mode.

Interestingly, the error message doesn’t say that the disk is being used by the
quiz pod, but by the node hosting the pod. This is an often overlooked detail
about how external volumes are mounted into pods.


Use the following command to see which network volumes that are attached
to a node: kubectl get node <node-name> -o json | jq

As the following figure shows, a network volume is mounted by the host

node, and then the pod is given access to the mount point. The underlying
storage technology may not allow a volume to be attached to more than one
node at a time in read/write mode, but multiple pods on the same node can all
use the volume in read/write mode.

Figure 7.15 Network volumes are mounted by the host node and then exposed in pods
For most storage technologies available in the cloud, you can typically use
the same network volume on multiple nodes simultaneously if you mount
them in read-only mode. For example, pods scheduled to different nodes can
use the same GCE Persistent Disk if it is mounted in read-only mode, as
shown in the next listing.

Listing 7.10 Mounting a GCE Persistent Disk in read-only mode

kind: Pod
- name: my-volume
pdName: my-volume
fsType: ext4
readOnly: true #A

It is important to consider this network storage limitation when designing the

architecture of your distributed application. Replicas of the same pod
typically can’t use the same network volume in read/write mode. Fortunately,
Kubernetes takes care of this, too. In chapter 13, you’ll learn how to deploy
stateful applications, where each pod instance gets its own network storage

You’re now done playing with these two quiz pods, so you can delete them.
But don’t delete the underlying GCE Persistent Disk yet. You’ll use it again
in the next chapter.

7.4 Accessing files on the worker node’s filesystem

Most pods shouldn’t care which host node they are running on, and they
shouldn’t access any files on the node’s filesystem. System-level pods are the
exception. They may need to read the node’s files or use the node’s
filesystem to access the node’s devices or other components via the
filesystem. Kubernetes makes this possible through the hostPath volume
type. I already mentioned it in the previous section, but this is where you’ll
learn when to actually use it.

7.4.1 Introducing the hostPath volume

A hostPath volume points to a specific file or directory in the filesystem of
the host node, as shown in the next figure. Pods running on the same node
and using the same path in their hostPath volume have access to the same
files, whereas pods on other nodes do not.

Figure 7.16 A hostPath volume mounts a file or directory from the worker node’s filesystem into
the container.

A hostPath volume is not a good place to store the data of a database unless
you ensure that the pod running the database always runs on the same node.
Because the contents of the volume are stored on the filesystem of a specific
node, the database pod will not be able to access the data if it gets
rescheduled to another node.

Typically, a hostPath volume is used in cases where the pod needs to read or
write files in the node’s filesystem that the processes running on the node
read or generate, such as system-level logs.

The hostPath volume type is one of the most dangerous volume types in
Kubernetes and is usually reserved for use in privileged pods only. If you
allow unrestricted use of the hostPath volume, users of the cluster can do
anything they want on the node. For example, they can use it to mount the
Docker socket file (typically /var/run/docker.sock) in their container and
then run the Docker client within the container to run any command on the
host node as the root user. You’ll learn how to prevent this in chapter 24.

7.4.2 Using a hostPath volume

To demonstrate how dangerous hostPath volumes are, let’s deploy a pod that
allows you to explore the entire filesystem of the host node from within the
pod. The pod manifest is shown in the following listing.

Listing 7.11 Using a hostPath volume to gain access to the host node’s filesystem

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: node-explorer
- name: host-root #A
hostPath: #A
path: / #A
- name: node-explorer
image: alpine
command: ["sleep", "9999999999"]
volumeMounts: #B
- name: host-root #B
mountPath: /host #B

As you can see in the listing, a hostPath volume must specify the path on
the host that it wants to mount. The volume in the listing will point to the root
directory on the node’s filesystem, providing access to the entire filesystem
of the node the pod is scheduled to.

After creating the pod from this manifest using kubectl apply, run a shell in
the pod with the following command:
$ kubectl exec -it node-explorer -- sh

You can now navigate to the root directory of the node’s filesystem by
running the following command:
/ # cd /host
From here, you can explore the files on the host node. Since the container and
the shell command are running as root, you can modify any file on the worker
node. Be careful not to break anything.


If your cluster has more than one worker node, the pod runs on a randomly
selected one. If you’d like to deploy the pod on a specific node, edit the file
node-explorer.specific-node.pod.yaml, which you’ll find in the book’s
code archive, and set the .spec.nodeName field to the name of the node you’d
like to run the pod on. You’ll learn about scheduling pods to a specific node
or a set of nodes in later chapters.

Now imagine you’re an attacker that has gained access to the Kubernetes API
and are able to deploy this type of pod in a production cluster. Unfortunately,
at the time of writing, Kubernetes doesn’t prevent regular users from using
hostPath volumes in their pods and is therefore totally unsecure. As already
mentioned, you’ll learn how to secure the cluster from this type of attack in
chapter 24.

Specifying the type for a hostPath volume

In the previous example, you only specified the path for the hostPath
volume, but you can also specify the type to ensure that the path represents
what the process in the container expects (a file, a directory, or something

The following table explains the supported hostPath types:

Table 7.3 Supported hostPath volume types

Type Description

Kubernetes performs no checks before it mounts the

Kubernetes checks if a directory exists at the specified
path. You use this type if you want to mount a pre-
existing directory into the pod and want to prevent the
pod from running if the directory doesn’t exist.

Same as Directory, but if nothing exists at the

specified path, an empty directory is created.

File The specified path must be a file.

Same as File, but if nothing exists at the specified

path, an empty file is created.

BlockDevice The specified path must be a block device.

CharDevice The specified path must be a character device.

Socket The specified path must be a UNIX socket.

If the specified path doesn’t match the type, the pod’s containers don’t run.
The pod’s events explain why the hostPath type check failed.


When the type is FileOrCreate or DirectoryOrCreate and Kubernetes

needs to create the file/directory, its file permissions are set to 644 (rw-r--r-
-) and 755 (rwxr-xr-x), respectively. In either case, the file/directory is
owned by the user and group used to run the Kubelet.
7.5 Summary
This chapter has explained the basics of adding volumes to pods, but this was
only the beginning. You’ll learn more about this topic in the next chapter. So
far, you’ve learned the following:

Pods consist of containers and volumes. Each volume can be mounted at

the desired location in the container’s filesystem.
Volumes are used to persist data across container restarts, share data
between the containers in the pod, and even share data between the
Many volume types exist. Some are generic and can be used in any
cluster regardless of the cluster environment, while others, such as the
gcePersistentDisk, can only be used if the cluster runs on a specific
cloud provider’s infrastructure.
An emptyDir volume is used to store data for the duration of the pod. It
starts as an empty directory just before the pod’s containers are started
and is deleted when the pod terminates.
The gitRepo volume is a deprecated volume type that is initialized by
cloning a Git repository. Alternatively, an emptyDir volume can be used
in combination with an init container that initializes the volume from Git
or any other source.
Network volumes are typically mounted by the host node and then
exposed to the pod(s) on that node.
Depending on the underlying storage technology, you may or may not
be able to mount a network storage volume in read/write mode on
multiple nodes simultaneously.
By using a proprietary volume type in a pod manifest, the pod manifest
is tied to a specific Kubernetes cluster. The manifest must be modified
before it can be used in another cluster. Chapter 8 explains how to avoid
this issue.
The hostPath volume allows a pod to access any path in filesystem of
the worker node. This volume type is dangerous because it allows users
to make changes to the configuration of the worker node and run any
process they want on the node.

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to abstract the underlying storage
technology away from the pod manifest and make the manifest portable to
any other Kubernetes cluster.
8 Persisting data in
This chapter covers
Using PersistentVolume objects to represent persistent storage
Claiming persistent volumes with PersistentVolumeClaim objects
Dynamic provisioning of persistent volumes
Using node-local persistent storage

The previous chapter taught you how to mount a network storage volume into
your pods. However, the experience was not ideal because you needed to
understand the environment your cluster was running in to know what type of
volume to add to your pod. For example, if your cluster runs on Google’s
infrastructure, you must define a gcePersistentDisk volume in your pod
manifest. You can’t use the same manifest to run your application on
Amazon because GCE Persistent Disks aren’t supported in their environment.
To make the manifest compatible with Amazon, one must modify the volume
definition in the manifest before deploying the pod.

You may remember from chapter 1 that Kubernetes is supposed to

standardize application deployment between cloud providers. Using
proprietary storage volume types in pod manifests goes against this premise.

Fortunately, there is a better way to add persistent storage to your pods. One
where you don’t refer to a specific storage technology within the pod. This
chapter explains this improved approach.


You’ll find the code files for this chapter at

8.1 Decoupling pods from the underlying storage
Ideally, a developer who deploys their applications on Kubernetes shouldn’t
need to know what storage technology the cluster provides, just as they don’t
need to know the characteristics of the physical servers used to run the pods.
Details of the infrastructure should be handled by the people who run the

For this reason, when you deploy an application to Kubernetes, you typically
don’t refer directly to the external storage in the pod manifest, as you did in
the previous chapter. Instead, you use an indirect approach that is explained
in the following section.

One of the examples in the previous chapter shows how to use an NFS file
share in a pod. The volume definition in the pod manifest contains the IP
address of the NFS server and the file path exported by that server. This ties
the pod definition to a specific cluster and prevents it from being used

As illustrated in the following figure, if you were to deploy this pod to a

different cluster, you would typically need to change at least the NFS server
IP. This means that the pod definition isn’t portable across clusters. It must be
modified each time you deploy it in a new Kubernetes cluster.

Figure 8.1 A pod manifest with infrastructure-specific volume information is not portable to
other clusters
8.1.1 Introducing persistent volumes and claims
To make pod manifests portable across different cluster environments, the
environment-specific information about the actual storage volume is moved
to a PersistentVolume object, as shown in the next figure. A
PersistentVolumeClaim object connects the pod to this PersistentVolume

Figure 8.2 Using persistent volumes and persistent volume claims to attach network storage to
These two objects are explained next.

Introducing persistent volumes

As the name suggests, a PersistentVolume object represents a storage volume

that is used to persist application data. As shown in the previous figure, the
PersistentVolume object stores the information about the underlying storage
and decouples this information from the pod.

When this infrastructure-specific information isn’t in the pod manifest, the

same manifest can be used to deploy pods in different clusters. Of course,
each cluster must now contain a PersistentVolume object with this
information. I agree that this approach doesn’t seem to solve anything, since
we’ve only moved information into a different object, but you’ll see later that
this new approach enables things that weren’t possible before.

Introducing persistent volume claims

A pod doesn’t refer directly to the PersistentVolume object. Instead, it points

to a PersistentVolumeClaim object, which then points to the

As its name suggests, a PersistentVolumeClaim object represents a user’s

claim on the persistent volume. Because its lifecycle is not tied to that of the
pod, it allows the ownership of the persistent volume to be decoupled from
the pod. Before a user can use a persistent volume in their pods, they must
first claim the volume by creating a PersistentVolumeClaim object. After
claiming the volume, the user has exclusive rights to it and can use it in their
pods. They can delete the pod at any time, and they won’t lose ownership of
the persistent volume. When the volume is no longer needed, the user
releases it by deleting the PersistentVolumeClaim object.

Using a persistent volume claim in a pod

To use the persistent volume in a pod, in its manifest you simply refer to the
name of the persistent volume claim that the volume is bound to.

For example, if you create a persistent volume claim that gets bound to a
persistent volume that represents an NFS file share, you can attach the NFS
file share to your pod by adding a volume definition that points to the
PersistentVolumeClaim object. The volume definition in the pod manifest
only needs to contain the name of the persistent volume claim and no
infrastructure-specific information, such as the IP address of the NFS server.

As the following figure shows, when this pod is scheduled to a worker node,
Kubernetes finds the persistent volume that is bound to the claim referenced
in the pod, and uses the information in the PersistentVolume object to mount
the network storage volume in the pod’s container.

Figure 8.3 Mounting a persistent volume into the pod’s container(s)

Using a claim in multiple pods

Multiple pods can use the same storage volume if they refer to the same
persistent volume claim and therefore transitively to the same persistent
volume, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8.4 Using the same persistent volume claim in multiple pods
Whether these pods must all run on the same cluster node or can access the
underlying storage from different nodes depends on the technology that
provides that storage. If the underlying storage technology supports attaching
the storage to many nodes concurrently, it can be used by pods on different
nodes. If not, the pods must all be scheduled to the node that attached the
storage volume first.

8.1.2 Understanding the benefits of using persistent volumes

and claims

A system where you must use two additional objects to let a pod use a storage
volume is more complex than the simple approach explained in the previous
chapter, where the pod simply referred to the storage volume directly. Why is
this new approach better?

The biggest advantage of using persistent volumes and claims is that the
infrastructure-specific details are now decoupled from the application
represented by the pod. Cluster administrators, who know the data center
better than anyone else, can create the PersistentVolume objects with all their
infrastructure-related low-level details, while software developers focus
solely on describing the applications and their needs via the Pod and
PersistentVolumeClaim objects.

The following figure shows how the two user roles and the objects they
create fit together.

Figure 8.5 Persistent volumes are provisioned by cluster admins and consumed by pods through
persistent volume claims.
Instead of the developer adding a technology-specific volume to their pod,
the cluster administrator sets up the underlying storage and then registers it in
Kubernetes by creating a PersistentVolume object through the Kubernetes

When a cluster user needs persistent storage in one of their pods, they first
create a PersistentVolumeClaim object in which they either refer to a specific
persistent volume by name, or specify the minimum volume size and access
mode required by the application, and let Kubernetes find a persistent volume
that meets these requirements. In both cases, the persistent volume is then
bound to the claim and is given exclusive access. The claim can then be
referenced in a volume definition within one or more pods. When the pod
runs, the storage volume configured in the PersistentVolume object is
attached to the worker node and mounted into the pod’s containers.

It’s important to understand that the application developer can create the
manifests for the Pod and the PersistentVolumeClaim objects without
knowing anything about the infrastructure on which the application will run.
Similarly, the cluster administrator can provision a set of storage volumes of
varying sizes in advance without knowing much about the applications that
will use them.

Furthermore, by using dynamic provisioning of persistent volumes, as

discussed later in this chapter, administrators don’t need to pre-provision
volumes at all. If an automated volume provisioner is installed in the cluster,
the physical storage volume and the PersistentVolume object are created on
demand for each PersistentVolumeClaim object that users create.

8.2 Creating persistent volumes and claims

Now that you have a basic understanding of persistent volumes and claims
and their relationship to the pods, let’s revisit the quiz pod from the previous
chapter. You may remember that this pod contains a gcePersistentDisk
volume. You’ll modify that pod’s manifest to make it use the GCE Persistent
Disk via a PersistentVolume object.

As explained earlier, there are usually two different types of Kubernetes users
involved in the provisioning and use of persistent volumes. In the following
exercises, you will first take on the role of the cluster administrator and create
some persistent volumes. One of them will point to the existing GCE
Persistent Disk. Then you’ll take on the role of a regular user to create a
persistent volume claim to get ownership of that volume and use it in the quiz

8.2.1 Creating a PersistentVolume object

Imagine being the cluster administrator. The development team has asked
you to provide two persistent volumes for their applications. One will be used
to store the data files used by MongoDB in the quiz pod, and the other will be
used for something else.

If you use Google Kubernetes Engine to run these examples, you’ll create
persistent volumes that point to GCE Persistent Disks (GCE PD). For the
quiz data files, you can use the GCE PD that you provisioned in the previous

If you use a different cloud provider, consult the provider’s documentation to

learn how to create the physical volume in their environment. If you use
Minikube, kind, or any other type of cluster, you don’t need to create
volumes because you’ll use a persistent volume that refers to a local directory
on the worker node.

Creating a persistent volume with GCE Persistent Disk as the underlying


If you don’t have the quiz-data GCE Persistent Disk set up from the
previous chapter, create it again using the gcloud compute disks create
quiz-data command. After the disk is created, you must create a manifest
file for the PersistentVolume object, as shown in the following listing. You’ll
find the file in Chapter08/pv.quiz-data.gcepd.yaml.

Listing 8.1 A persistent volume manifest referring to a GCE Persistent Disk

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: quiz-data #A
capacity: #B
storage: 1Gi #B
accessModes: #C
- ReadWriteOnce #C
- ReadOnlyMany #C
gcePersistentDisk: #D
pdName: quiz-data #D
fsType: ext4 #D

The spec section in a PersistentVolume object specifies the storage capacity

of the volume, the access modes it supports, and the underlying storage
technology it uses, along with all the information required to use the
underlying storage. In the case of GCE Persistent Disks, this includes the
name of the PD resource in Google Compute Engine, the filesystem type, the
name of the partition in the volume, and more.
Now create another GCE Persistent Disk named other-data and an
accompanying PersistentVolume object. Create a new file from the manifest
in listing 8.1 and make the necessary changes. You’ll find the resulting
manifest in the file pv.other-data.gcepd.yaml.

Creating persistent volumes backed by other storage technologies

If your Kubernetes cluster runs on a different cloud provider, you should be

able to easily change the persistent volume manifest to use something other
than a GCE Persistent Disk, as you did in the previous chapter when you
directly referenced the volume within the pod manifest.

If you used Minikube or the kind tool to provision your cluster, you can
create a persistent volume that uses a local directory on the worker node
instead of network storage by using the hostPath field in the
PersistentVolume manifest. The manifest for the quiz-data persistent
volume is shown in the next listing (pv.quiz-data.hostpath.yaml). The
manifest for the other-data persistent volume is in pv.other-

Listing 8.2 A persistent volume using a local directory

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: quiz-data
storage: 1Gi
- ReadWriteOnce
- ReadOnlyMany
hostPath: #A
path: /var/quiz-data #A

You’ll notice that the two persistent volume manifests in this and the
previous listing differ only in the part that specifies which underlying storage
method to use. The hostPath-backed persistent volume stores data in the
/var/quiz-data directory in the worker node’s filesystem.

To list all other supported technologies that you can use in a persistent
volume, run kubectl explain pv.spec. You can then drill further down to
see the individual configuration options for each technology. For example,
for GCE Persistent Disks, run kubectl explain

I will not bore you with the details of how to configure the persistent volume
for each available storage technology, but I do need to explain the capacity
and accessModes fields that you must set in each persistent volume.

Specifying the volume capacity

The capacity of the volume indicates the size of the underlying volume.
Each persistent volume must specify its capacity so that Kubernetes can
determine whether a particular persistent volume can meet the requirements
specified in the persistent volume claim before it can bind them.

Specifying volume access modes

Each persistent volume must specify a list of accessModes it supports.

Depending on the underlying technology, a persistent volume may or may
not be mounted by multiple worker nodes simultaneously in read/write or
read-only mode. Kubernetes inspects the persistent volume’s access modes to
determine if it meets the requirements of the claim.


The access mode determines how many nodes, not pods, can attach the
volume at a time. Even if a volume can only be attached to a single node, it
can be mounted in many pods if they all run on that single node.

Three access modes exist. They are explained in the following table along
with their abbreviated form displayed by kubectl.

Table 8.1 Persistent volume access modes

Access Mode Abbr. Description

The volume can be mounted by a single worker node

ReadWriteOnce RWO in read/write mode. While it’s mounted to the node,
other nodes can’t mount the volume.

The volume can be mounted on multiple worker

ReadOnlyMany ROX
nodes simultaneously in read-only mode.

The volume can be mounted in read/write mode on

ReadWriteMany RWX
multiple worker nodes at the same time.


The ReadOnlyOnce option doesn’t exist. If you use a ReadWriteOnce volume

in a pod that doesn’t need to write to it, you can mount the volume in read-
only mode.

Using persistent volumes as block devices

A typical application uses persistent volumes with a formatted filesystem.

However, a persistent volume can also be configured so that the application
can directly access the underlying block device without using a filesystem.
This is configured on the PersistentVolume object using the
spec.volumeMode field. The supported values for the field are explained in
the next table.

Table 8.2 Configuring the volume mode for the persistent volume

When the persistent volume is mounted in a container, it is
mounted to a directory in the file tree of the container. If the
underlying storage is an unformatted block device, Kubernetes
Filesystem formats the device using the filesystem specified in the volume
definition (for example, in the field
gcePersistentDisk.fsType) before it is mounted in the
container. This is the default volume mode.

When a pod uses a persistent volume with this mode, the

volume is made available to the application in the container as
a raw block device (without a filesystem). This allows the
application to read and write data without any filesystem
overhead. This mode is typically used by special types of
applications, such as database systems.

The manifests for the quiz-data and other-data persistent volumes do not
specify a volumeMode field, which means that the default mode is used,
namely Filesystem.

Creating and inspecting the persistent volume

You can now create the PersistentVolume objects by posting the manifests to
the Kubernetes API using the now well-known command kubectl apply.
Then use the kubectl get command to list the persistent volumes in your
$ kubectl get pv
other-data 10Gi RWO,ROX ... Available ... 3m
quiz-data 10Gi RWO,ROX ... Available ... 3m


Use pv as the shorthand for PersistentVolume.

The STATUS column indicates that both persistent volumes are Available.
This is expected because they aren’t yet bound to any persistent volume
claim, as indicated by the empty CLAIM column. Also displayed are the
volume capacity and access modes, which are shown in abbreviated form, as
explained in table 8.1.

The underlying storage technology used by the persistent volume isn’t

displayed by the kubectl get pv command because it’s less important.
What is important is that each persistent volume represents a certain amount
of storage space available in the cluster that applications can access with the
specified modes. The technology and the other parameters configured in each
persistent volume are implementation details that typically don’t interest
users who deploy applications. If someone needs to see these details, they can
use kubectl describe or print the full definition of the PersistentVolume
object as in the following command:
$ kubectl get pv quiz-data -o yaml

8.2.2 Claiming a persistent volume

Your cluster now contains two persistent volumes. Before you can use the
quiz-data volume in the quiz pod, you need to claim it. This section explains
how to do this.

Creating a PersistentVolumeClaim object

To claim a persistent volume, you create a PersistentVolumeClaim object in

which you specify the requirements that the persistent volume must meet.
These include the minimum capacity of the volume and the required access
modes, which are usually dictated by the application that will use the volume.
For this reason, persistent volume claims should be created by the author of
the application and not by cluster administrators, so take off your
administrator hat now and put on your developer hat.


As an application developer, you should never include persistent volume

definitions in your application manifests. You should include persistent
volume claims because they specify the storage requirements of your

To create a PersistentVolumeClaim object, create a manifest file with the

contents shown in the following listing. You’ll also find the file in pvc.quiz-

Listing 8.3 A PersistentVolumeClaim object manifest

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: quiz-data #A
requests: #B
storage: 1Gi #B
accessModes: #C
- ReadWriteOnce #C
storageClassName: "" #D
volumeName: quiz-data #E

The persistent volume claim defined in the listing requests that the volume is
at least 1GiB in size and can be mounted on a single node in read/write mode.
The field storageClassName is used for dynamic provisioning of persistent
volumes, which you’ll learn about later in the chapter. The field must be set
to an empty string if you want Kubernetes to bind a pre-provisioned
persistent volume to this claim instead of provisioning a new one.

In this exercise, you want to claim the quiz-data persistent volume, so you
must indicate this with the volumeName field. In your cluster, two matching
persistent volumes exist. If you don’t specify this field, Kubernetes could
bind your claim to the other-data persistent volume.

If the cluster administrator creates a bunch of persistent volumes with non-

descript names, and you don’t care which one you get, you can skip the
volumeName field. In that case, Kubernetes will randomly choose one of the
persistent volumes whose capacity and access modes match the claim.

Like persistent volumes, claims can also specify the required volumeMode. As
you learned in section 8.2.1, this can be either Filesystem or Block. If left
unspecified, it defaults to Filesystem. When Kubernetes checks whether a
volume can satisfy the claim, the volumeMode of the claim and the volume is
also considered.

To create the PersistentVolumeClaim object, apply its manifest file with

kubectl apply. After the object is created, Kubernetes soon binds a volume
to the claim. If the claim requests a specific persistent volume by name, that’s
the volume that is bound, if it also matches the other requirements. Your
claim requires 1GiB of disk space and the ReadWriteOnce access mode. The
persistent volume quiz-data that you created earlier meets both requirements
and this allows it to be bound to the claim.

Listing persistent volume claims

If all goes well, your claim should now be bound to the quiz-data persistent
volume. Use the kubectl get command to see if this is the case:
$ kubectl get pvc
quiz-data Bound quiz-data 10Gi RWO,ROX 2m


Use pvc as a shorthand for persistentvolumeclaim.

The output of the kubectl command shows that the claim is now bound to
your persistent volume. It also shows the capacity and access modes of this
volume. Even though the claim requested only 1GiB, it has 10GiB of storage
space available, because that’s the capacity of the volume. Similarly,
although the claim requested only the ReadWriteOnce access mode, it is
bound to a volume that supports both the ReadWriteOnce (RWO) and the
ReadOnlyMany (ROX) access modes.

If you put your cluster admin hat back on for a moment and list the persistent
volumes in your cluster, you’ll see that it too is now displayed as Bound:
$ kubectl get pv
quiz-data 10Gi RWO,ROX ... Bound default/quiz-data ...

Any cluster admin can see which claim each persistent volume is bound to. In
your case, the volume is bound to the claim default/quiz-data.


You may wonder what the word default means in the claim name. This is
the namespace in which the PersistentVolumeClaim object is located.
Namespaces allow objects to be organized into disjoint sets. You’ll learn
about them in chapter 10.

By claiming the persistent volume, you and your pods now have the
exclusive right to use the volume. No one else can claim it until you release it
by deleting the PersistentVolumeClaim object.

8.2.3 Using a claim and volume in a single pod

In this section, you’ll learn the ins and outs of using a persistent volume in a
single pod at a time.

Using a persistent volume in pod

To use a persistent volume in a pod, you define a volume within the pod in
which you refer to the PersistentVolumeClaim object. To try this, modify the
quiz pod from the previous chapter and make it use the quiz-data claim. The
changes to the pod manifest are highlighted in the next listing. You’ll find the
file in pod.quiz.pvc.yaml.

Listing 8.4 A pod using a persistentVolumeClaim volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: quiz
- name: quiz-data
persistentVolumeClaim: #A
claimName: quiz-data #A
- name: quiz-api
image: luksa/quiz-api:0.1
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
- name: mongo
image: mongo
volumeMounts: #B
- name: quiz-data #B
mountPath: /data/db #B

As you can see in the listing, you don’t define the volume as a
gcePersistentDisk, awsElasticBlockStore, nfs or hostPath volume, but
as a persistentVolumeClaim volume. The pod will use whatever persistent
volume is bound to the quiz-data claim. In your case, that should be the
quiz-data persistent volume.

Create and test this pod now. Before the pod starts, the GCE PD volume is
attached to the node and mounted into the pod’s container(s). If you use GKE
and have configured the persistent volume to use the GCE Persistent Disk
from the previous chapter, which already contains data, you should be able to
retrieve the quiz questions you stored earlier by running the following
$ kubectl exec -it quiz -c mongo -- mongo kiada --quiet --eval "db.questions
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5fc3a4890bc9170520b22452"), "id" : 1, "text" : "What doe
"answers" : [ "Kates", "Kubernetes", "Kooba Dooba Doo!" ], "correctAnswerInd

If your GCE PD has no data, add it now by running the shell script

Re-using the claim in a new pod instance

When you delete a pod that uses a persistent volume via a persistent volume
claim, the underlying storage volume is detached from the worker node
(assuming that it was the only pod that was using it on that node). The
persistent volume object remains bound to the claim. If you create another
pod that refers to this claim, this new pod gets access to the volume and its

Try deleting the quiz pod and recreating it. If you run the
db.questions.find() query in this new pod instance, you’ll see that it
returns the same data as the previous one. If the persistent volume uses
network-attached storage such as GCE Persistent Disks, the pod sees the
same data regardless of what node it’s scheduled to. If you use a kind-
provisioned cluster and had to resort to using a hostPath-based persistent
volume, this isn’t the case. To access the same data, you must ensure that the
new pod instance is scheduled to the node to which the original instance was
scheduled, as the data is stored in that node’s filesystem.

Releasing a persistent volume

When you no longer plan to deploy pods that will use this claim, you can
delete it. This releases the persistent volume. You might wonder if you can
then recreate the claim and access the same volume and data. Let’s find out.
Delete the pod and the claim as follows to see what happens:
$ kubectl delete pod quiz
pod "quiz" deleted

$ kubectl delete pvc quiz-data

persistentvolumeclaim "quiz-data" deleted

Now check the status of the persistent volume:

$ kubectl get pv quiz-data
quiz-data ... Retain Released default/quiz-data ...

The STATUS column shows the volume as Released rather than Available, as
was the case initially. The CLAIM column still shows the quiz-data claim to
which it was previously bound, even if the claim no longer exists. You’ll
understand why in a minute.
Binding to a released persistent volume

What happens if you create the claim again? Is the persistent volume bound
to the claim so that it can be reused in a pod? Run the following commands to
see if this is the case.
$ kubectl apply -f pvc.quiz-data.static.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/quiz-data created

$ kubectl get pvc

quiz-data Pending 13s

The claim isn’t bound to the volume and its status is Pending. When you
created the claim earlier, it was immediately bound to the persistent volume,
so why not now?

The reason behind this is that the volume has already been used and might
contain data that should be erased before another user claims the volume.
This is also the reason why the status of the volume is Released instead of
Available and why the claim name is still shown on the persistent volume,
as this helps the cluster administrator to know if the data can be safely

Making a released persistent volume available for re-use

To make the volume available again, you must delete and recreate the
PersistentVolume object. But will this cause the data stored in the volume to
be lost?

Imagine if you had accidentally deleted the pod and the claim and caused a
loss of service to the Kiada application. You need to restore the service as
soon as possible, with all data intact. If you think that deleting the
PersistentVolume object would delete the data, that sounds like the last thing
you should do but is actually completely safe.

With a pre-provisioned persistent volume like the one at hand, deleting the
object is equivalent to deleting a data pointer. The PersistentVolume object
merely points to a GCE Persistent Disk. It doesn’t store the data. If you delete
and recreate the object, you end up with a new pointer to the same GCE PD
and thus the same data. You’ll confirm this is the case in the next exercise.
$ kubectl delete pv quiz-data
persistentvolume "quiz-data" deleted

$ kubectl apply -f pv.quiz-data.gcepd.yaml

persistentvolume/quiz-data created

$ kubectl get pv quiz-data

quiz-data ... Retain Available ...


An alternative way of making a persistent volume available again is to edit

the PersistentVolume object and remove the claimRef from the spec section.

The persistent volume is displayed as Available again. Let me remind you

that you created a claim for the volume earlier. Kubernetes has been waiting
for a volume to bind to the claim. As you might expect, the volume you’ve
just created will be bound to this claim in a few seconds. List the volumes
again to confirm:
$ kubectl get pv quiz-data
quiz-data ... Retain Bound default/quiz-data ... #A

The output shows that the persistent volume is again bound to the claim. If
you now deploy the quiz pod and query the database again with the following
command, you’ll see that the data in underlying GCE Persistent Disk has not
been lost:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz -c mongo -- mongo kiada --quiet --eval "db.questions
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5fc3a4890bc9170520b22452"), "id" : 1, "text" : "What doe
"answers" : [ "Kates", "Kubernetes", "Kooba Dooba Doo!" ], "correctAnswerInd

Configuring the reclaim policy on persistent volumes

What happens to a persistent volume when it is released is determined by the

volume’s reclaim policy. When you used the kubectl get pv command to
list persistent volumes, you may have noticed that the quiz-data volume’s
policy is Retain. This policy is configured using the field
.spec.persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy in the PersistentVolume object.

The field can have one of the three values explained in the following table.

Table 8.3 Persistent volume reclaim policies


When the persistent volume is released (this happens when you

delete the claim that’s bound to it), Kubernetes retains the volume.
The cluster administrator must manually reclaim the volume. This
is the default policy for manually created persistent volumes.

The PersistentVolume object and the underlying storage are

automatically deleted upon release. This is the default policy for
dynamically provisioned persistent volumes, which are discussed
in the next section.

This option is deprecated and shouldn’t be used as it may not be

supported by the underlying volume plugin. This policy typically
Recycle causes all files on the volume to be deleted and makes the
persistent volume available again without the need to delete and
recreate it.


You can change the reclaim policy of an existing PersistentVolume at any

time. If it’s initially set to Delete, but you don’t want to lose your data when
deleting the claim, change the volume’s policy to Retain before doing so.

If a persistent volume is Released and you subsequently change its reclaim

policy from Retain to Delete, the PersistentVolume object and the
underlying storage will be deleted immediately. However, if you instead
delete the object manually, the underlying storage remains intact.

Deleting a persistent volume while it’s bound

You’re done playing with the quiz pod, the quiz-data persistent volume
claim, and the quiz-data persistent volume, so you’ll now delete them.
You’ll learn one more thing in the process.

Have you wondered what happens if a cluster administrator deletes a

persistent volume while it’s in use (while it’s bound to a claim)? Let’s find
out. Delete the persistent volume like so:
$ kubectl delete pv quiz-data
persistentvolume "quiz-data" deleted #A

This command tells the Kubernetes API to delete the PersistentVolume object
and then waits for Kubernetes controllers to complete the process. But this
can’t happen until you release the persistent volume from the claim by
deleting the PersistentVolumeClaim object.

You can cancel the wait by pressing Control-C. However, this doesn’t cancel
the deletion, as its already underway. You can confirm this as follows:
$ kubectl get pv quiz-data
quiz-data 10Gi RWO,ROX Terminating default/quiz-data ...

As you can see, the persistent volume’s status shows that it’s being
terminated. But it’s still bound to the persistent volume claim. You need to
delete the claim for the volume deletion to complete.

Deleting a persistent volume claim while a pod is using it

The claim is still being used by the quiz pod, but let’s try deleting it anyway:
$ kubectl delete pvc quiz-data
persistentvolumeclaim "quiz-data" deleted #A

Like the kubectl delete pv command, this command also doesn’t complete
immediately. As before, the command waits for the claim deletion to
complete. You can interrupt the execution of the command, but this won’t
cancel the deletion, as you can see with the following command:
$ kubectl get pvc quiz-data
quiz-data Terminating quiz-data 10Gi RWO,ROX

The deletion of the claim is blocked by the pod. Unsurprisingly, deleting a

persistent volume or a persistent volume claim has no immediate effect on the
pod that’s using it. The application running in the pod continues to run
unaffected. Kubernetes never kills pods just because the cluster administrator
wants their disk space back.

To allow the termination of the persistent volume claim and the persistent
volume to complete, delete the quiz pod with kubectl delete po quiz.

Deleting the underlying storage

As you learned in the previous section, deleting the persistent volume does
not delete the underlying storage, such as the quiz-data GCE Persistent Disk
if you use Google Kubernetes Engine to perform these exercises, or the
/var/quiz-data directory on the worker node if you use Minikube or kind.

You no longer need the data files and can safely delete them. If you use
Minikube or kind, you don’t need to delete the data directory, as it doesn’t
cost you anything. However, a GCE Persistent Disk does. You can delete it
with the following command:
$ gcloud compute disks delete quiz-data

You might remember that you also created another GCE Persistent Disk
called other-data. Don’t delete that one just yet. You’ll use it in the next
section’s exercise.

8.2.4 Using a claim and volume in multiple pods

So far, you used a persistent volume in only one pod instance at a time. You
used the persistent volume in the so-called ReadWriteOnce (RWO) access
mode because it was attached to a single node and allowed both read and
write operations. You may remember that two other modes exist, namely
ReadWriteMany (RWX) and ReadOnlyMany (ROX). The volume’s access
modes indicate whether it can concurrently be attached to one or many cluster
nodes and whether it can only be read from or also written to.

The ReadWriteOnce mode doesn’t mean that only a single pod can use it, but
that a single node can attach the volume. As this is something that confuses a
lot of users, it warrants a closer look.

Binding a claim to a randomly selected persistent volume

This exercise requires the use of a GKE cluster. Make sure it has at least two
nodes. First, create a persistent volume claim for the other-data persistent
volume that you created earlier. You’ll find the manifest in the file
pvc.other-data.yaml. It’s shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.5 A persistent volume claim requesting both ReadWriteOnce and ReadOnlyMany

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: other-data
storage: 1Gi
accessModes: #A
- ReadWriteOnce #A
- ReadOnlyMany #A
storageClassName: "" #B

You’ll notice that unlike in the previous section, this persistent volume claim
does not specify the volumeName. This means that the persistent volume for
this claim will be selected at random among all the volumes that can provide
at least 1Gi of space and support both the ReadWriteOnce and the
ReadOnlyMany access modes.

Your cluster should currently contain only the other-data persistent volume.
Because it matches the requirements in the claim, this is the volume that will
be bound to it.

Using a ReadWriteOnce volume in multiple pods

The persistent volume bound to the claim supports both ReadWriteOnce and
ReadOnlyMany access modes. First, you’ll use it in ReadWriteOnce mode, as
you’ll deploy pods that write to it.

You’ll create several replicas of a data-writer pod from a single pod manifest.
The manifest is shown in the following listing. You’ll find it in pod.data-

Listing 8.6 A pod that writes a file to a shared persistent volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
generateName: data-writer- #A
- name: other-data
persistentVolumeClaim: #B
claimName: other-data #B
- name: writer
image: busybox
- sh
- -c
- |
echo "A writer pod wrote this." > /other-data/${HOSTNAME} && #C
echo "I can write to /other-data/${HOSTNAME}." ; #C
sleep 9999 #C
- name: other-data
mountPath: /other-data
resources: #D
requests: #D
cpu: 1m #D

Use the following command to create the pod from this manifest:
$ kubectl create -f pod.data-writer.yaml #A
pod/data-writer-6mbjg created #B

Notice that you aren’t using the kubectl apply this time. Because the pod
manifest uses the generateName field instead of specifying the pod name,
kubectl apply won’t work. You must use kubectl create, which is
similar, but is only used to create and not update objects.

Repeat the command several times so that you create two to three times as
many writer pods as there are cluster nodes to ensure that at least two pods
are scheduled to each node. Confirm that this is the case by listing the pods
with the -o wide option and inspecting the NODE column:
$ kubectl get pods -o wide
data-writer-6mbjg 1/1 Running 0 5m
data-writer-97t9j 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 5m <none>
data-writer-d9f2f 1/1 Running 0 5m
data-writer-dfd8h 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 5m <none>
data-writer-f867j 1/1 Running 0 5m


I’ve shortened the node names for clarity.

If all your pods are located on the same node, create a few more. Then look at
the STATUS of these pods. You’ll notice that all the pods scheduled to the first
node run fine, whereas the pods on the other node are all stuck in the status
ContainerCreating. Even waiting for several minutes doesn’t change
anything. Those pods will never run.

If you use kubectl describe to display the events related to one of these
pods, you’ll see that it doesn’t run because the persistent volume can’t be
attached to the node that the pod is on:
$ kubectl describe po data-writer-97t9j
Warning FailedAttachVolume ... attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.
for volume "other-data" : googleapi: Error 400: RESOURCE_IN_USE_BY_ANOTHER_R
The disk resource 'projects/.../disks/other-data' is already being used by
'projects/.../instances/gkdp-r6j4' #A

The reason the volume can’t be attached is because it’s already attached to
the first node in read-write mode. The volume supports ReadWriteOnce and
ReadOnlyMany but doesn’t support ReadWriteMany. This means that only a
single node can attach the volume in read-write mode. When the second node
tries to do the same, the operation fails.

All the pods on the first node run fine. Check their logs to confirm that they
were all able to write a file to the volume. Here’s the log of one of them:
$ kubectl logs other-data-writer-6mbjg
I can write to /other-data/other-data-writer-6mbjg.

You’ll find that all the pods on the first node successfully wrote their files to
the volume. You don’t need ReadWriteMany for multiple pods to write to the
volume if they are on the same node. As explained before, the word “Once”
in ReadWriteOnce refers to nodes, not pods.

Using a combination of read-write and read-only pods with a

ReadWriteOnce and ReadOnlyMany volume

You’ll now deploy a group of reader pods alongside the data-writer pods.
They will use the persistent volume in read-only mode. The following listing
shows the pod manifest for these data-reader pods. You’ll find it in

Listing 8.7 A pod that mounts a shared persistent volume in read-only mode

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
generateName: data-reader-
- name: other-data
claimName: other-data #A
readOnly: true #B
- name: reader
image: busybox
imagePullPolicy: Always
- sh
- -c
- |
echo "The files in the persistent volume and their contents:" ; #C
grep ^ /other-data/* ; #C
sleep 9999 #C
- name: other-data
mountPath: /other-data

Use the kubectl create command to create as many of these reader pods as
necessary to ensure that each node runs at least two instances. Use the
kubectl get po -o wide command to see how many pods are on each node.

As before, you’ll notice that only those reader pods that are scheduled to the
first node are running. The pods on the second node are stuck in
ContainerCreating, just like the writer pods. Here’s a list of just the reader
pods (the writer pods are still there, but aren’t shown):
$ kubectl get pods -o wide | grep reader
data-reader-6594s 1/1 Running 0 2m
data-reader-lqwkv 1/1 Running 0 2m
data-reader-mr5mk 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 2m <none>
data-reader-npk24 1/1 Running 0 2m
data-reader-qbpt5 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 2m <none>

These pods use the volume in read-only mode. The claim’s (and volume’s)
access modes are both ReadWriteOnce (RWO) and ReadOnlyMany (ROX), as
you can see by running kubectl get pvc:
$ kubectl get pvc other-data
other-data Bound other-data 10Gi RWO,ROX
If the claim supports access mode ReadOnlyMany, why can’t both nodes
attach the volume and run the reader pods? This is caused by the writer pods.
The first node attached the persistent volume in read-write mode. This
prevents other nodes from attaching the volume, even in read-only mode.

Wonder what happens if you delete all the writer pods? Does that allow the
second node to attach the volume in read-only mode and run its pods? Delete
the writer pods one by one or use the following command to delete them all if
you use a shell that supports the following syntax:
$ kubectl delete $(kubectl get po -o name | grep writer)

Now list the pods again. The status of the reader pods that are on the second
node is still ContainerCreating. Even if you give it enough time, the pods on
that node never run. Can you figure out why that is so?

It’s because the volume is still being used by the reader pods on the first
node. The volume is attached in read-write mode because that was the mode
requested by the writer pods, which you deployed first. Kubernetes can’t
detach the volume or change the mode in which it is attached while it’s being
used by pods.

In the next section, you’ll see what happens if you deploy reader pods
without first deploying the writers. Before moving on, delete all the pods as
$ kubectl delete po --all

Give Kubernetes some time to detach the volume from the node. Then go to
the next exercise.

Using a ReadOnlyMany volume in multiple pods

Create several reader pods again by repeating the kubectl create -f

pod.data-reader.yaml command several times. This time, all the pods run,
even if they are on different nodes:
$ kubectl get pods -o wide
data-reader-9xs5q 1/1 Running 0 27s gkdp-r6j
data-reader-b9b25 1/1 Running 0 29s gkdp-r6j
data-reader-cbnp2 1/1 Running 0 16s gkdp-mcb
data-reader-fjx6t 1/1 Running 0 21s gkdp-mcb

All these pods specify the readOnly: true field in the

persistentVolumeClaim volume definition. This causes the node that runs
the first pod to attach the persistent volume in read-only mode. The same
thing happens on the second node. They can both attach the volume because
they both attach it in read-only mode and the persistent volume supports

The ReadOnlyMany access mode doesn’t need further explanation. If no pod

mounts the volume in read-write mode, any number of pods can use the
volume, even on many different nodes.

Can you guess what happens if you deploy a writer pod now? Can it write to
the volume? Create the pod and check its status. This is what you’ll see:
$ kubectl get po -o wide
data-writer-dj6w5 1/1 Running 0 3m33s gkdp-r

This pod is shown as Running. Does that surprise you? It did surprise me. I
thought it would be stuck in ContainerCreating because the node couldn’t
mount the volume in read-write mode because it’s already mounted in read-
only mode. Does that mean that the node was able to upgrade the mount point
from read-only to read-write without detaching the volume?

Let’s check the pod’s log to confirm that it could write to the volume:
$ kubectl logs data-writer-dj6w5
sh: can't create /other-data/data-writer-dj6w5: Read-only file system

Ahh, there’s your answer. The pod is unable to write to the volume because
it’s read-only. The pod was started even though the volume isn’t mounted in
read-write mode as the pod requests. This might be a bug. If you try this
yourself and the pod doesn’t run, you’ll know that the bug was fixed after the
book was published.
You can now delete all the pods, the persistent volume claim and the
underlying GCE Persistent Disk, as you’re done using them.

Using a ReadWriteMany volume in multiple pods

GCE Persistent Disks don’t support the ReadWriteMany access mode.

However, network-attached volumes available in other cloud environments
do support it. As the name of the ReadWriteMany access mode indicates,
volumes that support this mode can be attached to many cluster nodes
concurrently, yet still allow both read and write operations to be performed
on the volume.

As this mode has no restrictions on the number of nodes or pods that can use
the persistent volume in either read-write or read-only mode, it doesn’t need
any further explanation. If you’d like to play with them anyhow, I suggest
you deploy the writer and the reader pods as in the previous exercise, but this
time use the ReadWriteMany access mode in both the persistent volume and
the persistent volume claim definitions.

8.2.5 Understanding the lifecycle of manually provisioned

persistent volumes
You used the same GCE Persistent Disk throughout several exercises in this
chapter, but you created multiple volumes, claims, and pods that used the
same GCE PD. To understand the lifecycles of these four objects, take a look
at the following figure.

Figure 8.6 The lifecycle of statically provisioned persistent volumes, claims and the pods that use
When using manually provisioned persistent volumes, the lifecycle of the
underlying storage volume is not coupled to the lifecycle of the
PersistentVolume object. Each time you create the object, its initial status is
Available. When a PersistentVolumeClaim object appears, the persistent
volume is bound to it, if it meets the requirements set forth in the claim. Until
the claim is bound to the volume, it has the status Pending; then both the
volume and the claim are displayed as Bound.

At this point, one or many pods may use the volume by referring to the claim.
When each pod runs, the underlying volume is mounted in the pod’s
containers. After all the pods are finished with the claim, the
PersistentVolumeClaim object can be deleted.

When the claim is deleted, the volume’s reclaim policy determines what
happens to the PersistentVolume object and the underlying volume. If the
policy is Delete, both the object and the underlying volume are deleted. If
it’s Retain, the PersistentVolume object and the underlying volume are
preserved. The object’s status changes to Released and the object can’t be
bound until additional steps are taken to make it Available again.

If you delete the PersistentVolume object manually, the underlying volume

and its files remain intact. They can be accessed again by creating a new
PersistentVolume object that references the same underlying volume.


The sequence of events described in this section applies to the use of

statically provisioned volumes that exist before the claims are created. When
persistent volumes are dynamically provisioned, as described in the next
section, the situation is different. Look for a similar diagram at the end of the
next section.

8.3 Dynamic provisioning of persistent volumes

So far in this chapter you’ve seen how developers can claim pre-provisioned
persistent volumes as a place for their pods to store data persistently without
having to deal with the details of the underlying storage technology.
However, a cluster administrator must pre-provision the physical volumes
and create a PersistentVolume object for each of these volumes. Then each
time the volume is bound and released, the administrator must manually
delete the data on the volume and recreate the object.

To keep the cluster running smoothly, the administrator may need to pre-
provision dozens, if not hundreds, of persistent volumes, and constantly keep
track of the number of available volumes to ensure the cluster never runs out.
All this manual work contradicts the basic idea of Kubernetes, which is to
automate the management of large clusters. As one might expect, a better
way to manage volumes exists. It’s called dynamic provisioning of persistent

With dynamic provisioning, instead of provisioning persistent volumes in

advance (and manually), the cluster admin deploys a persistent volume
provisioner to automate the just-in-time provisioning process, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 8.7 Dynamic provisioning of persistent volumes

In contrast to static provisioning, the order in which the claim and the volume
arise is reversed. When a user creates a persistent volume claim, the dynamic
provisioner provisions the underlying storage and creates the
PersistentVolume object for that particular claim. The two objects are then

If your Kubernetes cluster is managed by a cloud provider, it probably

already has a persistent volume provisioner configured. If you are running
Kubernetes on-premises, you’ll need to deploy a custom provisioner, but this
is outside the scope of this chapter. Clusters that are provisioned with
Minikube or kind usually also come with a provisioner out of the box.

8.3.1 Introducing the StorageClass object

The persistent volume claim definition you created in the previous section
specifies the minimum size and the required access modes of the volume, but
it also contains a field named storageClassName, which wasn’t discussed

A Kubernetes cluster can run multiple persistent volume provisioners, and a

single provisioner may support several different types of storage volumes.
When creating a claim, you use the storageClassName field to specify which
storage class you want.

Listing storage classes

The storage classes available in the cluster are represented by StorageClass

API objects. You can list them with the kubectl get sc command. In a
GKE cluster, this is the result:
$ kubectl get sc
standard (default) kubernetes.io/gce-pd 1d #A


The shorthand for storageclass is sc.

In a kind-provisioned cluster, the result is similar:

$ kubectl get sc
standard (default) rancher.io/local-path Delete ... #A

Clusters created with Minikube also provide a storage class with the same
$ kubectl get sc
standard (default) k8s.io/minikube-hostpath Delete Immediate

In many clusters, as in these three examples, only one storage class called
standard is configured. It’s also marked as the default, which means that this
is the class that is used to provision the persistent volume when the persistent
volume claim doesn’t specify the storage class.


Remember that omitting the storageClassName field causes the default

storage class to be used, whereas explicitly setting the field to "" disables
dynamic provisioning and causes an existing persistent volume to be selected
and bound to the claim.

Inspecting the default storage class

Let’s get to know the StorageClass object kind by inspecting the YAML
definition of the standard storage class with the kubectl get command. In
GKE, you’ll find the following definition:
$ kubectl get sc standard -o yaml #A
allowVolumeExpansion: true
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true" #B
name: standard
parameters: #C
type: pd-standard #C
provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd #D
reclaimPolicy: Delete #E
volumeBindingMode: Immediate #F

The storage class definition in a kind-provisioned cluster is not much

different. The main differences are highlighted in bold:
$ kubectl get sc standard -o yaml #A
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true" #B
name: standard
provisioner: rancher.io/local-path #C
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer #D

In clusters created with Minikube, the standard storage class looks as follows:
$ kubectl get sc standard -o yaml #A
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true" #B
name: standard #A
provisioner: k8s.io/minikube-hostpath #C
reclaimPolicy: Delete #D
volumeBindingMode: Immediate #E


You’ll notice that StorageClass objects have no spec or status sections. This
is because the object only contains static information. Since the object’s
fields aren’t organized in the two sections, the YAML manifest may be more
difficult to read. This is also compounded by the fact that fields in YAML are
typically sorted in alphabetical order, which means that some fields may
appear above the apiVersion, kind or metadata fields. Be careful not to
overlook these.

If you look closely at the top of the storage class definitions, you’ll see that
they all include an annotation that marks the storage class as default.


You’ll learn what an object annotation is in chapter 10.

As specified in GKE’s storage class definition, when you create a persistent

volume claim that references the standard class in GKE, the provisioner
kubernetes.io/gce-pd is called to provision the persistent volume. In kind-
provisioned clusters, the provisioner is rancher.io/local-path, whereas in
Minikube it’s k8s.io/minikube-hostpath. GKE’s default storage class also
specifies a parameter that is provided to the provisioner.
Regardless of what provisioner is used, the volume’s reclaim policy is set to
whatever is specified in the storage class, which in all of the previous
examples is Delete. As you have already learned, this means that the volume
is deleted when you release it by deleting the claim.

The last field in the storage class definition is volumeBindingMode. Both

GKE and Minikube use the volume binding mode Immediate, whereas kind
uses WaitForFirstConsumer. You’ll learn what the difference is later in this

StorageClass objects also support several other fields that are not shown in
the above listing. You can use kubectl explain to see what they are. You’ll
learn about some of them in the following sections.

In summary, a StorageClass object represents a class of storage that can be

dynamically provisioned. As shown in the following figure, each storage
class specifies what provisioner to use and the parameters that should be
passed to it when provisioning the volume. The user decides which storage
class to use for each of their persistent volume claims.

Figure 8.8 The relationship between storage classes, persistent volume claims and dynamic
volume provisioners
8.3.2 Dynamic provisioning using the default storage class
You’ve previously used a statically provisioned persistent volume for the
quiz pod. Now you’ll use dynamic provisioning to achieve the same result,
but with much less manual work. And most importantly, you can use the
same pod manifest, regardless of whether you use GKE, Minikube, kind, or
any other tool to run your cluster, assuming that a default storage class exists
in the cluster.

Creating a claim with dynamic provisioning

To dynamically provision a persistent volume using the storage class from

the previous section, you can create a PersistentVolumeClaim object with the
storageClassName field set to standard or with the field omitted altogether.

Let’s use the latter approach, as this makes the manifest as minimal as
possible. You can find the manifest in the pvc.quiz-data-default.yaml
file. Its contents are shown in the following listing.
Listing 8.8 A minimal PVC definition that uses the default storage class

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: quiz-data-default
spec: #A
resources: #B
requests: #B
storage: 1Gi #B
accessModes: #C
- ReadWriteOnce #C

This PersistentVolumeClaim manifest contains only the storage size request

and the desired access mode, but no storageClassName field, so the default
storage class is used.

After you create the claim with kubectl apply, you can see which storage
class it’s using by inspecting the claim with kubectl get. This is what you’ll
see if you use GKE:
$ kubectl get pvc quiz-data-default
quiz-data-default Bound pvc-ab623265-... 1Gi RWO st

As expected, and as indicated in the STORAGECLASS column, the claim you

just created uses the standard storage class.

In GKE and Minikube, the persistent volume is created immediately and

bound to the claim. However, if you create the same claim in a kind-
provisioned cluster, that’s not the case:
$ kubectl get pvc quiz-data-default
quiz-data-default Pending standard

In a kind-provisioned cluster, and possibly other clusters, too, the persistent

volume claim you just created is not bound immediately and its status is

In one of the previous sections, you learned that this happens when no
persistent volume matches the claim, either because it doesn’t exist or
because it’s not available for binding. However, you are now using dynamic
provisioning, where the volume should be created after you create the claim,
and specifically for this claim. Is your claim pending because the cluster
needs more time to provision the volume?

No, the reason for the pending status lies elsewhere. Your claim will remain
in the Pending state until you create a pod that uses this claim. I’ll explain
why later. For now, let’s just create the pod.

Using the persistent volume claim in a pod

Create a new pod manifest file from the pod.quiz.pvc.yaml file that you
created earlier. Change the name of the pod to quiz-default and the value of
the claimName field to quiz-data-default. You can find the resulting
manifest in the file pod.quiz-default.yaml. Use it to create the pod.

If you use a kind-provisioned cluster, the status of the persistent volume

claim should change to Bound within moments of creating the pod:
$ kubectl get pvc quiz-data-default
quiz-data-default Bound pvc-c71fb2c2-... 1Gi RWO ...

This implies that the persistent volume has been created. List persistent
volumes to confirm (the following output has been reformatted to make it
easier to read):
$ kubectl get pv
pvc-c71fb2c2... 1Gi RWO Delete Bound ...


... Bound default/quiz-data-default standard 3s

As you can see, because the volume was created on demand, its properties
perfectly match the requirements specified in the claim and the storage class
it references. The volume capacity is 1Gi and the access mode is RWO.

Understanding when a dynamically provisioned volume is actually


Why is the volume in a kind-provisioned cluster created and bound to the

claim only after you deploy the pod? In an earlier example that used a
manually pre-provisioned persistent volume, the volume was bound to the
claim as soon as you created the claim. Is this a difference between static and
dynamic provisioning? Because in both GKE and Minikube, the volume was
dynamically provisioned and bound to the claim immediately, it’s clear that
dynamic provisioning alone is not responsible for this behavior.

The system behaves this way because of how the storage class in a kind-
provisioned cluster is configured. You may remember that this storage class
was the only one that has volumeBindingMode set to WaitForFirstConsumer.
This causes the system to wait until the first pod, or the consumer of the
claim, exists before the claim is bound. The persistent volume is also not
provisioned before that.

Some types of volumes require this type of behavior, because the system
needs to know where the pod is scheduled before it can provision the volume.
This is the case with provisioners that create node-local volumes, such as the
one you find in clusters created with the kind tool. You may remember that
the provisioner referenced in the storage class had the word “local” in its
name (rancher.io/local-path). Minikube also provisions a local volume
(the provisioner it uses is called k8s.io/minikube-hostpath), but because
there’s only one node in the cluster, there’s no need to wait for the pod to be
created in order to know which node the persistent volume needs to be
created on.


Refer to the documentation of your chosen provisioner to determine whether

it requires the volume binding mode to be set to WaitForFirstConsumer.

The alternative to WaitForFirstConsumer is the Immediate volume binding

mode. The two modes are explained in the following table.

Table 8.4 Supported volume binding modes

Volume binding mode Description

The provision and binding of the persistent volume

takes place immediately after the claim is created.
Immediate Because the consumer of the claim is unknown at
this point, this mode is only applicable to volumes
that are can be accessed from any cluster node.

The volume is provisioned and bound to the claim

when the first pod that uses this claim is created.
This mode is used for topology-constrained volume

8.3.3 Creating a storage class and provisioning volumes of that

As you saw in the previous sections, most Kubernetes clusters contain a
single storage class named standard, but use different provisioners. A full-
blown cluster such as the one you find in GKE can surely provide more than
just a single type of persistent volume. So how does one create other types of

Inspecting the default storage class in GKE

Let’s look at the default storage class in GKE more closely. I’ve rearranged
the fields since the original alphabetical ordering makes the YAML definition
more difficult to understand. The storage class definition follows:
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
name: standard
storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd #A
parameters: #B
type: pd-standard #B
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
allowVolumeExpansion: true
reclaimPolicy: Delete

If you create a persistent volume claim that references this storage class, the
provisioner kubernetes.io/gce-pd is called to create the volume. In this
call, the provisioner receives the parameters defined in the storage class. In
the case of the default storage class in GKE, the parameter type: pd-
standard is passed to the provisioner. This tells the provisioner what type of
GCE Persistent Disk to create.

You can create additional storage class objects and specify a different value
for the type parameter. You’ll do this next.


The availability of GCE Persistent Disk types depends on the zone in which
your cluster is deployed. To view the list of types for each availability zone,
run gcloud compute disk-types list.

Creating a new storage class to enable the use of SSD persistent disks in

One of the disk types supported in most GCE zones is the pd-ssd type, which
provisions a network-attached SSD. Let’s create a storage class called fast
and configure it so that the provisioner creates a disk of type pd-ssd when
you request this storage class in your claim. The storage class manifest is
shown in the next listing (file sc.fast.gcepd.yaml).

Listing 8.9 A custom storage class definition

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 #A
kind: StorageClass #A
name: fast #B
provisioner: kubernetes.io/gce-pd #C
type: pd-ssd #D


If you’re using another cloud provider, check their documentation to find the
name of the provisioner and the parameters you need to pass in. If you’re
using Minikube or kind, and you’d like to run this example, set the
provisioner and parameters to the same values as in the default storage class.
For this exercise, it doesn’t matter if the provisioned volume doesn’t actually
use an SSD.

Create the StorageClass object by applying this manifest to your cluster and
list the available storage classes to confirm that more than one is now
available. You can now use this storage class in your claims. Let’s conclude
this section on dynamic provisioning by creating a persistent volume claim
that will allow your Quiz pod to use an SSD disk.

Claiming a volume of a specific storage class

The following listing shows the updated YAML definition of the quiz-data
claim, which requests the storage class fast that you’ve just created instead
of using the default class. You’ll find the manifest in the file pvc.quiz-data-

Listing 8.10 A persistent volume claim requesting a specific storage class

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: quiz-data-fast
storageClassName: fast #A
storage: 1Gi
- ReadWriteOnce

Rather than just specify the size and access modes and let the system use the
default storage class to provision the persistent volume, this claim specifies
that the storage class fast be used for the volume. When you create the
claim, the persistent volume is created by the provisioner referenced in this
storage class, using the specified parameters.

You can now use this claim in a new instance of the Quiz pod. Apply the file
pod.quiz-fast.yaml. If you run this example on GKE, the pod will use an
SSD volume.


If a persistent volume claim refers to a non-existent storage class, the claim

remains Pending until the storage class is created. Kubernetes attempts to
bind the claim at regular intervals, generating a ProvisioningFailed event
each time. You can see the event if you execute the kubectl describe
command on the claim.

8.3.4 Resizing persistent volumes

If the cluster supports dynamic provisioning, a cluster user can self-provision
a storage volume with the properties and size specified in the claim and
referenced storage class. If the user later needs a different storage class for
their volume, they must, as you might expect, create a new persistent volume
claim that references the other storage class. Kubernetes does not support
changing the storage class name in an existing claim. If you try to do so, you
receive the following error message:
* spec: Forbidden: is immutable after creation except resources.requests for

The error indicates that the majority of the claim’s specification is immutable.
The part that is mutable is spec.resources.requests, which is where you
indicate the desired size of the volume.

In the previous MongoDB examples you requested 1GiB of storage space.

Now imagine that the database grows near this size. Can the volume be
resized without restarting the pod and application? Let’s find out.

Requesting a larger volume in an existing persistent volume claim

If you use dynamic provisioning, you can generally change the size of a
persistent volume simply by requesting a larger capacity in the associated
claim. For the next exercise, you’ll increase the size of the volume by
modifying the quiz-data-default claim, which should still exist in your

To modify the claim, either edit the manifest file or create a copy and then
edit it. Set the spec.resources.requests.storage field to 10Gi as shown in
the following listing. You can find this manifest in the book’s GitHub
repository (file pvc.quiz-data-default. 10gib.pvc.yaml).

Listing 8.11 Requesting a larger volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: quiz-data-default #A
resources: #B
requests: #B
storage: 10Gi #B
- ReadWriteOnce

When you apply this file with the kubectl apply command, the existing
PersistentVolumeClaim object is updated. Use the kubectl get pvc
command to see if the volume’s capacity has increased:
$ kubectl get pvc quiz-data-default
quiz-data-default Bound pvc-ed36b... 1Gi RWO ...

You may recall that when claims are listed, the CAPACITY column displays the
size of the bound volume and not the size requirement specified in the claim.
According to the output, this means that the size of the volume hasn’t
changed. Let’s find out why.

Determining why the volume hasn’t been resized

To find out why the size of the volume has remained the same regardless of
the change you made to the claim, the first thing you might do is inspect the
claim using kubectl describe. If this is the case, you’ve already got the
hang of debugging objects in Kubernetes. You’ll find that one of the claim’s
conditions clearly explains why the volume was not resized:
$ kubectl describe pvc quiz-data-default
Type Status ... Message
---- ------ ... -------
FileSystemResizePending True Waiting for user to (re-)start a
pod to finish file system resize of
volume on node.

To resize the persistent volume, you may need to delete and recreate the pod
that uses the claim. After you do this, the claim and the volume will display
the new size:
$ kubectl get pvc quiz-data-default
quiz-data-default Bound pvc-ed36b... 10Gi RWO ...

Allowing and disallowing volume expansion in the storage class

The previous example shows that cluster users can increase the size of the
bound persistent volume by changing the storage requirement in the
persistent volume claim. However, this is only possible if it’s supported by
the provisioner and the storage class.

When the cluster administrator creates a storage class, they can use the
spec.allowVolumeExpansion field to indicate whether volumes of this class
can be resized. If you attempt to expand a volume that you’re not supposed to
expand, the API server immediately rejects the update operation on the claim.

8.3.5 Understanding the benefits of dynamic provisioning

This section on dynamic provisioning should convince you that automating
the provisioning of persistent volumes benefits both the cluster administrator
and anyone who uses the cluster to deploy applications. By setting up the
dynamic volume provisioner and configuring several storage classes with
different performance or other features, the administrator gives cluster users
the ability to provision as many persistent volumes of any type as they want.
Each developer decides which storage class is best suited for each claim they

Understanding how storage classes allow claims to be portable

Another great thing about storage classes is that claims refer to them by
name. If the storage classes are named appropriately, such as standard, fast,
and so on, the persistent volume claim manifests are portable across different


Remember that persistent volume claims are usually part of the application
manifest and are written by application developers.

If you used GKE to run the previous examples, you can now try to deploy the
same claim and pod manifests in a non-GKE cluster, such as a cluster created
with Minikube or kind. In this way, you can see this portability for yourself.
The only thing you need to ensure is that all your clusters use the storage
class names.

8.3.6 Understanding the lifecycle of dynamically provisioned

persistent volumes

To conclude this section on dynamic provisions, let’s take one final look at
the lifecycles of the underlying storage volume, the PersistentVolume object,
the associated PersistentVolumeClaim object, and the pods that use them,
like we did in the previous section on statically provisioned volumes.

Figure 8.9 The lifecycle of dynamically provisioned persistent volumes, claims and the pods using
Unlike statically provisioned persistent volumes, the sequence of events
when using dynamic provisioning begins with the creation of the
PersistentVolumeClaim object. As soon as one such object appears,
Kubernetes instructs the dynamic provisioner configured in the storage class
referenced in this claim to provision a volume for it. The provisioner creates
both the underlying storage, typically through the cloud provider’s API, and
the PersistentVolume object that references the underlying volume.

The underlying volume is typically provisioned asynchronously. When the

process completes, the status of the PersistentVolume object changes to
Available; at this point, the volume is bound to the claim.

Users can then deploy pods that refer to the claim to gain access to the
underlying storage volume. When the volume is no longer needed, the user
deletes the claim. This typically triggers the deletion of both the
PersistentVolume object and the underlying storage volume.

This entire process is repeated for each new claim that the user creates. A
new PersistentVolume object is created for each claim, which means that the
cluster can never run out of them. Obviously, the datacentre itself can run out
of available disk space, but at least there is no need for the administrator to
keep recycling old PersistentVolume objects.

8.4 Node-local persistent volumes

In the previous sections of this chapter, you’ve used persistent volumes and
claims to provide network-attached storage volumes to your pods, but this
type of storage is too slow for some applications. To run a production-grade
database, you should probably use an SSD connected directly to the node
where the database is running.

In the previous chapter, you learned that you can use a hostPath volume in a
pod if you want the pod to access part of the host’s filesystem. Now you’ll
learn how to do the same with persistent volumes. You might wonder why I
need to teach you another way to do the same thing, but it’s really not the

You might remember that when you add a hostPath volume to a pod, the
data that the pod sees depends on which node the pod is scheduled to. In
other words, if the pod is deleted and recreated, it might end up on another
node and no longer have access to the same data.

If you use a local persistent volume instead, this problem is resolved. The
Kubernetes scheduler ensures that the pod is always scheduled on the node to
which the local volume is attached.


Local persistent volumes are also better than hostPath volumes because they
offer much better security. As explained in the previous chapter, you don’t
want to allow regular users to use hostPath volumes at all. Because
persistent volumes are managed by the cluster administrator, regular users
can’t use them to access arbitrary paths on the host node.

8.4.1 Creating local persistent volumes

Imagine you are a cluster administrator and you have just connected a fast
SSD directly to one of the worker nodes. Because this is a new class of
storage in the cluster, it makes sense to create a new StorageClass object that
represents it.

Creating a storage class to represent local storage

Create a new storage class manifest as shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.12 Defining the local storage class

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
name: local #A
provisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner #B
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer #C

As I write this, locally attached persistent volumes need to be provisioned

manually, so you need to set the provisioner as shown in the listing. Because
this storage class represents locally attached volumes that can only be
accessed within the nodes to which they are physically connected, the
volumeBindingMode is set to WaitForFirstConsumer, so the binding of the
claim is delayed until the pod is scheduled.

Attaching a disk to a cluster node

I assume that you’re using a Kubernetes cluster created with the kind tool to
run this exercise. Let’s emulate the installation of the SSD in the node called
kind-worker. Run the following command to create an empty directory at the
location /mnt/ssd1 in the node’s filesystem:
$ docker exec kind-worker mkdir /mnt/ssd1
Creating a PersistentVolume object for the new disk

After attaching the disk to one of the nodes, you must tell Kubernetes that
this node now provides a local persistent volume by creating a
PersistentVolume object. The manifest for the persistent volume is shown in
the following listing.

Listing 8.13 Defining a local persistent volume

kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
name: local-ssd-on-kind-worker #A
- ReadWriteOnce
storageClassName: local #B
storage: 10Gi
local: #C
path: /mnt/ssd1 #C
nodeAffinity: #D
required: #D
nodeSelectorTerms: #D
- matchExpressions: #D
- key: kubernetes.io/hostname #D
operator: In #D
values: #D
- kind-worker #D

Because this persistent volume represents a local disk attached to the kind-
worker node, you give it a name that conveys this information. It refers to the
local storage class that you created previously. Unlike previous persistent
volumes, this volume represents storage space that is directly attached to the
node. You therefore specify that it is a local volume. Within the local
volume configuration, you also specify the path where the SSD is mounted

At the bottom of the manifest, you’ll find several lines that indicate the
volume’s node affinity. A volume’s node affinity defines which nodes can
access this volume.

You’ll learn more about node affinity and selectors in later chapters.
Although it looks complicated, the node affinity definition in the listing
simply defines that the volume is accessible from nodes whose hostname is
kind-worker. This is obviously exactly one node.

Okay, as a cluster administrator, you’ve now done everything you needed to

do to enable cluster users to deploy applications that use locally attached
persistent volumes. Now it’s time to put your application developer hat back
on again.

8.4.2 Claiming and using local persistent volumes

As an application developer, you can now deploy your pod and its associated
persistent volume claim.

Creating the pod

The pod definition is shown in the following listing.

Listing 8.14 Pod using a locally attached persistent volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mongodb-local
- name: mongodb-data
claimName: quiz-data-local #A
- image: mongo
name: mongodb
- name: mongodb-data
mountPath: /data/db

There should be no surprises in the pod manifest. You already know all this.
Creating the persistent volume claim for a local volume

As with the pod, creating the claim for a local persistent volume is no
different than creating any other persistent volume claim. The manifest is
shown in the next listing.

Listing 8.15 Persistent volume claim using the local storage class

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: quiz-data-local
storageClassName: local #A
storage: 1Gi
- ReadWriteOnce

No surprises here either. Now on to creating these two objects.

Creating the pod and the claim

After you write the pod and claim manifests, you can create the two objects
by applying the manifests in any order you want. If you create the pod first,
since the pod requires the claim to exist, it simply remains in the Pending
state until you create the claim.

After both the pod and the claim are created, the following events take place:

1. The claim is bound to the persistent volume.

2. The scheduler determines that the volume bound to the claim that is
used in the pod can only be accessed from the kind-worker node, so it
schedules the pod to this node.
3. The pod’s container is started on this node, and the volume is mounted
in it.

You can now use the MongoDB shell again to add documents to it. Then
check the /mnt/ssd1 directory on the kind-worker node to see if the files are
stored there.

Recreating the pod

If you delete and recreate the pod, you’ll see that it’s always scheduled on the
kind-worker node. The same happens if multiple nodes can provide a local
persistent volume when you deploy the pod for the first time. At this point,
the scheduler selects one of them to run your MongoDB pod. When the pod
runs, the claim is bound to the persistent volume on that particular node. If
you then delete and recreate the pod, it is always scheduled on the same node,
since that is where the volume that is bound to the claim referenced in the
pod is located.

