Python Jsonschema Readthedocs Io en Latest
Python Jsonschema Readthedocs Io en Latest
Python Jsonschema Readthedocs Io en Latest
Release 4.18.0a6
Julian Berman
1 Features 3
2 Installation 5
2.1 Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Benchmarks 9
5 Community 11
6 About 13
7 Contents 15
7.1 Schema Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7.2 Handling Validation Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7.3 JSON (Schema) Referencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7.4 Creating or Extending Validator Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
7.5 Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
7.6 API Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
7.7 Indices and tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Index 69
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
>>> validate(
... instance={"name" : "Eggs", "price" : "Invalid"}, schema=schema,
... )
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: 'Invalid' is not of type 'number'
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
• Full support for Draft 2020-12, Draft 2019-09, Draft 7, Draft 6, Draft 4 and Draft 3
• Lazy validation that can iteratively report all validation errors.
• Programmatic querying of which properties or items failed validation.
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
4 Chapter 1. Features
2.1 Extras
Two extras are available when installing the package, both currently related to format validation:
• format
• format-nongpl
They can be used when installing in order to include additional dependencies, e.g.:
Be aware that the mere presence of these dependencies – or even the specification of format checks in a schema –
do not activate format checks (as per the specification). Please read the format validation documentation for further
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
6 Chapter 2. Installation
If you have tox installed (perhaps via pip install tox or your package manager), running tox in the direc-
tory of your source checkout will run jsonschema’s test suite on all of the versions of Python jsonschema sup-
ports. If you don’t have all of the versions that jsonschema is tested under, you’ll likely want to run using tox’s
--skip-missing-interpreters option.
Of course you’re also free to just run the tests on a single version with your favorite test runner. The tests live in the
jsonschema.tests package.
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
jsonschema’s benchmarks make use of pyperf. Running them can be done via:
$ tox -e perf
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
10 Chapter 4. Benchmarks
The JSON Schema specification has a Slack, with an invite link on its home page. Many folks knowledgeable on
authoring schemas can be found there.
Otherwise, opening a GitHub discussion or asking questions on Stack Overflow are other means of getting help if you’re
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
12 Chapter 5. Community
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
14 Chapter 6. About
Tip: Most of the documentation for this package assumes you’re familiar with the fundamentals of writing JSON
schemas themselves, and focuses on how this library helps you validate with them in Python.
If you aren’t already comfortable with writing schemas and need an introduction which teaches about JSON Schema
the specification, you may find Understanding JSON Schema to be a good read!
The simplest way to validate an instance under a given schema is to use the validate function.
jsonschema.validate(instance, schema, cls=None, *args, **kwargs)
Validate an instance under the given schema.
validate() will first verify that the provided schema is itself valid, since not doing so can lead to less obvious
error messages and fail in less obvious or consistent ways.
If you know you have a valid schema already, especially if you intend to validate multiple instances with the same
schema, you likely would prefer using the jsonschema.protocols.Validator.validate method directly
on a specific validator (e.g. Draft202012Validator.validate).
• instance – The instance to validate
• schema – The schema to validate with
• cls (jsonschema.protocols.Validator) – The class that will be used to validate the
If the cls argument is not provided, two things will happen in accordance with the specification. First, if the
schema has a $schema keyword containing a known meta-schema1 then the proper validator will be used. The
specification recommends that all schemas contain $schema properties for this reason. If no $schema property
is found, the default validator class is the latest released draft.
1 known by a validator registered with jsonschema.validators.validates
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
Any other provided positional and keyword arguments will be passed on when instantiating the cls.
• jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError – if the instance is invalid
• jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError – if the schema itself is invalid
Hint: If you are unfamiliar with protocols, either as a general notion or as specifically implemented by typing.
Protocol, you can think of them as a set of attributes and methods that all objects satisfying the protocol have.
Here, in the context of jsonschema, the Validator.iter_errors method can be called on jsonschema.
validators.Draft202012Validator, or jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator, or indeed any validator
class, as all of them have it, along with all of the other methods described below.
16 Chapter 7. Contents
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TYPE_CHECKER: ClassVar[jsonschema.TypeChecker]
A jsonschema.TypeChecker that will be used when validating type keywords in JSON schemas.
VALIDATORS: ClassVar[Mapping]
A mapping of validation keywords (strs) to functions that validate the keyword with that name. For more
information see Creating or Extending Validator Classes.
classmethod check_schema(schema: Mapping | bool) → None
Validate the given schema against the validator’s META_SCHEMA.
jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError – if the schema is invalid
evolve(**kwargs) → Validator
Create a new validator like this one, but with given changes.
Preserves all other attributes, so can be used to e.g. create a validator with a different schema but with the
same $ref resolution behavior.
The returned object satisfies the validator protocol, but may not be of the same concrete class! In particular
this occurs when a $ref occurs to a schema with a different $schema than this one (i.e. for a different draft).
>>> validator.evolve(
... schema={"$schema": Draft7Validator.META_SCHEMA["$id"]}
... )
Draft7Validator(schema=..., format_checker=None)
>>> schema = {
... "type" : "array",
... "items" : {"enum" : [1, 2, 3]},
... "maxItems" : 2,
... }
>>> v = Draft202012Validator(schema)
>>> for error in sorted(v.iter_errors([2, 3, 4]), key=str):
... print(error.message)
4 is not one of [1, 2, 3]
[2, 3, 4] is too long
Deprecated since version v4.0.0: Calling this function with a second schema argument is deprecated. Use
Validator.evolve instead.
schema: Mapping | bool
The schema that will be used to validate instances
validate(instance: Any) → None
Check if the instance is valid under the current schema.
jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError – if the instance is invalid
All of the versioned validators that are included with jsonschema adhere to the protocol, and any extensions of
these validators will as well. For more information on creating or extending validators see Creating or Ex-
tending Validator Classes.
To handle JSON Schema’s type keyword, a Validator uses an associated TypeChecker. The type checker provides
an immutable mapping between names of types and functions that can test if an instance is of that type. The defaults
are suitable for most users - each of the versioned validators that are included with jsonschema have a TypeChecker
that can correctly handle their respective versions.
See also:
Validating With Additional Types
For an example of providing a custom type check.
class jsonschema.TypeChecker(type_checkers: Mapping[str, Callable[[TypeChecker, Any], bool]] =
A type property checker.
A TypeChecker performs type checking for a Validator, converting between the defined JSON Schema types
and some associated Python types or objects.
Modifying the behavior just mentioned by redefining which Python objects are considered to be of which JSON
Schema types can be done using TypeChecker.redefine or TypeChecker.redefine_many, and types can
be removed via TypeChecker.remove. Each of these return a new TypeChecker.
