The Physical Attributes of The Lake Naivasha Catch
The Physical Attributes of The Lake Naivasha Catch
The Physical Attributes of The Lake Naivasha Catch
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Lake Naivasha is unique in the chain of East African Rift Valley lakes in being the only freshwater ecosystem
in an otherwise soda/saline lake series. Catchment rivers have never previously been surveyed. Valley topography,
precipitation patterns and geology create a diversity of river systems draining into Lake Naivasha. Semi-quantitative
assessment using the River Habitat Survey technique demonstrates a diversity of habitats and erosion/sedimentation
patterns, reflecting the tectonic origin of the area. The survey descriptions form a basis for identification of areas
where efforts will need to be directed for physical and biological protection.
Introduction rainy season (Ase et al., 1986; Ase, 1987). The lake
area fluctuates quite markedly and rapidly. For ex-
Lake Naivasha (0◦ 45 S, 36◦ 20 E; altitude 1890 m) ample, the heavy and prolonged precipitation caused
lies on the floor of Africa’s Eastern Rift Valley and, at by exceptional ‘El Nino’ climatic patterns between
approximately 100 km2 , is the second-largest freshwa- August 1997 and July 1998 resulted in a rise in lake
ter lake in Kenya. It is one of a series of 23 major lakes level of 3 m, pushing inland over a kilometre in the
in the East Rift Valley – eight in central Ethiopia, a fur- low-gradient north. The background to the lake is de-
ther eight in Kenya and seven in Tanzania – spanning scribed by Harper (1984) and Harper et al. (1990,
latitudes from approximately 7◦ N to 5◦ S. The overall 1995).
climate of the Eastern Rift Valley is semi-arid, with A significant body of research has contributed to
the exception of regions of central Ethiopia and central the designation of Lake Naivasha as Kenya’s second
Kenya. All but four of these Eastern Rift Valley lakes Ramsar site (after Lake Nakuru) in 1995. Under the
are alkaline or saline. Lake Naivasha is unique within Ramsar designation, a lake management plan is re-
the central latitudes of the valley, and indeed within quired to co-ordinate the sustainable development of
the Kenyan series of lakes (from north to south these the lake (Ramsar, 1971). (The Ramsar Commission
are Turkana, Baringo, Bogoria, Nakuru, Elementeita, consider sustainable development to be consistent with
Naivasha, Magadi and Amboseli) in being fresh, with ‘wise use’ as defined by Ramsar (1996)). Uniquely
a mean conductivity of around 250 µS cm−1 . for a Ramsar site, the Kenyan government has del-
The surface inflows to the lake come via three main egated responsibility for management of the site to a
river systems – the Gilgil, the Malewa and the Karati non-statutory body; the Lake Naivasha Riparian Asso-
– through a papyrus-dominated fringe in the northern ciation (LNRA). The plan will be required to address
part of the lake. The Malewa system is the largest with conflicting pressures to resolve the issue of wise use.
an estimated annual flow of 153 million m3 , the Gilgil However, wider impacts on the lake deriving from
has an estimated average annual flow of 24 million m3 , the catchment have been largely overlooked. Ever-
whereas the Karati only flows intermittently during the ard (1998) notes that the conservation and sustainable
%low/bankful =
Forty-four stretches of river throughout the Lake Na-
(water depth × water width)
ivasha catchment were surveyed during three sampling × 100.
periods (August 1997, July 1998 and March/April [(bankful height + water depth) × bankful width]
1999) using the River Habitat Survey (RHS) method. This calculation has no firm statistical basis since ‘low
RHS is a method developed for England & Wales for flow’ conditions recorded between field sampling peri-
the Environment Agency, based on both map-derived ods may have varied, and the channel cross section
and field survey data, which can be interpreted stat- calculation is simplified. However, the data are indic-
istically (Raven et al., 1998). Site selection in the ative of the proportion of low flow to high flow in river
Naivasha catchment was initially map-based, with the channels, and convey some concept of ‘flashiness’.