8.5 Summary
This chapter explained the details of adding persistent storage for your
applications. You’ve learned that:

Infrastructure-specific information about storage volumes doesn’t

belong in pod manifests. Instead, it should be specified in the
PersistentVolume object.
A PersistentVolume object represents a portion of the disk space that is
available to applications within the cluster.
Before an application can use a PersistentVolume, the user who deploys
the application must claim the PersistentVolume by creating a
PersistentVolumeClaim object.
A PersistentVolumeClaim object specifies the minimum size and other
requirements that the PersistentVolume must meet.
When using statically provisioned volumes, Kubernetes finds an existing
persistent volume that meets the requirements set forth in the claim and
binds it to the claim.
When the cluster provides dynamic provisioning, a new persistent
volume is created for each claim. The volume is created based on the
requirements specified in the claim.
A cluster administrator creates StorageClass objects to specify the
storage classes that users can request in their claims.
A user can change the size of the persistent volume used by their
application by modifying the minimum volume size requested in the
Local persistent volumes are used when applications need to access
disks that are directly attached to nodes. This affects the scheduling of
the pods, since the pod must be scheduled to one of the nodes that can
provide a local persistent volume. If the pod is subsequently deleted and
recreated, it will always be scheduled to the same node.

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to pass configuration data to your
applications using command-line arguments, environment variables, and
files. You’ll learn how to specify this data directly in the pod manifest and
other Kubernetes API objects.
9 Configuration via ConfigMaps,
Secrets, and the Downward API
This chapter covers
Setting the command and arguments for the container's main process
Setting environment variables
Storing configuration in config maps
Storing sensitive information in secrets
Using the Downward API to expose pod metadata to the application
Using configMap, secret, downwardAPI and projected volumes

You’ve now learned how to use Kubernetes to run an application process and
attach file volumes to it. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to configure the
application - either in the pod manifest itself, or by referencing other API
objects within it. You’ll also learn how to inject information about the pod
itself into the application running inside it.


You’ll find the code files for this chapter at


9.1 Setting the command, arguments, and

environment variables
Like regular applications, containerized applications can be configured using
command-line arguments, environment variables, and files.

You learned that the command that is executed when a container starts is
typically defined in the container image. The command is configured in the
container’s Dockerfile using the ENTRYPOINT directive, while the arguments
are typically specified using the CMD directive. Environment variables can
also be specified using the the ENV directive in the Dockerfile. If the
application is configured using configuration files, these can be added to the
container image using the COPY directive. You’ve seen several examples of
this in the previous chapters.

Let’s take the kiada application and make it configurable via command-line
arguments and environment variables. The previous versions of the
application all listen on port 8080. This will now be configurable via the --
listen-port command line argument. Also, the application will read the
initial status message from the environment variable
INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE. Instead of just returning the hostname, the
application now also returns the pod name and IP address, as well as the
name of the cluster node on which it is running. The application obtains this
information through environment variables. You can find the updated code in
the book’s code repository. The container image for this new version is
available at docker.io/luksa/kiada:0.4.

The updated Dockerfile, which you can also find in the code repository, is
shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.1 A sample Dockerfile using several application configuration methods

FROM node:12
COPY app.js /app.js
COPY html/ /html

ENV INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE="This is the default status message" #A

ENTRYPOINT ["node", "app.js"] #B

CMD ["--listen-port", "8080"] #C

Hardcoding the configuration into the container image is the same as

hardcoding it into the application source code. This is not ideal because you
must rebuild the image every time you change the configuration. Also, you
should never include sensitive configuration data such as security credentials
or encryption keys in the container image because anyone who has access to
it can easily extract them.
Instead, it’s much safer to store these files in a volume that you mount in the
container. As you learned in the previous chapter, one way to do this is to
store the files in a persistent volume. Another way is to use an emptyDir
volume and an init container that fetches the files from secure storage and
writes them to the volume. You should know how to do this if you’ve read
the previous chapters, but there’s a better way. In this chapter, you’ll learn
how to use special volume types to achieve the same result without using init
containers. But first, let’s learn how to change the command, arguments, and
environment variables without recreating the container image.

9.1.1 Setting the command and arguments

When creating a container image, the command and its arguments are
specified using the ENTRYPOINT and CMD directives in the Dockerfile. Since
both directives accept array values, you can specify both the command and its
arguments with one of these directives or split them between the two. When
the container is executed, the two arrays are concatenated to produce the full

Kubernetes provides two fields that are analogous to Docker’s ENTRYPOINT

and CMD directives. The two fields are called command and args, respectively.
You specify these fields in the container definition in your pod manifest. As
with Docker, the two fields accept array values, and the resulting command
executed in the container is derived by concatenating the two arrays.

Figure 9.1 Overriding the command and arguments in the pod manifest
Normally, you use the ENTRYPOINT directive to specify the bare command,
and the CMD directive to specify the arguments. This allows you to override
the arguments in the pod manifest without having to specify the command
again. If you want to override the command, you can still do so. And you can
do it without overriding the arguments.

The following table shows the equivalent pod manifest field for each of the
two Dockerfile directives.

Table 9.1 Specifying the command and arguments in the Dockerfile vs the pod manifest

Dockerfile Description
ENTRYPOINT command The executable file that runs in the container. This
may contain arguments in addition to the executable.

Additional arguments passed to the command

CMD args specified with the ENTRYPOINT directive or the
command field.

Let’s look at two examples of setting the command and args fields.

Setting the command

Imagine you want to run the Kiada application with CPU and heap profiling
enabled. With Node.JS, you can enable profiling by passing the --cpu-prof
and --heap-prof arguments to the node command. Instead of modifying the
Dockerfile and rebuilding the image, you can do this by modifying the pod
manifest, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.2 A container definition with the command specified

kind: Pod
- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.4
command: ["node", "--cpu-prof", "--heap-prof", "app.js"] #A

When you deploy the pod in the listing, the node --cpu-prof --heap-prof
app.js command is run instead of the default command specified in the
Dockerfile, which is node app.js.

As you can see in the listing, the command field, just like its Dockerfile
counterpart, accepts an array of strings representing the command to be
executed. The array notation used in the listing is great when the array
contains only a few elements, but becomes difficult to read as the number of
elements increases. In this case, you’re better off using the following
- node
- --cpu-prof
- --heap-prof
- app.js


Values that the YAML parser might interpret as something other than a string
must be enclosed in quotes. This includes numeric values such as 1234, and
Boolean values such as true and false. Some other special strings must also
be quoted, otherwise they would also be interpreted as Boolean or other
types. These include the values true, false, yes, no, on, off, y, n, t, f, null,
and others.

Setting command arguments

Command line arguments can be overridden with the args field, as shown in
the following listing.

Listing 9.3 A container definition with the args fields set

kind: Pod
- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.4
args: ["--listen-port", "9090"] #A

The pod manifest in the listing overrides the default --listen-port 8080
arguments set in the Dockerfile with --listen-port 9090. When you deploy
this pod, the full command that runs in the container is node app.js --
listen-port 9090. The command is a concatenation of the ENTRYPOINT in
the Dockerfile and the args field in the pod manifest.

9.1.2 Setting environment variables in a container

Containerized applications are often configured using environment variables.
Just like the command and arguments, you can set environment variables for
each of the pod’s containers, as shown in figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2 Environment variables are set per container.


As I write this, environment variables can only be set for each container
individually. It isn’t possible to set a global set of environment variables for
the entire pod and have them inherited by all its containers.

You can set an environment variable to a literal value, have it reference

another environment variable, or obtain the value from an external source.
Let’s see how.

Setting a literal value to an environment variable

Version 0.4 of the Kiada application displays the name of the pod, which it
reads from the environment variable POD_NAME. It also allows you to set the
status message using the environment variable INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE.
Let’s set these two variables in the pod manifest.

To set the environment variable, you could add the ENV directive to the
Dockerfile and rebuild the image, but the faster way is to add the env field to
the container definition in the pod manifest, as I’ve done in the following
listing (file pod.kiada.env-value.yaml).
Listing 9.4 Setting environment variables in the pod manifest

kind: Pod
name: kiada
- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.4
env: #A
- name: POD_NAME #B
value: kiada #B
value: This status message is set in the pod spec. #C

As you can see in the listing, the env field takes an array of values. Each
entry in the array specifies the name of the environment variable and its


Since environment variables values must be strings, you must enclose values
that aren’t strings in quotes to prevent the YAML parser from treating them
as anything other than a string. As explained in section 9.1.1, this also applies
to strings such as yes, no, true, false, and so on.

When you deploy the pod in the listing and send an HTTP request to the
application, you should see the pod name and status message that you
specified using environment variables. You can also run the following
command to examine the environment variables in the container. You’ll find
the two environment variables in the following output:
$ kubectl exec kiada -- env
PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin #A
POD_NAME=kiada #C
INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE=This status message is set in the pod spec. #C
... #D
As you can see, there are a few other variables set in the container. They
come from different sources - some are defined in the container image, some
are added by Kubernetes, and the rest come from elsewhere. While there is
no way to know where each of the variables comes from, you’ll learn to
recognize some of them. For example, the ones added by Kubernetes relate to
the Service object, which is covered in chapter 11. To determine where the
rest come from, you can inspect the pod manifest and the Dockerfile of the
container image.

Using variable references in environment variable values

In the previous example, you set a fixed value for the environment variable
INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE, but you can also reference other environment
variables in the value by using the syntax $(VAR_NAME).

For example, you can reference the variable POD_NAME within the status
message variable as in the following listing, which shows part of the file

Listing 9.5 Referring to an environment variable in another variable

- name: POD_NAME
value: kiada
value: My name is $(POD_NAME). I run NodeJS version $(NODE_VERSION). #A

Notice that one of the references points to the environment variable POD_NAME
defined above, whereas the other points to the variable NODE_VERSION set in
the container image. You saw this variable when you ran the env command in
the container earlier. When you deploy the pod, the status message it returns
is the following:
My name is kiada. I run NodeJS version $(NODE_VERSION).

As you can see, the reference to NODE_VERSION isn’t resolved. This is because
you can only use the $(VAR_NAME) syntax to refer to variables defined in the
same manifest. The referenced variable must be defined before the variable
that references it. Since NODE_VERSION is defined in the NodeJS image’s
Dockerfile and not in the pod manifest, it can’t be resolved.


If a variable reference can’t be resolved, the reference string remains



When you want a variable to contain the literal string $(VAR_NAME) and don’t
want Kubernetes to resolve it, use a double dollar sign as in $$(VAR_NAME).
Kubernetes will remove one of the dollar signs and skip resolving the

Using variable references in the command and arguments

You can refer to environment variables defined in the manifest not only in
other variables, but also in the command and args fields you learned about in
the previous section. For example, the file pod.kiada.env-value-ref-in-
args.yaml defines an environment variable named LISTEN_PORT and
references it in the args field. The following listing shows the relevant part of
this file.

Listing 9.6 Referring to an environment variable in the args field

- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.4
- --listen-port
value: "8080"

This isn’t the best example, since there’s no good reason to use a variable
reference instead of just specifying the port number directly. But later you’ll
learn how to get the environment variable value from an external source. You
can then use a reference as shown in the listing to inject that value into the
container’s command or arguments.

Referring to environment variables that aren’t in the manifest

Just like using references in environment variables, you can only use the
$(VAR_NAME) syntax in the command and args fields to reference variables that
are defined in the pod manifest. You can’t reference environment variables
defined in the container image, for example.

However, you can use a different approach. If you run the command through
a shell, you can have the shell resolve the variable. If you are using the bash
shell, you can do this by referring to the variable using the syntax $VAR_NAME
or ${VAR_NAME} instead of $(VAR_NAME).

For example, the command in the following listing correctly prints the value
of the HOSTNAME environment variable even though it’s not defined in the pod
manifest but is initialized by the operating system. You can find this example
in the file pod.env-var-references-in-shell.yaml.

Listing 9.7 Referring to environment variables in a shell command

- name: main
image: alpine
- sh #A
- -c #A
- 'echo "Hostname is $HOSTNAME."; sleep infinity' #B

Setting the pod’s fully qualified domain name

While we’re on the subject of the pod’s hostname, this is a good time to
explain that the pod’s hostname and subdomain are configurable in the pod
manifest. By default, the hostname is the same as the pod’s name, but you
can override it using the hostname field in the pod’s spec. You can also set
the subdomain field so that the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the
pod is as follows:
<hostname>.<subdomain>.<pod namespace>.svc.<cluster domain>

This is only the internal FQDN of the pod. It isn’t resolvable via DNS
without additional steps, which are explained in chapter 11. You can find a
sample pod that specifies a custom hostname for the pod in the file

9.2 Using a config map to decouple configuration

from the pod
In the previous section, you learned how to hardcode configuration directly
into your pod manifests. While this is much better than hard-coding in the
container image, it’s still not ideal because it means you might need a
separate version of the pod manifest for each environment you deploy the
pod to, such as your development, staging, or production cluster.

To reuse the same pod definition in multiple environments, it’s better to

decouple the configuration from the pod manifest. One way to do this is to
move the configuration into a ConfigMap object, which you then reference in
the pod manifest. This is what you’ll do next.

9.2.1 Introducing ConfigMaps

A ConfigMap is a Kubernetes API object that simply contains a list of
key/value pairs. The values can range from short strings to large blocks of
structured text that you typically find in an application configuration file.
Pods can reference one or more of these key/value entries in the config map.
A pod can refer to multiple config maps, and multiple pods can use the same
config map.

To keep applications Kubernetes-agnostic, they typically don’t read the

ConfigMap object via the Kubernetes REST API. Instead, the key/value pairs
in the config map are passed to containers as environment variables or
mounted as files in the container’s filesystem via a configMap volume, as
shown in the following figure.

Figure 9.3 Pods use config maps through environment variables and configMap volumes.
In the previous section you learned how to reference environment variables in
command-line arguments. You can use this technique to pass a config map
entry that you’ve exposed as an environment variable into a command-line

Regardless of how an application consumes config maps, storing the

configuration in a separate object instead of the pod allows you to keep the
configuration separate for different environments by simply keeping separate
config map manifests and applying each to the environment for which it is
intended. Because pods reference the config map by name, you can deploy
the same pod manifest across all your environments and still have a different
configuration for each environment by using the same config map name, as
shown in the following figure.

Figure 9.4 Deploying the same pod manifest and different config map manifests in different
9.2.2 Creating a ConfigMap object
Let’s create a config map and use it in a pod. The following is a simple
example where the config map contains a single entry used to initialize the
environment variable INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE for the kiada pod.

Creating a config map with the kubectl create configmap command

As with pods, you can create the ConfigMap object from a YAML manifest,
but a faster way is to use the kubectl create configmap command as
$ kubectl create configmap kiada-config --from-literal status-message="This
configmap "kiada-config" created

Keys in a config map may only consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes,
underscores, or dots. Other characters are not allowed.

Running this command creates a config map called kiada-config with a

single entry. The key and value are specified with the --from-literal

In addition to --from-literal, the kubectl create configmap command

also supports sourcing the key/value pairs from files. The following table
explains the available methods.

Table 9.2 Options for creating config map entries using kubectl create configmap

Option Description

Inserts a key and a literal value into the config map.

Example: --from-literal mykey=myvalue.

Inserts the contents of a file into the config map. The

behavior depends on the argument that comes after --

If only the filename is specified (example: --from-file

myfile.txt), the base name of the file is used as the key
and the entire contents of the file are used as the value.

If key=file is specified (example: --from-file

--from-file mykey=myfile.txt), the contents of the file are stored
under the specified key.

If the filename represents a directory, each file contained

in the directory is included as a separate entry. The base
name of the file is used as the key, and the contents of the
file are used as the value. Subdirectories, symbolic links,
devices, pipes, and files whose base name isn’t a valid
config map key are ignored.

Inserts each line of the specified file as a separate entry

--from-env-file (example: --from-env-file myfile.env). The file must
contain lines with the following format: key=value

Config maps usually contain more than one entry. To create a config map
with multiple entries, you can use multiple arguments --from-literal, --
from-file, and --from-env-file, or a combination thereof.

Creating a config map from a YAML manifest

Alternatively, you can create the config map from a YAML manifest file. The
following listing shows the contents of an equivalent manifest file named
cm.kiada-config.yaml, which is available in the code repository You can
create the config map by applying this file using kubectl apply.

Listing 9.8 A config map manifest file

apiVersion: v1 #A
kind: ConfigMap #A
name: kiada-config #B
data: #C
status-message: This status message is set in the kiada-config config map

Listing config maps and displaying their contents

Config maps are Kubernetes API objects that live alongside pods, nodes,
persistent volumes, and the others you’ve learned about so far. You can use
various kubectl commands to perform CRUD operations on them. For
example, you can list config maps with:
$ kubectl get cm

The shorthand for configmaps is cm.

You can display the entries in the config map by instructing kubectl to print
its YAML manifest:
$ kubectl get cm kiada-config -o yaml


Because YAML fields are output in alphabetical order, you’ll find the data
field at the top of the output.


To display only the key/value pairs, combine kubectl with jq. For example:
kubectl get cm kiada-config -o json | jq .data. Display the value of
a given entry as follows: kubectl... | jq '.data["status-message"]'.

9.2.3 Injecting config map values into environment variables

In the previous section, you created the kiada-config config map. Let’s use
it in the kiada pod.

Injecting a single config map entry

To inject the single config map entry into an environment variable, you just
need to replace the value field in the environment variable definition with the
valueFrom field and refer to the config map entry. The following listing
shows the relevant part of the pod manifest. The full manifest can be found in
the file pod.kiada.env-valueFrom.yaml.

Listing 9.9 Setting an environment variable from a config map entry

kind: Pod
- name: kiada
env: #A
valueFrom: #B
configMapKeyRef: #B
name: kiada-config #C
key: status-message #D
optional: true #E
- ...

Let me break down the definition of the environment variable that you see in
the listing. Instead of specifying a fixed value for the variable, you declare
that the value should be obtained from a config map. The name of the config
map is specified using the name field, whereas the key field specifies the key
within that map.

Create the pod from this manifest and inspect its environment variables using
the following command:
$ kubectl exec kiada -- env
INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE=This status message is set in the kiada-config config

The status message should also appear in the pod’s response when you access
it via curl or your browser.

Marking a reference optional

In the previous listing, the reference to the config map key is marked as
optional so that the container can be executed even if the config map or key
is missing. If that’s the case, the environment variable isn’t set. You can mark
the reference as optional because the Kiada application will run fine without
it. You can delete the config map and deploy the pod again to confirm this.


If a config map or key referenced in the container definition is missing and

not marked as optional, the pod will still be scheduled normally. The other
containers in the pod are started normally. The container that references the
missing config map key is started as soon as you create the config map with
the referenced key.

Injecting the entire config map

The env field in a container definition takes an array of values, so you can set
as many environment variables as you need. However, if you want to set
more than a few variables, it can become tedious and error prone to specify
them one at a time. Fortunately, by using the envFrom instead of the env field,
you can inject all the entries that are in the config map without having to
specify each key individually.

The downside to this approach is that you lose the ability to transform the key
to the environment variable name, so the keys must already have the proper
form. The only transformation that you can do is to prepend a prefix to each

For example, the Kiada application reads the environment variable

INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE, but the key you used in the config map is status-
message. You must change the config map key to match the expected
environment variable name if you want it to be read by the application when
you use the envFrom field to inject the entire config map into the pod. I’ve
already done this in the cm.kiada-config.envFrom.yaml file. In addition to
the INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE key, it contains two other keys to demonstrate
that they will all be injected into the container’s environment.

Replace the config map with the one in the file by running the following
$ kubectl replace -f cm.kiada-config.envFrom.yaml

The pod manifest in the pod.kiada.envFrom.yaml file uses the envFrom field
to inject the entire config map into the pod. The following listing shows the
relevant part of the manifest.

Listing 9.10 Using envFrom to inject the entire config map into environment variables

kind: Pod
- name: kiada
envFrom: #A
- configMapRef: #B
name: kiada-config #B
optional: true #C

Instead of specifying both the config map name and the key as in the
previous example, only the config map name is specified. If you create the
pod from this manifest and inspect its environment variables, you’ll see that it
contains the environment variable INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE as well as the
other two keys defined in the config map.

As before, you can mark the config map reference as optional, allowing the
container to run even if the config map doesn’t exist. By default, this isn’t the
case. Containers that reference config maps are prevented from starting until
the referenced config maps exist.

Injecting multiple config maps

Listing 9.10 shows that the envFrom field takes an array of values, which
means you can combine entries from multiple config maps. If two config
maps contain the same key, the last one takes precedence. You can also
combine the envFrom field with the env field if you wish to inject all entries
of one config map and particular entries of another.


When an environment variable is configured in the env field, it takes

precedence over environment variables set in the envFrom field.

Prefixing keys

Regardless of whether you inject a single config map or multiple config

maps, you can set an optional prefix for each config map. When their entries
are injected into the container’s environment, the prefix is prepended to each
key to yield the environment variable name.
9.2.4 Injecting config map entries into containers as files

Environment variables are typically used to pass small single-line values to

the application, while multiline values are usually passed as files. Config map
entries can also contain larger blocks of data that can be projected into the
container using the special configMap volume type.


The amount of information that can fit in a config map is dictated by etcd, the
underlying data store used to store API objects. At this point, the maximum
size is on the order of one megabyte.

A configMap volume makes the config map entries available as individual

files. The process running in the container gets the entry’s value by reading
the contents of the file. This mechanism is most often used to pass large
config files to the container, but can also be used for smaller values, or
combined with the env or envFrom fields to pass large entries as files and
others as environment variables.

Creating config map entries from files

In chapter 4, you deployed the kiada pod with an Envoy sidecar that handles
TLS traffic for the pod. Because volumes weren’t explained at that point, the
configuration file, TLS certificate, and private key that Envoy uses were built
into the container image. It would be more convenient if these files were
stored in a config map and injected into the container. That way you could
update them without having to rebuild the image. But since the security
considerations of these files are different, we must handle them differently.
Let’s focus on the config file first.

You’ve already learned how to create a config map from a literal value using
the kubectl create configmap command. This time, instead of creating the
config map directly in the cluster, you’ll create a YAML manifest for the
config map so that you can store it in a version control system alongside your
pod manifest.
Instead of writing the manifest file by hand, you can create it using the same
kubectl create command that you used to create the object directly. The
following command creates the YAML file for a config map named kiada-

$ kubectl create configmap kiada-envoy-config \

--from-file=envoy.yaml \
--from-file=dummy.bin \
--dry-run=client -o yaml > cm.kiada-envoy-config.yaml

The config map will contain two entries that come from the files specified in
the command. One is the envoy.yaml configuration file, while the other is
just some random data to demonstrate that binary data can also be stored in a
config map.

When using the --dry-run option, the command doesn’t create the object in
the Kubernetes API server, but only generates the object definition. The -o
yaml option prints the YAML definition of the object to standard output,
which is then redirected to the cm.kiada-envoy-config.yaml file. The
following listing shows the contents of this file.

Listing 9.11 A config map manifest containing a multi-line value

apiVersion: v1
dummy.bin: n2VW39IEkyQ6Jxo+rdo5J06Vi7cz5... #A
envoy.yaml: | #B
admin: #B
access_log_path: /tmp/envoy.admin.log #B
address: #B
socket_address: #B
protocol: TCP #B
address: #B
... #B
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: null
name: kiada-envoy-config #C

As you can see in the listing, the binary file ends up in the binaryData field,
whereas the envoy config file is in the data field, which you know from the
previous sections. If a config map entry contains non-UTF-8 byte sequences,
it must be defined in the binaryData field. The kubectl create configmap
command automatically determines where to put the entry. The values in this
field are Base64 encoded, which is how binary values are represented in

In contrast, the contents of the envoy.yaml file are clearly visible in the data
field. In YAML, you can specify multi-line values using a pipeline character
and appropriate indentation. See the YAML specification on YAML.org for
more ways to do this.

Mind your whitespace hygiene when creating config maps

When creating config maps from files, make sure that none of the lines in the
file contain trailing whitespace. If any line ends with whitespace, the value of
the entry in the manifest is formatted as a quoted string with the newline
character escaped. This makes the manifest incredibly hard to read and edit.

Compare the formatting of the two values in the following config map:
$ kubectl create configmap whitespace-demo \
--from-file=envoy.yaml \
--from-file=envoy-trailingspace.yaml \
--dry-run=client -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
envoy-trailingspace.yaml: "admin: \n access_log_path: /tmp/envoy.admin.log\n
\ address:\n socket_address:\n protocol: TCP\n address:\n #A
\ port_value: 9901\nstatic_resources:\n listeners:\n - name: listener_0\n...
envoy.yaml: | #B
admin: #B
access_log_path: /tmp/envoy.admin.log #B
address: #B
socket_address:... #B

Notice that the envoy-trailingspace.yaml file contains a space at the end of

the first line. This causes the config map entry to be presented in a not very
human-friendly format. In contrast, the envoy.yaml file contains no trailing
whitespace and is presented as an unescaped multi-line string, which makes it
easy to read and modify in place.
Don’t apply the config map manifest file to the Kubernetes cluster yet. You’ll
first create the pod that refers to the config map. This way you can see what
happens when a pod points to a config map that doesn’t exist.

Using a configMap volume in a pod

To make config map entries available as files in the container’s filesystem,

you define a configMap volume in the pod and mount it in the container, as in
the following listing, which shows the relevant parts of the pod.kiada-
ssl.configmap-volume.yaml file.

Listing 9.12 Defining a configMap volume in a pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-ssl
- name: envoy-config #A
configMap: #A
name: kiada-envoy-config #A
- name: envoy
image: luksa/kiada-ssl-proxy:0.1
volumeMounts: #B
- name: envoy-config #B
mountPath: /etc/envoy #B

If you’ve read the previous two chapters, the definitions of the volume and
volumeMount in this listing should be clear. As you can see, the volume is a
configMap volume that points to the kiada-envoy-config config map, and
it’s mounted in the envoy container under /etc/envoy. The volume contains
the envoy.yaml and dummy.bin files that match the keys in the config map.

Create the pod from the manifest file and check its status. Here’s what you’ll
$ kubectl get po
Kiada-ssl 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 2m

Because the pod’s configMap volume references a config map that doesn’t
exist, and the reference isn’t marked as optional, the container can’t run.

Marking a configMap volume as optional

Previously, you learned that if a container contains an environment variable

definition that refers to a config map that doesn’t exist, the container is
prevented from starting until you create that config map. You also learned
that this doesn’t prevent the other containers from starting. What about the
case at hand where the missing config map is referenced in a volume?

Because all of the pod’s volumes must be set up before the pod’s containers
can be started, referencing a missing config map in a volume prevents all the
containers in the pod from starting, not just the container in which the volume
is mounted. An event is generated indicating the problem. You can display it
with the kubectl describe pod or kubectl get events command, as
explained in the previous chapters.


A configMap volume can be marked as optional by adding the line

optional: true to the volume definition. If a volume is optional and the
config map doesn’t exist, the volume is not created, and the container is
started without mounting the volume.

To enable the pod’s containers to start, create the config map by applying the
cm.kiada-envoy-config.yaml file you created earlier. Use the kubectl
apply command. After doing this, the pod should start, and you should be
able to confirm that both config map entries are exposed as files in the
container by listing the contents of the /etc/envoy directory as follows:
$ kubectl exec kiada-ssl -c envoy -- ls /etc/envoy
Projecting only specific config map entries

Envoy doesn’t need the dummy.bin file, but imagine that it’s needed by
another container or pod and you can’t remove it from the config map. But
having this file appear in /etc/envoy is not ideal, so let’s do something about

Fortunately, configMap volumes let you specify which config map entries to
project into files. The following listing shows how.

Listing 9.13 Specifying which config map entries to include into a configMap volume

- name: envoy-config
name: kiada-envoy-config
items: #A
- key: envoy.yaml #B
path: envoy.yaml #B

The items field specifies the list of config map entries to include in the
volume. Each item must specify the key and the file name in the path field.
Entries not listed here aren’t included in the volume. In this way, you can
have a single config map for a pod with some entries showing up as
environment variables and others as files.

Setting file permissions in a configMap volume

By default, the file permissions in a configMap volume are set to rw-r--r--

or 0644 in octal form.


If you aren’t familiar with Unix file permissions, 0644 in the octal number
system is equivalent to 110,100,100 in the binary system, which maps to the
permissions triplet rw-,r--,r--. The first element refers to the file owner’s
permissions, the second to the owning group, and the third to all other users.
The owner can read (r) and write (w) the file but can’t execute it (- instead of
x),while the owning group and other users can read, but not write or execute
the file (r--).

You can set the default permissions for the files in a configMap volume by
setting the defaultMode field in the volume definition. In YAML, the field
takes either an octal or decimal value. For example, to set permissions to
rwxr-----, add defaultMode: 0740 to the configMap volume definition. To
set permissions for individual files, set the mode field next to the item’s key
and path.

When specifying file permissions in YAML manifests, make sure you never
forget the leading zero, which indicates that the value is in octal form. If you
omit the zero, the value will be treated as decimal, which may cause the file
to have permissions that you didn’t intend.


When you use kubectl get -o yaml to display the YAML definition of a
pod, note that the file permissions are represented as decimal values. For
example, you’ll regularly see the value 420. This is the decimal equivalent of
the octal value 0644, which is the default file permissions.

Before you move on to setting file permissions and checking them in the
container, you should know that the files you find in the configMap volume
are symbolic links (section 9.2.6 explains why). To see the permissions of the
actual file, you must follow these links, because they themselves have no
permissions and are always shown as rwxrwxrwx.

9.2.5 Updating and deleting config maps

As with most Kubernetes API objects, you can update a config map at any
time by modifying the manifest file and reapplying it to the cluster using
kubectl apply. There’s also a quicker way, which you’ll mostly use during

In-place editing of API objects using kubectl edit

When you want to make a quick change to an API object, such as a
ConfigMap, you can use the kubectl edit command. For example, to edit
the kiada-envoy-config config map, run the following command:
$ kubectl edit configmap kiada-envoy-config

This opens the object manifest in your default text editor, allowing you to
change the object directly. When you close the editor, kubectl posts your
changes to the Kubernetes API server.

Configuring kubectl edit to use a different text editor

You can tell kubectl to use a text editor of your choice by setting the
KUBE_EDITOR environment variable. For example, if you’d like to use nano
for editing Kubernetes resources, execute the following command (or put it
into your ~/.bashrc or an equivalent file):
export KUBE_EDITOR="/usr/bin/nano"

If the KUBE_EDITOR environment variable isn’t set, kubectl edit falls back to
using the default editor, usually configured through the EDITOR environment

What happens when you modify a config map

When you update a config map, the files in the configMap volume are
automatically updated.


 It can take up to a minute for the files in a configMap volume to be updated
after you change the config map.

Unlike files, environment variables can’t be updated while the container is

running. However, if the container is restarted for some reason (because it
crashed or because it was terminated externally due to a failed liveness
probe), Kubernetes will use the new config map values when it sets up the
environment variables for the new container. The question is whether you
want it to do that at all.

Understanding the consequences of updating a config map

One of the most important properties of containers is their immutability,

which allows you to be sure that there are no differences between multiple
instances of the same container (or pod). Shouldn’t the config maps from
which these instances get their configuration also be immutable?

Let’s think about this for a moment. What happens if you change a config
map used to inject environment variables into an an application? What if the
application is configured via config files, but it doesn’t automatically reload
them when they are modified? The changes you make to the config map
don’t affect any of these running application instances. However, if some of
these instances are restarted or if you create additional instances, they will use
the new configuration.

A similar scenario occurs even with applications that can reload their
configuration. Kubernetes updates configMap volumes asynchronously.
Some application instances may see the changes sooner than others. And
because the update process may take dozens of seconds, the files in
individual pod instances can be out of sync for a considerable amount of

In both scenarios, you get instances that are configured differently. This may
cause parts of your system to behave differently than the rest. You need to
take this into account when deciding whether to allow changes to a config
map while it’s being used by running pods.

Preventing a config map from being updated

To prevent users from changing the values in a config map, you can mark the
config map as immutable, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.14 Creating an immutable config map

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: my-immutable-configmap
mykey: myvalue
another-key: another-value
immutable: true #A

If someone tries to change the data or binaryData fields in an immutable

config map, the API server will prevent it. This ensures that all pods using
this config map use the same configuration values. If you want to run a set of
pods with a different configuration, you typically create a new config map
and point them to it.

Immutable config maps prevent users from accidentally changing application

configuration, but also help improve the performance of your Kubernetes
cluster. When a config map is marked as immutable, the Kubelets on the
worker nodes that use it don’t have to be notified of changes to the
ConfigMap object. This reduces the load on the API server.

Deleting a config map

ConfigMap objects can be deleted with the kubectl delete command. The
running pods that reference the config map continue to run unaffected, but
only until their containers must be restarted. If the config map reference in
the container definition isn’t marked as optional, the container will fail to run.

9.2.6 Understanding how configMap volumes work

Before you start using configMap volumes in your own pods, it’s important
that you understand how they work, or you’ll spend a lot of time fighting

You might think that when you mount a configMap volume in a directory in
the container, Kubernetes merely creates some files in that directory, but
things are more complicated than that. There are two caveats that you need to
keep in mind. One is how volumes are mounted in general, and the other is
how Kubernetes uses symbolic links to ensure that files are updated
Mounting a volume hides existing files in the file directory

If you mount any volume to a directory in the container’s filesystem, the files
that are in the container image in that directory can no longer be accessed.
For example, if you mount a configMap volume into the /etc directory,
which in a Unix system contains important configuration files, the
applications running in the container will only see the files defined in the
config map. This means that all other files that should be in /etc are no
longer present and the application may not run. However, this problem can be
mitigated by using the subPath field when mounting the volume.

Imagine you have a configMap volume that contains the file my-app.conf,
and you want to add it to the /etc directory without losing any existing files
in that directory. Instead of mounting the entire volume in /etc, you mount
only the specific file using a combination of the mountPath and subPath
fields, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 9.15 Mounting an individual file into a container

- name: my-container
- name: my-volume
subPath: my-app.conf #A
mountPath: /etc/my-app.conf #B

To make it easier to understand how all this works, inspect the following

Figure 9.5 Using subPath to mount a single file from the volume
The subPath property can be used when mounting any type of volume, but
when you use it with a configMap volume, please note the following


If you use the subPath field to mount individual files instead of the entire
configMap volume, the file won’t be updated when you modify the config

To get around this problem, you can mount the entire volume in another
directory and create a symbolic link in the desired location pointing to the file
in the other directory. You can create this symbolic link beforehand in the
container image itself.

ConfigMap volumes use symbolic links to provide atomic updates

Some applications watch for changes to their configuration files and reload
them when this happens. However, if the application is using a large file or
multiple files, the application may detect that a file has changed before all file
updates are complete. If the application reads the partially updated files, it
may not function properly.

To prevent this, Kubernetes ensures that all files in a configMap volume are
updated atomically, meaning that all updates are done instantaneously. This
is achieved with the use of symbolic file links, as you can see if you list all
the files in the /etc/envoy directory:
$ kubectl exec kiada-ssl -c envoy -- ls -lA /etc/envoy
total 4
drwxr-xr-x ... ..2020_11_14_11_47_45.728287366 #A
lrwxrwxrwx ... ..data -> ..2020_11_14_11_47_45.728287366 #B
lrwxrwxrwx ... envoy.yaml -> ..data/envoy.yaml #C

As you can see in the listing, the config map entries that are projected as files
into the volume are symbolic links that point to file paths within the directory
named ..data, which is also a symbolic link. It points to a directory whose
name clearly represents a timestamp. So the file paths that the application
reads point to actual files via two successive symbolic links.

This may look unnecessary, but it allows you to update all files atomically.
Every time you change the config map, Kubernetes creates a new
timestamped directory, writes the files to it, and then associates the ..data
symbolic link with this new directory, replacing all files instantaneously.


If you use subPath in your volume mount definition, this mechanism isn’t
used. Instead, the file is written directly to the target directory and the file
isn’t updated when you modify the config map.

9.3 Using Secrets to pass sensitive data to containers

In the previous section, you learned how to store configuration data in
ConfigMap objects and make it available to the application via environment
variables or files. You may think that you can also use config maps to also
store sensitive data such as credentials and encryption keys, but this isn’t the
best option. For any data that needs to be kept secure, Kubernetes provides
another type of object - Secrets. They will be covered next.
9.3.1 Introducing Secrets

Secrets are remarkably similar to config maps. Just like config maps, they
contain key-value pairs and can be used to inject environment variables and
files into containers. So why do we need secrets at all?

Kubernetes supported secrets even before config maps were added.

Originally, secrets were not user-friendly when it came to storing plain-text
data. For this reason, config maps were then introduced. Over time, both the
secrets and config maps evolved to support both types of values. The
functions provided by these two types of object converged. If they were
added now, they would certainly be introduced as a single object type.
However, because they each evolved gradually, there are some differences
between them.

Differences in fields between config maps and secrets

The structure of a secret is slightly different from that of a config map. The
following table shows the fields in each of the two object types.

Table 9.3 Differences in the structure of secrets and config maps

Secret ConfigMap Description

A map of key-value pairs. The values are Base64-

data binaryData
encoded strings.

A map of key-value pairs. The values are plain text

stringData data strings. The stringData field in secrets is write-

A boolean value indicating whether the data stored

immutable immutable
in the object can be updated or not.
A string indicating the type of secret. Can be any
type N/A string value, but several built-in types have special

As you can see in the table, the data field in secrets corresponds to the
binaryData field in config maps. It can contain binary values as Base64-
encoded strings. The stringData field in secrets is equivalent to the data
field in config maps and is used to store plain text values. This stringData
field in secrets is write-only. You can use it to add plaintext values to the
secret without having to encode them manually. When you read back the
Secret object, any values you added to stringData will be included in the
data field as Base64-encoded strings.

This is different from the behavior of the data and binaryData fields in
config maps. Whatever key-value pair you add to one of these fields will
remain in that field when you read the ConfigMap object back from the API.

Like config maps, secrets can be marked immutable by setting the immutable
field to true.

Secrets have a field that config maps do not. The type field specifies the type
of the secret and is mainly used for programmatic handling of the secret. You
can set the type to any value you want, but there are several built-in types
with specific semantics.

Understanding built-in secret types

When you create a secret and set its type to one of the built-in types, it must
meet the requirements defined for that type, because they are used by various
Kubernetes components that expect them to contain values in specific
formats under specific keys. The following table explains the built-in secret
types that exist at the time of writing this.

Table 9.4 Types of secrets

Built-in secret type Description

This type of secret can contain

secret data stored under arbitrary
Opaque keys. If you create a secret with
no type field, an Opaque secret is

This type of secret is used for

bootstrap.kubernetes.io/token tokens that are used when
bootstrapping new cluster nodes.

This type of secret stores the

credentials required for basic
authentication. It must contain
the username and password keys.

This type of secret stores the

credentials required for accessing
a Docker image registry. It must
contain a key called .dockercfg,
where the value is the contents of
the ~/.dockercfg configuration
file used by legacy versions of

Like above, this type of secret

stores the credentials for
accessing a Docker registry, but
uses the newer Docker
configuration file format. The
kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson secret must contain a key called
.dockerconfigjson. The value
must be the contents of the
~/.docker/config.json file
used by Docker.

This type of secret stores a token

that identifies a Kubernetes
kubernetes.io/service-account-token service account. You'll learn
about service accounts and this
token in chapter 23.

This type of secret stores the

private key used for SSH
kubernetes.io/ssh-auth authentication. The private key
must be stored under the key
ssh-privatekey in the secret.

This type of secrets stores a TLS

certificate and the associated
private key. They must be stored
in the secret under the key
tls.crt and tls.key,

Understanding how Kubernetes stores secrets and config maps

In addition to the small differences in the names of the fields supported by

config maps or secrets, Kubernetes treats them differently. When it comes to
secrets, you need to remember that they are handled in specific ways in all
Kubernetes components to ensure their security. For example, Kubernetes
ensures that the data in a secret is distributed only to the node that runs the
pod that needs the secret. Also, secrets on the worker nodes themselves are
always stored in memory and never written to physical storage. This makes it
less likely that sensitive data will leak out.

For this reason, it’s important that you store sensitive data only in secrets and
not config maps.

9.3.2 Creating a secret

In section 9.2, you used a config map to inject the configuration file into the
Envoy sidecar container. In addition to the file, Envoy also requires a TLS
certificate and private key. Because the key represents sensitive data, it
should be stored in a secret.

In this section, you’ll create a secret to store the certificate and key, and
project it into the container’s filesystem. With the config, certificate and key
files all sourced from outside the container image, you can replace the custom
kiada-ssl-proxy image with the generic envoyproxy/envoy image. This is a
considerable improvement, as removing custom images from the system is
always a good thing, since you no longer need to maintain them.

First, you’ll create the secret. The files for the certificate and private key are
provided in the book’s code repository, but you can also create them yourself.

Creating a TLS secret

Like for config maps, kubectl also provides a command for creating
different types of secrets. Since you are creating a secret that will be used by
your own application rather than Kubernetes, it doesn’t matter whether the
secret you create is of type Opaque or kubernetes.io/tls, as described in
table 9.4. However, since you are creating a secret with a TLS certificate and
a private key, you should use the built-in secret type kubernetes.io/tls to
standardize things.

To create the secret, run the following command:

$ kubectl create secret tls kiada-tls \ #A
--cert example-com.crt \ #B
--key example-com.key #C

This command instructs kubectl to create a tls secret named kiada-tls.

The certificate and private key are read from the file example-com.crt and
example-com.key, respectively.

Creating a generic (opaque) secret

Alternatively, you could use kubectl to create a generic secret. The items in
the resulting secret would be the same, the only difference would be its type.
Here’s the command to create the secret:
$ kubectl create secret generic kiada-tls \ #A
--from-file tls.crt=example-com.crt \ #B
--from-file tls.key=example-com.key #C

In this case, kubectl creates a generic secret. The contents of the example-
com.crt file are stored under the tls.crt key, while the contents of the
example-com.key file are stored under tls.key.


Like config maps, the maximum size of a secret is approximately 1MB.

Creating secrets from YAML manifests

The kubectl create secret command creates the secret directly in the cluster.
Previously, you learned how to create a YAML manifest for a config map.
What about secrets?

For obvious reasons, it’s not the best idea to create YAML manifests for your
secrets and store them in your version control system, as you do with config
maps. However, if you need to create a YAML manifest instead of creating
the secret directly, you can again use the kubectl create --dry-
run=client -o yaml trick.

Suppose you want to create a secret YAML manifest containing user

credentials under the keys user and pass. You can use the following
command to create the YAML manifest:
$ kubectl create secret generic my-credentials \ #A
--from-literal user=my-username \ #B
--from-literal pass=my-password \ #B
--dry-run=client -o yaml #C
apiVersion: v1
pass: bXktcGFzc3dvcmQ= #D
user: bXktdXNlcm5hbWU= #D
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: null
name: my-credentials

Creating the manifest using the kubectl create trick as shown here is much
easier than creating it from scratch and manually entering the Base64-
encoded credentials. Alternatively, you could avoid encoding the entries by
using the stringData field as explained next.

Using the stringData field

Since not all sensitive data is in binary form, Kubernetes also allows you to
specify plain text values in secrets by using stringData instead of the data
field. The following listing shows how you’d create the same secret that you
created in the previous example.

Listing 9.16 Adding plain text entries to a secret using the stringData field

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
stringData: #A
user: my-username #B
pass: my-password #B

The stringData field is write-only and can only be used to set values. If you
create this secret and read it back with kubectl get -o yaml, the stringData
field is no longer present. Instead, any entries you specified in it will be
displayed in the data field as Base64-encoded values.

Since entries in a secret are always represented as Base64-encoded values,
working with secrets (especially reading them) is not as human-friendly as
working with config maps, so use config maps wherever possible. But never
sacrifice security for the sake of comfort.

Okay, let’s return to the TLS secret you created earlier. Let’s use it in a pod.

9.3.3 Using secrets in containers

As explained earlier, you can use secrets in containers the same way you use
config maps - you can use them to set environment variables or create files in
the container’s filesystem. Let’s look at the latter first.

Using a secret volume to project secret entries into files

In one of the previous sections, you created a secret called kiada-tls. Now you
will project the two entries it contains into files using a secret volume. A
secret volume is analogous to the configMap volume used before, but points
to a secret instead of a config map.

To project the TLS certificate and private key into the envoy container of the
kiada-ssl pod, you need to define a new volume and a new volumeMount, as
shown in the next listing, which contains the important parts of the
pod.kiada-ssl.secret-volume.yaml file.

Listing 9.17 Using a secret volume in a pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-ssl
- name: cert-and-key #A
secret: #A
secretName: kiada-tls #A
items: #B
- key: tls.crt #B
path: example-com.crt #B
- key: tls.key #B
path: example-com.key #B
mode: 0600 #C
- name: kiada
- name: envoy
image: envoyproxy/envoy:v1.14.1
volumeMounts: #D
- name: cert-and-key #D
mountPath: /etc/certs #D
readOnly: true #D

If you’ve read section 9.2 on config maps, the definitions of the volume and
volumeMount in this listing should be straightforward since they contain the
same fields as you’d find if you were using a config map. The only two
differences are that the volume type is secret instead of configMap, and that
the name of the referenced secret is specified in the secretName field,
whereas in a configMap volume definition the config map is specified in the
name field.


As with configMap volumes, you can set the file permissions on secret
volumes with the defaultMode and mode fields. Also, you can set the
optional field to true if you want the pod to start even if the referenced
secret doesn’t exist. If you omit the field, the pod won’t start until you create
the secret.

Given the sensitive nature of the example-com.key file, the mode field is used
to set the file permissions to 0600 or rw-------. The file example-com.crt is
given the default permissions.

To illustrate the pod, its secret volume and the referenced secret and its
entries, see the following figure.

Figure 9.6 Projecting a secret’s entries into the container’s filesystem via a secret volume
Reading the files in the secret volume

After you deploy the pod from the previous listing, you can use the following
command to inspect the certificate file in the secret volume:
$ kubectl exec kiada-ssl -c envoy -- cat /etc/certs/example-com.crt

As you can see, when you project the entries of a secret into a container via a
secret volume, the projected file is not Base64-encoded. The application
doesn’t need to decode the file. The same is true if the secret entries are
injected into environment variables.


The files in a secret volume are stored in an in-memory filesystem (tmpfs), so

they are less likely to be compromised.

Injecting secrets into environment variables

As with config maps, you can also inject secrets into the container’s
environment variables. For example, you can inject the TLS certificate into
the TLS_CERT environment variable as if the certificate were stored in a config
map. The following listing shows how you’d do this.

Listing 9.18 Exposing a secret’s key-value pair as an environment variable

- name: my-container
- name: TLS_CERT
valueFrom: #A
secretKeyRef: #A
name: kiada-tls #B
key: tls.crt #C

This is not unlike setting the INITIAL_STATUS_MESSAGE environment variable,

except that you’re now referring to a secret by using secretKeyRef instead of

Instead of using env.valueFrom, you could also use envFrom to inject the
entire secret instead of injecting its entries individually, as you did in section
9.2.3. Instead of configMapRef, you’d use the secretRef field.

Should you inject secrets into environment variables?

As you can see, injecting secrets into environment variables is no different

from injecting config maps. But even if Kubernetes allows you to expose
secrets in this way, it may not be the best idea, as it can pose a security risk.
Applications typically output environment variables in error reports or even
write them to the application log at startup, which can inadvertently expose
secrets if you inject them into environment variables. Also, child processes
inherit all environment variables from the parent process. So, if your
application calls a third-party child process, you don’t know where your
secrets end up.


Instead of injecting secrets into environment variables, project them into the
container as files in a secret volume. This reduces the likelihood that the
secrets will be inadvertently exposed to attackers.

9.4 Passing pod metadata to the application via the

Downward API
So far in this chapter, you’ve learned how to pass configuration data to your
application. But that data was always static. The values were known before
you deployed the pod, and if you deployed multiple pod instances, they
would all use the same values.

But what about data that isn’t known until the pod is created and scheduled to
a cluster node, such as the IP of the pod, the name of the cluster node, or even
the name of the pod itself? And what about data that is already specified
elsewhere in the pod manifest, such as the amount of CPU and memory that
is allocated to the container? Good engineers never want to repeat


You’ll learn how to specify the container’s CPU and memory limits in
chapter 20.

9.4.1 Introducing the Downward API

In the remaining chapters of the book, you’ll learn about many additional
configuration options that you can set in your pods. There are cases where
you need to pass the same information to your application. You could repeat
this information when defining the container’s environment variable, but a
better option is to use what’s called the Kubernetes Downward API, which
allows you to expose pod and container metadata via environment variables
or files.

Understanding what the Downward API is

The Downward API isn’t a REST endpoint that your app needs to call to get
the data. It’s simply a way to inject values from the pod’s metadata, spec, or
status fields down into the container. Hence the name. An illustration of the
Downward API is shown in the following figure.

Figure 9.7 The Downward API exposes pod metadata through environment variables or files.

As you can see, this is no different from setting environment variables or

projecting files from config maps and secrets, except that the values come
from the pod object itself.

Understanding how the metadata is injected

Earlier in the chapter, you learned that you initialize environment variables
from external sources using the valueFrom field. To get the value from a
config map, use the configMapKeyRef field, and to get it from a secret, use
secretKeyRef. To instead use the Downward API to source the value from
the pod object itself, use either the fieldRef or the resourceFieldRef field,
depending on what information you want to inject. The former is used to
refer to the pod’s general metadata, whereas the latter is used to refer to the
container’s compute resource constraints.
Alternatively, you can project the pod’s metadata as files into the container’s
filesystem by adding a downwardAPI volume to the pod, just as you’d add a
configMap or secret volume. You’ll learn how to do this soon, but first let’s
see what information you can inject.

Understanding what metadata can be injected

You can’t use the Downward API to inject any field from the pod object.
Only certain fields are supported. The following table shows the fields you
can inject via fieldRef, and whether they can only be exposed via
environment variables, files, or both.

Table 9.5 Downward API fields injected via the fieldRef field

Field Description in
in env

metadata.name The pod’s name. Yes Yes

metadata.namespace The pod’s namespace. Yes Yes

metadata.uid The pod’s UID. Yes Yes

All the pod’s labels, one

metadata.labels label per line, formatted No Yes
as key=”value”.

The value of the

metadata.labels['key'] Yes Yes
specified label.
All the pod’s
annotations, one per
metadata.annotations line, formatted as No Yes

The value of the

metadata.annotations['key'] Yes Yes
specified annotation.

The name of the worker

spec.nodeName Yes No
node the pod runs on.

The name of the pod’s

spec.serviceAccountName Yes No
service account.

status.podIP The pod’s IP address. Yes No

The worker node’s IP

status.hostIP Yes No

You may not know most of these fields yet, but you will in the remaining
chapters of this book. As you can see, some fields can only be injected into
environment variables, whereas others can only be projected into files. Some
allow doing both.

Information about the container’s computational resource constraints is

injected via the resourceFieldRef field. They can all be injected into
environment variables and via a downwardAPI volume. The following table
lists them.

Table 9.6 Downward API resource fields injected via the resourceFieldRef field
Allowed Allowed
Resource field Description
in env in vol

The container’s CPU

requests.cpu Yes Yes

The container’s memory

requests.memory Yes Yes

The container’s
requests.ephemeral-storage ephemeral storage Yes Yes

The container’s CPU

limits.cpu Yes Yes

The container’s memory

limits.memory Yes Yes

The container’s
limits.ephemeral-storage Yes Yes
ephemeral storage limit.

You’ll learn what resource requests and limits are in chapter 20, which
explains how to constrain the compute resources available to a container.

The book’s code repository contains the file pod.downward-api-test.yaml,

which defines a pod that uses the Downward API to inject each supported
field into both environment variables and files. You can deploy the pod and
then look in its container log to see what was injected.
A practical example of using the Downward API in the Kiada application is
presented next.

9.4.2 Injecting pod metadata into environment variables

At the beginning of this chapter, a new version of the Kiada application was
introduced. The application now includes the pod and node names and their
IP addresses in the HTTP response. You’ll make this information available to
the application through the Downward API.

Injecting pod object fields

The application expects the pod’s name and IP, as well as the node name and
IP, to be passed in via the environment variables POD_NAME, POD_IP,
NODE_NAME, and NODE_IP, respectively. You can find a pod manifest that uses
the Downward API to provide these variables to the container in the
pod.kiada-ssl.downward-api.yaml file. The contents of this file are shown
in the following listing.

Listing 9.19 Using the Downward API to set environment variables

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-ssl
- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.4
env: #A
- name: POD_NAME #B
valueFrom: #B
fieldRef: #B
fieldPath: metadata.name #B
- name: POD_IP #C
valueFrom: #C
fieldRef: #C
fieldPath: status.podIP #C
- name: NODE_NAME #D
valueFrom: #D
fieldRef: #D
fieldPath: spec.nodeName #D
- name: NODE_IP #E
valueFrom: #E
fieldRef: #E
fieldPath: status.hostIP #E

After you create this pod, you can examine its log using kubectl logs. The
application prints the values of the three environment variables at startup.
You can also send a request to the application and you should get a response
like the following:
Request processed by Kiada 0.4 running in pod "kiada-ssl" on node "kind-work
Pod hostname: kiada-ssl; Pod IP:; Node IP: Client IP

Compare the values in the response with the field values in the YAML
definition of the Pod object by running the command kubectl get po
kiada-ssl -o yaml. Alternatively, you can compare them with the output of
the following commands:
$ kubectl get po kiada-ssl -o wide
kiada 1/1 Running 0 7m41s kind-worker ...

$ kubectl get node kind-worker -o wide

kind-worker Ready <none> 26h v1.19.1 ...

You can also inspect the container’s environment by running kubectl exec
kiada-ssl -- env.

Injecting container resource fields

Even if you haven’t yet learned how to constrain the compute resources
available to a container, let’s take a quick look at how to pass those
constraints to the application when it needs them.

Chapter 20 explains how to set the number of CPU cores and the amount of
memory a container may consume. These settings are called CPU and
memory resource limits. Kubernetes ensures that the container can’t use more
than the allocated amount.

Some applications need to know how much CPU time and memory they have
been given to run optimally within the given constraints. That’s another thing
the Downward API is for. The following listing shows how to expose the
CPU and memory limits in environment variables.

Listing 9.20 Using the Downward API to inject the container’s compute resource limits

- name: MAX_CPU_CORES #A
valueFrom: #A
resourceFieldRef: #A
resource: limits.cpu #A
- name: MAX_MEMORY_KB #B
valueFrom: #B
resourceFieldRef: #B
resource: limits.memory #B
divisor: 1k #B

To inject container resource fields, the field resourceFieldRef is used. The

resource field specifies the resource value that is injected.

Each resourceFieldRef can also specify a divisor. It specifies which unit

to use for the value. In the listing, the divisor is set to 1k. This means that
the memory limit value is divided by 1000 and the result is then stored in the
environment variable. So, the memory limit value in the environment variable
will use kilobytes as the unit. If you don’t specify a divisor, as is the case in
the MAX_CPU_CORES variable definition in the listing, the value defaults to 1.

The divisor for memory limits/requests can be 1 (byte), 1k (kilobyte) or 1Ki

(kibibyte), 1M (megabyte) or 1Mi (mebibyte), and so on. The default divisor
for CPU is 1, which is a whole core, but you can also set it to 1m, which is a
milli core or a thousandth of a core.

Because environment variables are defined within a container definition, the

resource constraints of the enclosing container are used by default. In cases
where a container needs to know the resource limits of another container in
the pod, you can specify the name of the other container using the
containerName field within resourceFieldRef.

9.4.3 Using a downwardAPI volume to expose pod metadata as

As with config maps and secrets, pod metadata can also be projected as files
into the container’s filesystem using the downwardAPI volume type.

Suppose you want to expose the name of the pod in the /pod-metadata/pod-
name file inside the container. The following listing shows the volume and
volumeMount definitions you’d add to the pod.

Listing 9.21 Injecting pod metadata into the container’s filesystem

volumes: #A
- name: pod-meta #A
downwardAPI: #A
items: #B
- path: pod-name.txt #B
fieldRef: #B
fieldPath: metadata.name #B
- name: foo
volumeMounts: #C
- name: pod-meta #C
mountPath: /pod-metadata #C

The pod manifest in the listing contains a single volume of type

downwardAPI. The volume definition contains a single file named pod-
name.txt, which contains the name of the pod read from the metadata.name
field of the pod object. This volume is mounted in the container’s filesystem
at /pod-metadata.

As with environment variables, each item in a downwardAPI volume

definition uses either fieldRef to refer to the pod object’s fields, or
resourceFieldRef to refer to the container’s resource fields. For resource
fields, the containerName field must be specified because volumes are
defined at the pod level and it isn’t obvious which container’s resources are
being referenced. As with environment variables, a divisor can be specified
to convert the value into the expected unit.

As with configMap and secret volumes, you can set the default file
permissions using the defaultMode field or per-file using the mode field, as
explained earlier.

9.5 Using projected volumes to combine volumes

into one
In this chapter, you learned how to use three special volume types to inject
values from config maps, secrets, and the Pod object itself. Unless you use
the subPath field in your volumeMount definition, you can't inject the files
from these different sources, or even multiple sources of the same type, into
the same file directory. For example, you can't combine the keys from
different secrets into a single volume and mount them into a single file
directory. While the subPath field allows you to inject individual files from
multiple volumes, it isn’t the final solution because it prevents the files from
being updated when the source values change.

If you need to populate a single volume from multiple sources, you can use
the projected volume type.

9.5.1 Introducing the projected volume type

Projected volumes allow you to combine information from multiple config

maps, secrets, and the Downward API into a single pod volume that you can
then mount in the pod’s containers. They behave exactly like the configMap,
secret, and downwardAPI volumes you learned about in the previous sections
of this chapter. They provide the same features and are configured in almost
the same way as the other volume types.

The following figure shows a visualization of a projected volume.

Figure 9.8 Using a projected volume with several sources

In addition to the three volume types described earlier, you can also use
projected volumes to expose the service account token to your application.
You’ll learn what those are in chapter 23.

9.5.2 Using a projected volume in a pod

In the final exercise of this chapter, you’ll modify the kiada-ssl pod to use a
single projected volume in the envoy container. The previous version of the
pod used a configMap volume mounted in /etc/envoy to inject the
envoy.yaml config file and a secret volume mounted in /etc/certs to
inject the TLS certificate and key files. You’ll now replace these two
volumes with a single projected volume. This will allow you to keep all
three files in the same directory (/etc/envoy).

First, you need to change the TLS certificate paths in the envoy.yaml
configuration file inside the kiada-envoy-config config map so that the
certificate and key are read from the same directory. After editing, the lines in
the config map should look like this:
- certificate_chain:
filename: "/etc/envoy/example-com.crt" #A
filename: "/etc/envoy/example-com.key" #B

You can find the pod manifest with the projected volume in the file
pod.kiada-ssl.projected-volume.yaml. The relevant parts are shown in
the next listing.

Listing 9.22 Using a projected volume instead of a configMap and secret volume

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-ssl
- name: etc-envoy #A
projected: #A
sources: #A
- configMap: #B
name: kiada-envoy-config #B
- secret: #C
name: kiada-tls #C
items: #C
- key: tls.crt #C
path: example-com.crt #C
- key: tls.key #C
path: example-com.key #C
mode: 0600 #D
- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:1.2
- name: envoy
image: envoyproxy/envoy:v1.14.1
volumeMounts: #E
- name: etc-envoy #E
mountPath: /etc/envoy #E
readOnly: true #E

The listing shows that a single projected volume named etc-envoy is

defined in the pod. Two sources are used for this volume. The first is the
kiada-envoy-config config map. All entries in this config map become files
in the projected volume. The second source is the kiada-tls secret. Two of
its entries become files in the projected volume - the value of the tls.crt
key becomes file example-com.crt, whereas the value of the tls.key key
becomes file example-com.key in the volume. The volume is mounted in
read-only mode in the envoy container at /etc/envoy.

As you can see, the source definitions in the projected volume are not much
different from the configMap and secret volumes you created in the
previous sections. Therefore, further explanation of the projected volumes is
unnecessary. Everything you learned about the other volumes also applies to
this new volume type.

9.6 Summary
This wraps up this chapter on how to pass configuration data to containers.
You’ve learned that:

The default command and arguments defined in the container image can
be overridden in the pod manifest.
Environment variables for each container can also be set in the pod
manifest. Their values can be hardcoded in the manifest or can come
from other Kubernetes API objects.
Config maps are Kubernetes API objects used to store configuration
data in the form of key/value pairs. Secrets are another similar type of
object used to store sensitive data such as credentials, certificates, and
authentication keys.
Entries of both config maps and secrets can be exposed within a
container as environment variables or as files via the configMap and
secret volumes.
Config maps and other API objects can be edited in place using the
kubectl edit command.
The Downward API provides a way to expose the pod metadata to the
application running within it. Like config maps and secrets, this data can
be injected into environment variables or files.
Projected volumes can be used to combine multiple volumes of possibly
different types into a composite volume that is mounted into a single
directory, rather than being forced to mount each individual volume into
its own directory.

You’ve now seen that an application deployed in Kubernetes may require

many additional objects. If you are deploying many applications in the same
cluster, you need organize them so that everyone can see what fits where. In
the next chapter, you’ll learn how to do just that.
10 Organizing objects using
Namespaces and Labels
This chapter covers
Using namespaces to split a physical cluster into virtual clusters
Organizing objects using labels
Using label selectors to perform operations on subsets of objects
Using label selectors to schedule pods onto specific nodes
Using field selectors to filter objects based on their properties
Annotating objects with additional non-identifying information

A Kubernetes cluster is usually used by many teams. How should these teams
deploy objects to the same cluster and organize them so that one team doesn’t
accidentally modify the objects created by other teams?

And how can a large team deploying hundreds of microservices organize

them so that each team member, even if new to the team, can quickly see
where each object belongs and what its role in the system is? For example, to
which application does a config map or a secret belong.

These are two different problems. Kubernetes solves the first with object
namespaces, and the other with object labels. In this chapter, you will learn
about both.


You’ll find the code files for this chapter at


10.1 Organizing objects into Namespaces

Imagine that your organization is running a single Kubernetes cluster that’s
used by multiple engineering teams. Each of these teams deploys the entire
Kiada application suite to develop and test it. You want each team to only
deal with their own instance of the application suite - each team only wants to
see the objects they’ve created and not those created by the other teams. This
is achieved by creating objects in separate Kubernetes namespaces.


Namespaces in Kubernetes help organize Kubernetes API objects into non-

overlapping groups. They have nothing to do with Linux namespaces, which
help isolate processes running in one container from those in another, as you
learned in chapter 2.

Figure 10.1 Splitting a physical cluster into several virtual clusters by utilizing Kubernetes

As shown in the previous figure, you can use namespaces to divide a single
physical Kubernetes cluster into many virtual clusters. Instead of everyone
creating their objects in a single location, each team gets access to one or
more namespaces in which to create their objects. Because namespaces
provide a scope for object names, different teams can use the same names for
their objects when they create them in their respective namespaces. Some
namespaces can be shared between different teams or individual users.

Understanding when to organize objects into namespaces

Using multiple namespaces allows you to divide complex systems with

numerous components into smaller groups that are managed by different
teams. They can also be used to separate objects in a multitenant
environment. For example, you can create a separate namespace (or a group
of namespaces) for each client and deploy the entire application suite for that
client in that namespace (or group).


Most Kubernetes API object types are namespaced, but a few are not. Pods,
ConfigMaps, Secrets, PersistentVolumeClaims, and Events are all
namespaced. Nodes, PersistentVolumes, StorageClasses, and Namespaces
themselves are not. To see if a resource is namespaced or cluster-scoped,
check the NAMESPACED column when running kubectl api-resources.

Without namespaces, each user of the cluster would have to prefix their
object names with a unique prefix or each user would have to use their own
Kubernetes cluster.

Figure 10.2 Some Kubernetes API types are namespaced, whereas others are cluster-scoped.
As you’ll learn in chapter 23, namespaces also provide a scope for user
privileges. A user may have permission to manage objects in one namespace
but not in others. Similarly, resource quotas, which are also tied to
namespaces, are explained in chapter 20.

10.1.1 Listing namespaces and the objects they contain

Every Kubernetes cluster you create contains a few common namespaces.
Let’s see what they are.

Listing namespaces

Since each namespace is represented by the Namespace object, you can

display them with the kubectl get command, as you would any other
Kubernetes API object. To see the namespaces in your cluster, run the
following command:
$ kubectl get namespaces
default Active 1h
kube-node-lease Active 1h
kube-public Active 1h
kube-system Active 1h
local-path-storage Active 1h


The short form for namespace is ns. You can also list namespaces with
kubectl get ns.

Up to this point, you’ve been working in the default namespace. Every time
you created an object, it was created in that namespace. Similarly, when you
listed objects, such as pods, with the kubectl get command, the command
only displayed the objects in that namespace. You may be wondering if there
are pods in the other namespaces. Let’s take a look.


Namespaces prefixed with kube- are reserved for Kubernetes system


Listing objects in a specific namespace

To list the pods in the kube-system namespace, run kubectl get with the --
namespace option as follows:

$ kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system

coredns-558bd4d5db-4n5zg 1/1 Running 0 1h
coredns-558bd4d5db-tnfws 1/1 Running 0 1h
etcd-kind-control-plane 1/1 Running 0 1h
kindnet-54ks9 1/1 Running 0 1h


You can also use -n instead of --namespace.

You’ll learn more about these pods later in this book. Don’t worry if the pods
shown here don’t exactly match the ones in your cluster. As the namespace
name implies, these are the Kubernetes system pods. By having them in this
separate namespace, everything stays neatly nice and clear. If they were all in
the default namespace, mixed in with the pods you create yourself, it would
be hard to tell what belongs where, and you could accidentally delete system

Listing objects across all namespaces

Instead of listing objects in each namespace individually, you can also tell
kubectl to list objects in all namespaces. This time, instead of listing pods,
let’s list all config maps in the cluster:
$ kubectl get cm --all-namespaces
default kiada-envoy-config 2 1h
default kube-root-ca.crt 1 1h
kube-node-lease kube-root-ca.crt 1 1h
kube-public cluster-info 1 1h
kube-public kube-root-ca.crt 1 1h


You can also type -A instead of --all-namespaces.

The --all-namespaces option is handy when you want to see all objects in
the cluster, regardless of namespace, or when you can’t remember which
namespace an object is in.

10.1.2 Creating namespaces

Now that you know the other namespaces in your cluster, you’ll create two
new namespaces.

Creating a namespace with kubectl create namespace

The fastest way to create a namespace is to use the kubectl create

namespace command. Create a namespace named kiada-test as follows:

$ kubectl create namespace kiada-test1

namespace/kiada-test1 created


The names of most objects must conform to the naming conventions for DNS
subdomain names, as specified in RFC 1123, that is, they may contain only
lowercase alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and dots, and must start and end
with an alphanumeric character. The same applies to namespaces, but they
may not contain dots.

You’ve just created the namespace kiada-test1. You’ll now create another
one using a different method.

Creating a namespace from a manifest file

As mentioned earlier, Kubernetes namespaces are represented by Namespace

objects. As such, you can list them with the kubectl get command, as
you’ve already done, but you can also create them from a YAML or JSON
manifest file that you post to the Kubernetes API.

Use this method to create another namespace called kiada-test2. First,

create a file named ns.kiada-test.yaml with the contents of the following

Listing 10.1 A YAML definition of a Namespace object

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace #A
name: kiada-test2 #B

Now, use kubectl apply to post the file to the Kubernetes API:
$ kubectl apply -f ns.kiada-test.yaml
namespace/kiada-test2 created

Developers don’t usually create namespaces this way, but operators do. For
example, if you want to create a set of manifest files for a suite of
applications will be distributed across multiple namespaces, you can add the
necessary Namespace objects to those manifests so that everything can be
deployed without having to first create the namespaces with kubectl create
and then apply the manifests.

Before you continue, you should run kubectl get ns to list all namespaces
again to see that your cluster now contains the two namespaces you created.

10.1.3 Managing objects in other namespaces

You’ve now created two new namespaces: kiada-test1 and kiada-test2,
but as mentioned earlier, you’re still in the default namespace. If you create
an object such as a pod without explicitly specifying the namespace, the
object is created in the default namespace.

Creating objects in a specific namespace

In section 10.1.1, you learned that you can specify the --namespace argument
(or the shorter -n option) to list objects in a particular namespace. You can
use the same argument when applying an object manifest to the API.

To create the kiada-ssl pod and its associated config map and secret in the
kiada-test1 namespace, run the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f kiada-ssl.yaml -n kiada-test1

pod/kiada-ssl created
configmap/kiada-envoy-config created
secret/kiada-tls created

You can now list pods, config maps and secrets in the kiada-test1
namespace to confirm that these objects were created there and not in the
default namespace:

$ kubectl -n kiada-test1 get pods

kiada-ssl 2/2 Running 0 1m

Specifying the namespace in the object manifest

The object manifest can specify the namespace of the object in the namespace
field in the manifest’s metadata section. When you apply the manifest with
the kubectl apply command, the object is created in the specified
namespace. You don’t need to specify the namespace with the --namespace

The manifest shown in the following listing contains the same three objects
as before, but with the namespace specified in the manifest.

Listing 10.2 Specifying the namespace in the object manifest

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-ssl
namespace: kiada-test2 #A
volumes: ...

When you apply this manifest with the following command, the pod, config
map, and secret are created in the kiada-test2 namespace:
$ kubectl apply -f pod.kiada-ssl.kiada-test2-namespace.yaml
pod/kiada-ssl created
configmap/kiada-envoy-config created
secret/kiada-tls created

Notice that you didn’t specify the --namespace option this time. If you did,
the namespace would have to match the namespace specified in the object
manifest, or kubectl would display an error like in the following example:
$ kubectl apply -f kiada-ssl.kiada-test2-namespace.yaml -n kiada-test1
the namespace from the provided object "kiada-test2" does not match the name

Making kubectl default to a different namespace

In the previous two examples you learned how to create and manage objects
in namespaces other than the namespace that kubectl is currently using as the
default. You’ll use the --namespace option frequently - especially when you
want to quickly check what’s in another namespace. However, you’ll do most
of your work in the current namespace.

After you create a new namespace, you’ll usually run many commands in it.
To make your life easier, you can tell kubectl to switch to that namespace.
The current namespace is a property of the current kubectl context, which is
configured in the kubeconfig file.


You learned about the kubeconfig file in chapter 3.

To switch to a different namespace, update the current context. For example,

to switch to the kiada-test1 namespace, run the following command:
$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace kiada-test1
Context "kind-kind" modified.

Every kubectl command you run from now on will use the kiada-test1
namespace. For example, you can now list the pods in this namespace by
simply typing kubectl get pods.


To quickly switch to a different namespace, you can set up the following

alias: alias kns='kubectl config set-context --current --namespace
'. You can then switch between namespaces with kns some-namespace.
Alternatively, you can install a kubectl plugin that does the same thing. You
can find it at https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectx

There’s not much more to learn about creating and managing objects in
different namespaces. But before you wrap up this section, I need to explain
how well Kubernetes isolates workloads running in different namespaces.

10.1.4 Understanding the (lack of) isolation between

You created several pods in different namespaces so far. You already know
how to use the --all-namespaces option (or -A for short) to list pods across
all namespaces, so please do so now:
$ kubectl get pods -A
default kiada-ssl 2/2 Running 0 8h #A
default quiz 2/2 Running 0 8h
default quote 2/2 Running 0 8h
kiada-test1 kiada-ssl 2/2 Running 0 2m #A
kiada-test2 kiada-ssl 2/2 Running 0 1m #A

In the output of the command, you should see at least two pods named
kiada-ssl. One in the kiada-test1 namespace and the other in the kiada-
test2 namespace. You may also have another pod named kiada-ssl in the
default namespace from the exercises in the previous chapters. In this case,
there are three pods in your cluster with the same name, all of which you
were able to create without issue thanks to namespaces. Other users of the
same cluster could deploy many more of these pods without stepping on each
other’s toes.

