EI - CarePlus - Membership Application Form - DEC2020
EI - CarePlus - Membership Application Form - DEC2020
EI - CarePlus - Membership Application Form - DEC2020
1. Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS marking the appropriate box(es) with an X New Renewal
2. This Application Form must be fully completed Upgrade
Section 1: of Main Member
Section 1: Detailsils of Main Member
Title: Mr Mrs Ms
Member Surname:
Date of Birth: D D ID M M Y Y Y Y
Number: Please provide us with a copy
Name of Company:
Date of employment: Date of Con rmation: (Company Seal & HR Signature Mandatory)
Marital Status: Occupation:
Residential Address:
Email Address:
Plan Chosen:
Bank Details of Main Member for Claims Refund
Bank Details of Main Member for Claims Refund
Bank Name:
SectionSection2:2: PolicyPolicyDetailsDetails
Cover Start Date: DDMMYYYY
Method of Payment:
Annually (Specify Mode of Payment):
SectionSection3:3: DependaendantsntstotobebeCoveredCovered
You may include your Spouse/Partner under the age of 65 and unmarried children under the age of 25 if in full time education
(Proof should be provided). Should you require more space, please continue on a separate sheet and attach it to this application.
Dependant Surname
ID Number
Relation to Member
Plan Chosen
Self Spouse
SectionSection5:5: MediicalcalHistoryHistory
It is compulsory to answer all the questions listed below, if not the application will be considered incomplete.
2 Diabetes
9 Nervous System
10 Breast Problems
11 Dental System
13 Intervertebral Disease
14 Have any of the applicants been treated and/ or admitted as an Inpa-tient in a Clinic
and/or Hospital?
15 Have any of the applicants been advised to follow in the future a
16 Are any of the applicants currently pregnant? If so, please provide the expected
date of delivery.
Please give full particulars together with a copy of medical reports available if any of the answers to nos. 1 – 16 above is a Yes.
SectionSection6:6: OthererInsuranceInsuranceCoversCovers
Do you or any of your dependants have one of the following covers:
Insured Name:
Name of Insurer:
Amount Covered:
Insured Name:
Name of Insurer:
Amount Covered:
Insured Name:
Name of Insurer:
Amount Covered:
Section 7:
I apply for the enrolment with the inclusion of any Dependant listed in Section 3. I declare that the answers and information given
by me in this application form are true and complete and that I have not withheld any information in regard to this application that
ought to be disclosed.
By signing this document, I expressly authorise the scheme to carry out all necessary investigations, have access to any medical
reports, results and any related information for myself (and any dependent covered) without my consent.
Main Member Dep 1 Signature Dep 2 Signature Dep 3 Signature Dep 4 Signature
Signature (If over 18) (If over 18) (If over 18) (If over 18)
Date: D D M M Y Y Y Y
This form once completed should be sent to: Membership Card: You can use your electronic card on
the mobile application, Medscheme Touch, which can be
c/o Medscheme, 1st Floor, Tower A, downloaded on both the App Store & Google Play Store. A
1Cybercity, Ebene physical card is also available at the unit price of Rs 100.
Please tick this box if you would like to request same.
Eagle Insurance and Medscheme would love to send you great promotional o ers and the latest info from Eagle Insurance by email, post, sms,
phone and other electronic means. we’ll always treat your personal details with the utmost care and will never sell them to other companies for
marketing purposes. Please tick the box below if you would not like to hear from us.