ICICI Pru Signature Online Brochure 230331 150752

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MORE Security for family with a Life cover

Value for Money
This is a unit linked insurance plan. In this policy, the investment risk in investment portfolio is borne by the Policyholder.
Unit linked Insurance products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The Policyholder will not
be able to surrender / withdraw the monies invested in unit linked insurance products completely or partially till the end
of the fifth year.

Presenting ICICI Pru Signature - a

savings and protection oriented unit
linked insurance plan, designed for the
preferred customer like you. Along
with a life cover to secure your family
in case you are not around, this plan
offers flexible savings options to help
you achieve your goals.

The following content is applicable only for policies purchased on ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company’s website.
(Online option of ICICI Pru Signature)
What makes ICICI Pru Signature special

Life Cover for the entire policy term Entire premium without any
so that your family is financially deductions is allocated among
secured even in your absence the funds of your choice

Wealth Boosters at the end of every

5 years starting from the end of 10th Return of Mortality and Policy
policy year Administration Charges at maturity

Enjoy policy benefits till 99 years Flexible Options: Choice of

of age with Whole Life policy 4 portfolio strategies and wide range
term option of funds across equity, balanced and
debt to suit your saving needs

Systematic withdrawal plan to Tax benefits may be applicable on

withdraw money regularly from premiums paid and benefits received
your policy as per prevailing tax laws
Key Benefits

Return of Mortality Charges and Policy Administration Charges

The amount equal to total of mortality charges and policy administration charges deducted in the policy will be added
back to the fund value at maturity, provided all due premiums have been received. This amount will be allocated
among the funds in the same proportion as the value of total units held in each fund at the time of allocation.

This shall exclude any extra mortality charges and taxes levied on the charges deducted as per prevailing tax laws.

Return of Mortality Charges and Policy Administration Charges is not applicable for Whole Life option.

Wealth Boosters

We will contribute to your wealth creation by allocating extra units to your policy at the end of every 5th policy year
starting from the end of 10th policy year till the end of your policy term. Each Wealth Booster will be equal to 3.25%
of the average of the Fund Values including Top-up Fund Value, if any, on the last business day of the last eight
policy quarters.

Wealth Boosters will be allocated among the funds in the same proportion as the value of total units held in each
fund at the time of allocation. Allocation of Wealth Boosters is guaranteed and shall not be revoked by the company
under any circumstances.
Start your wealth creation journey with 4 simple steps

Decide the level of life cover, premium In case of your unfortunate death during
1 amount, premium payment option and
policy term to match your financial
3 the policy term, your nominee/ legal heir
will receive the death benefit
protection and savings needs

Choose the Portfolio Strategy and funds On maturity of the policy, get maturity
2 you want to save in 4 benefit as a lump sum or as periodic
payouts through settlement option

ICICI Pru Signature at a glance

Premium payment term (PPT)

For policies other than Whole Life:

Premium payment option Premium payment term

Limited Pay 5, 7, 8 and 10 years
Regular Pay Same as policy term

For Whole Life option, Limited Pay: 7, 8, 10 and 15 years

Minimum / Maximum Policy terms in years

10- 30 years, Whole Life

For Whole Life policy term option, policy term will be equal to 99 minus Age at entry

Minimum / Maximum premium

For policies other than Whole Life: ` 30,000 p.a. – Unlimited

For Whole Life option: ` 60,000 p.a. – Unlimited

Premium payment modes

Yearly, Half-Yearly and Monthly

Sum Assured

For policies other than WholeLife:

Age at entry Minimum Sum Assured Maximum Sum Assured

Higher of (10 X Annualised Premium) and
0 to 44 years 7 X Annualised Premium (0.5 X Policy Term X Annualised Premium)
45 years and above 7 X Annualised Premium 10 X Annualised Premium

For WholeLife option:

Age at entry Minimum Sum Assured Maximum Sum Assured

Higher of (10 X Annualised Premium) and
0 to 44 years 7 X Annualised Premium ( (70- Age at entry) X 0.5 X Annualised Premium)
45to 58 years 7 X Annualised Premium 10 X Annualised Premium
59 to 60 years 7 X Annualised Premium 7 X Annualised Premium
Top-up Sum Assured

1.25 X Top-up premium

Age at entry

Minimum entry age: 0 years Maximum entry age: 60 years

For minor lives, life cover commences from the date of commencement of the policy. In case of minor life assured,
the policy will vest in the name of the life assured when he / she turns major during the policy term.

Age at maturity

For policies other than Whole Life:

Minimum maturity age: 18 years Maximum maturity age: 75 years
For Whole Life option: Maturity age: 99 years

Plan your life goals with Whole Life policy term option. You can withdraw funds at various intervals to fund different
goals such as children’s education, dream house or additional money for day-to-day expenses. You can also use
Systematic Withdrawals to plan regular payouts in your post retirement years.
Benefits in detail

Death Benefit

In the unfortunate event of death of the Life Assured during the term of the policy, provided the monies are not in the
Discontinued Policy (DP) fund, the following will be payable to the Nominee, or in the absence of a Nominee, the
Legal heir.
Death Benefit = A or B or C whichever is highest where,
A = Sum Assured, including Top-up Sum Assured, if any
B = Minimum Death Benefit
C = Fund Value including the Top-up Fund Value, if any
Minimum Death Benefit will be 105% of the total premiums including Top-up premiums, if any received up to the
date of death.

Maturity Benefit

On maturity of the policy, you will receive the Fund Value including the Top-up Fund Value, if any. You have the option
to receive the Maturity Benefit either as a lump sum or as a structured payout using Settlement Option.
Partial Withdrawal Benefit

This facility is designed to help you provide liquidity so that any immediate financial need can be met. You can avail
this any time after the completion of five policy years, provided the monies are not in the Discontinued Policy (DP)
fund. You can make unlimited number of partial withdrawals as long as the total amount of partial withdrawals in a
year does not exceed 20% of the Fund Value in a policy year. The partial withdrawals are free of cost.

