Airside Traffic Directives (AVOP Manual)
Airside Traffic Directives (AVOP Manual)
Airside Traffic Directives (AVOP Manual)
2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Responsibilities and Duties 10
6.1 D General Requirements 65
6.2 D Permit 67
6.3 D-AME Permit 67
6.4 D-Tow Permit 68
6.5 Operational Cautionary Areas 68
Airside Traffic Directives Section 1
Contact Information
SCO Office
Contact Information
1.2 Acronyms
1.3 Symbols
Note boxes are used to give additional details and advice to drivers
throughout the Airside Traffic Directives.
Airside Traffic Directives Section 2
2.1 Introduction
The airside portion of an airport (see Appendix A for definition) is a specialized working
environment. The Airside Traffic Directives (see Appendix A for definition) are rules
designed to prevent accidents and eliminate or reduce the risk of personal injury and/or
property damage to as low as reasonably practicable. The Airside Traffic Directives also
serve as a framework for airside staff from different companies to work cooperatively
within this specialized working environment. All persons operating a vehicle airside shall
abide by the Airside Traffic Directives regulations, rules and procedures in order to ensure
safe vehicle operation and aircraft handling at the Calgary International Airport (YYC);
however, these directives do not have legislative sanction.
2.2.1 AVOP holders have the following responsibilities for AVOP licensing, airport safety and
airport security.
Any person living and/or working in the province of Alberta must obtain a valid
Alberta driver’s license within three months of their arrival in the province.
All persons working airside are responsible to ensure all FOD (garbage) is disposed of
properly. In addition to reporting the nature and location of any obstruction or potentially
hazardous condition on any aircraft movement area to their supervisor, the obstruction
must also be reported to the Calgary Airport Integrated Operations Center (hereafter
referred to as the IOC (see also 3.17.1 & 3.17.3 [e])).
Airside Traffic Directives Section 3
General Requirements
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 No person shall operate a vehicle in the airside area of the airport unless:
3.1.2 No person may taxi or tow an aircraft on the airside area of the airport unless:
a. That person holds a valid and current pilot’s licence or is accompanied by a person
who holds a valid and current pilot’s licence (see also 8.1.7),
b. That person holds a valid YYC-specific AVOP that allows for the performance of taxi
or tow aircraft operations,
c. That person is escorted or accompanied by a person who holds a valid YYC-specific
AVOP that allows for the performance of taxi or tow aircraft operations
(see also 3.10.3, 8.1.4, 8.2.1 and 8.3.1),
d. That person is authorized by the Authority AVOP Coordinator to do so without the
requirement to hold an AVOP.
a. An AVOP Application form (see Appendix M) has been completed and signed by
the applicant and the employer (the individual who has signing authority). The signed
application form confirms that the applicant has a need and a right to obtain an
AVOP for that company, has been properly trained by the company and is covered
by that company’s insurance while driving airside,
b. The applicant has successfully passed both the written and practical test (as per all
of section 3.2 and 3.3). The practical test must be successfully completed within 60
days of the written test,
c. The AVOP application MUST be submitted to the AVOP Administration Office for all
new/initial AVOP applications, within 14 calendar days of completing the licensing
requirements (as per all of sections 3.2 and 3.3),
d. The applicant holds a valid RAIC (for the AVOP specified employer),
e. The applicant holds a valid driver’s licence (minimum class 5 or equivalent),
f. As required, the applicant holds a valid Restricted Operator’s Certificate -
Aeronautical (ROC-A - see Appendix A for definition),
g. As required, the applicant holds a valid Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) licence,
h. The applicant has not been restricted from having an AVOP at YYC.
General Requirements
3.2.2 At the discretion of the AVOP Coordinator (CAA Safety Manager), the Calgary Airport
Authority holds the right to request confirmation of a successfully completed English
Language Proficiency Exam.
3.2.3 The Authority AVOP Coordinator (CAA Safety Manager) can place a restriction on any
AVOP, as applicable, for safety or security reasons.
Individuals seeking or renewing D/A permits will be tested on their knowledge of Sections
1, 2, 3, 4 (4.1-4.6), 5, 9, 10.1, 10.2 (applicable site maps), 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.9, 10.10
and Appendices A, B, D, E, F, J, K and all applicable site maps in this manual.
Applicants must also be able to identify all Taxiways around the Aprons, all Taxiways and
Taxiway Entrances that enter or connect with the Aprons, and demonstrate knowledge of
applicable Aprons, airside vehicle roads, gates and operational stands.
Sample questions for the written and practical tests are in Sections 10.3, 10.4, 10.5,
10.9, 10.10. Site maps are in Section 10.2.
3.3.2 Testing for D/A permits (written tests, practical tests and Night Endorsement) can be
done by the Authority AVOP Coordinator, the AVOP License Office, Safety Compliance
or by the employer (if the employer has an agreement in place with the Authority AVOP
Individuals seeking or renewing D permits will be tested on their knowledge of all Sections
and Appendices (unless noted otherwise) of this manual and all airside areas. Sample
questions for written and practical tests can be found in Section 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6,
10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11 and Appendices A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L. Site maps
are found in Section 10.2 (Appendix B is not testable material).
3.3.4 Practical testing for D permits can be arranged by contacting the AVOP Administration
Office or the Safety Compliance Office. All other testing (written, practical and Night
Endorsements) can be done or arranged by the AVOP Administration Office, Safety
Compliance or by the employer (if the employer has an agreement in place with the
Authority AVOP Coordinator).
Training and testing is mandatory for AVOP holders from an airport other than
YYC. AVOPs do not transfer from other airports.
General Requirements
3.3.5 Fully completed AVOP Application Forms showing proof of completion of the written and
practical tests (including the written test certificate and applicable licenses) are accepted as
valid AVOPs for 14 calendar days from the day of completion of the (daytime) practical test
for new AVOP applicants. AVOP applications must be submitted to the AVOP Administration
Office (see also 3.2.1 [a]) within 14 calendar days of completing the (daytime) practical test
to be valid. Applications that are more than 14 days old may be rejected at the discretion
of the Authority AVOP Coordinator or designate. (See Note Box below and 3.3.8 for
Application forms (including Online test certificates) for AVOP renewals MUST
be received by the AVOP Administration Office within 14 days and BEFORE the
expiry date of the current AVOP. Failure to do so may result in the AVOP being
automatically cancelled. For any cancelled AVOP, a new application must be
presented, accompanied by proof of newly completed written and practical tests
(see also 3.3.8).
AVOP holders may operate day or night for up to 180 days after the date of issue of
their AVOP without completing a Night Endorsement, but every new AVOP holder must
successfully complete a mandatory Night Endorsement within those 180 days. Failure
to successfully pass the mandatory Night Endorsement within 180 calendar days of the
date of issue of the AVOP will result in the automatic cancellation of AVOP privileges.
Reinstatement requires reapplication and retesting (written, practical and night
3.3.7 A practical test done at night would qualify as a Night Endorsement, but must include all
components of a (daytime) practical test as well as all components of a Night Endorsement
test. A combination day and night test is often reserved for applicants who have previously
held an AVOP or applicants who only work night shift. If this is the case, both the Practical
test and the Night Endorsement must be signed off by the AVOP tester on the AVOP
Application form.
General Requirements
3.3.8 Renewal
AVOPs are normally valid for five years. Renewal (for an additional five years) requires a
new, completed AVOP application form(s), a valid RAIC and driver’s license (AME license
& ROC-A license, as applicable) and successful completion of all applicable tests,
according to the type of AVOP:
a. D/A permits - written test, but only if completed prior to expiry. (See also Note Box
Section 3.3.5),
b. D permits (includes D-AME permits) - renewal requires written and practical tests,
c. D-Tow permits - renewal requires a DA written test (to renew the DA) and the D-Tow
written and D-Tow practical tests (to renew the D-Tow). Two separate application
forms are required to sign off the tests and track both the DA and the D-Tow,
d. DA-M permits - renewal requires a D/A written test (to renew the D/A) and the
D-AME written & D-AME practical tests (to renewal the D-AME). Two separate
application forms are required to sign off the tests and track both the DA and the
3.3.9 Retesting
In order to ensure that AVOP holders have up-to-date knowledge of the Airside Traffic
Directives, after an absence of more than four consecutive months (but less than one
year), the D and D/A AVOP holder must successfully pass a practical check ride with a
designated AVOP tester before they return to work on the airside portion of the airport.
D-Tow and D-AME must have a check ride after an absence of up to 12 months.
For all AVOPs, the AVOP is canceled after an absence of more than 12 months. The
applicant must submit a completed AVOP application form and successfully pass
the written and practical tests, as well as a Night Endorsement.
An absence is defined as ‘an absence or time away from driving in the areas
prescribed by your AVOP license.’ This includes absences due to seasonal
work, temporary changes in duties, illness, leave of absence, vacation or
holidays, etc.
3.3.10 The Authority AVOP Coordinator licenses all AVOP testers on a three-year cycle.
Testing or retesting of examiners can only be done by the Authority AVOP Coordinator or
designate. An examiner who has received testing designation and who has an infraction
may have their testing designation revoked for the duration of the infraction (see AVOP
Tester Manual for AVOP Tester information).
3.3.11 Replacements
AVOP replacement cards for lost or damaged cards can be obtained through the AVOP
Administration office. Drivers must present a valid Driver’s License and RAIC and can
obtain a new card as long as their AVOP is still valid.
General Requirements
The employer(s) of an AVOP applicant must keep adequate records pertaining to the
training and testing of the AVOP applicant. Only the AVOP application form is filed by the
Authority AVOP Administration Office. All other documents (written tests, practical tests
and Night Endorsement) will be verified and entered into the AVOP database, with those
documents subsequently shredded.
3.5.2 When an AVOP is canceled, expired, is suspended or revoked, the AVOP card must be
returned to the Authority AVOP Administration Office within 14 days and the last day of
employment must be provided.
3.5.3 The Authority AVOP Coordinator or designate may suspend an AVOP when it is in the
public interest to do so, and may be done immediately as non-punitive, for safety, security
or investigative reasons.
3.6 Reinstatement
3.6.1 Any AVOP holder whose driving privileges were in good standing when their AVOP
privileges were canceled can be reinstated if both the following conditions are met:
a. The permit was canceled less than 30 calendar days before the reinstatement
b. The permit holder was successfully tested less than five years before the
reinstatement request.
General Requirements
3.8.1 When changing employers, an individual’s AVOP can be transferred with that individual to
another employer if the following conditions are met:
a. The applicant submits a completed application form, signed by the new employer
and the applicant,
b. The application is submitted within 30 calendar days following the permit’s
cancellation date (which is the last date of work with the previous employer),
c. The permit holder was successfully tested less than five years before the transfer
If the AVOP is not transferred within 30 days of changing employers, the AVOP
is automatically cancelled and the individual must apply for a new AVOP and
successfully complete all applicable tests.
The AVOP holder/applicant is not authorized to drive for the added (second,
third, etc.) employer until their documentation is complete, submitted and
processed at the AVOP Office.
3.9.2 If an AVOP holder holds one class of AVOP for one employer and a different class of
AVOP for another employer, the higher class permit cannot be used for the other employer.
For example, if an AVOP holder has a D/A permit for Company W and a D permit for
Company Z, they cannot use the D permit for Company W duties.
3.9.3 Notification of an AVOP violation ticket incurred by an AVOP holder will be sent to every
employer of that AVOP holder and will remain on their record as applicable to the violation
(see also 3.19.3, 3.20.4, 3.20.5 & 3.20.7).
3.10.1 Only a qualified AVOP holder can escort a non-AVOP holder while driving airside.
The escort is responsible for the actions of the operator of the escorted vehicle.
General Requirements
3.10.2 The maximum distance between the escorting vehicle and the escorted vehicle, and
between each additional vehicle (maximum of three), is a maximum of four seconds of
driving time on the airfield surfaces. This distance may have to be adjusted depending on
the weather, visibility, stopping performance or traffic.
3.10.4 The AVOP holder escorting the vehicle mentioned in 3.10.1 will assume liability for the
duration of the trip.
3.11.1 No person may operate a vehicle airside (see Appendix A for definition) unless the
driver holds all the licenses and permits required by the Province of Alberta. If the vehicle
is driven both airside and groundside, it must also be registered and equipped as required
by the Province of Alberta.
3.11.2 No person may operate a vehicle airside while under a prohibition from operating a vehicle
as imposed by a court or a judge.
3.11.3 No person may use or consume, nor be in possession of Cannabis, Alcohol, Illegal Drugs,
or other Mood Altering Substances, and related Drug paraphernalia. In addition, no person
may use over-the-counter and/or prescription drugs that may cause drowsiness or reduce
decision making skills, causing the person to be not Fit for Duty. There is zero tolerance for
those driving airside who are under the influence.
3.11.4 In order to avoid any distractions, AVOP holders may not use cell phones or any personal
audio/video/gaming or similar devices, with or without earphones or a headset while
driving airside. AVOP holders may use cell phones only when the vehicle is parked in a
safe location. Furthermore, people actively working airside may not use cell phones or any
personal audio/video/gaming or similar devices, with or without earphones or a headset.
3.11.5 Smoking and smoking devices are not permitted airside, either inside or outside vehicles,
with the exception of designated smoking shelters on the Apron. Smoking and smoking
devices are not allowed anywhere in the Terminal Building or any Calgary Airport Authority
building. Smoking shelters are located in the following areas:
General Requirements
3.11.6 No person may operate a vehicle airside in a manner that, regarding all circumstances
including the amount of traffic, is unsafe or is dangerous to aircraft, equipment, buildings,
vehicles, operators, airport workers or pedestrians.
3.12.1 General
a. Security requirements, traffic signs and speed limits are still in effect regardless of
AVOP exemptions,
b. The Authority AVOP Coordinator may create or withdraw an AVOP exemption at any
a. An employer has an AVOP exemption for the area located within the boundaries of
the employer’s leased space. An AVOP exemption is granted to an employer only.
If the employer and the leaseholder are two different entities, then the leaseholder
must agree to provide the employer with permission for the AVOP exemption on the
leased property,
b. The AVOP exemption applies only to the employees and visitors under the direct
supervision of the employer, and they must restrict their driving activities to within the
boundaries of the employer’s leased area.
The exemption applies to the service road from Gate 306A west to Apron II, south along
the cargo buildings, and both east and west along the cargo buildings. The service road
between Gate 303 and the T-intersection immediately south of Taxiway J is also exempt.
A minimum of a D/A AVOP (or escort) is required to drive on Apron II, including
driving in front of the blast wall on Apron II, to drive east on the cargo road from
Gate 306A, and to drive into or through the J/E Underpass.
The exemption applies to the service road from Gate 420, through NPS-V North, the
perimeter road around the threshold of Runway 17R, past the buildings associated with
the North Retention Pond, north and west (left) past the Lav Dump station/glycol station,
through to Gate 321.
The exemption applies to the AMC area located inside the security fence, west to the
STOP lines that separate the AMC area from Taxiway A, and south to the beginning of
the perimeter road around the threshold of Runway 08.
General Requirements
The exemption applies to the service road (see Appendix A for definition) leading from
Gate 234 to the aircraft storage area, the mock-up site, the transmitter site, and up to, but
not including, the Apron X (De-Icing Pad).
3.13.1 Vehicle and ground service equipment (GSE) must be maintained to manufacturer’s
specifications, and in a safe and serviceable condition to a standard that reflects the
professionalism and public image of the Calgary International Airport (YYC).
3.13.2 All vehicles (with the exception of escorted vehicles) that are driven airside must be
equipped with and operate the following:
a. Company markings,
b. Beacon (vehicle with cab only),
c. Unique identification number (manoeuvring area only),
d. Aeronautical radio (manoeuvring area only),
e. Unique transponder (manoeuvring area only).
3.13.3 All airside vehicles, unless under escort, must have company markings (i.e., name
or logo) visibly displayed on the vehicle. Magnetic signs are acceptable. In addition,
vehicles entering the manoeuvring area, unless under escort, must have a unique
vehicle identifier number visibly displayed. Information pertaining to number, size, color
contrast and location on vehicle can be obtained by contacting the Authority Supervisor,
Mobile Equipment.
General Requirements
3.13.4 All self-propelled (gas or battery-powered) vehicles must be equipped with headlights, tail
lights, parking lights and, if licensed for off-airport use, a license plate lamp. Vehicles
without a cab must be equipped with parking and tail lights that can flash on and off in
3.13.5 Vehicles with a cab must be equipped with a yellow beacon mounted so it can be seen
from a 360 degree angle – even during daylight. The warning light must be an “aviation
yellow” (amber) rooftop, omnidirectional beacon and meet the requirements laid out in
the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J845 mandate for Class 2 beacons. (Class
2 “Blocking Traffic” = 4500 cd-s/m [Candela-Seconds/Minute]). In addition to the yellow
beacon, airport emergency vehicles may be equipped with red and/or blue warning lights
as required. Large trucks (e.g., fuel tanker trucks) with an overall height greater than 3.4
meters are permitted to have an additional 360 degree beacon to the rear of the vehicle
to provide adequate visibility of the moving vehicle.
All staff working from a vehicle with a fully enclosed driver’s compartment must
wear high-visibility clothing with reflective bands anytime they step outside of
their vehicle when working or present airside.
3.13.6 The beacon must be in operation when vehicles equipped with beacons are being
operated on the movement area. These beacons must be turned off when vehicles are
stationary within the perimeter of an operational stand for the purpose of providing service
to that aircraft. The improper use of beacons can distract taxiing aircraft because beacons
are meant to warn of moving vehicles.
3.13.7 Beacons may be shut off when the vehicle is parked at an airside building or when the
vehicle is parked 60 meters or more away from a Taxiway Center Line or Apron on the
outer edge of the airfield, or 150 meters or more away from a Runway. Vehicles equipped
with headlights must have them turned on whenever airside.
3.13.8 Headlights and non-flashing tail lights must be operated during hours of darkness and
reduced visibility. All vehicle lights must be turned off when the vehicle is parked.
3.13.9 Operators of vehicles equipped with turn signals must use them whenever they change
direction, and at all VSR intersections.
General Requirements
3.14.1 Unpowered or non-self powered equipment (e.g. baggage carts, dollies, etc) are required
to have reflectors of sufficient size, spaced evenly on the sides and the back of the
equipment. The company can choose the reflector’s color, size (minimum 5 cm),
shape (round, rectangular or square), and maximum spacing. The material used must be
reflective enough to be seen from a distance and to detect the vehicle as an obstruction.
3.14.2 The presence of unlit mobile equipment on airport Aprons can be a significant hazard to
taxiing aircraft. Each company must ensure that vehicle lighting and reflective markings
are installed, maintained and replaced in a timely manner.
3.15.1 The use of chains, cables or studded tires is forbidden on any airside paved surface.
3.15.2 Bicycles, segways, motorcycles, skateboards, in-line skates, scooters, or similar means of
transportation are not permitted airside on an Apron, manoeuvring area, perimeter road,
VSR or service road.
Calgary Police Service (CPS) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are the only
authorized users of bicycles or Segways and only in certain areas (see Appendix A for
3.15.3 Occasional use of vehicles not equipped with the appropriate safety and equipment
display markings or lights may be permitted on the Apron while under the escort of a
properly equipped vehicle or with the approval of the Authority AVOP Coordinator.
3.15.4 Operators of self-propelled mobile equipment within the (International and Transborder)
ITB baggage halls, are restricted to non-hydrocarbon fueled (electric) vehicles. This does
not include the inbound baggage sheds. Designated baggage staging areas near the
baggage hall access points have been provided to assist with the transfer of outbound
baggage between non-hydrocarbon (electric) and hydrocarbon fueled (gas or diesel)
3.15.5 Vehicles used in the Concourse C baggage hall became restricted to non-hydrocarbon
power in 2018. Vehicles used in the Concourse A baggage hall will be restricted to
non-hydrocarbon power upon completion of the baggage project expected in the 4th
quarter of 2019.
General Requirements
3.16.1 An aircraft’s markings must be properly displayed and the lights must be in good
working order.
3.16.2 All aircraft that are taxied or towed in the manoeuvring area must be equipped with and
operate the following:
a. Navigational lighting,
b. Unique aircraft civil registration number,
c. Aeronautical radio,
d. Transponder set to 1000 MHz during taxi or towing operations.
3.16.3 When an aircraft is being taxied or towed, the navigational lights, including anti-collision
lights, must be in operation.
3.17.1 Foreign object debris ((FOD) - see Appendix A for definition) can cause significant
damage to aircraft by impact or by ingestion into an engine. No person may leave any
material where it could be lifted and thrown against buildings, vehicles or aircraft by jet
blast, prop wash, or wind gusts.
3.17.2 AVOP holders are responsible for the loads they are carrying or towing. Loads must be
fastened or covered in order to prevent the load from coming loose and posing a danger to
aircraft, buildings, vehicles and pedestrians.
a. Ensure FOD is not left on any movement area surface (Aprons, Taxiways &
b. Ensure movement area surfaces are kept clear by remaining on the hard surfaces,
unless unavoidable. Inspect the vehicle’s tires for FOD before operating the vehicle
and anytime after leaving the hard surface,
c. Remove FOD from movement area surfaces, if they can do so without compromising
their own safety or the safety of any other person or traffic. Where appropriate,
D permit holders must contact Calgary Ground and advise of their intentions (see
also 7.10),
d. Pick up and dispose of FOD in a proper FOD container,
e. Notify their supervisor or the Integrated Operations Center (IOC), who can then
advise the Authority Supervisor, Airfield Facilities if FOD is deposited on movement
area surfaces and assistance is needed for removal.
General Requirements
3.18.1 The Company covenants and agrees that at all times when the Company’s agents,
servants, officers, directors, employees, contractors, guests, visitors or any other person
for whom the Company is responsible request access to or are airside, it must purchase,
provide and maintain, at its expense or cause to be provided and maintained, the
Insurance as set out hereunder.
3.18.2 Proof, in the form of a Certificate of Insurance (COI) issued by the insurer(s) or their
authorized agent(s), that such insurance is in effect must be provided to the Authority
AVOP Coordinator before the issuance of an AVOP.
