2013 Burmester (TOFA Vs PLA)

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Tofacitinib (CP-690,550) in combination with methotrexate

in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis with an
inadequate response to tumour necrosis factor inhibitors:
a randomised phase 3 trial
Gerd R Burmester, Ricardo Blanco, Christina Charles-Schoeman, Jürgen Wollenhaupt, Cristiano Zerbini, Birgitta Benda, David Gruben, Gene Wallenstein,
Sriram Krishnaswami, Samuel H Zwillich, Tamas Koncz, Koshika Soma, John Bradley, Charles Mebus, on behalf of the ORAL Step investigators

Background Rheumatoid arthritis is a heterogeneous chronic disease, and no therapeutic agent has been identified Lancet 2013; 381: 451–60
which is universally and persistently effective in all patients. We investigated the effectiveness of tofacitinib Published Online
(CP-690,550), a novel oral Janus kinase inhibitor, as a targeted immunomodulator and disease-modifying therapy for January 5, 2013
rheumatoid arthritis.
See Comment page 429
Methods We did a 6-month, double-blind, parallel-group phase 3 study at 82 centres in 13 countries, including North
Charité–University Medicine
America, Europe, and Latin America. 399 patients aged 18 years or older with moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis Berlin, Berlin, Germany
and inadequate response to tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) were randomly assigned in a 2:2:1:1 ratio with an (Prof G R Burmester MD);
automated internet or telephone system to receive twice a day treatment with: tofacitinib 5 mg (n=133); tofacitinib Hospital Universitario Marqués
10 mg (n=134); or placebo (n=132), all with methotrexate. At month 3, patients given placebo advanced to either de Valdecilla, Avda Valdecilla,
Santander, Spain (R Blanco MD);
tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day (n=66) or 10 mg twice a day (n=66). Primary endpoints included American College of David Geffen School of Medicine
Rheumatology (ACR)20 response rate, mean change from baseline in Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Index (HAQ-DI), and rates of disease activity score (DAS)28-4(ESR) less than 2·6 (referred to as DAS28<2·6), all at (C Charles-Schoeman MD);
Schoen-Klinik Hamburg-Eilbek
month 3. The full analysis set for the primary analysis included all randomised patients who received at least one dose
Teaching Hospital of the
of study medication and had at least one post-baseline assessment. This trial is registered with www.ClinicalTrials. University of Hamburg,
gov, number NCT00960440. Hamburg, Germany
(Prof J Wollenhaupt MD); Centro
Paulista de Investigação Clinica,
Findings At month 3, ACR20 response rates were 41·7% (55 of 132 [95% CI vs placebo 6·06–28·41]; p=0·0024) for
São Paulo, Brazil (C Zerbini MD);
tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day and 48·1% (64 of 133; [12·45–34·92]; p<0·0001) for tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day versus Hospital Heliopolis,
24·4% (32 of 131) for placebo. Improvements from baseline in HAQ-DI were −0·43 ([−0·36 to −0·15]; p<0·0001) for Rheumatology Department,
5 mg twice a day and −0·46 ([−0·38 to −0·17]; p<0·0001) for 10 mg twice a day tofacitinib versus −0·18 for placebo; São Paulo, Brazil (C Zerbini);
Pfizer, Collegeville, PA, USA
DAS28<2·6 rates were 6·7% (eight of 119; [0–10·10]; p=0·0496) for 5 mg twice a day tofacitinib and 8·8% (11 of 125
(B Benda MD); Pfizer, Groton, CT,
[1·66–12·60]; p=0·0105) for 10 mg twice a day tofacitinib versus 1·7% (two of 120) for placebo. Safety was consistent with USA (D Gruben PhD,
phase 2 and 3 studies. The most common adverse events in months 0–3 were diarrhoea (13 of 267; 4·9%), nasopharyngitis G Wallenstein PhD,
(11 of 267; 4·1%), headache (11 of 267; 4·1%), and urinary tract infection (eight of 267; 3·0%) across tofacitinib groups, S Krishnaswami PhD,
S H Zwillich MD, K Soma MD,
and nausea (nine of 132; 6·8%) in the placebo group.
J Bradley MD, C Mebus PhD);
and Pfizer, New York, NY, USA
Interpretation In this treatment-refractory population, tofacitinib with methotrexate had rapid and clinically meaningful (T Koncz MD)
improvements in signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and physical function over 6 months with manageable Correspondence to:
safety. Tofacitinib could provide an effective treatment option in patients with an inadequate response to TNFi. Prof Gerd R Burmester,
Department of Rheumatology
and Clinical Immunology,
Funding Pfizer. Charité–University Medicine
Berlin, Charitéplatz 1,
Introduction patients lose their clinical response8 or have adverse 10117 Berlin, Germany
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic and debilitating auto- events during the course of therapy. Therefore, an unmet
immune disease characterised by persistent synovitis, need exists for rheumatoid arthritis therapies with
systemic inflammation, and ultimately joint destruction.1 alternative mechanisms of action.
Non-biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs Tofacitinib (CP-690,550) is a novel oral Janus kinase
(DMARDs), such as methotrexate, remain the corner- (JAK) inhibitor that is under investigation as a targeted
stone of rheumatoid arthritis therapy.2–4 Patients with an immunomodulator and disease-modifying therapy in
inadequate response to methotrexate are often treated rheumatoid arthritis. The phase 3 programme includes a
with biological DMARDs, such as tumour necrosis factor broad range of therapeutic scenarios that assess the use
inhibitors (TNFi). However, 41–58% of patients receiv- of tofacitinib as monotherapy or combined with non-
ing TNFi do not achieve an American College of biological DMARDs, mainly methotrexate. In a phase 3
Rheumatology (ACR)20 response5–7 and additional study, we assessed the efficacy and safety of tofacitinib