The following conditions apply on partial withdrawals:

• Partial withdrawals are allowed only after the first five policy years and on payment of all premiums for the first
five policy years.
• Partial withdrawals are allowed only if the Life Assured is at least 18 years of age.
• For the purpose of partial withdrawals, lock in period for the Top-up premiums will be five years or any such limit
prescribed by IRDAI from time to time.
• Partial withdrawals will be made first from the Top-up Fund Value which has completed the lock in period, as long
as it supports the partial withdrawal, and then from the Fund Value built up from the base premium(s).
• Partial withdrawal will be allowed till the Fund Value reaches two times of the annual premium.T&C10
• The minimum value of each partial withdrawal is ` 2,000.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP): Under Partial Withdrawal facility, you can choose to opt for Systematic
Withdrawal Plan (SWP). This facility allows you to withdraw a pre-determined percentage of your fund value
regularly. This can help you to meet specific needs such as child’s education or money for day-to-day expenses
during retirement.
• Systematic Withdrawal Plan is allowed only after the first five policy years.
• The payouts may be taken monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly, on a specified date and are payable in
advance. The first payout is made on the withdrawal start date specified by you.
• This facility can be opted at policy inception or anytime during the policy term. You may modify or opt-out of the
facility by notifying us.
• All conditions applicable for partial withdrawals such as minimum and maximum withdrawal amount, age, etc.
will be applicable for Systematic Withdrawal Plan as well. Both SWP and partial withdrawal can be availed
• For example, if you choose 6% p.a. of the fund value to be withdrawn yearly, then an amount equal to 6% of the
fund value would be paid on the chosen date every year.
Settlement Option

You have an option to receive the Maturity Benefit as a structured payout using Settlement Option.
• With this facility, you can opt to get payments on a yearly, half yearly, quarterly or monthly (through ECS) basis,
over a period of one to five years, post maturity.
• The first payout of the settlement option will be made on the date of maturity.
• At any time during the settlement period, you have the option to withdraw the entire Fund Value.
• During the settlement period, the investment risk in the investment portfolio is borne by you.
• Only the Fund Management Charge and mortality charge, if any, would be levied during the settlement period.
• No ‘Return of Mortality Charges & Policy Administration Charges’ or Wealth Boosters will be added during this period.
• You may avail facility of switches as per the terms and conditions of the policy. Partial withdrawals and Change
in Portfolio Strategy (CIPS) are not allowed during the settlement period.
• In the event of death of the Life Assured during the settlement period, Death Benefit payable to the nominee as
lump sum will be:
Death Benefit during the settlement period = A or B whichever is highest
A = Fund Value including Top-up Fund Value, if any
B = 105% of total premiums paid
On payment of Death Benefit, the policy will terminate and all rights, benefits and interests under the policy will
be extinguished.
• On payment of last instalment of the settlement option, the policy will terminate and all rights, benefits and
interests under the policy will be extinguished.

Unlimited free switches between funds for Fixed Portfolio Strategy

If you choose the Fixed Portfolio strategy, you can switch units from one fund to another depending on your financial
priorities and investment outlook as many times as you want. This benefit is available to you without any charge.
The minimum switch amount is ` 2,000. Switches are not applicable for other portfolio strategies.
Change in Portfolio Strategy (CIPS)

You have the option to switch amongst the available Portfolio Strategies. You can change your portfolio strategy up
to four times in a policy year provided the monies are not in Discontinued Policy Fund. This facility is provided free of
cost. Any unutilized Change in Portfolio Strategy (CIPS) cannot be carried forward to the next policy year.
On moving to the Life Cycle based Portfolio Strategy 2 or Trigger Portfolio Strategy 2, your existing funds as well as all future
premiums will be allocated between Multi Cap Growth Fund and Income Fund as per the Strategy details mentioned earlier.
On moving to the Target Asset Allocation Strategy or Fixed Portfolio Strategy, you must specify the proportions
among the choice of funds available in which your existing funds and future premium should be saved.

Premium Redirection

This feature is applicable only if you have opted for the Fixed Portfolio Strategy and provided monies are not in DP
Fund. If you have selected Fixed Portfolio Strategy, at policy inception you specify the funds and the proportion in
which the premiums are to be saved in the funds. At the time of payment of subsequent premiums, the split may be
changed without any charge. This will not count as a switch.


You can save any surplus money as Top-up premium, over and above the base premium(s), into the policy.
The following conditions apply on Top-ups:

• The minimum Top-up premium is ` 2,000.

• Your Sum Assured will increase by Top-up Sum Assured when you avail of a Top-up. Top-up Sum Assured will be
based on the age of the life assured at the time of paying the Top-up premium.
• Top-up premiums can be paid any time except during the last five years of the policy term, subject to
underwriting, as long as all due premiums have been paid.
• A lock-in period of five years would apply for each Top-up premium for the purpose of partial withdrawals only.
• At any point during the term of the policy, the total Top-up premiums paid cannot exceed the sum of base
premium(s) paid till that time.
• The maximum number of top-ups allowed during the policy term is 99.
Increase / Decrease in Sum Assured

You can choose to increase or decrease your Sum Assured during the policy term provided all due premiums till date
have been paid and monies are not in DP fund.
• Increase or decrease in Sum Assured will not change the premium payable under the policy.
• An increase in Sum Assured is allowed, subject to underwriting, before the policy anniversary on which the life
assured is aged 60 years completed birthday.
• Decrease in Sum Assured is allowed up to the minimum allowed under the policy.
• Such increases or decreases would be subject to maximum Sum Assured multiple limits. Any medical cost for this
purpose would be borne by you and will be levied by redemption of units.