Understanding the runtime isolation between pods in different


When users use namespaces in a single physical cluster, it’s as if they each
use their own virtual cluster. But this is only true up to the point of being able
to create objects without running into naming conflicts. The physical cluster
nodes are shared by all users in the cluster. This means that the isolation
between the their pods is not the same as if they were running on different
physical clusters and therefore on different physical nodes.

Figure 10.3 Pods from different namespaces may run on the same cluster node.
When two pods created in different namespaces are scheduled to the same
cluster node, they both run in the same OS kernel. Although they are isolated
from each other with container technologies, an application that breaks out of
its container or consumes too much of the node’s resources can affect the
operation of the other application. Kubernetes namespaces play no role here.

Understanding network isolation between namespaces

Unless explicitly configured to do so, Kubernetes doesn’t provide network

isolation between applications running in pods in different namespaces. An
application running in one namespace can communicate with applications
running in other namespaces. By default, there is no network isolation
between namespaces. However, you can use the NetworkPolicy object to
configure which applications in which namespaces can connect to which
applications in other namespaces. You’ll learn about this in chapter 25.

Using namespaces to separate production, staging and development


Because namespaces don’t provide true isolation, you should not use them to
split a single physical Kubernetes cluster into the production, staging, and
development environments. Hosting each environment on a separate physical
cluster is a much safer approach.

10.1.5 Deleting namespaces

Let’s conclude this section on namespaces by deleting the two namespaces

you created. When you delete the Namespace object, all the objects you
created in that namespace are automatically deleted. You don’t need to delete
them first.

Delete the kiada-test2 namespaces as follows:

$ kubectl delete ns kiada-test2
namespace "kiada-test2" deleted

The command blocks until everything in the namespace and the namespace
itself are deleted. But, if you interrupt the command and list the namespaces
before the deletion is complete, you’ll see that the namespace’s status is

$ kubectl get ns
default Active 2h
kiada-test1 Active 2h
kiada-test2 Terminating 2h

The reason I show this is because you will eventually run the delete
command and it will never finish. You’ll probably interrupt the command
and check the namespace list, as I show here. Then you’ll wonder why the
namespace termination doesn’t complete.

Diagnosing why namespace termination is stuck

In short, the reason a namespace can’t be deleted is because one or more

objects created in it can’t be deleted. You may think to yourself, “Oh, I’ll list
the objects in the namespace with kubectl get all to see which object is
still there,” but that usually doesn’t get you any further because kubectl
doesn’t return any results.


Remember that the kubectl get all command lists only some types of
objects. For example, it doesn’t list secrets. Even though the command
doesn’t return anything, this doesn’t mean that the namespace is empty.

In most, if not all, cases where I’ve seen a namespace get stuck this way, the
problem was caused by a custom object and its custom controller not
processing the object’s deletion and removing a finalizer from the object.
You’ll learn more about finalizers in chapter 15, and about custom objects
and controllers in chapter 29.

Here I just want to show you how to figure out which object is causing the
namespace to be stuck. Here’s a hint: Namespace objects also have a status
field. While the kubectl describe command normally also displays the
status of the object, at the time of writing this is not the case for Namespaces.
I consider this to be a bug that will likely be fixed at some point. Until then,
you can check the status of the namespace as follows:
$ kubectl get ns kiada-test2 -o yaml
- lastTransitionTime: "2021-10-10T08:35:11Z"
message: All resources successfully discovered
reason: ResourcesDiscovered
status: "False"
type: NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure
- lastTransitionTime: "2021-10-10T08:35:11Z"
message: All legacy kube types successfully parsed
reason: ParsedGroupVersions
status: "False"
type: NamespaceDeletionGroupVersionParsingFailure
- lastTransitionTime: "2021-10-10T08:35:11Z" #A
message: All content successfully deleted, may be waiting on finalizatio
reason: ContentDeleted #A
status: "False" #A
type: NamespaceDeletionContentFailure #A
- lastTransitionTime: "2021-10-10T08:35:11Z" #B
message: 'Some resources are remaining: pods. has 1 resource instances'
reason: SomeResourcesRemain #B
status: "True" #B
type: NamespaceContentRemaining #B
- lastTransitionTime: "2021-10-10T08:35:11Z" #C
message: 'Some content in the namespace has finalizers remaining: #C
xyz.xyz/xyz-finalizer in 1 resource instances' #C
reason: SomeFinalizersRemain #C
status: "True" #C
type: NamespaceFinalizersRemaining #C
phase: Terminating

When you delete the kiada-test2 namespace, you won’t see the output in this
example. The command output in this example is hypothetical. I forced
Kubernetes to produce it to demonstrate what happens when the delete
process gets stuck. If you look at the output, you’ll see that the objects in the
namespace were all successfully marked for deletion, but one pod remains in
the namespace due to a finalizer that was not removed from the pod. Don’t
worry about finalizers for now. You’ll learn about them soon enough.

Before proceeding to the next section, please also delete the kiada-test1

10.2 Organizing pods with labels

In this book, you will build and deploy the full Kiada application suite, which
is composed of several services. So far, you’ve implemented the Kiada, the
Quote service, and the Quiz service. These services run in three different
pods. Accompanying the pods are other types of objects, like config maps,
secrets, persistent volumes, and claims.

As you can imagine, the number of these objects will increase as the book
progresses. Before things get out of hand, you need to start organizing these
objects so that you and all the other users in your cluster can easily figure out
which objects belong to which service.

In other systems that use a microservices architecture, the number of services

can exceed 100 or more. Some of these services are replicated, which means
that multiple copies of the same pod are deployed. Also, at certain points in
time, multiple versions of a service are running simultaneously. This results
in hundreds or even thousands of pods in the system.

Imagine you, too, start replicating and running multiple releases of the pods
in your Kiada suite. For example, suppose you are running both the stable
and canary release of the Kiada service.


A canary release is a deployment pattern where you deploy a new version of

an application alongside the stable version, and direct only a small portion of
requests to the new version to see how it behaves before rolling it out to all
users. This prevents a bad release from being made available to too many

You run three replicas of the stable Kiada version, and one canary instance.
Similarly, you run three instances of the stable release of the Quote service,
along with a canary release of the Quote service. You run a single, stable
release of the Quiz service. All these pods are shown in the following figure.

Figure 10.4 Unorganized pods of the Kiada application suite

Even with only nine pods in the system, the system diagram is challenging to
understand. And it doesn’t even show any of the other API objects required
by the pods. It’s obvious that you need to organize them into smaller groups.
You could split these three services into three namespaces, but that’s not the
real purpose of namespaces. A more appropriate mechanism for this case is
object labels.

10.2.1 Introducing labels

Labels are an incredibly powerful yet simple feature for organizing
Kubernetes API objects. A label is a key-value pair you attach to an object
that allows any user of the cluster to identify the object’s role in the system.
Both the key and the value are simple strings that you can specify as you
wish. An object can have more than one label, but the label keys must be
unique within that object. You normally add labels to objects when you
create them, but you can also change an object’s labels later.

Using labels to provide additional information about an object

To illustrate the benefits of adding labels to objects, let’s take the pods shown
in figure 10.4. These pods run three different services - the Kiada service, the
Quote, and the Quiz service. Additionally, the pods behind the Kiada and
Quote services run different releases of each application. There are three pod
instances running a stable release and one running a canary release.

To help identify the application and the release running in each pod, we use
pod labels. Kubernetes does not care what labels you add to your objects.
You can choose the keys and values however you want. In the case at hand,
the following two labels make sense:

The app label indicates to which application the pod belongs.

The rel label indicates whether the pod is running the stable or canary
release of the application.

As you can see in the following figure, the value of the app label is set to
kiada in all three kiada-xxx and the kiada-canary pod, since all these pods
are running the Kiada application. The rel label differs between the pods
running the stable release and the pod running the canary release.
Figure 10.5 Labelling pods with the app and rel label

The illustration shows only the kiada pods, but imagine adding the same two
labels to the other pods as well. With these labels, users that come across
these pods can easily tell what application and what kind of release is running
in the pod.

Understanding how labels keep objects organized

If you haven’t yet realized the value of adding labels to an object, consider
that by adding the app and rel labels, you’ve organized your pods in two
dimensions (horizontally by application and vertically by release), as shown
in the next figure.

Figure 10.6 All the pods of the Kiada suite organized by two criteria
This may seem abstract until you see how these labels make it easier to
manage these pods with kubectl, so let’s get practical.

10.2.2 Attaching labels to pods

The book’s code archive contains a set of manifest files with all the pods
from the previous example. All the stable pods are already labelled, but the
canary pods aren’t. You’ll label them manually.

Setting up the exercise

To get started, create a new namespace called kiada as follows:

$ kubectl create namespace kiada
namespace/kiada created

Configure kubectl to default to this new namespace like this:

$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace kiada
Context "kind-kind" modified.
The manifest files are organized into three subdirectories within
Chapter10/kiada-suite/. Instead of applying each manifest individually,
you can apply them all with the following command:
$ kubectl apply -f kiada-suite/ --recursive #A
configmap/kiada-envoy-config created
pod/kiada-001 created
pod/kiada-002 created
pod/kiada-003 created
pod/kiada-canary created
secret/kiada-tls created
pod/quiz created
persistentvolumeclaim/quiz-data created
pod/quote-001 created
pod/quote-002 created
pod/quote-003 created
pod/quote-canary created

You’re used to applying a single manifest file, but here you use the -f option
to specify a directory name. Kubectl will apply all manifest files it finds in
that directory. The --recursive option causes kubectl to look for manifests
in all subdirectories instead of just the specified directory.

As you can see, this command created several objects of different kinds.
Labels help keep them organized.

Defining labels in object manifests

Examine the manifest file kiada-suite/kiada/pod.kiada-001.yaml shown

in the following listing. Look at the metadata section. Besides the name field,
which you’ve seen many times before, this manifest also contains the labels
field. It specifies two labels: app and rel.

Listing 10.3 A pod with labels

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-001
labels: #A
app: kiada #B
rel: stable #C

Labels are supported by all object kinds. Regardless of the kind, you add
labels to the object by specifying them in the metadata.labels map.

Displaying object labels

You can see the labels of a particular object by running the kubectl
describe command. View the labels of the pod kiada-001 as follows:

$ kubectl describe pod kiada-001

Name: kiada-001
Namespace: kiada
Priority: 0
Node: kind-worker2/
Start Time: Sun, 10 Oct 2021 21:58:25 +0200
Labels: app=kiada #A
rel=stable #A
Annotations: <none> #B

The kubectl get pods command doesn’t display labels by default, but you
can display them with the --show-labels option. Check the labels of all pods
in the namespace as follows:
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels
kiada-canary 2/2 Running 0 12m <none> #B
kiada-001 2/2 Running 0 12m app=kiada,rel=stable #C
kiada-002 2/2 Running 0 12m app=kiada,rel=stable #C
kiada-003 2/2 Running 0 12m app=kiada,rel=stable #C
quiz 2/2 Running 0 12m app=quiz,rel=stable #D
quote-canary 2/2 Running 0 12m <none> #B
quote-001 2/2 Running 0 12m app=quote,rel=stable #E
quote-002 2/2 Running 0 12m app=quote,rel=stable #E
quote-003 2/2 Running 0 12m app=quote,rel=stable #E

Instead of showing all labels with --show-labels, you can also show specific
labels with the --label-columns option (or the shorter variant -L). Each
label is displayed in its own column. List all pods along with their app and
rel labels as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -L app,rel
kiada-canary 2/2 Running 0 14m
kiada-001 2/2 Running 0 14m kiada stable
kiada-002 2/2 Running 0 14m kiada stable
kiada-003 2/2 Running 0 14m kiada stable
quiz 2/2 Running 0 14m quiz stable
quote-canary 2/2 Running 0 14m
quote-001 2/2 Running 0 14m quote stable
quote-002 2/2 Running 0 14m quote stable
quote-003 2/2 Running 0 14m quote stable

You can see that the two canary pods have no labels. Let’s add them.

Adding labels to an existing object

To add labels to an existing object, you can edit the object’s manifest file,
add labels to the metadata section, and reapply the manifest using kubectl
apply. You can also edit the object definition directly in the API using
kubectl edit. However, the simplest method is to use the kubectl label

Add the labels app and rel to the kiada-canary pod using the following
$ kubectl label pod kiada-canary app=kiada rel=canary
pod/kiada-canary labeled

Now do the same for the pod quote-canary:

$ kubectl label pod quote-canary app=kiada rel=canary
pod/quote-canary labeled

List the pods and display their labels to confirm that all pods are now
labelled. If you didn’t notice the error when you entered the previous
command, you probably caught it when you listed the pods. The app label of
the pod quote-canary is set to the wrong value (kiada instead of quote).
Let’s fix this.

Changing labels of an existing object

You can use the same command to update object labels. To change the label
you set incorrectly, run the following command:
$ kubectl label pod quote-canary app=quote
error: 'app' already has a value (kiada), and --overwrite is false

To prevent accidentally changing the value of an existing label, you must

explicitly tell kubectl to overwrite the label with --overwrite. Here’s the
correct command:
$ kubectl label pod quote-canary app=quote --overwrite
pod/quote-canary labeled

List the pods again to check that all the labels are now correct.

Labelling all objects of a kind

Now imagine that you want to deploy another application suite in the same
namespace. Before doing this, it is useful to add the suite label to all
existing pods so that you can distinguish which pods belong to one suite and
which belong to the other. Run the following command to add the label to all
pods in the namespace:
$ kubectl label pod --all suite=kiada-suite
pod/kiada-canary labeled
pod/kiada-001 labeled
pod/quote-003 labeled

List the pods again with the --show-labels or the -L suite option to
confirm that all pods now contain this new label.

Removing a label from an object

Okay, I lied. You will not be setting up another application suite. Therefore,
the suite label is redundant. To remove the label from an object, run the
kubectl label command with a minus sign after the label key as follows:

$ kubectl label pod kiada-canary suite- #A

pod/kiada-canary labeled
To remove the label from all other pods, specify --all instead of the pod
$ kubectl label pod --all suite-
label "suite" not found. #A
pod/kiada-canary not labeled #A
pod/kiada-001 labeled
pod/quote-003 labeled


If you set the label value to an empty string, the label key is not removed. To
remove it, you must use the minus sign after the label key.

10.2.3 Label syntax rules

While you can label your objects however you like, there are some
restrictions on both the label keys and the values.

Valid label keys

In the examples, you used the label keys app, rel, and suite. These keys
have no prefix and are considered private to the user. Common label keys
that Kubernetes itself applies or reads always start with a prefix. This also
applies to labels used by Kubernetes components outside of the core, as well
as other commonly accepted label keys.

An example of a prefixed label key used by Kubernetes is

kubernetes.io/arch. You can find it on Node objects to identify the
architecture type used by the node.
$ kubectl get node -L kubernetes.io/arch
kind-control-plane Ready control-plane,master 31d v1.21.1 amd64
kind-worker Ready <none> 31d v1.21.1 amd64
kind-worker2 Ready <none> 31d v1.21.1 amd64

The label prefixes kubernetes.io/ and k8s.io/ are reserved for Kubernetes
components. If you want to use a prefix for your labels, use your
organization’s domain name to avoid conflicts.

When choosing a key for your labels, some syntax restrictions apply to both
the prefix and the name part. The following table provides examples of valid
and invalid label keys.

Table 10.1 Examples of valid and invalid label keys

Valid label keys Invalid label keys

foo _foo

foo-bar_baz foo%bar*baz

example/foo /foo

example/FOO EXAMPLE/foo

example.com/foo example..com/foo

my_example.com/foo my@example.com/foo

example.com/foo-bar example.com/-foo-bar

my.example.com/foo a.very.long.prefix.over.253.characters/foo

The following syntax rules apply to the prefix:

Must be a DNS subdomain (must contain only lowercase alphanumeric

characters, hyphens, underscores, and dots).
Must be no more than 253 characters long (not including the slash
Must end with a forward slash.

The prefix must be followed by the label name, which:

Must begin and end with an alphanumeric character.

May contain hyphens, underscores, and dots.
May contain uppercase letters.
May not be longer than 63 characters.

Valid label values

Remember that labels are used to add identifying information to your objects.
As with label keys, there are certain rules you must follow for label values.
For example, label values can’t contain spaces or special characters. The
following table provides examples of valid and invalid label values.

Table 10.2 Examples of valid and invalid label values

Valid label values Invalid label values

foo _foo

foo-bar_baz foo%bar*baz

FOO value.longer.than.63.characters

(empty) value with spaces

A label value:

May be empty.
Must begin with an alphanumeric character if not empty.
May contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores, and
Must not contain spaces or other whitespace.
Must be no more than 63 characters long.

If you need to add values that don’t follow these rules, you can add them as
annotations instead of labels. You’ll learn more about annotations later in this

10.2.4 Using standard label keys

While you can always choose your own label keys, there are some standard
keys you should know. Some of these are used by Kubernetes itself to label
system objects, while others have become common for use in user-created

Well-known labels used by Kubernetes

Kubernetes doesn’t usually add labels to the objects you create. However, it
does use various labels for system objects such as Nodes and
PersistentVolumes, especially if the cluster is running in a cloud
environment. The following table lists some well-known labels you might
find on these objects.

Table 10.3 Well-known labels on Nodes and PersistentVolumes

Label key Applied to Description

kubernetes.io/arch amd64 Node architecture
of the node.

The operating
kubernetes.io/os linux Node running on
the node.

The node’s
kubernetes.io/hostname worker-node2 Node

The region in
which the
Node node or
topology.kubernetes.io/ region eu-west3
PersistentVolume persistent
volume is

The zone in
which the
Node node or
topology.kubernetes.io/ zone eu-west3-c
PersistentVolume persistent
volume is

The node
instance type.
Set when
node.kubernetes.io/ instance-type micro-1 Node
using cloud-


You can also find some of these labels under the older prefix
beta.kubernetes.io, in addition to kubernetes.io.
Cloud providers can provide additional labels for nodes and other objects.
For example, Google Kubernetes Engine adds the labels
cloud.google.com/gke-nodepool and cloud.google.com/gke-os-
distribution to provide further information about each node. You can also
find more standard labels on other objects.

Recommended labels for deployed application components

The Kubernetes community has agreed on a set of standard labels that you
can add to your objects so that other users and tools can understand them.
The following table lists these standard labels.

Table 10.4 Recommended labels used in the Kubernetes community

Label Example Description

The name of the

application. If the
application consists of
app.kubernetes.io/name quotes
multiple components,
this is the name of the
entire application, not
the individual

The name of this

application instance. If
you create multiple
instances of the same
app.kubernetes.io/instance quotes-foo application for
different purposes, this
label helps you
distinguish between
The role that this
app.kubernetes.io/component database
component plays in the

The name of the

app.kubernetes.io/part-of kubia-demo
application suite to
which this application

app.kubernetes.io/version 1.0.0
The version of the

The tool that manages

app.kubernetes.io/managed-by quotes-operator
the deployment and
update of this

All objects belonging to the same application instance should have the same
set of labels. For example, the pod and the persistent volume claim used by
that pod should have the same values for the labels listed in the previous
table. This way, anyone using the Kubernetes cluster can see which
components belong together and which do not. Also, you can manage these
components using bulk operations by using label selectors, which are
explained in the next section.

10.3 Filtering objects with label selectors

The labels you added to the pods in the previous exercises allow you to
identify each object and understand its place in the system. So far, these
labels have only provided additional information when you list objects. But
the real power of labels comes when you use label selectors to filter objects
based on their labels.

Label selectors allow you to select a subset of pods or other objects that
contain a particular label and perform an operation on those objects. A label
selector is a criterion that filters objects based on whether they contain a
particular label key with a particular value.

There are two types of label selectors:

equality-based selectors, and

set-based selectors.

Introducing equality-based selectors

An equality-based selector can filter objects based on whether the value of a

particular label is equal to or not equal to a particular value. For example,
applying the label selector app=quote to all pods in our previous example
selects all quote pods (all stable instances plus the canary instance), as shown
in the following figure.

Figure 10.7 Selecting objects using an equality-based selector

Similarly, the label selector app!=quote selects all pods except the quote

Introducing set-based selectors

Set-based selectors are more powerful and allow you to specify:

a set of values that a particular label must have; for example: app in
(quiz, quote),
a set of values that a particular label must not have; for example: app
notin (kiada),
a particular label key that should be present in the object’s labels; for
example, to select objects that have the app label, the selector is simply
a particular label key that should not be present in the object’s labels; for
example, to select objects that do not have the app label, the selector is

Combining multiple selectors

When you filter objects, you can combine multiple selectors. To be selected,
an object must match all of the specified selectors. As shown in the following
figure, the selector app=quote,rel=canary selects the pod quote-canary.

Figure 10.8 Combining two label selectors

You use label selectors when managing objects with kubectl, but they are
also used internally by Kubernetes when an object references a subset of
other objects. These scenarios are covered in the next two sections.

10.3.1 Using label selectors for object management with kubectl

If you’ve been following the exercises in this book, you’ve used the kubectl
get command many times to list objects in your cluster. When you run this
command without specifying a label selector, it prints all the objects of a
particular kind. Fortunately, you never had more than a few objects in the
namespace, so the list was never too long. In real-world environments,
however, you can have hundreds of objects of a particular kind in the
namespace. That’s when label selectors come in.

Filtering the list of objects using label selectors

You’ll use a label selector to list the pods you created in the kiada
namespace in the previous section. Let’s try the example in figure 10.7,
where the selector app=quote was used to select only the pods running the
quote application. To apply a label selector to kubectl get, specify it with
the --selector argument (or the short equivalent -l) as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=quote
quote-canary 2/2 Running 0 2h
quote-001 2/2 Running 0 2h
quote-002 2/2 Running 0 2h
quote-003 2/2 Running 0 2h

Only the quote pods are shown. Other pods are ignored. Now, as another
example, try listing all the canary pods:
$ kubectl get pods -l rel=canary
kiada-canary 2/2 Running 0 2h
quote-canary 2/2 Running 0 2h

Let’s also try the example from figure 10.8, combining the two selectors
app=quote and rel=canary:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=quote,rel=canary

quote-canary 2/2 Running 0 2h

Only the labels of the quote-canary pod match both label selectors, so only
this pod is shown.

As the next example, try using a set-based selector. To display all quiz and
quote pods, use the selector ’app in (quiz, quote)’ as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l 'app in (quiz, quote)' -L app
quiz 2/2 Running 0 2h quiz
quote-canary 2/2 Running 0 2h quote
quote-001 2/2 Running 0 2h quote
quote-002 2/2 Running 0 2h quote
quote-003 2/2 Running 0 2h quote

You’d get the same result if you used the equality-based selector
’app!=kiada’ or the set-based selector ’app notin (kiada)’. The -L app
option in the command displays the value of the app label for each pod (see
the APP column in the output).

The only two selectors you haven’t tried yet are the ones that only test for the
presence (or absence) of a particular label key. If you want to try them, first
remove the rel label from the quiz pod with the following command:
$ kubectl label pod quiz rel-
pod/quiz labeled

You can now list pods that do not have the rel label like so:
$ kubectl get pods -l '!rel'
quiz 2/2 Running 0 2h


Make sure to use single quotes around !rel, so your shell doesn’t evaluate
the exclamation mark.

And to list all pods that do have the rel label, run the following command:
$ kubectl get pods -l rel

The command should show all pods except the quiz pod.

If your Kubernetes cluster is running in the cloud and distributed across

multiple regions or zones, you can also try to list nodes of a particular type or
list nodes and persistent volumes in a particular region or zone. In table 10.3,
you can see which label key to specify in the selector.

You’ve now mastered the use of label selectors when listing objects. Do you
have the confidence to use them for deleting objects as well?

Deleting objects using a label selector

There are currently two canary releases in use in your system. It turns out that
they aren’t behaving as expected and need to be terminated. You could list all
canaries in your system and remove them one by one. A faster method is to
use a label selector to delete them in a single operation, as illustrated in the
following figure.

Figure 10.9 Selecting and deleting all canary pods using the rel=canary label selector

Delete the canary pods with the following command:

$ kubectl delete pods -l rel=canary
pod "kiada-canary" deleted
pod "quote-canary" deleted

The output of the command shows that both the kiada-canary and quote-
canary pods have been deleted. However, because the kubectl delete
command does not ask for confirmation, you should be very careful when
using label selectors to delete objects. Especially in a production

10.3.2 Utilizing label selectors within Kubernetes API objects

You’ve learned how to use labels and selectors with kubectl to organize your
objects and filter them, but selectors are also used within Kubernetes API
For example, you can specify a node selector in each Pod object to specify
which nodes the pod can be scheduled to. In the next chapter, which explains
the Service object, you’ll learn that you need to define a pod selector in this
object to specify a pod subset to which the service will forward traffic. In the
following chapters, you’ll see how pod selectors are used by objects such as
Deployment, ReplicaSet, DaemonSet, and StatefulSet to define the set of
pods that belong to these objects.

Using label selectors to schedule pods to specific nodes

All the pods you’ve created so far have been randomly distributed across
your entire cluster. Normally, it doesn’t matter which node a pod is scheduled
to, because each pod gets exactly the amount of compute resources it requests
(CPU, memory, and so on). Also, other pods can access this pod regardless of
which node this and the other pods are running on. However, there are
scenarios where you may want to deploy certain pods only on a specific
subset of nodes.

A good example is when your hardware infrastructure isn’t homogenous. If

some of your worker nodes use spinning disks while others use SSDs, you
may want to schedule pods that require low-latency storage only to the nodes
that can provide it.

Another example is if you want to schedule front-end pods to some nodes and
back-end pods to others. Or if you want to deploy a separate set of
application instances for each customer and want each set to run on its own
set of nodes for security reasons.

In all of these cases, rather than scheduling a pod to a particular node, allow
Kubernetes to select a node out from a set of nodes that meet the required
criteria. Typically, you’ll have more than one node that meets the specified
criteria, so that if one node fails, the pods running on it can be moved to the
other nodes.

The mechanisms you can use to do this are labels and selectors.

Attaching labels to nodes

The Kiada application suite consists of the Kiada, Quiz, and Quote services.
Let’s consider the Kiada service as the front-end and the Quiz and Quote
services as the back-end services. Imagine that you want the Kiada pods to be
scheduled only to the cluster nodes that you reserve for front-end workloads.
To do this, you first label some of the nodes as such.

First, list all the nodes in your cluster and select one of the worker nodes. If
your cluster consists of only one node, use that one.
$ kubectl get node
kind-control-plane Ready control-plane,master 1d v1.21.1
kind-worker Ready <none> 1d v1.21.1
kind-worker2 Ready <none> 1d v1.21.1

In this example, I choose the kind-worker node as the node for the front-end
workloads. After selecting your node, add the node-role: front-end label
to it as follows:
$ kubectl label node kind-worker node-role=front-end
node/kind-worker labeled

Now list the nodes with a label selector to confirm that this is the only front-
end node:
$ kubectl get node -l node-role=front-end
kind-worker Ready <none> 1d v1.21.1

If your cluster has many nodes, you can label multiple nodes this way.

Scheduling pods to nodes with specific labels

To schedule a pod to the node(s) you designated as front-end nodes, you must
add a node selector to the pod’s manifest before you create the pod. The
following listing shows the contents of the pod.kiada-front-end.yaml
manifest file. The node selector is specified in the spec.nodeSelector field.

Listing 3.4 Using a node selector to schedule a pod to a specific node

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kiada-front-end
nodeSelector: #A
node-role: front-end #A

In the nodeSelector field, you can specify one or more label keys and values
that the node must match to be eligible to run the pod. Note that this field
only supports specifying an equality-based label selector. The label value
must match the value in the selector. You can’t use a not-equal or set-based
selector in the nodeSelector field. However, set-based selectors are
supported in other objects.

When you create the pod from the previous listing by applying the manifest
with kubectl apply, you’ll see that the pod is scheduled to the node(s) that
you have labelled with the label node-role: front-end. You can confirm
this by displaying the pod with the -o wide option to show the pod’s node as
$ kubectl get pod kiada-front-end -o wide
kiada-front-end 2/2 Running 0 1m kind-work

You can delete and recreate the pod several times to make sure that it always
lands on the front-end node(s).


Other mechanisms for affecting pod scheduling are covered in chapter 21.

Using label selectors in persistent volume claims

In chapter 8, you learned about persistent volumes and persistent volume

claims. A persistent volume usually represents a network storage volume, and
the persistent volume claim allows you to reserve one of the persistent
volumes so that you can use it in your pods.
I didn’t mention this at the time, but you can specify a label selector in the
PersistentVolumeClaim object definition to indicate which persistent
volumes Kubernetes should consider for binding. Without the label selector,
any available persistent volume that matches the capacity and access modes
specified in the claim will be bound. If the claim specifies a label selector,
Kubernetes also checks the labels of the available persistent volumes and
binds the claim to a volume only if its labels match the label selector in the

Unlike the node selector in the Pod object, the label selector in the
PersistentVolumeClaim object supports both equality-based and set-based
selectors and uses a slightly different syntax.

The following listing shows a PersistentVolumeClaim object definition that

uses an equality-based selector to ensure that the bound volume has the label
type: ssd.

Listing 10.4 A PersistentVolumeClaim definition with an equality-based selector

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: ssd-claim
selector: #A
matchLabels: #B
type: ssd #C

The matchLabels field behaves just like the nodeSelector field in the Pod
object you learned about in the previous section.

Alternatively, you can use the matchExpressions field to specify a more

expressive set-based label selector. The following listing shows a selector
that matches PersistentVolumes with the type label set to anything other than
ssd, and the age label set to old or very-old.

Listing 10.5 Using a set-based selector in a PersistentVolumeClaim

matchExpressions: #A
- key: type #B
operator: NotIn #B
values: #B
- ssd #B
- key: age #C
operator: In #C
values: #C
- old #C
- very-old #C

As you can see in the listing, you can specify multiple matchExpressions in
the selector. To match the selector, the PersistentVolume’s labels must
match all the expressions.

You must specify the key, operator, and values for each expression. The
key is the label key to which the selector is applied. The operator must be
one of In, NotIn, Exists, and DoesNotExist. When you use the In or NotIn
operators, the values array must not be empty. However, you must omit it
when using the Exists or DoesNotExist operators.


The NotIn operator matches objects that don’t contain the specified label. A
PersistentVolumeClaim with the label selector type NotIn [ssd], age In
[old, very-old] can therefore bind to a PersistentVolume with the label
age: old, even though it has no type label. To change this, you must add an
additional selector expression with the Exists operator.

To see these selectors in action, first create the persistent volumes found in
the manifest file persistent-volumes.yaml. Then create the two claims in
the manifest files pvc.ssd-claim.yaml and pvc.old-non-ssd-claim.yaml.
You can find these files in the Chapter10/ directory in the book’s code

Filtering objects with field selectors

Kubernetes initially only allowed you to filter objects with label selectors.
Then it became clear that users want to filter objects by other properties as
well. One such example is filtering pods based on the cluster node they are
running on. This can now be accomplished with field selectors. Unlike label
selectors, you only use field selectors with kubectl or other Kubernetes API
clients. No object uses field selectors internally.

The set of fields you can use in a field selector depends on the object kind.
The metadata.name and metadata.namespace fields are always supported.
Like equality-based label selectors, field selectors support the equal (= or ==)
and not equal (!=) operator, and you can combine multiple field selectors by
separating them with a comma.

Listing pods running on a specific node

As an example of using field selectors, run the following command to list

pods on the kind-worker node (if your cluster wasn’t provisioned with the
kind tool, you must specify a different node name):
$ kubectl get pods --field-selector spec.nodeName=kind-worker
kiada-front-end 2/2 Running 0 15m
kiada-002 2/2 Running 0 3h
quote-002 2/2 Running 0 3h

Instead of displaying all pods in the current namespace, the filter selected
only those pods whose spec.nodeName field is set to kind-worker.

How do you know which field to use in the selector? By looking up the field
names with kubectl explain, of course. You learned this in chapter 4. For
example: kubectl explain pod.spec shows the fields in the spec section of
Pod objects. It doesn’t show which fields are supported in field selectors, but
you can try to use a field and kubectl will tell you if it isn’t supported.

Finding pods that aren’t running

Another example of using field selectors is to find pods that aren’t currently
running. You accomplish this by using the status.phase!=Running field
selector as follows:
$ kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase!=Running

Since all pods in your namespace are running, this command won’t produce
any results, but it can be useful in practice, especially if you combine it with
the --all-namespaces option to list non-running pods in all namespaces. The
full command is as follows:
$ kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase!=Running --all-namespaces

The --all-namespaces option is also useful when you use the

metadata.name or metadata.namespace fields in the field selector.

10.4 Annotating objects

Adding labels to your objects makes them easier to manage. In some cases,
objects must have labels because Kubernetes uses them to identify which
objects belong to the same set. But as you learned in this chapter, you can’t
just store anything you want in the label value. For example, the maximum
length of a label value is only 63 characters, and the value can’t contain
whitespace at all.

For this reason, Kubernetes provides a feature similar to labels–object


10.4.1 Introducing object annotations

Like labels, annotations are also key-value pairs, but they don’t store
identifying information and can’t be used to filter objects. Unlike labels, an
annotation value can be much longer (up to 256 KB at the time of this
writing) and can contain any character.

Understanding annotations added by Kubernetes

Tools like kubectl and the various controllers that run in Kubernetes may add
annotations to your objects if the information can’t be stored in one of the
object’s fields.

Annotations are often used when new features are introduced to Kubernetes.
If a feature requires a change to the Kubernetes API (for example, a new field
needs to be added to an object’s schema), that change is usually deferred for a
few Kubernetes releases until it’s clear that the change makes sense. After all,
changes to any API should always be made with great care, because after you
add a field to the API, you can’t just remove it or you’ll break everyone that
use the API.

Changing the Kubernetes API requires careful consideration, and each

change must first be proven in practice. For this reason, instead of adding
new fields to the schema, usually a new object annotation is introduced first.
The Kubernetes community is given the opportunity to use the feature in
practice. After a few releases, when everyone’s happy with the feature, a new
field is introduced and the annotation is deprecated. Then a few releases later,
the annotation is removed.

Adding your own annotations

As with labels, you can add your own annotations to objects. A great use of
annotations is to add a description to each pod or other object so that all users
of the cluster can quickly see information about an object without having to
look it up elsewhere.

For example, storing the name of the person who created the object and their
contact information in the object’s annotations can greatly facilitate
collaboration between cluster users.

Similarly, you can use annotations to provide more details about the
application running in a pod. For example, you can attach the URL of the Git
repository, the Git commit hash, the build timestamp, and similar information
to your pods.

You can also use annotations to add the information that certain tools need to
manage or augment your objects. For example, a particular annotation value
set to true could signal to the tool whether it should process and modify the

Understanding annotation keys and values

The same rules that apply to label keys also apply to annotations keys. For
more information, see section 10.2.3. Annotation values, on the other hand,
have no special rules. An annotation value can contain any character and can
be up to 256 KB long. It must be a string, but can contain plain text, YAML,
JSON, or even a Base64-Encoded value.

10.4.2 Adding annotations to objects

Like labels, annotations can be added to existing objects or included in the
object manifest file you use to create the object. Let’s look at how to add an
annotation to an existing object.

Setting object annotations

The simplest way to add an annotation to an existing object is to use the

kubectl annotate command. Let’s add an annotation to one of the pods. You
should still have a pod named kiada-front-end from one of the previous
exercises in this chapter. If not, you can use any other pod or object in your
current namespace. Run the following command:
$ kubectl annotate pod kiada-front-end created-by='Marko Luksa <marko.luksa@
pod/kiada-front-end annotated

This command adds the annotation created-by with the value 'Marko Luksa
<marko.luksa@xyz.com>' to the kiada-front-end pod.

Specifying annotations in the object manifest

You can also add annotations to your object manifest file before you create
the object. The following listing shows an example. You can find the
manifest in the pod.pod-with-annotations.yaml file.

Listing 10.6 Annotations in an object manifest

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pod-with-annotations
created-by: Marko Luksa <marko.luksa@xyz.com> #A
contact-phone: +1 234 567 890 #B
managed: 'yes' #C
revision: '3' #D


Make sure you enclose the annotation value in quotes if the YAML parser
would otherwise treat it as something other than a string. If you don’t, a
cryptic error will occur when you apply the manifest. For example, if the
annotation value is a number like 123 or a value that could be interpreted as a
boolean (true, false, but also words like yes and no), enclose the value in
quotes (examples: “123”, “true”, “yes”) to avoid the following error: “unable
to decode yaml ... ReadString: expects “ or n, but found t”.

Apply the manifest from the previous listing by executing the following
$ kubectl apply -f pod.pod-with-annotations.yaml

10.4.3 Inspecting an object’s annotations

Unlike labels, the kubectl get command does not provide an option to
display annotations in the object list. To see the annotations of an object, you
should use kubectl describe or find the annotation in the object’s YAML
or JSON definition.

Viewing an object’s annotations with kubectl describe

To see the annotations of the pod-with-annotations pod you created, use

kubectl describe:

$ kubectl describe pod pod-with-annotations

Name: pod-with-annotations
Namespace: kiada
Priority: 0
Node: kind-worker/
Start Time: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 16:37:50 +0200
Labels: <none>
Annotations: contact-phone: +1 234 567 890 #A
created-by: Marko Luksa <marko.luksa@xyz.com> #A
managed: yes #A
revision: 3 #A
Status: Running


Displaying the object’s annotations in the object’s JSON definition

Alternatively, you can use the jq command to extract the annotations from
the JSON definition of the pod:
$ kubectl get pod pod-with-annotations -o json | jq .metadata.annotations
"contact-phone": "+1 234 567 890",
"created-by": "Marko Luksa <marko.luksa@xyz.com>",
"kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration": "..." #A
"managed": "yes",
"revision": "3"

You’ll notice that there’s an additional annotation in the object with the key
kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration. It isn’t shown by
the kubectl describe command, because it’s only used internally by kubectl
and would also make the output too long. In the future, this annotation may
become deprecated and then be removed. Don’t worry if you don’t see it
when you run the command yourself.

10.4.4 Updating and removing annotations

If you want to use the kubectl annotate command to change an existing
annotation, you must also specify the --overwrite option, just as you would
when changing an existing object label. For example, to change the
annotation created-by, the full command is as follows:
$ kubectl annotate pod kiada-front-end created-by='Humpty Dumpty' --overwrit

To remove an annotation from an object, add the minus sign to the end of the
annotation key you want to remove:
$ kubectl annotate pod kiada-front-end created-by-

10.5 Summary
The Kubernetes features described in this chapter will help you keep your
cluster organized and make your system easier to understand. In this chapter,
you learned that:

Objects in a Kubernetes cluster are typically divided into many

namespaces. Within a namespace, object names must be unique, but you
can give two objects the same name if you create them in different
Namespaces allow different users and teams to use the same cluster as if
they were using separate Kubernetes clusters.
Each object can have several labels. Labels are key-value pairs that help
identify the object. By adding labels to objects, you can effectively
organize objects into groups.
Label selectors allow you to filter objects based on their labels. You can
easily filter pods that belong to a specific application, or by any other
criteria if you’ve previously added the appropriate labels to those pods.
Field selectors are like label selectors, but they allow you to filter
objects based on specific fields in the object manifest. For example, a
field selector can be used to list pods that run on a particular node.
Unfortunately, you can’t use them to filter on annotations.
Instead of performing an operation on each pod individually, you can
use a label selector to perform the same operation on a set of objects that
match the label selector.
Labels and selectors are also used internally by some object types. You
can add labels to Node objects and define a node selector in a pod to
schedule that pod only to those nodes that meet the specified criteria.
In addition to labels, you can also add annotations to objects. An
annotation can contain a much larger amount of data and can include
whitespace and other special characters that aren’t allowed in labels.
Annotations are typically used to add additional information used by
tools and cluster users. They are also used to defer changes to the
Kubernetes API.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to forward traffic to a set of pods using
the Service object.
11 Exposing Pods with Services
This chapter covers
Communication between pods
Distributing client connections over a group of pods providing the same
Discovering services in the cluster through DNS and environment
Exposing services to clients outside the cluster
Using readiness probes to add or remove individual pods from services

Instead of running a single pod to provide a particular service, people

nowadays typically run several replicas of the pod so that the load can be
distributed across multiple cluster nodes. But that means all pod replicas
providing the same service should be reachable at a single address so clients
can use that single address, rather than having to keep track of and connect
directly to individual pod instances. In Kubernetes, you do that with Service

The Kiada suite you’re building in this book consists of three services - the
Kiada service, the Quiz service, and the Quote service. So far, these are three
isolated services that you interact with individually, but the plan is to connect
them, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 11.1 The architecture and operation of the Kiada suite.

The Kiada service will call the other two services and integrate the
information they return into the response it sends to the client. Multiple pod
replicas will provide each service, so you’ll need to use Service objects to
expose them.


You’ll find the code files for this chapter at


Before you create the Service objects, deploy the pods and the other objects
by applying the manifests in the Chapter11/SETUP/ directory as follows:
$ kubectl apply -f SETUP/ --recursive

You may recall from the previous chapter that this command applies all
manifests in the specified directory and its subdirectories. After applying
these manifests, you should have multiple pods in your current Kubernetes

Understanding how pods communicate

You learned in chapter 5 what pods are, when to combine multiple containers
into a pod, and how those containers communicate. But how do containers
from different pods communicate?
Each pod has its own network interface with its own IP address. All pods in
the cluster are connected by a single private network with a flat address
space. As shown in the following figure, even if the nodes hosting the pods
are geographically dispersed with many network routers in between, the pods
can communicate over their own flat network where no NAT (Network
Address Translation) is required. This pod network is typically a software-
defined network that’s layered on top of the actual network that connects the

Figure 11.2 Pods communicate via their own computer network

When a pod sends a network packet to another pod, neither SNAT (Source
NAT) nor DNAT (Destination NAT) is performed on the packet. This means
that the source IP and port, and the destination IP and port, of packets
exchanged directly between pods are never changed. If the sending pod
knows the IP address of the receiving pod, it can send packets to it. The
receiving pod can see the sender’s IP as the source IP address of the packet.

Although there are many Kubernetes network plugins, they must all behave
as described above. Therefore, the communication between two pods is
always the same, regardless of whether the pods are running on the same
node or on nodes located in different geographic regions. The containers in
the pods can communicate with each other over the flat NAT-less network,
like computers on a local area network (LAN) connected to a single network
switch. From the perspective of the applications, the actual network topology
between the nodes isn’t important.

11.1 Exposing pods via services

If an application running in one pod needs to connect to another application
running in a different pod, it needs to know the address of the other pod. This
is easier said than done for the following reasons:

Pods are ephemeral. A pod can be removed and replaced with a new one
at any time. This happens when the pod is evicted from a node to make
room for other pods, when the node fails, when the pod is no longer
needed because a smaller number of pod replicas can handle the load,
and for many other reasons.
A pod gets its IP address when it’s assigned to a node. You don’t know
the IP address of the pod in advance, so you can’t provide it to the pods
that will connect to it.
In horizontal scaling, multiple pod replicas provide the same service.
Each of these replicas has its own IP address. If another pod needs to
connect to these replicas, it should be able to do so using a single IP or
DNS name that points to a load balancer that distributes the load across
all replicas.

Also, some pods need to be exposed to clients outside the cluster. Until now,
whenever you wanted to connect to an application running in a pod, you used
port forwarding, which is for development only. The right way to make a
group of pods externally accessible is to use a Kubernetes Service.

11.1.1 Introducing services

A Kubernetes Service is an object you create to provide a single, stable
access point to a set of pods that provide the same service. Each service has a
stable IP address that doesn’t change for as long as the service exists. Clients
open connections to that IP address on one of the exposed network ports, and
those connections are then forwarded to one of the pods that back that
service. In this way, clients don’t need to know the addresses of the
individual pods providing the service, so those pods can be scaled out or in
and moved from one cluster node to the other at will. A service acts as a load
balancer in front of those pods.

Understanding why you need services

The Kiada suite is an excellent example to explain services. It contains three

sets of pods that provide three different services. The Kiada service calls the
Quote service to retrieve a quote from the book, and the Quiz service to
retrieve a quiz question.

I’ve made the necessary changes to the Kiada application in version 0.5. You
can find the updated source code in the Chapter11/ directory in the book’s
code repository. You’ll use this new version throughout this chapter. You’ll
learn how to configure the Kiada application to connect to the other two
services, and you’ll make it visible to the outside world. Since both the
number of pods in each service and their IP addresses can change, you’ll
expose them via Service objects, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 11.3 Exposing pods with Service objects

By creating a service for the Kiada pods and configuring it to be reachable

from outside the cluster, you create a single, constant IP address through
which external clients can connect to the pods. Each connection is forwarded
to one of the kiada pods.

By creating a service for the Quote pods, you create a stable IP address
through which the Kiada pods can reach the Quote pods, regardless of the
number of pod instances behind the service and their location at any given

Although there’s only one instance of the Quiz pod, it too must be exposed
through a service, since the pod’s IP address changes every time the pod is
deleted and recreated. Without a service, you’d have to reconfigure the Kiada
pods each time or make the pods get the Quiz pod’s IP from the Kubernetes
API. If you use a service, you don’t have to do that because its IP address
never changes.

Understanding how pods become part of a service

A service can be backed by more than one pod. When you connect to a
service, the connection is passed to one of the backing pods. But how do you
define which pods are part of the service and which aren’t?

In the previous chapter, you learned about labels and label selectors and how
they’re used to organize a set of objects into subsets. Services use the same
mechanism. As shown in the next figure, you add labels to Pod objects and
specify the label selector in the Service object. The pods whose labels match
the selector are part of the service.

Figure 11.4 Label selectors determine which pods are part of the Service.
The label selector defined in the quote service is app=quote, which means
that it selects all quote pods, both stable and canary instances, since they all
contain the label key app with the value quote. Other labels on the pods don’t

11.1.2 Creating and updating services

Kubernetes supports several types of services: ClusterIP, NodePort,
LoadBalancer, and ExternalName. The ClusterIP type, which you’ll learn
about first, is only used internally, within the cluster. If you create a Service
object without specifying its type, that’s the type of service you get. The
services for the Quiz and Quote pods are of this type because they’re used by
the Kiada pods within the cluster. The service for the Kiada pods, on the
other hand, must also be accessible to the outside world, so the ClusterIP
type isn’t sufficient.

Creating a service YAML manifest

The following listing shows the minimal YAML manifest for the quote
Service object.

Listing 11.1 YAML manifest for the quote service

apiVersion: v1 #A
kind: Service #A
name: quote #B
type: ClusterIP #C
selector: #D
app: quote #D
ports: #E
- name: http #E
port: 80 #E
targetPort: 80 #E
protocol: TCP #E


Since the quote Service object is one of the objects that make up the Quote
application, you could also add the app: quote label to this object. However,
because this label isn’t required for the service to function, it’s omitted in this


 If you create a service with multiple ports, you must specify a name for
each port. It’s best to do the same for services with a single port.


Instead of specifying the port number in the targetPort field, you can also
specify the name of the port as defined in the container’s port list in the pod
definition. This allows the service to use the correct target port number even
if the pods behind the service use different port numbers.

The manifest defines a ClusterIP Service named quote. The service accepts
connections on port 80 and forwards each connection to port 80 of a
randomly selected pod matching the app=quote label selector, as shown in
the following figure.

Figure 11.5 The quote service and the pods that it forwards traffic to
To create the service, apply the manifest file to the Kubernetes API using
kubectl apply.

Creating a service with kubectl expose

Normally, you create services like you create other objects, by applying an
object manifest using kubectl apply. However, you can also create services
using the kubectl expose command, as you did in chapter 3 of this book.

Create the service for the Quiz pod as follows:

$ kubectl expose pod quiz --name quiz
service/quiz exposed

This command creates a service named quiz that exposes the quiz pod. To
do this, it checks the pod’s labels and creates a Service object with a label
selector that matches all the pod’s labels.


In chapter 3, you used the kubectl expose command to expose a

Deployment object. In this case, the command took the selector from the
Deployment and used it in the Service object to expose all its pods. You’ll
learn about Deployments in chapter 13.
You’ve now created two services. You’ll learn how to connect to them in
section 11.1.3, but first let’s see if they’re configured correctly.

Listing services

When you create a service, it’s assigned an internal IP address that any
workload running in the cluster can use to connect to the pods that are part of
that service. This is the cluster IP address of the service. You can see it by
listing services with the kubectl get services command. If you want to see
the label selector of each service, use the -o wide option as follows:
$ kubectl get svc -o wide
quiz ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 15s app=quiz,
quote ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 23s app=quote


The shorthand for services is svc.

The output of the command shows the two services you created. For each
service, the type, IP addresses, exposed ports, and label selector are printed.


You can also view the details of each service with the kubectl describe
svc command.

You’ll notice that the quiz service uses a label selector that selects pods with
the labels app: quiz and rel: stable. This is because these are the labels of
the quiz pod from which the service was created using the kubectl expose

Let’s think about this. Do you want the quiz service to include only the
stable pods? Probably not. Maybe later you decide to deploy a canary release
of the quiz service in parallel with the stable version. In that case, you want
traffic to be directed to both pods.
Another thing I don’t like about the quiz service is the port number. Since
the service uses HTTP, I’d prefer it to use port 80 instead of 8080.
Fortunately, you can change the service after you create it.

Changing the service’s label selector

To change the label selector of a service, you can use the kubectl set
selector command. To fix the selector of the quiz service, run the following
$ kubectl set selector service quiz app=quiz
service/quiz selector updated

List the services again with the -o wide option to confirm the selector
change. This method of changing the selector is useful if you’re deploying
multiple versions of an application and want to redirect clients from one
version to another.

Changing the ports exposed by the service

To change the ports that the service forwards to pods, you can edit the
Service object with the kubectl edit command or update the manifest file
and then apply it to the cluster.

Before continuing, run kubectl edit svc quiz and change the port from
8080 to 80, making sure to only change the port field and leaving the
targetPort set to 8080, as this is the port that the quiz pod listens on.

Configuring basic service properties

The following table lists the basic fields you can set in the Service object.

Table 11.1 Fields in the Service object’s spec for configuring the service’s basic properties

Field Field type Description

Specifies the type of this Service object.
Allowed values are ClusterIP, NodePort,
LoadBalancer, and ExternalName. The
type string default value is ClusterIP. The differences
between these types are explained in the
following sections of this chapter.

The internal IP address within the cluster

where the service is available. Normally,
you leave this field blank and let
clusterIP string
Kubernetes assign the IP. If you set it to
None, the service is a headless service.
These are explained in section 11.4.

Specifies the label keys and values that the

pod must have in order for this service to
forward traffic to it. If you you don’t set
selector map[string]string
this field, you are responsible for managing
the service endpoints. This is explained in
section 11.3.

List of ports exposed by this service. Each

entry can specify the name, protocol,
ports []Object
appProtocol, port, nodePort, and

Other fields are explained throughout the remainder of this chapter.

IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack support

Kubernetes supports both IPv4 and IPv6. Whether dual-stack networking is

supported in your cluster depends on whether the IPv6DualStack feature gate
is enabled for the cluster components to which it applies.
When you create a Service object, you can specify whether you want the
service to be a single- or dual-stack service through the ipFamilyPolicy
field. The default value is SingleStack, which means that only a single IP
family is assigned to the service, regardless of whether the cluster is
configured for single-stack or dual-stack networking. Set the value to
PreferDualStack if you want the service to receive both IP families when
the cluster supports dual-stack, and one IP family when it supports single-
stack networking. If your service requires both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address,
set the value to RequireDualStack. The creation of the service will be
successful only on dual-stack clusters.

After you create the Service object, its spec.ipFamilies array indicates
which IP families have been assigned to it. The two valid values are IPv4 and
IPv6. You can also set this field yourself to specify which IP family to assign
to the service in clusters that provide dual-stack networking. The
ipFamilyPolicy must be set accordingly or the creation will fail.

For dual-stack services, the spec.clusterIP field contains only one of the IP
addresses, but the spec.clusterIPs field contains both the IPv4 and IPv6
addresses. The order of the IPs in the clusterIPs field corresponds to the
order in the ipFamilies field.

11.1.3 Accessing cluster-internal services

The ClusterIP services you created in the previous section are accessible
only within the cluster, from other pods and from the cluster nodes. You can’t
access them from your own machine. To see if a service is actually working,
you must either log in to one of the nodes with ssh and connect to the service
from there, or use the kubectl exec command to run a command like curl
in an existing pod and get it to connect to the service.


You can also use the kubectl port-forward svc/my-service command to

connect to one of the pods backing the service. However, this command
doesn’t connect to the service. It only uses the Service object to find a pod to
connect to. The connection is then made directly to the pod, bypassing the

Connecting to services from pods

To use the service from a pod, run a shell in the quote-001 pod as follows:
$ kubectl exec -it quote-001 -c nginx -- sh
/ #

Now check if you can access the two services. Use the cluster IP addresses of
the services that kubectl get services displays. In my case, the quiz
service uses cluster IP, whereas the quote service uses IP From the quote-001 pod, I can connect to the two services as
/ # curl #A
This is the quiz service running in pod quiz

/ # curl #B
This is the quote service running in pod quote-canary


You don’t need to specify the port in the curl command, because you set the
service port to 80, which is the default for HTTP.

If you repeat the last command several times, you’ll see that the service
forwards the request to a different pod each time:
/ # while true; do curl; done
This is the quote service running in pod quote-canary
This is the quote service running in pod quote-003
This is the quote service running in pod quote-001

The service acts as a load balancer. It distributes requests to all the pods that
are behind it.

Configuring session affinity on services

You can configure whether the service should forward each connection to a
different pod, or whether it should forward all connections from the same
client to the same pod. You do this via the spec.sessionAffinity field in
the Service object. Only two types of service session affinity are supported:
None and ClientIP.

The default type is None, which means there’s no guarantee to which pod
each connection will be forwarded. However, if you set the value to
ClientIP, all connections originating from the same IP will be forwarded to
the same pod. In the
spec.sessionAffinityConfig.clientIP.timeoutSeconds field, you can
specify how long the session will persist. The default value is 3 hours.

It may surprise you to learn that Kubernetes doesn’t provide cookie-based

session affinity. However, considering that Kubernetes services operate at the
transport layer of the OSI network model (UDP and TCP) not at the
application layer (HTTP), they don’t understand HTTP cookies at all.

Resolving services via DNS

Kubernetes clusters typically run an internal DNS server that all pods in the
cluster are configured to use. In most clusters, this internal DNS service is
provided by CoreDNS, whereas some clusters use kube-dns. You can see
which one is deployed in your cluster by listing the pods in the kube-system

No matter which implementation runs in your cluster, it allows pods to

resolve the cluster IP address of a service by name. Using the cluster DNS,
pods can therefore connect to the quiz service like so:
/ # curl http://quiz #A
This is the quiz service running in pod quiz

A pod can resolve any service defined in the same namespace as the pod by
simply pointing to the name of the service in the URL. If a pod needs to
connect to a service in a different namespace, it must append the namespace
of the Service object to the URL. For example, to connect to the quiz service
in the kiada namespace, a pod can use the URL http://quiz.kiada/
regardless of which namespace it’s in.

From the quote-001 pod where you ran the shell command, you can also
connect to the service as follows:
/ # curl http://quiz.kiada #A
This is the quiz service running in pod quiz

A service is resolvable under the following DNS names:

<service-name>, if the service is in the same namespace as the pod

performing the DNS lookup,
<service-name>.<service-namespace> from any namespace, but also
<service-name>.<service-namespace>.svc, and


The default domain suffix is cluster.local but can be changed at the cluster

The reason you don’t need to specify the fully qualified domain name
(FQDN) when resolving the service through DNS is because of the search
line in the pod’s /etc/resolv.conf file. For the quote-001 pod, the file
looks like this:
/ # cat /etc/resolv.conf
search kiada.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local cluster.local localdomain
options ndots:5

When you try to resolve a service, the domain names specified in the search
field are appended to the name until a match is found. If you’re wondering
what the IP address is in the nameserver line, you can list all the services in
your cluster to find out:
$ kubectl get svc -A
default kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP
kiada quiz ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP
kiada quote ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP
kube-system kube-dns ClusterIP <none> 53/UDP.

The nameserver in the pod’s resolv.conf file points to the kube-dns service
in the kube-system namespace. This is the cluster DNS service that the pods
use. As an exercise, try to figure out which pod(s) this service forwards
traffic to.

Configuring the pod’s DNS policy

Whether or not a pod uses the internal DNS server can be configured using
the dnsPolicy field in the pod’s spec. The default value is ClusterFirst,
which means that the pod uses the internal DNS first and then the DNS
configured for the cluster node. Other valid values are Default (uses the
DNS configured for the node), None (no DNS configuration is provided by
Kubernetes; you must configure the pod’s DNS settings using the dnsConfig
field explained in the next paragraph), and ClusterFirstWithHostNet (for
special pods that use the host’s network instead of their own - this is
explained later in the book).

Setting the dnsPolicy field affects how Kubernetes configures the pod’s
resolv.conf file. You can further customize this file through the pod’s
dnsConfig field. The pod-with-dns-options.yaml file in the book’s code
repository demonstrates the use of this field.

Discovering services through environment variables

Nowadays, virtually every Kubernetes cluster offers the cluster DNS service.
In the early days, this wasn’t the case. Back then, the pods found the IP
addresses of the services using environment variables. These variables still
exist today.

When a container is started, Kubernetes initializes a set of environment

variables for each service that exists in the pod’s namespace. Let’s see what
these environment variables look like by looking at the environment of one of
your running pods.
Since you created your pods before the services, you won’t see any
environment variables related to the services except those for the kubernetes
service, which exists in the default namespace.


The kubernetes service forwards traffic to the API server. You’ll use it in
chapter 16.

To see the environment variables for the two services that you created, you
must restart the container as follows:
$ kubectl exec quote-001 -c nginx -- kill 1

When the container is restarted, its environment variables contain the entries
for the quiz and quote services. Display them with the following command:
$ kubectl exec -it quote-001 -c nginx -- env | sort
QUIZ_PORT_80_TCP=tcp:// #A
QUIZ_PORT=tcp:// #A
QUOTE_PORT_80_TCP=tcp:// #B
QUOTE_PORT=tcp:// #B

Quite a handful of environment variables, wouldn’t you say? For services

with multiple ports, the number of variables is even larger. An application
running in a container can use these variables to find the IP address and
port(s) of a particular service.


 In the environment variable names, the hyphens in the service name are
converted to underscores and all letters are uppercased.

Nowadays, applications usually get this information through DNS, so these

environment variables aren’t as useful as in the early days. They can even
cause problems. If the number of services in a namespace is too large, any
pod you create in that namespace will fail to start. The container exits with
exit code 1 and you see the following error message in the container’s log:
standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: argument list too long

To prevent this, you can disable the injection of service information into the
environment by setting the enableServiceLinks field in the pod’s spec to

Understanding why you can’t ping a service IP

You’ve learned how to verify that a service is forwarding traffic to your pods.
But what if it doesn’t? In that case, you might want to try pinging the
service’s IP. Why don’t you try that right now? Ping the quiz service from
the quote-001 pod as follows:
$ kubectl exec -it quote-001 -c nginx -- ping quiz
PING quiz ( 56 data bytes
--- quiz ping statistics ---
15 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
command terminated with exit code 1

Wait a few seconds and then interrupt the process by pressing Control-C. As
you can see, the IP address was resolved correctly, but none of the packets
got through. This is because the IP address of the service is virtual and has
meaning only in conjunction with one of the ports defined in the service. This
is explained in chapter 18, which explains the internal workings of services.
For now, remember that you can’t ping services.

Using services in a pod

Now that you know that the Quiz and Quote services are accessible from
pods, you can deploy the Kiada pods and configure them to use the two
services. The application expects the URLs of these services in the
environment variables QUIZ_URL and QUOTE_URL. These aren’t environment
variables that Kubernetes adds on its own, but variables that you set manually
so that the application knows where to find the two services. Therefore, the
env field of the kiada container must be configured as in the following

Listing 11.2 Configuring the service URLs in the kiada pod

- name: QUOTE_URL #A
value: http://quote/quote #A
- name: QUIZ_URL #B
value: http://quiz #B
- name: POD_NAME

The environment variable QUOTE_URL is set to http://quote/quote. The

hostname is the same as the name of the service you created in the previous
section. Similarly, QUIZ_URL is set to http://quiz, where quiz is the name
of the other service you created.

Deploy the Kiada pods by applying the manifest file kiada-stable-and-

canary.yaml to your cluster using kubectl apply. Then run the following
command to open a tunnel to one of the pods you just created:
$ kubectl port-forward kiada-001 8080 8443

You can now test the application at http://localhost:8080 or

https://localhost:8443. If you use curl, you should see a response like the
$ curl http://localhost:8080
Kubectl options that take a value can be specified with an equal sign or wit


First question
0) First answer
1) Second answer
2) Third answer
Submit your answer to /question/1/answers/<index of answer> using the POST m


Request processed by Kubia 1.0 running in pod "kiada-001" on node "kind-work
Pod hostname: kiada-001; Pod IP:; Node IP:; Client IP

HTML version of this content is available at /html

If you open the URL in your web browser, you get the web page shown in the
following figure.

Figure 11.6 The Kiada application when accessed with a web browser

If you can see the quote and quiz question, it means that the kiada-001 pod is
able to communicate with the quote and quiz services. If you check the logs
of the pods that back these services, you’ll see that they are receiving
requests. In the case of the quote service, which is backed by multiple pods,
you’ll see that each request is sent to a different pod.

11.2 Exposing services externally

ClusterIP services like the ones you created in the previous section are only
accessible within the cluster. Because clients must be able to access the Kiada
service from outside the cluster, as shown in the next figure, creating a
ClusterIP service won’t suffice.

Figure 11.7 Exposing a service externally

If you need to make a service available to the outside world, you can do one
of the following:

assign an additional IP to a node and set it as one of the service’s

set the service’s type to NodePort and access the service through the
node’s port(s),
ask Kubernetes to provision a load balancer by setting the type to
LoadBalancer, or
expose the service through an Ingress object.

A rarely used method is to specify an additional IP in the spec.externalIPs

field of the Service object. By doing this, you’re telling Kubernetes to treat
any traffic directed to that IP address as traffic to be processed by the service.
When you ensure that this traffic arrives at a node with the service’s external
IP as its destination, Kubernetes forwards it to one of the pods that back the

A more common way to make a service available externally is to set its type
to NodePort. Kubernetes makes the service available on a network port on all
cluster nodes (the so-called node port, from which this service type gets its
name). Like ClusterIP services, the service gets an internal cluster IP, but is
also accessible through the node port on each of the cluster nodes. Usually,
you then provision an external load balancer that redirects traffic to these
node ports. The clients can connect to your service via the load balancer’s IP

Instead of using a NodePort service and manually setting up the load

balancer, Kubernetes can also do this for you if you set the service type to
LoadBalancer. However, not all clusters support this service type, as the
provisioning of the load balancer depends on the infrastructure the cluster is
running on. Most cloud providers support LoadBalancer services in their
clusters, whereas clusters deployed on premises require an add-on such as
MetalLB, a load-balancer implementation for bare-metal Kubernetes clusters.

The final way to expose a group of pods externally is radically different.

Instead of exposing the service externally via node ports and load balancers,
you can use an Ingress object. How this object exposes the service depends
on the underlying ingress controller, but it allows you to expose many
services through a single externally reachable IP address. You’ll learn more
about this in the next chapter.

11.2.1 Exposing pods through a NodePort service

One way to make pods accessible to external clients is to expose them
through a NodePort service. When you create such a service, the pods that
match its selector are accessible through a specific port on all nodes in the
cluster, as shown in the following figure. Because this port is open on the
nodes, it’s called a node port.
Figure 11.8 Exposing pods through a NodePort service

Like a ClusterIP service, a NodePort service is accessible through its

internal cluster IP, but also through the node port on each of the cluster
nodes. In the example shown in the figure, the pods are accessible through
port 30080. As you can see, this port is open on both cluster nodes.

It doesn’t matter which node a client connects to because all the nodes will
forward the connection to a pod that belongs to the service, regardless of
which node is running the pod. When the client connects to node A, a pod on
either node A or B can receive the connection. The same is true when the
client connects to the port on node B.

Creating a NodePort service

To expose the kiada pods through a NodePort service, you create the service
from the manifest shown in the following listing.

Listing 11.3 A NodePort service exposing the kiada pods on two ports

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kiada
type: NodePort #A
app: kiada
- name: http #B
port: 80 #C
nodePort: 30080 #D
targetPort: 8080 #E
- name: https #F
port: 443 #F
nodePort: 30443 #F
targetPort: 8443 #F

Compared to the ClusterIP services you created earlier the type of service in
the listing is NodePort. Unlike the previous services, this service exposes two
ports and defines the nodePort numbers for each of those ports.


You can omit the nodePort field to allow Kubernetes to assign the port
number. This prevents port conflicts between different NodePort services.

The service specifies six different port numbers, which might make it
difficult to understand, but the following figure should help you make sense
of it.

Figure 11.9 Exposing multiple ports through with a NodePort service

Examining your NodePort service

After you create the service, inspect it with the kubectl get command as
$ kubectl get svc
kiada NodePort <none> 80:30080/TCP,443:30443/TCP
quiz ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP
quote ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP

Compare the TYPE and PORT(S) columns of the services you’ve created so far.
Unlike the two ClusterIP services, the kiada service is a NodePort service
that exposes node ports 30080 and 30443 in addition to ports 80 and 443
available on the service’s cluster IP.

Accessing a NodePort service

To find out all IP:port combinations over which the service is available, you
need not only the node port number(s), but also the IPs of the nodes. You can
get these by running kubectl get nodes -o wide and looking at the
INTERNAL-IP and EXTERNAL-IP columns. Clusters running in the cloud
usually have the external IP set for the nodes, whereas clusters running on
bare metal may set only the internal IP of the nodes. You should be able to
reach the node ports using these IPs, if there are no firewalls in the way.


To allow traffic to node ports when using GKE, run gcloud compute
firewall-rules create gke-allow-nodeports --allow=tcp:30000-
32767. If your cluster is running on a different cloud provider, check the
provider’s documentation on how to configure the firewall to allow access to
node ports.

In the cluster I provisioned with the kind tool, the internal IPs of the nodes
are as follows:
$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
kind-control-plane Ready control-plane,master ... <no
kind-worker Ready <none> ... <no
kind-worker2 Ready <none> ... <no

The kiada service is available on all these IPs, even the IP of the node
running the Kubernetes control plane. I can access the service at any of the
following URLs: within the cluster (this is the cluster IP and the

internal port), from wherever the node kind-control-plane is
reachable, as this is the node’s IP address; the port is one of the node
ports of the kiada service, (the second node’s IP address and the node port),
and (the third node’s IP address and the node port).

The service is also accessible via HTTPS on port 443 within the cluster and
via node port 30443. If my nodes also had external IPs, the service would also
be available through the two node ports on those IPs. If you’re using
Minikube or another single-node cluster, you should use the IP of that node.


 If you’re using Minikube, you can easily access your NodePort services
through your browser by running minikube service <service-name> [-n

Use curl or your web browser to access the service. Select one of the nodes
and find its IP address. Send the HTTP request to port 30080 of this IP.
Check the end of the response to see which pod handled the request and
which node the pod is running on. For example, here’s the response I
received to one of my requests:
$ curl
Request processed by Kubia 1.0 running in pod "kiada-001" on node "kind-work
Pod hostname: kiada-001; Pod IP:; Node IP:; Client IP
Notice that I sent the request to the, which is the IP of the kind-
worker node, but the pod that handled the request was running on the node
kind-worker2. The first node forwarded the connection to the second node,
as explained in the introduction to NodePort services.

Did you also notice where the pod thought the request came from? Look at
the Client IP at the end of the response. That’s not the IP of the computer
from which I sent the request. You may have noticed that it’s the IP of the
node I sent the request to. I explain why this is and how you can prevent it in
section 11.2.3.

Try sending the request to the other nodes as well. You’ll see that they all
forward the requests to a random kiada pod. If your nodes are reachable from
the internet, the application is now accessible to users all over the world. You
could use round robin DNS to distribute incoming connections across the
nodes or put a proper Layer 4 load balancer in front of the nodes and point
the clients to it. Or you could just let Kubernetes do this, as explained in the
next section.

11.2.2 Exposing a service through an external load balancer

In the previous section, you created a service of type NodePort. Another
service type is LoadBalancer. As the name suggests, this service type makes
your application accessible through a load balancer. While all services act as
load balancers, creating a LoadBalancer service causes an actual load
balancer to be provisioned.

As shown in the following figure, this load balancer stands in front of the
nodes and handles the connections coming from the clients. It routes each
connection to the service by forwarding it to the node port on one of the
nodes. This is possible because the LoadBalancer service type is an extension
of the NodePort type, which makes the service accessible through these node
ports. By pointing clients to the load balancer rather than directly to the node
port of a particular node, the client never attempts to connect to an
unavailable node because the load balancer forwards traffic only to healthy
nodes. In addition, the load balancer ensures that connections are distributed
evenly across all nodes in the cluster.
Figure 11.10 Exposing a LoadBalancer service

Not all Kubernetes clusters support this type of service, but if your cluster
runs in the cloud, it almost certainly does. If your cluster runs on premises,
it’ll support LoadBalancer services if you install an add-on. If the cluster
doesn’t support this type of service, you can still create services of this type,
but the service is only accessible through its node ports.

Creating a LoadBalancer service

The manifest in the following listing contains the definition of a

LoadBalancer service.

Listing 11.4 A LoadBalancer-type service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kiada
type: LoadBalancer #A
app: kiada
- name: http
port: 80
nodePort: 30080
targetPort: 8080
- name: https
port: 443
nodePort: 30443
targetPort: 8443

This manifest differs from the manifest of the NodePort service you deployed
earlier in only one line - the line that specifies the service type. The selector
and ports are the same as before. The node ports are only specified so that
they aren’t randomly selected by Kubernetes. If you don’t care about the
node port numbers, you can omit the nodePort fields.

Apply the manifest with kubectl apply. You don’t have to delete the
existing kiada service first. This ensures that the internal cluster IP of the
service remains unchanged.

Connecting to the service through the load balancer

After you create the service, it may take a few minutes for the cloud
infrastructure to create the load balancer and update its IP address in the
Service object. This IP address will then appear as the external IP address of
your service:
$ kubectl get svc kiada
kiada LoadBalancer 80:30080/TCP,443:304

In my case, the IP address of the load balancer is and I can

reach the service through port 80 and 443 of this IP. Until the load balancer is
created, <pending> is displayed in the EXTERNAL-IP column instead of an IP
address. This could be because the provisioning process isn’t yet complete or
because the cluster doesn’t support LoadBalancer services.
Adding support for LoadBalancer services with MetalLB

If your cluster runs on bare metal, you can install MetalLB to support
LoadBalancer services. You can find it at metallb.universe.tf. If you created
your cluster with the kind tool, you can install MetalLB using the install-
metallb-kind.sh script from the book’s code repository. If you created your
cluster with another tool, you can check the MetalLB documentation for how
to install it.

Adding support for LoadBalancer services is optional. You can always use
the node ports directly. The load balancer is just an additional layer.

Tweaking LoadBalancer services

LoadBalancer services are easy to create. You just set the type to
LoadBalancer. However, if you need more control over the load balancer,
you can configure it with the additional fields in the Service object’s spec
explained in the following table.

Table 11.2 Fields in the service spec that you can use to configure LoadBalancer services

Field Description

If the cluster supports multiple

classes of load balancers, you
can specify which one to use
loadBalancerClass string for this service. The possible
values depend on the load
balancer controllers installed
in the cluster.

If supported by the cloud

provider, this field can be
loadBalancerIP string used to specify the desired IP
for the load balancer.

Restricts the client IPs that are

allowed to access the service
loadBalancerSourceRanges []string through the load balancer. Not
supported by all load balancer

Specifies whether to allocate

node ports for this
LoadBalancer-type service.
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts boolean Some load balancer
implementations can forward
traffic to pods without relying
on node ports.

