NATSPEC Simple Domestic Specification

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Construction Specification

NATSPEC Simple Domestic

2020 Compliant


Information Systems reference specification and does not require editing or
Limited, 2020 amendment. It is intended for inclusion, along with other
documents such as drawings and schedules, as a
condition of contract for the building works. It assumes all
Apart from any fair project specific design information is shown on the
dealing for the purposes drawings or in schedules, including the specific
of private study, review, requirements of the South Australian Housing Trust
criticism or research as (SAHT). The Preliminaries worksection provides for the
permitted under the requirements of the drawings and schedules to override
Copyright Act, no part of conflicting requirements of this reference specification.
this publication may be
National Construction Code
reproduced or copied by
any means whatsoever The National Construction Code (NCC), including state
without the prior written and territory variations, is enforced by local authorities and
permission of controls domestic construction in Australia, along with the
Construction Information requirements of statutory authorities (e.g. electricity and
Systems Limited. water supply). This specification has been aligned with
BCA Volume 2 of the NCC but any local requirements
must take precedence. NATSPEC recommends that the
ISSN 1328-2220 users of this document have ready access to BCA Volume
2 for Class 1 and Class 10 Buildings. It is available online.
Published by Go to to register.
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Construction Information sub-contractors work in a safe manner. An owner builder,
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Standards and tolerances
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Standards and Tolerances is a reference document of best
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contents of this
publication. The contents Dispute resolution
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purchasers’ and readers’ SAHT specific requirements
responsibility to The SAHT has specific building requirements which are
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Construction Information 1A buildings and SAHT fixtures and fitting schedule – Class
Systems Limited will not 1A buildings.
be liable in respect of any .
use or application of such

Use the current edition

This specification is
published annually and is
aligned with BCA Volume
2 of the NCC for Class 1
and Class 10 Buildings.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority i 2020



0131 Preliminaries ..........................................................................................................................................................................1

0180 Common requirements .........................................................................................................................................................1
0184 Termite management ............................................................................................................................................................2
0201 Demolition ..............................................................................................................................................................................3
0221 Site preparation .....................................................................................................................................................................3
0222 Earthwork ...............................................................................................................................................................................3
0223 Service trenching ..................................................................................................................................................................4
0242 Landscape - fences and barriers .........................................................................................................................................5
0250 Landscape – gardening ........................................................................................................................................................5
0271 Pavement base and subbase ...............................................................................................................................................6
0274 Concrete pavement ...............................................................................................................................................................6
0276 Paving – sand bed .................................................................................................................................................................6
0310 Concrete .................................................................................................................................................................................7
0331 Brick and block construction ...............................................................................................................................................7
0342 Light steel framing ................................................................................................................................................................8
0382 Light timber framing..............................................................................................................................................................8
0383 Sheet flooring and decking ..................................................................................................................................................9
0421 Roofing .................................................................................................................................................................................10
0431 Cladding ...............................................................................................................................................................................10
0451 Windows and glazed doors ................................................................................................................................................11
0453 Doors and access panels ...................................................................................................................................................11
0454 Overhead doors ...................................................................................................................................................................12
0455 Door hardware .....................................................................................................................................................................12
0467 Glass components ..............................................................................................................................................................13
0471 Thermal insulation and pliable membranes .....................................................................................................................13
0511 Lining ....................................................................................................................................................................................14
0551 Joinery ..................................................................................................................................................................................14
0572 Miscellaneous fixtures and appliances .............................................................................................................................15
0611 Rendering and plastering ...................................................................................................................................................16
0621 Waterproofing - wet areas ..................................................................................................................................................17
0631 Ceramic tiling .......................................................................................................................................................................17
0651 Resilient finishes .................................................................................................................................................................18
0652 Carpets .................................................................................................................................................................................19
0654 Engineered panel flooring ..................................................................................................................................................19
0655 Timber flooring ....................................................................................................................................................................20
0656 Floor sanding and finishing ...............................................................................................................................................20
0671 Painting ................................................................................................................................................................................20
0702 Mechanical design and install ............................................................................................................................................22
0802 Hydraulic design and install ...............................................................................................................................................22
0902 Electrical design and install ...............................................................................................................................................23

Make sure all subcontractors are aware of the

requirements within 0180 Common Requirements.

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0131 PRELIMINARIES Care of survey marks: Preserve and maintain the

principal’s survey marks in their true positions.
Rectification: If the survey marks are disturbed or
obliterated, immediately rectify.
1 GENERAL Items supplied by owner
General: Materials and other items supplied free of charge
1.1 THE SITE to the contractor for installation in the execution of the
works, as documented.
Occupied premises Unload and take delivery, inspect for defects and take care
General: For the parts of the site designated as occupied of the items. If defects are found, advise. Return unused
premises: items to the principal.
­ Allow occupants to continue in secure possession and
occupancy of the premises for the required period.
­ Maintain safe access for occupants. Contractor and owner to observe confidentiality
­ Arrange work to minimise nuisance to occupants and for Publicity: Do not issue information concerning the project
their safety. for publication in the media without prior written approval
of the owner.
­ Protect occupants against weather, dust, dirt, water or
other nuisance.
Proposals: Submit details of proposed methods. 0180 COMMON REQUIREMENTS
­ Purpose of submission: Information only.
Protection of persons and property
Temporary works: Provide and maintain required
barricades, guards, fencing, shoring, temporary roadways,
footpaths, signs, lighting and traffic management.
Accessways and services: Do not obstruct or damage 1.1 APPLICABILITY
roadways and footpaths, drains and watercourses and General
other existing services in use on or adjacent to the site. Requirement: Conform to 0171 General requirements, as
Determine the location of such services.
appropriate, in all worksections.
Property: Do not interfere with or damage trees and
property which are to remain on or adjacent to the site, 1.2 STANDARDS
including adjoining property encroaching onto the site. Current editions
Rectification General: Use referenced Australian or other standards
Accessways and services: Rectify immediately any (including amendments), and the NCC including state and
obstruction or damage to roadways and footpaths, drains territory variations which are current three months before
and watercourses and other existing services in use on or the date of the contract except where other editions or
adjacent to the site. Provide temporary services whilst amendments are required by statutory authorities. Any
repairs are carried out. local authority requirements take precedence.
Property: Rectify immediately any interference or damage 1.3 INTERPRETATION
to trees and property which are to remain on or adjacent to
the site, including adjoining property encroaching onto the Abbreviations
site. General: For the purpose of this document the following
Existing services abbreviations apply:
Service to be continued: Repair, divert or relocate, as ­ BCA: National Construction Code Series Volume 2:
documented. Building code of Australia Class 1 and Class 10
Trenches: If the existing service crosses the line of a Buildings.
required trench, or will lose support when the trench is ­ NCC: National Construction Code.
excavated, provide permanent support for the existing Definitions
General: For the purposes of this specification, the
Redundant services: Remove redundant parts and make following definitions apply:
­ Contractor: Means the same as builder.
Interruptions to services: Minimise the number and
­ Documented: Documented, as documented and similar
duration of interruptions.
terms mean contained in the contract documents.
­ Hot-dip galvanized: Zinc coated to AS/NZS 4680 after
General: Provide a signboard displaying the lot number, fabrication.
the builder’s name, address and licence number, and the
BCA accreditation authority, address and contact details, if ­ Metallic-coated: Steel coated with zinc or aluminium-zinc
required. alloy via a continuous hot-dip process.
­ Owner: Owner has the same meaning as client, principal
1.2 BUILDING THE WORKS or proprietor and is the party to whom the contractor is
Order of precedence of documents legally bound to construct the works.
Precedence: Requirements of the schedules and drawings ­ Professional engineer: As defined by the NCC.
override conflicting requirements in this reference ­ Proprietary: Identifiable by naming manufacturer,
specification. supplier, installer, trade name, brand name, catalogue or
Survey marks reference number.
Definition: A survey peg, bench mark, reference mark, ­ Provide: Provide and similar expressions mean supply
signal, alignment, level mark or any other mark used or and install and include development of the design
intended to be used for the purpose of setting out, beyond that documented.
checking or measuring the work.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 1 2020


­ Required: Means required by the contract documents, Alternatives: If alternatives to the documented products,
the local council or statutory authorities. methods or systems are proposed, submit sufficient
­ Supply: Supply, furnish and similar expressions mean information to permit evaluation of the proposed
supply only. alternatives.


General Acclimatisation
Conformance: In areas designated as bushfire prone, General: Acclimatise timber fitouts by stacking them for
comply with statutory and local authority requirements. two weeks in the in-service conditions with air circulation to
all surfaces after the following are complete:
Standard: To AS 3959.
­ Air conditioning operational.
2 PRODUCTS ­ Lighting operational.
­ Site drainage and stormwater works are complete.
2.1 GENERAL ­ Space fully enclosed and secure.
­ Wet work complete and dry.
Manufacturers’ or suppliers’ recommendations
General: Provide and select, if no selection is given, Unseasoned timber
transport, deliver, store, handle, protect, finish, adjust and General: If unseasoned timber is provided, or variation in
prepare for use the manufactured items to the moisture content is likely, make allowance for shrinkage,
manufacturers' or suppliers’ recommendations. swelling and differential movement.
Proprietary items/systems/assemblies: Assemble, install or Durability
fix to substrate to the manufacturers' or suppliers' General: Provide timbers with natural durability appropriate
recommendations. to the conditions of use or preservative-treated timbers of
Substitution equivalent durability.
Identified proprietary items: Identification of a proprietary Natural durability class of heartwood: To AS 5604.
item does not necessarily imply exclusive preference for Preservative treatment: To the AS 1604 series.
the identified item, but indicates the necessary properties
Minimum requirement: To the Natural and treated timber
of the item.
durability table.
Natural and treated timber durability table
Exposure Natural timber Treated timber Remarks
Required durability class to Required hazard class to
AS 5604 the AS 1604 series
Inside, above ground. Class 4 H1 Treated timber resistant to lyctids. Untreated
Completely protected from the timber must be protected from termites
weather. Well ventilated
Inside, above ground. Class 3 H2 Treated timber resistant to borers and
Protected from wetting with nil termites. Untreated timber must be
leaching. Well ventilated protected with a finish
Above ground, exposed to Class 2 H3 Treated timber resistant to borers, termites
weather. Periodic moderate and moderate decay. Applicable to
wetting and leaching weatherboards, fascias, pergolas (above
ground), window joinery, framing and
In-ground Class 1 H4 Treated timber resistant to borers, termites
(Severe wetting and leaching) and severe decay. Applicable to fence
posts, greenhouses, pergolas (in-ground)
and landscaping timbers
H5 Applicable to retaining walls, piling, house
(Extreme wetting and leaching stumps, building poles, cooling tower fill
and/or critical uses)
2.3 STEEL Galvanizing
General: Galvanize mild steel components (including
Durability fasteners) to AS/NZS 1214, AS 1397 or AS/NZS 4680, as
General: Provide steel products protected from corrosion appropriate, and in the following conditions:
to suit the conditions of use. ­ Exposed to weather.
Internal engineer designed steel members: Remove mill ­ Embedded in masonry.
scale, rust, moisture and oil. Coat with a zinc phosphate
primer to the manufacturer’s instructions. ­ Exposed to or in air spaces behind external leaves of
masonry walls.
Built-in products below damp-proof course: Stainless steel
316 or engineered polymer. ­ In contact with chemically treated timber.
Corrosion resistance 2.4 PROTECTIVE COATINGS
Atmospheric corrosivity category: To AS 4312 and the
AS/NZS 2312 series.
Environment: To AS 2312.1 clause 2.3.
Minimum external corrosion protection requirements for
corrosive environments: Conform to BCA Volume 2. Coating designation: To AS 2312.1 Table 6.3.
Preparation and pre-treatment CCA (copper chrome arsenic) treated timber
Standard: To the AS 1627 series. Greasing: Before placing bolts or other metal components
in contact with CCA-treated timber, paint contact surfaces
or coat in grease or a bituminous coating.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 2 2020


Unseasoned timber 3.4 FOOTPATH CROSSING

General: Do not fix in contact with steel framing without
fully painting the contact surfaces of timber and steel.
Requirement: Provide a footpath and kerb crossing to local
2.5 FASTENERS authority requirements.
Self-drilling screws 3.5 COMPLETION
Standard: To AS 3566.1.
2.6 VAPOUR BARRIER Removal of temporary work, services and plant: Remove
temporary work services and construction plant within 10
General working days after occupation of the works.
Vapour barrier to slabs: To AS 2870 clause 5.3.3.
Final cleaning: Remove rubbish and surplus material from
Minimum thickness: 0.2 mm. the site and clean the works throughout including interior
2.7 DAMP-PROOF MEMBRANES and exterior surfaces exposed to view. Vacuum clean
carpeted and soft surfaces. Clean debris from the site,
General (Damp-proof) roofs, gutters, downpipes and drainage systems.
Damp-proof membrane: To AS 2870 clause 5.3.3. Samples: Remove non-incorporated samples, sample
Type: High impact resistant polyethylene film, minimum panels and prototypes.
0.2 mm thick. which has been pigmented and branded by Warranties: Register with manufacturers, as necessary,
the manufacturer. and provide copies of manufacturers’ warranties.
Instruction manuals: Provide the manufacturers’ instruction
3 EXECUTION manuals.
Operation: Make sure moving parts operate safely and
3.1 WALL CHASING smoothly.
Holes and chases Surveyor’s certificate: Provide a certificate which confirms
General: Make holes and chases required in masonry that the work, including boundary fences, has been
walls so that the structural integrity of the wall is correctly located.
maintained. Do not chase walls with a fire-resistance level Services layout: Provide a plan which shows the location
or an acoustic rating. of underground services.
Parallel chases or recesses on opposite faces of a wall: Authorities’ approvals: Provide evidence of approval of the
Not closer than 600 mm to each other. local authority or principal accredited certifier and statutory
Chasing blockwork: Only chase core-filled hollow blocks or authorities whose requirements apply to the work.
solid blocks not documented as structural. Keys: Provide two keys for each set of locks keyed alike
Concrete blockwork chasing table and two keys for each lock keyed to differ.
Block thickness (mm) Maximum depth of chase
190 35
140 25
90 20


