Mou Barak 2019

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12th International Colloquium of Logistics and Supply Chain Management LOGISTIQUA 2019

June, 12-14
IUT de Montreuil, Université Paris8, France

Development of a new storage structure using a

hybrid procurement policy: case where stock
holding costs are excluded.
USMBA, High school of technology, Fez (EST Fès) USMBA, High school of technology, Fez (EST Fès)
Laboratory of international Management, Decision making Laboratory of international Management, Decision making
and logistics (MIDLOG), Morocco and logistics (MIDLOG), Morocco

Abstract— This article describes how to successfully conduct I. INTRODUCTION

an implementation of a new storage structure by using a hybrid
procurement policy in case where stock holding costs are We often hears saying: "the stock is a necessary evil", but
excluded, the article will start by presenting how to carry out a for some companies, this expression is overestimated, the
description as detailed as possible of the activity of a warehouse stock does not really have a significant impact on the financial
and its business processes. With this description we will be able to side of the company and stock holding cost is very low
determine the points of anomalies on which the study will focus, compared to the cost of brand loss due to uncontrolled
and all this based on a quality approach (the Deming Wheel) to volatility of the market by the company, this is the case of a
put the project on rails whose terminus will be getting a better company that produces items with specific characteristics that
management and a relevant organization,
do not degrade quickly in time and with a long expiry date, it
This improvement project will be divided into four phases, has a low cost of the value locked-in stock that does not make
the first phase "Plan", will allow us to identify the expectations of a big difference if it were invested in production equipment
the responsible, know the objectives of the project and make a "Method of ROI-Return On Investment ", for example
planning that will be followed throughout the project period. (mattresses, pavers, woods, etc. ), but it will always remain
The second phase "Do" is the basis of the project, it is the most an evil, considering the space that will be occupied, For these
important phase which consists to eradicate the causes of the companies the challenge is to find the quantity that will
problems, and forge relevant solutions at the operational and guarantee a high a service rate, which will reduce the cost and
organizational level of the warehouse, during this phase several the number of orders and at the same time respect the space
tools and calculation methods will be used to achieve the
already allocated to the stock, its form and its implementation
previously set objectives, including the rules of stock
management and procurement techniques that will allowed us to plan, in these cases the use of an hybrid procurement policy
find innovative solutions to problems of stock shortage and becomes necessary, the latter combines between the control
delivery delays, point and the periodic replenishment defined according to the
layout of the store, instead of using only the control point
In the third phase "Check", we will use a control method by policy and make launches according to the economic quantity
projecting last year's stock data on the new storage structure to to order based on Wilson's formula.
ensure a long-term success of the project, as well as propose
different methods to improve the control and monitoring of the
This method will allow to the company to reach the
optimum stock result in stock management which will help it
And finally, the fourth phase "Act" was reserved for the to play on several aspects of competitiveness in order to be
implementation of everything that was calculated on the ground well positioned on the market compared to its competitors
by following Lean and continuous improvement steps. include among them:
 Avoid shortages in stock by ensuring a high service
Keywords— PDCA, Procurement, Stock management, rate
Delivery delays, stock shortages, continuous improvement,  Fast delivery and respect of the deadline.
 Flexibility (ability to adapt to variations in demand
for diversity and volume)
LOGISTIQUA 2019  June 12-14  IUT de Montreuil, Université PARIS8,
 Efficient after-sales service
 Good Brand image (company or product). Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) [3] is a
business process modeling method for describing an
II. RESEARCH METHOD organization's workflows and procedures in a standardized
The presentation of the project will follow a universal graphical representation, this tool will help us to understand
principle of managerial conduct; it is the philosophy of the the physical flow inside the store and take into account this
American quality specialist William Edwards Deming (1900 - information during the implementation of the project to
1993), and in particular his famous PDCA Cycle [1]. optimize the flow from the upstream to downstream of the
Presented under the following four phases: store, here an example of BPMN cartography of a storage
Phase 1: Plan store:
 How to analyze the actual situation of an existing
 How to make a formulation of the existent problems
 How to make a project planning
 The main important technical data to collect
Phase 2: DO
 Definition of the hybrid procurement policy to adopt End
 Definition of the security stock calculation method
based on the probability law followed by the sales
 Calculation of the command Point
 Calculation of the theoretical maximum stock
Fig. 1. BPMN cartography example of a store activity
 Affectation of references and optimization of the
storage space B. How to make a formulation of the existent problems?
 Definition of the real maximum stock After describing the store processes and extract the
Phase 3: Check necessary information on the type of operations performed, the
 Project the new organization of the stock on the data physical and informational flow of the store, the next phase is
from the last year and predict future consumption to formulate the problem and target the anomalies that weaken
Phase 4: Act the store's performance, to do this we will opt for Lean
 Implementation of the new storage structure in the management tools such as the method WWWHW [4], a
field following a lean approach problem-solving tool with an almost exhaustive list of
information on the situation, Very easy to use, the WWWHW
will allow us to correctly develop the new improved process
A. How to describe the actual situation of a store. and the implementation of the corrective actions later.
To analyze the current situation of the store in order to get
as much information as possible and position the project on To use the tools correctly, we must start by finding
the right path, we must first begin by making a total answers to the following questions:
description as detailed as possible, by schematizing and  What is it about?
modeling the activity of the store and its business processes, to  Who are the people involved in the study?
do this there are several tools that serve this purpose citing
among them:  Who has the problem?
 Who is interested by the result?
The SIPOC diagram [2], a fairly simple process map that  Who is involved in the implementation?
looks at the process at a relatively high level, a very simple  Where does this happen and does it apply?
visual tool that will allow us to document the beginning-to-end
 How to implement the necessary means?
of the store business process, which is very helpful to the team
at the beginning of our project by establishing a common  What is the state of the current situation of the store?
language for understanding the entire process, the SIPOC  What are the consequences of the problems?
diagrams are very easy to complete. Here an example shows
the steps to follow:

Fig. 2. SIPOC Diagram Steps

LOGISTIQUA 2019  June 12-14  IUT de Montreuil, Université PARIS8,
D. The main important technical data to collect
 What is the risk for the store and the company?
After completing the formulation of the problem and the
 Since when do these problems occur? planning of the project, the last step of the "Plan" phase is to
 When does the problem become more critical? collect all the technical data that will be useful to properly
 When does the risk occur? conduct our project.
 What is the utility of the project?  Draw the layout plan of the store respecting the
marks and distances between the different areas of
Now after having an idea of the aspects to improve, we the store to better understand how to implement the
must complete the quest by a brainstorming meeting on which products and easily calculate the different volume
we need to integrate all stakeholders of the store; a capacities of each space thereafter
brainstorming meeting takes the form of a group meeting
where everyone is invited to give ideas or suggestions related
to the subject of the study. This technique of qualitative study
and creativity will allow us to generate more proposals and
ideas and trace the routing of improvement actions to be
applied. It is necessary to mention that there are other tools in
the six-sigma methodology that can be used in the stage of
description, formulation and analysis of the problematic of the
store such as:
 The Ishikawa diagram, [5] a tool that represents
graphically causes leading to an effect,
 VSM (Value stream mapping), [6] which describes
the physical flow and associated information flow
and obeys conventions of representation that make
reading easy and fast for everyone
 SADT method (Structure analysis and design Fig. 3. Store Layout Example
technics), [7] a very effective communication tool
that describes the input, the output of a process and  Look for the current location of each product in
the external element that positively or negatively stock, its storage area, its storage column and its
impact its performance. position / level in the storage column, if the products
are stored randomly in the store, we must think about
C. How to make a project planning? creating an addressing plan to facilitate the
After completing the formulation phase of the problem, the collection operations thereafter,
project action plan must be drafted, and to ensure the smooth  Search the total number of stored products divided
running of this action plan, a project management approach, into how many storage columns in how many areas,
namely the planning of the tasks must be carried out, by using and how much of their usable storage space is in
planning tools such as the GANTT chart [8], a useful way of Square?
showing what work is scheduled to be done on a specific days  Calculate the volume capacity of the storage
and also help view the start and end dates of a project in one columns, (the height, the width and the depth of each
simple view. Before doing the Gantt chart, we must first column). This data will later be used in the
prepare a certain amount of information by answering the restructuring of the store, in order to assign each
following questions: product to the column which has the most capacity
 What is the start date of the project? close.
 What are the tasks of the project?
 Who works on each task?
A. Definition of the hybrid procurement policy to adopt
 When do the tasks begin and end?
 How long will each task take? After describing the problem and collecting all the necessary
 How do tasks cluster, overlap, and relate to each information, now is the time to move to action, the phase DO is
other? the basis of the project, it is the most important phase in which
 What is the end date of the project? our spirit of innovation flourish to forge relevant solutions at the
 What is the project schedule (the number of operational, organizational and financial level of the store.
working days in the week, the number of hours
per day, and the non-working time)? In a store where the question of costs is not taken into account
and the immobilized value in the stock is not very large, we can
Once these questions are resolved, go to creating the fill the store entirely without affecting the performance of the
chart in a logical order and respecting the binding company, and to better manage supplies of this type of store we
constraints, you can also use planning software such as offer a hybrid procurement policy that is based primarily on the
Microsoft Project to draw the chart.
LOGISTIQUA 2019  June 12-14  IUT de Montreuil, Université PARIS8,
command point, which involves supplies of equal quantity 1) The Probabilistic method
on different dates, the store will satisfy customer orders via the
First of all, we must start by collecting a certain amount of
stock only, and once the order point is reached, a
production/supply order will be generated and the ordered
quantity will be the number of items needed to reach the  The Service rate, is the percentage expressed of the
Maximum stock (the level of replenishment) that can be consumptions that will be ensured from the total
defined according to the particularities of the company and consumptions, it can also be defined as being, on 100
based on several criteria that we will treat them later successive shipments made on a period, the number
of shipments fully satisfied. This is like saying:
Service rate = 1 - probability of stock shortage

 Historical consumption and deduct the average

consumption and standard deviation of the
 Historical delivery times and deduce the average
duration and standard deviation of the delivery time
 Coefficient of security (calculated from the inverse
normal law table based on the chosen service rate)

The calculation by this method is done as follows:

Fig. 4. The hybrid procurement policy demonstration Safety stock =𝑍 ∗ √(𝐶2∗α2) + (𝑑∗ϕ2)
C: Average Consumption
In the hybrid procurement policy that has been proposed,
d: Average delivery time
the stock is composed of several levels, the first level is the
Φ : Standard deviation of consumption
safety stock, it’s main purpose is to limit the shortages due to α: Standard deviation of the delivery time
unforeseen circumstances such as an inadequate forecast Z: Coefficient of security (calculated from the inverse normal
compared to the order received, a longer supply period than law table based on the chosen service rate)
expected, then there is the second level which is the command This calculation can be done in Excel using the formula:
point, it is the quantity of products needed to meet the needs of
the customers during the lead time, and then comes the third = NORM.S.INV (Service rate) *SQRT (Average (range
level, the theoretical maximum that we will see later how to consumption^2) * STDEV.S (Range delivery time^2)) +
define it, and the last level is the real maximum stock, the ((Average delivery time) * STDEV.S (range consumption))
amount of product needed to complete the storage capacity of
the column assigned to that reference. 1) Expert method
Like any calculation method, before starting it is necessary to
look for a certain amount of information to be provided:
B. Safety stock calculation method based on the probability
 Average consumption during the period: C
law followed by the consumption.
 Maximum consumption during the period: MC
Different methods can be used for the calculation of the  Average delivery time: d
security stock, generally, each of them should be simulated
and the choice of the final method will be based on the one Let's move on to the calculations:
which reduces the risk of shortages the best.  The average weekly excess consumption will be:
In practice we can use: The probabilistic method which will EMh = MC - C
allow us to determine the safety stock taking into account  Safety stock: SS = EMh x d
the variations of the consumption and the delivery date at
This calculation can be done in Excel using the formula:
the same time, but to choose this method the consumption of
the store must follows the Gaussian law, to verify this = (Max (Range consumption) - Average (Range
condition Statistical tests can be used such as the Chi-square
Consumption)) * Average (Range delivery)
test / Kolmogorov- Smirnov test or we can simply us the
Histogram function in the EXCEL complement, “Analysis
tool”. And the second method is a deterministic one called
the "Expert" method [9]
LOGISTIQUA 2019  June 12-14  IUT de Montreuil, Université PARIS8,
C) Command point calculation point  Assign each product to the column with the nearest
volume capacity, it is possible to combine between
The calculation of this level of stock is very simple, just several storage columns in order to respect the
multiply the average consumption by the average delivery implementation order and the convergence between
time and add the safety stock. the quantity to be stored and the capacity of the
storage column.
Command Point = (C * d) + SS F) Definition of the real maximum stock

