1) Face The Brutes

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“Abhayam sattva-samsuddhir jnana-yoga-vyavasthitih

danam damas ca yajnas ca svadhyayas tapa arjavam”
(Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 16- Shloka 1))

• Sanskrit word “Abhaya” means “fearlessness”.

Bhagavan Krishna states “Abhayam” as a primary
divine quality, in Bhagavad Gita.
• Fearlessness is a foremost important quality for
both layman and spiritual seekers alike. Fear is said
to be an effect of ignorance.
• Being fearless is knowing the fear, fighting it
without going down or being desperate.
• In Sanatana Dharma Philosophy “Abhaya Mudra”
is represented as a symbol of fearlessness. Our
Goddesses Lakshmi Devi, Durga Devi, and Parvati
Devi hold “Abhaya Mudra” which symbolizes
protection from fear.
• Fear occurs when we get too concerned about what will happen
next. This implies that fear is an imaginary condition by thinking
about an outcome that may or may not occur in the future.
• The sages who have realized God are completely fearless. Wise
men say that if we are rooted in the present moment of reality,
there will not be any fear. Fear arises from thoughts of insecurity
which could be physical, financial, and emotional in nature.
• Fear of failure results in emotional and behavioral symptoms, and
it leads to physical problems like rapid heart rate, chest tightness
etc. It will also create a strong mental feeling that we don’t have
any skills, knowledge, and intelligence to achieve something and
feel worthless.
• The fear generates low self-esteem which leads to academic
failures, regret, sadness, disappointment, and shame. Fear stands
as a terrible obstacle in our progress. However, overcoming fears
and moving forward makes us stronger and wiser.
Do you recollect any
instances from your life
when you become fearful?
How did you manage such a
situation? Did you ever try
to identify the reasons for
such fears?

Those who live with fear feel life itself as a

burden; nevertheless, if they can accept the
responsibility of facing it with courage,
make them fearless. They become stronger
and capable of confronting everything
without fear.
A 16-year-old girl Jyoti Kumari (Bihar’s Cycle Girl) from
Darbhanga village of Bihar has become Corona Champion
by winning Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2021
(Bravery Award). She carried her injured father from
Gurugram (Haryana) to Bihar for 1200 kilometers on a
cycle amidst Covid-19. It took 8 days by cycling 50-60
kilometers every day and her aim was only to escape from
hunger and uncertain situations.
This shows the courage, determination, and strength of the
young girl which draws inspiration to many. The
difficulties faced during the lockdown period forced her to
take up the risk without thinking of a second option. This
is indeed, an act of fearlessness.
• Another incident happened in Kerala where a Multi-Utility
Vehicle used as a school van (with permit) fell into a pond
near Maradu shows the fearlessness and sacrifice of Latha
Unni. The van had 8 students, and a caretaker (Aaya)
named Latha Unni. When the van fell into the pond and got
stuck there. She saved the lives of 5 kids first instead of her.
However, she got stuck in the window and by the time
taken to the hospital, she was declared dead. She was a
mother of twin daughters studying in 8th standard.

• In both these cases, they would have been confronted with

fear of whether they would fail in the attempt. But both of
them took a chance and displayed fearlessness in different
ways. If in the former example, it was a fearless effort to do
the daring to save her father, in the latter case the woman
sacrificed herself, overcoming fear of death, to save the life
of many kids.
• History of the Indian Freedom struggle illustrates stories of
many such brave souls who sacrificed their lives for fighting
against the invaders. One such fearless woman freedom fighter
was Kuyili-The Veerthalapathy or Veeramangai.
• In 1772 C.E (common era), a small kingdom called Sivaganga
in present-day Tamil Nadu was ruled by a King named Muthu
Vaduga Nathar. The Nawab of Arcot sowed the seeds of a
catastrophe in the country by entering into a diplomatic
relationship with the East India company. With the military aid
of the company, Nawab killed Muthu Vaduga Nathar. Queen
Velunachiyar, the wife of Vaduganathar, went into hiding in a
village called Virupachi.. Over the next eight years,
Velunachiyar developed a new and powerful army.
• It was during this period of forest-hide, that the Queen met a
young girl named Kuyili. Kuyili often thwarted the enemies'
attempts to endanger the queen. In a short period, Kuyili was
promoted as the chief commander of the women's army.
• To emerge victoriously, Kuyili devised a secret plan without even consultation with her queen. On the day
of Vijayadasami (auspicious Navratri puja culmination), she entered the Sivaganga fort with her
companions to worship the Goddess. Since the war began, the British have not allowed any men born on
Tamil soil into this fort. This was because the army warehouse was inside the fort, where they stored their
weapons and ammunition.
• But, Kuyili and her companions left no trace of doubts and the fort guards let them in without any
hesitation. Having reached the Sri Rajarajeswari Amman temple inside the Sivaganga fort, she opened the
small pot in her possession and poured ghee into her own body.
• What fear would come for those who are blessed with DharmaBodha (clarity of thought) and Strength of
mind! Appearing like the Goddess herself after a ghee bath, Kuyili took a flame from the lamp and lit her
own saree. Transforming herself into a raging fire, she fled to the British arsenal. Before the baffled
soldiers could do anything, the armory was set ablaze and it all exploded along with Kuyili.
• The British army, having lost its ammunition, surrendered to Velu Nachiyar's army soon. Queen
Velunachiyar ruled over Sivaganga for the next fifteen years without any threat from them.
Fearlessness is also the courage to stick to Truth
and Righteousness.