Alignment of flooring and subfloor
Concrete subfloor: Do not start installation of the flooring General
until the moisture content of the concrete subfloor Standard: To AS 3660.1.
conforms to AS 1884 clause 3.1. Termite management system notice
Timber, plywood or particleboard flooring subfloors: Do not Requirement: Permanently fix a durable notice in a
start installation of the flooring until the moisture content of prominent location to BCA
the subfloor conforms to the following: Certification
- Dry in-service environment (air conditioned buildings): 8 Requirement: Submit installation certificate to AS 3660.1
to 10% Appendix A3.
- Normal in-service environment (intermittently heated
buildings): To 12.5%
- Moist in-service environment (unheated buildings): 12.5
to 15%
Suitability: If equipment is not suitable for fixing to non-
structural building elements, fix directly to structure and
trim around penetrations in non-structural elements.
Sufficiency: Use proprietary fasteners capable of
transmitting the loads imposed, and sufficient for the
rigidity of the assembly.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 2 2020





Demolition Erosion control
Standard: To AS 2601. General: Plan and carry out the work so as to avoid
erosion, contamination, and sedimentation of the site,
1.2 SUBMISSIONS surrounding areas, and drainage systems.
Records Dewatering
Dilapidation record: Requirement: Keep earthworks free of water. Prevent
­ Before demolition: Submit to each owner of each water flow over freshly laid work.
adjacent property, a copy of the part of the record 1.2 TREE PROTECTION
relating to that property and obtain their written
agreement to the contents. General
­ Rectification work: Submit written acceptance of Protection: Protect from damage trees which are required
rectification works from the owner of each adjoining to be retained. Provide a temporary fence or safety barrier
property affected. if required by the local authority. Comply with local
authority requirements for protection of trees.
2 EXECUTION Work near trees
Harmful materials: Keep the area within the dripline free of
sheds and paths, construction material and debris.
Work under trees: Do not remove topsoil from, or add
Temporary support topsoil to, the area within the dripline of the trees.
Existing buildings: Until permanent support is provided,
provide temporary support for sections of existing buildings 1.3 SITE CLEARING
which are to be altered and which rely for support on work Extent
to be demolished. Requirement: Clear only areas to be occupied by works
2.2 PROTECTION such as structures, paving, excavation, regrading and
landscaping or other areas designated to be cleared.
Encroachment Clearing and grubbing
General: Prevent the encroachment of demolished Clearing: Remove everything on or above the site surface,
materials onto adjoining property, including public places. including rubbish, scrap, grass, vegetable matter and
Weather protection organic debris, scrub, trees, timber, stumps, boulders and
General: If walls or roofs are opened for alterations and rubble.
additions, or the surfaces of adjoining buildings are Turf: Remove turf to a depth just sufficient to include the
exposed, provide temporary covers to prevent water root zone.
penetration. Provide covers to protect existing plant
equipment and materials intended for re-use. Grubbing: Grub out stumps and roots over 75 mm
diameter to a minimum depth of 500 mm below subgrade
Security under buildings, embankments or paving, and 300 mm
General: If walls or roofs are opened for alterations or below the finished surface in unpaved areas. Backfill holes
additions, provide security against unauthorised entry to remaining after grubbing with sand material to prevent
the building. ponding of water. Compact the material to the relative
density of the existing adjacent ground material.
Surplus material
Asbestos removal Removal: Take possession of surplus material and
Method: Use wet removal methods recommended in the removal it from the site.
Safe Work Australia Code of Practice - How to safely
remove asbestos.
Notice of completion 0222 EARTHWORK
General: Give at least 5 working days' notice of completion
of demolition so that adjacent structures may be inspected
following completion of demolition.
Reinstatement 1 GENERAL
Assessment of damage: Use the dilapidation record to
assess the damage and rectification work arising from the 1.1 STANDARDS
demolition work.
Rectification: Repair damage arising out of demolition
work. Obtain written acceptance from the owner of each Earthwork: To the recommendations of AS 3798.
adjoining property of the completeness and standard of the 1.2 INTERPRETATION
rectification work.
General: For the purposes of this worksection the following
definitions apply:
­ Bad ground: Ground unsuitable for the works, including
fill liable to subsidence, ground containing cavities, faults

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 3 2020


or fissures, ground contaminated by harmful substances 2.4 PLACING FILL

and ground that is, or becomes, soft, wet or unstable.
Placing fill
­ Rock: Monolithic material with volume greater than Placement: To BCA 3.2.2.
0.3 m3 that cannot be removed until broken up by rippers
or percussion tools. Layers: Place fill in near-horizontal layers of uniform
thickness no greater than 150 mm after compaction,
­ Site classification: To AS 2870 and BCA 3.2.4. deposited systematically across the fill area.
­ Subgrade: The trimmed or prepared earth material on Moisture content: Adjust the moisture content of fill during
which the pavement, footing or slab is constructed. compaction to achieve the required density.
Generally taken to relate to the upper line of the earth
material. Base preparation underground slab vapour barrier or
damp-proof membrane: Blind the surface with sufficient
­ Zone of influence: A foundation zone bounded by planes sand to cover any hard projections. Dampen the sand just
extending downward and outward from the bottom edge before placing the vapour barrier.
of a footing, slab or pavement and defining the extent of
foundation material having influence on the stability or
support of the footings, slab or pavement. 0223 SERVICE TRENCHING



Extent: Areas of cut or fill and areas occupied by 1.1 FILL MATERIALS
structures, pavements and embankments. General
Maximum depth: 200 mm. Backfill material: To AS 3798 clause 4.4, free from stones
Disposal: Remove topsoil unsuitable for re-use from the larger than 100 mm maximum dimension and as follows:
site to AS 3798 clause 6.1.8. ­ Next to services: Do not place any particles greater in
size than 25 mm within 150 mm of services.
­ Under paved areas and within 4 m of structures: Coarse
Extent sand, controlled low strength material or fine crushed
Site surface: Excavate the site to the levels and profiles rock.
required for the documented structures, pavements, filling ­ In reactive clay: In sites classified M, M-D, H1, H1-D, H2,
and landscaping. Make allowance for compaction, H2-D, E or E-D to AS 2870, re-use excavated site
settlement or heaving. material at a moisture content within ± 1% of that of the
Footings: Excavate to the required sizes and depths. adjoining in situ clay.
Confirm that the foundation conditions meet the design
bearing capacity. 2 EXECUTION
Crawl space: Provide a clear space under timber or steel
­ Minimum clearance: 400 mm.
Existing footings
Requirement: Excavate for underground services in
Requirement: If excavation is required within the zone of
conformance with the following:
influence of an existing footing, provide supports to the
footing sufficient to prevent damage arising from the ­ To required lines and levels, with uniform grades.
works. Use methods including temporary shoring or ­ Straight between access chambers, inspection points
underpinning. and junctions.
Existing services ­ With stable sides.
Utility services: Contact DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG to
identify location of underground utility services pipes and 2.2 TRENCH BACKFILL
cables. General
Bearing surfaces Place fill: To AS 3798 clause 6.2.2 and 6.2.6.
Requirement: Provide even plane bearing surfaces for Timing: Backfill service trenches as soon as possible after
loadbearing elements including footings. Step to laying and bedding the service, if possible on the same
accommodate level changes. If supporting masonry, make working day.
the steps appropriate to the courses.
Layers: Compact all material in layers not exceeding
Grading 150 mm compacted thickness. Compact each layer to the
External areas: Grade to give falls away from buildings, relative compaction specified before the next layer is
minimum 1:100. commenced.
Subfloor areas: Grade the ground surface under
suspended floors to drain ground or surface water away
from buildings without ponding. General
2.3 PREPARATION FOR FILLING Reinstatement: Reinstate existing surfaces removed or
disturbed by trench excavation to match existing and
Preparation adjacent work.
Stripping: Prepare the ground surface before placing fill
(including topsoil fill), ground slabs or load bearing
elements to AS 3798 clause 6.1.5. Remove material that
inhibits or prevents satisfactory placement of fill layers,
loose material, debris and organic matter.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 4 2020


0242 LANDSCAPE - FENCES AND BARRIERS Location of fencing for private swimming pools: To
AS 1926.2.

1.1 TIMBER Installation
Posts and rails Requirement: Adopt local industry practices for set-out,
Hardwood: To AS 2082. clearing of vegetation, excavation, minimum footing size
materials, components and erection.
Softwood: To AS 2858.
Pickets and palings
Hardwood: To AS 2796.1, Section 8. 0250 LANDSCAPE – GARDENING
­ Grade to AS 2796.2: Select.
Softwood: To AS 4785.1, Section 7.
Seasoned cypress pine: To AS 1810, Section 5. 1 GENERAL
Preservative treatment
Timber type: Provide only timbers with preservative 1.1 STANDARDS
treatment appropriate to the Hazard class.
Cut surfaces: Provide supplementary preservative Soils
treatment to all cut and damaged surfaces. Site and imported topsoil: To AS 4419.
CCA treated timber: If proposed to be used, provide Potting mixes: To AS 3743.
details. Test Composts, soil conditioners and mulches: To AS 4454.
Steel tubes
Posts, rails, stays and pickets: To AS/NZS 1163. 2.1 MATERIAL
­ Grade: C350L0.
Post and rail finish: Hot-dip galvanized.
Requirement: Topsoil containing organic matter, able to
1.3 COMPONENTS support plant life and free from stones, contaminants and
Steel panel fencing
Source: If the topsoil of documented quality cannot be
Steel framing: Zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc alloy coated
provided from material recovered from site, provide
steel to AS 1397.
imported topsoil.
Steel sheeting: Prepainted to AS/NZS 2728.
Timber fencing Description: Cultivated turf of even thickness, free from
General: Conform to the timber members in the Timber weeds and other foreign matter.
fencing sizes table.
Supplier: A specialist grower of cultivated turf.
Timber fencing sizes table
Member Preservative Preservative Hardwood or General: Provide plants in conformance with the local
treated soft treated soft cypress pine
wood picket wood paling/lap
authority approval requirements.
(mm) paling/lap and and cap
cap (mm) (mm) 3 EXECUTION
Maximum 1200 1800 1800
End/corner 90 x 90 100 x 100 125 x 125 or
gate posts 100 x 100 Weed eradication
Intermediate 90 x 90 140 x 45 or 100 125 x 50 or Herbicide: Eradicate weeds with a non-residual glyphosate
posts x 75 100 x 75 herbicide in any of its registered formulae, at the
Maximum post 2400 2400/2700* 2700* recommended maximum application rate.
spacing Watering
Rails 70 x 40 75 x 50 or 100x 75 x 50 or General: Comply with local restrictions.
38 100x 38
Turf: Water immediately after laying turf until the topsoil is
Picket/paling 70 x 19 75, 100 or 150* 100 or 150* x
moistened to its full depth. Maintain moisture to this depth.
size x 15 13
Capping - 125 x 35 100 x 50
Planting: Water as required to maintain planting to the
completion of the contract.
Footing type Earth Earth Earth
Footing size 200 x 600 250 x 600 250 x 600
(diameter x
* Three rail fences only

General: As documented.
Fencing for swimming pools
Design, construction and performance: To AS 1926.1.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 5 2020


0271 PAVEMENT BASE AND SUBBASE Equipment: Use rollers appropriate to the materials and
compaction requirements documented.




Granular material
Requirement: Provide unbound granular materials,
including blends of two or more different materials which 1.1 STANDARDS
when compacted develop structural stability and are
uniform in grading and physical characteristics.
Specification and supply: To AS 1379.
Crushed rock
Materials and construction: To AS 3600.
Requirement: Provide crushed rock as follows:
Residential pavements: To AS 3727.1.
­ Base: 20 mm nominal.
Vapour barrier
­ Subbase: 40 mm nominal.
Requirement: To AS 2870 clause 5.3.3.
Natural gravel
Provide unbound natural gravel as follows:
General: Grade paving to even falls to drain away from
- Base: 20 mm nominal. buildings to drainage outlets without ponding.
- Subbase: 40 mm nominal. Minimum fall for drainage:
­ Vehicle traffic pavements: 1:40.
­ Other pavements: 1:100.


