BIODIVERSITY Invertebrate Marine
BIODIVERSITY Invertebrate Marine
BIODIVERSITY Invertebrate Marine
Volume 7
Mangrove Biotypes VI: Common Fauna
Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 4
List of fauna by habitat……………………………………………………….. 4
Aiptasia tagetes………………………………………………………… 6
Cassiopeia xamachana………………………………………………… 8
Sabellastarte magnifica………………………………………………… 10
Sabella sp………………………………………………………………. 11
Calinectes exasperatus…………………………………………………. 12
Calinectes sapidus……………………………………………………… 13
Portunis sp……………………………………………………………… 13
Lupella forcepes………………………………………………………… 14
Persephone sp. …………………………………………………………. 15
Uca spp………………………………………………………………..... 16
Aratus pisoni……………………………………………………………. 17
Penaeus duorarum……………………………………………………… 18
Panulirus argus………………………………………………………… 19
Alphaeus sp…………………………………………………………….. 20
Mantis shrimp………………………………………………………….. 21
Balanus eberneus………………………………………………………. 22
Balanus amphitrite…………………………………………………….. 23
Chthamalus sp………………………………………………………….. 23
Brachidontes exustus…………………………………………………… 24
Isognomon alatus………………………………………………………. 25
Crassostrea rhizophorae……………………………………………….. 26
Pinctada radiata………………………………………………………... 26
Plicatula gibosa………………………………………………………… 27
Martesia striata…………………………………………………………. 27
Perna viridis……………………………………………………………. 28
Trachycardium muricatum……………………………………..……… 30
Anadara chemnitzi………………………………………………...……. 30
Diplodonta punctata………………………………………………..…... 32
Dosinia sp…………………………………………………………..….. 32
Melongena melongena………………………………………………...… 34
Strombus pugilis……………………………………………………….... 35
Murex spp……………………………………………………………….. 36
Cerithium sp…………………………………………………………….. 37
Littorina angulifera……………………………………………………… 38
Bulla striata…………………………………………………………….. 39
Nassarius vibex…………………………………………………………. 40
Melampus coffeus………………………………………………………. 40
Cerithium sp……………………………………………………………. 40
Lytechinus variegates…………………………………………………… 41
Warty sea cucumber…………………………………………………….. 41
Holothuria Mexicana…………………………………………………… 42
Oreaster reticulates…………………………………………………….. 43
Linckia guildingii……………………………………………………….. 43
Astropecten duplicatus………………………………………………….. 44
Ophiocoma sp…………………………………………………………... 44
Mellita sp……………………………………………………………….. 45
Vertebrata (Pisces)
Gobiosoma sp………………………………………………………….... 46
Mangrove habitats support a large group of animals belonging to a range of taxonomic
groups. There are many taxonomic groups which are commonly seen in the environment.
Individually, each group, is not diverse enough to occupy an entire volume but are seen
so frequently and in large enough numbers to be considered important mangrove taxa.
Many of these animals live in association with the prop roots of the red mangrove or may
be found on the benthos of the mangrove lagoon and are taken in trawls or easily seen
where the lagoon waters are clear enough. Yet others live in the mangrove forest,
occupying forest floor or canopy. See volume 1 for details on the different habitats
created in the mangrove environment. Table 1 below gives the specific habitat where
each species was found.