3.18.3 Details
a. Automobile Liability Insurance for licensed vehicles for an amount of not less than
five million dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence,
b. Comprehensive General Liability (CGL) Insurance or Aviation Liability Insurance
for bodily injury and property damage or loss for an amount not less than five million
dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence.
a. The Calgary Airport Authority, the Crown and their respective officers, employees
and agents as Additional Insured,
b. No exclusions or reduction in coverage for any risks associated with the activities for
the Company or the Insured on an active airport,
c. A cross liability clause and a severability of interest clause,
d. Occurrence Basis Coverage,
e. A notation on the Certificate of Insurance (COI) reading: “Includes operation of
vehicles on airside of the Calgary International Airport” if the COI is Comprehensive
General Liability.
3.18.5 Nothing contained in the insurance requirements may limit or restrict the liability of
the Company.
3.18.6 Failing to obtain or maintain the required insurance coverage and/or failure to provide
the Authority with proof of insurance will result in the suspension of AVOP privileges of all
AVOP holders working for the company.
General Requirements
3.19.1 Enforcement of the Airside Traffic Directives is the responsibility of AVOP enforcement
personnel including CPS, the Authority Airside Operations Specialists (AOS), the Security
Airside Patroller, the Safety Compliance Officers (SCO), and the Authority.
3.19.2 AVOP holders must comply at all times with instructions from AVOP enforcement
3.19.3 The Authority uses a system of warnings, violation tickets and a violation record keeping
point system for non-compliance with the Airside Traffic Directives. A copy of the violation
ticket is given to the employee and a copy of the violation/infraction letter is sent to the
employee c/o their employer(s) (see also 3.9.3).
3.20 Violation Record Keeping Point System
3.20.1 Safety is key for all AVOP holders at YYC. At no time do operational considerations, such
as time pressures, allow AVOP holders to disobey the Airside Traffic Directives. Any action
which compromises airfield safety or security can result in a warning or a violation ticket.
A warning or violation is treated as an infraction under the violation record keeping point
system. The violation record keeping point system uses a combination of points and time
to assess and track the level of risk associated with the violation. More serious violations
are assessed as having a greater likelihood or potential to lead to a serious incident
or accident and will therefore receive a greater number of points and a longer duration.
Deliberate acts will be treated more seriously than unintentional acts regardless of
the outcome.
3.20.2 Warnings and violation tickets will be sent to the Authority AVOP Coordinator for review.
If required, an interview with the AVOP Coordinator will take place and appropriate
corrective action will be taken (see also 3.20.4 & 3.20.5). The Airside Traffic Directives at
YYC are structured to be a non-punitive system that focuses on educating drivers,
improving their skills and increasing their situational awareness through use of the AVOP
manual, company training and testing. AVOP holders who receive a warning or violation
ticket are given opportunities to improve their airside driving knowledge and skills through
discussion and/or further training or testing. Those AVOP holders that show a repeated
or deliberate disregard for airfield safety demonstrated by a pattern of behavior of
disobeying the Airside Traffic Directives and becoming an unacceptable safety or security
risk for airfield users will ultimately have their airside driving privileges at YYC revoked.
Written warnings (0 record keeping points) will only be given for Category I
infractions and will be on the employee’s record for 12 months from the date of
the AVOP warning notification. Written warnings are subject to the cumulative
General Requirements
3.20.3 Violations
General Requirements
Includes only violations of the Airside Traffic Directives that are not mentioned in 3.20.3
(Categories I to IV).
General Requirements
a. On employee’s record for 12 months from date of AVOP violation ticket notification,
b. Interview with the Authority AVOP Coordinator (upon request by employee). Interview
must be requested within 14 days from the date of the infraction letter.
a. On employee’s record for 18 months from date of AVOP violation ticket notification,
b. Possible interview with the Authority AVOP Coordinator,
c. Possibility of one to five working day suspension of driving privileges.
a. On employee’s record for 24 months from date of AVOP violation ticket notification,
b. Mandatory interview with the Authority AVOP Coordinator,
c. Mandatory practical retest administered by the Authority AVOP Coordinator (or
designate) within the time frame mentioned in the AVOP violation ticket notification,
d. Possibility of immediate AVOP suspension by the Authority AVOP Coordinator or
designate (SCO, ADM, AOS or CPS),
e. Possibility of five to ten working day suspension of driving privileges.
a. On employee’s record for 36 months from date of AVOP violation ticket notification,
b. Mandatory interview with the Authority AVOP Coordinator,
c. Mandatory practical retest administered by the Authority AVOP Coordinator within
the time frame mentioned in the AVOP violation ticket notification,
d. Possibility of immediate AVOP suspension by the Authority AVOP Coordinator or
designate (SCO, ADM, AOS or CPS),
e. Possibility of 20 working day suspension of driving privileges.
a. Dependent on the gravity of the infraction and will be determined by the Authority
AVOP Coordinator,
b. Mandatory interview with the Authority AVOP Coordinator.
General Requirements
If the total number of record keeping points equals or exceeds the number of points for a
more severe category of infraction, then the provisions of the higher category of infraction
will apply (see the example below).
Driver A has three minor infractions (speeding 10 km/h over the speed limit on January 15,
2019; failure to obey a STOP sign on April 13, 2019; failure to use the VSR on June 14,
Infraction 1: 2 record keeping points, on record until January 15, 2020 (12 months from
date of infraction).
Infraction 2: 2 record keeping points, on record until April 13. 2020 (12 months from date
of infraction). Cumulative total of the 2 infractions is now 4 record keeping points, and both
infractions remains on record for 12 months from the date of each infraction.
Infraction 3: 2 record keeping points. Cumulative total of the 3 infractions is now 6 record
keeping points, which moves the infraction from Category I to Category II. Because the
total number of record keeping points has moved the infractions from Category I to
Category II, each infraction expires 18 months after the date of infraction, and other
provisions of Category II corrective action may apply.
3.20.6 Appeal
a. Employees who have received an AVOP violation ticket where they are required
to meet with the Authority AVOP Coordinator to review the violation must be
accompanied by an employer representative. This meeting is at the discretion of the
Authority AVOP Coordinator and is optional for minor and intermediate infractions but
is mandatory for all other types of infractions (see also 3.20.4),
b. If the employee disagrees with the decision sent out in the AVOP violation ticket
notification, they may appeal the decision within 14 calendar days of the date on the
AVOP violation letter,
c. A second level of appeal may be requested from the Authority AVOP Coordinator
and may confirm or modify the decision rendered by the first level. The employee
and their employer(s) will be notified of the result of the second appeal in writing
within 14 calendar days. The AVOP record of the employee will be modified
accordingly, based on the results of an appeal.
3.20.7 All Category I, II, III, IV and V infractions will automatically be expunged from the
operator’s electronic AVOP record at the end of the 12, 18, 24 or 36 months, or other
period mentioned in 3.20.5. However, written records for Category III and IV, as well as
Category V (depending on the gravity of the infraction), will be retained for a period of time
not less than 10 years from the date of the AVOP violation ticket.
Airside Traffic Directives Section 4
4.1 General
Both vehicle and aircraft movement on airside movement areas are guided by pavement
markings, lights and signs that are different from those used on roads and highways.
Travel of Bridge
Taxiway Center Line
(Spot #) Fuel Isolation Chamber
Apron Limit Line
(yellow) Bridge Return Box
The Apron Limit Line is a single broken yellow line across the
width of a Taxiway between two sets of double amber/aviation
yellow lights, (one set on each side of the taxiway). The Apron
Limit Line indicates the intersection of a Taxiway and an Apron.
Aircraft must contact Calgary Ground before crossing this line.
D/A permit holders must not cross this line to exit an Apron onto
a Taxiway (See also 4.2.5 for MAD Marking).
MAD Markings are used as Apron Limit Lines and are located at Taxiway Entrances
to Apron I at Taxiways HB, BA, BC, JR and E.
Aircraft Lead Out Lines are a single broken yellow line and
are used to guide the aircraft as it taxis out of its ground
loading parking position. This is the route an aircraft takes
when leaving an operational stand under power.
Apron Edge Lines are double solid yellow lines that follow
a series of single blue lights. Apron Edge Lines and the
co-located single blue lights are used to indicate the edge of
an Apron and the edge of a Taxiway. Paved surfaces outside
of the Apron Edge Lines are not designed as weight bearing
surfaces adequate for aircraft.
The area on Apron I between Taxiway EA and Taxiway BC has a Max Wing Span of
36 meters (36M) and is restricted to AGNIII aircraft (B737, A321) or smaller. Larger
aircraft cannot manoeuvre through this area and must use Taxiways outside of
Apron I. When towing, appropriate D-AVOPs are required.
Larger aircraft can be parked on the East Aircraft Parking Pad (E190’s), but must
enter through Taxiway BA.
Parking Area Boundary Lines are parallel solid white and red
lines that define the areas intended for use and parking of
ground service equipment and are intended to provide safe
separation from aircraft at an operational stand. These lines
take into account the wingspan of aircraft. Approved vehicle
parking is on the white side of the line.
STOP Lines are a single solid white line and are used to
indicate a MANDATORY STOP to the driver. A STOP sign is
typically installed at a STOP line. All drivers are expected to
STOP at a STOP line whether or not there is a STOP sign.
Some stop lines are not mandatory (e.g. the stop lines on
the perimeter road between Apron VII and Apron IX). These
particular STOP lines indicate where you must STOP, to
ensure safe clearance for Runway 11/29 when active.
Lease Lines are two white (or yellow) parallel lines with the
word “Lease” (or a company name). Lease Lines are used to
outline the area of an Apron surface that has been leased to
a company.
The CBSA Apron is marked with two parallel white lines with
the words “Customs Only”. The CBSA Apron outlines the
airside parking area in front of the CBSA on the North end of
Apron VI. It is prohibited to drive through this area when an
aircraft is parked in the CBSA area (see also 5.3.2).
Common traffic and information signs used on Aprons and airside roads are generally the
same signs as those used on provincial roads. All vehicle operators on airside roads are
required to comply with these signs. Examples include STOP, No Parking, YIELD, Speed
Limit, Height Restriction, and No Entry.
These signs tell drivers to STOP behind the YIELD sign on the
perimeter road of Runway 11 parallel to Taxiway W when large
aircraft are taxiing on Taxiway W. There is not sufficient
clearance for vehicles to use this perimeter road when large
aircraft are on Taxiway W. Any aircraft larger than a Boeing
737 is considered a large aircraft. If in doubt of the size of the
aircraft a driver must YIELD to aircraft until it is off the section of
Taxiway W between the threshold of Runway 11 and Apron VII.
Jet blast may also be a consideration.
a. Directional signs (black writing on yellow) have an arrow indicating the direction of
travel to Aprons, Runways and Taxiways,
b. Location signs (yellow writing on black), also known as designator signs, identify
the location of Taxiways by letter,
Directional signs also indicate the set-back for the intersection ahead (see 4.9.5).
Currently Concourse A Breezeway has the lowest height restriction at 2.3 metres.
Different colored lights are used to indicate the edge of various aircraft movement surfaces.
Sections 4.7 to 4.13 are not testable material for D/A permit holders. However, it is
recommended that D/A permit holders be familiar with the information in those
Paint markings on Runways and Taxiways are regulated by Transport Canada. Paint
markings in the manoeuvring area are color coded:
Enhanced Taxiway
Center Lines
Displaced Threshold Markings are used when the beginning of the paved surface and the
beginning of the usable part of the Runway are not in the same place. Lines are painted
close together to form arrows pointing to a bar across the Runway. The bar across the
Runway indicates the beginning of a Runway that is usable for aircraft.
Currently, there are no displaced threshold markings at the Calgary International Airport.
Displaced Threshold Markings would typically be used for construction purposes at YYC.
Runway holding position markings do not always extend into the paved shoulder
surfaces beyond the edge of a Taxiway (e.g., Taxiway J2).
Not all intersections are marked with the Taxiway Intersection Marking. If there is no
Taxiway Intersection Marking, drivers must Hold Short behind the directional signs.
4.10.1 Runway/Runway
4.10.2 Runway/Taxiway
4.10.3 Taxiway/Runway
Runway Designator Signs indicate either one Runway heading or both Runway headings.
They have white lettering on a red background. Runway Designator Signs carry the
combined message to “Hold Short” of the Runway and the Runway’s designation. In
addition, a Runway designator sign at a Taxiway/Runway intersection is accompanied by
a Location Sign (see also 4.5.3 [b]) in the outboard (furthest from the Taxiway) position.
Runway Designator Signs with only one heading are only found at Thresholds.
“No Entry” signs are found at the Apron Entrances of Taxiway G and Taxiway GB, and of
Taxiway G and Taxiway GD. These signs are intended for aircraft only. Vehicles may enter
these “No Entry” areas as per 6.1.7.
Different colored lights indicate the edge of various aircraft movement surfaces.
The lights can be alone or in groups. Even if the distance between lights is regulated,
they may be closer than required (even side by side) to improve visibility or for
operational requirements.
c. STOP Bar
Runway Edge Lights are single white lights used along the
edges of Runways.
Runway 17L-35R has lights with a two-color head. The last 600
meters (2000 feet) of lights are yellow on one side and white on
the other. The yellow lights act as a warning to pilots that the
Runway is about to end.
Runway Center Line Lights are inset white lights that run
along the Runway center line with directional red lights
at the extremities of the Runway. The last 300 meters of
the center line lights are red, and the lights between 300
meters and 900 meters alternate between red and white.
This system of red and white lights act as a warning to
pilots that the Runway is about to end. Runway Center
Line lights are located only on Runway 17L-35R.
Taxiway Center Line lights are green lights co-located with the
Taxiway Center Line. Taxiway Center Line lights are located on
the East airfield and on the Apron Taxiway on Apron I near the
ITB. Taxiway Center Line lights indicate the location of the
Taxiway center line as well as permission for aircraft to
progress along the Taxiway. These lights are used during
reduced and low visibility operations for aircraft
movements (see also 7.9).
4.13.4 When the white Runway lights flash on and off, all vehicles must leave the Runway
Do not confuse the blinking on and off of white Runway lights (leave Runway
immediately) with the flashing white light from the tower (return to starting point
on the airport - see also 7.8.2[d]).
Airside Traffic Directives Section 5
D/A Requirements
5.1.1 D/A permit holders may operate vehicles and tow aircraft on Aprons and airside roads.
There are three types of D/A permits:
a. D/A – permits driving on all Aprons and is the only D/A permit that allows driving on
Apron I and II,
b. D/A Southside (D/A S) – permits driving on Aprons III to X, but not on Apron I and II,
c. D/A Westside (D/A W) – permits driving on Aprons VII and IX only.
5.1.2 Under no circumstances may a D/A permit holder drive on a designated Taxiway or Runway,
unless escorted by a D permit holder. (See Section 5.3.1 for the exemption regarding
Taxiway P and Section 5.3.3 for the exemption for DAS holders to cross Taxiway N).
5.1.3 All Aprons at YYC are uncontrolled. However, vehicles equipped with aeronautical radios
must always monitor the appropriate Calgary Ground or Apron Advisory frequency (see
also 7.3.1) when on the Apron.
5.1.4 Any vehicle with business on the East or West Deicing Pads must contact Aéro Mag 2000
as these are leased areas.
5.2.1 D/A permit holders may operate on Apron I, Apron II and the perimeter road around
the threshold of Runway 17R and Runway 11 in a vehicle that is not equipped with an
aeronautical radio. They are also permitted to operate in areas described in the D/A
Southside (see also 5.3) and D/A Westside (see also 5.4) sections.
The perimeter road on the east airfield (around Runway 17L/35R) and the
gravel road on the west airfield that parallels Taxiway A, between Apron VII
and the AMC is restricted to D AVOP only.
5.2.2 D/A permit holders MUST use the Juliet/Echo Underpass as their ONLY route between
Apron I and the facilities south of Taxiway J. D/A permit holders may NOT cross Taxiway
J, unless being escorted by a ‘D’ AVOP permit holder. (See 8.3.1 for the towing of
aircraft between Aprons I and II).
5.2.3 D/A permit holders can drive under a bridge (at an operational stand), IF there is adequate
clearance, after taking into account available height and other obstructions.
Driving under the mobile section of bridges requires extra caution and should
be avoided whenever possible because the height clearance is inconsistent.
Caution must be used as there are high voltage lines and mechanical units
hanging from the bottom of the bridges. (Some companies’ operational
procedures do not permit driving under bridges).
D/A Requirements
5.3.1 D/A Southside permit holders may operate on Aprons III to X, on ‘uncontrolled’ Taxiway P
in a vehicle that is not equipped with an aeronautical radio. They are also permitted to
operate in areas described in the D/A Westside (see also 5.4) section. D/A Southside
permit holders may not operate on Apron I and II.
5.3.2 It is prohibited to drive through the airside parking area in front of the CBSA satellite office
when there is an aircraft parked in the CBSA lease area.
5.3.3 D/A Southside permit holders are permitted to use the perimeter road around the
thresholds of Runway 35L and Runway 26. There is an exemption in place for D/A and
DAS AVOP Holders to cross Taxiway N in order to gain access to the perimeter road
around Runway 26. Extra caution must be used to ensure all rights of way are given to
aircraft and helicopters in the area.
5.3.4 D/A Southside permit holders are not permitted to use the road between the threshold of
Runway 26 and the perimeter road of Runway 26.
5.3.5 D/A Southside permit holders are not permitted to drive on Taxiway L and therefore are not
permitted to use the perimeter road around the threshold of Runway 08 (leading to the
5.3.6 All operators must exercise extreme caution when going from the perimeter road around
the threshold of Runway 35L between Taxiway A and Apron III, because of possible high
traffic density, jet blast, and low approaching aircraft.
The signs between the two STOP signs on the perimeter road around the
threshold of Runway 35L say “NO stopping for next 150 metres.”
5.3.7 Vehicle operators must use the service roads to travel between Aprons III, IV and V and
remain situationally aware at all times.
5.3.8 See 8.2 for the towing of aircraft across the threshold of Runway 35L.
5.3.9 Southside Aprons are frequently used for helicopter traffic. AVOP holders must be aware
of airborne helicopters that are landing or taking off from Aprons as well as when taxiing or
hover taxiing.
D/A Requirements
5.4.1 D/A Westside permit holders may operate on Apron VII, Apron IX, the Apron IX De-Icing
Pad, and the Perimeter Road of Runway 11 and Runway 17R in a vehicle that is not
equipped with an aeronautical radio. A D/A Westside permit may also allow operation on
future Aprons west of Taxiway A, at the discretion of the Authority AVOP Coordinator.
D/A Westside permit holders can use the perimeter road around the threshold
of Runway 17R to access the AVOP exempt roads and facilities north of Apron I
near Gate 321, but they are not permitted to enter Apron I.
5.4.2 D/A Westside permit holders are permitted to operate a vehicle on Taxiway W, for the sole
purpose of driving directly to or from an aircraft that requires towing or other operational
servicing. Vehicle operators must always give the right-of-way to aircraft operating on the
Taxiway or Apron.
5.4.3 Vehicle operators must use the head of stand VSR on Aprons VII and IX whenever
possible. Vehicle operators must be extra vigilant, especially when operating on the Apron
or on Taxiway W.
5.5.1 All vehicles driving airside must maintain a safe driving speed at all times, taking into
account factors such as weather, visibility and congestion among others.
5.5.2 The speed limit inside all buildings, baggage halls, GSE Storage areas, is walking speed to
ensure the safety of all staff and equipment. Walking speed is defined as 5 km/h or less.
5.5.3 Emergency vehicles with red flashing beacons responding to a call may exceed the speed
D/A Requirements
5.5.4 All occupants traveling in vehicles airside are required to wear a seat belt. To aid in
compliance, it is recommended that seatbelts for open cab vehicles be fitted with a
high-vis seat belt or seatbelt cover.
5.6.1 Vehicle operators must make maximum use of all vehicle service roads, cargo roads, and
perimeter roads.
5.6.2 All vehicles must remain on a VSR unless proceeding into or out of an operational stand,
or from one operational stand to the adjacent operational stand.
5.6.3 Aircraft taxi and tow operations on Aprons must use Aircraft Stand Taxilanes or Apron
Taxiways (see also 4.2.2) for routing guidance, just like aircraft under power.
5.6.4 Vehicle operators must use the right lane of VSRs, cargo roads and perimeter roads.
5.6.5 Vehicle operators must give the right-of-way to vehicles already on designated VSRs,
cargo roads, or perimeter roads.
5.6.6 Vehicle operators must obey all signage at intersections. Anywhere two or more VSRs
intersect with no signage, it is treated as an uncontrolled intersection, and the vehicle on
the right has the right-of-way.
5.6.7 Vehicle operators are encouraged to use the Head of Stand (HOS) VSR around the
International Terminal Building as much as possible, unless the vehicle height exceeds 2.9
meters. This reduces congestion on the Tail of Stand (TOS) VSR and takes vehicles out of
the aircraft movement area.
5.6.8 Vehicle operators exiting baggage halls must STOP and ensure the way is clear before
proceeding and entering a VSR.
5.6.9 Slow moving vehicles (e.g., a container loader traveling at a speed of 5 km/h) may be
passed on the left in a VSR, but only when it is safe to do so and only if it can be done
without exceeding the speed limit.
Access to the Menzies Fuel vehicle gas station is one-way. All vehicles entering
the re-fuelling area must enter from the south VSR and exit using the north VSR.
5.6.10 At times, taxiing or parked aircraft may encroach on VSRs. The vehicle operator must
avoid such aircraft by safely leaving the VSR and returning only when it is safe to do so.
Extra caution must be taken when leaving the perimeter road from the threshold of 35L
before entering the VSR adjacent to Apron VI. Vehicle operators must ensure they give
way to any oncoming aircraft or helicopters before entering the VSR.
D/A Requirements
5.6.11 If a VSR is obscured for any reason such as faded paint or snow cover, vehicle operators
must approximate where the designated VSR is as closely as possible when driving.
5.6.12 Vehicles involved in snow and ice removal, glycol operations, FOD control and line
painting that require access to other areas of the Apron while performing their duties may
operate outside vehicle service roads.