intention of establishing a representative network, but As a surrogate of channel energy (the widespread
final selection was constrained significantly by access- occurrence of dry channels render flow type data un-
ibility and safety considerations. RHS surveys were reliable) and sediment flow, the substrate distribution
repeated at a minority of sites between years, and two at 50 m transects within the RHS sites was recorded
sites were evaluated outside the catchment (streams in together with visible silt deposition features.
the adjacent Hell’s Gate National Park) for compar-
ative purposes. RHS sites are listed in Table 1, their
location shown in Figure 1 and RHS data and site Results
photographs are available on CD-ROM (Environment
Agency & Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 1999). The hydrology and climate of the Eastern Rift Valley,
The survey was carried out in low flow condi- which has an unreliably low mean annual precipita-
tions. Water depth and width were recorded and the tion, is influenced by the topography of the escarp-
Table 1. Features of RHS sites in the Naivasha catchment (site numbers in Figure 3)
RHS RHS site (river system and site name) Longitude/Latitude Approximate Date
site no. altitude
9565 KWAMUYA; BELOW ROAD 36 ◦ 19 37 E, 00 ◦ 49 23 S 1900 10/08/97
9566 KWAMUYA; 0–500 m U/S ROAD 36 ◦ 19 23 E, 00 ◦ 49 47 S 1950 10/08/97
9567 KWAMUYA; 500 m–1 km U/S ROAD 36 ◦ 18 58 E, 00 ◦ 50 21 S 2000 10/08/97
9568 MALEWA; WANJOHI ROAD 36 ◦ 24 44 E, 00 ◦ 15 19 S 2290 06/08/97
9569 MALEWA; MARULA ESTATE 36 ◦ 22 03 E, 00 ◦ 40 47 S 1895 07/08/97
9570 GILGIL; ARMY BARRACKS 36 ◦ 20 41 E, 00 ◦ 29 06 S 2000 16/08/97
9571 LITTLE GILGIL; ARMY BARRACKS 36 ◦ 21 44 E, 00 ◦ 29 36 S 2000 16/08/97
9572 TURASHA DAM 36 ◦ 30 00 E, 00 ◦ 34 42 S 2400 11/08/97
9573 MALEWA; PUMP HOUSE 36 ◦ 23 41 E, 00 ◦ 29 36 S 2050 11/08/97
9574 MALEWA; BELOW TURASHA 36 ◦ 24 05 E, 00 ◦ 31 03 S 2000 11/08/97
9575 KARATI; KINANGOP PLATEAU 36 ◦ 35 16 E, 00 ◦ 47 11 S 2610 12/08/97
9576 KARATI; GORGE 36 ◦ 28 42 E, 00 ◦ 41 11 S 2100 12/08/97
9577 GILGIL; MARULA FLOODPLAIN 36 ◦ 20 55 E, 00 ◦ 40 32 S 1890 13/08/97
9578 GILGIL; ANOSTOMOSED DELTA 36 ◦ 21 10 E, 00 ◦ 38 41 S 1890 27/08/97
9579 GILGIL; U/S NORTH LAKE ROAD 36 ◦ 20 41 E, 00 ◦ 36 39 S 1900 17/08/97
9580 GILGIL; D/S NORTH LAKE ROAD 36 ◦ 20 21 E, 00 ◦ 37 23 S 1895 17/08/97
9581 MALEWA; KARI FARM 36 ◦ 25 13 E, 00 ◦ 38 26 S 1950 26/08/97
9582 KARATI; NORTH SWAMP 36 ◦ 24 44 E, 00 ◦ 42 10 S 1890 21/08/97
9583 NYAMBUG 36 ◦ 22 52 E, 00 ◦ 17 11 S 2350 25/07/98
9584 SIMBA (OLEOLONDO) 36 ◦ 22 13 E, 00 ◦ 21 24 S 2290 25/07/98
9585 OL KALOU 36 ◦ 22 47 E, 00 ◦ 16 28 S 2350 22/07/98
9586 ENDOROHR; D/S OL BOLOSSAT 36 ◦ 25 03 E, 00 ◦ 12 44 S 2330 22/07/98
9587 HELL’S GATE; LOWER GORGE 36 ◦ 19 13 E, 00 ◦ 52 47 S 2000 21/07/98
9588 KARATI; MANERA 36 ◦ 25 23 E, 00 ◦ 41 45 S 1895 17/07/98
9589 KARATI; RIFT WALL WATERFALL 36 ◦ 32 50 E, 00 ◦ 43 18 S 2500 17/07/98
9590 KARATI; GORGE 36 ◦ 28 42 E, 00 ◦ 41 11 S 2100 17/07/98