Increase / Decrease in Premium Payment Term

• Provided all due premiums have been paid, you can choose to increase or decrease the Premium Payment Term by
notifying the Company. Increase in Premium Payment Term is allowed subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy.
• Increase or Decrease in Premium Payment Term is allowed subject to the Premium Payment Terms allowed under the policy.
• Increase or Decrease in Premium Payment Term must always be in multiples of one year.

Increase in Policy Term

• You can choose to increase your policy term by notifying the Company.
• Increase in terms is allowed subject to the Policy terms allowed under the policy.
• An increase in policy term is allowed, subject to underwriting.
• Decreasing the policy term is not allowed.
Choice of four portfolio strategies

1 Target Asset Allocation Strategy

This strategy enables you to choose an asset allocation that is best suited to your risk appetite and maintains it
throughout the policy term.
You can allocate your premiums between any two funds available with this policy, in the proportion of your choice.
Your portfolio will be rebalanced every quarter to ensure that this asset allocation is maintained.
The re-balancing of units shall be done on the last day of each Policy quarter. If the last day of the quarter is a
non-working day, then the next working day’s NAV will be applicable. You can avail this option at inception or at any
time later during the Policy Term.

2 Trigger Portfolio Strategy 2

For any customer, maintaining a pre-defined asset allocation is a dynamic process and is a function of constantly
changing markets. The Trigger Portfolio Strategy 2 enables you to take advantage of substantial equity market
swings and save on the principle of “buy low, sell high”.
Under this strategy, your savings will initially be distributed between two funds Multi Cap Growth Fund, an equity
oriented fund, and Income Fund, a debt oriented fund in a 75%:25% proportion. The fund allocation may
subsequently get altered due to market movements. We will re-balance funds in the portfolio based on a pre-defined
trigger event.
Working of the strategy:
• The trigger event is defined as a 10% upward or downward movement in NAV of Multi Cap Growth Fund, since
the previous rebalancing. For determining the first trigger event, the movement of 10% in NAV of Multi Cap
Growth Fund will be measured vis-à-vis the NAV at the inception of your strategy.
• On the occurrence of the trigger event, any fund value in Multi Cap Growth Fund which is in excess of three times
the Income Fund, fund value is considered as gains and is transferred to the liquid fund - Money Market Fund by
cancellation of appropriate units from the Multi Cap Growth Fund. This ensures that gains are capitalized, while
maintaining the asset allocation between Multi Cap Growth Fund and Income Fund at 75%:25%.
• In case there are no gains to be capitalized, funds in Multi Cap Growth Fund, Income Fund and Money Market
Fund are redistributed in Multi Cap Growth Fund and Income Fund in 75:25 proportion.
3 Fixed Portfolio Strategy

This strategy enables you to manage your savings actively. Under this strategy, you can choose to save your monies
in any of the following fund options in proportions of your choice. You can switch monies amongst these funds using
the switch option.

The details of the funds are given in the table below:

Potential Risk-
Fund Name and Its Objective Asset Allocation % (Min) % (Max) Reward Profile

Equity and Equity

Focus 50 Fund: To provide long-term capital 90% 100%
Related Securities
appreciation from equity portfolio invested
predominantly in top 50 stocks. Debt 0% 10% High
SFIN: ULIF 142 04/02/19 FocusFifty 105
Money Market and Cash 0% 10%

Opportunities Fund: To generate superior Equity and Equity

long-term returns from a diversified portfolio of Related Securities 80% 100%
equity and equity related instruments of
companies operating in four important types of
industries viz., Resources, Investment-related, Debt 0% 20%
Consumption-related and Human Capital
leveraged industries.
Money Market and Cash 0% 20%
SFIN: ULIF 086 24/11/09 LOpport 105

Value Enhancer Fund: To achieve long-term capital Equity and Equity

appreciation through investments primarily in equity Related Securities 85% 100%
and equity-related instruments in sectors that are
emerging or witnessing a inflection in growth trajectory. Debt 0% 15%
SFIN: ULIF 139 24/11/17 VEF 105
Money Market and Cash 0% 15%

Multi Cap Growth Fund: To generate superior Equity and Equity

Related Securities 80% 100%
long-term returns from a diversified portfolio of
equity and equity related instruments of large, mid High
and small cap companies. Debt 0% 20%
SFIN: ULIF 085 24/11/09 LMCapGro 105
Money Market and Cash 0% 20%
Equity and Equity
Bluechip Fund: To provide long-term capital 80% 100%
Related Securities
appreciation from equity portfolio predominantly
invested in large cap stocks. Debt 0% 20% High
SFIN: ULIF 087 24/11/09 LBluChip 105
Money Market and Cash 0% 20%
Potential Risk-
Fund Name and Its Objective Asset Allocation % (Min) % (Max) Reward Profile

India Growth Fund: To generate superior long-term Equity and Equity

capital appreciation by investing at least 80% in a Related Securities 80% 100%
diversified portfolio of equity and equity related
securities of companies whose growth is propelled
by India’s rising power in domestic consumption Debt 0% 20% High
and services sectors such as Automobiles, Retail,
Information Technology, Services and Energy.
SFIN: ULIF 141 04/02/19 IndiaGrwth 105 Money Market and Cash 0% 20%

Maximiser V: To achieve long-term capital appreciation Equity and Equity

Related Securities 75% 100%
through investments primarily in equity and equity-
related instruments of large and mid cap stocks. High
Debt 0% 25%
SFIN: ULIF 114 15/03/11 LMaximis5 105
Money Market and Cash 0% 25%

