Influence of Drug Abuse
Influence of Drug Abuse
Influence of Drug Abuse
A drug addict is a tip of the iceberg. He is an indicator of a dysfunctional family or broken home.
Drug abuse and the evils that go with it can never thrive in homes where family members live together
happily and in harmony.
What is experienced at home or the community when a drug addict lives amongst them?
Fear, resentments, mental distress, feeling of betrayal, suspicions, uncertainties, even criminality.
There is deterioration in relationships.
Newspapers reported parents who massacred their children, fathers raping their own daughters, young
men raping their own mothers, sisters, even grandmothers because they were all under the heavy
influence of drugs of all sorts.
Physical dependence often occurs without addiction (e.g., therapeutic use of steroids), and
addiction can occur without appreciable physical dependence (e.g., cocaine).
Similarly, psychological dependence can occur without addiction (e.g., morning coffee
for millions of regular users), but it’s not clear whether addiction ever occurs without psychological
dependence. And drug abuse may or may not be accompanied by drug dependence and addiction.
In summary, drug addiction describes the motivational strength of substance use; drug
abuse describes the misuse of a substance without explicit reference to motivational strength; and drug
dependence describes the necessity of using a substance to maintain normal psychological and/or somatic
functioning without reference to the motivational strength of the substance use or to whether the
substance use violates cultural norms.
These three terms have distinctively different meanings although there are obvious and numerous
cases where all three apply to the same drug-use situation (i.e., the individual may be dependent upon a
drug which they abuse because they are addicted).
Withdrawal can refer to any sort of separation, but is most commonly used to describe the group
of symptoms that occurs upon the abrupt discontinuation/separation or a decrease in dosage of the intake
of medications, recreational drugs and/or alcohol.
In order to experience the symptoms of withdrawal, one must have first developed a physical
dependence (often referred to as chemical dependency). This happens after consuming one or more of
these substances for a certain period of time, which is both dose dependent and varies based upon the
drug consumed.
Prolonged use of an anti-depressant is most likely to cause a much different reaction when
discontinued than the repeated use of an opioid, such as heroin. In fact, the route of administration,
whether intravenous, intramuscular, oral or otherwise, can also play a role in determining the severity of
withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal from certain drugs (alcohol) can be fatal and therefore the abrupt discontinuation of any type
of drug is not recommended.
The term "cold turkey" is used to describe the sudden cessation use of a substance and the
ensuing physiologic manifestations.
The severity of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome can vary from mild symptoms such as mild sleep
disturbances and mild anxiety to very severe and life threatening including delirium, particularly visual
hallucinations in severe cases and convulsions (which may result in death). These symptoms appear
characteristically on waking, due to the fall in the blood alcohol concentration during sleep. The severity
of alcohol withdrawal depends on various factors including age, genetics, and, most importantly, degree
of alcohol intake and length of time the individual has been misusing alcohol and number of previous
Biological factors
There are some reasons or pre-existing induced biological abnormalities of chemicals,
physiological or structural in nature that induced a person to take drugs. The following are some to
1. Individual’s general health – there are several diseases that easily make a person become a
drug abuser. Examples are fatigue, chronic cough, insomnia.
2. It is believed that drug has the special power to prevent and increase sexual capacity.
3. One specific genetic theory proposes that there is an inherited defect in the production of
endorphin, similar to morphine. A deficiency of the substance leads to bodily discomfort.
With the use of morphine, this feeling is induced or disappeared. According to the theory, a
person who uses morphine has the physiological abnormality where endorphin production is
less. The drugs when we use, the body cells work actively.
Psychologically speaking, in terms of motives and function of drug use, some of which may not
be recognized by users themselves. The more a drug is used, the more it tends to satisfy more than one
motive or need.
Try to ask a drug dependent on the reason why he or she engaged in drug use and he or she will
reveal about curiosity sake. There is the eagerness to explore what they have not experienced. Other
reasons would be:
Family background
In high addiction areas, the families of adolescent narcotics users showed the following
Parents have a strong effect on delinquency and drug abuse. Children who use drugs come from
troubled environments, including low satisfaction with the family, poor quality of relationships,
communication difficulties, and discipline problems.
Values, which used to unite people together, are replaced by “normlessness.” Almost always,
parents of drug addicts are psychologically devastated. One ranking police officer confided to me that at
one instance he decided to shoot his own addict son under the guise of resisting arrest after he could no
longer stand the shame brought to the family by his own son’s illegal activities. The timely arrival of the
mother saved the son.
There are studies to show that drug abuse is linked to domestic violence, not to mention the
various crimes drug abusers commit in the community. And what about the myriads of unimaginable
diseases and mental illness that accompany drug abuse.
o Low Self-Esteem
Healthy children are developed from healthy homes. According to studies, children who
are abused tend to be abusive as parents. Although it is possible for children raised in abusive or
neglectful homes to grow up to be healthy and productive adults, most seriously abused and
neglected children face serious problems.
Abused children are robbed of their humanity and because they have never experienced
being loved, they do not know how to show love to others. They become suspicious of those who show
them affection because they were betrayed by people who were supposed to love them when they were
o Modelling
Although different factors are being associated with drug abuse, drug usage is more
accurately an imitation of adult behaviour. Young people repeatedly see their parents use liquor, tobacco,
etc., to change their moods or escape from their problems. This is known as modelling.
Parents who are seen drinking, smoking, or abusing other kinds of drugs in order to escape
personal problems or have a “good time,” send a clear message to their children that drugs are appropriate
solutions to problems or frustrations.
Absence of role models in the family leads children to rely on their peers and other people
for solving their problems.
Sociological factors
1. Influence of media-advertisement message that all ailment can be cured through
the use of chemical substances that help create the acceptance of drugs.
2. Impact of affluent lifestyle
3. Effect of increased travel and exposure to different culture and social values.
4. The collapse of religious values
5. Alienation and feeling of powerless
6. Lower value on academic achievement
7. They believe that drug can give deeper insights
8. The belief that medicines can magically solve problems
9. The easy access to drug or various sort in an affluent society
10. The enjoyment of euphoria or excitement induced by drugs
11. The belief that they are just taking it like alcohol
12. The tendency of persons with psychological problems to see easy solution with
13. The statement of proselytizers who proclaim goodness of drugs
14. Slum condition – the most critical is that slum dwellers are often deprived of
emotional support
Detecting a drug user is not an easy task. The signs and symptoms of drug abuse, especially in the
beginning stages can be identical to those produced by conditions having nothing whatsoever to do with
It is always necessary to exercise certain prudence before drawing conclusions. Some judgments
may only hurt the individual; if he is innocent one may lose his love and trust. Only after observing
calmly and patiently his behavior, appearance and associations, may one pass judgment and act.
It should also be remembered that a person might have a legitimate reason for possessing a tablet,
syringe and needle (may be a diabetic) having capsules (they may be prescribed by a doctor). Having the
sniffled eyes may due to head cold or an allergy. Unusual or all behavior may not be connected in any
way with drug abuse.
Based on the lecture of U.S. expert doctor of medicine, forensic chemist at the London
International Police Academy usually detects drug abusers without too much trouble by means of the