Polycab Solar Catalogue

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05 DC MCB 31


ABOUT US The sun provides us with ample energy than we could ever use and no one can monopolise
the sunlight. Sun light is free and can be used to convert into electrical energy which is referred as
Solar PV system. Solar electricity is green renewable energy and doesn’t release any harmful carbon
dioxide or other pollutants. A typical home solar PV system could save around 1.3 to 1.6 tonnes of
Polycab is the country’s largest manufacturer of wires and cables, manufacturing around carbon per year.
3.9 million kilometers of cables every year. Underpinning our leadership position are our solid
business fundamentals, which include multi-location manufacturing with a high degree of With the continuously increasing demand for electric power, the significantly high price of oil
backward integration, a comprehensive product portfolio, strong brand positioning, robust and the growing concern for the environment, many businesses are in the process of implementing
distribution network, and experienced management. Polycab’s widest range of wires & cables alternative sources of energy. Among the renewable energy sources, solar energy is a sustainable
helps the company bond with millions of satisfied customers, riding on key differentiators choice and that can be used in various applications. Many businesses are now extracting this
like product innovation, superior quality and ready availability. Our clientele includes market alternative source of energy, hoping to benefit from its numerous advantages.
leaders in sectors like utilities, power generation, transmission and distribution, petroleum
and oil refineries, original equipment manufacturers, EPC contractors, steel, metal, cement,
To make an ecological awareness and safe use of renewable energy Polycab has brought
chemicals, atomic energy, railways and nuclear power industries amongst others.
complete Solar energy solution in Indian and overseas market. Polycab Solar equipment meet the
Apart from a stellar lineup of wires and cables, we have made inroads into the highly high expectation that are demanded from the Solar system.
competitive FMEG market, with products like fans, LED lighting and luminaires, switches
Polycab has brought the environmentally friendly E-Beam Technology that meets the
and switchgears, home appliances, solar products and conduits and accessories. Polycab’s
demand of sustainable product in line with worldwide market trends and ecological awareness.
corporate advantage includes its extensive base of expertise, proven technological capabilities,
and comprehensive skills of its human resources.
Polycab has a comprehensive product range in Solar PV system. The products are
manufactured in latest state of the art machines and tested in well equipped laboratories. These are
SOLAR-The Infinite Source of Power
highly suitable in rough climatic condition as well as guaranteed for more than 25 year of use.
We at Polycab ventured into Solar in 2012 with manufacturing of Solar DC Cables.
International accreditation from TUV Rheinland was secured for our Solar DC cables
subsequently, initially for 2Pfg 1169/08.2007 standard and then for EN 50618 for sizes 1.5sq.
mm to 300sq.mm. complying also to IEC 62930
We have successfully supplied Solar DC as well as AC Cables to large EPC players,
Distributors pan India as well as to many of our International Clients all over the Globe.
Repeat orders have been forthcoming out of confidence on our product quality and supply
Extending our foray into Solar field we added Solar On-Grid Inverters in our Product
Basket in 2016.
Polycab Solar Grid-Tie String Inverters have already captured the hearts of Solar Roof-
Top System Integrators pan India through product performance and prompt after Sales-
Services provided by Polycab. Polycab On-Grid Inverters are IEC Certified with all relevant IEC
Tests conducted and certified by TUV for the full range of Inverters from 1kW to 110kW.
Our success story of On-Grid Inverters in short span of 5 years is worth mentioning. We have
already supplied 300MW+ in capacity and 30000+ Inverters in quantity. All these Inverters
are already installed and running successfully in the field. We are sure to capture good
market share
We have also added Solar DC MCBs, Solar Cable Connectors (MC4) in all its variants,
Solar Cable Harnesses, Solar Off-Grid Inverters with Batteries (both Tubular Lead-Acid and
Lithium Ferro Phosphate) to our product basket.
Our goal to become a one stop shop for all the major components needed by Solar Roof-Top
System Integrator is now nearing reality and we are now poised to offer all our products to
International Markets.
• Electron beam cross linked compound
• UV, ozone , temperature & hydrolysis resistant
• Flame retardant,low smoke
• Excellent encapsulation
• Very long service life >25 years

Restriction of Hazardous Substance ( RoHS) restricts the use of some hazardous materials in the
POLYCAB green technology is highly sustainable and well compatible with ecological use of solar
product. The state-of-the-art technology takes care of the product efficiency, service life, emission manufacture of electronic and electrical products in European Union (EU).
reduction and conservation of natural resources. Green Technology is the selection of manufacturing
methods and Raw materials which support and sustain a renewable way of producing products The aim of RoHS is to restrict the use of hazardous substance during the manufacture of an electronic
with minimal harm to the environment. In manufacturing community, POLYCAB future technology or electrical product and thus to protect both the environment and human health. The original RoHS or
will go for a philosophical change that takes care of conservation of energy, scrap reduction and the RoHS 1 also known as directive 2002/95/EC came in action in EU market from 1st July 2006 and it
green product design. However, todays opportunity of selling green product, POLYCAB has highly
restricts the use of six hazardous materials found in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).
emphasised on the restricted usage of chemicals – the requirement of today and tomorrow and
will provide a sustainable future proof solution. POLYCAB green products are following European
RoHS 2 or directive 2011/656/EU was published in 21st July 2011 which includes a CE marking. This
Union(EU) directives and RoHS & REACH compliance:
directive means that with the original RoHS compliance there should be a CE marking on finished
product. It includes category 8 (medical devices) and category 9 (monitoring and control equipment)

REACH and it has additional compliance record keeping requirement.

RoHS 3 is the latest version of RoHS also known as Directive 2015/863, came in action from 22nd
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) is a European Union (EU) July 2019 and it includes four more substances (all phthalates) to the list of six of original RoHS for
regulation which addresses the production and use of chemical substances, and their potential impact electrical and electronic equipment. RoHS 3 adds category 11 (catch-all) products. Category 8 and
on both human health and the environment. It came into action on 1st June 2007 and replaced a
category 9 has two years extension to meet RoHS 3 compliance.
number of European directives and regulations in a single system.

Following are the 10 restricted substances for which RoHS specifies maximum limit:
The main aim of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and environment by
identification of intrinsic properties of chemical substances as well as to enhance innovative capability Cadmium (Cd) : <100 ppm
and competitiveness of EU chemicals industry. Lead (Pb) : <1000 ppm
Mercury (Hg) : <1000 ppm
This regulation also demand progressive substitution of most dangerous chemicals (or Substance of Hexavalent Chromium (Cr VI) : <1000 ppm
Very High Concern) when suitable alternatives have been identified. Polybrominated Biphenyl (PBB) : <1000 ppm
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) : <1000ppm
The EU manufacturers and importers are required to gather information on the properties of their
Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) : <1000 ppm
chemical substances, which will allow their safe handling and to register the data in the European
Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) : <1000 ppm
Chemicals Agency (ECHA). ECHA evaluates individual registration for their compliance and the
EU member states evaluate selected substance to clarify initial concern for human health and Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) : <1000 ppm

environment. Authorities and ECHA’s scientific committee decide whether the risk of substances Di-isobutyl phthalate (DIBP) : <1000ppm
(SVHC) can be managed the risk is manageable then the chemical will be subject to authorisation.
Otherwise the authority can restrict or ban the chemical or can demand suitable alternative Among these the first six are applied under RoHS 1 while the last four were added in RoHS 3.
WEEE directive 2002/96/EC also related to RoHS. WEEE stands for Waste from Electrical and
There are 205 Substances of Very High Concern which must not be present in more than 0.1% (w/w) to
Electronic Equipment and controls the treatment, recovery and recycling of electronic and electrical
full fill the REACH compliance criteria. This include phthalates, arsenic and its compound, chromium VI
equipment. All the applicable products must have WEEE compliance in EU market.
and compounds, anthracene oil, acrylamide, cobalt II and compounds, lead and compound, methanol,
mercury and compound and many others.
Polycab offers Solar Cable for complete solar projects in both AC as well as DC international markets. Medium Voltage in – 33 / 35 / 36 KV is
manufactured for US, European and Australian / New Zealand as per their standards in sizes 185 – 630 sq.mm

DC feeder cables are manufactured for Australian and European markets as per their standards in sizes 120 – 630 sq.mm.
DC string cables with anti-termite Layer for the Australian markets and without anti-termite Layer for the rest of the world are manufactured
in sizes, single core, two core as well twin parallel 4sq.m – 16sq.mm. All the DC string cables are insulated and sheathed with Electron Beam
Rubberised Polyolefin Halogen free compounds. These DC string cables are AD7 / AD8 compliant.

Photovoltaic Solar DC Cable, Halogen Free, Salient Features Single Core Cross Nominal insulation Minimum Nylon Nominal Sheath Approx. Overall Max. DC Resistance
sectional Area thickness Thickness thickness Diameter at 20˚ C
Flame Retardant, Anti Termite • Halogen free
• Electron Beam Cross-linked
• Flame retardant mm2 mm mm mm mm Ω/km
• Long life
• Flexibility 4.0 0.7 0.2 0.8 6.5 5.09
• UV, Ozone resistant
• Hydrolysis resistant
• High temperature resistant 6.0 0.7 0.2 0.8 7.5 3.39
• Termite Resistant
10 0.7 0.2 0.8 8.0 1.95
POLYCAB low smoke, halogen free, flexible single core cable with electron beam cross linked
insulation and sheathing is designed for use in Photovoltaic installation on DC side. These
16 0.7 0.2 0.9 9.5 1.24
cables are suitable for permanent outdoor use under variable climatic condition.

Voltage Rating Standard and References

Nominal Voltage:1500 V DC between EN/IEC 60228 Current Carrying Capacity according to method of installation
conductors as well as conductor and earth.
EN 50618 Nominal Cross sectional Area
Max permitted voltage: 1800 V Single Cable Free in air Single Cable on a surface
Two loaded cables touching on
the surface
IEC 60332-1-2
Operation Temperature
AS/NSZ 5000.1 mm2 A A A
Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚C
Maximum operating conductor temperature: 4 55 52 44
+120˚C for Maximum 20,000 hrs
Test Voltage 6 70 67 57
Construction 6.5kV AC 50Hz 10 98 93 79
• Conductor: Tinned copper conductor as
per IEC 60228, class 5. 16 132 125 107
• Insulation: E-Beam cross linked halogen Compliance
free and flame-retardant compound
(XLPO) Fire Performance EN 60332-1 *Current Ratings are based on EN 50618 at Max. Conductor Temperature 120°C and Ambient
• Anti Termite Layer : Polyamide (Nylon Smoke Emission IEC 61034/ EN Air temperature 60°C.
12), Colour :Black
• Sheath: E-Beam cross linked halogen Note: the expected period of use at maximum conductor temperature at 120º C is limited to
free and flame-retardant compound Halogen free material EN 50267-2-1
20,000 hours
(XLPO) / IEC 60754-2

Identification Resistance to ozone EN 50396

Current rating / de-rating factors other than 60°C ambient temperature.
Insulation : (-ve) Black & (+ve) Red Weathering / UV HD 605/A1
Sheath : (-ve) Black & (+ve) Black (70%) or DIN 53667 up to 60ºC 70ºC 80ºC 90ºC
with red Strip (30%)
Life Expectancy IEC 60216 1.00 0.92 0.84 0.75
Bending Radius Water Resistance
For fixed installation - > 30D Note: These cables can be provided with twisted formation, If required.
-{Category (AD7/AD8)} IEC 60364-5-51
For occasional movement - > 20D

Photovoltaic Solar DC Cable Salient Features
Current Carrying Capacity according to method of
• Halogen free
• Electron Beam Cross-linked
• Flame retardant Nominal Nominal Max. DC
Cross sectional Approx. Overall
• Long life insulation Sheath Resistance at
Area Diameter
• Flexibility thickness thickness 20˚ C
Two loaded
Single cable Single cable
• UV, Ozone resistant cables touching
free in air on a surface
• Hydrolysis resistant on a surface
• High temperature resistant
POLYCAB low smoke, halogen free, flexible twin core cable with electron beam cross linked n x mm2 mm mm mm x mm Ω/km Amp. Amp. Amp.
insulation and sheath is designed to use for Photovoltaic installation at the DC side. These cables
are suitable for permanent outdoor use under variable climatic condition.
2 x 2.5 0.7 0.8 5.5 x 11.2 8.21 41 39 33
Voltage Rating Standard and References
Nominal Voltage:1500 V DC between EN/IEC 60228
conductors as well as conductor and earth. EN 50618 2 x 4.0 0.7 0.8 6.0 x 12.2 5.09 55 52 44
Max permitted voltage: 1800 V DC
IEC 60332-1-2
Operation Temperature IEC 62930 2 x 6.0 0.7 0.8 6.5 x 13.2 3.39 70 67 57
Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚ C
Maximum conductor temperature: +120˚ Test Voltage
C for Maximum 20,000 hrs 2 x 10 0.7 0.8 7.5 x 15.2 1.95 98 93 79
6.5kV AC 50Hz
• Conductor: Tinned copper conductor as Compliance 2 x 16 0.7 0.9 8.5 x 17.2 1.24 132 125 107
per IEC 60228, class 5. Fire Performance EN 60332-1
• Insulation: E-Beam cross linked halogen
Smoke Emission IEC 61034/ EN
free and flame-retardant compound
(XLPO) 50268-2
*Current Ratings are based on EN 50618 at Max. Conductor Temperature 120 ˚C and Ambient
• Sheath: E-Beam cross linked halogen Halogen free material EN 50267-2-1 /
free and flame-retardant compound Air temperature 60 ˚C.
IEC 60754-2
(XLPO) Current rating/de-rating factors other than 60 ˚C ambient temperature.
Toxicity EN 50305
Core Identification Resistance to ozone EN 50396
Insulation : (-ve) Black & (+ve) Red up to 60 ˚C 70 ˚C 80 ˚C 90 ˚C
Weathering / UV HD 605/A1 or DIN
Sheath : (-ve) Black & (+ve) Black (70%) 53667 1.00 0.92 0.84 0.75
with red Strip(30%)
Life Expectancy IEC 60216
Bending Radius Water Resistance Note: These cables can be provided with Anti Termite Nylon Layer, If Required.
For fixed installation - > 4D {Category (AD7/AD8)} IEC 60364-5-51
For occasional movement - > 5D

Photovoltaic Solar DC Cable Salient Features

Current Carrying Capacity according to method of
• Halogen free installation.
• Electron Beam Cross-linked
• Flame retardant Minimum Minimum Approx. Max. DC
• Long life insulation Sheath Overall Resistance
sectional Area
thickness thickness Diameter at 20˚ C Two loaded
• Flexibility Single cable Single cable cables
• UV, Ozone resistant free in air on a surface touching on a
• Hydrolysis resistant surface
• High temperature resistant
POLYCAB low smoke, halogen free, flexible twin core cable with electron beam cross linked
insulation and sheath is designed to use for Photovoltaic installation at the DC side. These cables n x mm2 mm mm mm x mm Ω/km Amp. Amp. Amp.
are suitable for permanent outdoor use under variable climatic condition.

