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8011 Published
8011 Published
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1 author:
M. Aghaie-Khafri
Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology
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The present study examines the microstructure and formability of homogenized and
unhomogenized AA8011 aluminum alloy sheets under uniaxial and biaxial deformation
modes. The stretch formability of sheets has been characterized in terms of limit strains in
forming limit diagrams (FLDs). The formability of the material is associated with
combinations of strain hardening, strain-rate hardening and surface roughening which is
developed during the plastic deformation of the material. The phenomenon of
recrystallization and the effect of second phase particles has been investigated in cold
rolled sheets. It appears that surface roughening which is in turn a result of the grain
coarsening is more important in the homogenized materials annealed at high
temperatures. C 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers
C 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers 6467
2.2. Uniaxial tensile tests
Uniaxial tensile test specimens, 75 mm long and 12 mm
wide prepared from the sheets at 0, 45 and 90◦ to the
rolling direction, were pulled to fracture at a cross-
head speed of 5 mm min−1 , producing an average strain
rate of 1 × 10−3 s−1 as the specimen extended. Load-
extension curves were obtained with the aid of a 25 mm
gauge length extensometer, from which the nominal
and true stress-strain curves were calculated. The true
stress-true strain data in the uniform straining range
were fitted to the Hollomon equation (σ = kεn ) from
which, hardening parameters were obtained using a
least-squares method. Computer software were used to
calculate the slope of true stress-true strain curve at dif-
ferent points and uniform strain were obtained numeri-
cally from the intersection of dσ/dε and σ curves. The
instantaneous strain-rate sensitivity index, m, was de-
termined using step changes in cross-head speed, from
v1 = 5 to v2 = 50 mm min−1 which produced strain-
rates of ε̇1 = 1 × 10−3 s−1 to ε̇2 = 10 × 10−3 s−1 .
Using extrapolation procedure two stresses, σ1 and σ2 ,
are compared at the same strain and the m value was
2 /σ1 )
obtained from m = ln(σ ln(ε̇2 /ε̇1 ) . All mechanical properties
(X ) were average values calculated from the following
X 0 + 2X 45 + X 90
X ave = (1)
Figure 6 Variation of limit strains with annealing temperature for unho-
mogenized and homogenized sheets under equibiaxial and plane-strain
T A B L E I I Particle size, particle volume fraction and Zener pinning
force measured at different annealing temperatures
Unhomogenized Homogenized
temperature d Pz d Pz
(◦ C) (µm) Fv (MN/m2 ) (µm) Fv (MN/m2 )
Figure 9 SEM micrograph of second phase particles in unhomogenized Figure 10 Graph showing the relationship between Zener pinning force
sheet following annealing at 450◦ C. and annealing temperature.
the formability of unhomogenized sheets, while surface
roughness is believed to decrease the forming limits of
the homogenized materials. Despite the higher forma-
bility of the homogenized sheets at low annealing tem-
perature, their biaxial stretch-ability was found to be
inferior to those of the unhomogenized material at high
annealing temperatures. This could have been caused
by the grain coarsening effect, which is in turn a result
of low Zener pinning force in homogenized sheets. This
effect encourages the surface roughening which can ad-
versely affect the biaxial stretch-ability of the material
in this condition.
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