 C: Average consumption After completing the assignments, it is now necessary to

 d: Delivery date define the real maximum stock of each reference according to
 SS: safety stock the formula:
This calculation can be done in Excel using the formula: Real maximum stock = theoretical maximum stock +
adjustment coefficient
= ((Average (Range consumption) * Average (Range delivery
time)) + safety stock) Adjustment coefficient is the remaining quantity to complete
the capacity of the column.
D) Calculation of the theoretical maximum stock
(Periodic replenishment) V. PHASE 3: CHECK
Periodic replenishment method, also known as the Given the volatility of the market, it is necessary to ensure the
"calendar method", consists of regularly replenishing the stock success of the new organization of the stock and the calculations
made, First to do this it is necessary to project the new
to reach a maximum level called PRL, but in the case of an
organization on the consumption data from the last year and
hybrid policy, the supply of the stock will not be in a regular determine peak periods that may create a risk of shortage for the
way but according to the command point, the challenge that store in order to take the necessary precautions for future periods,
arises in this step is to correctly define the maximum level of Secondly, we need to predict the future consumption and redo the
replenishment without impacting the other stages linked to the same control to avoid any probable cause that my condition the
store (supplier, production service, shipping service. ), success of our project.
indeed, first of all, it is necessary to establish a delivery
contract with a supplier of the warehouse by taking into
After the end of the calculation phase and to overcome the
consideration several criteria: various organizational problems that can be found in the stores in
 Warehouse capacity order to reduce the processing time of articles and accelerate the
 Supplier capacity internal flow, we will set up the new storage structure following a
5S approach. [10]
 Minimum order size,
The steps in this process are:
 Diversity to be ordered, • Step 1: Preparation of the 5S yard.
 Minimum time to be respected between 2 launches • Step 2: The implementation of the first 3 S in the
 Other technical constraints....... store.
• Step 3: Formalization and progression.
E) Affectation of references and optimization of
the storage space A) Preparation of the 5S project
columns by optimizing the storage space, minimizing The first step in the preparation of a 5s yard is the definition
movements inside the store, the comings and goings of the of objectives.
storekeepers and the time required to prepare the order. To do • The application of 5S in the store aims to:
this, several actions must be carried out before making • Reduce order preparation time;
allocation decisions: • Improve the safety inside de store;
 Classify items according to consumption / • Facilitate the control and monitoring of stock
turnover rate by using ABC method statuses;
 Define product classes with homogeneous • Facilitate the work for the storekeepers;
behavioral patterns using ABZ method by taking • Improve the work environment through better
rotation and weight as criteria organization;
 Establish an order of implementation of the • Establish standards and work rules;
products in the store in such a way that references • Improve the motivation and involvement of staff in a
with a high turnover and with a heavy weight are pleasant work environment;
stored near the shipment exit, using double • Preserve the quality of the stored products;
criteria analysis method by privileging one of the
two preceding criteria over the other according to
the specificities of the store
LOGISTIQUA 2019  June 12-14  IUT de Montreuil, Université PARIS8,
• Facilitate communication between problems detected after the implementation of the project solution
employees through visual aids; must be eliminated, and to maintain this state, it is necessary to
• Benefit from a clean image for visitors establish a daily cleaning schedule where the date, cleaning time
(customers and others). and the person responsible for the action must be identified.