Voltage Rating Standard and References 2 x 2.5 0.5 0.5 4.5 x 9.2 8.21 41 39 33

Nominal Voltage:1500 V DC between EN/IEC 60228

conductors as well as conductor and earth. IEC 60332-1-2
2Pfg 1169/08 2007 2 x 4.0 0.5 0.5 5.0 x 10.2 5.09 55 52 44
Max permitted voltage: 1800 V DC

Operation Temperature Test Voltage

Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚ C 6.5kV AC 50Hz 2 x 6.0 0.5 0.5 5.6 x 11.4 3.39 70 67 57

Maximum conductor temperature: +120˚

C for Maximum 20,000 hrs Compliance
Fire Performance EN 60332-1 2 x 10 0.5 0.5 6.6 x 13.4 1.95 98 93 79
• Conductor: Tinned copper conductor as Smoke Emission IEC 61034/ EN
per IEC 60228, class 5. 50268-2 2 x 16 0.5 0.5 7.6 x 15.4 1.24 132 125 107

• Insulation: E-Beam cross linked halogen

free and flame-retardant compound Halogen free material EN 50267-2-1 /
(XLPO) IEC 60754-2
• Sheath: E-Beam cross linked halogen *Current Ratings are based on EN 50618 at Max. Conductor Temperature 120 ˚C and Ambient
free and flame-retardant compound Toxicity EN 50305 Air temperature 60 ˚C.
(XLPO) Resistance to ozone EN 50396 Current rating/ de-rating factors other than 60 ˚C ambient temperature.
Weathering / UV HD 605/A1 or
Core Identification DIN 53667
Insulation : (-ve) Black & (+ve) Red
Sheath : (-ve) Black & (+ve) Black (70%) Life Expectancy IEC 60216 up to 60 ˚C 70 ˚C 80 ˚C 90 ˚C 100 ˚C 110 ˚C
with red Strip(30%)
1.00 0.91 0.82 0.71 0.58 0.41
Water Resistance
Bending Radius
{Category (AD7/AD8)} IEC 60364-5-51
For fixed installation - > 4D
For occasional movement - > 5D

Max. D.C. Resistance
Photovoltaic Wire, Halogen free, Flame Retardant Conductor Size
No. of Strands (Nos.)
Conductor Dia.
at 20 Deg. C. (Ohm/
Nominal Insulation Approx Overall Dia.
(AWG/MCM) Compact (mm) Thickness (mm) (mm)

Salient Features
8 7 3.40 3.52 2.15 8.0
• Halogen free
• Electron Beam Cross-linked 6 7 4.29 2.21 2.15 8.9
• Flame retardant
• Long life
4 7 5.41 1.39 2.15 10.0
• Flexibility
• UV, Ozone resistant
• Hydrolysis resistant 2 7 6.81 0.875 2.15 11.4
• High temperature resistant
1 19 7.59 0.693 2.66 13.2
POLYCAB PV halogen free flame-retardant Al Alloy conductor E-Beam crosslinked Polyolefins 1/0 19 8.53 0.550 2.66 14.2
insulated Wire is designed to use in Outdoor Solar application as per NEC 690 in wet & dry
location. The cable is rated direct burial, Sunlight resistant and weatherproof.
2/0 19 9.55 0.436 2.66 15.2

3/0 19 10.70 0.346 2.66 16.3

Voltage Rating Standard and References
Max Voltage: 2000 V ASTM B801 4/0 19 12.10 0.274 2.66 17.7

Operation Temperature UL 44
250 37 13.20 0.232 3.04 19.6
Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚ C UL 4703
Ul 854 300 37 14.50 0.194 3.04 20.9
Conductor: 8000 Series Stranded (Class B) 350 37 15.60 0.166 3.04 22.0
Aluminium Alloy conductor as per ASTM
B801. Test Voltage 400 37 16.70 0.145 3.04 23.1
Insulation: Halogen free flame retardant As per UL 44
E-Beam crosslinked Polyolefins. Max. Short circuit temp: 250˚ C 500 37 18.70 0.116 3.04 26.0

Identification 600 61 20.70 0.0967 3.43 28.9

(-Ve)Black, (+ve)Red Compliance
UL 854 for USE-2 700 61 22.30 0.0829 3.43 30.5
Bending Radius UL 44 for Type RHW-2
Fixed installation – 8-10 D UL 4703 for Type PV 750 61 23.10 0.0774 3.43 31.3
UL 44
800 61 23.80 0.0725 3.43 32.0

900 61 25.40 0.0645 3.43 33.6
UL 4703

1000 61 26.90 0.058 3.43 35.1

Max. D.C. Resistance
Conductor Size Conductor Dia. at 20 Deg. C. Nominal Insulation Approx Overall Dia.
Photovoltaic Wire, Halogen free, Flame Retardant (AWG/MCM)
No. of Strands (Nos.)
Compact (mm) (Ohm/km) (Bare Thickness (mm) (mm)
Salient Features
• Halogen free
12 AWG 7 2.32 5.43 1.90 6.4
• Electron Beam Cross-linked
• Flame retardant 10 AWG 7 2.95 3.41 1.90 7.0
• Long life
• Flexibility 8 AWG 7 3.71 2.14 2.15 8.3
• UV, Ozone resistant
7 AWG 7 4.17 1.70 2.15 8.7
• Hydrolysis resistant
• High temperature resistant 6 AWG 7 4.67 1.35 2.15 9.2
Application 5 AWG 7 5.23 1.071 2.15 9.8
POLYCAB PV halogen free flame-retardant Copper conductor, E-Beam crosslinked Polyolefins
insulated Wire is designed to use in Outdoor Solar application as per NEC 690 in wet & dry 4 AWG 7 5.89 0.848 2.15 10.5
location. The cable is rated direct burial, Sunlight resistant and weatherproof. 3 AWG 7 6.60 0.673 2.15 11.2

2 AWG 7 7.42 0.534 2.15 12.0

Voltage Rating 1 AWG 19 8.43 0.423 2.66 14.1

Standard and References
Rated Voltage: 2000 V ASTM B8 1/0 AWG 19 9.47 0.335 2.66 15.1

UL 44 2/0 AWG 19 10.64 0.266 2.66 16.3

Operation Temperature
UL 4703 3/0 AWG 19 11.94 0.211 2.66 17.6
Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚ C
Ul 854 4/0 AWG 19 13.41 0.167 2.66 19.0

Construction 250 MCM 37 14.61 0.142 3.04 21.0

Conductor: Stranded (Class B) Bare or Test Voltage
300 MCM 37 16.00 0.118 3.04 22.4
Tinned Copper conductor as per ASTM B8 As per UL 44
Max. Short circuit temp: 250˚ C 350 MCM 37 17.30 0.101 3.04 23.7
Insulation: Halogen free Flame retardant
E-Beam crosslinked Polyolefins 400 MCM 37 18.49 0.0885 3.04 24.9
500 MCM 37 20.65 0.0708 3.04 28.0
UL 854 for USE-2
UL 44 for Type RHW-2 600 MCM 61 22.68 0.0590 3.43 30.8
(-Ve)Black, (+ve)Red
UL 4703 for Type PV 700 MCM 61 24.49 0.0506 3.43 32.6
UL 44
Bending Radius 750 MCM 61 25.35 0.0472 3.43 33.5

Fixed installation – 8-10 D Approval 800 MCM 61 26.19 0.0443 3.43 34.3

UL 4703 Certified 900 MCM 61 27.79 0.0393 3.43 35.9

1000 MCM 61 29.26 0.0354 3.43 37.4

Single Core Cross Nominal insulation Nominal Sheath Max. DC Resistance at
Approx. Overall Diameter
sectional Area thickness thickness 20˚ C
Photovoltaic Solar DC Cable, Halogen Free, Salient Features mm2 mm mm mm Ω/km
Flame Retardant • Halogen free 1.5 0.7 0.8 5.0 13.7
• Electron Beam Cross-linked 2.5 0.7 0.8 5.5 8.21
• Flame retardant 4.0 0.7 0.8 6.0 5.09
• Long life 6.0 0.7 0.8 6.5 3.39
• Flexibility 10 0.7 0.8 7.5 1.95
• UV, Ozone resistant 16 0.7 0.9 8.5 1.24
• Hydrolysis resistant 25 0.9 1.0 10.5 0.795
• High temperature resistant 35 0.9 1.1 12.0 0.565
Application 50 1.0 1.1 14.0 0.393
70 1.1 1.2 16.0 0.277
POLYCAB low smoke, halogen free, flexible single core cable with electron beam cross linked
95 1.1 1.3 18.0 0.210
insulation and sheath is designed to use for Photovoltaic installation at the DC side. These cables
120 1.2 1.3 19.5 0.164
are suitable for permanent outdoor use under variable climatic condition. 150 1.4 1.4 21.5 0.132
185 1.6 1.6 24.5 0.108
Voltage Rating Standard and References 240 1.7 1.7 27.0 0.0817
300 1.8 1.8 30.0 0.0654
Nominal Voltage:1500 V DC between EN/IEC 60228
conductors as well as conductor and earth.
Max permitted voltage: 1800 V
IEC 60332-1-2 Current Carrying Capacity according to method of installation
Nominal Cross sectional Area Two loaded cables touching, on
Operation Temperature Single Cable Free in air Single Cable on a surface
a surface
Fixed: -40˚C to +120˚C mm2 A A A
Test Voltage
Maximum operating conductor 1.5 30 29 24
temperature: +120˚C 6.5kV AC 50Hz 2.5 41 39 33
4 55 52 44
6 70 67 57
Construction 10 98 93 79
• Conductor: Tinned copper conductor as 16 132 125 107
per IEC 60228, class 5. Fire Performance EN 60332-1 25 176 167 142
35 218 207 176
• Insulation: E-Beam cross linked halogen Smoke Emission IEC 61034/ EN 50 276 262 221
free and flame-retardant compound 70 347 330 278
(XLPO) 95 416 395 333
• Sheath: E-Beam cross linked halogen free Halogen free material EN 50267-2-1 / 120 488 464 390
150 566 538 453
and flame-retardant compound (XLPO) IEC 60754-2 185 644 612 515
Resistance to ozone EN 50396 240 775 736 620
Identification 300 895 850 713
Insulation : (-ve) Black & (+ve) Red Weathering / UV HD 605/A1 or
*Current Ratings are based on EN 50618 at Max. Conductor Temperature 120ºC and Ambient
Sheath : (-ve) Black & (+ve) Black (70%)with red DIN 53667 Air temperature 60ºC.
Strip (30%) Note: the expected period of use at maximum conductor temperature at 120º C is limited to
Life Expectancy IEC 60216 20,000 hours
Bending Radius Water Resistance Current rating / de-rating factors other than 60ºC ambient temperature.
For fixed installation - > 4D -Category {(AD7/AD8)} IEC 60364-5-51 Up to 60ºC 70ºC 80ºC 90ºC
For occasional movement - > 5D 1.00 0.92 0.84 0.75
Note: These cables can be provided with twisted formation, If required. 10
Photovoltaic Solar DC Cable, Halogen Free, Salient Features
Flame Retardant • Halogen free
• Electron Beam Cross-linked Single Core Cross Nominal insulation Nominal Sheath Max. DC Resistance at
Approx. Overall Diameter
• Flame retardant sectional Area thickness thickness 20˚ C
• Long life
• Flexibility mm2 mm mm mm Ω/km
• UV, Ozone resistant
• Hydrolysis resistant 1.5 0.7 0.8 5.0 13.7
• High temperature resistant
2.5 0.7 0.8 5.5 8.21
POLYCAB low smoke, halogen free, flexible single core cable with electron beam cross linked
insulation and sheathing is designed for use in Photovoltaic installation on DC side. These
4.0 0.7 0.8 6.0 5.09
cables are suitable for permanent outdoor use under variable climatic condition.
6.0 0.7 0.8 6.5 3.39
Voltage Rating Standard and References
Nominal Voltage:1500 V DC between
EN/IEC 60228 10 0.7 0.8 7.5 1.95
conductors as well as conductor and earth.
Max permitted voltage: 1800 V IEC 62930 16 0.7 0.9 8.5 1.24
Operation Temperature IEC 60332-1-2
Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚C 25 0.9 1.0 10.5 0.795
Maximum operating conductor
temperature: +120˚C 35 0.9 1.1 12.0 0.565
Test Voltage
Construction 6.5kV AC 50Hz 50 1.0 1.1 14.0 0.393
• Conductor: Tinned copper conductor as
per IEC 60228, class 5 & class 2 70 1.1 1.2 16.0 0.277
(Class 5: For cables that is directly connected to
the PV Module.
95 1.1 1.3 18.0 0.210
Class 2: For cables intended for fixed installation Fire Performance EN 60332-1
and not directly connected to the PV Modules.)
• Insulation: E-Beam cross linked halogen Smoke Emission IEC 61034/ EN 120 1.2 1.3 19.5 0.164

free and flame-retardant compound 50268-2

(XLPO) 150 1.4 1.4 21.5 0.132
Halogen free material EN 50267-2-
• Sheath: E-Beam cross linked halogen free
and flame-retardant compound (XLPO) 1 / IEC 60754-2 185 1.6 1.6 24.5 0.108

Resistance to ozone EN 50396

Identification 240 1.7 1.7 27.0 0.0817
Weathering / UV HD 605/A1 or
Insulation : (-ve) Black & (+ve) Red
Sheath : (-ve) Black & (+ve) Black (70%) with DIN 53667 300 1.8 1.8 30.0 0.0654
red Strip (30%) Life Expectancy IEC 60216
400 2.0 2.0 34.5 0.0495
Bending Radius Water Resistance
For fixed installation - > 4D {Category (AD7/AD8)} IEC 60364-5-51
For occasional movement - > 5D Note: These cables can be provided with twisted formation, If required.

