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The world cries out for repair. While some people in the
world are well off, many more live in misery. Ironically, the
magnitude of the problem defies easy recognition. With the
global population exceeding six billion people, it is difficult to
paint a vivid and compelling picture of social life. In the
extreme, Bales (1999) conservatively estimated that there are
27 million slaves in the world today, while Attaran and Sachs
(2001) reported that 35 million people are now infected with
the HIV virus, 95 percent of them living in sub-Saharan Africa.
Even more broadly, aggregate statistics both inform and
numb. Compiled from data released by the World Bank
(2002), table 1 represents the kind of snapshot that such sta-
tistics provide. It can be shocking to learn that so many peo-
ple live on less than $2.00 per day, that a quarter of the chil-
dren in Bangladesh and Nigeria are at work in their nations'
labor force, or that some countries have mortality rates for
children under age five more than ten times that of the Unit-
@2003 by Johnson Graduate School, ed States. Access to sanitation, let alone access to a tele-
Cornell University.
phone or computer, can be very limited around the world.
The picture in the United States alone is as vivid and com-
We thank Christine Oliver, Linda Johan- pelling. For twenty years, Americans have lived through a
son, our three anonymous reviewers, period of unparalleled prosperity. lbbotson Associates (2000)
Paul Adler, Howard Aldrich, Alan
calculated that in real terms, a dollar invested in large compa-
Andreasen, Jim Austin, Charles Behling,
Michael Cohen, Bob Dolan, Mary Gentile, ny stocks in December 1925 was worth $24.79 by year-end
Tom Gladwin, Morten Hansen, Stu Hart, 1979. Exactly twenty years later, that dollar was worth
Nien-he Hsieh, Linda Lim, Nitin Nohria,
Lynn Paine, Gail Pesyna, Robert Phillips,
$303.09. Nevertheless, the fact that the upper echelon of
Lance Sandelands, Debora Spar, Joe society disproportionately reaped these gains is no longer
White, Richard Wolfe, and the students in
news. Even as debate persists about intercountry income
Jim Walsh's "The Corporation in Society"
Ph.D. seminar for their constructive com- inequality (Firebaugh, 1999), Galbraith (1998), and Mishel,
ments on earlier versions of this paper. Bernstein, and Schmitt (1999) provided a comprehensive pic-
We also thank Marguerite Booker, John
Galvin, and Nichole Pelak for their helpful
ture of wealth inequality in the United States, while Conley
research assistance. The Harvard Busi- (1999) clearly pointed out that many black Americans have
ness School, the Michigan Business been left out of this economic boom. Table 1 provides a com-
School, and the Aspen Institute's Busi-
ness and Society Program provided parative portrait of how the top 10 percent of the people in
invaluable support for this project. each of the world's thirteen largest countries control so much
Table 1
Table 2
Relationship between Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance in 127 Studies*
Positive relationship
Anderson & Frankle (1980) Disclosure of social performance Market
Belkaoui (1976) Disclosure of pollution control Market
Blacconiere & Northcut (1997) Disclosure of and expenditures on envi
Blacconiere & Patten (1994) Disclosure of and expenditures on environmental Market
Bowman (1976) Disclosure of social performance Accounting
Bragdon & Karash (2002) Stewardship, systems thinking, transparency, Market
employee growth, financial strength
Bragdon & Marlin (1972) CEP evaluation Accounting
Brown (1998) Fortune reputation rating Market
Christmann (2000) Survey of environmental practices Cost advantage
Clarkson (1988) Ratings of charity, community relations, customer Accounting
relations, environmental practices, human resource
practices, and org. structures based on case studies
Conine & Madden (1986) Fortune reputation rating Perception of value as
long-term investment
and of soundness of
financial position
D'Antonio, Johnsen & Hutton Mutual fund screens Market
Dowell, Hart & Yeung (2000) IRRC evaluation of environmental performance Accounting & market
Epstein & Schnietz (2002) Industry reputation for environment and labor abuses Market
Freedman & Stagliano (1991) Disclosure of EPA and OSHA costs Market
Graves & Waddock (2000) KLD evaluation Accounting & market
Griffin & Mahon (1997) Fortune reputation rating, KLD evaluation, charitable Accounting
contributions, pollution control
Hart & Ahuja (1996) IRRC evaluation of environmental performance Accounting
Heinze (1976) NACBS ratings Accounting
Herremans, Akathaporn & Fortune reputation rating Accounting & market
Mclnnes (1993)
Ingram (1978) Disclosure of social performance Market
Jones & Murrell (2001) Working Mother list of "Most Family Friendly" Market
Judge & Douglas (1998) Survey of environmental practices Accounting & market
Table 2 (Continued)
Non-significant relationship
Abbott & Monsen (1979) Disclosure of social performance Accounting