The second step is to carry out a field diagnosis in
order to label the actions to make on each area, it is C) Formalization and progression
necessary to reveal the existing situation to detect the 1) The 4th S: Standardize
The purpose of the standardization action is to define the rules
anomalies and plan the actions to apply.
and standards to be followed to maintain the actions implemented
B) The implementation of the first 3 S in the store. in the previous stages of the 5S project; This is to explicitly
This step must begin by training the whole team of the formalize good practices at the store to keep the work
store on the 5S method, the latter aims to educate the team environment secure and in order to easily find what is needed
to maintain order in the store and specially to show when needed. To do this, we need to think of creating a dash
storekeepers that they are the first actors and the key to the board close to the store containing a set of communication sheets
success of the process. It must focus on: that are intended to remind the rules and methods of organization,
• The presentation of the method: why, when the best practices to follow and the standards of work to be
and where to apply the 5S? respected
• The definition of the five axes of the method 2) The 5th S: Sustaining
with application examples The principle of this step is to preserve the acquis and to
• The definition of the scope of the approach. progress continuously on the basis of a change of culture; It is to
• The definition of the deployment planning respect the previous "4S" by applying the procedures and good
of the approach practices. “Continuous improvement comes from new ideas to
improve the existing state”, for this purpose, we should create a
1) The first S: Sort
follow-up sheet that will allow the store manager to evaluate the
The objective of this step is to keep in the work area
respect and efficiency of all the rules related to the 5S after each
only the objects strictly related to the execution of the
daily/weekly/monthly organization of the stock as well as a
work and has a permanent use and eliminates the all the
proposal sheet for improvement ideas in order to integrate the
other useless objects, by following the steps presented in
store in a continuous improvement approach.
the organization chart below.
This modest work aims at the development of a new storage
structure based on a hybrid procurement policy in a warehouse
where stock holding costs are excluded. The article presents
how to properly identify and analyze the root causes of the
problems that can be encountered in warehouses and proposes
a set of adequate and viable solutions to address them based
on six sigma methodologies, Lean tools as well as the stock
and supply techniques. The gains of this project will be as
 Optimized and organized storage space
 Avoid shortages and delivery delays
 A clearly defined procurement policy
Fig. 5. Sorting
 Reduction of order preparation time
chart  Facilitation of control and monitoring of the stock
 Facilitating the work of preparers and handlers
2) The second S: organize  Preserving the quality of the stored products
Once we have got rid of all the elements we do not need,  Avoidance of slow-moving stock
the next step is to change the locations according to the  A clean image for visitors (customers and others).
affectation plan that was done previously during the study,
The improvements presented in the article are not the end of
following the principle "one place for each article, each article
the optimization of the store process in the store. It is indeed
in its place", essential to be integrated into a continuous improvement
approach incorporating good management practices. Finally,
3) The 3rd S: Clean any optimization is a chance to question ourselves, so always
Cleaning allows a thorough inspection, removing waste have a broader view that is not limited on the daily operating
and dirt from the work area. Therefore, all dirt and cleanliness problem.
LOGISTIQUA 2019  June 12-14  IUT de Montreuil, Université PARIS8,
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