Current Carrying Capacity according to method of installation
Single Core Cross Nominal insulation Nominal Sheath Max. DC Resistance at
Approx. Overall Diameter Nominal Cross sectional Area
sectional Area thickness thickness 20˚ C Two loaded cables touching, on
Single Cable Free in air Single Cable on a surface
a surface

mm2 mm mm mm Ω/km mm2 A A A

1.5 31 30 24
16 0.7 0.9 8.0 1.16
2.5 42 40 33

4 57 54 45
25 0.9 1.0 10.0 0.734
6 72 69 58

35 0.9 1.1 11.5 0.529 10 98 96 80

16 132 130 107

50 1.0 1.1 13.0 0.391 25 183 174 138

35 227 215 171

70 1.1 1.2 14.5 0.270
50 287 273 209

95 1.1 1.3 16.5 0.195 70 361 344 269

95 433 411 328

120 1.2 1.3 18.0 0.154 120 508 483 382

150 590 560 441

150 1.4 1.4 20.0 0.126
185 671 638 506

240 808 767 599

185 1.6 1.6 22.5 0.100
300 913 866 693

240 1.7 1.7 25.5 0.0762 400 1098 1041 825

300 1.8 1.8 28.0 0.0607 *Current Ratings are based on IEC 62930 at Max. Conductor Temperature 90°C and Ambient
Air temperature 30°C.

400 2.0 2.0 31.5 0.0475

Current rating / de-rating factors other than 30ºC ambient temperature.

0 10ºC 20ºC 30ºC 40ºC 50ºC 60ºC 70ºC

1.22 1.15 1.08 1.00 0.91 0.82 0.71 0.58

Current Rating capacity
Photovoltaic DC Feeder Cable Salient Features Single Nominal Minimum Nominal Approx. Max. DC
Core Cross insulation Nylon Jacket Sheath Overall Resistance at Two cables
Two cable
• Long life touching in air Two cable
sectional Area thickness thickness thickness Diameter 20˚ C unenclosed touching in air
touching in
• UV, Ozone resistant spaced from on surface
• Hydrolysis resistant
• Termite Resistant mm2 mm mm mm mm Ω/km Amp. Amp. Amp.
POLYCAB, single core cable with cross linked polyethylene insulation is designed to use for 120 1.2 0.2 1.5 19.5 0.253 305 253 252
Photovoltaic installation at the DC side. These cables are suitable for permanent outdoor use
under variable climatic condition. 150 1.4 0.2 1.6 21.5 0.206 350 291 283

Standard and References

185 1.6 0.2 1.6 24.0 0.164 406 340 329
Voltage Rating AS/NZS 1125
Nominal Voltage:1500 V DC between AS/NZS 5000.1
240 1.7 0.2 1.7 26.5 0.125 485 408 388
conductors as well as conductor and earth. AS/NZS 3808

Operation Temperature 300 1.8 0.2 1.8 29.0 0.100 562 473 440
Test Voltage
Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚ C
6.5kV AC 50Hz
Maximum operating conductor 400 2.0 0.2 1.9 32.5 0.0778 660 559 516
temperature: +90˚ C
500 2.2 0.2 2.0 36.6 0.0605 772 656 590
Construction: UV resistance ASTM G-154
• Conductor: Aluminium conductor as per Water resistance Category IEC 60364-5-51
AS-NZS 1125 630 2.4 0.2 2.2 40.5 0.0469 904 772 695
• Insulation: cross linked polyethylene
material, Colour: Black
*Current Ratings are based on AS/NZS 3008 std, Max. Conductor Temperature at 90ºC,
(Longitudinal water blocking Tape can be Note: These cables can be provided with
Ambient temperature at 40ºC in Air, Ambient temperature at 25ºC in Ground, Soil thermal
provided, If required) twisted formation, If required.
resistivity 1.2 k.m/W, Depth of Laying 0.5m.
• Anti -Termite Layer: Polyamide (Nylon 12)
• Sheath: HDPE
Current rating / de-rating factors for other than 40ºC ambient air temperature.

Cable Identification 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC 35ºC 40ºC 45ºC 50ºC 55ºC 60ºC 65ºC 70ºC 75ºC 80ºC 85ºC
(- ve) - Black & (+ ve) - Black with red Strip
1.26 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.94 0.88 0.81 0.73 0.65 0.57 0.47 0.34 0.19

Bending Radius (For 1 Cable)

For fixed installation - > 12D Current rating / de-rating factors for other than 25ºC ground temperature.
For occasional movement - > 15D
10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC 35ºC 40ºC
1.11 1.07 1.03 1.00 0.97 0.93 0.89

Photovoltaic DC Feeder Cable Salient Features
Single Core Nominal Nominal Approx. Max. DC Current Rating capacity
• Long life Cross sectional insulation Sheath Overall Resistance at
• UV, Ozone resistant Area thickness thickness Diameter 20˚ C
In Ground In Duct In Air
• Hydrolysis resistant
mm2 mm mm mm Ω/km Amp. Amp. Amp.

120 1.2 1.5 18.0 0.253 230 206 276

POLYCAB, single core cable with cross linked polyethylene insulation is designed to use for 150 1.4 1.6 20.0 0.206 256 229 314
Photovoltaic installation at the DC side. These cables are suitable for permanent outdoor use
under variable climatic condition. 185 1.6 1.6 22.0 0.164 290 258 366

Voltage Rating Standard and References 240 1.7 1.7 24.5 0.125 335 298 434

Nominal Voltage:1500 V DC between IEC 60228 300 1.8 1.8 27.5 0.100 376 333 500
conductors as well as conductor and earth.
IEC 60502-1
400 2.0 1.9 30.5 0.0778 429 378 589
Operation Temperature
Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚ C 500 2.2 2.0 34.5 0.0605 485 426 685
Maximum operating conductor
temperature: +90˚ C Test Voltage 630 2.4 2.2 38.5 0.0469 546 477 793

3.5kV AC 49Hz to 61Hz

• Conductor: Aluminium conductor as per
IEC 60228 *Current Ratings are based on IEC 60364-5-52 std, Max. Conductor Temperature at 90ºC,
Ambient temperature at 30ºC in Air, Ambient temperature at 20®C in Ground, Soil thermal
• Insulation: cross linked polyethylene UV resistance ASTM G-154 resistivity 2.5 k.m/W, Depth of Laying 0.8m.
material, Colour: Black
(Longitudinal water blocking Tape can
Note: These cables can be provided with Current rating / de-rating factors for other than 30ºC ambient air temperature.
be provided, If required)
twisted formation, If required.
• Sheath: HDPE 10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC 35ºC 40ºC 45ºC 50ºC 55ºC 60ºC 65ºC 70ºC 75ºC 80ºC

Cable Identification 1.15 1.12 1.08 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.91 0.87 0.82 0.76 0.71 0.65 0.58 0.50 0.41

(- ve) - Black & (+ ve) - Black (70%) with

red (30%) Strip Current rating / de-rating factors for other than 20ºC ground temperature.

Bending Radius 10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC 35ºC 40ºC 45ºC 50ºC 55ºC 60ºC 65ºC 70ºC 75ºC 80ºC
For fixed installation - > 15D 1.07 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.85 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.65 0.60 0.53 0.46 0.38
For occasional movement - > 15D

Nom. insulation Approx. Overall Diameter
No. of Cores Core Cross sectional Area
Photovoltaic MV Cable Salient Features
3kA/sec. 10kA/sec.

• Long life No. mm2 mm mm mm

• UV, Ozone resistant 1 70 8.0 35.0 36.0

• Hydrolysis resistant 1 95 8.0 37.0 37.0

• Termite Resistant (optional) 1 120 8.0 38.0 39.0

Application 1 150 8.0 40.0 40.0

POLYCAB, single core cable with cross linked insulation is designed to use for Photovoltaic 1 185 8.0 41.0 42.0
installation. These cables are suitable for direct burial application.
1 240 8.0 44.0 44.0

1 300 8.0 46.0 47.0

Voltage Rating Core Identification
1 400 8.0 49.0 50.0
Voltage:19/33 (36) kV Natural
Operation Temperature 1 500 8.0 53.0 53.0
Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚C Bending Radius 1 630 8.0 57.0 57.0
Maximum operating conductor For fixed installation - > 20D
temperature: +90˚C
For occasional movement - > 30D
Short Circuit conductor temperature: ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
Standard and References
Construction: Max. AC
• Conductor: Aluminium conductor, AS/NZS 1125: 2001 No. of Cores
Single Core Cross Max. DC
Resistance at
Approx. Cable Approx. Cable Impedance of
Class-2 as per AS/NZS 1125 Sectional Area Resistance at 20˚C Capacitance Reactance Cable at 90˚C
AS/NZS 3808: 2000 90˚C
• Conductor Screen: Extruded Semi- AS/NZS 1429.1: 2006
conducting compound No. mm2 Ω/km Ω/km mfd/km Ohm/km Ohm/km
• Insulation: Cross linked Polyethylene as
per AS/NZS 3808 Test Voltage 1 70 0.443 0.568 0.15 0.149 0.587
(Tree Retardant XLPE can be provided, If 63kV AC 50Hz 1 95 0.320 0.411 0.17 0.143 0.434
• Insulation Screen: Extruded Strippable 1 120 0.253 0.325 0.18 0.137 0.353
Semi-conducting compound Compliance
• Metallic Screen: Copper Wires and Termite Protection Anti-Termite 1 150 0.206 0.265 0.19 0.133 0.297
Open Helix Copper Tape (Earth Fault Polyamide (Nylon)
current capacity 3kA/sec. & 10kA/sec.) 1 185 0.164 0.211 0.21 0.129 0.247
(Water blocking tape is applied under Layer (Optional)
1 240 0.125 0.161 0.23 0.123 0.203
and over screen, If Required)
• Composite Sheath: 1 300 0.100 0.129 0.25 0.119 0.176
Inner Layer: Extruded PVC 5V-90
Note: These cables can be provided with
Anti Termite Layer (optional): Polyamide 1 400 0.0778 0.101 0.27 0.114 0.153
(Nylon) 12 Twisted Triplex Formation, If Required
Outer Layer: High Density Polyethylene 1 500 0.0605 0.080 0.30 0.110 0.137
as per AS/NZS 3808, Colour: Black
1 630 0.0469 0.062 0.33 0.107 0.125

Current rating / de-rating factors for other than 30ºC ambient air temperature.
Buried direct in the ground
In single way ducts 20°C In Air 30°C
20°C 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC 35ºC 40ºC 45ºC 50ºC 55ºC 60ºC

No. of Core Cross 1.08 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.91 0.87 0.82 0.76 0.71
Cores sectional Area
Trefoil Flat Spaced Trefoil ducts touching Trefoil Flat touching Flat spaced Current rating / de-rating factors for other than 20ºC ground temperature.
10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC 35ºC 40ºC 45ºC 50ºC

No. mm2 Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. 1.07 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.85 0.80 0.76

1 70 186 192 176 178 230 236 278

1 95 221 229 210 213 280 287 338

1 120 252 260 240 242 324 332 391

1 150 281 288 267 271 368 376 440

1 185 317 324 303 307 424 432 504

1 240 367 373 351 356 502 511 593

1 300 414 419 397 402 577 586 677

1 400 470 466 451 457 673 676 769

1 500 530 546 504 537 773 776 919

1 630 600 646 554 617 883 886 1089

*Current Ratings are based on IEC 60502-2 & IEC 60287, Max. Conductor Temperature at 90ºC,
Ambient temperature at 30ºC in Air / at 20ºC in Ground, Thermal resistivity of Soil 1.5 k.m/W &
for earthenware ducts 1.2k.m/W and Depth of Laying 0.8m.