5.6.13 Emergency and Authority vehicles with flashing red beacons may operate outside vehicle
service roads.
5.6.14 A cargo train cannot exceed six cargo dollies/carts or four pallet cargo dollies. A baggage
train cannot exceed four baggage carts/dollies.
5.6.15 When passing through the Juliet/Echo Underpass intersection, heading west, vehicle
operators may make a U-turn around the jersey barriers, if safe to do so. They may
also do so at the Gate 306A area or on Apron II. Vehicle operators must not use the Air
Canada hangar Apron.
5.7 Right-of-Way
5.7.1 Aircraft under their own power or under tow always have first priority and the right-of-way
over all other traffic.
5.7.2 Before entering a movement area, vehicle operators must perform a visual check to
ensure that there are no aircraft approaching or departing.
5.7.3 All vehicle operators must watch for aircraft about to Pushback, especially while driving on
a VSR (see also 5.11). An AVOP holder on Apron I approaching an aircraft during an air
start or on pushback, power-back, or taxiing or towing into and out of a gate must give way
and come to a complete STOP.
Vehicle drivers cannot drive between a marshaller, their equipment and the aircraft, or
proceed behind the aircraft, unless cleared by the marshaller. Vehicle operators may only
proceed once the aircraft and marshaling crew are clear of the VSR.
Vehicle operators are not permitted to leave the VSR to drive through the operational stand
during pushbacks or arrivals.
D/A Requirements
5.7.4 All vehicles must give the right-of-way to emergency vehicles with red flashing beacons,
airport maintenance equipment engaged in snow, ice, FOD control and painting (or other
airport maintenance duties), vehicles engaged in glycol spraying or recovery and fuel
tanker trucks or carts manoeuvring in or out of an operational stand.
5.7.5 Vehicle operators must YIELD the right-of-way to pedestrians in designated crosswalks,
and in designated crosswalks between an aircraft and a terminal building or at any
other ground loading position, and to marshallers upon completion of an aircraft pushback.
Pedestrians must give the right-of-way to aircraft and vehicles when walking on any other
portion of the Apron.
5.8.1 Vehicles not in use must be parked in designated parking areas only.
5.8.2 The parking of vehicles airside is permitted only in the following areas:
5.8.3 Parked or unattended vehicles must have the parking brakes on or the wheels chocked.
5.8.4 Vehicle operators cannot park in any area of the airport designated by a “No Parking” sign,
or in any reserved, marked or leased areas unless authorized to do so.
D/A Requirements
5.8.5 Egress from the building through emergency exits or access to emergency equipment
(e.g., fuel shut-off valves, wheeled fire extinguishers, standpipes) must not be obstructed
by parked vehicles or equipment.
5.8.6 Vehicle operators must not park on any VSR, perimeter road, aircraft taxiing area, or
aircraft movement area (see Appendices A for definition).
5.8.7 Vehicle operators must not park, leave, or place any vehicle, equipment, or object within
one meter of a security fence airside (or three meters groundside).
5.8.8 Vehicle operators must not park any vehicles or equipment in the area identified by paint
markings that indicate the travel of a bridge (see also 4.4.2).
5.8.9 Vehicle operators must not park or leave any vehicles unattended in front of blast walls.
5.8.10 Vehicles must not restrict fuel truck access and exit routes. During hydrant fueling, ground
service vehicles must be kept a minimum distance of two meters from the hydrant carts
and hydrant fueling pits.
The underground fuel hydrant system is highly pressurized (180 PSI) in order
to deliver fuel to an aircraft. If the fuel coupler or hose is hit and damaged while
fuelling, the outcome could be catastrophic. Large quantities of fuel could spill,
creating a significant environmental impact and a potentially serious fire risk.
Always remain clear of the hydrant pit, the hydrant coupler, and the fuel lines
when fuelling is taking place.
5.8.11 Vehicle operators must not park fuel tanker trucks within 15 meters of any airport building
that has any exposed windows or doors (see also 5.14.2).
5.8.12 Vehicle operators must not leave fuel tanker trucks unattended unless parked in areas that
are specifically designated for that purpose.
5.8.13 Vehicles parked in any unapproved parking area may be towed at the company’s or
driver’s expense and an AVOP violation ticket may be issued.
5.8.14 Whenever possible, vehicles should be parked facing out (facing away) from the terminal
building, when parking near a building, near loading bridges and other heavy traffic areas.
5.8.15 Vehicle operators must not leave vehicles idling close to air intakes or inside a baggage
D/A Requirements
5.9.1 Aircraft may only be parked in assigned operational stands, in assigned leased areas or
on designated aircraft parking pads.
5.10.1 Vehicles must not be driven onto or across operational stands, unless in connection with
work on the operational stand (see Appendix A for definition).
5.10.2 Vehicles must not move onto, or off of, an operational stand when an aircraft is moving, an
aircraft’s engines are running, or an aircraft’s anti-collision lights are on.
5.10.3 Vehicles must never pass between an aircraft and a terminal building or between an
aircraft and the airside buses at any ground loading position. This includes all ground
loading areas on all Aprons (see Appendix A for definition).
5.10.4 Vehicle operators must remain a safe distance from aircraft jet blast or prop wash. Aircraft
parked at a gate may have their engines running when they have just arrived, are ready to
depart, during air-starts or run-ups. The jet blast and prop wash are considerable and can
be dangerous (See Appendix B for diagrams).
Do not pass behind an aircraft with engines running ‘on gate’ unless the wheels are
chocked or unless the marshaller waves permission.
Do not pass closely in front of, or closely behind any aircraft with engines running. Always
stop to observe aircraft status. To avoid the possibility of engine ingestion, jet blast or prop
wash hazards, the driver may choose to use an alternate route, avoiding the operational
stand entirely.
As a courtesy to all airside staff, marshalers should “wave” drivers past stationary
aircraft whenever it is safe to do so. This helps keep our Apron operations running
smoothly and efficiently by keeping vehicles moving, and reducing potential
line-ups that may block access to other gates or operational areas.
D/A Requirements
5.10.5 All vehicles and ground service equipment (GSE) in transit must maintain a minimum one
meter safe clearance around aircraft on operational stands.
5.10.6 You are never allowed to drive between the marshaller and an aircraft.
5.10.7 Vehicles must not be driven over any electrical power cables, fuel hoses, wheel chocks,
As per 5.8.8, vehicles and equipment must not be parked in the area identified
by paint markings indicating the travel of a bridge (see also 4.4.2). Ground
service providers may stage vehicles or equipment in the travel of a bridge
area, at their own risk, immediately before the arrival of an aircraft, but only
if they have control over the operation of the bridge. This is acceptable only
if the ground service providers take the appropriate steps to avoid contact
between the bridge and vehicles or equipment.
5.10.8 Vehicles may be driven in reverse only if it is essential for the task being performed. If this
has to be done on an occupied operational stand, it is recommended that another person
marshal the vehicle or GSE.
5.11.1 Vehicle operators driving on the VSR behind aircraft at bridges must be aware of the signs
that an aircraft is pushing back and give way to aircraft that are, or are about to, pushback
from a gate. Vehicle operators must know and identify signs that indicate an aircraft is
not going to pushback when approaching the aircraft so that they know they have time to
safely drive behind the aircraft.
D/A Requirements
5.12.1 No person is permitted at the scene of a fire, an accident, or near an aircraft known to be
carrying distinguished visitors, or Prime Contractor (Construction) areas unless they are
authorized and have a specific duty that requires their presence.
5.12.2 Vehicles may not be driven into or through construction areas, unless in connection with
the construction or as authorized by the ADM, project manager, or designate.
Airport staff may not use their airside privileges to post on social media.
Airport staff may not use their airside privileges to watch, photograph, record
incidents or accidents unless it is part of their duties. The same is true for
privileged access to individuals such as celebrities. This conduct is not within
staff’s “need” to be airside.
5.13.1 AVOP holders involved in an accident with another vehicle, aircraft, GSE, or other object
must immediately report the collision to their supervisor, and as appropriate, the Integrated
Operations Center and CPS in order to allow for a timely response and investigation.
5.14.1 Fuel tanker trucks carrying flammable materials are forbidden to pass through any
breezeway or drive on the Head of Stand (HOS) VSR.
5.14.2 Aircraft fuel handling is normally conducted from underground hydrant fuel systems near
the terminal building. When fueling is carried out by fuel tanker trucks, it must be
conducted at least 15 meters away from any airport building that has windows or doors
in any exposed walls (see also 5.8.10 & 5.8.11).
5.14.3 Flammable liquids in slip tanks that are being transported must conform to the
requirements as contained in the Transport Canada’s Transportation of Dangerous
Goods Regulations.
5.14.4 Vehicles containing slip tanks are permitted to pass through breezeways.
Airside Traffic Directives Section 6
D Requirements
6.1.1 Operation of vehicles and mobile equipment, including taxiing or towing aircraft in the
manoeuvring area requires the operator to possess a valid YYC-specific D permit, with
the exception, that a pilot with a current and valid pilot’s license may taxi or tow aircraft if
authorized by their company to do so.
There are several types of D permits with specific regulations applicable, as indicated
a. The D–AVOP permit allows operators to drive vehicles on all airfield surfaces and is
the only D permit that allows for driving vehicles on their own on controlled Taxiways
and Runways (as per Sections 6.1 (all) & 6.2),
b. The D-AME permit allows operators to taxi or tow aircraft on all airfield surfaces
but does not permit driving a vehicle on controlled Taxiways or Runways (as per
Sections 6.3 (all) & 6.4 (all)),
i. The DA-M permit is a combination D/A and D-AME. The DA-M
permit allows an operator to taxi or tow aircraft on all airfield surfaces and
allows operators to drive vehicles on all Aprons and on uncontrolled
Taxiway P (see 6.3.4),
c. The D-Tow permit allows operators to tow aircraft on specific parts of the
airfield (under individual agreement with the company). The D-Tow permit allows
operators to drive a vehicle on Aprons applicable to their AVOP, but does not allow
operators to drive a vehicle on controlled Taxiways or Runways (as per section 6.4
6.1.2 All Aprons at the Calgary International Airport are uncontrolled. Most Taxiways and all
Runways are controlled. Taxiways GB, GD, and P are uncontrolled (see Appendix A
for definition).
When exiting an Apron going onto a Taxiway, vehicle operators must always
monitor the correct radio frequencies. It is best practice to also stop and
visually confirm that no aircraft traffic is approaching.
6.1.3 D permit holders must obey all speed limits for Aprons, roads and Taxiways (see also 5.5):
a. The vehicle speed limit for Taxiways and Runways is a reasonable operating speed,
b. The vehicle speed limit on the Taxiways crossing over the underpasses is 50 km/h,
c. Perimeter roads around the threshold of Runway 08 and Runway 29 may only be
used by a D permit holder and, like all perimeter roads, have a vehicle speed limit of
50 km/h.
6.1.4 Vehicle operators are not permitted to operate in the shoulders of Taxiway R, J or E above
the underpasses marked with Taxiway Safety Area markings (see also 4.9.7) except for
pre-authorized maintenance duties or, as authorized by the Authority AVOP Coordinator.
D Requirements
6.1.5 Retrieving FOD located in the shoulders of the Taxiway R, J or E above the underpasses
requires specialized equipment. Contact the Integrated Operations Center to dispatch
personnel who can retrieve the FOD safely (see also 3.17.3[e]).
6.1.6 D permit holders must make maximum use of airfield roads and vehicle service roads
on Aprons when it is operationally reasonable. Vehicle operators not involved in the
performance of airside-related duties should avoid all movement areas and, whenever
possible, use groundside traffic routes or perimeter roads instead.
6.1.7 Notwithstanding the “No Entry” signs going from Taxiway G to Taxiway GB and Taxiway G
to Taxiway GD, D permit holders who are operating vehicles may only enter these areas
for operational, emergency response, and maintenance purposes (see also 4.12.3).
6.1.9 When a vehicle operator must proceed to a specific airside location in an emergency (e.g.,
Response Gate East), the requirement to use perimeter roads is waived (see also 7.5.11).
6.1.10 The all-weather emergency access road to Runway 17L/35R at Taxiway Z is for
emergency use only. The road has flashing red STOP lights, a STOP sign, white
transverse pavement markings, and safe hit delineators to mark the road as restricted
during normal operations.
Runway 17L–35R is the primary emergency landing Runway at YYC. When required
(and when possible), emergency landings will occur on this Runway. Response
Gate East is the primary response gate for off-site emergency vehicle staging and
is located near the intersection of 36th Street and 80th Avenue NE. Gate 306A is the
designated Temporary Response Gate East. Gate 340 may be used as an alternate
Medical Emergency Response Gate.
6.1.11 To avoid interference with an Instrument Landing System (ILS), no vehicle may proceed
closer than 150 meters to any localizer, glide path antenna or shack except with permission
from Calgary Ground.
D Requirements
6.2 D Permit
6.2.1 D permit holders may operate vehicles on Taxiways, Runways, airfield roads, and off hard
surfaces. Attention must be paid to tracking FOD back onto hard surfaces.
6.3.1 Only licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs) are permitted to have a D-AME
permit. If an individual does not maintain their AME license, their D-AME permit will be
revoked. It is the employer’s responsibility to inform the Authority AVOP Coordinator if
operators do not maintain their AME license.
6.3.2 D-AME permit holders may taxi and tow aircraft on all Aprons, all Taxiways and all
Runways. They are also permitted to taxi and tow aircraft on all airfield roads and off hard
surfaces where it is appropriate. D-AME permit holders are not permitted to drive vehicles
outside of their leased property.
6.3.3 Should a D-AME permit holder have the need to operate a vehicle outside of their leased
property, they must successfully obtain the appropriate D/A permit (D/A, D/A S, D/A W) in
addition to their D-AME permit.
a. D-AME (D-AME AVOP) - permit holders can taxi or tow aircraft on all airfield
surfaces but does not permit driving a vehicle outside of their leased property,
b. DA-M (both a D/A and D-AME AVOP) - permit holders can taxi or tow aircraft on
all airfield surfaces, can drive a vehicle on all Aprons, and is the only D/A permit that
allows an AME to drive on Aprons I and II,
c. DAS-M (both a D/A S and D-AME AVOP) - permit holders can taxi or tow aircraft on
all airfield surfaces and can drive a vehicle on Aprons III to X, but not on Aprons I
and II,
d. DAS-M (both a D/A W and D-AME AVOP) - permit holders can taxi or tow aircraft
on all airfield surfaces, but can only drive a vehicle on Apron VII and Apron IX.
D Requirements
6.4.1 D-Tow permit holders may tow aircraft on all Aprons, specific Taxiways, specific Runways
and, where appropriate, on specific airfield roads and off hard surfaces.
6.4.2 Each company has individual D-Tow agreements that are designed to minimize the use of
Taxiways and Runways.
6.4.3 D-Tow permit holders are also permitted to operate as D/A permit holders; however, they
are limited to the same rules as a D/A permit holder. D/A and D-Tow permit holders are not
permitted to drive vehicles on Taxiways (with the exception of Taxiway P) or on Runways.
While D-AME and D-Tow permit holders can tow an aircraft on a Taxiway,
they cannot drive a vehicle on a Taxiway when they are not actively towing an
aircraft, unless otherwise authorized by the Calgary Airport Authority.
7.1.1 See 7.10 for more information on the details provided in this section.
( to includes phraseology and radio call examples).
7.1.6 If it is required to have Calgary Ground instructions repeated, the correct phraseology is
“Say again” or “Confirm.” All communication must be clear and concise.
When told by ATC to ‘Stand by’ the operator is to wait and monitor the
frequency. ATC will re-establish contact when able.
7.1.7 Transmission on the appropriate Ground Control frequency (see also 7.3.1) must be kept
to a minimum.
7.1.8 AVOP holders must ensure they have selected the proper frequency and must listen first,
to avoid interfering with other transmissions before transmitting on any radio frequency
(see 7.3.5).
7.1.9 Operators must monitor the appropriate frequencies at all times while in the
manoeuvring area.
7.2.1 All Aprons at the Calgary International Airport are uncontrolled and are at the discretion of
the person in charge of the aircraft. However, Apron Advisory (121.3 MHz - see Appendix
A for definition) must be contacted before all aircraft movements on Apron I.
7.2.2 Between the hours of 0100-0500, when Nav Canada is not monitoring Apron Advisory, taxi
and tow operators must still announce their intentions on Apron Advisory, 121.3 MHz.
7.3.1 Calgary Ground uses two frequencies to control aircraft and vehicles in the manoeuvring
area. All Ground transmissions in the east part of the airfield (red) are on the East Ground
frequency (125.35 MHz) and all transmissions on the west part of the airfield (green)
are on the West Ground frequency (121.9 MHz). Vehicles and aircraft operating in the
manoeuvring area must have radios that can operate on both frequencies (see 7.11 - Map
- East/West Ground Frequency).
7.3.2 The boundary between East and West Ground frequencies is between Taxiway JS and
Taxiway JT and between Taxiway F and Taxiway R (see also 7.11).
a. East Ground:
• Runway 17L/35R
• All Taxiways east of Taxiway JT and east of Taxiway F
b. West Ground:
• Runway 17R/35L, Runway 11/29 and Runway 08/26
• All Taxiways west of Taxiway JS and west of Taxiway R
7.3.4 Operators must switch between East and West Ground Frequencies even when the
frequencies are coupled and one controller is operating both frequencies.
7.4.1 Calgary Ground provides control services to aircraft and vehicles operating in the
manoeuvring areas. All AVOP holders must obey instructions given by Calgary Ground.
7.4.2 Vehicles may be operated on Taxiways without clearance, but vehicle operators
It is best practice that all light vehicle operators departing an Apron, come to a
complete STOP before entering a Taxiway. This will allow the operator time to
gain situational awareness prior to entering the manoeuvring area.
must ensure that their vehicle’s radio is receiving transmissions before entering the
manoeuvring area and must maintain a listening watch on the appropriate frequency while
in the manoeuvring area. The vehicle operator must request and obtain permission from
Calgary Ground before entering or crossing the Runway, or passing within the Runway
holding position markings (see also 4.9.2, 7.5.2, 7.5.10 & 7.5.8).
The minimum safe distance off each Runway (distance from the Runway Center
Line to the Runway Holding Position Marking) at YYC is as follows:
Runway 08/26 90 metres
Runway 11/29 105 metres
Runway 17R/35L 105 metres
Runway 17L/35R 110 metres
For any construction activities, or when a vehicle is parked, safe distances
become greater. Runway Strip Widths of 122 meters apply for all construction
activities and are dependent upon equipment types and height. These distances
must be determined before the work starts.
The minimum safe distance off each Taxiway (distance from the Taxiway Center
Line) at YYC is 51.0 meters. Pilots should feel confident that there is “ample”
room, rather than “just enough” room, between their aircraft and the vehicle.
7.4.3 Fuel tanker trucks, slow moving vehicles and vehicles escorting slow moving vehicles or
aircraft under tow must call Calgary Ground on the appropriate frequency and advise of
their intentions before leaving an Apron in order to access a Taxiway. This will assist the
controller in planning a safe and secure route for these vehicles that will not negatively
affect aircraft traffic in the manoeuvring area.
7.4.4 While in the manoeuvring areas, D permit holders must always monitor Calgary Ground,
acknowledge and comply with any instructions from Calgary Ground as understood, or
request that the instructions be said again if not understood.
7.4.5 Any vehicle not equipped with a radio and Vehicle transponder (Veelo) in the manoeuvring
area must be escorted by a radio equipped vehicle escort operated by a D permit holder
who is responsible for requesting permission and acknowledging all Calgary Ground
instructions. If a vehicle has a radio but no transponder, they are required to be under
positive control with ATC, with prior coordination.
7.4.6 Calgary Ground and vehicle operators have developed several terms and phrases to
improve communication when vehicle operators are performing work in the manoeuvring
area. These terms and phrases are site-specific for both the airfield operational and
maintenance concerns of the Calgary Airport. The terms and phrases (see also 7.10(all))
are required knowledge for individuals who perform specific airfield jobs.
7.5.1 D permit holders must contact Calgary Ground (see also 7.3) and request permission
to cross or proceed onto an open or closed Runway or cross a CAT I hold line to enter a
holding bay. They must perform a visual check before a call-up.
7.5.2 Whenever a D permit holder is instructed to hold short of a Runway, and/or is awaiting
permission to cross or to proceed onto a Runway, the operator must hold the vehicle
behind the Runway holding position markings. The vehicle must not touch or cross the
Runway Hold Markings until clearance is given by Calgary Ground and the read-back is
When told to hold short of a Runway, the operator must respond with
“Holding Short Runway 29” followed by their call sign.
7.5.3 Vehicles requiring to enter a Runway for Runway inspections (RSCs), FOD removal,
wildlife management or electrical inspections and repairs must:
7.5.4 Vehicles and aircraft are prohibited from crossing a red lit STOP bar even if they have
verbal permission from Calgary Ground. If the STOP bar is relit part-way through a group
of vehicles (e.g. a group of sweepers) crossing the Runway Holding Position Marking, the
next driver may not cross. The driver must STOP before the Runway Holding Position
Marking. There are no circumstances where an AVOP holder is permitted to cross a lit red
STOP bar.
7.5.5 When instructed to leave the Runway, D permit holders must acknowledge instructions
and proceed to the required safe distance from the Runway, as measured from the
centerline, for each Runway. Operators must then inform Calgary Ground when they are
“OFF” the Runway and give their exact location (see also 7.4.2 Note Box).
When approaching a Runway Holding Position Marking or CAT I Hold Line, all vehicles
must come to a complete stop unless advance clearance has been issued by ATC. The
vehicle operator must stop a minimum of two car lengths before the Runway Holding
Position Marking or CAT I Hold Line. This distance provides full view of the signs, lights
and markings and allows enough space for vehicles to make a U-turn away from the
Runway, if required.
7.5.7 On occasion, Calgary Ground may give a vehicle permission to cross a Runway
without prior call-up by the vehicle operator. The vehicle operator must acknowledge all
instructions from Calgary Ground as understood, or request that the instructions be said
again if not understood (see also 7.1.5, 7.1.6 & 7.4.4).