Requirement: Prepare the subgrade to 0222 Earthwork.
Weak surfaces: Do not place material on a surface that is
weakened by moisture and is unable to support, without 1.1 MATERIALS
damage, the construction plant required to perform the
Bedding and joint filling: Well-graded and free of
Spreading: Spread material in uniform layers without deleterious materials such as soluble salts which may
segregation. cause efflorescence.
Moisture content: Maintain wet mixed materials at the Mortar
required moisture content before and during spreading. Mix proportions (cement:sand): 1:3.
Add water to dry mixed materials through fine sprays to
the entire surface of the layer after spreading, to bring the
material to the required moisture content. 2 EXECUTION
Compacted layer thickness: 200 mm maximum and
100 mm minimum. Provide layers of equal thickness in 2.1 GENERAL
multilayer courses.
2.3 TOLERANCES General: Trim the subgrade to the required profile and to
suit the thickness of pavers and sand bed. Compact to a
Surface level firm, even surface.
General: Provide a finished surface level which is free
Base course
draining and evenly graded between level points.
General: Conform to 0271 Pavement base and subbase.
General Perimeter: If not provided by other structures, provide
Construction operation: Compact each layer of fill to the edge restraints to bedding and units.
required depth and density, as a systematic construction Type: Bed units in mortar at least 40 mm thick.
operation. Drainage: Position the edge restraint and pavers so that
Minimum relative compaction table the top of the pavers is slightly above the front edge of the
Item description Minimum dry density ratio edge restraint.
(modified compaction) to Bedding course
AS 1289.5.2.1
Preparation: Remove all loose material from the prepared
Subbase 95% base.
Base 98% Geotextile: Place fabric between the base course and the
bedding sand.
Compaction requirements Bedding sand: Screed uncompacted sand over prepared
General: Apply uniform compactive effort, over the whole base uniformly to achieve a 30 mm thick layer. Maintain
area to be compacted, until the required density is sand at a uniform loose density and moisture content.
achieved or until failure is acknowledged.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 6 2020


Grading Proportions: To AS 4773.1 Table 3.1.

General: Grade paving to even falls to drain away from
buildings to drainage outlets without ponding.
Minimum fall for drainage: 1:100. General
Laying Durability class of built-in components: To AS 4773.1
Table 4.1.
General: Lay paving units on the screeded sand bedding
to the nominated pattern, as documented. Steel lintels
Joints: 2 to 5 mm gap. Angles and flats: Sizes to AS 4773.1 Table 12.2.
Cut courses: 50 mm minimum plan dimension. On Cold-formed lintels: Designed to AS/NZS 4600.
footpaths and other linear elements, use at least two cut Corrosion protection: To AS/NZS 2699.3.
courses and maintain symmetry. Galvanizing: Do not cut after galvanizing.
Compaction: Compact the sand bedding after laying Wall ties
paving units using a vibrating plate compactor and Standard: To AS/NZS 2699.1.
appropriate hand methods, and continue until lipping
between adjoining units is eliminated. Type: A.
Joint filling: Spread dry sand over the paving units and fill Corrosion protection: To AS/NZS 2699.1.
the joints by brooming. Carry out one or more passes with Flashings and damp-proof courses
the vibrating plate compactor and refill the joints with sand. Standard: To AS/NZS 2904.
Repeat the process until the joints are completely filled.
Mortar mixing
General: Measure volumes accurately to the documented
proportions. Machine mix for at least six minutes.
Protection from contamination
1.1 STANDARDS Masonry materials and components: Protect from ground
General moisture and contamination.
Formwork design and construction: To AS 3610.1. Bond
Plywood formwork: To AS 6669. Type: Stretcher bond.
Reinforced concrete construction: To AS 3600. Clearance for timber frame shrinkage
General: In timber frame brick veneer construction, leave
Specification and supply of concrete: To AS 1379.
clearances between window frames and brick sill and
Residential ground slabs and footings: To AS 2870. between roof frames and the brick veneer as follows:
Design ­ Single storey frames and ground floor windows (not for
Formwork: The design of the formwork is the contractor’s slab on ground): 10 mm.
responsibility. ­ Two storey frames and upper floor windows: 20 mm.
Vapour barrier or damp-proof membrane ­ Additional clearance: Accommodate additional shrinkage
Requirement: Conform to 0180 Common requirements. of unseasoned floor timbers.
Joining to existing
0331 BRICK AND BLOCK CONSTRUCTION General: Provide a control joint where joining to existing
structures. Do not tooth new masonry into existing work
unless approved by a professional engineer.
Mortar joints
1 GENERAL Joint thickness: 10 mm.
Finish: Conform to the following:
1.1 STANDARD ­ Externally: Tool to give a dense water-shedding finish.
General ­ Internally: If wall is to be plastered, do not rake more
Materials and construction: To AS 4773.1 and AS 4773.2. than 10 mm to give a key.
General: Clean progressively as the work proceeds to
2.1 DURABILITY remove mortar smears, stains and discolouration. Do not
erode joints if using pressure spraying.
Exposure environment: To AS 4773.1 clause 4.3. Acid solution: Do not use.
Exposure locations: To AS 4773.1 clause 4.4. Colour mixing
Distribution: In facework, distribute the colour range of
2.2 MATERIALS units evenly to prevent colour concentrations and banding.
Bricks and blocks Sills and thresholds
Standard: To AS/NZS 4455.1 and AS/NZS 4455.3. General: Solidly bed sills and thresholds and lay them with
Salt attack resistance grade: To AS 4773.2 Table 2.1. the top surfaces to drain away from the building.

Mortar materials Minimum size of unit: Three quarters full width.

Sand: Fine aggregate with a low clay content and free
from efflorescing salts, selected for colour and grading.

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3.3 SUBFLOOR WORK Prefabricated wall frames and trusses

Assembly: Factory assemble wall frames and trusses.
Access openings
General: In internal walls, leave door-width openings Bracing: Provide details of bracing.
beneath doorways to give access to underfloor areas. Certification: Obtain certification from a professional
Air vent location engineer for the erected frames.
General: Provide air vents to give adequate cross Protection: Protect from damage or distortion during
ventilation to the space under suspended ground floors. storage, transport and erection. Provide temporary
protection for members until permanent covering is in
3.4 CAVITY WORK place
Cavity width Site work
General: Construct minimum cavity widths in conformance Requirement: On-site welded connections are not
with the following: permitted.
­ Masonry walls: 50 mm. Metal separation
­ Masonry veneer walls: 40 mm between the masonry leaf General: Install lagging to separate non-ferrous service
and the loadbearing frame and 25 mm minimum pipes and accessories from the framing.
between the masonry leaf and sheet bracing. Unseasoned or CCA treated timber
General: Do not fix in contact with framing without fully
painting the timber and/or the steel.
Location Earthing
General: To AS 4773.2 clause 9.6 and clause 10.5. Permanent earthing: Required.
Installation Protection
General: Lay in long lengths. Lap the full width of angles General: Restore coatings which have been damaged by
and intersections and 150 mm at joints. Step as welding or other causes. Thoroughly clean affected areas
necessary, but not more than 2 courses per step for back to base metal and coat with a zinc rich organic
brickwork and 1 course per step for blockwork. Sandwich primer.
damp-proof courses between mortar.
Grommets: Provide grommets to isolate piping and wiring
3.6 FLASHINGS from cold-formed steel framing.
Decks and balconies
Attachment to external walls: To BCA 3.10.6.
General: To AS 4773.2 clause 9.6 and clause 10.5.
Vermin barriers
Requirement: Provide vermin barriers as follows:
General: Sandwich flashings between mortar except
where on lintels. ­ Brick veneer barrier: Fix 10 mm steel galvanized wire
mesh to the underside of the bottom plate of external
Pointing: Point up joints around flashings to fill voids.
stud walls, extending across the cavity for building into
Weepholes brickwork.
Location: Provide weepholes to external leaves of cavity Anti-ponding boards
walls in the course immediately above flashings, and
Standard: To AS 4200.2.
cavity fill, and at the bottoms of unfilled cavities.
Fascia, valley and barge boards
Form: Open perpends.
Requirement: Fix fascia, valley gutter boards and barge
Maximum spacing: 1200 mm. boards in conformance with the manufacturer’s

General 1.1 STANDARDS
Design, materials and protection: To AS/NZS 4600. General
Residential and low-rise steel framing: To NASH-1 Residential timber framed construction: To AS 1684.2,
(National Association of Steel Housing) and NASH-2 AS 1684.3 or AS 1684.4, as appropriate.
Standard. Nailplated roof trusses: To AS 1720.5.



Fabrication Fabrication
Length: Cut members accurately to length so that they fit Length: Cut members accurately to length so that they fit
firmly against abutting members. firmly against abutting members.
Service holes: Form holes by drilling or punching. Service holes: Form holes by drilling.
Bushes: Provide plastic bushes or grommets to site cut Prefabricated wall frames and trusses
holes. Assembly: Factory assemble wall frames and trusses.
Swarf: Immediately remove swarf and other debris from Bracing: Provide details of bracing.
cold-formed steel framing.

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Certification: Obtain certification from a professional 2.2 SHEET FLOORING

engineer for the erected frames.
Protection: Protect from damage or distortion during Standard: To AS/NZS 2269.0.
storage, transport and erection. Provide temporary
protection for members until permanent covering is in Bond: Type A to AS/NZS 2754.1.
place Particleboard
Timber fasteners Particleboard: To AS 1860.1, Class 1.
Metal washers: Provide washers to the heads and nuts of Compressed fibre cement sheeting
all bolts and coach screws. Standard: To AS/NZS 2908.2.
Connectors: Press connector plates fully into the frame Category: Minimum 4.
members. Knots not permitted in plate area.
General: No gaps greater than 2 mm.
Priming 3.1 GENERAL
Steel: Before fixing, prime steel which is not galvanized or
metallic-coated. Decking on steel joists
General: Screw fix seasoned timber battens to the steel
Decks and balconies
joists so that their top surfaces are aligned.
Attachment to external walls: To BCA 3.10.6.
Vermin barriers 3.2 FIXING SHEET FLOORING
Requirement: Provide vermin barriers as follows: Particleboard flooring
­ Brick veneer barrier: Close nail 10 mm galvanized steel Installation: To AS 1860.2.
wire mesh to the underside of the bottom plate of Plywood flooring
external stud walls, extending across the cavity for
Installation: To AS 1684.2, AS 1684.3 or AS 1684.4, as
building into brickwork.
Anti-ponding boards
Compressed fibre cement flooring
Standard: To AS 4200.2.
Installation: Lay the length of the sheets at right angles to
Fascia, valley and barge boards the joists. Stagger the end joints and locate centrally over
Requirement: Fix fascia, valley gutter boards and barge joists. Apply adhesive to edges of sheets and firmly butt
boards. join together.
Damp-proof course Minimum number of spans across support: 2.
Requirement: Provide damp-proof courses under the Fixing: Pre-drill screw holes with 1 mm clearance over
bottom plate of stud walls built off slabs or masonry dwarf screw diameter and countersink. Fix with corrosion
walls, as documented and as follows: resistant countersunk screws.
­ External walls (not masonry veneer): Turn up at least Spacing of fasteners:
75 mm on the inside and tack. Project 10 mm beyond
the external slab edge or dwarf wall and turn down at ­ Sheet edge and intermediate: Less than 450 mm.
45°. ­ Corners and sheet edges: At least 12 mm from sheet
­ Walls of bathrooms, shower rooms and laundries: Turn edges and 50 mm from corners.
up at least 150 mm on the wet side and tack to studs. Wet area flooring: Stop screw heads with sealant.
Flashings 3.3 FIXING DECKING
Location: Provide flashings to external openings sufficient
to prevent the entry of moisture. Form trays at the ends of Timber decking
sill flashings. Installation: Lay in long lengths with the ends of each
Masonry veneer construction: Extend flashing across board firmly butted to the next and firmly in contact with
cavities and build into brickwork. the joists. Stagger joints and make over joists.
Gap between edges of seasoned boards: 4 mm.
Minimum number of spans across support: 3.
­ General: Make sure the boards are in contact with the
joists at the time of nailing, particularly where boards are
1 GENERAL machine nailed. If nails are to be less than 10 mm from
ends of boards, pre-drill nail holes 0 to 1 mm undersize.
­ Top nailing: Double nail at each bearing with nails driven
flush. Offset nails at intermediate fixings or skew nail 10°
General in opposite directions.
Flooring and decking: To AS 1684.2, AS 1684.3 or Sealing: Apply 1 coat of water repellent preservative and 1
AS 1684.4, as appropriate. coat of finish coat to top surface of joists and all surfaces
of boards before fixing.

New timber decking
­ Treated softwood to AS 4785.1 Section 4.
­ Hardwood to AS 2796.1 Section 4.