Photovoltaic MV Cable Salient Features
Cross Conductor DC Nominal
Concentric Neutral
Nominal Approx.
Ampacity Direct Buried
sectional Resistance @ Insulation Thickness Overall
Diameter Size of
• Long life Area 20ºC (ohm/ Thickness No.of of Jacket Diameter Trefoil
(inch) Size Wires Flat (Amp)
• UV, Ozone resistant (AWG/ km) (mils) Wires (mils) (inch) (Amp)

1500 1.299 0.0380 345 1/6 14 14 60 2.56 892 934

POLYCAB, single core cable with Tree Retardant cross linked Polyethylene insulation is designed 1500 1.299 0.0380 345 1/6 19 14 60 2.56 892 934
to use for Photovoltaic installation. These cables are intended for use in wet or dry locations for
distribution of single or three phase medium-voltage power. These cables may be installed in 1500 1.299 0.0380 345 1/6 18 12 60 2.56 892 934
ducts or direct buried.
1500 1.299 0.0380 345 1/6 24 12 60 2.56 892 934
Voltage Rating Standard and References
Voltage: 35 kV ASTM B-231 1500 1.299 0.0380 345 1/6 22 10 60 2.60 892 934

Operation Temperature AEIC CS8

Fixed: -40˚C to +105˚C ICEA S-94-649 1250 1.184 0.0453 345 1/12 12 14 60 2.44 836 863
Maximum operating conductor temperature: 105˚C
ICEA T-31-610
*Emergency conductor temperature: 140˚C 1250 1.184 0.0453 345 17 14 60 2.44 836 863
Short Circuit conductor temperature: 350˚C ICEA T-34-664 (As
(*Operation at the emergency overload temperature shall applicable for TRXLPE 1250 1.184 0.0453 345 11 12 60 2.44 836 863
not exceed 1500 hours cumulative during the lifetime of the
cable.) insulated concentric
1250 1.184 0.0453 345 1/6 15 12 60 2.44 836 863
neutral cable)
Construction UL 1072 MV-105
• Conductor: Filled (i. e. Water Blocked) Stranded 1250 1.184 0.0453 345 1/3 18 10 60 2.52 836 863
Aluminium Alloy 1350 conductor, Class B as per ASTM
B-231 Test Voltage 1000 1.117 0.0568 345 1/12 10 14 60 2.36 761 772
•Conductor Screen: Extruded Semi-conducting compound 69kV AC 50Hz
• Insulation: Tree-Retardant Cross-linked Polyethylene 1000 1.117 0.0568 345 12 14 60 2.36 761 772
(TRXLPE) - 100% insulation level.
• Insulation Screen: Extruded Strippable Semi-conducting
1000 1.117 0.0568 345 15 14 60 2.36 761 772
• Metallic Screen: Concentric Copper Wire Screening.
• Water Blocking Agent: Shall be applied around the neutral 1000 1.117 0.0568 345 10 12 60 2.40 761 772
wires to resist longitudinal water penetration.
• Outer Sheath: Extruded-to-fill non-conducting cross- 1000 1.117 0.0568 345 1/6 12 12 60 2.40 761 772
linked polyethene jacket, Colour: Black Colour with three
longitudinal extruded red stripes.
1000 1.117 0.0568 345 1/3 23 12 60 2.40 761 772

Bending Radius
1000 1.117 0.0568 345 1/2 22 10 60 2.44 761 772
For fixed installation - > 12D
For occasional movement - > 15D
Conductor Conductor Concentric Neutral Ampacity Direct Buried
Nominal Nominal Approx.
Cross Conductor DC
Conductor Concentric Neutral Ampacity Direct Buried Insulation Thickness Overall
sectional Diameter Resistance Size of
Cross Conductor DC Nominal Nominal Approx. Thickness No.of of Jacket Diameter Trefoil
Conductor Area (AWG/ (inch) @ 20degC Size Wires Flat (Amp)
sectional Resistance @ Insulation Thickness Overall (mils) Wires (mils) (inch) (Amp)
Diameter Size of MCM) (ohm/km) (AWG)
Area 20ºC (ohm/ Thickness No.of of Jacket Diameter Trefoil
(inch) Size Wires Flat (Amp)
(AWG/ km) (mils) Wires (mils) (inch) (Amp) 4/0 0.512 0.269 345 1/3 8 14 45 1.65 327 328
4/0 0.512 0.269 345 1/2 12 14 45 1.65 327 328
750 0.968 0.0758 345 1/6 15 16 60 2.17 638 648
4/0 0.512 0.269 345 2/3 15 14 45 1.65 327 328
750 0.968 0.0758 345 13 14 60 2.20 638 648
4/0 0.512 0.269 345 Full 23 14 45 1.65 327 328
750 0.968 0.0758 345 1/6 14 14 60 2.20 638 648 3/0 0.423 0.338 345 1/3 11 16 45 1.54 285 286

750 0.968 0.0758 345 8 12 60 2.24 638 648 3/0 0.423 0.338 345 1/2 15 16 45 1.54 285 286

750 0.968 0.0758 345 1/3 18 12 60 2.24 638 648 3/0 0.423 0.338 345 2/3 13 14 45 1.54 285 286

3/0 0.423 0.338 345 15 14 45 1.54 285 286

750 0.968 0.0758 345 1/2 17 10 60 2.28 638 648
3/0 0.423 0.338 345 Full 19 14 45 1.54 285 286
500 0.789 0.114 345 1/6 10 14 60 2.01 530 533
3/0 0.423 0.338 345 7 12 45 1.57 285 286
500 0.789 0.114 345 1/3 12 14 60 2.01 530 533
2/0 0.405 0.427 345 1/3 9 16 45 1.50 250 251
500 0.789 0.114 345 1/3 12 12 60 2.05 530 533
2/0 0.405 0.427 345 1/2 12 16 45 1.50 250 251

500 0.789 0.114 345 1/2 18 12 60 2.05 530 533 2/0 0.405 0.427 345 2/3 16 16 45 1.50 250 251

500 0.789 0.114 345 2/3 23 12 60 2.05 530 533 2/0 0.405 0.427 345 Full 15 14 45 1.54 250 251

1/0 0.336 0.538 345 1/3 7 16 45 1.42 216 217

350 0.616 0.162 345 1/6 11 16 45 1.77 431 434
1/0 0.336 0.538 345 1/2 10 16 45 1.42 216 217
350 0.616 0.162 345 11 14 45 1.81 431 434
1/0 0.336 0.538 345 2/3 13 16 45 1.42 216 217
350 0.616 0.162 345 1/3 13 14 45 1.81 431 434
1/0 0.336 0.538 345 Full 15 16 45 1.42 216 217
350 0.616 0.162 345 1/2 20 14 45 1.81 431 434
1/0 0.336 0.538 345 Full 12 14 45 1.46 216 217

350 0.616 0.162 345 7 12 45 1.81 431 434 1/0 0.336 0.538 345 16 14 45 1.46 216 217

350 0.616 0.162 345 2/3 16 12 45 1.81 431 434 1/0 0.336 0.538 345 6 14 45 1.46 216 217

250 0.558 0.228 345 2/3 8 16 45 1.65 361 363 1/0 0.336 0.538 345 2/3 11 14 50 1.46 216 217

1/0 0.336 0.538 345 Full 16 14 50 1.46 216 217

250 0.558 0.228 345 1/3 10 14 45 1.65 361 363

250 0.558 0.228 345 1/2 14 14 45 1.65 361 363

*Ampacities based on cables operating in a 3-phase installation with one cable per phase, flat
250 0.558 0.228 345 2/3 19 14 45 1.65 361 363
spaced and touching, earth rho of 90ºC-cm/W, earth ambient of 20ºC, neutral wires grounded
at both ends, 75% load factor, conductor temperature of 105ºC, and 36” depth of burial.
Conductor Concentric Neutral Ampacity Direct Buried
Photovoltaic AC Cable Salient Features Cross
Conductor DC Nominal Nominal Approx.
sectional Resistance Insulation Thickness Overall
Diameter Size of
Area @ 20degC Thickness No.of of Jacket Diameter Trefoil
• Long life (inch) Size Wires Flat (Amp)
(AWG/ (ohm/km) (mils) Wires (mils) (inch) (Amp)
• UV, Ozone resistant MCM) (AWG)

1500 1.299 0.038 345 1/12 19 14 80 2.56 892 934

Application 1500 1.299 0.038 345 1/6 24 12 80 2.56 892 934

POLYCAB, single core cable with Tree Retardant cross linked Polyethylene insulation is designed
to use for Photovoltaic installation. These cables are intended for use in wet or dry locations for 1500 1.299 0.038 345 1/3 24 9 80 2.64 892 934
distribution of single or three phase medium-voltage power. These cables may be installed in
ducts or direct buried. 1250 1.184 0.0453 345 1/12 16 14 80 2.44 836 863

Voltage Rating Standard and References 1250 1.184 0.0453 345 1/8 15 12 80 2.44 836 863
Voltage: 35 kV ASTM B-231
1250 1.184 0.0453 345 1/6 20 12 80 2.44 836 863
Operation Temperature AEIC CS8
Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚C ICEA S-94-649 1250 1.184 0.0453 345 1/6 22 12 80 2.44 836 863
Maximum operating conductor temperature: 90˚C
ICEA T-31-610
*Emergency conductor temperature: 130˚C 1250 1.184 0.0453 345 1/3 25 10 80 2.52 836 863
Short Circuit conductor temperature: 250˚C ICEA T-34-664 (As
(*Operation at the emergency overload temperature shall applicable for TRXLPE 1250 1.184 0.0453 345 1/2 30 9 80 2.52 836 863
not exceed 1500 hours cumulative during the lifetime of the
cable.) insulated concentric
1000 1.117 0.0568 345 1/12 13 14 80 2.36 761 772
neutral cable)
UL 1072 MV-90 1000 1.117 0.0568 345 1/6 16 12 80 2.40 761 772
• Conductor: Filled (i. e. Water Blocked) Stranded
Aluminium Alloy 1350 conductor, Class B as per ASTM
1000 1.117 0.0568 345 1/3 22 12 80 2.40 761 772
B-231 Test Voltage
• Conductor Screen: Extruded Semi-conducting compound
• Insulation: Tree-Retardant Cross-linked Polyethylene 69kV AC 50Hz 1000 1.117 0.0568 345 1/3 20 10 80 2.44 761 772

(TRXLPE) - 100% insulation level.

• Insulation Screen: Extruded Strippable Semi-conducting 1000 1.117 0.0568 345 1/2 30 10 80 2.44 761 772
• Metallic Screen: Concentric Copper Wire Screening. 750 0.968 0.0758 345 1/12 10 14 80 2.20 638 648
• Water Blocking Agent: Shall be applied around the neutral
wires to resist longitudinal water penetration. 750 0.968 0.0758 345 1/6 19 14 80 2.20 638 648
• Outer Sheath: Extruded-to-fill Linear low Density
polyethene jacket, Colour: Black Colour with three 750 0.968 0.0758 345 1/3 22 12 80 2.24 638 648
longitudinal extruded red stripes.
750 0.968 0.0758 345 1/3 24 12 80 2.24 638 648
Bending Radius
For fixed installation - > 12D 750 0.968 0.0758 345 1/2 23 10 80 2.28 638 648
For occasional movement - > 15D
Conductor Conductor Concentric Neutral Ampacity Direct Buried
Nominal Nominal Approx.
Cross Conductor DC
Conductor Concentric Neutral Ampacity Direct Buried Insulation Thickness Overall
sectional Diameter Resistance Size of
Cross Conductor DC Nominal Nominal Approx. Thickness No.of of Jacket Diameter Trefoil
Conductor Area (AWG/ (inch) @ 20degC Size Wires Flat (Amp)
sectional Resistance Insulation Thickness Overall (mils) Wires (mils) (inch) (Amp)
Diameter MCM) (ohm/km) (AWG)
Area @ 20degC Thickness Size of of Jacket Diameter
(inch) No.of Trefoil
(AWG/ (ohm/km) (mils) Size Wires (mils) (inch) Flat (Amp) 4/0 0.512 0.269 345 1/6 6 14 50 1.65 327 328
Wires (Amp)
4/0 0.512 0.269 345 1/3 11 14 50 1.65 327 328
500 0.789 0.114 345 1/12 10 16 80 1.97 530 533
4/0 0.512 0.269 345 1/2 16 14 50 1.65 327 328

500 0.789 0.114 345 1/6 13 14 80 2.01 530 533 4/0 0.512 0.269 345 2/3 21 14 50 1.65 327 328

4/0 0.512 0.269 345 Full 20 12 50 1.65 327 328

500 0.789 0.114 345 1/3 16 12 80 2.05 530 533
3/0 0.423 0.338 345 1/6 7 16 50 1.54 285 286

500 0.789 0.114 345 1/2 24 12 80 2.05 530 533 3/0 0.423 0.338 345 1/3 9 14 50 1.54 285 286

3/0 0.423 0.338 345 1/2 13 14 50 1.54 285 286

500 0.789 0.114 345 2/3 20 10 80 2.09 530 533
3/0 0.423 0.338 345 2/3 17 14 50 1.54 285 286
350 0.616 0.162 345 1/12 7 16 80 1.77 431 434
3/0 0.423 0.338 345 Full 16 12 50 1.57 285 286

350 0.616 0.162 345 1/6 9 14 80 1.81 431 434 3/0 0.423 0.338 345 1.17 19 12 50 1.57 285 286

2/0 0.405 0.427 345 1/6 6 16 50 1.50 250 251

350 0.616 0.162 345 1/3 18 14 80 1.81 431 434
2/0 0.405 0.427 345 1/3 7 14 50 1.54 250 251

350 0.616 0.162 345 1/2 17 12 80 1.81 431 434 2/0 0.405 0.427 345 1/2 10 14 50 1.54 250 251

2/0 0.405 0.427 345 2/3 14 14 50 1.54 250 251

350 0.616 0.162 345 2/3 22 12 80 1.81 431 434
2/0 0.405 0.427 345 20 14 50 1.54 250 251
350 0.616 0.162 345 Full 16 9 80 1.89 431 434
2/0 0.405 0.427 345 Full 13 12 50 1.57 250 251

250 0.558 0.228 345 1/12 6 16 50 1.65 361 363 1/0 0.336 0.538 345 1/6 6 16 50 1.42 216 217

1/0 0.336 0.538 345 1/3 9 16 50 1.42 216 217

250 0.558 0.228 345 1/6 10 16 50 1.65 361 363
1/0 0.336 0.538 345 1/3 6 14 50 1.46 216 217

250 0.558 0.228 345 1/3 13 14 50 1.65 361 363 1/0 0.336 0.538 345 1/3 8 14 50 1.46 216 217

1/0 0.336 0.538 345 2/3 11 14 50 1.46 216 217

250 0.558 0.228 345 1/2 16 12 50 1.69 361 363
1/0 0.336 0.538 345 Full 16 14 50 1.46 216 217
250 0.558 0.228 345 2/3 21 12 50 1.69 361 363

*Ampacities based on cables operating in a 3-phase installation with one cable per phase, flat
250 0.558 0.228 345 Full 16 10 50 1.73 361 363
spaced and touching, earth rho of 90ºC-cm/W, earth ambient of 20ºC, neutral wires grounded
at both ends, 75% load factor, conductor temperature of 90ºC, and 36” depth of burial.
Photovoltaic MV Cable Salient Features Conductor Conductor
Nominal Approx.
Cross Conductor DC Nominal Ampacity Ampacity
Insulation Copper Tape Overall
sectional Diameter Resistance @ Thickness of Direct Buried Direct in
• Long life Thickness Size (mil) Diameter
Area (AWG/ (inch) 20ºC (ohm/ Jacket (mils) (Amp) Duct (Amp)
• UV, Moisture resistant (mils) (inch)
MCM) km)
• High Dielectric strength
• Low dielectric loss
• Excellent resistance to treeing
1000 1.117 0.0568 345 5 110 2.24 745 615
POLYCAB, single core cable with Tree Retardant cross linked Polyethylene insulation is designed
to use for Photovoltaic installation. These cables are intended for use in wet or dry locations for
distribution of single or three phase medium-voltage power. These cables may be installed in 750 0.968 0.0758 345 5 110 2.09 640 525
ducts or direct buried.