When leaving a Runway it is very important to tell Calgary ground when you
are leaving a Runway. Never use the words clear of the Runway. Always say
you are “Off” the Runway.
7.5.8 Vehicle traffic routes must reduce Runway crossings and call-ups to Calgary Ground (i.e.
instead of crossing Runway 17R-35L at Taxiway J, use the north perimeter road), taking
into account emergency response, operational and maintenance requirements.
7.5.9 Vehicles and equipment may sometimes have to operate in the Runway Protected Area,
the area between the Runway edge and the Runway Holding Position Markings (see also
7.4.2 including Note Box, 7.5.2 & 7.5.3). Should this be required, the vehicle operator
must ask Calgary Ground for permission, stating where they need to operate, including the
approximate distance of the vehicle or equipment from the nearest edge of the Runway
and how long they expect to be there (see also 7.4.4). A radio listening watch must be
maintained (using an exterior speaker when appropriate).
7.5.10 When performing tasks in the Runway Protected Area (RPA), the “grassy area” beside the
Runway edge, ensure you hold short of the Runway designator signs (see also 4.12.1)
instead of the Runway holding position markings, because the signs are more visible than
the paint markings. Stay behind the imaginary line drawn parallel to the Runway from the
Runway designator signs. Err on the side of caution. (See also 7.4.2 Note Box) for the
required distance from the Runway, as measured from the centerline, for each Runway.
7.5.11 If a D permit holder must cross one or more Runways, or requires priority access in an
emergency situation, they must use the words “Responding to” followed by the specific
location in their call-up to Calgary Ground. This will ensure priority permission to cross the
Runway(s) and/or use Taxiways will be given by Calgary Ground, depending on the traffic
situation at the time.
7.6.1 AVOP holders must use a hand-held radio or cell phone to advise ATC (Calgary Ground),
their immediate supervisor, the Integrated Operations Center or any other appropriate
person of a radio failure as soon as possible.
In adverse weather conditions and a combined vehicle and radio failure, the
vehicle may provide the best protection until help arrives.
7.6.2 There are no known radio blind spots at Calgary International Airport. There have been
occasions when the radio acts as though it were in a blind spot, but these incidents are
inconsistent and are not considered to be blind spots. Discoveries of this nature must be
reported to the Integrated Operations Center without delay.
7.7.1 If a vehicle, aircraft or equipment breaks down, or the operator or escorted vehicles cannot
comply with instructions from Calgary Ground after acknowledging the instructions, the
operator must immediately notify Calgary Ground of the location and difficulty and as well
as ask for assistance.
If an escorted vehicle drives off, unescorted, down a Taxiway, call Calgary Ground
to explain the situation, then follow instructions given by Calgary Ground.
7.8.1 If a vehicle or aircraft is in the manoeuvring area when the radio fails and the operator
must cross a Runway, or continue with a controlled routing, the operator must turn the
vehicle or aircraft to face the Control Tower and flash the headlights, or aircraft landing or
taxi lights, to signal Calgary Ground.
7.8.2 In the event of a radio failure Calgary Ground can use the following light signals to
communicate with vehicles and aircraft:
The operator must hold short of each Runway, repeat the process and receive permission
to proceed (flashing green light signal) before crossing the Runway.
7.9.1 The Reduced/Low Visibility Operations Plan (RVOP and LVOP – see Appendix A for
definition) calls for specific airfield operational procedures when the Runway Visual
Range (RVR) is below 2600 feet. Only operationally required vehicles dedicated to the
continued operation of the airport are permitted on the manoeuvring areas during reduced
or low visibility conditions.
7.9.2 Vehicle access is restricted during Reduced Visibility (RVR below 2600 feet) as follows:
7.9.3 Vehicle access is restricted during Low Visibility (RVR below 1200 feet) as follows:
a. Manoeuvring area - Only vehicles essential to the continued operation of the airport
will be authorized to operate on the manoeuvring area (i.e., airfield inspection,
emergency response, and snow removal), and all vehicles must be under positive
b. Apron area - Only GSE vehicles essential to the continued operation of the airport
are authorized to operate on the Apron.
7.9.4 Aircraft tow and taxi operations, with the exception of operations controlled by a pilot with
a valid and current license, are restricted during Reduced Visibility as follows:
7.9.5 Aircraft tow and taxi operations, with the exception of operations controlled by a pilot with
a valid and current license, are restricted during Low Visibility as follows:
a. Manoeuvring area - Only essential aircraft tows and taxiing on approval of the
Airport Duty Manager,
b. Apron area - Only essential aircraft tows and taxiing.
a. Notify the ADM that RVR is below 2600 feet (RVOP) or 1200 feet (LVOP). (All
vehicles on the manoeuvring area are to contact Calgary Ground for clearance),
b. Coordinate all vehicle requests based on priority and ability to accommodate,
c. Notify the ADM when low or reduced visibility operations are terminated.
7.9.8 Operators are notified of reduced and low visibility conditions through an Authority
automated call out system, Ground Control, company radio, and/or ATIS (128.225 MHz)
(see Appendix A for definition). Drivers entering the airfield movement and manoeuvring
areas during conditions where visibility is obscured or estimated to be less that 2600
feet must confirm if reduced or low visibility procedures are active, and must be given
permission by ATC to proceed, before entering a manoeuvring area.
7.9.9 LVOP (rather than RVOP) can be initiated at any time at the discretion of Calgary Ground
when the ground visibility is less than 2600 feet.
7.9.10 All vehicles on the airfield must be under positive control while operating on controlled
Taxiway and Runways during RVOP and LVOP. Calgary Ground may restrict vehicle
movements at any time.
7.9.11 When RVOP or LVOP is activated, all non-essential vehicles must exit the manoeuvring
area under positive control. Operators must call Calgary Ground and obtain instructions
to exit the manoeuvring area under positive control and must call again when “OFF” the
manoeuvring area (including their location).
7.9.12 In reduced visibility operations, the Airport Duty Manager will determine if and how
construction or maintenance projects on the airfield can safely continue. In low visibility
operations all construction activity will be suspended.
7.9.13 When the RVR is below 600 feet, airfield vehicle operations are strictly limited due to the
risks from highly limited visibility.
7.10.1 The following situations apply to all airfield operators and require radio calls to
obtain permission from ATC/Ground Control. Permission to enter a Runway for inspection. Request must include location for
entry and time when the operator is due to inspect the Runway. Ground Control will give
permission and direction, if and when the Runway becomes available. Permission to STOP on a Runway to pick up FOD. Permission to STOP on the Runway
during an inspection must always be coordinated with Ground Control. The operator must
give a brief description of the FOD, including its approximate location from the centerline,
to assist Ground Control in determining the impact on aircraft operations. The operator
can only STOP to retrieve the FOD when Ground Control gives permission to do so.
The operator must ensure radio communications can be heard by selecting the exterior
speaker while out of the vehicle. If there is no external speaker available, a second person
is required to maintain a listening watch. Permission to cross a Runway (must provide specific location for crossing). The
operator must request permission to cross the specified Runway at a specified location
and must cross only at that location. Stopping for FOD or traversing along the Runway to
inspect adjacent areas is not permitted. Permission to close a Taxiway or Runway (must be pre-arranged with start and
end time). Before making the radio call to close a Runway or Taxiway, the operator must
confirm that the closure has been pre-arranged, including confirmation of the duration,
location and conditions of the closure.
There are instances when only part of a Taxiway needs to be closed. For example,
Taxiway G between Apron I and Taxiway J leaves the section of Taxiway G between
Taxiway J and Runway 11/29 open and available for normal aircraft movements.
When closing Taxiways and Runways, the procedure is to set up high-profile traffic
barrels at the extremes of the closure. This gives a physical and visual identification of
the closure. Only the ADM or an AOS can re-open a Runway or Taxiway, and only after it
has been inspected.
7.10.2 The following situations apply to all airfield operators who escort slow-moving
vehicles such as heavy equipment, FMC loaders, cargo tugs and dollies, and towed
aircraft. Vehicles requesting taxi or progressive taxi instructions when escorting vehicles
with limited manoeuvring or stopping ability. When Ground Control receives a request
for a progressive routing it is implied that the escorted vehicles have limited ability to turn
around to avoid aircraft, drive off a hard surface or react quickly during adverse weather
conditions or at night. Ground Control may request that you “stand by” or “hold your
position” until a full or partial routing can be given. When under progressive routing, you
are under positive control and are at Ground Control’s discretion.
7.10.3 The following Ground Control permissions apply mainly to Authority airfield
maintenance staff in the performance of their duties. Ground Control grants permission for unrestricted on a Runway. Indicates that an
operator may travel the full length of the Runway, crossing intersecting Runways without
further permission until further notice. Snow removal vehicles are able to exit the Runway,
cross the hold line, turn around at the closest turn-around point and return to the Runway
without asking for further permission. Ground Control grants permission for “unrestricted Runway 17R-35L”. Includes the
first turn-around on Alpha on the west side at all locations A, A1, U, A3, J, Holding Bay
17R, Runway 08, and Runway 11 but will not include Alpha where it runs parallel to the
Runway. On the east side of Runway 17R/35L, all entrances to the Runway and Taxiway C
are included in a Runway unrestricted permission because of the priority nature of C and
the number of turns necessary to remove snow from all the exits. Ground Control grants permission for “unrestricted Runway 17L-35R”. Includes the
first turn-around on Delta. It also includes the Victor/Delta loop and the Quebec/Bravo
loop, and the first turn-around on Bravo on Quebec. Ground Control grants permission for “unrestricted Runway 11-29”. Includes the
areas beyond the hold lines at all locations to the first available turn-around location. This
includes J, J2, A north to J, C north to J, G north to F, F to 400 feet north of the hold line,
Holding Bay Runway 29, C/C2 intersection, A south to A1, and W to Apron VII. Ground Control grants permission for “unrestricted Runway 08-26”. Includes the
areas beyond the hold lines at all locations including L to P, A south to Apron VI, A north to
A3, C and Y north to C3, and C and Y south to YB. Ground Control grants permission for work in the intersection of two Runways.
Indicates that the maintenance vehicle operator has access to both Runways indicated
to beyond the hold lines including edges and short corners in proximity (approximately
120 meters or 400 feet) of the hold line. During intersection snow removal operations,
operators will remove snow to beyond the hold line but will not work beyond the next
Taxiway in order to minimize the time required to remove snow from the intersection. The
operator will usually be given a time frame for traffic. In all cases the operator will YIELD
to taxiing aircraft and vacate the intersection when requested or when the operation is
complete. Permission must then be requested and obtained for snow removal operations
or inspections to resume or begin on a given area. Ground Control grants permission for 180-degree turn on Runway from Taxiway.
Indicates the operator has permission to do a single U-turn on the Runway from the
Taxiway for the maintenance vehicles to clean the hold line and areas beyond, as is the
case with short corners. Multiple U-turns must be specifically requested.
7.10.4 The following phraseology examples apply to D, D-Tow and D-AME permit holders. Introduction
• Situational awareness
• Planning ahead
• Normal tone and rate of speech Note that Runway 17R-35L is said as “Runway one seven right” or “Runway three five left”
depending on which is the active heading.
Your initial call “West Ground, Staff four eight (48), Permission to cross Runway three five
left (35L), West on Uniform (U).”
Ground Control “Staff four eight (48) West Ground, Proceed across Runway three five left
response (35L), West on Uniform (U).” It is important to use the word “Runway” if you are talking about a Runway. Do not cross
Runway holding position markings until you have received permission and completed your
read-back. This is your final fail-safe before crossing and provides confirmation to ATC that
you will do exactly what ATC instructed.
Your initial call “West Ground, Staff four eight (48) Permission to cross Runway two six (26)
North on Yankee (Y).”
Ground Control “Negative Staff four eight (48), Hold Short Runway two six (26), Traffic
response short final.”
Your incorrect “Staff four eight (48) Holding Short at Runway two six.”
read back
Ground Control “Negative Staff four eight (48), Hold Short of Runway two six (26).”
Your correct “Staff four eight (48) Holding Short of Runway two six (26).”
read back You cannot hold short of something you say you are “at” or “on.” If you use the words
“at” or “on” in a read back when you are told to “hold short,” this gives Ground Control
conflicting information and is not acceptable. When told to hold short, you must say what
you will hold short of. It is also not acceptable to just say “roger” or “affirmative.” This situation is very similar to crossing a Runway in regards to calls. However, it is
important to “report off” with your location on the field as soon as reasonably possible
once you have exited the Runway. It is also important to say the word “off” instead of
“clear.” Example
Your initial call “West Ground, Staff four eight (48) on Lima (L), Permission to enter
threshold Runway zero eight (08) for a Runway inspection.”
Ground Control “Staff four eight (48) West Ground, Enter Runway zero eight (08) for Runway
response inspection, Hold Short Runway three five left (35L).”
Your read back “Staff four eight (48) Entering Runway zero eight (08), Hold Short Runway
of instructions three five left (35L).”
Ground Control
response, when “Staff four eight (48), Cross Runway three five left (35L) on Runway two six (26).”
holding short
Your read back “Staff four eight (48) now Crossing Runway three five left (35L) on Runway
of instructions two six (26).” Aircraft Tows and Slow Moving Escorts Under Positive Control These movements are done under positive control because aircraft and heavy or slow
moving equipment cannot drive into the grass to avoid taxiing aircraft. If the movement is
going to be particularly slow, let Ground Control know what speed they can expect so they
can plan accordingly. Example
Your initial call “West Ground, Staff four eight (48) Plus Tow.”
Your response “West Ground, Staff four eight (48) has a DC three (DC 3) under tow on
Apron Four (IV), Reposition to Apron Three (III), Check we have to tow it
backwards, and our top speed will be under ten (10) KPH.”
Ground Control “Roger Staff four eight (48), Hold Position. A Gulfstream is entering Apron
response Four (IV).”
Your read back “Staff four eight (48) Holding Position, and I have traffic in sight.”
of instructions
Ground Control “Roger Staff four eight (48), After traffic Proceed Yankee Bravo (YB), Yankee
response (Y) to Apron Three (III).”
Your read back “Behind traffic, Proceed Yankee Bravo (YB), Yankee (Y) to Apron Three (III),
of instructions Staff four eight (48) Plus Tow.”
Your final call, “West Ground, Staff four eight (48) Plus Tow established Apron Three (III).”
when at Apron III For conflicting traffic situations, Ground Control cannot give any instructions other than to
“hold position” unless you can actually see the conflicting traffic. If asked, and you do not
see the traffic, the call would be “Negative Traffic” or “looking for traffic”. Once you see
the traffic, call and confirm with Ground Control (“with the traffic”) and read back your
instructions. It is your responsibility to maintain safe separation.
Once RVOP or LVOP is initiated, all vehicle movements in the manoeuvring area are
immediately under positive control and are restricted to essential operational requirements.
If you are directly adjacent to an Apron when these procedures are initiated, simply
enter the Apron without delay. Do not enter the manoeuvring area again unless it is an
operational requirement or until RVOP or LVOP is terminated.
If you are on a Taxiway that is not close to an Apron, STOP and call Ground Control for a
route off the field. Before you call, think about your location and the most direct route to
exit the manoeuvring area. Example
Your initial call “East Ground, Staff four eight (48) on Bravo (B) South of Delta five
(D5), Request a route south on Bravo (B) to Romeo (R) to access the
perimeter road.”
Ground Control “Staff four eight (48) East Ground, Proceed Bravo (B) and Romeo (R) to the
response perimeter road, and Report when off all Taxiways.”
Your read back “Staff four eight (48) Proceed Bravo (B) and Romeo (R) to the perimeter
of instructions road, and will Report when off all Taxiways.”
Below is an example taxi request for an ‘after hours’ aircraft maintenance engine run.
Prior permission is required from the IOC for all ‘after hours’ high power engine runs.
Phone the IOC and provide aircraft registration (C-GYYC for this example), the name of
the owner, your name and phone number, and ensure you request a start time and state
your expected duration.
Your initial call must include four letters of your registration at a minimum. If no existing call
signs are similar, Calgary Ground will respond with the last three letters of your call sign.
Subsequent calls will then only require the last three letters of your registration. Example
Your initial call “West Ground, this is [Company Name], maintenance, Beech 200, Charlie
Gulf Yankee Yankee Charlie (C-GYYC) at Apron Nine (IX).”
Your response “West Ground, Yankee Yankee Charlie requests taxi to holding bay Runway
two niner for engine runs”
Ground Control “Yankee Yankee Charlie (YYC), Taxi Juliet Yankee (JY), Juliet (J), Alpha (A),
response Hold Short Runway two niner (29), Squawk 1000”
Your read back “Taxi Juliet Yankee (JY), Juliet (J), Alpha (A), Hold Short Runway two niner
of instructions (29), squawking one zero zero zero (1000), Yankee Yankee Charlie (YYC).”
“West Ground, Yankee Yankee Charlie (YYC) Holding Short Runway two
Your call, when
niner (29).”
holding short
Ground Control “Yankee Yankee Charlie (YYC), Cross Runway two niner (29), taxi Alpha (A),
response Uniform (U), Hold Short Runway one seven right (17R).”
Your read back “Cross Runway two niner (29), Taxi Alpha (A), Uniform (U), Hold Short
of instructions Runway one seven right (17R), Yankee Yankee Charlie (YYC).”
Your call, when “West Ground, Yankee Yankee Charlie (YYC) Holding Short Runway one
holding short seven right (17R).”
Ground Control “Yankee Yankee Charlie (YYC) Cross Runway one seven right (17R), Taxi
response Uniform (U) to holding bay Runway two niner (29). Monitor West Ground. Call
when ready to return.”
Your read-back “Cross Runway one seven right (17R), Taxi Uniform (U) to holding bay
of instructions Runway two niner (29). Monitor West Ground, Will Call when ready to return,
Yankee Yankee Charlie (YYC).”
8.1 General
8.1.1 Whenever possible, all taxi and tow operations must be done during times of ‘low activity.’
Where there is a risk of contact with another object, all aircraft operations must be
marshaled either with wing walkers, a marshaling vehicle, or a second person in the tow
vehicle. Live operations have priority over towed aircraft. Only properly trained staff
meeting airline requirements will ride the brakes. The navigational lights, including the
anti-collision lights, must be on for the duration of all tow operations.
8.1.2 Holding a valid AVOP does not deem a person competent to control a taxi or tow
operation. In addition to their AVOP, each person who taxis or tows aircraft at the Calgary
International Airport must be qualified by their employer to taxi or tow that specific aircraft
or category of aircraft. A person with both qualifications is permitted to have control over
the towing operation.
8.1.3 There must be direct communication between the flight deck/brake rider and the tow
vehicle operator at all times during the tow.
8.1.4 All taxi or tow operations must have one designated person in charge of the operation.
That person must have a valid AVOP (appropriate for the area and type of operation) and
an ROC-A, or have a valid and current pilot’s license and an ROC-A. The person in charge
does not have to physically be at any controls or communicating on the radio, but as a
minimum must oversee all activities of the taxi or tow operation and take responsibility for
the operation. This allows for aircraft taxi and tow training under supervision.
8.1.5 An AVOP holder can control a tow operation from either the flight deck or tow vehicle as
long as they use and follow proper procedures.
8.1.6 Everyone who communicates on an aeronautical radio must hold a valid ROC-A.
8.1.7 A pilot with a valid and current pilot’s license does not require an AVOP to taxi or tow
aircraft at YYC.
8.2.1 The person in charge of a towing operation in the manoeuvring area requires a
YYC-specific D permit (D, D-AME or D-Tow) or a valid and current pilot’s license and a
valid ROC-A.
8.2.2 A YYC-specific D-Tow permit, specifically designed for the company, may be issued by the
Authority AVOP Coordinator if the employer complies with all of the conditions of issue
(see also 6.4).
8.2.3 When the tow vehicle is part of the aircraft movement (i.e., the aircraft is actually escorting
the tow vehicle), the call-up to Calgary Ground will reflect this by stating “Aircraft Under
Tow”. In this case, the vehicle does not require a Veelo (GPS tracking system fixed to the
top of the vehicle) so long as the aircraft transponder is set to 1000.
8.3 Taxiing and Towing Aircraft on Aprons
8.3.1 The person in charge of a towing operation requires a YYC-specific AVOP (appropriate
for the Apron and/or manoeuvring area where the operation takes place) or a valid and
current pilot’s license. The person communicating with Apron Advisory must always have a
valid ROC-A. These two roles may be performed by one person or two different people.
An operator with only a D/A permit is not permitted to tow aircraft anywhere in
the manoeuvring area unless escorted by a D permit holder.
8.3.2 The taxi or tow operation must establish contact with Air Traffic Control on the appropriate
frequency before initiating the operation to obtain permission, must maintain a listening
watch and must advise ATC when the operation is complete.
8.3.3 After hours, when Air Traffic Control is not operating on the Apron Advisory frequency, tow
vehicle operators must broadcast their towing intentions and must maintain a listening
watch and must advise when the operation is complete. Operators must use proper radio
phraseology (see also 7.10 (all)).
Broadcasting towing intentions after hours warns all aircraft traffic of potential
conflicting traffic. Do not use local slang in radio broadcasts (i.e., “Towing to
South Weeds”) as this does not give other operators such as visiting pilots
enough information for traffic avoidance.
9.2.1 Before entering the CA (see also 2.2.4 (e), Appendix A), vehicle operators (and any
passengers) must present to one of the two NPS-V locations, unless operating
under an exemption. Only one vehicle at a time may pass through an open gate arm, unless that gate arm has
been locked open. Failure to adhere to one vehicle at a time through an open gate arm
may result in the gate arm timing out, closing and hitting or being hit by your vehicle.
9.3.1 Accessing the West Airfield (Apron VII or Apron IX) from Gate House 420 Gate House 420 and NPS-V North operate independently of each other. To access the West Airfield (Aprons VII & IX) from Aero Drive, prox at Gate 420,
proceed through the gate. STOP just inside the gate and wait for the gate arm to close.