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Jointing sheet metal rainwater goods
Sealing: Seal fasteners and mechanically fastened joints.
Fill the holes of blind rivets with silicone sealant.
Flashings and cappings
Upstands: Flash projections above or through the roof with
1.1 COMPONENTS two part flashings consisting of an apron flashing and an
over-flashing, with at least 100 mm vertical overlap.
Fasteners Provide for independent movement between the roof and
Prefinished exposed fasteners: Finish with an oven baked the projection.
polymer coating to match the roofing material.
Wall abutments: Provide overflashings where roofs abut
Insulation spacers walls, stepped to the roof slope in masonry and planked
Description: Proprietary spacer system to prevent cladding, otherwise raking and as follows:
excessive compression of insulation between roof sheeting
­ In masonry: Build into the full width of the outer leaf.
and framing.
Turn up within cavity, sloping inward across the cavity
1.2 MATERIALS and fixed to or built in to the inner leaf at least 75 mm
Sheet metal roofing
Standard: To AS 1562.1.
Minimum slope of eaves gutters: 1:200.
Corrosion protection: To BCA Table
Minimum width overall of valley gutters: 400 mm.
Roof tiling
Eaves gutter overflow measures: To BCA
Standard: To AS 2049.
Accessories: Compatible with the tiles and necessary to
General: Prefabricate downpipes to the required section
complete the tiling.
and shape where possible. Connect heads to gutter outlets
Plastic sheet roofing and, if applicable, connect feet to rainwater drains.
Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) sheet: To Downpipe support: Provide supports and fixings for
AS 4256.2. downpipes.
Glass fibre reinforced polyester (GRP) sheet: To
AS 4256.3.
Polycarbonate: To AS 4256.5. 0431 CLADDING
Standard: To AS 4285.
Skylights (roof lights) in bushfire prone areas: To AS 3959. 1 PRODUCTS
Roof windows
Standard: To AS 4285. 1.1 MATERIALS
Type: A proprietary window system for non-vertical
installation in roofs pitched between 15° and 85°. Hardboard planks
Requirement: Proprietary wet process fibreboard planks.
Roof windows (roof lights) in bushfire prone areas: To
AS 3959. Standard: To AS/NZS 1859.4.
Roof ventilators Classification: Exterior.
General: A proprietary roof ventilator system, including Plank thickness: 9.5 mm.
framing, fixing, trim, seals, accessories and flashings. Joints and edges: PVC-U extrusions.
Finish: Match adjacent roofing. External corners: Preformed metal joining pieces.
Roof plumbing Internal corners: Scribe.
General: Flashings, cappings, gutters, rainwater heads,
outlets, downpipes and accessories necessary to complete Fibre cement planks
the roof systems. Requirement: Proprietary system of single faced fibre
cement building planks.
Roof draining: To AS/NZS 3500.3.
Standard: To AS/NZS 2908.2. Type A Category 3.
Metal rainwater goods: To AS/NZS 2179.1.
Plank thickness: 7.5 mm.
Flashing and capping: To AS/NZS 2904.
Joints and edges: PVC-U extrusion.
2 EXECUTION Corners: Preformed metal joining pieces.
Profiled sheet metal
2.1 GENERAL Standard: To AS 1562.1.
Fibre cement sheet
Installation Standard: To AS/NZS 2908.2.
General: To the manufacturer's recommendations.
Cladding, eaves and soffit linings: Type A Category 3.
Sheet metal roofing: To AS 1562.1.
Compressed cladding: Type A Category 5.
Roof tiling: To AS 2050.
Sheet cladding: A proprietary system of single faced fibre
Plastic sheet roofing: To AS 1562.3. cement sheets:
Ventilation of roof space ­ Arrangement: Set out in even panels with joints
General: To BCA coinciding with framing.
­ Sheet thickness: 6 mm.
­ Joints, corners and edges: PVC-U extrusion.
Eaves lining: Single faced fibre cement:

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 10 2020


­ Sheet thickness: 4.5 mm. Security screens

­ Joints: PVC-U extrusion. Security grilles and screen doors: To AS 5039.
Plastic sheets Installation: To AS 5040.
Requirement: Proprietary plastic sheets. 2.3 HARDWARE
Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) sheet: To
AS 4256.4. Hardware documented generically
General: Provide hardware of sufficient strength and
Glass fibre reinforced polyester (GRP) sheet: To quality to perform its function, appropriate to the intended
AS 4256.3.
conditions of use, compatible with associated hardware,
Polycarbonate: To AS 4256.5. and fabricated with fixed parts firmly joined.
Flashing material
Standard: To AS/NZS 2904.

2 EXECUTION Preglazing
Window assemblies and glazed doors: Supply inclusive of
glazing, shop preglazed.
Cladding Flashings and weatherings: Install flashings, weather bars,
Installation: To the manufacturer's recommendations. drips, storm moulds, joint sealant and pointing to prevent
water from penetrating the building between frames and
the building structure under prevailing service conditions,
0451 WINDOWS AND GLAZED DOORS including normal structural movement of the building.
Packing: Pack behind fixing points with durable full width
Prepared masonry openings: If fixing of timber windows to
prepared anchorages is by fastening from the frame face,
1.1 STANDARDS conceal the fasteners by sinking the heads below the
surface and filling the sinking flush with a material
compatible with the surface finish.
Selection and installation: To AS 2047.
General: Provide mouldings, architraves, reveal linings,
Glass type and thickness: To AS 1288, if no glass type or and other internal trim using materials and finishes
thickness is nominated. matching the window frames. Install to make neat and
clean junctions between frames and the adjoining building
2 PRODUCTS surfaces.


Safety glass: To AS/NZS 2208.
Aluminium frame finishes
Powder coating: To AS 3715. 1 GENERAL
Anodising: To AS 1231:
­ Thickness: ≥ 15 to 20 microns.
Flashings General
Standard: To AS/NZS 2904. Timber and composite doors: To AS 2688.
Window labelling and certification
Requirement: To AS 2047 Section 8. 2 PRODUCTS
Protection of openable windows
Fall prevention: To BCA and BCA 2.1 DOOR FRAMES
Testing: To AS 5203. Aluminium frames
Construction: Assembled from aluminium sections,
including accessories such as buffers, pile strips, strike
Insect screens plates, fixing ties or brackets and cavity flashing, with
Aluminium framed insect screens: Provide aluminium provision for fixing documented hardware.
extruded or folded box frame sections with mesh fixing Timber frames
channel, mitred, staked and screwed at corners. Provide Hardwood: To AS 2796.1.
an extended frame section where necessary to adapt to
­ Grade: Select.
window opening gear.
Softwood: To AS 4785.1.
­ Mesh: Bead the mesh into the frame channel with a
continuous resilient gasket, so that the mesh is taut and ­ Grade: Select.
free of distortion. Joints:
Bushfire screens and seals ­ Morticed head and through tenons.
Protection: Protect glazed windows and doors from the ­ Trenched head:
ingress of embers.
. Bare faced tenons on jambs.
Standard: AS 3959.

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. Full let-in jambs. Finishing

Trim: Provide mouldings, architraves, reveal linings, and
other internal trim using materials and finishes matching
General the door frames. Install to make neat and clean junctions
Doors: Proprietary products manufactured for interior or between the frame and the adjoining building surfaces.
exterior applications and for the finish required. Weatherproofing
Flush panel doors Flashings and weatherings: Install flashings, weather bars,
General: Provide flush panel doors of balanced drips, storm moulds, caulking and pointing to prevent
construction. water from penetrating the building between the door
frame and the building structure under the prevailing
Construction service conditions, including normal structural movement
Standard: To AS 2688 clause 4.1 and 5.3. of the building.
Standard: To AS 2688 clauses 4.1 and 5.3.
Security screen doors
Standard: To AS 5039.
Bushfire screens and seals
Protection: Protect glazed windows and doors from the 1 GENERAL
ingress of embers.
Standard: AS 3959. 1.1 STANDARD
Face mounted Garage doors: To AS/NZS 4505.
General: Provide overhead track supports and head and
jamb linings appropriate to the arrangement of the door,
and removable pelmets at the head to allow access to the 0455 DOOR HARDWARE
wheel carriages for adjustment.
Wheel carriages: Fully adjustable precision ball race type
providing smooth, quiet operation.
Cavity sliding
Door assemblies: Proprietary product comprising steel and
timber frame construction with rigid steel top, base and 1.1 COMPONENTS
rear supporting members and incorporating the overhead
door track, ball race type wheel carriages, guides, stops,
Requirement: Provide 3 hinges for external doors and door
split jamb linings and removable pelmet.
leafs over 2040 mm in height and 600 mm in width.
2.4 ANCILLARY MATERIALS Conform to the Hinges table.

Flashings Hinges table

Standard: To AS/NZS 2904. Size of door (mm x Number of hinges Size of hinges
mm) (per door leaf) (steel)
2040 x 920 3 100 x 75 x
3 EXECUTION 2.5 mm
2040/2400 x 1020 4 100 x 100 x
3.1 GENERAL 2.5 mm

Security screen doors

Installation: To AS 5040. Locksets
External doors: Push-button key and knob set and a
Ceiling access
double-cylinder dead bolt to each door.
General: Trim an opening and provide a loose access
panel of minimum size 600 x 400 mm. Internal doors:
Under floor access ­ Generally: Passage sets.
Requirements: Provide a frame and a door, minimum size ­ Bathrooms, showers and toilets: Privacy sets.
620 mm wide x 600 mm high, complete with padbolt. ­ Sliding patio doors and windows: Key-lockable surface
Priming mounted bolts.
General: Prime timber door leaves on top and bottom Keying
edges before installation. Requirement: Key doors (excluding garage doors) alike
3.2 FRAMES and key windows alike.

Timber frames 2 EXECUTION

Building into masonry: Screw galvanized steel brackets
twice to jambs and build in.
Fixing to masonry openings: Build in seasoned timber
plugs to masonry joints or use proprietary expansion Supply
anchors and screw twice through jambs at each fixing. Delivery: Deliver door hardware items, ready for
Fixing to stud frame openings: Back screw twice to jambs installation, in individual complete sets for each door.
at each fixing. Mounting height
Heads of fasteners: Conceal where possible, otherwise Door lockset mounting heights: 1000 mm above finished
sink the head below the surface and fill the sinking flush floor to centreline of spindle.
with a material compatible with the surface finish. Locks
Cylinders: Fix vertically and with consistent key alignment.

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Door stops 2 PRODUCTS

Fixing: Fix on the floor, skirting or wall, as appropriate, to
prevent the door or door furniture striking the wall or other 2.1 MATERIALS
Cellulosic fibre (loose fill): To AS/NZS 4859.1 Section 4.
Mineral wool blankets and cut pieces (compressible): To
AS/NZS 4859.1 Section 7.
Polyester (compressible): To AS/NZS 4859.1 Section 6.
1 GENERAL Rigid cellular foam insulation: To AS/NZS 4859.1
Section 8.
1.1 SUBMISSIONS Polystyrene (extruded rigid cellular RC/PS-E): To
AS 1366.4.
Certification Polystyrene (moulded rigid cellular RC/PS-M): To
Balustrade design: Submit a professional engineer’s AS 1366.3.
certificate confirming conformance with AS/NZS 1170.1
Reflective thermal insulation: To AS/NZS 4859.1, Section 9.
clause 3.6.
Wool: To AS/NZS 4859.1, Section 5.
Sealant compatibility: Submit statements from all parties to
the installation certifying the compatibility of sealants and Pliable building membrane
glazing systems to all substrates. Standard: To AS/NZS 4200.1 and BCA



Reflective surface Bulk insulation
Type: Silver layer deposited on the glass or glazing plastic. Standard: To AS 3999 and BCA
Protective coatings: Electrolytic copper coating at least 5 Pliable building membrane
microns thick, and 2 coats of mirror backing and edge Standard: To AS 4200.2 and BCA
sealing paint having a total dry film thickness of at least 50
Safety mirror Under suspended framed floors - bulk insulation
Type: Vinyl backed Grade A safety mirror. Product type: Fibre batts.
Safety compliance: To AS/NZS 2208. Installation: Fit tightly between framing members. If other
support is not provided, staple nylon twine to the framing
2.2 SHOWER SCREENS and stretch tight.
Type Below concrete slab on ground
General: Proprietary system comprising frames of Product type: Rigid cellular extruded sheets.
extruded aluminium, stainless steel, or PVC-U, assembled Laying pattern: Stretcher bond, with edges tightly butted.
around safety glass to form fixed panels and sliding,
hinged or pivoted doors. Damp-proof membrane: Lay over insulation.
Glass: To AS 1288 clause 5.8. 3.3 WALLS
2.3 GLASS BALUSTRADES Framed walls – thermal break strips
Product type: Proprietary item.
Glass Balustrade system
Requirement: To AS 1288 Section 7. Application: To steel framing with lightweight external
Glass: Grade A safety glass.
R-Value (m2.K/W): ≥ 0.2.
Screw fixing: Button head screws at 1 m centres.
Adhesive fixing: Wallboard adhesive walnuts at 1 m
Framed walls – bulk insulation
Product type: Fibre batts.
1 GENERAL Installation: Friction fit between framing members. If other
support is not provided, staple nylon twine to the framing
and stretch tight.
Vapour permeable (breathable) membrane
Definitions Application: Provide a vapour permeable membrane
General: For the purposes of this worksection the following behind the external facing material which does not provide
definition applies: permanent weatherproofing or may be subject to
­ Pliable building membrane: To AS/NZS 4200.1 and condensation forming on the internal face, including the
equivalent to sarking-type material in the NCC. following:
­ Boards or planks fixed vertically or diagonally.
­ Boards or planks fixed in exposed locations where wind
driven rain can penetrate the joints.
­ Unpainted or unsealed cladding.
­ Masonry veneer.

