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1. Background of study
Communication is the resultant activity that occupies the largest
portion of life, and communication is the most important key to building
good relationships between people. According to Covey (1997:235) there
are four basic ways of communicating, namely: reading, writing, speaking,
and listening. Communication is closely related to the process of providing
information and receiving feedback. Oral and written communication hopes
that the public can understand the content of the sender through good or
telephone calls.
According to Henry Guntur Tarigan (2008:31), listening is the
process of listening to language cues, understanding, living, and interpreting
as a whole to obtain information, capture content or information, and
understand the meaning of communication conveyed by language. Speakers
use speech and spoken language.
Listening is an important language skill and is also a part of
communication through listening we can share ideas with other people.
According to Brown (2001: 24), "listening is the main component in
language learning and teaching because in the classroom learners do more
listening than speaking". This means that listening is an important thing in
everyday life. Listening is deciphering the message received from the
speaker, expressing the content conveyed by the speaker, understanding
what is in the speaker's mind and a reflection of the speaker's beliefs,
attitudes, and emotions.
The students do not realize that the understanding of listening is
not easy to learn, the students can only listen but do not know the meaning
of what is being said. In social life, some people believe that if they learn
English it can be seen from their ability to speak, write, or read. The actual
ability of a person's language can be determined in the ability to listen.
Communicative English teaching requires that in every class, the
teacher integrates all aspects and skills (saleh, 1992:65), the English teacher
must be able to handle the language as a whole, not just certain aspects or
skills such as teaching structure, reading, writing, because each skill
language is closely related and mutually supportive (1989:43).
According to Lo and Fai li (1998:8), learning English through
songs is able to change the atmosphere of a pleasant class so that students
can develop language skills well and easily. Songs are one of the most
popular sources for many people, including children. Song is an enchanting
work of one rich culture that can be easily used in language classes. Maley
(1987) states that songs provide many things that can strengthen students'
memories such as sounds, poetry, and melodies. This means that songs can
increase functionality in teaching English. When a student listens and
memorizes a song that is involved in class, the lyrics are embedded in long-
term memory.

Song is the art of tone or sound in a series, combination, and

temporal relationship which is usually accompanied by a musical
instrument to produce a musical work that has unity and continuity, as well
as a variety of rhythmic tones or songs. Ratnasari (2007) states that a song
is a work that is intended to be sung either with or without instrumental
accompaniment. Hashemian (2014) quote Danielson (2000), states that "as
for children's songs, they are short and simple rhymes, songs or rhythmic
stories that are usually designed, told or sung for young children". So the
song is a poem related to the appropriate tone, rhythm, time, and melody so
that it becomes a harmony.
Pantun and songs are an important part of children's lives and are
also tools or media for language learning for children. Learning to teach
languages, especially foreign language support, will be interested if it is
packaged in a series of interesting activities. Learning the support language
through songs makes children feel happy in the learning process because
they enjoy the song, while singing they actually learn supporting English.
Therefore, children's songs were chosen as one of the most powerful
techniques for children to learn English. However, the teacher cannot bring
all the songs into the class. He or she should think about the student's level,
theme, and interest in the songs.
In this study, the author wants to know and examine the influence
of English children's song users. Thus, through a research entitled "using
English children's song to improve student's listening comprehension", it
will be able to solve the problems faced by elementary school students. The
author is interested in choosing this topic because this children's English
song really helps motivate students to improve their listening skills.
Murphey (1990) in the journal Hidayat, suggests that many
English teachers have long realized that songs and music work well in
English classes. The statement shows that teachers can use songs as a
medium to overcome students' difficulties in listening and improve listening
skills. Creative teachers can also use songs to teach English through songs
because they provide a break from textbooks and workbooks.
Therefore, this study aims to determine how the use of songs in
improving students' listening skills at the elementary school level.
Furthermore, the authors hope that this research will find a contribution to
the practice of teaching listening through learning in the future.
2. Research problem
Research formulates research questions based on the title:
1) What is the effect of teaching listening using children's songs for
junior high school students?
2) How can English children's songs improve listening skills of junior
high school students?
3. Objective of study
Based on the problems that have been described, to determine the
effect of children's lahu in improving students' listening skills and to find
out how English children's songs can improve students' listening
4. Significance of study
The results of this study are expected to be useful for:
❖ Writer
It is hoped that the researchers can use it as a reference in
carrying out the teaching and learning process with the media
used, namely songs in teaching English.
❖ English teacher
Song media will encourage teachers and will be the best
method in teaching listening at the elementary level, and also to
improve teacher professionalism by innovating through learning
to use songs to achieve the expected learning objectives, and the
results of thesis research can increase teacher knowledge about
the use of English songs. in improving students' listening skills.
❖ Student
• One way to increase students' learning desire,
• Increase student motivation
• As a material for consideration and evaluation for students
• Seeing the improvement of students' listening skills by
using English songs.
❖ School
These results can be used as input for the development of
knowledge related to teaching strategies at the elementary school
level using songs.