11.2.3 Configuring the external traffic policy for a service

You’ve already learned that when an external client connects to a service

through the node port, either directly or through the load balancer, the
connection may be forwarded to a pod that’s on a different node than the one
that received the connection. In this case, an additional network hop must be
made to reach the pod. This results in increased latency.

Also, as mentioned earlier, when forwarding the connection from one node to
another in this manner, the source IP must be replaced with the IP of the node
that originally received the connection. This obscures the IP address of the
client. Thus, the application running in the pod can’t see where the
connection is coming from. For example, a web server running in a pod can’t
record the true client IP in its access log.

The reason the node needs to change the source IP is to ensure that the
returned packets are sent back to the node that originally received the
connection so that it can return them to the client.

Pros and cons of the Local external traffic policy

Both the additional network hop problem and the source IP obfuscation
problem can be solved by preventing nodes from forwarding traffic to pods
that aren’t running on the same node. This is done by setting the
externalTrafficPolicy field in the Service object’s spec field to Local.
This way, a node forwards external traffic only to pods running on the node
that received the connection.

However, setting the external traffic policy to Local leads to other problems.
First, if there are no local pods on the node that received the connection, the
connection hangs. You must therefore ensure that the load balancer forwards
connections only to nodes that have at least one such pod. This is done using
the healthCheckNodePort field. The external load balancer uses this node
port to check whether a node contains endpoints for the service or not. This
allows the load balancer to forward traffic only to nodes that have such a pod.

The second problem you run into when the external traffic policy is set to
Local is the uneven distribution of traffic across pods. If the load balancers
distribute traffic evenly among the nodes, but each node runs a different
number of pods, the pods on the nodes with fewer pods will receive a higher
amount of traffic.

Comparing the Cluster and the Local external traffic policies

Consider the case presented in the following figure. There’s one pod running
on node A and two on node B. The load balancer routes half of the traffic to
node A and the other half to node B.

Figure 11.11 Understanding the two external traffic policies for NodePort and LoadBalancer
When externalTrafficPolicy is set to Cluster, each node forwards traffic
to all pods in the system. Traffic is split evenly between the pods. Additional
network hops are required, and the client IP is obfuscated.

When the externalTrafficPolicy is set to Local, all traffic arriving at node

A is forwarded to the single pod on that node. This means that this pod
receives 50% of all traffic. Traffic arriving at node B is split between two
pods. Each pod receives 25% of the total traffic processed by the load
balancer. There are no unnecessary network hops, and the source IP is that of
the client.

As with most decisions you make as an engineer, which external traffic

policy to use in each service depends on what tradeoffs you’re willing to
11.3 Managing service endpoints
So far you’ve learned that services are backed by pods, but that’s not always
the case. The endpoints to which a service forwards traffic can be anything
that has an IP address.

11.3.1 Introducing the Endpoints object

A service is typically backed by a set of pods whose labels match the label
selector defined in the Service object. Apart from the label selector, the
Service object’s spec or status section doesn’t contain the list of pods that
are part of the service. However, if you use kubectl describe to inspect the
service, you’ll see the IPs of the pods under Endpoints, as follows:
$ kubectl describe svc kiada
Name: kiada
Port: http 80/TCP
TargetPort: 8080/TCP
NodePort: http 30080/TCP
Endpoints:,, +

The kubectl describe command collects this data not from the Service
object, but from an Endpoints object whose name matches that of the service.
The endpoints of the kiada service are specified in the kiada Endpoints

Listing Endpoints objects

You can retrieve Endpoints objects in the current namespace as follows:

$ kubectl get endpoints
kiada,, + 5 more... 25m
quiz 66m
quote,, + 1 more... 66m

The shorthand for endpoints is ep. Also, the object kind is Endpoints (plural
form) not Endpoint. Running kubectl get endpoint fails with an error.

As you can see, there are three Endpoints objects in the namespace. One for
each service. Each Endpoints object contains a list of IP and port
combinations that represent the endpoints for the service.

Inspecting an Endpoints object more closely

To see which pods represent these endpoints, use kubectl get -o yaml to
retrieve the full manifest of the Endpoints object as follows:
$ kubectl get ep kiada -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Endpoints
name: kiada #A
namespace: kiada #A
- addresses:
- ip: #B
nodeName: kind-worker #C
kind: Pod
name: kiada-002 #D
namespace: kiada #D
resourceVersion: "2950"
uid: 18cea623-0818-4ff1-9fb2-cddcf5d138c3
... #E
ports: #F
- name: https #F
port: 8443 #F
protocol: TCP #F
- name: http #F
port: 8080 #F
protocol: TCP #F

As you can see, each pod is listed as an element of the addresses array. In
the kiada Endpoints object, all endpoints are in the same endpoint subset,
because they all use the same port numbers. However, if one group of pods
uses port 8080, for example, and another uses port 8088, the Endpoints object
would contain two subsets, each with its own ports.
Understanding who manages the Endpoints object

You didn’t create any of the three Endpoints objects. They were created by
Kubernetes when you created the associated Service objects. These objects
are fully managed by Kubernetes. Each time a new pod appears or disappears
that matches the Service’s label selector, Kubernetes updates the Endpoints
object to add or remove the endpoint associated with the pod. You can also
manage a service’s endpoints manually. You’ll learn how to do that later.

11.3.2 Introducing the EndpointSlice object

As you can imagine, the size of an Endpoints object becomes an issue when a
service contains a very large number of endpoints. Kubernetes control plane
components need to send the entire object to all cluster nodes every time a
change is made. In large clusters, this leads to noticeable performance issues.
To counter this, the EndpointSlice object was introduced, which splits the
endpoints of a single service into multiple slices.

While an Endpoints object contains multiple endpoint subsets, each

EndpointSlice contains only one. If two groups of pods expose the service on
different ports, they appear in two different EndpointSlice objects. Also, an
EndpointSlice object supports a maximum of 1000 endpoints, but by default
Kubernetes only adds up to 100 endpoints to each slice. The number of ports
in a slice is also limited to 100. Therefore, a service with hundreds of
endpoints or many ports can have multiple EndpointSlices objects associated
with it.

Like Endpoints, EndpointSlices are created and managed automatically.

Listing EndpointSlice objects

In addition to the Endpoints objects, Kubernetes creates the EndpointSlice

objects for your three services. You can see them with the kubectl get
endpointslices command:

$ kubectl get endpointslices

kiada-m24zq IPv4 8080,8443,, + 1
quiz-qbckq IPv4 8080
quote-5dqhx IPv4 80,, +


As of this writing, there is no shorthand for endpointslices.

You’ll notice that unlike Endpoints objects, whose names match the names of
their respective Service objects, each EndpointSlice object contains a
randomly generated suffix after the service name. This way, many
EndpointSlice objects can exist for each service.

Listing EndpointSlices for a particular service

To see only the EndpointSlice objects associated with a particular service,

you can specify a label selector in the kubectl get command. To list the
EndpointSlice objects associated with the kiada service, use the label selector
kubernetes.io/service-name=kiada as follows:

$ kubectl get endpointslices -l kubernetes.io/service-name=kiada

kiada-m24zq IPv4 8080,8443,, + 1

Inspecting an EndpointSlice

To examine an EndpointSlice object in more detail, you use kubectl

describe. Since the describe command doesn’t require the full object name,
and all EndpointSlice objects associated with a service begin with the service
name, you can see them all by specifying only the service name, as shown
$ kubectl describe endpointslice kiada
Name: kiada-m24zq
Namespace: kiada
Labels: endpointslice.kubernetes.io/managed-by=endpointslice-controlle
Annotations: endpoints.kubernetes.io/last-change-trigger-time: 2021-10-30T0
AddressType: IPv4
Ports: #A
Name Port Protocol #A
---- ---- -------- #A
http 8080 TCP #A
https 8443 TCP #A
- Addresses: #B
Ready: true
Hostname: <unset>
TargetRef: Pod/kiada-002 #C
Topology: kubernetes.io/hostname=kind-worker #D


If multiple EndpointSlices match the name you provide to kubectl

describe, the command will print all of them.

The information in the output of the kubectl describe command isn’t much
different from the information in the Endpoint object you saw earlier. The
EndpointSlice object contains a list of ports and endpoint addresses, as well
as information about the pods that represent those endpoints. This includes
the pod’s topology information, which is used for topology-aware traffic
routing. You’ll learn about it later in this chapter.

11.3.3 Managing service endpoints manually

When you create a Service object with a label selector, Kubernetes
automatically creates and manages the Endpoints and EndpointSlice objects
and uses the selector to determine the service endpoints. However, you can
also manage endpoints manually by creating the Service object without a
label selector. In this case, you must create the Endpoints object yourself.
You don’t need to create the EndpointSlice objects because Kubernetes
mirrors the Endpoints object to create corresponding EndpointSlices.

Typically, you manage service endpoints this way when you want to make an
existing external service accessible to pods in your cluster under a different
name. This way, the service can be found through the cluster DNS and
environment variables.

Creating a service without a label selector

The following listing shows an example of a Service object manifest that
doesn’t define a label selector. You’ll manually configure the endpoints for
this service.

Listing 11.5 A service with no pod selector

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: external-service #A
spec: #B
ports: #B
- name: http #B
port: 80 #B

The manifest in the listing defines a service named external-service that

accepts incoming connections on port 80. As explained in the first part of this
chapter, pods in the cluster can use the service either through its cluster IP
address, which is assigned when you create the service, or through its DNS

Creating an Endpoints object

If a service doesn’t define a pod selector, no Endpoints object is

automatically created for it. You must do this yourself. The following listing
shows the manifest of the Endpoints object for the service you created in the
previous section.

Listing 11.6 An Endpoints object created by hand

apiVersion: v1
kind: Endpoints
name: external-service #A
- addresses:
- ip: #B
- ip: #B
- name: http #C
port: 88 #C
The Endpoints object must have the same name as the service and contain the
list of destination addresses and ports. In the listing, IP addresses and represent the endpoints for the service.


You don’t have to create the EndpointSlice object. Kubernetes creates it from
the Endpoints object.

The creation of the Service and its associated Endpoints object allows pods to
use this service in the same way as other services defined in the cluster. As
shown in the following figure, traffic sent to the service’s cluster IP is
distributed to the service’s endpoints. These endpoints are outside the cluster
but could also be internal.

Figure 11.12 Pods consuming a service with two external endpoints.

If you later decide to migrate the external service to pods running inside the
Kubernetes cluster, you can add a selector to the service to redirect traffic to
those pods instead of the endpoints you configured by hand. This is because
Kubernetes immediately starts managing the Endpoints object after you add
the selector to the service.

You can also do the opposite: If you want to migrate an existing service from
the cluster to an external location, remove the selector from the Service
object so that Kubernetes no longer updates the associated Endpoints object.
From then on, you can manage the service’s endpoints manually.

You don’t have to delete the service to do this. By changing the existing
Service object, the cluster IP address of the service remains constant. The
clients using the service won’t even notice that you’ve relocated the service.

11.4 Understanding DNS records for Service objects

An important aspect of Kubernetes services is the ability to look them up via
DNS. This is something that deserves to be looked at more closely.

You know that a service is assigned an internal cluster IP address that pods
can resolve through the cluster DNS. This is because each service gets an A
record in DNS (or an AAAA record for IPv6). However, a service also receives
an SRV record for each of the ports it makes available.

Let’s take a closer look at these DNS records. First, run a one-off pod like
$ kubectl run -it --rm dns-test --image=giantswarm/tiny-tools
/ #

This command runs a pod named dns-test with a container based on the
container image giantswarm/tiny-tools. This image contains the host,
nslookup, and dig tools that you can use to examine DNS records. When you
run the kubectl run command, your terminal will be attached to the shell
process running in the container (the -it option does this). When you exit the
shell, the pod will be removed (by the --rm option).

11.4.1 Inspecting a service’s A and SRV records in DNS

You start by inspecting the A and SRV records associated with your services.

Looking up a service’s A record

To determine the IP address of the quote service, you run the nslookup
command in the shell running in the container of the dns-test pod like so:
/ # nslookup quote
Address: //

Name: quote.kiada.svc.cluster.local #A
Address: #B


You can use dig instead of nslookup, but you must either use the +search
option or specify the fully qualified domain name of the service for the DNS
lookup to succeed (run either dig +search quote or dig

Now look up the IP address of the kiada service. Although this service is of
type LoadBalancer and thus has both an internal cluster IP and an external IP
(that of the load balancer), the DNS returns only the cluster IP. This is to be
expected since the DNS server is internal and is only used within the cluster.

Looking up SRV records

A service provides one or more ports. Each port is given an SRV record in
DNS. Use the following command to retrieve the SRV records for the kiada
/ # nslookup -query=SRV kiada
Address: // //

kiada.kiada.svc.cluster.local service = 0 50 80 kiada.kiada.svc.cluster.lo

kiada.kiada.svc.cluster.local service = 0 50 443 kiada.kiada.svc.cluster.l


As of this writing, GKE still runs kube-dns instead of CoreDNS. Kube-dns

doesn’t support all the DNS queries shown in this section.

A smart client running in a pod could look up the SRV records of a service to
find out what ports are provided by the service. If you define the names for
those ports in the Service object, they can even be looked up by name. The
SRV record has the following form:


The names of the two ports in the kiada service are http and https, and both
define TCP as the protocol. To get the SRV record for the http port, run the
following command:
/ # nslookup -query=SRV _http._tcp.kiada
Address: //

_http._tcp.kiada.kiada.svc.cluster.local service = 0 100 80 kiada.kia


To list all services and the ports they expose in the kiada namespace, you can
run the command nslookup -query=SRV any.kiada.svc.cluster.local.
To list all services in the cluster, use the name any.any.svc.cluster.local.

You’ll probably never need to look for SRV records, but some Internet
protocols, such as SIP and XMPP, depend on them to work.


Please leave the shell in the dns-test pod running, because you’ll need it in
the exercises in the next section when you learn about headless services.

11.4.2 Using headless services to connect to pods directly

Services expose a set of pods at a stable IP address. Each connection to that
IP address is forwarded to a random pod or other endpoint that backs the
service. Connections to the service are automatically distributed across its
endpoints. But what if you want the client to do the load balancing? What if
the client needs to decide which pod to connect to? Or what if it needs to
connect to all pods that back the service? What if the pods that are part of a
service all need to connect directly to each other? Connecting via the
service’s cluster IP clearly isn’t the way to do this. What then?

Instead of connecting to the service IP, clients could get the pod IPs from the
Kubernetes API, but it’s better to keep them Kubernetes-agnostic and use
standard mechanisms like DNS. Fortunately, you can configure the internal
DNS to return the pod IPs instead of the service’s cluster IP by creating a
headless service.

For headless services, the cluster DNS returns not just a single A record
pointing to the service’s cluster IP, but multiple A records, one for each pod
that’s part of the service. Clients can therefore query the DNS to get the IPs
of all the pods in the service. With this information, the client can then
connect directly to the pods, as shown in the next figure.

Figure 11.13 With headless services, clients connect directly to the pods

Creating a headless service

To create a headless service, you set the clusterIP field to None. Create
another service for the quote pods but make this one headless. The following
listing shows its manifest:

Listing 11.7 A headless service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: quote-headless
clusterIP: None #A
app: quote
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: 80
protocol: TCP

After you create the service with kubectl apply, you can check it with
kubectl get. You’ll see that it has no cluster IP:

$ kubectl get svc quote-headless -o wide

quote-headless ClusterIP None <none> 80/TCP 2m app=

Because the service doesn’t have a cluster IP, the DNS server can’t return it
when you try to resolve the service name. Instead, it returns the IP addresses
of the pods. Before you continue, list the IPs of the pods that match the
service’s label selector as follows:
$ kubectl get po -l app=quote -o wide
quote-canary 2/2 Running 0 3h kind-worker2
quote-001 2/2 Running 0 3h kind-worker2
quote-002 2/2 Running 0 3h kind-worker2
quote-003 2/2 Running 0 3h kind-worker

Note the IP addresses of these pods.

Understanding DNS A records returned for a headless service

To see what the DNS returns when you resolve the service, run the following
command in the dns-test pod you created in the previous section:
/ # nslookup quote-headless
Address: //

Name: quote-headless.kiada.svc.cluster.local
Address: #A
Name: quote-headless.kiada.svc.cluster.local
Address: #B
Name: quote-headless.kiada.svc.cluster.local
Address: #C
Name: quote-headless.kiada.svc.cluster.local
Address: #D

The DNS server returns the IP addresses of the four pods that match the
service’s label selector. This is different from what DNS returns for regular
(non-headless) services such as the quote service, where the name resolves to
the cluster IP of the service:
/ # nslookup quote
Address: //

Name: quote.kiada.svc.cluster.local
Address: #A

Understanding how clients use headless services

Clients that wish to connect directly to pods that are part of a service, can do
so by retrieving the A (or AAAA) records from the DNS. The client can then
connect to one, some, or all the returned IP addresses.

Clients that don’t perform the DNS lookup themselves, can use the service as
they’d use a regular, non-headless service. Because the DNS server rotates
the list of IP addresses it returns, a client that simply uses the service’s FQDN
in the connection URL will get a different pod IP each time. Therefore, client
requests are distributed across all pods.

You can try this by sending multiple requests the quote-headless service
with curl from the dns-test pod as follows:
/ # while true; do curl http://quote-headless; done
This is the quote service running in pod quote-002
This is the quote service running in pod quote-001
This is the quote service running in pod quote-002
This is the quote service running in pod quote-canary
Each request is handled by a different pod, just like when you use the regular
service. The difference is that with a headless service you connect directly to
the pod IP, while with regular services you connect to the cluster IP of the
service, and your connection is forwarded to one of the pods. You can see
this by running curl with the --verbose option and examining the IP it
connects to:
/ # curl --verbose http://quote-headless #A
* Trying #A
* Connected to quote-headless ( port 80 (#0)

/ # curl --verbose http://quote #B

* Trying #B
* Connected to quote ( port 80 (#0)

Headless services with no label selector

To conclude this section on headless services, I’d like to mention that

services with manually configured endpoints (services without a label
selector) can also be headless. If you omit the label selector and set the
clusterIP to None, the DNS will return an A/AAAA record for each endpoint,
just as it does when the service endpoints are pods. To test this yourself,
apply the manifest in the svc.external-service-headless.yaml file and
run the following command in the dns-test pod:
/ # nslookup external-service-headless

11.4.3 Creating a CNAME alias for an existing service

In the previous sections, you learned how to create A and AAAA records in the
cluster DNS. To do this, you create Service objects that either specify a label
selector to find the service endpoints, or you define them manually using the
Endpoints and EndpointSlice objects.

There’s also a way to add CNAME records to the cluster DNS. In Kubernetes,
you add CNAME records to DNS by creating a Service object, just as you do for
A and AAAA records.

A CNAME record is a DNS record that maps an alias to an existing DNS name
instead of an IP address.

Creating an ExternalName service

To create a service that serves as an alias for an existing service, whether it

exists inside or outside the cluster, you create a Service object whose type
field is set to ExternalName. The following listing shows an example of this
type of service.

Listing 11.8 An ExternalName-type service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: time-api
type: ExternalName #A
externalName: worldtimeapi.org #B

In addition to setting the type to ExternalName, the service manifest must

also specify in the externalName field external name to which this service
resolves. No Endpoints or EndpointSlice object is required for ExternalName

Connecting to an ExternalName service from a pod

After the service is created, pods can connect to the external service using the
domain name time-api.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local (or time-api if
they’re in the same namespace as the service) instead of using the actual
FQDN of the external service, as shown in the following example:
$ kubectl exec -it kiada-001 -c kiada -- curl http://time-api/api/timezone/C

Resolving ExternalName services in DNS

Because ExternalName services are implemented at the DNS level (only a
CNAME record is created for the service), clients don’t connect to the service
through the cluster IP, as is the case with non-headless ClusterIP services.
They connect directly to the external service. Like headless services,
ExternalName services have no cluster IP, as the following output shows:

$ kubectl get svc time-api

time-api ExternalName <none> worldtimeapi.org 80/TCP 4m51s

As a final exercise in this section on DNS, you can try resolving the time-
api service in the dns-test pod as follows:

/ # nslookup time-api
Address: //

time-api.kiada.svc.cluster.local canonical name = worldtimeapi.org.

Name: worldtimeapi.org #B
Address: #B
Name: worldtimeapi.org #B
Address: 2a09:8280:1::3:e #B

You can see that time-api.kiada.svc.cluster.local points to

worldtimeapi.org. This concludes this section on DNS records for
Kubernetes services. You can now exit the shell in the dns-test pod by
typing exit or pressing Control-D. The pod is deleted automatically.

11.5 Configuring services to route traffic to nearby

When you deploy pods, they are distributed across the nodes in the cluster. If
cluster nodes span different availability zones or regions and the pods
deployed on those nodes exchange traffic with each other, network
performance and traffic costs can become an issue. In this case, it makes
sense for services to forward traffic to pods that aren’t far from the pod where
the traffic originates.

In other cases, a pod may need to communicate only with service endpoints
on the same node as the pod. Not for performance or cost reasons, but
because only the node-local endpoints can provide the service in the proper
context. Let me explain what I mean.

11.5.1 Forwarding traffic only within the same node with

If pods provide a service that’s tied in some way to the node on which the
pod is running, you must ensure that client pods running on a particular node
connect only to the endpoints on the same node. You can do this by creating
a Service with the internalTrafficPolicy set to Local.


You previously learned about the externalTrafficPolicy field, which is

used to prevent unnecessary network hops between nodes when external
traffic arrives in the cluster. The service’s internalTrafficPolicy field is
similar, but serves a different purpose.

As shown in the following figure, if the service is configured with the Local
internal traffic policy, traffic from pods on a given node is forwarded only to
pods on the same node. If there are no node-local service endpoints, the
connection fails.

Figure 11.14 The behavior of a service with internalTrafficPolicy set to Local

Imagine a system pod running on each cluster node that manages
communication with a device attached to the node. The pods don’t use the
device directly, but communicate with the system pod. Since pod IPs are
fungible, while service IPs are stable, pods connect to the system pod through
a Service. To ensure that pods connect only to the local system pod and not to
those on other nodes, the service is configured to forward traffic only to local
endpoints. You don’t have any such pods in your cluster, but you can use the
quote pods to try this feature.

Creating a service with a local internal traffic policy

The following listing shows the manifest for a service named quote-local,
which forwards traffic only to pods running on the same node as the client

Listing 11.9 A service that only forwards traffic to local endpoints

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: quote-local
internalTrafficPolicy: Local #A
app: quote
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: 80
protocol: TCP

As you can see in the manifest, the service will forward traffic to all pods
with the label app: quote, but since internalTrafficPolicy is set to Local,
it won’t forward traffic to all quote pods in the cluster, only to the pods that
are on the same node as the client pod. Create the service by applying the
manifest with kubectl apply.

Observing node-local traffic routing

Before you can see how the service routes traffic, you need to figure out
where the client pods and the pods that are the endpoints of the service are
located. List the pods with the -o wide option to see which node each pod is
running on.

Select one of the kiada pods and note its cluster node. Use curl to connect to
the quote-local service from that pod. For example, my kiada-001 pod runs
on the kind-worker node. If I run curl in it multiple times, all requests are
handled by the quote pods on the same node:
$ kubectl exec kiada-001 -c kiada -- sh -c "while :; do curl -s quote-local;
This is the quote service running in pod quote-002 on node kind-worker #A
This is the quote service running in pod quote-canary on node kind-worker
This is the quote service running in pod quote-canary on node kind-worker
This is the quote service running in pod quote-002 on node kind-worker #A

No request is forwarded to the pods on the other node(s). If I delete the two
pods on the kind-worker node, the next connection attempt will fail:
$ kubectl exec -it kiada-001 -c kiada -- curl http://quote-local
curl: (7) Failed to connect to quote-local port 80: Connection refused
In this section, you learned how to forward traffic only to node-local
endpoints when the semantics of the service require it. In other cases, you
may want traffic to be forwarded preferentially to endpoints near the client
pod, and only to more distant pods when needed. You’ll learn how to do this
in the next section.

11.5.2 Topology-aware hints

Imagine the Kiada suite running in a cluster with nodes spread across
multiple data centers in different zones and regions, as shown in the
following figure. You don’t want a Kiada pod running in one zone to connect
to Quote pods in another zone, unless there are no Quote pods in the local
zone. Ideally, you want connections to be made within the same zone to
reduce network traffic and associated costs.

Figure 11.15 Routing serviced traffic across availability zones

What was just described and illustrated in the figure is called topology-aware
traffic routing. Kubernetes supports it by adding topology-aware hints to each
endpoint in the EndpointSlice object.

As of this writing, topology-aware hints are an alpha-level feature, so this

could still change or be removed in the future.

Since this feature is still in alpha, it isn’t enabled by default. Instead of

explaining how to try it, I’ll just explain how it works.

Understanding how topology aware hints are calculated

First, all your cluster nodes must contain the kubernetes.io/zone label to
indicate which zone each node is located in. To indicate that a service should
use topology-aware hints, you must set the
service.kubernetes.io/topology-aware-hints annotation to Auto. If the
service has a sufficient number of endpoints, Kubernetes adds the hints to
each endpoint in the EndpointSlice object(s). As you can see in the following
listing, the hints field specifies the zones from which this endpoint is to be

Listing 11.10 EndpointSlice with topology aware hints

apiVersion: discovery.k8s.io/v1
kind: EndpointSlice
- addresses:
ready: true
hints: #A
forZones: #A
- name: zoneA #A
nodeName: kind-worker
kind: Pod
name: quote-002
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "944"
uid: 03343161-971d-403c-89ae-9632e7cd0d8d
zone: zoneA #B
The listing shows only a single endpoint. The endpoint represents the pod
quote-002 running on node kind-worker, which is located in zoneA. For this
reason, the hints for this endpoint indicate that it is to be consumed by pods
in zoneA. In this particular case, only zoneA should use this endpoint, but the
forZones array could contain multiple zones.

These hints are computed by the EndpointSlice controller, which is part of

the Kubernetes control plane. It assigns endpoints to each zone based on the
number of CPU cores that can be allocated in the zone. If a zone has a higher
number of CPU cores, it’ll be assigned a higher number of endpoints than a
zone with fewer CPU cores. In most cases, the hints ensure that traffic is kept
within a zone, but to ensure a more even distribution, this isn’t always the

Understanding where topology aware hints are used

Each node ensures that traffic sent to the service’s cluster IP is forwarded to
one of the service’s endpoints. If there are no topology-aware hints in the
EndpointSlice object, all endpoints, regardless of the node on which they
reside, will receive traffic originating from a particular node. However, if all
endpoints in the EndpointSlice object contain hints, each node processes only
the endpoints that contain the node’s zone in the hints and ignores the rest.
Traffic originating from a pod on the node is therefore forwarded to only
some endpoints.

Currently, you can’t influence topology-aware routing except to turn it on or

off, but that may change in the future.

11.6 Managing the inclusion of a pod in service

There’s one more thing about services and endpoints that wasn’t covered yet.
You learned that a pod is included as an endpoint of a service if its labels
match the service’s label selector. Once a new pod with matching labels
shows up, it becomes part of the service and connections are forwarded to the
pod. But what if the application in the pod isn’t immediately ready to accept

It may be that the application needs time to load either the configuration or
the data, or that it needs to warm up so that the first client connection can be
processed as quickly as possible without unnecessary latency caused by the
fact that the application has just started. In such cases, you don’t want the pod
to receive traffic immediately, especially if the existing pod instances can
handle the traffic. It makes sense not to forward requests to a pod that’s just
starting up until it becomes ready.

11.6.1 Introducing readiness probes

In chapter 6, you learned how to keep your applications healthy by letting
Kubernetes restart containers that fail their liveness probes. A similar
mechanism called readiness probes allows an application to signal that it’s
ready to accept connections.

Like liveness probes, the Kubelet also calls the readiness probe periodically
to determine the readiness status of the pod. If the probe is successful, the
pod is considered ready. The opposite is true if it fails. Unlike liveness
probes, a container whose readiness probe fails isn’t restarted; it’s only
removed as an endpoint from the services to which it belongs.

As you can see in the following figure, if a pod fails its readiness probe, the
service doesn’t forward connections to the pod even though its labels match
the label selector defined in the service.

Figure 11.16 Pods that fail the readiness probe are removed from the service
The notion of being ready is specific to each application. The application
developer decides what readiness means in the context of their application.
To do this, they expose an endpoint through which Kubernetes asks the
application whether it’s ready or not. Depending on the type of endpoint, the
correct readiness probe type must be used.

Understanding readiness probe types

As with liveness probes, Kubernetes supports three types of readiness probes:

An exec probe executes a process in the container. The exit code used to
terminate the process determines whether the container is ready or not.
An httpGet probe sends a GET request to the container via HTTP or
HTTPS. The response code determines the container’s readiness status.
A tcpSocket probe opens a TCP connection to a specified port on the
container. If the connection is established, the container is considered

Configuring how often the probe is executed

You may recall that you can configure when and how often the liveness
probe runs for a given container using the following properties:
initialDelaySeconds, periodSeconds, failureThreshold, and
timeoutSeconds. These properties also apply to readiness probes, but they
also support the additional successThreshold property, which specifies how
many times the probe must succeed for the container to be considered ready.

These settings are best explained graphically. The following figure shows
how the individual properties affect the execution of the readiness probe and
the resulting readiness status of the container.

Figure 11.17 Readiness probe execution and resulting readiness status of the container


If the container defines a startup probe, the initial delay for the readiness
probe begins when the startup probe succeeds. Startup probes are explained
in chapter 6.

When the container is ready, the pod becomes an endpoint of the services
whose label selector it matches. When it’s no longer ready, it’s removed from
those services.
11.6.2 Adding a readiness probe to a pod

To see readiness probes in action, create a new pod with a probe that you can
switch from success to failure at will. This isn’t a real-world example of how
to configure a readiness probe, but it allows you to see how the outcome of
the probe affects the pod’s inclusion in the service.

The following listing shows the relevant part of the pod manifest file
pod.kiada-mock-readiness.yaml, which you can find in the book’s code

Listing 11.11 A readiness probe definition in a pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
- name: kiada
readinessProbe: #A
exec: #B
command: #B
- ls #B
- /var/ready #B
initialDelaySeconds: 10 #C
periodSeconds: 5 #C
failureThreshold: 3 #C
successThreshold: 2 #C
timeoutSeconds: 2 #C

The readiness probe periodically runs the ls /var/ready command in the

kiada container. The ls command returns the exit code zero if the file exists,
otherwise it’s nonzero. Since zero is considered a success, the readiness
probe succeeds if the file is present.

The reason to define such a strange readiness probe is so that you can change
its outcome by creating or removing the file in question. When you create the
pod, the file doesn’t exist yet, so the pod isn’t ready. Before you create the
pod, delete all other kiada pods except kiada-001. This makes it easier to see
the service endpoints change.

Observing the pods’ readiness status

After you create the pod from the manifest file, check its status as follows:
$ kubectl get po kiada-mock-readiness
kiada-mock-readiness 1/2 Running 0 1m #A

The READY column shows that only one of the pod’s containers is ready. This
is the envoy container, which doesn’t define a readiness probe. Containers
without a readiness probe are considered ready as soon as they’re started.

Since the pod’s containers aren’t all ready, the pod shouldn’t receive traffic
sent to the service. You can check this by sending several requests to the
kiada service. You’ll notice that all requests are handled by the kiada-001
pod, which is the only active endpoint of the service. This is evident from the
Endpoints and EndpointSlice objects associated with the service. For
example, the kiada-mock-readiness pod appears in the notReadyAddresses
instead of the addresses array in the Endpoints object:
$ kubectl get endpoints kiada -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Endpoints
name: kiada
- addresses:
- ...
notReadyAddresses: #A
- ip: #A
nodeName: kind-worker2 #A
targetRef: #A
kind: Pod #A
name: kiada-mock-readiness #A
namespace: default #A

In the EndpointSlice object, the endpoint’s ready condition is false:

$ kubectl get endpointslices -l kubernetes.io/service-name=kiada -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
- addressType: IPv4
apiVersion: discovery.k8s.io/v1
- addresses:
conditions: #A
ready: false #A
nodeName: kind-worker2
kind: Pod
name: kiada-mock-readiness
namespace: default


In some cases, you may want to disregard the readiness status of pods. This
may be the case if you want all pods in a group to get A, AAAA, and SRV
records even though they aren’t ready. If you set the
publishNotReadyAddresses field in the Service object’s spec to true, non-
ready pods are marked as ready in both the Endpoints and EndpointSlice
objects. Components like the cluster DNS treat them as ready.

For the readiness probe to succeed, create the /var/ready file in the
container as follows:
$ kubectl exec kiada-mock-readiness -c kiada -- touch /var/ready

The kubectl exec command runs the touch command in the kiada container
of the kiada-mock-readiness pod. The touch command creates the specified
file. The container’s readiness probe will now be successful. All the pod’s
containers should now show as ready. Verify that this is the case as follows:
$ kubectl get po kiada-mock-readiness
kiada-mock-readiness 1/2 Running 0 10m

Surprisingly, the pod is still not ready. Is something wrong or is this the
expected result? Take a closer look at the pod with kubectl describe. In the
output you’ll find the following line:
Readiness: exec [ls /var/ready] delay=10s timeout=2s period=5s #success=2

The readiness probe defined in the pod is configured to check the status of
the container every 5 seconds. However, it’s also configured to require two
consecutive probe attempts to be successful before setting the status of the
container to ready. Therefore, it takes about 10 seconds for the pod to be
ready after you create the /var/ready file.

When this happens, the pod should become an active endpoint of the service.
You can verify this is the case by examining the Endpoints or EndpointSlice
objects associated with the service, or by simply accessing the service a few
times and checking to see if the kiada-mock-readiness pod receives any of
the requests you send.

If you want to remove the pod from the service again, run the following
command to remove the /var/ready file from the container:
$ kubectl exec kiada-mock-readiness -c kiada -- rm /var/ready

This mockup of a readiness probe is just to show how readiness probes work.
In the real world, the readiness probe shouldn’t be implemented in this way.
If you want to manually remove pods from a service, you can do so by either
deleting the pod or changing the pod’s labels rather than manipulating the
readiness probe outcome.


 If you want to manually control whether or not a pod is included in a

service, add a label key such as enabled to the pod and set its value to true.
Then add the label selector enabled=true to your service. Remove the label
from the pod to remove the pod from the service.

11.6.3 Implementing real-world readiness probes

If you don’t define a readiness probe in your pod, it becomes a service
endpoint as soon as it’s created. This means that every time you create a new
pod instance, connections forwarded by the service to that new instance will
fail until the application in the pod is ready to accept them. To prevent this,
you should always define a readiness probe for the pod.

In the previous section, you learned how to add a mock readiness probe to a
container to manually control whether the pod is a service endpoint or not. In
the real world, the readiness probe result should reflect the ability of the
application running in the container to accept connections.

Defining a minimal readiness probe

For containers running an HTTP server, it’s much better to define a simple
readiness probe that checks whether the server responds to a simple GET /
request, such as the one in the following snippet, than to have no readiness
probe at all.
httpGet: #A
port: 8080 #A
path: / #B
scheme: HTTP #B

When Kubernetes invokes this readiness probe, it sends the GET / request to
port 8080 of the container and checks the returned HTTP response code. If
the response code is greater than or equal to 200 and less than 400, the probe
is successful, and the pod is considered ready. If the response code is
anything else (for example, 404 or 500) or the connection attempt fails, the
readiness probe is considered failed and the pod is marked as not ready.

This simple probe ensures that the pod only becomes part of the service when
it can actually handle HTTP requests, rather than immediately when the pod
is started.

Defining a better readiness probe

A simple readiness probe like the one shown in the previous section isn’t
always sufficient. Take the Quote pod, for example. You may recall that it
runs two containers. The quote-writer container selects a random quote
from this book and writes it to a file called quote in the volume shared by the
two containers. The nginx container serves files from this shared volume.
Thus, the quote itself is available at the URL path /quote.

The purpose of the Quote pod is clearly to provide a random quote from the
book. Therefore, it shouldn’t be marked ready until it can serve this quote. If
you direct the readiness probe to the URL path /, it’ll succeed even if the
quote-writer container hasn’t yet created the quote file. Therefore, the
readiness probe in the Quote pod should be configured as shown in the
following snippet from the pod.quote-readiness.yaml file:
port: 80
path: /quote #A
scheme: HTTP
failureThreshold: 1 #B

If you add this readiness probe to your Quote pod, you’ll see that the pod is
only ready when the quote file exists. Try deleting the file from the pod as
$ kubectl exec quote-readiness -c quote-writer -- rm /var/local/output/quote

Now check the pod’s readiness status with kubectl get pod and you’ll see
that one of the containers is no longer ready. When the quote-writer
recreates the file, the container becomes ready again. You can also inspect the
endpoints of the quote service with kubectl get endpoints quote to see
that the pod is removed and then re-added.

Implementing a dedicated readiness endpoint

As you saw in the previous example, it may be sufficient to point the

readiness probe to an existing path served by the HTTP server, but it’s also
common for an application to provide a dedicated endpoint, such as
/healthz/ready or /readyz, through which it reports its readiness status.
When the application receives a request on this endpoint, it can perform a
series of internal checks to determine its readiness status.
Let’s take the Quiz service as an example. The Quiz pod runs both an HTTP
server and a MongoDB container. As you can see in the following listing, the
quiz-api server implements the /healthz/ready endpoint. When it receives
a request, it checks if it can successfully connect to MongoDB in the other
container. If so, it responds with a 200 OK. If not, it returns 500 Internal
Server Error.

Listing 11.12: The readiness endpoint in the quiz-api application

func (s *HTTPServer) ListenAndServe(listenAddress string) {

router := mux.NewRouter()

func (s *HTTPServer) handleReadiness(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Requ

conn, err := s.db.Connect() #B
if err != nil { #C
res.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) #C
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(res, “ERROR: %v\n”, err.Error()) #C
return #C
defer conn.Close()

res.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) #D
_, _ = res.Write([]byte("Readiness check successful")) #D

The readiness probe defined in the Quiz pod ensures that everything the pod
needs to provide its services is present and working. As additional
components are added to the quiz-api application, further checks can be
added to the readiness check code. An example of this is the addition of an
internal cache. The readiness endpoint could check to see if the cache is
warmed up, so that only then is the pod exposed to clients.

Checking dependencies in the readiness probe

In the Quiz pod, the MongoDB database is an internal dependency of the

quiz-api container. The Kiada pod, on the other hand, depends on the Quiz
and Quote services, which are external dependencies. What should the
readiness probe check in the Kiada pod? Should it check whether it can reach
the Quote and Quiz services?

The answer to this question is debatable, but any time you check
dependencies in a readiness probe, you must consider what happens if a
transient problem, such as a temporary increase in network latency, causes
the probe to fail.

Note that the timeoutSeconds field in the readiness probe definition limits
the time the probe has to respond. The default timeout is only one second.
The container must respond to the readiness probe in this time.

If the Kiada pod calls the other two services in its readiness check, but their
responses are only slightly delayed due to a transient network disruption, its
readiness probe fails and the pod is removed from the service endpoints. If
this happens to all Kiada pods at the same time, there will be no pods left to
handle client requests. The disruption may only last a second, but the pods
may not be added back to the service until dozens of seconds later, depending
on how the periodSeconds and successThreshold properties are configured.

When you check external dependencies in your readiness probes, you should
consider what happens when these types of transient network problems occur.
Then you should set your periods, timeouts, and thresholds accordingly.


Readiness probes that try to be too smart can cause more problems than they
solve. As a rule of thumb, readiness probes shouldn’t test external
dependencies, but can test dependencies within the same pod.

The Kiada application also implements the /healthz/ready endpoint instead

of having the readiness probe use the / endpoint to check its status. This
endpoint simply responds with the HTTP response code 200 OK and the word
Ready in the response body. This ensures that the readiness probe only checks
that the application itself is responding, without also connecting to the Quiz
or Quote services. You can find the pod manifest in the pod.kiada-
readiness.yaml file.
Understanding readiness probes in the context of pod shutdown

One last note before you close this chapter. As you know, readiness probes
are most important when the pod starts, but they also ensure that the pod is
taken out of service when something causes it to no longer be ready during
normal operation. But what about when the pod is terminating? A pod that’s
in the process of shutting down shouldn’t be part of any services. Do you
need to consider that when implementing the readiness probe?

Fortunately, when you delete a pod, Kubernetes not only sends the
termination signal to the pod’s containers, but also removes the pod from all
services. This means you don’t have to make any special provisions for
terminating pods in your readiness probes. You don’t have to make sure that
the probe fails when your application receives the termination signal.

11.7 Summary
In this chapter, you finally connected the Kiada pods to the Quiz and Service
pods. Now you can use the Kiada suite to test the knowledge you’ve acquired
so far and refresh your memory with quotes from this book. In this chapter,
you learned that:

Pods communicate over a flat network that allows any pod to reach any
other pod in the cluster, regardless of the actual network topology
connecting the cluster nodes.
A Kubernetes service makes a group of pods available under a single IP
address. While the IPs of the pods may change, the IP of the service
remains constant.
The cluster IP of the service is reachable from inside the cluster, but
NodePort and LoadBalancer services are also accessible from outside
the cluster.
Service endpoints are either determined by a label selector specified in
the Service object or configured manually. These endpoints are stored in
the Endpoints and EndpointSlice objects.
Client pods can find services using the cluster DNS or environment
variables. Depending on the type of Service, the following DNS records
may be created: A, AAAA, SRV, and CNAME.
Services can be configured to forward external traffic only to pods on
the same node that received the external traffic, or to pods anywhere in
the cluster. They can also be configured to route internal traffic only to
pods on the same node as the pod from which the traffic originates from.
Topology-aware routing ensures that traffic isn’t routed across
availability zones when a local pod can provide the requested service.
Pods don’t become service endpoints until they’re ready. By
implementing a readiness probe handler in an application, you can
define what readiness means in the context of that particular application.

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to use Ingress objects to make multiple
services accessible through a single external IP address.
12 Exposing Services with Ingress
This chapter covers
Creating Ingress objects
Deploying and understanding Ingress controllers
Securing ingresses with TLS
Adding additional configuration to an Ingress
Using IngressClasses when multiple controllers are installed
Using Ingresses with non-service backends

In the previous chapter, you learned how to use the Service object to expose a
group of pods at a stable IP address. If you use the LoadBalancer service
type, the service is made available to clients outside the cluster through a load
balancer. This approach is fine if you only need to expose a single service
externally, but it becomes problematic with large numbers of services, since
each service needs its own public IP address.

Fortunately, by exposing these services through an Ingress object instead,

you only need a single IP address. Additionally, the Ingress provides other
features such as HTTP authentication, cookie-based session affinity, URL
rewriting, and others that Service objects can’t.


You’ll find the code files for this chapter at


12.1 Introducing Ingresses

Before I explain what an Ingress is in the context of Kubernetes, it may help
readers for whom English isn’t their first language to define what the term
ingress means.

 Ingress (noun)—The act of going in or entering; the right to enter; a means

or place of entering; entryway.

In Kubernetes, an Ingress is a way for external clients to access the services

of applications running in the cluster. The Ingress function consists of the
following three components:

The Ingress API object, which is used to define and configure an

An L7 load balancer or reverse proxy that routes traffic to the backend
The ingress controller, which monitors the Kubernetes API for Ingress
objects and deploys and configures the load balancer or reverse proxy.


L4 and L7 refer to layer 4 (Transport Layer; TCP, UDP) and layer 7

(Application Layer; HTTP) of the Open Systems Interconnection Model (OSI


Unlike a forward proxy, which routes and filters outgoing traffic and is
typically located in the same location as the clients it serves, a reverse proxy
handles incoming traffic and routes it to one or more backend servers. A
reverse proxy is located near those servers.

In most online content, the term ingress controller is often used to refer to the
load balancer/reverse proxy and the actual controller as one entity, but they’re
two different components. For this reason, I refer to them separately in this

I also use the term proxy for the L7 load balancer, so you don’t confuse it
with the L4 load balancer that handles the traffic for LoadBalancer-type
12.1.1 Introducing the Ingress object kind

When you want to expose a set of services externally, you create an Ingress
object and reference the Service objects in it. Kubernetes uses this Ingress
object to configure an L7 load balancer (an HTTP reverse proxy) that makes
the services accessible to external clients through a common entrypoint.


If you expose a Service through an Ingress, you can usually leave the Service
type set to ClusterIP. However, some ingress implementations require the
Service type to be NodePort. Refer to the ingress controller’s documentation
to see if this is the case.

Exposing services through an Ingress object

While an Ingress object can be used to expose a single Service, it’s typically
used in combination with multiple Service objects, as shown in the following
figure. The figure shows how a single Ingress object makes all three services
in the Kiada suite accessible to external clients.

Figure 12.1 An Ingress forwards external traffic to multiple services

The Ingress object contains rules for routing traffic to the three services based
on the information in the HTTP request. The public DNS entries for the
services all point to the same Ingress. The Ingress determines which service
should receive the request from the request itself. If the client request
specifies the host kiada.example.com, the Ingress forwards it to the pods that
belong to the kiada service, whereas requests that specify the host
api.example.com are forwarded to the quote or quiz services, depending on
which path is requested.

Using multiple Ingress objects in a cluster

An Ingress object typically handles traffic for all Service objects in a

particular Kubernetes namespace, but multiple Ingresses are also an option.
Normally, each Ingress object gets its own IP address, but some ingress
implementations use a shared entrypoint for all Ingress objects you create in
the cluster.

12.1.2 Introducing the Ingress controller and the reverse proxy

Not all Kubernetes clusters support Ingresses out of the box. This
functionality is provided by a cluster add-on component called Ingress
controller. This controller is the link between the Ingress object and the actual
physical ingress (the reverse proxy). Often the controller and the proxy run as
two processes in the same container or as two containers in the same pod.
That’s why people use the term ingress controller to mean both.

Sometimes the controller or the proxy is located outside the cluster. For
example, the Google Kubernetes Engine provides its own Ingress controller
that uses Google Cloud Platform’s L7 load balancer to provide the Ingress
functionality to the cluster.

If your cluster is deployed in multiple availability zones, a single ingress can

handle traffic for all of them. It forwards each HTTP request to the best zone
depending on where the client is located, for example.

There’s a wide range of ingress controllers to choose from. The Kubernetes

community maintains a list at https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-
networking/ingress-controllers/. Among the most popular are the Nginx
ingress controller, Ambassador, Contour, and Traefik. Most of these ingress
controllers use Nginx, HAProxy, or Envoy as the reverse proxy, but some use
their own proxy implementation.

Understanding the role of the ingress controller

The ingress controller is the software component that brings the Ingress
object to life. As shown in the following figure, the controller connects to the
Kubernetes API server and monitors the Ingress, Service, and Endpoints or
EndpointSlice objects. Whenever you create, modify, or delete these objects,
the controller is notified. It uses the information in these objects to provision
and configure the reverse proxy for the ingress, as shown in the following

Figure 12.2 The role of an ingress controller

When you create the Ingress object, the controller reads its spec section and
combines it with the information in the Service and EndpointSlice objects it
references. The controller converts this information into the configuration for
the reverse proxy. It then sets up a new proxy with this configuration and
performs additional steps to ensure that the proxy is reachable from outside
the cluster. If the proxy is running in a pod inside the cluster, this usually
means that a LoadBalancer type service is created to expose the proxy

When you make changes to the Ingress object, the controller updates the
configuration of the proxy, and when you delete it, the controller stops and
removes the proxy and any other objects it created alongside it.

Understanding how the proxy forwards traffic to the services

The reverse proxy (or L7 load balancer) is the component that handles
incoming HTTP requests and forwards it to the services. The proxy
configuration typically contains a list of virtual hosts and, for each, a list of
endpoint IPs. This information is obtained from the Ingress, Service, and
Endpoints/EndpointSlice objects. When clients connect to the proxy, the
proxy uses this information to route the request to an endpoint such as a pod
based on the request path and headers.

The following figure shows how a client accesses the Kiada service through
the proxy. The client first performs a DNS lookup of kiada.example.com.
The DNS server returns the public IP address of the reverse proxy. Then the
client sends an HTTP request to the proxy where the Host header contains the
value kiada.example.com. The proxy maps this host to the IP address of one
of the Kiada pods and forwards the HTTP request to it. Note that the proxy
doesn’t send the request to the service IP, but directly to the pod. This is how
most ingress implementations work.

Figure 12.3 Accessing pods through an Ingress

12.1.3 Installing an ingress controller

Before you start creating Ingresses, you need to make sure that an ingress
controller runs in your cluster. As you learned in the previous section, not all
Kubernetes clusters have one.

If you’re using a managed cluster with one of the major cloud providers, an
ingress controller is already in place. In Google Kubernetes Engine, the
ingress controller is GLBC (GCE L7 Load Balancer), in AWS the Ingress
functionality is provided by the AWS Load Balancer Controller, while Azure
provides AGIC (Application Gateway Ingress Controller). Check your cloud
provider’s documentation to see if an ingress controller is provided and
whether you need to enable it. Alternatively, you can install the ingress
controller yourself.

As you already know, there are many different ingress implementations to

choose from. They all provide the type of traffic routing explained in the
previous section, but each provides different additional features. In all the
examples in this chapter, I used the Nginx ingress controller. I suggest that
you use it as well unless your cluster provides a different one. To install the
Nginx ingress controller in your cluster, see the sidebar.


There are two implementations of the Nginx ingress controller. One is

provided by the Kubernetes maintainers and the other is provided by the
authors of Nginx itself. If you’re new to Kubernetes, you should start with the
former. That’s the one I used.

Installing the Nginx ingress controller

Regardless of how you run your Kubernetes cluster, you should be able to
install the Nginx ingress controller by following the instructions at

If you created your cluster using the kind tool, you can install the controller
by running the following command:
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-ngin

If you run your cluster with Minikube, you can install the controller as
$ minikube addons enable ingress

12.2 Creating and using Ingress objects

The previous section explained the basics of Ingress objects and controllers,
and how to install the Nginx ingress controller. In this section, you’ll learn
how to use an Ingress to expose the services of the Kiada suite.
Before you create your first Ingress object, you must deploy the pods and
services of the Kiada suite. If you followed the exercises in the previous
chapter, they should already be there. If not, you can create them by creating
the kiada namespace and then applying all manifests in the the
Chapter12/SETUP/ directory with the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f SETUP/ --recursive

12.2.1 Exposing a service through an Ingress

An Ingress object references one or more Service objects. Your first Ingress
object exposes the kiada service, which you created in the previous chapter.
Before you create the Ingress, refresh your memory by looking at the service
manifest in the following listing.

Listing 12.1 The kiada service manifest

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kiada #A
type: ClusterIP #B
app: kiada
- name: http #C
port: 80 #C
targetPort: 8080 #C
- name: https
port: 443
targetPort: 8443

The Service type is ClusterIP because the service itself doesn’t need to be
directly accessible to clients outside the cluster, since the Ingress will take
care of that. Although the service exposes ports 80 and 443, the Ingress will
forward traffic only to port 80.

Creating the Ingress object

The Ingress object manifest is shown in the following listing. You can find it
in the file Chapter12/ing.kiada-example-com.yaml in the book’s code

Listing 12.2 An Ingress object exposing the kiada service at kiada.example.com

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: kiada-example-com #A
- host: kiada.example.com #B
- path: / #C
pathType: Prefix #C
backend: #D
service: #D
name: kiada #D
port: #D
number: 80 #D

The manifest in the listing defines an Ingress object named kiada-example-

com. While you can give the object any name you want, it’s recommended
that the name reflect the host and/or path(s) specified in the ingress rules.


In Google Kubernetes Engine, the Ingress name mustn’t contain dots,

otherwise the following error message will be displayed in the events
associated with the Ingress object: Error syncing to GCP: error running
load balancer syncing routine: invalid loadbalancer name.

The Ingress object in the listing defines a single rule. The rule states that all
requests for the host kiada.example.com should be forwarded to port 80 of
the kiada service, regardless of the requested path (as indicated by the path
and pathType fields). This is illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 12.4 How the kiada-example-com Ingress object configures external traffic routing
Inspecting an Ingress object to get its public IP address

After creating the Ingress object with kubectl apply, you can see its basic
information by listing Ingress objects in the current namespace with kubectl
get ingresses as follows:

$ kubectl get ingresses

kiada-example-com nginx kiada.example.com 80 30s


You can use ing as a shorthand for ingress.

To see the Ingress object in detail, use the kubectl describe command as
$ kubectl describe ing kiada-example-com
Name: kiada-example-com #A
Namespace: default #A
Address: #B
Default backend: default-http-backend:80 ( #C
Rules: #D
Host Path Backends #D
---- ---- -------- #D
kiada.example.com #D
/ kiada:80 (,,172.17.0.
Annotations: <none>
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Sync 5m6s (x2 over 5m28s) nginx-ingress-controller Scheduled
As you can see, the kubectl describe command lists all the rules in the
Ingress object. For each rule, not only is the name of the target service
shown, but also its endpoints. If you see an error message related to the
default backend, ignore it for now. You’ll fix it later.

Both kubectl get and kubectl describe display the IP address of the
ingress. This is the IP address of the L7 load balancer or reverse proxy to
which clients should send requests. In the example output, the IP address is and the port is 80.


 The address may not be displayed immediately. This is very common

when the cluster is running in the cloud. If the address isn’t displayed after
several minutes, it means that no ingress controller has processed the Ingress
object. Check if the controller is running. Since a cluster can run multiple
ingress controllers, it’s possible that they’ll all ignore your Ingress object if
you don’t specify which of them should process it. Check the documentation
of your chosen ingress controller to find out if you need to add the
kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation or set the
spec.ingressClassName field in the Ingress object. You’ll learn more about
this field later.

You can also find the IP address in the Ingress object’s status field as
$ kubectl get ing kiada -o yaml
- ip: #A


Sometimes the displayed address can be misleading. For example, if you use
Minikube and start the cluster in a VM, the ingress address will show up as
localhost, but that’s only true from the VM’s perspective. The actual
ingress address is the IP address of the VM, which you can get with the
minikube ip command.

Adding the ingress IP to the DNS

After you add an Ingress to a production cluster, the next step is to add a
record to your Internet domain’s DNS server. In these examples, we assume
that you own the domain example.com. To allow external clients to access
your service through the ingress, you configure the DNS server to resolve the
domain name kiada.example.com to the ingress IP

In a local development cluster, you don’t have to deal with DNS servers.
Since you’re only accessing the service from your own computer, you can get
it to resolve the address by other means. This is explained next, along with
instructions on how to access the service through the ingress.

Accessing services through the ingress

Since ingresses use virtual hosting to figure out where to forward the request,
you won’t get the desired result by simply sending an HTTP request to the
Ingress’ IP address and port. You need to make sure that the Host header in
the HTTP request matches one of the rules in the Ingress object.

To achieve this, you must tell the HTTP client to send the request to the host
kiada.example.com. However, this requires resolving the host to the Ingress
IP. If you use curl, you can do this without having to configure your DNS
server or your local /etc/hosts file. Let’s take as the ingress
IP. You can access the kiada service through the ingress with the following
$ curl --resolve kiada.example.com:80: http://kiada.example.com -
* Added kiada.example.com:80: to DNS cache #A
* Hostname kiada.example.com was found in DNS cache #B
* Trying #B
* Connected to kiada.example.com ( port 80 (#0) #B
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: kiada.example.com #C
> User-Agent: curl/7.76.1
> Accept: */*
The --resolve option adds the hostname kiada.example.com to the DNS
cache. This ensures that kiada.example.com resolves to the ingress IP. Curl
then opens the connection to the ingress and sends the HTTP request. The
Host header in the request is set to kiada.example.com and this allows the
ingress to forward the request to the correct service.

Of course, if you want to use your web browser instead, you can’t use the --
resolve option. Instead, you can add the following entry to your /etc/hosts
file. kiada.example.com #A


On Windows, the hosts file is usually located at


You can now access the service at http://kiada.example.com with your web
browser or curl without having to use the --resolve option to map the
hostname to the IP.

12.2.2 Path-based ingress traffic routing

An Ingress object can contain many rules and therefore map multiple hosts
and paths to multiple services. You’ve already created an Ingress for the
kiada service. Now you’ll create one for the quote and quiz services.

The Ingress object for these two services makes them available through the
same host: api.example.com. The path in the HTTP request determines
which service receives each request. As you can see in the following figure,
all requests with the path /quote are forwarded to the quote service, and all
requests whose path starts with /questions are forwarded to the quiz

Figure 12.5 Path-based ingress traffic routing

The following listing shows the Ingress manifest.

Listing 12.3 Ingress mapping request paths to different services

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: api-example-com
- host: api.example.com #A
- path: /quote #B
pathType: Exact #B
backend: #B
service: #B
name: quote #B
port: #B
name: http #B
- path: /questions #C
pathType: Prefix #C
backend: #C
service: #C
name: quiz #C
port: #C
name: http #C

In the Ingress object shown in the listing, a single rule with two paths is
defined. The rule matches HTTP requests with the host api.example.com. In
this rule, the paths array contains two entries. The first matches requests that
ask for the /quote path and forwards them to the port named http in the
quote Service object. The second entry matches all requests whose first path
element is /questions and forwards them to the port http of the quiz


By default, no URL rewriting is performed by the ingress proxy. If the client

requests the path /quote, the path in the request that the proxy makes to the
backend service is also /quote. In some ingress implementations, you can
change this by specifying a URL rewrite rule in the Ingress object.

After you create the Ingress object from the manifest in the previous listing,
you can access the two services it exposes as follows (replace the IP with that
of your ingress):
$ curl --resolve api.example.com:80: api.example.com/quote #A
$ curl --resolve api.example.com:80: api.example.com/questions/ra

If you want to access these services with your web browser, add
api.example.com to the line you added earlier to your /etc/hosts file. It
should now look like this: kiada.example.com api.example.com #A

Understanding how the path is matched

Did you notice the difference between the pathType fields in the two entries
in the previous listing? The pathType field specifies how the path in the
request is matched with the paths in the ingress rule. The three supported
values are summarized in the following table.

Table 12.1 Supported values in the pathType field

PathType Description

The requested URL path must exactly match the

Exact path specified in the ingress rule.

The requested URL path must begin with the

Prefix path specified in the ingress rule, element by

Path matching depends on the implementation of

the ingress controller.

If multiple paths are specified in the ingress rule and the path in the request
matches more than one path in the rule, priority is given to paths with the
Exact path type.

Matching paths using the Exact path type

The following table shows examples of how matching works when pathType
is set to Exact.

Table 12.2 Request paths matched when pathType is Exact

Path in rule Matches request path Doesn’t match

/ /

/foo /foo

/foo/ /foo/ /foo/bar


/FOO /FOO /foo

As you can see from the examples in the table, the matching works as you’d
expect. It’s case sensitive, and the path in the request must exactly match the
path specified in the ingress rule.

Matching paths using the Prefix path type

When pathType is set to Prefix, things aren’t as you might expect. Consider
the examples in the following table.

Table 12.3 Request paths matched when pathType is Prefix

Path in rule Matches request paths Doesn’t match

All paths; for example:



/foo /foo
or /foo/
/foo/ /foo/bar

/FOO /FOO /foo

The request path isn’t treated as a string and checked to see if it begins with
the specified prefix. Instead, both the path in the rule and the request path are
split by / and then each element of the request path is compared to the
corresponding element of the prefix. Take the path /foo, for example. It
matches the request path /foo/bar, but not /foobar. It also doesn’t match the
request path /fooxyz/bar.

When matching, it doesn’t matter if the path in the rule or the one in the
request ends with a forward slash. As with the Exact path type, matching is
case sensitive.

Matching paths using the ImplementationSpecific path type

The ImplementationSpecific path type is, as the name implies, dependent

on the implementation of the ingress controller. With this path type, each
controller can set its own rules for matching the request path. For example, in
GKE you can use wildcards in the path. Instead of using the Prefix type and
setting the path to /foo, you can set the type to ImplementationSpecific
and the path to /foo/*.

12.2.3 Using multiple rules in an Ingress object

In the previous sections you created two Ingress objects to access the Kiada
suite services. In most Ingress implementations, each Ingress object requires
its own public IP address, so you’re now probably using two public IP
addresses. Since this is potentially costly, it’s better to consolidate the Ingress
objects into one.

Creating an Ingress object with multiple rules

Because an Ingress object can contain multiple rules, it’s trivial to combine
multiple objects into one. All you have to do is take the rules and put them
into the same Ingress object, as shown in the following listing. You can find
the manifest in the file ing.kiada.yaml.

Listing 12.4 Ingress exposing multiple services on different hosts

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: kiada
- host: kiada.example.com #A
http: #A
paths: #A
- path: / #A
pathType: Prefix #A
backend: #A
service: #A
name: kiada #A
port: #A
name: http #A
- host: api.example.com #B
http: #B
paths: #B
- path: /quote #B
pathType: Exact #B
backend: #B
service: #B
name: quote #B
port: #B
name: http #B
- path: /questions #B
pathType: Prefix #B
backend: #B
service: #B
name: quiz #B
port: #B
name: http #B

This single Ingress object handles all traffic for all services in the Kiada suite
yet only requires a single public IP address.

The Ingress object uses virtual hosts to route traffic to the backend services.
If the value of the Host header in the request is kiada.example.com, the
request is forwarded to the kiada service. If the header value is
api.example.com, the request is routed to one of the other two services,
depending on the requested path. The Ingress and the associated Service
objects are shown in the next figure.

Figure 12.6 An Ingress object covering all services of the Kiada suite
You can delete the two Ingress objects you created earlier and replace them
with the one in the previous listing. Then you can try to access all three
services through this ingress. Since this is a new Ingress object, its IP address
is most likely not the same as before. So you need to update the DNS, the
/etc/hosts file, or the --resolve option when you run the curl command

Using wildcards in the host field

The host field in the ingress rules supports the use of wildcards. This allows
you to capture all requests sent to a host that matches *.example.com and
forward them to your services. The following table shows how wildcard
matching works.

Table 12.4 Examples of using wildcards in the ingress rule’s host field

Host Matches request hosts Doesn’t match


kiada.example.com kiada.example.com api.example.com


kiada.example.com example.com

*.example.com api.example.com foo.kiada.example.com


Look at the example with the wildcard. As you can see, *.example.com
matches kiada.example.com, but it doesn’t match foo.kiada.example.com
or example.com. This is because a wildcard only covers a single element of
the DNS name.

As with rule paths, a rule that exactly matches the host in the request takes
precedence over rules with host wildcards.


You can also omit the host field altogether to make the rule match any host.

12.2.4 Setting the default backend

If the client request doesn’t match any rules defined in the Ingress object, the
response 404 Not Found is normally returned. However, you can also define
a default backend to which the ingress should forward the request if no rules
are matched. The default backend serves as a catch-all rule.

The following figure shows the default backend in the context of the other
rules in the Ingress object.

Figure 12.7 The default backend handles requests that match no Ingress rule
As you can see in the figure, a service named fun404 is used as the default
backend. Let’s add it to the kiada Ingress object.

Specifying the default backend in an Ingress object

You specify the default backend in the spec.defaultBackend field, as shown

in the following listing (the full manifest can be found in the
ing.kiada.defaultBackend.yaml file).

Listing 12.5 Specifying the default backend in the Ingress object

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: kiada
defaultBackend: #A
service: #A
name: fun404 #A
port: #A
name: http #A

In the listing, you can see that setting the default backend isn’t much different
from setting the backend in the rules. Just as you specify the name and port of
the backend service in each rule, you also specify the name and port of the
default backend service in the service field under spec.defaultBackend.
Creating the service and pod for the default backend

The kiada Ingress object is configured to forward requests that don’t match
any rules to a service called fun404. You need to create this service and the
underlying pod. You can find an object manifest with both object definitions
in the file all.my-default-backend.yaml. The contents of the file are shown
in the following listing.

Listing 12.6 The Pod and Service object manifests for the default ingress backend

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: fun404 #A
app: fun404 #B
- name: server
image: luksa/static-http-server #C
args: #D
- --listen-port=8080 #D
- --response-code=404 #D
- --text=This isn't the URL you're looking for. #D
- name: http #E
containerPort: 8080 #E
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: fun404 #F
app: fun404
selector: #G
app: fun404 #G
- name: http #H
port: 80 #H
targetPort: http #I

After applying both the Ingress object manifest and the Pod and Service
object manifest, you can test the default backend by sending a request that
doesn’t match any of the rules in the ingress. For example:
$ curl api.example.com/unknown-path --resolve api.example.com:80:
This isn't the URL you're looking for. #B

As expected, the response text matches what you configured in the fun404
pod. Of course, instead of using the default backend to return a custom 404
status, you can use it to forward all requests to default to a service of your

You can even create an Ingress object with only a default backend and no
rules to forward all external traffic to a single service. If you’re wondering
why you’d do this using an Ingress object and not by simply setting the
service type to LoadBalancer, it’s because ingresses can provide additional
HTTP features that services can’t. One example is securing the
communication between the client and the service with Transport Layer
Security (TLS), which is explained next.

12.3 Configuring TLS for an Ingress

So far in this chapter, you’ve used the Ingress object to allow external HTTP
traffic to your services. These days, however, you usually want to secure at
least all external traffic with SSL/TLS.

You may recall that the kiada service provides both an HTTP and an HTTPS
port. When you created the Ingress, you only configured it to forward HTTP
traffic to the service, but not HTTPS. You’ll do this now.

There are two ways to add HTTPS support. You can either allow HTTPS to
pass through the ingress proxy and have the backend pod terminate the TLS
connection, or have the proxy terminate and connect to the backend pod
through HTTP.

12.3.1 Configuring the Ingress for TLS passthrough

You may be surprised to learn that Kubernetes doesn’t provide a standard
way to configure TLS passthrough in Ingress objects. If the ingress controller
supports TLS passthrough, you can usually configure it by adding
annotations to the Ingress object. In the case of the Nginx ingress controller,
you add the annotation shown in the following listing.

Listing 12.7 Enabling SSL passthrough in an Ingress when using the Nginx Ingress Controller

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: kiada-ssl-passthrough
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-passthrough: "true" #A

SSL passthrough support in the Nginx ingress controller isn’t enabled by

default. To enable it, the controller must be started with the --enable-ssl-
passthrough flag.

Since this is a non-standard feature that depends heavily on which ingress

controller you’re using, let’s not delve into it any further. For more
information on how to enable passthrough in your case, see the
documentation of the controller you’re using.

Instead, let’s focus on terminating the TLS connection at the ingress proxy.
This is a standard feature provided by most Ingress controllers and therefore
deserves a closer look.

12.3.2 Terminating TLS at the ingress

Most, if not all, ingress controller implementations support TLS termination
at the ingress proxy. The proxy terminates the TLS connection between the
client and itself and forwards the HTTP request unencrypted to the backend
pod, as shown in the next figure.

Figure 12.8 Securing connections to the ingress using TLS

To terminate the TLS connection, the proxy needs a TLS certificate and a
private key. You provide them via a Secret that you reference in the Ingress

Creating a TLS secret for the Ingress

For the kiada Ingress, you can either create the Secret from the manifest file
secret.tls-example-com.yaml in the book’s code repository or generate the
private key, certificate, and Secret with the following commands:
$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout example.key -out example.crt \
-sha256 -days 7300 -nodes \ #A
-subj '/CN=*.example.com' \ #A
-addext 'subjectAltName = DNS:*.example.com' #A

$ kubectl create secret tls tls-example-com --cert=example.crt --key=example

secret/tls-example-com created #B

The certificate and the private key are now stored in a Secret named tls-
example-com under the keys tls.crt and tls.key, respectively.

Adding the TLS secret to the Ingress

To add the Secret to the Ingress object, either edit the object with kubectl
edit and add the lines highlighted in the next listing or apply the
ing.kiada.tls.yaml file with kubectl apply.

Listing 12.8 Adding a TLS secret to an Ingress

on: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: kiada
tls: #A
- secretName: tls-example-com #B
hosts: #C
- "*.example.com" #C

As you can see in the listing, the tls field can contain one or more entries.
Each entry specifies the secretName where the TLS certificate/key pair is
stored and a list of hosts to which the pair applies.


The hosts specified in tls.hosts must match the names used in the
certificate in the secret.

Accessing the Ingress through TLS

After you update the Ingress object, you can access the service via HTTPS as
$ curl https://kiada.example.com --resolve kiada.example.com:443:
* Added kiada.example.com:443: to DNS cache
* Hostname kiada.example.com was found in DNS cache
* Trying
* Connected to kiada.example.com ( port 443 (#0)
* Server certificate: #A
* subject: CN=*.example.com #A
* start date: Dec 5 09:48:10 2021 GMT #A
* expire date: Nov 30 09:48:10 2041 GMT #A
* issuer: CN=*.example.com #A
> GET / HTTP/2
> Host: kiada.example.com

The command’s output shows that the server certificate matches the one you
configured the Ingress with.

By adding the TLS secret to the Ingress, you’ve not only secured the kiada
service, but also the quote and quiz services, since they’re all included in the
Ingress object. Try to access them through the Ingress using HTTPS.
Remember that the pods that provide these two services don’t provide
HTTPS themselves. The Ingress does that for them.

12.4 Additional Ingress configuration options

I hope you haven’t forgotten that you can use the kubectl explain
command to learn more about a particular API object type, and that you use it
regularly. If not, now is a good time to use it to see what else you can
configure in an Ingress object’s spec field. Inspect the output of the
following command:
$ kubectl explain ingress.spec

Look at the list of fields displayed by this command. You may be surprised to
see that in addition to the defaultBackend, rules, and tls fields explained
in the previous sections, only one other field is supported, namely
ingressClassName. This field is used to specify which ingress controller
should process the Ingress object. You’ll learn more about it later. For now, I
want to focus on the lack of additional configuration options that HTTP
proxies normally provide.

The reason you don’t see any other fields for specifying these options is that
it would be nearly impossible to include all possible configuration options for
every possible ingress implementation in the Ingress object’s schema.
Instead, these custom options are configured via annotations or in separate
custom Kubernetes API objects.

Each ingress controller implementation supports its own set of annotations or

objects. I mentioned earlier that the Nginx ingress controller uses annotations
to configure TLS passthrough. Annotations are also used to configure HTTP
authentication, session affinity, URL rewriting, redirects, Cross-Origin
Resource Sharing (CORS), and more. The list of supported annotations can
be found at https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/user-guide/nginx-

I don’t want to go into each of these annotations, since they’re

implementation specific, but I do want to show you an example of how you
can use them.

12.4.1 Configuring the Ingress using annotations

You learned in the previous chapter that Kubernetes services only support
client IP-based session affinity. Cookie-based session affinity isn’t supported
because services operate at Layer 4 of the OSI network model, whereas
cookies are part of Layer 7 (HTTP). However, because Ingresses operate at
L7, they can support cookie-based session affinity. This is the case with the
Nginx ingress controller that I use in the following example.

Using annotations to enable cookie-based session affinity in Nginx


The following listing shows an example of using Nginx-ingress-specific

annotations to enable cookie-based session affinity and configure the session
cookie name. The manifest shown in the listing can be found in the
ing.kiada.nginx-affinity.yaml file.

Listing 12.9 Using annotations to configure session affinity in an Nginx ingress

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: kiada
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity: cookie #A
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-name: SESSION_COOKIE #B
In the listing, you can see the annotations
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity and
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-name. The first annotation
enables cookie-based session affinity, and the second sets the cookie name.
The annotation key prefix indicates that these annotations are specific to the
Nginx ingress controller and are ignored by other implementations.

