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Formability of AA8011 aluminum alloy sheet in homogenized and

unhomogenized conditions

Article  in  Journal of Materials Science · November 2004

DOI: 10.1023/B:JMSC.0000044884.25589.9b


20 2,910

1 author:

M. Aghaie-Khafri
Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology


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J O U R N A L O F M A T E R I A L S S C I E N C E 3 9 (2 0 0 4 ) 6467 – 6472

Formability of AA8011 aluminum alloy sheet in

homogenized and unhomogenized conditions
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, P.O. Box
16765-3381, Tehran, Iran
E-mail: maghaei@kntu.ac.ir

The present study examines the microstructure and formability of homogenized and
unhomogenized AA8011 aluminum alloy sheets under uniaxial and biaxial deformation
modes. The stretch formability of sheets has been characterized in terms of limit strains in
forming limit diagrams (FLDs). The formability of the material is associated with
combinations of strain hardening, strain-rate hardening and surface roughening which is
developed during the plastic deformation of the material. The phenomenon of
recrystallization and the effect of second phase particles has been investigated in cold
rolled sheets. It appears that surface roughening which is in turn a result of the grain
coarsening is more important in the homogenized materials annealed at high
temperatures.  C 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers

1. Introduction conditions. The FLD is a useful diagnostic tool for trou-

Aluminum alloy AA8011 which is generally used for ble shooting in sheet metal formability operations and is
household foil is an attractive material due to the fact also an assessment method for determining the forma-
that it can provide a suitable combination of strength bility of different sheet materials [5, 6]. The level and
and ductility. The principal strengthening agents in shape of the FLD’s are affected strongly by the strain
AA8011 alloy are the Fe-Si constituent particles. These hardening and strain-rate sensitivity parameters of the
particles are capable of stabilizing a fine grain or sub- material. Furthermore, to obtain a better explanation of
grain structure which can develop interesting combi- experimental data, various aspects of the microstruc-
nations of strength and ductility. However, most of the ture like surface roughness and texture should also be
investigations carried out on the AA8011 aluminum considered as effective parameters [7, 8].
sheets are concerned with the recrystallization and pre- Homogenization of as cast material have an impact
cipitation behavior of this material. Ney and Luiggi on the subsequent processability, and influence the fi-
[1] have characterized a commercial AA8011 alloy by nal product properties [9, 10]. The present investigation
studying samples having different initial states of strain examines the influence of homogenization on the uni-
hardening and iron and silicon contents using thermo- axial and biaxial deformation behavior of the roll-cast
electric power as a measurement technique. By deter- AA8011 aluminum alloy sheets.
mining the time-temperature-transformation diagrams,
they concluded that iron is the alloying addition that
controls the precipitation kinetics of the material. Mi-
crostructural changes during the annealing of AA8011 2. Experimental procedures
foils have been studied by Oscarson et al. [2]. They 2.1. Materials and processing
showed that there is a transition for normal discontinu- The material used in this investigation was an
ous recrystallization towards continuous recrystalliza- aluminum-rich eutectic alloy AA8011 containing (in
tion as the level of deformation increases. The influence wt%) 0.83 Fe, 0.59 Si with minor constituents of
of microstructure and texture on the earing behavior of 0.025 Mn, 0.01 Cu, 0.05 Zn and 0.02 Ti. It was roll-cast
the material has been investigated by Anderson et al. to 8 mm thickness before receiving different thermome-
[3]. The alloys with different amounts of Si and Fe were chanical treatments. Some of the strips were cold rolled
characterized in terms of the size distributions of second to a final thickness of 0.9 mm without prior homoge-
phase precipitates and elements in solid solution. nization, and some others were homogenized at 560◦ C
Forming limit diagrams of AA8011 sheets has been for eight hours, furnace cooled, and then cold rolled to
calculated using Hosford’s yield criterion and different the same final thickness. In both conditions the rolled
hardening laws by Aghaie-Khafri [4]. However, there is sheets were annealed in the temperature range of 280–
a lack of comprehensive investigations on the relation 450◦ C. Homogenized and unhomogenized conditions
between forming behavior and microstructure of the are referred to hereafter as “H” and “U” respectively,
material under different annealing and homogenization followed by the annealing temperature.

C 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers 6467
2.2. Uniaxial tensile tests
Uniaxial tensile test specimens, 75 mm long and 12 mm
wide prepared from the sheets at 0, 45 and 90◦ to the
rolling direction, were pulled to fracture at a cross-
head speed of 5 mm min−1 , producing an average strain
rate of 1 × 10−3 s−1 as the specimen extended. Load-
extension curves were obtained with the aid of a 25 mm
gauge length extensometer, from which the nominal
and true stress-strain curves were calculated. The true
stress-true strain data in the uniform straining range
were fitted to the Hollomon equation (σ = kεn ) from
which, hardening parameters were obtained using a
least-squares method. Computer software were used to
calculate the slope of true stress-true strain curve at dif-
ferent points and uniform strain were obtained numeri-
cally from the intersection of dσ/dε and σ curves. The
instantaneous strain-rate sensitivity index, m, was de-
termined using step changes in cross-head speed, from
v1 = 5 to v2 = 50 mm min−1 which produced strain-
rates of ε̇1 = 1 × 10−3 s−1 to ε̇2 = 10 × 10−3 s−1 .
Using extrapolation procedure two stresses, σ1 and σ2 ,
are compared at the same strain and the m value was
2 /σ1 )
obtained from m = ln(σ ln(ε̇2 /ε̇1 ) . All mechanical properties
(X ) were average values calculated from the following
X 0 + 2X 45 + X 90
X ave = (1)

