Iso 14 1982

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International Standard 14


Straight-sided splines for cylindrical shafts with internal

centering - Dimensions, tolerances and verification
Cannelures cylindriques à flancs parallèles, à centrage intérieur - Dimensions, tolérances et vérification

Second edition - 1982-10-01

ISO 14:1982

UDC 621.824.4 Ref. No. I S 0 14-1982 (E)

9 Descriptors : shaft (machine elements), cylindrical shaft, splines, straight-sided splines, dimensions.
s Price based on 12 pages
I S 0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Inter-
national Standards is carried out through I S 0 technical committees. Every member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with E O , also take part in the work.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the I S 0 Council.


International Standard I S 0 14 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 32,
Splines and serrations, and was circulated to the member bodies in June 1980.
It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :

Australia Germany, F. R.
ISO 14:1982
India South Africa, Rep. of
Belgium Ireland Spain
Brazil Italy Sweden
Czechoslovakia Japan United Kingdom
France Korea, Rep. of USSR

The member body of the following country expressed disapproval of the document on
technical grounds :


This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (i.e. I S 0 14-1978).

0 International Organization for Standardization, 1982 O

Printed in Switzerland

Straight-sided splines for cylindrical shafts with internal

centering - Dimensions, tolerances and verification

1 Scope and field of application minor diameter d and the outside diameter D, these three
numbers being separated by the sign x ; for example :
This International Standard lays down dimensions, in
millimetres, of straight-sided splines for cylindrical shafts with
internal centering, light series and medium series. Shaft (or hub) 6 x 23 x 26
This International Standard also specifies control methods and
corresponding gauges.

2 Dimensions


The nominal dimensions common to shaft and hub, d, D and B
are given in table 1. The tolerances are indicated in tables 2
and 3.
3 Designation
The profile of a splined shaft or hub shall be designated by
ISO 14:1982
stating, in the following order : the number of splines N,the
Table 1 - Nominal dimensions

Light series Medium series

- -
d N D N D

Designation Designation
rnrn rnrn rnrn
11 6 x 11 x 14 6 14 3
13 6 x 13 x 16 6 16 3,5
16 6 x 16 x 20 6 20 4
18 6 x 18x 22 6 22 5

21 6 x 21x 25 6 25 5
23 6 x 23 x 26 6 26 6 6 x 23 x 28 6 28 6
26 6 x 26 x 30 6 30 6 6 x 26 x 32 6 32 6
28 6 x 28 x 32 6 32 7 6 x 28x 34 6 34 7

32 8 x 32 x 36 8 36 6 8 x 32x 38 8 38 6
36 8 x 3 6 x 40 8 40 7 8 x 36 x 42 8 42 7
42 8 x 4 2 x 46 8 46 8 8 x 42x 48 8 48 8
46 8 x 4 6 x 50 8 50 9 8 x 46x 54 8 54 9

52 8 x 5 2 x 58 8 58 10 8 x 5 2 x 60 8 60 10
56 8 x 5 6 x 62 8 62 10 8 x 5 6 x 65 8 65 10
62 8 x 6 2 x 69 8 68 12 8 x 62 x 72 8 72 12

72 10 x 72 x 78 10 78 12 10 x 72 x 82 10 82 12
82 10 x 82 x 88 10 88 12 10 x 82 x 92 10 92 12
92 10 x 92 x 98 10 98 14 10 x 92 x 102 10 102 14

102 10 x 102 x 108 10 1O8 16 10 x 102 x 112 10 112 16

-112 10 x 112 x 120
--- 10 120 18 10 x 112 x 125 10
125 18

I S 0 14-1982 (E)

4 Tolerances on holes and shaft

Hole Shaft
(bottom fitting)

Table 2 - Tolerances on holes and shafts


Tolerances on hole
Tolerances on shaft Mounting type
Not treated Treated
after broaching after broaching
H10 (
D d B
H11 H10 H7
d B
a l1
f7 Sliding
f9 a l1 97 Close sliding
h10 a l1 h7 Fixed
ISO 14:1982
The dimensional tolerances on holes and shafts are given in 5 Gauging
table 2, whilst table 3 indicates tolerances on symmetry.