Maximise India Fund: To offer long term wealth Equity and Equity
Related Securities 80% 100%
maximization by managing a diversified equity
portfolio, predominantly comprising of companies
Debt 0% 20% High
in NIFTY 50 & NIFTY Junior indices.
SFIN: ULIF 136 11/20/14 MIF 105
Money Market and Cash 0% 20%

Multi Cap Balanced Fund: To achieve a balance Equity and Equity

Related Securities 0% 60%
between capital appreciation and stable returns
by investing in a mix of equity and equity related
instruments of large, mid and small cap Debt 20% 70% Moderate
companies and debt and debt related instruments.
SFIN: ULIF 088 24/11/09 LMCapBal 105
Money Market and Cash 0% 50%

Active Asset Allocation Balanced Fund: To provide Equity and Equity

capital appreciation by investing in a suitable mix Related Securities 30% 70%
of cash, debt and equities. The investment strategy
will involve a flexible policy for allocating assets Moderate
Debt 30% 70%
among equities, bonds and cash.
SFIN: ULIF 138 15/02/17 AAABF 105
Money Market and Cash 0% 40%

Secure Opportunities Fund: To provide

accumulation of income through investment in Debt 60% 100%
various fixed income securities. The fund seeks to
provide capital appreciation while maintaining a Low
suitable balance between return, safety and liquidity.
SFIN: ULIF 140 24/11/17 SOF 105 Money Market and Cash 0% 40%
Potential Risk-
Fund Name and Its Objective Asset Allocation % (Min) % (Max) Reward Profile

Income Fund: To provide accumulation of income

through investment in various fixed income Debt 40% 100%
securities. The fund seeks to provide capital
appreciation while maintaining a suitable balance Low
between return, safety and liquidity.
SFIN: ULIF 089 24/11/09 LIncome 105 Money Market and Cash 0% 60%

Money Market Fund: To provide suitable returns

through low risk investments in debt and money Debt 0% 50%
market instruments while attempting to protect Low
the capital deployed in the fund.
SFIN: ULIF 090 24/11/09 LMoneyMkt 105 Money Market and Cash 50% 100%

Balanced Advantage Fund: To generate superior Equity and Equity

Related Securities 65% 90%
long-term returns from a diversified portfolio of
equity and debt securities. The equity allocation is to
be changed dynamically based on market conditions Debt Instruments 10% 35% High
and relative attractiveness versus other asset classes.
SFIN: ULIF 144 03/06/21 BalanceAdv 105 Money Market and Cash 0% 35%

Sustainable Equity Fund: To focus on investing in Equity and Equity

Related Securities 85% 100%
select companies from the investment universe,
which conduct business in socially and
environmentally responsible manner while Debt Instruments 0% 15% High
maintaining governance standards.
SFIN: ULIF 145 03/06/21 SustainEqu 105 Money Market and Cash 0% 15%

Mid Cap Fund: To generate superior long term Equity and Equity
Related Securities 85% 100%
returns by investing in mid cap stocks,
predominantly those forming part of the
Midcap Index. Debt Instruments 0% 15% High
SFIN: ULIF 146 28/06/22 MidCapFund 105
Money Market and Cash 0% 15%
Within the Fixed Portfolio Strategy you also have the option to select Automatic Transfer Strategy (ATS). If this is
chosen you can save all or part of your savings in Secure Opportunities Fund, Money Market Fund and/or Income
Fund and transfer a fixed amount in regular instalments into one or more of the following funds: Bluechip Fund,
Maximiser V, Multi Cap Growth Fund, Maximise India Fund, Value Enhancer Fund, Opportunities Fund, Focus 50
Fund or India Growth Fund, Balanced Advantage Fund, Sustainable Equity Fund or Mid Cap Fund.
Similarly, you can choose to save all or part of your savings in one or more of the following funds: Bluechip Fund,
Maximiser V, Multi Cap Growth Fund, Maximise India Fund, Value Enhancer Fund, Opportunities Fund, Focus 50
Fund, India Growth Fund, Balanced Advantage Fund, Sustainable Equity Fund or Mid Cap Fund and transfer a fixed
amount in regular instalments into one or more of Secure Opportunities Fund, Money Market Fund and Income Fund.
There would be no additional charges for Automatic Transfer Strategy (ATS). The following conditions apply to
Automatic Transfer Strategy (ATS).
• This automatic transfer will be done in either weekly, fortnightly or monthly equal instalments, as per the
chosen frequency.
• Automatic Transfer Strategy (ATS) would be executed by redeeming the required number of units from fund
chosen at the applicable unit value and allocating new units in the destination fund at the applicable unit value.
• At inception, you can opt for a transfer date and the transfer will take place as per the chosen frequency. If the
date is not mentioned, the funds will be switched on the first day of next month from the receipt of the request
and will continue based on instalment frequency chosen. If the transfer date is a non-valuation date, then the
next working day’s NAV would be applicable.
Once selected, Automatic Transfer Strategy (ATS) will be renewed and would be regularly processed for the entire
term of the policy or until the Company is notified, through a written communication, to discontinue the same.

4 Lifecycle based Portfolio Strategy 2

Your financial needs are not static and keep changing with your life stage. It is, therefore, necessary that your policy
adapts to your changing needs. This need is fulfilled by the Lifecycle based Portfolio Strategy 2.

Key features of this strategy

Age based portfolio management

At Policy inception, your savings are distributed between two funds, Multi Cap Growth Fund and Income Fund, based
on your age. As you move from one age band to another, your funds are re-distributed based on your age. The age
wise portfolio distribution is shown in the table.
Asset allocation details at Policy inception and during the Policy term

Age of Life Assured (years) Multi Cap Growth Fund Income Fund
Up to 25 80% 20%
26 – 35 75% 25%
36 – 45 65% 35%
46 – 55 55% 45%
56 – 65 45% 55%
66 + 35% 65%

Quarterly rebalancing

On a quarterly basis, units shall be rebalanced as necessary to achieve the above proportions of the Fund Value in
the Multi Cap Growth Fund and Income Fund. The re-balancing of units shall be done on the last day of each Policy
quarter. The above proportions shall apply until the last ten quarters of the Policy are remaining.