Testing the cookie-based session affinity

If you want to see session affinity in action, first apply the manifest file, wait
until the Nginx configuration is updated, and then retrieve the cookie as
$ curl -I http://kiada.example.com --resolve kiada.example.com:80:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 08:58:10 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: SESSION_COOKIE=1638781091; Path=/; HttpOnly #A

You can now include this cookie in your request by specifying the Cookie
$ curl -H "Cookie: SESSION_COOKIE=1638781091" http://kiada.example.com \
--resolve kiada.example.com:80:

If you run this command several times, you’ll notice that the HTTP request is
always forwarded to the same pod, which indicates that the session affinity is
using the cookie.

12.4.2 Configuring the Ingress using additional API objects

Some ingress implementations don’t use annotations for additional ingress
configuration, but instead provide their own object kinds. In the previous
section, you saw how to use annotations to configure session affinity when
using the Nginx ingress controller. In the current section, you’ll learn how to
do the same in Google Kubernetes Engine.

You’ll learn how to create your own custom object kinds via the
CustomResourceDefinition object in chapter 29.

Using the BackendConfig object type to enable cookie-based session

affinity in GKE

In clusters running on GKE, a custom object of type BackendConfig can be

found in the Kubernetes API. You create an instance of this object and
reference it by name in the Service object to which you want to apply the
object. You reference the object using the cloud.google.com/backend-
config annotations, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 12.10 Referring to a BackendConfig in a Service object in GKE

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kiada
cloud.google.com/backend-config: '{"default": "kiada-backend-config"}'

You can use the BackendConfig object to configure many things. Since this
object is beyond the scope of this book, use kubectl explain
backendconfig.spec to learn more about it, or see the GKE documentation.

As a quick example of how custom objects are used to configure ingresses,

I’ll show you how to configure cookie-based session affinity using the
BackendConfig object. You can see the object manifest in the following

Listing 12.11 Using GKE-specific BackendConfig object to configure session affinity

apiVersion: cloud.google.com/v1 #A
kind: BackendConfig #A
name: kiada-backend-config
sessionAffinity: #B
In the listing, the session affinity type is set to GENERATED_COOKIE. Since this
object is referenced in the kiada service, whenever a client accesses the
service through the ingress, the request is always routed to the same backend

In this and the previous section, you saw two ways to add custom
configuration to an Ingress object. Since the method depends on which
ingress controller you’re using, see its documentation for more information.

12.5 Using multiple ingress controllers

Since different ingress implementations provide different additional
functionality, you may want to install multiple ingress controllers in a cluster.
In this case, each Ingress object needs to indicate which ingress controller
should process it. Originally, this was accomplished by specifying the
controller name in the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation of the
Ingress object. This method is now deprecated, but some controllers still use

Instead of using the annotation, the correct way to specify the controller to
use is through IngressClass objects. One or more IngressClass objects are
usually created when you install an ingress controller.

When you create an Ingress object, you specify the ingress class by
specifying the name of the IngressClass object in the Ingress object’s spec
field. Each IngressClass specifies the name of the controller and optional
parameters. Thus, the class you reference in your Ingress object determines
which ingress proxy is provisioned and how it’s configured. As you can see
in the next figure, different Ingress objects can reference different
IngressClasses, which in turn reference different ingress controllers.

Figure 12.9 The relationship between Ingresses, IngressClasses, and Ingress controllers
12.5.1 Introducing the IngressClass object kind
If the Nginx ingress controller is running in your cluster, an IngressClass
object named nginx was created when you installed the controller. If other
ingress controllers are deployed in your cluster, you may also find other

Finding IngressClasses in your cluster

To see which ingress classes your cluster offers, you can list them with
kubectl get:

$ kubectl get ingressclasses

nginx k8s.io/ingress-nginx <none> 10h #A

The output of the command shows that a single IngressClass named nginx
exists in the cluster. Ingresses that use this class are processed by the
k8s.io/ingress-nginx controller. You can also see that this class doesn’t
specify any controller parameters.

Inspecting the YAML manifest of an IngressClass object

Let’s take a closer look at the nginx IngressClass object by examining its
YAML definition:
$ kubectl get ingressclasses nginx -o yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 #A
kind: IngressClass #A
name: nginx #B
controller: k8s.io/ingress-nginx #C

As you can see, this IngressClass object specifies nothing more than the name
of the controller. Later you’ll see how you can also add parameters for the
controller to the object.

12.5.2 Specifying the IngressClass in the Ingress object

When you create an Ingress object, you can specify the class of the ingress
using the ingressClassName field in the spec section of the Ingress object, as
in the following listing.

Listing 12.12 Ingress object referencing a specific IngressClass

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: kiada
ingressClassName: nginx #A

The Ingress object in the listing indicates that its class should be nginx. Since
this IngressClass specifies k8s.io/ingress-nginx as the controller, the
Ingress from this listing is processed by the Nginx ingress controller.

Setting the default IngressClass

If multiple ingress controllers are installed in the cluster, there should be

multiple IngressClass objects. If an Ingress object doesn’t specify the class,
Kubernetes applies the default IngressClass, marked as such by setting the
ingressclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class annotation to "true".

12.5.3 Adding parameters to an IngressClass

In addition to using IngressClasses to specify which ingress controller to use
for a particular Ingress object, IngressClasses can also be used with a single
ingress controller if it can provide different ingress flavors. This is achieved
by specifying different parameters in each IngressClass.

Specifying parameters in the IngressClass object

The IngressClass object doesn’t provide any fields for you to set the
parameters within the object itself, as each ingress controller has its own
specifics and would require a different set of fields. Instead, the custom
configuration of an IngressClass is typically stored in a separate custom
Kubernetes object type that’s specific to each ingress controller
implementation. You create an instance of this custom object type and
reference it in the IngressClass object.

For example, AWS provides an object with kind IngressClassParams in API

group elbv2.k8s.aws, version v1beta1. To configure the parameters in an
IngressClass object, you reference the IngressClassParams object instance as
shown in the following listing.

Listing 12.13 Referring to a custom parameters object in the IngressClass

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: IngressClass #A
name: custom-ingress-class
controller: ingress.k8s.aws/alb #B
parameters: #C
apiGroup: elbv2.k8s.aws #C
kind: IngressClassParams #C
name: custom-ingress-params #C

In the listing, the IngressClassParams object instance that contains the

parameters for this IngressClass is named custom-ingress-params. The
object kind and apiGroup are also specified.

Example of a custom API object type used to hold parameters for the

The following listing shows an example of an IngressClassParams object.

Listing 12.14 Example IngressClassParams object manifest

apiVersion: elbv2.k8s.aws/v1beta1 #A
kind: IngressClassParams #A
name: custom-ingress-params #B
scheme: internal #C
ipAddressType: dualstack #C
tags: #C
- key: org #C
value: my-org #C

With the IngressClass and IngressClassParams objects in place, cluster users

can create Ingress objects with the ingressClassName set to custom-
ingress-class. The objects are processed by the ingress.k8s.aws/alb
controller (the AWS Load Balancer controller). The controller reads the
parameters from the IngressClassParams object and uses them to configure
the load balancer.

Kubernetes doesn’t care about the contents of the IngressClassParams object.

They’re only used by the ingress controller. Since each implementation uses
its own object type, you should refer to the controller’s documentation or use
kubectl explain to learn more about each type.

12.6 Using custom resources instead of services as

In this chapter, the backends referenced in the Ingress have always been
Service objects. However, some ingress controllers allow you to use other
resources as backends.

Theoretically, an ingress controller could allow using an Ingress object to

expose the contents of a ConfigMap or PersistentVolume, but it’s more
typical for controllers to use resource backends to provide an option for
configuring advanced Ingress routing rules through a custom resource.

12.6.1 Using a custom object to configure Ingress routing

The Citrix ingress controller provides the HTTPRoute custom object type,
which allows you to configure where the ingress should route HTTP requests.
As you can see in the following manifest, you don’t specify a Service object
as the backend, but you instead specify the kind, apiGroup, and name of the
HTTPRoute object that contains the routing rules.

Listing 12.15 Example Ingress object using a resource backend

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress
ingressClassName: citrix
- host: example.com
- pathType: ImplementationSpecific
backend: #A
resource: #A
apiGroup: citrix.com #B
kind: HTTPRoute #B
name: my-example-route #C

The Ingress object in the listing specifies a single rule. It states that the
ingress controller should forward traffic destined for the host example.com
according to the configuration specified in the object of the kind HTTPRoute
(from the API group citrix.com) named my-example-route. Since the
HTTPRoute object isn’t part of the Kubernetes API, its contents are beyond
the scope of this book, but you can probably guess that it contains rules like
those in the Ingress object but specified differently and with additional
configuration options.

At the time of writing, ingress controllers that support custom resource

backends are rare, but maybe you might want to implement one yourself. By
the time you finish reading this book, you’ll know how.

12.7 Summary
In this chapter, you learned how to create Ingress objects to make one or
more services accessible to external clients. You learned that:

An Ingress controller configures an L7 load balancer or reverse proxy

based on the configuration in the Ingress object.
While a Service is an abstraction over a set of Pods, an Ingress is an
abstraction over a set of Services.
An Ingress requires a single public IP regardless of the number of
services it exposes, whereas each LoadBalancer service requires its own
public IP.
External clients must resolve the hostnames specified in the Ingress
object to the IP address of the ingress proxy. To accomplish this, you
must add the necessary records to the DNS server responsible for the
domain to which the host belongs. Alternatively, for development
purposes, you can modify the /etc/hosts file on your local machine.
An Ingress operates at Layer 7 of the OSI model and can therefore
provide HTTP-related functionality that Services operating at Layer 4
An Ingress proxy usually forwards HTTP requests directly to the
backend pod without going through the service IP, but this depends on
the ingress implementation.
The Ingress object contains rules that specify to which service the HTTP
request received by the ingress proxy should be forwarded based on the
host and path in the request. Each rule can specify an exact host or one
with a wildcard and either an exact path or path prefix.
The default backend is a catch-all rule that determines which service
should handle requests that don’t match any rule.
An Ingress can be configured to expose services over TLS. The Ingress
proxy can terminate the TLS connection and forward the HTTP request
to the backend pod unencrypted. Some ingress implementations support
TLS passthrough.
Ingress configuration options that are specific to a particular ingress
implementation are set via annotations of the Ingress object or through
custom Kubernetes object kinds that the controller provides.
A Kubernetes cluster can run multiple ingress controller
implementations simultaneously. When you create an Ingress object,
you specify the IngressClass. The IngressClass object specifies which
controller should process the Ingress object. Optionally, the IngressClass
can also specify parameters for the controller.

You now understand how to expose groups of pods both internally and
externally. In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to manage these pods as a
unit and replicate them via a Deployment object.
13 Replicating Pods with
This chapter covers
Replicating Pods with the ReplicaSet object
Keeping Pods running when cluster nodes fail
The reconciliation control loop in Kubernetes controllers
API Object ownership and garbage collection

So far in this book, you’ve deployed workloads by creating Pod objects

directly. In a production cluster, you might need to deploy dozens or even
hundreds of copies of the same Pod, so creating and managing those Pods
would be difficult. Fortunately, in Kubernetes, you can automate the creation
and management of Pod replicas with the ReplicaSet object.


Before ReplicaSets were introduced, similar functionality was provided by

the ReplicationController object type, which is now deprecated. A
ReplicationController behaves exactly like a ReplicaSet, so everything that’s
explained in this chapter also applies to ReplicationControllers.

Before you begin, make sure that the Pods, Services, and other objects of the
Kiada suite are present in your cluster. If you followed the exercises in the
previous chapter, they should already be there. If not, you can create them by
creating the kiada namespace and applying all the manifests in the
Chapter13/SETUP/ directory with the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f SETUP -R


You can find the code files for this chapter at


13.1 Introducing ReplicaSets

A ReplicaSet represents a group of Pod replicas (exact copies of a Pod).
Instead of creating Pods one by one, you can create a ReplicaSet object in
which you specify a Pod template and the desired number of replicas, and
then have Kubernetes create the Pods, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 13.1 ReplicaSets in a nutshell

The ReplicaSet allows you to manage the Pods as a single unit, but that’s
about it. If you want to expose these Pods as one, you still need a Service
object. As you can see in the following figure, each set of Pods that provides
a particular service usually needs both a ReplicaSet and a Service object.

Figure 13.2 The relationship between Services, ReplicaSets, and Pods.

And just as with Services, the ReplicaSet’s label selector and Pod labels
determine which Pods belong to the ReplicaSet. As shown in the following
figure, a ReplicaSet only cares about the Pods that match its label selector
and ignores the rest.

Figure 13.3 A ReplicaSet only cares about Pods that match its label selector

Based on the information so far, you might think that you only use a
ReplicaSet if you want to create multiple copies of a Pod, but that’s not the
case. Even if you only need to create a single Pod, it’s better to do it through
a ReplicaSet than to create it directly, because the ReplicaSet ensures that the
Pod is always there to do its job.

Imagine creating a Pod directly for an important service, and then the node
running the Pod fails when you’re not there. Your service is down until you
recreate the Pod. If you’d deployed the Pod via a ReplicaSet, it would
automatically recreate the Pod. It’s clearly better to create Pods via a
ReplicaSet than directly.

However, as useful as ReplicaSets can be, they don’t provide everything you
need to run a workload long-term. At some point, you’ll want to upgrade the
workload to a newer version, and that’s where ReplicaSets fall short. For this
reason, applications are typically deployed not through ReplicaSets, but
through Deployments that let you update them declaratively. This begs the
question of why you need to learn about ReplicaSets if you’re not going to
use them. The reason is that most of the functionality that a Deployment
provides is provided by the ReplicaSets that Kubernetes creates underneath it.
Deployments take care of updates, but everything else is handled by the
underlying ReplicaSets. Therefore, it’s important to understand what they do
and how.

13.1.1 Creating a ReplicaSet

Let’s start by creating the ReplicaSet object for the Kiada service. The
service currently runs in three Pods that you created directly from three
separate Pod manifests, which you’ll now replace with a single ReplicaSet
manifest. Before you create the manifest, let’s look at what fields you need to
specify in the spec section.

Introducing the ReplicaSet spec

A ReplicaSet is a relatively simple object. The following table explains the

three key fields you specify in the ReplicaSet’s spec section.

Table 13.1 The main fields in the ReplicaSet specification


The desired number of replicas. When you create the ReplicaSet

replicas object, Kubernetes creates this many Pods from the Pod template.
It keeps this number of Pods until you delete the ReplicaSet.

The label selector contains either a map of labels in the

matchLabels subfield or a list of label selector requirements in
the matchExpressions subfield. Pods that match the label selector
are considered part of this ReplicaSet.
template The Pod template for the ReplicaSet’s Pods. When a new Pod
needs to be created, the object is created using this template.

The selector and template fields are required, but you can omit the
replicas field. If you do, a single replica is created.

Creating a ReplicaSet object manifest

Create a ReplicaSet object manifest for the Kiada Pods. The following listing
shows what it looks like. You can find the manifest in the file

Listing 13.1 The kiada ReplicaSet object manifest

apiVersion: apps/v1 #A
kind: ReplicaSet #A
name: kiada #B
replicas: 5 #C
selector: #D
matchLabels: #D
app: kiada #D
rel: stable #D
template: #E
metadata: #E
labels: #E
app: kiada #E
rel: stable #E
spec: #E
containers: #E
- name: kiada #E
image: luksa/kiada:0.5 #E
... #E
volumes: #E
- ... #E

ReplicaSets are part of the apps API group, version v1. As explained in the
previous table, the replicas field specifies that this ReplicaSet should create
three copies of the Pod using the template in the template field.
You’ll notice that the labels in the Pod template match those in the
selector field. If they don’t, the Kubernetes API will reject the ReplicaSet
because the Pods created with the template won’t count against the desired
number of replicas, which would result in the creation of an infinite number
of Pods.

Did you notice that there’s no Pod name in the template? That’s because the
Pod names are generated from the ReplicaSet name.

The rest of the template exactly matches the manifests of the kiada Pods you
created in the previous chapters. To create the ReplicaSet, you use the
kubectl apply command that you’ve used many times before. The
command is as follows:
$ kubectl apply -f rs.kiada.yaml
replicaset.apps/kiada created

13.1.2 Inspecting a ReplicaSet and its Pods

To display basic information about the ReplicaSet you just created, use the
kubectl get command like so:

$ kubectl get rs kiada

kiada 5 5 5 1m


The shorthand for replicaset is rs.

The output of the command shows the desired number of replicas, the current
number of replicas, and the number of replicas that are considered ready as
reported by their readiness probes. This information is read from the
replicas, fullyLabeledReplicas, and readyReplicas status fields of the
ReplicaSet object, respectively. Another status field called
availableReplicas indicates how many replicas are available, but its value
isn’t displayed by the kubectl get command.

If you run the kubectl get replicasets command with the -o wide option,
some additional very useful information is displayed. Run the following
command to find out what:
$ kubectl get rs -o wide
kiada ... kiada,envoy luksa/kiada:0.5,envoyproxy/envoy:v1.14.1 app=kiada,rel

In addition to the columns displayed previously, this expanded output shows

not only the label selector, but also the container names and images used in
the Pod template. Considering how important this information is, it’s
surprising that it’s not displayed when listing the Pods with kubectl get


To see container and image names, list ReplicaSets with the -o wide option
instead of trying to get this information from the Pods.

To see all the information about a ReplicaSet, use the kubectl describe
$ kubectl describe rs kiada

The output shows the label selector used in the ReplicaSet, the number of
Pods and their status, and the full template used to create those Pods.

Listing the Pods in a ReplicaSet

Kubectl doesn’t provide a direct way to list the Pods in a ReplicaSet, but you
can take the ReplicaSet’s label selector and use it in the kubectl get pods
command as follows:
$ kubectl get po -l app=kiada,rel=stable
kiada-001 2/2 Running 0 12m #A
kiada-002 2/2 Running 0 12m #A
kiada-003 2/2 Running 0 12m #A
kiada-86wzp 2/2 Running 0 8s #B
kiada-k9hn2 2/2 Running 0 8s #B
Before you created the ReplicaSet, you had three kiada Pods from the
previous chapters and now you have five, which is the desired number of
replicas defined in the ReplicaSet. The labels of the three existing Pods
matched the ReplicaSet’s label selector and were adopted by the ReplicaSet.
Two additional Pods were created to ensure that the number of Pods in the set
matched the desired number of replicas.

Understanding how Pods in a ReplicaSet are named

As you can see, the names of the two new Pods contain five random
alphanumeric characters instead of continuing the sequence of numbers you
used in your Pod names. It’s typical for Kubernetes to assign random names
to the objects it creates.

There’s even a special metadata field that lets you create objects without
giving the full name. Instead of the name field, you specify the name prefix in
the generateName field. You first used this field in chapter 8, when you ran
the kubectl create command several times to create multiple copies of a
Pod and give each a unique name. The same approach is used when
Kubernetes creates Pods for a ReplicaSet.

When Kubernetes creates Pods for a ReplicaSet, it sets the generateName

field to match the ReplicaSet name. The Kubernetes API server then
generates the full name and puts it in the name field. To see this, select one of
the two additional Pods that were created and check its metadata section as
$ kubectl get po kiada-86wzp -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
generateName: kiada- #A
name: kiada-86wzp #B

In the case of ReplicaSet Pods, giving the Pods random names makes sense
because these Pods are exact copies of each other and therefore fungible.
There’s also no concept of order between these Pods, so the use of sequential
numbers is nonsensical. Even though the Pod names look reasonable now,
imagine what happens if you delete some of them. If you delete them out of
order, the numbers are no longer consecutive. However, for stateful
workloads, it may make sense to number the Pods sequentially. That’s what
happens when you use a StatefulSet object to create the Pods. You’ll learn
more about StatefulSets in chapter 16.

Displaying the logs of the ReplicaSet's Pods

The random names of ReplicaSet Pods make them somewhat difficult to

work with. For example, to view the logs of one of these Pods, it's relatively
tedious to type the name of the Pod when you run the kubectl logs
command. If the ReplicaSet contains only a single Pod, entering the full
name seems unnecessary. Fortunately, in this case, you can print the Pod's
logs as follows:
$ kubectl logs rs/kiada -c kiada

So instead of specifying the Pod name, you type rs/kiada, where rs is the
abbreviation for ReplicaSet and kiada is the name of the ReplicaSet object.
The -c kiada option tells kubectl to print the log of the kiada container.
You need to use this option only if the Pod has more than one container. If
the ReplicaSet has multiple Pods, as in your case, only the logs of one of the
Pods will be displayed.

If you want to see the logs of all the Pods, you can run the kubectl logs
command with a label selector instead. For example, to stream the logs of the
envoy containers in all kiada Pods, run the following command:

$ kubect logs -l app=kiada -c envoy

To display the logs of all containers, use the --all-containers option

instead of specifying the container name. Of course, if you’re displaying the
logs of multiple Pods or containers, you can't tell where each line came from.
Use the --prefix option to prefix each log line with the name of the Pod and
container it came from, like this:
$ kubectl logs -l app=kiada --all-containers --prefix

Viewing logs from multiple Pods is very useful when traffic is split between
Pods and you want to view every request received, regardless of which Pod
handled it. For example, try streaming the logs with the following command:
$ kubectl logs -l app=kiada -c kiada --prefix -f

Now open the application in your web browser or with curl. Use the Ingress,
LoadBalancer, or NodePort service as explained in the previous two chapters.

13.1.3 Understanding Pod ownership

Kubernetes created the two new Pods from the template you specified in the
ReplicaSet object. They’re owned and controlled by the ReplicaSet, just like
the three Pods you created manually. You can see this when you use the
kubectl describe command to inspect the Pods. For example, check the
kiada-001 Pod as follows:

$ kubectl describe po kiada-001

Name: kiada-001
Namespace: kiada
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/kiada #A

The kubectl describe command gets this information from the metadata
section of the Pod’s manifest. Let’s take a closer look. Run the following
$ kubectl get po kiada-001 -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
app: kiada
rel: stable
name: kiada-001
namespace: kiada
ownerReferences: #A
- apiVersion: apps/v1 #A
blockOwnerDeletion: true #A
controller: true #A
kind: ReplicaSet #A
name: kiada #A
uid: 8e19d9b3-bbf1-4830-b0b4-da81dd0e6e22 #A
resourceVersion: "527511"
uid: d87afa5c-297d-4ccb-bb0a-9eb48670673f

The metadata section in an object manifest sometimes contains the

ownerReferences field, which contains references to the owner(s) of the
object. This field can contain multiple owners, but most objects have only a
single owner, just like the kiada-001 Pod. In the case of this Pod, the kiada
ReplicaSet is the owner, and the Pod is the so-called dependent.

Kubernetes has a garbage collector that automatically deletes dependent

objects when their owner is deleted. If an object has multiple owners, the
object is deleted when all its owners are gone. If you delete the ReplicaSet
object that owns the kiada-001 and the other Pods, the garbage collector
would also delete the Pods.

An owner reference can also indicate which owner is the controller of the
object. The kiada-001 Pod is controlled by the kiada ReplicaSet, as
indicated by the controller: true line in the manifest. This means that you
should no longer control the three Pods directly, but through the ReplicaSet

13.2 Updating a ReplicaSet

In a ReplicaSet, you specify the desired number of replicas, a Pod template,
and a label selector. The selector is immutable, but you can update the other
two properties. By changing the desired number of replicas, you scale the
ReplicaSet. Let’s see what happens when you do that.

13.2.1 Scaling a ReplicaSet

In the ReplicaSet, you’ve set the desired number of replicas to five, and that’s
the number of Pods currently owned by the ReplicaSet. However, you can
now update the ReplicaSet object to change this number. You can do this
either by changing the value in the manifest file and reapplying it, or by
editing the object directly with the kubectl edit command. However, the
easiest way to scale a ReplicaSet is to use the kubectl scale command.

Scaling a ReplicaSet using the kubectl scale command

Let’s increase the number of kiada Pods to six. To do this, execute the
following command:
$ kubectl scale rs kiada --replicas 6
replicaset.apps/kiada scaled

Now check the ReplicaSet again to confirm that it now has six Pods:
$ kubectl get rs kiada
kiada 6 6 5 10m

The columns indicate that the ReplicaSet is now configured with six Pods,
and this is also the current number of Pods. One of the Pods isn’t yet ready,
but only because it was just created. List the Pods again to confirm that an
additional Pod instance has been created:
$ kubectl get po -l app=kiada,rel=stable
kiada-001 2/2 Running 0 22m
kiada-002 2/2 Running 0 22m
kiada-003 2/2 Running 0 22m
kiada-86wzp 2/2 Running 0 10m
kiada-dmshr 2/2 Running 0 11s #A
kiada-k9hn2 2/2 Running 0 10m

As expected, a new Pod was created, bringing the total number of Pods to the
desired six. If this application served actual users and you needed to scale to a
hundred Pods or more due to increased traffic, you could do so in a snap with
the same command. However, your cluster may not be able to handle that
many Pods.

Scaling down
Just as you scale up a ReplicaSet, you can also scale it down with the same
command. You can also scale a ReplicaSet by editing its manifest with
kubectl edit. Let’s scale it to four replicas using this method. Run the
following command:
$ kubectl edit rs kiada

This should open the ReplicaSet object manifest in your text editor. Find the
replicas field and change the value to 4. Save the file and close the editor
so kubectl can post the updated manifest to the Kubernetes API. Verify that
you now have four Pods:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=kiada,rel=stable
kiada-001 2/2 Running 0 28m
kiada-002 2/2 Running 0 28m
kiada-003 2/2 Running 0 28m
kiada-86wzp 0/2 Terminating 0 16m #A
kiada-dmshr 2/2 Terminating 0 125m #A
kiada-k9hn2 2/2 Running 0 16m

As expected, two of the Pods are being terminated and should disappear
when the processes in their containers stop running. But how does
Kubernetes decide which Pods to remove? Does it just select them randomly?

Understanding which Pods are deleted first when a ReplicaSet is scaled


When you scale down a ReplicaSet, Kubernetes follows some well thought
out rules to decide which Pod(s) to delete first. It deletes Pods in the
following order:

1. Pods that aren’t yet assigned to a node.

2. Pods whose phase is unknown.
3. Pods that aren’t ready.
4. Pods that have a lower deletion cost.
5. Pods that are collocated with a greater number of related replicas.
6. Pods that have been ready for a shorter time.
7. Pods with a greater number of container restarts.
8. Pods that were created later than the other Pods.

These rules ensure that Pods that haven’t been scheduled yet, and defective
Pods are deleted first, while the well-functioning ones are left alone. You can
also influence which Pod is deleted first by setting the annotation
controller.kubernetes.io/pod-deletion-cost on your Pods. The value
of the annotation must be a string that can be parsed into a 32-bit integer.
Pods without this annotation and those with a lower value will be deleted
before Pods with higher values.

Kubernetes also tries to keep the Pods evenly distributed across the cluster
nodes. The following figure shows an example where the ReplicaSet is scaled
from five to three replicas. Because the third node runs two collocated
replicas more than the other two nodes, the Pods on the third node are deleted
first. If this rule didn’t exist, you could end up with three replicas on a single

Figure 13.4 Kubernetes keeps related Pods evenly distributed across the cluster nodes.

Scaling down to zero

In some cases, it’s useful to scale the number of replicas down to zero. All
Pods managed by the ReplicaSet will be deleted, but the ReplicaSet object
itself will remain and can be scaled back up at will. You can try this now by
running the following commands:
$ kubectl scale rs kiada --replicas 0 #A
replicaset.apps/kiada scaled

$ kubectl get po -l app=kiada #B

No resources found in kiada namespace. #B

$ kubectl scale rs kiada --replicas 2 #C

replicaset.apps/kiada scaled

$ kubectl get po -l app=kiada

kiada-dl7vz 2/2 Running 0 6s #D
kiada-dn9fb 2/2 Running 0 6s #D

As you’ll see in the next chapter, a ReplicaSet scaled to zero is very common
when the ReplicaSet is owned by a Deployment object.


If you need to temporarily shut down all instances of your workload, set the
desired number of replicas to zero instead of deleting the ReplicaSet object.

13.2.2 Updating the Pod template

In the next chapter, you’ll learn about the Deployment object, which differs
from ReplicaSets in how it handles Pod template updates. This difference is
why you usually manage Pods with Deployments and not ReplicaSets.
Therefore, it’s important to see what ReplicaSets don’t do.

Editing a ReplicaSet’s Pod template

The kiada Pods currently have labels that indicate the name of the application
and the release type (whether it’s a stable release or something else). It would
be great if a label indicated the exact version number, so you can easily
distinguish between them when you run different versions simultaneously.

To add a label to the Pods that the ReplicaSet creates, you must add the label
to its Pod template. You can’t add the label with the kubectl label
command, because then it would be added to the ReplicaSet itself and not to
the Pod template. There’s no kubectl command that does this, so you must
edit the manifest with kubectl edit as you did before. Find the template
field and add the label key ver with value 0.5 to the metadata.labels field
in the template, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 13.2 Adding a label to the Pod template

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
replicas: 2
selector: #A
matchLabels: #A
app: kiada #A
rel: stable #A
app: kiada
rel: stable
ver: '0.5' #B

Make sure you add the label in the right place. Don’t add it to the selector, as
this would cause the Kubernetes API to reject your update, since the selector
is immutable. The version number must be enclosed in quotes, otherwise the
YAML parser will interpret it as a decimal number and the update will fail,
since label values must be strings. Save the file and close the editor so that
kubectl can post the updated manifest to the API server.


Did you notice that the labels in the Pod template and those in the selector
aren’t identical? They don’t have to be identical, but the labels in the selector
must be a subset of the labels in the template.

Understanding how the ReplicaSet’s Pod template is used

You updated the Pod template, now check if the change is reflected in the
Pods. List the Pods and their labels as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=kiada --show-labels
kiada-dl7vz 2/2 Running 0 10m app=kiada,rel=stable
kiada-dn9fb 2/2 Running 0 10m app=kiada,rel=stable

Since the Pods still only have the two labels from the original Pod template,
it’s clear that Kubernetes didn’t update the Pods. However, if you now scale
the ReplicaSet up by one, the new Pod should contain the label you added, as
shown here:
$ kubectl scale rs kiada --replicas 3
replicaset.apps/kiada scaled

$ kubectl get pods -l app=kiada --show-labels

kiada-dl7vz 2/2 Running 0 14m app=kiada,rel=stable
kiada-dn9fb 2/2 Running 0 14m app=kiada,rel=stable
kiada-z9dp2 2/2 Running 0 47s app=kiada,rel=stable,ver=0.

You should think of the Pod template as a cookie cutter that Kubernetes uses
to cut out new Pods. When you change the Pod template, only the cookie
cutter changes and that only affects the Pods that are created afterwards.

13.3 Understanding the operation of the ReplicaSet

In the previous sections, you saw how changing the replicas and template
within the ReplicaSet object causes Kubernetes to do something with the
Pods that belong to the ReplicaSet. The Kubernetes component that performs
these actions is called the controller. Most of the object types you create
through your cluster’s API have an associated controller. For example, in the
previous chapter you learned about the Ingress controller, which manages
Ingress objects. There’s also the Endpoints controller for the Endpoints
objects, the Namespace controller for the Namespace objects, and so on.

Not surprisingly, ReplicaSets are managed by the ReplicaSet controller. Any

change you make to a ReplicaSet object is detected and processed by this
controller. When you scale the ReplicaSet, the controller is the one that
creates or deletes the Pods. Each time it does this, it also creates an Event
object that informs you of what it’s done. As you learned in chapter 4, you
can see the events associated with an object at the bottom of the output of the
kubectl describe command as shown in the next snippet, or by using the
kubectl get events command to specifically list the Event objects.

$ kubectl describe rs kiada

Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal SuccessfulDelete 34m replicaset-controller Deleted pod: kiada-
Normal SuccessfulCreate 30m replicaset-controller Created pod: kiada-
Normal SuccessfulCreate 30m replicaset-controller Created pod: kiada-
Normal SuccessfulCreate 16m replicaset-controller Created pod: kiada-

To understand ReplicaSets, you must understand the operation of their


13.3.1 Introducing the reconciliation control loop

As shown in the following figure, a controller observes the state of both the
owner and the dependent objects. After each change in this state, the
controller compares the state of the dependent objects with the desired state
specified in the owning object. If these two states differ, the controller makes
changes to the dependent object(s) to reconcile the two states. This is the so-
called reconciliation control loop that you’ll find in all controllers.

Figure 13.5 A controller's reconciliation control loop

The ReplicaSet controller’s reconciliation control loop consists of observing
ReplicaSets and Pods. Each time a ReplicaSet or Pod changes, the controller
checks the list of Pods associated with the ReplicaSet and ensures that the
actual number of Pods matches the desired number specified in the
ReplicaSet. If the actual number of Pods is lower than the desired number, it
creates new replicas from the Pod template. If the number of Pods is higher
than desired, it deletes the excess replicas. The flowchart in the following
figure explains the entire process.

Figure 13.6 The ReplicaSet controller’s reconciliation loop

13.3.2 Understanding how the ReplicaSet controller reacts to

Pod changes
You’ve seen how the controller responds immediately to changes in the
ReplicaSet’s replicas field. However, that’s not the only way the desired
number and the actual number of Pods can differ. What if no one touches the
ReplicaSet, but the actual number of Pods changes? The ReplicaSet
controller’s job is to make sure that the number of Pods always matches the
specified number. Therefore, it should also come into action in this case.

Deleting a Pod managed by a ReplicaSet

Let’s look at what happens if you delete one of the Pods managed by the
ReplicaSet. Select one and delete it with kubectl delete:
$ kubectl delete pod kiada-z9dp2 #A
pod "kiada-z9dp2" deleted

Now list the Pods again:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=kiada
kiada-dl7vz 2/2 Running 0 34m
kiada-dn9fb 2/2 Running 0 34m
kiada-rfkqb 2/2 Running 0 47s #A

The Pod you deleted is gone, but a new Pod has appeared to replace the
missing Pod. The number of Pods again matches the desired number of
replicas set in the ReplicaSet object. Again, the ReplicaSet controller reacted
immediately and reconciled the actual state with the desired state.

Even if you delete all kiada Pods, three new ones will appear immediately so
that they can serve your users. You can see this by running the following
$ kubectl delete pod -l app=kiada

Creating a Pod that matches the ReplicaSet’s label selector

Just as the ReplicaSet controller creates new Pods when it finds that there are
fewer Pods than needed, it also deletes Pods when it finds too many. You’ve
already seen this happen when you reduced the desired number of replicas,
but what if you manually create a Pod that matches the ReplicaSet’s label
selector? From the controller’s point of view, one of the Pods must disappear.

Let’s create a Pod called one-kiada-too-many. The name doesn’t match the
prefix that the controller assigns to the ReplicaSet’s Pods, but the Pod’s
labels match the ReplicaSet’s label selector. You can find the Pod manifest in
the file pod.one-kiada-too-many.yaml. Apply the manifest with kubectl
apply to create the Pod, and then immediately list the kiada Pods as follows:

$ kubectl get po -l app=kiada

kiada-jp4vh 2/2 Running 0 11m
kiada-r4k9f 2/2 Running 0 11m
kiada-shfgj 2/2 Running 0 11m
one-kiada-too-many 0/2 Terminating 0 3s #A

As expected, the ReplicaSet controller deletes the Pod as soon as it detects it.
The controller doesn’t like it when you create Pods that match the label
selector of a ReplicaSet. As shown, the name of the Pod doesn’t matter. Only
the Pod’s labels matter.

What happens when a node that runs a ReplicaSet’s Pod fails?

In the previous examples, you saw how a ReplicaSet controller reacts when
someone tampers with the Pods of a ReplicaSet. Although these examples do
a good job of illustrating how the ReplicaSet controller works, they don’t
really show the true benefit of using a ReplicaSet to run Pods. The best
reason to create Pods via a ReplicaSet instead of directly is that the Pods are
automatically replaced when your cluster nodes fail.


In the next example, a cluster node is caused to fail. In a poorly configured

cluster, this can cause the entire cluster to fail. Therefore, you should only
perform this exercise if you’re willing to rebuild the cluster from scratch if

To see what happens when a node stops responding, you can disable its
network interface. If you created your cluster with the kind tool, you can
disable the network interface of the kind-worker2 node with the following
$ docker exec kind-worker2 ip link set eth0 down


Pick a node that has at least one of your kiada Pods running on it. List the
Pods with the -o wide option to see which node each Pod runs on.

If you’re using GKE, you can log into the node with the gcloud compute
ssh command and shut down its network interface with the sudo ifconfig
eth0 down command. The ssh session will stop responding, so you’ll need to
close it by pressing Enter, followed by “~.” (tilde and dot, without the

Soon, the status of the Node object representing the cluster node changes to

$ kubectl get node

kind-control-plane Ready control-plane,master 2d3h v1.21.1
kind-worker Ready <none> 2d3h v1.21.1
kind-worker2 NotReady <none> 2d3h v1.21.1 #A

This status indicates that the Kubelet running on the node hasn’t contacted
the API server for some time. Since this isn’t a clear sign that the node is
down, as it could just be a temporary network glitch, this doesn’t
immediately affect the status of the Pods running on the node. They’ll
continue to show as Running. However, after a few minutes, Kubernetes
realizes that the node is down and marks the Pods for deletion.


The time that elapses between a node becoming unavailable and its Pods
being deleted can be configured using the Taints and Tolerations mechanism,
which is explained in chapter 23.

Once the Pods are marked for deletion, the ReplicaSet controller creates new
Pods to replace them. You can see this in the following output.
$ kubectl get pods -l app=kiada -o wide
kiada-ffstj 2/2 Running 0 35s kind-wor
kiada-l2r85 2/2 Terminating 0 37m kind-wor
kiada-n98df 2/2 Terminating 0 37m kind-wor
kiada-vnc4b 2/2 Running 0 37m kind-wor
kiada-wkpsn 2/2 Running 0 35s kind-wor
As you can see in the output, the two Pods on the kind-worker2 node are
marked as Terminating and have been replaced by two new Pods scheduled
to the healthy node kind-worker. Again, three Pod replicas are running as
specified in the ReplicaSet.

The two Pods that are being deleted remain in the Terminating state until the
node comes back online. In reality, the containers in those Pods are still
running because the Kubelet on the node can’t communicate with the API
server and therefore doesn’t know that they should be terminated. However,
when the node’s network interface comes back online, the Kubelet terminates
the containers, and the Pod objects are deleted. The following commands
restore the node’s network interface:
$ docker exec kind-worker2 ip link set eth0 up
$ docker exec kind-worker2 ip route add default via

Your cluster may be using a gateway IP other than To find it,
run the following command:
$ docker network inspect kind -f '{{ (index .IPAM.Config 0).Gateway }}'


If you’re using GKE, you must remotely reset the node with the gcloud
compute instances reset <node-name> command.

When do Pods not get replaced?

The previous sections have demonstrated that the ReplicaSet controller

ensures that there are always as many healthy Pods as specified in the
ReplicaSet object. But is this always the case? Is it possible to get into a state
where the number of Pods matches the desired replica count, but the Pods
can’t provide the service to their clients?

Remember the liveness and readiness probes? If a container’s liveness probe

fails, the container is restarted. If the probe fails multiple times, there’s a
significant time delay before the container is restarted. This is due to the
exponential backoff mechanism explained in chapter 6. During the backoff
delay, the container isn’t in operation. However, it’s assumed that the
container will eventually be back in service. If the container fails the
readiness rather than the liveness probe, it’s also assumed that the problem
will eventually be fixed.

For this reason, Pods whose containers continually crash or fail their probes
are never automatically deleted, even though the ReplicaSet controller could
easily replace them with Pods that might run properly. Therefore, be aware
that a ReplicaSet doesn’t guarantee that you’ll always have as many healthy
replicas as you specify in the ReplicaSet object.

You can see this for yourself by failing one of the Pods’ readiness probes
with the following command:
$ kubectl exec rs/kiada -c kiada -- curl -X POST localhost:9901/healthcheck/


If you specify the ReplicaSet instead of the Pod name when running the
kubectl exec command, the specified command is run in one of the Pods,
not all of them, just as with kubectl logs.

After about thirty seconds, the kubectl get pods command indicates that
one of the Pod’s containers is no longer ready:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=kiada
kiada-78j7m 1/2 Running 0 21m #A
kiada-98lmx 2/2 Running 0 21m
kiada-wk99p 2/2 Running 0 21m

The Pod no longer receives any traffic from the clients, but the ReplicaSet
controller doesn’t delete and replace it, even though it’s aware that only two
of the three Pods are ready and accessible, as indicated by the ReplicaSet
$ kubectl get rs
kiada 3 3 2 2h #A

A ReplicaSet only ensures that the desired number of Pods are present. It
doesn’t ensure that their containers are actually running and ready to handle

If this happens in a real production cluster and the remaining Pods can’t
handle all the traffic, you’ll have to delete the bad Pod yourself. But what if
you want to find out what’s wrong with the Pod first? How can you quickly
replace the faulty Pod without deleting it so you can debug it?

You could scale the ReplicaSet up by one replica, but then you’ll have to
scale back down when you finish debugging the faulty Pod. Fortunately,
there’s a better way. It’ll be explained in the next section.

13.3.3 Removing a Pod from the ReplicaSet’s control

You already know that the ReplicaSet controller is constantly making sure
that the number of Pods that match the ReplicaSet’s label selector matches
the desired number of replicas. So, if you remove a Pod from the set of Pods
that match the selector, the controller replaces it. To do this, you simply
change the labels of the faulty Pod, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 13.7 Changing a Pod’s labels to remove it from the ReplicaSet

The ReplicaSet controller replaces the Pod with a new one, and from that
point on, no longer pays attention to the faulty Pod. You can calmly figure
out what’s wrong with it while the new Pod takes over the traffic.

Let’s try this with the Pod whose readiness probe you failed in the previous
section. For a Pod to match the ReplicaSet’s label selector, it must have the
labels app=kiada and rel=stable. Pods without these labels aren’t
considered part of the ReplicaSet. So, to remove the broken Pod from the
ReplicaSet, you need to remove or change at least one of these two labels.
One way is to change the value of the rel label to debug as follows:
$ kubectl label po kiada-78j7m rel=debug --overwrite

Since only two Pods now match the label selector, one less than the desired
number of replicas, the controller immediately creates another Pod, as shown
in the following output:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=kiada -L app,rel
kiada-78j7m 1/2 Running 0 60m kiada debug #A
kiada-98lmx 2/2 Running 0 60m kiada stable
kiada-wk99p 2/2 Running 0 60m kiada stable
kiada-xtxcl 2/2 Running 0 9s kiada stable #B

As you can see from the values in the APP and REL columns, three Pods match
the selector, while the broken Pod doesn’t. This Pod is no longer managed by
the ReplicaSet. Therefore, when you’re done inspecting the Pod, you need to
delete it manually.


When you remove a Pod from a ReplicaSet, the reference to the ReplicaSet
object is removed from the Pod’s ownerReferences field.

Now that you’ve seen how the ReplicaSet controller responds to all the
events shown in this and previous sections, you understand everything you
need to know about this controller.

13.4 Deleting a ReplicaSet

A ReplicaSet represents a group of Pod replicas that you manage as a unit.
By creating a ReplicaSet object, you indicate that you want a specific number
of Pod replicas based on a specific Pod template in your cluster. By deleting
the ReplicaSet object, you indicate that you no longer want those Pods. So
when you delete a ReplicaSet, all the Pods that belong to it are also deleted.
This is done by the garbage collector, as explained earlier in this chapter.

13.4.1 Deleting a ReplicaSet and all associated Pods

To delete a ReplicaSet and all Pods it controls, run the following command:
$ kubectl delete rs kiada
replicaset.apps "kiada" deleted

As expected, this also deletes the Pods:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=kiada
kiada-2dq4f 0/2 Terminating 0 7m29s
kiada-f5nff 0/2 Terminating 0 7m29s
kiada-khmj5 0/2 Terminating 0 7m29s

But in some cases, you don’t want that. So how can you prevent the garbage
collector from removing the Pods? Before we get to that, recreate the
ReplicaSet by reapplying the rs.kiada.versionLabel.yaml file.

13.4.2 Deleting a ReplicaSet while preserving the Pods

At the beginning of this chapter you learned that the label selector in a
ReplicaSet is immutable. If you want to change the label selector, you have to
delete the ReplicaSet object and create a new one. In doing so, however, you
may not want the Pods to be deleted, because that would cause your service
to become unavailable. Fortunately, you can tell Kubernetes to orphan the
Pods instead of deleting them.

To preserve the Pods when you delete the ReplicaSet object, use the
following command:
$ kubectl delete rs kiada --cascade=orphan #A
replicaset.apps "kiada" deleted

Now, if you list the Pods, you’ll find that they’ve been preserved. If you look
at their manifests, you’ll notice that the ReplicaSet object has been removed
from ownerReferences. These Pods are now orphaned, but if you create a
new ReplicaSet with the same label selector, it’ll take these Pods under its
wing. Apply the rs.kiada.versionLabel.yaml file again to see this for

13.5 Summary
In this chapter, you learned that:

A ReplicaSet represents a group of identical Pods that you manage as a

unit. In the ReplicaSet, you specify a Pod template, the desired number
of replicas, and a label selector.
Almost all Kubernetes API object types have an associated controller
that processes objects of that type. In each controller, a reconciliation
control loop runs that constantly reconciles the actual state with the
desired state.
The ReplicaSet controller ensures that the actual number of Pods always
matches the desired number specified in the ReplicaSet. When these two
numbers diverge, the controller immediately reconciles them by creating
or deleting Pod objects.
You can change the number of replicas you want at any time and the
controller will take the necessary steps to honor your request. However,
when you update the Pod template, the controller won’t update the
existing Pods.
Pods created by a ReplicaSet are owned by that ReplicaSet. If you delete
the owner, the dependents are deleted by the garbage collector, but you
can tell kubectl to orphan them instead.

In the next chapter, you’ll replace the ReplicaSet with a Deployment object.
14 Managing Pods with
This chapter covers
Deploying stateless workloads with the Deployment object
Horizontally scaling Deployments
Updating workloads declaratively
Preventing rollouts of faulty workloads
Implementing various deployment strategies

In the previous chapter, you learned how to deploy Pods via ReplicaSets.
However, workloads are rarely deployed this way because ReplicaSets don’t
provide the functionality necessary to easily update these Pods. This
functionality is provided by the Deployment object type. By the end of this
chapter, each of the three services in the Kiada suite will have its own
Deployment object.

Before you begin, make sure that the Pods, Services, and other objects of the
Kiada suite are present in your cluster. If you followed the exercises in the
previous chapter, they should already be there. If not, you can create them by
creating the kiada namespace and applying all the manifests in the
Chapter14/SETUP/ directory with the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f SETUP -R


You can find the code files for this chapter at


14.1 Introducing Deployments

When you deploy a workload to Kubernetes, you typically do so by creating
a Deployment object. A Deployment object doesn't directly manage the Pod
objects, but manages them through a ReplicaSet object that’s automatically
created when you create the Deployment object. As shown in the next figure,
the Deployment controls the ReplicaSet, which in turn controls the individual

Figure 14.1 The relationship between Deployments, ReplicaSets and Pods.

A Deployment allows you to update the application declaratively. This means

that rather than manually performing a series of operations to replace a set of
Pods with ones running an updated version of your application, you just
update the configuration in the Deployment object and let Kubernetes
automate the update.

As with ReplicaSets, you specify a Pod template, the desired number of

replicas, and a label selector in a Deployment. The Pods created based on this
Deployment are exact replicas of each other and are fungible. For this and
other reasons, Deployments are mainly used for stateless workloads, but you
can also use them to run a single instance of a stateful workload. However,
because there’s no built-in way to prevent users from scaling the Deployment
to multiple instances, the application itself must ensure that only a single
instance is active when multiple replicas are running simultaneously.


To run replicated stateful workloads, a StatefulSet is the better option. You’ll

learn about them in the next chapter.
14.1.1 Creating a Deployment

In this section, you’ll replace the kiada ReplicaSet with a Deployment. Delete
the ReplicaSet without deleting the Pods as follows:
$ kubectl delete rs kiada --cascade=orphan

Let’s see what you need to specify in the spec section of a Deployment and
how it compares to that of the ReplicaSet.

Introducing the Deployment spec

The spec section of a Deployment object isn’t much different from a

ReplicaSet’s. As you can see in the following table, the main fields are the
same as the ones in a ReplicaSet, with only one additional field.

Table 14.1 The main fields you specify in a Deployment’s spec section


The desired number of replicas. When you create the Deployment

replicas object, Kubernetes creates this many Pods from the Pod template.
It keeps this number of Pods until you delete the Deployment.

The label selector contains either a map of labels in the

matchLabels subfield or a list of label selector requirements in
the matchExpressions subfield. Pods that match the label selector
are considered part of this Deployment.

The Pod template for the Deployment’s Pods. When a new Pod
needs to be created, the object is created using this template.
The update strategy defines how Pods in this Deployment are
strategy replaced when you update the Pod template.

The replicas, selector, and template fields serve the same purpose as
those in ReplicaSets. In the additional strategy field, you can configure the
update strategy to be used when you update this Deployment.

Creating a Deployment manifest from scratch

When we need to create a new Deployment manifest, most of us usually copy

an existing manifest file and modify it. However, if you don’t have an
existing manifest handy, there’s a clever way to create the manifest file from

You may remember that you first created a Deployment in chapter 3 of this
book. This is the command you used then:
$ kubectl create deployment kiada --image=luksa/kiada:0.1

But since this command creates the object directly instead of creating the
manifest file, it’s not quite what you want. However, you may recall that you
learned in chapter 5 that you can pass the --dry-run=client and -o yaml
options to the kubectl create command if you want to create an object
manifest without posting it to the API. So, to create a rough version of a
Deployment manifest file, you can use the following command:
$ kubectl create deployment my-app --image=my-image --dry-run=client -o yaml

You can then edit the manifest file to make your final changes, such as
adding additional containers and volumes or changing the existing container
definition. However, since you already have a manifest file for the kiada
ReplicaSet, the fastest option is to turn it into a Deployment manifest.

Creating a Deployment object manifest

Creating a Deployment manifest is trivial if you already have the ReplicaSet

manifest. You just need to copy the rs.kiada.versionLabel.yaml file to
deploy.kiada.yaml, for example, and then edit it to change the kind field
from ReplicaSet to Deployment. While you’re at it, please also change the
number of replicas from two to three. Your Deployment manifest should look
like the following listing.

Listing 14.1 The kiada Deployment object manifest

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment #A
name: kiada
replicas: 3 #B
selector: #C
matchLabels: #C
app: kiada #C
rel: stable #C
template: #D
metadata: #D
labels: #D
app: kiada #D
rel: stable #D
ver: '0.5' #D
spec: #D
... #D

Creating and inspecting the Deployment object

To create the Deployment object from the manifest file, use the kubectl
apply command. You can use the usual commands like kubectl get
deployment and kubectl describe deployment to get information about the
Deployment you created. For example:
$ kubectl get deploy kiada
kiada 3/3 3 3 25s


The shorthand for deployment is deploy.

The Pod number information that the kubectl get command displays is read
from the readyReplicas, replicas, updatedReplicas, and
availableReplicas fields in the status section of the Deployment object.
Use the -o yaml option to see the full status.


Use the wide output option (-o wide) with kubectl get deploy to display
the label selector and the container names and images used in the Pod

If you just want to know if the Deployment rollout was successful, you can
also use the following command:
$ kubectl rollout status deployment kiada
Waiting for deployment "kiada" rollout to finish: 0 of 3 updated replicas ar
Waiting for deployment "kiada" rollout to finish: 1 of 3 updated replicas ar
Waiting for deployment "kiada" rollout to finish: 2 of 3 updated replicas ar
deployment "kiada" successfully rolled out

If you run this command immediately after creating the Deployment, you can
track how the deployment of Pods is progressing. According to the output of
the command, the Deployment has successfully rolled out the three Pod

Now list the Pods that belong to the Deployment. It uses the same selector as
the ReplicaSet from the previous chapter, so you should see three Pods,
right? To check, list the Pods with the label selector app=kiada,rel=stable
as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=kiada,rel=stable
kiada-4t87s 2/2 Running 0 16h #A
kiada-5lg8b 2/2 Running 0 16h #A
kiada-7bffb9bf96-4knb6 2/2 Running 0 6m #B
kiada-7bffb9bf96-7g2md 2/2 Running 0 6m #B
kiada-7bffb9bf96-qf4t7 2/2 Running 0 6m #B

Surprisingly, there are five Pods that match the selector. The first two are
those created by the ReplicaSet from the previous chapter, while the last three
were created by the Deployment. Although the label selector in the
Deployment matches the two existing Pods, they weren’t picked up like you
would expect. How come?

At the beginning of this chapter, I explained that the Deployment doesn’t

directly control the Pods but delegates this task to an underlying ReplicaSet.
Let’s take a quick look at this ReplicaSet:
$ kubectl get rs
kiada-7bffb9bf96 3 3 3 17m

You’ll notice that the name of the ReplicaSet isn’t simply kiada, but also
contains an alphanumeric suffix (-7bffb9bf96) that seems to be randomly
generated like the names of the Pods. Let’s find out what it is. Take a closer
look at the ReplicaSet as follows:
$ kubectl describe rs kiada #A
Name: kiada-7bffb9bf96
Namespace: kiada
Selector: app=kiada,pod-template-hash=7bffb9bf96,rel=stable #B
Labels: app=kiada
pod-template-hash=7bffb9bf96 #C
Annotations: deployment.kubernetes.io/desired-replicas: 3
deployment.kubernetes.io/max-replicas: 4
deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: 1
Controlled By: Deployment/kiada #D
Replicas: 3 current / 3 desired
Pods Status: 3 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
Pod Template:
Labels: app=kiada
pod-template-hash=7bffb9bf96 #C

The Controlled By line indicates that this ReplicaSet has been created and is
owned and controlled by the kiada Deployment. You’ll notice that the Pod
template, selector, and the ReplicaSet itself contain an additional label key
pod-template-hash that you never defined in the Deployment object. The
value of this label matches the last part of the ReplicaSet’s name. This
additional label is why the two existing Pods weren’t acquired by this
ReplicaSet. List the Pods with all their labels to see how they differ:
<pre class="codeacxspfirst">$&nbsp;<b class="charbold">kubectl&nbsp;get&nbsp
</pre> <pre class="codeacxspmiddle">NAME&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
</pre> <pre class="codeacxspmiddle">kiada-4t87s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp
</pre> <pre class="codeacxspmiddle">kiada-5lg8b&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp
</pre> <pre class="codeacxspmiddle">kiada-7bffb9bf96-4knb6&nbsp;&nbsp;...&nb
</pre> <pre class="codeacxspmiddle">kiada-7bffb9bf96-7g2md&nbsp;&nbsp;...&nb
</pre> <pre class="codeacxsplast">kiada-7bffb9bf96-qf4t7&nbsp;&nbsp;...&nbsp

As you can see in the following figure, when the ReplicaSet was created, the
ReplicaSet controller couldn’t find any Pods that matched the label selector,
so it created three new Pods. If you had added this label to the two existing
Pods before creating the Deployment, they’d have been picked up by the

Figure 14.2 Label selectors in the Deployment and ReplicaSet, and the labels in the Pods.

The value of the pod-template-hash label isn’t random but calculated from
the contents of the Pod template. Because the same value is used for the
ReplicaSet name, the name depends on the contents of the Pod template. It
follows that every time you change the Pod template, a new ReplicaSet is
created. You’ll learn more about this in section 14.2, which explains
Deployment updates.

You can now delete the two kiada Pods that aren’t part of the Deployment.
To do this, you use the kubectl delete command with a label selector that
selects only the Pods that have the labels app=kiada and rel=stable and
don’t have the label pod-template-hash. This is what the full command
looks like:
$ kubectl delete po -l 'app=kiada,rel=stable,!pod-template-hash'

Troubleshooting Deployments that fail to produce any Pods

Under certain circumstances, when creating a Deployment, Pods may not

appear. Troubleshooting in this case is easy if you know where to look. To
try this out for yourself, apply the manifest file deploy.where-are-the-
pods.yaml. This will create a Deployment object called where-are-the-
pods. You’ll notice that no Pods are created for this Deployment, even
though the desired number of replicas is three. To troubleshoot, you can
inspect the Deployment object with kubectl describe. The Deployment’s
events don’t show anything useful, but its Conditions do:
$ kubectl describe deploy where-are-the-pods
Type Status Reason
---- ------ ------
Progressing True NewReplicaSetCreated
Available False MinimumReplicasUnavailable
ReplicaFailure True FailedCreate #A

The ReplicaFailure condition is True, indicating an error. The reason for

the error is FailedCreate, which doesn’t mean much. However, if you look
at the conditions in the status section of the Deployment's YAML manifest,
you’ll notice that the message field of the ReplicaFailure condition tells you
exactly what happened. Alternatively, you can examine the ReplicaSet and its
events to see the same message as follows:
$ kubectl describe rs where-are-the-pods-67cbc77f88
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedCreate 61s (x18 over 11m) replicaset-controller Error creating

There are many possible reasons why the ReplicaSet controller can't create a
Pod, but they’re usually related to user privileges. In this example, the
ReplicaSet controller couldn't create the Pod because a service account is
missing. You'll learn more about service accounts in chapter 25. The most
important conclusion from this exercise is that if Pods don’t appear after you
create (or update) a Deployment, you should look for the cause in the
underlying ReplicaSet.

14.1.2 Scaling a Deployment

Scaling a Deployment is no different from scaling a ReplicaSet. When you
scale a Deployment, the Deployment controller does nothing but scale the
underlying ReplicaSet, leaving the ReplicaSet controller to do the rest, as
shown in the following figure.

Figure 14.3 Scaling a Deployment

Scaling a Deployment

You can scale a Deployment by editing the object with the kubectl edit
command and changing the value of the replicas field, by changing the
value in the manifest file and reapplying it, or by using the kubectl scale
command. For example, scale the kiada Deployment to 5 replicas as follows:
$ kubectl scale deploy kiada --replicas 5
deployment.apps/kiada scaled

If you list the Pods, you’ll see that there are now five kiada Pods. If you
check the events associated with the Deployment using the kubectl
describe command, you’ll see that the Deployment controller has scaled the
$ kubectl describe deploy kiada
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 4s deployment-controller Scaled up replica
7bffb9bf96 to 5

If you check the events associated with the ReplicaSet using kubectl
describe rs kiada, you’ll see that it was indeed the ReplicaSet controller
that created the Pods.

Everything you learned about ReplicaSet scaling and how the ReplicaSet
controller ensures that the actual number of Pods always matches the desired
number of replicas also applies to Pods deployed via a Deployment.

Scaling a ReplicaSet owned by a Deployment

You might wonder what happens when you scale a ReplicaSet object owned
and controlled by a Deployment. Let’s find out. First, start watching
ReplicaSets by running the following command:
$ kubectl get rs -w

Now scale the kiada-7bffb9bf96 ReplicaSet by running the following

command in another terminal:
$ kubectl scale rs kiada-7bffb9bf96 --replicas 7
replicaset.apps/kiada-7bffb9bf96 scaled
If you look at the output of the first command, you’ll see that the desired
number of replicas goes up to seven but is soon reverted to five. This happens
because the Deployment controller detects that the desired number of replicas
in the ReplicaSet no longer matches the number in the Deployment object
and so it changes it back.


If you make changes to an object that is owned by another object, you should
expect that your changes will be undone by the controller that manages the

Depending on whether the ReplicaSet controller noticed the change before

the Deployment controller undid it, it may have created two new Pods. But
when the Deployment controller then reset the desired number of replicas
back to five, the ReplicaSet controller deleted the Pods.

As you might expect, the Deployment controller will undo any changes you
make to the ReplicaSet, not just when you scale it. Even if you delete the
ReplicaSet object, the Deployment controller will recreate it. Feel free to try
this now.

Inadvertently scaling a Deployment

To conclude this section on Deployment scaling, I should warn you about a

scenario in which you might accidentally scale a Deployment without
meaning to.

In the Deployment manifest you applied to the cluster, the desired number of
replicas was three. Then you changed it to five with the kubectl scale
command. Imagine doing the same thing in a production cluster. For
example, because you need five replicas to handle all the traffic that the
application is receiving.

Then you notice that forgot to add the app and rel labels to the Deployment
object. You added them to the Pod template inside the Deployment object,
but not to the object itself. This doesn’t affect the operation of the
Deployment, but you want all your objects to be nicely labelled, so you
decide to add the labels now. You could use the kubectl label command,
but you’d rather fix the original manifest file and reapply it. This way, when
you use the file to create the Deployment in the future, it’ll contain the labels
you want.

To see what happens in this case, apply the manifest file

deploy.kiada.labelled.yaml. The only difference between from the
original manifest file deploy.kiada.yaml are the labels added to the
Deployment. If you list the Pods after applying the manifest, you’ll see that
you no longer have five Pods in your Deployment. Two of the Pods have
been deleted:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=kiada
kiada-7bffb9bf96-4knb6 2/2 Running 0 46m
kiada-7bffb9bf96-7g2md 2/2 Running 0 46m
kiada-7bffb9bf96-lkgmx 2/2 Terminating 0 5m #A
kiada-7bffb9bf96-qf4t7 2/2 Running 0 46m
kiada-7bffb9bf96-z6skm 2/2 Terminating 0 5m #A

To see why two Pods were removed, check the Deployment object:
$ kubectl get deploy
kiada 3/3 3 3 46m

The Deployment is now configured to have only three replicas, instead of the
five it had before you applied the manifest. However, you never intended to
change the number of replicas, only to add labels to the Deployment object.
So, what happened?

The reason that applying the manifest changed the desired number of replicas
is that the replicas field in the manifest file is set to 3. You might think that
removing this field from the updated manifest would have prevented the
problem, but in fact it would make the problem worse. Try applying the
deploy.kiada.noReplicas.yaml manifest file that doesn’t contain the
replicas field to see what happens.

If you apply the file, you’ll only have one replica left. That’s because the
Kubernetes API sets the value to 1 when the replicas field is omitted. Even
if you explicitly set the value to null, the effect is the same.

Imagine this happening in your production cluster when the load on your
application is so high that dozens or hundreds of replicas are needed to
handle the load. An innocuous update like the one in this example would
severely disrupt the service.

You can prevent this by not specifying the replicas field in the original
manifest when you create the Deployment object. If you forget to do this, you
can still repair the existing Deployment object by running the following
$ kubectl apply edit-last-applied deploy kiada

This opens the contents of the kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-

configuration annotation of the Deployment object in a text editor and
allows you to remove the replicas field. When you save the file and close
the editor, the annotation in the Deployment object is updated. From that
point on, updating the Deployment with kubectl apply no longer overwrites
the desired number of replicas, as long as you don’t include the replicas


When you kubectl apply, the value of the kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-

applied-configuration is used to calculate the changes needed to be made
to the API object.


To avoid accidentally scaling a Deployment each time you reapply its

manifest file, omit the replicas field in the manifest when you create the
object. You initially only get one replica, but you can easily scale the
Deployment to suit your needs.

14.1.3 Deleting a Deployment

Before we get to Deployment updates, which are the most important aspect of
Deployments, let’s take a quick look at what happens when you delete a
Deployment. After learning what happens when you delete a ReplicaSet, you
probably already know that when you delete a Deployment object, the
underlying ReplicaSet and Pods are also deleted.

Preserving the ReplicaSet and Pods when deleting a Deployment

If you want to keep the Pods, you can run the kubectl delete command
with the --cascade=orphan option, as you can with a ReplicaSet. If you use
this approach with a Deployment, you’ll find that this not only preserves the
Pods, but also the ReplicaSets. The Pods still belong to and are controlled by
that ReplicaSet.

Adopting an existing ReplicaSet and Pods

If you recreate the Deployment, it picks up the existing ReplicaSet, assuming

you haven’t changed the Deployment’s Pod template in the meantime. This
happens because the Deployment controller finds an existing ReplicaSet with
a name that matches the ReplicaSet that the controller would otherwise

14.2 Updating a Deployment

In the previous section where you learned about the basics of Deployments,
you probably didn’t see any advantage in using a Deployment instead of a
ReplicaSet. The advantage only becomes clear when you update the Pod
template in the Deployment. You may recall that this has no immediate effect
with a ReplicaSet. The updated template is only used when the ReplicaSet
controller creates a new Pod. However, when you update the Pod template in
a Deployment, the Pods are replaced immediately.

The kiada Pods are currently running version 0.5 of the application, which
you’ll now update to version 0.6. You can find the files for this new version
in the directory Chapter14/kiada-0.6. You can build the container image
yourself or use the image luksa/kiada:0.6 that I created.
Introducing the available update strategies

When you update the Pod template to use the new container image, the
Deployment controller stops the Pods running with the old image and
replaces them with the new Pods. The way the Pods are replaced depends on
the update strategy configured in the Deployment. At the time of writing,
Kubernetes supports the two strategies described in the following table.

Table 14.2 Update strategies supported by Deployments

Strategy type Description

In the Recreate strategy, all Pods are deleted at the same

time, and then, when all their containers are finished, the
new Pods are created at the same time. For a short time,
while the old Pods are being terminated and before the new
Pods are ready, the service is unavailable. Use this strategy
if your application doesn’t allow you to run the old and new
versions at the same time and service downtime isn’t an

The RollingUpdate strategy causes old Pods to be

gradually removed and replaced with new ones. When a
Pod is removed, Kubernetes waits until the new Pod is
ready before removing the next Pod. This way, the service
provided by the Pods remains available throughout the
upgrade process. This is the default strategy.

The following figure illustrates the difference between the two strategies. It
shows how the Pods are replaced over time for each of the strategies.

Figure 14.4 The difference between the Recreate and the RollingUpdate strategies
The Recreate strategy has no configuration options, while the
RollingUpdate strategy lets you configure how many Pods Kubernetes
replaces at a time. You’ll learn more about this later.

14.2.1 The Recreate strategy

The Recreate strategy is much simpler than RollingUpdate, so I’ll cover it
first. Since you didn’t specify the strategy in the Deployment object, it
defaults to RollingUpdate, so you need to change it before triggering the

Configuring the Deployment to use the Recreate strategy

To configure a Deployment to use the Recreate update strategy, you must

include the lines highlighted in the following listing in your Deployment
manifest. You can find this manifest in the deploy.kiada.recreate.yaml

Listing 14.2 Enabling the Recreate update strategy in a Deployment

strategy: #A
type: Recreate #A
replicas: 3

You can add these lines to the Deployment object by editing it with the
kubectl edit command or by applying the updated manifest file with
kubectl apply. Since this change doesn’t affect the Pod template, it doesn’t
trigger an update. Changing the Deployment’s labels, annotations, or the
desired number of replicas also doesn’t trigger it.

Updating the container image with kubectl set image

To update the Pods to the new version of the Kiada container image, you
need to update the image field in the kiada container definition within the
Pod template. You can do this by updating the manifest with kubectl edit
or kubectl apply, but for a simple image change you can also use the
kubectl set image command. With this command, you can change the
image name of any container of any API object that contains containers. This
includes Deployments, ReplicaSets, and even Pods. For example, you could
use the following command to update the kiada container in your kiada
Deployment to use version 0.6 of the luksa/kiada container image like so:
$ kubectl set image deployment kiada kiada=luksa/kiada:0.6

However, since the Pod template in your Deployment also specifies the
application version in the Pod labels, changing the image without also
changing the label value would result in an inconsistency.

Updating the container image and labels using kubectl patch

To change the image name and label value at the same time, you can use the
kubectl patch command, which allows you to update multiple manifest
fields without having to manually edit the manifest or apply an entire
manifest file. To update both the image name and the label value, you could
run the following command:
$ kubectl patch deploy kiada --patch '{"spec": {"template": {"metadata": {"l

This command may be hard for you to parse because the patch is given as a
single-line JSON string. In this string, you’ll find a partial Deployment
manifest that contains only the fields you want to change. If you specify the
patch in a multi-line YAML string, it’ll be much clearer. The complete
command then looks as follows:
$ kubectl patch deploy kiada --patch ' #A
spec: #B
template: #B
metadata: #B
labels: #B
ver: "0.6" #B
spec: #B
containers: #B
- name: kiada #B
image: luksa/kiada:0.6' #B


You can also write this partial manifest to a file and use --patch-file
instead of --patch.

Now run one of the kubectl patch commands to update the Deployment, or
apply the manifest file deploy.kiada.0.6.recreate.yaml to get the same

Observing the Pod state changes during an update

Immediately after you update the Deployment, run the following command
repeatedly to observe what happens to the Pods:
$ kubectl get po -l app=kiada -L ver

This command lists the kiada Pods and displays the value of their version
label in the VER column. You’ll notice that the status of all these Pods
changes to Terminating at the same time, as shown here:
kiada-7bffb9bf96-7w92k 0/2 Terminating 0 3m38s 0.5
kiada-7bffb9bf96-h8wnv 0/2 Terminating 0 3m38s 0.5
kiada-7bffb9bf96-xgb6d 0/2 Terminating 0 3m38s 0.5

The Pods soon disappear, but are immediately replaced by Pods that run the
new version:
kiada-5d5c5f9d76-5pghx 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 1s 0.6
kiada-5d5c5f9d76-qfkts 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 1s 0.6
kiada-5d5c5f9d76-vkdrl 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 1s 0.6

After a few seconds, all new Pods are ready. The whole process is very fast,
but you can repeat it as many times as you want. Revert the Deployment by
applying the previous version of the manifest in the
deploy.kiada.recreate.yaml file, wait until the Pods are replaced, and then
update to version 0.6 by applying the deploy.kiada.0.6.recreate.yaml file

Understanding how an update using the Recreate strategy affects service


In addition to watching the Pod list, try to access the service via Ingress in
your web browser, as described in chapter 12, while the update is in progress.

You’ll notice the short time interval when the Ingress proxy returns the status
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable. If you try to access the service
directly using the internal cluster IP, you’ll find that the connection is
rejected during this time.

Understanding the relationship between a Deployment and its


When you list the Pods, you’ll notice that the names of the Pods that ran
version 0.5 are different from those that run version 0.6. The names of the old
Pods start with kiada-7bffb9bf96, while the names of the new Pods start
with kiada-5d5c5f9d76. You may recall that Pods created by a ReplicaSet
get their names from that ReplicaSet. The name change indicates that these
new Pods belong to a different ReplicaSet. List the ReplicaSets to confirm
this as follows:
$ kubectl get rs -L ver
kiada-5d5c5f9d76 3 3 3 13m 0.6 #A
kiada-7bffb9bf96 0 0 0 16m 0.5 #B


The labels you specify in the Pod template in a Deployment are also applied
to the ReplicaSet. So if you add a label with the version number of the
application, you can see the version when you list the ReplicaSets. This way
you can easily distinguish between different ReplicaSets since you can’t do
that by looking at their names.

When you originally created the Deployment, only one ReplicaSet was
created and all Pods belonged to it. When you updated the Deployment, a
new ReplicaSet was created. Now the all the Pods of this Deployment are
controlled by this ReplicaSet, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 14.5 Updating a Deployment

Understanding how the Deployment’s Pods transitioned from one

ReplicaSet to the other

If you’d been watching the ReplicaSets when you triggered the update, you’d
have seen the following progression. At the beginning, only the old
ReplicaSet was present:
kiada-7bffb9bf96 3 3 3 16m 0.5 #A

The Deployment controller then scaled the ReplicaSet to zero replicas,

causing the ReplicaSet controller to delete all the Pods:
kiada-7bffb9bf96 0 0 0 16m 0.5 #A

Next, the Deployment controller created the new ReplicaSet and configured it
with three replicas.
kiada-5d5c5f9d76 3 0 0 0s 0.6 #A
kiada-7bffb9bf96 0 0 0 16m 0.5 #B

The ReplicaSet controller creates the three new Pods, as indicated by the
number in the CURRENT column. When the containers in these Pods start and
begin accepting connections, the value in the READY column also changes to
kiada-5d5c5f9d76 3 3 0 1s 0.6 #A
kiada-7bffb9bf96 0 0 0 16m 0.5


You can see what the Deployment controller and the ReplicaSet controller
did by looking at the events associated with the Deployment object and the
two ReplicaSets.

