5-Linux Shell Scripting
5-Linux Shell Scripting
5-Linux Shell Scripting
Learning Objectives:
Hands on experience on Linux OS to understand the functionalities of
operating system, and various flavors of shell scripting. After completing this
students will be able to understand:
1. Basis of Linux shell scripting
2. Understand the basics of user commands
3. Write shell scripts and use it to save time with automated scripts
4. Customizing shell start-up files
5. Creating nifty utilities
6. Control your administration tasks such as Linux user management,
Linux system monitoring etc.
Course Outline:
Module Topic
1 Brief recap of Linux/Unix architecture and concepts
2 Cron, significant file formats
3 Bash profiles, mounting
4 What is the Shell?
Shell Responsibilities
Program Execution
Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Filename Substitution
Variable Expansion
Environment Variables
5 I/O Redirection
stdin, stdout & stderr
Device Files
Here Documents
Pipes & Filters
6 Commands and Filters
cat, touch, find
head, tail
sort, cut wc
grep family
7 Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions Intro
BREs (Basic Regular Expressions)
8 Shell Scripts And Programming
What is a Shell Script?
Invoking Shell Scripts
Which Shell gets run?
Passing Arguments from the Command Line
Grouping Commands
9 Making Decisions and Loops
Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Exit Status
if Statement
Testing Conditions
read command
case Statement
10 Benefits and Uses of Loops
for Loop
Three-expression for Loop
Infinite Loops
Conditional Exits with break
Continuation with continue
while Loop
until Loop
Books Recommended:
Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial v1.05r3 A Beginner's handbook
Copyright © 1999-2002 by Vivek G. Gite
Manual Pages