Dr. Varsha P.S.

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International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100165

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How can we manage biases in artificial intelligence systems – A systematic

literature review
Dr. Varsha P.S.
School of Commerce, Presidency University, Bangalore, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Artificial intelligence is similar to human intelligence, and robots in organisations always perform human tasks.
Artificial intelligence However, AI encounters a variety of biases during its operational process in the online economy. The coded
Bias algorithms helps in decision-making in firms with a variety of biases and ambiguity. The study is qualitative
in nature and asserts that AI biases and vulnerabilities experienced by people across industries lead to gender
Responsible Ai
biases and racial discrimination. Furthermore, the study describes the different types of biases and emphasises
AI ethics
AI systems the importance of responsible AI in firms in order to reduce the risk from AI. The implications discuss how
policymakers, managers, and employees must understand biases to improve corporate fairness and societal well-
being. Future research can be carryout on consumer bias, bias in job automation and bias in societal data.

1. Introduction more customization, profit optimization and embrace firm transforma-

tion (Dickie, 2021; Nagwani & Suri, 2023). Apparently, bias occurs in
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a much more popular and AI tools in sales while business leads are generated to connect with
common feature in businesses of several operational processes such customers and collect various data but fail to understand the highest
as customer service, marketing and sales (Brit, 2021; Verma et al., lifetime value (Fatemi, 2020). Subsequently, transparency is one of the
2021). AI implementation in business and commerce has increased in critical factors in AI deep learning systems (Sharma et al., 2021). Data
the current scenario to predict better consumer choices/customization transparency assorts privacy while humans train the machine learning
and achieve companies’ competitive advantage (Teleaba et al., 2021; models through an artificial neural network where decisions are not
Waja et al., 2023). Furthermore, technology adoption in the firms is justified properly, which encounters black box problems (Selbst & Baro-
expected to enhance business growth and make decisions (Gonzales & cas, 2018). This black box problems arises risk to the firms while de-
Hargreaves, 2022; Brit, 2021). However, the debate on human cogni- ploying algorithms is not easily explainable and develops biases in the
tive bias has heated up as a result of the use of AI to forecast company AI system (Roselli et al., 2019).
sales or results (Teleaba et al., 2021). AI is not stable and data input Several discussion on risk of AI biases were observed like from court
errors may occur as a result of biased output (Huang & Rust, 2021). By decisions to medicines to business (Teleaba et al., 2021). Considering
considering the AI biases in various industries such as the banking in- the cases of Apple – gender bias (BBC, 2019) and COMPAS – African
dustry, it was mentioned that loan decisions were biased even though American defendant bias (Dressel & Farid, 2018), the number of biased
no bigotry was programmed into the system (Ukanwa & Rust, 2020). AI systems and algorithms is expected to increase in the next five years
Researchers discovered that gender bias can occur in their results when (IBM, 2018), exploiting people were more vulnerable. Following that,
using the unbiased algorithm in career stem advertisement (Lambrecht people became aware of the issue of biases in order to bring fairness and
& Tucker, 2019). As a result, the use of AI in decision making in many equity to machine learning in certain fields such as healthcare, business
firms has raised concerns about automated choices leads to discrimina- and management. Furthermore, the risk of incorrect projection will have
tory outcomes (Sweeney, 2013) and undesirable ads (Datta et al., 2015). a negative impact on consumers with products or services that do not
Hence, technological flaws are more common than human flaws in the create the values. As a result of the decrease in customer satisfaction and
firms (Brit, 2021). loyalty, these biased outcomes will have a less influence on the firm’s
The AI usage in sales to increase revenues has gained worldwide at- equity, revenues, and profitability (Teleaba et al., 2021). Hence, biases
tention. Automation comprises of machine learning, deep learning, in- exist in embedded computer code even when algorithms fail to provide
formation retrieval and natural language processing technologies helps decisions (Edionwe, 2017). Then the data scientists and software engi-
in business process and leverage data to bring innovative solutions, neers fail to understand the process and choices of larger societal scenar-

E-mail address: smiracle2@gmail.com

Received 29 June 2022; Received in revised form 12 February 2023; Accepted 13 February 2023
2667-0968/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Dr.V. P.S. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100165

Table 1
Definitions of AI.