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Installation: Run the vapour permeable membrane ­ If required to support fixtures.

horizontally on the outer face of external wall framing, over Joints
the flashing, from the bottom plate up. Pull taut over the Flush joints: Provide recessed edge sheets and finish flush
framing and fix to framing members. Seal across the wall using perforated paper reinforcing tape.
cavity at the top.
External corner joints: Make joints over metallic-coated
Horizontal laps: At least 150 mm wide, lapped to make steel corner beads.
sure water is shed to the outer face of the membrane.
Control joints: Provide purpose-made metallic-coated
3.4 ROOFS control joint beads at not more than 12 m centres in
plasterboard linings or 7.2 m centres in fibre cement lining
Pliable building membranes
in walls and ceilings and to coincide with structural control
Sarking membrane: joints.
­ Location: Provide sarking under tile and shingle roofing. Wet areas: Install additional supports, flashings, trim and
Vapour barrier: sealants as required.
­ Installation: Lay over the roof framing with sufficient sag Joints in tiled areas: Do not apply a topping coat after
to allow the bulk insulation to achieve its full thickness. bedding perforated paper tape in bedding compound.
Overlap all edges 150 mm and seal all joints with
pressure sensitive adhesive tape.
Metal roofs – thermal break strips
Product type: Proprietary item.
Application: To steel framing supporting sheet metal
R-Value (m2.K/W): ≥ 0.2.
Metal roofs – bulk insulation 1.1 MATERIALS
Product type: Fibre blankets or batts.
Installation: Joinery timber
Hardwood for trim: To AS 2796.1.
­ Batts: Fit tightly between framing members.
Hardwood for furniture: To AS 2796.3.
­ Blanket for sound insulation: Install over the roof
framing, reflective thermal insulation (if any), and mesh Seasoned cypress pine: To AS 1810.
support, so that the blanket is in continuous contact with Softwood for trim: To AS 4785.1.
the underside of the metal roofing sheets. Softwood for furniture: To AS 4785.3.
Ceiling insulation – bulk insulation Finished sizes for milled timber: Not less than the
Product type: Fibre batts. documented dimension unless qualified by a term such as
Installation: Fit tightly between framing members. nominal, out of or ex, to which industry standards for
finished sizes apply.
Interior use generally: To AS/NZS 2270.
Interior use, exposed to moisture: To AS/NZS 2271.
Wet process fibreboard (including hardboard)
1 GENERAL Standard: To AS/NZS 1859.4.
1.1 STANDARDS Standard: To AS/NZS 1859.1.
Dry process fibreboard (including medium density
Standard: To AS/NZS 2588.
Standard: To AS/NZS 1859.2.
Fibre cement
Decorative overlaid wood panels
Standard: To AS/NZS 2908.2.
Standard: To AS/NZS 1859.3.
Wall and ceiling linings: Type B, Category 2.
Minimum thickness: 4.5 mm. Branding: Brand panels under the authority of a
recognised certification scheme applicable to the product.
2 EXECUTION Locate the brand on faces or edges which will be
concealed in the works.
2.1 SHEET LINING Plywood certified formaldehyde emission class to
AS/NZS 2270 and AS/NZS 2271: E 1 .
Reconstituted wood-based panel certified formaldehyde
Gypsum plasterboard: To AS/NZS 2589. emission class to AS/NZS 1859 series: E1.
Wet areas: To AS 3740. High-pressure decorative laminate (HPDL) sheets
- Fixing: Do not use adhesive fixing alone. Standard: To AS/NZS 2924.1.
Supports Minimum thickness: Conform to the following:
General: Install timber battens or proprietary cold-formed ­ For horizontal surfaces fixed to a continuous substrate:
galvanized steel furring channels as follows: 1.2 mm.
­ Where framing member spacing exceeds the ­ For vertical surfaces fixed to a continuous substrate:
recommended spacing. 0.8 mm.
­ Where direct fixing of the plasterboard is not possible ­ For post formed laminate fixed to a continuous
due to the arrangement or alignment of the framing or substrate: 0.8 mm.
­ Where the lining is the substrate for tiled finishes.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 14 2020


­ For vertical surfaces fixed intermittently (e.g. to studs): 2 EXECUTION

3.0 mm.
­ For edge strips: 0.4 mm. 2.1 JOINERY
HPDL sheet application table
Class to AS/NZS 2924.1 Application
Joints: Provide materials in single lengths whenever
HGS or HGP Kitchen work-tops possible. If joints are necessary, make them over supports.
VGS or VGP Kitchen front panels Framing: Frame and trim where necessary for openings,
VLS Other vertical locations including those required by other trades.
Installation: Secure plinths and carcasses to floors, walls,
General or both at not more than 600 mm centres.
Standard: To AS 4386. Visibility: Do not provide visible fasteners except in the
following locations:
UNITS ­ Inside cupboards and drawer units.
­ Inside open units, in which case provide proprietary caps
Plinths, carcasses, drawer fronts, shelves and doors
to conceal fixings.
Material: Select from the following:
­ Overlaid high moisture resistant particleboard.
General: Provide adhesives to transmit the loads imposed
­ Overlaid high moisture resistant medium density and for the rigidity of the assembly, without causing
fibreboard. discolouration of finished surfaces.
Thickness: 16 mm. Finishing
Adjustable shelves: Support on proprietary pins in holes Junctions with structure: Scribe plinths, benchtops,
bored at equal 32 mm centres vertically. splashbacks, ends of cupboards, kickboards and returns to
Fasteners: Conceal with finish. follow the line of structure.
Drawer fronts: Rout for drawer bottoms. Benchtops
Installation: Fix to carcass at least twice per 600 mm
Drawer and door hardware
length of benchtop.
Hinge types: Concealed metal hinges with the following
features: Joint sealing: Fill joints with sealant matching the finish
colour and clamp with proprietary mechanical connectors.
­ Nickel plated.
Edge sealing: Seal to walls and carcasses with a sealant,
­ Adjustable for height, side and depth location of door. which matches the finish colour.
­ Integrated soft and self-closing action. Glass splashbacks
­ Hold-open function. Adhesive: Fix with non-acidic silicone adhesive. Apply at
Slides: Metal runners and plastic rollers with the following the rate recommended by the manufacturer.
features: Installation: Clean the back of the glass panel and apply
­ 30 kg loading capacity. walnuts of adhesive together with double sided adhesive
tape for temporary support, and affix directly to the
­ Integrated soft and self-closing action.
­ Closure retention.
2.2 TRIM
­ White thermoset powder coating or nickel plated.
Hardware General
Requirement: Provide details of handles and locks. Requirement: Provide timber or medium density fibreboard
trim, such as beads, skirtings, architraves, mouldings and
1.4 WORKING SURFACES stops to make neat junctions to openings and between
components, finishes and adjacent surfaces.
Laminated benchtops
Material: High moisture-resistant particleboard or medium Proprietary items: Provide complete with installation
density fibreboard. accessories.
Finish: High pressure decorative laminate sheet. Fixing
To masonry walls: Wall plugs at 600 mm centres,
Exposed edges: Extend laminate over shaped nosing,
finishing more than 50 mm back on underside. Splay
outside corners at 45°. To stud walls: Nail to plate or framing at 600 mm centres,
Minimum thickness: 32 mm.
Balance underside: Extend laminate to the undersides of
benchtops if subject to excessive moisture from equipment 0572 MISCELLANEOUS FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES
such as dishwashers.
Stone benchtops
General: Provide stone or engineered stone slabs within
the visual range of the approved samples. Repair mud 1 PRODUCTS
veins or lines of separation that are integral to the selected
pattern with resin fillers and back lining.
Glass: 6 mm toughened colourback glass to General
AS/NZS 2208. Requirement: Provide kitchen and laundry appliances, and
bathroom and other fixtures as documented.
Stainless steel: Type 304, No. 4 finish.

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General: Provide a proprietary product for use with plaster.
Materials, design and construction: To BCA 3.9.1. Internal: Metallic-coated sheet AZ 150, minimum.
Balustrades: To BCA 3.9.2. External: Stainless steel or PVC-U.
Requirement: Provide details of stairs, including proposed Water
finishes, before fabrication and/or construction. General: Clean and free from any deleterious matter.

1 PRODUCTS General: Provide substrates as follows:
­ Clean and free from any deposit or finish which may
1.1 MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS impair adhesion of plaster.
­ If framed or discontinuous, support members in full
lengths without splicing.
Sand: Fine, sharp, well-graded sand with a clay content
between 1% and 5% and free from efflorescing salts. ­ If solid or continuous, remove excessive projections and
fill voids and hollows with plaster stronger than the first
coat and not weaker than the substrate.
Standard: To AS 3972.
Untrue substrates: If the substrate is not sufficiently true
Type: GP. for conformity with the thickness limits for the plaster
Lime system, or has excessively uneven suction resulting from
Limes for building: To AS 1672.1. variations in the composition of the substrate, apply
Mixes additional coats without exceeding the thickness limits for
the substrate or system.
General: Select a mix proportion to suit the conditions of
application. Beads
Measurement: Measure binders and sand by volume using Location: Fix beads as follows:
buckets or boxes. Do not allow sand to bulk by absorption ­ Angle beads: At all external corners.
of water. ­ Drip beads: At all lower terminations of external plaster.
Plaster mixing: Machine mix for 3 to 6 minutes. ­ Beads for control of movement: At all control joints.
Strength of successive coats: Make sure successive coats ­ Stop beads: At all terminations of plaster and junctions
are no richer in binder than the coat to which they are with other materials or plaster systems.
Joints in beads: Provide dowels to maintain alignment.
Mix proportion table - Cement render, by volume
Mechanical fixing to substrate: ≤ 300 mm centres.
Mix type Substrate Upper and
lower limits Bonding treatment
of General: If bonding treatment is required, throw a wet mix
proportions onto the background of 1 part cement to 2 parts sand.
by volume
Curing: Keep continuously moist for 5 days or more and
allow to dry before applying plaster coats.
Embedded items
General: If there are water pipes and other embedded

items, sheath them to permit thermal movement.


­ Single or CRS Dense and smooth 1 0 3 Location: Provide lath as follows:
multi-coat concrete and 1 0.5 4.5 ­ Chases: If chases or recesses are 50 mm wide or
systems with masonry greater, fix metal lath extending 75 mm or more beyond
integral CRM Regular clay or 1 0.5 4.5 each side of the chase or recess.
finishing concrete masonry 1 1 6
­ Metal and other non-porous backgrounds: Fix metal lath
treatments CRW Lightweight concrete 1 1 6 to provide a key.
masonry and other 1 2 9
­ Base coats weak substrates Weepholes
in multi-coat Requirement: Keep opening free of plaster. Maintain
systems with consistent opening size.
cement or
gypsum 2.2 APPLICATION
Control joints
Second coat - CRF Cement render base 1 1 6 General: Provide joints in the finish to coincide with control
internal coats 1 2 9 joints in the substrate. Make sure that the joint in the
Second coat - CRF Cement render base 1 1 5 substrate is not bridged during plastering.
external coats 1 2 6
General: Finish plane surfaces within a tolerance of 6 mm
Lath in 2400 mm, determined using a 2400 mm straightedge
General: Provide a proprietary product for use with plaster. placed anywhere in any direction. Finish corners, angles,
Internal: Expanded metal to AS 1397 coating class Z350, edges and curved surfaces within equivalent tolerances.
External: Stainless steel or PVC-U.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 16 2020


Plaster thickness table Extent of waterproofing

Substrate Cement render, total Waterproof or water resistant surfaces: To requirements of
thickness of single or multi- BCA
coat work (mm)
Vertical membrane terminations
Brickwork and blockwork 12 min Upstands: At least 150 mm above the finished tile level of
Lightweight concrete and blocks 12 min the floor or 25 mm above the maximum retained water
Metal lath measured from the 18 min level, whichever is the greater.
face of the lath. Anchoring: Secure sheet membranes along the top edge.
Edge protection: Protect edges of the membrane.
Waterproofing above terminations: Waterproof the
General: Prevent premature or uneven drying out and structure above the termination to prevent moisture entry
protect from the sun and wind. behind the membrane using tiler’s angle and finish
Keeping moist: If a proprietary curing agent is not used, overlaps.
keep the plaster moist as follows: Door jambs and architraves
­ Base coats and single coat systems: Keep continuously Requirement: If the bottom of doorjambs and architraves
moist for 2 days and allow to dry for 5 days before do not finish above the floor tiling, waterproof their
applying further plaster coats. surfaces below tile level to provide a continuous seal
­ Finish coats: Keep continuously moist for 2 days. between the perimeter flashing to the wall/floor junction
and the water stop angle.
Drainage connections
0621 WATERPROOFING - WET AREAS Floor wastes: Turn membrane down 50 mm minimum into
the floor waste drainage flanges and adhere to form a
waterproof connection.
Enclosed showers with hobs
1 GENERAL Internal membranes: Extend membrane over the hob and
into the room at least 50 mm.
1.1 STANDARDS Unenclosed showers
Wet areas Requirement: Extend membrane at least 1500 mm into the
Standard: To AS 3740. room from the shower rose outlet on the walls and floor.
Curing of liquid applied systems
2 PRODUCTS General: To the manufacturer’s instructions.
Curing: Allow membrane to fully cure before tiling.
2.1 PRODUCTS Overlaying finishes on membranes
Requirement: Protect waterproof membranes with
Membranes compatible water-resistant surface materials that do not
Standard: To AS/NZS 4858. cause damage to the membrane.
Membrane systems Bonded or partially bonded systems: If the topping or
Requirement: Provide a proprietary membrane system bedding mortar is required to be bonded to the membrane,
suitable for the intended internal waterproofing. provide sufficient control joints in the topping or bedding
Shower tray mortar to reduce the movement over the membrane.
General: Purpose-made jointless shower tray, with wall 3.3 COMPLETION
upstands at least 50 mm higher than the hob upstands.
Set hob masonry on the inside of the tray upstands. Protection
General: Keep traffic off membrane surfaces until bonding
3 EXECUTION has set or for 24 hours after laying, whichever period is the
3.1 PREPARATION Reinstatement: Repair or replace faulty or damaged work.