18 Chapter 7. Contents
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type_checkers – The initial mapping of types to their checking functions.
is_type(instance, type: str) → bool
Check if the instance is of the appropriate type.
• instance – The instance to check
• type – The name of the type that is expected.
jsonschema.exceptions.UndefinedTypeCheck – if type is unknown to this object.
redefine(type: str, fn) → TypeChecker
Produce a new checker with the given type redefined.
• type – The name of the type to check.
• fn ( – A callable taking exactly two parameters - the type
checker calling the function and the instance to check. The function should return true if
instance is of this type and false otherwise.
redefine_many(definitions=()) → TypeChecker
Produce a new checker with the given types redefined.
definitions (dict) – A dictionary mapping types to their checking functions.
remove(*types) → TypeChecker
Produce a new checker with the given types forgotten.
types – the names of the types to remove.
jsonschema.exceptions.UndefinedTypeCheck – if any given type is unknown to this
exception jsonschema.exceptions.UndefinedTypeCheck(type)
A type checker was asked to check a type it did not have registered.
Raised when trying to remove a type check that is not known to this TypeChecker, or when calling jsonschema.
TypeChecker.is_type directly.
Occasionally it can be useful to provide additional or alternate types when validating JSON Schema’s type keyword.
jsonschema tries to strike a balance between performance in the common case and generality. For instance, JSON
Schema defines a number type, which can be validated with a schema such as {"type" : "number"}. By de-
fault, this will accept instances of Python numbers.Number. This includes in particular ints and floats, along
with decimal.Decimal objects, complex numbers etc. For integer and object, however, rather than checking
for numbers.Integral and, jsonschema simply checks for int and dict, since the
more general instance checks can introduce significant slowdown, especially given how common validating these types
If you do want the generality, or just want to add a few specific additional types as being acceptable for a validator
object, then you should update an existing jsonschema.TypeChecker or create a new one. You may then create a
new Validator via jsonschema.validators.extend.
class MyInteger:
type_checker = Draft202012Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine(
"number", is_my_int,
CustomValidator = validators.extend(
validator = CustomValidator(schema={"type" : "number"})
jsonschema ships with validator classes for various versions of the JSON Schema specification. For details on the
methods and attributes that each validator class provides see the Validator protocol, which each included validator
class implements.
Each of the below cover a specific release of the JSON Schema specification.
class jsonschema.Draft202012Validator(schema: bool |[str, ~typing.Any],
resolver=None, format_checker:
~jsonschema._format.FormatChecker | None = None, *,
registry=<Registry (20 resources)>, _resolver=None)
20 Chapter 7. Contents
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For example, if you wanted to validate a schema you created against the Draft 2020-12 meta-schema, you could use:
schema = {
"$schema": Draft202012Validator.META_SCHEMA["$id"],
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"type": "string"},
"email": {"type": "string"},
"required": ["email"]
JSON Schema defines the format keyword which can be used to check if primitive types (strings, numbers, booleans)
conform to well-defined formats. By default, as per the specification, no validation is enforced. Optionally however,
validation can be enabled by hooking a format-checking object into a Validator.
At the moment, it supports all the available checkers except for iri and iri-reference.
Warning: It is your own responsibility ultimately to ensure you are license-compliant, so you should be double
checking your own dependencies if you rely on this extra.
The more specific list of formats along with any additional dependencies they have is shown below.
Warning: If a dependency is not installed when using a checker that requires it, validation will succeed without
throwing an error, as also specified by the specification.
Checker Notes
color requires webcolors
date-time requires rfc3339-validator
duration requires isoduration
hostname requires fqdn
idn-hostname requires idna
ipv6 OS must have socket.inet_pton function
iri requires rfc3987
iri-reference requires rfc3987
json-pointer requires jsonpointer
relative-json-pointer requires jsonpointer
time requires rfc3339-validator
uri requires rfc3987 or rfc3986-validator
uri-reference requires rfc3987 or rfc3986-validator
uri-template requires uri-template
The supported mechanism for ensuring these dependencies are present is again as shown above, not by directly installing
the packages.
class jsonschema.FormatChecker(formats: Iterable[str] | None = None)
A format property checker.
JSON Schema does not mandate that the format property actually do any validation. If validation is desired
however, instances of this class can be hooked into validators to enable format validation.
FormatChecker objects always return True when asked about formats that they do not know how to validate.
To add a check for a custom format use the FormatChecker.checks decorator.
formats – The known formats to validate. This argument can be used to limit which formats
will be used during validation.
A mapping of currently known formats to tuple of functions that validate them and errors that should be
caught. New checkers can be added and removed either per-instance or globally for all checkers using the
FormatChecker.checks decorator.
classmethod cls_checks(format, raises=())
Register a decorated function as globally validating a new format.
22 Chapter 7. Contents
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Any instance created after this function is called will pick up the supplied checker.
• format (str) – the format that the decorated function will check
• raises (Exception) – the exception(s) raised by the decorated function when an in-
valid instance is found. The exception object will be accessible as the jsonschema.
exceptions.ValidationError.cause attribute of the resulting validation error.
Deprecated since version v4.14.0: Use FormatChecker.checks on an instance instead.
check(instance: object, format: str) → None
Check whether the instance conforms to the given format.
• instance (any primitive type, i.e. str, number, bool) – The instance to check
• format – The format that instance should conform to
FormatError – if the instance does not conform to format
checks(format: str, raises: Type[Exception] | Tuple[Type[Exception], ...] = ()) → Callable[[_F], _F]
Register a decorated function as validating a new format.
• format – The format that the decorated function will check.
• raises – The exception(s) raised by the decorated function when an invalid instance is
The exception object will be accessible as the jsonschema.exceptions.
ValidationError.cause attribute of the resulting validation error.
conforms(instance: object, format: str) → bool
Check whether the instance conforms to the given format.
• instance (any primitive type, i.e. str, number, bool) – The instance to check
• format – The format that instance should conform to
whether it conformed
Return type
exception jsonschema.FormatError(message, cause=None)
Validating a format failed.
Format-Specific Notes
The JSON Schema specification recommends (but does not require) that implementations use ECMA 262 regular
Given that there is no current library in Python capable of supporting the ECMA 262 dialect, the regex format will
instead validate Python regular expressions, which are the ones used by this implementation for other keywords like
pattern or patternProperties.
Since in most cases “validating” an email address is an attempt instead to confirm that mail sent to it will deliver to a
recipient, and that that recipient is the correct one the email is intended for, and since many valid email addresses are in
many places incorrectly rejected, and many invalid email addresses are in many places incorrectly accepted, the email
format keyword only provides a sanity check, not full RFC 5322 validation.
The same applies to the idn-email format.
