The Millennium

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The Millennium

There are multiple schools of thought concerning the millennium and what role it plays in
the life of the true believer. Is it a natural event, or maybe a spiritual one? How long is it and
when is it supposed to take place? Has it already passed the church by or is it yet to take place?
We teach here at the Fairborn Community Tabernacle, that there must be witnesses for
everything taught. The word of God in the Bible, the message of the Hour by Bro. Branham, and
the third witness is the Holy Spirit in you testifying of the things that are said.
The first place we will begin is in the book of Revelation chapter 20:
1 ¶ And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his
2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the
nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and [I saw] the souls of them
that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast,
neither his image, neither had received [his] mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and
reigned with Christ a thousand years.
5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This [is] the first resurrection.
6 Blessed and holy [is] he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but
they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

We can see by the scripture itself that those who have attained the first resurrection will
be the ones who will enjoy this marvelous event that is testified by John the revelator to last one
thousand years. There are those who believe that the millennium is simply a space of time, or
some type of spiritual event that has taken place down through the seven church age span. Also,
there are some who teach that at your new birth the soul of man (or the woman) enters into a
millennium waiting for the glorification of the body to follow thereafter. We will address these
points and use those three witnesses to try the doctrine and prove what is the spirit of truth, and
what is the spirit or error.

1093-Q-340 083 340. Does the millennium have to do with the one thousand years? Could it not be a

No. A generation allotted in the Bible is forty years. But the Bible said, "And they lived and reign with Christ one
thousand years." It will be one thousand years upon the earth, 'cause one thousand years upon the earth is only
counted a time, for parable like to God, as one day. One thousand years upon on the earth is only one day with
God, as God counting time. How many understands that now?


7-1 018 But we are enthused about it. And we know that history is closing out. The world's history will soon be
over. Then we're going to step into a new day, to the great Millennium. That as one believer, I believe in the--in a
Millennium, a Millennium reign with Christ, a thousand years upon the earth; the physical return of the Lord Jesus
to take a physical people, glorified by His cleansing Blood.


1092-Q-339 079 339. Now, if time ceases when the Seals were opened, then--is... If time ceased (pardon me)
when the Seals were opened, then the millennium is also--then the millennium is also finished, is it not?
No, no. Time didn't cease when the Seals were opened. Misunderstood it. What happened, the mysteries was
revealed, not time ceased. See? Just look. Watch real close now, and will--play your tape if you got it from a tape.
1092-142 080 Time never ceased until the... This must be a post-millennialist or something that asked the
question. Because see? We got a thousand years after the church has gone home and comes back upon the earth.
Then time ceases in the new heavens and new earth.
Now, the millennium is not the new heavens and new earth. There will still be sin after the millennium. The
millennium is a type of Noah going in the ark, and carried over, and brought Ham and them on the other side. And
sin even come out of the ark. See?
But Enoch, the translated one, was a type of the Bride that went up, not the one that was carried over. So sin will
still be on the other side of the millennium, but not during the millennium. See? During the millennium is peace.
See? But sin will be dealt with the other side of the millennium, and then time fades out.
And now, the opening of the Seven Seals that was given by the Holy Spirit, the Seven Seals only was to make known
what had been left off in the dispensations behind us.

1093-146 081 Now, as some great theologian tried to corner me on that, he said, "Brother Branham, you--God
someday will give you the secret of those Seven Seals. Those Seven Seals will be something that we've never
learned yet, that it'll be something that's not even in the Bible." No, no. It won't be that, because if you do, that
would make it a... If I told you that, I'd be a false prophet, because (You see?) this Word... There... Everything that's-
-that's... The whole revelation of Jesus Christ is all completed in this Word. See? And if the Seven Seals pertained to
the seven churches, it had to be already past, because we're in the Laodicea church age... And the Seven Seals was
only revealing what they had left off back there, and it opened up what they had left: what Luther left, what Wesley
left, and all the reformers, and Pentecostals, and down to the present time.

 1093-147 082 Now, the next thing left is the translation of the church, the return of Moses and
Elijah, the millennium reign upon the earth with the Bride and Groom for a thousand years, and then the
judgment bar, and then a total annihilation of sin. It'll never be no more at that time.
 Now, not the... Cease... The Seals never ended time. Time or seasons until after the millennium. No.
It'll still be time until after the millennium.