Sabellastarte magnifica Large Fan worm Prop root PRML Poly.0305
Panulirus argus Spiny lobster Lagoon floor PRML Crust.0605
Calinectes sapidus Blue Crab Lagoon floor PRML Crust.0705
Calinectes exasperatus Brown Crab Lagoon floor PRML Crust.0805
Crab with red Lagoon floor PRML Crust.0905
Portunis sp. pattern on back
Persephone sp Purse crab Lagoon floor PRML Crust.1005
Lupella forcepes Forceps Crab Lagoon floor PRML Crust.1105
Penaeus duorarum Shrimp Lagoon floor PRML Crust.1205
Aratus pisoni Mangrove tree crab Forest PRML Crust.1405
Uca spp. Mangrove mud crab Forest floor PRML Crust.1505
Balanus Amphitrite Striated barnacle Prop root PRML Crust.1605
Balanus eberneus Ivory barnacle Prop root PRML Crust.1705
Chthamalus sp. Small barnacle Prop root PRML Crust. 1805
Perna viridis Green oyster Prop root PRML Moll. 1905
Isognomon alatus Flat oyster Prop root PRML Moll. 2005
Crassostrea rhizophorae Mangrove oyster Prop root PRML Moll. 2105
Pinctada Prop root PRML Moll. 2205
Murex spp. Lagoon floor PRML Moll.2305
Brachidontes exustus Bivalve Lagoon floor PRML Moll.2405
Anadara chemnitzi Bivalve Lagoon floor PRML Moll.2505
Martesia sp. Bivalve Lagoon floor PRML Moll.2605
Piculata gibbosa Sea Hare Lagoon floor PRML Moll.2705
Cross-hatched Lagoon floor PRML Moll.2805
Divaricella quadrisulcata Lucina
Bulla striata Striated Bubble Lagoon floor PRML Moll.2905
Macoma brevifrons Lagoon floor PRML Moll.3005
Nassarius vibex Lagoon floor PRML Moll.3205
Centhium sp. Lagoon floor PRML Moll.3305
West Indian Lagoon floor PRML Moll.3405
Strombus pugilis Fighting Conch
Trachycardium isocardia Prickly Cockle Lagoon floor PRML Moll.3605
Littorina angulifera Forest littorinid Forest floor PRML Moll 3705
Melampus coffeus Coffee snail Forest floor PRML Moll 3909
Diplodonta punctata. Lagoon floor PRML Moll.3105
Dosinia sp. Lagoon floor PRML Moll 3505
Oreaster reticulates Cushion sea star Lagoon floor PRML Echin.3805
Variegated (Green) Lagoon floor PRML Echin.3905
Lytechinus variegates Urchin
Prop root PRML Echin.4005
Ophiocoma sp. Spiny brittle star
Mellita sp. Sand Dollar Lagoon floor PRML Echin.4105
Astropecten duplicatus Two-Spined Sea star Lagoon floor PRML Echin.4205
Common Comet Lagoon floor PRML Echin.4305
Linckia guildingii Star
Donkey Dung Sea Lagoon floor PRML Echin.4405
Holothuria Mexicana Cucumber
Smooth Sea Lagoon floor PRML Echin.4505
Gobiosoma sp. Forest floor PRML Pisces 5006
Cnidarians are more commonly known for members like corals and jellyfish.
There are however, large numbers of anemones associated with the prop root habitats of
the mangroves. The main species found in the Port Royal Mangroves is Aiptasia tagetes
There are two colour varieties (brown and white) but the brown is most commonly seen
(Plate 2).
Plate 1. Aiptasia tagetes with column fully extended. From Fisher (1978). Scale = 1 cm.
Plate 2. Aiptasia tagetes with column fully extended. Brown (above) & white variety
it sits on the bottom of clear mangrove lagoons and feeds using the symbiotic algae
trapped in its modified tentacles which look like long ribbon-like or leaf-like appendages
on the oral arms (Plate 3). If the lagoon benthos becomes shaded by overgrowth of trees
Annelids occur on the red mangrove prop roots as various errant (e.g. syllids, nereids)
and sedentary (e.g. terebellids) forms. However, the most conspicuous is the sedentary
fan worm commonly called magnificent feather duster (Sabellastarte magnifica) Plate 4.
The animal is attached to the root by its self secreted and constructed grey-brown tube.
The feeding tentacles from a circular crown of variegated orange and white radioles. The
tubes of the smaller species Sabella sp. are more often seen on the red mangrove prop
Plate 5. Fanworm tubes (Sabella sp.) on the red mangrove prop root. Scale = 1cm.
The mangal has a range of crustaceans of which crabs are perhaps the most common.