Voltage Rating Standard and References

500 0.789 0.114 345 5 110 1.93 510 410
Voltage: 35 kV ASTM B-231
Operation Temperature
Fixed: -40˚C to +105˚C ICEA S-97-682 350 0.616 0.162 345 5 80 1.73 415 340
Maximum operating conductor temperature: 105˚C ICEA T-31-610
*Emergency conductor temperature: 140˚C
ICEA T-34-664 (As
Short Circuit conductor temperature: 350˚C 250 0.558 0.228 345 5 80 1.61 345 275
(*Operation at the emergency overload temperature shall applicable for TRXLPE
not exceed 1500 hours cumulative during the lifetime of the insulated concentric
cable.) neutral cable) 4/0 0.512 0.269 345 5 80 1.57 310 250
UL 1072 MV-105
• Conductor: Filled (i. e. Water Blocked) Stranded
Aluminium Alloy 1350 conductor, Class B as per ASTM Test Voltage 3/0 0.423 0.338 345 5 80 1.46 275 220
69kV AC 50Hz
• Conductor Screen: Extruded Semi-conducting compound
• Insulation: Tree-Retardant Cross-linked Polyethylene
2/0 0.405 0.427 345 5 80 1.46 240 190
(TRXLPE) - 100% insulation level.
• Insulation Screen: Extruded Strippable Semi-conducting
• Metallic Screen: Copper Tape Screening with 25% 1/0 0.336 0.538 345 5 80 1.38 210 170
• Outer Sheath: Extruded non-conducting PVC jacket,
Colour: Black
*Ampacities based on earth thermal resistivity of 90 ºC-cm/W, earth ambient of 20ºC,metallic
Bending Radius shield grounded at each ends, 75% load factor, conductor temperature of 105ºC, and 36”
For fixed installation - > 12D depth of burial. Values are based on one three-phase circuit, one conductor per phase, in flat
For occasional movement - > 15D adjacent configuration (direct Buried).
No. of Cores Cross sectional Area Nom. insulation thickness Approx. Overall Diameter
Photovoltaic MV Cable Salient Features
No. mm2 mm mm

• Long life 1 70 8.0 33.0

• UV, Ozone resistant
• Hydrolysis resist 1 95 8.0 35.0

1 120 8.0 36.0

1 150 8.0 38.0

Application 1 185 8.0 40.0

POLYCAB, single core cable with cross linked insulation is designed to use for Photovoltaic 1 240 8.0 42.0
installation. These cables are suitable for direct burial application. 1 300 8.0 44.0

1 400 8.0 48.0

Voltage Rating Standard and References
1 500 8.0 51.0
Voltage:18/30 (36) kV
IEC 60228: 2004 1 630 8.0 55.0
Operation Temperature IEC 60502-2: 2014
Fixed: -40˚C to +90˚C
Maximum operating conductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
temperature: +90˚C
Short Circuit conductor temperature:
Impedance of
250˚C Test Voltage Max. Conductor Resistance
Cross- sectional Cable Approx. Cable Approx. Cable
No. of Cores
area Capacitance Reactance
Construction 63kV AC 50Hz at 20°C DC at 90°C AC at 90°C
• Conductor: Aluminium conductor,
Class-2 as per IEC 60502-2 No. mm2 Ohm/km Ohm/km mfd/km Ohm/km
• Conductor Screen: Extruded Compliance
Semi-conducting compound 1 70 0.443 0.568 0.587 0.15 0.149
• Insulation: Cross linked Polyethylene as U.V. Resistance UL 2556
1 95 0.320 0.411 0.431 0.17 0.131
per IEC 60502-2
Oil Resistance ICEA S-93-639
• Insulation Screen: Extruded Semi- 1 120 0.253 0.325 0.348 0.18 0.125
conducting compound
• Tape Screen: Polyethylene laminated 1 150 0.206 0.265 0.291 0.19 0.122
Aluminium foil
(Water blocking tape is applied under 1 185 0.164 0.211 0.241 0.21 0.117
tape screen, If Required)
• Outer Sheath: High Density Polyethylene 1 240 0.125 0.161 0.196 0.23 0.112
as per IEC 60502-2, Colour: Black
1 300 0.100 0.130 0.169 0.25 0.108
Core Identification
1 400 0.0778 0.101 0.146 0.27 0.105
1 500 0.0605 0.0799 0.128 0.30 0.100
Bending Radius
For fixed installation - > 15D 1 630 0.0469 0.0631 0.117 0.33 0.098
For occasional movement - > 20D
Current rating de-rating factors for other than 30ºC ambient air temperature.
Buried direct in the
In single way ducts 20°C In Air 30°C
ground 20°C
20ºC 25ºC 30ºC 35ºC 40ºC 45ºC 50ºC 55ºC 60ºC
No. of Core Cross
Cores sectional Area
Flat touching 1.08 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.91 0.87 0.82 0.76 0.71
Trefoil Flat Spaced Trefoil ducts Trefoil Flat touching Flat spaced

No. mm2 Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. Current rating de-rating factors for other than 20ºC ground temperature.

10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC 35ºC 40ºC 45ºC 50ºC

1 70 186 192 176 178 230 236 278
1.07 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.85 0.80 0.76

1 95 221 229 210 213 280 287 338

1 120 252 260 240 242 324 332 391

1 150 281 288 267 271 368 376 440

1 185 317 324 303 307 424 432 504

1 240 367 373 351 356 502 511 593

1 300 414 419 397 402 577 586 677

1 400 470 466 451 457 673 676 769

1 500 530 546 504 537 773 776 919

1 630 600 646 554 617 883 886 1089

*Current Ratings are based on IEC 60502-2 & IEC 60287, Max. Conductor Temperature at
90®C, Ambient temperature at 30®C in Air / at 20®C in Ground, Thermal resistivity of Soil 1.5
k.m/W & for earthenware ducts 1.2k.m/W and Depth of Laying 0.8m.

No. of Cores Cross Sectional Area Nom. insulation thickness Approx. Overall Diameter
Photovoltaic MV Cable Salient Features No. mm2 mm mm

1 70 8.0 33.0
• Long life
• UV, Ozone resistant 1 95 8.0 35.0
• Hydrolysis resist
1 120 8.0 36.0

1 150 8.0 38.0

1 185 8.0 40.0

1 240 8.0 42.0
POLYCAB, single core cable with HEPR (High Modulus Ethylene Propylene Rubber) insulation
is designed to use for Photovoltaic installation. These cables are suitable for direct burial 1 300 8.0 44.0
1 400 8.0 48.0

Voltage Rating Standard and References 1 500 8.0 51.0

Voltage:18/30 (36) kV 1 630 8.0 55.0
IEC 60228: 2004
Operation Temperature IEC 60502-2: 2014
Maximum Operating conductor
temperature: +90˚C Impedance of
Test Voltage Max. Conductor Resistance
Short Circuit conductor temperature: No. of Cores
Cross- Sectional Approx. Cable Approx. Cable
250˚C Area Capacitance Reactance
63kV AC 50Hz
at 20°C DC at 90°C AC at 90°C
No. mm2 Ohm/km Ohm/km mfd/km Ohm/km
• Conductor: Aluminium conductor,
Class-2 as per IEC 60502-2
1 70 0.443 0.568 0.587 0.18 0.149
• Conductor Screen: Extruded Semi- U.V. Resistance UL 2556
conducting compound
Oil Resistance ICEA S-93-639 1 95 0.320 0.411 0.431 0.20 0.131
• Insulation: HEPR as per IEC 60502-2
• Insulation Screen: Extruded Strippable 1 120 0.253 0.325 0.348 0.22 0.125
Semi-conducting compound
• Tape Screen: Polyethylene laminated 1 150 0.206 0.265 0.291 0.23 0.122
Aluminium foil
(Water blocking tape is applied under 1 185 0.164 0.211 0.241 0.25 0.117
tape screen, If Required)
• Outer Sheath: High Density Polyethylene 1 240 0.125 0.161 0.196 0.27 0.112
as per IEC 60502-2, Colour: Black
1 300 0.100 0.130 0.169 0.30 0.108
Core Identification
Natural 1 400 0.0778 0.101 0.146 0.33 0.105

Bending Radius 1 500 0.0605 0.0799 0.128 0.36 0.100

For fixed installation - > 15D
For occasional movement - > 20D 1 630 0.0469 0.0631 0.117 0.40 0.098

Current rating / de-rating factors for other than 30ºC ambient air temperature.
Buried direct in the
In single way ducts 20°C In Air 30°C
ground 20°C
No. of Core Cross
20ºC 25ºC 30ºC 35ºC 40ºC 45ºC 50ºC 55ºC 60ºC
Cores sectional Area
Flat touching 1.08 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.91 0.87 0.82 0.76 0.71
Trefoil Flat Spaced Trefoil ducts Trefoil Flat touching Flat spaced

No. mm2 Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp. Amp.

Current rating / de-rating factors for other than 20ºC ground temperature.

1 70 182 188 172 174 218 223 259 10ºC 15ºC 20ºC 25ºC 30ºC 35ºC 40ºC 45ºC 50ºC

1.07 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.85 0.80 0.76

1 95 217 224 206 208 266 273 317

1 120 247 256 235 238 309 317 368

1 150 277 287 264 267 352 361 419

1 185 314 325 300 303 406 417 484

1 240 364 377 350 354 483 495 575

1 300 411 426 397 401 556 570 659

1 400 471 487 456 462 651 667 770

1 500 531 567 509 542 751 767 920

1 630 601 667 559 622 862 876 1090

*Current Ratings are based on IEC 60502-2 & IEC 60287, Max. Conductor Temperature at 90ºC,
Ambient temperature at 30ºC in Air / at 20ºC in Ground, Thermal resistivity of Soil 1.5 k.m/W &
for earthenware ducts 1.2k.m/W and Depth of Laying 0.8m.

• Manufactured using high grade raw materials from reputed
international suppliers
• Torsion and corrosion resistant with Silver (>15 micron) Anodized
Aluminum frame
• PID free Modules with extra-long term reliability
• Generation even under low light conditions during sunrise and sunset
• IEC Certified
• 25 Years Linear Performance Warranty
• At polycrystalline page below changes.



