Banking Service Quality Analysis in Facing Challen

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Banking Service Quality Analysis in Facing Challenges and Opportunities for

Business Development

Conference Paper · January 2015

DOI: 10.2991/iceb-15.2015.17

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2 authors:

Edhi Asmirantho Rorim Panday

Universitas Pakuan Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya


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First International Conference on Economics and Banking (ICEB-15)

Banking Service Quality Analysis in Facing

Challenges and Opportunities for
Business Development
Edhi Asmirantho Rorim Panday
Management, Pakuan University Management, Bhayangkara Jaya University
Bagor, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract--Banking business competition is so tight, in terms of level. Typically, customers perceive very little difference in
offering banking products. In the competition, there is always many the banking products offered by private banks dealing in
challenges and an opportunities. Banking business included in services as any new offering is quickly matched by
service operations, thus each bank trying to service its services to competitors. Parasuraman [2] and Zeithaml [3] noted that the
provide satisfaction to its customers and to attract new customers, not
least for ABC Bank. Research on the quality of service at ABC Bank,
key strategy for the success and survival of any business
applying SERVQUAL introduced by Parasuraman, by making institution is the deliverance of quality services to customers
adjustments to the instrument. To sharpen the analysis used the t-test in facing those challenges and opportunities for business
and Important Performance Analysis (IPA). Respondents in this development.
study were 370 people, which are customers of the bank. The results Undoubtedly, in the beginning of this century customer
of this study showed, from 24 variables of service quality, there are satisfaction defines very clearly the meaning and significance
12 variables have not meet customer expectations, 3 variables of today's real economic activities. In this sense, extensive
already meets the expectations and 9 variables are in accordance with production and consumption of products and services is not
customer expectations. In addition, from the IPA, there are 6 the sole purpose of economic activities today, the main
variables showed as high priority, 8 variables as retained, 7 variables
with low priority and 3 variables that have been excessive.
purpose of companies. From a certain perspective, the main
Conclusions from the analysis of the two methods produce indicators purpose of companies is to "sell" products or services,
that have not met the expectations there are 13 indicators, which has respectively to produce and deliver those products or services
been as expected there were 8 indicators and which meet the that meet in a very high degree requirements and needs of
expectations there were 3 indicators. Thus the Bank management consumers or users [4]. Thus, the importance of customer
should improve the 13 indicators of service quality, maintain eight satisfaction, in general, consists in recognizing the mode and
indicators that have been as expected and also maintains three the way in which organizations generate and create "pleasure"
indicators that meet quality expectations. so in the consumers of products or services and among
suppliers of such services or products.
Keywords: Service Quality, t-test, important performance analysis. Numerous studies have shown the importance of customer
satisfaction for these organizations by highlighting the link
I. INTRODUCTION between customer satisfaction and financial results, customer
satisfaction and maintaining or attracting customers.
The service sector is considered to be the most dynamic Concerning the role of customer satisfaction, this can play
and innovative component of a functioning market economy, many roles for an organization, whether private or public. As
becoming the last decades the main "engine of growth" of an overview and synthesis, customer satisfaction can affect
developed economies. One of the service sector is the Bank. many organizational processes, being used as a tool in many
Competition between banks in Indonesia is very high, with a areas posed by an organization. The way to deliver customer
lot of banks in Indonesia. satisfaction is to provide quality service. This paper will
With existence of financial liberalization has led to intense discuss how to evaluate the quality of service at ABC private
competitive pressures and private banks dealing in retail bank in Jakarta in facing the challenges and opportunities, use
banking are consequently directing their strategies towards the servqual principles and diagrams Important Performance
increasing service quality level which fosters customer Analysis.
satisfaction and loyalty through improved service quality [1].
Private Banks dealing in retail banking Industry is II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
consequently put into lot of pressures due towards increase in Service is part of the operating system. Input of service
global competition. Various strategies are formulated to retain may consist of buildings, spaces, equipment, decorations, and
the customer and the key of it is to increase the service quality

