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Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

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Engineering Structures
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Seismic assessment and strengthening of a historical masonry bridge

considering soil-structure interaction
Amirhosein Shabani *, Mahdi Kioumarsi
Department of Built Environment, Oslo Metropolitan University, Pilestredet 35, 0166 Oslo, Norway


Keywords: A holistic methodology for developing the digital twins and conducting seismic vulnerability assessments of
Digital twin masonry arch bridges is proposed and applied to a historical stone masonry bridge. In this light, digital cameras,
Seismic fragility drones, and 3D laser scanners were utilized for 3D geometric documentation of the bridge. 3D finite element (FE)
Masonry arch bridge
models were constructed and calibrated based on the operational modal analysis results derived from the
Soil-structure interaction
Operational modal analysis
accelerometer sensors. The fragility curves for different limit states were derived by performing a multi-stripe
Seismic strengthening analysis (MSA). The effect of soil-structure interaction (SSI) on the calibration results and seismic response of
FRCM systems the bridge was evaluated. The results of the visual inspection, model calibration, and seismic analysis revealed
that the central pier and the arches are the most susceptible parts of the bridge. Therefore, three strengthening
techniques were proposed, and corresponding numerical models were developed. The first model was developed
by enhancing the mechanical properties of the vulnerable parts of the bridge, and the two other models were
built by covering the central pier’s outer surface with polyparaphenylene benzobisoxazole (PBO) and carbon
fiber-reinforced concrete mortar (FRCM) layers. Results revealed that the strengthening techniques improved the
seismic response of the bridge when subjected to transverse seismic excitations. Negligible differences in the
displacement response and crack width of the strengthened models were observed from the nonlinear dynamic

1. Introduction arches. Furthermore, finding a solution for considering the effects of

masonry and backfill soil interaction and applying appropriate bound­
Masonry arch bridge conservation is crucial for authorities because ary conditions are two pivotal issues that should be taken into account
of their importance as infrastructure for the road and railway networks [2,7]. Discrete element modeling is considered the most accurate
and their merit as cultural heritage assets [1]. However, masonry arch modeling approach for the nonlinear analysis of masonry arch bridges,
bridges are susceptible to earthquake loads because masonry is a brittle with the highest level of computational effort among other methodolo­
construction material, and the bridges are not designed based on current gies [8,9]. However, by employing acceptable simplifications in the
design codes. Moreover, their structural condition has changed due to modeling procedure and diminishing the level of computational efforts,
material decay, fatigue, boundary condition changes, and applied load the homogenous finite element (FE) method can be an accurate enough
changes, including higher axle loads and vehicle speeds, since the time solution for seismic analysis of masonry bridges [10–12]. Soil-structure
that they were built [2]. Masonry bridges comprise around 25% of road interaction (SSI) effects were usually neglected for nonlinear analysis of
bridges and around 45% of railway bridges in Europe [3]. Therefore, a various masonry bridges, and fixed base boundary conditions were
reliable modeling and analysis strategy is required to increase their applied [9,13,14]. Nevertheless, the structure and foundation interac­
resiliency. tion with the surrounding soil could be influential on the structural
Efficient numerical modeling and simulation of masonry arch response [15]. The inertial interaction effect that causes additional de­
bridges have been an interesting and challenging problem for re­ formations in the soil and changes the base motion is more pronounced
searchers and structural engineers [4–6]. Masonry arch bridges are for heavy structures such as nuclear power plants and masonry arch
heterogeneous structures composed of stone or brick, mortar, and bridges [15–19].
backfill soil that have a distinct architecture due to the presence of Defining a structure’s precise material properties is an essential part

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: amirhose@oslomet.no (A. Shabani), mahdi.kioumarsi@oslomet.no (M. Kioumarsi).

Received 16 January 2023; Received in revised form 16 June 2023; Accepted 9 July 2023
Available online 18 July 2023
0141-0296/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 1. Methodology of developing 3D digital twins and seismic fragility of historic structures.

of developing its digital twin [20]. However, destructive tests to deter­ be carried out. In this paper, a methodology for deriving the seismic
mine the material properties of masonry arch bridges are usually fragility curves of masonry arch bridges for different limit states is
forbidden because they are considered cultural heritage assets. proposed and applied to a case study. Accurate geometric documenta­
Furthermore, historical structures suffer from various types of risks that tion of the bridge was done, and two 3D FE models were created for
can influence their material properties. For this purpose, calibration of further analysis; in one of them, the SSI is considered, but in another
the historical masonry arch bridges model based on the operational model, the effect was neglected by considering rigid boundary condi­
modal analysis (OMA) results has recently gained considerable attention tions. On the other hand, ambient vibration tests (AVT) were carried out
[21–24]. The effect of model calibration on the seismic behavior of the to determine the dynamic characteristics of the case study. FE model
masonry structures highlights the importance of this step for developing calibration was performed for both models, and the material properties
a robust and accurate numerical model [23,25]. were updated. Nonlinear analyses were performed on a model with SSI
After seismic analyses of the updated numerical models, proposing to obtain the fragility curves. A comparative study was performed to
an efficient and applicable strengthening technique is the final part of an investigate the effect of considering the SSI effects during the whole
assessment and retrofitting methodology. When retrofitting cultural process. Vulnerable structural parts were detected after seismic damage
heritage structures, it is important to follow five key principles: respect assessment and three different strengthening techniques were proposed.
for authenticity, minimal structural intervention, compatibility, 3D models of the strengthened bridges were developed, and nonlinear
reversibility (the ability to remove changes), and durability. These analyses were performed to investigate the efficiency of the strategies.
guidelines aim to ensure that any changes made to the structure preserve
its historical and cultural significance while allowing for its long-term 2. Methodology and overview of the case study
preservation and maintenance [26,27]. However, it is difficult to find
a strengthening strategy that satisfies all these rules [26]. A few studies 2.1. Methodology
investigated the seismic response of masonry arch bridges strengthened
by using fiber-reinforced cementitious matrices (FRCM) [28,29], fiber- Geometric documentation of a structure is essential for developing
reinforced polymer (FRP) composites [30,31], steel anchorage [32], or digital twins, and various methods have evolved to automate this step in
enhancing the existing masonry mechanical properties [33]. the fastest and most accurate way using different types of digital sensors
Despite the aforementioned investigations, some gaps can be found, and instruments. After deriving the geometries, the 3D FE model is
including limitations regarding the SSI effects, numerical modeling as­ constructed, and initial material properties are assigned to different
pects, and strengthening strategies. The FE model calibration of a ma­ parts based on the empirical equations or limited experimental tests on
sonry tower, considering SSI effects and comparing the results with the the construction material.
calibrated fixed base model, was investigated by performing a linear The material properties of the FE model are calibrated to match the
time history analysis [34]. Nevertheless, a research study is required to modal properties of the FE model with those recorded experimentally.
investigate the SSI effects on the seismic behavior of masonry arch AVT is used to determine the structure’s modal properties. Next, the
bridges, considering the material properties’ nonlinearity. Furthermore, natural frequencies and their corresponding mode shapes are defined by
because of the high computational efforts involved in the nonlinear performing the OMA [35]. Before performing the AVT, it is recom­
analysis of full-scale masonry bridges, the seismic analysis of these mended to conduct an optimal sensor placement (OSP) analysis to
structures was typically limited to applying a number of seismic records determine the best locations for the accelerometers [36]. The numerical
instead of performing a seismic fragility analysis based on the nonlinear model can be calibrated using one of the various numerical approaches
analysis of a group of records with different intensities and properties. presented to minimize the modal properties of the real structure and the
The strengthening proposals have also been limited to the retrofitting of numerical model [37,38]. The whole methodology for developing the
spandrel walls or arches of the bridges, and a numerical investigation 3D digital twin is presented in the red-dotted rectangle of Fig. 1.
focusing on the strengthening of the eroded piers of the bridges should To evaluate the seismic performance of the structure, the damage