Description Refs.

The ability to reason, solve problems, learn, and integrate multiple human skills like perception, cognition, memory, language, or Kar et al. (2022)
planning refers AI intelligence.
AI systems use mathematical models to derive inferences from data, increases transparency and humans get answers to the Kar et al. (2022)
questions like ’what’, ’how’ and ’why’ to bring the benefits to the business.
AI has evolved in the firms from being a just adopted technology to powering routine decision-making processes in all the domains. Kar et al. (2022); Morande (2022)
AI techniques able to increase the knowledge of employees in the firms by allowing them to comprehend and conquer complex situations Malik et al. (2021)
more effectively and facilitates the decision-making process by offering several alternative choices.
The proficiency of a machine leveraged by AI to full fill the customer expectations and increases the operational efficiency in the Kushwaha et al. (2021)
The term machine learning is an artificial or computational intelligence technique describes a machine’s capacity to learn and carry out a Votto et al. (2021); Garg et al. (2021)
process given an objective and specific training tasks to accomplish the goal.
AI is defined as systems which mimic cognitive abilities commonly associated with human characteristics such as learning, speech, and Dwivedi et al. (2021)
problem solving.

ios, bias can be introduced into firms (Akter et al., 2022; Yarger et al., firms (Bader & Kaiser, 2019) to evaluate analytical, intuitive, and em-
2019). pathetic intelligence (Kar et al., 2022). AI, which includes data, algo-
The AI driven decision making brings unfair and unequal effects in rithms, and computing has made significant progress in recent years
the firms that leads to algorithmic bias and there will be a paucity (Messner, 2022). As a result, AI is machine learning deploys an algo-
of studies on this topic (Kar & Dwivedi, 2020; Kumar et al., 2021; rithm to feed raw data able to produce meaningful outputs via mod-
Vimalkumar et al., 2021). Such negative experience from AI bias has els (Sarle, 1994). It is a group of computing technologies that allow
a great impact on firms, specifically when decisions are involved. The us to make rational decisions in complex situations in various contexts
study also shed light to raises the automation bias on racial, gender, (Treinnick, 2017). Lastly we summarize the definition of AI with impor-
credit scores, face recognition, etc., which highlights the issues through tant phrases in Table 1.
virtual assistants, robotics and algorithmic recommendations in the AI usage in current businesses scenarios is neither normal nor neu-
firms. Besides that the consumer users, researchers and experts has to tral and arises the various challenges in several domains (Kar et al.,
give a critical thinking during incorporating ai-based solutions in the 2022). By considering studies on optimal control decisions on the en-
firm systems. However, the outcomes obtained by AI in various sectors vironment (Qi et al., 2019), an approach to predict crashes (Abdel-aty
still have errors and our study proposed the following research questions & Haleem, 2011), timely identification of traffic conditions (Hossain &
solve this gap and more significant in addressing AI biases Muromachi, 2012), large-scale entrepreneurship (Elia et al., 2020), mal-
ware detection (Mohaisen et al., 2015) etc., uses AI driven decisions.
• What are AI biases and how do they occur in system? Thus AI in the system impacts on business processes and its perfor-
• How should AI biases and vulnerabilities be addressed in the system? mance mainly in the areas technology, acceptance, social integration,
job opportunities and regulations (Cao et al., 2021; Collins et al., 2021;
These research questions brings the novelty of the article to address
Kumar et al., 2021). AI able to recognise patterns in customer data in
the biases and its types to understand and mitigate the risks in the firms.
marketing domain. Brinks Home Smart Security System company uses
Also the study aims to focus on addressing the biases so that vulnera-
AI to provide better services with the right content to customers by
bilities can be evaluated. We structured our discussions further to ad-
recognising patterns in customer data using natural language processing
dress these exploratory questions as follows. First, the literature review
(NLP). And also in Adobe Sensei firm deploys AI with machine learn-
section, second research methodology section, third explains about the
ing has the potential to assist marketers in taming data for meaning-
findings from cases and fourth will be to address AI bias in systems.
ful insights (Liesse Julie, 2021). Further AI used in human resources in
Lastly we explained on discussions, implications, future research fol-
firms for recruitment to predict the job description and select the right
lowed by conclusion.
candidate (Sridevi & Suganthi, 2022; Votto et al., 2021). Subsequently,
algorithms are used in healthcare, transportation, and security where
2. Literature review decisions can be made for human life or health requires transparency
and explainability (Adadi & Berrada, 2018; Chintalapudi et al., 2021;
2.1. Evolution of AI systems Pawar et al., 2020). Hence explainability AI is the most recent and rele-
vant topic in Industry 4.0 which transforms operations(process) by using
AI can be traced back to 1950, when Alan Turing, an English poly- AI systems for decision making or predictions (Singh et al., 2022).
math, devised a test to see if a machine could mimic human cognitive
functions to identify patterns (Batra et al., 2018). Then it became more 2.2. Biases in AI systems
popular in 1956 when John McCarthy invited academicians and indus-
try experts in interdisciplinary fields across the globe to discuss the im- In the system, the data input is biased, the output is likely to be bi-
portance of computers that consume data and mimic human behaviour ased (Huang & Rust, 2021). For instance, Amazon uses the AI tool to
(Garg et al., 2021;Herath & Mittal, 2022). This data shares and cre- measure and rate job applicants while discriminating against female
ates the possibilities that made available by the new advancement of applicants (Weissman, 2018). Furthermore, AI errors occur in insur-
higher computing processing power across the globe (Akter et al., 2020). ance companies when auto-calculation premiums are based on religion
These technological advancement affects the companies and completely rather than gender (Villasenor, 2019). As a result, the automated sys-
transform the market place (Sharma et al., 2021). Since the invention tems have biases in dynamic pricing and targeted discounts (Miler &
of high computing power in 1956, relevant of AI theories have been Hosanagar, 2020; Brit, 2021).Hence, bias can creep into algorithms and
developed for several years (Cohen & Feigenbaum, 2014). Many aca- only beneficial for training data sets in the systems (Brit, 2020).
demicians and industry experts have proposed various definitions of Several studies indicate that human bias results from the response
AI as machines with human-like cognitive abilities (McGettigan, 2017) of technology advancement (de Graaf & Allouch, 2017; Haring et al.,
and enable them to handle complex situations (Malik et al., 2021). Fur- 2018; Kuchenbrandt et al., 2013). While cognitive biases influence all
thermore, AI helps to provide several solutions for decision making in aspects of how people make decisions through AI and robotic creations