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with methotrexate in adult patients with active moderate- Key exclusion criteria included: haemoglobin less than
to-severe rheumatoid arthritis and an inadequate 90·0 g/L, haematocrit less than 30%, white blood cell
response to TNFi. count lower than 3·0 × 10⁹/L, absolute neutrophil count
less than 1·2 × 10⁹/L, or platelet count less than
Methods 100 × 10⁹/L; estimated glomerular filtration rate less than
Study design and patients 40 mL/min (Cockcroft-Gault calculation); total bilirubin,
We did a phase 3, randomised, 6-month, double-blind, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), or alanine amino-
placebo-controlled parallel-group study in 82 centres in transferase (ALT) more than 1·5 times the upper limit
13 countries worldwide. Eligible patients were aged of normal (ULN) at screening; chronic or recurrent
18 years or older with a diagnosis of active moderate-to- infections, including latent or inadequately treated
severe rheumatoid arthritis based on the ACR 1987 Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection; or malignancy or
revised criteria. Active disease was defined as six or history of malignancy, with the exception of adequately
more tender or painful joints (of 68-joint count) and treated or excised non-metastatic basal-cell or squamous-
six or more swollen joints (of 66-joint count) and cell cancer of the skin or cervical carcinoma in situ.
either ESR (Westergren method) higher than 28 mm/h This study was done in compliance with the Declar-
or C-reactive protein (CRP) of more than ation of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice Guide-
66·67 nmol/L (7 mg/L). Patients had previous in- lines established by the International Conference on
adequate response or intolerance to one or more Harmonisation. The final protocol, amendments, and
approved TNFi, as established by the investigator, informed consent documentation were reviewed and
administered in accordance with its label. Patients approved by the institutional review board and the
must have taken oral or parenteral methotrexate independent ethics committee of each investigational
continuously for 4 months or more before the first centre. All patients provided written informed consent.
study dose and be on a stable dose of 7·5–25 mg per
week (7·5–20 mg per week in Republic of Ireland) for Randomisation and masking
See Online for appendix 6 weeks or more before the first study dose. Patients were randomly assigned in a 2:2:1:1 ratio to
tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day; tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day;
placebo for 3 months then advanced to 5 mg tofacitinib
589 patients screened
twice a day; or placebo for 3 months then advanced to
10 mg tofacitinib twice a day (appendix), all with stably
190 not randomised
dosed methotrexate. For analyses of tofacitinib versus
placebo for months 0–3, data from the two placebo
399 randomised
sequences were combined into one group. Randomisation
was done with an automated internet or telephone
66 assigned placebo 66 assigned placebo then 133 assigned tofacitinib 134 assigned tofacitinib
randomisation system (Impala, Pfizer, New York, NY,
then tofacitinib 5 mg tofacitinib 10 mg 5 mg twice a day 10 mg twice a day USA). Treatment was masked to patients, investigators,
twice a day twice a day and sponsors (appendix).

Months 0–3 Months 0–3 Months 0–3 Months 0–3 Procedures

1 discontinued 5 discontinued 3 discontinued 4 discontinued
1 adverse event 1 adverse event 2 adverse events 1 adverse event
Patients had to remain on stable background metho-
2 lack of efficacy 1 no longer willing 3 other trexate therapy and were allowed to remain on anti-
2 other malarial therapy, which had to be stable for 8 weeks or
more before first study dose. No other DMARDs (non-
Months 3–6 Months 3–6 Months 3–6 Months 36 biological or biological) were permitted and were dis-
12 discontinued 13 discontinued 23 discontinued 27 discontinued
3 adverse events 3 adverse events 10 adverse events 11 adverse events continued before first study dose (appendix). The
3 lack of efficacy 6 lack of efficacy 2 lack of efficay 5 lack of efficacy appendix shows wash-out periods for DMARDs. Non-
2 no longer willing 1 no longer willing 8 no longer willing 5 no longer willing
1 lost to follow-up 1 patient died 1 lost to follow-up 1 lost to follow-up
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, selective cyclooxy-
3 other 2 other 2 other 5 other genase-2 inhibitors, or glucocorticoids (≤10 mg per day
prednisone or equivalent) were allowed but had to be
53 completed 48 completed 107 completed 103 completed stably dosed for 4 weeks or more before the first study
(80·3%) (72·7%) (80·5%) (76·9%) dose and remain stable through month 3.
The three co-primary efficacy endpoints (assessed at
Figure 1: Study design month 3) were: (1) ACR20 response rates, showing 20%
Placebo then 5 mg twice a day=patients randomised to receive placebo months 0–3 and tofacitinib 5 mg or more improvement in tender and swollen joint
twice a day months 3–6. Placebo then 10 mg twice a day=patients randomised to receive placebo months 0–3 and counts and in three of five remaining ACR core set
tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day months 3–6. All randomised patients received the assigned treatment. The full
measures (pain, disability, CRP, patient and physician
analysis set for efficacy included all randomised patients who received at least one dose of study drug and had at
least one post-baseline assessment. The safety analysis set was defined as those patients who received at least one global assessment);9 (2) mean change from base-
dose of tofacitinib or placebo. line in physical function measured by the Health