Then proceed, by-passing NPS-V on the VSR, and continue on, using the perimeter road
to Apron IX. To access Apron VII or Apron IX when leaving Apron I, use the perimeter road around
the threshold of Runway 17R and approach the gate arms, staying slightly closer to the
right hand side of the road. STOP at the gate arms. Both gate arms will open upon loop
detection. Proceed left on the perimeter road to Apron IX. Use the HOS VSR on Apron IX
and the perimeter road around the threshold of Runway 11, then the HOS VSR for Apron
VII. To access and exit Gate 421 from Apron I, use the perimeter road around the threshold of
Runway 17R and approach the gate arms. STOP at the gate arms. Both gate arms will
open upon loop detection. Proceed, and turn right on the VSR to Gate 421. To access Apron I, present to the NPS-V North facility. STOP short and wait to have your
biometric checks completed by the designated security agent. Once inside the facility, proceed forward and STOP at the STOP line (as indicated by the
Security personnel). As you pass through, the Traffic Management System will randomly
select vehicles and compartments for screening. If you are selected for screening, follow the instructions of the security personnel to
provide access to the selected compartments of your vehicle, then enter the NPS-V
building for screening. After your screening is complete, do not enter your vehicle until
cleared to do so by the Security personnel. The security personnel will release the gate
arm once your screening is complete. Exit the facility and continue to Apron I.
9.4.1 Accessing Apron I or the Apron II area from Gate House 306A Gate House 306A and NPS-V South operate independently of each other. To access Apron I from Gate House 306A or the Apron II area, head east on the cargo
road towards the Juliet/Echo Underpass intersection. Continue on the cargo road up to the NPS-V South facility for screening. STOP and wait
for your biometric checks to be completed by the security agent before you enter the
facility. Once inside the facility, proceed forward and STOP at the STOP line (as indicated by the
Security personnel). As you pass through, the Traffic Management System will randomly
select vehicles and compartments for screening. After completing the screening process, validate your RAIC at the proxy reader at the
head of the lane. Failure to do so will deny you access to the Underpass and you will have
to come back through the NPS-V process. After completing the screening process, drive down towards the J/E Underpass. STOP &
prox the card reader to open the gate arm at the entrance to the Underpass. Failure to do
so in a timely manner will result in your validation timing out and deny you access to the
Underpass. If access is denied, you will have to go back through the NPS-V process. Do not prox the card reader until each vehicle ahead of you has cleared the gate arm and
the gate arm has closed fully. Failure to allow the gate arm to close fully before proxing, or
having more than one vehicle at a time proceed into the underpass is considered a breach
of security for the Critical Area. Proceed through to the NPS-V South facility, and present for screening as per normal
procedures. Once at the gate arm near the entrance to J/E underpass, press the button on
the intercom system to speak with SOC and advise them that you are escorting. Tell SOC
the number of vehicles you are escorting. They will verify on camera. Prox your RAIC on the card reader and proceed through the gate arm by yourself (your
vehicle only). Stop inside the Underpass allowing the gate arm to fully close and wait
for the vehicles you are escorting to come through. SOC will shunt the escorted vehicles
through one-at-a-time. Each driver must wait for the gate arm to close fully between each
vehicle. Ensure you leave enough room for your escorted vehicles to enter the underpass.
Inform your escorted vehicles of this process before entering NPS-V South.
9.4.3 Proceeding from Apron I to Gate 306A, Apron II or back towards NPS-V South As you drive through the J/E underpass and approach the gate arm at the end of the
underpass, STOP and wait for the gate arm’s loop detection sensor to open the gate arm
for you to proceed through. To head west towards Gate 306A or the Apron II area, turn right and head up the ramp. To get to the NPS-V South facility, you must also turn right, head up the ramp and go to
the widest area by Gate 306A to make a U-turn, then come back down the ramp, heading
East towards NPS-V South. U turns are also acceptable on the VSR once past the jersey
barriers, if safe to do so.
Only D permit holders are allowed to travel on the southbound perimeter road
beyond the NPS-V South facility.
Vehicles are not allowed to turn towards Taxiway J nor enter the Air Canada
Hangar ramp area to make a U-turn.
9.5.1 Background All airside vehicle operators, their passengers and vehicles entering the Critical Area (CA)
are subject to enhanced screening to comply with Canadian security regulations. Drivers
must access the CA through one of the two Non-Passenger Screening - Vehicle (NPS-V)
screening facilities. See 9.1 map for NSP-V facility locations. While the majority of
vehicles must be screened, there are a few exemptions (see 9.5.2 for exemptions). De-icing Operations (Aircraft): Vehicle operators and passengers are exempt from
screening and are permitted to enter the CA if they are actively engaged in Aircraft Deicing
operations. In Calgary this Exemption only includes De-icing Trucks and Glycol Recovery
Trucks. Vehicles that are actively engaged in aircraft de-icing must report to an NPS-V
point when entering the CA and all vehicle occupants must be biometrically verified or
alternatively verified. Once inside the CA, having entered the CA under this Exemption,
vehicle operators (and passengers) may enter the Terminal Building and perform any
other duties without having to go through a NPS point. If vehicle operators are not actively
involved in de-icing, they will be subject to the normal screening process. Aircraft Tow Operations: D-Tow AVOP vehicle operators. Vehicles towing an aircraft into
the CA must enter via a taxiway and do not have to report to an NPS-V point. Once inside
the CA, having entered the CA under this Exemption, Tow-vehicle operators (tow vehicle
passengers) may enter the Terminal Building and perform any other duties without having
to go through an NPS point. No vehicles or passengers external to the tow, may follow or
accompany the tow into the CA without going through NPS-V. (Only the tow driver and tow
vehicle passenger(s) actively engaged in towing the aircraft into the CA are exempt.) Tow
vehicles entering the CA when not towing an aircraft must present to NPS-V and will be
screened normally.
The D-AVOP tow vehicle escort must not enter the CA during the escort. They may escort
the towed aircraft to the Apron Taxiway Entrance and pass the tow off to a second escort
already within the CA or leave the towed aircraft at the entrance, to continue on its own,
onto the apron onward to its intended parking position. Emergency Vehicles: D-AVOP vehicle operators and vehicles under escort are permitted
to enter the CA in the event of an emergency. All emergency response vehicles (Police,
Fire, EMS, AOS, Security personnel and similar) are permitted to drive into the CA in order
to respond to a specific emergency task or incident. If emergency response vehicles are
equipped with red beacons they must have them operating as they enter the CA and while
remaining in the CA. Emergency responders may exit their vehicle, enter the Terminal
building, or enter an Aircraft as part of their Emergency response. However, when the
responder is no longer required to participate in the emergency response they must exit
the CA, and ensure the IOC has been notified. This Exemption also includes emergency
response vehicles that are responding to an emergency on the airfield and “shortcut”
through the CA. Vehicles involved in Snow and Ice Control: D-AVOP and D/A-AVOP vehicle operators
(including escorted snow removal vehicles) are permitted to enter the CA during active
periods of snow or ice control. All vehicles (Sweepers, Blowers, Graders, Dump Trucks,
Supervisor’s Trucks, Bobcats and similar) involved with active snow and ice removal on
the Aprons and/or airfield can operate within the CA without entering using an NPS-V
point. Snow and Ice Control vehicle drivers that enter the CA under this Exemption are
permitted to enter the Terminal building. Snow events that require this Exemption must be
reported to the IOC only once daily (not for each vehicle entry). Cement/Asphalt Trucks or Over-size vehicles: Due to the function Cement/Asphalt Trucks
and their operators are exempt from screening and may enter either through a NPS-V
checkpoint or a temporary access point, provided certain conditions are met. This
exemption must be pre-approved by the Authority Security Department prior to the vehicle
entering the CA, and seven (7) days advance notice given to both Transport Canada and
CATSA. (Exemption 2018-27). Conflict Avoidance: D-AVOP vehicle operators are permitted to enter the CA if there
is the immediate possibility of failing to give the appropriate right-of-way to an aircraft,
an imminent life safety issue, or other potentially serious incident, and the only viable
alternative to avoid a collision or the incident escalating is to enter the CA. Vehicle
operators must use appropriate caution entering the CA. However when the danger
or issue has passed, vehicle operators must exit the CA, find a safe location, and then
immediately report the incident to the IOC. Surface Maintenance Duties: Surface maintenance and construction are not exempt from
CA rules and regulations (see Snow and Ice Control and Working Across the CA Boundary
exemptions). All CA rules and regulations shall be followed for regular maintenance and
construction work (e.g. surveying, water contaminant removal, biological contaminant
removal, inspections, slab replacement, or similar). Grass Cutting Operations: Grass cutting operations along the boundary of the CA must
comply with CA rules and regulations. When cutting grass within the CA drivers must have
entered the CA through an NPS-V point. The IOC does not have to be notified about
normal grass cutting activates along the CA boundary unless the CA is breached. Aircraft Tow Operations Starting within the CA: Aircraft Tow vehicles entering the CA to tow
an aircraft (and not towing an aircraft) must follow CA rules and regulations.
10.1.1 The written test will include a number of multiple choice questions, including taxiway,
taxiway entrances, Apron and landmark identification questions as per the applicable
manual content and site maps.
10.1.2 Renewal Individuals seeking or renewing D/A permits will be tested on their knowledge of Sections
1, 2, 3, 4, (4.1-4.6), 5, 9, 10.1, 10.2 (applicable site maps), 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.9, 10.10
and Appendices A, B, D, E, F, J, K of this manual. The written test will include a
number of multiple choice questions, including taxiway, taxiway entrances, Apron and
landmark identification questions as per the applicable manual content and site maps.
General Questions
1. Who is responsible to ensure that an AVOP holder is familiar with current Airside Traffic
Directives and any amendments thereof?
2. Who is responsible for determining that their vehicle is operating properly and has the
required safety equipment and markings?
4. In addition to reporting obstructions or potential hazards to your supervisor, who else must
you inform?
5. Do you have to have your valid Driver’s License with you at all times, when applying for,
renewing, replacing and/or when driving airside with your Airside Vehicle Operator’s
Permit (AVOP)?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Only required when applying for an AVOP
d. Only required when applying for, or renewing an AVOP
General Questions
6. Do you have to report the suspension of your driver’s license immediately to the Authority
AVOP Coordinator?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Only if the infraction causing the suspension occurred at the airport
d. Only if requested
8. Who is responsible for challenging and/or reporting a person in the restricted area of an
airport who is not wearing a RAIC?
9. Who is responsible for ensuring all gates to the airside of the airport are closed and
a. Every person who uses or is authorized to use an airside gate in the performance of
their duties
b. Airport Security staff
c. Airport Safety staff
d. Airport Security staff who work at or monitor the airside gates
10. In order to obtain, renew or maintain an Airside Vehicle Operator’s Permit (AVOP), which
of the following apply?
11. Who is responsible for ensuring that the AVOP applicant is properly trained?
General Questions
12. When may you operate a vehicle in the airside area of the airport?
14. A DA or D AVOP holder must successfully pass a check ride upon return to work after an
absence of more than how many consecutive months?
15. How soon after receiving their AVOP must every new AVOP holder successfully pass the
mandatory Night Endorsement?
a. 60 calendar days
b. 90 calendar days
c. 120 calendar days
d. 180 calendar days
16. If a vehicle operator has a D permit for Company X and a D/A permit for Company Y, how
may the permit be used?
17. All self-propelled vehicles with a cab, while operating without an escort on airport Aprons,
must be equipped with which of the following lights or markings?
General Questions
19. All non-self-propelled equipment used on an Apron are required to be marked with
reflective material. Which of the following most accurately describes how equipment must
be marked?
a. A yellow stripe on the sides, the back and the corners of the vehicle
b. Reflectors of sufficient size, evenly spaced on the sides and the back, and/or on the
c. A solid yellow stripe on the sides with black/yellow patches at front and rear lower
d. Markings are not required
20. Can you take a vehicle that is operated airside without a license plate and drive it
a. Yes, at any time
b. Yes, but only with approval from the owner of the vehicle
c. Yes, but only with the approval of the Authority AVOP Coordinator
d. No. It cannot be taken groundside at all
21. What are airport personnel and vehicle operators required to do when there is an aircraft
carrying ‘Distinguished Visitors’ at YYC?
22. What are vehicle operators required to do if an aircraft crashes at the airport?
23. Who is responsible for the loads carried or towed, ensuring that such loads are securely
fastened or covered, do not spill, and pose no danger to aircraft, vehicles or pedestrians?
General Questions
25. What is the maximum speed at which a vehicle may be operated while inside the
baggage halls?
26. Where must you park service vehicles and ground support equipment when not in use?
27. Which of the following applies to fuel tanker trucks carrying flammable materials?
a. May go in breezeways
b. May not go through any breezeway or drive on the Head of Stand VSR
c. May go in breezeways during daylight hours
d. May go in breezeways under escort
28. When handling aircraft fuel, a fuel tanker truck must be a minimum of how many meters
from any airport building?
a. 5 meters
b. 10 meters
c. 15 meters
d. 20 meters
29. What is the maximum number of vehicles that may be escorted by one escort vehicle?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
d. No limit
General Questions
30. Which of the following means of transportation are allowed airside at YYC?
31. If a person is legally prohibited from operating a vehicle as imposed by a court or a judge,
that person is:
a. Your Supervisor
b. Calgary Police Service
c. The Airport Duty Manger
d. Authority AVOP Coordinator
34. Vehicle Operators must remain a safe distance from aircraft with engines running due to
the danger of jet blast, prop wash or engine ingestion. When may vehicle operators pass in
front of, or behind an aircraft with engines running?
General Questions
35. Company markings or logos must be displayed on all vehicles. What is the exception?
36. No person may drive airside under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or similar substances
(e.g., over the counter and prescription drugs) that may cause drowsiness or reduce
decision making skills. Which of the following statements apply?
37. Vehicle operators must at all times comply with instructions from which of the following?
38. When can you drive between an aircraft and the marshaller?
39. While driving airside, when are you allowed to use a cell phone, audio, video, gaming or
similar electronic device?
a. Allowed in moderate use as long as it does not interfere with your duties
b. Allowed if authorized and with written approval by the employer
c. Cell phones are permitted if a ‘hands free device’ is used but only if authorized and
with written approval by the employer
d. Cell phone use is permitted but only when the vehicle is parked in a safe location.
Audio, video, gaming or similar devices are not allowed under any circumstances
General Questions
40. When airside, no person may park, leave or place any vehicle equipment within what
distance of a security fence?
a. 1 meter
b. 2 meters
c. 3 meters
d. You can park against the security fence
41. What are all vehicle operators required to do when they see foreign materials (e.g.
garbage, solid objects, mud, gravel etc.) on an aircraft movement surface?
a. Report the nature and location of the material to the Integrated Operations Center
b. Stop and remove the material
c. Stop and remove the material if they can do so without compromising their own
safety or the safety of others
d. Drive around it but not over it
42. If you encounter a condition on an aircraft movement surface that is likely to cause
damage to an aircraft, who should you report it to?
General Questions
46. When an employee has received an AVOP violation ticket and must meet with the
Authority AVOP Coordinator, who must the employee be accompanied by?
a. Employer representative
b. Union representative
c. Lawyer
d. None of the above
47. What is the maximum number of pallet cargo dollies that can be towed in a cargo train?
a. 4 dollies
b. 5 dollies
c. 6 dollies
d. No maximum
48. Which of the following traffic has first priority (right-of-way) over all other traffic?
49. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of
aircraft, that includes both the manoeuvring areas and Aprons?
a. Airside
b. Controlled Area
c. Movement Area
d. Apron
50. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and
taxiing of aircraft, excluding Aprons?
a. Movement Area
b. Controlled Area
c. Manoeuvring Area
d. Airside Area
General Questions
51. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome used for the loading and unloading of
passengers and cargo; the refueling, servicing, maintenance and parking of
aircraft; and all vehicles and pedestrians?
a. Movement Area
b. Apron Taxiway
c. Manoeuvring Area
d. Apron
a. The part of the Aerodrome intended to be used for the landing and taking off
of aircraft
b. The area identified by the Aerodrome Operator that includes the Aprons and
Taxiways only
c. The part of the main terminal building that is post-security, which also includes
Apron I, and any adjacent area identified by the Aerodrome Operator
d. The area identified by the Aerodrome Operator that covers any sterile area and any
restricted area within the terminal building only
54. Which of the following are not exempt from screening at an NPS-V checkpoint?
All written tests also include map questions on Taxiways, Taxiway Entrances,
buildings, Gates, Runways, etc. (as applicable to the AVOP type).
a. 25 km/h
b. 30 km/h
c. 35 km/h
d. No speed limit
a. 5 km/h
b. 10 km/h
c. 20 km/h
d. 30 km/h
4. Where two or more VSRs intersect, which vehicle has the right-of-way?
a. On a VSR
b. In a bridge manoeuvring area, unless the aircraft is parked, the bridge is attached
and the vehicle is there to service that aircraft
c. In any areas designated by a “No Parking” sign
d. All answers are correct
a. On a VSR
b. On cargo roads
c. In designated parking areas on the Apron
d. Anywhere on the Apron
7. When vehicles are parked in an approved parking area, near the terminal building or near
heavy traffic areas, which of the following is required? The vehicle must be:
a. Parked and left with the beacon or flashing signal lamps ‘ON’
b. Parked facing out (facing away from the building) whenever possible
c. Parked facing towards the building
d. Parked and left with the engine running
8. What is the maximum speed at which a vehicle may be operated on a perimeter road?
a. When moving further than one operational stand (e.g., from Gate 31 to Gate 35)
b. Only when it is convenient
c. Never
d. When moving from an operational stand to an adjacent operational stand
11. Which of the following rules apply when operating a vehicle on an Apron?
a. Use the left lane to pass slower vehicles but only if it can be done safely and with
out exceeding the speed limit
b. Leave the VSR to pass slower vehicles
c. You can pass slower vehicles on either the left or the right but only if it can be done
without exceeding the speed limit
d. You can pass slower vehicles on either the left or the right but only if it can be done
12. What color are the paint markings pertaining to aircraft movement?
a. Green
b. Yellow
c. White
d. Red
13. What color are the boundary lines that indicate a designated parking area?
14. What color are the paint markings that outline vehicle service roads and passenger
a. Green
b. Yellow
c. White
d. Red at intersections, white in other areas
15. Which of the following descriptions most accurately describes how VSRs are indicated
on Aprons?
a. Two solid white lines, with a single broken white center line
b. Two broken yellow lines, with a single solid white center line
c. Two solid yellow lines, with a single solid white line
d. Two solid white lines, with a single broken yellow center line
16. What color are the Apron and Taxiway edge lights?
a. Single blue
b. Single white
c. Double blue
d. Double white
17. What color are the lights used at the intersection of an Apron and a Taxiway?
a. Is 4.5 meters in height and will accommodate any and all vehicles that
operate airside
b. Is reserved for baggage tractors/baggage tugs only
c. Is reserved for emergency responders only
d. Is restricted to 2.9 meters in height and caution must always be exercised when
operating vehicles through them
19. Which of the following vehicles are permitted to operate in the ITB outbound baggage
makeup area?
All written tests also include map questions on Taxiways, Taxiway Entrances,
buildings, Gates, Runways, etc. (as applicable to the AVOP type).
1. What is the maximum number of pallet cargo dollies that can be towed in a cargo train?
a. 4 dollies
b. 5 dollies
c. 6 dollies
d. No maximum
a. Single blue
b. Single white
c. Double blue
d. Double white
3. What color are the lights used at the intersection of an Apron and a Taxiway?
a. Green
b. Yellow
c. White
d. Red
a. Taxiway P
b. Taxiway L
c. Taxiway YB
d. Taxiway M
7. Which perimeter road may a D/A Southside AVOP holder drive on?
9. When is a vehicle operator required to use the vehicle service roads on Apron VII and
Apron IX?
10. Which of the following is true for D/A Westside permit holders?
12. What is the name of the common use gate on Apron VII?
a. Gate 321
b. Gate 401
c. Gate 402
d. Gate 420
All written tests also include map questions on Taxiways, Taxiway Entrances,
buildings, Gates, Runways, etc. (as applicable to the AVOP type).
1. When an operator is instructed by Calgary Ground to “Leave or Get Off the Runway” what
must the operator do?
2. When is it permissible to operate within the Runway holding position markings and the
Runway edge?
a. When the work to be performed is between the Runway holding position markings
and the edge of the Runway
b. During grass cutting only
c. Anytime that it is not limited by RVOP or LVOP conditions
d. When Calgary Ground has given permission and a radio listening watch is
3. You are in the manoeuvring area when your vehicle breaks down and you are unable to
move it. What should you do?
a. Leave your vehicle lights (or aircraft navigation lights) ON and walk to where you can
get assistance
b. Flash your headlights (or aircraft taxi/landing lights) to get the attention of the Tower
c. Try to fix or repair your vehicle as quickly as possible
d. Immediately notify Calgary Ground of your location and the issue, ask for assistance
and stay until help arrives
4. An AVOP holder with a disabled radio has received a Calgary Ground instruction by light
signal (Flashing white light from ATC/Control Tower), “Return to Starting Point on The
Airport.” To get there, the vehicle must cross a Runway to reach the Apron. What must the
AVOP holder do?
5. You are operating a radio-equipped vehicle in the manoeuvring area when the radio fails
and you must cross a Runway to get to your destination. What should you do?
a. Look left and right and then cross the Runway with caution
b. Try to fix the radio and if this fails, flash the headlights until someone comes to
your assistance
c. Wait until the next aircraft lands and follow it back to the Apron
d. Turn your vehicle to face the control tower and flash your headlights on and off; wait
for Calgary Ground to respond using light signals from the Control Tower
6. What does a flashing green light signal from the Control Tower signify?
7. What does a steady red light signal from the Control Tower mean?
a. Proceed
b. STOP, hold your position
c. Leave/vacate the Runway immediately
d. Return to the starting point on the airport
8. What does a flashing red light signal from the Control Tower mean?
9. What does a flashing white light signal from the Control Tower mean?
a. Proceed
b. Return to starting point on the airport
c. STOP, hold your position
d. Leave/vacate the Runway immediately
a. Proceed
b. Return to starting point on the airport
c. Leave/vacate the Runway immediately
d. STOP, hold your position
11. What must the operator/driver with a ROC-A do before making a radio call?
14. In which instance may a vehicle without a radio on the ground control frequency be
operated in the manoeuvring area?
