CSC 384 and 440
CSC 384 and 440
CSC 384 and 440
1. Suppose you are meeting with your friend in school reunion after a long time. You don’t have the
number of your friend. Assume your friends name is Ritu. You have given your number and then
your friend also gives her number to you. After some time, she said I have another number keep
that one also. That’s my official number. I use it during my office hours. So then again in your
phone you are saving her number under the same contact. Now which OOP features resemblance
the situation. Write a JAVA/C# program on it.
2. Write a Java/C# program that reads a floating-point number. If the number is zero it prints "zero",
otherwise, print "positive" or "negative". Add "small" if the absolute value of the number is less
than 1, or "large" if it exceeds 1,000,000.
Test Data
Input a number: -2534
Expected Output :
4. Suppose you have a savings account in Dhaka bank. In that account you have some transaction
record. Every month you get some deposit in your account and you also withdraw some money
monthly. After all of the transactions of the month only you get to know the total balance
information in your mail sent by the bank authority.
Now which OOP features resemblance the situation. Write aJAVA/ C# program on it.
5. In this pandemic situation the HSC 2020 batch students got auto pass as there was no other way to
take the exam by endangering the lives of those students. There HSC result was generated from
their JSC and SSC. For calculating their GPA 25 % GPA was taken from JSC and 75% was taken
from SSC.
Now write a JAVA/C# program where you will have to take input of the marks of a student for
the subject English for both JSC and SSC and find out the HSC marks along with the grade of
each subject Where,
80-100: Grade A, 70-79: Grade B, 60-69: Grade C, 50-59: Grade D, less than 50 fail.
For example:
In English the student got 70 in JSC and 90 in SSC. So his/her marks in HSC for English will
be (70×25%)+(90×75%) =17.5+67.5 =85 in HSC. grade A.
6. Write a JAVA/C# program following the below figure:
7. Write a Java program to find all pairs of elements in an array whose sum is equal to a specified
8. Suppose you are meeting with your friend in school reunion after a long time. You don’t have the
number of your friend. Assume your friends name is Ritu. You have given your number and then
your friend also gives her number to you. After some time, she said I have another number keep
that one also. That’s my official number. I use it during my office hours. So then again in your
phone you are saving her number under the same contact.
Now which OOP features resemblance the situation. Write a JAVA/C# program on it.
9. Write a program that accepts three numbers from the user and prints "increasing" if the numbers are
in increasing order, "decreasing" if the numbers are in decreasing order, and "Neither increasing or
decreasing order" otherwise. Go to the editor
Test Data
Input first number: 1524
Input second number: 2345
Input third number: 3321
Expected Output :Increasing order
10. Suppose you go to an Ice Cream Parlor (ABC Ice Cream) near your home one day and you buy a
vanilla flavored ice-cream. A week later, while traveling to the town nearby, you spot another Ice
Cream Parlor (of the same chain, the ABC Ice Cream). You went to that shop and found a new
variant of the Vanilla flavor ice-cream which had a twist of Chocolate flavor too in it. You really
liked the new flavor. Once back home, you again went to the ice cream parlor near your home to
get that amazing new flavor ice cream, but unfortunately, you couldn't, because that was a specialty
of the parlor which was located in the neighboring town. Now which OOP features resemblance the
situation. Write a JAVA/C# program on it.