452 www.thelancet.com Vol 381 February 9, 2013


Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index (HAQ-DI) endpoints (appendix). We used SAS version 9.2 for all
score range 0–3, with 0–1 generally representing statistical analyses.
mild-to-moderate physical difficulty, 1–2 representing This study (A3921032) is registered with ClinicalTrials.
moderate-to-severe disability, and 2–3 representing gov, number NCT00960440).
severe-to-very-severe disability;10,11 and (3) Disease
Activity Score (DAS) less than 2·6 rate in 28 joints based
on ESR (DAS28-4[ESR] <2·6, also known as DAS- Placebo (n=132) Tofacitinib 5 mg Tofacitinib 10 mg
defined remission).12,13 The co-primary endpoint of twice a day twice a day
(n=133) (n=134)
DAS28-4(ESR) <2·6 (referred to as DAS28<2·6) was
added to the study in a protocol amendment on May 10, Women 106 (80·3%) 113 (85·0%) 116 (86·6%)
2010, after discussions with the US Food and Drug White 112 (84·8%) 108 (81·2%) 112 (83·6%)
Administration. The full analysis set for the primary Age (years) 54·4 (11·3) 55·4 (11·5) 55·1 (11·3)
analysis included all randomised patients who received Disease duration (years) 11·3 (0·4–47·0) 13·0 (1·2–55·0) 12·6 (0·7–42·0)
at least one dose of study medication and at least one Tender joints 28·2 (16·7) 28·4 (18·3) 27·6 (15·7)
post-baseline assessment. Swollen joints 17·2 (10·7) 16·2 (10·1) 16·6 (9·9)
Secondary efficacy endpoints included the proportion of HAQ-DI 1·6 (0·7) 1·6 (0·7) 1·5 (0·6)
patients achieving ACR20, ACR50, and ACR70 (defined as DAS28-4(ESR) 6·4 (1·1) 6·5 (1·1) 6·4 (0·9)
≥20%, 50%, or 70% improvement from baseline, DAS28-3(CRP) 5·4 (1·0) 5·4 (1·0) 5·3 (0·9)
respectively); mean change from baseline in HAQ-DI and ESR (mm/h) 46·7 (24·6) 47·8 (26·1) 45·2 (22·9)
rates of improvement in HAQ-DI of 0·5 units or CRP (nmol/L) 159·1 (186·7) 183·8 (261·9) 149·5 (205·6)
more; mean change from baseline in DAS28-4(ESR) RF positive 86 (65·6%)* 80 (60·6%)* 83 (61·9%)
and DAS28-3(CRP), and rates of DAS28-4(ESR) and Anti-CCP (ACPA) positive 97 (75·8%)† 89 (68·5%)† 90 (69·8%)†
DAS28-3(CRP) <2·6 and ≤3·2; pain (patient assessment Previous TNFi 132 (100%) 132 (99·2%)‡ 132 (98·5%)§
of arthritis pain; 100-mm visual analogue scale of severity Adalimumab 78 (59·1%) 65 (48·9%) 74 (55·2%)
of arthritis pain from 0 [no pain] to 100 [most severe pain]); Certolizumab 11 (8·3%) 9 (6·8%) 9 (6·7%)
and fatigue (functional assessment of chronic illness Etanercept 57 (43·2%) 65 (48·9%) 57 (42·5%)
therapy-fatigue [FACIT-F]; a 13-item questionnaire with a Golimumab 7 (5·3%) 5 (3·8%) 8 (6·0%)
score range 0–52; higher scores represent less fatigue).14 Infliximab 43 (32·6%) 56 (42·1%) 42 (31·3%)
Secondary efficacy endpoints were measured at all visits to Previous failed TNFi 1·5 (0·7) 1·5 (0·7) 1·4 (0·7)
month 6 (baseline, week 2, and months 1, 3, 4·5, and 6), Number of previous TNFi
except month 4·5 for FACIT-F, and week 2 and months 1
One 86 (65·2%)¶ 84 (63·2%)¶ 90 (67·2%)
and 4·5 for ESR rate. Outcomes not reported in this paper
Two 37 (28·0%) 37 (27·8%) 30 (22·4%)
but included in the protocol are shown in the appendix.
Three or more 9 (6·8%) 11 (8·3%) 12 (9·0%)
Remission data were also analysed according to the
Previous non-TNFi biologicals 14 (10·6%) 21 (15·8%) 11 (8·2%)
Boolean-based15 and index-based (simplified disease
Abatacept 11 (8·3%) 15 (11·3%) 8 (6·0%)
activity index [SDAI] ≤3·3) criteria recently recommended
Anakinra 1 (0·8%) 0 0
by the American College of Rheumatology and the
Canakinumab 0 1 (0·8%) 0
European League Against Rheumatism.
Rituximab 2 (1·5%) 6 (4·5%) 2 (1·5%)
The incidence and severity of adverse events were
Tocilizumab 3 (2·3%) 5 (3·8%) 4 (3·0%)
recorded and clinical laboratory tests, vital sign assess-
Previous methotrexate 132 (100%) 131 (98·5%)|| 134 (100%)
ments, and physical examinations were done at every
Previous DMARDs other than methotrexate 33 (25·0%) 53 (39·8%) 37 (27·6%)
visit (baseline, week 2, and months 1, 3, 4·5, and 6).
The safety analysis set was defined as those patients Concomitant antimalarials 5 (3·8%) 12 (9·0%) 7 (5·2%)