If you indeed want a particular well-specified set of emails to be considered valid, you can use FormatChecker.
checks to provide your specific definition.
When an invalid instance is encountered, a ValidationError will be raised or returned, depending on which method
or function is used.
exception jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError(message: str, validator=<unset>, path=(),
cause=None, context=(), validator_value=<unset>,
instance=<unset>, schema=<unset>,
schema_path=(), parent=None,
An instance was invalid under a provided schema.
The information carried by an error roughly breaks down into:
A human readable message explaining the error.
24 Chapter 7. Contents
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The name of the failed keyword.
The associated value for the failed keyword in the schema.
The full schema that this error came from. This is potentially a subschema from within the schema that
was passed in originally, or even an entirely different schema if a $ref was followed.
A collections.deque containing the path to the failed keyword within the schema.
A collections.deque containing the path to the failed keyword within the schema, but always relative
to the original schema as opposed to any subschema (i.e. the one originally passed into a validator class,
not schema).
Same as relative_schema_path .
A collections.deque containing the path to the offending element within the instance. The deque can
be empty if the error happened at the root of the instance.
A collections.deque containing the path to the offending element within the instance. The absolute
path is always relative to the original instance that was validated (i.e. the one passed into a validation
method, not instance). The deque can be empty if the error happened at the root of the instance.
A JSON path to the offending element within the instance.
Same as relative_path .
The instance that was being validated. This will differ from the instance originally passed into validate
if the validator object was in the process of validating a (possibly nested) element within the top-level
instance. The path within the top-level instance (i.e. ValidationError.path ) could be used to find this
object, but it is provided for convenience.
If the error was caused by errors in subschemas, the list of errors from the subschemas will be available on
this property. The schema_path and path of these errors will be relative to the parent error.
If the error was caused by a non-validation error, the exception object will be here. Currently this is only
used for the exception raised by a failed format checker in jsonschema.FormatChecker.check.
A validation error which this error is the context of. None if there wasn’t one.
In case an invalid schema itself is encountered, a SchemaError is raised.
exception jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError(message: str, validator=<unset>, path=(), cause=None,
context=(), validator_value=<unset>, instance=<unset>,
schema=<unset>, schema_path=(), parent=None,
schema = {
"items": {
"anyOf": [
{"type": "string", "maxLength": 2},
{"type": "integer", "minimum": 5}
instance = [{}, 3, "foo"]
v = Draft202012Validator(schema)
errors = sorted(v.iter_errors(instance), key=lambda e: e.path)
The error messages in this situation are not very helpful on their own.
If we look at ValidationError.path on each of the errors, we can find out which elements in the instance correspond
to each of the errors. In this example, ValidationError.path will have only one element, which will be the index
in our list.
Since our schema contained nested subschemas, it can be helpful to look at the specific part of the instance
and subschema that caused each of the errors. This can be seen with the ValidationError.instance and
ValidationError.schema attributes.
With keywords like anyOf, the ValidationError.context attribute can be used to see the sub-errors which
caused the failure. Since these errors actually came from two separate subschemas, it can be helpful to look at the
ValidationError.schema_path attribute as well to see where exactly in the schema each of these errors come
from. In the case of sub-errors from the ValidationError.context attribute, this path will be relative to the
ValidationError.schema_path of the parent error.
26 Chapter 7. Contents
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The string representation of an error combines some of these attributes for easier debugging.
On instance[1]:
7.2.1 ErrorTrees
If you want to programmatically query which validation keywords failed when validating a given instance, you may
want to do so using jsonschema.exceptions.ErrorTree objects.
class jsonschema.exceptions.ErrorTree(errors=())
ErrorTrees make it easier to check which validations failed.
The mapping of validator keywords to the error objects (usually jsonschema.exceptions.
ValidationErrors) at this level of the tree.
Check whether instance[index] has any errors.
Retrieve the child tree one level down at the given index.
If the index is not in the instance that this tree corresponds to and is not known by this tree, whatever
error would be raised by instance.__getitem__ will be propagated (usually this is some subclass of
Iterate (non-recursively) over the indices in the instance with errors.
Return the total_errors.
Return repr(self).
__setitem__(index, value)
Add an error to the tree at the given index.
property total_errors
The total number of errors in the entire tree, including children.
Consider the following example:
schema = {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {"type" : "number", "enum" : [1, 2, 3]},
"minItems" : 3,
instance = ["spam", 2]
For clarity’s sake, the given instance has three errors under this schema:
v = Draft202012Validator(schema)
for error in sorted(v.iter_errors(["spam", 2]), key=str):
Let’s construct an jsonschema.exceptions.ErrorTree so that we can query the errors a bit more easily than by
just iterating over the error objects.
>>> 0 in tree
>>> 1 in tree
The interpretation here is that the 0th index into the instance ("spam") did have an error (in fact it had 2), while the 1th
index (2) did not (i.e. it was valid).
If we want to see which errors a child had, we index into the tree and look at the ErrorTree.errors attribute.
>>> sorted(tree[0].errors)
['enum', 'type']
Here we see that the enum and type keywords failed for index 0. In fact ErrorTree.errors is a dict, whose values
are the ValidationErrors, so we can get at those directly if we want them.
28 Chapter 7. Contents
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>>> print(tree[0].errors["type"].message)
'spam' is not of type 'number'
Of course this means that if we want to know if a given validation keyword failed for a given index, we check for its
presence in ErrorTree.errors:
Finally, if you were paying close enough attention, you’ll notice that we haven’t seen our minItems error appear any-
where yet. This is because minItems is an error that applies globally to the instance itself. So it appears in the root
node of the tree.
The best_match function is a simple but useful function for attempting to guess the most relevant error in a given
>>> schema = {
... "type": "array",
... "minItems": 3,
... }
>>> print(best_match(Draft202012Validator(schema).iter_errors(11)).message)
11 is not of type 'array'
• key ( – the key to use when sorting errors. See relevance
and transitively by_relevance for more details (the default is to sort with the defaults of
that function). Changing the default is only useful if you want to change the function that
rates errors but still want the error context descent done by this function.
the best matching error, or None if the iterable was empty
Note: This function is a heuristic. Its return value may change for a given set of inputs from version to version
if better heuristics are added.
A key function that sorts errors based on heuristic relevance.
If you want to sort a bunch of errors entirely, you can use this function to do so. Using this function as a key to
e.g. sorted or max will cause more relevant errors to be considered greater than less relevant ones.
Within the different validation keywords that can fail, this function considers anyOf and oneOf to be weak vali-
dation errors, and will sort them lower than other errors at the same level in the instance.
If you want to change the set of weak [or strong] validation keywords you can create a custom version of this
function with by_relevance and provide a different set of each.