Max. Power (Pm) in Watts (0 to +3%)
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) in Volts (± 3%) 48.65 48.72 48.85 49.04 49.28
Short Circuit Current (Isc) in Amps (± 5%) 9.9 10 10.1 10.15 10.2
Voltage at Max Power (Vmp) in Volts 39.97 40 40.14 40.32 40.46
Current at Max Power (Imp) in Amps 9.51 9.63 9.72 9.8 9.89
Module Efficiency (%) 19.11 19.37 19.62 19.87 20.12
Fill Factor (%) 78.92 79.06 79.08 79.38 79.61
Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (°c) 43 ± 2
Coefficient of Current (Isc) α (%/°C) 0.05
Coefficient of Voltage (Voc) β (%/°C) - 0.30
Coefficient of Power (Pmax) γ (%/°C) - 0.40
Maximum System Voltage (Vdc) 1500
Max. Series Fuse Rating in (A) 20
Operating Temp. Range (°C) -40 to +85
Maximum Load Condition (snow or wind) Sustain Heavy wind & snow loads (2400 Pa & 5400 Pa or 550 Kg/m²)
Module Dimensions LxWxH (mm) 1986 X 1001 X 40
Module Weight (Approx. in kg) 20
No. of Cells & size (mm) 72 cells, 158.75 X 158.75
Frame Material Anodized Aluminium
Glass 3.2mm, Anti-reflective coated low iron Mat-Mat tempered solar glass
MONOCRYSTALLINE PERC Junction Box TUV Approved Non-potted IP 67 rated with 3 Bypass diodes (4 T /3 D )

72 CELL 5BB PV MODULE Cable Connector

No. of Grounding Holes
4 sqm. (12AWG) solar cable 1200mm X 2 nos Black MC4 compatible connectors
1 nos. of Dia. 4mm on each length side
Mounting hole size (mm) 8 Oblong of size 8 X 12
Number of Modules per Pallet 28

LEADING FEATURES Pallet Box Dimensions LxWxH (mm) 2015 x 1160 x 1130
Number of Pallets Per Container 10
Gross Weight of Pallet Box (Approx. in kg) Max. 670

• Manufactured using high grade raw materials from reputed international suppliers Module Encapsulation Mounting Diagram Details Current Voltage Curve
• 72 cell, 5BB configurations with wattage ranging from 380Wp to 400Wp
• Torsion and corrosion resistant with Silver (>15 micron) Anodized Aluminum frame
• PID free Modules with extra-long-term reliability
• Higher energy density per square foot than conventional Monocrystalline cells
• Reduces BOS & installation cost
• Superior temperature co-efficient and performance at NOCT
• Better performance even at low Irradiance condition
• >78% fill factor for improved energy conversion efficiency
• 25 Years Linear Performance Warranty

All Dimensions are in mm





Power (Pm) in Watts (0 to ±3%) 315 320 325 330 335

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) in Volts (0 to ±3%) 45.25 45.60 45.80 46.15 46.22

Short Circuit Current (Isc) in Amps ( ±5%) 9.08 9.05 9.10 9.15 9.26

Voltage at Max Power (Vmp) in Volts 36.98 37.26 37.58 37.85 38.07

Current at Max Power (Imp) in Amps 8.52 8.59 8.65 8.72 8.80

Module Efficiency (%) 15.85 16.10 16.35 16.60 16.85

Fill Factor 77.11 77.56 77.99 78.16 78.28


Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (°c) 43 ±2

Coefficient of Current (Isc) α (%/°C) 0.06

Coefficient of Voltage (Voc) β (%/°C) - 0.33

Coefficient of Power (Pmax) γ (%/°C) - 0.40


Maximum System Voltage (Vdc) 1500

Max. Series Fuse Rating in Amps 20

Operating Temp. Range (°C) -40 to +85

Maximum Load Condition (snow or wind) Sustain Heavy wind & snow loads (2400 Pa & 5400 Pa or 550 Kg/m²)


Module Dimensions LxWxH (mm) 1986 x 1001 x 40

Module Weight (Approx. in kg) Max. 23.4

No. of Cells & size (mm) 72 cells, 158.75 X 158.75

Frame Material Anodized Aluminium


Junction Box
3.2mm, Anti-reflective coated low iron textured tempered solar glass

TUV Approved Pre-potted IP 67 rated with 3 Bypass diodes (4 T /3 D)

72 CELL 5BB PV MODULE Cable Connector 4 sqm. (12AWG) solar cable 1200mm X 2 nos Black MC4 compatible connectors

No. of Grounding Holes 1 nos. of Dia. 4mm on each length side

Mounting hole size (mm) 8 Oblong of size (8 x 12)


No. of Modules per Pallet 28

LEADING FEATURES Pallet Box Dimensions (LxWxH mm) Max. 2015 x 1160 x 1130

Pallets Per Container 10

Gross Weight No. of Pallet Box (Approx. in kg) Max. 670

• Manufactured using high grade raw materials from reputed international suppliers
Module Encapsulation Mounting Diagram Details Current Voltage Curve
adopting a stringent quality criteria
• 72 cell configurations with wattage rating from 315 to 335 Watts
• Torsion and corrosion resistant with Silver (>15 micron) Anodized Aluminum frame
• Generation even under low light conditions during sunrise and sunset
• IEC Certified
• PID Free Modules with Extra long-term reliability
• Better Performance even at Low Irradiance condition
Linear Performance Warranty
• >76.0% fill factor for improved energy conversion efficiency
• 25 Years of Linear Performance Warranty

All Dimensions are in mm

Advantages of 1500V DC Cabling
The DC cables are the 'life veins'of every PV system. They have to defy extreme weather
conditions for many years and reliably safeguard the electricity yields
• Wiring harness solutions reduce /eliminate the use of DC combiner boxes
• Cost reductions and scale efficiencies • High quality connection points, 1500V DC and optimized plug connections reduce
• Increasing operational electricity yield DC power losses
• Wiring harness cabling system saves up to 50% solar cable than typical single array solutions
• Reducing Operation and Maintenance costs • Sturdy construction ensures service life operation under extreme climatic conditions
• Flexibility, ease of Installation and Safety • Efficient and easy to integrate modular system with protective accessories like 1500V
• Strive for excellence, develop for innovation inline fuses and diodes

• Advanced technology and sales through-train service Polycab's strength in offering the highest quality products, competitive prices, and excellent
• Guaranteed Waterproof customer service is what sets us apart from our competitors.
Polycab PV cable harnesses offers completely bundled, labeled and packaged assemblies of PV
• Seamless transition between cable and plug
cable and connectors tailormade as per customer requirements. The PV cable harness acts as a
• PV Connector standard IEC/EN 62852 compliant pre combiner to connect strings of PV panels as input to Polycab Combiner Boxes. DC Cables
• PV Cable DC standard as per EN 50618 compliant from the individual strings are bundled into a harness and then terminated to either a male or
female MC4 or equivalent connector which then terminates in Polycab String Combiner Box,
thus providing a laborsaving integrated plug and play solution.

Delivering convenience and quality in harnesses customize to your specifications

Our customized harness assemblies are configured using Polycab TUV approved DC Cable and
Connectors. All components used provide durability and deliver long-term reliability and service

Sophisticated solar constructions require clever solutions

An efficient layout of a solar cables with connectors effectively consume optimum length of
cables and connectors suiting the layout thus providing high performance with increased
returns for service life of the system.

Engineered solutions designed specifically for each individual job

Intelligent cabling solutions engineered for specific layouts to provide the best overall value and
design flexibility to get the job done efficiently.

Polycab has a long legacy of providing high reliability connectivity solutions in extremely harsh
environments. Our solar products were developed to deliver outstanding value and reliability
that we are known for to the solar industry.
Manufactured in controlled conditions utilizing high efficiency equipment, reducing job site risk
and potential warranty claims. Quick and easy solar system installation reduces project costs.
Harness assemblies are made to order in customized configurations to meet the most stringent
application requirements.


Rated Voltage 1000 V / 1500 V DC

Rated Impulse Voltage 12000V / 16000V

PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR Rated Current (IEC 90°C) 25 A (2.5 mm²), 30 A (4.0 mm², 6.0 mm²)

Rated Insulation Voltage 6000V / 8000V

Contact Resistance < 0.5 mΩ


Protection Class
6kV (1000V) / 8 kV (1500 V) 50Hz, 1 min


Overvoltage Category CAT III

• PPO Socket Housing
Pollution Degree 2
• IP 68 Protection when mated and IP 20 when open MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS

• Snap Fit Locking Arrangement Dimensions Female 55mm*19mm

Dimensions Male 52mm*19mm

• Crimped terminal Connection
IP Rating IP 68
• Low Contact Resistance Contact Material Copper with Tin Plating

• Tested as per IEC 62852 Cable type 2.5 mm²/4.0 mm²/6.0 mm²

Insertion Force ≤ 50 N
• Provides UV Protection
Withdrawal Force ≥ 50 N
(Tested for 500 hrs as per ISO 4892-2) Insulation Material PPO (Noryl - PX 9406)

Bending Radius ≥4*Cable OD

Termination and Connection Crimped Connection

Locking System Snap In


Ambient Temperature -45°C to +85°C

Upper Limit Temperature 100°C

Flame Class UL 4-VO

Reference Standard IEC 62852


Values for Cable Clamp 5.7mm to 7.2mm

Wire cross section area or cross

section range

REF Description Colour Material Qty (Nos.) Remarks

1 Socket Housg. Female Black Noryl 01
2 Female Pin - Cu 01 TIN PLATING
3 Socket Insert - SS 02
4 Plastic Washer Black Noryl 02
5 Rubber Spacer Black TPU 02
6 SEAL Ring Black Noryl 02
Branch Connector Branch Connector 7 Nut Cap Black Noryl 02
Y Connector
2 In 1 Out 3 In 1 Out 8 Male Pin - Cu 01 Tin Plating
9 Socket Housg. male Black Noryl 01
10 Silicon 'O' Ring Silicon 01

Technical Specifications
DC MCB Standard Compliance IS/IEC 60947 - Part 2, CE Marking


0.5A, 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A,
32A, 40A, 50A, 63A
• Easy Installation
Tripping Curve C Type ( 7In - 14In )
• Quick in tripping off when current exceeds
• Low maintenance No of. Poles & Rated Voltages 1P: 250VDC, 2P: 500VDC, 4P: 1000VDC

• High Relability
Rated Ultimate Short Circuit Breaking Capacity (ICU) 6000A
• Commandable short circuit protection
• Ease of operations Rated Service Short Circuit Breaking Capacity (ICU) 6000A

• Suitable for industrial as well as residential operations Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage (Uimp) 4kV
• indian safety standards tested
Utilization Category A
• Maintenance Free Operations
Rated Insulation Voltage (Ui) 690V

Electrical Life >2000 Nos

Mechanical Life >10000 Nos

Contact Anti Weld Silver Graphic Contacts

Ambient Temperature -5 to + 50 C

Terminal Box Type, 35 Sq.mm.

Protection Class IP 20

ON - OFF Indication Positive indication as ON (RED), & OFF (GREEN)

Connections Dual Connection level (Bus Bar + Cable)

Mechanism Trip free Mechanism

Mounting Din rail mounting. (35mm x 7.5mm)

Lable Holder Integrated label Holder

Pioneers in Solderless Terminals, Crimping Tools & Cable Glands



DBW SERIES D (mm) DBF SERIES D (mm) A (mm) B (mm) C (inch) E A/F E1 A/C

DOWELL’S MAKE DOUBLE COMPRESSION WEATHER AND 6.0 - 12.5 DBW 01SS 13 DBF 01SS 25 12.5 13.0 3/4 21.0 24.0
APPLICATION 12.0 - 16.5 DBW 01S 15 DBF 01S 25 14.5 18.0 3/4 25.0 29.0

16.5 - 18.5 DBW 01 15 DBF 01 25 14.5 19.0 3/4 27.5 31.5

16.5 - 18.5 DBW 01A 15 DBF 01A 25 14.5 19.0 1 27.5 31.5

18.5 - 20.0 DBW 02 15 DBF 02 25 18.0 21.0 1 30.0 34.5

18.5 - 20.0 DBW 02A 15 DBF 02A 25 14.5 21.0 3/4 30.0 34.5

20.0 - 23.0 DBW 03 15 DBF 03 25 19.0 23.5 1 31.5 36.0

23.0 - 26.0 DBW 04 15 DBF 04 25 20.5 27.0 1 36.0 41.5

23.0 - 26.0 DBW 04A 15 DBF 04A 25 22.0 27.0 1.1/4 36.0 41.5

26.0 - 30.0 DBW 05 15 DBF 05 25 25.5 31.0 1.1/4 41.0 47.0

26.0 - 30.0 DBW 05A 15 DBF 05A 25 27.0 31.0 1.1/2 41.0 47.0

30.0 - 33.0 DBW 06 15 DBF 06 25 31.0 34.5 1.1/2 47.0 54.0

30.0 - 33.0 DBW 06A 15 DBF 06A 25 27.0 34.5 1.1/4 47.0 54.0

33.0 - 37.0 DBW 07 15 DBF 07 25 32.0 38.0 1.1/2 50.0 57.0

37.0 - 41.0 DBW 08 15 DBF 08 25 38.5 42.5 2 56.0 64.0

41.0 - 46.0 DBW 09 15 DBF 09 25 40.0 47.0 2 59.0 67.0

46.0 - 52.0 DBW 010 20 DBF 010 25 44.0 53.0 2 67.0 77.0

TECHNICAL DATA:- 46.0 - 52.0 DBW 010A 20 DBF 010A 25 48.0 53.0 2.1/2 67.0 77.0

1. Material:- Brass as per IS-319 / IS-12943 / BS-2874 52.0 - 54.0 DBW 011A 20 DBF 011A 25 51.0 57.0 2.1/2 80.0 92.0

(Aluminium, S.S. and M.S. also available)

54.0 - 61.0 DBW 011 20 DBF 011 25 56.5 62.0 2.1/2 80.0 92.0

2. Finish:- Nickel Coated (Tin, Chrome and Cadmium also available)

61.0 - 66.0 DBW 012 20 DBF 012 25 64.0 68.0 3 85.0 98.0
3. Coating Thickness:- 3 microns (minimum)
66.0 - 72.0 DBW 013A 20 DBF 013A 25 67.0 73.0 3 99.0 113.0
4. Entry Thread:- BSC/ET (NPT and Metric also available)
72.0 - 78.0 DBW 013 20 DBF 013 25 74.0 80.0 3.1/4 99.0 113.0
4. Type Test:- Tested as per BS 6121:1989
78.0 - 84.0 DBW 014 20 DBF 014 25 78.0 85.0 3.1/2 105.0 121.0
5. Flame Proof Test:- IEC 60079-1:2007
6. Weather Proof Test:- IEC 60529:2001 for IP-66 84.0 - 94.0 DBW 015 20 DBF 015 25 90.5 97.0 4 114.0 132.0

94.0 - 104.0 DBW 016 20 DBF 016 25 101.0 106.0 4.1/2 130.0 149.0

CATALOG SIZE Recommended
NO. (sq-mm) Crimping Tool
CUS-388 2.5 M4 4.2 2.4 4.0 8 1.0 7 5 4 18

