NATSPEC Simple Domestic Specification
NATSPEC Simple Domestic Specification
NATSPEC Simple Domestic Specification
2020 Compliant
Required: Means required by the contract documents, Alternatives: If alternatives to the documented products,
the local council or statutory authorities. methods or systems are proposed, submit sufficient
Supply: Supply, furnish and similar expressions mean information to permit evaluation of the proposed
supply only. alternatives.
General Acclimatisation
Conformance: In areas designated as bushfire prone, General: Acclimatise timber fitouts by stacking them for
comply with statutory and local authority requirements. two weeks in the in-service conditions with air circulation to
all surfaces after the following are complete:
Standard: To AS 3959.
Air conditioning operational.
2 PRODUCTS Lighting operational.
Site drainage and stormwater works are complete.
2.1 GENERAL Space fully enclosed and secure.
Wet work complete and dry.
Manufacturers’ or suppliers’ recommendations
General: Provide and select, if no selection is given, Unseasoned timber
transport, deliver, store, handle, protect, finish, adjust and General: If unseasoned timber is provided, or variation in
prepare for use the manufactured items to the moisture content is likely, make allowance for shrinkage,
manufacturers' or suppliers’ recommendations. swelling and differential movement.
Proprietary items/systems/assemblies: Assemble, install or Durability
fix to substrate to the manufacturers' or suppliers' General: Provide timbers with natural durability appropriate
recommendations. to the conditions of use or preservative-treated timbers of
Substitution equivalent durability.
Identified proprietary items: Identification of a proprietary Natural durability class of heartwood: To AS 5604.
item does not necessarily imply exclusive preference for Preservative treatment: To the AS 1604 series.
the identified item, but indicates the necessary properties
Minimum requirement: To the Natural and treated timber
of the item.
durability table.
Natural and treated timber durability table
Exposure Natural timber Treated timber Remarks
Required durability class to Required hazard class to
AS 5604 the AS 1604 series
Inside, above ground. Class 4 H1 Treated timber resistant to lyctids. Untreated
Completely protected from the timber must be protected from termites
weather. Well ventilated
Inside, above ground. Class 3 H2 Treated timber resistant to borers and
Protected from wetting with nil termites. Untreated timber must be
leaching. Well ventilated protected with a finish
Above ground, exposed to Class 2 H3 Treated timber resistant to borers, termites
weather. Periodic moderate and moderate decay. Applicable to
wetting and leaching weatherboards, fascias, pergolas (above
ground), window joinery, framing and
In-ground Class 1 H4 Treated timber resistant to borers, termites
(Severe wetting and leaching) and severe decay. Applicable to fence
posts, greenhouses, pergolas (in-ground)
and landscaping timbers
H5 Applicable to retaining walls, piling, house
(Extreme wetting and leaching stumps, building poles, cooling tower fill
and/or critical uses)
2.3 STEEL Galvanizing
General: Galvanize mild steel components (including
Durability fasteners) to AS/NZS 1214, AS 1397 or AS/NZS 4680, as
General: Provide steel products protected from corrosion appropriate, and in the following conditions:
to suit the conditions of use. Exposed to weather.
Internal engineer designed steel members: Remove mill Embedded in masonry.
scale, rust, moisture and oil. Coat with a zinc phosphate
primer to the manufacturer’s instructions. Exposed to or in air spaces behind external leaves of
masonry walls.
Built-in products below damp-proof course: Stainless steel
316 or engineered polymer. In contact with chemically treated timber.
Corrosion resistance 2.4 PROTECTIVE COATINGS
Atmospheric corrosivity category: To AS 4312 and the
AS/NZS 2312 series.
Environment: To AS 2312.1 clause 2.3.
Minimum external corrosion protection requirements for
corrosive environments: Conform to BCA Volume 2. Coating designation: To AS 2312.1 Table 6.3.
Preparation and pre-treatment CCA (copper chrome arsenic) treated timber
Standard: To the AS 1627 series. Greasing: Before placing bolts or other metal components
in contact with CCA-treated timber, paint contact surfaces
or coat in grease or a bituminous coating.