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 2. (a) Rhodes Island in Greece and location of the Roman bridge, (b) top view of the Roman bridge, (c) and (d) Roman bridge from different views, and (e) holes
in the central pier with erosion.

limit states are defined by performing a nonlinear pushover analysis. reported in different old books and diaries [42]. Fig. 2 (c) and (d) show
Nonlinear time history analysis is considered the most accurate seismic different perspectives of the Roman bridge.
analysis method, but it requires a high computational effort [39]. A There are two holes on the south side and three on the north side of
suitable nonlinear material model should be defined for the structure, the bridge’s central pier. Fig. 2 (e) highlights one of the holes in a green
and nonlinear time history analyses should be carried out by applying circle. These holes, with a length and width of 0.4 m and a depth of 0.8
seismic records to the structure. The seismic excitations with various m, may be used as support for the wooden logs. However, these openings
intensity measures (IM) are applied to the structure to perform the can reduce the weight of the structure and diminish the possibility of
multi-stripe analysis (MSA) [40]. Seismic fragility curves can also be water flow damage to the structure. However, based on the iron hinges
derived using the efficient methodology by maximizing the likelihood attached to the sides of the holes and the Christian crosses engraved on
function suggested in [41]. The steps for seismic fragility analysis of the blocks above one of the holes, it can be concluded that they were later
calibrated nonlinear model are illustrated in the blue-dotted rectangle of used as storage closets [42].
Fig. 1. The Roman bridge is one of the few remaining historical bridges in
Various strengthening techniques are proposed after defining the Greece. The bridge is used by both cars and heavy trucks and is
most susceptible structural components through the seismic analysis of considered one of the main roads in the eastern part of the island.
the calibrated model. Then, corresponding strengthened FE models are Therefore, the conservation of the bridge is critical not just because of its
developed, and seismic analysis can be performed by applying a set of historical significance but also because of its infrastructural importance
seismic records that impose a specific damage state on the structure. as part of the island.
Finally, a comparative study of the structural demands of the strength­ Cracks and spalling of the stone units beneath the arches and vege­
ened models reveals the optimal strengthening proposal. tation of the central pier and erosion of this part (see Fig. 2 (e)) are the
existing damages that were investigated during the visual inspection of
2.2. Overview of the case study the bridge. Temporary scaffolds were built to avoid future damage
beneath the arches and spalling stones. A robust and permanent
The Roman bridge is on the east coast of Rhodes Island, Greece (see strengthening strategy should be proposed for the preservation of this
Fig. 2 (a)) and was built across the stream of Rhodini before its outfall to monumental infrastructure. Rhodes Island is situated in a highly seismic
the Mediterranean Sea, as illustrated in Fig. 2 (b). The bridge is 8.4 m zone with a peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.35–0.55 g at a 10%
wide with two spans of 6.4 m. The thickness of the masonry arch and probability of exceedance in 50 years [43], and documentation shows
spandrels is 0.6 m. The bridge was built during the Graeco-Roman era, that some of the earthquakes were associated with tsunamis [44]. For
around the first century BC. Based on the riverbed, the stream only this purpose, the presented methodology was applied to this case study
passes through the southern arch, and erosion of the central pier was to improve its resiliency to earthquake risks.

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 3. (a) Geometric documentation campaign, (b) the position of the oriented cameras, (c) dense point cloud, (d) cross-section model, and (c) 3D light model of the
Roman bridge.