5. Scope and limitation of the study

There are several activities that can improve students' listening
skills, such as listening to English songs, watching movies, and listening to
news reports. Researchers used English songs by filling in lyrical gaps to
improve listening skills of elementary school students for the 2019/2020
academic year.

6. Definitions of the keys terms

In order not to confuse the reader, it is important to provide an
explanation of the terms used in this thesis. These terms are as follows:

1) Song
Singing is one of the activities of developing the art
of music in early childhood learning (Wulandari, 2011).
STPPA early childhood art aspect in the Ministry of Education
and Culture No. 137 of 2004 can be interpreted that singing
activities, children can explore and express themselves,
imagine with movement, music, drama and various other
fields of art (painting, fine arts, crafts), and are able to
appreciate works of art. art. These two opinions can be used
as a reference that singing activities are not just activities that
enliven the atmosphere, but are activities that are full of
purpose and meaning. Anyone who engages in singing
activities indirectly explores what has been heard or known.
The song is like magic that can hypnotize us,
therefore when we listen to a song or one of the songs we can
be carried away by the song. For example, when we are
listening to a song, there we listen or see the lyrics we listen
to, without realizing we are carried away by feelings and also
emotion in the song.
Jamalus (1998) states that "songs can be said to be
works of art if they are sung (sung) with the accompaniment
of musical instruments". Hornby, USA (1995) defines a song
as "a short poem or a number of verses assembled into music
and intended to be sung". The Encyclopedia of Americana
(1998) defines a song as a short piece of music arranged into a
poetic text with equal importance given to music and words.
It can be written for one or more voices and is generally done
with an instrument.
2) Kid's song
Children's songs are a group of beautiful words
where there is a message to be conveyed to individuals who
have not reached puberty and are presented with beautiful
music so that they can get the message (Sofiyah (2005).
Children's songs are a series of beautiful and easy words that
compatible for children and very easy to memorize.

3) Listening comperhendion
According to Brown, teachers must be familiar with
several principles to design listening comprehension teaching
techniques. Brown summarizes several principles for
designing listening teaching techniques as follows:
• In the four interactive skills curriculum, do not
overlook the special importance of technique.
• use intrinsic motivation techniques
• utilize authentic language and context to make
students aware of the relevance of classroom
activities to their long-term communicative goals.
• Pay close attention to the listener's response to see if
their understanding is correct or not.
• encourage the development of listening strategies,
because most foreign language students are
completely unaware of how to listen properly and
• include bottom-up and top-down listening techniques,
as they can offer keys to defining spoken discourse.
Listening is a complex process in which sounds and
words are formed in the mind through meaning (Depdiknas,
2009, p. 13; Gunes, 2007, p. 71). the main purpose of
listening is to understand the information, emotions, and ideas
that the speaker wants to convey as accurately as possible,
because they are closely related and complementary to each
other. Listening activities without understanding are still
listening. Hearing is a physiological process that ends with a
sound signal reaching the brain, hearing. In listening, the
sound elements are perceived by telling, while in listening,
the perceived sound elements are combined and related to
each other (ozbay & keles, 2011, p. 158)

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