CUS-389 4 M5 5.2 3.1 4.8 10 1.0 7 6 5 20 SYT-2

CUS-390 6 M5 5.2 3.8 5.5 10 1.2 9 6 5 23

CUS-353 10 M6 6.5 4.5 6.2 12 1.2 9 7 6 25

CUS-354 16 M6 6.5 5.4 7.1 12 1.4 12 7 7 30

CUS-355 25 M6 6.5 6.8 8.8 13 2.0 12 7 7 30

CUS-356 35 M8 8.4 8.2 10.6 15 2.4 12 9 9 35 SYB-95

CUS-357 50 M8 8.4 9.5 12.4 18 2.9 16 11 10 43

CUS-358 70 M10 10.5 11.2 14.7 21 3.5 18 13 12 50

CUS-359 95 M10 10.5 13.5 17.4 25 3.9 20 13 13 55

CUS-241 120 M12 13.0 15.0 19.4 28 4.4 22 14 14 60
1. Description:-Copper Heavy Duty series recommended/suitable for compact cir-
cular cable for solar application
CUS-242 150 M12 13.0 16.5 21.2 30 4.7 26 16 16 69
2. Range:- 2.5 sq-mm to 400 sq-mm
3. Material:- Grade Cu-ETP as per IS-191 / BS EN-13600 (type HC C101) CUS-243 185 M16 17.0 18.5 23.5 34 5.0 32 17 17 78

4. Finish:- Electro Tinned Coated SYD-20B

5. Coating Thickness:- 10 microns (minimum) CUS-244 240 M16 17.0 21.0 26.5 38 5.5 38 20 20 92

6. Operating Temperature:- 1100 C (maximum)

CUS-245 300 M16 17.0 23.5 30 43 6.5 42 22 22 101
7. Type Test:- Tested as per BS 4579 (Part 1) : 1970

CUS-246 400 M16 17.0 26.8 34.8 50 8.0 44 26 26 114

• Wide range available from 1KW to 255KW capacity for
residential, commercial, industrial and utility scale projects.
• More power with low start up voltage
• Built in surge protection on AC and DC side
• Compact size for easy installation
• Multiple protection level
• Low harmonic distortion, Fuse free design
• Free remote monitoring
• 5 Years standard warranty
• High reliable and efficient Indian Brand



1KW 1.5KW 2KW 3KW 4KW 5KW

Max. DC Input Power (KW) 1.2 1.8 2.3 3.5 4.6 5.8
Max. DC Input Power (KW) 600
SINGLE PHASE Strat -Up Voltage (V) 60 90 120
MPPT Voltage Range (V) 50 -500 80 -500 90 - 520
Max.Input Current(A) 11 11 + 11
Max Short Circuit Current for each MPPT (A) 17.2 17.2 + 17.2
MPPT Number / No. of Strings per MPPT 1/1 2/1
Rated Output Power (KW) 1 1.5 2 3 4 5
Max. Apparent Output Power (KVA) 1.1 1.7 2.2 3.3 4.4 5
Max . Output Power (KW) 1.1 1.7 2.2 3.3 4.4 5
Rated Grid Voltage (V) 220/230
Grid Voltage Range (V) 160-285 (Adjustable)
Rated Grid Frequency (Hz) 50/60
Grid Frequency Range(Hz) 47-52 or 57-62
Operation Phase Single
Rated Grid Output Current(A) 4.5/4.3 6.8/6.5 9.1/8.7 13.6/13 18.2/17.4 22.7/21.7
Max. Output Current(A) 5.2 8.1 10.5 15.7 21 25
Power Factor(at rated output power) 0.8 leading ..1..0.8 lagging
THDi(at rated output power) <3%
DC Injection Current (mA) <0.5% In
Max. Efficiency 97.2% 97.5% 98.1%
EU Efficiency 96.5% 96.8% 97.3%
MPPT Efficiency >99.5%
DC Reverse Polarity, Short Circuit Protection, Output Over Current,Output Over Voltage,Insulation Resistance Monitoring ,

1/1.5/2/3/4/5 KW (4G SERIES) Built -in Protections Residual Current Detection,MOVs for Surge Protection on DC & AC Sides, Grid Monitoring, Islanding Protection, Temperature
Dimension (mm) 310W*373H*160D 310W*543H*160D
Weight(kg) 7.4 7.7 11.5


Self Consumption (watt)
<1 (Night)
Operating Ambient Temperature Range -25~60°C
• More reliable & efficient with world class components for 20 years design life Relative Humidity 0~100%
Ingress Protection IP65
• High frequency switching technology Noise Emission{typical) <20 dBA
Cooling Concept Natural Convection
• Low start-up voltage & ultra wide MPPT range for more power generation 4000m
Max. Operation Altitude
• Multiple protection levels Design life >20 Years
• THDi <3% DC Connection MC -4 mateable
• Max. efficiency 98.1% AC Connection IP 67 Rated Plug
Display LCD 2 x 20 Z
• Built-in export power management for export control Communication Connections 4 pin RS485 connector
Monitoring WiFi/GPRS/LAN
• IP65 for outdoor installation Warranty 5 Years Standard (Extendable upto 20 years)
• Compact size & light weight design for single person easy installation IEC CERTIFICATES
Grid Connection IEC 61727
• RS-485; Wi-Fi/GPRS/LAN interface Anti-Islanding Protection IEC 62116
Environmental Testing IEC 60068-2 (1-2-14-27-30-64)
• Free remote monitoring on web portal & mobile app
Safety IEC 62109-1,IEC 62109-2,EN62109-1, EN62109-2
• 5 years standard warranty EMC IEC 61000,EN 61000-6-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN61000-6-3, EN61000-6-4 EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3
Efficiency Measurement IEC 61683, EN50530
• Extendable upto 20 years
MODEL PSIT - 5K PSIT - 6K PSIT - 8K PSIT - 10K PSIT - 12K PSIT - 15K PSIT - 17K PSIT - 20K
RATING 5 KW 6 KW 8 KW 10 KW 12 KW 15 KW 17 KW 20 KW
Max. DC Input Power (KW) 6 7.2 9.6 12 14.5 18 20.4 24
Max. DC Input Voltage (KW) 1000
Strat -Up Voltage (V) 180
THREE PHASE MPPT Voltage Range (V) 160-850
Max.Input Current(A) 11 + 11 22 + 22
Max Short Circuit Current for each MPPT (A) 17.2+17.2 34.3+34.3
MPPT Number / No. of Strings per MPPT 2/1 2/2
Rated Output Power (KW) 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20
Max. Apparent Output Power (KVA) 5.5 6.6 8.8 11 13.2 16.5 18.7 22
Max . Output Power (KW) 5.5 6.6 8.8 11 13.2 16.5 18.7 22
Rated Grid Voltage (V) 400
Grid Voltage Range (V) 313-470(Adjustable)
Rated Grid Frequency (Hz) 50/60
Grid Frequency Range(Hz) 47-52 or 57-62
Operation Phase Three
Rated Grid Output Current(A) 7.2 8.7 11.5 14.4 17.3 21.7 24.6 28.9
Max. Output Current(A) 7.9 9.5 12.7 15.9 19.1 23.8 27 31.8
Power Factor(at rated output power) 0.8 leading ..1..0.8 lagging
THDi(at rated output power) <1.5%
DC Injection Current (mA) <0.5% In
Max. Efficiency 98.3% 98.7% 98.7%
EU Efficiency 97.8% 98.1% 98.1%
MPPT Efficiency >99.5%
DC Reverse Polarity, Short Circuit Protection, Output Over Current,Output Over Voltage,Insulation
5/6/8/10/12/15/17/20 KW Built -in Protections Resistance Monitoring , Residual Current Detection,MOVs for Surge Protection on DC & AC Sides, Grid
Monitoring, Islanding Protection, Temperature Protection
(4G SERIES) Integrated DC Switch

Dimension (mm) 310W*563H*219D

Weight(kg) 17.3 18 18.9 19.8


Self Consumption (watt)
<1 (Night)
Operating Ambient Temprerature Range -25 to 60°C
Relative Humidity 0~100%
• More Reliable & Efficient with world class components for 20 years design life Ingress Protection IP65
Noise Emission{typical) <30 dBA
• High frequency switching technology Cooling Concept Natural Cooling Intelligent fan-cooling
• Low start-up voltage & ultra wide MPPT range for more energy generation Max. Operation Altitude 4000m
Design life >20 Years
• Multiple protection levels FEATURES
DC Connection MC -4 mateable
• THDi <1.5% AC Connection IP 67 Rated Plug
• Max. efficiency 98.7% Display LCD 2 x 20 Z
Communication; Monitoring Interface RS485,WiFi/GPRS/LAN
• IP65 for outdoor installation Warranty 5 Years Standard (Extendable upto 20 years)
• Compact size & light weight design for easy installation Grid Connection IEC 61727
• RS-485: Wi-Fi/GPRS/LAN Interface Anti-Islanding Protection IEC 62116
Environmental Testing IEC 60068-2 (1-2-14-27-30-64)
• Free remote monitoring on web portal & mobile app Safety IEC 62109-1,IEC 62109-2,EN62109-1, EN62109-2
EMC IEC 61000, EN 61000-6-1, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-3, EN 61000-6-4
• 5 years standard warranty Efficiency Measurement IEC 61683, EN50530
• Warranty extendable upto 20 years
Note : Specifications are subject to change
RATING 25 KW 30 KW 33 KW 40 KW


Max. DC Input Power (KW) 33 39 43 52
Max. DC Input Power (KW) 1100
Rated Voltage (V) 600

THREE PHASE Start up Voltage (V)

MPPT Voltage Range (V)
Max.Input Current(A) 26+26+26 26+26+26+26
Max Short Circuit Current for each MPPT (A) 40+40+40 40+40+40+40
MPPT Number / No. of Strings per MPPT 3/2 4/2
Rated Output Power (KW) 25 30 33 40
Max. Apparent Output Power (KVA) 27.5 33 36.3 44
Max . Output Power (KW) 27.5 33 36.3 44
Rated Grid Voltage (V) 400
Grid Voltage Range (V) 313 - 470 (Adjustable)
Rated Grid Frequency (Hz) 50/60
Grid Frequency Range(Hz) 47-52 or 57-62
Operation Phase 3/N/PE
Rated Grid Output Current(A) 36 43.3 47.6 57.7
Max. Output Current(A) 41.8 50.2 55.1 66.9
Power Factor(at rated output power) 0.8 leading ..1..0.8 lagging
THDi (at rated output power) <3%
DC Injection Current (mA) <0.5% In
Max. Efficiency 98.8%
EU Efficiency 98.3%
MPPT Efficiency >99.5%
DC Reverse Polarity, Short Circuit Protection, Output Over Current Protection,Output Over Voltage Protection,Insu-
Built -in Protections lation Resistance Monitoring , Residual Current Detection, Surge Protection through SPDs,DC Side Type II/AC Side

25KW - 40KW - 5G SERIES Intergrated DC Switch

Type II, Grid Monitoring, Islanding Protection, Temperature Protection
String Monitoring Yes
Anti - PID Optional
Dimension (mm) 647W*629H*252D
Topology Transformerless
Self Consumption (watt) <1 (Night)
• 3/4 MPPT design with precise algorithm, effectively reducing string mismatch. Operating Ambient Temperature Range -25 to 60°C
Relative Humidity 0~100%
• 8 strings intelligent monitoring Ingress Protection IP65
• Smart I-V Curve Diagnosis supported Noise Emission{typical} <30 dBA
Cooling Concept Natural Convection
• Fuse free design to avoid hazard Max. Operation Altitude 4000m
• Low start-up voltage & Ultra-wide MPPT range for more energy generation. Design life >20 Years
• 30% DC Overload, 13A input for each PV string DC Connection MC -4 mateable
• THDi<3%, Low harmonic distortion AC Connection Terminal board
• Max. Efficiency 98.8% Display LCD 2 x 20 Z
Communication Connections RS 485, Ethernet
• Leakage current repression technology Monitoring Interface WiFi/GPRS/LAN
• Volt-Watt work mode integrated Warranty 5 Years Standard (Extendable upto 20 years)
• IP65 for outdoor Installation Grid Connection IEC 61727
• Type II surge arrester for both DC and AC side Anti-Islanding Protection IEC 62116
Environmental Testing IEC 60068-2 (1-2-14-27-30-64)
• RS-485, Ethernet; Wi-Fi/GPRS/LAN monitoring interface Safety IEC 62109-1, IEC 62109-2, EN62109-1, EN62109-2
• Free remote monitoring on Web portal and Mobile App EMC IEC 61000 -6-1(2-3-4) EN61000-6-1(2-3-4)
• 5 Years standard Warranty, Extendable upto 20 Years. Efficiency Measurement IEC 61683, EN50530

Note: Specifications are subject to change 38

Max. DC Input Power (KW) 60 72
Max. DC Input Voltage(V) 1100
Strat -Up Voltage (V) 200
THREE PHASE MPPT Voltage Range (V) 200 - 1000
Max.Input Current(A) 28.5A+28.5A+28.5A+28.5A
Max Short Circuit Current for each MPPT (A) 44.5+44.5+44.5+44.5
MPPT Number / No. of Strings per MPPT 4/3
Rated Output Power (KW) 50 60
Max. Apparent Output Power (KVA) 55 66
Max . Output Power (KW) 55 66
Rated Grid Voltage (V) 400 400
Grid Voltage Range (V) 304-460 304-460
Rated Grid Frequency (Hz) 50/60
Operation Phase Three
Rated Grid Output Current(A) 72.2 86.6
Max. Output Current(A) 83.3 100
Power Factor(at Rated output power) 0.8 leading ..1..0.8 lagging
THDi (at rated output power) <3%
DC Injection Current (mA) <0.5% In
Grid Frequency Range (Hz) 47-52 or 57-62
Max. Efficiency 98.80% 99.00%
EU Efficiency 98.40% 98.50%
MPPT Efficiency >99.90%
50KW & 60KW Built -in Protections
DC Reverse - Polarity, Short Circuit Protection, Output Over Current Protection,Output Over Voltage Protection,Insulation
Resistance Monitoring , Residual Current Detection, Surge Protection & Monitoring , Islanding Protection, Temperature
Protection,Surge Protection through SPDs on both AC & DC Sides , Grid Monitoring
Intergrated DC Switch YES
Dimension (mm) 630W*700H*357D(mm)
Topology Transformerless
Self Consumption (Night) <1W(Night)
Operating Ambient Temprerature Range -25° to 60°C
• Transformerless Inverter Ingress Protection IP65
• Maximum Efficiency Over 98.9%, EU Efficiency Over 98.5% Noise Emission{Typical) <60 dBA
Cooling Concept Intelligent Fan-Cooling
• Wide MPPT Voltage Range with 4 MPPT Design and Precise MPPT Algorithim Max. Operation Altitude 4000m
Design life >20 Years
• IP 65 Certified Relative Humidity 0~100%
• Low Harmonic Distortion, THDi <3% DC Connection MC -4 Mateable
• Inergrated DC Switch AC Connection 0T Terminal Connectors
Display LCD 2 x 20 Z
• Intelligent Fan - Cooling Communication Connections 4 pin RS485 connector,2 RJ45 Connector, 2 Group of Terminal Block
Monitoring Interface LAN/Wifi/GPRS
• 5 Years Standard Warranty With Extended Warranty Option IEC CERTIFICATES
Grid Connection IEC 61727
• Onboard SPDs for DC & AC Sides Anti-Islanding Protection IEC 62116
• Free Remote Monitoring on Web Portal & Mobile App Environmental Testing IEC 60068-2 (1-2-14-27-30-64)
Safety IEC 62109-1,IEC 62109-2,EN62109-1, EN62109-2
EMC IEC 61000, EN 61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4
Efficiency Measurement IEC 61683, EN50530
Rating 80 KW 100K 110K
Max. DC Input Power (kW) 120 150 165
Max. DC Input Voltage (V) 1100
Rated Voltage 600