3. 3D digital twin development of the bridge illustrated in Fig. 4 (a). The foundation and surrounding soils were
modeled for modeling the SSI effects, as illustrated in Fig. 4 (b). The
3.1. 3D modeling of the bridge holes on two sides of the central pier were also modeled.
Two models were constructed. The first model (fixed-base model)
A holistic methodology for deriving the 3D geometric documentation has rigid boundary conditions without modeling foundations and soil
of structures was presented in [45,46]. Aerial images using drones and media, neglecting the soil-foundation-bridge interaction effects, as
ground images using cameras are provided for the Roman Bridge, as illustrated in Fig. 4 (a). The second model (SSI model) was developed
depicted in Fig. 3 (a). A total of 271 ground digital images were taken, using the direct method to consider the SSI effects by modeling the soil
and 2576 aerial images using drones were taken with lower resolution and foundation parts, as depicted in Fig. 4 (b) [15]. The soil box was
than the ground images because of difficulties in accessing some parts of modeled with an equal length and width of 180 m. The depth of the soil
the structure. Next, the digital images were processed in image-based was considered 30 m above the bedrock based on [17,48]. Pinned
modeling software through filtering and noise reduction to develop supports were applied to the four sides around the soil and one side at
the dense point cloud of the structure. The acquired images were reor­ the bottom of the soil box [49–51]. Foundations are also modeled in
iented with high accuracy via the automated structure of the motion three positions, embedded in the soil at a depth of 1.5 m beneath the
process, as depicted in Fig. 3 (b). On the other side, 3D laser scanners are piers.
utilized to fill the gaps in the point clouds from the digital images and Contact interface elements with a high initial stiffness value in
provide the final dense point cloud. Twenty-four scans were carried out normal compression and tangential friction with a tension cutoff were
using 3D laser scanners. A local coordinate system was made using two modeled to simulate the interaction between backfill and masonry
total stations to define target points for the point clouds from laser media [1,13]. Therefore, the interface can transform the shear and
scanners and ground control points for the orientation of images. compression normal stresses, but separation appears in tension between
Georeferencing avoids possible errors when combining and processing the foundation and the soil media. Although the interface element in­
the datasets from different instruments. The final 3D model can be creases the computational effort by increasing the number of elements,
developed by processing the triangulated irregular network represen­ it can simulate the actual interaction and avoid early convergence
tation model in such a way that each point is converted to a polygon problems due to the high differences between the stiffness of the two
object [46]. The 3D dense point clouds, a 3D light model, and the cross media [52]. The contact interface element between the masonry and
sections obtained following this process are illustrated in Fig. 3 (c), (d), backfill soil domains follows the Coulomb friction model in shear with
and (e), respectively. zero cohesion and a friction coefficient of 0.4 rad [53]. The effect of soil-
For creating the 3D FE model of the bridge, the dimensions were foundation interaction was simulated using a nonlinear interface
derived from the obtained 3D model from the previous step using DIANA element [54]. The interface element has high normal and shear stiffness
FEA software [47]. Five main parts were considered for modeling the with a tension cutoff.
bridge, including arches, spandrel walls, backfill, piers, and parapets, as

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 4. (a) Fixed-base 3D model with components of the bridge in different colors, and (b) SSI model of Roman bridge.

with an elastic modulus of 6 MPa was considered for the soil domain
[34]. Note that the density and Poisson ratio of all materials, including
the masonry and backfill soil, were considered to be 2200 mkg3 , and 0.3,
respectively. Nevertheless, the density of the soil was assumed to be
2000 mkg3 as suggested in [34].

3.3. Mesh size

Adaptive meshing with a size of 0.6 m was considered for the para­
pets and backfill soil. After conducting a mesh sensitivity analysis, a
mesh size of 0.5 m was used to mesh the spandrel walls and foundations,
while a mesh size of 0.4 m was used for the central pier and arches, as
shown in Fig. 5. The maximum mesh size of the soil medium was defined
based on the following equation [59]:
Fig. 5. (a) 3D mesh of the SSI model (b) mesh details of the bridge.
λmin Vs,min
lmax ≤ ≤ (2)
3.2. Initial material properties 10 10fmax

where λ is the wavelength of the passing wave, Vs is the minimum shear

The bridge is made of Sfouggaria stone, which is an ancient local
wave velocity, and fmax is the maximum frequency of interest, typically
stone that was used for the construction of monuments and has a
around 10–15 Hz, as suggested in [59]. A shear wave velocity of 600 ms
compressive strength (fb ) of 9 MPa [55]. The compressive strength of the
for the soil was reported by the responsible partner of the project, and
homogenized masonry was considered to be 2.503 MPa, calculated
the soil was categorized as hard soil. In order to minimize the maximum
based on Equation (1) [56,57], considering soft mortar with compres­
size of the mesh elements, 15 Hz was considered for the fmax . The
sive strength (fm ) of 1 MPa.
maximum mesh size of the soil was set to 4 m, and a finer mesh was
fc = 0.6fb0.65 fm0.35 (1) considered around the bridge by limiting the mesh size of the edges of
the soil part to 2 m, as illustrated in Fig. 5.
The elastic modulus of the masonry was assumed 1001.2 MPa,
The bridge model comprises 13,277 3D mesh elements and 1962
calculated as 400 times of the fc [56]. Furthermore, the initial elastic
contact interface elements between the backfill and the masonry media.
modulus of the backfill soil was assumed to be 0.3 MPa [58]. Hard soil
The soil box and the foundations are composed of 49,870 3D mesh

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 6. (a) Optimal sensor locations and sensors’ configuration of the (b) first and (c) second test setups. (d) From top to bottom: datalogger, accelerometer sensor,
and power bank, and (e) AVT campaign of the Roman Bridge.

elements with 916 contact interface elements to simulate the soil- was done for modal identification and numerical model calibration.
foundation-structure interaction. The accelerometer locations were chosen based on the OSP analyses
on the preliminary FE model with the same elastic material properties.
The modal assurance criterion (MAC) matrix was considered the
3.4. Ambient vibration testing acceptance criteria, and five OSP methods were applied to investigate
the best sensor locations. The effective independence methods and
After developing the 3D FE model of the bridge with the corre­ sensor elimination using MAC are two OSP methods based on the sensor
sponding material properties for each part, ambient vibration testing

Fig. 7. (a) SVD graph of the FDD method, (b) mode shapes and corresponding frequency values of the first four natural modes of the bridge.