who received at least one dose of tofacitinib or placebo. Concomitant corticosteroids 83 (62·9%) 85 (63·9%) 81 (60·4%)
Concomitant lipid-lowering medication 4 (3·0%) 2 (1·5%) 3 (2·2%)
Statistical analysis LDL ≥3·37 mmol/L 33 (25·6%)** 36 (27·9%)** 33 (25·2%)**
To control for type I error, each of the three co-primary Data are number (%), mean (SD), or mean (range). HAQ-DI=health assessment questionnaire-disability index.
endpoints was assessed in a sequential manner (appen- DAS=disease activity score. CRP=C-reactive protein. RF=rheumatoid factor. CCP=cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody.
dix): ACR20 response rates, then mean change from ACPA=anticitrullinated protein antibodies. TNFi=tumour necrosis factor inhibitor. DMARD=disease-modifying
antirheumatic drug. *Placebo n=131; tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day n=132. †Placebo n=128; tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day
baseline in HAQ-DI, then DAS28<2·6 rates. Type I error n=130; tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day n=129. ‡One patient assigned to the 5 mg twice a day treatment group had been
was controlled for the co-primary endpoints when previously treated with a biosimilar version of etanercept. §Two patients assigned to the 10 mg twice a day treatment
statistical significance was determined. No control for sequence had no previous treatment with TNFi (methotrexate, n=1; methotrexate plus sulfasalazine, n=1). ¶One
patient in the 5 mg twice a day treatment group and two patients in the 10 mg twice a day treatment group had no
type I error was applied for secondary endpoints and
treatment failures. ||Two patients assigned to the 5 mg twice a day treatment sequence were on methotrexate before
post-hoc analyses, and statistical significance was defined screening. This information was erroneously not entered into the database. **Placebo n=129; tofacitinib 5 mg twice a
as p<0·05. Sample size calculations were made separately day n=129; tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day n=131.
for each endpoint: a sample size of 396 patients yielded
Table 1: Demographic and baseline characteristics
more than 90% power for each of the three primary

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Role of the funding source

Treatments (n=numbers at month 3) Sequences (n=numbers at month 6) Employees of the sponsor were involved in study
Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=132) Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=132)
Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=133) Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=133)
conception, design, and conduct, and in data collection
Placebo (n=131) Placebo→5 mg (n=66) and data analysis. The corresponding author had full
Placebo→10 mg (n=65) access to all the data in the study and had final responsibility
A for the decision to submit for publication.
ACR20 response rate (SE),

† Results
40 Between October, 2009, and March, 2011, 399 patients
patients (%)

* *
were randomly assigned to receive tofacitinib 5 mg
* twice a day (n=133), tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day
(n=134), placebo for 3 months then tofacitinib 5 mg
twice a day (n=66), and placebo for 3 months then
0 tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day (n=66). 311 (77·9%) patients
0 3 6 completed the study (figure 1), and follow-up was
completed in March, 2011.
Number with response
Tofacitinib 5 mg 36 56 55 72 68 Baseline demographic characteristics were similar
Tofacitinib 10 mg 42 59 64 63 73 between treatment groups (table 1). Most patients were
Placebo 21 36 32 – –
Placebo→5 mg – – – 33 30 white and women. The mean age was 54·4–55·4 years,
Placebo→10 mg – – – 30 26 mean duration of rheumatoid arthritis was
11·3–13·0 years, and mean number of previous TNFi
60 treatments was 1·4–1·5. 257 of 399 patients (64%) had
previously received one TNFi, 104 (26%) had received two,
ACR50 response rate (SE),

and 32 (8%) had received three or more. TNFi use was

40 discontinued because of lack of efficacy (n=260; 65·2%),
patients (%)

† lack of efficacy and intolerance (78 of 399; 19·5%), or

† intolerance alone (55 of 399; 13·8%). 46 (12%) patients
had also received biological DMARDs other than TNFi.
Baseline mean HAQ-DI and DAS28-4(ESR) score ranges
0 were 1·5–1·6 and 6·4–6·5, respectively (table 1). Patients
0 3 6 had a substantial burden of concomitant illness at
Number with response screening, including hypertension (n=161; 40%), hyper-
Tofacitinib 5 mg 10 17 35 49 49 cholesterolaemia (28; 7%), osteoporosis (64; 16%),
Tofacitinib 10 mg 7 23 37 40 40
Placebo 2 8 11 – – diabetes mellitus (17; 4%), and chronic obstructive
Placebo→5 mg – – – 19 19 pulmonary disease (11; 3%).
Placebo→10 mg – – – 13 13
At month 3, ACR20 response rates for tofacitinib
C 5 and 10 mg twice a day were 41·7% (55 of 132; [95% CI vs
placebo 6·06–28·41]; p=0·0024) and 48·1% (64 of 133;
[12·45–34·92]; p<0·0001), respectively, versus placebo,
ACR70 response rate (SE),

‡ 24·4% (32 of 131; figure 2A). Time to onset of a significant
patients (%)