General: Provide substrates as follows: 0631 CERAMIC TILING
- Clean and free of any deposit or finish which may
impair adhesion of membranes.
- If walls or floors are framed or discontinuous, support
members in full lengths without splicing.
- If floors are solid or continuous remove excessive
projections and fill voids, hollows and cracks. 1.1 STANDARDS
Concrete substrates: Cure for at least 28 days. Tiling
Bond breakers General: Conform to the recommendations of AS 3958.1.
Requirement: After the priming of surfaces, provide bond Slip resistance
breakers at all wall/floor, hob/wall junctions and at control Stair treads, ramps and landings: Classification to
joints where the membrane is bonded to the substrate. AS 4586.
Damage: Protect membrane from damage during
installation and for the period after installation until the
membrane achieves its service characteristics that resist Adhesives
damage. Standard: To AS ISO 13007.1.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 17 2020


PVA (polyvinyl acetate)-based adhesives: Do not use in 2 PRODUCTS

wet areas or externally.
Mortar materials 2.1 MATERIALS
Cement type to AS 3972: GP.
Wet process fibreboard (hardboard) hard underlay
Sand: Fine aggregate with a low clay content selected for
Standard: To AS/NZS 1859.4.
grading, sharp and free from efflorescing salts.
Classification: General purpose medium board,
Bedding mortar
manufactured specifically as flooring underlay.
Mix proportion (cement:sand), by volume: Select
proportions from the range 1:3 to 1:4 for satisfactory Thickness: 5.5 mm.
adhesion. Provide minimum water.
General: Clean and free from any deleterious matter.
Cement-based proprietary grout: Mix with water. Fine sand Substrates
may be added as a filler in wider joints. General: To AS 1884 Section 3.
Terracotta tiles: Provide proprietary polymer modified Concrete substrates
Substrate rectification: Conform to the following:
General purpose cement based grout: Mix with fine sand.
­ Surface treatments: Mechanically remove any
Provide minimum water consistent with workability.
incompatible surface treatments, including the following:
Pigments for coloured grout: Colourfast fillers compatible
. Sealers and hardeners.
with the grout material. For cement-based grouts, provide
lime-proof natural or synthetic metallic oxides compatible . Curing compounds.
with cement. . Waterproofing additives.
. Surface coatings and contamination.
­ Planeness, smoothness, projections: Remove
projections and fill voids and hollows with a self-
3.1 APPLICATION smoothing self-levelling compound compatible with the
adhesive. Allow filling or levelling compound to dry to
Preparation of substrate manufacturer’s recommendations.
General: Conform to the following:
Cleaning: Remove loose materials or dust.
­ Clean off any deposit or finish which may impair
adhesion or location of tiles. Timber, plywood and particleboard substrates
Substrate rectification: Remove projections. If
­ Compatible with all components of floor system. conformance to a planeness tolerance of 4 mm in 2 m
Floor finish dividers determined using a 2 m straightedge cannot be achieved,
General: Finish tiled floors at junctions with differing floor provide an underlay in brick pattern with joints avoiding
finishes with a corrosion-resistant metal dividing strip fixed substrate joints.
to the substrate. If changes of floor finish occur at
doorways, make the junction directly below the closed 3.2 SHEET AND TILE INSTALLATION
door. General
Bath ventilation Fixtures: Remove door stops and other fixtures, and refix
General: Ventilate the space below fully enclosed baths in positions undamaged on completion of the installation.
with at least 2 vermin proofed ventilating tiles. Sheet set-out
Falls and levels General: Set out sheets to give the minimum number of
General: Grade floor tiling to even and correct falls joints. Position joints away from areas of high stress. Run
generally and to floor wastes and elsewhere as required. sheet joints parallel with the long sides of floor areas,
Make level junctions with walls. If falls are not required, lay vertically on non-horizontal surfaces.
level. Tile set-out
Fall, general: 1:100 minimum. General: Set out tiles from centre of room. If possible, cut
Fall, in shower areas: 1:60 minimum. tiles at margins only to give a cut dimension of at least 100
mm x full tile width. Match edges and align patterns.
Change of finish: Maintain finished floor level across Arrange the cut tiles so that any variation in appearance is
changes of floor finish including carpet. minimised.
Sealant joints Joints
General: Provide sealant joints filled with silicone sealant Non-welded: Butt edges together to form tight neat joints
and finish flush with the tile surface where tiling joins showing no visible open seams.
sanitary fixtures and at internal corners of walls.
Chemical welding: Apply seaming compound 100 mm
wide to the substrate centrally under the seam. Roll the
0651 RESILIENT FINISHES seam until the compound is forced up into the joint. Clean
off flush using a damp cloth.
General: Scribe neatly up to returns, edges, fixtures and
1 GENERAL fittings. Finish flush with adjoining surfaces.
Protection of sheet materials
General Finished floor surface: Keep traffic off floors for minimum
Installation: To AS 1884. 24 hours after laying or until bonding has set, whichever
period is the longer. Avoid contact with water for minimum
7 days.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 18 2020


Extent: Repair or replace faulty or damaged work. If the 0654 ENGINEERED PANEL FLOORING
work cannot be repaired satisfactorily, replace the whole
area affected.
General: Clean the finished surface. Buff and polish. 1 PRODUCTS
Before the date for practical completion, mop and leave
the finished surface clean and undamaged on completion.

0652 CARPETS Flooring panels

General: Provide proprietary flooring system, as
Floating floor underlay
1 PRODUCTS Requirement: Proprietary closed cell foam sheeting,
integral to the flooring system.
1.1 MATERIALS Acoustic underlay
General: Resilient underlay fixed with compatible
Carpet adhesive.
Minimum grade: Residential Medium Duty under the Adhesive
Australian Carpet Classification Scheme. Ventilation: Provide adequate ventilation appropriate for
Total VOC emission tested to ISO 10580: < 0.5 mg/m2/h. moisture curing.
Wet process fibreboard (hardboard) hard underlay
Standard: To AS/NZS 1859.4. 2 EXECUTION
Classification: General purpose medium board,
manufactured specifically as flooring underlay. 2.1 GENERAL
Thickness: 5.5 mm.
Storage and handling
Soft underlay General: Deliver panel flooring to site in unbroken
Standard: To AS 4288. wrapping or packs. Store in dry conditions, a minimum
Hot-melt adhesive tapes 100 mm above the subfloor. Do not store on the subfloor
General: Glass fibre and cotton thermoplastic adhesive- until the moisture content of the subfloor is suitable for the
coated tape 60 mm wide on a 90 mm wide metal foil base installation of the floor. Do not store in areas with wet
and backed with silicon-coated release paper. plaster or paint.
Preformed carpet grippers Subfloor
General: Architectural plywood carpet grippers with 3 rows Cleaning: Remove loose material and dust and any
of corrosion-resistant angled pins of length appropriate to deposits or finishes that may impair adhesion or location
the carpet type to AS 2455.1 clause 1.5.4. and functioning of control joints.
Edge strips Rectification: Conform to the following:
Location: At exposed edges of the carpet, and at junctions ­ Solid or continuous subfloors: Remove excessive
with different floor finishes or finishes of a different projections and fill voids and hollows with a self-
thickness. Where edge strips occur at doorways, locate smoothing levelling compound compatible with the
the junctions directly below the closed door. flooring including any adhesive.
­ Plywood and particleboard subfloors: If required to
2 EXECUTION achieve a smooth finish, sand joints between sheets.
­ Existing timber flooring subfloors: Remove cupping,
2.1 PREPARATION rough material and surface finishes by rough sanding.

Substrates 2.2 INSTALLATION

Cleaning concrete surfaces: Mechanically remove the Trial set-out
following surface treatments: General: Prepare a trial panel set-out to each area as
­ Sealers and hardeners. follows to:
­ Curing compounds. ­ Maximise the size of equal margins of cut panels.
Cleaning timber surfaces: Remove oil, grease and traces ­ Locate control joints.
of applied finishes. Control joints
Concrete substrate rectification: Remove projections and General: Provide control joints as follows:
fill voids and hollows with a levelling compound compatible
­ Against vertical building elements: 12 mm wide cork
with the adhesive.
Timber substrate rectification: Remove projections. If
­ To divide floors into maximum dimensions of 6 m: 4 mm
conformance to a flatness tolerance of 6 mm in 3000 mm,
wide silicone sealant filled.
determined using a 3000 mm straightedge placed
anywhere in any direction cannot be achieved, fix a
hardboard underlay in brick pattern with joints avoiding
substrate joints.
Fixtures: Remove door stops and other fixtures, and refix
in position undamaged on completion of the installation.
General: To AS 2455.1.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 19 2020


0655 TIMBER FLOORING Secret fixing: Do not use boards of more than 85 mm
cover width, and use one staple or cleat skewed at 45°
through edges.
Sinking: Punch nails 3 mm below finished surfaces and fill
1 PRODUCTS the sinking flush with a material tinted to match the darker
tone of the flooring which is compatible with the floor finish.
Strip flooring
General: Blend floor boards from more than one pack to
Storage and handling distribute the colour range and grade features throughout
General: Deliver timber flooring to site in unbroken the floor.
wrapping or packs. Store in dry conditions a minimum Installation: Lay in straight and parallel lines with each
100 mm above the subfloor. Do not store on the subfloor board firmly butted to the next and firmly in contact with
until the moisture content of the subfloor is suitable for the the subfloor. If land over joists or battens cramp sufficient
installation of the floor. Do not store in areas of wet plaster only to bring the boards together and no more than
or paint. 800 mm of flooring at any one time. With secret fixing do
Adhesive not cramp more than one board at a time.
Ventilation: Provide ventilation appropriate for moisture Fixing to softwood joists or battens: Apply adhesive in
curing. addition to mechanical fixing.
New timber Protection
General: Conform to the Grading table. General: Provide protection as follows:
Grading table ­ Floors: With hardboard taped at all butt joints. Do not
Product Standard Grade cover with sheet plastic.
Hardwood AS 2796.2 High Feature Grade if ­ Stair treads: Full timber or plywood casing.
available for the
species selected,
Seasoned cypress AS 1810 1
Softwood - pinus ssp AS 4785.2 Appearance
Softwood - other AS 4785.2 Select

Recycled timber
Standard: To FWPA PN06.1039. Timber flooring - sanding and finishing:
General: To AS 4786.2.
­ Grading: To Section 5.1.



Battens for strip flooring on steel joists 1 GENERAL
General: Screw fix seasoned battens along the steel joists
with countersunk screws so that their top surfaces are
aligned. 1.1 STANDARDS


General: To the recommendations of those parts of
Control joints AS/NZS 2311 referenced in this worksection.
Perimeters: Provide 10 mm wide expansion joints against
vertical building elements. 2 PRODUCTS
Strip flooring: For floors greater than 6 m wide select from
the following:
­ Partially cramp strip flooring to allow a 1 mm gap every
600 mm or 1.5 mm every metre. Low VOC emitting paints
­ Divide floors into maximum widths of 6 m with expansion VOC limits for low odour/low environmental impact paint
joints 12 mm wide filled with cork. types:
Adhesive fixing ­ Primers and undercoats: < 65 g/litre.
Strip flooring: Use a polyurethane elastomer adhesive in ­ Low gloss white or light coloured latex paints for wall
addition to nails. areas: < 16 g/litre.
Mechanical fixing ­ Coloured low gloss latex paints: < 16 g/litre.
General: Make sure boards are in contact with the subfloor ­ Gloss latex paints for timber doors and trims: < 75 g/litre.
at the time of fixing, particularly where boards are machine Combinations
nailed. If nails are to be less than 12 mm from ends of
General: Do not combine products from different
boards, pre-drill nail holes 0.5 to 1 mm undersize.
manufacturers in a system.
Top nailing: For boards of 65 to 130 mm cover width, use
Clear timber finish systems: Provide only the combinations
two nails.
of putty, stain and sealer recommended by the
manufacturer of the top coats.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 20 2020


Handling occur. Apply subsequent coats after the manufacturer’s

Delivery: Deliver paints to the site in the manufacturer's recommended drying period has elapsed.
labelled and unopened containers. Priming before fixing
Putty and fillers General: Apply one coat of wood primer (2 coats to end
Material: To the recommendation of the paint system grain) to the back of the following before fixing in position:
manufacturer as suitable for the substrate and compatible ­ External fascia boards.
with the primer.
­ Timber door and window frames.
­ Bottoms of external doors.
General: Provide only products which are colour tinted by
the manufacturer or supplier. ­ Associated trims and glazing beads.
­ Timber board cladding.
3 EXECUTION Spraying
General: If the paint application is by spraying, use
3.1 PREPARATION conventional or airless equipment that conforms to the
Order of work ­ Satisfactorily atomises paint being applied.
Other trades: Before painting, complete the work of other
trades as far as practicable within the area to be painted, ­ Does not require paint to be thinned beyond the
except for the installation of fittings, floor sanding and maximum amount recommended by the manufacturer.
laying flooring materials. ­ Does not introduce oil, water or other contaminants into
Clear finishes: Complete clear timber finishes before the applied paint.
commencing opaque paint finishes in the same area. Paint with known health hazards: Not permitted on site.
Protection Sanding
General: Before painting, clean the area and protect from Clear finishes: Sand the sealer, using abrasive no coarser
dust contamination. Use drop sheets and masking agents than 320 grit, without cutting through the colour. Take
to protect surfaces, including finished surfaces and special care with round surfaces and edges.
adjacent surfaces during painting. Repair
Fixtures and furniture: Remove door furniture, switch Requirement: Clean off marks, paint spots and stains
plates, light fittings and other fixtures before painting, and progressively and restore damaged surfaces to their
refix in position on completion of painting. original condition. Touch up new damaged decorative
Wet paint warning paintwork or misses with the paint batch used in the
Notice: Place in a conspicuous location and do not remove original application.
until the paint is dry. Repair of galvanizing
Substrate preparation - generally Cleaning: For galvanized surfaces which have been
General: Prepare substrates to receive the painting subsequently welded, or which have been welded, prime
systems. the affected area.
Cleaning: Clean down the substrate surface. Do not cause Primer: Type 2 organic zinc rich coating for the protection
damage to the substrate or the surroundings. of steel to AS/NZS 3750.9.
Filling: Fill cracks and holes with fillers, sealants, putties or Services
grouting cements as appropriate for the finishing system General: Paint new services and equipment if not
and substrate, and sand smooth. embedded, except chromium, anodised aluminium, GRP,
PVC-U, stainless steel, non-metallic flexible materials and
­ Clear finish: Provide filler tinted to match the substrate. normally lubricated machined surfaces. Repaint
Clear timber finish systems: Prepare the surface so that its proprietary items only if damaged.
attributes will show through the clear finish without
blemishes, using methods including the following: 3.3 PAINT SYSTEMS
­ Removal of bruises. Paint system description
­ Removal of discolourations, including staining by oil, Generally: The paint system is referred to by its final coat.
grease and nailheads. Primers and undercoats: Provide primers and undercoats
­ Bleaching where necessary to match the timber colour recommended by the manufacturer of the selected final
sample. coat as suitable for the substrate and the final coat.
­ Puttying. Number of coats: Unless specified as one or two coat
systems, each paint system consists of at least 3 coats.
­ Fine sanding, with the last abrasive no coarser than 220
grit, so that there are no scratches across the grain.
Unpainted surfaces
Standard: To AS/NZS 2311 Section 3.
Previously painted surfaces
Standard: To AS/NZS 2311 Section 7.
Light levels
General: During preparation of surfaces, painting and
inspection, maintain light levels to ≥ 400 lux to allow close
examination of the entire process.
Paint application
Standard: To AS/NZS 2311 Section 6.
Timing: Apply the first coat immediately after substrate
preparation and before contamination of the substrate can