0242 LANDSCAPE - FENCES AND BARRIERS Location of fencing for private swimming pools: To
AS 1926.2.
1.1 TIMBER Installation
Posts and rails Requirement: Adopt local industry practices for set-out,
Hardwood: To AS 2082. clearing of vegetation, excavation, minimum footing size
materials, components and erection.
Softwood: To AS 2858.
Pickets and palings
Hardwood: To AS 2796.1, Section 8. 0250 LANDSCAPE – GARDENING
Grade to AS 2796.2: Select.
Softwood: To AS 4785.1, Section 7.
Seasoned cypress pine: To AS 1810, Section 5. 1 GENERAL
Preservative treatment
Timber type: Provide only timbers with preservative 1.1 STANDARDS
treatment appropriate to the Hazard class.
Cut surfaces: Provide supplementary preservative Soils
treatment to all cut and damaged surfaces. Site and imported topsoil: To AS 4419.
CCA treated timber: If proposed to be used, provide Potting mixes: To AS 3743.
details. Test Composts, soil conditioners and mulches: To AS 4454.
Steel tubes
Posts, rails, stays and pickets: To AS/NZS 1163. 2.1 MATERIAL
Grade: C350L0.
Post and rail finish: Hot-dip galvanized.
Requirement: Topsoil containing organic matter, able to
1.3 COMPONENTS support plant life and free from stones, contaminants and
Steel panel fencing
Source: If the topsoil of documented quality cannot be
Steel framing: Zinc-coated or aluminium/zinc alloy coated
provided from material recovered from site, provide
steel to AS 1397.
imported topsoil.
Steel sheeting: Prepainted to AS/NZS 2728.
Timber fencing Description: Cultivated turf of even thickness, free from
General: Conform to the timber members in the Timber weeds and other foreign matter.
fencing sizes table.
Supplier: A specialist grower of cultivated turf.
Timber fencing sizes table
Member Preservative Preservative Hardwood or General: Provide plants in conformance with the local
treated soft treated soft cypress pine
wood picket wood paling/lap
authority approval requirements.
(mm) paling/lap and and cap
cap (mm) (mm) 3 EXECUTION
Maximum 1200 1800 1800
End/corner 90 x 90 100 x 100 125 x 125 or
gate posts 100 x 100 Weed eradication
Intermediate 90 x 90 140 x 45 or 100 125 x 50 or Herbicide: Eradicate weeds with a non-residual glyphosate
posts x 75 100 x 75 herbicide in any of its registered formulae, at the
Maximum post 2400 2400/2700* 2700* recommended maximum application rate.
spacing Watering
Rails 70 x 40 75 x 50 or 100x 75 x 50 or General: Comply with local restrictions.
38 100x 38
Turf: Water immediately after laying turf until the topsoil is
Picket/paling 70 x 19 75, 100 or 150* 100 or 150* x
moistened to its full depth. Maintain moisture to this depth.
size x 15 13
Capping - 125 x 35 100 x 50
Planting: Water as required to maintain planting to the
completion of the contract.
Footing type Earth Earth Earth
Footing size 200 x 600 250 x 600 250 x 600
(diameter x
* Three rail fences only
General: As documented.
Fencing for swimming pools
Design, construction and performance: To AS 1926.1.
0271 PAVEMENT BASE AND SUBBASE Equipment: Use rollers appropriate to the materials and
compaction requirements documented.
General 1.1 STANDARDS
Design, materials and protection: To AS/NZS 4600. General
Residential and low-rise steel framing: To NASH-1 Residential timber framed construction: To AS 1684.2,
(National Association of Steel Housing) and NASH-2 AS 1684.3 or AS 1684.4, as appropriate.
Standard. Nailplated roof trusses: To AS 1720.5.
New timber decking
Treated softwood to AS 4785.1 Section 4.
Hardwood to AS 2796.1 Section 4.
2 EXECUTION Preglazing
Window assemblies and glazed doors: Supply inclusive of
glazing, shop preglazed.