9591 GILGIL; U/S NAKURU ROAD 36 ◦ 21 44 E, 00 ◦ 32 55 S 1950 16/07/98
9592 MORINDATI; U/S KAHUHO SCHOOL 36 ◦ 20 36 E, 00 ◦ 25 08 S 2200 19/07/98
9593 GILGIL; U/S NORTH LAKE ROAD 36 ◦ 20 41 E, 00 ◦ 36 39 S 1900 15/07/98
9594 MALEWA; MARULA 36 ◦ 22 03 E, 00 ◦ 40 47 S 1895 20/07/98
9595 GILGIL; MARULA FLOODPLAIN 36 ◦ 20 55 E, 00 ◦ 40 32 S 1890 20/07/98
9596 KARATI; KINANGOP PLATEAU 36 ◦ 35 16 E, 00 ◦ 47 11 S 2610 25/03/99
9597 KARATI; CASCADE U/S GORGE 36 ◦ 29 16 E, 00 ◦ 41 02 S 2130 30/03/99
9598 KIRIUNDU; DONDORI ROAD 36 ◦ 17 41 E, 00 ◦ 14 50 S 2560 05/04/99
9599 GILGIL; MARULA FLOODPLAIN 36 ◦ 20 55 E, 00 ◦ 40 32 S 1890 31/03/99
9600 MALEWA; 0–500m U/S KIRIMA 36 ◦ 30 34 E, 00 ◦ 13 52 S 2500 27/03/99
9601 MALEWA; 500m-1km U/S KIRIMA 36 ◦ 30 54 E, 00 ◦ 14 02 S 2700 27/03/99
9602 WANJOHI; WANJOHI 36 ◦ 29 50 E, 00 ◦ 18 15 S 2390 27/03/99
9603 NYAMITHI; D/S NEW ROAD 36 ◦ 30 39 E, 00 ◦ 47 02 S 2295 25/03/99
9604 NYAMITHI; GORGE ON SLOPE U/S 36 ◦ 28 13 E, 00 ◦ 46 42 S 2060 26/03/99
9605 NYAMITHI; GORGE IN FLATLAND 36 ◦ 27 58 E, 00 ◦ 46 42 S 2000 26/03/99
9606 NYAMITHI; SHAMBA 36 ◦ 27 00 E, 00 ◦ 46 18 S 1990 04/04/99
9607 HELL’S GATE; CENTRAL TOWER 36 ◦ 20 55 E, 00 ◦ 53 16 S 2000 04/04/99
9608 PELICAN FARM; CONSTRUCTED 36 ◦ 25 42 E, 00 ◦ 42 24 S 1890 06/04/99
Table 2. Stream orders and topography in the Naivasha
ments. Consequently, the majority of the series of catchment
lakes are soda or alkaline due to the concentration of
solutes through evapotranspiration. By contrast, Lake River Stream Maximum Maximum
Naivasha is a freshwater body, apparently due to topo- system order horizontal height
graphy and orographic processes across its catchment. channel drop (m)
Lake Naivasha lies between the ‘walls’ of the Eastern length (km)
Rift Valley: the Mau Escarpment rising to 3048 metres Malewa 6/7 109 1921
to the west and the Nyandarua Mountains rising to Gilgil 3 60 873
4000 metres to the east. These ridges are among the Karati 1 30 760
highest ranges in the central part of the Eastern Rift Nyamithi 1 13 740
Valley, and are likely to have sufficient elevation to Kwamuya 1 2 110
cause climatic conditions that result in greater rainfall
relative to other major lake catchments. A schematic
diagram of the orographic and hydrographic regime of
the catchment is provided in Figure 2 (reliable rain-
fall data across the catchment are not available). The and several small rivers feed into the Wanjohi system
presence of a number of the larger perennial rivers of from the slopes of the Nyandaruas. The Endorohr sys-
the Malewa and Gilgil systems to the north and west, tem arises as a westerly outflow from Lake Ol Bolossat
relative to only several temporary rivers to the south when lake levels are high (as observed, for example,
and west and few blind streams running from the Mau following the ‘El Nino’ rains in 1997), at an altitude of
Escarpment to the west, provide evidence substanti- 2400 m. The Endorohr here has the characteristics of
ating this model. The persistence of the Malewa and a grassy swale, interpersed with Cyperus-dominated