where 0, 45 and 90 refer to the direction of the speci-

mens to the rolling direction. Figure 1 Schematic representation of the printed circles near a localized
neck (a), and a plot of the strains in the deformed circles (b). Solid points
represent the circles through which necking has occurred (N) and open
2.3. Limit strain measurements circles show the unfractured or safe (S) circles. Forming limit curves are
Rectangular strips of varying width were cut from the drawn above the safe ellipses and below the necked ones.
sheets with the long dimension of the rectangle par-
allel to rolling direction. After annealing, a circular
grid pattern with a circle diameter of 2 mm was etched 3. Results and discussion
onto the surface of each test-piece. The strips were then Nominal stress-strain curves corresponding to an av-
stretched over a 50 mm diameter hemispherical punch erage strain rate of 1 × 10−3 s−1 , obtained for the ho-
until they fractured, using polyethylene film as a lubri- mogenized and unhomogenized conditions annealed at
cant. Surface strains were determined by measuring the various temperatures, are shown in Fig. 2. As shown in
major and minor diameters of the ellipses. The closest this figure, different conditions of the material showed
unfractured ellipses to the cracks were considered to different behavior in terms of flow stress and elonga-
embrace “necking” strains, and other ellipses were de- tion. The curves for the recrystallized conditions show
fined as “safe” strains, shown schematically in Fig. 1. significant plastic deformation before fracture, while
Forming limit diagrams were then drawn above the safe for the low annealing temperature conditions (U280
ellipses and below the necked ones. and H280), with predominantly recovered structures,
the stress-strain curves exhibit premature failure.
Material parameters such as strain-hardening expo-
2.4. Surface roughness measurements nent, n, strain-rate sensitivity index, m, for different
Surface roughness of sheets strained up to the onset of heat treatments are listed in Table I. It can be observed
necking (maximum uniform strain) was measured using that the strain-hardening exponents in both conditions
a Mititoyo surface texture measuring system. The mea-
surement conditions were as follows: traveling length,
5 mm; cut-off length, 0.8 mm; tracing speed of stylus, T A B L E I Summary of mechanical characteristics for sheets in the
0.5 mm s−1 . Direct measurements of surface roughness unhomogenized and homogenized conditions
and waviness were made from a single traverse over the
Unhomogenized Homogenized
surface, both being recorded on a profile graph. Other Annealing
traverses parallel to the first trace were attempted to temperature (◦ C) n εu m n εu m
ensure the consistency and uniformity of the results.
To accommodate the profile variations, the arithmetic 280 0.045 0.038 0.003 0.070 0.050 0.002
350 0.225 0.182 0.002 0.270 0.224 0.001
mean value, Ra , was employed as the roughness param- 450 0.280 0.226 0.001 0.293 0.194 0.000
eter in this work.
Figure 3 Variation of uniform and total elongation with annealing tem-
Figure 2 Engineering stress-strain curves for the unhomogenized and perature for unhomogenized and homogenized conditions.
homogenized sheets annealed at different temperatures.

increased with increasing annealing temperature. This

will in turn improve the formability of the material
through its influence on the materials ability to dis-
tribute strain more uniformly. On the other hand, strain-
rate sensitivity index tends to decrease with increasing
annealing temperature. The high-temperature homog-
enization treatment has resulted in annealed structures
with coarser grains which obviously provide nonuni-
form deformation.
The uniform deformation is calculated based on Con-
sidére criterion which is an upper limit, and assumes
homogeneous deformation up to the initiation of a ge-
ometrical instability. The variation of uniform and to-
tal elongations with annealing temperature for homog-
enized and unhomogenized conditions are shown in
Fig. 3. It is clear that both uniform and total elongations
of the unhomogenized sheets increased with increasing
annealing temperature. For the homogenized materials,
however, there existed a critical annealing temperature
above which, both of the elongation values showed a
decreasing pattern.
Figs 4 and 5 show the forming limit diagrams of the
unhomogenized and homogenized sheets annealed at
different temperatures. As shown in these figures, the
high temperature annealing treatments developed high
limit strains throughout the biaxial stretching regime.
The measured rate-sensitivities (Table I) showed that
m-values of the U280 and H280 materials were typi-
cally higher than those of the sheets annealed at higher
temperatures. However, For m values to have an influ- Figure 4 Forming limit diagrams of the unhomogenized sheets, where
ence on neck growth rates values of greater than 0.01 solid and hollow circles represent neck and safe strains, respectively.