© 2015. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 112

other physical facilities that support. Another part of the input Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) is an analytical
are employees and managers, machineries, equipments, and approach proposed by Martilla and James[8], based on the
abilities. All of the physical form called tangibles. Managers expected performance by measuring the perception of the
and employees provide services in a way that is timely and quality and level of importance [9,10,11]; and it is generally
fulfill what was promised, done quickly responsive, reliable, used to provide guidance in making strategic marketing
do not give rise to doubts and done with empathy, resulting in decisions. Some researchers use it as the transport [12], banks
the output quality of service and giving effect to customer [13], college [14], hospitality [15] and tourism [16]. This
satisfaction. All of that are the operating system services of method has proved to be relatively easy to administer and
organizations including banks. This operating system is also interpret, resulting in widespread use among researchers and
as system production of services. This bank operating system managers in various fields, and a way to promote the
must be evaluated periodically, so that the bank can always development of effective operation of the program, as it
provide service excellent to provide customer satisfaction facilitates the interpretation of data and improve the usefulness
excellence. In the end quality of service being the foremost. in making strategic decisions [10, 11, 17, 18, 19]. IPA consists
There is still no consensus on a definition for quality. For of a pair of coordinate axes where 'importance' (y-axis) and
this paper, that of Parasuraman [2] is adopted: “Service quality performance (x-axis) of the elements involved in the service
as perceived by the customer is the degree and direction of compared (see Fig. 1).
discrepancy between customer service perceptions and
expectations”[2]. It is this gap between perceptions and
expectations that underpins the formulation of SERVQUAL,
the service quality measuring instrument of Parasuraman [5]
and its subsequent refinements (1990, 1993, 1994). The
instrument is based on the idea of the disconfirmation model,
in other words on the comparison of customers’ expectations
with their experiences from the service, corresponding defined
by [2]. Usually, the five dimensions of the instrument are
described through the use of 22 attributes an “respondents are
asked to state (on a five-point scale from “Strongly disagree”
to “Strongly agree”) what they expected from the service and
how they perceived the service.” Since its formulation,
SERVQUAL has been used in a variety of service industries
and countries. Although in development had criticism of Fig 1. Diagram Importance- Performance
Cronin and Taylor [6], Avkiran [7], in which they criticize
about expectation measurement, the effectiveness of the Each quadrant-level combination of importance and
instrument in measurement and the complex content of using performance provided by the customer / user specified in the
negative sentences and time-consuming. service element and the average value of each level of
In the development dimension of the service quality that importance and performance attributes is the starting point of
was developed by Parasuraman [2] into five dimensions: this IPA matrix [8, 20, 21,11, 22, 14, 23, 19]. Each quadrant
tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. shows the different strategies. The four quadrants in the
Tangibility, including physical facilities, equipment, personnel analysis of performance Important- marked as [8]:
and means of communication. Reliability, ie the ability of the  A. Main Priority - an important level is high-
company to deliver the promised services in a timely and performance level is low: It is the main priority;
satisfactory. Responsiveness, namely the ability of the staff to  B. Surviving - with high-level importance of good work,
help customers and provide services to respond. Assurance, showing high performance that must be maintained
covering ability, courtesy and trustworthiness that of the staff,  C. Low priority - low interest, low performance: minor
free from danger, risk or doubt. And last Empathy, include the weakness and do not require additional effort;
ease of having good communication and understanding the  D. Possible excessive - high performance low- interest:
needs of customers. indicates that the business resources committed to this
Customer expectations of service quality shows how attribute will be redundant and should be placed
important a quality of service. Thus the perception of service elsewhere.
quality and service quality expectations means also the
perception of the performance and the level of importance of Research related to the services quality of banking and
service quality. So as to analyze further on SERVQUAL can application of Important Performance Analysis (IPA) in the
be forwarded to the Important-Performance Analysis (IPA). review by researchers are as follows:

No Researcher Titles Variables Method
1 Krisna Mahendraswara Studi Terhadap Kualitas SERVQUAL Important Performance
[24] Pelayanan di Hotel Grand Analysis
Candi Semarang
2 Asif Akhtar & Dr. Asma Service Quality SERVQUAL Principal Component
Zaheer [25] Dimensions of Islamic Analysis (PCA) and
Banks: A Scale Confirmatory Factor
Development Approach in Analysis (CFA) to
the Gulf countries validate the scale.
Independent sample T
test and One Way
ANOVA are used to
validate the hypotheses.
3 Herni Justiana Astuti Analisis Kepuasan SERVQUAL Important Performance
[26] Konsumen (SERVQUAL Analysis
Model dan Important
Performance Analysis
4 Aries Susabty, Arief Atribut-Atribut yang SERVQUAL Important Performance
Chandra Putra Buana Menjadi Prioritas Untuk Analysis
[27] Peningkatan Kualitas
5 Jannatul Mawa Nupur E-Banking and Customers’ SERVQUAL Multiple regression
[28] Satisfaction in Bangladesh: Customers’ Satisfaction analysis
An Analysis
6 Mohamad Idham Md Adaptive of SERVQUAL SERVQUAL Multiple regression
Razak et. al [29] Model in Measuring Customer Satisfaction analysis
Customer Satisfaction
towards Service Quality
Provided by Bank Islam
Malaysia Berhad (BIMB)
in Malaysia
7 Bente Corneliu [4] Concepts of Service SERVQUAL Gap analysis
Quality Measurement in
Banks (Romania)
8 E. O. Oyetunji, B. B. Comparison of Service SERVQUAL Gap analysis,
Baguri and A. E. Otis Quality of Two descriptive analysis
[30] Commercial Banks in
Upper East Region of
9 Aymn Sulieman [31] Basic Dimensions of the SERVQUAL, Descriptive, Multiple
(SERVQUAL Model) and customer satisfaction regression
its Impact on the Level of
Customer Satisfaction: an
emperical study of the
Housing Bank in Karak,
10 Ramón A. Carrasco [32] A model for the integration SERVQUAL Fuzzy linguistic model
of e-financial services
questionnaires with
SERVQUAL scales under
fuzzy linguistic modeling

11 Jelena Titko, Natalja Service Quality SERVQUAL SERVPERF
Lace [33] Evaluation in Latvian
12 Ghalib Sanjuq [34] The Impact of Service SERVQUAL, Regression analysis
Quality Delivery on Customer satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction in
the Banking Sector in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
13 K. Ravichandran et al Influence of Service SERVQUAL, Regression analysis
[1] Quality on Customer Customer satisfaction
Satisfaction Application of
Servqual Model
14 Mei Mei Lau et al.[35] Measuring Service Quality SERVQUAL, Descriptive analysis
in the Banking Industry: A customer satisfaction and Factor analysis SEM
Hong Kong Based Study customer loyalty
15 Soleyman Iranzadeh, Service Quality SERVQUAL, One-Sample Test
and Farzam Dimensions in the Banking customer satisfaction
Chakherlouy [36] Industry and Its Effect on
Customer Satisfaction
(Case Study Iran)
16 Niveen El Saghier, Service Quality SERVQUAL, Regression analysis
Demyana Nathan [37] Dimensions and customer satisfaction
Customers’ Satisfactions
of Banks in Egyp
17 Najat Abdullrahim [38] Service Quality of English SERVQUAL EIBSQ,English Islamic
Islamic Banks Banking Service
Quality tool. Factor


Of 17 relevant studies that were examined, the study conducted
by researchers is different in its data processing and analysis From the data collected as many as 370 respondents, data
methods. Researchers combined the results of t-test analysis tabulated, by using SPSS Ver. 11.5, then calculated the value
with the results of the analysis of the IPA.. of validity for each indicator of the service quality, and
reliability value for each dimension of service quality. The
results of validity and reliability presented in Table 2. For each
III. METHODOLOGY indicator of service quality dimensions, showed the value of
This study was a quantitative study using SERVQUAL the Pearson correlation significant at the 0.01 level. And the
concept of Parasuraman by using a modified questionnaire, value of reliability for each dimension of service quality,
comprising 24 indicators, adapted to the circumstances Bank showed the value greater than 0.6. Thus, the data obtained are
studied. The questionnaire was made of two kinds, namely on valid and reliable.
the level of interest of the expected quality of service and
quality of existing services. Assessment of the expected level TABLE 2. VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY RESULTS
of service quality using the gradation as Strongly disagree (1) Tangibles
to Strongly agree (5). And assessment of service quality using
the gradation Poor (1) to Very well (5). Respondents are ABC Perceived quality Expectation quality
Bank customer randomly assigned as many as 370 Pearson Pearson
respondents. To test the feasibility of using the results of the Correlation Correlation
questionnaire, validity and reliability of the Pearson correlation X1 ,685(**) Y1 ,720(**)
coefficient and Cronbach coefficient conducted. To see how X2 ,630(**) Y2 ,729(**)
big the difference between the expected value and quality of
service, then the t-test performed. To see further service quality X3 ,831(**) Y3 ,668(**)
strategies used cartesian diagram of Important Performance X4 ,749(**) Y4 ,796(**)
Analysis. X5 ,826(**) Y5 ,739(**)