Dr.V. P.S. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100165

Table 2
AI bias in various industries.

Firm Algorithm bias Observable/Unobservable

Adobe The adobe software blocked the customers of a specific demographics while purchasing the software (Jared Council, 2021) Unobservable
Lyft The bias exists in dynamic ridesharing prices recommends higher surge prices have to be paid by the customers (Wiggers, 2020) Observable
Facebook(FB) The AI bias occurs in FB that allows the advertisers to target the marketing ads/job ads to the specific gender race and religious Observable
with the minority backgrounds (Dilmegani, 2022)
Banker The error that occurs in fintech starts up in the payment process and revenue sharing partnerships (Annie Brown, 2021) Observable
Microsoft When customers started chatting with the Tay chatbot regarding racism comments and voice assistant started to retype the Observable
phrases rather than address the customer queries (Brit, 2021)
Nikon The data-driven bias arises from the new Nikon product about Asian faces and HP media smart computers has skin tone problems Observable
in their face recognition (Hammond, 2016)
Pulse oximeter It’s one of the important new products (device) in clinical management to monitor oxygen levels during pandemics the bias Observable
encountered that less accuracy in darker skin than lighter skin (racial bias) (The Conversation, 2022)

(Letheren et al., 2020). As a result of the proliferation of humanised

technology amongst consumers and marketers, it is crucial to compre-
hend the accidental transfer of human biases into the design of artifi-
cial intelligence (Jobin et al., 2019). In this context, AI biases can be
explained that information can be passed from human to AI while pro-
gramming and coding the data process develops the racism and dis-
crimination issue (Penny, 2017). Hence, bias is an anomaly from ma-
chine learning algorithms caused by preconception assumptions made
during the algorithm development phase or determined training data
sets (Dilmegani, 2022). Thus, all of these pitfalls suggest that the prob-
lems caused by algorithm bias are not trivial unless marketers and con-
sumers are educated (Knight, 2017). It is concluded as a beautiful mess
is evolved and influences the firms when programming bias in an AI or
robots. Subsequently, the study discovered that bias in psychology and
behavioural economics to describe the AI risk in predicting consumer
choice were classified into two types - observable (in an e-commerce
website, marketers like to know their customers’ biases by analysing Fig. 1. Flow chart of relevant papers(inclusion & exclusion).
large customer data sets from several years, which includes the most
frequently purchased products, product features, and product availabil-
ity) and unobservable (impossible to detect big data related to purchase literature review, we followed the guidelines provided by seminal re-
or pricing data that requires additional research skills to identify bias) view studies (Cranfield et al., 2003; Durach et al., 2017). We identified
(Teleaba et al., 2021). AI biases in various industries discusses both the various sources of AI bias in firms in this study. To carry out the
unobservable and observable risks in Table 2. literature review, we used the Scopus database to look for publications
The impact of cognitive bias and improper datasets create bias that for this systematic review, since it gives a broader range of scholarly
affects firms in various parameters like dynamic pricing, e-business, hir- information to gain a deeper understanding of the research we intend
ing, and healthcare (Dilmegani, 2022). Further the research provided to conduct (Kar et al., 2022). The inclusion of Scopus-indexed research
several significant contributions and we discovered and related three papers in the database was contingent on stringent selection criteria,
theories from literature includes social theory (Joyce et al., 2021; so we may rely on them for academic research (Kumar et al., 2022;
Zajko, 2022), stimulus-organism-response theory(Mehrabian & Rus- Tiwary et al., 2021). To conduct our research, we employed a list of
sell, 1974) and organisational justice theory (Colquitt & Rodell, 2015). keywords in combination with a database search of article titles and
In align with these theories, the experts from global tech companies keywords.
were implemented various measures to reduce AI bias (Weyerer & To extract the literature we used the key words search ALL ((“AI
Langer, 2020). For example, Google has implemented a Testing with Bias∗ ” OR “artificial intelligence bias” OR “Algorithm bias∗ ”) AND
Concept Activation Vectors (TCAV) programme in which developers test (“Bias∗ ” OR “Risk∗ ”)) by using Boolean logic (AND/ OR) and found 884
decision-making algorithms to reduce bias and gender discrimination documents. In Fig. 1 represents the flowchart for relevant papers inclu-
(Google, 2019). Accenture introduced ‘Teach and Test’ AI testing ser- sion and exclusion criteria.
vices to assist businesses to minimise biases and discriminatory content Further developed a conceptual model Fig. 2 to address the research
(Accenture, 2018). IBM’s AI Fairness 360 toolkit is a holistic and com- question.
prehensive approach that includes 70 parameter fairness metrics to re-
duce biases in AI systems (Bellamy et al., 2019). In healthcare systems to
4. Findings from cases
decrease the bias by creating fairness standards, regulating algorithms,
tools for clinical decision making and fostering relationship between
4.1. AI bias in E-commerce
public and business (Panch et al, 2019).
Amazon is a US based global online retailer deploys AI to improve
3. Methodology work efficiency and customer personalization of its services and prod-
ucts. The company’s workforce capacity is 60 percent male whereas
Systematic review is widely used in the multidisciplinary domains, 74 percent of the firm’s managerial positions were identified as gen-
but currently we are advancing in business, management, and account- der distorted while using an AI recruiting tool (Hamilton, 2018).Then
ing to examine the vast amount of data scattered throughout the inter- the experts used the data to create the algorithm through programme
net in order to provide quantifiable, reproducible, systematic way to to search for resumes from the previous ten years and algorithms were
articulate and thorough specific domains (Weed, 2006). To conduct the looking only for white males. Furthermore, these algorithms are trained

Dr.V. P.S. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100165

Fig. 2. Conceptual Model of Managing AI Bias in

systems & Responsible AI.