We can see two main points addressed in these quotations. First of all the revelation of the
mystery of the Millennium was not fully given until after the Seven Seals had been made known
to the Bride of Christ. The revelation contained in those Seals was the complete revelation of
Jesus Christ, and until this point man had probed at what he believed this was all about.
Secondly we can see that the prophet believed this was an event that was to last one thousand
years. When will this take place….?

1042-Q-322 112 322. Brother Branham, I would like to know about the millennium. Is it after the marriage
supper, or--or is it on earth, all about it. I do--don't understand about it.
Well, brother or sister, it's hard for me to understand it, myself. But only thing I can say is this: that the marriage
supper comes before the millennium.

After that glorious wedding supper with our Lord Jesus we will enter into a period of rest,
one thousand years of peace on the earth were Satan will be bound by a chain of circumstance.
This is the place were we will make our final point. One thousand years of pure peace on the
earth, but will there still be sin on the earth during this time? Yes, indeed there will be because
Satan has not been annihilated yet, he is only bound because he has no access to a glorified
body. Some teach that the soul of man at the new birth enters into a millennium, or resting
period waiting for the change of the body. Again everything must have a witness.

FUTURE.HOME.title JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 64-0802
32-3 104 Notice, it was also upon this eighth day, last day, feast day of the tabernacle; notice, after that, after
the last feast day, after the last church age, after the last complete seven days upon the earth, after the millennium
that this holy convocation comes.
Remember this is feast of tabernacles: tabernacles, gathering places. Amen. For in the millennium, the Bible said,
"They shall build houses; they shall inhabit them." But in the new earth He's already went and prepared the place;
it's built. We have nothing to do with the building of it. Amen. Eternal... Oh, I just love that Word. My, a holy
convocation, the eighth day (which there's only seven days), then on the eighth day, which comes back to the first
day again (comes right back to the first day), the eighth day is a holy convocation.
32-5 105 Notice, seven days only has to do with the old creation, world time. Seven days--that's the millennium,
the rest day. As God labored six days, rested the seventh, the church labors six days and rests the seventh. But
you're still in time element. I ain't speaking of the eternal. But you see, there's no such a thing as eight days; you go
back to the first day again (See?), the first day.

Oh my how we could stay on this right here. The Millenium is still in time, and anything
in time is still part of the old creation of God, and is still subject to the curse of Genesis chapter
3. Notice what the believer does in the Millennium under this old creation, he continues to work
on his house, the dwelling place that he inhabits. He is still in a time element and is laboring on
the old creation. But there remaineth a rest to the children of God! On the eighth day he enters
into a place were God Himself has already prepared the house. You have nothing to do with the
building of the new creation it is the handiwork of God himself. (John 14:1-4)

JOHN 14:1
1 ¶ Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there]
ye may be also.
4 ¶ And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

FUTURE.HOME.title JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 64-0802
33-1 107 Seven days is (watch) which pass away, or I have said, will change to another. Eight days deals with
new creation (See?), not old creation; eight days is new creation. For it was on the eighth day that our Lord raised
from the dead. There's your other convocation--the holiness, not considered in the sabbaths at all, or the feast of
the tabernacles, the feast of this, the feast of the pentecost. Jesus raised from the dead for our justification on the
eighth day. After the seven sabbaths or seven days, seven Church Ages, Jesus raised from the dead. Eighth day,
which is a holy convocation (See?), which is the first day. See, you've done passed through time and dropped into
eternity again, not keeping of days, and keeping of sabbaths and new moons, and things like that, but have passed;
changed your form, not annihilated (Glory.), but passed from death unto Life Eternal. Oh, what the Bible does teach
us. See? Passed from one to another...

FUTURE.HOME.title JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 64-0802

34-5 113 See, eight cannot be counted with the week. See, it cannot be counted, eight days in a week; you can't
do it (See?), because there's only seven days in a week. Count it any way you want to; Sunday's the first day of the
week. See? You count seven, and you got to go back in and start over again. Count seven and come back and go
over again. See, and we live through all these types in here, but when you hit the eighth you go on into eternity.

Brother Branham was plain on his statements about the Millennium. It is a literal one thousand
year time period that is to follow the marriage supper of the raptured saints. There has not
already been a Millennium, nor has there already been seven Millenniums, it is a rest period to
follow the Bride for the total redemption of the Earth. Thank God little Bride that God has
prepared his wife a natural place of rest when this life is over.

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