Alpha = ,8014 Alpha = ,7787 X15 ,777(**) Y15 ,880(**)
Reliability X16 ,762(**) Y16 ,823(**)
Perceived quality Expectation quality X17 ,869(**) Y17 ,929(**)
Pearson X18 ,842(**) Y18 ,893(**)
Correlatio Pearson X19 ,869(**) Y19 ,880(**)
n Correlation
X20 ,872(**) Y20 ,876(**)
X6 ,888(**) Y6 ,892(**)
X21 ,846(**) Y21 ,888(**)
X7 ,894(**) Y7 ,915(**)
Alpha = ,9258 Alpha = ,9519
X8 ,896(**) Y8 ,907(**)
X9 Emphaty
,735(**) Y9 ,739(**)
Perceived quality Expectation quality
X10 ,841(**) Y10 ,906(**)
Pearson Pearson
Alpha = ,9088 Alpha = ,9230 Correlation Correlation
Responsiveness X22 ,897(**) Y22 ,935(**)
Perceived quality Expectation quality X23 ,889(**) Y23 ,912(**)
Pearson X24 ,819(**) Y24 ,877(**)
Correlatio Pearson
Alpha = ,8365 Alpha = ,9019
n Correlation
X11 Y11 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
,815(**) ,918(**)
X12 ,826(**) Y12 ,879(**)
X13 Y13 Further t-test, with the results shown in Table-3. From the
,820(**) ,840(**)
results of t - test produced 12 indicators have not met the
X14 ,773(**) Y14 ,886(**) expectations of service quality where the expected value were
Alpha = ,8217 Alpha = ,9028 greater than the quality of existing services and the difference
was significant, 3 indicators already meet the expectation of
Assurance quality of service in which the value of quality of service were
greater than the value of the service quality expectations and
Perceived quality Expectation quality significant difference, and 9 indicators were in accordance
Pearson with the expectations of service quality in which the
Correlatio Pearson difference between the expected value and service quality
n Correlation difference is not significant.


Std. Std. Sig. (2-
Indicators Mean Mean t Meaning
Deviation Deviation tailed)
Pair 1 X1 3,48 ,875 Y1 4,06 ,846 -10,275 ,000 not fulfilled
Pair 2 X2 3,61 ,780 Y2 3,95 ,918 -6,236 ,000 not fulfilled
Pair 3 X3 4,04 ,869 Y3 3,73 ,913 5,301 ,000 already meet
Pair 4 X4 3,86 ,874 Y4 3,67 ,825 3,424 ,001 already meet
Pair 5 X5 3,81 ,989 Y5 3,50 ,955 5,005 ,000 already meet
Pair 6 X6 4,01 ,808 Y6 4,02 ,787 -,261 ,794 is in accordance
Pair 7 X7 4,13 ,783 Y7 4,15 ,778 -,517 ,606 is in accordance
Pair 8 X8 3,99 ,849 Y8 4,03 ,745 -1,110 ,268 is in accordance
Pair 9 X9 3,85 ,868 Y9 3,93 ,802 -1,962 ,050 not fulfilled
Pair 10 X10 4,01 ,811 Y10 4,04 ,753 -,764 ,445 is in accordance
Pair 11 X11 3,99 ,873 Y11 4,20 ,763 -3,499 ,001 not fulfilled
Pair 12 X12 3,78 ,850 Y12 4,03 ,782 -4,419 ,000 not fulfilled
Pair 13 X13 4,03 ,732 Y13 4,12 ,810 -1,699 ,090 is in accordance
Pair 14 X14 3,98 ,788 Y14 3,92 ,803 1,028 ,304 is in accordance
Pair 15 X15 3,89 ,792 Y15 3,94 ,817 -,894 ,372 is in accordance
Pair 16 X16 3,74 ,819 Y16 4,01 ,798 -5,456 ,000 not fulfilled

Pair 17 X17 3,87 ,868 Y17 4,04 ,741 -3,352 ,001 not fulfilled
Pair 18 X18 3,87 ,876 Y18 4,11 ,742 -4,514 ,000 not fulfilled
Pair 19 X19 3,83 ,808 Y19 3,88 ,826 -1,012 ,312 is in accordance
Pair 20 X20 3,73 ,817 Y20 3,95 ,792 -3,822 ,000 not fulfilled
Pair 21 X21 3,87 ,782 Y21 3,99 ,732 -2,505 ,013 not fulfilled
Pair 22 X22 3,90 ,832 Y22 4,13 ,777 -4,252 ,000 not fulfilled
Pair 23 X23 4,05 ,791 Y23 4,15 ,763 -1,838 ,067 is in accordance
Pair 24 X24 3,74 ,820 Y24 3,94 ,815 -3,632 ,000 not fulfilled

T-test results for the dimensions of service quality between difference. While the the average value of responsiveness,
expectation and reality quality in table-4. From the test, assurance and empathy dimensions, the quality of existing
tangible and reliability dimension have been accordance with services will still not meet the expectations of quality of their
expectations of service quality, where the difference of the services. It is shown that the average value of the expectation
average value between the existing services quality with the of service quality were greater than the value of the quality of
expectation of service quality, showed no significant existing services and the difference were significant.