to recognise word patterns in resumes rather than specific skill sets and 4.4. Bias in digital advertising
company that developed this AI tool has a best practises while ignore
the word woman (James Vincent, 2018). Thus, gender bias exists dur- In 2014, Google facilitated users with four gender options: “male”,
ing recruitment indicates that gender inequality in the workplace during “female”, “rather not to say” and “custom” (Bennet, 2014). Male and fe-
recruitment process in the firms (Lindsay, 2019). male options are more conventional gender demographics. The choice
of “rather not to say” is mentioned in the group of users who do not
4.2. AI bias in online ads wish to reveal their identity, and “custom” is meant for the noncon-
ventional gender groups. The policies were made and provided to the
This case explains about the ads and compared for white names on customers or users on a larger scale. As a result, each customer will have
websites. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report discovered that two segments to collect information in Google. Then customers or users
online search inquiries for African-American names were mentioned in register their Google account, and Google then collects the customer’s
advertisements from various services develops the arrest records for data from web searches, advertisements, geolocation, history, payment
black people (Sweeney & Zang, 2013). A similar incident occurred in the transactions, etc. (Shekhawat et al., 2019). Then, ad customization page
micro-targeting of high interest credit cards and other financial prod- of Google Ad Settings facilitates customers that the chance to choose
ucts in the website’s advertisements, which constantly recommended how they want to be grouped. Google provides customers with options
to black customers to purchase the high interest credit card offerings, that are not ideal or relevant for categorising the male or female orien-
which exploits the innocent these customers and they lose trust in brands tation in order to create an individual preference on websites in systems
(FTC Hearing, 2018). This study revealed that big data analytics is used that encounter bias, privacy and data transparency concerns in Google
incorrectly to track online users based on their profiles, digital activities Ad personalised page (Noble, 2018). Further, Google encountered er-
and behaviour (Ramirez et al., 2016). As a matter of fact, the FTC dis- rors through Google Images with cultural bias, where the search for
covered that online users are denied access to their credit cards while CEO photos of white people is more dominant (Kay et al., 2015). As a
browsing the internet. Additionally, predictive analytics used to com- result, big data will be a major concern in AI bias, which impacts cus-
pile web browsing history suggested incorrect way and defines individ- tomer preferences and causes cultural bias in the online environment
uals data for specific jobs, personal credit or educational opportunities. (Schroeder, 2021).
Besides that, marketers will use online proxies that include zip codes
to gather information about individuals’ socioeconomic status based on
4.5. Bias in hiring
their neighbourhood results in inaccurate assumptions about individual
lifestyles or preferences (Noyes, 2015).Thus, mis appropriate big data
The organisations introduces AI in human resource management and
analysis develops disparities for genuine people based on race, gender,
considered as novel business practices (Votto et al., 2021). However,
age, skills, religion and sexual orientation. As an outcome, algorithms
there is a under-representation in the workplace has been investigated
are implemented for vulnerable populations, replicating and causing ex-
using demographic factors such as race and gender (Dovidio & Gart-
plicit discrimination or creating a new type of error, consciously or un-
ner, 1996). Woodruff et al. (2018) reported in their study that half of
consciously to develop societal bias, fostering stereotypes, and unfair
the respondents saw that the hiring process as a problem with black
profiling of online users.
respondents and they have a less rate of hiring possibilities which is
linked to national concerns about racial justice and economic inequal-
4.3. Customer’s discriminations in sharing economy
ity. Furthermore, in the IT sector, technology workers face screening
bias based on physical appearance, gender and ethnicity during the re-
Airbnb is a global online marketplace and sharing economy that
cruitment process (Beattie & Johnson, 2012). As a result of racial and
caters to lodging, homestays, and tourism businesses. In 2017, Home-
gender bias, women will be treated worse than male associates in the
sharing companies discovered that a small number of hosts were reject-
technology job market (Wachter-Boettcher, 2017).
ing renters (customers) based on race, age, gender, and other factors
(Murphy, 2016). Customers were rejected primarily because of their on-
line public profiles on social media websites (Murphy, 2016). The case 4.6. Bias in facial recognition
concludes that AI underestimates or judges’ customers, resulting in in-
correct predictions on profits and an impact on people through racial Joy Buolamwini, MIT scholar discovered in her study that algorithms
discrimination. power facial recognition software devices failed to identify dark-skinned