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

elimination strategies [60]. The MAC matrices of these methods are Table 1
predominantly diagonal; therefore, these methods reveal the best The ADF and MAC values of SSI and fixed-base models after calibration.
configuration of the sensors. Therefore, based on the OSP results, the top Model FEA Frequency OMA Frequency ADF MAC
of the central pier and the locations between the top of the arches and type Mode (Hz) Mode (Hz) (%) (%)
the two endings of the bridge with an approximate distance of 2 m were SSI 1 8.343 1 8.007 4.19 71.7
chosen for installing the sensors. More detail about the procedure can be model 2 10.462 2 10.22 2.28 66.4
found in [60]. 4 11.222 3 11.206 0.14 70.5
Fig. 6 (a) shows the optimized locations of the sensors in five rows 16 14.926 4 16.357 8.75 60.1
Fixed- 1 8.458 1 8.007 5.62 70.4
and on two sides (A and B). Fig. 6 (b) and (c) illustrate the measured base 2 10.897 2 10.229 6.53 67.2
direction of the sensors in the first and second test setups. The locations model 3 11.586 3 11.206 3.39 70
of the outer parts (rows 1 and 5) in the first setup and the inner rows
(rows 2 and 3) in the second setup were chosen to install the sensor.
However, row 3 was determined to be one of the most important loca­ Bayesian parameter estimation expression.
tions prescribed almost by all the OSP analysis results [60]. Row 3, side E = {ΔR}t [CR ]{ΔR} + {ΔP}t [CP ]{ΔP} (4)
B in the Y direction, highlighted in Fig. 6 (b) and (c), was selected as the
reference measurement direction to combine all the sensors’ data from where CR and CP represent weighting matrices expressing confidence in
the two test setups. the model responses and parameters, respectively [63]. For the model
After determining the best sensor locations, five 3-axis MEMS digital updating of the bridge, no range was considered for the change of the
Unquake accelerometers (see Fig. 6 (d) with a sampling rate of 250 Hz elastic modulus value [1,23]. To account for the variability of the den­
were installed on the two sides of the bridge in two test setups. Note that sity and Poisson ratio across different components of the model, a range
the accelerometers were connected to power banks, as illustrated in of 25% was set as the upper and lower bounds for these parameters. But
Fig. 6 (d), instead of urban electricity to reduce the measurement noise. these bounds were not considered for the elastic modulus values.
Because the Z direction of the accelerometer was not sensitive enough to The absolute difference in natural frequency (ADF) and MAC values
record the ambient vibrations, this direction was neglected from the of both models is presented in Table 1. The MAC matrices and the
measurements, and the sensors’ data were collected from the two other correlated mode shapes are presented in Fig. 8 for both models. The
axes. The data from the sensor in each test setup was synchronized based bridge was calibrated with a minimum MAC of 60.1% for all four modes
on the global positioning system (GPS) antenna [34]. Fig. 6 (e) shows of the SSI model. But the fixed-base model could not be correlated to the
the accelerometer sensors installed on two sides of the road. test results for the fourth mode. Considering the SSI effects that increase
the number of parameters, the SSI model has a better correlation with
3.5. Operational modal analysis OMA results compared to the fixed-base model. The MAC matrix of the
SSI model shows some predominantly soil-contributed modes that can
Firstly, the fast Fourier transform analysis was performed for each be defined by investigating the mass participation vectors. Therefore,
sensor measurement in each direction, and the natural frequency values the four first dominant structure modes were paired with the OMA
were detected. To define the mode shapes, all synchronized sensor data modes in order.
from the setups were imported to the ARTeMIS modal software package The updated E of each bridge portion is illustrated in Fig. 9 (a). The
to perform OMA on a sensor network [61]. Frequency Domain Decom­ erosion of the central pier detected through the visual inspection is re­
position (FDD), Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition, and ported in Fig. 9 (a) by checking the E values of this part, which are
Curve-Fitted Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition methods are relatively low compared to the other masonry parts. Note that the
three frequency-domain OMA methods that were employed for the dy­ indices R, L, and C represent the location of the section, considering that
namic identification of the bridge [62]. Results reveal a negligible dif­ the left side is the side closest to the stream bed. The terms B and F
ference between the natural frequency values derived from the three denote the back and front sides, as illustrated in Fig. 9 (b). The calibrated
methods mentioned. Fig. 7 (a) depicts the singular value decomposition E values of the central, left, and right foundations are 852.189, 958.79,
(SVD) graph of the FDD method and the first four peaks that show the and 1012.6 MPa, respectively, and the soil elastic modulus is 5470 MPa.
first four natural modes of the bridge. The frequency values and the The E values of the backfill soil are increased by 55% and 78% for SSI
corresponding mode shapes are illustrated in Fig. 7 (b). The first, third, and fixed-base models, respectively, showing that the initial assumption
and fourth modes are predominantly in the Y direction, and the second underestimates the stiffness of this part. The updated material properties
mode is in the X direction of the bridge. of each component of both bridge models are presented in Tables A1 and
A2 in the appendix.
3.6. Calibration of the model
3.7. Nonlinear model development
The objective of the FE model update is to minimize the differences
between the natural frequencies of the numerical model and the real The first step towards performing a robust enough seismic evaluation
structure and to increase the MAC values of the correlated modes by methodology is to define proper nonlinear material behavior. In this
changing the material properties. For this purpose, a sensitivity-based light, the total strain-based crack model was utilized to represent the
parameter estimation method was utilized using the FEMTools soft­ nonlinear behavior of the stone masonry part [47]. Note that the
ware package [63]. The functional relationship between the parameters maximum compressive strength of each part was computed as 0.2% of
and structural modal properties can be expressed in terms of the linear the E value, and the maximum tensile strength was calculated as 15% of
term of a Taylor series expansion as follows: the compressive strength based on the empirical rules presented in
{ΔR} = [S]{ΔP} (3) [56,57]. The fracture energy in compression and tension would be
calculated as 1.6 and 0.029 times the maximum compressive strength
where ΔR is the difference between a vector containing the reference [56,57]. Fig. 10 depicts the stress–strain curves of the total strain-based
and predicted system responses, ΔP is the difference between a vector crack model. Note that the area under the exponential softening curve is
containing the given state and predicted system parameters, and S is the calculated based on the tension fracture energy divided by the definition
sensitivity matrix. In this paper, a model updating was carried out by of the crack bandwidth (h) of an element [47]. For the compression part,
minimizing a weighted error (E) according to Equation (4) using the the area under the parabolic curve is calculated based on the

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 8. (a) MAC matrix and (b) mode shape correlations of the SSI model, (c) MAC matrix, and (d) mode shape correlations of the fixed-base model.

