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MP: Environment Biodiversity

 MP pollution control board and its functions.-

 M.P. Pollution Control Board is a statutory body constituted under the Water
 (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1974. The onus is on MPPCB to
 implement the acts pertaining to water, air and environment protection. The
 prime objective of MPPCB is to prevent and control the pollution and develop
 preventive measures to curb the pollution. MPPCB, in this regard, has also
 developed a Research Center in Bhopal to carry out research works in the
 of environment protection.
 MPPCB has been entrusted with the following responsibilities in the field of
 pollution control and environment protection:
• to plan programs for the prevention & control of pollution in the state
 to ensure their implementation
• to advise the State Government on any matter concerning the
 & control of pollution
• to collect and disseminate information pertaining to pollution
• to conduct or participate in the research activities relating to the issues
 pollution prevention & control
• to organize training programs for people concerned with the
prevention &
 control of pollution and mass awareness programs
• to evolve economic and reliable methods of sewage disposal &
 and its utilization
• to inspect various sites including sewage and industrial premises to
 review specifications
• to perform such other functions as and when prescribed by the
 Board or the State Government.
 In order to perform the functions mentioned above MPPCB has the
 responsibility of enforcing the following Acts & Rules mentioned below:
• Water Act 1974 and Water Cess Act 1977,
• Air Act 1981,
• The Environment Protection Act 1986,
• The hazardous waste (Management, Handling & Transboundary
 Movement) Rules, 2008
• The Bio-Medical Waste Rules. 1998
• The Batteries (Management & handling) Rules, 2001
• Fly ash notification 1999
• E-waste (Handling & Management) Rules, 2011
• M.P. Jaiv Anashya Apshisht(Niyantran) Adhiniyam 2004 & 2006
• Public Liability Insurance Act 1991,
• Work related to Emergency Response Center etc.

 MP disaster Management institute and its functions.

 The State of Madhya Pradesh has been prone to various disasters like flood,
 drought, earth quake, fire, epidemics and industrial accidents. Whenever
 disasters have occurred, they have created havoc in terms of mass casualty
 destroyed properties. most of the disasters can be prevented or mitigated if
proper planning and disaster preparedness is in place. Instead of making
plan and engaging entire government machinery during disaster occurrence,
a well-planned strategy in
 advance can not only save many lives and avoid loss of property but also
 provide effective assistance post-disaster.
 Considering the gravity of disaster
 preparedness, the Government of Madhya Pradesh became the first state of
 country which promulgated the "State Policy on Mitigation and Management
 Disaster" in June 2002. The bitter experience of Bhopal Gas tragedy
 the state government to establish the Disaster Management Institute in 1987
 which shall act as a nodal agency to provide training regarding emergency
 preparedness in the State. The prime objective of the institute is to build the
 technical and managerial capacity of various stakeholders to prevent the
 and man-made disasters and mitigate their ill-effects.

 The main objectives of the Institute are as follows:

• Conduct training & public awareness programs on disaster
 & related subjects
• Run postgraduate diploma & degree courses on disaster management
 industrial safety;
• Carry out research oriented studies on the disaster management
• Collect and disseminate information related to hazards and disasters;
• Offer consultancy services to industries and others.
• Awards, scholarships, Fellowships and prizes to motivate society.

 MP's environment protection schemes and awards are given. Prepare atleast
100 words.
 Indira Gandhi Fellowship for Improvement & Management:- Government of
Madhya Pradesh has instituted Indira Gandhi Fellowship for
 Environmental Conservation during the year 1985. The fellowship is awarded
 annually to research scholars/ scientists who intended to study on
 problems offering suitable corrective suggestions. This is the only fellowship
 its kind in the country. A Govt. level jury team will select fellow for award
 fellowship.
 National Lakes Conservation of Plan (Sagar Lake, Shivpuri Lakes)
 (Central sponsored scheme):-
 The Ministry of Environment and Forests ,Govt of India has sanctioned three
 projects in Madhya Pradesh viz. Rani Talab Rewa, Shivpuri lakes, Shivpuri and
 Sagar lake Sagar under National lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) for
 conservation and pollution abatement of Lakes.