Cladding Flashings and weatherings: Install flashings, weather bars,
Installation: To the manufacturer's recommendations. drips, storm moulds, joint sealant and pointing to prevent
water from penetrating the building between frames and
the building structure under prevailing service conditions,
0451 WINDOWS AND GLAZED DOORS including normal structural movement of the building.
Packing: Pack behind fixing points with durable full width
Prepared masonry openings: If fixing of timber windows to
prepared anchorages is by fastening from the frame face,
1.1 STANDARDS conceal the fasteners by sinking the heads below the
surface and filling the sinking flush with a material
compatible with the surface finish.
Selection and installation: To AS 2047.
General: Provide mouldings, architraves, reveal linings,
Glass type and thickness: To AS 1288, if no glass type or and other internal trim using materials and finishes
thickness is nominated. matching the window frames. Install to make neat and
clean junctions between frames and the adjoining building
2 PRODUCTS surfaces.
1 PRODUCTS General: Provide substrates as follows:
Clean and free from any deposit or finish which may
1.1 MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS impair adhesion of plaster.
If framed or discontinuous, support members in full
lengths without splicing.
Sand: Fine, sharp, well-graded sand with a clay content
between 1% and 5% and free from efflorescing salts. If solid or continuous, remove excessive projections and
fill voids and hollows with plaster stronger than the first
coat and not weaker than the substrate.
Standard: To AS 3972.
Untrue substrates: If the substrate is not sufficiently true
Type: GP. for conformity with the thickness limits for the plaster
Lime system, or has excessively uneven suction resulting from
Limes for building: To AS 1672.1. variations in the composition of the substrate, apply
Mixes additional coats without exceeding the thickness limits for
the substrate or system.
General: Select a mix proportion to suit the conditions of
application. Beads
Measurement: Measure binders and sand by volume using Location: Fix beads as follows:
buckets or boxes. Do not allow sand to bulk by absorption Angle beads: At all external corners.
of water. Drip beads: At all lower terminations of external plaster.
Plaster mixing: Machine mix for 3 to 6 minutes. Beads for control of movement: At all control joints.
Strength of successive coats: Make sure successive coats Stop beads: At all terminations of plaster and junctions
are no richer in binder than the coat to which they are with other materials or plaster systems.
Joints in beads: Provide dowels to maintain alignment.
Mix proportion table - Cement render, by volume
Mechanical fixing to substrate: ≤ 300 mm centres.
Mix type Substrate Upper and
lower limits Bonding treatment
of General: If bonding treatment is required, throw a wet mix
proportions onto the background of 1 part cement to 2 parts sand.
by volume
Curing: Keep continuously moist for 5 days or more and
allow to dry before applying plaster coats.
Embedded items
General: If there are water pipes and other embedded
Single or CRS Dense and smooth 1 0 3 Location: Provide lath as follows:
multi-coat concrete and 1 0.5 4.5 Chases: If chases or recesses are 50 mm wide or
systems with masonry greater, fix metal lath extending 75 mm or more beyond
integral CRM Regular clay or 1 0.5 4.5 each side of the chase or recess.
finishing concrete masonry 1 1 6
Metal and other non-porous backgrounds: Fix metal lath
treatments CRW Lightweight concrete 1 1 6 to provide a key.
masonry and other 1 2 9
Base coats weak substrates Weepholes
in multi-coat Requirement: Keep opening free of plaster. Maintain
systems with consistent opening size.
cement or
gypsum 2.2 APPLICATION
Control joints
Second coat - CRF Cement render base 1 1 6 General: Provide joints in the finish to coincide with control
internal coats 1 2 9 joints in the substrate. Make sure that the joint in the
Second coat - CRF Cement render base 1 1 5 substrate is not bridged during plastering.
external coats 1 2 6
General: Finish plane surfaces within a tolerance of 6 mm
Lath in 2400 mm, determined using a 2400 mm straightedge
General: Provide a proprietary product for use with plaster. placed anywhere in any direction. Finish corners, angles,
Internal: Expanded metal to AS 1397 coating class Z350, edges and curved surfaces within equivalent tolerances.