Safety as you approach maturity

As your Policy nears its maturity date, you need to ensure that short-term market volatility does not affect your
accumulated savings. In order to achieve this, your savings in Multi Cap Growth Fund will be systematically
transferred to Income Fund in ten instalments in the last ten quarters of your Policy.

The Policyholder can only have his funds in one of the Portfolio Strategies.

Age at entry: 35 years

Premium payment option: Limited Pay Premium payment mode: Annual
Amount of instalment premium: ` 1,00,000 Sum Assured: ` 10,00,000
Premium payment term: 5 years Policy term: 15 years
Total premium paid: ` 5,00,000

Assumed investment returns 8% p.a. 4% p.a.

Fund Value at Maturity ` 11,47,968 ` 7,04,484

Age at entry: 45 years

Premium payment option: Limited Pay Premium payment mode: Annual
Amount of instalment premium: ` 1,00,000 Sum Assured: ` 10,00,000
Premium payment term: 10 years Policy term: Whole Life (54 years)
Total premium paid: ` 10,00,000

Fund Value at 8% p.a. Fund Value at 4% p.a.

Age Completed Policy Year
assumed investment returns assumed investment returns
65 20 27,48,997 15,06,845
85 40 1,04,59,534 26,82,487
99 54 2,60,86,101 39,32,782

The above illustrations are for a healthy male life with 100% of his investments in Maximiser V. The above are illustrative
maturity values, net of all charges, Goods & Services Tax and cesses, if any. Since your policy offers variable returns, the
given illustration shows different rates of assumed future investment returns. The returns shown in the benefit illustration
are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back, as the value of your policy
depends on a number of factors including future investment performance.
Secure your family under
Married Woman’s Property Act (MWPA)

Through this feature, you have an option to secure the corpus for the benefit of your wife and children as the funds
under the policy cannot be attached by creditors and claimants*.

Under section 6 of the Married Woman’s Property Act, 1874, a married man can take an insurance policy on his own
life, and express it to be for the benefit of his wife and children. When such intent is expressed on the face of the
policy, it shall be deemed to be a trust for the benefit of the named beneficiaries and it shall not be subject to the
control of the husband, or his creditors, or form part of his estate.

*Unless taken otherwise with the intent to defraud creditors. In case of any third party claim in the Courts of India
with regards the insurance proceeds, the amount shall be subject to the judiciary directions.

Please seek professional legal advice for the applicability of this provision.

Charges under the policy

Premium Allocation Charge


Fund Management Charge (FMC)

The following fund management charges will be applicable and will be adjusted from the NAV on a daily basis. This
charge will be a percentage of the Fund Value.
Fund FMC p.a. Fund FMC p.a.
Focus 50 Fund 1.35% Maximise India Fund 1.35%
India Growth Fund 1.35% Active Asset Allocation Balanced Fund 1.35%
Maximiser V 1.35% Secure Opportunities Fund 1.35%
Opportunities Fund 1.35% Income Fund 1.35%
Multi Cap Growth Fund 1.35% Money Market Fund 0.75%
Value Enhancer Fund 1.35% Balanced Advantage Fund 1.35%
Bluechip Fund 1.35% Sustainable Equity Fund 1.35%
Multi Cap Balanced Fund 1.35% Mid Cap Fund 1.35%

If the monies are in the Discontinued Policy Fund (DP Fund), a Fund Management Charge of 0.50% p.a. will apply.

Policy Administration Charge

Policy Administration Charge will be levied every month by redemption of units

Policy administration charge : ` 100 p.m. (` 1,200 p.a.)

Policy administration charge will be charged throughout the policy term.

Mortality Charges

Mortality charges will be levied every month by redemption of units based on the Sum at Risk.

Sum at Risk = Highest of,

• Sum Assured, including Top-up Sum Assured, if any

• Fund Value (including Top-up Fund Value, if any),

• Minimum Death Benefit


• Fund Value (including Top-up Fund Value, if any)

Indicative annual charges per thousand life cover for a healthy male and female life are as shown below:

Age (yrs) 30 40 50 60
Male (`) 1.06 1.81 4.95 11.54
Female (`) 1.02 1.55 3.99 9.95

Discontinuance Charges

Discontinuance Charges are described below.

Where the policy is Discontinuance Charge

discontinued in the policy year Annual premium ≤ ` 50,000 Annual premium > ` 50,000
Lower of 20% of (AP or FV), Lower of 6% (AP or FV),
1 subject to a maximum of ` 3,000 subject to a maximum of ` 6,000

Lower of 15% of (AP or FV), Lower of 4% of (AP or FV),

2 subject to a maximum of ` 2,000 subject to a maximum of ` 5,000
Lower of 10% of (AP or FV), Lower of 3% of (AP or FV),
subject to a maximum of ` 1,500 subject to a maximum of ` 4,000

Lower of 5% of (AP or FV), Lower of 2% of (AP or FV),

4 subject to a maximum of ` 1,000 subject to a maximum of ` 2,000
5 and onwards NIL NIL

Where AP is Annual Premium and FV is the total Fund Value on the Date of Discontinuance.
No Discontinuance Charge is applicable for Top-up premiums.
Non Forfeiture Benefits

1 Surrender

During the first five policy years, on receipt of intimation that you wish to surrender the policy, the Fund Value
including Top-up Fund Value, if any, after deduction of applicable Discontinuance Charge, shall be transferred to the
Discontinued Policy Fund (DP Fund).
You or your nominee, as the case may be, will be entitled to receive the Discontinued Policy Fund Value, on the earlier
of death or the expiry of the lock-in period. Currently the lock-in period is five years from policy inception.
On surrender after completion of the fifth policy year, you will be entitled to the Fund Value including Top-up Fund
Value, if any.