 National River Conservation of Plan (Narmada, Beehar & Mandakni

 River)- The Ministry of Environment and Forests ,Govt of India has sanctioned
 projects in Madhya Pradesh viz. Narmada River, Hoshangabad, Beehar River,
 Rewa and Mandakini River, Chitrakoot under National River Conservation
 (NRCP) for conservation and pollution abatement of rivers. These projects
 sanctioned on the basis of cost sharing of 70% and 30% by the Central
 government and the State Govt respectively.
 Training Program for Beneficiaries of ST and other traditional dwellers
 (Recognition of Forest Rights)- Capacity building Program for Beneficiaries of
Schedule tribes and other traditional dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights)
Act-2006 for Environmental Conservation. The Schedule tribes and other
traditional dwellers
 (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act- 2006 aims at providing long term tenurial
 right of forest land to Schedule Tribes and other Traditional Dwellers under
 their possession to ensure their livelihood and food security.
 Madhaya Pradesh C.D.M. Agency
 The Govt. of Madhya Pradesh has constituted a separate Clean Development
 Mechanism (CDM) Agency under the Housing & Environment Department.
 The Agency has been registered as Society under the Societies Registration
 1973. The CDM Agency has been created on the recommendations of
 'Manthan'- 2009 with a view to harness the potential of Carbon Trading in the
 State of Madhya Pradesh.
 Conservation of Urban water bodies
 Out of the 14 major river system of India, Madhya Pradesh is drained by as
 many as 6 rivers such as Ganga, Narmada, Tapti, Mahi, Mahanadi and
 Godavari. The total length of these rivers system inside the state with their
 tributaries and sub-tributaries is estimated to be about 20,000 km. Besides
 the entire landscape of the project of the state is dotted with water bodies
 created over the centuries by formal rules to conserve the precious rain

 “Mowgli Utsav”-
 “Mowgli Utsav” is an important annual event aimed is creating
 awareness in school children. Each year around 250 school children, get
 an opportunity is experience the proximity to nature in the wilderness of
 Pench National Park, Seoni, who are selected, after many rounds of
 competitions at different levels.

 MP Forest
 Achievement under 11th FYP (don't mugup everything just 5 good points
worth 2 lines each.)

 Achievements of the department during the 11th FYP are as under:

 Special efforts were initiated to revive Bamboo Forests of the State and
create of bamboo plantations outside the forests.
 The working plans were properly implemented and forest protection
 Monitoring process for the plantations has been made very transparent
 The annual fodder production and collection has increased
 Bundelkhand package, as drought mitigation measure, in the region isbeing
successfully implemented.
 The department responded by successful relocation of flagship species of
Tiger in Panna National Park as tiger population was almost wiped out of the
park. Now the Panna National Park has ten plus tigers.
 Buffer zones were notified as per the law in five out of six Project Tiger

 EXtention Forestry, and ‘Khuni Bhandara’:-

 Extension Forestry: The scheme Environmental Forestry implemented in the

 11th FYP is renamed as Extension Forestry. The objective of the scheme is to
 raise plantations outside forest area. The activities of afforestation in cities,
 urban areas and tourist spots and special areas like ‘Khuni Bhandara’ are
 undertaken to improve the environmental quality. Good quality plants are
 planted along the roadsides, institutions and parks to create urban lung
 The organizing of Van Mahotsav to encourage people to undertake
 will be also facilitated under the scheme. The scheme is restricted to the
 of site preparation, planting and maintenance of plantations. The planting
 will not be prepared in this scheme.

 Omkareshwar Fund:-
 This state sector scheme is funded from a corpus of Rs. 25 crore that was
kept under a separate fund and is used to develop forest catchment area of
the Omkareshwar dam. The conservation and development works in the
catchment are taken-up in this scheme.

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