The update is now complete. If you open the Kiada service in your web
browser, you should see the updated version. In the lower right corner you’ll
see four boxes indicating the version of the Pod that processed the browser’s
request for each of the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the main image file.
These boxes will be useful when you perform a rolling update to version 0.7
in the next section.
14.2.2 The RollingUpdate strategy

The service disruption associated with the Recreate strategy is usually not
acceptable. That’s why the default strategy in Deployments is
RollingUpdate. When you use this strategy, the Pods are replaced gradually,
by scaling down the old ReplicaSet and simultaneously scaling up the new
ReplicaSet by the same number of replicas. The Service is never left with no
Pods to which to forward traffic.

Figure 14.6 What happens with the ReplicaSets, Pods, and the Service during a rolling update.

Configuring the Deployment to use the RollingUpdate strategy

To configure a Deployment to use the RollingUpdate update strategy, you

must set its strategy field as shown in the following listing. You can find
this manifest in the file deploy.kiada.0.7.rollingUpdate.yaml.

Listing 14.3 Enabling the Recreate update strategy in a Deployment

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: kiada
type: RollingUpdate #A
rollingUpdate: #B
maxSurge: 0 #B
maxUnavailable: 1 #B
minReadySeconds: 10
replicas: 3

In the strategy section, the type field sets the strategy to RollingUpdate,
while the maxSurge and maxUnavailable parameters in the rollingUpdate
subsection configure how the update should be performed. You could omit
this entire subsection and set only the type, but since the default values of the
maxSurge and maxUnavailable parameters make it difficult to explain the
update process, you set them to the values shown in the listing to make it
easier to follow the update process. Don’t worry about these two parameters
for now, because they’ll be explained later.

You may have noticed that the Deployment’s spec in the listing also includes
the minReadySeconds field. Although this field isn’t part of the update
strategy, it affects how fast the update progresses. By setting this field to 10,
you’ll be able to follow the progression of the rolling update even better.
You’ll learn what this attribute does by the end of this chapter.

Updating the image name in the manifest

In addition to setting the strategy and minReadySeconds in the Deployment

manifest, let’s also set the image name to luksa/kiada:0.7 and update the
version label, so that when you apply this manifest file, you immediately
trigger the update. This is to show that you can change the strategy and
trigger an update in a single kubectl apply operation. You don’t have to
change the strategy beforehand for it to be used in the update.

Triggering the update and Observing the rollout of the new version

To start the rolling update, apply the manifest file

deploy.kiada.0.7.rollingUpdate.yaml. You can track the progress of the
rollout with the kubectl rollout status command, but it only shows the
$ kubectl rollout status deploy kiada
Waiting for deploy "kiada" rollout to finish: 1 out of 3 new replicas have b
Waiting for deploy "kiada" rollout to finish: 2 out of 3 new replicas have b
Waiting for deploy "kiada" rollout to finish: 2 of 3 updated replicas are av
deployment "kiada" successfully rolled out

To see exactly how the Deployment controller performs the update, it’s best
to look at how the state of the underlying ReplicaSets changes. First, the
ReplicaSet with version 0.6 runs all three Pods. The ReplicaSet for version
0.7 doesn’t exist yet. The ReplicaSet for the previous version 0.5 is also
there, but let’s ignore it, as it’s not involved in this update. The initial state of
0.6 ReplicaSet is as follows:
kiada-5d5c5f9d76 3 3 3 53m 0.6 #A

When the update begins, the ReplicaSet running version 0.6 is scaled down
by one Pod, while the ReplicaSet for version 0.7 is created and configured to
run a single replica:
kiada-58df67c6f6 1 1 0 2s 0.7 #A
kiada-5d5c5f9d76 2 2 2 53m 0.6 #B

Because the old ReplicaSet has been scaled down, the ReplicaSet controller
has marked one of the old Pods for deletion. This Pod is now terminating and
is no longer considered ready, while the other two old Pods take over all the
service traffic. The Pod that’s part of the new ReplicaSet is just starting up
and therefore isn’t ready. The Deployment controller waits until this new Pod
is ready before resuming the update process. When this happens, the state of
the ReplicaSets is as follows:
kiada-58df67c6f6 1 1 1 6s 0.7 #A
kiada-5d5c5f9d76 2 2 2 53m 0.6

At this point, traffic is again handled by three Pods. Two are still running
version 0.6 and one is running version 0.7. Because you set minReadySeconds
to 10, the Deployment controller waits that many seconds before proceeding
with the update. It then scales the old ReplicaSet down by one replica, while
scaling the new ReplicaSet up by one replica. The ReplicaSets now look as
kiada-58df67c6f6 2 2 1 16s 0.7 #A
kiada-5d5c5f9d76 1 1 1 53m 0.6 #B

The service load is now handled by one old and one new Pod. The second
new Pod isn’t yet ready, so it’s not yet receiving traffic. Ten seconds after the
Pod is ready, the Deployment controller makes the final changes to the two
ReplicaSets. Again, the old ReplicaSet is scaled down by one, bringing the
desired number of replicas to zero. The new ReplicaSet is scaled up so that
the desired number of replicas is three, as shown here:
kiada-58df67c6f6 3 3 2 29s 0.7 #A
kiada-5d5c5f9d76 0 0 0 54m 0.6 #B

The last remaining old Pod is terminated and no longer receives traffic. All
client traffic is now handled by the new version of the application. When the
third new Pod is ready, the rolling update is complete.

At no time during the update was the service unavailable. There were always
at least two replicas handling the traffic. You can see for yourself by
reverting to the old version and triggering the update again. To do this,
reapply the deploy.kiada.0.6.recreate.yaml manifest file. Because this
manifest uses the Recreate strategy, all the Pods are deleted immediately and
then the Pods with the version 0.6 are started simultaneously.

Before you trigger the update to 0.7 again, run the following command to
track the update process from the clients’ point of view:
$ kubectl run -it --rm --restart=Never kiada-client --image curlimages/curl
'while true; do curl -s http://kiada | grep "Request processed by"; done'

When you run this command, you create a Pod called kiada-client that uses
curl to continuously send requests to the kiada service. Instead of printing
the entire response, it prints only the line with the version number and the
Pod and node names.

While the client is sending requests to the service, trigger another update by
reapplying the manifest file deploy.kiada.0.7.rollingUpdate.yaml.
Observe how the output of the curl command changes during the rolling
update. Here’s a short summary:
Request processed by Kiada 0.6 running in pod "kiada-5d5c5f9d76-qfx9p" ...
Request processed by Kiada 0.6 running in pod "kiada-5d5c5f9d76-22zr7" ...
Request processed by Kiada 0.6 running in pod "kiada-5d5c5f9d76-22zr7" ...
Request processed by Kiada 0.7 running in pod "kiada-58df67c6f6-468bd" ...
Request processed by Kiada 0.6 running in pod "kiada-5d5c5f9d76-6wb87" ...
Request processed by Kiada 0.7 running in pod "kiada-58df67c6f6-468bd" ...
Request processed by Kiada 0.7 running in pod "kiada-58df67c6f6-468bd" ...
Request processed by Kiada 0.7 running in pod "kiada-58df67c6f6-468bd" ...
Request processed by Kiada 0.7 running in pod "kiada-58df67c6f6-fjnpf" ...
Request processed by Kiada 0.7 running in pod "kiada-58df67c6f6-lssdp" ...

During the rolling update, some client requests are handled by the new Pods
that run version 0.6, while others are handled by the Pods with version 0.6.
Due to the increasing share of the new Pods, more and more responses come
from the new version of the application. When the update is complete, the
responses come only from the new version.

14.2.3 Configuring how many Pods are replaced at a time

In the rolling update shown in the previous section, the Pods were replaced
one by one. You can change this by changing the parameters of the rolling
update strategy.

Introducing the maxSurge and maxUnavailable configuration options

The two parameters that affect how fast Pods are replaced during a rolling
update are maxSurge and maxUnavailable, which I mentioned briefly when I
introduced the RollingUpdate strategy. You can set these parameters in the
rollingUpdate subsection of the Deployment’s strategy field, as shown in
the following listing.
Listing 14.4 Specifying parameters for the rollingUpdate strategy

type: RollingUpdate
maxSurge: 0 #A
maxUnavailable: 1 #A

The following table explains the effect of each parameter.

Table 14.3 About the maxSurge and maxUnavailable configuration options

Property Description

The maximum number of Pods above the desired number

of replicas that the Deployment can have during the rolling
update. The value can be an absolute number or a
percentage of the desired number of replicas.

The maximum number of Pods relative to the desired

replica count that can be unavailable during the rolling
update. The value can be an absolute number or a
percentage of the desired number of replicas.

The most important thing about these two parameters is that their values are
relative to the desired number of replicas. For example, if the desired number
of replicas is three, maxUnavailable is one, and the current number of Pods is
five, the number of Pods that must be available is two, not four.

Let’s look at how these two parameters affect how the Deployment controller
performs the update. This is best explained by going through the possible
combinations one by one.

MaxSurge=0, maxUnavailable=1
When you performed the rolling update in the previous section, the desired
number of replicas was three, maxSurge was zero and maxUnavailable was
one. The following figure shows how the Pods were updated over time.

Figure 14.7 How Pods are replaced when maxSurge is 0 and maxUnavailable is 1

Because maxSurge was set to 0, the Deployment controller wasn’t allowed to

add Pods beyond the desired number of replicas. Therefore, there were never
more than 3 Pods associated with the Deployment. Because maxUnavailable
was set to 1, the Deployment controller had to keep the number of available
replicas above two and therefore could only delete one old Pod at a time. It
couldn’t delete the next Pod until the new Pod that replaced the deleted Pod
became available.

MaxSurge=1, maxUnavailable=0

What happens if you reverse the two parameters and set maxSurge to 1 and
maxUnavailable to 0? If the desired number of replicas is three, there must
be at least three replicas available throughout the process. Because the
maxSurge parameter is set to 1, there should never be more than four Pods
total. The following figure shows how the update unfolds.

Figure 14.8 How Pods are replaced when maxSurge is 1 and maxUnavailable is 0
First, the Deployment controller can’t scale the old ReplicaSet down because
that would cause the number of available Pods to fall below the desired
number of replicas. But the controller can scale the new ReplicaSet up by one
Pod, because the maxSurge parameter allows the Deployment to have one
Pod above the desired number of replicas.

At this point, the Deployment has three old Pods and one new Pod. When the
new Pod is available, the traffic is handled by all four Pods for a moment.
The Deployment controller can now scale down the old ReplicaSet by one
Pod, since there would still be three Pods available. The controller can then
scale up the new ReplicaSet. This process is repeated until the new
ReplicaSet has three Pods and the old ReplicaSet has none.

At all times during the update, the desired number of Pods was available and
the total number of Pods never exceeded one over the desired replica count.


You can’t set both maxSurge and maxUnavailable to zero, as this wouldn’t
allow the Deployment to exceed the desired number of replicas or remove
Pods, as one Pod would then be unavailable.

maxSurge=1, maxUnavailable=1
If you set both maxSurge and maxUnavailable to 1, the total number of
replicas in the Deployment can be up to four, and two must always be
available. The following figure shows the progression over time.

Figure 14.9 How Pods are replaced when both maxSurge and maxUnavailable are 1

The Deployment controller immediately scales the new ReplicaSet up by one

replica and the old ReplicaSet down the same amount. As soon as the old
ReplicaSet reports that it has marked one of the old Pods for deletion, the
Deployment controller scales the new ReplicaSet up by another Pod.

Each ReplicaSet is now configured with two replicas. The two Pods in the
old ReplicaSet are still running and available, while the two new Pods are
starting. When one of the new Pods is available, another old Pod is deleted
and another new Pod is created. This continues until all the old Pods are
replaced. The total number of Pods never exceeds four, and at least two Pods
are available at any given time.


Because the Deployment controller doesn’t count the Pods itself, but gets the
information about the number of Pods from the status of the underlying
ReplicaSets, and because the ReplicaSet never counts the Pods that are being
terminated, the total number of Pods may actually exceed 4 if you count the
Pods that are being terminated.

Using higher values of maxSurge and maxUnavailable

If maxSurge is set to a value higher than one, the Deployment controller is

allowed to add even more Pods at a time. If maxUnavailable is higher than
one, the controller is allowed to remove more Pods.

Using percentages

Instead of setting maxSurge and maxUnavailable to an absolute number, you

can set them to a percentage of the desired number of replicas. The controller
calculates the absolute maxSurge number by rounding up, and
maxUnavailable by rounding down.

Consider a case where replicas is set to 10 and maxSurge and

maxUnavailable are set to 25%. If you calculate the absolute values, maxSurge
becomes 3, and maxUnavailable becomes 2. So, during the update process,
the Deployment may have up to 13 Pods, at least 8 of which are always
available and handling the traffic.


The default value for maxSurge and maxUnavailable is 25%.

14.2.4 Pausing the rollout process

The rolling update process is fully automated. Once you update the Pod
template in the Deployment object, the rollout process begins and doesn’t end
until all Pods are replaced with the new version. However, you can pause the
rolling update at any time. You may want to do this to check the behavior of
the system while both versions of the application are running, or to see if the
first new Pod behaves as expected before replacing the other Pods.

Pausing the rollout

To pause an update in the middle of the rolling update process, use the
following command:
$ kubectl rollout pause deployment kiada
deployment.apps/kiada paused

This command sets the value of the paused field in the Deployment’s spec
section to true. The Deployment controller checks this field before any
change to the underlying ReplicaSets.

Try the update from version 0.6 to version 0.7 again and pause the
Deployment when the first Pod is replaced. Open the application in your web
browser and observe its behavior. Read the sidebar to learn what to look for.

Be careful when using rolling updates with a web application

If you pause the update while the Deployment is running both the old and
new versions of the application and access it through your web browser,
you’ll notice an issue that can occur when using this strategy with web

Refresh the page in your browser several times and watch the colors and
version numbers displayed in the four boxes in the lower right corner. You’ll
notice that you get version 0.6 for some resources and version 0.7 for others.
This is because some requests sent by your browser are routed to Pods
running version 0.6 and some are routed to those running version 0.7. For the
Kiada application, this doesn’t matter, because there aren’t any major
changes in the CSS, JavaScript, and image files between the two versions.
However, if this were the case, the HTML could be rendered incorrectly.

To prevent this, you could use session affinity or update the application in
two steps. First, you’d add the new features to the CSS and other resources,
but maintain backwards compatibility. After you’ve fully rolled out this
version, you can then roll out the version with the changes to the HTML.
Alternatively, you can use the blue-green deployment strategy, explained
later in this chapter.

Resuming the rollout

To resume a paused rollout, execute the following command:
$ kubectl rollout resume deployment kiada
deployment.apps/kiada resumed

Using the pause feature to block rollouts

Pausing a Deployment can also be used to prevent updates to the Deployment

from immediately triggering the update process. This allows you to make
multiple changes to the Deployment and not start the rollout until you’ve
made all the necessary changes. Once you’re ready for the changes to take
effect, you resume the Deployment and the rollout process begins.

14.2.5 Updating to a faulty version

When you roll out a new version of an application, you can use the kubectl
rollout pause command to verify that the Pods running the new version are
working as expected before you resume the rollout. You can also let
Kubernetes do this for you automatically.

Understanding Pod availability

In chapter 11, you learned what it means for a Pod and its containers to be
considered ready. However, when you list Deployments with kubectl get
deployments, you see both how many Pods are ready and how many are
available. For example, during a rolling update, you might see the following
$ kubectl get deploy kiada
kiada 3/3 1 2 50m #A

Although three Pods are ready, not all three are available. For a Pod to be
available, it must be ready for a certain amount of time. This time is
configurable via the minReadySeconds field that I mentioned briefly when I
introduced the RollingUpdate strategy.

A Pod that’s ready but not yet available is included in your services and thus
receives client requests.

Delaying Pod availability with minReadySeconds

When a new Pod is created in a rolling update, the Deployment controller

waits until the Pod is available before continuing the rollout process. By
default, the Pod is considered available when it’s ready (as indicated by the
Pod’s readiness probe). If you specify minReadySeconds, the Pod isn’t
considered available until the specified amount of time has elapsed after the
Pod is ready. If the Pod’s containers crash or fail their readiness probe during
this time, the timer is reset.

In one of the previous sections, you set minReadySeconds to 10 to slow down

the rollout so you could track it more easily. In practice, you can set this
property to a much higher value to automatically pause the rollout for a
longer period after the new Pods are created. For example, if you set
minReadySeconds to 3600, you ensure that the update won’t continue until
the first Pods with the new version prove that they can operate for a full hour
without problems.

Although you should obviously test your application in both a test and
staging environment before moving it to production, using minReadySeconds
is like an airbag that helps avoid disaster if a faulty version slips through all
the tests. The downside is that it slows down the entire rollout, not just the
first stage.

Deploying a broken application version

To see how the combination of a readiness probe and minReadySeconds can

save you from rolling out a faulty application version, you’ll deploy version
0.8 of the Kiada service. This is a special version that returns 500 Internal
Server Error responses a while after the process starts. This time is
configurable via the FAIL_AFTER_SECONDS environment variable.

To deploy this version, apply the

deploy.kiada.0.8.minReadySeconds60.yaml manifest file. The relevant
parts of the manifest are shown in the following listing.

Listing 14.5 Deployment manifest with a readiness probe and minReadySeconds

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
type: RollingUpdate
maxSurge: 0
maxUnavailable: 1
minReadySeconds: 60 #A
- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.8 #B
value: "30" #C
readinessProbe: #D
initialDelaySeconds: 0 #D
periodSeconds: 10 #D
failureThreshold: 1 #D
httpGet: #D
port: 8080 #D
path: /healthz/ready #D
scheme: HTTP #D

As you can see in the listing, minReadySeconds is set to 60, whereas

FAIL_AFTER_SECONDS is set to 30. The readiness probe runs every 10
seconds. The first Pod created in the rolling update process runs smoothly for
the first thirty seconds. It’s marked ready and therefore receives client
requests. But after the 30 seconds, those requests and the requests made as
part of the readiness probe fail. The Pod is marked as not ready and is never
considered available due to the minReadySeconds setting. This causes the
rolling update to stop.
Initially, some responses that clients receive will be sent by the new version.
Then, some requests will fail, but soon afterward, all responses will come
from the old version again.

Setting minReadySeconds to 60 minimizes the negative impact of the faulty

version. Had you not set minReadySeconds, the new Pod would have been
considered available immediately and the rollout would have replaced all the
old Pods with the new version. All these new Pods would soon fail, resulting
in a complete service outage. If you’d like to see this yourself, you can try
applying the deploy.kiada.0.8.minReadySeconds0.yaml manifest file later.
But first, let’s see what happens when the rollout gets stuck for a long time.

Checking whether the rollout is progressing

The Deployment object indicates whether the rollout process is progressing

via the Progressing condition, which you can find in the object’s
status.conditions list. If no progress is made for 10 minutes, the status of
this condition changes to false and the reason changes to
ProgressDeadlineExceeded. You can see this by running the kubectl
describe command as follows:

$ kubectl describe deploy kiada

Type Status Reason
---- ------ ------
Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable
Progressing False ProgressDeadlineExceeded #A


You can configure a different progress deadline by setting the

spec.progressDeadlineSeconds field in the Deployment object. If you
increase minReadySeconds to more than 600, you must set the
progressDeadlineSeconds field accordingly.

If you run the kubectl rollout status command after you trigger the
update, it prints a message that the progress deadline has been exceeded, and
$ kubectl rollout status deploy kiada
Waiting for "kiada" rollout to finish: 1 out of 3 new replicas have been upd
error: deployment "kiada" exceeded its progress deadline

Other than reporting that the rollout has stalled, Kubernetes takes no further
action. The rollout process never stops completely. If the Pod becomes ready
and remains so for the duration of minReadySeconds, the rollout process
continues. If the Pod never becomes ready again, the rollout process simply
doesn’t continue. You can cancel the rollout as explained in the next section.

14.2.6 Rolling back a Deployment

If you update a Deployment and the update fails, you can use the kubectl
apply command to reapply the previous version of the Deployment manifest
or tell Kubernetes to roll back the last update.

Rolling back a Deployment

You can rollback the Deployment to the previous version by running the
kubectl rollout undo command as follows:

$ kubectl rollout undo deployment kiada

deployment.apps/kiada rolled back

Running this command has a similar effect to applying the previous version
of the object manifest file. The undo process follows the same steps as a
normal update. It does so by respecting the update strategy specified in the
Deployment object. Thus, if the RollingUpdate strategy is used, the Pods are
rolled back gradually.


 The kubectl rollout undo command can be used while the rollout
process is running to cancel the rollout, or after the rollout is complete to
undo it.

 When a Deployment is paused with the kubectl pause command, the
kubectl rollout undo command does nothing until you resume the
Deployment with kubectl rollout resume.

Displaying a Deployment’s rollout history

Not only can you use the kubectl rollout undo command to revert to the
previous version, but you can also revert to one of the previous versions. Of
course, you may want to see what those versions looked like first. You can do
that with the kubectl rollout history command. Unfortunately, as I write
this, this command is almost useless. You’ll understand what I mean when
you see its output:
$ kubectl rollout history deploy kiada
1 <none>
2 <none>
11 <none>

The only information we can glean from this command is that the
Deployment has gone through two revisions. The column CHANGE-CAUSE is
empty, so we can’t see what the reason for each change was.

The values in this column are populated if you use the --record option when
you run kubectl commands that modify the Deployment. However, this
option is now deprecated and will be removed. Hopefully, another
mechanism will then be introduced that will allow the rollout history
command to display more information about each change.

Currently, you can inspect each revision individually by running the kubectl
rollout history command with the --revision option. For example, to
inspect the second revision, run the following command:
$ kubectl rollout history deploy kiada --revision 2
deployment.apps/kiada with revision #2
Pod Template:
Labels: app=kiada
Image: luksa/kiada:0.6

You may wonder where the revision history is stored. You won’t find it in the
Deployment object. Instead, the history of a Deployment is represented by
the ReplicaSets associated with the Deployment, as shown in the following
figure. Each ReplicaSet represents one revision. This is the reason why the
Deployment controller doesn’t delete the old ReplicaSet object after the
update process is complete.

Figure 14.10 A Deployment’s revision history


The size of the revision history, and thus the number of ReplicaSets that the
Deployment controller keeps for a given Deployment, is determined by the
revisionHistoryLimit field in the Deployment’s spec. The default value is

As an exercise, try to find the revision number in which version 0.6 of the
Kiada service was deployed. You’ll need this revision number in the next

Instead of using kubectl rollout history to view the history of a
Deployment, listing ReplicaSets with -o wide is a better option, because it
shows the image tags used in the Pod. To find the revision number for each
ReplicaSet, look at the ReplicaSet’s annotations.

Rolling back to a specific Deployment revision

You used the kubectl rollout undo command to revert from the faulty
version 0.8 to version 0.7. But the yellow background for the “Tip of the day”
and “Pop quiz” sections of the user interface doesn’t look as nice as the white
background in version 0.6, so let’s roll back to this version.

You can revert to a specific revision by specifying the revision number in the
kubectl rollout undo command. For example, if you want to revert to the
first revision, run the following command:
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment kiada --to-revision=1

If you found the revision number that contains version 0.6 of the Kiada
service, please use the kubectl rollout undo command to revert to it.

Understanding the difference between rolling back and applying an

older version of the manifest file

You might think that using kubectl rollout undo to revert to the previous
version of the Deployment manifest is equivalent to applying the previous
manifest file, but that’s not the case. The kubectl rollout undo command
reverts only the Pod template and preserves any other changes you made to
the Deployment manifest. This includes changes to the update strategy and
the desired number of replicas. The kubectl apply command, on the other
hand, overwrites these changes.

Restarting Pods with kubectl rollout restart

In addition to the kubectl rollout commands explained in this and previous

sections, there’s one more command I should mention.
At some point, you may want to restart all the Pods that belong to a
Deployment. You can do that with the kubectl rollout restart command.
This command deletes and replaces the Pods using the same strategy used for

If the Deployment is configured with the RollingUpdate strategy, the Pods

are recreated gradually so that service availability is maintained throughout
the process. If the Recreate strategy is used, all Pods are deleted and
recreated simultaneously.

14.3 Implementing other deployment strategies

In the previous sections, you learned how the Recreate and RollingUpdate
strategies work. Although these are the only strategies supported by the
Deployment controller, you can also implement other well-known strategies,
but with a little more effort. You can do this manually or have a higher-level
controller automate the process. At the time of writing, Kubernetes doesn’t
provide such controllers, but you can find them in projects like Flagger
(github.com/fluxcd/flagger) and Argo Rollouts (argoproj.github.io/argo-

In this section, I’ll just give you an overview of how the most common
deployment strategies are implemented. The following table explains these
strategies, while the subsequent sections explain how they’re implemented in

Table 14.4 Common deployment strategies

Strategy Description

Stop all Pods running the previous version, then create all Pods
with the new version.

Rolling Gradually replace the old Pods with the new ones, either one by
update one or multiple at the same time. This strategy is also known as
Ramped or Incremental.

Create one or a very small number of new Pods, redirect a small

Canary amount of traffic to those Pods to make sure they behave as
expected. Then replace all the remaining Pods.

Create a small number of new Pods and redirect a subset of

users to those Pods based on some condition. A single user is
A/B testing always redirected to the same version of the application.
Typically, you use this strategy to collect data on how effective
each version is at achieving certain goals.

Deploy the new version of the Pods in parallel with the old
Blue/Green version. Wait until the new Pods are ready, and then switch all
traffic to the new Pods. Then delete the old Pods.

Deploy the new version of the Pods alongside the old version.
Forward each request to both versions, but return only the old
version’s response to the user, while discarding the new
version’s response. This way, you can see how the new version
behaves without affecting users. This strategy is also known as
Traffic mirroring or Dark launch.

As you know, the Recreate and RollingUpdate strategies are directly

supported by Kubernetes, but you could also consider the Canary strategy as
partially supported. Let me explain.

14.3.1 The Canary deployment strategy

If you set the minReadySeconds parameter to a high enough value, the update
process resembles a Canary deployment in that the process is paused until the
first new Pods prove their worthiness. The difference with a true Canary
deployment is that this pause applies not only to the first Pod(s), but to every
step of the update process.

Alternatively, you can use the kubectl rollout pause command

immediately after creating the first Pod(s) and manually check those canary
Pods. When you’re sure that the new version is working as expected, you
continue the update with the kubectl rollout resume command.

Another way to accomplish the same thing is to create a separate Deployment

for the canary Pods and set the desired number of replicas to a much lower
number than in the Deployment for the stable version. You configure the
Service to forward traffic to the Pods in both Deployments. Because the
Service spreads the traffic evenly across the Pods and because the canary
Deployment has much fewer Pods than the stable Deployment, only a small
amount of traffic is sent to the canary Pods, while the majority is sent to the
stable Pods. This approach is illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 14.11 Implementing the Canary deployment strategy using two Deployments

When you’re ready to update the other Pods, you can perform a regular
rolling update of the old Deployment and delete the canary Deployment.

14.3.2 The A/B strategy

If you want to implement the A/B deployment strategy to roll out a new
version only to specific users based on a specific condition such as location,
language, user agent, HTTP cookie, or header, you create two Deployments
and two Services. You configure the Ingress object to route traffic to one
Service or the other based on the selected condition, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 14.12 Implementing the A/B strategy using two Deployments, Services, and an Ingress

As of this writing, Kubernetes doesn’t provide a native way to implement this

deployment strategy, but some Ingress implementations do. See the
documentation for your chosen Ingress implementation for more information.

14.3.3 The Blue/Green strategy

In the Blue/Green strategy, another Deployment, called the Green
Deployment, is created alongside the first Deployment, called the Blue
Deployment. The Service is configured to forward traffic only to the Blue
Deployment until you decide to switch all traffic to the Green Deployment.
The two groups of Pods thus use different labels, and the label selector in the
Service matches one group at a time. You switch the traffic from one group
to the other by updating the label selector in the Service, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 14.13 Implementing a Blue/Green deployment with labels and selectors

As you know, Kubernetes provides everything you need to implement this
strategy. No additional tools are needed.

14.3.4 Traffic shadowing

Sometimes you’re not quite sure if the new version of your application will
work properly in the actual production environment, or if it can handle the
load. In this case, you can deploy the new version alongside the existing
version by creating another Deployment object and configuring the Pod
labels so that the Pods of this Deployment don’t match the label selector in
the Service.

You configure the Ingress or proxy that sits in front of the Pods to send traffic
to the existing Pods, but also mirror it to the new Pods. The proxy sends the
response from the existing Pods to the client and discards the response from
the new Pods, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 14.14 Implementing Traffic shadowing

As with A/B testing, Kubernetes doesn’t natively provide the necessary

functionality to implement traffic shadowing, but some Ingress
implementations do.

14.4 Summary
In this chapter, you created a Deployment for the Kiada service, now do the
same for the Quote and Quiz services. If you need help, you can find the
deploy.quote.yaml and deploy.quiz.yaml files in the book’s code

Here’s a summary of what you learned in this chapter:

A Deployment is an abstraction layer over ReplicaSets. In addition to all

the functionality that a ReplicaSet provides, Deployments also allow
you to update Pods declaratively. When you update the Pod template,
the old Pods are replaced with new Pods created using the updated
During an update, the Deployment controller replaces Pods based on the
strategy configured in the Deployment. In the Recreate strategy, all
Pods are replaced at once, while in the RollingUpdate strategy, they’re
replaced gradually.
Pods created by a ReplicaSet are owned by that ReplicaSet. The
ReplicaSet is usually owned by a Deployment. If you delete the owner,
the dependents are deleted by the garbage collector, but you can tell
kubectl to orphan them instead.
Other deployment strategies aren’t directly supported by Kubernetes, but
can be implemented by appropriately configuring Deployments,
Services, and the Ingress.

You also learned that Deployments are typically used to run stateless
applications. In the next chapter, you’ll learn about StatefulSets, which are
tailored to run stateful applications.
15 Deploying stateful workloads
with StatefulSets
This chapter covers
Managing stateful workloads via StatefulSet objects
Exposing individual Pods via headless Services
Understanding the difference between Deployments and StatefulSets
Automating stateful workload management with Kubernetes Operators

Each of the three services in your Kiada suite is now deployed via a
Deployment object. The Kiada and Quote services each have three replicas,
while the Quiz service has only one because its data doesn’t allow it to scale
easily. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to properly deploy and scale stateful
workloads like the Quiz service with a StatefulSet.

Before you begin, create the kiada Namespace, change to the Chapter15/
directory and apply all manifests in the SETUP/ directory with the following
$ kubectl apply -n kiada -f SETUP -R


The examples in this chapter assume that the objects are created in the kiada
Namespace. If you create them in a different location, you must update the
DNS domain names in several places.


You can find the code files for this chapter at

15.1 Introducing StatefulSets
Before you learn about StatefulSets and how they differ from Deployments,
it’s good to know how the requirements of stateful workloads differ from
those of their stateless counterparts.

15.1.1 Understanding stateful workload requirements

A stateful workload is a piece of software that must store and maintain state
in order to function. This state must be maintained when the workload is
restarted or relocated. This makes stateful workloads much more difficult to

Stateful workloads are also much harder to scale because you can’t simply
add and remove replicas without considering their state, as you can with
stateless workloads. If the replicas can share state by reading and writing the
same files, adding new replicas isn’t a problem. However, for this to be
possible, the underlying storage technology must support it. On the other
hand, if each replica stores its state in its own files, you’ll need to allocate a
separate volume for each replica. With the Kubernetes resources you’ve
encountered so far, this is easier said than done. Let’s look at these two
options to understand the issues associated with both.

Sharing state across multiple Pod replicas

In Kubernetes, you can use PersistentVolumes with the ReadWriteMany

access mode to share data across multiple Pods. However, in most cloud
environments, the underlying storage technology typically only supports the
ReadWriteOnce and ReadOnlyMany access modes, not ReadWriteMany,
meaning you can’t mount the volume on multiple nodes in read/write mode.
Therefore, Pods on different nodes can’t read and write to the same

Let’s demonstrate this problem using the Quiz service. Can you scale the
quiz Deployment to, say, three replicas? Let’s see what happens. The
kubectl scale command is as follows:
$ kubectl scale deploy quiz --replicas 3
deployment.apps/quiz scaled

Now check the Pods like so:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=quiz
quiz-6f4968457-2c8ws 2/2 Running 0 10m #A
quiz-6f4968457-cdw97 0/2 CrashLoopBackOff 1 (14s ago) 22s #B
quiz-6f4968457-qdn29 0/2 Error 2 (16s ago) 22s #B

As you can see, only the Pod that existed before the scale-up is running,
while the two new Pods aren’t. Depending on the type of cluster you’re
using, these two Pods may not start at all, or they may start but immediately
terminate with an error message. For example, in a cluster on Google
Kubernetes Engine, the containers in the Pods don’t start because the
PersistentVolume can’t be attached to the new Pods because its access mode
is ReadWriteOnce and the volume can’t be attached to multiple nodes at once.
In kind-provisioned clusters, the containers start, but the mongo container
fails with an error message, which you can see as follows:
$ kubectl logs quiz-6f4968457-cdw97 -c mongo #A
..."msg":"DBException in initAndListen, terminating","attr":{"error":"DBPath

The error message indicates that you can’t use the same data directory in
multiple instances of MongoDB. The three quiz Pods use the same directory
because they all use the same PersistentVolumeClaim and therefore the same
PersistentVolume, as illustrated in the next figure.

Figure 15.1 All Pods from a Deployment use the same PersistentVolumeClaim and
Since this approach doesn’t work, the alternative is to use a separate
PersistentVolume for each Pod replica. Let’s look at what this means and
whether you can do it with a single Deployment object.

Using a dedicated PersistentVolume for each replica

As you learned in the previous section, MongoDB only supports a single

instance by default. If you want to deploy multiple MongoDB instances with
the same data, you must create a MongoDB replica set that replicates the data
across those instances (here the term “replica set” is a MongoDB-specific
term and doesn’t refer to the Kubernetes ReplicaSet resource). Each instance
needs its own storage volume and a stable address that other replicas and
clients can use to connect to it. Therefore, to deploy a MongoDB replica set
in Kubernetes, you need to ensure that:

each Pod has its own PersistentVolume,

each Pod is addressable by its own unique address,
when a Pod is deleted and replaced, the new Pod is assigned the same
address and PersistentVolume.

You can’t do this with a single Deployment and Service, but you can do it by
creating a separate Deployment, Service, and PersistentVolumeClaim for
each replica, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 15.2 Providing each replica with its own volume and address.

Each Pod has its own Deployment, so the Pod can use its own
PersistentVolumeClaim and PersistentVolume. The Service associated with
each replica gives it a stable address that always resolves to the IP address of
the Pod, even if the Pod is deleted and recreated elsewhere. This is necessary
because with MongoDB, as with many other distributed systems, you must
specify the address of each replica when you initialize the replica set. In
addition to these per-replica Services, you may need yet another Service to
make all Pods accessible to clients at a single address. So, the whole system
looks daunting.

It gets worse from here. If you need to increase the number of replicas, you
can’t use the kubectl scale command; you have to create additional
Deployments, Services, and PersistentVolumeClaims, which adds to the
Even though this approach is feasible, it’s complex and it would be difficult
to operate this system. Fortunately, Kubernetes provides a better way to do
this with a single Service and a single StatefulSet object.


You don’t need the quiz Deployment and the quiz-data

PersistentVolumeClaim anymore, so please delete them as follows: kubectl
delete deploy/quiz pvc/quiz-data.

15.1.2 Comparing StatefulSets with Deployments

A StatefulSet is similar to a Deployment, but is specifically tailored to
stateful workloads. However, there are significant differences in the behavior
of these two objects. This difference is best explained with the Pets vs. Cattle
analogy that you may have heard of. If not, let me explain.


 StatefulSets were originally called PetSets. The name comes from this Pets
vs. Cattle analogy.

The Pets vs. Cattle analogy

We used to treat our hardware infrastructure and workloads like pets. We

gave each server a name and took care of each workload instance
individually. However, it turns out that it’s much easier to manage hardware
and software if you treat them like cattle and think of them as
indistinguishable entities. That makes it easy to replace each unit without
worrying that the replacement isn’t exactly the unit that was there before,
much like a farmer treats cattle.

Figure 15.3 Treating entities as pets vs. as cattle

Stateless workloads deployed via Deployments are like cattle. If a Pod is
replaced, you probably won’t even notice. Stateful workloads, on the other
hand, are like pets. If a pet gets lost, you can’t just replace it with a new one.
Even if you give the replacement pet the same name, it won’t behave exactly
like the original. However, in the hardware/software world, this is possible if
you can give the replacement the same network identity and state as the
replaced instance. And this is exactly what happens when you deploy an
application with a StatefulSet.

Deploying Pods with a StatefulSet

As with Deployments, in a StatefulSet you specify a Pod template, the

desired number of replicas, and a label selector. However, you can also
specify a PersistentVolumeClaim template. Each time the StatefulSet
controller creates a new replica, it creates not only a new Pod object, but also
one or more PersistentVolumeClaim objects.

The Pods created from a StatefulSet aren't exact copies of each other, as is the
case with Deployments, because each Pod points to a different set of
PersistentVolumeClaims. In addition, the names of the Pods aren't random.
Instead, each Pod is given a unique ordinal number, as is each
PersistentVolumeClaim. When a StatefulSet Pod is deleted and recreated, it’s
given the same name as the Pod it replaced. Also, a Pod with a particular
ordinal number is always associated with PersistentVolumeClaims with the
same number. This means that the state associated with a particular replica is
always the same, no matter how often the Pod is recreated.

Figure 15.4 A StatefulSet, its Pods, and PersistentVolumeClaims

Another notable difference between Deployments and StatefulSets is that, by

default, the Pods of a StatefulSet aren't created concurrently. Instead, they’re
created one at a time, similar to a rolling update of a Deployment. When you
create a StatefulSet, only the first Pod is created initially. Then the StatefulSet
controller waits until the Pod is ready before creating the next one.

A StatefulSet can be scaled just like a Deployment. When you scale a

StatefulSet up, new Pods and PersistentVolumeClaims are created from their
respective templates. When you scale down the StatefulSet, the Pods are
deleted, but the PersistentVolumeClaims are either retained or deleted,
depending on the policy you configure in the StatefulSet.

15.1.3 Creating a StatefulSet

In this section, you’ll replace the quiz Deployment with a StatefulSet. Each
StatefulSet must have an associated headless Service that exposes the Pods
individually, so the first thing you must do is create this Service.
Creating the governing Service

The headless Service associated with a StatefulSet gives the Pods their
network identity. You may recall from chapter 11 that a headless Service
doesn’t have a cluster IP address, but you can still use it to communicate with
the Pods that match its label selector. Instead of a single A or AAAA DNS
record pointing to the Service’s IP, the DNS record for a headless Service
points to the IPs of all the Pods that are part of the Service.

As you can see in the following figure, when using a headless Service with a
StatefulSet, an additional DNS record is created for each Pod so that the IP
address of each Pod can be looked up by its name. This is how stateful Pods
maintain their stable network identity. These DNS records don’t exist when
the headless Service isn’t associated with a StatefulSet.

Figure 15.5 A headless Service used in combination with a StatefulSet

You already have a Service called quiz that you created in the previous
chapters. You could change it into a headless Service, but let's create an
additional Service instead, because the new Service will expose all quiz
Pods, whether they’re ready or not.
This headless Service will allow you to resolve individual Pods, so let’s call
it quiz-pods. Create the service with the kubectl apply command. You can
find the Service manifest in the svc.quiz-pods.yaml file, whose contents are
shown in the following listing.

Listing 15.1 Headless Service for the quiz StatefulSet

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: quiz-pods #A
clusterIP: None #B
publishNotReadyAddresses: true #C
selector: #D
app: quiz #D
ports: #E
- name: mongodb #E
port: 27017 #E

In the listing, the clusterIP field is set to None, which makes this a headless
Service. If you set publishNotReadyAddresses to true, the DNS records for
each Pod are created immediately when the Pod is created, rather than only
when the Pod is ready. This way, the quiz-pods Service will include all quiz
Pods, regardless of their readiness status.

Creating the StatefulSet

After you create the headless Service, you can create the StatefulSet. You can
find the object manifest in the sts.quiz.yaml file. The most important parts
of the manifest are shown in the following listing.

Listing 15.2 The object manifest for a StatefulSet

apiVersion: apps/v1 #A
kind: StatefulSet #A
name: quiz
serviceName: quiz-pods #B
podManagementPolicy: Parallel #C
replicas: 3 #D
selector: #E
matchLabels: #E
app: quiz #E
template: #F
labels: #E
app: quiz #E
ver: "0.1" #E
volumes: #G
- name: db-data #G
persistentVolumeClaim: #G
claimName: db-data #G
- name: quiz-api
- name: mongo
image: mongo:5
command: #H
- mongod #H
- --bind_ip #H
- #H
- --replSet #H
- quiz #H
volumeMounts: #I
- name: db-data #I
mountPath: /data/db #I
volumeClaimTemplates: #J
- metadata: #J
name: db-data #J
labels: #J
app: quiz #J
spec: #J
resources: #J
requests: #J
storage: 1Gi #J
accessModes: #J
- ReadWriteOnce #J

The manifest defines an object of kind StatefulSet from the API group
apps, version v1. The name of the StatefulSet is quiz. In the StatefulSet spec,
you’ll find some fields you know from Deployments and ReplicaSets, such as
replicas, selector, and template, explained in the previous chapter, but
this manifest contains other fields that are specific to StatefulSets. In the
serviceName field, for example, you specify the name of the headless Service
that governs this StatefulSet.

By setting podManagementPolicy to Parallel, the StatefulSet controller

creates all Pods simultaneously. Since some distributed applications can’t
handle multiple instances being launched at the same time, the default
behavior of the controller is to create one Pod at a time. However, in this
example, the Parallel option makes the initial scale-up less involved.

In the volumeClaimTemplates field, you specify the templates for the

PersistentVolumeClaims that the controller creates for each replica. Unlike
the Pod templates, where you omit the name field, you must specify the name
in the PersistentVolumeClaim template. This name must match the name in
the volumes section of the Pod template.

Create the StatefulSet by applying the manifest file as follows:

$ kubectl apply -f sts.quiz.yaml
statefulset.apps/quiz created

15.1.4 Inspecting the StatefulSet, Pods, and

After you create the StatefulSet, you can use the kubectl rollout status
command to see its status like so:
$ kubectl rollout status sts quiz
Waiting for 3 pods to be ready...


The shorthand for StatefulSets is sts.

After kubectl prints this message, it doesn’t continue. Interrupt its execution
by pressing Control-C and check the StatefulSet status with the kubectl get
command to investigate why.
$ kubectl get sts
quiz 0/3 22s

As with Deployments and ReplicaSets, you can use the -o wide option to
display the names of the containers and images used in the StatefulSet.

The value in the READY column shows that none of the replicas are ready. List
the Pods with kubectl get pods as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=quiz
quiz-0 1/2 Running 0 56s
quiz-1 1/2 Running 0 56s
quiz-2 1/2 Running 0 56s


Did you notice the Pod names? They don’t contain a template hash or random
characters. the name of each Pod is composed of the StatefulSet name and an
ordinal number, as explained in the introduction.

You’ll notice that only one of the two containers in each Pod is ready. If you
examine a Pod with the kubectl describe command, you’ll see that the
mongo container is ready, but the quiz-api container isn’t, because its
readiness check fails. This is because the endpoint called by the readiness
probe (/healthz/ready) checks whether the quiz-api process can query the
MongoDB server. The failed readiness probe indicates that this isn’t possible.
If you check the logs of the quiz-api container as follows, you’ll see why:
$ kubectl logs quiz-0 -c quiz-api
... INTERNAL ERROR: connected to mongo, but couldn't execute the ping comman

As indicated in the error message, the connection to MongoDB has been

established, but the server doesn’t allow the ping command to be executed.
The reason is that the server was started with the --replSet option
configuring it to use replication, but the MongoDB replica set hasn’t been
initiated yet. To do this, run the following command:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz-0 -c mongo -- mongosh --quiet --eval 'rs.initiate({
_id: "quiz",
members: [
{_id: 0, host: "quiz-0.quiz-pods.kiada.svc.cluster.local:27017"},
{_id: 1, host: "quiz-1.quiz-pods.kiada.svc.cluster.local:27017"},
{_id: 2, host: "quiz-2.quiz-pods.kiada.svc.cluster.local:27017"}]})'


Instead of typing this long command, you can also run the initiate-mongo-
replicaset.sh shell script, which you can find in this chapter’s code

If the MongoDB shell gives the following error message, you probably forgot
to create the quiz-pods Service beforehand:
MongoServerError: replSetInitiate quorum check failed because not all propos

If the initiation of the replica set is successful, the command prints the
following message:
{ ok: 1 }

All three quiz Pods should be ready shortly after the replica set is initiated. If
you run the kubectl rollout status command again, you’ll see the
following output:
$ kubectl rollout status sts quiz
partitioned roll out complete: 3 new pods have been updated...

Inspecting the StatefulSet with kubectl describe

As you know, you can examine an object in detail with the kubectl
describe command. Here you can see what it displays for the quiz
$ kubectl describe sts quiz
Name: quiz
Namespace: kiada
CreationTimestamp: Sat, 12 Mar 2022 18:05:43 +0100
Selector: app=quiz #A
Labels: app=quiz
Annotations: <none>
Replicas: 3 desired | 3 total #B
Update Strategy: RollingUpdate
Partition: 0
Pods Status: 3 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed #C
Pod Template: #D
... #D
Volume Claims: #E
Name: db-data #E
StorageClass: #E
Labels: app=quiz #E
Annotations: <none> #E
Capacity: 1Gi #E
Access Modes: [ReadWriteOnce] #E
Events: #F
Type Reason Age From Message #F
---- ------ ---- ---- ------- #F
Normal SuccessfulCreate 10m statefulset-controller create Claim db-da
Pod quiz-0 in Stat
quiz success #F
Normal SuccessfulCreate 10m statefulset-controller create Pod quiz-0
StatefulSet quiz s
... #F

As you can see, the output is very similar to that of a ReplicaSet and
Deployment. The most noticeable difference is the presence of the
PersistentVolumeClaim template, which you won’t find in the other two
object types. The events at the bottom of the output show you exactly what
the StatefulSet controller did. Whenever it creates a Pod or a
PersistentVolumeClaim, it also creates an Event that tells you what it did.

Inspecting the Pods

Let’s take a closer look at the manifest of the first Pod to see how it compares
to Pods created by a ReplicaSet. Use the kubectl get command to print the
Pod manifest like so:
$ kubectl get pod quiz-0 -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
app: quiz #A
controller-revision-hash: quiz-7576f64fbc #A
statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name: quiz-0 #A
ver: "0.1" #A
name: quiz-0
namespace: kiada
ownerReferences: #B
- apiVersion: apps/v1 #B
blockOwnerDeletion: true #B
controller: true #B
kind: StatefulSet #B
name: quiz #B
containers: #C
... #C
- name: db-data
persistentVolumeClaim: #D
claimName: db-data-quiz-0 #D

The only label you defined in the Pod template in the StatefulSet manifest
was app, but the StatefulSet controller added two additional labels to the Pod:

The label controller-revision-hash serves the same purpose as the

label pod-template-hash on the Pods of a ReplicaSet. It allows the
controller to determine to which revision of the StatefulSet a particular
Pod belongs.
The label statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name specifies the Pod
name and allows you to create a Service for a specific Pod instance by
using this label in the Service’s label selector.

Since this Pod object is managed by the StatefulSet, the ownerReferences

field indicates this fact. Unlike Deployments, where Pods are owned by
ReplicaSets, which in turn are owned by the Deployment, StatefulSets own
the Pods directly. The StatefulSet takes care of both replication and updating
of the Pods.

The Pod’s containers match the containers defined in the StatefulSet’s Pod
template, but that’s not the case for the Pod’s volumes. In the template you
specified the claimName as db-data, but here in the Pod it’s been changed to
db-data-quiz-0. This is because each Pod instance gets its own
PersistentVolumeClaim. The name of the claim is made up of the claimName
and the name of the Pod.
Inspecting the PersistentVolumeClaims

Along with the Pods, the StatefulSet controller creates a

PersistentVolumeClaim for each Pod. List them as follows:
$ kubectl get pvc -l app=quiz
db-data-quiz-0 Bound pvc...1bf8ccaf 1Gi RWO standar
db-data-quiz-1 Bound pvc...c8f860c2 1Gi RWO standar
db-data-quiz-2 Bound pvc...2cc494d6 1Gi RWO standar

You can check the manifest of these PersistentVolumeClaims to make sure

they match the template specified in the StatefulSet. Each claim is bound to a
PersistentVolume that’s been dynamically provisioned for it. These volumes
don’t yet contain any data, so the Quiz service doesn’t currently return
anything. You’ll import the data next.

15.1.5 Understanding the role of the headless Service

An important requirement of distributed applications is peer discovery—the

ability for each cluster member to find the other members. If an application
deployed via a StatefulSet needs to find all other Pods in the StatefulSet, it
could do so by retrieving the list of Pods from the Kubernetes API. However,
since we want applications to remain Kubernetes-agnostic, it’s better for the
application to use DNS and not talk to Kubernetes directly.

For example, a client connecting to a MongoDB replica set must know the
addresses of all the replicas, so it can find the primary replica when it needs
to write data. You must specify the addresses in the connection string you
pass to the MongoDB client. For your three quiz Pods, the following
connection URI can be used:

If the StatefulSet was configured with additional replicas, you’d need to add
their addresses to the connection string, too. Fortunately, there’s a better way.

Exposing stateful Pods through DNS individually

In chapter 11 you learned that a Service object not only exposes a set of Pods
at a stable IP address but also makes the cluster DNS resolve the Service
name to this IP address. With a headless Service, on the other hand, the name
resolves to the IPs of the Pods that belong to the Service. However, when a
headless Service is associated with a StatefulSet, each Pod also gets its own A
or AAAA record that resolves directly to the individual Pod’s IP. For example,
because you combined the quiz StatefulSet with the quiz-pods headless
Service, the IP of the quiz-0 Pod is resolvable at the following address:

All the other replicas created by the StatefulSet are resolvable in the same

Exposing stateful Pods via SRV records

In addition to the A and AAAA records, each stateful Pod also gets SRV records.
These can be used by the MongoDB client to look up the addresses and port
numbers used by each Pod so you don’t have to specify them manually.
However, you must ensure that the SRV record has the correct name.
MongoDB expects the SRV record to start with _mongodb. To ensure that’s the
case, you must set the port name in the Service definition to mongodb like you
did in listing 15.1. This ensures that the SRV record is as follows:

Using SRV records allows the MongoDB connection string to be much

simpler. Regardless of the number of replicas in the set, the connection string
is always as follows:

Instead of specifying the addresses individually, the mongodb+srv scheme

tells the client to find the addresses by performing an SRV lookup for the
domain name _mongodb._tcp.quiz-pods.kiada.svc.cluster.local.
You’ll use this connection string to import the quiz data into MongoDB, as
explained next.

Importing quiz data into MongoDB

In the previous chapters, an init container was used to import the quiz data
into the MongoDB store. The init container approach is no longer valid since
the data is now replicated, so if you were to use it, the data would be
imported multiple times. Instead, let’s move the import to a dedicated Pod.

You can find the Pod manifest in the file pod.quiz-data-importer.yaml.

The file also contains a ConfigMap that contains the data to be imported. The
following listing shows the contents of the manifest file.

Listing 15.3 The manifest of the quiz-data-importer Pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: quiz-data-importer
restartPolicy: OnFailure #A
- name: quiz-questions
name: quiz-questions
- name: mongoimport
image: mongo:5
- mongoimport
- mongodb+srv://quiz-pods.kiada.svc.cluster.local/kiada?tls=false #B
- --collection
- questions
- --file
- /questions.json
- --drop
- name: quiz-questions
mountPath: /questions.json
subPath: questions.json
readOnly: true
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: quiz-questions
app: quiz
questions.json: ...

The quiz-questions ConfigMap is mounted into the quiz-data-importer

Pod through a configMap volume. When the Pod's container starts, it runs the
mongoimport command, which connects to the primary MongoDB replica
and imports the data from the file in the volume. The data is then replicated to
the secondary replicas.

Since the mongoimport container only needs to run once, the Pod's
restartPolicy is set to OnFailure. If the import fails, the container will be
restarted as many times as necessary until the import succeeds. Deploy the
Pod using the kubectl apply command and verify that it completed
successfully. You can do this by checking the status of the Pod as follows:
$ kubectl get pod quiz-data-importer
quiz-data-importer 0/1 Completed 0 50s

If the STATUS column displays the value Completed, it means that the
container exited without errors. The logs of the container will show the
number of imported documents. You should now be able to access the Kiada
suite via curl or your web browser and see that the Quiz service returns the
questions you imported. You can delete the quiz-data-importer Pod and
the quiz-questions ConfigMap at will.

Now answer a few quiz questions and use the following command to check if
your answers are stored in MongoDB:
$ kubectl exec quiz-0 -c mongo -- mongosh kiada --quiet --eval 'db.responses

When you run this command, the mongosh shell in pod quiz-0 connects to
the kiada database and displays all the documents stored in the responses
collection in JSON form. Each of these documents represents an answer that
you submitted.


This command assumes that quiz-0 is the primary MongoDB replica, which
should be the case unless you deviated from the instructions for creating the
StatefulSet. If the command fails, try running it in the quiz-1 and quiz-2
Pods. You can also find the primary replica by running the MongoDB
command rs.hello().primary in any quiz Pod.

15.2 Understanding StatefulSet behavior

In the previous section, you created the StatefulSet and saw how the
controller created the Pods. You used the cluster DNS records that were
created for the headless Service to import data into the MongoDB replica set.
Now you’ll put the StatefulSet to the test and learn about its behavior. First,
you’ll see how it handles missing Pods and node failures.

15.2.1 Understanding how a StatefulSet replaces missing Pods

Unlike the Pods created by a ReplicaSet, the Pods of a StatefulSet are named
differently and each has its own PersistentVolumeClaim (or set of
PersistentVolumeClaims if the StatefulSet contains multiple claim templates).
As mentioned in the introduction, if a StatefulSet Pod is deleted and replaced
by the controller with a new instance, the replica retains the same identity and
is associated with the same PersistentVolumeClaim. Try deleting the quiz-1
Pod as follows:
$ kubectl delete po quiz-1
pod "quiz-1" deleted

The pod that’s created in its place has the same name, as you can see here:
$ kubectl get po -l app=quiz
quiz-0 2/2 Running 0 94m
quiz-1 2/2 Running 0 5s #A
quiz-2 2/2 Running 0 94m

The IP address of the new Pod might be different, but that doesn’t matter
because the DNS records have been updated to point to the new address.
Clients using the Pod’s hostname to communicate with it won’t notice any

In general, this new Pod can be scheduled to any cluster node if the
PersistentVolume bound to the PersistentVolumeClaim represents a network-
attached volume and not a local volume. If the volume is local to the node,
the Pod is always scheduled to this node.

Like the ReplicaSet controller, its StatefulSet counterpart ensures that there
are always the desired number of Pods configured in the replicas field.
However, there’s an important difference in the guarantees that a StatefulSet
provides compared to a ReplicaSet. This difference is explained next.

15.2.2 Understanding how a StatefulSet handles node failures

StatefulSets provide much stricter concurrent Pod execution guarantees than
ReplicaSets. This affects how the StatefulSet controller handles node failures
and should therefore be explained first.

Understanding the at-most-one semantics of StatefulSets

A StatefulSet guarantees at-most-one semantics for its Pods. Since two Pods
with the same name can’t be in the same namespace at the same time, the
ordinal-based naming scheme of StatefulSets is sufficient to prevent two
Pods with the same identity from running at the same time.

Remember what happens when you run a group of Pods via a ReplicaSet and
one of the nodes stops reporting to the Kubernetes control plane? A few
minutes later, the ReplicaSet controller determines that the node and the Pods
are gone and creates replacement Pods that run on the remaining nodes, even
though the Pods on the original node may still be running. If the StatefulSet
controller also replaces the Pods in this scenario, you’d have two replicas
with the same identity running concurrently. Let’s see if that happens.
Disconnecting a node from the network

As in the chapter 13, you’ll cause the network interface of one of the nodes to
fail. You can try this exercise if your cluster has more than one node. Find the
name of the node running the quiz-1 Pod. Suppose it’s the node kind-
worker2. If you use a kind-provisioned cluster, turn off the node’s network
interface as follows:
$ docker exec kind-worker2 ip link set eth0 down #A

If you’re using a GKE cluster, use the following command to connect to the
$ gcloud compute ssh gke-kiada-default-pool-35644f7e-300l #A

Run the following command on the node to shut down its network interface:
$ sudo ifconfig eth0 down


Shutting down the network interface will hang the ssh session. You can end
the session by pressing Enter followed by “~.” (tilde and dot, without the

Because the node’s network interface is down, the Kubelet running on the
node can no longer contact the Kubernetes API server and tell it that the node
and all its Pods are still running. The Kubernetes control plane soon marks
the node as NotReady, as seen here:
$ kubectl get nodes
kind-control-plane Ready control-plane,master 10h v1.23.4
kind-worker Ready <none> 10h v1.23.4
kind-worker2 NotReady <none> 10h v1.23.4

After a few minutes, the status of the quiz-1 Pod that was running on this
node changes to Terminating, as you can see in the Pod list:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=quiz
quiz-0 2/2 Running 0 12m
quiz-1 2/2 Terminating 0 7m39s #A
quiz-2 2/2 Running 0 12m

When you inspect the Pod with the kubectl describe command, you see a
Warning event with the message “Node is not ready” as shown here:

$ kubectl describe po quiz-1

Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning NodeNotReady 11m node-controller Node is n

Understanding why the StatefulSet controller doesn’t replace the Pod

At this point I’d like to point out that the Pod’s containers are still running.
The node isn’t down, it only lost network connectivity. The same thing
happens if the Kubelet process running on the node fails, but the containers
keep running.

This is an important fact because it explains why the StatefulSet controller

shouldn’t delete and recreate the Pod. If the StatefulSet controller deletes and
recreates the Pod while the Kubelet is down, the new Pod would be
scheduled to another node and the Pod’s containers would start. There would
then be two instances of the same workload running with the same identity.
That’s why the StatefulSet controller doesn’t do that.

Manually deleting the Pod

If you want the Pod to be recreated elsewhere, manual intervention is

required. A cluster operator must confirm that the node has indeed failed and
manually delete the Pod object. However, the Pod object is already marked
for deletion, as indicated by its status, which shows the Pod as Terminating.
Deleting the Pod with the usual kubectl delete pod command has no

The Kubernetes control plane waits for the Kubelet to report that the Pod’s
containers have terminated. Only then is the deletion of the Pod object
complete. However, since the Kubelet responsible for this Pod isn’t working,
this never happens. To delete the Pod without waiting for confirmation, you
must delete it as follows:
$ kubectl delete pod quiz-1 --force --grace-period 0
warning: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running
pod "quiz-0" force deleted

Note the warning that the Pod’s containers may keep running. That’s the
reason why you must make sure that the node has really failed before deleting
the Pod in this way.

Recreating the Pod

After you delete the Pod, it’s replaced by the StatefulSet controller, but the
Pod may not start. There are two possible scenarios. Which one occurs
depends on whether the replica’s PersistentVolume is a local volume, as in
kind, or a network-attached volume, as in GKE.

If the PersistentVolume is a local volume on the failed node, the Pod can’t be
scheduled and its STATUS remains Pending, as shown here:
$ kubectl get pod quiz-1 -o wide
quiz-1 0/2 Pending 0 2m38s <none> <none> <none>

The Pod’s events show why the Pod can’t be scheduled. Use the kubectl
describe command to display them as follows.

$ kubectl describe pod quiz-1

Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedScheduling 21s default-scheduler 0/3 nodes are availabl
1 node had taint {node-role.kubernetes.io/master: }, that the pod didn't tol
1 node had taint {node.kubernetes.io/unreachable: }, that the pod didn't tol
1 node had volume node affinity conflict. #D

The event message mentions taints, which you’ll learn about in chapter 23.
Without going into detail here, I’ll just say that the Pod can’t be scheduled to
any of the three nodes because one node is a control plane node, another node
is unreachable (duh, you just made it so), but the most important part of the
warning message is the part about the affinity conflict. The new quiz-1 Pod
can only be scheduled to the same node as the previous Pod instance, because
that’s where its volume is located. And since this node isn’t reachable, the
Pod can’t be scheduled.

If you’re running this exercise on GKE or other cluster that uses network-
attached volumes, the Pod will be scheduled to another node but may not be
able to run if the volume can’t be detached from the failed node and attached
to that other node. In this case, the STATUS of the Pod is as follows:
$ kubectl get pod quiz-1 -o wide
quiz-1 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 38s gke-kiada-..

The Pod’s events indicate that the PersistentVolume can’t be detached. Use
kubectl describe as follows to display them:

$ kubectl describe pod quiz-1

Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedAttachVolume 77s attachdetach-controller Multi-Attach error fo

Deleting the PersistentVolumeClaim to get the new Pod to run

What do you do if the Pod can’t be attached to the same volume? If the
workload running in the Pod can rebuild its data from scratch, for example by
replicating the data from the other replicas, you can delete the
PersistentVolumeClaim so that a new one can be created and bound to a new
PersistentVolume. However, since the StatefulSet controller only creates the
PersistentVolumeClaims when it creates the Pod, you must also delete the
Pod object. You can delete both objects as follows:
$ kubectl delete pvc/db-data-quiz-1 pod/quiz-1
persistentvolumeclaim "db-data-quiz-1" deleted
pod "quiz-1" deleted
A new PersistentVolumeClaim and a new Pod are created. The
PersistentVolume bound to the claim is empty, but MongoDB replicates the
data automatically.

Fixing the node

Of course, you can save yourself all that trouble if you can fix the node. If
you’re running this example on GKE, the system does it automatically by
restarting the node a few minutes after it goes offline. To restore the node
when using the kind tool, run the following commands:
$ docker exec kind-worker2 ip link set eth0 up
$ docker exec kind-worker2 ip route add default via #A

When the node is back online, the deletion of the Pod is complete, and the
new quiz-1 Pod is created. In a kind cluster, the Pod is scheduled to the same
node because the volume is local.

15.2.3 Scaling a StatefulSet

Just like ReplicaSets and Deployments, you can also scale StatefulSets.
When you scale up a StatefulSet, the controller creates both a new Pod and a
new PersistentVolumeClaim. But what happens when you scale it down? Are
the PersistentVolumeClaims deleted along with the Pods?

Scaling down

To scale a StatefulSet, you can use the kubectl scale command or change
the value of the replicas field in the manifest of the StatefulSet object.
Using the first approach, scale the quiz StatefulSet down to a single replica
as follows:
$ kubectl scale sts quiz --replicas 1
statefulset.apps/quiz scaled

As expected, two Pods are now in the process of termination:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=quiz
quiz-0 2/2 Running 0 1h
quiz-1 2/2 Terminating 0 14m #A
quiz-2 2/2 Terminating 0 1h #A

Unlike ReplicaSets, when you scale down a StatefulSet, the Pod with the
highest ordinal number is deleted first. You scaled down the quiz StatefulSet
from three replicas to one, so the two Pods with the highest ordinal numbers,
quiz-2 and quiz-1, were deleted. This scaling method ensures that the
ordinal numbers of the Pods always start at zero and end at a number less
than the number of replicas.

But what happens to the PersistentVolumeClaims? List them as follows:

$ kubectl get pvc -l app=quiz
db-data-quiz-0 Bound pvc...1bf8ccaf 1Gi RWO standar
db-data-quiz-1 Bound pvc...c8f860c2 1Gi RWO standar
db-data-quiz-2 Bound pvc...2cc494d6 1Gi RWO standar

Unlike Pods, their PersistentVolumeClaims are preserved. This is because

deleting a claim would cause the bound PersistentVolume to be recycled or
deleted, resulting in data loss. Retaining PersistentVolumeClaims is the
default behavior, but you can configure the StatefulSet to delete them via the
persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy field, as you’ll learn later. The
other option is to delete the claims manually.

It’s worth noting that if you scale the quiz StatefulSet to just one replica, the
quiz Service is no longer available, but this has nothing to do with
Kubernetes. It’s because you configured the MongoDB replica set with three
replicas, so at least two replicas are needed to have quorum. A single replica
has no quorum and therefore must deny both reads and writes. This causes
the readiness probe in the quiz-api container to fail, which in turn causes the
Pod to be removed from the Service and the Service to be left with no
Endpoints. To confirm, list the Endpoints as follows:
$ kubectl get endpoints -l app=quiz
quiz 1h #A
quiz-pods 1h #B
After you scale down the StatefulSet, you need to reconfigure the MongoDB
replica set to work with the new number of replicas, but that’s beyond the
scope of this book. Instead, let’s scale the StatefulSet back up to get the
quorum again.

Scaling up

Since PersistentVolumeClaims are preserved when you scale down a

StatefulSet, they can be reattached when you scale back up, as shown in the
following figure. Each Pod is associated with the same
PersistentVolumeClaim as before, based on the Pod’s ordinal number.

Figure 15.6 StatefulSets don’t delete PersistentVolumeClaims when scaling down; then they
reattach them when scaling back up.

Scale the quiz StatefulSet back up to three replicas as follows:

$ kubectl scale sts quiz --replicas 3
statefulset.apps/quiz scaled
Now check each Pod to see if it’s associated with the correct
PersistentVolumeClaim. The quorum is restored, all Pods are ready, and the
Service is available again. Use your web browser to confirm.

Now scale the StatefulSet to five replicas. The controller creates two
additional Pods and PersistentVolumeClaims, but the Pods aren’t ready.
Confirm this as follows:
$ kubectl get pods quiz-3 quiz-4
quiz-3 1/2 Running 0 4m55s #A
quiz-4 1/2 Running 0 4m55s #A

As you can see, only one of the two containers is ready in each replica.
There’s nothing wrong with these replicas except that they haven’t been
added to the MongoDB replica set. You could add them by reconfiguring the
replica set, but that’s beyond the scope of this book, as mentioned earlier.

You’re probably starting to realize that managing stateful applications in

Kubernetes involves more than just creating and managing a StatefulSet
object. That’s why you usually use a Kubernetes Operator for this, as
explained in the last part of this chapter.

Before I conclude this section on StatefulSet scaling, I want to point out one
more thing. The quiz Pods are exposed by two Services: the regular quiz
Service, which addresses only Pods that are ready, and the headless quiz-
pods Service, which includes all Pods, regardless of their readiness status.
The kiada Pods connect to the quiz Service, and therefore all the requests
sent to the Service are successful, as the requests are forwarded only to the
three healthy Pods.

Instead of adding the quiz-pods Service, you could’ve made the quiz
Service headless, but then you’d have had to choose whether or not the
Service should publish the addresses of unready Pods. From the clients’ point
of view, Pods that aren’t ready shouldn’t be part of the Service. From
MongoDB’s perspective, all Pods must be included because that’s how the
replicas find each other. Using two Services solves this problem. For this
reason, it’s common for a StatefulSet to be associated with both a regular
Service and a headless Service.
15.2.4 Changing the PersistentVolumeClaim retention policy

In the previous section, you learned that StatefulSets preserve the

PersistentVolumeClaims by default when you scale them down. However, if
the workload managed by the StatefulSet never requires data to be preserved,
you can configure the StatefulSet to automatically delete the
PersistentVolumeClaim by setting the
persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy field. In this field, you specify the
retention policy to be used during scaledown and when the StatefulSet is

For example, to configure the quiz StatefulSet to delete the

PersistentVolumeClaims when the StatefulSet is scaled but retain them when
it’s deleted, you must set the policy as shown in the following listing, which
shows part of the sts.quiz.pvcRetentionPolicy.yaml manifest file.

Listing 15.4 Configuring the PersistentVolumeClaim retention policy in a StatefulSet

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: quiz
whenScaled: Delete #A
whenDeleted: Retain #B

The whenScaled and whenDeleted fields are self-explanatory. Each field can
either have the value Retain, which is the default, or Delete. Apply this
manifest file using kubectl apply to change the PersistentVolumeClaim
retention policy in the quiz StatefulSet as follows:
$ kubectl apply -f sts.quiz.pvcRetentionPolicy.yaml


At the time of writing, this is still an alpha-level feature. For the policy to be
honored by the StatefulSet controller, you must enable the feature gate
StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC when you create the cluster. To do this in the
kind tool, use the create-kind-cluster.sh and kind-multi-node.yaml files
in the Chapter15/ directory in the book’s code archive.

Scaling the StatefulSet

The whenScaled policy in the quiz StatefulSet is now set to Delete. Scale the
StatefulSet to three replicas, to remove the two unhealthy Pods and their
$ kubectl scale sts quiz --replicas 3
statefulset.apps/quiz scaled

List the PersistentVolumeClaims to confirm that there are only three left.

Deleting the StatefulSet

Now let’s see if the whenDeleted policy is followed. Your aim is to delete the
Pods, but not the PersistentVolumeClaims. You’ve already set the
whenDeleted policy to Retain, so you can delete the StatefulSet as follows:

$ kubectl delete sts quiz

statefulset.apps "quiz" deleted

List the PersistentVolumeClaims to confirm that all three are present. The
MongoDB data files are therefore preserved.


If you want to delete a StatefulSet but keep the Pods and the
PersistentVolumeClaims, you can use the --cascade=orphan option. In this
case, the PersistentVolumeClaims will be preserved even if the retention
policy is set to Delete.

Ensuring data is never lost

To conclude this section, I want to caution you against setting either retention
policy to Delete. Consider the example just shown. You set the whenDeleted
policy to Retain so that the data is preserved if the StatefulSet is accidentally
deleted, but since the whenScaled policy is set to Delete, the data would still
be lost if the StatefulSet is scaled to zero before it’s deleted.


Set the persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy to Delete only if the data

stored in the PersistentVolumes associated with the StatefulSet is retained
elsewhere or doesn’t need to be retained. You can always delete the
PersistentVolumeClaims manually. Another way to ensure data retention is to
set the reclaimPolicy in the StorageClass referenced in the
PersistentVolumeClaim template to Retain.

15.2.5 Using the OrderedReady Pod management policy

Working with the quiz StatefulSet has been easy. However, you may recall
that in the StatefulSet manifest, you set the podManagementPolicy field to
Parallel, which instructs the controller to create all Pods at the same time
rather then one at a time. While MongoDB has no problem starting all
replicas simultaneously, some stateful workloads do.

Introducing the two Pod management policies

When StatefulSets were introduced, the Pod management policy wasn’t

configurable, and the controller always deployed the Pods sequentially. To
maintain backward compatibility, this way of working had to be maintained
when this field was introduced. Therefore, the default podManagementPolicy
is OrderedReady, but you can relax the StatefulSet ordering guarantees by
changing the policy to Parallel. The following figure shows how Pods are
created and deleted over time with each policy.

Figure 15.7 Comparison between the OrderedReady and Parallel Pod management policy
The following table explains the differences between the two policies in more

Table 15.1 The supported podManagementPolicy values

Value Description

Pods are created one at a time in ascending order. After

creating each Pod, the controller waits until the Pod is ready
before creating the next Pod. The same process is used when
OrderedReady scaling up and replacing Pods when they’re deleted or their
nodes fail. When scaling down, the Pods are deleted in
reverse order. The controller waits until each deleted Pod is
finished before deleting the next one.

All Pods are created and deleted at the same time. The
controller doesn’t wait for individual Pods to be ready.