ACR20 response was 2 weeks for both tofacitinib groups

10 *
* (figure 2A). ACR20 response rate at month 3 by the
* number of previous TNFi is shown in the appendix.
ACR50 response rates at month 3 were 26·5% (35 of 132;
0 [9·21–27·02]; p<0·0001) for 5 mg twice a day and 27·8%
0 3 6
(37 of 133 [10·44–28·39]; p<0·0001) for 10 mg twice a day,
Month versus placebo (8·4%; 11 of 131), with significant
Number with response
Tofacitinib 5 mg 3 10 18 14 21 improvements also observed as early as week 2
Tofacitinib 10 mg 3 9 14 17 21 (figure 2B). Response rates at month 3 for ACR70 were
Placebo 0 0 2 – –
Placebo→5 mg – – – 8 7
13·6% (18 of 132; [5·89–18·32]; p<0·0001) for tofacitinib
Placebo→10 mg – – – 5 6 5 mg twice a day and 10·5% (14 of 133; [3·37–14·62];
p=0·0017) for tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day versus
Figure 2: ACR response rates over time placebo, 1·5% (two of 131; figure 2B). Significant
ACR20 (A), ACR50 (B), and ACR70 (C) over time (FAS, NRI). All treatments were given twice a day. Shaded region improvements in ACR70 response rates for both
represents the placebo-controlled study period. ACR=American College of Rheumatology. ACR20/50/70=at least
20%, 50%, or 70% improvement in tender or swollen joint counts as well as at least 20%, 50%, or 70% improvement tofacitinib doses versus placebo were reported at month 1
in three of the other five ACR components. FAS=full analysis set. NRI=non-responder imputation. SE=standard (figure 2C). Modest continued improvement in ACR
error. *p≤0·05 vs placebo; †p<0·0001 vs placebo; ‡p<0·001 vs placebo. response rate was seen beyond month 3, with the greatest

454 www.thelancet.com Vol 381 February 9, 2013


Treatments (n=numbers at month 3) Sequences (n=numbers at month 6) Treatments Sequences
Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=117) Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=103) Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=119) Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=122)
Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=125) Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=103) Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=125) Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=127)
Placebo (n=118) Placebo→5 mg (n=51) Placebo (n=120) Placebo→5 mg (n=63)
Placebo→10 mg (n=49) Placebo→10 mg (n=60)


DAS28-4(ESR) <2·6 (SE)

(change from baseline)

patients (%)

* 10 *

–0·4 †

–0·6 0
0 3 6 3 months 6 months
Number with 8 11 2 10 19 8 2

Treatments Sequences Treatments Sequences
Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=119) Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=122) Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=119) Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=122)
Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=125) Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=127) Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=125) Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=127)
Placebo (n=120) Placebo→5 mg (n=63) Placebo (n=120) Placebo→5 mg (n=63)
Placebo→10 mg (n=60) Placebo→10 mg (n=60)
35 12
remission (SE), patients (%)
ACR/EULAR Boolean-based

30 10
DAS28-4(ESR) ≤3·2 (SE),

25 † †
patients (%)

20 *
* 6 *
5 2

0 0
3 months 6 months 3 months 6 months
Number with 17 26 6 30 35 11 8 Number with 8 6 0 8 12 1 2
response response

Treatments Sequences Treatments (n=numbers at month 3) Sequences (n=numbers at month 6)
Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=119) Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=122) Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=109) Tofacitinib 5 mg (n=100)
Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=125) Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=127) Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=117) Tofacitinib 10 mg (n=97)
Placebo (n=120) Placebo→5 mg (n=63) Placebo (n=111) Placebo→5 mg (n=49)
Placebo→10 mg (n=60) Placebo→10 mg (n=47)
SDAI ≤3·3 (SE), patients (%)

12 0

LSM DAS28-4 (ESR) (SE)
(change from baseline)

9 †
–1·5 ‡
3 –2·0
–2·5 ‡
3 months 6 months
Number with 8 11 0 11 16 2 2 0 3 6
response Month

Figure 3: Assessments of disease activity and physical function over time

HAQ-DI (FAS, longitudinal model) (A); DAS28-4(ESR) <2·6 (FAS, NRI) (B); DAS28-4(ESR) ≤3·2 (FAS, NRI) (C); ACR/EULAR Boolean-based remission (D); SDAI ≤3.3 (E);
and DAS28-4(ESR) (FAS, longitudinal model) (F). All treatments were given twice a day. *p≤0·05 vs placebo; †p<0·0001; ‡p<0·01 vs placebo. Shaded region
represents the placebo-controlled study period. HAQ-DI=Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index. FAS=full analysis set. NRI=non-responder imputation.
ACR=American College of Rheumatology. DAS=disease activity score. EULAR=European League Against Rheumatism. LSM=least squares mean. SDAI=simplified
disease activity index. SE=standard error.