Gilgil systems may also suggest the existence of rain- pools, a temporary river in a moist and cool upland
fall percolation into perched groundwater tables that setting. The Turasha sub-catchment, arising to the East
feed the river system during dry periods. of the Kipipiri mountain, is dammed to provide fresh
Channel gradients of the major river systems are water for the town of Nakuru, creating a fresh still-
shown in Figures 3 and 4 and Table 2. Changes water habitat at approximately 3000 m altitude. This
in channel dimensions with passage downstream are feeds into an otherwise high-energy river system. Both
shown for the three main rivers and also for the the Malewa/Wanjohi and the Turasha sub-catchments
Nyamithi (a temporary system rising on the Kinan- fall rapidly from source to the altitude at which the
gop plateau) and the Kwamuya Stream (representative Endorohr, Ol Kalou, Nyambug and Simba rivers rise,
of the ephemeral dry streams from the dry southern falling at lower gradient to approximately 40 km north
slopes of the lakeshore) are summarised in Figures 5 of Lake Navasha where they once again fall at higher
and 6. As a surrogate of channel energy (the wide- gradient cutting through the plateau north of the lake
spread occurrence of dry channels render flow type (up to 30 km distance from the river mouth).
data unreliable) and sediment flow, Figures 7 and Water width/depth data demonstrate the perennial
8 shows the substrate distribution at 50 m transects nature of all rivers in the Malewa system, with chan-
within the RHS sites, respectively, in the Malewa, Gil- nel sizes which tend to increase downstream with
gil, Karati and Nyamithi river systems. Silt deposition all rivers remaining relatively shallow. Channel sub-
features recorded in the Malewa, Gilgil and Karati strates, reflective of stream energy, reflect channel
river systems are presented, respectively, in Figure 9 topography with the steep Ol Kolau and Nyambug
(no discrete depositional features were present in RHS systems being bedrock-dominated and the Simba river
sites on the Nyamithi system). being dominated by boulders. Conversely, the relat-
ively low-gradient Endorohr and the dammed (at the
The Malewa river system RHS site) Turasha tributaries have a sediment of fines
(combining soil, silt, clay and peat). Below the Tur-
The Malewa river system is significantly more dend- asha confluence, the substrate of the Malewa system
ritic than other systems in the catchment, with head- grades from gravel/pebble to fines at the low-energy
waters and tributaries rising at a range of altitudes. The river mouth. Silt deposition features generally reflect
headwater of the main channel of the Malewa River this energy gradient, although side-bars present at Ol
rises in the Nyandarua Mountains at 3700 m altitude, Kolau and Nyambug river sites suggest high sediment
Figure 2. Profile and orographic model of the Eastern Rift Valley through the Naivasha catchment.