Small forms may be found on the prop roots or on the forest floor while larger specimens
There are several members of the genus Callinectes. There are all characterised by a
Wide carapace with a spine protruding from the widest point on each side. Usually
between the lateral spine and the eye is a row of spines on the edge of the carapace. The
appendages are typical of crabs except for the last pair of thoracic legs which are
modified like paddles for swimming. These crabs may range from blue-green to red-
The purse crab was taken from the floor of the mangrove lagoon. It is almost round or
oval. Anterior spines on the carapace protect the eyes and posterior spines usually see a
large central spine with smaller ones on each side (Plate 10). The chelipeds are long and
The mangrove forest floor is riddled with the holes of the fiddler crab (Uca spp.). There
are several species of Uca all characterized by the enlarged claw of the male (Plate 11).
found on the bark of the trees. Unlike the other grapsid crabs which have a squarish
carapace (Plate 12), the carapace is turned strongly inward at the back. The animal is
usually mottled green with redish legs but can be highly varied in colour.
mangrove lagoon as a nursery. Trawls of the lagoon can yield these animals in juvenile
or adult form. The Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) and the pink shrimp have
been taken in such catches. The pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum) can vary in colour.
Usually it is somewhat pinkish but juveniles may be white, grayish or greenish. This
species was collected from the lagoon floor and has darkened in the preservative (Plate
13). The serrated rostrum and paired grooves running the length of the carapace are
characteristic features.
The Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) has spines and carapace covered
with sharp spines. The colour is brownish with a scattering of dark spots on the carapace
and pale spots on the abdomen (Plate 14). They have long antennae which can be moved
up and down to produce a squeaky sound which warns other lobsters to stay out of their
sessile fauna of the red mangrove prop roots and makes a clicking sound in defence. The
sound is produced by the enlarged claw which is very heavy with short fingers.
Mantis shrimp are small elongate crustaceans with narrow bodies and broad tail
fans. They possess prominent raptorial claws which are sub-chelate and not pincer-like
(chelate) like most shrimp or crabs (Plate 16). The claw is armed with spines and is used
to capture shrimp or even fish. The most common genus is Squilla and the animal has
been found on the lagoon floor where it lurks in burrows emerging only to capture prey.
in the upper zone which is exposed for long periods. The most common species seen is
the large ivory barnacle (Balanus eburneus). Balanus amphitrite (Striated barnacle) is
not as common in the mangroves as Balanus eburneus and seems to prefer attaching to
floating debris and non-mangrove wood rather than the red mangrove prop roots. The
least common of the barnacles is the smallest (Chthamalus sp.) which lives highest on the
red mangrove prop roots but may also attach to the hard shells of other sessile creatures.
The bivalve species associated with the mangroves are primarily those that live attached
to the red mangrove prop roots. They are almost always found throughout the area and
often dominate the upper zones of the roots. The smallest of the bivalve species
(Brachidontes exustus) is usually attached to the root in clusters. The species tends to be
dark brown, sometimes with a yellow border on the edge of the valves (Plate 20).
Isognomon alatus is called the flat oyster and lives attached by byssus threads to the
prop root or other hard-shelled creatures attached to the root. The colour is dark brown to
dull grey (Plate 21). The shell is fan shaped and very flat. It has identical (symmetrical)
(Plate 22) and the shall can have a variable shape. The animal cements itself to the
substrate via the lower valve which tends to be cup shaped. The upper valve is flat to
slightly convex and fits well down into the lower valve. The edges of the shell are
straight (not scalloped) and smooth. The next two bivalves ale far less common but may
be found attached to substrate in the red mangrove root area. Pinctada radiata (Atlantic
(Plate 23). The shell has thin delicate valves which are often covered with thin
overlapping scales. Plicatula gibbosa (Kittens paw) is cream coloured with a thick
strong deeply sculptured shell with 5 to 9 radial ribs (Plate 24). The radial ribs produce
fluted margins.