The OrderedReady policy is convenient when the workload requires that each
replica be fully started before the next one is created and/or fully shut down
before the next replica is asked to quit. However, this policy has its
drawbacks. Let’s look at what happens when we use it in the quiz

Understanding the drawbacks of the OrderedReady Pod management


Recreate the StatefulSet by applying the manifest file

sts.quiz.orderedReady.yaml with the podManagementPolicy set to
OrderedReady, as shown in the following listing:

Listing 15.5 Specifying the podManagementPolicy in the StatefulSet

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: quiz
podManagementPolicy: OrderedReady #A
minReadySeconds: 10 #B
serviceName: quiz-pods
replicas: 3

In addition to setting the podManagementPolicy, the minReadySeconds field

is also set to 10 so you can better see the effects of the OrderedReady policy.
This field has the same role as in a Deployment, but is used not only for
StatefulSet updates, but also when the StatefulSet is scaled.

At the time of writing, the podManagementPolicy field is immutable. If you
want to change the policy of an existing StatefulSet, you must delete and
recreate it, like you just did. You can use the --cascade=orphan option to
prevent Pods from being deleted during this operation.

Observe the quiz Pods with the --watch option to see how they’re created.
Run the kubectl get command as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=quiz --watch
quiz-0 1/2 Running 0 22s

As you may recall from the previous chapters, the --watch option tells
kubectl to watch for changes to the specified objects. The command first
lists the objects and then waits. When the state of an existing object is
updated or a new object appears, the command prints the updated information
about the object.


When you run kubectl with the --watch option, it uses the same API
mechanism that controllers use to wait for changes to the objects they’re

You’ll be surprised to see that only a single replica is created when you
recreate the StatefulSet with the OrderedReady policy, even though the
StatefulSet is configured with three replicas. The next Pod, quiz-1, doesn’t
show up no matter how long you wait. The reason is that the quiz-api
container in Pod quiz-0 never becomes ready, as was the case when you
scaled the StatefulSet to a single replica. Since the first Pod is never ready,
the controller never creates the next Pod. It can’t do that because of the
configured policy.

As before, the quiz-api container isn’t ready because the MongoDB instance
running alongside it doesn’t have quorum. Since the readiness probe defined
in the quiz-api container depends on the availability of MongoDB, which
needs at least two Pods for quorum, and since the StatefulSet controller
doesn’t start the next Pod until the first one’s ready, the StatefulSet is now
stuck in a deadlock.

One could argue that the readiness probe in the quiz-api container shouldn’t
depend on MongoDB. This is debatable, but perhaps the problem lies in the
use of the OrderedReady policy. Let’s stick with this policy anyway, since
you’ve already seen how the Parallel policy behaves. Instead, let’s
reconfigure the readiness probe to call the root URI rather than the
/healthz/ready endpoint. This way, the probe only checks if the HTTP
server is running in the quiz-api container, without connecting to

Updating a stuck StatefulSet with the OrderedReady policy

Use the kubectl edit sts quiz command to change the path in the
readiness probe definition, or use the kubectl apply command to apply the
updated manifest file sts.quiz.orderedReady.readinessProbe.yaml. The
following listing shows how the readiness probe should be configured:

Listing 15.6 Setting the readiness probe in the quiz-api container

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: quiz
- name: quiz-api
port: 8080
path: / #A
scheme: HTTP

After you update the Pod template in the StatefulSet, you expect the quiz-0
Pod to be deleted and recreated with the new Pod template, right? List the
Pods as follows to check if this happens.
$ kubectl get pods -l app=quiz
quiz-0 1/2 Running 0 5m #A

As you can see from the age of the Pod, it’s still the same Pod. Why hasn’t
the Pod been updated? When you update the Pod template in a ReplicaSet or
Deployment, the Pods are deleted and recreated, so why not here?

The reason for this is probably the biggest drawback of using StatefulSets
with the default Pod management policy OrderedReady. When you use this
policy, the StatefulSet does nothing until the Pod is ready. If your StatefulSet
gets into the same state as shown here, you’ll have to manually delete the
unhealthy Pod.

Now delete the quiz-0 Pod and watch the StatefulSet controller create the
three pods one by one as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=quiz --watch
quiz-0 0/2 Terminating 0 20m #A
quiz-0 0/2 Pending 0 0s #B
quiz-0 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 0s #B
quiz-0 1/2 Running 0 3s #B
quiz-0 2/2 Running 0 3s #B
quiz-1 0/2 Pending 0 0s #C
quiz-1 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 0s #C
quiz-1 2/2 Running 0 3s #C
quiz-2 0/2 Pending 0 0s #D
quiz-2 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 1s #D
quiz-2 2/2 Running 0 4s #D

As you can see, the Pods are created in ascending order, one at a time. You
can see that Pod quiz-1 isn’t created until both containers in Pod quiz-0 are
ready. What you can’t see is that because of the minReadySeconds setting, the
controller waits an additional 10 seconds before creating Pod quiz-1.
Similarly, Pod quiz-2 is created 10 seconds after the containers in Pod quiz-
1 are ready. During the entire process, at most one Pod was being started. For
some workloads, this is necessary to avoid race conditions.
Scaling a StatefulSet with the OrderedReady policy

When you scale the StatefulSet configured with the OrderedReady Pod
management policy, the Pods are created/deleted one by one. Scale the quiz
StatefulSet to a single replica and watch as the Pods are removed. First, the
Pod with the highest ordinal, quiz-2, is marked for deletion, while Pod quiz-
1 remains untouched. When the termination of Pod quiz-2 is complete, Pod
quiz-1 is deleted. The minReadySeconds setting isn’t used during scale-
down, so there’s no additional delay.

Just as with concurrent startup, some stateful workloads don’t like it when
you remove multiple replicas at once. With the OrderedReady policy, you let
each replica finish its shutdown procedure before the shutdown of the next
replica is triggered.

Blocked scale-downs

Another feature of the OrderedReady Pod management policy is that the

controller blocks the scale-down operation if not all replicas are ready. To see
this for yourself, create a new StatefulSet by applying the manifest file
sts.demo-ordered.yaml. This StatefulSet deploys three replicas using the
OrderedReady policy. After the Pods are created, fail the readiness probe in
the Pod demo-ordered-0 by running the following command:
$ kubectl exec demo-ordered-0 -- rm /tmp/ready

Running this command removes the /tmp/ready file that the readiness probe
checks for. The probe is successful if the file exists. After you run this
command, the demo-ordered-0 Pod is no longer ready. Now scale the
StatefulSet to two replicas as follows:
$ kubectl scale sts demo-ordered --replicas 2
statefulset.apps/demo-ordered scaled

If you list the pods with the app=demo-ordered label selector, you’ll see that
the StatefulSet controller does nothing. Unfortunately, the controller doesn’t
generate any Events or update the status of the StatefulSet object to tell you
why it didn’t perform the scale-down.
The controller completes the scale operation when the Pod is ready. You can
make the readiness probe of the demo-ordered-0 Pod succeed by recreating
the /tmp/ready file as follows:
$ kubectl exec demo-ordered-0 -- touch /tmp/ready

I suggest you investigate the behavior of this StatefulSet further and compare
it to the StatefulSet in the manifest file sts.demo-parallel.yaml, which uses
the Parallel Pod management policy. Use the rm and touch commands as
shown to affect the outcome of the readiness probe in different replicas and
see how it affects the two StatefulSets.

Ordered removal of Pods when deleting the StatefulSet

The OrderedReady Pod management policy affects the initial rollout of

StatefulSet Pods, their scaling, and how Pods are replaced when a node fails.
However, the policy doesn’t apply when you delete the StatefulSet. If you
want to terminate the Pods in order, you should first scale the StatefulSet to
zero, wait until the last Pod finishes, and only then delete the StatefulSet.

15.3 Updating a StatefulSet

In addition to declarative scaling, StatefulSets also provide declarative
updates, similar to Deployments. When you update the Pod template in a
StatefulSet, the controller recreates the Pods with the updated template.

You may recall that the Deployment controller can perform the update in two
ways, depending on the strategy specified in the Deployment object. You can
also specify the update strategy in the updateStrategy field in the spec
section of the StatefulSet manifest, but the available strategies are different
from those in a Deployment, as you can see in the following table.

Table 15.2 The supported StatefulSet update strategies

Value Description
In this update strategy, the Pods are replaced one by one.
The Pod with the highest ordinal number is deleted first and
replaced with a Pod created with the new template. When
RollingUpdate this new Pod is ready, the Pod with the next highest ordinal
number is replaced. The process continues until all Pods
have been replaced. This is the default strategy.

The StatefulSet controller waits for each Pod to be

manually deleted. When you delete the Pod, the controller
OnDelete replaces it with a Pod created with the new template. With
this strategy, you can replace Pods in any order and at any

The following figure shows how the Pods are updated over time for each
update strategy.

Figure 15.8 How the Pods are updated over time with different update strategies

The RollingUpdate strategy, which you can find in both Deployments and
StatefulSets, is similar between the two objects, but differs in the parameters
you can set. The OnDelete strategy lets you replace Pods at your own pace
and in any order. It’s different from the Recreate strategy found in
Deployments, which automatically deletes and replaces all Pods at once.

15.3.1 Using the RollingUpdate strategy

The RollingUpdate strategy in a StatefulSet behaves similarly to the

RollingUpdate strategy in Deployments, but only one Pod is replaced at a
time. You may recall that you can configure the Deployment to replace
multiple Pods at once using the maxSurge and maxUnavailable parameters.
The rolling update strategy in StatefulSets has no such parameters.

You may also recall that you can slow down the rollout in a Deployment by
setting the minReadySeconds field, which causes the controller to wait a
certain amount of time after the new Pods are ready before replacing the
other Pods. You’ve already learned that StatefulSets also provide this field
and that it affects the scaling of StatefulSets in addition to the updates.

Let’s update the quiz-api container in the quiz StatefulSet to version 0.2.
Since RollingUpdate is the default update strategy type, you can omit the
updateStrategy field in the manifest. To trigger the update, use kubectl
edit to change the value of the ver label and the image tag in the quiz-api
container to 0.2. You can also apply the manifest file sts.quiz.0.2.yaml
with kubectl apply instead.

You can track the rollout with the kubectl rollout status command as in
the previous chapter. The full command and its output are as follows:
$ kubectl rollout status sts quiz
Waiting for partitioned roll out to finish: 0 out of 3 new pods have been up
Waiting for 1 pods to be ready...
Waiting for partitioned roll out to finish: 1 out of 3 new pods have been up
Waiting for 1 pods to be ready...

Because the Pods are replaced one at a time and the controller waits until
each replica is ready before moving on to the next, the quiz Service remains
accessible throughout the process. If you list the Pods as they’re updated,
you’ll see that the Pod with the highest ordinal number, quiz-2, is updated
first, followed by quiz-1, as shown here:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=quiz -L controller-revision-hash,ver
quiz-0 2/2 Running 0 50m quiz-6c48bdd8df 0
quiz-1 2/2 Terminating 0 10m quiz-6c48bdd8df 0
quiz-2 2/2 Running 0 20s quiz-6945968d9 0

The update process is complete when the Pod with the lowest ordinal
number, quiz-0, is updated. At this point, the kubectl rollout status
command reports the following status:
$ kubectl rollout status sts quiz
partitioned roll out complete: 3 new pods have been updated...

Updates with Pods that aren’t ready

If the StatefulSet is configured with the RollingUpdate strategy and you

trigger the update when not all Pods are ready, the rollout is held back. The
kubectl rollout status indicates that the controller is waiting for one or
more Pods to be ready.

If a new Pod fails to become ready during the update, the update is also
paused, just like a Deployment update. The rollout will resume when the Pod
is ready again. So, if you deploy a faulty version whose readiness probe never
succeeds, the update will be blocked after the first Pod is replaced. If the
number of replicas in the StatefulSet is sufficient, the service provided by the
Pods in the StatefulSet is unaffected.

Displaying the revision history

You may recall that Deployments keep a history of recent revisions. Each
revision is represented by the ReplicaSet that the Deployment controller
created when that revision was active. StatefulSets also keep a revision
history. You can use the kubectl rollout history command to display it
as follows.
$ kubectl rollout history sts quiz
1 <none>
2 <none>
You may wonder where this history is stored, because unlike Deployments, a
StatefulSet manages Pods directly. And if you look at the object manifest of
the quiz StatefulSet, you’ll notice that it only contains the current Pod
template and no previous revisions. So where is the revision history of the
StatefulSet stored?

The revision history of StatefulSets and DaemonSets, which you’ll learn

about in the next chapter, is stored in ControllerRevision objects. A
ControllerRevision is a generic object that represents an immutable snapshot
of the state of an object at a particular point in time. You can list
ControllerRevision objects as follows:
$ kubectl get controllerrevisions
quiz-6945968d9 statefulset.apps/quiz 2 1m
quiz-6c48bdd8df statefulset.apps/quiz 1 50m

Since these objects are used internally, you don’t need to know anything
more about them. However, if you want to learn more, you can use the
kubectl explain command.

Rolling back to a previous revision

If you’re updating the StatefulSet and the rollout hangs, or if the rollout was
successful, but you want to revert to the previous revision, you can use the
kubectl rollout undo command, as described in the previous chapter.
You’ll update the quiz StatefulSet again in the next section, so please reset it
to the previous version as follows:
$ kubectl rollout undo sts quiz
statefulset.apps/quiz rolled back

You can also use the --to-revision option to return to a specific revision.
As with Deployments, Pods are rolled back using the update strategy
configured in the StatefulSet. If the strategy is RollingUpdate, the Pods are
reverted one at a time.

15.3.2 RollingUpdate with partition

StatefulSets don’t have a pause field that you can use to prevent a
Deployment rollout from being triggered, or to pause it halfway. If you try to
pause the StatefulSet with the kubectl rollout pause command, you
receive the following error message:
$ kubectl rollout pause sts quiz
error: statefulsets.apps "quiz" pausing is not supported

In a StatefulSet you can achieve the same result and more with the partition
parameter of the RollingUpdate strategy. The value of this field specifies the
ordinal number at which the StatefulSet should be partitioned. As shown in
the following figure, pods with an ordinal number lower than the partition
value aren’t updated.

Figure 15.9 Partitioning a rolling update

If you set the partition value appropriately, you can implement a Canary
deployment, control the rollout manually, or stage an update instead of
triggering it immediately.

Staging an update

To stage a StatefulSet update without actually triggering it, set the partition
value to the number of replicas or higher, as in the manifest file
sts.quiz.0.2.partition.yaml shown in the following listing.

Listing 15.7 Staging a StatefulSet update with the partition field

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: quiz
type: RollingUpdate
partition: 3 #A
replicas: 3 #A

Apply this manifest file and confirm that the rollout doesn’t start even though
the Pod template has been updated. If you set the partition value this way,
you can make several changes to the StatefulSet without triggering the
rollout. Now let’s look at how you can trigger the update of a single Pod.

Deploying a canary

To deploy a canary, set the partition value to the number of replicas minus
one. Since the quiz StatefulSet has three replicas, you set the partition to 2.
You can do this with the kubectl patch command as follows:
$ kubectl patch sts quiz -p '{"spec": {"updateStrategy": {"rollingUpdate": {
statefulset.apps/quiz patched

If you now look at the list of quiz Pods, you’ll see that only the Pod quiz-2
has been updated to version 0.2 because only its ordinal number is greater
than or equal to the partition value.
$ kubectl get pods -l app=quiz -L controller-revision-hash,ver
quiz-0 2/2 Running 0 8m quiz-6c48bdd8df 0.1
quiz-1 2/2 Running 0 8m quiz-6c48bdd8df 0.1
quiz-2 2/2 Running 0 20s quiz-6945968d9 0.2

The Pod quiz-2 is the canary that you use to check if the new version
behaves as expected before rolling out the changes to the remaining Pods.

At this point I’d like to draw your attention to the status section of the
StatefulSet object. It contains information about the total number of replicas,
the number of replicas that are ready and available, the number of current and
updated replicas, and their revision hashes. To display the status, run the
following command:
$ kubectl get sts quiz -o yaml
availableReplicas: 3 #A
collisionCount: 0
currentReplicas: 2 #B
currentRevision: quiz-6c48bdd8df #B
observedGeneration: 8
readyReplicas: 3 #A
replicas: 3 #A
updateRevision: quiz-6945968d9 #C
updatedReplicas: 1 #C

As you can see from the status, the StatefulSet is now split into two
partitions. If a Pod is deleted at this time, the StatefulSet controller will create
it with the correct template. For example, if you delete one of the Pods with
version 0.1, the replacement Pod will be created with the previous template
and will run again with version 0.1. If you delete the Pod that’s already been
updated, it’ll be recreated with the new template. Feel free to try this out for
yourself. You can’t break anything.

Completing a partitioned update

When you’re confident the canary is fine, you can let the StatefulSet update
the remaining pods by setting the partition value to zero as follows:
$ kubectl patch sts quiz -p '{"spec": {"updateStrategy": {"rollingUpdate": {
statefulset.apps/quiz patched

When the partition field is set to zero, the StatefulSet updates all Pods.
First, the pod quiz-1 is updated, followed by quiz-0. If you had more Pods,
you could also use the partition field to update the StatefulSet in phases. In
each phase, you decide how many Pods you want to update and set the
partition value accordingly.

At the time of writing, partition is the only parameter of the RollingUpdate

strategy. You’ve seen how you can use it to control the rollout. If you want
even more control, you can use the OnDelete strategy, which I’ll try next.
Before you continue, please reset the StatefulSet to the previous revision as
$ kubectl rollout undo sts quiz
statefulset.apps/quiz rolled back

15.3.3 OnDelete strategy

If you want to have full control over the rollout process, you can use the
OnDelete update strategy. To configure the StatefulSet with this strategy, use
kubectl apply to apply the manifest file sts.quiz.0.2.onDelete.yaml.
The following listing shows how the update strategy is set.

Listing 15.8 Setting the OnDelete update strategy

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: quiz
updateStrategy: #A
type: OnDelete #A

This manifest updates the quiz-api container in the Pod template to use the
:0.2 image tag. However, because it sets the update strategy to OnDelete,
nothing happens when you apply the manifest.

If you use the OnDelete strategy, the rollout is semi-automatic. You manually
delete each Pod, and the StatefulSet controller then creates the replacement
Pod with the new template. With this strategy, you can decide which Pod to
update and when. You don’t necessarily have to delete the Pod with the
highest ordinal number first. Try deleting the Pod quiz-0. When its
containers exit, a new quiz-0 Pod with version 0.2 appears:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=quiz -L controller-revision-hash,ver
quiz-0 2/2 Running 0 53s quiz-6945968d9 0.2
quiz-1 2/2 Running 0 11m quiz-6c48bdd8df 0.1
quiz-2 2/2 Running 0 12m quiz-6c48bdd8df 0.1

To complete the rollout, you need to delete the remaining Pods. You can do
this in the order that the workloads require, or in the order that you want.

Rolling back with the OnDelete strategy

Since the update strategy also applies when you use the kubectl rollout
undo command, the rollback process is also semi-automatic. You must delete
each Pod yourself if you want to roll it back to the previous revision.

Updates with Pods that aren’t ready

Since you control the rollout and the controller replaces any Pod you delete,
the Pod’s readiness status is irrelevant. If you delete a Pod that’s not ready,
the controller updates it.

If you delete a Pod and the new Pod isn’t ready, but you still delete the next
Pod, the controller will update that second Pod as well. It’s your
responsibility to consider Pod readiness.

15.4 Managing stateful applications with

Kubernetes Operators
In this chapter, you saw that managing a stateful application can involve
more than what Kubernetes provides with the StatefulSet object. In the case
of MongoDB, you need to reconfigure the MongoDB replica set every time
you scale the StatefulSet. If you don’t, the replica set may lose quorum and
stop working. Also, if a cluster node fails, manual intervention is required to
move the Pods to the remaining nodes.

Managing stateful applications is difficult. StatefulSets do a good job of

automating some basic tasks, but much of the work still has to be done
manually. If you want to deploy a fully automated stateful application, you
need more than what StatefulSets can provide. This is where Kubernetes
operators come into play. I’m not referring to the people running Kubernetes
clusters, but the software that does it for them.

A Kubernetes operator is an application-specific controller that automates the

deployment and management of an application running on Kubernetes. An
operator is typically developed by the same organization that builds the
application, as they know best how to manage it. Kubernetes doesn’t ship
with operators. Instead, you must install them separately.

Each operator extends the Kubernetes API with its own set of custom object
types that you use to deploy and configure the application. You create an
instance of this custom object type using the Kubernetes API and leave it to
the operator to create the Deployments or StatefulSets that create the Pods in
which the application runs, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 15.10 Managing an application through custom resources and operators

In this section, you’ll learn how to use the MongoDB Community Operator to
deploy MongoDB. Since I don’t know how the operator will change after the
book is published, I won’t go into too much detail, but I’ll list all the steps
that were necessary to install the Operator and deploy MongoDB at the time I
wrote the book so you can get a feel for what’s required even if you don’t try
it yourself.

If you do want to try this yourself, please follow the documentation in the
GitHub repository of the MongoDB community operator at

15.4.1 Deploying the MongoDB community operator

An operator is itself an application that you typically deploy in the same
Kubernetes cluster as the application that the operator is to manage. At the
time of writing, the MongoDB operator documentation instructs you to first
clone the GitHub repository as follows:
$ git clone https://github.com/mongodb/mongodb-kubernetes-operator.git

Then you go to the mongodb-kubernetes-operator directory, where you find

the source code of the operator and some Kubernetes object manifests. You
can ignore the source code. You’re only interested in the manifest files.

You can decide if you want to deploy the operator and MongoDB in the same
namespace, or if you want to deploy the operator so that each user in the
cluster can deploy their own MongoDB instance(s). For simplicity, I’ll use a
single namespace.

Extending the API with the MongoDBCommunity object kind

First, you create a CustomResourceDefinition object that extends your

cluster’s Kubernetes API with an additional object type. To do this, you
apply the object manifest as follows:
$ kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/mongodbcommunity.mongodb.com_mongodbcomm
customresourcedefinition/mongodbcommunity.mongodbcommunity.mongodb.com creat

Using your cluster’s API, you can now create objects of kind
MongoDBCommunity. You’ll create this object later.

Unfortunately, the object kind is MongoDBCommunity, which makes it hard
to understand that this object represents a MongoDB deployment and not a
community. The reason it’s called MongoDBCommunity is because you’re
using the community version of the operator. If you use the Enterprise
version, the naming is more appropriate. There the object kind is MongoDB,
which clearly indicates that the object represents a MongoDB deployment.

Creating supporting objects

Next, you create various other security-related objects by applying their

manifests. Here you need to specify the namespace in which these objects
should be created. Let’s use the namespace mongodb. Apply the manifests as
$ kubectl apply -k config/rbac/ -n mongodb
serviceaccount/mongodb-database created
serviceaccount/mongodb-kubernetes-operator created
role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/mongodb-database created
role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/mongodb-kubernetes-operator created
rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/mongodb-database created
rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/mongodb-kubernetes-operator created


You’ll learn more about these object types and CustomResourceDefinitions

in the remaining chapters of this book.

Installing the operator

The last step is to install the operator by creating a Deployment as follows:

$ kubectl create -f config/manager/manager.yaml -n mongodb
deployment.apps/mongodb-kubernetes-operator created

Verify that the operator Pod exists and is running by listing the Pods in the
mongodb namespace:

$ kubectl get pods -n mongodb

mongodb-kubernetes-operator-648bf8cc59-wzvhx 1/1 Running 0
That wasn’t so hard, was it? The operator is running now, but you haven’t
deployed MongoDB yet. The operator is just the tool you use to do that.

15.4.2 Deploying MongoDB via the operator

To deploy a MongoDB replica set, you create an instance of the
MongoDBCommunity object type instead of creating StatefulSets and the
other objects.

Creating an instance of the MongoDBCommunity object type

First edit the file

config/samples/mongodb.com_v1_mongodbcommunity_cr.yaml to replace
the string <your-password-here> with the password of your choice.

The file contains manifests for a MongoDBCommunity and a Secret object.

The following listing shows the manifest of the former.

Listing 15.9 The MongoDBCommunity custom object manifest

apiVersion: mongodbcommunity.mongodb.com/v1 #A
kind: MongoDBCommunity #A
name: example-mongodb #B
members: 3 #C
type: ReplicaSet #C
version: "4.2.6" #D
security: #E
authentication: #E
modes: ["SCRAM"] #E
users: #E
- name: my-user #E
db: admin #E
passwordSecretRef: #E
name: my-user-password #E
roles: #E
- name: clusterAdmin #E
db: admin #E
- name: userAdminAnyDatabase #E
db: admin #E
scramCredentialsSecretName: my-scram #E
additionalMongodConfig: #E
storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.journalCompressor: zlib #E

As you can see, this custom object has the same structure as the Kubernetes
API core objects. The apiVersion and kind fields specify the object type, the
name field in the metadata section specifies the object name, and the spec
section specifies the configuration for the MongoDB deployment, including
type and version, the desired number of replica set members, and the
security-related configuration.


If the custom resource definition is well done, as in this case, you can use the
kubectl explain command to learn more about the fields supported in this
object type.

To deploy MongoDB, you apply this manifest file with kubectl apply as
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/mongodb.com_v1_mongodbcommunity_cr.yaml
mongodbcommunity.mongodbcommunity.mongodb.com/example-mongodb created
secret/my-user-password created

Inspecting the MongoDBCommunity object

You can then see the object you created with the kubectl get command as
$ kubectl get mongodbcommunity
example-mongodb Running 4.2.6

Just like the other Kubernetes controllers, the object you created is now
processed in the reconciliation loop running in the operator. Based on the
MongoDBCommunity object, the operator creates several objects: a
StatefulSet, two Services, and some Secrets. If you check the
ownerReferences field in these objects, you’ll see that they’re all owned by
the example-mongodb MongoDBCommunity object. If you make direct
changes to these objects, such as scaling the StatefulSet, the operator will
immediately undo your changes.

After the operator creates the Kubernetes core objects, the core controllers do
their part. For example, the StatefulSet controller creates the Pods. Use
kubectl get to list them as follows:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=example-mongodb-svc

example-mongodb-0 2/2 Running 0 3m
example-mongodb-1 2/2 Running 0 2m
example-mongodb-2 2/2 Running 0 1m

The MongoDB operator not only creates the StatefulSet, but also makes sure
that the MongoDB replica set is initiated automatically. You can use it right
away. No additional manual configuration is required.

Managing the MongoDB deployment

You control the MongoDB deployment through the MongoDBCommunity

object. The operator updates the configuration every time you update this
object. For example, if you want to resize the MongoDB replica set, you
change the value of the members field in the example-mongodb object. The
operator then scales the underlying StatefulSet and reconfigures the
MongoDB replica set. This makes scaling MongoDB trivial.


At the time of writing, you can’t use the kubectl scale command to scale
the MongoDBCommunity object, but I’m sure the MongoDB operator
developers will fix this soon.

15.4.3 Cleaning up
To uninstall MongoDB, delete the MongoDBCommunity object as follows:
$ kubectl delete mongodbcommunity example-mongodb
mongodbcommunity.mongodbcommunity.mongodb.com "example-mongodb" deleted

As you might expect, this orphans the underlying StatefulSet, Services, and
other objects. The garbage collector then deletes them. To remove the
operator, you can delete the entire mongodb Namespace as follows:
$ kubectl delete ns mongodb
namespace "mongodb" deleted

As a last step, you also need to delete the CustomResourceDefinition to

remove the custom object type from the API as follows:
$ kubectl delete crd mongodbcommunity.mongodbcommunity.mongodb.com
customresourcedefinition "mongodbcommunity.mongodbcommunity.mongodb.com" del

15.5 Summary
In this chapter, you learned how to run stateful applications in Kubernetes.
You learned that:

Stateful workloads are harder to manage than their stateless counterparts

because managing state is difficult. However, with StatefulSets,
managing stateful workloads becomes much easier because the
StatefulSet controller automates most of the work.
With StatefulSets you can manage a group of Pods as pets, whereas
Deployments treat the Pods like cattle. The Pods in a StatefulSet use
ordinal numbers instead of having random names.
A StatefulSet ensures that each replica gets its own stable identity and
its own PersistentVolumeClaim(s). These claims are always associated
with the same Pods.
In combination with a StatefulSet, a headless Service ensures that each
Pod receives a DNS record that always resolves to the Pod’s IP address,
even if the Pod is moved to another node and receives a new IP address.
StatefulSet Pods are created in the order of ascending ordinal numbers,
and deleted in reverse order.
The Pod management policy configured in the StatefulSet determines
whether Pods are created and deleted sequentially or simultaneously.
The PersistentVolumeClaim retention policy determines whether claims
are deleted or retained when you scale down or delete a StatefulSet.
When you update the Pod template in a StatefulSet, the controller
updates the underlying Pods. This happens on a rolling basis, from
highest to lowest ordinal number. Alternatively, you can use a semi-
automatic update strategy, where you delete a Pod and the controller
then replaces it.
Since StatefulSets don’t provide everything needed to fully manage a
stateful workload, these types of workloads are typically managed via
custom API object types and Kubernetes Operators. You create an
instance of the custom object, and the Operator then creates the
StatefulSet and supporting objects.

In this chapter, you also created the quiz-data-importer Pod, which, unlike
all the other Pods you’ve created so far, performs a single task and then exits.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to run these types of workloads using
the Job and CronJob object types. You'll also learn how to use a DaemonSet
to run a system Pod on each node.
16 Deploying node agents and
daemons with DaemonSets
This chapter covers
Running an agent Pod on each cluster node
Running agent Pods on a subset of nodes
Allowing Pods to access the host node’s resources
Assigning a priority class to a Pod
Communicating with the local agent Pod

In the previous chapters, you learned how to use Deployments or StatefulSets

to distribute multiple replicas of a workload across the nodes of your cluster.
But what if you want to run exactly one replica on each node? For example,
you might want each node to run an agent or daemon that provides a system
service such as metrics collection or log aggregation for that node. To deploy
these types of workloads in Kubernetes, you use a DaemonSet.

Before you begin, create the kiada Namespace, change to the Chapter16/
directory, and apply all manifests in the SETUP/ directory by running the
following commands:
$ kubectl create ns kiada
$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace kiada
$ kubectl apply -f SETUP -R


You can find the code files for this chapter at


16.1 Introducing DaemonSets

A DaemonSet is an API object that ensures that exactly one replica of a Pod
is running on each cluster node. By default, daemon Pods are deployed on
every node, but you can use a node selector to restrict deployment to some of
the nodes.

16.1.1 Understanding the DaemonSet object

A DaemonSet contains a Pod template and uses it to create multiple Pod
replicas, just like Deployments, ReplicaSets, and StatefulSets. However, with
a DaemonSet, you don’t specify the desired number of replicas as you do
with the other objects. Instead, the DaemonSet controller creates as many
Pods as there are nodes in the cluster. It ensures that each Pod is scheduled to
a different Node, unlike Pods deployed by a ReplicaSet, where multiple Pods
can be scheduled to the same Node, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 16.1 DaemonSets run a Pod replica on each node, whereas ReplicaSets scatter them
around the cluster.
What type of workloads are deployed via DaemonSets and why

A DaemonSet is typically used to deploy infrastructure Pods that provide

some sort of system-level service to each cluster node. Thes includes the log
collection for the node’s system processes, as well as its Pods, daemons to
monitor these processes, tools that provide the cluster’s network and storage,
manage the installation and update of software packages, and services that
provide interfaces to the various devices attached to the node.

The Kube Proxy component, which is responsible for routing traffic for the
Service objects you create in your cluster, is usually deployed via a
DaemonSet in the kube-system Namespace. The Container Network
Interface (CNI) plugin that provides the network over which the Pods
communicate is also typically deployed via a DaemonSet.

Although you could run system software on your cluster nodes using standard
methods such as init scripts or systemd, using a DaemonSet ensures that you
manage all workloads in your cluster in the same way.

Understanding the operation of the DaemonSet controller

Just like ReplicaSets and StatefulSets, a DaemonSet contains a Pod template

and a label selector that determines which Pods belong to the DaemonSet. In
each pass of its reconciliation loop, the DaemonSet controller finds the Pods
that match the label selector, checks that each node has exactly one matching
Pod, and creates or removes Pods to ensure that this is the case. This is
illustrated in the next figure.

Figure 16.2 The DaemonSet controller’s reconciliation loop

When you add a Node to the cluster, the DaemonSet controller creates a new
Pod and associates it with that Node. When you remove a Node, the
DaemonSet deletes the Pod object associated with it. If one of these daemon
Pods disappears, for example, because it was deleted manually, the controller
immediately recreates it. If an additional Pod appears, for example, if you
create a Pod that matches the label selector in the DaemonSet, the controller
immediately deletes it.

16.1.2 Deploying Pods with a DaemonSet

A DaemonSet object manifest looks very similar to that of a ReplicaSet,
Deployment, or StatefulSet. Let’s look at a DaemonSet example called demo,
which you can find in the book's code repository in the file ds.demo.yaml.
The following listing shows the full manifest.

Listing 16.1 A DaemonSet manifest example

apiVersion: apps/v1 #A
kind: DaemonSet #A
name: demo #B
selector: #C
matchLabels: #C
app: demo #C
template: #D
metadata: #D
labels: #D
app: demo #D
spec: #D
containers: #D
- name: demo #D
image: busybox #D
command: #D
- sleep #D
- infinity #D

The DaemonSet object kind is part of the apps/v1 API group/version. In the
object's spec, you specify the label selector and a Pod template, just like a
ReplicaSet for example. The metadata section within the template must
contain labels that match the selector.


The selector is immutable, but you can change the labels as long as they still
match the selector. If you need to change the selector, you must delete the
DaemonSet and recreate it. You can use the --cascade=orphan option to
preserve the Pods while replacing the DaemonSet.

As you can see in the listing, the demo DaemonSet deploys Pods that do
nothing but execute the sleep command. That’s because the goal of this
exercise is to observe the behavior of the DaemonSet itself, not its Pods.
Later in this chapter, you’ll create a DaemonSet whose Pods actually do

Quickly inspecting a DaemonSet

Create the DaemonSet by applying the ds.demo.yaml manifest file with

kubectl apply and then list all DaemonSets in the current Namespace as
$ kubectl get ds
demo 2 2 2 2 2 <none>


The shorthand for DaemonSet is ds.

The command’s output shows that two Pods were created by this DaemonSet.
In your case, the number may be different because it depends on the number
and type of Nodes in your cluster, as I’ll explain later in this section.

Just as with ReplicaSets, Deployments, and StatefulSets, you can run

kubectl get with the -o wide option to also display the names and images
of the containers and the label selector.
$ kubectl get ds -o wide
Demo 2 2 ... demo busybox app=demo

Inspecting a DaemonSet in detail

The -o wide option is the fastest way to see what’s running in the Pods
created by each DaemonSet. But if you want to see even more details about
the DaemonSet, you can use the kubectl describe command, which gives
the following output:
$ kubectl describe ds demo
Name: demo #A
Selector: app=demo #B
Node-Selector: <none> #C
Labels: <none> #D
Annotations: deprecated.daemonset.template.generation: 1 #E
Desired Number of Nodes Scheduled: 2 #F
Current Number of Nodes Scheduled: 2 #F
Number of Nodes Scheduled with Up-to-date Pods: 2 #F
Number of Nodes Scheduled with Available Pods: 2 #F
Number of Nodes Misscheduled: 0 #F
Pods Status: 2 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed #F
Pod Template: #G
Labels: app=demo #G
Containers: #G
demo: #G
Image: busybox #G
Port: <none> #G
Host Port: <none> #G
Command: #G
sleep #G
infinity #G
Environment: <none> #G
Mounts: <none> #G
Volumes: <none> #G
Events: #H
Type Reason Age From Message #H
---- ------ ---- ---- ------- #H
Normal SuccessfulCreate 40m daemonset-controller Created pod: demo-wq
Normal SuccessfulCreate 40m daemonset-controller Created pod: demo-w8

The output of the kubectl describe commands includes information about

the object’s labels and annotations, the label selector used to find the Pods of
this DaemonSet, the number and state of these Pods, the template used to
create them, and the Events associated with this DaemonSet.

Understanding a DaemonSet’s status

During each reconciliation, the DaemonSet controller reports the state of the
DaemonSet in the object’s status section. Let’s look at the demo
DaemonSet’s status. Run the following command to print the object’s YAML
$ kubectl get ds demo -o yaml
currentNumberScheduled: 2
desiredNumberScheduled: 2
numberAvailable: 2
numberMisscheduled: 0
numberReady: 2
observedGeneration: 1
updatedNumberScheduled: 2

As you can see, the status of a DaemonSet consists of several integer fields.
The following table explains what the numbers in those fields mean.

Table 16.1 DaemonSet status fields

Value Description

The number of Nodes that run at least one Pod
associated with this DaemonSet.

The number of Nodes that should run the

desiredNumberScheduled daemon Pod, regardless of whether they actually
run it.

The number of Nodes that run at least one
daemon Pod that’s available.

The number of Nodes that are running a daemon
Pod but shouldn’t be running it.

The number of Nodes that have at least one
daemon Pod running and ready

The number of Nodes whose daemon Pod is

updatedNumberScheduled current with respect to the Pod template in the

The status also contains the observedGeneration field, which has nothing
to do with DaemonSet Pods. You can find this field in virtually all other
objects that have a spec and a status. You’ll learn about this field in chapter
20, so ignore it for now.

You’ll notice that all the status fields explained in the previous table
indicate the number of Nodes, not Pods. Some field descriptions also imply
that more than one daemon Pod could be running on a Node, even though a
DaemonSet is supposed to run exactly one Pod on each Node. The reason for
this is that when you update the DaemonSet’s Pod template, the controller
runs a new Pod alongside the old Pod until the new Pod is available. When
you observe the status of a DaemonSet, you aren’t interested in the total
number of Pods in the cluster, but in the number of Nodes that the
DaemonSet serves.

Understanding why there are fewer daemon Pods than Nodes

In the previous section, you saw that the DaemonSet status indicates that two
Pods are associated with the demo DaemonSet. This is unexpected because
my cluster has three Nodes, not just two.

I mentioned that you can use a node selector to restrict the Pods of a
DaemonSet to some of the Nodes. However, the demo DaemonSet doesn’t
specify a node selector, so you’d expect three Pods to be created in a cluster
with three Nodes. What’s going on here? Let’s get to the bottom of this
mystery by listing the daemon Pods with the same label selector defined in
the DaemonSet.


Don’t confuse the label selector with the node selector; the former is used to
associate Pods with the DaemonSet, while the latter is used to associate Pods
with Nodes.

The label selector in the DaemonSet is app=demo. Pass it to the kubectl get
command with the -l (or --selector) option. Additionally, use the -o wide
option to display the Node for each Pod. The full command and its output are
as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=demo -o wide
demo-w8tgm 1/1 Running 0 80s kind-worker
demo-wqd22 1/1 Running 0 80s kind-worker2

Now list the Nodes in the cluster and compare the two lists:
$ kubectl get nodes
kind-control-plane Ready control-plane,master 22h v1.23.4
kind-worker Ready <none> 22h v1.23.4
kind-worker2 Ready <none> 22h v1.23.4

It looks like the DaemonSet controller has only deployed Pods on the worker
Nodes, but not on the master Node running the cluster’s control plane
components. Why is that?

In fact, if you’re using a multi-node cluster, it’s very likely that none of the
Pods you deployed in the previous chapters were scheduled to the Node
hosting the control plane, such as the kind-control-plane Node in a cluster
created with the kind tool. As the name implies, this Node is meant to only
run the Kubernetes components that control the cluster. In chapter 2, you
learned that containers help isolate workloads, but this isolation isn’t as good
as when you use multiple separate virtual or physical machines. A
misbehaving workload running on the control plane Node can negatively
affect the operation of the entire cluster. For this reason, Kubernetes only
schedules workloads to control plane Nodes if you explicitly allow it. This
rule also applies to workloads deployed through a DaemonSet.

Deploying daemon Pods on control plane Nodes

The mechanism that prevents regular Pods from being scheduled to control
plane Nodes is called Taints and Tolerations. You’ll learn more about it in
chapter 23. Here, you’ll only learn how to get a DaemonSet to deploy Pods to
all Nodes. This may be necessary if the daemon Pods provide a critical
service that needs to run on all nodes in the cluster. Kubernetes itself has at
least one such service—the Kube Proxy. In most clusters today, the Kube
Proxy is deployed via a DaemonSet. You can check if this is the case in your
cluster by listing DaemonSets in the kube-system namespace as follows:
$ kubectl get ds -n kube-system
kindnet 3 3 3 3 3 <none>
kube-proxy 3 3 3 3 3 kubernetes

If, like me, you use the kind tool to run your cluster, you’ll see two
DaemonSets. Besides the kube-proxy DaemonSet, you’ll also find a
DaemonSet called kindnet. This DaemonSet deploys the Pods that provide
the network between all the Pods in the cluster via CNI, the Container
Network Interface, which you’ll learn more about in chapter 19.

The numbers in the output of the previous command indicate that the Pods of
these DaemonSets are deployed on all cluster nodes. Their manifests reveal
how they do this. Display the manifest of the kube-proxy DaemonSet as
follows and look for the lines I’ve highlighted:
$ kubectl get ds kube-proxy -n kube-system -o yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
tolerations: #A
- operator: Exists #A

The highlighted lines aren’t self-explanatory and it’s hard to explain them
without going into the details of taints and tolerations. In short, some Nodes
may specify taints, and a Pod must tolerate a Node’s taints to be scheduled to
that Node. The two lines in the previous example allow the Pod to tolerate all
possible taints, so consider them a way to deploy daemon Pods on absolutely
all Nodes.

As you can see, these lines are part of the Pod template and not direct
properties of the DaemonSet. Nevertheless, they’re considered by the
DaemonSet controller, because it wouldn’t make sense to create a Pod that
the Node rejects.

Inspecting a daemon Pod

Now let’s turn back to the demo DaemonSet to learn more about the Pods that
it creates. Take one of these Pods and display its manifest as follows:
$ kubectl get po demo-w8tgm -o yaml #A
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
creationTimestamp: "2022-03-23T19:50:35Z"
generateName: demo-
labels: #B
app: demo #B
controller-revision-hash: 8669474b5b #B
pod-template-generation: "1" #B
name: demo-w8tgm
namespace: bookinfo
ownerReferences: #C
- apiVersion: apps/v1 #C
blockOwnerDeletion: true #C
controller: true #C
kind: DaemonSet #C
name: demo #C
uid: 7e1da779-248b-4ff1-9bdb-5637dc6b5b86 #C
resourceVersion: "67969"
uid: 2d044e7f-a237-44ee-aa4d-1fe42c39da4e
affinity: #D
nodeAffinity: #D
requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: #D
nodeSelectorTerms: #D
- matchFields: #D
- key: metadata.name #D
operator: In #D
values: #D
- kind-worker #D

Each Pod in a DaemonSet gets the labels you define in the Pod template, plus
some additional labels that the DaemonSet controller itself adds. You can
ignore the pod-template-generation label because it’s obsolete. It’s been
replaced by the label controller-revision-hash. You may remember
seeing this label in StatefulSet Pods in the previous chapter. It serves the
same purpose—it allows the controller to distinguish between Pods created
with the old and the new Pod template during updates.

The ownerReferences field indicates that daemon Pods belong directly to the
DaemonSet object, just as stateful Pods belong to the StatefulSet object.
There's no object between the DaemonSet and the Pods, as is the case with
Deployments and their Pods.

The last item in the manifest of a daemon Pod I want you to draw your
attention to is the spec.affinity section. You'll learn more about Pod
affinity in chapter 23, where I explain Pod scheduling in detail, but you
should be able to tell that the nodeAffinity field indicates that this particular
Pod needs to be scheduled to the Node kind-worker. This part of the
manifest isn’t included in the DaemonSet’s Pod template, but is added by the
DaemonSet controller to each Pod it creates. The node affinity of each Pod is
configured differently to ensure that the Pod is scheduled to a specific Node.

In older versions of Kubernetes, the DaemonSet controller specified the

target node in the Pod’s spec.nodeName field, which meant that the
DaemonSet controller scheduled the Pod directly without involving the
Kubernetes Scheduler. Now, the DaemonSet controller sets the
nodeAffinity field and leaves the nodeName field empty. This leaves
scheduling to the Scheduler, which also takes into account the Pod’s resource
requirements and other properties.

16.1.3 Deploying to a subset of Nodes with a node selector

A DaemonSet deploys Pods to all cluster nodes that don’t have taints that the
Pod doesn’t tolerate, but you may want a particular workload to run only on a
subset of those nodes. For example, if only some of the nodes have special
hardware, you might want to run the associated software only on those nodes
and not on all of them. With a DaemonSet, you can do this by specifying a
node selector in the Pod template. Note the difference between a node
selector and a pod selector. The DaemonSet controller uses the former to
filter eligible Nodes, whereas it uses the latter to know which Pods belong to
the DaemonSet. As shown in the following figure, the DaemonSet creates a
Pod for a particular Node only if the Node's labels match the node selector.

Figure 16.3 A node selector is used to deploy DaemonSet Pods on a subset of cluster nodes.
The figure shows a DaemonSet that deploys Pods only on Nodes that contain
a CUDA-enabled GPU and are labelled with the label gpu: cuda. The
DaemonSet controller deploys the Pods only on Nodes B and C, but ignores
node A, because its label doesn’t match the node selector specified in the


CUDA or Compute Unified Device Architecture is a parallel computing

platform and API that allows software to use compatible Graphics Processing
Units (GPUs) for general purpose processing.

Specifying a node selector in the DaemonSet

You specify the node selector in the spec.nodeSelector field in the Pod
template. The following listing shows the same demo DaemonSet you created
earlier, but with a nodeSelector configured so that the DaemonSet only
deploys Pods to Nodes with the label gpu: cuda. You can find this manifest
in the file ds.demo.nodeSelector.yaml.

Listing 16.2 A DaemonSet with a node selector

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: demo
app: demo
app: demo
app: demo
nodeSelector: #A
gpu: cuda #A
- name: demo
image: busybox
- sleep
- infinity

Use the kubectl apply command to update the demo DaemonSet with this
manifest file. Use the kubectl get command to see the status of the
$ kubectl get ds
demo 0 0 0 0 0 gpu=cuda

As you can see, there are now no Pods deployed by the demo DaemonSet
because no nodes match the node selector specified in the DaemonSet. You
can confirm this by listing the Nodes with the node selector as follows:
$ kubectl get nodes -l gpu=cuda
No resources found

Moving Nodes in and out of scope of a DaemonSet by changing their


Now imagine you just installed a CUDA-enabled GPU to the Node kind-
worker2. You add the label to the Node as follows:
$ kubectl label node kind-worker2 gpu=cuda
node/kind-worker2 labeled

The DaemonSet controller watches not just DaemonSet and Pod, but also
Node objects. When it detects a change in the labels of the kind-worker2
Node, it runs its reconciliation loop and creates a Pod for this Node, since it
now matches the node selector. List the Pods to confirm:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=demo -o wide
demo-jbhqg 1/1 Running 0 16s kind-worker2

When you remove the label from the Node, the controller deletes the Pod:
$ kubectl label node kind-worker2 gpu- #A
node/kind-worker2 unlabeled

$ kubectl get pods -l app=demo

demo-jbhqg 1/1 Terminating 0 71s #B

Using standard Node labels in DaemonSets

Kubernetes automatically adds some standard labels to each Node. Use the
kubectl describe command to see them. For example, the labels of my
kind-worker2 node are as follows:

$ kubectl describe node kind-worker2

Name: kind-worker2
Roles: <none>
Labels: gpu=cuda

You can use these labels in your DaemonSets to deploy Pods based on the
properties of each Node. For example, if your cluster consists of
heterogeneous Nodes that use different operating systems or architectures,
you configure a DaemonSet to target a specific OS and/or architecture by
using the kubernetes.io/arch and kubernetes.io/os labels in its node

Suppose your cluster consists of AMD- and ARM-based Nodes. You have
two versions of your node agent container image. One is compiled for AMD
CPUs and the other is compiled for ARM CPUs. You can create a
DaemonSet to deploy the AMD-based image to the AMD nodes, and a
separate DaemonSet to deploy the ARM-based image to the other nodes. The
first DaemonSet would use the following node selector:
kubernetes.io/arch: amd64

The other DaemonSet would use the following node selector:

kubernetes.io/arch: arm

This multiple DaemonSets approach is ideal if the configuration of the two

Pod types differs not only in the container image, but also in the amount of
compute resources you want to provide to each container. You can read more
about this in chapter 22.


You don’t need multiple DaemonSets if you just want each node to run the
correct variant of your container image for the node’s architecture and there
are no other differences between the Pods. In this case, using a single
DaemonSet with multi-arch container images is the better option.

Updating the node selector

Unlike the Pod label selector, the node selector is mutable. You can change it
whenever you want to change the set of Nodes that the DaemonSet should
target. One way to change the selector is to use the kubectl patch
command. In chapter 14, you learned how to patch an object by specifying
the part of the manifest that you want to update. However, you can also
update an object by specifying a list of patch operations using the JSON
patch format. You can learn more about this format at jsonpatch.com. Here I
show you an example of how to use JSON patch to remove the nodeSelector
field from the object manifest of the demo DaemonSet:
$ kubectl patch ds demo --type='json' -p='[{ "op": "remove", "path": "/spec/

Instead of providing an updated portion of the object manifest, the JSON

patch in this command specifies that the spec.template.spec.nodeSelector
field should be removed.

16.1.4 Updating a DaemonSet

As with Deployments and StatefulSets, when you update the Pod template in
a DaemonSet, the controller automatically deletes the Pods that belong to the
DaemonSet and replaces them with Pods created with the new template.

You can configure the update strategy to use in the spec.updateStrategy

field in the DaemonSet object’s manifest, but the spec.minReadySeconds
field also plays a role, just as it does for Deployments and StatefulSets. At the
time of writing, DaemonSets support the strategies listed in the following

Table 16.2 The supported DaemonSet update strategies

Value Description

In this update strategy, Pods are replaced one by one. When

a Pod is deleted and recreated, the controller waits until the
new Pod is ready. Then it waits an additional amount of
time, specified in the spec.minReadySeconds field of the
DaemonSet, before updating the Pods on the other Nodes.
This is the default strategy.

The DaemonSet controller performs the update in a semi-

automatic way. It waits for you to manually delete each
OnDelete Pod, and then replaces it with a new Pod from the updated
template. With this strategy, you can replace Pods at your
own pace.

The RollingUpdate strategy is similar to that in Deployments, and the

OnDelete strategy is just like that in StatefulSets. As in Deployments, you
can configure the RollingUpdate strategy with the maxSurge and
maxUnavailable parameters, but the default values for these parameters in
DaemonSets are different. The next section explains why.

The RollingUpdate strategy

To update the Pods of the demo DaemonSet, use the kubectl apply
command to apply the manifest file ds.demo.v2.rollingUpdate.yaml. Its
contents are shown in the following listing.

Listing 16.3 Specifying the RollingUpdate strategy in a DaemonSet

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: demo
minReadySeconds: 30 #A
updateStrategy: #B
type: RollingUpdate #B
rollingUpdate: #B
maxSurge: 0 #B
maxUnavailable: 1 #B
app: demo
app: demo
ver: v2 #C

In the listing, the type of updateStrategy is RollingUpdate, with maxSurge

set to 0 and maxUnavailable set to 1.

These are the default values, so you can also remove the updateStrategy
field completely and the update is performed the same way.

When you apply this manifest, the Pods are replaced as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=demo -L ver
demo-5nrz4 1/1 Terminating 0 10m #A
demo-vx27t 1/1 Running 0 11m #A

$ kubectl get pods -l app=demo -L ver

demo-k2d6k 1/1 Running 0 36s v2 #B
demo-vx27t 1/1 Terminating 0 11m #B

$ kubectl get pods -l app=demo -L ver

demo-k2d6k 1/1 Running 0 126s v2 #C
demo-s7hsc 1/1 Running 0 62s v2 #C

Since maxSurge is set to zero, the DaemonSet controller first stops the
existing daemon Pod before creating a new one. Coincidentally, zero is also
the default value for maxSurge, since this is the most reasonable behavior for
daemon Pods, considering that the workloads in these Pods are usually node
agents and daemons, of which only a single instance should run at a time.

If you set maxSurge above zero, two instances of the Pod run on the Node
during an update for the time specified in the minReadySeconds field. Most
daemons don't support this mode because they use locks to prevent multiple
instances from running simultaneously. If you tried to update such a daemon
in this way, the new Pod would never be ready because it couldn’t obtain the
lock, and the update would fail.

The maxUnavailable parameter is set to one, which means that the

DaemonSet controller updates only one Node at a time. It doesn’t start
updating the Pod on the next Node until the Pod on the previous node is
ready and available. This way, only one Node is affected if the new version
of the workload running in the new Pod can’t be started.
If you want the Pods to update at a higher rate, increase the maxUnavailable
parameter. If you set it to a value higher than the number of Nodes in your
cluster, the daemon Pods will be updated on all Nodes simultaneously, like
the Recreate strategy in Deployments.


To implement the Recreate update strategy in a DaemonSet, set the

maxSurge parameter to 0 and maxUnavailable to 10000 or more, so that this
value is always higher than the number of Nodes in your cluster.

An important caveat to rolling DaemonSet updates is that if the readiness

probe of an existing daemon Pod fails, the DaemonSet controller immediately
deletes the Pod and replaces it with a Pod with the updated template. In this
case, the maxSurge and maxUnavailable parameters are ignored.

Likewise, if you delete an existing Pod during a rolling update, it's replaced
with a new Pod. The same thing happens if you configure the DaemonSet
with the OnDelete update strategy. Let's take a quick look at this strategy as

The OnDelete update strategy

An alternative to the RollingUpdate strategy is OnDelete. As you know from

the previous chapter on StatefulSets, this is a semi-automatic strategy that
allows you to work with the DaemonSet controller to replace the Pods at your
discretion, as shown in the next exercise. The following listing shows the
contents of the manifest file ds.demo.v3.onDelete.yaml.

Listing 16.4 Setting the DaemonSet update strategy

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: demo
updateStrategy: #A
type: OnDelete #A
app: demo
app: demo
ver: v3 #B

The OnDelete strategy has no parameters you can set to affect how it works,
since the controller only updates the Pods you manually delete. Apply this
manifest file with kubectl apply and then check the DaemonSet as follows
to see that no action is taken by the DaemonSet controller:
$ kubectl get ds
demo 2 2 2 0 2 <none>

The output of the kubectl get ds command shows that neither Pod in this
DaemonSet is up to date. This is to be expected since you updated the Pod
template in the DaemonSet, but the Pods haven't yet been updated, as you can
see when you list them:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=demo -L ver
demo-k2d6k 1/1 Running 0 10m v2 #A
demo-s7hsc 1/1 Running 0 10m v2 #A

To update the Pods, you must delete them manually. You can delete as many
Pod as you want and in any order, but let's delete only one for now. Select a
Pod and delete it as follows:
$ kubectl delete po demo-k2d6k --wait=false #A
pod "demo-k2d6k" deleted

You may recall that, by default, the kubectl delete command doesn't exit
until the deletion of the object is complete. If you use the --wait=false
option, the command marks the object for deletion and exits without waiting
for the Pod to actually be deleted. This way, you can keep track of what
happens behind the scenes by listing Pods several times as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=demo -L ver
demo-k2d6k 1/1 Terminating 0 10m v2 #A
demo-s7hsc 1/1 Running 0 10m v2 #A

$ kubectl get pods -l app=demo -L ver

demo-4gf5h 1/1 Running 0 15s v3 #B
demo-s7hsc 1/1 Running 0 11m v2 #B

If you list the DaemonSets with the kubectl get command as follows, you’ll
see that only one Pod has been updated:
$ kubectl get ds
demo 2 2 2 1 2 <none>

Delete the remaining Pod(s) to complete the update.

Considering the use of the OnDelete strategy for critical daemon Pods

With this strategy, you can update cluster-critical Pods with much more
control, albeit with more effort. This way, you can be sure that the update
won’t break your entire cluster, as might happen with a fully automated
update if the readiness probe in the daemon Pod can’t detect all possible

For example, the readiness probe defined in the DaemonSet probably doesn’t
check if the other Pods on the same Node are still working properly. If the
updated daemon Pod is ready for minReadySeconds, the controller will
proceed with the update on the next Node, even if the update on the first
Node caused all other Pods on the Node to fail. The cascade of failures could
bring down your entire cluster. However, if you perform the update using the
OnDelete strategy, you can verify the operation of the other Pods after
updating each daemon Pod and before deleting the next one.

16.1.5 Deleting the DaemonSet

To finish this introduction to DaemonSets, delete the demo DaemonSet as
$ kubectl delete ds demo
daemonset.apps "demo" deleted

As you’d expect, doing so will also delete all demo Pods. To confirm, list the
Pods as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=demo
demo-4gf5h 1/1 Terminating 0 2m22s
demo-s7hsc 1/1 Terminating 0 6m53s

This concludes the explanation of DaemonSets themselves, but Pods

deployed via DaemonSets differ from Pods deployed via Deployments and
StatefulSets in that they often access the host node’s file system, its network
interface(s), or other hardware. You’ll learn about this in the next section.

16.2 Special features in Pods running node agents

and daemons
Unlike regular workloads, which are usually isolated from the node they run
on, node agents and daemons typically require greater access to the node. As
you know, the containers running in a Pod can’t access the devices and files
of the node, or all the system calls to the node’s kernel because they live in
their own Linux namespaces (see chapter 2). If you want a daemon, agent, or
other workload running in a Pod to be exempt from this restriction, you must
specify this in the Pod manifest.

To explain how you can do this, look at the DaemonSets in the kube-system
namespace. If you run Kubernetes via kind, your cluster should contain the
two DaemonSets as follows:
$ kubectl get ds -n kube-system
kindnet 3 3 3 3 3 <none>
kube-proxy 3 3 3 3 3 kubernetes

If you don’t use kind, the list of DaemonSets in kube-system may look
different, but you should find the kube-proxy DaemonSet in most clusters, so
I’ll focus on this one.
16.2.1 Giving containers access to the OS kernel

The operating system kernel provides system calls that programs can use to
interact with the operating system and hardware. Some of these calls are
harmless, while others could negatively affect the operation of the node or the
other containers running on it. For this reason, containers are not allowed to
execute these calls unless explicitly allowed to do so. This can be achieved in
two ways. You can give the container full access to the kernel or to groups of
system calls by specifying the capabilities to be given to the container.

Running a privileged container

If you want to give a process running in a container full access to the

operating system kernel, you can mark the container as privileged. You can
see how to do this by inspecting the Pod template in the kube-proxy
DaemonSet as follows:
$ kubectl -n kube-system get ds kube-proxy -o yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
- name: kube-proxy
securityContext: #A
privileged: true #A

The kube-proxy DaemonSet runs Pods with a single container, also called
kube-proxy. In the securityContext section of this container’s definition,
the privileged flag is set to true. This gives the process running in the
kube-proxy container root access to the host’s kernel and allows it to modify
the node’s network packet filtering rules. As you’ll learn in chapter 19,
Kubernetes Services are implemented this way.

Giving a container access to specific capabilities

A privileged container bypasses all kernel permission checks and thus has
full access to the kernel, whereas a node agent or daemon typically only
needs access to a subset of the system calls provided by the kernel. From a
security perspective, running such workloads as privileged is far from ideal.
Instead, you should grant the workload access to only the minimum set of
system calls it needs to do its job. You achieve this by specifying the
capabilities that it needs in the container definition.

The kube-proxy DaemonSet doesn’t use capabilities, but other DaemonSets

in the kube-system namespace may do so. An example is the kindnet
DaemonSet, which sets up the pod network in a kind-provisioned cluster. The
capabilities listed in the Pod template are as follows:
$ kubectl -n kube-system get ds kindnet -o yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
- name: kindnet-cni
securityContext: #A
capabilities: #A
add: #A
privileged: false #B

Instead of being fully privileged, the capabilities NET_RAW and NET_ADMIN are
added to the container. According to the capabilities man pages, which you
can display with the man capabilities command on a Linux system, the
NET_RAW capability allows the container to use special socket types and bind
to any address, while the NET_ADMIN capability allows various privileged
network-related operations such as interface configuration, firewall
management, changing routing tables, and so on. Things you’d expect from a
container that sets up the networking for all other Pods on a Node.

16.2.2 Accessing the node’s filesystem

A node agent or daemon may need to access the host node’s file system. For
example, a node agent deployed through a DaemonSet could be used to
install software packages on all cluster nodes.

You already learned in chapter 7 how to give a Pod’s container access to the
host node’s file system via the hostPath volume, so I won’t go into it again,
but it’s interesting to see how this volume type is used in the context of a
daemon pod.

Let’s take another look at the kube-proxy DaemonSet. In the Pod template,
you’ll find two hostPath volumes, as shown here:
$ kubectl -n kube-system get ds kube-proxy -o yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
- hostPath: #A
path: /run/xtables.lock #A
type: FileOrCreate #A
name: xtables-lock #A
- hostPath: #B
path: /lib/modules #B
type: "" #B
name: lib-modules #B

The first volume allows the process in the kube-proxy daemon Pod to access
the node’s xtables.lock file, which is used by the iptables or nftables
tools that the process uses to manipulate the node’s IP packet filtering. The
other hostPath volume allows the process to access the kernel modules that
are installed on the node.

16.2.3 Using the node’s network and other namespaces

As you know, each Pod gets its own network interface. However, you may
want some of your Pods, especially those deployed through a DaemonSet, to
use the node’s network interface(s) instead of having their own. The Pods
deployed through the kube-proxy DaemonSet use this approach. You can see
this by examining the Pod template as follows:
$ kubectl -n kube-system get ds kube-proxy -o yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
hostNetwork: true #A

In the Pod’s spec, the hostNetwork field is set to true. This causes the Pod
to use the host Node’s network environment (devices, stacks, and ports)
instead of having its own, just like all other processes that run directly on the
node and not in a container. This means that the Pod won’t even get its own
IP address but will use the Node’s address(es). If you list the Pods in the
kube-system Namespace with the -o wide option as follows, you’ll see that
the IPs of the kube-proxy Pods match the IPs of their respective host Nodes.
$ kubectl -n kube-system get po -o wide
kube-proxy-gj9pd 1/1 Running 0 90m ... #A
kube-proxy-rhjqr 1/1 Running 0 90m ... #A
kube-proxy-vq5g8 1/1 Running 0 90m ... #A

Configuring daemon Pods to use the host node’s network is useful when the
process running in the Pod needs to be accessible through a network port at
the node’s IP address.


Another option is for the Pod to use its own network, but forward one or
more host ports to the container by using the hostPort field in the container’s
port list. You’ll learn how to do this later.

Containers in a Pod configured with hostNetwork: true continue to use the

other namespace types, so they remain isolated from the node in other
respects. For example, they use their own IPC and PID namespaces, so they
can’t see the other processes or communicate with them via inter-process
communication. If you want a daemon Pod to use the node’s IPC and PID
namespaces, you can configure this using the hostIPC and hostPID
properties in the Pod’s spec.
16.2.4 Marking daemon Pods as critical

A node can run a few system Pods and many Pods with regular workloads.
You don’t want Kubernetes to treat these two groups of Pods the same, as the
system Pods are probably more important than the non-system Pods. For
example, if a system Pod can’t be scheduled to a Node because the Node is
already full, Kubernetes should evict some of the non-system Pods to make
room for the system Pod.

Introducing Priority Classes

By default, Pods deployed via a DaemonSet are no more important than Pods
deployed via Deployments or StatefulSets. To mark your daemon Pods as
more or less important, you use Pod priority classes. These are represented by
the PriorityClass object. You can list them as follows:
$ kubectl get priorityclasses
system-cluster-critical 2000000000 false 9h
system-node-critical 2000001000 false 9h

Each cluster usually comes with two priority classes: system-cluster-

critical and system-node-critical, but you can also create your own. As
the name implies, Pods in the system-cluster-critical class are critical to
the operation of the cluster. Pods in the system-node-critical class are
critical to the operation of individual nodes, meaning they can’t be moved to
a different node.

You can learn more about the priority classes defined in your cluster by using
the kubectl describe priorityclasses command as follows:
$ kubectl describe priorityclasses
Name: system-cluster-critical
Value: 2000000000
GlobalDefault: false
Description: Used for system critical pods that must run in the cluster,
Annotations: <none>
Events: <none>

Name: system-node-critical
Value: 2000001000
GlobalDefault: false
Description: Used for system critical pods that must not be moved from th
Annotations: <none>
Events: <none>

As you can see, each priority class has a value. The higher the value, the
higher the priority. The preemption policy in each class determines whether
or not Pods with lower priority should be evicted when a Pod with that class
is scheduled to an overbooked Node.

You specify which priority class a Pod belongs to by specifying the class
name in the priorityClassName field of the Pod’s spec section. For
example, the kube-proxy DaemonSet sets the priority class of its Pods to
system-node-critical. You can see this as follows:

$ kubectl -n kube-system get ds kube-proxy -o yaml

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
priorityClassName: system-node-critical #A

The priority class of the kube-proxy Pods ensures that the kube-proxy Pods
have a higher priority than the other Pods, since a node can’t function
properly without a kube-proxy Pod (Pods on the Node can’t use Kubernetes

When you create your own DaemonSets to run other node agents that are
critical to the operation of a node, remember to set the priorityClassName

16.3 Communicating with the local daemon Pod

A daemon Pod often provides a service to the other Pods running on the same
node. The workloads running in these Pods must connect to the locally
running daemon, not one running on another node. In chapter 11, you learned
that Pods communicate via Services. However, when a Service receives
traffic from a client Pod, it forwards it to a random Pod that may or may not
be running on the same Node as the client.

How do you ensure that a Pod always connects to a daemon Pod running on
the same Node, as shown in the next figure? In this section, you’ll learn
several ways to do that.

Figure 16.4 How do we get client pods to only talk to the locally-running daemon Pod?

In the following examples, you’ll use a demo node agent written in Go that
allows clients to retrieve system information such as uptime and average
node utilization over HTTP. This allows Pods like Kiada to retrieve
information from the agent instead of retrieving it directly from the node.

The source code for the node agent can be found in the Chapter16/node-
agent-0.1/ directory. Either build the container image yourself or use the
prebuilt image at luksa/node-agent:0.1.

In Chapter16/kiada-0.9 you’ll find version 0.9 of the Kiada application.

This version connects to the node agent, retrieves the node information, and
displays it along with the other pod and node information that was displayed
in earlier versions.

16.3.1 Binding directly to a host port

One way to ensure that clients can connect to the local daemon Pod on a
given Node is to forward a network port on the host node to a port on the
daemon Pod and configure the client to connect to it. To do this, you specify
the desired port number of the host node in the list of ports in the Pod
manifest using the hostPort field, as shown in the following listing. You can
find this example in the file ds.node-agent.hostPort.yaml.

Listing 16.5 Forwarding a host port to a container

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: node-agent
- name: node-agent
image: luksa/node-agent:0.1
args: #B
- --listen-address #B
- :80 #B
ports: #A
- name: http
containerPort: 80 #B
hostPort: 11559 #C

The manifest defines a DaemonSet that deploys node agent Pods listening on
port 80 of the Pod’s network interface. However, in the list of ports, the
container’s port 80 is also accessible through port 11559 of the host Node.
The process in the container binds only to port 80, but Kubernetes ensures
that traffic received by the host Node on port 11559 is forwarded to port 80
within the node-agent container, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 16.5 Exposing a daemon Pod via a host port

As you can see in the figure, each Node forwards traffic from the host port
only to the local agent Pod. This is different from the NodePort Service
explained in chapter 11, where a client connection to the node port is
forwarded to a random Pod in the cluster, possibly one running on another
Node. It also means that if no agent Pod is deployed on a Node, the attempt
to connect to the host port will fail.

Deploying the agent and checking its connectivity

Deploy the node-agent DaemonSet by applying the ds.node-

agent.hostPort.yaml manifest. Verify that the number of Pods matches the
number of Nodes in your cluster and that all Pods are running.

Check if the node agent Pod responds to requests. Select one of the Nodes,
find its IP address, and send a GET / request to its port 11559. For example, if
you’re using kind to provision your cluster, you can find the IP of the kind-
worker node as follows:
$ kubectl get node kind-worker -o wide
kind-worker Ready <none> 26m v1.23.4 <none>
In my case, the IP of the Node is To send the GET request, I run
curl as follows:

$ curl
kind-worker uptime: 5h58m10s, load average: 1.62, 1.83, 2.25, active/total t

If access to the Node is obstructed by a firewall, you may need to connect to

the Node via SSH and access the port via localhost, as follows:
root@kind-worker:/# curl localhost:11559
kind-worker uptime: 5h59m20s, load average: 1.53, 1.77, 2.20, active/total t

The HTTP response shows that the node-agent Pod is working. You can now
deploy the Kiada app and let it connect to the agent. But how do you tell
Kiada where to find the local node-agent Pod?

Pointing the Kiada application to the agent via the Node’s IP address

Kiada searches for the node agent URL using the environment variable
NODE_AGENT_URL. For the application to connect to the local agent, you must
pass the IP of the host node and port 11559 in this variable. Of course, this IP
depends on which Node the individual Kiada Pod is scheduled, so you can’t
just specify a fixed IP address in the Pod manifest. Instead, you use the
Downward API to get the local Node IP, as you learned in chapter 9. The
following listing shows the part of the deploy.kiada.0.9.hostPort.yaml
manifest where the NODE_AGENT_URL environment variable is set.

Listing 16.6 Using the DownwardAPI to set the NODE_AGENT_URL variable

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: kiada
- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.9
imagePullPolicy: Always
- name: NODE_IP #A
valueFrom: #A
fieldRef: #A
fieldPath: status.hostIP #A
value: http://$(NODE_IP):11559 #B

As you can see in the listing, the environment variable NODE_AGENT_URL

references the variable NODE_IP, which is initialized via the Downward API.
The host port 11559 that the agent is bound to is hardcoded.

Apply the deploy.kiada.0.9.hostPort.yaml manifest and call the Kiada

application to see if it retrieves and displays the node information from the
local node agent, as shown here:
$ curl http://kiada.example.com
Request processed by Kiada 0.9 running in pod "kiada-68fbb5fcb9-rp7hc" on no
Node info: kind-worker2 uptime: 6h17m48s, load average: 0.87, 1.29, 1.61,
active/total threads: 5/4283 #A

The response shows that the request was processed by a Kiada Pod running
on the node kind-worker2. The Node info line indicates that the node
information was retrieved from the agent on the same node. Every time you
press refresh in your browser or run the curl command, the node name in the
Node info line should always match the node in the Request processed by
line. This shows that each Kiada pod gets the node information from its local
agent and never from an agent on another node.

16.3.2 Using the node’s network stack

A similar approach to the previous section is for the agent Pod to directly use
the Node’s network environment instead of having its own, as described in
section 16.2.3. In this case, the agent is reachable through the node’s IP
address via the port to which it binds. When the agent binds to port 11559,
client Pods can connect to the agent through this port on the node’s network
interface, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 16.6 Exposing a daemon Pod by using the host node’s network namespace

The following listing shows the ds.node-agent.hostNetwork.yaml

manifest, in which the Pod is configured to use the host node’s network
environment instead of its own. The agent is configured to listen on port

Listing 16.7 Exposing a node agent by letting the Pod use the host node’s network

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: node-agent
hostNetwork: true #A
- name: node-agent
image: luksa/node-agent:0.1
imagePullPolicy: Always
- --listen-address #B
- :11559 #B
ports: #C
- name: http #C
containerPort: 11559 #C
failureThreshold: 1
port: 11559
scheme: HTTP

Since the node agent is configured to bind to port 11559 via the --listen-
address argument, the agent is reachable via this port on the node’s network
interface(s). From the client’s point of view, this is exactly like using the
hostPort field in the previous section, but from the agent’s point of view, it’s
different because the agent was previously bound to port 80 and traffic from
the node’s port 11559 was forwarded to the container’s port 80, whereas now
it’s bound directly to port 11559.