Alexander & Buchholz (1978) Moskowitz ratings of social responsiveness Market
Aupperle, Carroll & Hatfield Survey of social responsibility practices and Accounting
(1985) organizational structures
Bowman (1978) Disclosure of social performance Accounting
Chen & Metcalf (1980) CEP evaluation Accounting & market
Fogler & Nutt (1975) CEP evaluation Market
Fombrun & Shanley (1990) Fortune reputation rating Accounting & market
Freedman & Jaggi (1982) CEP evaluation Accounting
Freedman & Jaggi (1986) Disclosure of pollution Market
Fry & Hock (1976) Disclosure of social performance Accounting
Greening (1995) EIA reports on conservation practices Accounting & market
Guerard (1997a) KLD evaluation Market
Hamilton, Jo & Statman (1993) Mutual fund screens Market
Hickman, Teets & Kohls (1999) Mutual fund screens Market
Hylton (1992) Mutual fund screens Market
Ingram & Frazier (1983) Disclosure of environmental quality control Accounting
Negative relationship
Boyle, Higgins & Rhee (1997) Compliance with Defense Industries Initiative Market
Kahn, Lekander & Leimkuhler Tobacco-free Market
Meznar, Nigh & Kwok (1994) South Africa: withdrawal Market
Mueller (1991) Mutual fund screens Market
Teper (1992) No alcohol, tobacco, gambling, defense contracts, or Market
operations in South Africa; adherence to broad
social guidelines
Vance (1975) Moskowitz ratings of social responsiveness Market
Wright & Ferris (1997) South Africa: divestment Market
Mixed relationship
Belkaoui & Karpik (1989) Disclosure of social performance and Moskowitz Accounting & market
ratings of social responsiveness
Berman et al. (1999) KLD evaluation Accounting
Blackburn, Doran & Shrader CEP evaluation Accounting & market
Bowman & Haire (1975) Disclosure of social performance Accounting
Brown (1997) Fortune reputation rating Market
Cochran & Wood (1984) Moskowitz ratings of social responsiveness Accounting & market
Diltz (1995) CEP evaluation Market
Graves & Waddock (1994) KLD evaluation Accounting
Gregory, Matatko & Luther Mutual fund screens Market
Guerard (1997b) KLD evaluation Market
Hillman & Keim (2001) KLD evaluation Market
Holman, New & Singer (1990) Disclosure of social performance & capital Market
expenditures on regulatory compliance
Kedia & Kuntz (1981) Interview and survey on charitable contributions, low- Accounting & market share
income housing loans, minority enterprise loans,
female corporate officers, and minority employment
Luther, Matatko & Corner Mutual fund screens Market
Mallin, Saadouni & Briston Mutual fund screens Market
Marcus & Goodman (1986) Compliance with safety regulations Capabilities & productive
McGuire, Schneeweis & Fortune reputation rating Accounting & market
Branch (1990)
Ogden & Watson (1999) Customer service complaints Accounting & market
Pava & Krausz (1996) CEP evaluation Accounting & market
Rockness, Schlachter & EPA and U.S. House of Representatives data on Accounting & market
Rockness (1986) hazardous waste disposal
Table 2 (Continued)
Positive relationship
Brown & Perry (1994) Fortune reputation rating Accounting & market
Cottrill (1990) Fortune reputation rating Market share
Dooley & Lerner (1994) TRI Accounting
Fry, Keim & Meiners (1982) Charitable contributions Accounting
Galaskiewicz (1997) Charitable contributions Accounting
Konar & Cohen (1997) TRI Market
Levy & Shatto (1980) Charitable contributions Accounting
Maddox & Siegfried (1980) Charitable contributions Accounting
Marcus & Goodman (1986) Compliance with emissions regulations Accounting
McGuire, Sundgren & Fortune reputation rating Accounting & market
Schneeweis (1988)
Mills & Gardner (1984) Disclosure of social performance Accounting & market
Navarro (1988) Charitable contributions Accounting
Preston & O'Bannon (1997) Fortune reputation rating Accounting
Riahi-Belkaoui (1991) Fortune reputation rating Accounting & market
Roberts (1992) CEP evaluation Accounting & market
Waddock & Graves (1997) KLD evaluation Accounting
Non-significant relationship
Buehler & Shetty (1976) Organizational programs in consumer aff
mental affairs, urban affairs
Cowen, Ferreri & Parker (1987) Disclosure of social performance Accounting
Patten (1991) Disclosure of social performance Accounting
Mixed relationship
Johnson & Greening (1999) KLD evaluation Accounting
Lerner & Fryxell (1988) CEP evaluation Accounting & market
McGuire, Schneeweis & Fortune reputation rating Accounting & market
Branch (1990)
A Reorienting Perspective
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of an alternative premise, one that expands the focus of
organizational scholarship. We suggest adopting a pragmatic
stance toward questions about the firm's role in society, one
articulated most clearly by William James (1975: 97): "Grant
an idea or belief to be true," it [pragmatism] says, "what con-
crete difference will its being true make in anyone's actual
life? How will the truth be realized? What experiences will be
different from those that would obtain if the belief were
false? What, in short, is the truth's cash-value in experiential
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