Fig. 9. (a) Updated E values of different parts of the SSI and fixed-base models and (b) stream bed location and the front side of the bridge model.

compression fracture energy divided by h to define the stress–strain an elastic model with a nonlinear shear stress-shear strain relationship
curve of the masonry. The shear capacity of the masonry part decreases [65]. In the Hardin-Drnevich model, the relationship between shear
to zero until the part is sufficiently damaged. The mechanical properties stress and shear strain is defined by:
of each bridge component were calculated and presented in the
Gmax γ
appended Tables A1 and A2. The Mohr-Coulomb material model, which τ= (5)
1 + γγr
is a simpler material model than the total strain crack model, was chosen
to simulate the backfill soil behavior with a cohesion of 0.05 MPa, a
where γ and γr are shear strain and characteristic shear strain of the soil,
friction angle of 0.35 rad, and maximum tensile strength of 0.05 MPa
and Gmax is the maximum shear modulus calculated based on:
The soil is simulated based on the Hardin-Drnevich material model,

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 10. Stress–strain diagrams of the homogenized stone masonry based on the total strain-based crack for (a) tension and (b) compression.

Fig. 11. (a) Schematic representation of the free-field elements and (b) dimension of the SSI model with free-field boundary elements.

E the behavior of the main model, not vice versa. Furthermore, the free-
Gmax = (6)
2(1 + ϑ) field elements have dashpots to absorb the outgoing waves, which
causes unrealistic effects on the main model using rigid boundary con­
where ϑ is the Poisson ratio of soil. γ r was considered 0.0015 for the ditions [66,67]. Fig. 11 (a) illustrates the schematic representation of the
surrounding soil based on [65]. free-field boundary element where compressive loads are applied to the
In geotechnical dynamic problems, considering either rigid or free finite soil domain as an example. A new model with dimensions more
boundary conditions for the soil leads to unrealistic results. Further­ than three times those of the bridge in the corresponding direction was
more, the very large soil domain considered for the SSI model in this developed, and free-field elements were assigned to the four sides of the
study is another strategy that leads to high computational effort for finite soil domain [18]. Note that rigid boundary conditions were
performing nonlinear dynamic analysis. To tackle these limitations, free- applied to the bottom face. The SSI model with free-field elements with
field boundary conditions can be utilized by decreasing the size of the dimensions is depicted in Fig. 11 (b). The SSI model with free-field el­
soil part. The free-field motions around the soil part are converted into ements was only utilized for performing nonlinear dynamic analysis.
boundary tractions applied to the finite soil part. The free field affects

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Table 2 4. Seismic analysis

Quantitative and qualitative description of three performance levels of masonry
arch bridges. 4.1. Pushover analysis and defining limit states
Performance Functionality (F) Life safety (LS) Near collapse (NC)
level A predefined performance limit state definition for seismic assess­
Quantitative Displacement Displacement Displacement ment of masonry bridges in the transverse direction is not available.
description corresponds to 75% corresponds to the corresponds to 90% Thus, a structure-specific methodology based on the nonlinear pushover
of the maximum first point on the of the maximum curve is followed to define the Roman bridge’s limit states [68]. In this
base shear (or pushover curve displacement
light, the three performance levels are defined and qualitatively pre­
acceleration) with a tangential attained on the
stiffness equals to pushover curve sented in Table 2, and the method for defining the limit state values
7% of the initial based on the displacement values of the crown points is elaborated in
(elastic) stiffness Table 2. The relationship between performance levels and damage states
is shown in Fig. 12 (a). A modal pushover analysis was performed with a
Qualitative Structure is mostly Plasticity starts The damage is
description elastic with little or increasing before heavy and
load pattern based on the first mode shape, and the pushover curve in
no damage. Traffic and after this distributed to the terms of displacement of the node between two arches in the parapet
is not interrupted, performance level. extent that the element (crown point) versus base shear is plotted in Fig. 12 (b). The
and damage can be The bridge is bridge is near to limit states are calculated and illustrated in Fig. 12 (b), which are 3.784
repaired in a couple expected to suffer collapse state. The
mm, 4.983 mm, and 8.387 mm for functionality (F), life safety (LS), and
of days medium to bridge may even be
significant damage. out-of-service or near collapse (NC) limit states, respectively.
Still, it should be replaced
feasible to repair completely
but cannot be used 4.2. Seismic record selection
for a short duration
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is performed based on
the SHARE area source model [69] for the bridge site located at

Fig. 12. (a) Relationships between performance levels and damage states, and (b) pushover curve and performance limits of the Roman bridge.

Fig. 13. (a) Hazard curve for AvgSA, (b) Disaggregation of the hazard, and (c) selected records based on the CS record selection approach for the 10% probability of
exceedance in 50 years.