Dr.V. P.S. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100165

complexions (Hardesty, 2018). In facial recognition software has a ca- embrace technological change. Further domain experts or managers and
pability to train the data sets and evaluates higher than 75 percent male data scientists come up with the agreement to bring the principles and
and more than 80 percent white. When the individual in the photo was values in the operational process as an ‘ AI bias-free’ zone with contin-
a white man the software was precise and exact 99 percent of the time uous innovation in the firms. Lastlty, the managers from various firms
while recognizing the human as male. According to the study that the must understand responsible AI to protect the customer’s data usage for
product error exists which were lower than a percent as a whole popu- a specific purpose.
lation, however, it increased to greater than 20 percent in one product
and 34 percent in the other two recognized as darker-skinned women 5.2. End users
as a female (Lee et al., 2019).
End users are directly impacted by the AI systems. There will be sev-
5. Addressing bias in AI systems eral vulnerable problems, inaccuracies, or biases in the system. Many
end-users face susceptible problems while understating AI-based deci-
The fact that marketers deploys of AI to capture emotional data sions (Lockey et al., 2021). Considering an example of AI in personal
for analysis in order to understand the customer’s emotions. Cus- insurance companies accumulates the thousands of data points to judge
tomers interacting with AI results in high level of customer disengage- the bias when someone claims automobile insurance (Lockey et al.,
ment on social media platforms such as Facebook (likes and dislikes) 2021). By understanding this context, customers loses the data privacy
(Srinivasan et al., 2016). As a result, customers are unable to compre- and vulnerability arises the loss of human dignity (Lockey et al., 2021).
hend or interact with AI (Luo et al., 2019). Customers will interact with Subsequently, in the healthcare domain there is a mismatch between
voice assistants to solve their problems in the future, which will intro- the data or environment in the system is trained from machine learn-
duce biases. As a result, various measures have been considered to avoid ing occurs bias on the patients’ health records data (Challen et al.,
these biases. While AI is being used in marketing analysis, particularly 2019). Apparently AI has a capability to understand the consumers
targeting and customised marketing actions, marketers must be aware of and voice assistants able to describe the consumer relationship through
AI biases and improve their competency in order to minimise AI biases. customers voice results the privacy concerns (Cheng et al., 2022;
These AI biases are unpredictable (Fuchs, 2018) and increases societal Grewal et al., 2021). Additionally, payments through facial recognition
vulnerabilities has a major concern will dicuss on three levels—domain will have major privacy issues like human face has a individual infor-
experts, end-users and society (Lockey et al., 2021). mation on appearance, age, gender, etc. (Dantcheva & Brémond, 2016;
Dibeklioğlu et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2021). Furthermore chatbots creates
5.1. Domain expert vulnerabilities a major problems that unable to understand and the customers leads to
distrust sellers or buyers (Yen & Chiang, 2021). Also by leveraging AI in
The experts from AI domain in the firms deploy the AI system for TripAdvisor - as sharing economy company has a negative implications
operational processes. For an instance, in healthcare doctors use AI- in terms of privacy and security concerns of customers data and social in-
enabled medical diagnosis applications. This domain expert knowledge teractions between the customers and virtual assistants in online creates
can be incorporated into the development of codified information to less customer satisfaction (Grunder & Neuhofer, 2021). Hence AI based
train AI systems, and they work with the outputs for service delivery chatbots provides the extensible solutions to the end-users (customers)