2 Premium Discontinuance

i. Premium discontinuance during the first five policy years:

In case of discontinuance of policy due to non-payment of premiums during the first five policy years, upon the expiry
of grace period, the Fund Value including Top-up Fund Value, if any, shall be credited to the DP Fund after deduction
of applicable discontinuance charges and the risk cover shall cease. It will continue to remain in the DP fund till the
policy is revived by paying due premiums.
We will communicate the status of the policy to you within three months of first unpaid premium providing you the
option to revive the policy within the revival period. The revival period is three years from date of first unpaid premium.
i. If you opt to revive but do not revive the policy during the revival period, the monies will remain in the DP fund till
the end of the revival period or the lock in period, whichever is later, after which the monies will be paid out and
thereafter the policy shall terminate and all rights, benefits and interests will stand extinguished.
ii. If you do not exercise the option to revive the policy, the monies will remain in the DP fund and will be paid out at
the end of lock-in period and thereafter the policy shall terminate and all rights, benefits and interests will stand
iii. However, you have an option to surrender the policy anytime and monies in the DP fund will be paid out at the
end of lock-in period or date of surrender whichever is later.
ii. Premium discontinuance after the first five policy years

In case of discontinuance of policy due to non-payment of premium after the first five policy years, upon expiry of the
grace period, the policy will be converted into a reduced paid-up policy with paid-up sum assured.

Reduced paid-up Sum Assured = Original Sum Assured X (Total number of premiums paid till the date of
discontinuance/ Original number of premiums payable).

All charges as per terms and conditions of the policy shall be deducted during the revival period. However, the
mortality charges shall be deducted based on the reduced paid up sum assured only, unless you choose option 3 as
detailed below, in which case mortality charges shall be deducted as per the Original Sum Assured.

We will communicate the status of the policy to you within three months of first unpaid premium providing you the
following options to exercise:

1. Revive the policy within the revival period of three years

2. Complete withdrawal of the policy

3. Continue the policy till the revival period with Original Sum Assured

If you choose option 1 and do not revive the policy during the revival period, the Fund Value, including the Top-up
Fund Value, if any, will be paid to you at the end of the revival period or maturity, whichever is earlier, and the policy
shall terminate and all rights, benefits and interests will stand extinguished.

If you choose option 2, the policy will be surrendered and the Fund Value, including the Top-up Fund Value, if any,
will be paid to you. On payment of surrender value, the policy shall terminate and all rights, benefits and interests
will stand extinguished.

If you choose option 3, the policy will continue with Original Sum Assured till the end of the revival period or maturity,
whichever is earlier. This may cause rapid depletion of the fund value as there will be no payment of premiums in
future. The Fund Value, including the Top-up Fund Value, if any, shall be paid to you at the end of the revival period
or maturity, whichever is earlier, and the policy shall terminate and all rights, benefits and interests will stand
extinguished. For a Whole Life policy, the option to continue with Original Sum Assured is not available if premiums
have been paid for less than 7 years.

If you do not choose any of these options, the policy shall continue to be in reduced paid up status. At the end of the
revival period or maturity, whichever is earlier, the Fund Value, including the Top-up Fund Value, if any, shall be paid
to you and the policy shall terminate and all rights, benefits and interests will stand extinguished.

You will have an option to surrender the policy anytime. On surrender, the Fund Value, including the Top-up Fund
Value, if any, shall be paid to you and the policy shall terminate and all rights, benefits and interests will stand
Treatment of the policy while monies are in the DP Fund
While monies are in the DP Fund:
• Risk Cover and Minimum Death Benefit will not apply
• A Fund Management Charge of 0.50% p.a. of the DP Fund will be made. No other charges will apply.
• From the date monies enter the DP Fund till the date they leave the DP Fund, a minimum guaranteed interest rate
declared by IRDAI from time to time will apply. The current minimum guaranteed interest rate applicable to the
DP Fund is 4% p.a.

3 Policy revival

The revival period is three years from the date of first unpaid premium. Revival will be based on the prevailing Board
approved underwriting guidelines.
In case of revival of a discontinued policy during lock-in period, We shall:

1. Collect from You, all due and unpaid premiums without charging any interest or fee,
2. Levy policy administration charge and premium allocation charges as applicable during the discontinuance
period. No other charges shall be levied,
3. Shall add back to the fund, the discontinuance charges deducted, if any, at the time of discontinuance of the policy

In case of revival of a discontinued policy after lock-in period, We shall:

1. Collect from You, all due and unpaid premiums under base plan without charging any interest or fee. You will also
have an option to revive the rider.
2. No other charges shall be levied.

For the purpose of revival the following conditions are applicable:

a. You, at your own expense, shall furnish satisfactory evidence of health of the Life Assured, as required by us;

b. Revival of the policy may be on terms different from those applicable to the policy before the premiums were

On payment of overdue premiums before the end of revival period, the policy will be revived. On revival, the policy
will continue with benefits and charges, as per the terms and conditions of the policy. Monies will be saved in the
segregated fund(s) chosen by You at the NAV as on the date of such revival.

Revival will take effect only on it being specifically communicated by us to you.