>>> schema = {
... "properties": {
... "name": {"type": "string"},
... "phones": {
... "properties": {
... "home": {"type": "string"}
... },
... },
... },
... }
>>> instance = {"name": 123, "phones": {"home": [123]}}
>>> errors = Draft202012Validator(schema).iter_errors(instance)
>>> [
... e.path[-1]
... for e in sorted(errors, key=exceptions.relevance)
... ]
['home', 'name']
30 Chapter 7. Contents
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The JSON Schema $ref and $dynamicRef keywords allow schema authors to combine multiple schemas (or sub-
schemas) together for reuse or deduplication.
The referencing library was written in order to provide a simple, well-behaved and well-tested implementation
of this kind of reference resolution1 . It has its own documentation which is worth reviewing, but this page
serves as an introduction which is tailored specifically to JSON Schema, and even more specifically to how to configure
referencing for use with Validator objects in order to customize the behavior of the $ref keyword and friends in
your schemas.
Configuring jsonschema for custom referencing behavior is essentially a two step process:
• Create a referencing.Registry object that behaves the way you wish
• Pass the referencing.Registry to your Validator when instantiating it
The examples below essentially follow these two steps.
There are 3 main objects to be aware of in the JSON (Schema) Referencing API:
• referencing.Registry, which represents a specific immutable set of JSON Schemas (either in-memory or
• referencing.Specification, which represents a specific version of the JSON Schema specification, which
can have differing referencing behavior. JSON Schema-specific specifications live in the referencing.
jsonschema module and are named like referencing.jsonschema.DRAFT202012.
• referencing.Resource, which represents a specific JSON Schema (often a Python dict) along with a specific
referencing.Specification it is to be interpreted under.
As a concrete example, the simple schema {"type": "integer"} may be interpreted as a schema under ei-
ther Draft 2020-12 or Draft 4 of the JSON Schema specification (amongst others); in draft 2020-12, the float 2.
0 must be considered an integer, whereas in draft 4, it potentially is not. If you mean the former (i.e. to asso-
ciate this schema with draft 2020-12), you’d use referencing.Resource(contents={"type": "integer"},
specification=referencing.jsonschema.DRAFT202012), whereas for the latter you’d use referencing.
See also:
the JSON Schema $schema keyword
Which should generally be used to remove all ambiguity and identify internally to the schema what version it is written
A schema may be identified via one or more URIs, either because they contain an $id keyword (in suitable versions
of the JSON Schema specification) which indicates their canonical URI, or simply because you wish to externally
associate a URI with the schema, regardless of whether it contains an $id keyword. You could add the aforementioned
simple schema to a referencing.Registry by creating an empty registry and then identifying it via some URI:
1 One that in fact is independent of this jsonschema library itself, and may some day be used by other tools or implementations.
Note: referencing.Registry is an entirely immutable object. All of its methods which add schemas (resources)
to itself return new registry objects containing the added schemas.
You could also confirm your schema is in the registry if you’d like, via referencing.Registry.contents, which
will show you the contents of a resource at a given URI:
{'type': 'integer'}
The most common scenario one is likely to encounter is the desire to include a small number of additional in-memory
schemas, making them available for use during validation.
For instance, imagine the below schema for non-negative integers:
"$schema": "",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0
We may wish to have other schemas we write be able to make use of this schema, and refer to it as http://example.
com/nonneg-int-schema and/or as urn:nonneg-integer-schema.
To do so we make use of APIs from the referencing library to create a referencing.Registry which maps the URIs
above to this schema:
What’s above is likely mostly self-explanatory, other than the presence of the referencing.Resource.
from_contents function. Its purpose is to convert a piece of “opaque” JSON (or really a Python dict containing
32 Chapter 7. Contents
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deserialized JSON) into an object which indicates what version of JSON Schema the schema is meant to be interpreted
under. Calling it will inspect a $schema keyword present in the given schema and use that to associate the JSON with
an appropriate specification. If your schemas do not contain $schema dialect identifiers, and you intend for them
to be interpreted always under a specific dialect – say Draft 2020-12 of JSON Schema – you may instead use e.g.:
Another common request from schema authors is to be able to map URIs to the file system, perhaps while developing a
set of schemas in different local files. The referencing library supports doing so dynamically by configuring a callable
which can be used to retrieve any schema which is not already pre-loaded in the manner described above.
Here we resolve any schema beginning with http://localhost to a directory /tmp/schemas on the local filesystem
(note of course that this will not work if run directly unless you have populated that directory with some schemas):
SCHEMAS = Path("/tmp/schemas")
registry = Registry(retrieve=retrieve_from_filesystem)
Such a registry can then be used with Validator objects in the same way shown above, and any such references to
URIs which are not already in-memory will be retrieved from the configured directory.
We can mix the two examples above if we wish for some in-memory schemas to be available in addition to the filesystem
schemas, e.g.:
where we’ve made use of the similar referencing.Registry.with_resource function to add a single additional
Generalizing slightly, the retrieval function provided need not even assume that it is retrieving JSON. As long as you
deserialize what you have retrieved into Python objects, you may equally be retrieving references to YAML documents
or any other format.
Here for instance we retrieve YAML documents in a way similar to the above using PyYAML:
SCHEMAS = Path("/tmp/yaml-schemas")
registry = Registry(retrieve=retrieve_yaml)
Note: Not all YAML fits within the JSON data model.
JSON Schema is defined specifically for JSON, and has well-defined behavior strictly for Python objects which could
have possibly existed as JSON.
If you stick to the subset of YAML for which this is the case then you shouldn’t have issue, but if you pass schemas
(or instances) around whose structure could never have possibly existed as JSON (e.g. a mapping whose keys are not
strings), all bets are off.
34 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
One could similarly imagine a retrieval function which switches on whether to call yaml.safe_load or json.loads
by file extension (or some more reliable mechanism) and thereby support retrieving references of various different file
In the general case, the JSON Schema specifications tend to discourage implementations (like this one) from automati-
cally retrieving references over the network, or even assuming such a thing is feasible (as schemas may be identified by
URIs which are strictly identifiers, and not necessarily downloadable from the URI even when such a thing is sensical).
However, if you as a schema author are in a situation where you indeed do wish to do so for convenience (and understand
the implications of doing so), you may do so by making use of the retrieve argument to referencing.Registry.
Here is how one would configure a registry to automatically retrieve schemas from the JSON Schema Store on the fly
using the httpx:
registry = Registry(retrieve=retrieve_via_httpx)
Given such a registry, we can now, for instance, validate instances against schemas from the schema store by passing
the registry we configured to our Validator as in previous examples:
On instance['project']['name']:
Retrieving resources from a SQLite database or some other network-accessible resource should be more or less similar,
replacing the HTTP client with one for your database of course.