With certain milling cutters, it is possible for special applica- 5.1 General
tions to produce splines without bottom tool clearance with a
This clause gives general information concerning gauges and
very reduced fillet radius between the spline side and the minor
gauge control; all the other requirements concerning gauges
diameter d (for example, milling cutters with fixed working
positions). are given in clause 6 for the case where limit gauges are used,
which is not compulsory. Direct measurement gauging can be
The tolerances in table 2 above relate to entirely finished permitted by previous agreement between the parties con-
workpieces (shafts and hubs). Tooling should therefore be dif- cerned according to rules to be defined to the best of re-
ferent for untreated workpieces or workpieces treated before quirements.
machining and for workpieces treated after machining.

Table 3 - Tolerances on symmetry 5.2 Reference temperature

Dimensions in millimetres

The standard reference temperature of industrial measure-
BI 3 13,5 4 5 6 1 7 8 9 10 11’2 14 16 181 ments is 20 O C . The dimensions prescribed for parts and
Spline gauges are measured at this temperature and shall normally be
checked at this temperature.

If measurements are carried out at a different temperature, the

result shall be corrected taking account of the linear expansion
coefficients of workpieces and gauges respectively.
The tolerance specified on B includes the index variation (and
the symmetry variation).
Unless otherwise specified, measurements are understood with
For alignment errors, see 5.7. reference to a zero measuring force.

I S 0 14-1982(E)

If measurements are carried out with a measuring force differ- 5.5 Hole gauging
ing from zero, the results shall be corrected consequently. Cor-
rection however is not required for comparative measurements 5.5.1 GO side
carried out using the same means of comparison and the same
measuring force between similar elements of the same material Hole gauging on the GO side is carried out using a spline GO
and surface finish. plug gauge simultaneously checking those characteristics
relating to :
5.3 Conditions of application fitting, i.e :
A workpiece is conventionally acknowledged good when its
splines are found satisfactory using gauges according to the re- - spline minor diameter.
quirements of clauses 5 and 6 of this International Standard
which are authoritative for gauging. Consequently, if the
customer uses his own gauges for acceptance purposes, they mounting, i.e :
shall be close enough to the external limits prescribed not to re-
ject splines already accepted by the manufacturer's gauges. - spline major diameter;

In the case of dispute, both the manufacturer and customer - spline space width;
should make their gauges available to each other for checking
- major and minor diameter concentricity;
at their respective sites. In the event of continuing dispute the
gauges shall be referred to a recognized calibration authority.
- spline angular position;

5.4 Shaft gauging - spline position and orientation with respect to the
5.4.1 GO side


Shaft gauging on the GO side is carried out using a spline GO
5.5.2 NOT GO side
ring gauge simultaneously checking those characteristics
relating to :
( Hole gauging on the NOT GO side is carried out using NOT GO
segmental gauges checking each element separately, i.e. : fitting, i.e. : - for spline minor diameters : a cylindrical plain plug

- spline minor diameter.

ISO 14:1982 gauge;
- for spline major diameters : a cylindrical plate gauge mounting, i.e. : 1982 with appropriate measuring faces;

- spline major diameter; - for spline space widths : a plate gauge.

- spline thickness;
5.6 Additional gauging
- major and minor diameter concentricity;

- Workpiece (hole or shaft) gauging on the GO side by means of

spline angular position;
spline (plug or ring) gauges does not make it possible, if a
- spline position and orientation with respect to the workpiece is rejected by the gauge, to determine which ele-
axis.') ment of the workpiece has provoked rejection.

In case such indications are required, they may be obtained by

5.4.2 NOT GO side additional gauging ( t o be prescribed explicitly) using segmen-
tal gauges controlling each element separately on the GO side.
Shaft gauging on the NOT GO side is carried out using segmen-
tal NOT GO gauges checking each element separately, i.e. :
5.7 Influence of active length and engagement
- for spline major diameters : a calliper gauge or a plain length
ring gauge;
Length of engagement gr : The axial length of contact be-
- for spline minor diameters : a calliper gauge (with tween mating splines.
appropriate special anvils, if necessary);
Active length g , : The maximum axial length in contact
- for spline thicknesses : a calliper gauge (of appropriate (when working) with the mating spline. For sliding splines, the
external shape if necessary). active length exceeds the length of engagement.