www.thelancet.com Vol 381 February 9, 2013 455


continued improvement noted in ACR70 response rate. patients in the 10 mg twice a day group (figure 3D). At
ACR component scores are shown in the appendix. month 3, the proportion of patients achieving index-based
At month 3, least squares mean (LSM) changes from defined remission (SDAI ≤3·3) was 6·1% (eight of 132;
baseline in HAQ-DI were −0·43 ([95% CI −0·36 to −0·15]; [1·99–10·13]; p=0·0035) for tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day
p<0·0001) for tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day and −0·46 and 8·3% (11 of 133; [3·58–12·95]; p=0·0005) for
([−0·38 to −0·17]; p<0·0001) for tofacitinib 10 mg twice a tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day versus 0% for placebo; at
day versus placebo, −0·18 (figure 3A). LSM changes from month 6, remission was achieved by 8·3% (11 of 132
baseline in HAQ-DI were significant for 10 mg twice a day [3·61–13·04]) of patients in the tofacitinib 5 mg twice a
versus placebo at all visits up to month 3 and continued to day group and 12% (16 of 133 [6·50–17·55]) of patients in
improve through month 6 (figure 3A). For 5 mg twice a the tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day group (figure 3E).
day tofacitinib, LSM changes from baseline were sig- LSM changes from baseline in DAS28-4(ESR) at
nificant at month 3 and were maintained through to month  3 were −1·8 ([−1·43 to −0·72]; p<0·0001) for
month 6 (figure 3A). Improvement in HAQ-DI of 0·5 units tofacitinib 5 mg and −2·1 ([−1·72 to −1·03]; p<0·0001) for
or more was seen in 35·9% (47 of 131; [4·52–26·01]; tofacitinib 10 mg versus placebo, −0·7 (figure 3F). The
p=0·0053) of patients receiving tofacitinib 5 mg twice a appendix shows LSM changes from baseline in ESR,
day and 39·9% (53 of 133; [8·41–30·06]; p=0·0004) CRP, and DAS28-3(CRP), and rates of DAS28-3(CRP)<2·6
receiving tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day, versus placebo, and DAS28-3(CRP)≤3·2 at months 3 and 6; the first time-
20·6% (27 of 131; month 3). Improvement in HAQ-DI of point for measurement was the week 2 visit.
0·22 units or more was seen in 54·2% (71 of 131; At month 3, LSM changes from baseline in patient
[1·76–25·71]; p=0·0245) of patients receiving tofacitinib assessment of arthritis pain was −27·2 (n=114; [−24·76 to
5 mg twice a day and 58·7% (78 of 133; [6·32–30·05]; −13·04]; p<0·0001) for tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day
p=0·0026) receiving tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day versus and −25·0 (n=119; [−22·49 to −10·89]; p<0·0001) for
placebo, 40·5% (53 of 131; month 3). tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day versus −8·3 (n=115) for
The proportions of patients with DAS28<2·6 at month 3 placebo. Improvements in FACIT-F at month 3 were 6·3
were 6·7% (eight of 119; [0–10·10]; p=0·0496) for (n=117; [2·77–7·54]; p<0·0001) for tofacitinib 5 mg twice a
tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day and 8·8% (11 of 125; day and 4·6 (n=125; [1·09–5·83]; p=0·0043) for tofacitinib
[1·66–12·60]; p=0·0105) for tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day 10 mg twice a day versus 1·1 (n=114) for placebo.
versus placebo (1·7%; two of 120), which increased to In months 0–3, 147 of 267 (55%) patients across
8·2% (ten of 122) with tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day and tofacitinib groups had 310 treatment-emergent adverse
15·0% (19 of 127) with tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day at events, with similar frequencies to patients in the placebo
month 6 (figure 3B). At month 3, DAS28-4(ESR)≤3·2 was group (table 2). The most common adverse events in
achieved by 14·3% (17 of 119; [1·88–16·68]; p=0·0138) of months 0–3 were diarrhoea (13 of 267; 4·9%), naso-
patients in the tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day group and pharyngitis (11 of 267; 4·1%), headache (11 of 267; 4·1%),
20·8% (26 of 125; [7·68–23·91]; p=0·0001) of patients in and urinary tract infection (eight of 267; 3·0%) across
the 10 mg twice a day group versus placebo, 5·0% tofacitinib groups, and nausea (nine of 132; 6·8%) in
(six of 120; figure 3C). At month 3, Boolean-based defined the placebo group (appendix). Serious adverse events
remission was achieved by 6·1% (eight of 132; [1·99–10·13]; occurred in four of 267 patients (1·5%) treated with
p=0·0035) of patients in the tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day tofacitinib and six of 132 patients (4·5%) in the placebo
group and 4·5% (six of 133; [0·98–8·03]; p=0·0121) of group (table 2). No serious infection events were
patients in the 10 mg twice a day group versus 0% in the reported. Discontinuations due to treatment-emergent
placebo group; at month 6, remission was achieved by adverse events occurred in 14 of 267 patients (5·2%)
6·1% (eight of 132 [1·99–10·13]) of patients in the 5 mg treated with tofacitinib in months 0–3 versus seven of
twice a day group and 9·0% (12 of 133 [4·15–13·89]) of 132 patients (5·3%) receiving placebo.

Months 0–3 Months 3–6

Placebo (n=132) Tofacitinib 5 mg Tofacitinib Placebo then tofacitinib Placebo then tofacitinib Tofacitinib 5 mg Tofacitinib
(n=133) 10 mg (n=134) 5 mg (n=66) 10 mg (n=66) (n=133) 10 mg (n=134)
Adverse events 167 145 165 57 59 96 123
Patients with adverse events 75 (56·8%) 71 (53·4%) 76 (56·7%) 24 (36·4%) 28 (42·4%) 57 (42·9%) 58 (43·3%)
Serious adverse events 6 (4·5%) 2 (1·5%) 2 (1·5%) 3 (4·5%) 2 (3·0%) 5 (3·8%) 6 (4·5%)
Serious infections* 0 0 0 1 (1·5%) 0 2 (1·5%) 2 (1·5%)
Discontinuations because of adverse events 7 (5·3%) 8 (6·0%) 6 (4·5%) 1 (1·5%) 2 (3·0%) 4 (3·0%) 7 (5·2%)
Deaths 0 0 0 0 1 (1·5%) 0 0

Data are number or number (%). *No cases of opportunistic infection were reported. All treatments were given twice a day.

