Dokumen - Tips Commissioning of Rbs 6201 2g

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Commissioning Procedure

RBS 6201 2G

• We will require O! R"1# $or
con$igur%tion o$ 2G &%rt o$ 6201'
• B!S sw will (e GS)
• BSC sw will (e GS)

ncoming &ower to 34G $rom P34

-C Bus !ermin%tion

 O! ogin Port

-1 nter$%ce

PN Con$igur%tion
• Console C%(le

•  +! R5 " end))) 127

•  +! , PN connector))) 72

Go to create IDB then select the cabinet type as 6201 RUG,

power system as -48  Dc ! cabinet system as "#ten$e$
beca%se in combo there are 4 no o& 'ans(

Define the sector as below, same as 2964


Select the configuration


Select all parameter then Tick mark on RBS configuration wizar click ok

Shelf efinitions at 62!"

S8el$ 9/1

S8el$ 9-1

S8el$ 931

S8el$ 9C1

S8el$ 9B1

)ow in con*+%ration wiar$ $e*ne RU position( In this

win$ow we can $e*ne DUG,RUG,DU shel& ! slot position( In
the be+innin+ it will b shows as %n$e*ne$

'or 2G all RUs .DUG ! RUG/ sheles are $e*ne as 1"1an$

correspon$in+ slots are $e*ne as aboe i(e(.1,3,,5,,11,13/
'or the DU s sheles are $e*ne as '1,D1,B1 ! respectie
slots will be 1(

De*ne 7UB osition as B1 then clic 9: 


De*ne 'ee$er ;oss in $B &or all the sectors as per


De*ne Delay &or all the sectors as per re<%irement


De*ne = same as 264, san$ alonecasca$e as per the site


Define Tie #$anator%&


>his is same as 264 "#ternal alarm $e*nition win$ow( De*ne

it an$ then clic o 

'lick on ()S

De*ne power as $e&a%lt , as below ( >hen clic o an$ install


?&ter clic on install IDB i& wron+ RB@ operational sate is

shown then % sho%l$ chan+e RB@ state in local mo$e so&tly
.+o to cabinet Ari+ht clic on DUG-chan+e maintenance state/
then % obsere a bl%e ;"D I@ ';?@I)G in DUG i(e( it is in local

?s $escribe in preio%s sli$e ( >hen clic on

the install IDB icon an$ +o &or the process (
?&ter complete IDB installation chan+e DUG
maintenance state in R"=9>" ! physically
the B;U" ;"D is 9''( >hen +o to De*ne
resent RU@ mae DU2 as not present (

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