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 14. (a) MSA results with performance limit values and (b) seismic fragility curves of the case study.

coordinates 28.219◦ E, 36.439◦ N. It is assumed that the bridge is located method [72]. At each IM level, seven pairs of records from the NGA-West
on hard soil with a 600 m/s average shear wave velocity for the top 30 m database [73] were selected to match the target spectrum. The selection
of the soil (Vs30) consistent with the hard soil, which was assumed in the is based on the approximate method of CS using the mean scenarios from
model updating process. The ground motion prediction equation the hazard [74]. Fig. 13 (c) depicts the conditional mean spectrum
(GMPE) proposed by Boore and Atkinson is used for all purposes of this (CMS) of the seven records selected for the IM level with a 10% prob­
study, considering all the seismic sources within 200 km of the site [70]. ability of exceedance in 50 years as a sample.
Fig. 13 (a) illustrates the hazard curve at the selected site based on the In this study, each record was scaled to the median PGA value of its
average spectral acceleration (AvgSA) in the period range of [0.2, 2.0] s IM records due to the simplicity of using the term PGA instead of AvgSA.
with a 0.1 s increment. OpenQuake [71], an open-source software for This assumption is consistent with the project goal, which is the large-
seismic hazard and risk assessment developed by the Global Earthquake scale seismic assessment of the Rhodes and maintains the hazard con­
Model Foundation, is used to perform the seismic hazard and disag­ sistency of the site.
gregation computations of this study. Fig. 13 (b) shows the disaggre­
gation of the hazard for a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years. 4.3. MSA and seismic fragility curves
Five suites of records for five IM levels corresponding to 10.0%,
2.0%, 1.0%, 0.6%, and 0.2% probability of exceedance in 50 years were The MSA method is based on the assumption that the response of a
selected and scaled based on the conditional spectrum (CS)-based structure can be approximated as a series of intervals, or “stripes,” each

Fig. 15. Displacement response time history of the crown nodes of the models subjected to the seismic records that impose (a) slight, (b) moderate, (c) extensive
damages, and (d) complete collapse to the SSI model.

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 16. Crack pattern and width of (a) fixed-base and (b) SSI models subjected to the seismic record that imposed extensive damages to the SSI model.

of which is characterized by a different ground motion intensity level

Table 3
[40]. By means of MSA, the performance of a structure is evaluated
Material properties of the enhanced stone masonry.
under a range of ground motion intensities, from relatively weak events
to very strong events, which allows engineers to identify vulnerabilities Parameter Value for the enhanced
and develop effective strategies for reducing earthquake risk.
The PGA values of the five seismic record sets were scaled to the PGA Compressive strength (MPa) 3.539
Tensile strength (MPa) 0.531
values of the selected seismic records based on the CS approach. How­
Elastic modulus (MPa) 1769.5
ever, to apply stronger ground motions to evaluate the structure in the Fracture energy in compression (for the fc lower than 5.662
complete collapse damage state, the last two record sets with IM levels of 12 MPa) (N/mm)
4 and 5 were scaled to PGA, 0.55 g, and 0.67 g, respectively. Therefore, Fracture energy in tension (N/mm) 0.015
seven groups of records with seven PGA values were applied to the SSI
model with free-field boundary conditions, and MSA was carried out
[40] considering 5% of the Rayleigh damping ratio for the first and third
natural modes in the transverse direction [75]. Note that for the sake of
decreasing the level of computational effort, each seismic record was 5. Seismic strengthening proposals
applied to the bridge during the excitation’s significant duration.
Fig. 14 (a) illustrates the maximum crown displacement values The model calibration, the seismic analyses, and the visual inspec­
versus PGA values of each stripe and the three calculated limit states. tion show that the central pier and the aches are the most susceptible
The crack pattern and width of the models reveal that the central pier is structural elements of the Roman bridge. Hence, three strengthening
the most critical structural component, and the arches are the second strategies are proposed to ensure the bridge’s safety during seismic
most susceptible members. events.
The fragility curves’ parameters were estimated by maximizing a The first strengthening strategy involves removing the backfill and
likelihood function. In other words, the distribution derived from the enhancing the arches by replacing the existing stone masonry with
parameters has the highest likelihood of having produced the observed Sfouggaria stones with a compressive strength of 9 MPa. The stones
data from the MSA [41]. The fragility curves were produced for the three would be mounted and connected via lime mortar with a punch test of
limit states and are illustrated in Fig. 14 (b). The probability of complete less than 20 mm and a compressive strength of 4 MPa. The same stone
collapse of the bridge subjected to seismic records with PGA greater than would be chosen to maintain the consistency of the structure. To
0.46 g is more than 50%. The results from the fragility curves can be strengthen the central pier, the vegetation around it would be removed,
utilized for post-earthquake management strategies at a building or and the stones around the pier would be replaced and connected via lime
large scale. mortar with a depth of 0.5 m. Finally, the backfill would be refilled. A FE
model labeled “newmat” was developed by modifying the material
properties of the arches and the central pier. The compressive strength of
4.4. The effect of SSI on the seismic behavior the enhanced masonry was calculated as 3.539 MPa based on the me­
chanical properties of the stone and mortar using Equation (1) [56,57].
The effect of SSI on the seismic behavior of the bridge is investigated The tensile strength was considered 15% of the compressive strength
by comparing the results of the nonlinear time history analysis of the [1], and the elastic modulus, fracture energy in compression, and ten­
two calibrated models. In this light, four seismic excitations were chosen sion were considered 500, 1.6, and 0.029 times the compressive
that impose slight, moderate, and extensive damages and complete strength, as suggested in [56,57]. Table 3 shows the material properties
collapse with PGA values of 0.18 g, 0.32 g, 0.42 g, and 0.55 g, respec­ of the enhanced stone masonry.
tively, based on the MSA. The seismic records were applied to the Replacing the stone masonry of the arch and central pier keeps the
models to highlight the displacement differences, as illustrated in consistency and respects the authenticity of this historic infrastructure
Fig. 15. The differences are not inevitable, which is drastically high for by using the same material. Strengthening the arches with the improved
the ground motion with the highest PGA. masonry material, like the first strategy, and strengthening the central
The numerical models at the end of the nonlinear time history pier using fiber-reinforced concrete mortar (FRCM) is another
analysis that impose extensive damage to the bridge with crack patterns strengthening strategy. Strengthening the pier with FRCM systems can
are shown in Fig. 16 as an example. The maximum crack width of the SSI be less challenging and more cost-effective than replacing the existing
model is 15.5 times bigger than that of the fixed base model. Further­ material with improved stone masonry material. Furthermore, low
more, the cracks are limited to the bridge’s central pier in the fixed-base maintenance and high durability are advantages of using FRCM systems
model, but in the SSI model, more cracks can be detected in the central for strengthening purposes [76]. However, the texture of the central pier
pier and the left arch. Therefore, the fixed-base models dangerously would be changed, and FRCM systems are not in harmony with stone
underestimate the seismic behavior of masonry bridges in the transverse masonry in terms of mechanical properties.