External: Stainless steel or PVC-U.
General: Provide substrates as follows: 0631 CERAMIC TILING
- Clean and free of any deposit or finish which may
impair adhesion of membranes.
- If walls or floors are framed or discontinuous, support
members in full lengths without splicing.
- If floors are solid or continuous remove excessive
projections and fill voids, hollows and cracks. 1.1 STANDARDS
Concrete substrates: Cure for at least 28 days. Tiling
Bond breakers General: Conform to the recommendations of AS 3958.1.
Requirement: After the priming of surfaces, provide bond Slip resistance
breakers at all wall/floor, hob/wall junctions and at control Stair treads, ramps and landings: Classification to
joints where the membrane is bonded to the substrate. AS 4586.
Damage: Protect membrane from damage during
installation and for the period after installation until the
membrane achieves its service characteristics that resist Adhesives
damage. Standard: To AS ISO 13007.1.
Extent: Repair or replace faulty or damaged work. If the 0654 ENGINEERED PANEL FLOORING
work cannot be repaired satisfactorily, replace the whole
area affected.
General: Clean the finished surface. Buff and polish. 1 PRODUCTS
Before the date for practical completion, mop and leave
the finished surface clean and undamaged on completion.
0655 TIMBER FLOORING Secret fixing: Do not use boards of more than 85 mm
cover width, and use one staple or cleat skewed at 45°
through edges.
Sinking: Punch nails 3 mm below finished surfaces and fill
1 PRODUCTS the sinking flush with a material tinted to match the darker
tone of the flooring which is compatible with the floor finish.
Strip flooring
General: Blend floor boards from more than one pack to
Storage and handling distribute the colour range and grade features throughout
General: Deliver timber flooring to site in unbroken the floor.
wrapping or packs. Store in dry conditions a minimum Installation: Lay in straight and parallel lines with each
100 mm above the subfloor. Do not store on the subfloor board firmly butted to the next and firmly in contact with
until the moisture content of the subfloor is suitable for the the subfloor. If land over joists or battens cramp sufficient
installation of the floor. Do not store in areas of wet plaster only to bring the boards together and no more than
or paint. 800 mm of flooring at any one time. With secret fixing do
Adhesive not cramp more than one board at a time.
Ventilation: Provide ventilation appropriate for moisture Fixing to softwood joists or battens: Apply adhesive in
curing. addition to mechanical fixing.
New timber Protection
General: Conform to the Grading table. General: Provide protection as follows:
Grading table Floors: With hardboard taped at all butt joints. Do not
Product Standard Grade cover with sheet plastic.
Hardwood AS 2796.2 High Feature Grade if Stair treads: Full timber or plywood casing.
available for the
species selected,
Seasoned cypress AS 1810 1
Softwood - pinus ssp AS 4785.2 Appearance
Softwood - other AS 4785.2 Select
Recycled timber
Standard: To FWPA PN06.1039. Timber flooring - sanding and finishing:
General: To AS 4786.2.
Grading: To Section 5.1.
Paint final coat table residential premises, regardless of whether any door or
Final coat Applicable Australian window to that room is open.
Interior 2 PRODUCTS
Flat latex AS 3730.1
Floor varnish - moisture cured AS 3730.27
Floor varnish - two pack AS 3730.27 Standards
isocyanate cured Ducted air conditioners: To AS/NZS 3823.1.2.
Low gloss latex AS 3730.3 Non-ducted air conditioners: To AS/NZS 3823.1.1.
Semi-gloss latex AS 3730.2
Gloss latex AS 3730.12 General: Provide the following functions:
Exterior Temperature control for each zone located to accurately
Full gloss solvent-borne AS 3730.6 sense zone temperature.
Flat latex AS 3730.7 Fan speed selection for multi and variable speed fans.
Low gloss latex AS 3730.8 Day/night zone changeover if scheduled.
Gloss latex AS 3730.10 Time switch for each system with ≥ 6 temperature
Stain, lightly pigmented AS 3730.28 programs per day, separate programs for each day of
the week, manual set point over ride and Vacation
Latex stain, opaque AS 3730.16
temperature set back.