Terms and Conditions

1 Freelook period: You have an option to review the Policy about discontinuance of the policy or surrender of the
following receipt of Policy Document. If you are not satisfied with policy, or on the expiry of the grace period, whichever is
the terms and conditions of this policy, please return the policy earlier. The policy remains in force till the date of
document to the Company with reasons for cancellation within: discontinuance of the policy.

i. 15 days from the date it is received, if the policy is 6 The Company will not provide loans under this policy.
purchased through solicitation in person.
7 Suicide Clause: If the Life Assured, whether sane or insane,
ii. 30 days from the date it is received, in case of electronic commits suicide within 12 months from the date of
policies or if your Policy is purchased through voice mode, commencement of the policy or from the date of policy revival,
which includes telephone-calling, Short Messaging Service only the Fund Value, including Top- up Fund Value, if any, as
(SMS), Physical mode which includes direct postal mail and available on the date of intimation of death, would be payable
newspaper & magazine inserts and solicitation through to the Claimant. Any charges other than Fund Management
any means of communication other than in person. Charges and guarantee charges, if any, recovered
subsequent to the date of death shall be added back to the
On cancellation of the policy during the free look period, you fund value as available on the date of intimation of death.
shall be entitled to an amount which shall be equal to Fund
Value at the date of cancellation plus non-allocated If the Life Assured, whether sane or insane, commits
premium plus charges levied by cancellation of units less suicide within 12 months from the effective date of
proportionate risk premium for the period of cover, stamp increase in Sum Assured, then the amount of increase shall
duty expenses under the policy and expenses borne by us not be considered in the calculation of the death benefit.
on medical examination, if any in accordance with the IRDAI
(Protection Of Policyholders’ Interests) Regulations 2017. 8 Foreclosure of the policy: After five policy years have
elapsed and at least five premiums have been paid, if the
The policy will terminate on payment of this amount and Fund Value including Top-up Fund Value, if any, becomes
all rights, benefits and interests under this policy will nil, then the policy will terminate and no benefits will be
stand extinguished. payable. On termination or foreclosure of the policy all
rights, benefits and interest under the policy shall be
2 Tax benefits may be available as per the prevailing extinguished. A policy cannot be foreclosed before
Income Tax laws. completion of five policy years.

Goods and Services Tax and cesses, if any will be charged 9 Unit Pricing: The NAV for different Segregated Funds
extra by redemption of units, as per applicable rates. Tax shall be declared on all business days (as defined in
laws are subject to amendments from time to time. Investment Regulations).
3 Increase or decrease in premium is not allowed. The NAV of each Segregated Fund shall be computed as
set out below or by any other method as may be
4 Grace Period: The grace period for payment of premium is prescribed by regulation:
15 days for monthly mode of premium payment and 30
days for other modes of premium payment commencing [Market Value of investment held by the fund plus Value of
form the premium due date. The life cover continues Current Assets less Value of Current Liabilities and provisions]
during grace period. In case of Death of Life Assured
during the grace period, We will pay the applicable Death Divided by,
Number of units existing under the Fund at valuation date,
5 Date of Discontinuance of the policy is the date on which before any new units are created or redeemed
the Company receives intimation from the Policyholder
10 Assets are valued daily on a mark to market basis. of risk or the date of revival of the policy or the date of the
rider to the policy, whichever is later, on the ground of fraud:
11 Policyholder through a secured login can access the value Provided that the insurer shall have to communicate in
of policy wise units held by him in the format as per Form writing to the insured or the legal representatives or
D02 prescribed under IRDAI Investment Regulations, 2016. nominees or assignees of the insured the grounds and
12 If premiums for the second year onwards are received by materials on which such decision is based. 3)
outstation cheques, the NAV of the clearance date or due Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), no
date, whichever is later, will be allocated. Transaction insurer shall repudiate a life insurance policy on the ground of
requests (including renewal premiums by way of local fraud if the insured can prove that the mis-statement of or
cheques, demand draft, switches, etc.) received before the suppression of a material fact was true to the best of his
cut-off time will be allocated the same day's NAV and knowledge and belief or that there was no deliberate
those received after the cut-off time will be allocated the intention to suppress the fact or that such mis-statement of
next day's NAV. The cut-off time will be as per IRDAI or suppression of a material fact are within the knowledge of
guidelines from time to time, which is currently 3:00 p.m. the insurer: Provided that in case of fraud, the onus of
disproving lies upon the beneficiaries, in case the
13 All renewal premiums received in advance will be policyholder is not alive. 4) A policy of life insurance may be
allocated units at the NAV prevailing on the date on which called in question at any time within three years from the
such premiums become due. However, the status of the date of issuance of the policy or the date of commencement
premium received in advance shall be communicated to of risk or the date of revival of the policy or the date of the
the Policyholder. rider to the policy, whichever is later, on the ground that any
statement of or suppression of a fact material to the
14 Nomination: Nomination shall be as per Section 39 of the
expectancy of the life of the insured was incorrectly made in
Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time. For
the proposal or other document on the basis of which the
more details on this section, please refer to our website.
policy was issued or revived or rider issued: Provided that the
15 Assignment: Assignment shall be as per Section 38 of the insurer shall have to communicate in writing to the insured or
Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time. For the legal representatives or nominees or assignees of the
more details on this section, please refer to our website. insured the grounds and materials on which such decision to
repudiate the policy of life insurance is based: Provided
16 Section 41: In accordance with Section 41 of the further that in case of repudiation of the policy on the ground
Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time no of misstatement or suppression of a material fact, and not on
person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or the ground of fraud, the premiums collected on the policy till
indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take or the date of repudiation shall be paid to the insured or the
renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of legal representatives or nominees or assignees of the insured
risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the within a period of ninety days from the date of such
whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of repudiation. 5) Nothing in this section shall prevent the
the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person insurer from calling for proof of age at any time if he is
taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any entitled to do so, and no policy shall be deemed to be called
rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in in question merely because the terms of the policy are
accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of adjusted on subsequent proof that the age of the Life Insured
the insurer. was incorrectly stated in the proposal.
Any person making default in complying with the 18 Force Majeure:
provisions of this section shall be punishable with fine
which may extend to ten lakh rupees. a. The Company shall value the Funds (SFIN) on each day
for which the financial markets are open. However, the
17 Section 45: 1) No policy of life insurance shall be called in Company may value the SFIN less frequently in extreme
question on any ground whatsoever after the expiry of three circumstances external to the Company i.e. in force
years from the date of the policy, i.e., from the date of majeure events, where the value of the assets is too
issuance of the policy or the date of commencement of risk or uncertain. In such circumstances, the Company may
the date of revival of the policy or the date of the rider to the defer the valuation of assets for up to 30 days until the
policy, whichever is later. 2) A policy of life insurance may be Company is certain that the valuation of SFIN can be
called in question at any time within three years from the resumed.
date of issuance of the policy or the date of commencement
b. The Company shall inform IRDAI of such the benefits and subject to all liabilities as per the terms
deferment in the valuation of assets. During the and conditions of the policy. The Life Assured cum
continuance of the force majeure events, all request for Policyholder can register due nomination as per section
servicing the policy including policy related payment 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time
shall be kept in abeyance. to time.
c. The Company shall continue to invest as per the fund 20. The policy is available for sale through online
mandates submitted with IRDAI. However, the Company
shall reserve its right to change the exposure of all or any
part of the Fund to Money Market Instruments [as defined
under Regulations 2 (j) of IRDAI (Investment) Regulations,
2016] in circumstances mentioned under points (a and b)
above. The exposure to of the fund as per the fund
mandates submitted with IRDAI shall be reinstated within
reasonable timelines once the force majeure situation
d. Few examples of circumstances as mentioned [in point 3
(a & b) above] are:
i. when one or more stock exchanges which provide a
basis for valuation of the assets of the fund are closed
otherwise than for ordinary holidays.
ii. when, as a result of political, economic, monetary or
any circumstances which are not in the control of the
Company, the disposal of the assets of the fund would
be detrimental to the interests of the continuing
iii. in the event of natural calamities, strikes, war, civil
unrest, riots and bandhs.
iv. in the event of any force majeure or disaster that
affects the normal functioning of the Company.
e. In such an event, an intimation of such force majeure
event shall be uploaded on the Company's website for
19. If the policy has been taken on the life of a minor, on
attaining the age of majority i.e. 18 years, the policy will
vest on him/her. Thereafter, the Life Assured shall
become the policyholder who will then be entitled to all
Revision of Charges