1 ) Spline position and orientation with respect to the axis need be verified only where gauges are lacking.

I S 0 14-1982 (E)

5.8 Conditions of use of gauges

5.8.1 GO side

GO gauges (spline ring or plug gauge) shall slide without

clearance over the whole length of the gauged workpiece under
their own weight or in accordance with a fixed working load,
gauging being carried out at three angular positions at least,
Active length evenly distributed over the surface. The gauge may be moved
slightly to and fro in order to minimise the effects of friction.
I 5.8.2 NOT GO side
Length of engagement
-v--l-- NOT GO segmental gauges are used in the same way as gauges
intended for plain workpiece checking. Gauging is carried out
at all angular positions.
a) Shaft longer than hole

5.9 Gauge control

5.9.1 GO side
Active length
GO gauges are normally controlled by direct measurement.

5.9.2 NOT GO side

NOT GO segmental gauges are controlled under the same con-

iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW ditions as gauges for plain workpiece gauging.

6 Definitions of gauges

6.1 General
ISO 14:1982
This clause defines the positions and values of tolerances for
GO and NOT GO gauges and their permissible wear limits on
the GO side. It also specifies the length of gauge measuring
b) Hole longer than shaft The general indications concerning gauges and gauge control
are given in clause 5.

Figure - Active length a n d engagement length NOTES

1 When gauges are manufactured at the maximum material limit,
they shall not present form errors outside permitted tolerances.
As gauges are generally smaller than gauged workpieces, the
2 To limit the number of gauges, only one GO spline plug gauge is
active length and length of engagement can influence the
provided to check the minimum limits of hub dimensions (whether
maximum permissible errors of alignment of splines (errors of treated or not after broaching).
parallelism of splines with respect to the axis).
3 In the following texts, the phrase zero gauge line has been used to
designate the theoretical line from which GO gauges are positioned in
If the active length is equal to the length of engagement, spline analogy with the zero assembly line (nominal dimension).
alignment errors will in general and unless otherwise specified
The position of the ”zero gauge line” has been determined as a func-
be included in dimensional tolerances and checked tion of workpiece limits at the maximum material condition, in order to
simul taneously. satisfy assembly and operation requirements taking account of the fact
that GO gauges are not segmental gauges but full form gauges.
If the active length is longer than the length of engagement, it The ”zero gauge line” is in some cases coincident with the zero
might be necessary to prescribe spline alignment errors assembly line (or nominal dimension of assembly).
independent of dimensional tolerances; such tolerances may
4 In conformity with clause 4, the minor diameter serves for
then be checked separately, for example, by direct measure- workpiece fitting. This diameter has therefore been taken as reference
ment. for the control of geometrical defects on other elements (i.e. the other
diameter of width B of splines).
If spline alignment tolerances are to be prescribed, it shall be In this context the phrases dimensions for fitting and dimensions
considered that they must generally be all the smaller as the ac- not ensuring fitting have been used to designate the various
tive length is longer. elements.

I S 0 14-1982(E)

6.2 Basic principles The values of dimensional tolerances for hole or shaft GO
gauges correspond to values of grade 6 and include both
dimensional and form errors (namely concentricity, symmetry,
6.2.1 GO gauges
angular position, helix, alignment, etc,).
GO gauges are full form gauges checking spline minor diameter
The deviations between the zero gauge lines as defined in
d, major diameter D and width B simultaneously. and the values of grade 6 quantities closest to zero
lines correspond to grade 4 values. GO gauging of dimensions for fitting (minor
diameter d ) Gauge wear limits coincide with above-mentioned zero gauge
For GO gauging of minor diameter densuring fitting, the values
and positions of dimensional tolerances of hole or shaft
6.2.2 NOT GO gauges
gauges, the wear limits and form tolerances shall conform to
the requirements of ISO/R 1938, IS0 system of limits and fits
NOT GO gauges are segmental gauges checking spline minor
- Part 2 : inspection of piain workpieces.
diameter d, major diameter D or width B separately. GO gauging of dimensions not ensuring fitting For NOT GO gauging of each element separately, the values
and positions of gauge tolerances shall conform to the re-
quirements of ISOIR 1938, I S 0 system of limits and fits - Position of zero gauge line
Part 2 :inspection of piain workpieces.
For GO gauging of major diameter D not ensuring fitting the
zero gauge line common to both shaft and hole is located a t 6.3 Tables of tolerance positions and values
mid-distance between shaft and hole at the maximum permissi- (for hubs, shafts, GO gauges and NOT GO gauges; see
ble material condition of the workpieces concerned. tables 4, 5 and 6)