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 21 2020


Paint final coat table residential premises, regardless of whether any door or
Final coat Applicable Australian window to that room is open.
Interior 2 PRODUCTS
Flat latex AS 3730.1
Floor varnish - moisture cured AS 3730.27
Floor varnish - two pack AS 3730.27 Standards
isocyanate cured Ducted air conditioners: To AS/NZS 3823.1.2.
Low gloss latex AS 3730.3 Non-ducted air conditioners: To AS/NZS 3823.1.1.
Semi-gloss latex AS 3730.2
Gloss latex AS 3730.12 General: Provide the following functions:
Exterior ­ Temperature control for each zone located to accurately
Full gloss solvent-borne AS 3730.6 sense zone temperature.
Flat latex AS 3730.7 ­ Fan speed selection for multi and variable speed fans.
Low gloss latex AS 3730.8 ­ Day/night zone changeover if scheduled.
Gloss latex AS 3730.10 ­ Time switch for each system with ≥ 6 temperature
Stain, lightly pigmented AS 3730.28 programs per day, separate programs for each day of
the week, manual set point over ride and Vacation
Latex stain, opaque AS 3730.16
temperature set back.
Semi-gloss latex AS 3730.9
Paving paint, semi-gloss AS 3730.29
Paving paint, gloss AS 3730.29


Plumbing and drainage: To the AS/NZS 3500 series.
Authorised products: Listed in the WaterMark Product
1.1 AIR CONDITIONING DESIGN Database, unless otherwise required by the network utility
Design criteria operator.
Outside design conditions: Use outdoor design conditions
listed in AIRAH DA09, Table 1 or Table 1A for the 2 EXECUTION
­ The location geographically closest to the site. 2.1 INSTALLATION
­ Comfort (or non-critical process) conditions. Connections to Network Utility Operator mains
Inside design conditions: General: Excavate to locate and expose the connection
­ Summer: 24°C dry bulb, 50% relative humidity. points and connect to the Network Utility Operator mains.
On completion, backfill and compact the excavation and
­ Winter: 21°C dry bulb.
reinstate surfaces and elements which have been
Temperature variation: Limit the temperature difference in disturbed such as roads, pavements, kerbs, footpaths and
air conditioned spaces served by the same zone or system nature strips.
to 2°C as follows:
­ Between any 2 points in the space from floor level to Embedded pipes: Do not embed pipes that operate under
1500 mm above floor level. pressure in concrete or surfacing material.
­ More than 2000 mm from cooking equipment and more Concealment: If practicable, conceal piping and fittings
than 1000 mm from any other appliance. requiring maintenance or servicing so that they are
­ When outside conditions are in the range specified accessible within non-habitable enclosed spaces such as
above. roof spaces, subfloor spaces and ducts. Keep pipelines in
­ After the plant has been operating for one hour. subfloor spaces at least 150 mm above ground and make
sure access can be provided throughout for inspection.
­ With the temperatures measured in the same 5 minute Provide at least 25 mm clearance between adjacent
period. pipelines (measured from the piping insulation where
Zoning: Divide the systems into temperature controlled applicable).
zones to meet the specified permissible limits in Cover plates: If exposed piping emerges from wall, floor or
temperature variation and the system divisions ceiling finishes, provide cover plates of non-ferrous metal,
documented. finished to match the piping, or of stainless steel.
Fresh air: Supply fresh air to spaces with air conditioning Pipe support materials: The same as the piping, or
systems via the air handling system. galvanized or non-ferrous metals, with bonded PVC-U or
Heating: Reverse cycle. glass fibre woven tape sleeves where needed to separate
Windows, walls, floors and roofs: Refer to drawings for dissimilar metals.
construction and insulation.
Ambient noise emitted: Lower than the level that can be
heard within a habitable room in any neighbouring

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2.2 FINISHES ­ Gratings taking surface water runoff: Set to receive the
runoff without ponding.
Requirement: Finish exposed piping, including fittings and 2.5 WASTEWATER
supports as follows:
­ In internal locations such as toilet and kitchen areas: General: To AS/NZS 3500.2.
Chrome plate copper piping to AS 1192 service
condition 2, bright. Cleaning
During construction: Use temporary covers to openings
­ Externally and steel piping or worn fittings internally: and keep the system free of debris.
On completion: Clean and flush the system.
­ In concealed but accessible spaces (including
cupboards and non-habitable enclosed spaces): Leave Septic tanks
copper and plastic unpainted except for required Standard: To AS/NZS 1546.1.
identification marking. Prime steel piping and iron Vent pipes
fittings. Staying to roof: If fixings for stays penetrate the roof
­ Valves: Finish valves to match connected piping. covering, seal the penetrations and make watertight.
2.3 COLD AND HEATED WATER Terminations: Provide bird-proof vent cowls made of the
same material and colour as the vent pipe.
General: To AS/NZS 3500.1 and AS/NZS 3500.4.
Water heaters Standards
Location: Locate water heaters where they can be Metal tanks and rainwater goods: To AS/NZS 2179.1.
maintained or replaced without damaging adjacent Design and installation: To the recommendations of
structures, fixtures or finishes. SA HB 230.
2.7 GAS
­ Electric water heaters: To AS/NZS 4692.1.
. Energy performance: To AS/NZS 4692.2.
Reticulated gas systems: To AS/NZS 5601.1.
­ Gas hot water heaters: To AS/NZS 5263.1.2. If a flue
damper is available for the water heater supplied, Buried pipes
provide one. Warning tape: During backfilling, lay plastic warning tape
300 mm above and for the full length of buried gas pipes.
­ Energy performance: To AS/NZS 4552.2.
­ Type: Minimum 100 mm wide, with GAS PIPE UNDER
­ Solar water heaters: To AS/NZS 2712. marked continuously.
­ Heat pump water heaters: To AS/NZS 2712. Commissioning
­ Gas instantaneous water heaters: To AS/NZS 5601.1. General: On completion of installation and testing, turn on
­ Electric instantaneous water heaters: To isolating and control valves and purge and charge the
AS/NZS 60335.2.35. installation.
Tariff: Install so that the heating system qualifies for the
tariff concession or subsidy offered by the statutory 0902 ELECTRICAL DESIGN AND INSTALL
Isolating valves: Provide isolation valves to water heaters.
Heated water temperature
Standard: To AS/NZS 3500.4. 1 GENERAL
General: To AS/NZS 3500.3. General
Downpipe connections Electrical installation: To AS/NZS 3000.
General: Turn up drain branch pipelines to finish 50 mm Electrical cable selection: To AS/NZS 3008.1.1.
above finished ground or pavement level. Communications cable systems: To AS/CA S008,
Subsoil drains AS/CA S009, AS/NZS 11801.1 and SA/SNZ HB 252.
Connection: Connect subsoil drains to the stormwater 1.2 INTERPRETATION
drainage system.
Trench width: Minimum 450 mm. Abbreviations
General: For the purposes of this worksection the following
Subsoil drains: Provide proprietary perforated plastic pipe.
abbreviations apply:
Filter fabric: Provide a polymeric fabric formed from a
­ ED S&IR: The Electricity Distributor’s Service and
plastic yarn containing stabilisers or inhibitors to make the
Installation Rules.
filaments resistant to deterioration due to ultraviolet light.
­ RCD: Residual Current Device.
Filter sock: Provide a polyester permeable sock capable of
retaining particles of 0.25 mm size. Securely fit or join the
sock at each joint. 2 EXECUTION
Cover levels: Locate the top of covers or gratings, 2.1 GENERAL
including frames as follows:
Applications and compliance
­ In paved areas: Flush with the paving surface. General: Submit all necessary applications for electricity
­ In landscaped areas: 25 mm above finished surface. supply. Liaise with the electricity distributor and comply
with the ED S&IR.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 23 2020


Consumers mains and metering Network systems

General: Provide consumers mains and connect them to General: Provide a coaxial cabling system suitable for
the electricity distributor mains. satellite or cable network operator’s services.
Switchboards Intruder alarm system
Standard: To AS/NZS 61439.3. Standard: To AS/NZS 2201.1.
Construction: Enclosed type with a hinged lid. Provide Smoke detection system
circuit breakers and RCDs. General: Provide smoke alarms to the requirements of the
Location: Verify that the location selected is compliant BCA 3.7.5. Connect smoke alarms to mains power.
before proceeding. Labelling
Maximum demand and spare capacity General: Provide labels.
General: Calculate the maximum demand of the Telecommunications cables: Label telecommunications
installation in accordance with AS/NZS 3000 and provide a cables, cross connects and outlets in accordance with the
copy of the calculations. requirements of AS/NZS 11801.1.
Spare capacity: Provide the following: 2.2 COMPLETION
­ > 10% spare capacity in mains and submains.
Testing and certification
­ > 25% spare capacity in final subcircuits.
Electrical installations: Test to AS/NZS 3017. Provide a
Spare spaces: Provide switchboards with ≥ 25% spare certificate showing test results, certifying compliance with
positions for future single phase circuit breakers. AS/NZS 3000.
Accessories Communications cable systems: To AS 11801.4. Provide a
General: Provide accessories necessary for a complete certificate showing test results and certifying compliance
installation including but not limited to switches, dimmers, with AS 11801.4.
socket outlets, and telecommunications outlets. Provide
Submission: Provide ACMA Telecommunications Cabling
accessories located in close proximity of the same size Advice (TCA1) form.
and material and from the same manufacture.
Television and audio systems: To AS/NZS 1367. Test the
Mounting: Flush mount accessories to the wall (or ceiling) complete television and audio system. Provide a certificate
unless noted otherwise. Provide proprietary wall boxes in showing test results and certifying compliance.
masonry and wall brackets in stud walls.
Sequence of work: Install conduits and cables before the
installation of wall and ceiling linings, and before any
external landscaping works.
Installation: Do not penetrate damp-proof courses. Arrange
wiring such that it does not bridge the cavity in external
Minimum conduit diameter: 20 mm.
Conduits for future use: Provide a non-metallic drawstring
having a breaking strain > 100 kg.
Standard: to AS/NZS 60598.1.
Non-specified luminaires: Provide a bayonet cap batten
holder and lamp at each lighting point location where no
luminaire is documented.
Minimum energy performance standards:
­ General: To AS 4782.2 and AS/NZS 4783.2.
­ Self-ballasted lamps: To AS 4847.2.
­ Incandescent lamps: To AS 4934.2.
General: Provide final subcircuits and terminate at fixed
appliances, hot water units, packaged air conditioning and
other plant and equipment.
Isolation switch: Provide isolating switch adjacent to
General: Liaise with the telecommunication services
Installations requiring telephony only: To AS/CA S009.
Small office/home office installations: Category 6, to
AS/CA S009 and AS 11801.4.
Television systems
General: Provide a digital television distribution system to
AS/NZS 1367 and conforming to the recommendations of
Broadcast Australia and ACMA.
Antennas: Provide and locate antennas to receive all
locally available free-to-air television stations.