(Lockey et al., 2021). The main vulnerabilities faced by the domain but there will be a major risks and challenges occurs in human and
experts specifically professional knowledge, skills, identity and repu- machine interaction, automatic detection and biases (Kushwaha et al.,
tation and automation leads to deskilling (Rinta-Kahila et al., 2018; 2021).
Sutton et al., 2018). An additional vulnerability in healthcare is where In the present world AI is a driving force for all the fields to at-
domain experts understand the problems to make clinical decisions, and tain sustainability. To reduce these biases while interacting with the
anthropomorphism may threaten professional identity and reputation end-users, the marketers must aware of the five core functions includes:
(Lockey et al., 2021). Similarly, the firms recruitment process deploys recognising the ethical concerns with AI such as fairness, transparency,
the AI to hire people. The vulnerability will be managers’ knowledge parity, kindness, and benefits for society; increasing human awareness of
in using AI tools to select candidates without any gender or racial bias AI by helping people comprehend how individual products’ AI systems
in the software (Black & van Esch, 2021). However, algorithmic bias function and how businesses create their algorithms; working together
has increased as a public scrutiny of AI-powered HR solutions (Drage & with AI through dialogue, listening, and comprehension between hu-
Mackereth, 2022). Amazon reported in 2018 that they were abandon- mans and AI; ensuring the accountability of AI—confirming that both
ing the development of an AI-powered recruitment engine because it the creators and users of AI systems adhere to ethical standards; AI sys-
identified gender proxies on candidates’ CVs and discriminated against tem integrity—keeping it constrained to the purposes for which the tech-
female applicants (Dastin, 2018). An impartial assessment of Facebook’s nology was designed to decrease bias (Schrader & Ghosh, 2018).
job advertisement algorithm in 2021 revealed that it provided different
advertisements to male and female users based on the gender distribu- 5.3. Society
tion of women and men in certain fields (Hao, 2021). Further, an on-
line photo-editing app, FaceApp, was later discovered that racial bias Societal vulnerabilities include knowledge asymmetry, power cen-
to be lightening the darker skin tones of African-Americans because Eu- tralization, and the ability of AI to cascade failures (Lockey et al.,
ropean faces ruled the training data, thereby defining the algorithm’s 2021). Knowledge asymmetry means by consider an example between
standard of beauty (Morse, 2017). Subsequently, Airbnb implicit the two IT companies, policymakers, and citizens is constantly changing
racial in African-Americans with unusual names are less likely to re- (Nemitz, 2018). Digital disruption is driving factor of AI development
ceive a successful booking than visitors with more common names while for data extraction for various operational decisions (Nemitz, 2018).
discriminating the African people (Edelman et al., 2017). Lastly, racial Moreover, this data will be inaccurate and biased and privacy concerns
bias has been found in many areas of financial services, such as mort- in AI systems will have a negative impact on citizens’ encounters with
gage lending, other personal lending, and business lending, and credit errors and inequality as well as undermine human rights such as the
scores in the insurance industry, where white households can claim a right to privacy (Lockey et al., 2021). Perhaps we are still in the early
higher amount of insurance than black homemakers (Casualty Actuar- stages of understanding the AI biases and vulnerabilities caused by the
ial Society (2022)). technologies in today’s world.
To address this vulnerabilities includes racial biases and discrimi- To address these issues, industry experts, policymakers, and aca-
nation caused by machine learning and AI where domain expert must demics can anticipate how to develop and use AI (Barredo Arrieta et al.,