Warning: Be sure you understand the security implications of the reference resolution you configure. And if you
accept untrusted schemas, doubly sure!
You wouldn’t want a user causing your machine to go off and retrieve giant files off the network by passing it a
$ref to some huge blob, or exploiting similar vulnerabilities in your setup.
Older versions of jsonschema used a different object – _RefResolver – for reference resolution, which you a schema
author may already be configuring for your own use.
_RefResolver is now fully deprecated and replaced by the use of referencing.Registry as shown in examples
If you are not already constructing your own _RefResolver, this change should be transparent to you (or even rec-
ognizably improved, as the point of the migration was to improve the quality of the referencing implementation and
enable some new functionality).
Here are some more specifics on how to migrate to the newer APIs:
_RefResolver‘s store argument was essentially the equivalent of referencing.Registry‘s in-memory schema
If you currently pass a set of schemas via e.g.:
36 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
registry = Registry().with_resource(
DRAFT202012.create_resource({"type": "integer"}),
validator = Draft202012Validator(
{"$ref": ""},
The handlers functionality from _RefResolver was a way to support additional HTTP schemes for schema retrieval.
Here you should move to a custom retrieve function which does whatever you’d like. E.g. in pseudocode:
registry = Registry(retrieve=retrieve)
Whilst _RefResolver did automatically retrieve remote references (against the recommendation of the spec, and
in a way which therefore could lead to questionable security concerns when combined with untrusted schemas),
referencing.Registry does not do so. If you rely on this behavior, you should follow the above example of re-
trieving resources over HTTP.
38 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
• validator (jsonschema.protocols.Validator) – an existing validator class
• validators ( – a mapping of new validator callables to ex-
tend with, whose structure is as in create.
Note: Any validator callables with the same name as an existing one will (silently) replace
the old validator callable entirely, effectively overriding any validation done in the “parent”
validator class.
If you wish to instead extend the behavior of a parent’s validator callable, delegate
and call it directly in the new validator function by retrieving it using OldValidator.
jsonschema.validators.validator_for(schema, default=<unset>)
Retrieve the validator class appropriate for validating the given schema.
Uses the $schema keyword that should be present in the given schema to look up the appropriate validator class.
• schema ( or bool) – the schema to look at
• default – the default to return if the appropriate validator class cannot be determined.
If unprovided, the default is to return the latest supported draft.
The $schema JSON Schema keyword will control which validator class is returned:
>>> schema = {
... "$schema": "",
... "type": "integer",
... }
>>> jsonschema.validators.validator_for(schema)
<class 'jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator'>
>>> schema = {
... "$schema": "",
... "type": "integer",
... }
>>> jsonschema.validators.validator_for(schema)
<class 'jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator'>
or if none is provided, to the latest version supported. Always including the keyword when authoring schemas
is highly recommended.
Register the decorated validator for a version of the specification.
Registered validators and their meta schemas will be considered when parsing $schema keywords’ URIs.
version (str) – An identifier to use as the version’s name
a class decorator to decorate the validator with the version
Return type
Any validating function that validates against a subschema should call descend, rather than iter_errors. If it
recurses into the instance, or schema, it should pass one or both of the path or schema_path arguments to descend
in order to properly maintain where in the instance or schema respectively the error occurred.
40 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
7.5.1 My schema specifies format validation. Why do invalid instances seem valid?
The format keyword can be a bit of a stumbling block for new users working with JSON Schema.
In a schema such as:
JSON Schema specifications have historically differentiated between the format keyword and other keywords. In par-
ticular, the format keyword was specified to be informational as much as it may be used for validation.
In other words, for many use cases, schema authors may wish to use values for the format keyword but have no expec-
tation they be validated alongside other required assertions in a schema.
Of course this does not represent all or even most use cases – many schema authors do wish to assert that instances
conform fully, even to the specific format mentioned.
In drafts prior to draft2019-09, the decision on whether to automatically enable format validation was left up to
validation implementations such as this one.
This library made the choice to leave it off by default, for two reasons:
• for forward compatibility and implementation complexity reasons – if format validation were on by default, and
a future draft of JSON Schema introduced a hard-to-implement format, either the implementation of that format
would block releases of this library until it were implemented, or the behavior surrounding format would need
to be even more complex than simply defaulting to be on. It therefore was safer to start with it off, and defend
against the expectation that a given format would always automatically work.
• given that a common use of JSON Schema is for portability across languages (and therefore implementations of
JSON Schema), so that users be aware of this point itself regarding format validation, and therefore remember to
check any other implementations they were using to ensure they too were explicitly enabled for format validation.
As of draft2019-09 however, the opt-out by default behavior mentioned here is now required for all validators.
Difficult as this may sound for new users, at this point it at least means they should expect the same behavior that has
always been implemented here, across any other implementation they encounter.
See also:
Draft 2019-09’s release notes on format
for upstream details on the behavior of format and how it has changed in draft2019-09
Validating Formats
for details on how to enable format validation
the object which implements format validation
Like most JSON Schema implementations, jsonschema doesn’t actually deal directly with JSON at all (other than in
relation to the $ref keyword, elaborated on below).
In other words as far as this library is concerned, schemas and instances are simply runtime Python objects. The JSON
object {} is simply the Python dict {}, and a JSON Schema like {"type": "object", {"properties": {}}}
is really an assertion about particular Python objects and their keys.
In practice what this means for JSON-like formats like YAML and TOML is that indeed one can generally schematize
and then validate them exactly as if they were JSON by simply first deserializing them using libraries like PyYAML or
the like, and passing the resulting Python objects into functions within this library.
Beware however that there are cases where the behavior of the JSON Schema specification itself is only well-defined
within the data model of JSON itself, and therefore only for Python objects that could have “in theory” come from
JSON. As an example, JSON supports only string-valued keys, whereas YAML supports additional types. The JSON
Schema specification does not deal with how to apply the patternProperties keyword to non-string properties. The
behavior of this library is therefore similarly not defined when presented with Python objects of this form, which could
never have come from JSON. In such cases one is recommended to first pre-process the data such that the resulting
behavior is well-defined. In the previous example, if the desired behavior is to transparently coerce numeric properties
to strings, as Javascript might, then do the conversion explicitly before passing data to this library.
7.5.3 Why doesn’t my schema’s default property set the default on my instance?
The basic answer is that the specification does not require that default actually do anything.
For an inkling as to why it doesn’t actually do anything, consider that none of the other keywords modify the instance
either. More importantly, having default modify the instance can produce quite peculiar things. It’s perfectly valid (and
perhaps even useful) to have a default that is not valid under the schema it lives in! So an instance modified by the
default would pass validation the first time, but fail the second!