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 24 2020



The following documents are incorporated into this worksection by reference:

AS/CA S008 2010 Requirements for customer cabling products
AS/CA S009 2013 Installation requirements for customer cabling (Wiring Rules)
AS/NZS 1163 2016 Cold-formed structural steel hollow sections
AS/NZS 1170 Structural design actions
AS/NZS 1170.1 2002 Permanent, imposed and other actions
AS 1192 2004 Electroplated coatings - Nickel and chromium
AS/NZS 1214 2016 Hot-dip galvanized coatings on threaded fasteners (ISO metric coarse thread series)
(ISO 10684:2004, MOD)
AS 1231 2000 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodic oxidation coatings
AS 1288 2006 Glass in buildings - Selection and installation
AS 1289 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes
AS 1289.5.2.1 2017 Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the dry density/moisture
content relation of a soil using modified compactive effort
AS 1366 Rigid cellular plastics sheets for thermal insulation
AS 1366.3 1992 Rigid cellular polystyrene - Moulded (RC/PS - M)
AS 1366.4 1989 Rigid cellular polystyrene - Extruded (RC/PS-E)
AS/NZS 1367 2016 Coaxial cable and optical fibre systems for the RF distribution of digital television, radio
and in-house analog signals in single and multiple dwelling installations
AS 1379 2007 Specification and supply of concrete
AS 1397 2011 Continuous hot-dip metallic coated steel sheet and strip - Coatings of zinc and zinc
alloyed with aluminium and magnesium
AS/NZS 1546 On-site domestic wastewater treatment units
AS/NZS 1546.1 2008 Septic tanks
AS 1562 Design and installation of sheet roof and wall cladding
AS 1562.1 2018 Metal
AS 1562.3 2006 Plastics
AS 1604 Specification for preservative treatment
AS 1627 Metal finishing - Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces
AS 1627.1 2003 Removal of oil, grease and related contamination
AS 1672 Limes and limestones
AS 1672.1 1997 Limes for building
AS 1684 Residential timber-framed construction
AS 1684.2 2010 Non-cyclonic areas
AS 1684.3 2010 Cyclonic areas
AS 1684.4 2010 Simplified non-cyclonic areas
AS 1720 Timber structures
AS 1720.1 2010 Design methods
AS 1720.5 2015 Nailplated timber roof trusses
AS 1810 1995 Timber - Seasoned cypress pine - Milled products
AS/NZS 1859 Reconstituted wood-based panels - Specifications
AS/NZS 1859.1 2017 Particleboard
AS/NZS 1859.2 2017 Dry process fibreboard
AS/NZS 1859.3 2017 Decorative overlaid wood panels
AS/NZS 1859.4 2018 Wet process fibreboard
AS 1860 Particleboard flooring
AS/NZS 1860.1 2017 Specifications
AS 1860.2 2006 Installation
AS 1884 2012 Floor coverings - Resilient sheet and tiles - Installation practices
AS 1926 Swimming pool safety
AS 1926.1 2012 Safety barriers for swimming pools
AS 1926.2 2007 Location of safety barriers for swimming pools
AS 2047 2014 Windows and external glazed doors in buildings
AS 2049 2002 Roof tiles
AS 2050 2018 Installation of roof tiles
AS 2082 2007 Timber - Hardwood - Visually stress-graded for structural purposes
AS/NZS 2179 Specifications for rainwater goods, accessories and fasteners
AS/NZS 2179.1 2014 Metal shape or sheet rainwater goods, and metal accessories and fasteners
AS 2201 Intruder alarm systems
AS/NZS 2201.1 2007 Client's premises - Design, installation, commissioning and maintenance
AS/NZS 2208 1996 Safety glazing materials in buildings
AS/NZS 2269 Plywood - Structural
AS/NZS 2269.0 2012 Specifications
AS/NZS 2270 2006 Plywood and blockboard for interior use
AS/NZS 2271 2004 Plywood and blockboard for exterior use
AS/NZS 2311 2017 Guide to the painting of buildings
AS/NZS 2312 Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric corrosion by the use of
protective coatings
AS 2312.1 2014 Paint coatings
AS 2455 Textile floor coverings - Installation practice

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 25 2020


AS 2455.1 2019 General

AS/NZS 2588 2018 Gypsum plasterboard
AS/NZS 2589 2017 Gypsum linings - Application and finishing
AS 2601 2001 The demolition of structures
AS 2688 2017 Timber and composite doors
AS/NZS 2699 Built-in components for masonry construction
AS/NZS 2699.1 2000 Wall ties
AS/NZS 2699.3 2002 Lintels and shelf angles (durability requirements)
AS/NZS 2712 2007 Solar and heat pump water heaters - Design and construction
AS/NZS 2728 2013 Prefinished/prepainted sheet metal products for interior/exterior building applications -
Performance requirements
AS/NZS 2754 Adhesives for timber and timber products
AS/NZS 2754.1 2016 Adhesives for manufacture of plywood and laminated veneer lumber (LVL)
AS 2796 Timber - Hardwood - Sawn and milled products
AS 2796.1 1999 Product specification
AS 2796.2 2006 Grade description
AS 2796.3 1999 Timber for furniture components
AS 2858 2008 Timber - Softwood - Visually stress-graded for structural purposes
AS 2870 2011 Residential slabs and footings
AS/NZS 2904 1995 Damp-proof courses and flashings
AS/NZS 2908 Cellulose-cement products
AS/NZS 2908.2 2000 Flat sheets
AS/NZS 2924 High pressure decorative laminates - Sheets made from thermosetting resins
AS/NZS 2924.1 1998 Classification and specifications
AS/NZS 3000 2018 Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)
AS/NZS 3008 Electrical installations - Selection of cables
AS/NZS 3008.1.1 2017 Cables for alternating voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV - Typical Australian
installation conditions
AS/NZS 3017 2007 Electrical installations - Verification guidelines
AS/NZS 3500 Plumbing and drainage
AS/NZS 3500.1 2018 Water services
AS/NZS 3500.2 2018 Sanitary plumbing and drainage
AS/NZS 3500.3 2018 Stormwater drainage
AS/NZS 3500.4 2018 Heated water services
AS 3566 Self-drilling screws for the building and construction industries
AS 3566.1 2002 General requirements and mechanical properties
AS 3600 2018 Concrete structures
AS 3610 Formwork for concrete
AS 3610.1 2018 Specifications
AS 3660 Termite management
AS 3660.1 2014 New building work
AS 3700 2018 Masonry structures
AS 3715 2002 Metal finishing - Thermoset powder coating for architectural applications of aluminium
and aluminium alloys
AS 3727 Pavements
AS 3727.1 2016 Residential
AS 3730 Guide to the properties of paints for buildings
AS 3730.1 2006 Latex - Interior - Flat
AS 3730.2 2006 Latex - Interior - Semi-gloss
AS 3730.3 2006 Latex - Interior - Low-gloss
AS 3730.6 2006 Solvent-borne - Interior/exterior - Full gloss enamel
AS 3730.7 2006 Latex - Exterior - Flat
AS 3730.8 2006 Latex - Exterior - Low gloss
AS 3730.9 2006 Latex - Exterior - Semi-gloss
AS 3730.10 2006 Latex - Exterior - Gloss
AS 3730.12 2006 Latex - Interior - Gloss
AS 3730.16 2006 Latex - Self-priming timber finish - Exterior
AS 3730.27 2006 Clear coatings for interior timber floors
AS 3730.28 2006 Wood stain - Solvent-borne - Exterior
AS 3730.29 2006 Solvent-borne - Exterior/interior - Paving paint
AS 3740 2010 Waterproofing of domestic wet areas
AS 3743 2003 Potting mixes
AS/NZS 3750 Paints for steel structures
AS/NZS 3750.9 2009 Organic zinc-rich primer
AS 3798 2007 Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments
AS/NZS 3823 Performance of electrical appliances - Air conditioners and heat pumps
AS/NZS 3823.1.1 2012 Non-ducted airconditioners and heat pumps - Testing and rating for performance
(ISO 5151:2010, MOD)
AS/NZS 3823.1.2 2012 Ducted airconditioners and air-to-air heat pumps - Testing and rating for
performance (ISO 13253:2010, MOD)
AS 3958 Ceramic tiles
AS 3958.1 2007 Guide to the installation of ceramic tiles
AS 3959 2018 Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas
AS 3972 2010 General purpose and blended cements
AS 3999 2015 Bulk thermal insulation - Installation
AS 4145 Locksets and hardware for doors and windows

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 26 2020


AS 4145.2 2008 Mechanical locksets for doors and windows in buildings

AS/NZS 4200 Pliable building membranes and underlays
AS/NZS 4200.1 2017 Materials
AS 4200.2 2017 Installation requirements
AS 4256 Plastic roof and wall cladding materials
AS 4256.2 2006 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) building sheets
AS 4256.3 2006 Glass fibre reinforced polyester (GRP)
AS 4256.4 2006 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) wall cladding boards
AS 4256.5 2006 Polycarbonate
AS 4285 2019 Rooflights
AS 4288 2003 Soft underlays for textile floor coverings
AS 4312 2019 Atmospheric corrosivity zones in Australia
AS 4386 2018 Cabinetry in the built-in environment - Commercial and domestic
AS 4419 2018 Soils for landscaping and garden use
AS 4454 2012 Composts, soil conditioners and mulches
AS/NZS 4455 Masonry units, pavers, flags and segmental retaining wall units
AS/NZS 4455.1 2008 Masonry units
AS/NZS 4455.3 2008 Segmental retaining wall units
AS/NZS 4505 2012 Garage doors and other large access doors
AS 4552 2005 Gas fired water heaters for hot water supply and/or central heating
AS/NZS 4552.2 2010 Minimum energy performance standards for gas water heaters
AS 4586 2013 Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials
AS/NZS 4600 2018 Cold-formed steel structures
AS/NZS 4680 2006 Hot-dip galvanized (zinc) coatings on fabricated ferrous articles
AS/NZS 4692 Electric water heaters
AS/NZS 4692.1 2005 Energy consumption, performance and general requirements
AS/NZS 4692.2 2005 Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) requirements and energy labelling
AS 4773 Masonry in small buildings
AS 4773.1 2015 Design
AS 4773.2 2015 Construction
AS/NZS 4782 Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications
AS 4782.2 2019 Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS)
AS/NZS 4783 Performance of electrical lighting equipment - Ballasts for fluorescent lamps
AS/NZS 4783.2 2002 Energy labelling and minimum energy performance standards requirements
AS 4785 Timber - Softwood - Sawn and milled products
AS 4785.1 2002 Product specification
AS 4785.2 2002 Grade description
AS 4785.3 2002 Timber for furniture components
AS 4786 Timber flooring
AS 4786.2 2005 Sanding and finishing
AS/NZS 4847 Self ballasted lamps for general lighting services
AS 4847.2 2019 Minimum energy performance standard (MEPS)
AS/NZS 4858 2004 Wet area membranes
AS/NZS 4859 Thermal insulation of buildings
AS/NZS 4859.1 2018 General criteria and technical provisions
AS 4934 Incandescent lamps for general lighting service - Test methods
AS 4934.2 2011 Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) requirements
AS 5039 2008 Security screen doors and security window grilles
AS 5040 2003 Installation of security screen doors and window grilles
AS 5203 2016 Protection of openable windows/ fall prevention – Test sequence and compliance
AS/NZS 5263 Gas appliances
AS/NZS 5263.1.2 2020 Gas fired water heaters for hot water supply and/or central heating
AS/NZS 5601 Gas installations
AS/NZS 5601.1 2013 General installations
AS 5604 2005 Timber - Natural durability ratings
AS 6669 2016 Plywood - Formwork
AS 11801 Information technology - generic cabling for customer premises
AS/NZS 11801.1 2019 General requirements (ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017, MOD)
AS 11801.4 2019 Single-tenant homes (ISO/IEC 11801-4:2017,MOD)
AS ISO 13007 Ceramic tiles
AS ISO 13007.1 2013 Grouts and adhesives - Terms, definitions and specifications for adhesives
AS/NZS 60335 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety
AS/NZS 60335.2.35 2013 Particular requirements for instantaneous water heaters
AS/NZS 60598 Luminaires
AS/NZS 60598.1 2017 General requirements and tests (IEC 60598-1, Ed. 8.0 (2014) MOD)
AS/NZS 61439 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
AS/NZS 61439.3 2016 Distribution boards intended to be operated by ordinary persons (DBO) (IEC 61439-
3, Ed 1.0 (2012), MOD)
SA HB 230 2008 Rainwater tank design and installation handbook
SA/SNZ HB 252 2014 Communications Cabling Manual - Module 3: Residential communications cabling
AIRAH DA09 1998 Air conditioning load estimation
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Site preparation - Termite risk management - Durable notices
BCA 3.2.2 2019 Acceptable construction - Footings and slabs - Preparation
BCA 3.2.4 2019 Acceptable construction - Footings and slabs - Site classification

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 27 2020


BCA Table 2019 Acceptable construction - Roof and wall cladding - Sheet roofing - Acceptable corrosion
protection for metal sheet roofing
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Roof and wall cladding - Gutters and downpipes - Installation
of gutters
BCA 2019 Fire safety - Fire separation of external walls - Roof lights
BCA 3.7.5 2019 Acceptable construction - Fire safety - Smoke alarms and evacuation lighting
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Health and amenity - Wet areas and external weatherproofing
- Wet areas
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction practice - Health and amenity - Condensation management -
Ventilation of roof spaces
BCA 3.9.1 2019 Acceptable construction - Safe movement and access - Stairway and ramp construction
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Safe movement and access - Barriers and handrails -
Protection of openable windows - bedrooms
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Safe movement and access - Barriers and handrails -
Protection of openable windows - rooms other than bedrooms
BCA 3.10.6 2019 Attachment of decks and balconies to external walls of buildings
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Energy efficiency - Building fabric - Building fabric thermal
FWPA PN06.1039 2008 Interim industry standard – Recycled timber – Visually graded recycled decorative
NASH NASH Standard Residential and Low-rise Steel Framing
NASH-1 2005 Design criteria
NASH-2 2014 Design solutions
ISO 10580 2010 Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings - Test method for volatile organic
compound (VOC) emissions
Safe Work Australia 2018 Code of Practice: How to safely remove asbestos

© NATSPEC SIMPLE DOMESTIC – SA Housing Authority 28 2020

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