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 17. (a) Newmat and (b) Carbon-FRCM and (c) PBO-FRCM numerical models.

The excitations were applied to the three strengthened models. The

crown displacement time history responses of the three strengthened
models and the existing structure model subjected to the three selected
seismic excitations are presented in Fig. 19. The displacement time
history of the strengthened models showed negligible differences, indi­
cating that the strengthening strategies had effectively improved the
seismic behavior of the bridge. Fig. 19 (d) shows the models’ maximum
displacements, highlighting the improvement in seismic performance.
The results revealed that the efficiency of the strengthening models
increased with more intensive seismic excitations. The PBO-FRCM sys­
tem was found to be the best model with the least maximum displace­
ment among the strengthening models. The differences between the
maximum displacements of the PBO- and carbon-FRCM models were
negligible. These findings demonstrate the proposed strengthening
methods’ efficacy in enhancing the bridge’s seismic resistance, partic­
ularly when subjected to high-intensity seismic events.
The crack patterns and widths of the models were analyzed to assess
the effectiveness of the strengthening strategies. The crack patterns and
the crack widths of the models are plotted in Fig. 20. The results reveal
Fig. 18. The stress–strain curve of FRCM systems in tension. that cracks would disappear in arches by enhancing the mechanical
properties of the masonry part of the arches. The maximum crack width
The third strategy involves strengthening the arches with improved is decreased for all strengthened models, which is significant for the
masonry material and using a FRCM system to strengthen the central higher intensities, which are records (b) and (c).
pier. Polyparaphenylene benzobisoxazole (PBO) and carbon FRCM The crack patterns in both FRCM-strengthened models were limited
systems [77,78] could be the potential FRCM systems for strengthening to the region between the masonry pier covered with FRCM and the
the pier element. For this aim, two FE models were made by modeling upper part. Cracks with a width of less than 2 mm were observed in this
the Carbon-FRCM and PBO-FRCM layers covering the central pier with a region due to the high stiffness difference between the upper masonry
thickness of 0.05 m, as depicted in Fig. 17 (b) and (c). part and the strengthened pier. On the other hand, the cracks in the
The phenomenological laws of the FRCM systems associated with the existing structure model and the newmat model were concentrated in
tensile stress–strain curves are presented in Fig. 18 based on [79]. The the middle of the central pier.
idealized tensile stress–strain curve is initially linear until the cracking The crack width of the newmat model was lower than the FRCM-
of the cementitious matrix. Then the curve continues until the ultimate strengthened models subjected to the record (a), with the lowest in­
capacity. Fig. 18 shows that the elastic modulus maximum tensile tensity due to the material consistency. However, with increasing exci­
strength of PBO-FRCM is larger than that of the carbon-FRCM system. tation intensities, the crack width of the FRCM models was lower than
However, the cracking of the cementitious matrix happens sooner in the newmat model. Among the FRCM-strengthened models, the PBO-
PBO-FRCM systems than in carbon-FRCM systems. FRCM model exhibited the lowest crack width, and differences be­
Debonding between FRCM layers and masonry is less probable tween the crack widths of the FRCM-strengthened models were not
[80,81]. Therefore, as a simplified assumption, a perfect bond between negligible.
the FRCM layers and the masonry was assumed in the numerical models Considering the Roman bridge’s significance as a cultural heritage
[32,78,82]. Modal analysis was performed. The fundamental fre­ asset, enhancing the mechanical properties of the masonry material of
quencies of the newmat, PBO-FRCM, and carbon-FRCM models are the central pier and the arches would be the most appropriate
10.014 Hz, 10.598 Hz, and 10.554 Hz, respectively. Therefore, the strengthening strategy. This strategy would harmonize with the existing
elastic stiffness of the strengthened models is increased by 25%, 32.3%, structure, and discontinuities in mechanical properties would not
and 31.8%, respectively. appear. However, employing FRCM systems for strengthening the cen­
tral pier would change the bridge’s texture and appearance. Despite this,
the results of the crack width analysis for models subjected to more
5.1. Seismic response of the strengthened models substantial ground motions demonstrate the effectiveness of these sys­
tems in enhancing the bridge’s seismic performance.
The seismic response of the strengthened models was evaluated by The results of this part of the study have significant implications for
updating the Rayleigh damping factors of the three models to account the maintenance and preservation of historic masonry structures such as
for changes in their modal properties. The excitations that impose the the Roman bridge. By evaluating and comparing the performance of
median displacement demand of the last three stripes were chosen as different strengthening strategies under seismic loads, the study pro­
records (a), (b), and (c) with PGA values of 0.42 g, 0.55 g, and 0.66 g. vides valuable insights for engineers and conservationists seeking to
Record (a) imposes extensive damage to the existing structure excita­ ensure the long-term structural stability and safety of such heritage
tions, while the other two records force complete collapse.

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 19. Displacement time history response of the crown nodes of the SSI and strengthened models subjected to record (a), (b), (c), and (d) maximum displace­
ment values.