Figure 6 Variation of limit strains with annealing temperature for unho-
mogenized and homogenized sheets under equibiaxial and plane-strain

Figure 5 Forming limit diagram of the homogenized sheets, where solid

and hollow circles represent neck and safe strains, respectively.

are typically required [11]. Therefore, the main cause

of the superior limit strains of the recrystallized sheets
appear to be their higher n-values, microstructural re-
finement and uniformity.
The curves for the recrystallized conditions show sig-
nificant negative and positive minor straining, resulting
in relatively wide forming limit diagrams. However,
for the low annealing temperature conditions (U280
and H280) the FLDs are limited and steep. Based on
the experimental FLDs obtained, limit strains for the
plane-strain and equibiaxial states are plotted against
the annealing temperature (Fig. 6). It can be seen that
although in both cases the limit strains increased with
increasing annealing temperature, the curves show dif-
ferent trends for different heat treatments. It is clear
that before a critical annealing temperature homoge-
nized sheets show superior formability, but formability
is reduced beyond this critical temperature.
The results of surface roughness measurements are
shown in Fig. 7. It is clear that surface roughness in-
creased with increasing annealing temperature, being
always higher for the homogenized conditions. Further-
more, both uniaxial and biaxial formability of homog-
enized sheets showed a decreasing pattern close to the
temperature that above which surface roughness in ho-
mogenized condition significantly increased. Surface Figure 7 Variation of roughness with annealing temperature for un-
roughness is a reflection of the slip events that occur homogenized and homogenized sheets in the rolling and transverse
during deformation leading to necking and subsequent directions.

T A B L E I I Particle size, particle volume fraction and Zener pinning
force measured at different annealing temperatures

Unhomogenized Homogenized
temperature d Pz d Pz
(◦ C) (µm) Fv (MN/m2 ) (µm) Fv (MN/m2 )

280 0.30 0.041 0.26 0.72 0.072 0.19

350 0.70 0.052 0.14 1.34 0.075 0.10
450 1.00 0.071 0.13 1.88 0.081 0.08

of second-phase particles in the deformed matrix [13].

The AA8011 material contains a distribution of both
large and small particles ranges between 0.3 and 1 µm
as shown in Fig. 9. Based on image analysis data (Ta-
ble II) the pinning forces due to particles were calcu-
Figure 8 Optical micrograph of homogenized sheet following annealing lated using the Zener pinning equation for a random
at 450◦ C. distribution of spherical particles
3FV γB
failure at large strains. Several workers have studied PZ =
the evolution of surface roughness in plane stretching 2r
as well as during punch stretching process, and have where FV is the particle volume fraction, r the particle
emphasized its role in the onset of macroscopic flow radius and γB the grain boundary energy. For aluminum,
localization [7]. As a result, it can be postulated that taking the energy of a high-angle grain boundary to
different roughness behavior of material in homoge- be 0.625 J/m2 [14], the pinning force exerted at each
nized and unhomogenized conditions might be a dom- annealing temperature was calculated and is given in
inant parameter that can affect the formability of the Table II. If the Zener pinning force is plotted as a func-
AA8011 aluminum alloy. tion of annealing temperature (Fig. 10) it is apparent
Yamaguchi and Mellor [12] investigated the rough- that the pinning force is smaller for homogenized con-
ness under biaxial stretching and showed that the rough- dition resulting in greater grain sizes. The limiting grain
ness of material was proportional to the magnitude of sizes at different annealing temperature can be approx-
the equivalent strain and the grain size. At low anneal- imated using the Zener limit equation [13]:
ing temperature the material had, recovered or fine re-
crystallized structure, in this case roughness is not a  
dominant parameter, therefore homogenized materials DZ = k
which have greater n values show higher strain levels.
However, after high annealing temperature the homoge- Moreover, there is a good correlation of surface rough-
nized sheets show inferior formability due mainly to the ness and uniform strain with FrV shown in Fig. 11. Con-
grain size of the homogenized materials (Fig. 8), which
sequently, we may consider FrV as a formability param-
were typically coarser than those of unhomogenized
eter that influence the ductility of AA8011 in homoge-
sheets resulted in higher values of surface roughness.
nized condition.
The process of recrystallization and therefore the
grain sizes in homogenized and unhomogenized con-
ditions is influenced by the presence of a dispersion

Figure 9 SEM micrograph of second phase particles in unhomogenized Figure 10 Graph showing the relationship between Zener pinning force
sheet following annealing at 450◦ C. and annealing temperature.

the formability of unhomogenized sheets, while surface
roughness is believed to decrease the forming limits of
the homogenized materials. Despite the higher forma-
bility of the homogenized sheets at low annealing tem-
perature, their biaxial stretch-ability was found to be
inferior to those of the unhomogenized material at high
annealing temperatures. This could have been caused
by the grain coarsening effect, which is in turn a result
of low Zener pinning force in homogenized sheets. This
effect encourages the surface roughening which can ad-
versely affect the biaxial stretch-ability of the material
in this condition.

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