HW 1

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Introduction to Algorithms Homework 1

Instructors: Xue Chen due: 3.16

Problem 1 (20 points).

Answer: non-linear
The input length l = log k, cause we want be compute the power, so we assume n, q is fixed.
Assuming that the product and modulo can be computed in Θ(1) , so the 6th line takes Θ(1),
and the for loop iterate k times, so the total time T = Θ(k) = Θ(2log k ) = Θ(2l ) non-linear

Algorithm 1 POWER in linear time

function POWER(n, k, q)
if k = 0
return 1
if k = 1
return n
if k mod 2 = 0
return POWER(n ∗ n mod q, k/2, q)
return POWER(n ∗ n mod q, k/2, q)∗n mod q
end function

Correctness: base case: POWER work right for k = 0, 1.

Say 2p ≤ k < 2p+1 , and assume that POWER work right for k/2p+1 (= 0), k/2p (= 1), ..., k/2i ,
i = 1, .., p. Now we want want to prove it is right for k ′ = k/2i−1

if k ′ is even, POWER(n ∗ n mod q, k ′ /2, q) ≡ nk

if k ′ is odd, POWER(n ∗ n mod q, k/2, q)∗n mod q ≡ nk
By conclusion we can prove for k ′ = k/20 = k, so it is correct.
Runtime Analysis: Let T (k) be the time of POWER(n, k, q). We have T (k) = T (k/2) + O(1).
log k
T (k) = O(1) = O(log k)

The input length is log k, so it’s linear

Problem 2 (20 points).
Answer: (a). (N −n)!N n (b). p1
(a).The first ball have N options, and N −1 for the second ball, so the number of all the possible
cases are N (N − 1)...(N − n + 1), so the probability is

N (N − 1)...(N − n + 1) N!
P = n
N (N − n)!N n
(b).Let random varible X be the times of coin-throwing

X 1
EX = i(1 − p)i−1 p =

Problem 3 (20 points).

Answer: O(log a + log b)
Without losing the generality of analysis, let a ≥ b ,and let T (a, b) be the time of EUCLID(a, b)
Lemma: a mod b < a/2
Proof. if b > a/2, a mod b = a − b < a/2; else if b ≤ a/2, a mod b < b ≤ a/2
We have T (a, b) = T (b, r1 ) + O(1), where r1 = a mod b . let r0 = b, we have

T (ri , ri+1 ) = T (ri+1 , ri+2 ) + O(1)

here ri+2 < ri /2, so r1 < a/2, r3 < a/22 ... r2 < b/2, r4 < b/22 ... until ri = 0
So at most we have ⌈log a⌉ + ⌈log b⌉ times O(1), so the running time is O(log a + log b)
Problem 4 (40 points).
1. We prove for h2 = 3, h1 = 2
After calling INSERTIONSORT(h2 ),we have S[1] ≤ S[4] ≤ S[7]..., S[2] ≤ S[5] ≤ S[8]..., S[3] ≤
S[6] ≤ S[9]... And INSERTIONSORT(h1 ) sort independently on S1 = {S[1], S[3], ...} and
S2 = {S[2], S[4], ...} to form a new array A[1], A[2], A[3].... What we want to prove is that
A[i] ≤ A[i + 3], 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 3
We have |S1 | = (n + 1)/2, |S2 | = n/2. When i is odd, because S[1] ≤ S[4], S[3] ≤ S[6]..., there
are (n − 2)/2 elements in S1 smaller than a specific element in S2 , after sort independently,
A[i + 3] is bigger than (i + 1)/2 elements in S2 , so it is bigger than (i + 1)/2 elements in S1 , so
A[i] ≤ A[i + 3] ,that is to say, A[1] ≤ A[4], A[3] ≤ A[6]. Similarly, we can prove for i is even.
2. Lemma:if ht+1 , ht is co-prime, ∀n ≥ ht ht+1 , ∃x, y ∈ N, s.t. xht+1 + yht = n
Proof. When gcd(ht+1 , ht )=1, we have a′ , b′ ∈ Z s.t. a′ ht+1 + b′ ht = 1, let x′ = a′ n, y ′ = b′ n,
we have x′ ht+1 + y ′ ht = n = xht+1 + yht , so x = x′ + kht , y = y ′ − kht+1 , k ∈ Z so n can be
written in the unique form
n = xht+1 + yht , 0 ≤ x < ht
When n > ht ht+1 , cause 0 ≤ x < ht , we must have y ≥ 0
Now we want to prove that each element will be moved by at most ht+1 ht /ht−1 steps when
ht+1 , ht is co-prime.
First we show that ∀j, l < j − ht+1 ht ,we have A[l] ≤ A[j]. This is because j − l > ht ht+1 , so
∃x, y ∈ N s.t. xht+1 + yht = j − l, so

A[l] ≤ A[l + xht+1 ] ≤ A[l + xht+1 + yht ] = A[j]

And the increment is ht−1 , so each element will be moved by at most ht+1 ht /ht−1 steps, and each
step takes O(1), there are O(n) elements to be moved, so the time of INSERTIONSORT(ht−1 )
is O( nhht+1

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