Still, filling in defaults is a thing that is useful. jsonschema allows you to define your own validator classes and
callables, so you can easily create an jsonschema.protocols.Validator that does do default setting. Here’s some
code to get you started. (In this code, we add the default properties to each object before the properties are validated,
so the default values themselves will need to be valid under the schema.)
def extend_with_default(validator_class):
validate_properties = validator_class.VALIDATORS["properties"]
42 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
return validators.extend(
validator_class, {"properties" : set_defaults},
DefaultValidatingValidator = extend_with_default(Draft202012Validator)
# Example usage:
obj = {}
schema = {'properties': {'foo': {'default': 'bar'}}}
# Note jsonschema.validate(obj, schema, cls=DefaultValidatingValidator)
# will not work because the metaschema contains `default` keywords.
assert obj == {'foo': 'bar'}
See the above-linked document for more info on how this works, but basically, it just extends the properties keyword
on a jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator to then go ahead and update all the defaults.
Note: If you’re interested in a more interesting solution to a larger class of these types of transformations, keep an eye
on Seep, which is an experimental data transformation and extraction library written on top of jsonschema.
Hint: The above code can provide default values for an entire object and all of its properties, but only if your schema
provides a default value for the object itself, like so:
schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"outer-object": {
"type": "object",
"properties" : {
"inner-object": {
"type": "string",
"default": "INNER-DEFAULT"
obj = {}
assert obj == {'outer-object': {'inner-object': 'INNER-DEFAULT'}}
. . . but if you don’t provide a default value for your object, then it won’t be instantiated at all, much less populated with
default properties.
del schema["properties"]["outer-object"]["default"]
obj2 = {}
assert obj2 == {} # whoops
7.6.1 Submodules
44 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
is_type(instance, type)
is_valid(instance, _schema=None)
iter_errors(instance, _schema=None)
property resolver
validate(*args, **kwargs)
46 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
is_type(instance, type)
is_valid(instance, _schema=None)
iter_errors(instance, _schema=None)
property resolver
validate(*args, **kwargs)
is_type(instance, type)
is_valid(instance, _schema=None)
48 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
iter_errors(instance, _schema=None)
property resolver
validate(*args, **kwargs)
is_type(instance, type)
is_valid(instance, _schema=None)
iter_errors(instance, _schema=None)
property resolver
validate(*args, **kwargs)
50 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
is_type(instance, type)
is_valid(instance, _schema=None)
iter_errors(instance, _schema=None)
property resolver
validate(*args, **kwargs)
52 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
is_type(instance, type)
is_valid(instance, _schema=None)
iter_errors(instance, _schema=None)
property resolver
validate(*args, **kwargs)
54 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
Whether remote refs should be cached after first resolution
Deprecated since version v4.18.0: RefResolver has been deprecated in favor of referencing.
property base_uri
Retrieve the current base URI, not including any fragment.
classmethod from_schema(schema, id_of=<function _dollar_id>, *args, **kwargs)
Construct a resolver from a JSON schema object.
schema – the referring schema
Temporarily enter the given scope for the duration of the context.
Deprecated since version v4.0.0.
Exit the most recent entered scope.
Treats further dereferences as being performed underneath the original scope.
Don’t call this method more times than push_scope has been called.
Enter a given sub-scope.
Treats further dereferences as being performed underneath the given scope.
property resolution_scope
Retrieve the current resolution scope.
resolve(ref )
Resolve the given reference.
resolve_fragment(document, fragment)
Resolve a fragment within the referenced document.
• document – The referent document
• fragment (str) – a URI fragment to resolve within it
Resolve the given URL.
Resolve a remote uri.
If called directly, does not check the store first, but after retrieving the document at the specified URI it will
be saved in the store if cache_remote is True.
Note: If the requests library is present, jsonschema will use it to request the remote uri, so that the
correct encoding is detected and used.
If it isn’t, or if the scheme of the uri is not http or https, UTF-8 is assumed.
uri (str) – The URI to resolve
The retrieved document
resolving(ref )
Resolve the given ref and enter its resolution scope.
Exits the scope on exit of this context manager.
ref (str) – The reference to resolve
jsonschema.validators.create(meta_schema:[str, ~typing.Any], validators:[str, ~jsonschema._typing.SchemaKeywordValidator]
jsonschema._typing.SchemaKeywordValidator]] = (), version: str | None =
None, type_checker: ~jsonschema._types.TypeChecker = <TypeChecker
types={'array', 'boolean', 'integer', 'null', 'number', 'object', 'string'}>,
format_checker: ~jsonschema._format.FormatChecker = <FormatChecker
checkers=['date', 'email', 'idn-email', 'idn-hostname', 'ipv4', 'ipv6', 'regex',
'uuid']>, id_of: ~typing.Callable[[bool |[str,
~typing.Any]], str | None] = <function _dollar_id>, applicable_validators:
~typing.Callable[[bool |[str, ~typing.Any]],
~typing.Iterable[~typing.Tuple[str, ~typing.Any]]] =
Create a new validator class.
• meta_schema – the meta schema for the new validator class
• validators – a mapping from names to callables, where each callable will validate the
schema property with the given name.
Each callable should take 4 arguments:
1. a validator instance,
2. the value of the property being validated within the instance
3. the instance
4. the schema
• version – an identifier for the version that this validator class will validate. If provided, the
returned validator class will have its __name__ set to include the version, and also will have
jsonschema.validators.validates automatically called for the given version.
• type_checker – a type checker, used when applying the type keyword.
If unprovided, a jsonschema.TypeChecker will be created with a set of default types typ-
ical of JSON Schema drafts.
56 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
Note: Any validator callables with the same name as an existing one will (silently) replace
the old validator callable entirely, effectively overriding any validation done in the “parent”
validator class.
If you wish to instead extend the behavior of a parent’s validator callable, delegate
and call it directly in the new validator function by retrieving it using OldValidator.
validate() will first verify that the provided schema is itself valid, since not doing so can lead to less obvious
error messages and fail in less obvious or consistent ways.
If you know you have a valid schema already, especially if you intend to validate multiple instances with the same
schema, you likely would prefer using the jsonschema.protocols.Validator.validate method directly
on a specific validator (e.g. Draft202012Validator.validate).
• instance – The instance to validate
• schema – The schema to validate with
• cls (jsonschema.protocols.Validator) – The class that will be used to validate the
If the cls argument is not provided, two things will happen in accordance with the specification. First, if the
schema has a $schema keyword containing a known meta-schema1 then the proper validator will be used. The
specification recommends that all schemas contain $schema properties for this reason. If no $schema property
is found, the default validator class is the latest released draft.
Any other provided positional and keyword arguments will be passed on when instantiating the cls.
• jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError – if the instance is invalid
• jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError – if the schema itself is invalid
Register the decorated validator for a version of the specification.
Registered validators and their meta schemas will be considered when parsing $schema keywords’ URIs.
version (str) – An identifier to use as the version’s name
a class decorator to decorate the validator with the version
Return type
jsonschema.validators.validator_for(schema, default=<unset>)
Retrieve the validator class appropriate for validating the given schema.
Uses the $schema keyword that should be present in the given schema to look up the appropriate validator class.
• schema ( or bool) – the schema to look at
1 known by a validator registered with jsonschema.validators.validates
58 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
• default – the default to return if the appropriate validator class cannot be determined.
If unprovided, the default is to return the latest supported draft.
The $schema JSON Schema keyword will control which validator class is returned:
>>> schema = {
... "$schema": "",
... "type": "integer",
... }
>>> jsonschema.validators.validator_for(schema)
<class 'jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator'>
>>> schema = {
... "$schema": "",
... "type": "integer",
... }
>>> jsonschema.validators.validator_for(schema)
<class 'jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator'>
or if none is provided, to the latest version supported. Always including the keyword when authoring schemas
is highly recommended.
exception jsonschema.exceptions.UndefinedTypeCheck(type)
A type checker was asked to check a type it did not have registered.
exception jsonschema.exceptions.UnknownType(type, instance, schema)
A validator was asked to validate an instance against an unknown type.
exception jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError(message: str, validator=<unset>, path=(),
cause=None, context=(), validator_value=<unset>,
instance=<unset>, schema=<unset>,
schema_path=(), parent=None,
An instance was invalid under a provided schema.
jsonschema.exceptions.best_match(errors, key=<function by_relevance.<locals>.relevance>)
Try to find an error that appears to be the best match among given errors.
In general, errors that are higher up in the instance (i.e. for which ValidationError.path is shorter) are
considered better matches, since they indicate “more” is wrong with the instance.
If the resulting match is either oneOf or anyOf, the opposite assumption is made – i.e. the deepest error is picked,
since these keywords only need to match once, and any other errors may not be relevant.
• errors ( – the errors to select from. Do not provide a mix-
ture of errors from different validation attempts (i.e. from different instances or schemas),
since it won’t produce sensical output.
• key ( – the key to use when sorting errors. See relevance
and transitively by_relevance for more details (the default is to sort with the defaults of
that function). Changing the default is only useful if you want to change the function that
rates errors but still want the error context descent done by this function.
the best matching error, or None if the iterable was empty
Note: This function is a heuristic. Its return value may change for a given set of inputs from version to version
if better heuristics are added.
sorted(validator.iter_errors(12), key=jsonschema.exceptions.relevance)
60 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
The returned object satisfies the validator protocol, but may not be of the same concrete class! In particular
this occurs when a $ref occurs to a schema with a different $schema than this one (i.e. for a different draft).
>>> validator.evolve(
... schema={"$schema": Draft7Validator.META_SCHEMA["$id"]}
... )
Draft7Validator(schema=..., format_checker=None)
>>> schema = {
... "type" : "array",
... "items" : {"enum" : [1, 2, 3]},
... "maxItems" : 2,
... }
>>> v = Draft202012Validator(schema)
>>> for error in sorted(v.iter_errors([2, 3, 4]), key=str):
... print(error.message)
4 is not one of [1, 2, 3]
[2, 3, 4] is too long
Deprecated since version v4.0.0: Calling this function with a second schema argument is deprecated. Use
Validator.evolve instead.
schema: Mapping | bool
The schema that will be used to validate instances
62 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
7.6.2 jsonschema
64 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
remove(*types) → TypeChecker
Produce a new checker with the given types forgotten.
types – the names of the types to remove.
jsonschema.exceptions.UndefinedTypeCheck – if any given type is unknown to this
exception jsonschema.ValidationError(message: str, validator=<unset>, path=(), cause=None, context=(),
validator_value=<unset>, instance=<unset>, schema=<unset>,
schema_path=(), parent=None, type_checker=<unset>)
An instance was invalid under a provided schema.
jsonschema.validate(instance, schema, cls=None, *args, **kwargs)
Validate an instance under the given schema.
validate() will first verify that the provided schema is itself valid, since not doing so can lead to less obvious
error messages and fail in less obvious or consistent ways.
If you know you have a valid schema already, especially if you intend to validate multiple instances with the same
schema, you likely would prefer using the jsonschema.protocols.Validator.validate method directly
on a specific validator (e.g. Draft202012Validator.validate).
• instance – The instance to validate
• schema – The schema to validate with
• cls (jsonschema.protocols.Validator) – The class that will be used to validate the
If the cls argument is not provided, two things will happen in accordance with the specification. First, if the
schema has a $schema keyword containing a known meta-schema1 then the proper validator will be used. The
specification recommends that all schemas contain $schema properties for this reason. If no $schema property
is found, the default validator class is the latest released draft.
Any other provided positional and keyword arguments will be passed on when instantiating the cls.
• jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError – if the instance is invalid
• jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError – if the schema itself is invalid
jsonschema._format._F = ~_F
A format checker callable.
