1.1 Planning Physical Environment

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Teaching and

Presented by:
Irina Nikolaeva

Presented for:
Evolve College of Education
Getting to know you
Types of environment
Physical Environment
Emotional Environment
Child-centered environment
Planning process
Hi, I am Irina.
I am an educator.

I've been teaching, tutoring,

educating, leading, coaching, and
mentoring since I was 16.

I taught in my native Russia, China

and Malaysia.

I hold MS in Educational Leadership

from California State University and
AMS Montessori Certificate.
Share in the chat Reflect and share
What's your current What's the biggest
position? struggle in your school
.How old are the children right now?
you serve? What factor impacts
Getting to How many children are children's success the
there in an average most? (e.g. SES, parental
know you class/your class? support, innate talents,
Who is on your team? teachers, supportive
Why did you decide to community, physical
join this course? health, etc.).
Types of
01 02 03
Physical environment Social environment Emotional
Hygiene/ clean water/ weather Family/ community/ environment
Classroom arrangement neighborhood / country The emotional "climate" /
5 senses Language / culture emotions experienced and
Every THING around the child Unwritten social norms expressed around the child
Every ONE around the child Every EMOTION around the child
What do
tell you?
Questions to consider:
Is it welcoming?
Is it safe?
What do you want to do here?
What else is this environment
a non-

All these objects present

danger. Explain which objects
must be banned from the
classroom and why?
What can you see?

Experience What can you hear?

your classroom What can you touch?

What can you smell?

What can you taste?

Remember that children can be more sensitive than adults.

Children have a different sense of taste compared to
adults. Young children at 2-3 years old are extremely
interested in details.
Size Weight Difficulty Traffic

Can the children Can the children walk freely

Does the furniture and
manipulate the objects in Are the materials in the in the classroom without
the materials in the
the classroom with class comfortable to use bumping into each other?
classroom fit the
reasonable physical for children? What happens during
strain? Do the materials transitions?
Are pictures and
Are there objects that challenge the children or How do children access
teaching aids placed on
children can pull over present insurmountable materials?
the children's eye level?
themselves (e.g. difficulty? What about going in and
Do windows open safely
bookshelves, pictures, Can the children easily out of the classroom?
above the child's height?
plants) go about their day? Use Can teachers evacuate
Are the dangerous
Can they carry their the bathroom, get water, children efficiently in case of
objects (including your
school bags? serve themselves food, emergency?
hot coffee) stored above
What about playground etc? Are there blind spots in the
children's hight?
equipment? classroom?
Children come from home. But so do you.
What practices allow you to step away from the
adult experience and into the service?
Teaching what you're passionate about
Sports or yoga
What is child-centered
Safe and pleasant Stimulating but not over-stimulating

Addressing children's needs and interests Minimizing the active role of an adult
Stage 1: Who are you designing it for?
Understand your children: age, number, personalities, special needs if any, etc.
Planning Who do you want the children to be in your classroom? Independent thinkers? Team builders?
World citizens? Environmentalists? Entrepreneurs? Obedient students who just listen and don't

process ask questions?

Does your school adhere to a specific educational philosophy like Waldorf, Montessori, Reggio

Stage 2: What are you designing it for?

What is going to happen in the classroom? Do children eat snacks/lunch/dinner there? Do they
nap? Are there art/dance/music classes? How do you accommodate all the activities AND
What safety hazards can we eliminate right away? (low windows where children bump their
heads, flimsy shelves that fall when a child pulls out a book, poisonous plants or cacti, etc.)
Does your classroom feel pleasant for all 5 senses?
Can teachers easily access everything they need while children cannot reach teachers' stuff?


Stage 3: Test run on adults (multiple adults, hopefully)
Take your daliy schedule and walk around the classroom through every activity as if you were a
child. Ask your fellow teacher from a next door classroom to do the same.
Double check for safety hazards
Ask for feedback from others: how does the classroom make them feel? What do they like?
What would they change? Why?
Take a new look at your classroom
Assignment Take 3 photos of your classroom so that most of the space is visible. Reflect on
the following questions:
1. What makes your students feel welcome and comfortable in this space?
How do they know it's their space?
2. What does your classroom feel like for the five senses?
3. Are there any areas that may present safety considerations?
4. What values does your classroom communicate?
5. What are you proud of in the classroom?

Connect with fellow educators

If it is possible, ask your fellow teacher in anther classroom how she/he
designed her/his classroom . Reflect on the same questions. Notice how you
feel when you are in the classroom. What does the design and the images
Thank your colleague if they allowed you to come for an observation and

Please submit the assignment in

accordance with the university

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