15. How must an AVOP holder acknowledge instructions from Calgary Ground?
16. Low visibility procedures will be initiated when the reported or observed ground visibility is
less than 1200 feet. Which of the following will apply?
17. What indicators (markings and signs) are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a
Taxiway, holding short of a Runway?
18. What do the yellow lines used to indicate the “Hold” position on a Taxiway at a Taxiway/
Runway intersection look like?
a. Two solid and two broken lines with the broken lines closest to the Runway
b. Two solid and two broken lines with the broken lines closest to the Taxiway
c. Two solid lines
d. Two broken lines
19. What color are the lines used to indicate parking area boundary lines?
21. What color are the signs used to indicate direction to various movement areas
(directional signs)?
24. What color are the lights used to indicate an Apron Entrance?
25. What color are the lights used to mark an inset STOP bar?
a. Solid red
b. Double alternating red
c. Red and yellow
d. Alternating red and green
27. What lights are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a Taxiway, holding short of a
a. Inset and elevated guard lights AND inset and elevated STOP bars on Runway
17L/35R and Runway 17R/35L
b. Inset and elevated STOP bars on Runway 17R/35L
c. Elevated guard lights on Runway 17L/35R, inset and elevated guard lights and inset
and elevated STOP bar lights on Runway 17R/35L
d. Elevated guard Lights on 17R/35L, inset and elevated guard lights and inset and
elevated STOP bar lights on Runway 17L/35R
28. What lights would be active at the Runway holding positions for Runway 17L/35R during
RVOP or LVOP conditions?
a. Inset and elevated guard lights (aviation yellow) AND inset and elevated STOP bars
b. Inset and elevated guard lights (aviation yellow)
c. Inset and elevated STOP bars (red)
d. None of the answers are correct
29. What indicators (markings and signs) confirm you are holding short of a Runway when you
are on another Runway?
a. A Runway designator sign and Runway holding position markings (two solid yellow
lines and two broken yellow lines with the solid yellow lines facing you)
b. Elevated guard lights, a Runway designator sign and Runway holding position
markings (two solid yellow lines and two broken yellow lines with the solid yellow
lines facing you
c. A Runway designator sign and Runway holding position markings (two solid yellow
lines and two broken yellow lines with the broken yellow lines facing you)
d. Elevated guard lights, a Runway designator sign and Runway holding position
markings (two solid yellow lines and two broken yellow lines with the broken yellow
lines facing you)
30. What color are the lights used to indicate the end of a paved surface?
32. What color are the threshold marker lights that face toward a Runway?
a. White
b. Green
c. Amber
d. Red
33. At YYC, Calgary Ground is responsible for directing which of the following traffic?
34. Which of the following procedures should vehicle operators apply to the greatest extent
35. When responding to a specific location in an emergency situation (e.g. Response Gate
East), which of the following apply?
36. Can you enter Runway 17L/35R when the Inset STOP Bar is lit?
All written tests also include map questions on Taxiways, Taxiway Entrances,
buildings, Gates, Runways, etc. (as applicable to the AVOP type).
1. Who is responsible for ensuring that an AVOP holder is familiar with current Airside Traffic
Directives and any amendments thereof?
3. Who is responsible for challenging and/or reporting a person in the restricted area of an
airport who is not wearing a RAIC?
4. Who is responsible for ensuring that the AVOP applicant is properly trained?
5. No person may drive airside under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or similar
substances (e.g., over-the-counter and prescription drugs) that may cause drowsiness or
reduce decision-making skills. Which of the following statements apply?
8. A D-AME AVOP holder must successfully pass a check ride upon return to work after an
absence of up-to how many consecutive months?
9. How soon after receiving their AVOP must every new AVOP holder successfully pass the
mandatory Night Endorsement?
a. 60 calendar days
b. 90 calendar days
c. 120 calendar days
d. 180 calendar days
10. Which of the following traffic has first priority (right-of-way) over all other traffic?
11. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of
aircraft, that includes both the manoeuvring areas and Aprons?
a. Airside
b. Controlled Area
c. Movement Area
d. Apron
12. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and
taxiing of aircraft, excluding Aprons?
a. Movement Area
b. Controlled Area
c. Manoeuvring Area
d. Airside Area
13. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome used to accommodate the loading and
unloading of passengers and cargo; the refueling, servicing, maintenance and parking of
aircraft; and all vehicles and pedestrians?
a. Movement Area
b. Apron Taxiway
c. Manoeuvring Area
d. Apron
14. What color are the paint markings pertaining to aircraft movement?
a. Green
b. Yellow
c. White
d. Red
15. What color are the Apron and Taxiway edge lights?
a. Single blue
b. Single white
c. Double blue
d. Double white
16. What color are the lights used at the intersection of an Apron and a Taxiway?
17. What must the operator/driver with a ROC-A do before making a radio call?
18. What protocol must be followed for communications with Calgary Ground?
19. How must an AVOP holder acknowledge instructions from Calgary Ground?
20. What indicators (markings and signs) are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a
Taxiway, holding short of a Runway?
21. What do the yellow lines used to indicate the “Hold” position on a Taxiway at a Taxiway/
Runway intersection look like?
a. Two solid and two broken lines with the broken lines closest to the Runway
b. Two solid and two broken lines with the broken lines closest to the Taxiway
c. Two solid lines
d. Two broken lines
23. What are the colors of the signs that indicate direction to various movement areas
(directional signs)?
26. What color are the lights used to mark an inset STOP bar?
a. Solid red
b. Double alternating red
c. Red and yellow
d. Alternating red and green
28. What lights are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a Taxiway, holding short of a
a. Inset and elevated guard lights AND inset and elevated STOP bars on Runway
17L/35R and Runway 17R/35L
b. Inset and elevated STOP bars on Runway 17R/35L
c. Elevated guard lights on Runway 17L/35R, inset and elevated guard lights and inset
and elevated STOP bar lights on Runway 17R/35L
d. Elevated guard Lights on 17R/35L, inset and elevated guard lights and inset and
elevated STOP bar lights on Runway 17L/35R
29. What color are the lights used to indicate the end of a paved surface?
30. When told to hold short of Runway 35L, an AME operator must respond with…
a. 121.9
b. 121.5
c. 125.35
d. 121.3
a. 121.9
b. 121.5
c. 125.35
d. 121.3
33. As you approach Runway 17R on Taxiway A, and Runway 29 on Taxiway U, what will you
see unique to these locations?
36. When instructed to Hold Short of Taxiway F1 on Taxiway F, what is used by an AME
operator as an indicator to Hold Short?
37. What indicators (markings and signs) confirm you are holding short of a Runway when you
are on another Runway?
a. A Runway designator sign and Runway holding position markings (two solid yellow
lines and two broken yellow lines with the solid yellow lines facing you)
b. Elevated guard lights, a Runway designator sign and Runway holding position
markings (two solid yellow lines and two broken yellow lines with the solid yellow
lines facing you)
c. A Runway designator sign and Runway holding position markings (two solid yellow
lines and two broken yellow lines with the broken yellow lines facing you)
d. Elevated guard lights, a Runway designator sign and Runway holding position
markings (two solid yellow lines and two broken yellow lines with the broken yellow
lines facing you)
38. When told by East Ground to contact West Ground ‘121.9’ an AME operator must:
a. Switch to 121.9
b. Read back “Contact 121.9,” followed by the call sign, switch, and call West Ground
c. Contact 121.9
d. Switch to 121.9 and monitor frequency for important information
40. Can you enter Runway 17L/35R when the Elevated or Inset STOP Bar is lit?
All written tests also include map questions on Taxiways, Taxiway Entrances,
buildings, Gates, Runways, etc. (as applicable to the AVOP type).
a. The part of the Aerodrome intended to be used for the landing and taking off
of aircraft
b. The area identified by the Aerodrome Operator that includes the Aprons and
Taxiways only
c. The part of the main terminal building that is post-security, which also includes
Apron I, and any adjacent area identified by the Aerodrome Operator
d. The area identified by the Aerodrome Operator that covers any sterile area and any
restricted area within the terminal building only
3. Which of the following are not exempt from screening at an NPS-V checkpoint?
4. Which of the following traffic has first priority (right-of-way) over all other traffic?
5. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of
aircraft, that includes both the manoeuvring areas and Aprons?
a. Airside
b. Controlled Area
c. Movement Area
d. Apron
6. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and
taxiing of aircraft, excluding Aprons?
a. Movement Area
b. Controlled Area
c. Manoeuvring Area
d. Airside Area
7. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome used for accommodate the loading and
unloading of passengers and cargo; the refueling, servicing, maintenance and parking of
aircraft; and all vehicles and pedestrians?
a. Movement Area
b. Apron Taxiway
c. Manoeuvring Area
d. Apron
8. What must the operator/driver with a ROC-A do before making a radio call?
10. How must an AVOP holder acknowledge instructions from Calgary Ground?
11. What indicators (markings and signs) are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a
Taxiway, holding short of a Runway?
12. What do the yellow lines used to indicate the “Hold” position on a Taxiway at a Taxiway/
Runway intersection look like?
a. Two solid and two broken lines with the broken lines closest to the Runway
b. Two solid and two broken lines with the broken lines closest to the Taxiway
c. Two solid lines
d. Two broken lines
13. When told to hold short of Runway 35L, an AME operator must respond with…
a. 121.9
b. 121.5
c. 125.35
d. 121.3
17. When instructed to Hold Short of Taxiway F1 on Taxiway F, what is used by an AME
operator as an indicator to Hold Short?
18. When told by East Ground to contact West Ground ‘121.9’ an AME operator must:
a. Switch to 121.9
b. Read back “Contact 121.9,” followed by the call sign, switch, and call West Ground
c. Contact 121.9
d. Switch to 121.9 and monitor frequency for important information
19. What color are the lights used to indicate an Apron Entrance?
21. What color are the lights used to indicate the end of a paved surface?
23. What color are the threshold marker lights that face toward a Runway?
a. White
b. Green
c. Amber
d. Red
24. What lights are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a Taxiway, holding short of a
a. Inset and elevated guard lights AND inset and elevated STOP bars on Runway
17L/35R and Runway 17R/35L
b. Inset and elevated STOP bars on Runway 17R/35L
c. Elevated guard lights on Runway 17L/35R, inset and elevated guard lights and inset
and elevated STOP bar lights on Runway 17R/35L
d. Elevated guard Lights on 17R/35L, inset and elevated guard lights and inset and
elevated STOP bar lights on Runway 17L/35R
25. What color are the Apron and Taxiway edge lights?
a. Single blue
b. Single white
c. Double blue
d. Double white
26. What color are the paint markings pertaining to aircraft movement?
a. Green
b. Yellow
c. White
d. Red
27. What color are the boundary lines that indicate a designated parking area?
a. Taxiway BA
b. Taxiway BC
c. Taxiway JR and E
d. All answers are correct
30. What are the colors of the signs that indicate direction to various movement areas
(directional signs)?
All written tests also include map questions on Taxiways, Taxiway Entrances,
buildings, Gates, Runways, etc. (as applicable to the AVOP type).
1. Layout of Aprons I and II: VSRs, perimeter, service and cargo roads, all Taxiways and
Taxiway entrances adjacent to Aprons I & II, entry and exit gates and major landmarks.
5. What are the indications that you are leaving Apron I and going onto a controlled Taxiway?
6. Why should an operator look for signs that an aircraft will not Pushback?
9. What route should D/A drivers use to get from Apron I to Gate 306A?
11. What is the speed limit on Aprons service roads and underpasses?
13. What are some of the indications that an aircraft is preparing for a Pushback?
a. Concourse A e. Concourse E
b. Concourse B f. Domestic Terminal Building (DTB)
c. Concourse C g. International Terminal
d. Concourse D Building (ITB)
18. Who (ordered from highest to lowest) has the right-of-way over everyone else on
an Apron?
19. A vehicle is in a designated VSR (white road markings) and another vehicle is entering.
Who has the right-of-way?
21. What is the name of the single yellow line an aircraft follows to enter an operational stand
and park ‘on gate?’
22. What is the purpose of the Aircraft Apron Taxiway (single yellow lines) on the Apron?
23. Can you drive between an aircraft and the building at a ground loading position?
24. What is the purpose of the parallel solid red and white lines at an operational stand?
25. What is the purpose of the single broken yellow lines on the parking pads?
28. What is the importance of the red and green STOP lights found at the entrances to the
Juliet/Echo Underpass?
30. What is the purpose of the single yellow broken lines at the intersection of an Apron
and Taxiway?
10.10 Sample Practical Test - D/A (D/A West & D/A South)
a. III f. VIII
b. IV g. IX
c. V h. X
d. VI i. IX (de-ice pad)
e. VII j. X (de-ice pad)
4. What is the color of the lights at the intersection between an Apron and a Taxiway?
8. What does it say on the signs between the two STOP signs on the perimeter road around
the threshold of Runway 35L (between Taxiway A and Apron III)?
9. Where are the following Taxiways located (and/or as applicable to D/A S or D/A W)?
a. A i. P
b. C j. Y
c. J k. YB
d. JZ l. YD
e. J2 m. YE
f. L n. W
g. M o. WB
h. N
10. Where are the following buildings, located (as applicable to D/A S or D/A W)?
a. Avmax
b. Cargo Building
c. CBSA satellite Building
d. FedEx
e. Kenn Borek
f. Live Animal Facility
g. Millionaire
h. Purolator
i. Skyservice
j. Signature
k. Sunwest
l. UPS
13. Who (in order from highest to lowest) has the right-of-way over everyone else on an
14. Can you drive between an aircraft and the building at a ground loading position on any
Apron, whether or not there is a bridge?
15. Where are the compass roses located (and/or as applicable to D/A S or D/A W)?
16. Where are the following gates and roads located (and/or as applicable to D/A S or D/A W)?
A. D/A Knowledge
All D drivers must either have a D/A AVOP or know and successfully complete a D/A test
equivalent as part of their D AVOP tests.
Ref: Appendices Sections 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.9, 10.10, and Appendices A, B, C (and
K through M, Q and R) for General Knowledge and D/A AVOP test material.
B. D Knowledge
5. Going south on Taxiway A from Threshold 17R to Threshold 35L, what are the Taxiways
and/or Runways you cross or intersect (in order)?
6. Going east on Taxiway U, from the intersection of Taxiways U and A to Threshold 29, what
are the Taxiways and/or Runways you cross or intersect (in order)?
7. Going north on Taxiway C from Threshold 35L to Threshold 17R, what are the Taxiways
and/or Runways that lead onto Taxiway C from both the east side and the west side (in
8. Going south on Taxiway D from Threshold 17L to Threshold 35R, what are the Taxiways
and/or Runways you cross or intersect (in order)?
9. Going south on Runway 17L/35R, what are the Taxiways you cross or intersect (in order)?
10. Going east on Taxiway J from Threshold of Rwy 11 to the intersection of Taxiway J with
Taxiway D, what are the Taxiways and/or Runways you cross or intersect (in order)?
11. Going north on Taxiway B to the intersection of Taxiway BD, what are the Taxiways and/or
Runways you cross or intersect (in order)?
12. Going from Apron I to the threshold of Runway 11, what are the Taxiways and/or Runways
you cross or intersect (in order, can be done in both directions)?
14. Which Taxiways give you direct access to the thresholds of Runways 08, 11, 17R, 17L, 26,
29, 35R and 35L?
15. What are the colors of the lights for the following areas?
16. Describe how to drive from Apron II to Apron VII without crossing a Runway or the
threshold of a Runway.
17. Describe how to drive from Apron VII to Apron V without crossing a Runway or a threshold
of a Runway.
18. Describe how to drive from Apron V to Apron II. (For the purpose of this question, provide
two options: one, crossing a Runway and a threshold and a second, not crossing a
Runway or threshold).
19. If you have a radio breakdown in the manoeuvring area, what do you have to do?
20. What do the following light signals from the Tower mean?
21. If you are on a Runway and the white Runway lights start to blink on and off, what does
this mean?
22. What are the correct radio calls to YYC East Ground and West Ground?
23. What does it mean when Calgary Ground says to “Hold Short”?
25. What does it mean when Calgary Ground says “No Delay”?
26. What is the correct radio call when you are escorting two other vehicles?
27. If you are on Taxiway A south of Runway 29 and another vehicle (Staff 22) is on Taxiway
A north of Runway 29 and the other vehicle initiates a call to Calgary Ground (i.e., “West
Ground, Staff 22 plus one, permission to cross Runway 29 south on A”) and Calgary
Ground says “Staff 22 plus one permission to cross Runway 29 on A”, can you proceed
across Runway 29?
29. Why do you have to maintain a listening watch at all times when you are in the
manoeuvring area?
30. Where are the following Security Perimeter Gates located? What is their importance?
a. Control Tower
b. East and West FEC
c. Authority Airport Maintenance Center
d. Big Top/Baggage Search Shelter
e. Mock-up
f. Isolation Area(s)
g. Fire Hall 13
h. GSE building
32. What are the names and the information provided for each of these signs?
34. Explain the importance of reading back instructions received from Calgary Ground, word
for word.
37. What does the sign with white numbers or letters on a red background mean?
38. Next to the red and white sign is another sign. What does this sign indicate?
40. What are the high speed (rapid exit) Taxiways off of Runway 17R?
41. How many holding bays do we have and where are they located?
42. What is the purpose of the single broken yellow line at the intersection of Taxiways J
and C?
44. Before asking permission to cross a Runway, there are at least two things you must do.
What are they?
45. If a perimeter road or alternate routing is available, should you cross a Runway?
46. What is special about the intersection of Taxiways C, G, and Runway 29?
47. What are some of the things you can do to determine which Runway(s) is/are active?
48. If Runway 29 is active and you ask permission to cross Runway 29 on A northbound and
Calgary Ground gives you permission to cross Runway 11 on A, what do you do? Why?
49. If you ask permission to cross Runway 29 on A northbound and the controller gives you
permission to cross Runway 26, what do you do? Why?
50. Can you drive from east to west on the perimeter road around 35L with a large aircraft
sitting at the threshold ready to take off?
51. What are the two parts that make up the ILS?
Airside Traffic Directives Section 11
A Glossary
Advanced Visual Docking and Guidance System (A-VDGS):
Provides a smooth operation for both ground crew and pilots by providing accurate
guidance into the gate and real time data through the display unit; the system allows air
carriers to dock aircraft safely and deplane passengers without risk to ground personnel
during lightning events.
An aerodrome for which the government has issued an airport certificate.
The movement area of an aerodrome, adjacent terrain and buildings or portions thereof,
access to which is controlled.
a. Clearances and instructions for the movement of vehicles and aircraft in the
Manoeuvring area at YYC,
b. Information to all traffic within the airport perimeter as it is known and pertinent,
c. Communication on East and West Ground frequencies at YYC.
Anti-Collision Light:
The Anti-Collision Light (ACL) is a flashing red light normally on the top and/or the bottom
of the fuselage. On smaller aircraft, the ACL may be on the top of the horizontal stabilizer
(tail). The ACL is turned on just before the engines are started and is ‘ON’ continuously
until the engines are shut down.
The part of an aerodrome, other than the manoeuvring area, which accommodates the
loading and unloading of passengers and cargo, the refueling, servicing, maintenance and
parking of aircraft, and the movement of aircraft, vehicles and pedestrians.
Apron Advisory:
The position in the Control Tower that provides information to persons operating aircraft
on Apron I.
AVOP Coordinator:
The member of the Calgary Airport Authority Safety Department who administers the
AVOP program and oversees the Airside Traffic Directives.
Blind Spots:
Areas where radio communication cannot be transmitted or received.
Calgary Ground:
See Air Traffic Services.
Controlled Area:
An area on the airport which cannot be entered unless Air Traffic Control clearance is
Any portion of a road, an Apron or any other area designated by a sign or surface marking
as a pedestrian crossing.
D/A Permit:
An AVOP which generally allows a vehicle operator to drive on Aprons and service roads
but not on Taxiways or Runways. YYC has three types of D/A permits.
D Permit:
An AVOP which allows a vehicle operator to drive or taxi/tow an aircraft anywhere on the
airside area at the Calgary International Airport. YYC has three types of D permits.
D-AME Permit:
A D permit that allows an AME to tow or taxi aircraft on the airside area at the Calgary
International Airport (see also 8.0).
D-Tow Permit:
A D permit that allows a vehicle operator to tow aircraft on specific Taxiways or Runways
when performing towing operations at the Calgary International Airport (see also 8.0).
An instruction issued by Calgary Ground to proceed without delay.
Refers to the non-secure side of the primary security line (PSL). The area of an airport
not intended to be used for activities related to aircraft operations and to which the public
normally has unrestricted access.
Holding Bay:
A defined area where aircraft can be held, or bypassed, or positioned for run-ups to
facilitate efficient movement of aircraft.
Hold Short:
An instruction issued by Calgary Ground to hold behind Runway holding position markings
while awaiting permission to cross or proceed onto a Runway.
The component of an instrument landing system (ILS) that provides lateral guidance for
aircraft ‘on approach’ for landing, with respect to the Runway center line.
Only essential vehicles dedicated to the continued operation of the airport are permitted
on manoeuvring areas of the airfield during low visibility conditions under positive control.
The Low Visibility Operations Plan will be terminated when the RVR is stabilized above
1200 feet.
Manoeuvring Area:
The part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft,
excluding Aprons.
Mobile Equipment:
See Vehicle.
Movement Area:
The part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft,
consisting of the manoeuvring areas and Aprons.
No Delay:
See Expedite.
Operational Stand:
An area of an Apron designated for the parking of aircraft for the purpose of loading and
unloading passengers, and providing ground services.
See Vehicle Operator.
Perimeter Road:
A road around the threshold of a Runway primarily used to avoid or reduce vehicle
traffic crossing Runways. YYC has a speed limit of 50 km/h on all perimeter roads.