Martesia striata is a very common wood borer which is often overlooked due to its
occurrence in the substrate and not on it. Very large numbers can occur in a relatively
small area of wood (Figure 25). The shell of this bivalve is whitish and rather thin and
fragile. It has a characteristic heart shape shield over the umbones. It has sculpturing of
and seen in Jamaica for the first time in 1998. The animal was subsequently seen
growing densely on several types of substrates around Kingston harbour including the red
mangrove prop roots. Among the highest density was recorded from mangrove areas
near the old airport runway (Buddo, 2003). Since then the numbers of P. viridis have
declined. The animal was never a direct threat to the other mangrove bivalves as it
prefers the lower zone of the red mangrove prop roots which Isognomon alatus and
Crassostrea rhizophorae prefers the upper zone. The shell is brilliant green in the
juveniles and brown with green margins in the adult (Plate 26).
Plate 26b. Perna viridis with right valve removed. Scale = cm.
The remaining bivalves are found on the lagoon benthos and have been collected in
trawls of the area. Trachycardium muricatum is cream coloured with irregular patches
of brown. It is sculptured with smooth radiating ribs which may have small spines (Plate
Anadara chemnitzi is superficially similar but is smaller and white with thicker shells.
The shell is inflated and almost as high as it is long. It has a sculpturing of broad ribs and
with numerous concentric lines and fine growth lines (Plate 29). Dosinia (Figure 28)
The gastropods associated with the mangroves are usually found in the mud of the
mangrove lagoon. One such species is Melongena melongena which is usually cream
coloured with bands of purplish brown or blue spiraling around the shell. The base of the
shell bears blunt spines. The operculum is horny and oval and the outer lip flared and
wavy edged. The female lays strings of fan shaped egg capsules (Plate 31).
The West Indian fighting conch has a rich red-orange velvety shall (Plate 32). Salmon
pink varieties exist. The shell has spines on the outer whirls, an expanded outer lip and a
horny saw-edged operculum. Although expanded the outer lip is not winged as in other
Plate 32. Strombus pugilis (West Indian fighting conch). Scale = cm.
The Muricidae is a large family of voracious carnivores which are characterized by a long
siphonal canal and spinose projections from the shell (Plate 33). They all have a brown
corneous operculum which fits tightly into the aperture. The group consists of a large
characteristic deep channel at the front of the shell aperture. Cerithium variable is a
small member with light to dark brown shell colour. It has the characteristic channel
where the outer lip joins the body whirl. (See plate 34).
Most Caribbean littorinids live above the high tide mark. They are most often associated
with rocky shores but Littorina angulifera can be found attached to mangrove roots and
will be found in the forest grazing the red mangrove tree. The animal has a dark brown
It is small and brown and is often seen on the black mangrove pneumatophores or
mottling. The shell is polished and oval with the aperture longer than the shell itself.
The lip is simple (Plate 37). This specimen was collected from the muddy bottom of the
mangrove lagoon.
Nassarius vibex has a small, solid oval shell. It is dark brown with a light spiral band at
the shoulder of each whorl. Sculpturing includes 12 axial ribs and numerous spiral
Cerithiopsis sp. (mangrove cerith) is a small, white, “bumpy” snail found also on the
forest floor. See Plate 39. It prefers the dryer parts of the forest and in the Port Royal
Echinoderms may be associated with the lagoon floor in the mangal but will climb up
onto prop roots to feed. The green sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus) (Plate 38) is mostly
confined to the benthos where enough light penetrates to allow the growth of seagrasses.
Similarly sea cucumbers (Plate 39-40) are associated with the lagoon floor and feed on
Brittle stars (Plate 41) live among the prop root organisms and are usually only seen
when these sessile fauna are removed from the root and carefully examined.
Starfish are predatory and the three main species caught in trawls of the area will feed on
the prop root organisms. The Oreaster sp. (Plate 42) is the largest and most easily seen.
Linckia sp. (Plate 43) is usually less common with Astropecten sp. (Plate 44) being least
common. Occasionally sand dollars (Figure 43) are found on the benthos.
Plate 38. Lytechinus variegatus (Variegated Urchin) Scale = cm.
Plate 40. Holothuria mexicana (Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber) Scale = cm.
Many fish live in the murky waters of the mangrove lagoon both as adults and
juveniles. However, one unusual genus of goby fish (Plate 46) live on the floor of the
mangrove forest using its modified pelvic fins to “walk” on the mud from pool to pool.
The juvenile shows strong onotogenic structural variability with the fins being far less