Dr.V. P.S. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100165

Table 3
Responsible AI factors.

Factors Explanation Measures are taken to address AI Bias

Fairness AI devices validate the diversity inclusion and reduce the biases IBM has taken the initiative to minimize bias by providing the open-source
toolkit to evaluate, create a report and alleviate discrimination and bias
through machine learning models (IBM AI Fairness, 360)
Transparency AI systems must be more transparent with respect to processes Accenture practices the responsible AI has a transparency in four pillars
and results in the firms organizational, operational, technical and reputational to create company
values and ethics. By understanding the sources of bias and developing the
Accenture Algorithmic toolkit used to investigate errors and bring the
fairness and transparency decisions by creating a new model
(Accenture, 2021).
Accountability AI systems must bring the accountability of their results with In Microsoft, people are accountable for the AI system’s impact on the
ethics world due to a variety of models, data sets and new technology disruption.
The company follows principles and guidelines to understand the customers
through facial recognition and understanding and monitoring the errors in
each stage to minimize the bias in the AI life cycle (Microsoft, 2022)
Robustness & Safety AI systems should be created with precautionary measures Google is in adversarial learning while using the neural network by creating
taken to reduce the errors adversarial illustrations to fool a system in the network to detect the frauds
Privacy & Governance Personal data is used to make decisions and privacy controls Cisco developed a privacy engineering practices into the Cisco Secure
must be created to support technology ensure that personal Development Lifecycle (CSDL). These practices help to assures that data
data will be used for specific and fair purposes. privacy in the service offerings. Further, the company sets and follows the
AI Systems must follow the regulations related to international principles of the Global Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy
data privacy laws and standards (Cisco, 2022).
Societal & Environmental AI Systems bring the ethical and equitable AI as a Intel is designed the AI lifecycle to reduce the risks by bringing the ethical
Wellbeing comprehensive approach to society and environment well being principles and to maximize the benefits the society by using the right tools
and enabling an inclusive and sustainable environment (Intel)
Source: (Mikalef et al., 2022).

