Business and Business Environment
Business and Business Environment
Business and Business Environment
Line relationships
Staff relationships
Functional relationships
Influencing factors:
• what human resources it possesses
• how human resources can be organized to maximize
efficiency and keep costs under control
• increase the chances that the organizational goals of the
business are achieved
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Hierarchical structure
Functional structures
Matrix structures
Divisional structure
Project team
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Hierarchical structure
• A hierarchical structure will
show the
relationships throughout the
• The lines of authority extend
upwards in the organization
with those at the lowest
levels having less authority
than those higher up
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Functional structures
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Functional structures
• people who do similar work (sharing a profession or
specialism) are grouped together by expertise.
• The business structure is based around the functions
that exist within it and allows individuals to exercise their
particular specialism.
• Functional structures tend to be appropriate where the
business only produces a limited range of products.
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Matrix structures
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Matrix structures
• A matrix structure combines the benefits of product or area
based with functional structures
• It allows specialist departments to exist side by side with
those focused on particular products or area.
• The lines of authority exist both horizontally and vertically.
• Groups of workers might belong to a functional area, for
example marketing, but its members may be assigned to
different projects to lend their expertise.
• The individual is thus answerable both to their functional head
and also to the project head.
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Matrix structures
• Matrix structures provide the element of progression for
careers and flexibility for the business to utilize expertise
across the organization
• Matrix structures create tension and confusion amongst
staff who may be working for a number of different people
across the business.
• This can create conflict between the managers of the
function and the various projects as well as issues of
coordination and control.
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Divisional structure
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Divisional structure
• As firms diversify their products and/or markets – often as
a result of merger or takeover – a structure is needed to co-
ordinate and control the different parts of the organisation:
the divisional (or ‘multi- divisional’) company.
• A divisionalized structure is formed when an organisation is
split up into a number of self-contained business units.
• Each division of the business therefore is a profit centre in
its own right but contributes to the overall group business
financials (human resources and financial control may be
overseen centrally).
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Divisional structure
• It allows each part of what can be a very diverse organisation to
operate semi-independently in producing and marketing its
products, thus permitting each division to design its offering to
suit local market conditions
• The dual existence of divisional profit centres and a central
unit responsible for establishing global strategy can be a source
of considerable tension, particularly where the needs and aims
of the centre appear to conflict with operations at the local
level or to impose burdens seen to be unreasonable by
divisional managers (e.g. the allocation of central overhead
Topic 05 Organizational structures- Type
Project team
• The project team is essentially a temporary structure
established as a means of carrying out a particular task,
often in a highly unstable environment.
• Once the task is complete, the team is disbanded and
individuals return to their usual departments or are
assigned to a new project.
• Project teams tend to be at their most effective when
objectives and tasks are well defined, when the client is
clear as to the desired outcome and when the team is
chosen with care
Topic 05 Changing approaches to organizational structure
Virtual organization
• A virtual organisation or firm signifies an extremely loose
web of essentially freelance individuals or businesses who
organise themselves to produce a specific customer
product (e.g. an individual holiday package with particular
features unique to the customer).
• Without any permanent structure or hierarchy this so-called
firm can constantly change its shape and, despite existing
across space and time, tends to appear edgeless, with its
inputs, outputs and employees increasingly dispersed across
the linked world of information systems
Topic 05 Structural change
Marketing function
Marketing function
Marketing function