Bhagavad Gita chapter 4 shloka 10 says

man-maya mam upasritah
bahavo jnana-tapasa
puta mad-bhavam agatah

“Being freed from attachment, fear and anger,

being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in
Me, many, many persons in the past became
purified by knowledge of Me.
To sum up, Karna though was fearless in battle like an ideal soldier was not fearless
to stick on to righteousness. He knew in all the above instances, he was on the side of
adharma, but his friendship commitment forced him to do so. On the other hand, in
Ramayana, we see that Vibhishana forsake even his brother Ravana, when he realizes
that Ravana was on the wrong side of war.

The lesson we should learn from this excerpt is to leave the friendship for the sake of
righteousness. That is actually the ideal fearlessness.

• Once, Swami Vivekananda was walking along a path

where there was a large tank of water on one side and a
high wall on the other. So many monkeys were sitting
on the ground, and they started attacking him. They
howled, and shrieked and did not allow him to walk.
Thus, he tried to run as fast as he could, however, the
monkeys came faster and started to bite him. Soon, a
strange monk called out and said to him “Face the
brutes”. Swamiji turned and faced the monkeys, they
fled. Hence, he advises us to “face the terrible, face it
boldly. Hardships in life fall back when we cease to flee
before them”. We should never run away from
difficulties, but fight the fear, troubles, and ignorance
before it makes us fail.
Chanakya Neeti (236) states that
“Taavad Bhayeshu Bhetavyam Yaadav Bhayamanaagatam.
Aagatam Tu Bhayam Veekshaya Prahartavyamshankayaa”.

• Means “One should be apprehensive of the cause of fear till it is

far off, but when it comes close, fight it undaunted”. Chanakya
says that the only way to overcome fear is to fight when it comes

• He also states that “Bhaavaanaa Bhayanaashinee” (Chanakya

Neeti 259) means “determined feeling destroys fear”. Feeling
determination and facing it with courage helps to overcome fear.
He also pronounces that courage alone is not vital for achieving
success, it should be accompanied by knowledge and resources.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad says
“Abhayam vai Bhrahma (4.25)”
“Abhayam janaka, prapto’si (2.4)”
meaning fearlessness is Brahman, and Janaka has attained this fearless state.
Yanjnavalkya tells King Janaka that he has attained fearlessness and thereby
wisdom.Thus, fearlessness is the ultimate state of realization (Bhrahman).
Overcoming fear is one of the most significant achievements that lead to
numerous accomplishments. Fearlessness, self-confidence, and truthfulness
make your life happier and more contented.
• The new generation wants power and success likewise, they want to be confident.
The most vital message from Upanishads is to have faith in yourself and divinity
within. If a person has faith in self, he can face any situation and overcome any

• The fear itself is an imaginary condition and it can be driven out by having a habit of
inquiry. The Upanishads and scriptural studies advise us to think positively. Faith in
oneself is the best solution to overcome an emotional problem

Katha Upanishad calls up the young minds through this well-known statement
“Uthishtata Jagrata Praapya Varaan Nibhodata”.
• To be fearless, think yourself stronger and fight
until the goal is reached.
• Practice Yoga and Meditation to exercise
control over the mind A student can face fear
with courage by setting up goals and
• As Chanakya said, “as soon as the fear
approaches near, attack and destroy it”.
Overcoming fearlessness is not a massive task,
but one should possess the strength and
willpower to overcome it.
• Identify your strengths, weaknesses, upcoming
opportunities, and threats to be fearless in life.

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