2020). As a result, AI raises new ethical, legal, and governance issues, to measure bias and optimise the risk by establishing policies. Further
such as racial discrimination, gender bias, and issues related to cus- research brings out the importance of AI community engagement. Man-
tomer awareness and knowledge of AI entailed in decision outcomes agers and employees must educate themselves and invest the time to
(Singapore Government, 2021). Previous research discussed about dis- understand the bias and to find solution for this.
tant factors associated with responsible principles such as bias re-
moval (Brighton & Gigerenzer, 2015), explain ability of AI results 6.2. Implications for managerial and business practice
(Gunning et al., 2019), and safety and security (Srivastava et al., 2017).
In recent years, we have learned more about responsible AI in businesses Our findings also help in numerous ways to practice. The study anal-
(Dignum, 2019). As a result, the growing awareness of responsible AI ad- ysed from literature-based conclusions were verified and suggests that
dresses biases. Fairness, transparency, accountability, robustness, safety, experts, managers and scientists have two opportunities to identify and
privacy, governance, and societal and environmental well-being are key reduce biases in organizations.The first is the possibility of employing
areas for increasing responsible AI (Mikalef et al., 2022). By mentioning AI to identify and mitigate the impact of human biases. The second po-
the numerous causes of bias in the system, we cannot think that a single tential is to improve AI systems how they exploit data used to build and
approach to mitigate all of them (Roselli et al., 2019). The study posit to deployed the models so that they do not perpetuate human and society
provide a combination of quantitative assessments, business processes, prejudices or create bias and related issues of their own. Consequently,
monitoring, data review, evaluations, and experimental studies to min- collaboration across domains helps to develop and implement techni-
imise the AI bias (Roselli et al., 2019).Thus, the study implemented re- cal innovations, operational methods and ethical standards is necessary
sponsible AI (Mikalef et al., 2022) factors and mentioned in Table 3. procedures to be taken to reduce bias in businesses. Also, practitioners
and business policy leaders in the firms can minimise or reduce the AI
6. Discussion risk by considering the following suggestions: first, understand the sit-
uations where bias can be corrected by AI as well as those in which
6.1. Implications for literature there is a significant chance that bias could be made worse by AI in the
firms; second, establish policies and techniques to detect and mitigate
This paper outlines the several AI biases in the firms. In addition, bias in artificial intelligence systems; and third, engage in fact-based
we developed a framework to explain the AI biases in detail. In the discussions with respect to human decision-making biases (Silberg &
AI literature, a stream of studies highlights the importance of AI for Manyika, 2019). Further, our research highlights on operational proce-
decision-making in firms (Akter et al., 2020; Garg et al., 2021; Kar et al., dures may involve to enhance data through more sampling, employing
2022; Sharma et al., 2021). Due to the rapid growth of technology, internal teams or outside entities to audit data and models and engag-
it impacts both firms and markets (Sharma et al., 2021). Thus, the AI ing proactively with the groups. Lastly, clarity regarding methods and
has the cognitive ability to perform the work and mimic like a human metrics in the systems that enables to comprehend the measures in fair-
(Dwivedi et al., 2021). Therefore the various studies proved that the ness in business forcasting. Subsequently, the managers and employees
AI usage will have major challenges in various domain Abdel-aty and invest more time in research on bias as a multidisciplinary approach to
Haleem (2011); Elia et al. (2020); Hossain and Muromachi (2012); work on ethical issues and data privacy concerns. Managers’ motivates
Kar et al. (2022); Qi et al. (2019) . Also, the study discusses the types the employees in the firms to do more research for advancement will
of biases, including cognitive bias and incomplete data, by explaining require interdisciplinary participation (de Almeida et al., 2021). By fos-
various instances (Panch et al., 2019; Shrestha et al., 2019; Weyerer & tering AI education and access to tools and opportunities, managers and
Langer, 2020. However, this gamut of literature on AI bias is limited, employees in firms should devote more time to the development of the
and our study focuses on the novel findings to contribute to method- AI community in order to eliminate unfair biases and increase people’s
ological advancement and the implications of vulnerabilities in firms well-being.

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