Table 2: Summary of safety data

456 www.thelancet.com Vol 381 February 9, 2013


In months 3–6, 167 of 399 (41·9%) patients across all patients in the 10 mg twice a day group (pyelonephritis
groups had 335 treatment-emergent adverse events, and [n=1] and diverticulitis [n=1]), and one patient in the
16 of 399 patients (4·0%) had serious adverse events placebo then tofacitinib 5 mg twice a day group
(table 2). The most common treatment-emergent adverse (aspiration pneumonia [n=1]). 14 (3·5%) of 399 patients
events in this period were upper respiratory tract discontinued because of treatment-emergent adverse
infection (13 of 399; 3·3%), nasopharyngitis (11 of 399; events in months 3–6. One 51-year-old woman in the
2·8%), and bronchitis (nine of 399; 2·3%; appendix). placebo plus tofacitinib 10 mg group died on day 132 due
During months 3–6, serious infection events were to autopsy-confirmed pulmonary embolism. There was
reported by two patients in the 5 mg twice a day group no evidence of anti-phospholipid antibodies in this
(panniculitis [n=1]; bronchopneumonia [n=1]), two patient. Patient history included obesity, hypertension,

Month 3 Month 6
Placebo Tofacitinib Tofacitinib Placebo Placebo then Tofacitinib Tofacitinib
(n=132) 5 mg (n=133) 10 mg (n=134) then tofacitinib 5 mg 10 mg
tofacitinib 10 mg (n=133) (n=134)
5 mg (n=66) (n=66)
Neutrophil count, 10⁹/L, LSM change (SE) 0·13 (0·17) −0·93 (0·17) −0·81 (0·17) −0·77 (0·25) −0·69 (0·26) −0·73 (0·18) −0·77 (0·19)
from baseline
95% CI vs placebo ·· −1·49 to 0·63 −1·37 to −0·52 ·· ·· ·· ··
p value vs placebo ·· <0·0001 <0·0001 ·· ·· ·· ··
Haemoglobin, g/L, mean change (SD) −1·00 (7·80) 1·10 (7·00) 0·10 (8·20) 1·10 (7·30) 0·30 (9·70) 1·60 (7·80) −0·20 (8·80)
from baseline
95% CI vs placebo* ·· −0·19 to 4·01 −0·92 to 3·12 ·· ·· ·· ··
p value vs placebo* ·· 0·03 0·29 ·· ·· ·· ··
LDL, LSM % change (SE) from baseline −0·01 (0·05) 0·29 (0·05) 0·30 (0·05) 0·25 (0·07) 0·42 (0·08) 0·31 (0·05) 0·27 (0·06)
95% CI vs placebo ·· 0·17 to 0·42 0·19 to 0·43 ·· ·· ·· ··
p value vs placebo ·· <0·0001 <0·0001 ·· ·· ·· ··
HDL, LSM % change (SE) from baseline 0·00 (0·05) 0·35 (0·05) 0·40 (0·05) 0·37 (0·07) 0·45 (0·07) 0·43 (0·05) 0·47 (0·05)
95% CI vs placebo ·· 0·23 to 0·46 0·28 to 0·51 ·· ·· ·· ··
p value vs placebo ·· <0·0001 <0·0001 ·· ·· ·· ··
Serum creatinine, μmol/L, LSM change (SE) 3·81 (1·53) 3·05 (1·53) 3·81 (1·53) 3·05 (1·53) 4·58 (2·29) 3·81 (1·53) 4·58 (1·53)
from baseline
95% CI vs placebo ·· –4·58 to 3·05 –3·81 to 3·81 ·· ·· ·· ··
p value vs placebo ·· 0·71 0·90 ·· ·· ·· ··
Neutropenia (incidence, n [%])
n 118 116 124 50 48 100 102
Mild (1·5–1·999×10⁹/L) 2 (1·7) 3 (2·6) 2 (1·6) 2 (4·0) 3 (6·3) 1 (1·0) 0
Moderate (1·000–1·499×10⁹/L) to severe 0 1 (0·9) 0 0 0 0 1 (1·0)
Potentially life-threatening (<0·5×10⁹/L) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Decreased haemoglobin
Mild to moderate (decrease ≥10 g/L to 12 (10·2) 9 (7·8) 16 (12·9) 4 (8·0) 4 (8·3) 5 (5·0) 15 (14·7)
≤20 g/L)
Severe (decrease >20 g/L to <30 g/L or 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
haemoglobin >70 g/L, but <80 g/L)
Potentially life-threatening (decrease of 1 (0·8) 0 0 0 0 0 0
≥30 g/L or haemoglobin ≤70 g/L)
AST/ALT (incidence, n [%])
n 131 132 133 58 54 116 121
AST >1×ULN 13 (9·9) 18 (13·6) 16 (12·0) 13 (22·4) 8 (14·8) 17 (14·7) 15 (12·4)
AST >3×ULN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ALT >1×ULN 17 (13·0) 18 (13·6) 27 (20·3) 10 (17·2) 9 (16·7) 18 (15·5) 23 (19·0)
ALT >3×ULN 0 0 2 (1·5) 0 1 (1·9) 1 (0·9) 1 (0·8)

ALT=alanine aminotransferase. AST=aspartate aminotransferase. LSM=least squares mean. SE=standard error. ULN=upper limit of normal. *95% CI and p values are
generated using a paired t test for values at month 3. All treatments were given twice a day.