Pilot’s License:
A Private Pilot Aeroplane, Commercial Pilot Aeroplane, Commercial Pilot Helicopter,
Airline Transport Pilot Aeroplane, Airline Transport Pilot Helicopter as defined by Transport
Canada or equivalent international agency. A pilot’s license must be valid and current.
A procedure where an aircraft is moved backward by a tug/tractor.
Restricted Area:
The area of an aerodrome identified by a sign as an area restricted to authorized
personnel only.
A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome for the take-off and landing of aircraft.
Service Road:
A paved driving area near Aprons, including cargo roads, etc., accessible only to vehicles.
Service roads do not go around a threshold of a Runway. At YYC, the speed limit for
service roads is 30 km/h.
The part of an aerodrome used for manoeuvring aircraft and airport equipment between
the Apron area and the Runway.
The beginning of that portion of the Runway usable for landing.
Uncontrolled Taxiway:
A Taxiway on which aircraft do not require permission from the ground controller to use.
Any (motor) vehicle or portable device, either self-propelled or towed, but not including
Vehicle Operator:
A person responsible for the operation and safety of a vehicle and equipment.
B Prop Wash and Jet Blast
C Navigational Aids
Appendix D
2. Who is responsible for determining that their vehicle is operating properly and has the
required safety equipment and markings?
4. In addition to reporting obstructions or potential hazards to your supervisor, who else must
you inform?
c) The IOC
Ref: 2.2.3
5. Do you have to have your valid Driver’s License with you at all times, when applying for,
renewing, replacing and/or when driving airside with your Airside Vehicle Operator’s Permit
a) Yes
Ref: 2.2.2(e)
6. Do you have to report the suspension of your driver’s license immediately to the Authority
AVOP Coordinator?
a) Yes
Ref: 2.2.2(e)
8. Who is responsible for challenging and/or reporting a person in the restricted area of an
airport who is not wearing a RAIC?
Appendix D
9. Who is responsible for ensuring all gates to the airside of the airport are closed and
a) Every person who uses or is authorized to use an airside gate in the performance of
their duties
Ref: 2.2.4 (c)
10. In order to obtain, renew or maintain an Airside Vehicle Operator’s Permit (AVOP), which
of the following apply?
d) Must have a valid (provincial) Driver’s License, a valid RAIC and a completed and
signed AVOP application form to show a need and a right to drive airside
Ref: 2.2.2(e), 3.1.1, & 3.2.1(a, c, d, e)
11. Who is responsible for ensuring that the AVOP applicant is properly trained?
b) The employer
Ref: 3.2.1(a)
12. When may you operate a vehicle in the airside area of the airport?
d) All answers are correct (when escorted by a valid YYC-specific AVOP holder, when
holding a valid YYC-specific AVOP, or when authorized by the Authority AVOP
Ref: 3.1.1
d) All answers are correct (Five years from date of issue, if you do not complete a Night
Endorsement within the required 180 day, if you do not complete all renewal requirements
before your current AVOP expires)
Ref: 3.3.6 & 3.5.1
14. A DA or D AVOP holder must successfully pass a check ride upon return to work after an
absence of more than how many consecutive months?
15. How soon after receiving their AVOP must every new AVOP holder successfully pass the
mandatory Night Endorsement?
Appendix D
16. If a vehicle operator has a D permit for Company X and a D/A permit for Company Y, how
may the permit be used?
17. All self-propelled vehicles with a cab, while operating without escort on airport Aprons,
must be equipped with which of the following lights or markings?
19. All non-self-propelled equipment used on an Apron are required to be marked with reflec-
material. Which of the following most accurately describes how equipment must be
b) Reflectors of sufficient size, evenly spaced on the sides and the back, and/or on the
Ref: 3.14.1
20. Can you take a vehicle that is operated airside without a license plate and drive it
groundside (outside of the airport)?
21. What are airport personnel and vehicle operators required to do when there is an aircraft
carrying ‘distinguished visitors’ at YYC
b) Remain clear of the aircraft and the area unless required and authorized for a specific
Ref: 5.12.1
22. What are vehicle operators required to do if an aircraft crashes at the airport?
c) Remain clear of the area unless required and authorized to perform a specific duty
Ref: 5.12.1
23. Who is responsible for the loads carried or towed, ensuring that such loads are securely
fastened or covered, do not spill, and pose no danger to aircraft, vehicles or pedestrians?
Appendix D
24. What must vehicle operators do when exiting the baggage halls?
d) Come to a complete STOP and look left and right to ensure that the way is clear
Ref: 5.6.8
25. What is the maximum speed at which a vehicle may be operated while inside the baggage
26. Where must you park service vehicles and ground support equipment when not in use?
27. Which of the following applies to fuel tanker trucks carrying flammable materials?
b) May not go through any breezeway or drive on the Head of Stand VSR
Ref: 5.14.1
28. When handling aircraft fuel, a fuel tanker truck must be a minimum of how many meters
from any airport building?
c) 15 meters
Ref: 5.14.2
29. What is the maximum number of vehicles that may be escorted by one escort vehicle?
b) 3
Ref: 3.10.2
d) Bicycles and Segways, but only by CPS and EMS and only in certain areas
Ref: 3.15.2
31. If a person is legally prohibited from operating a vehicle as imposed by a court or a judge,
that person is:
Appendix D
a) Your Supervisor
Ref: 5.13.1
34. Vehicle operators must remain a safe distance from aircraft with engines running due to
the danger of jet blast and prop wash. When may vehicle operators pass in front of, or
behind an aircraft with engines running?
d) All answers are correct (If the wheels are chocked, if the marshaller waves permission
to pass, on push-back when the aircraft and marshalling crew are clear of the VSR)
Ref: 5.7.3 and 5.10.4
35. Company markings or logos must be displayed on all vehicles. What is the exception?
36. No person may drive airside under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or similar substances
(e.g., over the counter and prescription drugs) that may cause drowsiness or reduce
decision making skills. Which of the following statements apply?
37. Vehicle operators must at all times comply with instructions from which of the following?
d) All answers are correct (CPS, Airside Patroller and/or Safety Compliance, and AOS and/
or Authority Staff)
Ref: 3.19.1 & 3.19.2
38. When can you drive between an aircraft and the marshaller?
d) You are never allowed to drive between the aircraft and the marshaller
Ref: 5.10.6
39. While driving airside, when are you allowed to use a cell phone, audio, video, gaming or
similar electronic device?
d) Cell phone use is permitted but only when the vehicle is parked in a safe location.
Audio, video, gaming or similar devices are not allowed under any circumstances
Ref: 3.11.4
40. When airside, no person may park, leave or place any vehicle equipment within what
distance of a security fence?
a) 1 meter
Ref: 5.8.7
Appendix D
41. What are all vehicle operators required to do when they see foreign materials (e.g.
garbage, solid objects, mud, gravel etc.) on an aircraft movement surface?
c) Stop and remove the material if they can do so without compromising their own safety
or the safety of others
Ref: 3.17.3(c)
42. If you encounter a condition on an aircraft movement surface that is likely to cause
damage to an aircraft, who should you report it to?
d) Your supervisor and they will report it to the Integrated Operations Center (IOC)
Ref: 3.17.3(e)
d) All answers are correct. (Calgary Police Service (CPS), Safety Compliance Officer
(SCO), Security Airside Patroller, the Authority and the Airside Operations Specialists
Ref: 3.19.1
46. When an employee has received an AVOP violation ticket and must meet with the
Authority AVOP Coordinator, who must the employee be accompanied by?
a) Employer representative
Ref: 3.20.6(a)
47. What is the maximum number of pallet cargo dollies that can be towed in a cargo train?
a) 4 dollies
Ref: 5.6.14
48. Which of the following traffic has first priority (right-of-way) over all other traffic?
Appendix D
49. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of
aircraft, that includes both the manoeuvring areas and Aprons?
c) Movement Area
Ref: Appendix A (Movement Area)
50. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome to be used for the takeoff, landing and
taxiing of aircraft, excluding Aprons?
c) Manoeuvring Area
Ref: Appendix A (Manoeuvring Area)
51. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome used for accommodate the loading and
unloading of passengers and cargo; the refueling, servicing, maintenance and parking of
aircraft; and all vehicles and pedestrians necessary for such purpose?
d) Apron
Ref: Appendix A (Apron)
c) The part of the main terminal building that is post-security, including Apron I, and any
adjacent area identified by the Aerodrome Operator
Ref: Appendix A (Critical Area)
53. As a general rule, all vehicle operators must present to a Non-Passenger Screening-
Vehicle (NPS-V) checkpoint:
54. Which of the following are not exempt from screening at an NPS-V checkpoint?
Appendix E
b) 30 km/h
Ref: 5.5.1
b) 10 km/h
Ref: 5.5.1
4. Where two or more VSRs intersect, which vehicle has the right-of-way?
d) All answers are correct (on a VSR, In a bridge manoeuvring area, unless the aircraft
is parked, the bridge is attached and the vehicle is there to service that aircraft., or in any
area designated by a sign such as “No Parking”)
Ref: 5.8.2, 5.8.4, 5.8.6 & 5.8.8
7. When vehicles are parked in an approved parking area, near the terminal building or near
heavy traffic areas, which of the following is required? The vehicle must be:
b) Parked facing out (facing away from the building) whenever possible
Ref: 5.8.14
8. What is the maximum speed at which a vehicle may be operated on a perimeter road?
Appendix E
d) All answers are correct (in areas identified by paint markings indicating the travel of the
bridge, blocking access to fuel shut-off valves or wheeled fire extinguishers, or blocking
egress through emergency exits from the building)
Ref: 5.8.5 & 5.8.8
a) When moving further than one operational stand (e.g., from Gate 31 to Gate 35)
Ref: 5.6.2
11. Which of the following rules apply when operating a vehicle on an Apron?
a) Use the left lane to pass slower vehicles but only if it can be done safely and without
exceeding the speed limit
Ref: 5.6.9
12. What color are the paint markings pertaining to aircraft movement?
b) Yellow
Ref: 4.1.1
13. What color are the boundary lines that indicate a designated parking area?
14. What color are the paint markings that outline vehicle service roads and passenger
c) White
Ref: 4.1.1, 4.3.2 & 4.5.4
15. Which of the following descriptions most accurately describes how VSRs are indicated on
a) Two solid white lines, with a single broken white center line
Ref: 4.3.2
16. What color are the Apron and Taxiway edge lights?
a) Single blue
Ref: 4.6.1(a)
Appendix E
17. What color are the lights used at the intersection of an Apron and a Taxiway?
d) Is restricted to 2.9 meters in height and caution must always be exercised when
operating vehicles through them
Ref: 5.6.7
19. Which of the following vehicles are permitted to operate in the ITB outbound baggage
makeup area?
Appendix F
a) 4 dollies
Ref: 5.6.14
a) Single Blue
Ref: 4.6.1 (a)
3. What color are the lights used at the intersection of an Apron and a Taxiway?
b) Yellow
Ref: 4.1.1
a) Taxiway P
Ref: 5.3.1
7. Which perimeter road may a D/A Southside AVOP holder drive on?
b) When they need to drive directly to or from an aircraft requiring towing or other
operational servicing requirements
Ref: 5.4.2
Appendix F
9. When is a vehicle operator required to use the vehicle service roads on Apron VII and
Apron IX?
10. Which of the following is true for D/A Westside permit holders?
c) Permitted to operate on Apron VII, Apron IX, Apron IX de-ice pad and the Perimeter
Road of Runway 11
Ref: 5.4.1
12. What is the name of the common use gate on Apron VII?
b) Gate 401
See Map - West Airfield
Appendix G
d) All answers are correct (acknowledge the instruction, proceed across the Runway holding
position markings or to a safe position the correct distance off the Runway edge, inform
Calgary Ground when ‘OFF” the Runway and give their exact location)
Ref: 7.5.6
2. When is it permissible to operate within the Runway holding position marking and the
Runway edge?
d) When Calgary Ground has given permission and a radio listening watch is maintained
Ref: 7.5.5 & 7.5.10
3. You are in the manoeuvring area when your vehicle breaks down and you are unable to
move it. What should you do?
d) Immediately notify Calgary Ground of your location and issue; ask for assistance and
stay until help arrives
Ref: 7.7.1
4. An AVOP holder with a disabled radio has received a Calgary Ground instruction by light
signal to “Return to Starting Point on The Airport.” To get there, the vehicle must cross a
Runway to reach the Apron. What must the AVOP holder do?
d) Hold Short of the Runway and wait for a green flashing light from the control tower
before proceeding
Ref: 7.8.2
5. You are operating a radio-equipped vehicle in the manoeuvring area when the radio fails
and you must cross a Runway to get to your destination. What should you do?
d) Turn your vehicle to face the control tower and flash your headlights on and off; wait for
Calgary Ground to respond using light signals
Ref: 7.8.1
6. What does a flashing green light signal from the Control Tower signify?
b) Proceed
Ref: 7.8.2
7. What does a steady red light signal from the Control Tower mean?
Appendix G
8. What does a flashing red light signal from the Control Tower mean?
9. What does a flashing white light signal from the Control Tower mean?
11. What must the operator/driver with a ROC-A do before making a radio call?
d) Listen first, before making the call to avoid interfering with other transmissions
Ref: 7.1.8
14. In which instance may a vehicle without a radio on the ground control frequency be
operated in the manoeuvring area?
15. How must an AVOP holder acknowledge instructions from Calgary Ground?
d) Read back the instructions as understood, including your vehicle call sign or aircraft
Ref: 7.1.5
Appendix G
16. Low visibility procedures will be initiated when the reported or observed ground visibility is
less than 1200 feet. Which of the following will apply?
d) All answers are correct (vehicle movements are restricted to essential airport
operations, vehicle movements will require Calgary Ground authorization and Calgary
Ground will notify the IOC when low or reduced visibility procedures are initiated and
Ref: Appendix A, 7.9.3, 7.9.5, 7.9.6, 7.9.8, 7.9.9, 7.9.10, 7.9.11
17. What indicators (markings and signs) are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a
Taxiway, holding short of a Runway?
d) All answers are correct (An enhanced Taxiway centerline, Runway holding position
markings (two solid yellow lines and two broken yellow lines with the solid lines facing the
Taxiway), A Runway designator sign (white letters/numbers on a red background))
Ref: 4.9.2, 4.9.3, 4.10.2, 4.11.1 and 4.12.1
18. What do the yellow lines used to indicate the “Hold” position on a Taxiway at a
Taxiway/Runway intersection look like?
a) Two solid and two broken lines with the broken lines closest to the Runway
Ref: 4.9.3
19. What color are the lines used to indicate parking area boundary lines?
21. What color are the signs used to indicate direction to various movement areas (direction
Appendix G
24. What color are the lights used to indicate a Apron Entrance?
25. What color are the lights used to mark an inset STOP bar?
a) Solid red
Ref: 4.13.2 (c) ii
27. What lights are found at all Runway Holding Positions, on a Taxiway, holding short of a
d) Elevated guard lights on Runway 17R/35L, inset and elevated guard lights and inset and
elevated STOP bar lights on Runway 17L/35R.
Ref: 4.13.2
28. What lights would be active at the Runway holding positions for Runway 17L/35R during
RVOP or LVOP conditions?
29. What indicators (markings and signs) confirm you are holding short of a Runway when you
are on another Runway?
a) A Runway designator sign and Runway holding position markings (two solid yellow
lines and two broken yellow lines with the solid yellow lines facing you)
Ref: 4.9.3 & 4.10.1
30. What color are the lights used to indicate the end of a paved surface?
c) Single red
Ref: 4.13.6
Appendix G
32. What color are the threshold marker lights that face toward a Runway?
d) Red
Ref: 4.13.3 (b)
33. At YYC, Calgary Ground is responsible for directing which of the following traffic?
34. Which of the following procedures should vehicle operators apply to the greatest extent
d) All answers are correct - Minimize Runway crossings, Use perimeter roads around
thresholds whenever possible, When crossing Runways, cross at the thresholds whenever
Ref: 6.1.6 Note box and 6.1.8
35. When responding to a specific location in an emergency situation (e.g. Response Gate
East), which of the following apply?
d) All answers are correct (The AVOP holder does not have to use perimeter roads, the
AVOP holder must use the words “Responding to”, the AVOP holder must use proper radio
communication procedures)
Ref: 6.1.9 & 7.5.11
36. Can you enter Runway 17L/35R when the Inset STOP Bar is lit?
d) No
Ref: 4.13.2 (c) and 7.5.4
Appendix H
1. Who is responsible for ensuring that an AVOP holder is familiar with current Airside Traffic
Directives and any amendments thereof?
3. Who is responsible for challenging and/or reporting a person in the restricted area of an
airport who is not wearing a RAIC?
4. Who is responsible for ensuring that the AVOP applicant is properly trained?
b) The employer
Ref: 3.2.1(a)
5. No person may drive airside under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or similar substances
(e.g., over-the-counter and prescription drugs) that may cause drowsiness or reduce
decision-making skills. Which of the following statements apply?
d) All answers are correct (Five years from date of issue, if you do not complete a Night
Endorsement within the required 180 days and if you do not complete all renewal
requirements before your current AVOP expires)
Ref: 3.3.5, Note Box for 3.3.5, 3.3.6 & 3.5.1
Appendix H
8. A D-AME AVOP holder must successfully pass a check ride upon return to work after an
absence of up-to how many consecutive months?
9. How soon after receiving their AVOP must every new AVOP holder successfully pass the
mandatory Night Endorsement?
10. Which of the following traffic has first priority (right-of-way) over all other traffic?
11. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of
aircraft, that includes both the manoeuvring areas and Aprons?
c) Movement Area
Ref: Appendix A
12. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and
taxiing of aircraft, excluding Aprons?
c) Manoeuvring Area
Ref: Appendix A
13. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome, used to accommodate the loading and
unloading of passengers and cargo, the refueling, servicing, maintenance and parking
or any movement of aircraft, vehicles, and pedestrians?
d) Apron
Ref: Appendix A
14. What color are the paint markings pertaining to aircraft movement?
b) Yellow
Ref: 4.1.1
15. What color are the Apron and Taxiway edge lights?
a) Single blue
Ref: 4.6.1 (a)
Appendix H
16. What color are the lights used at the intersection of an Apron and a Taxiway?
17. What must the operator/driver with a ROC-A do before making a radio call?
18. What protocol must be followed for communications with Calgary Ground?
19. How must an AVOP holder acknowledge instructions from Calgary Ground?
d) Read back the instructions as understood, including your vehicle call sign or
aircraft identification
Ref: 7.1.5
20. What indicators (markings and signs) are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a
Taxiway, holding short of a Runway?
d) All answers are correct (An enhanced Taxiway centerline, Runway holding position
markings (two solid yellow lines and two broken yellow lines with the solid lines facing the
Taxiway), A Runway designator sign (white letters/numbers on a red background))
Ref: 4.9.2, 4.9.3 and 4.12.1
21. What do the yellow lines used to indicate the “Hold” position on a Taxiway at a Taxiway/
Runway intersection look like?
a) Two solid and two broken lines with the broken lines closest to the Runway
Ref: 4.9.3
23. What color are the signs used to indicate direction to various movement areas
(directional signs)?
Appendix H
26. What color are the lights used to mark an inset STOP bar?
a) Solid red
Ref: 4.13.2 (c) i & ii
28. What lights are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a Taxiway, short of a Runway?
d) Elevated guard Lights on 17R/35L, inset and elevated guard lights and inset and elevat-
ed STOP bar lights on Runway 17L/35R
Ref: 4.13.2
29. What color are the lights used to indicate the end of a paved surface?
c) Single red
Ref: 4.13.6
30. When told to hold short of Runway 35L, an AME operator must respond with…
c) 125.35
Ref: 7.3.1 & 7.3.5
a) 121.9
Ref: 7.3.1 & 7.3.5
Appendix H
33. As you approach Runway 17R on Taxiway A, and Runway 29 on Taxiway U, what will you
see unique to these locations?
d) As you are under positive control, you “Hold Short” at the conventional Hold line or
“Hold Short the CAT I Hold Line” as instructed by Calgary Ground
Ref: 4.9.4
36. When instructed to Hold Short of Taxiway F1 on Taxiway F, what is used by an AME
operator as an indicator to Hold Short?
d) Both a & c. Hold behind the Taxiway Intersection Marking and Hold behind the locator/
directional sign
Ref: 4.5.3 a, b including Note Box & 4.9.5 including Note Box
37. What indicators (markings and signs) confirm you are holding short of a Runway when you
are on another Runway?
a) A Runway designator sign and Runway holding position markings (two solid yellow lines
and two broken yellow lines with the solid yellow lines facing you)
Ref: 4.9.3 & 4.12.1
38. When told by East Ground to contact West Ground ‘121.9’ an AME operator must:
b) Read back “Contact 121.9,” followed by the call sign, switch, and call West Ground
Ref: 7.1.5
40. Can you enter Runway 17L/35R when the Elevated or Inset STOP Bar is lit?
d) No
Ref: 4.13.2 (c)
Appendix I
c) The part of the main terminal building that is post-security, including Apron I, and any
adjacent area identified by the Aerodrome Operator
Ref: Appendix A (Critical Area)
3. Which of the following are not exempt from screening at an NPS-V checkpoint?
4. Which of the following traffic has first priority (right-of-way) over all other traffic?
5. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of
aircraft, that includes both the manoeuvring areas and Aprons?
c) Movement Area
Ref: Appendix A
6. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and
taxiing of aircraft, excluding Aprons?
c) Manoeuvring Area
Ref: Appendix A
7. What is the name of the part of the aerodrome, used for the loading and unloading of
passengers and cargo, the refueling, servicing, maintenance and parking or
any movement of aircraft, vehicles, and pedestrians?
d) Apron
Ref: Appendix A
8. What must the operator/driver with a ROC-A do before making a radio call?
Appendix I
10. How must an AVOP holder acknowledge instructions from Calgary Ground?
d) Read back the instructions as understood, including your vehicle call sign or aircraft
Ref: 7.1.5
11. What indicators (markings and signs) are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a
Taxiway, holding short of a Runway?
d) All answers are correct (An enhanced Taxiway centerline, Runway holding position
markings (two solid yellow lines and two broken yellow lines with the solid lines facing the
Taxiway), A Runway designator sign (white letters/numbers on a red background)
Ref: 4.9.2, 4.9.3 & 4.12.1
12. What do the yellow lines used to indicate the “Hold” position on a Taxiway at a Taxiway/
Runway intersection look like?
a) Two solid and two broken lines with the broken lines closest to the Runway
Ref: 4.9.3
13. When told to hold short of Runway 35L, an AME operator must respond with…
c) 125.35
Ref: 7.3.1 & 7.3.5
a) 121.9
Ref: 7.3.1 & 7.3.5
Appendix I
17. When instructed to Hold Short of Taxiway F1 on Taxiway F, what is used by an AME
operator as an indicator to Hold Short?
d) Both a & c. Hold behind the Taxiway Intersection Marking and Hold behind the locator/
directional sign
Ref: 4.5.3 a, b including Note Box & 4.9.5 including Note Box
18. When told by East Ground to contact West Ground ‘121.9’ an AME operator must:
b) Read back “Contact 121.9,” followed by the call sign, switch, and call West Ground
Ref: 7.1.5
19. What color are the lights used to indicate a Apron Entrance?
21. What color are the lights used to indicate the end of a paved surface?
c) Single red
Ref: 4.13.6
23. What color are the threshold marker lights that face toward a Runway?
d) Red
Ref: 4.13.3 (b)
24. What lights are found at ALL Runway Holding Positions on a Taxiway, holding short of a
d) Elevated guard Lights on 17R/35L, inset and elevated guard lights and inset and
elevated STOP bar lights on Runway 17L/35R
Ref: 4.13.2
25. What color are the Apron and Taxiway edge lights?
a) Single blue
Ref: 4.6.1 (a)
Appendix I
26. What color are the paint markings pertaining to aircraft movement?
b) Yellow
Ref: 4.1.1
27. What color are the boundary lines that indicate a designated parking area?
d) All answers are correct (Taxiway BA, Taxiway BC, Taxiways JR and E)
Ref: 4.2.5 with Note Box
30. What color are the signs used to indicate direction to various movement areas
(directional signs)?