Semi-gloss latex AS 3730.9
Paving paint, semi-gloss AS 3730.29
Paving paint, gloss AS 3730.29
Plumbing and drainage: To the AS/NZS 3500 series.
Authorised products: Listed in the WaterMark Product
1.1 AIR CONDITIONING DESIGN Database, unless otherwise required by the network utility
Design criteria operator.
Outside design conditions: Use outdoor design conditions
listed in AIRAH DA09, Table 1 or Table 1A for the 2 EXECUTION
The location geographically closest to the site. 2.1 INSTALLATION
Comfort (or non-critical process) conditions. Connections to Network Utility Operator mains
Inside design conditions: General: Excavate to locate and expose the connection
Summer: 24°C dry bulb, 50% relative humidity. points and connect to the Network Utility Operator mains.
On completion, backfill and compact the excavation and
Winter: 21°C dry bulb.
reinstate surfaces and elements which have been
Temperature variation: Limit the temperature difference in disturbed such as roads, pavements, kerbs, footpaths and
air conditioned spaces served by the same zone or system nature strips.
to 2°C as follows:
Between any 2 points in the space from floor level to Embedded pipes: Do not embed pipes that operate under
1500 mm above floor level. pressure in concrete or surfacing material.
More than 2000 mm from cooking equipment and more Concealment: If practicable, conceal piping and fittings
than 1000 mm from any other appliance. requiring maintenance or servicing so that they are
When outside conditions are in the range specified accessible within non-habitable enclosed spaces such as
above. roof spaces, subfloor spaces and ducts. Keep pipelines in
After the plant has been operating for one hour. subfloor spaces at least 150 mm above ground and make
sure access can be provided throughout for inspection.
With the temperatures measured in the same 5 minute Provide at least 25 mm clearance between adjacent
period. pipelines (measured from the piping insulation where
Zoning: Divide the systems into temperature controlled applicable).
zones to meet the specified permissible limits in Cover plates: If exposed piping emerges from wall, floor or
temperature variation and the system divisions ceiling finishes, provide cover plates of non-ferrous metal,
documented. finished to match the piping, or of stainless steel.
Fresh air: Supply fresh air to spaces with air conditioning Pipe support materials: The same as the piping, or
systems via the air handling system. galvanized or non-ferrous metals, with bonded PVC-U or
Heating: Reverse cycle. glass fibre woven tape sleeves where needed to separate
Windows, walls, floors and roofs: Refer to drawings for dissimilar metals.
construction and insulation.
Ambient noise emitted: Lower than the level that can be
heard within a habitable room in any neighbouring
2.2 FINISHES Gratings taking surface water runoff: Set to receive the
runoff without ponding.
Requirement: Finish exposed piping, including fittings and 2.5 WASTEWATER
supports as follows:
In internal locations such as toilet and kitchen areas: General: To AS/NZS 3500.2.
Chrome plate copper piping to AS 1192 service
condition 2, bright. Cleaning
During construction: Use temporary covers to openings
Externally and steel piping or worn fittings internally: and keep the system free of debris.
On completion: Clean and flush the system.
In concealed but accessible spaces (including
cupboards and non-habitable enclosed spaces): Leave Septic tanks
copper and plastic unpainted except for required Standard: To AS/NZS 1546.1.
identification marking. Prime steel piping and iron Vent pipes
fittings. Staying to roof: If fixings for stays penetrate the roof
Valves: Finish valves to match connected piping. covering, seal the penetrations and make watertight.
2.3 COLD AND HEATED WATER Terminations: Provide bird-proof vent cowls made of the
same material and colour as the vent pipe.
General: To AS/NZS 3500.1 and AS/NZS 3500.4.
Water heaters Standards
Location: Locate water heaters where they can be Metal tanks and rainwater goods: To AS/NZS 2179.1.
maintained or replaced without damaging adjacent Design and installation: To the recommendations of
structures, fixtures or finishes. SA HB 230.