Real service quality Expected quality

Service Quality Std. Std. Sig. (2-
Mean Mean t Meaning
Dimensions Deviation Deviation tailed)
Tangible 18,80 3,284 18,90 3,251 -,581 ,561 is in accordance
Reliability 19,94 3,518 20,16 3,378 -1,231 ,219 is in accordance
Responsiveness 15,78 2,623 16,26 2,779 -2,614 ,009 not fulfilled
Assurance 26,76 4,853 27,91 4,823 -3,593 ,000 not fulfilled
Emphaty 11,69 2,120 12,20 2,162 -3,634 ,000 not fulfilled

The results of the analysis of the IPA and the t-test are were 3 indicators. In Table 5, indicators which have not meet
combined into one table, ie Table-5 and Fig 2. From IPA expectations labeled as NF (not fulfilled), which according to
analysis, there are 6 indicators in A quadrant, means 6 expectations labeled as AC (accordance), and which already
indicators are as main priority; 8 indicators in B quadrant, meet the expectations of quality are labeled AM (already
means the 8 indicators must be maintained; 7 indicators in C meet) for both IPA and interpretation of the results of t-test.
quadrant, means as low priority and 3 indicators exist in D Of the two methods are used, there are 17 indicators showed
quadrant, which is an excessive indicators. Based on analysis similar results (see Table 5), 7 indicators showed different
of IPA and t-test, three indicators that meet the expectations of results. To make a conclusion of seven different indicators,
service quality, two indicators of low priority, 1 indicator drawn conclusions based on the results of the analysis of the
excessive. For the 12 indicators that have not met the IPA, because the IPA analysis showing the positions and
expectations of service quality, in the main priority are 6 magnitudes of the indicators, whereas the t-test analysis just
indicators , 2 indicators maintained and 4 indicators as low shows the magnitude, namely the difference between
priority. For 9 indicators as in accordance of service quality expectations and reality quality. As conclusions, indicators
expectations, 6 indicators maintained, 1 indicator as low that have not met the expectations there were 13 indicators
priority and 2 indicators excessive. Indicators in A and C indicators, which have been as expected there were 8
quadrant can be considered as an indicator that has not met indicators and which meet the expectations there were 3
expectations, ie there are 13 indicators; indicators in B indicators. Thus the Bank management should improve the 13
quadrant are indicator that have been in line with expectations, indicators of quality of service, maintain eight indicators that
there were 8 indicators; and indicators in D quadrant are have been as expected and also maintains three indicators that
indicators that already meets the quality expectations, there meet quality expectations.


No Question Items Quadrant Interpretation t-test Conclusions

IPA result
1 Banks have modern equipment, visually appealing and
2 Bank employees look tidy C NF NF NF
3 Bank is equipped with a computerized data base
4 Bank is equipped with a cooling system (air
5 Bank service room pleasant C NF AM NF
6 When the Bank promises to do something by a certain
time, they do
7 When a visitor has a problem, the Bank showed a
genuine interest to solve
8 Bank doing the right service at the time of the first B AC AC AC
9 Services provided at the when Bank promise to do C NF NF NF
10 There is no record of errors during service B AC AC AC
11 Employees tell visitors when the service will be B AC NF AC
12 Employees provide prompt service to visitors A NF NF NF
13 Employees willing to help visitors B AC AC AC
14 Employees never reasoned busy to respond to the
demand of visitors
15 Employee behavior instill confidence in the visitor D AM AC AM
16 Visitors feel safe and comfortable in the Bank A NF NF NF
17 Employees always polite A NF NF NF
18 Employees have the knowledge to answer the visitors
19 Employees serving with friendly C NF AC NF
20 Employees serving satisfactory C NF NF NF
21 Serve with competent employees A NF NF NF
22 Employees provide individual attention for visitors B AC NF AC
23 Employees understand the specific needs of visitors B AC AC AC
24 Employees serve with heart C NF NF NF

NF= Not fulfill ed AC= Accordance AM= Already meet

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