The Company reserves the right to revise the following charges at any time during the term of the policy. Any revision will
apply with prospective effect, subject to prior approval from IRDAI and if so permitted by the then prevailing rules, after
giving a written notice to the Policyholders. The following limits are applicable:
• Fund Management Charge may be increased up to the maximum allowable as per applicable regulation.
• Policy Administration Charge may be increased to a maximum of ` 500 per month, subject to the maximum permitted
by IRDAI, currently a maximum of ` 6,000 p.a. applies.
• Switching charge may be increased to a maximum of ` 200 per switch.
Any Policyholder who does not agree with an increase, shall be allowed to surrender the policy and no discontinuance
charge will be applicable on surrender of such policies.
The Premium Allocation Charges, Discontinuance Charges and Mortality Charges are guaranteed for the term of the policy.

Risks of investment in the Units of the Funds

The policyholder should be aware that the investment in the units is subject to the following risks:
• ICICI Pru Signature is a Unit-Linked Insurance Policy (ULIP) and is different from traditional products. Investments in
ULIPs are subject to investment risks.
• ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, ICICI Pru Signature, Opportunities Fund, Multi Cap Growth Fund,
Bluechip Fund, Maximiser V, Value Enhancer Fund, Multi Cap Balanced Fund, Income Fund, Maximise India Fund, Active
Asset Allocation Balanced Fund, Focus 50 Fund, India Growth Fund, Secure Opportunities Fund, Money Market Fund,
Balanced Advantage Fund, Sustainable Equity Fund and Mid Cap Fund are only names of the Company, policy and
funds respectively and do not in any way indicate the quality of the policy, the funds or their future prospects or returns.
• The investments in the funds are subject to market and other risks and there can be no assurance that the objectives of
the funds will be achieved.
• The premium paid in unit linked insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and
debt markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing
the capital market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions.
• The past performance of other funds of the Company is not necessarily indicative of the future performance of these funds.
• The funds do not offer a guaranteed or assured return.
• For further details, refer to the Policy Document and detailed benefit illustration.
About ICICI Prudential Life Insurance

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between ICICI Bank Limited and Prudential Corporation
Holdings Limited, a part of the Prudential group. ICICI Prudential began its operations in Fiscal 2001 after receiving
approval from Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDAI) in November 2000.
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance has maintained its focus on offering a wide range of savings and protection products that
meet the different life stage requirements of customers.

For more information:

Customers calling from any where in India, please dial 1860 266 7766
Do not prefix this number with “+” or “91” or “00” (local charges apply)

Call Centre Timings: 10.00 am to 7.00 pm

Monday to Saturday, except National Holidays.
To know more, please visit www.iciciprulife.com

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Regn. No. 105. CIN: L66010MH2000PLC127837.

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited. Registered Office: ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, ICICI
PruLife Towers, 1089, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400 025. This product brochure is indicative of the
terms, conditions, warranties, and exceptions contained in the insurance policy. For further details, please refer to the policy
document. In the event of conflict, if any, between the contents of this brochure and those contained in the policy document, the
terms and conditions contained in the policy document shall prevail. ICICI Pru Signature Form No.: UW2/UW3.
UIN. 105L177V04. Advt. No.: L/II/0972/2022-23.


IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums.
Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint.

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