Dpco Iat 1 QP Set1
Dpco Iat 1 QP Set1
Dpco Iat 1 QP Set1
Part – A (10*2=20)
7 Give the differences between combinational circuits and sequential circuits CO2 K1
11.a Define Design procedures with suitable example and logic diagrams CO1 K1
11.b Explain in detail about half adder and full adder with CO1 K2
logic diagram.
12.a Explain in detail about Decoder and its types with suitable logic CO1 K1
12.b Minimize the expression CO1 K3
F (A, B, C, D) = Σm (1, 3, 7, 11, 15) + Σd (0, 2, 4) -draw the logic diagram
13.a Simplify the following and draw logic diagram CO1 K3
F (A, B, C) = Σm (1, 3, 6, 7)
F (A, B, C, D) = Σm (0, 2, 3, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15)
13.b Explain in detail about Demultiplexers CO1 K2
14.a Explain in detail about SR Flip flop and D flip flop CO2 K1
DMI College of Engineering Page 1 Chennai-600123
Or CO2 K1
14.b Develop a Modulo-4 Synchronous counter using JK Flip Flop CO2 K1
CO2 K1
Part C (1*15=15)