For GO gauging of width B , the three cases considered in
clause 4 shall be taken into account, i.e. sliding, close sliding or
6.3.1 Tolerances of symmetry and tolerances of
backlash of the major diameter D , with respect to the
fixed type mounting.

a) Sliding type mounting :

( minor diameter dl

~i~~ gauge Tolerances in micrometres

The zero gauge line common to both shaft and holeISO is 14:1982
located as in at mid-distance between shaft and
hole at the maximum permissible material condition of the
workpieces. 1982
b) Close sliding type mounting :

The hole gauge (plug gauge) is the same as for sliding type
mounting gauging and the hole zero gauge line therefore
lies in the same position.

For the shaft gauge (ring gauge), the zero gauge line is
located on the zero line (nominal dimension), without taking
into account mid-distance between shaft and hole at the
maximum permissible material condition of the workpieces.
Plug gauge
c) Fixed type mounting :

The hole gauge (plug gauge) is the same as for sliding or

close sliding type mounting gauging and the hole zero
gauge line therefore lies in the same position.

For the shaft gauge (ring gauge) the shaft zero gauge line is
located with respect to the shaft maximum permissible
material condition (nominal dimension) above the limit at a
distance equal to that retained for sliding type mounting,
i.e. half the deviation allowance.') Values and positions of tolerances and wear limits

for GO gauging of dimensions not ensuring fitting.

l ! The deviation allowance is simply labelled "deviation" in tables 4, 5 and 6

I S 0 14-1982 (E)

6.3.2 Tables for fitting and not fitting diameters and for spline widths

Table 4 - Diameter for

iTolerances in micrometresi

> 10 to 18 mm > 18 to 30 mm > 30to5ûmm

Hole Shaft Hole Shaft Hole Shaft
Fixed Sliding Fixed Close Sliding Fixed Close Sliding
sliding type type siiding type sliding type
mounting type mounting mounting mounting mounting
I 1 mounting I - -
Gau! Gauge Gauge Gauge Gaugi Gauge





Zero assernbiy line (nominal dimension1

and zero gauge line for fixed type mounting


close siiding mounting

ISO 14:1982

I I -


Zero gauge line for sliding type mounting I

IS0 14-1982 (E)

Example of reading for iholel GO gauge for dimensions > 18 to 30 mm


?-'lu fuf
fitting - Minor diameter -
Wear limit

> Wto80mm > 80 to 120 m m > 120 to 125 mm

Hole I Shaft Hole Shaft Hole Shaft

Fixed Close Sliding Fixed Close Sliding Fixed close Sliding
sliding type type sliding type sliding type
mounting type mounting mounting mounting type mounting
mounting mounting mounting
- - - -
Gauge Gauge Gauge Gauge Gauge Gaugi Gauge Gauge

E m
l l


- E


ISO 14:1982


I S 0 14-1982 (E)

Table 5 - Diameter not

(Tolerances in micrometresl
> 10 to 18mm > 18to30mm > 30 to 40 rnrn >%to

I Shaft Hole Shaft Hole Shaft Hole

Hole Shaft Hole
Gauge I GE e
- Gauge

ô x
I x
x l
E -3
l + O
o I o l
I I-

.-E 3
O .-c
z E
E 3 z -E

Zero assemblv line (nominal dimensions)



ISO 14:1982 n
1 1982

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