Table 3: Summary of laboratory data

www.thelancet.com Vol 381 February 9, 2013 457


and previous or concomitant hormone replacement higher in the tofacitinib 10 mg twice a day group during
therapy (ethinylestradiol-norethisterone). In the opinion months 0–3; elevations of higher than three times the
of the investigator, the event was not related to study drug ULN were uncommon (appendix, table 3). Creatine
and was possibly related to concomitant ethinylestradiol- kinase elevations higher than three times the ULN were
norethisterone. No opportunistic infections and no cases few (appendix).
of malignancy were reported. Between baseline and month 3, the mean change in
Differences in mean changes from baseline in haemoglobin increased by 1·1 g/L in the tofacitinib 5 mg
laboratory parameters noted for tofacitinib 5 and 10 mg twice a day group, did not change in the tofacitinib 10 mg
twice a day versus placebo included decreases in twice a day (0·01 g/L) group, and declined slightly in the
neutrophil counts and increases in cholesterol (HDL and placebo group (–0·10 g/L; appendix). The incidence of
LDL) concentrations (table 3, appendix). No patient had a decreased haemoglobin from baseline to month 3 was
confirmed potential life-threatening absolute neutrophil not greater in the active treatment groups (7·8% for 5 mg
count of less than 0·5×10⁹/L (table 3). All mean laboratory twice a day and 12·9% for 10 mg twice a day) compared
safety values stabilised after month 3. with placebo (10·2%), and most cases of decreased
The proportions of patients with LDL below 2·59 mmol/L haemoglobin were mild-to-moderate in severity. Changes
at baseline who increased to 3·37 mmol/L or higher in were seen during months 0–3 of active treatment and
months 0–3 were 10·9% (five of 46) for 5 mg twice a day stabilised thereafter (appendix). Over the entire 6-month
tofacitinib, 10·0% (five of 50) for 10 mg twice a day study, two patients in the placebo then tofacitinib 10 mg
tofacitinib, and 7·0% (three of 43) for placebo. Mean group discontinued because of decreases in haemoglobin;
increases from baseline in serum creatinine were one of these discontinuations was protocol-mandated
5·30 μmol/L or less and similar across all treatment and occurred while the patient was receiving placebo.
groups through month 6 (table 3).
Hepatic transaminase elevations (>1×ULN) had similar Discussion
incidences in the placebo and tofacitinib groups overall In this treatment-refractory patient population, in which a
although the incidence of ALT of more than the ULN was third of patients had previously been treated with two or
more TNFi, tofacitinib 5 and 10 mg twice a day had rapid,
Panel: Research in context significant, and clinically meaningful improvements com-
pared with placebo. All primary and secondary outcomes
Systematic review improved with both doses versus placebo at month 3, and
We did a PubMed literature search in December 2011 with the terms “arthritis”, results are discussed further in the appendix.
“rheumatoid” [MeSH], “clinical trial”, “phase iii” [publication type], “TNFi” (various terms), The patient population had a substantial burden
“inadequate response” OR “refractory” (no date restriction) to identify prospective of concomitant illness at screening; nevertheless, the
randomised phase 3 studies of non-TNFi biologicals in patients with previous inadequate safety profile of tofacitinib was consistent with previous
response to TNFi. This search yielded 30 papers, of which only three reported phase 3 phase 2 and phase 3 studies (panel);16–23 no new safety
studies in this specific setting. A phase 3 study of the TNFi golimumab has also been signals were detected. We noted changes in laboratory
included, as the patient population had a previous inadequate response to TNFi. parameters for tofacitinib 5 and 10 mg twice a day
Interpretation versus placebo, including decreases in mean neutrophil
Although comparisons across studies cannot be made, similar findings to our study were counts, and increases in mean HDL and LDL
reported in previous studies in this therapeutic setting: Abatacept Trial in Treatment of concentrations. Changes in these parameters were
Anti-TNF Inadequate Responders (ATTAIN),24 Randomised Evaluation of Long-Term similar between the 5 and 10 mg twice a day doses.
Efficacy of Rituximab in rheumatoid arthritis (REFLEX),25 the tocilizumab Research on Whether changes in lipid levels associated with immune
Actemra Determining Efficacy after Anti-TNF Failures (RADIATE),26 and the golimumab in modulatory therapy are necessarily associated with
patients with active rheumatoid arthritis after treatment with tumour necrosis factor increased cardiovascular risk is unclear. Further studies
alpha inhibitors (GO-AFTER)27 studies. The primary efficacy endpoint (ACR20, and also to achieve a better understanding of the mechanism
HAQ-DI in ATTAIN) of these studies was reported at week 14 (GO-AFTER) and month 6 underlying the lipid changes seen with tofacitinib in
(ATTAIN, REFLEX, RADIATE) rather than at month 3 as in our study. ACR20 responses at patients with rheumatoid arthritis are warranted. Mean
the time of the primary endpoint were significantly higher with active treatment than changes in serum creatinine and rates of transaminase
with placebo: 50·4% (abatacept) versus 19·5% (placebo) in ATTAIN;24 51·0% (rituximab) increases were similar across all groups. The absence of
versus 18·0% (placebo) in REFLEX;25 50·0% (tocilizumab 8 mg/kg) and 30·4% (tocilizumab a significant increase in haemoglobin concentrations
4 mg/kg) versus 10·1% (placebo) in RADIATE;26 and 35·3% (golimumab 50 mg) and 37·9% during tofacitinib treatment is in contrast with the
(golimumab 100 mg) versus 18·1% (placebo) in GO-AFTER.27 As in our study, HAQ-DI was increases commonly seen during treatment with other
a co-primary endpoint in ATTAIN in which a significant improvement from baseline in the DMARDs, such as biological therapies. The mean
proportion of patients with HAQ-DI improvement 0·3 units or more was seen versus haemoglobin concentration changes in the tofacitinib
placebo (47·3% abatacept; 23·3% placebo). The data presented herein expand the 5 mg twice a day and 10 mg twice a day groups are
evidence supporting effective treatment options with alternative mechanisms of action probably due to a combination of the attenuation of
for patients with an inadequate response to TNFi who have high unmet medical need. inflammation-mediated effects on haemoglobin and
transient inhibition of signalling by erythropoietin

458 www.thelancet.com Vol 381 February 9, 2013


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