English Comp II Reflection

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Education is a spark. That spark is little without its tinder.

Only combined do they have the

result of re. The tinder in this instance I would argue is passion. Education and passion create

re, one of mankind’s greatest inventions. Maybe even the greatest, because without it, we

could not have evolved and survived through turmoil and danger. Education is the building

block of human development and the tinder is it’s walls. With the two combined, you build

everything but the roof, which just requires e ort. That roof will then support the next person,

should they need it. Such is true for teaching, helping build the foundation ensures it has no

clear fault and doesn’t let the walls crumple suddenly.

I did my order in terms of the process that they were done. I did separate the Annotated

Bibliographies from the generalized projects, as I thought they were of di erent aspects. One is

using the other but they don’t use each other. Therefore, I thought it would be simpler and

cleaner to put them into di erent tabs to distinguish them. The projects start at the Expedition

Proposal and follow the projects in order, with the rst Workplace and Technical Genre,

followed by two and the Artist Statement associated. Followed by the Research and Analysis

Genre one and two, with its Artist Statement attached. I decided to put the revised piece and

remixed piece in its own tab as well, this was originally put at the bottom of my projects but

others have mentioned it harder to nd and recommended that I separate them to avoid

confusion. I do not have any drafts as I revise my pieces retroactively, also because I didn’t

have a lot of time between working a full-time job, getting settled into a new place and working

through my own psychological well-being to rewrite a whole piece just to make it slightly better.

The revision that I made was for the poster that I made that included the mention of two

references from my Annotated Bibliographies. I failed to establish ethos by noting their

importance. This is why the slight x I made was to add the article written by them and to

explain what they would be talking about to show credibility and entice the audience.

The remix I made was from the powerpoint presentation I made labeled “The Pros and Cons of

Teaching”. I did the remix not this one as I felt that the powerpoint had fell at and I could

easily recon gure the information into a better format. It was de nitely the easiest choice to

make, so why would I spend so much time trying to in ate my ego by making an incredibly

di cult and time-consuming project, when I can revamp the one I have and save both time and


This process has been extensively irritating in my personal opinion. I’m not a fan of the

particular subject because for years everyone has told me “It has to be this way” or “That’s

wrong, do it again”. I despise the assumption that anything can be done in one fashion.

Everything changes and by putting rules to it, it doesn’t establish creativity but utterly quashes

it before it could even think of growing wings. I like the subtle nuances of composition but

when it’s so heavily enforced, it feels less like showing me a path along a mountain and more

like dragging me down the corridor of a prison.

I think I’ve learned quite a bit this semester. Not totally from this subject as it felt static and

irregular, which annoys me to no end. However, I have seen that I need to be less passive in my

approaches. This sorta comes into the subject because I didn’t take any leaps because I

needed to get a decent grade and I’d rather get a B on something I barely worked on than get

a C that I poured my ber into. At some points I had doubts on the subject I went with and

those quickly ipped my motivation on its head. I don’t dislike the subject but it falls at when

its critiqued based on a couple days of work. Does anybody make quality work while having 3

hours worth of work a week? It killed a lot of my passionate drive unfortunately.

My improvement would rstly be to never take an online class because it lacks a foundation

that is absolutely essential to my work. Secondly, I would try to nd the interesting aspects of
the given subject instead of what was required. Exploring a career eld is pointless if it lacks

the voice and passion of it writer, and I feel that most of my work was a consequence of that.

With that being said, I believe that the overall product of all of my work at least entitles a B

average. It’s not the greatest work I have but between my own psychological issues and my

lack of motivation, I put a lot of my e ort and put myself through a lot of forced labor to get the

projects done with. I think a lot of the work I’ve done wasn’t through a lack of interest in the

matter, for which it remains largely una ected, but because of the extenuating circumstances

of having minimal time while still going through rigorous challenges in my everyday life. I will

not go into any of those in this, but they have been confusing and broken me down more times

in the last couple months than I have in several years.

A good portion of my work however does show some amount of my passion and intensity. If I

had more time and more guidance there is a good chance it would rival great works of

literature! All kidding aside, I know it would’ve turned out remarkably better if I had some better

conception on the greater goal instead of being dragged along the corridor, doing one job after

another with no end in sight. Was there ever an end in sight or was it just the machinations of

my own lunacy that lead me here?


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