alias of Callable[[Union[bool, Mapping[str, Any]]], Optional[str]]
1 known by a validator registered with jsonschema.validators.validates
66 Chapter 7. Contents
jsonschema, 63
jsonschema.exceptions, 59
jsonschema.protocols, 61
jsonschema.validators, 44
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
base_uri (jsonschema.validators._RefResolver prop- descend() (jsonschema.validators.Draft201909Validator
erty), 55 method), 46
best_match() (in module jsonschema.exceptions), 60 descend() (jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator
by_relevance() (in module jsonschema.exceptions), 60 method), 47
descend() (jsonschema.validators.Draft3Validator
C method), 48
descend() (jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator
cache_remote (jsonschema.validators._RefResolver at-
method), 50
tribute), 54
descend() (jsonschema.validators.Draft6Validator
cause (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError at-
method), 52
tribute), 25
descend() (jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator
check() (jsonschema.FormatChecker method), 63
method), 54
check_schema() (jsonschema.protocols.Validator class
Draft201909Validator (class in json-
method), 61
schema.validators), 44
check_schema() (json-
Draft202012Validator (class in json-
schema.validators), 46
class method), 45
Draft3Validator (class in jsonschema.validators), 47
check_schema() (json-
Draft4Validator (class in jsonschema.validators), 49
Draft6Validator (class in jsonschema.validators), 50
class method), 47
Draft7Validator (class in jsonschema.validators), 52
check_schema() (json-
schema.validators.Draft3Validator class E
method), 48
check_schema() (json- errors (jsonschema.exceptions.ErrorTree attribute), 27
schema.validators.Draft4Validator class ErrorTree (class in jsonschema.exceptions), 59
method), 50 evolve() (jsonschema.protocols.Validator method), 61
check_schema() (json- evolve() (jsonschema.validators.Draft201909Validator
schema.validators.Draft6Validator class method), 46
method), 52 evolve() (jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator
method), 47
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
evolve() (jsonschema.validators.Draft3Validator I
method), 48 id_of (in module jsonschema._typing), 65
evolve() (jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator ID_OF (jsonschema.protocols.Validator attribute), 61
method), 50 ID_OF() (jsonschema.validators.Draft201909Validator
evolve() (jsonschema.validators.Draft6Validator static method), 45
method), 52 ID_OF() (jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator
evolve() (jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator static method), 46
method), 54 ID_OF() (jsonschema.validators.Draft3Validator static
extend() (in module jsonschema.validators), 57 method), 47
ID_OF() (jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator static
F method), 49
FORMAT_CHECKER (jsonschema.protocols.Validator at- ID_OF() (jsonschema.validators.Draft6Validator static
tribute), 61 method), 50
FORMAT_CHECKER (json- ID_OF() (jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator static
schema.validators.Draft201909Validator method), 52
attribute), 45 in_scope() (jsonschema.validators._RefResolver
format_checker (json- method), 55
schema.validators.Draft201909Validator instance (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError
attribute), 46 attribute), 25
FORMAT_CHECKER (json- is_type() (jsonschema.protocols.Validator method), 62
schema.validators.Draft202012Validator is_type() (jsonschema.TypeChecker method), 64
attribute), 46 is_type() (jsonschema.validators.Draft201909Validator
format_checker (json- method), 46
schema.validators.Draft202012Validator is_type() (jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator
attribute), 47 method), 47
FORMAT_CHECKER (json- is_type() (jsonschema.validators.Draft3Validator
schema.validators.Draft3Validator attribute), method), 48
47 is_type() (jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator
format_checker (json- method), 50
schema.validators.Draft3Validator attribute), is_type() (jsonschema.validators.Draft6Validator
48 method), 52
FORMAT_CHECKER (json- is_type() (jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator
schema.validators.Draft4Validator attribute), method), 54
49 is_valid() (jsonschema.protocols.Validator method),
format_checker (json- 62
schema.validators.Draft4Validator attribute), is_valid() (jsonschema.validators.Draft201909Validator
50 method), 46
FORMAT_CHECKER (json- is_valid() (jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator
schema.validators.Draft6Validator attribute), method), 47
50 is_valid() (jsonschema.validators.Draft3Validator
format_checker (json- method), 48
schema.validators.Draft6Validator attribute), is_valid() (jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator
52 method), 50
FORMAT_CHECKER (json- is_valid() (jsonschema.validators.Draft6Validator
schema.validators.Draft7Validator attribute), method), 52
52 is_valid() (jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator
format_checker (json- method), 54
schema.validators.Draft7Validator attribute), iter_errors() (jsonschema.protocols.Validator
54 method), 62
FormatChecker (class in jsonschema), 63 iter_errors() (json-
FormatError, 59 schema.validators.Draft201909Validator
from_schema() (jsonschema.validators._RefResolver method), 46
class method), 55 iter_errors() (json-
70 Index
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
method), 47 R
iter_errors() (jsonschema.validators.Draft3Validator redefine() (jsonschema.TypeChecker method), 64
method), 48 redefine_many() (jsonschema.TypeChecker method),
iter_errors() (jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator 64
method), 50 relative_path (json-
iter_errors() (jsonschema.validators.Draft6Validator schema.exceptions.ValidationError attribute),
method), 52 25
iter_errors() (jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator relative_schema_path (json-
method), 54 schema.exceptions.ValidationError attribute),
J relevance() (in module jsonschema.exceptions), 60
json_path (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError at- remove() (jsonschema.TypeChecker method), 64
tribute), 25 resolution_scope (json-
jsonschema schema.validators._RefResolver property),
module, 63 55
jsonschema.exceptions resolve() (jsonschema.validators._RefResolver
module, 59 method), 55
jsonschema.protocols resolve_fragment() (json-
module, 61 schema.validators._RefResolver method),
jsonschema.validators 55
module, 44 resolve_from_url() (json-
schema.validators._RefResolver method),
M 55
message (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError at- resolve_remote() (json-
tribute), 24 schema.validators._RefResolver method),
META_SCHEMA (jsonschema.protocols.Validator at- 55
tribute), 61 resolver (jsonschema.validators.Draft201909Validator
META_SCHEMA (jsonschema.validators.Draft201909Validator property), 46
attribute), 45 resolver (jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator
META_SCHEMA (jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator property), 47
attribute), 46 resolver (jsonschema.validators.Draft3Validator prop-
META_SCHEMA (jsonschema.validators.Draft3Validator erty), 49
attribute), 47 resolver (jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator prop-
META_SCHEMA (jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator erty), 50
attribute), 49 resolver (jsonschema.validators.Draft6Validator prop-
META_SCHEMA (jsonschema.validators.Draft6Validator erty), 52
attribute), 50 resolver (jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator prop-
META_SCHEMA (jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator erty), 54
attribute), 52 resolving() (jsonschema.validators._RefResolver
module method), 56
jsonschema, 63 RFC
jsonschema.exceptions, 59 RFC 5322, 24
jsonschema.protocols, 61
jsonschema.validators, 44 S
schema (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError at-
P tribute), 25
parent (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError at- schema (jsonschema.protocols.Validator attribute), 62
tribute), 25 schema (jsonschema.validators.Draft201909Validator
path (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError attribute), attribute), 46
25 schema (jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator
pop_scope() (jsonschema.validators._RefResolver attribute), 47
method), 55 schema (jsonschema.validators.Draft3Validator at-
push_scope() (jsonschema.validators._RefResolver tribute), 49
method), 55
Index 71
jsonschema, Release 4.18.0a6
UndefinedTypeCheck, 59
UnknownType, 60
validate() (in module jsonschema), 65
validate() (in module jsonschema.validators), 58
validate() (jsonschema.protocols.Validator method),
validate() (jsonschema.validators.Draft201909Validator
method), 46
validate() (jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator
method), 47
validate() (jsonschema.validators.Draft3Validator
method), 49
validate() (jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator
method), 50
validate() (jsonschema.validators.Draft6Validator
method), 52
validate() (jsonschema.validators.Draft7Validator
method), 54
validates() (in module jsonschema.validators), 58
ValidationError, 60, 65
Validator (class in jsonschema.protocols), 61
72 Index