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Fig. 20. Crack patterns and width values of the existing structure model and strengthened models subjected to the three chosen seismic excitations.

assets. The findings suggest that using FRCM systems can effectively strengthened using improved masonry, but the central pier is covered
enhance the seismic resistance of masonry arch bridges without with the mentioned FRCM systems.
compromising their aesthetic and historical value. However, selecting
the most suitable strengthening strategy should be based on a compre­ • The calibration of the models confirms the structural damages to the
hensive assessment of the bridge’s existing condition, structural char­ central pier and arches of the bridge detected based on the visual
acteristics, and historical significance. In conclusion, this study inspection. The MSA of the SSI model with free-field boundary ele­
highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary and collaborative ments reveals that the damages to the susceptible part are worsened
approach to the conservation of cultural heritage structures, considering by increasing the seismic intensities.
both technical and cultural aspects. • Seismic fragility curves are helpful for management strategies and
post-earthquake loss estimation at a single structure or on a large
6. Conclusions scale. The fragility curves of the SSI model show that the probability
of complete collapse of the bridge subjected to seismic records with
This paper presented a methodology composed of two main steps: PGA greater than 0.46 g is more than 50%.
geometric documentation and model calibration, resulting in the 3D • The seismic behavior of SSI and fixed-base models in terms of
nonlinear model of a historical stone masonry bridge. Afterward, MSA is displacement, crack pattern, and crack width shows that neglecting
performed to define the fragility curves of the case study for three per­ the SSI effects underestimates the seismic behavior of masonry
formance levels. Note that two models, SSI and fixed-base models with bridges in the transverse direction.
and without SSI, were developed. Both models were calibrated based on • A comparative study of the seismic response of the strengthened
the OMA results. After determining the susceptible parts of the bridge bridge models subjected to three seismic records reveals that the
through visual inspection, model calibration, and seismic analysis, three newmat model would be the best strengthening strategy that im­
strengthening strategies were proposed, and three models were devel­ proves the seismic behavior of the bridge and satisfies the criteria
oped. In the newmat model, the mechanical properties of the masonry of concerning the strengthening of historic structures. Compared to
the central pier and arches are improved using Sfouggaria stone and a using FRCM systems to cover and strengthen the central pier, the
firmer lime mortar. In the PBO and Carbon–FRCM models, the arches are strengthening strategy with improved masonry keeps the consistency

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

Table A1
Updated material properties of the SSI model.
Component name E (MPa) ρ (kg/m3) ϑ fc (MPa) ft (MPa) gfc (N/mm) gft (N/mm)

Arch R 1078.39 1936.39 0.297 2.158 0.323 3.451 0.009

Arch L 818.393 2750 0.291 1.637 0.245 2.619 0.007
Soil 5470.21 1809.92 0.306
Pier C 462.414 2243.91 0.285 0.925 0.139 1.479 0.004
Pier L 977.554 2195.7 0.302 1.955 0.293 3.128 0.008
Pier R 1118.09 2051.42 0.296 2.236 0.335 3.578 0.009
Spandrel F 1088.86 2192.93 0.306 2.178 0.327 3.484 0.009
Spandrel B 1064.6 2103.73 0.307 2.129 0.319 3.407 0.009
Backfill 466.463 2408.02 0.250
Foundation C 852.189 2208.05 0.276 1.704 0.256 2.728 0.007
Foundation L 985.79 2200.87 0.3 1.971 0.296 3.154 0.008
Foundation R 1012.6 2200.11 0.301 2.025 0.304 3.24 0.009
Parapet F 1005.45 2093.24 0.3 2.011 0.302 3.217 0.009
Parapet B 963.146 2037.97 0.3 1.926 0.289 3.082 0.008

Table A2
Updated material properties of the fixed-base model.
Component name E (MPa) ρ (kg/m3) ϑ fc (MPa) ft (MPa) gfc (N/mm) gft (N/mm)

Arch R 1158.35 1650 0.258 2.317 0.348 3.707 0.01

Arch L 670.37 2750 0.263 1.341 0.201 2.145 0.006
Pier C 350.35 2243.93 0.286 0.701 0.105 1.121 0.003
Pier L 1158.27 2193.84 0.299 2.317 0.347 3.706 0.01
Pier R 1222.97 2194.24 0.304 2.446 0.367 3.914 0.011
Spandrel F 1008.29 1980.5 0.306 2.017 0.302 3.227 0.009
Spandrel B 1057.31 1838.88 0.300 2.115 0.317 3.383 0.009
Backfill 534.967 2750 0.225 1.070 0.160 1.712 0.005
Parapet F 884.337 1913.03 0.301 1.769 0.265 2.830 0.008
Parapet B 944.662 1895.6 0.300 1.889 0.283 3.023 0.008

of the structure in harmony with other parts of the bridge without Mahdi Kioumarsi: Methodology, Investigation, Resources, Writing –
increasing the stiffness significantly and respecting the originality of review & editing, Visualization, Supervision, Project administration,
the historic structure. Funding acquisition.
• However, FRCM systems can be more cost-effective, durable, and
resilient when the structure is subjected to strong ground motions Declaration of Competing Interest
than the improved masonry strategy. The PBO-FRCM system is more
effective than the carbon-FRCM system in terms of crack width for The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
strengthening the central pier, although the differences in maximum interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
displacement responses of the crown nodes are negligible. the work reported in this paper.

It is emphasized that, in this paper, a linear material model was Data availability
considered for the soil part with nonlinear shear stress–strain behavior.
Therefore, seismic analysis of the bridge with free-field elements and a The authors do not have permission to share data.
nonlinear material model for the soil part would be a future study. An
on-site test for investigating the mechanical properties of the soil will Acknowledgments
improve the authenticity of the work and decrease the uncertainty level
of the study. Furthermore, predefined limit state definitions should be This work is a part of the HYPERION project. HYPERION has
defined and presented in seismic assessment codes by performing received funding from the European Union’s Framework Programme for
nonlinear pushover analysis of masonry arch bridges in the transverse Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020) under grant agreement no.
direction with different geometries and material properties. 821054. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of
Oslo Metropolitan University (Work Package 5, Task 2) and do not
CRediT authorship contribution statement necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. The authors
appreciate the comment and supervision of Dr. Dimitrios Vamvatsikos
Amirhosein Shabani: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, and Dr. Mohsen Kohrangi concerning the seismic record selection and
Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data curation, analysis sections. We thank the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Dodec­
Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, Visualization. anese for their assistance during the tests.

Appendix A. Calibrated material properties

In this appendix, the calibrated material properties of different components of the bridge are presented for SSI and fixed-base models. Note that E,
ρ, gfc , gft refer to the elastic modulus, density, fracture energy in compression, and fracture energy in tension, respectively.
Tables A1 and A2

A. Shabani and M. Kioumarsi Engineering Structures 293 (2023) 116589

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