Use the kubectl apply command to update the DaemonSet to see this in
action. Since nothing has changed from the client’s point of view, the Kiada
application you used in the previous section should still be able to get the
node information from the agent. You can check this by reloading the
application in your browser or making a new request with the curl

16.3.3 Using a local Service

The two approaches to connecting to a local daemon Pod described in the
previous sections aren’t ideal because they require that the daemon Pod be
reachable through the Node’s network interface, which means that client pods
must look up the Node’s IP address. These approaches also don’t prevent
external clients from accessing the agent.

If you don’t want the daemon to be visible to the outside world, or if you
want client Pods to access the daemon the same way they access other Pods
in the cluster, you can make the daemon Pods accessible through a
Kubernetes Service. However, as you know, this results in connections being
forwarded to a random daemon Pod that’s not necessarily running on the
same Node as the client. Fortunately, as you learned in chapter 11, you can
configure a Service to forward traffic only within the same node by setting
the internalTrafficPolicy in the Service manifest to Local.

The following figure shows how this type of Service is used to expose the
node-agent Pods so that their clients always connect to the agent running on
the same Node as the client.

Figure 16.7 Exposing daemon Pods via a Service with internal traffic policy set to Local

As explained in chapter 11, a Service whose internalTrafficPolicy is set

to Local behaves like multiple per-Node Services, each backed only by the
Pods running on that Node. For example, when clients on Node A connect to
the Service, the connection is forwarded only to the Pods on Node A. Clients
on Node B only connect to Pods on Node B. In the case of the node-agent
Service, there’s only one such Pod on each Node.

If the DaemonSet through which agent Pods are deployed uses a Node
selector, some Nodes may not have an agent running. If a Service with
internalTrafficPolicy set to Local is used to expose the local agent, a
client’s connection to the Service on that Node will fail.

To try this approach, update your node-agent DaemonSet, create the Service,
and configure the Kiada application to use it, as explained next.

Updating the node-agent DaemonSet

In the ds.noge-agent.yaml file, you’ll find a DaemonSet manifest that

deploys ordinary Pods that don’t use the hostPort or hostNetwork fields.
The agent in the Pod simply binds to port 80 of the container’s IP address.

When you apply this manifest to your cluster, the Kiada application can no
longer access the node agent because it’s no longer bound to port 11559 of
the node. To fix this, you need to create a Service called node-agent and
reconfigure the Kiada application to access the agent through this Service.

Creating the Service with internal traffic policy set to Local

The following listing shows the Service manifest, which you can find in the
file svc.node-agent.yaml.

Listing 16.8 Exposing daemon Pods via a Service using the Local internal traffic policy

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: node-agent
app: node-agent
internalTrafficPolicy: Local #A
selector: #B
app: node-agent #B
ports: #C
- name: http #C
port: 80 #C
The selector in the Service manifest is configured to match Pods with the
label app: node-agent. This corresponds to the label assigned to agent Pods
in the DaemonSet Pod template. Since the Service’s internalTrafficPolicy
is set to Local, the Service forwards traffic only to Pods with this label on the
same Node. Pods on the other nodes are ignored even if their label matches
the selector.

Configuring Kiada to connect to the node-agent Service

Once you’ve created the Service, you can reconfigure the Kiada application
to use it, as shown in the following listing. The full manifest can be found in
the deploy.kiada.0.9.yaml file.

Listing 16.9 Configuring the Kiada app to access the node agent via the local Service

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: kiada
- name: kiada
image: luksa/kiada:0.9
value: http://node-agent #A

The environment variable NODE_AGENT_URL is now set to http://node-

agent. This is the name of the Service defined in the svc.node-
agent.local.yaml manifest file earlier.

Apply the Service and the updated Deployment manifest and confirm that
each Kiada Pod uses the local agent to display the node information, just as in
the previous approaches.

Deciding which approach to use

You may be wondering which of these three approaches to use. The approach
described in this section, using a local Service, is the cleanest and least
invasive because it doesn’t affect the node’s network and doesn’t require
special permissions. Use the hostPort or hostNetwork approach only if you
need to reach the agent from outside the cluster.

If the agent exposes multiple ports, you may think it’s easier to use
hostNetwork instead of hostPort so you don’t have to forward each port
individually, but that’s not ideal from a security perspective. If the Pod is
configured to use the host network, an attacker can use the Pod to bind to any
port on the Node, potentially enabling man-in-the-middle attacks.

16.4 Summary
In this chapter, you learned how to run daemons and node agents. You
learned that:

A DaemonSet object represents a set of daemon Pods distributed across

the cluster Nodes so that exactly one daemon Pod instance runs on each
A DaemonSet is used to deploy daemons and agents that provide
system-level services such as log collection, process monitoring, node
configuration, and other services required by each cluster Node.
When you add a node selector to a DaemonSet, the daemon Pods are
deployed only on a subset of all cluster Nodes.
A DaemonSet doesn't deploy Pods to control plane Nodes unless you
configure the Pod to tolerate the Nodes' taints.
The DaemonSet controller ensures that a new daemon Pod is created
when a new Node is added to the cluster, and that it’s removed when a
Node is removed.
Daemon Pods are updated according to the update strategy specified in
the DaemonSet. The RollingUpdate strategy updates Pods
automatically and in a rolling fashion, whereas the OnDelete strategy
requires you to manually delete each Pod for it to be updated.
If Pods deployed through a DaemonSet require extended access to the
Node's resources, such as the file system, network environment, or
privileged system calls, you configure this in the Pod template in the
Daemon Pods should generally have a higher priority than Pods
deployed via Deployments. This is achieved by setting a higher
PriorityClass for the Pod.
Client Pods can communicate with local daemon Pods through a Service
with internalTrafficPolicy set to Local, or through the Node's IP
address if the daemon Pod is configured to use the node's network
environment (hostNetwork) or a host port is forwarded to the Pod

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to run batch workloads with the Job and
CronJob object types.
17 Running finite workloads with
Jobs and CronJobs
This chapter covers
Running finite tasks with Jobs
Handling Job failures
Parameterizing Pods created through a Job
Processing items in a work queue
Enabling communication between a Job’s Pods
Using CronJobs to run Jobs at a specific time or at regular intervals

As you learned in the previous chapters, a Pod created via a Deployment,

StatefulSet, or DaemonSet, runs continuously. When the process running in
one of the Pod’s containers terminates, the Kubelet restarts the container. The
Pod never stops on its own, but only when you delete the Pod object.
Although this is ideal for running web servers, databases, system services,
and similar workloads, it’s not suitable for finite workloads that only need to
perform a single task.

A finite workload doesn’t run continuously, but lets a task run to completion.
In Kubernetes, you run this type of workload using the Job resource.
However, a Job always runs its Pods immediately, so you can’t use it for
scheduling tasks. For that, you need to wrap the Job in a CronJob object. This
allows you to schedule the task to run at a specific time in the future or at
regular intervals.

In this chapter you’ll learn everything about Jobs and CronJobs. Before you
begin, create the kiada Namespace, change to the Chapter17/ directory, and
apply all the manifests in the SETUP/ directory by running the following
$ kubectl create ns kiada
$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace kiada
$ kubectl apply -f SETUP -R

You can find the code files for this chapter at


Don’t be alarmed if you find that one of the containers in each quiz Pod fails
to become ready. This is to be expected since the MongoDB database running
in those Pods hasn’t yet been initialized. You’ll create a Job resource to do
just that.

17.1 Running tasks with the Job resource

Before you create your first Pod via the Job resource, let’s think about the
Pods in the kiada Namespace. They’re all meant to run continuously. When a
container in one of these pods terminates, it’s automatically restarted. When
the Pod is deleted, it’s recreated by the controller that created the original
Pod. For example, if you delete one of the kiada pods, it’s quickly recreated
by the Deployment controller because the replicas field in the kiada
Deployment specifies that three Pods should always exist.

Now consider a Pod whose job is to initialize the MongoDB database. You
don’t want it to run continuously; you want it to perform one task and then
exit. Although you want the Pod’s containers to restart if they fail, you don’t
want them to restart when they finish successfully. You also don’t want a
new Pod to be created after you delete the Pod that completed its task.

You may recall that you already created such a Pod in chapter 15, namely the
quiz-data-importer Pod. It was configured with the OnFailure restart
policy to ensure that the container would restart only if it failed. When the
container terminated successfully, the Pod was finished, and you could delete
it. Since you created this Pod directly and not through a Deployment,
StatefulSet or DaemonSet, it wasn’t recreated. So, what’s wrong with this
approach and why would you create the Pod via a Job instead?

To answer this question, consider what happens if someone accidentally

deletes the Pod prematurely or if the Node running the Pod fails. In these
cases, Kubernetes wouldn’t automatically recreate the Pod. You’d have to do
that yourself. And you’d have to watch that Pod from creation to completion.
That might be fine for a Pod that completes its task in seconds, but you
probably don’t want to be stuck watching a Pod for hours. So, it’s better to
create a Job object and let Kubernetes do the rest.

17.1.1 Introducing the Job resource

The Job resource resembles a Deployment in that it creates one or more Pods,
but instead of ensuring that those Pods run indefinitely, it only ensures that a
certain number of them complete successfully.

As you can see in the following figure, the simplest Job runs a single Pod to
completion, whereas more complex Jobs run multiple Pods, either
sequentially or concurrently. When all containers in a Pod terminate with
success, the Pod is considered completed. When all the Pods have completed,
the Job itself is also completed.

Figure 17.1 Three different Job examples. Each Job is completed once its Pods have completed
As you might expect, a Job resource defines a Pod template and the number
of Pods that must be successfully completed. It also defines the number of
Pods that may run in parallel.


Unlike Deployments and other resources that contain a Pod template, you
can’t modify the template in a Job object after creating the object.

Let’s look at what the simplest Job object looks like.

Defining a Job resource

In this section, you take the quiz-data-importer Pod from chapter 15 and
turn it into a Job. This Pod imports the data into the Quiz MongoDB
database. You may recall that before running this Pod, you had to initiate the
MongoDB replica set by issuing a command in one of the quiz Pods. You
can do that in this Job as well, using an init container. The Job and the Pod it
creates are visualized in the following figure.

Figure 17.2 An overview of the quiz-init Job

The following listing shows the Job manifest, which you can find in the file

The manifest file also contains a ConfigMap in which the quiz questions are
stored but this ConfigMap is not shown in the listing.

Listing 17.1 A Job manifest for running a single task

apiVersion: batch/v1 #A
kind: Job #A
name: quiz-init
app: quiz
task: init
template: #B
metadata: #C
labels: #C
app: quiz #C
task: init #C
restartPolicy: OnFailure #D
initContainers: #E
- name: init #E
image: mongo:5 #E
command: #E
- sh #E
- -c #E
- | #E
mongosh mongodb://quiz-0.quiz-pods.kiada.svc.cluster.local \ #E
--quiet --file /dev/stdin <<EOF #E
# MongoDB code that initializes the replica set #E
# Refer to the job.quiz-init.yaml file to see the actual code #
containers: #F
- name: import #F
image: mongo:5 #F
command: #F
- mongoimport #F
- mongodb+srv://quiz-pods.kiada.svc.cluster.local/kiada?tls=false
- --collection #F
- questions #F
- --file #F
- /questions.json #F
- --drop #F
volumeMounts: #F
- name: quiz-data #F
mountPath: /questions.json #F
subPath: questions.json #F
readOnly: true #F
- name: quiz-data
name: quiz-data

The manifest in the listing defines a Job object that runs a single Pod to
completion. Jobs belong to the batch API group, and you’re using API
version v1 to define the object. The Pod that this Job creates consists of two
containers that execute in sequence, as one is an init and the other a normal
container. The init container makes sure that the MongoDB replica set is
initialized, then the main container imports the quiz questions from the quiz-
data ConfigMap that’s mounted into the container through a volume.

The Pod’s restartPolicy is set to OnFailure. A Pod defined within a Job

can’t use the default policy of Always, as that would prevent the Pod from


In a Job’s pod template, you must explicitly set the restart policy to either
OnFailure or Never.

You’ll notice that unlike Deployments, the Job manifest in the listing doesn’t
define a selector. While you can specify it, you don’t have to, as
Kubernetes sets it automatically. The Pod template in the listing does contain
two labels, but they’re there only for your convenience.

Running a Job

The Job controller creates the Pods immediately after you create the Job
object. To run the quiz-init Job, apply the job.quiz-init.yaml manifest
with kubectl apply.

Displaying a brief Job status

To get a brief overview of the Job’s status, list the Jobs in the current
Namespace as follows:
$ kubectl get jobs
quiz-init 0/1 3s 3s

The COMPLETIONS column indicates how many times the Job has run and how
many times it’s configured to complete. The DURATION column shows how
long the Job has been running. Since the task the quiz-init Job performs is
relatively short, its status should change within a few seconds. List the Jobs
again to confirm this:
$ kubectl get jobs
quiz-init 1/1 6s 42s

The output shows that the Job is now complete, which took 6 seconds.

Displaying the detailed Job status

To see more details about the Job, use the kubectl describe command as
$ kubectl describe job quiz-init
Name: quiz-init
Namespace: kiada
Selector: controller-uid=98f0fe52-12ec-4c76-a185-4ccee9bae1ef #A
Labels: app=quiz
Annotations: batch.kubernetes.io/job-tracking:
Parallelism: 1
Completions: 1
Completion Mode: NonIndexed
Start Time: Sun, 02 Oct 2022 12:17:59 +0200
Completed At: Sun, 02 Oct 2022 12:18:05 +0200
Duration: 6s
Pods Statuses: 0 Active / 1 Succeeded / 0 Failed #B
Pod Template:
Labels: app=quiz #C
controller-uid=98f0fe52-12ec-4c76-a185-4ccee9bae1ef #C
job-name=quiz-init #C
task=init #C
Init Containers:
init: ...
import: ...
quiz-data: ...
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal SuccessfulCreate 7m33s job-controller Created pod: quiz-init-xp
Normal Completed 7m27s job-controller Job completed #D

In addition to the Job name, namespace, labels, annotations, and other

properties, the output of the kubectl describe command also shows the
selector that was automatically assigned. The controller-uid label used in
the selector was also automatically added to the Job’s Pod template. The job-
name label was also added to the template. As you’ll see in the next section,
you can easily use this label to list the Pods that belong to a particular Job.

At the end of the kubectl describe output, you see the Events associated
with this Job object. Only two events were generated for this Job: the creation
of the Pod and the successful completion of the Job.

Examining the Pods that belong to a Job

To list the Pods created for a particular Job, you can use the job-name label
that’s automatically added to those Pods. To list the Pods of the quiz-init
job, run the following command:
$ kubectl get pods -l job-name=quiz-init
quiz-init-xpl8d 0/1 Completed 0 25m

The pod shown in the output has finished its task. The Job controller doesn’t
delete the Pod, so you can see its status and view its logs.

Examining the logs of a Job Pod

The fastest way to see the logs of a Job is to pass the Job name instead of the
Pod name to the kubectl logs command. To see the logs of the quiz-init
Job, you could do something like the following:
$ kubectl logs job/quiz-init --all-containers --prefix #A
[pod/quiz-init-xpl8d/init] Replica set initialized successfully! #B
[pod/quiz-init-xpl8d/import] 2022-10-02T10:51:01.967+0000 connected to: ...
[pod/quiz-init-xpl8d/import] 2022-10-02T10:51:01.969+0000 dropping: kiada.q
[pod/quiz-init-xpl8d/import] 2022-10-02T10:51:03.811+0000 6 document(s) imp

The --all-containers option tells kubectl to print the logs of all the Pod’s
containers, and the --prefix option ensures that each line is prefixed with
the source, that is, the pod and container names.

The output contains both the init and the import container logs. These logs
indicate that the MongoDB replica set has been successfully initialized and
that the question database has been populated with data.

Suspending active Jobs and creating Jobs in a suspended state

When you created the quiz-init Job, the Job controller created the Pod as
soon as you created the Job object. However, you can also create Jobs in a
suspended state. Let’s try this out by creating another Job. As you can see in
the following listing, you suspend it by setting the suspend field to true. You
can find this manifest in the file job.demo-suspend.yaml.

Listing 17.2 The manifest of a suspended Job

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: demo-suspend
suspend: true #A
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: demo
image: busybox
- sleep
- "60"
Apply the manifest in the listing to create the Job. List the Pods as follows to
confirm that none have been created yet:
$ kubectl get po -l job-name=demo-suspend
No resources found in kiada namespace.

The Job controller generates an Event indicating the suspension of the Job.
You can see it when you run kubectl get events or when you describe the
Job with kubectl describe:
$ kubectl describe job demo-suspend
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Suspended 3m37s job-controller Job suspended

When you’re ready to run the Job, you unsuspend it by patching the object as
$ kubectl patch job demo-suspend -p '{"spec":{"suspend": false}}'
job.batch/demo-suspend patched

The Job controller creates the Pod and generates an Event indicating that the
Job has resumed.

You can also suspend a running Job, whether you created it in a suspended
state or not. To suspend a Job, set suspend to true with the following
kubectl patch command:

$ kubectl patch job demo-suspend -p '{"spec":{"suspend": true}}'

job.batch/demo-suspend patched

The Job controller immediately deletes the Pod associated with the Job and
generates an Event indicating that the Job has been suspended. The Pod’s
containers are shut down gracefully, as they are every time you delete a Pod,
regardless of how it was created. You can resume the Job at your discretion
by resetting the suspend field to false.

Deleting Jobs and their Pods

You can delete a Job any time. Regardless of whether its Pods are still
running or not, they’re deleted in the same way as when you delete a
Deployment, StatefulSet, or DaemonSet.

You don’t need the quiz-init Job anymore, so delete it as follows:

$ kubectl delete job quiz-init
job.batch "quiz-init" deleted

Confirm that the Pod has also been deleted by listing the Pods as follows:
$ kubectl get po -l job-name=quiz-init
No resources found in kiada namespace.

You may recall that Pods are deleted by the garbage collector because they’re
orphaned when their owner, in this case the Job object named quiz-init, is
deleted. If you want to delete only the Job, but keep the Pods, you delete the
Job with the --cascade=orphan option. You can try this method with the
demo-suspend Job as follows:

$ kubectl delete job demo-suspend --cascade=orphan

job.batch "demo-suspend" deleted

If you now list Pods, you’ll see that the Pod still exists. Since it’s now a
standalone Pod, it’s up to you to delete it when you no longer need it.

Automatically deleting Jobs

By default, you must delete Job objects manually. However, you can flag the
Job for automatic deletion by setting the ttlSecondsAfterFinished field in
the Job’s spec. As the name implies, this field specifies how long the Job and
its Pods are kept after the Job is finished.

To see this setting in action, try creating the Job in the job.demo-ttl.yaml
manifest. The Job will run a single Pod that will complete successfully after
20 seconds. Since ttlSecondsAfterFinished is set to 10, the Job and its Pod
are deleted ten seconds later.

If you set the ttlSecondsAfterFinished field in a Job, the Job and its pods
are deleted whether the Job completes successfully or not. If this happens
before you can check the logs of the failed Pods, it’s hard to determine what
caused the Job to fail.

17.1.2 Running a task multiple times

In the previous section, you learned how to execute a task once. However,
you can also configure the Job to execute the same task several times, either
in parallel or sequentially. This may be necessary because the container
running the task can only process a single item, so you need to run the
container multiple times to process the entire input, or you may simply want
to run the processing on multiple cluster nodes to improve performance.

You’ll now create a Job that inserts fake responses into the Quiz database,
simulating a large number of users. Instead of having only one Pod that
inserts data into the database, as in the previous example, you’ll configure the
Job to create five such Pods. However, instead of running all five Pods
simultaneously, you’ll configure the Job to run at most two Pods at a time.
The following listing shows the Job manifest. You can find it in the file

Listing 17.3 A Job for running a task multiple times

apiVersion: batch/v1 #A
kind: Job #A
metadata: #A
name: generate-responses #A
app: quiz
completions: 5 #B
parallelism: 2 #C
app: quiz
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: mongo
image: mongo:5

In addition to the Pod template, the Job manifest in the listing defines two
new properties, completions and parallelism., which are explained next.

Understanding Job completions and parallelism

The completions field specifies the number of Pods that must be

successfully completed for this Job to be complete. The parallelism field
specifies how many of these Pods may run in parallel. There is no upper limit
to these values, but your cluster may only be able to run so many Pods in

You can set neither of these fields, one or the other, or both. If you don’t set
either field, both values are set to one by default. If you set only
completions, this is the number of Pods that run one after the other. If you
set only parallelism, this is the number of Pods that run, but only one must
complete successfully for the Job to be complete.

If you set parallelism higher than completions, the Job controller creates
only as many Pods as you specified in the completions field.

If parallelism is lower than completions, the Job controller runs at most

parallelism Pods in parallel but creates additional Pods when those first
Pods complete. It keeps creating new Pods until the number of successfully
completed Pods matches completions. The following figure shows what
happens when completions is 5 and parallelism is 2.

Figure 17.3 Running a parallel Job with completion=5 and parallelism=2

As shown in the figure, the Job controller first creates two Pods and waits
until one of them completes. In the figure, Pod 2 is the first to finish. The
controller immediately creates the next Pod (Pod 3), bringing the number of
running Pods back to two. The controller repeats this process until five Pods
complete successfully.

The following table explains the behavior for different examples of

completions and parallelism.

Table 17.1 Completions and parallelism combinations

Completions Parallelism Job behavior

A single Pod is created. Same as when

Not set Not set
completions and parallelism is 1.

A single Pod is created. If the Pod completes

successfully, the Job is complete. If the Pod is
1 1
deleted before completing, it’s replaced by a new
2 5 Only three Pods are created. The same as if
parallelism was 2.

Two Pods are created initially. When one of them

completes, the third Pod is created. There are
again two Pods running. When one of the two
5 2
completes, the fourth Pod is created. There are
again two Pods running. When another one
completes, the fifth and last Pod is created.

Five Pods run simultaneously. If one of them is

deleted before it completes, a replacement is
5 5
created. The Job is complete when five Pods
complete successfully.

Five Pods are created sequentially. A new Pod is

5 Not set created only when the previous Pod completes (or

Five Pods are created simultaneously, but only one

Not set 5 needs to complete successfully for the Job to

In the generate-responses Job that you’re about to create, the number of

completions is set to 5 and parallelism is set to 2, so at most two Pods will
run in parallel. The Job isn’t complete until five Pods complete successfully.
The total number of Pods may end up being higher if some of the Pods fail.
More on this in the next section.

Running the Job

Use kubectl apply to create the Job by applying the manifest file
job.generate-responses.yaml. List the Pods while running the Job as
$ kubectl get po -l job-name=generate-responses
generate-responses-7kqw4 1/1 Running 2 (20s ago) 27s #B
generate-responses-98mh8 0/1 Completed 0 27s #A
generate-responses-tbgns 1/1 Running 0 3s #B

List the Pods several times to observe the number Pods whose STATUS is
shown as Running or Completed. As you can see, at any given time, at most
two Pods run simultaneously. After some time, the Job completes. You can
see this by displaying the Job status with the kubectl get command as
$ kubectl get job generate-responses
generate-responses 5/5 110s 115s #A

The COMPLETIONS column shows that this Job completed five out of the
desired five times, which took 110 seconds. If you list the Pods again, you
should see five completed Pods, as follows:
$ kubectl get po -l job-name=generate-responses
generate-responses-5xtlk 0/1 Completed 0 82s #A
generate-responses-7kqw4 0/1 Completed 3 2m46s #B
generate-responses-98mh8 0/1 Completed 0 2m46s #A
generate-responses-tbgns 0/1 Completed 1 2m22s #C
generate-responses-vbvq8 0/1 Completed 1 111s #C

As indicated in the Job status earlier, you should see five Completed Pods.
However, if you look closely at the RESTARTS column, you’ll notice that some
of these Pods had to be restarted. The reason for this is that I hard-coded a
25% failure rate into the code running in those Pods. I did this to show what
happens when an error occurs.

17.1.3 Understanding how Job failures are handled

As explained earlier, the reason for running tasks through a Job rather than
directly through Pods is that Kubernetes ensures that the task is completed
even if the individual Pods or their Nodes fail. However, there are two levels
at which such failures are handled:

At the Pod level.

At the Job level.

When a container in the Pod fails, the Pod’s restartPolicy determines

whether the failure is handled at the Pod level by the Kubelet or at the Job
level by the Job controller. As you can see in the following figure, if the
restartPolicy is OnFailure, the failed container is restarted within the same
Pod. However, if the policy is Never, the entire Pod is marked as failed and
the Job controller creates a new Pod.

Figure 17.4 How failures are handled depending on the Pod’s restart policy
Let’s examine the difference between these two scenarios.

Handling failures at the Pod level

In the generate-responses Job you created in the previous section, the

Pod’s restartPolicy was set to OnFailure. As discussed earlier, whenever
the container is executed, there is a 25% chance that it’ll fail. In these cases,
the container terminates with a non-zero exit code. The Kubelet notices the
failure and restarts the container.

The new container runs in the same Pod on the same Node and therefore
allows for a quick turnaround. The container may fail again and get restarted
several times but will eventually terminate successfully and the Pod will be
marked complete.


As you learned in one of the previous chapters, the Kubelet doesn’t restart the
container immediately if it crashes multiple times, but adds a delay after each
crash and doubles it after each restart.

Handling failures at the Job level

When the Pod template in a Job manifest sets the Pod’s restartPolicy to
Never, the Kubelet doesn’t restart its containers. Instead, the entire Pod is
marked as failed and the Job controller must create a new Pod. This new Pod
might be scheduled on a different Node.


If the Pod is scheduled to run on a different Node, the container images may
need to be downloaded before the container can run.

If you want to see the Job controller handle the failures in the generate-
responses Job, delete the existing Job and recreate it from the manifest file
job.generate-responses.restartPolicyNever.yaml. In this manifest, the
Pod’s restartPolicy is set to Never.

The Job completes in about a minute or two. If you list the Pods as follows,
you’ll notice that it has now taken more than five Pods to get the job done.
$ kubectl get po -l job-name=generate-responses
generate-responses-2dbrn 0/1 Error 0 2m43s #A
generate-responses-4pckt 0/1 Error 0 2m39s #A
generate-responses-8c8wz 0/1 Completed 0 2m43s #B
generate-responses-bnm4t 0/1 Completed 0 3m10s #B
generate-responses-kn55w 0/1 Completed 0 2m16s #B
generate-responses-t2r67 0/1 Completed 0 3m10s #B
generate-responses-xpbnr 0/1 Completed 0 2m34s #B

You should see five Completed Pods and a few Pods whose status is Error.
The number of those Pods should match the number of successful and failed
Pods when you inspect the Job object using the kubectl describe job
command as follows:
$ kubectl describe job generate-responses
Pods Statuses: 0 Active / 5 Succeeded / 2 Failed


It’s possible that the number of Pods is different in your case. It’s also
possible that the Job isn’t completed. This is explained in the next section.

To conclude this section, delete the generate-responses Job.

Preventing Jobs from failing indefinitely

The two Jobs you created in the previous sections may not have completed
because they failed too many times. When that happens, the Job controller
gives up. Let’s demonstrate this by creating a Job that always fails. You can
find the manifest in the file job.demo-always-fails.yaml. Its contents are
shown in the following listing.

Listing 17.4 A Job that always fails

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: demo-always-fails
completions: 10
parallelism: 3
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: demo
image: busybox
- 'false' #A
When you create the Job in this manifest, the Job controller creates three
Pods. The container in these Pods terminates with a non-zero exit code,
which causes the Kubelet to restart it. After a few restarts, the Job controller
notices that these Pods are failing, so it deletes them and marks the Job as

Unfortunately, you won’t see that the controller has given up if you simply
check the Job status with kubectl get job. When you run this command,
you only see the following:
$ kubectl get job
demo-always-fails 0/10 2m48s 2m48s

The output of the command indicates that the Job has zero completions, but it
doesn’t indicate whether the controller is still trying to complete the Job or
has given up. You can, however, see this in the events associated with the
Job. To see the events, run kubectl describe as follows:
$ kubectl describe job demo-always-fails
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal SuccessfulCreate 5m6s job-controller Created pod: demo-alwa
Normal SuccessfulCreate 5m6s job-controller Created pod: demo-alwa
Normal SuccessfulCreate 5m6s job-controller Created pod: demo-alwa
Normal SuccessfulDelete 4m43s job-controller Deleted pod: demo-alwa
Normal SuccessfulDelete 4m43s job-controller Deleted pod: demo-alwa
Normal SuccessfulDelete 4m43s job-controller Deleted pod: demo-alwa
Warning BackoffLimitExceeded 4m43s job-controller Job has reached the sp

The Warning event at the bottom indicates that the backoff limit of the Job
has been reached, which means that the Job has failed. You can confirm this
by checking the Job status as follows:
$ kubectl get job demo-always-fails -o yaml
- lastProbeTime: "2022-10-02T15:42:39Z"
lastTransitionTime: "2022-10-02T15:42:39Z"
message: Job has reached the specified backoff limit #A
reason: BackoffLimitExceeded #A
status: "True" #B
type: Failed #B
failed: 3
startTime: "2022-10-02T15:42:16Z"
uncountedTerminatedPods: {}

It’s almost impossible to see this, but the Job ended after 6 retries, which is
the default backoff limit. You can set this limit for each Job in the
spec.backoffLimit field in its manifest.

Once a Job exceeds this limit, the Job controller deletes all running Pods and
no longer creates new Pods for it. To restart a failed Job, you must delete and
recreate it.

Limiting the time allowed for a Job to complete

Another way a Job can fail is if it doesn’t finish on time. By default, this time
isn’t limited, but you can set the maximum time using the
activeDeadlineSeconds field in the Job’s spec, as shown in the following
listing (see the manifest file job.demo-deadline.yaml):

Listing 17.5 A Job with a time limit

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: demo-deadline
completions: 2 #A
parallelism: 1 #B
activeDeadlineSeconds: 90 #C
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: demo-suspend
image: busybox
- sleep #D
- "60" #D
From the completions field shown in the listing, you can see that the Job
requires two completions to be completed. Since parallelism is set to 1, the
two Pods run one after the other. Given the sequential execution of these two
Pods and the fact that each Pod needs 60 seconds to complete, the execution
of the entire Job takes just over 120 seconds. However, since
activeDeadlineSeconds for this Job is set to 90, the Job can’t be successful.
The following figure illustrates this scenario.

Figure 17.5 Setting a time limit for a Job

To see this for yourself, create this Job by applying the manifest and wait for
it to fail. When it does, the following Event is generated by the Job
$ kubectl describe job demo-deadline
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning DeadlineExceeded 1m job-controller Job was active longer tha


Remember that the activeDeadlineSeconds in a Job applies to the Job as a

whole, not to the individual Pods created in the context of that Job.
17.1.4 Parameterizing Pods in a Job

Until now, the tasks you performed in each Job were identical to each other.
For example, the Pods in the generate-responses Job all did the same thing:
they inserted a series of responses into the database. But what if you want to
run a series of related tasks that aren’t identical? Maybe you want each Pod to
process only a subset of the data? That’s where the Job’s completionMode
field comes in.

At the time of writing, two completion modes are supported: Indexed and
NonIndexed. The Jobs you created so far in this chapter were NonIndexed, as
this is the default mode. All Pods created by such a Job are indistinguishable
from each other. However, if you set the Job’s completionMode to Indexed,
each Pod is given an index number that you can use to distinguish the Pods.
This allows each Pod to perform only a portion of the entire task. See the
following table for a comparison between the two completion modes.

Table 17.2 Supported Job completion modes

Value Description

The Job is considered complete when the number of

successfully completed Pods created by this Job equals the
value of the spec.completions field in the Job manifest. All
Pods are equal to each other. This is the default mode.

Each Pod is given a completion index (starting at 0) to

distinguish the Pods from each other. The Job is considered
complete when there is one successfully completed Pod for
each index. If a Pod with a particular index fails, the Job
controller creates a new Pod with the same index.
The completion index assigned to each Pod is specified in the
Pod annotation batch.kubernetes.io/job-completion-index
and in the JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX environment variable in the
Pod’s containers.


In the future, Kubernetes may support additional modes for Job processing,
either through the built-in Job controller or through additional controllers.

To better understand these completion modes, you’ll create a Job that reads
the responses in the Quiz database, calculates the number of valid and invalid
responses for each day, and stores those results back in the database. You’ll
do this in two ways, using both completion modes so you understand the

Implementing the aggregation script

As you can imagine, the Quiz database can get very large if many users are
using the application. Therefore, you don’t want a single Pod to process all
the responses, but rather you want each Pod to process only a specific month.

I’ve prepared a script that does this. The Pods will obtain this script from a
ConfigMap. You can find its manifest in the file cm.aggregate-
responses.yaml. The actual code is unimportant, but what is important is
that it accepts two parameters: the year and month to process. The code reads
these parameters via the environment variables YEAR and MONTH, as you can
see in the following listing.

Listing 17.6 The ConfigMap with the MongoDB script for processing Quiz responses

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: aggregate-responses
app: aggregate-responses
script.js: |
var year = parseInt(process.env["YEAR"]); #A
var month = parseInt(process.env["MONTH"]); #A

Apply this ConfigMap manifest to your cluster with the following command:
$ kubectl apply -f cm.aggregate-responses.yaml
configmap/aggregate-responses created

Now imagine you want to calculate the totals for each month of 2020. Since
the script only processes a single month, you need 12 Pods to process the
whole year. How should you create the Job to generate these Pods, since you
need to pass a different month to each Pod?

The NonIndexed completion mode

Before completionMode support was added to the Job resource, all Jobs
operated in the so called NonIndexed mode. The problem with this mode is
that all generated Pods are identical.

Figure 17.6 Jobs using the NonIndexed completionMode spawn identical Pods

So, if you use this completion mode, you can’t pass a different MONTH value to
each Pod. You must create a separate Job object for each month. This way,
each Job can set the MONTH environment variable in the Pod template to a
different value, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 17.7 Creating similar Jobs from a template

To create these different Jobs, you need to create separate Job manifests. You
can do this manually or using an external templating system. Kubernetes
itself doesn’t provide any functionality for creating Jobs from templates.

Let’s return to our example with the aggregate-responses Job. To process

the entire year 2020, you need to create twelve Job manifests. You could use
a full-blown template engine for this, but you can also do it with a relatively
simple shell command.

First you must create the template. You can find it in the file job.aggregate-
responses-2020.tmpl.yaml. The following listing shows how it looks.

Listing 17.7 A template for creating Job manifests for the aggregate-responses Job

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: aggregate-responses-2020-__MONTH__ #A
completionMode: NonIndexed
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: updater
image: mongo:5
- name: YEAR
value: "2020"
- name: MONTH
value: "__MONTH__" #B

If you use Bash, you can create the manifests from this template and apply
them directly to the cluster with the following command:
$ for month in {1..12}; do \ #A
sed -e "s/__MONTH__/$month/g" job.aggregate-responses-2020.tmpl.yaml \
| kubectl apply -f - ; \ #C
job.batch/aggregate-responses-2020-1 created #D
job.batch/aggregate-responses-2020-2 created #D
... #D
job.batch/aggregate-responses-2020-12 created #D

This command uses a for loop to render the template twelve times. Rendering
the template simply means replacing the string __MONTH__ in the template
with the actual month number. The resulting manifest is applied to the cluster
using kubectl apply.


If you want to run this example but don’t use Linux, you can use the
manifests I created for you. Use the following command to apply them to
your cluster: kubectl apply -f job.aggregate-responses-

The twelve Jobs you just created are now running in your cluster. Each Job
creates a single Pod that processes a specific month. To see the generated
statistics, use the following command:
$ kubectl exec quiz-0 -c mongo -- mongosh kiada --quiet --eval 'db.statistic
{ #A
_id: ISODate("2020-02-28T00:00:00.000Z"), #A
totalCount: 120, #A
correctCount: 25, #A
incorrectCount: 95 #A
}, #A

If all twelve Jobs processed their respective months, you should see many
entries like the one shown here. You can now delete all twelve aggregate-
responses Jobs as follows:

$ kubectl delete jobs -l app=aggregate-responses

In this example, the parameter passed to each Job was a simple integer, but
the real advantage of this approach is that you can pass any value or set of
values to each Job and its Pod. The disadvantage, of course, is that you end
up with more than one Job, which means more work compared to managing a
single Job object. And if you create those Job objects at the same time, they
will all run at the same time. That’s why creating a single Job using the
Indexed completion mode is the better option, as you’ll see next.

Introducing the Indexed completion mode

As mentioned earlier, when a Job is configured with the Indexed completion

mode, each Pod is assigned a completion index (starting at 0) that
distinguishes the Pod from the other Pods in the same Job, as shown in the
following figure.

Figure 17.8 Pods spawned by a Job with the Indexed completion mode each get their own index
The number of Pods is determined by the completions field in the Job’s
spec. The Job is considered completed when there is one successfully
completed Pod for each index.

The following listing shows a Job manifest that uses the Indexed completion
mode to run twelve Pods, one for each month. Note that the MONTH
environment variable isn’t set. This is because the script, as you’ll see later,
uses the completion index to determine the month to process.

Listing 17.8 A Job manifest using the Indexed completionMode

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: aggregate-responses-2021
app: aggregate-responses
year: "2021"
completionMode: Indexed #A
completions: 12 #B
parallelism: 3 #C
app: aggregate-responses
year: "2021"
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: updater
image: mongo:5
- name: YEAR #D
value: "2021" #D
- mongosh
- mongodb+srv://quiz-pods.kiada.svc.cluster.local/kiada?tls=false
- --quiet
- --file
- /script.js
- name: script
subPath: script.js
mountPath: /script.js
- name: script
configMap: #E
name: aggregate-responses-indexed #E

In the listing, the completionMode is Indexed and the number of

completions is 12, as you might expect. To run three Pods in parallel,
parallelism is set to 3.

The JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX environment variable

Unlike in the aggregate-responses-2020 example, in which you passed in

both the YEAR and MONTH environment variables, here you pass in only the
YEAR variable. To determine which month the Pod should process, the script
looks up the environment variable JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX, as shown in the
following listing.

Listing 17.9 Using the JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX environment variable in your code

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: aggregate-responses-indexed
app: aggregate-responses-indexed
script.js: |
var year = parseInt(process.env["YEAR"]);
var month = parseInt(process.env["JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX"]) + 1; #A

This environment variable isn’t specified in the Pod template but is added to
each Pod by the Job controller. The workload running in the Pod can use this
variable to determine which part of a dataset to process.

In the aggregate-responses example, the value of the variable represents the

month number. However, because the environment variable is zero-based, the
script must increment the value by 1 to get the month.

The job-completion-index annotation

In addition to setting the environment variable, the Job controller also sets the
job completion index in the batch.kubernetes.io/job-completion-index
annotation of the Pod. Instead of using the JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX
environment variable, you can pass the index via any environment variable
by using the Downward API, as explained in chapter 9. For example, to pass
the value of this annotation to the MONTH environment variable, the env entry
in the Pod template would look like this:
- name: MONTH #A
valueFrom: #B
fieldRef: #B
fieldPath: metadata.annotations['batch.kubernetes.io/job-completion-in

You might think that with this approach you could just use the same script as
in the aggregate-responses-2020 example, but that’s not the case. Since
you can’t do math when using the Downward API, you’d have to modify the
script to properly handle the MONTH environment variable, which starts at 0
instead of 1.

Running an Indexed Job

To run this indexed variant of the aggregate-responses Job, apply the

manifest file job.aggregate-responses-2021-indexed.yaml. You can then
track the created Pods by running the following command:
$ kubectl get pods -l job-name=aggregate-responses-2021
aggregate-responses-2021-0-kptfr 1/1 Running 0 24s #A
aggregate-responses-2021-1-r4vfq 1/1 Running 0 24s #B
aggregate-responses-2021-2-snz4m 1/1 Running 0 24s #C

Did you notice that the Pod names contain the job completion index? The Job
name is aggregate-responses-2021, but the Pod names are in the form
aggregate-responses-2021-<index>-<random string>.


The completion index also appears in the Pod hostname. The hostname is of
the form <job-name>-<index>. This facilitates communication between Pods
of an indexed Job, as you’ll see in a later section.

Now check the Job status with the following command:

$ kubectl get jobs
aggregate-responses-2021 7/12 2m17s 2m17s

Unlike the example where you used multiple Jobs with the NonIndexed
completion mode, all the work is done with a single Job object, which makes
things much more manageable. Although there are still twelve Pods, you
don’t have to care about them unless the Job fails. When you see that the Job
is completed, you can be sure that the task is done, and you can delete the Job
to clean everything up.

Using the job completion index in more advanced use-cases

In the previous example, the code in the workload used the job completion
index directly as input. But what about tasks where the input isn’t a simple

For example, imagine a container image that accepts an input file and
processes it in some way. It expects the file to be in a certain location and
have a certain name. Suppose the file is called /var/input/file.bin. You
want to use this image to process 1000 files. Can you do that with an indexed
job without changing the code in the image?

Yes, you can! By adding an init container and a volume to the Pod template.
You create a Job with completionMode set to Indexed and completions set
to 1000. In the Job’s Pod template, you add two containers and a volume that
is shared by these two containers. One container runs the image that
processes the file. Let’s call this the main container. The other container is an
init container that reads the completion index from the environment variable
and prepares the input file on the shared volume.

If the thousand files you need to process are on a network volume, you can
also mount that volume in the Pod and have the init container create a
symbolic link named file.bin in the Pod’s shared internal volume to one of
the files in the network volume. The init container must make sure that each
completion index corresponds to a different file in the network volume.

If the internal volume is mounted in the main container at /var/input, the

main container can process the file without knowing anything about the
completion index or the fact that there are a thousand files being processed.
The following figure shows how all this would look.

Figure 17.9 An init container providing the input file to the main container based on the job
completion index
As you can see, even though an indexed Job provides only a simple integer to
each Pod, there is a way to use that integer to prepare much more complex
input data for the workload. All you need is an init container that transforms
the integer into this input data.

17.1.5 Running Jobs with a work queue

The Jobs in the previous section were assigned static work. However, often
the work to be performed is assigned dynamically using a work queue.
Instead of specifying the input data in the Job itself, the Pod retrieves that
data from the queue. In this section, you’ll learn two methods for processing
a work queue in a Job.

The previous paragraph may have given the impression that Kubernetes itself
provides some kind of queue-based processing, but that isn’t the case. When
we talk about Jobs that use a queue, the queue and the component that
retrieves the work items from that queue need to be implemented in your
containers. Then you create a Job that runs those containers in one or more
Pods. To learn how to do this, you’ll now implement another variant of the
aggregate-responses Job. This one uses a queue as the source of the work
to be executed.

There are two ways to process a work queue: coarse or fine. The following
figure illustrates the difference between these two methods.

Figure 17.10 The difference between coarse and fine parallel processing
In coarse parallel processing, each Pod takes an item from the queue,
processes it, and then terminates. Therefore, you end up with one Pod per
work item. In contrast, in fine parallel processing, typically only a handful of
Pods are created and each Pod processes multiple work items. They all work
in parallel until the entire queue is processed. In both methods, you can run as
many Pods in parallel as you want, if your cluster can accommodate them.

Creating the work queue

The Job you’ll create for this exercise will process the Quiz responses from
2022. Before you create this Job, you must first set up the work queue. To
keep things simple, you implement the queue in the existing MongoDB
database. To create the queue, you run the following command:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz-0 -c mongo -- mongosh kiada --eval '
{_id: "2022-01", year: 2022, month: 1},
{_id: "2022-02", year: 2022, month: 2},
{_id: "2022-03", year: 2022, month: 3},
{_id: "2022-04", year: 2022, month: 4},
{_id: "2022-05", year: 2022, month: 5},
{_id: "2022-06", year: 2022, month: 6},
{_id: "2022-07", year: 2022, month: 7},
{_id: "2022-08", year: 2022, month: 8},
{_id: "2022-09", year: 2022, month: 9},
{_id: "2022-10", year: 2022, month: 10},
{_id: "2022-11", year: 2022, month: 11},
{_id: "2022-12", year: 2022, month: 12}])'


This command assumes that quiz-0 is the primary MongoDB replica. If the
command fails with the error message “not primary”, try running the
command in all three Pods, or you can ask MongoDB which of the three is
the primary replica with the following command: kubectl exec quiz-0 -c
mongo -– mongosh –-eval 'rs.hello().primary'.

The command inserts 12 work items into the MongoDB collection named
monthsToProcess. Each work item represents a particular month that needs
to be processed.

Processing a work queue using coarse parallel processing

Let’s start with an example of coarse parallel processing, where each Pod
processes only a single work item. You can find the Job manifest in the file
job.aggregate-responses-queue-coarse.yaml and is shown in the
following listing.

Listing 17.10 Processing a work queue using coarse parallel processing

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: aggregate-responses-queue-coarse
completions: 6 #A
parallelism: 3 #B
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: processor
image: mongo:5
- mongosh #C
- mongodb+srv://quiz-pods.kiada.svc.cluster.local/kiada?tls=false
- --quiet #C
- --file #C
- /script.js #C
volumeMounts: #D
- name: script #D
subPath: script.js #D
mountPath: /script.js #D
volumes: #D
- name: script #D
configMap: #D
name: aggregate-responses-queue-coarse #D

The Job creates Pods that run a script in MongoDB that takes a single item
from the queue and processes it. Note that completions is 6, meaning that
this Job only processes 6 of the 12 items you added to the queue. The reason
for this is that I want to leave a few items for the fine parallel processing
example that comes after this one.

The parallelism setting for this Job is 3, which means that three work items
are processed in parallel by three different Pods.

The script that each Pod executes is defined in the aggregate-responses-

queue-coarse ConfigMap. The manifest for this ConfigMap is in the same
file as the Job manifest. A rough outline of the script can be seen in the
following listing.

Listing 17.11 A MongoDB script processing a single work item

print("Fetching one work item from queue...");

var workItem = db.monthsToProcess.findOneAndDelete({}); #A
if (workItem == null) { #B
print("No work item found. Processing is complete."); #B
quit(0); #B
} #B

print("Found work item:"); #C

print(" Year: " + workItem.year); #C
print(" Month: " + workItem.month); #C

var year = parseInt(workItem.year); #C

var month = parseInt(workItem.month) + 1; #C
// code that processes the item #C

print("Done."); #D
quit(0); #D

The script takes an item from the work queue. As you know, each item
represents a single month. The script performs an aggregation query on the
Quiz responses for that month that calculates the number of correct, incorrect,
and total responses, and stores the result back in MongoDB.

To run the Job, apply job.aggregate-responses-queue-coarse.yaml with

kubectl apply and observe the status of the Job with kubectl get jobs.
You can also check the Pods to make sure that three Pods are running in
parallel, and that the total number of Pods is six after the Job is complete.

If all goes well, your work queue should now only contain the 6 months that
haven’t been processed by the Job. You can confirm this by running the
following command:
$ kubectl exec quiz-0 -c mongo -- mongosh kiada --quiet --eval 'db.monthsToP
{ _id: '2022-07', year: 2022, month: 7 },
{ _id: '2022-08', year: 2022, month: 8 },
{ _id: '2022-09', year: 2022, month: 9 },
{ _id: '2022-10', year: 2022, month: 10 },
{ _id: '2022-11', year: 2022, month: 11 },
{ _id: '2022-12', year: 2022, month: 12 }

You can check the logs of the six Pods to see if they have processed the exact
months for which the items were removed from the queue. You’ll process the
remaining items with fine parallel processing. Before you continue, please
delete the aggregate-responses-queue-coarse Job with kubectl delete.
This also removes the six Pods.

Processing a work queue using fine parallel processing

In fine parallel processing, each Pod handles multiple work items. It takes an
item from the queue, processes it, takes the next item, and repeats this
process until there are no items left in the queue. As before, multiple Pods
can work in parallel.

The Job manifest is in the file job.aggregate-responses-queue-fine.yaml.

The Pod template is virtually the same as in the previous example, but it
doesn’t contain the completions field, as you can see in the following listing.

Listing 17.12 Processing a work queue using the fine parallel processing approach

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: aggregate-responses-queue-fine
parallelism: 3 #A

A Job that uses fine parallel processing doesn’t set the completions field
because a single successful completion indicates that all the items in the
queue have been processed. This is because the Pod terminates with success
when it has processed the last work item.

You may wonder what happens if some Pods are still processing their items
when another Pod reports success. Fortunately, the Job controller lets the
other Pods finish their work. It doesn’t kill them.

As before, the manifest file also contains a ConfigMap that contains the
MongoDB script. Unlike the previous script, this script processes one work
item after the other until the queue is empty, as shown in the following
Listing 17.13 A MongoDB script that processes the entire queue

print("Processing quiz responses - queue - all work items");

print("Fetching work items from queue...");

while (true) { #A
var workItem = db.monthsToProcess.findOneAndDelete({}); #B
if (workItem == null) { #C
print("No work item found. Processing is complete."); #C
quit(0); #C
} #C
print("Found work item:"); #D
print(" Year: " + workItem.year); #D
print(" Month: " + workItem.month); #D
// process the item #D
... #D

print("Done processing item."); #E

print("------------------"); #E
print(); #E
} #E

To run this Job, apply the manifest file job.aggregate-responses-queue-

fine.yaml. You should see three Pods associated with it. When they finish
processing the items in the queue, their containers terminate, and the Pods
show as Completed:
$ kubectl get pods -l job-name=aggregate-responses-queue-fine
aggregate-responses-queue-fine-9slkl 0/1 Completed 0 4m21s
aggregate-responses-queue-fine-hxqbw 0/1 Completed 0 4m21s
aggregate-responses-queue-fine-szqks 0/1 Completed 0 4m21s

The status of the Job also indicates that all three Pods have completed:
$ kubectl get jobs
aggregate-responses-queue-fine 3/1 of 3 3m19s 5m34s

The last thing you need to do is check if the work queue is actually empty.
You can do that with the following command:
$ kubectl exec quiz-1 -c mongo -- mongosh kiada --quiet --eval 'db.monthsToP
0 #A

As you can see, the queue is zero, so the Job is completed.

Continuous processing of work queues

To conclude this section on Jobs with work queues, let’s see what happens
when you add items to the queue after the Job is complete. Add a work item
for January 2023 as follows:
$ kubectl exec -it quiz-0 -c mongo -- mongosh kiada --quiet --eval 'db.month
{ acknowledged: true, insertedId: '2023-01' }

Do you think the Job will create another Pod to handle this work item? The
answer is obvious when you consider that Kubernetes doesn’t know anything
about the queue, as I explained earlier. Only the containers running in the
Pods know about the existence of the queue. So, of course, if you add a new
item after the Job finishes, it won’t be processed unless you recreate the Job.

Remember that Jobs are designed to run tasks to completion, not

continuously. To implement a worker Pod that continuously monitors a
queue, you should run the Pod with a Deployment instead. However, if you
want to run the Job at regular intervals rather than continuously, you can also
use a CronJob, as explained in the second part of this chapter.

17.1.6 Communication between Job Pods

Most Pods running in the context of a Job run independently, unaware of the
other Pods running in the same context. However, some tasks require that
these Pods communicate with each other.

In most cases, each Pod needs to communicate with a specific Pod or with all
its peers, not just with a random Pod in the group. Fortunately, it’s trivial to
enable this kind of communication. You only have to do three things:

Set the completionMode of the Job to Indexed.

Create a headless Service.
Configure this Service as a subdomain in the Pod template.

Let me explain this with an example.

Creating the headless Service manifest

Let’s first look at how the headless Service must be configured. Its manifest
is shown in the following listing.

Listing 17.14 Headless Service for communication between Job Pods

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: demo-service
clusterIP: none #A
job-name: comm-demo #B
- name: http
port: 80

As you learned in chapter 11, you must set clusterIP to none to make the
Service headless. You also need to make sure that the label selector matches
the Pods that the Job creates. The easiest way to do this is to use the job-
name label in the selector. You learned at the beginning of this chapter that
this label is automatically added to the Pods. The value of the label is set to
the name of the Job object, so you need to make sure that the value you use in
the selector matches the Job name.

Creating the Job manifest

Now let’s see how the Job manifest must be configured. Examine the
following listing.

Listing 17.15 A Job manifest enabling pod-to-pod communication

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: comm-demo #A
completionMode: Indexed #B
completions: 2 #C
parallelism: 2 #C
subdomain: demo-service #D
restartPolicy: Never
- name: comm-demo
image: busybox
command: #E
- sleep #E
- "600" #E

As mentioned earlier, the completion mode must be set to Indexed. This Job
is configured to run two Pods in parallel so you can experiment with them. In
order for the Pods to find each other via DNS, you need to set their
subdomain to the name of the headless Service.

You can find both the Job and the Service manifest in the job.comm-
demo.yaml file. Create the two objects by applying the file and then list the
Pods as follows:
$ kubectl get pods -l job-name=comm-demo
comm-demo-0-mrvlp 1/1 Running 0 34s
comm-demo-1-kvpb4 1/1 Running 0 34s

Note the names of the two Pods. You need them to execute commands in
their containers.

Connecting to Pods from other Pods

Check the hostname of the first Pod with the following command. Use the
name of your Pod.
$ kubectl exec comm-demo-0-mrvlp -- hostname -f
The second Pod can communicate with the first Pod at this address. To
confirm this, try pinging the first Pod from the second Pod using the
following command (this time, pass the name of your second Pod to the
kubectl exec command):

$ kubectl exec comm-demo-1-kvpb4 -- ping comm-demo-0.demo-service.kiada.svc.

PING comm-demo-0.demo-service.kiada.svc.cluster.local ( 56 data
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=63 time=0.060 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.062 ms

As you can see, the second Pod can communicate with the first Pod without
knowing its exact name, which is known to be random. A pod running in the
context of a Job can determine the names of its peers according to the
following pattern:

But you can simplify the address even further. As you may recall, when
resolving DNS records for objects in the same Namespace, you don’t have to
use the fully qualified domain name. You can omit the Namespace and the
cluster domain suffix. So the second Pod can connect to the first Pod using
the address comm-demo-0.demo-service, as shown in the following example:
$ kubectl exec comm-demo-1-kvpb4 -- ping comm-demo-0.demo-service
PING comm-demo-0.demo-service ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=63 time=0.040 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.067 ms

As long as the Pods know how many Pods belong to the same Job (in other
words, what the value of the completions field is), they can easily find all
their peers via DNS. They don’t need to ask the Kubernetes API server for
their names or IP addresses.

This concludes the first part of this chapter. Please delete any remaining Jobs
before continuing.
17.2 Scheduling Jobs with CronJobs
When you create a Job object, it starts executing immediately. Although you
can create the Job in a suspended state and later un-suspend it, you cannot
configure it to run at a specific time. To achieve this, you can wrap the Job in
a CronJob object.

In the CronJob object you specify a Job template and a schedule. According
to this schedule, the CronJob controller creates a new Job object from the
template. You can set the schedule to do this several times a day, at a specific
time of day, or on specific days of the week or month. The controller will
continue to create Jobs according to the schedule until you delete the CronJob
object. The following figure illustrates how a CronJob works.

Figure 17.11 The operation of a CronJob

As you can see in the figure, each time the CronJob controller creates a Job,
the Job controller subsequently creates the Pod(s), just like when you
manually create the Job object. Let’s see this process in action.

17.2.1 Creating a CronJob

The following listing shows a CronJob manifest that runs a Job every minute.
This Job aggregates the Quiz responses received today and updates the daily
quiz statistics. You can find the manifest in the cj.aggregate-responses-
every-minute.yaml file.

Listing 17.16 A CronJob that runs a Job every minute

apiVersion: batch/v1 #A
kind: CronJob #A
name: aggregate-responses-every-minute
schedule: "* * * * *" #B
jobTemplate: #C
metadata: #C
labels: #C
app: aggregate-responses-today #C
spec: #C
template: #C
metadata: #C
labels: #C
app: aggregate-responses-today #C
spec: #C
restartPolicy: OnFailure #C
containers: #C
- name: updater #C
image: mongo:5 #C
command: #C
- mongosh #C
- mongodb+srv://quiz-pods.kiada.svc.cluster.local/kiada?tls=fals
- --quiet #C
- --file #C
- /script.js #C
volumeMounts: #C
- name: script #C
subPath: script.js #C
mountPath: /script.js #C
volumes: #C
- name: script #C
configMap: #C
name: aggregate-responses-today #C

As you can see in the listing, a CronJob is just a thin wrapper around a Job.
There are only two parts in the CronJob spec: the schedule and the
jobTemplate. You learned how to write a Job manifest in the previous
sections, so that part should be clear. If you know the crontab format, you
should also understand how the schedule field works. If not, I explain it in
section 17.2.2. First, let’s create the CronJob object from the manifest and see
it in action.

Running a CronJob

Apply the manifest file to create the CronJob. Use the kubectl get cj
command to check the object:
$ kubectl get cj
aggregate-responses-every-minute * * * * * False 0 <none>


The shorthand for CronJob is cj.


When you list CronJobs with the -o wide option, the command also shows
the container names and images used in the Pod, so you can easily see what
the CronJob does.

The command output shows the list of CronJobs in the current Namespace.
For each CronJob, the name, schedule, whether the CronJob is suspended, the
number of currently active Jobs, the last time a Job was scheduled, and the
age of the object are displayed.

As indicated by the information in the columns ACTIVE and LAST SCHEDULE,

no Job has yet been created for this CronJob. The CronJob is configured to
create a new Job every minute. The first Job is created when the next minute
starts, and the output of the kubectl get cj command then looks like this:
$ kubectl get cj
aggregate-responses-every-minute * * * * * False 1 2s

The command output now shows an active Job that was created 2 seconds
ago. Unlike the Job controller, which adds the job-name label to the Pods so
you can easily list Pods associated with a Job, the CronJob controller doesn’t
add labels to the Job. So, if you want to list Jobs created by a specific
CronJob, you need to add your own labels to the Job template.

In the manifest for the aggregate-responses-every-minute CronJob, you

added the label “app: aggregate-responses-today” to both the Job
template and the Pod template within that Job template. This allows you to
easily list the Jobs and Pods associated with this CronJob. List the associated
Jobs as follows:
$ kubectl get jobs -l app=aggregate-responses-today
aggregate-responses-every-minute-27755219 1/1 36s 37s

The CronJob has created only one Job so far. As you can see, the Job name is
generated from the CronJob name. The number at the end of the name is the
scheduled time of the Job in Unix Epoch Time, converted to minutes.

When the CronJob controller creates the Job object, the Job controller creates
one or more Pods, depending on the Job template. To list the Pods, you use
the same label selector as before. The command looks like this:
$ kubectl get pods -l app=aggregate-responses-today
aggregate-responses-every-minute-27755219-4sl97 0/1 Completed 0

The status shows that this Pod has completed successfully, but you already
knew that from the Job status.

Inspecting the CronJob status in detail

The kubectl get cronjobs command only shows the number of currently
active Jobs and when the last Job was scheduled. Unfortunately, it doesn’t
show whether the last Job was successful. To get this information, you can
either list the Jobs directly or check the CronJob status in YAML form as
$ kubectl get cj aggregate-responses-every-minute -o yaml
active: #A
- apiVersion: batch/v1 #A
kind: Job #A
name: aggregate-responses-every-minute-27755221 #A
namespace: kiada #A
resourceVersion: "5299" #A
uid: 430a0064-098f-4b46-b1af-eaa690597353 #A
lastScheduleTime: "2022-10-09T11:01:00Z" #B
lastSuccessfulTime: "2022-10-09T11:00:41Z" #C

As you can see, the status section of a CronJob object shows a list with
references to the currently running Jobs (field active), the last time the Job
was scheduled (field lastScheduleTime), and the last time the Job completed
successfully (field lastSuccessfulTime). From the last two fields you can
deduce whether the last run was successful.

Inspecting Events associated with a CronJob

To see the full details of a CronJob and all Events associated with the object,
use the kubectl describe command as follows:
$ kubectl describe cj aggregate-responses-every-minute
Name: aggregate-responses-every-minute
Namespace: kiada
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Schedule: * * * * *
Concurrency Policy: Allow
Suspend: False
Successful Job History Limit: 3
Failed Job History Limit: 1
Starting Deadline Seconds: <unset>
Selector: <unset>
Parallelism: <unset>
Completions: <unset>
Pod Template:
Last Schedule Time: Sun, 09 Oct 2022 11:01:00 +0200
Active Jobs: aggregate-responses-every-minute-27755221
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal SuccessfulCreate 98s cronjob-controller Created job aggregate-
Normal SawCompletedJob 41s cronjob-controller Saw completed job: agg
status: Complete

As can be seen in the command output, the CronJob controller generates a

SuccessfulCreate Event when it creates a Job, and a SawCompletedJob
Event when the Job completes.

17.2.2 Configuring the schedule

The schedule in the CronJob spec is written in crontab format. If you’re not
familiar with the this syntax, you can find tutorials and explanations online,
but the following section is meant as a short introduction.

Understanding the crontab format

A schedule in crontab format consists of five fields and looks as follows:

From left to right, the fields are the minute, hour, day of the month, month,
and day of the week when the schedule should be triggered. In the example,
an asterisk (*) appears in each field, meaning that each field matches any

If you’ve never seen a cron schedule before, it may not be obvious that the
schedule in this example triggers every minute. But don’t worry, this will
become clear to you as you learn what values to use instead of asterisks and
as you see other examples. In each field, you can specify a specific value,
range of values, or group of values instead of the asterisk, as explained in the
following table.

Table 17.3 Understanding the patterns in a CronJob’s schedule field

Value Description

A single value. For example, if the value 5 is used in the Month

field, the schedule will trigger if the current month is May.

In the Month and Day of week fields, you can use three-letter
names instead of numeric values.

A range of values. The specified range includes both limits. For

the Month field, 1-5 corresponds to JAN-MAY, in which case the
schedule triggers if the current month is between January and May

A list of numbers or ranges. In the Month field, 1,2,5-8 stands for

January, February, May, June, July, and August.

Matches the entire range of values. For example, * in the Month

field is equivalent to 1-12 or JAN-DEC.

Every Nth value, starting with the first value. For example, if */3
is used in the Month field, it means that every third month is
included in the schedule, while the others aren’t. A CronJob using
this schedule will be executed in January, April, July, and October.

Every Nth value, starting with the specified value. In the Month
field, 5/2 causes the schedule to trigger every other month, starting
in May. In other words, this schedule is triggered if the month is
May, July, September, or November.
The /N pattern can also be applied to ranges. In the Month field, 3-
10/2 indicates that between March and October, only every other
3-10/2 month is included in the schedule. Thus, the schedule includes the
months of March, May, July, and September.

Of course, these values can appear in different time fields and together they
define the exact times at which this schedule is triggered. The following table
shows examples of different schedules and their explanations.

Table 17.4 Cron examples

Schedule Explanation

Every minute (at every minute of every hour, regardless of

* * * * *
month, day of the month, or day of the week).

15 * * * * Fifteen minutes after every hour.

0 0 * 1-3 * Every day at midnight, but only from January to March.

Every five minutes between 18:00 (6 PM) and 18:59 (6:59

*/5 18 * * *

* * 7 5 * Every minute on May 7.

0,30 3 7 5 * At 3:00AM and 3:30AM on May 7.

0 0 * * 1-5 At 0:00 AM every weekday (Monday through Friday).


A CronJob creates a new Job when all fields in the crontab match the current
date and time, except for the Day of month and Day of week fields. The
CronJob will run if either of these fields match. You might expect the
schedule “* * 13 * 5” to only trigger on Friday the 13th, but it’ll trigger on
every 13th of the Month as well as every Friday.

Fortunately, simple schedules don’t have to be specified this way. Instead,

you can use one of the following special values:

@hourly, to run the Job every hour (at the top of the hour),
@daily, to run it every day at midnight,
@weekly, to run it every Sunday at midnight,
@monthly, to run it at 0:00 on the first day of each month,
@yearly or @annually to run it at 0:00 on January 1st of each year.

Setting the Time Zone to use for scheduling

The CronJob controller, like most other controllers in Kubernetes, runs

within the Controller Manager component of the Kubernetes Control Plane.
By default, the CronJob controller schedules CronJobs based on the time
zone used by the Controller Manager. This can cause your CronJobs to run at
times you didn’t intend, especially if the Control Plane is running in another
location that uses a different time zone.

By default, the time zone isn’t specified. However, you can specify it using
the timeZone field in the spec section of the CronJob manifest. For example,
if you want your CronJob to run Jobs at 3 AM Central European Time (CET
time zone), the CronJob manifest should look like the following listing:

Listing 17.17 Setting a time zone for the CronJob schedule

apiVersion: batch/v1 #A
kind: CronJob #A
name: runs-at-3am-cet
schedule: "0 3 * * *" #A
timeZone: CET #A

17.2.3 Suspending and resuming a CronJob

Just as you can suspend a Job, you can suspend a CronJob. At the time of
writing, there is no specific kubectl command to suspend a CronJob, so you
must do so using the kubectl patch command as follows:
$ kubectl patch cj aggregate-responses-every-minute -p '{"spec":{"suspend":
cronjob.batch/aggregate-responses-every-minute patched

While a CronJob is suspended, the controller doesn’t start any new Jobs for
it, but allows all Jobs already running to finish, as the following output
$ kubectl get cj
aggregate-responses-every-minute * * * * * True 1 19s

The output shows that the CronJob is suspended, but that a Job is still active.
When that Job is finished, no new Jobs will be created until you resume the
CronJob. You can do this as follows:
$ kubectl patch cj aggregate-responses-every-minute -p '{"spec":{"suspend":
cronjob.batch/aggregate-responses-every-minute patched

As with Jobs, you can create CronJobs in a suspended state and resume them

17.2.4 Automatically removing finished Jobs

Your aggregate-responses-every-minute CronJob has been active for
several minutes, so several Job objects have been created in that time. In my
case, the CronJob has been in existence for over ten minutes, which means
that more than ten Jobs have been created. However, when I list the Jobs, I
see only see four, as you can see in the following output:
$ kubectl get job -l app=aggregate-responses-today
aggregate-responses-every-minute-27755408 1/1 57s 3m5s
aggregate-responses-every-minute-27755409 1/1 61s 2m5s
aggregate-responses-every-minute-27755410 1/1 53s 65s
aggregate-responses-every-minute-27755411 0/1 5s 5s #

Why don’t I see more Jobs? This is because the CronJob controller
automatically deletes completed Jobs. However, not all of them are deleted.
In the CronJob’s spec, you can use the fields successfulJobsHistoryLimit
and failedJobsHistoryLimit to specify how many successful and failed
Jobs to keep. By default, CronJobs keeps 3 successful and 1 failed Job. The
Pods associated with each kept Job are also preserved, so you can view their

As an exercise, you can try setting the successfulJobsHistoryLimit in the

aggregate-responses-every-minute CronJob to 1. You can do that by
modifying the existing CronJob object with the kubectl edit command.
After you have updated the CronJob, list the Jobs again to verify that all but
one Job has been deleted.

17.2.5 Setting a start deadline

The CronJob controller creates the Job objects at approximately the
scheduled time. If the cluster is working normally, there is at most a delay of
a few seconds. However, if the cluster’s Control Plane is overloaded or if the
Controller Manager component running the CronJob controller is offline, this
delay may be longer.

If it’s crucial that the Job shouldn’t start too far after its scheduled time, you
can set a deadline in the startingDeadlineSeconds field, as shown in the
following listing.

Listing 17.18 Specifying a starting deadline in a CronJob

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
schedule: "* * * * *"
startingDeadlineSeconds: 30 #A

If the CronJob controller can’t create the Job within 30 seconds of the
scheduled time, it won’t create it. Instead, a MissSchedule event will be
generated to inform you why the Job wasn’t created.

What happens when the CronJob controller is offline for a long time

If the startingDeadlineSeconds field isn’t set and the CronJob controller is

offline for an extended period of time, undesirable behavior may occur when
the controller comes back online. This is because the controller will
immediately create all the Jobs that should have been created while it was

However, this will only happen if the number of missing jobs is less than
100. If the controller detects that more than 100 Jobs were missed, it doesn’t
create any Jobs. Instead, it generates a TooManyMissedTimes event. By setting
the start deadline, you can prevent this from happening.

17.2.6 Handling Job concurrency

The aggregate-responses-every-minute CronJob creates a new Job every
minute. What happens if a Job run takes longer than one minute? Does the
CronJob controller create another Job even if the previous Job is still

Yes! If you keep an eye on the CronJob status, you may eventually see the
following status:
$ kubectl get cj
aggregate-responses-every-minute * * * * * True 2 5s

The ACTIVE column indicates that two Jobs are active at the same time. By
default, the CronJob controller creates new Jobs regardless of how many
previous Jobs are still active. However, you can change this behavior by
setting the concurrencyPolicy in the CronJob spec. The following figure
shows the three supported concurrency policies.

Figure 17.12 Comparing the behavior of the three CronJob concurrency policies

For easier reference, the supported concurrency policies are also explained in
the following table.

Table 17.5 Supported concurrency policies

Value Description
Multiple Jobs are allowed to run at the same time. This is the
Allow default setting.

Concurrent runs are prohibited. If the previous run is still active

Forbid when a new run is to be scheduled, the CronJob controller records
a JobAlreadyActive event and skips creating a new Job.

The active Job is canceled and replaced by a new one. The

CronJob controller cancels the active Job by deleting the Job
Replace object. The Job controller then deletes the Pods, but they’re
allowed to terminate gracefully. This means that two Jobs are still
running at the same time, but one of them is being terminated.

If you want to see how the concurrency policy affects the execution of
CronJob, you can try deploying the CronJobs in the following manifest files:


17.2.7 Deleting a CronJob and its Jobs

To temporarily suspend a CronJob, you can suspend it as described in one of

the previous sections. If you want to cancel a CronJob completely, delete the
CronJob object as follows:
$ kubectl delete cj aggregate-responses-every-minute
cronjob.batch "aggregate-responses-every-minute" deleted

When you delete the CronJob, all the Jobs it created will also be deleted.
When they’re deleted, the Pods are deleted as well, which causes their
containers to shut down gracefully.

Deleting the CronJob while preserving the Jobs and their Pods
If you want to delete the CronJob but keep the Jobs and the underlying Pods,
you should use the --cascade=orphan option when deleting the CronJob, as
in the following example:
$ kubectl delete cj aggregate-responses-every-minute --cascade=orphan


If you delete a CronJob with the option –-cascade=orphan while a Job is

active, the active Job will be preserved and allowed to complete the task it’s

17.3 Summary
In this chapter, you learned about Jobs and CronJobs. You learned that:

A Job object is used to run workloads that execute a task to completion

instead of running indefinitely.
Running a task with the Job object ensures that the Pod running the task
is rescheduled in the event of a node failure.
A Job can be configured to repeat the same task several times if you set
the completions field. You can specify the number of tasks that are
executed in parallel using the parallelism field.
When a container running a task fails, the failure is handled either at the
Pod level by the Kubelet or at the Job level by the Job controller.
By default, the Pods created by a Job are identical unless you set the
Job's completionMode to Indexed. In that case, each Pod gets its own
completion index. This index allows each Pod to process only a certain
portion of the data.
You can use a work queue in a Job, but you must provide your own
queue and implement work item retrieval in your container.
Pods running in a Job can communicate with each other, but you need to
define a headless Service so they can find each other via DNS.
If you want to run a Job at a specific time or at regular intervals, you
wrap it in a CronJob. In the CronJob you define the schedule in the well-
known crontab format.
This brings us to the end of the second part of this book. You now know how
to run all kinds of workloads in Kubernetes. In the next part, you’ll learn
more about the Kubernetes Control Plane and how it works.

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