Appendix J
See Map
Ref: Site Maps for Aprons I & II -,
Gates 1-6, Gate 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and Gates S61-65, Gate 96, 97
Ref: Site map for Apron I & II -
Single blue
Ref: 4.6.1(a)
Edges of Taxiways
Ref: 4.6.1(a)
5. What are the indications that you are leaving Apron I and going onto a controlled Taxiway?
6. Why should an operator look for signs that an aircraft will not Pushback?
To know if it is safe and if they have enough time to safely drive behind the aircraft without
risk of it pushing back. Aircraft always have the right-of-way, so all drivers must make sure
that there is enough time to safely drive behind the aircraft before the push-back is started
Ref: 5.11.1
Snow plows are difficult to manoeuvre and drivers have limited visibility due to blowing
snow. Vehicle operators and pedestrians must give ample room to avoid risk of injury
Ref: 5.7.4
Appendix J
50 km/h maximum
Ref: 5.5.1
9. What route should D/A drivers use to get from Apron I to Gate 306A?
11. What is the speed limit on Aprons, service roads and underpasses?
30 km/h maximum
Ref: 5.5.1
10 km/h maximum
Ref: 5.5.1
13. What are some of the indications that an aircraft is preparing for a Pushback?
a. Concourse A
b. Concourse B
c. Concourse C
d. Concourse D
e. Concourse E
f. Domestic Terminal Building (DTB)
g. International Terminal Building (ITB)
See Map
Ref: (Map - Aprons I & II)
Appendix J
Do not go between a departing aircraft and a blast wall due to jet blast. Do not park or
store equipment in front of a blast wall
Ref: 5.8.9, 5.8.13 & 5.9.1
Foreign object debris or foreign object damage: Any foreign material in the manoeuvring
area, such as plastic bags, drink containers, coffee cups, paper, plastic, baggage straps
and tags, chunks of ice, gravel, rocks, crack sealant or other materials that may cause
damage to an aircraft, an aircraft engine or vehicle if not cleared away
Ref: 3.17 & Appendix A
Gravel, baggage straps and tags, paper, plastic, Styrofoam cups, crack sealant, chunks of
ice, etc
Ref: Appendix A
18. Who (ordered from highest to lowest) has the right-of-way over everyone else on an
19. A vehicle is in a designated VSR (white road markings) and another vehicle is entering.
Who has the right-of-way?
Vehicle operators must give the right-of-way to vehicles already on designated VSRs,
cargo roads, or perimeter roads
Ref: 5.6.5
Vehicle operators must obey all signs at intersections. Where two or more VSRs intersect
with no signs, it must be treated as an uncontrolled intersection, and the vehicle on the
right has the right-of-way
Ref: 5.6.6
Appendix J
21. What is the name of the single yellow line an aircraft follows to enter an operational stand
and park ‘on gate?’
22. What is the purpose of an Apron Taxiway (single yellow lines) on the Apron?
Aircraft put the nose wheel on the Apron Taxiway (single yellow line) to know they are clear
of obstructions (as a continuation of Taxiway center lines)
Ref: 4.2.2
23. Can you drive between an aircraft and the building at a ground loading position on any
Apron, whether or not there is a bridge?
No. It is not permitted to drive between an aircraft and the building at a ground loading
Ref: 5.10.3 & Appendix A
24. What is the purpose of the parallel solid red and white lines at an operational stand?
The parallel solid white and red lines define the designated parking areas intended for use
and parking of ground service equipment
Ref: 4.3.1
25. What is the purpose of the single broken yellow lines on the parking pads?
An Aircraft Parking Boundary Line is a single yellow broken line, often parallel to the Apron
Taxiway and is used to outline aircraft parking pads. Aircraft are parked behind Aircraft
Parking Boundary Lines to ensure they are safely separated and clear of taxiing aircraft
Ref: 4.2.4
No. With some exceptions, pedestrians do not have right-of-way on the Apron
Ref: 5.7.5 including note box
Appendix J
28. What is the importance of the red and green STOP lights found at the entrances to the
Juliet/Echo Underpass?
The lights are red when it is unsafe to enter the underpass and green when it is safe to
Ref: 4.6.2
To maintain access to emergency equipment, e.g., to fuel shut-off valves and firefighting
equipment (wheeled extinguishers and standpipes) and maintain egress from emergency
Ref: 4.4.3
30. What is the purpose of the single yellow broken lines at the intersection of an Apron and
This is called a Apron Limit Line. D/A permit holders may not cross this line to exit an
Apron onto a Taxiway
Ref: 4.2.3
Appendix K
Answer Key: Sample Practical Test D/A (D/A West & D/A South)
a. III
b. IV
c. V
d. VI
e. VII
g. IX
h. X
i. Apron IX (de-ice pad)
j. Apron X (de-ice pad)
Site Map
Ref:,,, (Maps - South Side & West Side Aprons)
Single blue
Ref: 4.6.1(a)
Edges of Taxiways
Ref: 4.6.1(a)
4. What is the color of the lights at the intersection between an Apron and a Taxiway?
Appendix K
Answer Key: Sample Practical Test D/A (D/A West & D/A South)
30 km/h maximum
Ref: 5.5.1
Canada Customs
Ref: (Map - South Side Apron)
8. What does it say on the signs between the two STOP signs on the perimeter road around
the threshold of Runway 35L (between Taxiway A and Apron III)?
a. A i. P
b. C j. Y
c. J k. YB
d. JZ l. YD
e. J2 m. YE
f. L n. W
g. M o. WB
h. N
Site Map
Ref: & (Maps - South Side & West Side Aprons)
a. Avmax g. Millionaire
b. Cargo Building h. Purolator
c. CBSA Satellite Building i. Sky Service
d. FedEx j. Signature
e. Kenn Borek k. Sunwest
f. Specialized Cargo Facility l. UPS
Site Map
Ref:, & (Maps - South Aprons, West Aprons & West Airfield)
Appendix K
Answer Key: Sample Practical Test D/A (D/A West & D/A South)
Foreign object debris or foreign object damage: Any foreign material in the manoeuvring
area, such as paper, plastic, scraps of metal, garbage, gravel, glass, nails, tacks, mud,
gravel, glass, chemical substances, baggage or other materials that may cause damage to
an aircraft, aircraft engine or vehicle if not cleared away
Ref: 3.17 & Appendix A
Gravel, baggage straps and tags, paper, plastic, Styrofoam cups, crack sealant, chunks
of ice, etc.
13. Who (ordered from highest to lowest) has the right-of-way over everyone else on an
14. Can you drive between an aircraft and the building at a ground loading position on any
Apron, whether or not there is a bridge?
No. It is not permitted to drive between an aircraft and the building at a ground loading
position on any Apron
Ref: 5.10.3
15. Where are the compass roses located (and/or as applicable to D/A S or D/A W)?
a. Where Taxiway P widens, across from Apron VIII on the Aircraft Parking Pad
b. East end of Taxiway M
c. On Apron IX de-ice pad (Compass Rose)
Site map
Ref: & (Maps - South Side & West Side Aprons)
Appendix K
Answer Key: Sample Practical Test D/A (D/A West & D/A South)
16. Where are the following gates and roads located (and/or as applicable to D/A S or
D/A W)?
a. Gate 205
b. Gate 401
c. Gate 420
d. NPS-V (North & South)
e. Perimeter Road Threshold Rwy 11
f. Perimeter Road Threshold Rwy 35L
g. Perimeter Road Threshold Rwy 26
Ref:, & (Maps - South Side Aprons, West Side Aprons &
West Airfield)
Appendix L
A. D/A Knowledge
See Sample Practical Tests for D/A, D/A West & D/A South (Sections 10.9, 10.10,
Appendix I, K) and all Maps (Section 10.2)
B. D Knowledge
Four Runways
Ref: & (Maps - West Airfield & East Airfield)
Eight Runway headings: 08, 11, 17L, 17R, 26, 29, 35L and 35R
Ref: & (Maps - West Airfield & East Airfield)
Site Map
Ref: (Maps - West Airfield)
5. Going south on Taxiway A from Threshold 17R to Threshold 35L, what are the Taxiways
and/or Runways you cross or intersect (in order)?
Site Map
Ref: (Maps - West Airfield)
6. Going east on Taxiway U, from the intersection of Taxiways U and A to Threshold 29, what
are the Taxiways and/or Runways you cross or intersect (in order)?
Site Map
Ref: (Maps - West Airfield)
7. Going north on Taxiway C from Threshold 35L to Threshold 17R, what are the Taxiways
and/or Runways that lead onto Taxiway C from both the east side and the west side
(in order)?
Site Map
Ref: (Maps - West Airfield)
Appendix L
8. Going south on Taxiway D from Threshold 17L to Threshold 35R, what are the Taxiways
and/or Runways you cross or intersect (in order)?
Site Map
Ref: (Maps - East Airfield)
9. Going south on Runway 17L/35R, what are the Taxiways you cross or intersect (in order)?
Site Map
Ref: (Maps East Airfield)
10. Going east on Taxiway J from Threshold 11 to the intersection of Taxiway J and Taxiway D,
what are the Taxiways and/or Runways you cross or intersect (in order)?
Site Map
Ref: & (Maps - West Airfield & East Airfield)
11. Going north on Taxiway B to the intersection of Taxiway BD, what are the Taxiways and/or
Runways you cross or intersect (in order)?
Site Map
Ref: (Maps - East Airfield)
12. Going from Apron I to the threshold of Runway 11, what are the Taxiways and/or Runways
you cross or intersect (in order, can be done in both directions)?
Site Map
Ref: (Maps - West Airfield)
Taxiway J
Ref: (Maps - West Airfield)
14. Which Taxiways give you direct access to the Runways of 08, 11, 17R, 17L, 26, 29, 35R
and 35L?
Site Map
Ref: & (Maps - West Airfield & East Airfield)
Appendix L
15. What are the colors of the lights for the following areas?
16. Describe how to drive from Apron II to Apron VII without crossing a Runway or the
threshold of a Runway.
Site Map
Ref: (Maps - West Airfield)
17. Describe how to drive from Apron VII to Apron V without crossing a Runway or a threshold
of a Runway.
Site Map
Ref: (Maps - West Airfield)
18. Describe how to drive from Apron V to Apron II. (For the purpose of this question, provide
two options: one, crossing a Runway and a threshold and a second, not crossing a
Runway or threshold).
Site Map
Ref: (Maps - West Airfield)
19. If you have a radio breakdown in the manoeuvring area, what do you have to do?
Turn the vehicle to face the Control Tower, flash the headlights On and OFF, wait for light
signals and follow the light signal instructions
Ref: 7.8.1
Appendix L
20. What do the following light signals from the Tower mean?
21. IF you are on a Runway and the white Runway lights start to blink ON and OFF, what does
this mean?
22. What are the correct radio calls to YYC East Ground and West Ground?
23. What does it mean when Calgary Ground says to “Hold Short”?
“Hold Short” means to STOP behind the Runway Holding Position Markings and wait for
permission to cross or proceed onto the Runway. It may be necessary to imagine a line
drawn in the grass, parallel with the Runway, that extends from the Runway Holding
Position Markings (or the Runway Designator Sign.)
Ref: 7.5.2 including Note Box, 7.5.6, 7.5.10 & Appendix A
25. What does it mean when Calgary Ground says “No Delay”?
“No Delay” has the same meaning as “Expedite” (proceed without delay)
Ref: Appendix A
26. What is the correct radio call when you are escorting two other vehicles?
27. If you are on Taxiway A south of Runway 29 and another vehicle (Staff 22) is on Taxiway
A north of Runway 29 and the other vehicle initiates a call to Calgary Ground (i.e., “West
Ground, Staff 22 plus one, permission to cross Runway 29 south onA”) and Calgary
Ground says Staff 22 plus one permission to cross Runway 29 onA”, can you proceed
across Runway 29?
No, this practice is not permitted. Staff 22 plus one must be traveling in the same
Appendix L
The use of two separate Ground frequencies to control Airfield users at the Calgary
International Airport
Ref: 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.3.3, 7.3.4 & 7.3.5
29. Why do you have to maintain a listening watch at all times when you are in the
manoeuvring area?
In order to know where other aircraft and vehicles are, to plan a routing and to be prepared
in the event Calgary Ground calls you
Ref: 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3, 7.4.4
30. Where are the following Security Perimeter Gates located? What is their importance?
a. Response Gate East - is on the east airfield perimeter fence across from Apron I
(roughly in line with BA) and is the primary gate and staging area for off-airport
emergency response vehicles responding to an emergency on the east airfield
b. (Temporary) Response Gate East – Gate 306A is the back-up to response Gate
East staging area for off-airport emergency response vehicles
c. Response Gate West – Gate 107 is the alternate staging area
d. Gates 201, 205, 234, 321, 340, 401, 420:
• Gates 201/205 are the main access to the south end of the airfield
• Gate 234 is the main access to Apron X de-ice and the Fire Training
Mock-up site
• Gate 321 is the north airfield exit gate
• Gate 340 is the Medical Emergency access gate
• Gate 401 is the main access to Apron VII
• Gate 420 is the north side Guardhouse and the main access to the north
(and west) areas of the airfield
Ref: 10.2 (All Maps)
a. Control Tower
b. East and West FEC
c. Authority Airport Maintenance Center
d. Big Top/ Baggage Search Shelter
e. Mock-up
f. Isolation Area(s)
g. Fire Hall 13
h. GSE Building
Site Map
Ref: 10.2 (All Maps)
Appendix L
32. What are the names and the information provided for each of these signs?
a. Black letters or numbers on a yellow background are information signs, and indicate
the correct frequency to use to contact ATC or Ground
b. Black letters or numbers on a yellow background with a black arrow are directional
signs and indicate the direction of travel to Aprons, Runways and Taxiways
c. Yellow letters or numbers on a black background are location signs and identify the
location of the Taxiway
Ref: 4.5.3 a, b, c
The Apron Entrances between Taxiways G & GB, and the intersection of Taxiways G & GD
Ref: 4.12.3
34. Explain the importance of reading back instructions received from Calgary Ground, word
for word.
To ensure a vehicle operator has understood and will follow the instructions received from
Calgary Ground
Ref: 7.1.5 & 7.4.4
Two solid yellow lines and two broken yellow lines with the broken lines closest to the
Ref: 4.9.3
Threshold perimeter roads are located around Runways 08, 11, 17R, 17L, 26, 29, 35R
and 35L
Ref: 6.1.8
37. What does the sign with white numbers or letters on a red background mean?
This is a Runway designator sign and indicates either one Runway extremity or both
Runway extremities and carries the combined message to hold short
Ref: 4.12.1
38. Next to the red and white sign is another sign. What does this sign indicate?
This sign is a location sign (i.e., yellow letters on a black background). This sign indicates
you are on a Taxiway
Ref: 4.12.1 & 4.5.3(b)
Appendix L
Reduced visibility procedures are implemented when the RVR is below 2600 feet.
Low Visibility procedures are implemented when the RVR is below 1200 feet (and can
be implemented anytime during RVOP). Vehicle movements are restricted during RVOP/
Ref: 7.9.1
40. What are the high speed (rapid exit) Taxiways off of Runway 17R?
41. How many holding bays do we have and where are they located?
Three. Threshold 29 (at U), Threshold 17R (at A) and Threshold 35L (at C)
Ref: (Map - West Airfield)
42. What is the purpose of the single broken yellow line at the intersection of Taxiway J and C?
The purpose is to provide clearance while behind the line for aircraft moving on the
crossing taxiway
Ref: 4.9.5
The holding bay of Runway 29, the East end of Taxiway M, on the uncontrolled Taxiway P
where it widens and on Apron IX de-ice pad
Ref: (Map - West Airfield)
44. Before asking permission to cross a Runway, there are at least two things you must do.
What are they?
1. Perform a visual check by looking left and right to see if an aircraft is getting ready
to take off or is landing or on final approach
2. Listen first to avoid interfering with other transmissions
NOTE: Proper frequency must already have been selected
Ref: 7.4.2 & 7.5.1
45. If a perimeter road or alternate routing is available, should you cross a Runway?
Ref: 6.1.6 including Note Box & 6.1.8
Appendix L
46. What is special about the intersection of Taxiways C, G and Runway 29?
47. What are some of the things you can do to determine which Runway(s) is/are active?
Look at the windsock direction, observe aircraft taking off, landing and/or taxiing, observe
Runway lighting, listen to radio communication (or the ATIS), ask Calgary Ground
48. If Runway 29 is active and you ask permission to cross Runway 29 on A northbound and
Calgary Ground gives permission to cross Runway 11 on A, what do you do? Why?
Read back the instructions to Calgary Ground as understood and then cross the Runway.
As there are two Runway headings, the controller will determine which Runway heading to
cross (usually is the active Runway)
Ref: 7.5.1 including Note Box, 7.5.2 & 7.4.2
49. If you ask permission to cross Runway 29 on A northbound and the controller gives you
permission to cross Runway 26, what do you do? Why?
Use the words “SAY AGAIN” or “CONFIRM” to clarify but do not cross. The permission to
cross is location specific
Ref: 7.1.6, 7.5.1 including note box, 7.5.2, 7.4.2
50. Can you drive from east to west on the perimeter road around 35L with a large aircraft
sitting at the threshold ready to take off?
No, because of the close proximity of the road to the threshold and the devastating effect
Ref: 5.3.6 & Appendix B
51. What are the two parts that make up the ILS?
Last Name: First Name:
Company Name:
TYPE OF PERMIT REQUESTED: D/A (Aprons I & II/ All Aprons) D (All Airside Areas)
Renewal: All requirements must be completed & submitted to the AVOP Administration Office prior to expiry of current
AVOP. Renewal requirements, if completed prior to expiry, including issue of new AVOP card, are:
• D, D-TOW, D-AME: written and practical test
• D/A, D/AS, D/AW: written test only
Expired permit and/or failure to complete the Night Endorsement within 180 days shall result in the AVOP being canceled
and require a new AVOP (application & tests).
Reference AVOP Manual 3.3.5 & note box, & 3.3.8, 3.3.9 & note box
Applicant has read, understood and will comply with the Airside Traffic Directives,
Applicant has and must maintain a current and valid driver’s license to drive airside,
Applicant is aware that the practical test must be completed within a 60 day limit between the written test and
the practical test,
Applicant is aware that the completed application form, including a copy of the written test certificate, RAIC
& Driver’s License must be presented to the AVOP Administration Office no more than 14 days following the
practical test,
Applicant is aware that the completed application form for a renewal with written test certificate, applicable
practical tests, RAIC and Driver’s License must be presented to the AVOP Administration Office NO MORE than
14 days following the following the successful completion of the written and/or practical test (as applicable to
the category of AVOP) and BEFORE their current AVOP expires,
Applicant is aware that if the Night Endorsement is not completed within 180 days of receiving their initial
AVOP, their AVOP will be canceled and they are therefore not permitted to drive airside,
Applicant is aware that they must exchange their current AVOP card for an updated AVOP card within 14 days
of successfully completing their Night Endorsement and BEFORE their current AVOP expires,
Applicant is aware that the use of personal audio/video/gaming, cell phones, or similar devices is prohibited
when driving or actively working airside to prevent unnecessary distractions,
Applicant is aware that a photograph and some personal information will be maintained in the AVOP database
for identification purposes,
A valid ROC-A license and a valid AME license must be provided when applying for a D or a D-AME AVOP (as
Print Name:
Applicant Signature:
Applicant has been given an Airside Orientation Tour (multiple outings may be required)
Applicant has operated a vehicle airside under appropriate supervision (multiple outings may be required)
The employer has retained training records for this applicant which shall be made available to the Calgary
Airport Authority upon request
Applicant has a valid driver’s licence (checks will be maintained on expiry of driver’s licence)
Applicant has and provides a valid AME licence (if applying for a D-AME permit)
Print Name:
Company Representative Signature:
AVOP ADMINISTRATION OFFICE: located on the +15 walkway between the Domestic Terminal Building and Level 1 of
the Airport Corporate Centre (near the Delta Hotel).