THREE PHASE Start-Up Voltage (V)

MPPT Voltage Range (V)
Max. Input Current (A) 9*26 10*26
Max Short Circuit Current for each MPPT (A) 9*40 10*40
MPPT Number / No.of Strings per MPPT 9/2 10/2
Rated Output Power (kW) 80 100 110
Max. Apparent Output Power (kVA) 88 110 121
Max. Output Power (kW) 88 110 121
Rated Grid Voltage (V) 3/N/PE, 220/380, 230/400
Grid Voltage Range (V) 304-460
Rated Grid Frequency (Hz) 50/60
Grid Frequency Range (Hz) 47-52 or 57-62
Rated Grid Output Current (A) 121.6 152 167.1
Max.Output Current (A) 133.7 167.1 183.8
Power Factor (at rated output power) >0.99 (Adjustable 0.8 leading ..1.. 0.8 lagging )
THDi (at rated output power) <3%
DC Injection Current (mA) <0.5 %In
Max. Efficiency 98.7%
EU Efficiency 98.3%
DC Reverse Polarity Protection, Short Circuit Protection, Output Over Current Protection, Output Over Voltage Protection,
Built-in Protections
Insulation Resistance Monitoring, Residual Current Detection, Islanding Protection, Temperature Protection, Grid Monitoring

80KW-100KW-110KW-5G SERIES Surge Protection (DC/AC)

I/V Curve scanning
Type II/Type II
Integrated DC Switch Yes
Integrated AC Switch Yes Optional
LEADING FEATURES String Monitoring Yes
Anti - PID Function Yes
• Maximum Efficiency 98.7% Integrated AFCI (DC arc-fault circuit
• Wide Voltage range and low startup voltage GENERAL DATA
• Supports 50% DC overload, 9/10 MPPT design with precise MPPT algorithm Dimension (mm) 1050W*567H*314.5D 1065W*567H*344.5D
• THDi < 3%, Low Harmonic Distortion Weight (kg) 82 84
Topology 3 level, Transformerless
• IP66 for outdoor Installation Self Consumption (watt) <2 (Night) (Witout Anti-PID)
• Anti-resonance, supporting over 6MW paralleled in one transformer Operating Ambient Temperature Range -25 to 60oC
Relative Humidity 0~100%
• Intelligent Fan Cooling Ingress Protection IP66
• High precision intelligent string monitoring Noise Emission {typical} <65dB
• Night SVG function Cooling Concept
Max.Operation Altitude (m)
Intelligent Fan-cooling
• Smart I-V Curve Diagnosis supported Design Life >25 Years
• Fuse free design to avoid hazard FEATURES
DC Connection MC-4 mateable
• Type II SPD for both DC and AC side AC Connection OT Terminal Connectors (max 185 mm2 )
• Leakage current repression technology Display LCD, 2×20 Z
Communication Interface RS485, Ethernet; PLC (Optional)
• Volt-Watt work mode integrated Monitoring WiFi/GPRS/LAN
• DC input reverse alarm OTA update Yes
• Integrated DC and AC (optional) disconnect switches IEC CERTIFICATES
Grid Connection IEC 61727
• RS-485, Ethernet; Wi-Fi/GPRS/LAN; PLC (optional) monitoring interface Anti-Islanding Protection IEC 62116
• Support “Y” type connection in DC side Environmental Testing IEC 60068-2 (1-2-14-27-30-64)
Safety IEC 62109-1, IEC 62109-2, EN 62109-1, EN 62109-2
• Supports aluminium wire access to reduce cost EMC IEC 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-6-4, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4 IEC 61000-3-5, IEC 61000-3-12
• Free remote monitoring on Web Portal and Mobile App Efficiency Measurement IEC 61683, EN50530
• 5 Years standard warranty, extendable upto 20 years


255 KW

Max. DC Input Power (kW) 330

Max. DC Input Voltage (V) 1500
THREE PHASE Rated Voltage 1080
Start-Up Voltage (V) 600
MPPT Voltage Range (V) 580-1500
Max. Input Current (A) 14*26
Max Short Circuit Current for each MPPT (A) 14*40
MPPT Number / No.of Strings per MPPT 14/28
Max. Apparent Output Power (kVA) 255kVA@30degC / 235kVA@40degC / 220kVA@50degC
Max. Output Power (kW) 255
Rated Grid Voltage (V) 3/PE,800
Grid Voltage Range (V) 640-920
Rated Grid Frequency (Hz) 50/60
Grid Frequency Range (Hz) 47-52 or 57-62
Max.Output Current (A) 184
Power Factor (at rated output power) >0.99 (Adjustable 0.8 leading ..1.. 0.8 lagging )
THDi (at rated output power) <3%
DC Injection Current (mA) <0.5 %In
Max. Efficiency 99.0%
EU Efficiency 98.7%
MPPT Efficiency 99.9%
DC Reverse Polarity Protection, Short Circuit Protection, Output Over Current Protection, Output Over Voltage Protection, Insulation
Built-in Protections
255K-EHV-5G SERIES Surge Protection (DC/AC)
Resistance Monitoring, Residual Current Detection, Islanding Protection, Temperature Protection, Grid Monitoring
Type II/Type II
I/V Curve scanning Yes
Integrated DC Switch Yes
LEADING FEATURES String Monitoring Yes
Night Time SVG Function Yes
Anti - PID Function Yes
• Maximum Efficiency 99% GENERAL DATA
• Wide Voltage range and low start up voltage Dimension (mm) 1125W*770H*384D
• Supports 50% DC overload, 14 MPPT design with precise MPPT algorithm Weight (kg) 113
Topology Transformerless
• THDi < 3%, Low Harmonic Distortion Self Consumption (watt) <2 (Night)
• IP66 for outdoor Installation Operating Ambient Temperature Range -25 to +60oC
• High Power tracking density 56MPPT/MW @30degC Relative Humidity 0~100%
Ingress Protection IP66
• Compatible with Bifacial modules Noise Emission {typical} <65dB
• Intelligent Fan Cooling Cooling Concept Intelligent Fan-cooling
• Type II SPD for both DC and AC side Max.Operation Altitude (m) 4000
• High precision intelligent string monitoring Design Life >25 Years
• Night SVG function DC Connection MC-4 mateable
• Smart I-V Curve Diagnosis supported AC Connection OT Terminal Connectors (max. 300 mm2 )
• Fuse free design, safe and maintenance free Display LCD, 2×20 Z
Communication Interface RS485, Ethernet; PLC (Optional)
• LCD display + Keypad + LED Indication Monitoring WiFi/GPRS/LAN
• Built-In Anti PID recovery for better module performance OTA update Yes
• Integrated DC disconnect switches IEC CERTIFICATES
Grid Connection IEC 61727
• Max. Parallel Inverters are allow up-to 25nos. due to Low resonance Anti-Islanding Protection IEC 62116
• Low consumption <2w @ night time Environmental Testing IEC 60068-2 (1-2-14-27-30-64)
• RS-485, Ethernet; Wi-Fi/GPRS/LAN; PLC (optional) monitoring interface Safety IEC 62109-1, IEC 62109-2, EN 62109-1, EN 62109-2
• Support Y type connection in DC side EMC IEC 61000-3-5, IEC 61000-3-12, IEC 1000-6-2, IEC 61000-6-4, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4
Efficiency Measurement IEC 61683, EN50530
• Supports aluminium cable access to reduce cost
MODEL PMIS 3048 PMIS 5048 PMIS 6048 PMIS 10120 PMIS 15240
RATING 3 KVA / 48 VDC 5 KVA / 48 VDC 6 KVA / 48 VDC 10 KVA / 120 VDC 15 KVA / 240 VDC


Charge Controller Type MPPT
No of MPPT Channel Nos. 1
Per Channel PV Capacity KWp 3 5 6 10 15

Protections No. of PV Inputs

Max. Open Circuit PV Volts (Voc)
• PV Side: Reverse Polarity, Surge PV Voltage Range (Vmp) Volts 75 - 160 75 - 160 75 - 160 165 - 299 365 - 560
PV Minimum Voltage Volts 70 70 70 132 290
Protection, Over voltage Float Voltage (LMLA/VRLA) Volts 52.8/54 52.8/54 52.8/54 129/135 258/270
Boost Voltage (LMLA/VRLA) Volts 58/55.2 58/55.2 58/55.2 144/138 288/276
• Grid Side: Over/Under Voltage, SOLAR PANEL CONFIGURATION
Over/Under Frequency SPV Rating Watt 335
SPV Qty. Nos. 9 15 18 30 45
• Battery Side: Reverse Polarity, SPV Confoguration 3S x 3P 3S x 5P 3S x 6P 6S x 5P 15S x 3P
Over/Under Voltage, Current Output Voltage / Frequency Volts / Hz 230 / 50
Limit No. of Phases Ph Single Phase
KVA 3 5 6 10 15
• Load Side: Over/Under Voltage, Output Capacity
KW 2.4 4 4.8 8 12
Output Current Amp 10.5 17 21 34.8 52.2
Overloads, Short Circuit Voltage Regulation (#) % +/- 2
• System Protection: Over Frequency Regulation Hz +/- 0.5
THD % < 3
Temperature DC Rated Voltage Volts 48 120 240
Efficiency (Peak) % 88 88 88
Over Load (*) % 110% for 60 sec / 125% for 30 sec / 150% for 5 sec
Changeover Time mSec < 20
Auto Load Bypass Provided


I/P Frequency range
Grid Charger Start Voltage (settable) Volts 45.3 113.4 226.8
Grid Charger Current (settable as per battery) Amps Max.30 Max. 35 Max. 35 Max.30
LEADING FEATURES (*)Overload protections are not applicable for charger mode. MCB in Grid / load path are provided for protections.
(#) In bypass mode, the output available on load terminals is just the mains present and not a regulated output.
• DSP Controller based MPPT controller, High Efficiency upto 88% USER INTERFACE
• Range from 3 KVA to 15 KVA Voltage 48 V / 120 V/ 240 V DISPLAY PARAMETERS
PV Side: Voltage, Current, Power , Energy Grid Side: Voltage, Current, Frequency
• More PV Power allowed per kVA than competition Battery Side: Voltage, Current, Battery Charging/Discharging Status Load Side: Voltage, Current, Power
• Higher PV Overload capacity INDICATIONS / MESSAGES
• No PV overload tripping, instead we have limiting feature so that generation does LED Indications: System Power On, Inverter ON (Load On Inverter), Solar Available/Solar Charging, Load On Grid/Grid Charging, Battery Under Voltage, System Trip/Fail
Message: Over Load ,Short Curcuit,System Over Temperature,Battery & PV reverse Polarity,Battery Current limit
not fully stop Real Time Logged Parameters: PV KWh Cumulative, Datewise PV KWh in last 30days, Monthly KWh, Yearly KWh, User Keypad for Settings Change
• Wider MPPT Voltage range, Wide Grid Range REMOTE MONITORING (Optional)
• AC input Current limiting suitable for rural feeders GPRS: SIM based Data logger provided to access parameters remotely on portal
• Fast response to sudden solar radiation changes Recommended Battery Lead Acid Tubular / SMF VRLA @ C10
• Fast charging CC-CV charging through Solar as well as Grid Degree of Protection IP-21
• Priority modes for high & low backup requirements Type of Cooling Forced Cooled
Operating temperature 0-50 degrees (without Derating)
• MCB protection at all Inputs and Outputs
Humidity Max. 95% Non-Condensing
• Fully metallic body for higher robustness Altitude 1000m above sea level
• Pure Sine Wave output Cable Entry Rear, Bottom
• Temp compensation for VRLA Batteries Housing Tower Type, Epoxy Powder Coating
Color Shade White
• Temp controlled forced fan cooling Terminal sizes: PV/ Batt./ Grid / Load M6 / M6 / M6 / M6
• No derating of power till 50 Deg C Cable Termination Type Bus Bar Type with Ring Type Lugs
• Daily data logging of Solar kWh Net Weight (Approx.) 48 kg 56 kg 70 kg 110 kg 145 kg
Dimensions (H X W X D) (in mm) 430 x 280 x 550 470 x 280 x 600 515 x 300 x 700 650 x 400 x 730 650 x 450 x 740
• Real Time clock for LCD Display

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