02 Mortars
02 Mortars
02 Mortars
2.1 Rates includes all leads and lifts.
2.2 Sand shall confirm to IS 2166-1965 for masonry mortar and IS 1542-1960 for plaster.
2.3 Cement shall confirm to any one of the following specification. IS 1489-1976 Portland
pazzolana cement. IS 455-1976 Portland slag cement. IS 269-1976 ordinary or low heat
Portland cement.
2.4 Building lime shall confirm to IS 712-1973
2.5 Surkhi shall be made from well burnt or slightly under burnt brick bats or from suitable
clay burnt at required temperature, surkhi shall confirm to IS 1344-1968.
2.6 the strength of various proportions of lime mortar/cement mortar shall be in
accordance with IS1625-1965 and IS 2250-1965.
2.7 Hydrated lime can be used in place of lime putty.
0204 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1:1:1 ( 1 lime putty, 1 surkhi, 1sand ) cum 1860.0
0205 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1:1:2 ( 1 lime putty, 1 surkhi, 2sand ) cum 1703.6
0206 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1:2 ( 1 lime putty, 2 surkhi,) cum 1757.3
0207 Labour only for lime mortar & lime surkhi mortar cum 517.7
0215 Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:3 ( 1 cement, 1 lime putty, 3 sand ) cum 3630.8
0216 Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:4 ( 1 cement, 1 lime putty, 4 sand ) cum 3528.9
0217 Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:5 ( 1 cement, 1 lime putty, 5 sand ) cum 3060.2
0218 Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:6 ( 1 cement, 1 lime putty, 6 sand ) cum 2683.2
0219 Cement Lime Mortar 1:1:8 ( 1 cement, 1 lime putty, 8 sand ) cum 2284.6
0220 Cement Lime Mortar 1:2:9 ( 1 cement, 2 lime putty, 9 sand ) cum 2388.7
0221 Cement Lime Mortar 1:3:12 ( 1 cement, 3 lime putty, 12 sand ) cum 2241.4
0223 White cement mortar 1:2 ( 1 White cement, 2 Marbel dust) cum 10962.8