2.7 GAS
Electric water heaters: To AS/NZS 4692.1.
. Energy performance: To AS/NZS 4692.2.
Reticulated gas systems: To AS/NZS 5601.1.
Gas hot water heaters: To AS/NZS 5263.1.2. If a flue
damper is available for the water heater supplied, Buried pipes
provide one. Warning tape: During backfilling, lay plastic warning tape
300 mm above and for the full length of buried gas pipes.
Energy performance: To AS/NZS 4552.2.
Type: Minimum 100 mm wide, with GAS PIPE UNDER
Solar water heaters: To AS/NZS 2712. marked continuously.
Heat pump water heaters: To AS/NZS 2712. Commissioning
Gas instantaneous water heaters: To AS/NZS 5601.1. General: On completion of installation and testing, turn on
Electric instantaneous water heaters: To isolating and control valves and purge and charge the
AS/NZS 60335.2.35. installation.
Tariff: Install so that the heating system qualifies for the
tariff concession or subsidy offered by the statutory 0902 ELECTRICAL DESIGN AND INSTALL
Isolating valves: Provide isolation valves to water heaters.
Heated water temperature
Standard: To AS/NZS 3500.4. 1 GENERAL
General: To AS/NZS 3500.3. General
Downpipe connections Electrical installation: To AS/NZS 3000.
General: Turn up drain branch pipelines to finish 50 mm Electrical cable selection: To AS/NZS 3008.1.1.
above finished ground or pavement level. Communications cable systems: To AS/CA S008,
Subsoil drains AS/CA S009, AS/NZS 11801.1 and SA/SNZ HB 252.
Connection: Connect subsoil drains to the stormwater 1.2 INTERPRETATION
drainage system.
Trench width: Minimum 450 mm. Abbreviations
General: For the purposes of this worksection the following
Subsoil drains: Provide proprietary perforated plastic pipe.
abbreviations apply:
Filter fabric: Provide a polymeric fabric formed from a
ED S&IR: The Electricity Distributor’s Service and
plastic yarn containing stabilisers or inhibitors to make the
Installation Rules.
filaments resistant to deterioration due to ultraviolet light.
RCD: Residual Current Device.
Filter sock: Provide a polyester permeable sock capable of
retaining particles of 0.25 mm size. Securely fit or join the
sock at each joint. 2 EXECUTION
Cover levels: Locate the top of covers or gratings, 2.1 GENERAL
including frames as follows:
Applications and compliance
In paved areas: Flush with the paving surface. General: Submit all necessary applications for electricity
In landscaped areas: 25 mm above finished surface. supply. Liaise with the electricity distributor and comply
with the ED S&IR.
BCA Table 2019 Acceptable construction - Roof and wall cladding - Sheet roofing - Acceptable corrosion
protection for metal sheet roofing
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Roof and wall cladding - Gutters and downpipes - Installation
of gutters
BCA 2019 Fire safety - Fire separation of external walls - Roof lights
BCA 3.7.5 2019 Acceptable construction - Fire safety - Smoke alarms and evacuation lighting
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Health and amenity - Wet areas and external weatherproofing
- Wet areas
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction practice - Health and amenity - Condensation management -
Ventilation of roof spaces
BCA 3.9.1 2019 Acceptable construction - Safe movement and access - Stairway and ramp construction
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Safe movement and access - Barriers and handrails -
Protection of openable windows - bedrooms
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Safe movement and access - Barriers and handrails -
Protection of openable windows - rooms other than bedrooms
BCA 3.10.6 2019 Attachment of decks and balconies to external walls of buildings
BCA 2019 Acceptable construction - Energy efficiency - Building fabric - Building fabric thermal
FWPA PN06.1039 2008 Interim industry standard – Recycled timber – Visually graded recycled decorative
NASH NASH Standard Residential and Low-rise Steel Framing
NASH-1 2005 Design criteria
NASH-2 2014 Design solutions
ISO 10580 2010 Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings - Test method for volatile organic
compound (VOC) emissions
Safe Work Australia 2018 Code of Practice: How to safely remove asbestos