19 TRF (Pharmaceutical)

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Test Request Form

Tti Testing Laboratories Pharmaceutical

Service Required  Regular (3-4 Working days)  Express (3 Working days) Surcharge of 40%  Shuttle (2 Working day) Surcharge of 100%
The working days will be counted after the receipt of the samples in laboratory with all necessary information.

Vendor Information (* Mandatory Fields)

Company Name* Golden Pearl Cosmetics Contact Person* Ansar Javed
Contact No. * 042 35142070 Mobile No. +92 302 9527427
Email ID* Ansar.javed@goldenpearl.com.pk Company NTN * 7137202
Invoice To
Address* 15/1M, Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate Kot Lakhpat, Lahore, Punjab 54770

Sample Description
Manufacturer China Product Name Alpha arbutin
Batch No. Aa101 Manufacturing Date Oct-2022
Lot No. Aa101 Expiry Date Oct-2025
Packing Size 100 gm Sampling Date 10-jan-2023
Drug Reg. No. N/A Sample Size 100 gm
DRAP Ref. No. N/A DRAP Inspector Name N/A
GRN No. N/A End use cosmetics
Country of Origin china Country of Destination Pakistan
Special Instructions Heavy metals Analysis
(If any)
Sample description

Standards/Methods  US FDA FY-18 176  US FDA FY-19 177 Other:___________ Other:_________ Other:___________

Analytical Tests

Test Parameters Remarks Sample Requirement

 Metformin Mercury Analysis
 Emapgliflozin
 Dapagliflozin
 N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)
 N-Nitrosodiethylamine ( NDEA)
 Amantadine
 Peracetamol
 Residual Solvents
 ______________

Any other Info for

Testing / Reporting:

Authorized Signature with Date SIGN STAMP

Document No Tti/CS/QR-19 Revision No 00 Revision Date 27-07-2020

Test Request Form
Tti Testing Laboratories Pharmaceutical
Terms & Conditions
1. Tti Testing Laboratories will conduct tests in accordance with and subject to Laboratories in any such case the liability of Tti Testing Laboratories shall be
the terms & the conditions herein contained. The conditions may only be limited to re-testing or refunding to client of whom the test report shall have
modified by a variation expressed in writing and signed on behalf of the made against the fee paid to Tti Testing Laboratories.
company by a director and no other action on the part of Tti Testing 10. In the process of testing Tti Testing Laboratories may use any alternate
Laboratories or its employees or agents shall be construed as on acceptance method or input which had been developed through internal testing to have
of any other terms & conditions. the same effect. Due to unavailability or unavoidable circumstances.
2. It shall be the responsibility of the client to ascertain and notify Tti Testing 11. Samples received at Tti Testing Laboratories without sufficient information to
Laboratories about the standards with which any sample submitted for testing proceed with testing and samples for which the client does not give a clear
must comply in any country or territory in which the sample concerned is consent to bear the cost of the required or requested testing, will be held and
intended to be sold. By default, Tti Testing Laboratories will adopt the test stored for a maximum of 30 days after which they would be disposed.
methods and standards considered to be most appropriate. 12. Tti Testing Laboratories shall be entitled at its discretion to delegate the
3. The client will ensure that clear instructions are provided to Tti Testing performance of the whole or any part of the services contracted for, with the
Laboratories in due time and are accompanied by sufficient information to principal to any agent or subcontractor
enable the required services to be performed effectively. 13. Every officer, employee, agent, or subcontractor of Tti Testing Laboratories
4. Tti Testing Laboratories will subject to the clients requirements to test any shall have the benefit of the limitation of liability and the indemnities
sample submitted to it or sampled by Tti Testing Laboratories from bulk to contained in the general conditions. So far as relates to such limitation and
ascertain its conformity or otherwise with contract description or sample. In indemnities, any contract entered into by Tti Testing Laboratories is entered
other circumstances Tti Testing Laboratories will render any opinion as to the into not only its own behalf but also as agent and trusty for every such person
fitness of any sample from the purpose for which it is said to be intended as aforesaid.
unless in any specific case Tti Testing Laboratories is requested so to do and 14. If the requirements of the client necessitate the analysis of sample by the
agrees so to do in writing. principal or by any 3rd party, Tti Testing Laboratories will pass on the result of
5. A test report issued by Tti Testing Laboratories shall refer only to the sample the analysis but without responsibility for its accuracy. Where, the Tti Testing
actually tested and shall not refer or be deemed to refer to bulk from which Laboratories is only able to witness an analysis by the principal or by any 3rd
such sample may be said to have been obtained/taken. party the Tti Testing Laboratories will provide confirmation, if such be the case
6. Test reports issued by Tti Testing Laboratories are subject to the condition that that a correct sample has been analyzed but will not otherwise be responsible
they are not to be made public or used in connection with or for the purpose for the accuracy of such analysis.
of any advertising promotional or publicity undertaking or material 15. Tti reserves the right to file a suite in the court of law to recover the due
whatsoever without the consent in writing of thereto first obtained amount in the case of non-payment in 65 days.
7. In the event that any test report issued by the Tti Testing Laboratories is 16. Samples for testing will be disposed-off at the discretion of Tti Testing
required for use in connection with or for evidence in any court or arbitration Laboratories after expiry of 60 days in general textile samples and/or others
proceedings, Tti Testing Laboratories will render all assistance and explanation specification mentioned from the date of test report, unless a written request
reasonably required in connection wherewith but all costs and expenses and pick up arrangements are made by client for their return.
incurred by Tti Testing Laboratories in giving such assistance or explanations 17. Payment terms: test charges need to be paid in advance.
shall be borne by the client to whose order the test report in question was 18. On the request of client Tti Testing Laboratories may forward samples / test
prepared. reports to the clients or to the buyer or agent of the client and all costs
8. In no circumstance will the issuing of any test report by Tti Testing involved in such a request to be borne by the client.
Laboratories operate or be deemed or purport to involve Tti Testing 19. This report shall not the reproduced except in full without prior authorization
Laboratories as a party or agent in any other way in any relationship from Tti Testing Laboratories.
contractual or otherwise between the client for whom the test report shall 20. Uncertainty values can be provided upon receipt of a request along with the
have been prepared and any other party whom so ever. lab test form.
9. In the event that any test report shall be proven inaccurate and that
inaccuracy thereof shall have been caused by the act or default of Tti Testing

347-S, Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate, Kot Lakhpat, Lahore-54500

Tti Testing Laboratories Pakistan. Tel: +92-42- 111-786-001
E-mail: info@ttilabs.net, customerservices@ttilabs.net

ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited | CPSC Accredited | ISO/IEC 17020 Accredited | EPA Certified Lab | PSQCA Certified | OGRA Approved | IAC Certified

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