Conjugation of C=O with alpha beta C=C Conjugation with two aromatic rings; 1670
1700-1680 cm-1. For C=O and 1640 cm-1 for – 1600 cm-1 for C=O.
Cyclic ketones; C=O frequency increases
Conjugation of C=O with phenyl. 1700-1660 with decreasing ring size.
cm-1 for C=O and 1600-1450 cm-1 for a ring
C=C. Bending appears as a medium intensity
peak in the range 130-1100 cm-1.
Longer conjugated system; 1680 cm-1 for Examples :---- 3-methyl-2-butanone,acetophenone,
C=O. cyclopentanone and 2,4-pentandione.
C-H :----- Stretch aldehyde hydrogen Cho consist of a pair of Discussion :----
weak bonds one at to 860-2800 and the other at to Normal C=O bonds
760-2700 . It is easier to _________ the band at the The spectrum of 3-methyl-2-butanone Exhibits a normal or
lower frequency because it is not observed by the unconjugated ketone stretching frequency at 1715 cm-1. A Very
usual C-H bonds from the alkyl chain. The higher weak overtone band from the C=O (1715 cm-1) appears at
frequency aldehyde C-H stretch is often buried in the twice the frequency of the C=O absorption (3430 cm-1). Small
aliphatic C-H band. bands of this type should not be confused with 0-H
Examples:---- crotonaldehyde and benzaldehyde. Absorptions, which also appear near this value. The O-H
stretching absorptions are much more intense.
Discussion :-- Conjugation effects :---
The spectrum of nonanal Exhibits the normal aldehyde Conjugation of the carbonyl group with an aryl or alpha beta
stretching frequency at 1725 cm-1. Since the position of this Double bond shift the normal C=O Stretching band (1715 cm-1)
absorptions are not very different from those of ketones,It may to a lower frequency (1715-1675 cm-1) As predicted. Rotational
not be easy to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones on isomer may lead to a splitting or broadening of carbonyl band.
this basis .Conjugation of carbonyl group with aryl or an Alpha The effect of conjugation in the C=O Band is seen in mesityl
beta double bond shift the normal C=O stretching to a lower oxide; which has alpha beta unsaturation and in
frequency(1700-1680 cm-1) as predicted {Conjugated acetonephenone in which an aryl group is attached to the
effect}.This effect is seen in crotonaldehyde which has alpha carbonyl group. Both exhibit C=O stretching vibrations which
beta saturation and in benzaldehyde in which an aryl group is demonstrate the influence of conjugation.
attached directly to the carbonyl group. Halogenation on the Cyclic ketones ( ring strain ):----
alpha carbon leads to an increased frequency for the carbonyl Some values for the C=O absorption for cyclic ketones ring
group. strain ship the absorption values to a higher frequency as
The C-H Stretching vibration found in aldehydes (-CHO) at predicted.
about 2750 cm-1 and 2850 cm-1 are extremely important for
distinguishing between ketones and aldehydes. Typical range Amides:---
ranges for the pairs of C-H bands are 2860 cm-1- 2800 cm-1 and C=O :--Stretch occurs at approximately 1680-1630cm-1.
2760-2700 cm-1. The bands at 275 cm-1 is probably the more N-H :---- Stretch in primary amides(-NH2) Gives two bands near
useful of the pair Because it appears in a region where other 3350 and 3180 cm-1. Secondary amides have one band (-
C-H absorptions are absent. The 2850 cm-1 band overlaps the NH) at about 3300 cm-1.
other C-H bands and is not as easy to see if the 2750 cm-1 band N-H :--- Bending occurs around 1640-150 cm-1 for primary and
is present together with the proper absorption value and Cho secondary amides.
functional group is almost certainly indicated . Examples:--- Propionamide and N-methylacetamide.
The doublet that is observed in the range to 2860-2700 cm-1
For an idea is a result of Fermi resonance. The second band
appears when the aldehyde Ch stretching vibration is coupled
with the first overtone of the medium intensity aldehyde Ch
bonding vibration appearing in the range 1400-1350 cm-1.
Acid Chloride:-----
C=O :---Stretch occurs in the range 1810-1755 cm-1 in
unconjugated Lower the frequency to 1780-1760 cm-1.
C-Cl :--- Stretch occurs in the range 730-550 cm-1.
Examples :--- acetyl chlorides and benzoyl chlorides.
C=O :--State always has two bands 1830-1800 cm-1 and 1775-
1774 cm-1 with variable relative intensity. Conjugation
moves the absorption to lower frequency. Ring strain (
cyclic anhydride ) moves the absorption to higher
C-O :-Stretch ( multiple bonds ) occur in the range 1300-900
Examples:--- propionic anhydride.
Discussion :----
The characteristic pattern for noncyclic and saturated
anhydrides in the appearance of two strong bands, not
necessarily of equal intensities in the region from 1830-1800 Cyclic amides (lactams) give the expected increase, the C=O
cm-1 and from 1775-1740 cm-1. The two bands result from frequency for decreasing ring size as shown.
assymetric and symmetric Stretch.
Conjugation shift the absorption to a lower frequency while
cyclization (ring strain) Shift the absorption to a higher
frequency. The strong and broad C-O stretching vibration
occurs in the region from 1300-900 cm-1.
δ-valerolactone δ-butyrolactone