Naim Afzal and Others, Conslidation
Naim Afzal and Others, Conslidation
Naim Afzal and Others, Conslidation
2. That the registering FIRs one after another is totally unjust and
violates the fundamental rights as well as great violation of
procedure establish by law. the list of the FIRs which have been
registered related to the same cause of actin are mentioned as
1. 04/2022 420 AND 406 OF IPC GUMANPURA
2. 02.01.2022 420 AND 406 OF IPC
In our opinion, this Court in that case only held that any
further complaint by the same complainant or others
against the same accused, subsequent to the registration
of a case, is prohibited under the Code because an
investigation in this regard would have already started
and further complaint against the same accused will
amount to an improvement on the facts mentioned in the
original complaint, hence will be prohibited under Section
162 of the Code.
This means that the facts and circumstances giving rise to the
two FIRs must be different, or the offence committed in the two
must be different, or the person accused of committing the
offence is different. Only then, the second FIR is permissible.
9. That now it is well settled law and Hon’ble Apex court in various
judgment has held that multiplicity of FIRs related to same set
of facts should not be permitted and The question is whether
this trend of harassment by making the accused run from one
State to another and from one Court to another is to be
countered seriously and recently in the case of Radhey Shyam
V. State of Haryana court opined that “we deem it appropriate
in exercise of power under Article 142 of the Constitution of
India, to direct clubbing of all the FIRs, which can proceed
together for one trial as far as possible, as we are of the opinion
that multiplicity of the proceedings will not be in the larger
public interest”.
10. That FIRs lodged with mala fide intention and it is duty of
investigation agency to scrutinize the information or complained
before registering the FIRs and in the present case at hand
frivolous FIRs have been filed against the petitioner. Apex court
in recent judgments has strongly opined that vexatious action
shall not be promoted and such vexatious actions shall be
suppressed at very begging. In the recent Judgement of
Krishna Lal Chawla v. State of U.P., 2021 SCC OnLine SC
191 court opined that “Curtailing vexatious litigation is a crucial
step towards a more effective justice system” and similarly in the
case of Amitbhai Anilchandra Shah v. CBI, (2013) 6 SCC
348 it was held that “Permitting multiple complaints by the same
party in respect of the same incident, whether it involves a
cognizable or private complaint offence, will lead to the accused
being entangled in numerous criminal proceedings. As such, he
would be forced to keep surrendering his liberty and precious
time before the police and the Courts…” and in the case of Arnab
Ranjan Goswami Vs Union of India and Others [(2020) 14
SCC 51] it has been held that “The need to ensure that the
criminal process does not assume the character of a vexatious
exercise by the institution of multifarious complaints founded on
the same cause in multiple States”. and in the case of Subrata
Roy Sahara v. Union of India, (2014) 8 SCC 470 Apex Court
observed and explained the harassment which persons face in
case of multiplicity of litigation and the Apex Court observed
that “…One needs to keep in mind, that in the process of
litigation, there is an innocent sufferer on the other side, of every
irresponsible and senseless claim. He suffers long drawn anxious
periods of nervousness and restlessness, whilst the litigation is
pending, without any fault on his part. He pays for the litigation,
from out of his savings (or out of his borrowings), worrying that
the other side may trick him into defeat, for no fault of his. He
spends invaluable time briefing counsel and preparing them for
his claim. Time which he should have spent at work, or with his
family, is lost, for no fault of his…”
12. That the petitioners are in judicial custody since long and that
subsequently taking petitioners under custody on pretext of
investigation is highly illegal and violative of fundamental rights.
The action of investigation agency will harm the reputation of
the petitioners and this action of police agency will affect their
reputation and job prospect of the petitioners and also
petitioner’s families are facing great financial hardship since the
arrest of the petitioners.
13. That therefore upon such process the petitioners are left with no
other efficacious alternative remedy of facing arbitrary and
illegal harassment by the Police Authority except to present this
writ petition challenging the illegal action of the police in
registering subsequent FIRs for offences arising out of same
cause of action or transaction and illegal detention of the
petitioner and for consolidation of all FIRs against the
petitioners on following amongst other grounds:-
B. Because it has been time and again held by the Hon'ble Apex
Court that, “In case of a subsequent FIR, the court has to
examine the facts and circumstances giving rise to both the
FIRs and the test of the sameness is to be applied to find out
whether both the FIRs relate to the same incident in respect
of the same occurrence or are in regard to the incidents
which are two or more parts of the same transaction. If
answer is in the affirmative, the second FIR is liable to be
(i) The need to ensure that the criminal process does not
assume the character of a vexatious exercise by the
institution of multifarious complaints founded on the
same cause in multiple places/States;
2. That this is S.B. Criminal writ petition no vires of any Act and
Rules under challenged.
3. That P.F. Notices and extra sets shall be filed within time
4. That it has typed by our private steno in our office who is not an
employee of this Hon’ble Court.
5. That as the pie papers are not readily available hence typed on
stout papers.
3. That the contents of this writ petition are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Identified by DEPONENT
Identified by DEPONENT
The instant petition is filed under Article 226 of the
Constitution of India and further to invoke the inherent
powers of the Hon’ble High Court. The petitioner is
citizen of India and therefore fully competent to invoke
extraordinary jurisdiction of this Hon’ble court against
the illegal and arbitrary action of the State/Police
Authorities. The instant writ petition is being filed
seeking balance of fundamental rights as provided
under constitution of India and Criminal Procedure
code thereby maintaining a just balance holding that
sweeping power of investigation does not warrant
subjecting a citizen each time to fresh investigation by
the Police in respect of the same incidence or
concurring incidents relating to the same act with the
main frivolous First Information Report being FIR No.-
04/2022 Police Station Gumanpura, Kota City and it is
also pertinent to mention herein that Fir was logged at
the instance of the Superintendent of Police, Kota in
order to embroil the petitioner in a completely false and
fabricated criminal cases registered in relation of the
same criminal act and thrusting the multiple criminal
investigation as well as trial. further, the present
Petition also attempt to invoke the extraordinary
jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court to bring to its notice
that there is more than 100 FIRs to the best of the
Knowledge of the Petitioner which are registered, in