Figure 3. Channel topography of the Malewa river and its major tributaries.
Figure 4. Channel topography of the Gilgil river and its tributaries, and the Karati and Nyamithi rivers.
Figure 5. Channel dimensions (as explained in text) of the Malewa and Gilgil river systems.
Figure 6. Channel dimensions (as explained in text) of the Karati, Nyamithi and Kwamuya river systems.
inputs upstream. Point bars present at the Turasha dam atively flat topography before cutting into the plateau
and down river at both the KARI and Marula sites approximately 40–50 km north of Lake Naivasha to
suggest significant channel activity in these reaches. the flatlands approaching the lake.
The Malewa discharges directly into Lake Naivasha Water width/depth data indicate shallow perennial
with no dissipation into papyrus swamp as occurred in river systems, generally increasing in width down-
the 1970s (Gaudet, 1977). In August 1997, distinct stream. Percentage of low flow/bankful appear re-
sediment-laden plumes of Malewa river water were latively higher than the Malewa system indicating
visible up to an estimated 500 m into the lake. stronger base flows; there is a perennial volcanic
Scrub and rough pasture were the most extens- groundwater input at Chamuka Spring near the settle-
ive forms of riparian land use throughout the Malewa ment of Chokeraria. In contrast to other river systems
catchment although, in some areas, tillage of the land in the catchment, the Gilgil opens into a broad flood-
for subsistence agriculture and cash crops was evident plain immediately north of the lake, with an anostom-
right up to the river banks. There was also evid- osed section of river, now heavily modified for direct
ence of extensive erosion and poaching of the river irrigation.
banks in some river stretches, apparently as a result Bedrock channel substrate is predominant at the
of over-grazing. Artificial features were otherwise not steep section of the Morindati River upstream of
widespread, the most significant exception being the Kahuho school, and also occurs in regions of channel
Turasha dam. scour at Gilgil Weir. However, the river is otherwise
gravel/pebble grading to fines reflecting topography
The Gilgil system and energy. Silt deposition features are not widespread
in the river system, although they are common at
The Gilgil system is third-order with three headwa- the Army Barracks (Gilgil Town), Nakuru Road and
ters: the Morindati (rising at 2700 m), the Kiriundu Maasai Ridge sites. This is reflective of both overgraz-
(2710 m) and the Little Gilgil (2400 m). The upland
river sections of all three Gilgil tributaries have a rel-
Figure 7. Substrates at ten survey transects within RHS sites on the Malewa River system.
ing/poaching and channel activity (as indicated by side Valley edge towards the flatter lands bordering the
bars) in this higher-gradient reach of the river. eastern lake shore.
Despite perennial flows, the broad Gilgil flood- Depth/width data indicate a predominantly dry
plain north of Lake Naivasha disperses river energy, river. Despite low % low flow/bankful, data sug-
and the low gradient upstream of this results in fall out gest terracing, indicative of differing flow re-
of sediments (and associated substances) well short of gimes over longer timescales. The flatter gradients
the lake. Owing to both of these features, river energy on the Kinangop plateau result in a mid-energy
is dispersed short of the lake, and the Gilgil River gravel/pebble/cobble channel substrate, through high
consequently lacks a clear mouth. river energy as the Karati falls steeply through the
Scrub and rough pasture are the predominant ri- gorge section resulting in a predominantly boulder or
parian landscape types in the Gilgil catchment, al- bedrock substrate. It rarely flows in the flatter topo-
though some tilled land is present near the river banks. graphy near the lake itself, and the channel substrates
Erosion through overgrazing and poaching, by both at sites Manera and the North Swamp overwhelmingly
stock and game, are evident lower in the catchment. comprise fines. Some silt deposition is evident at Kin-
angop, reflecting agricultural activity. Small silt de-
posits are also present at the Gorge site where marginal
slacks in the gorge permit deposition of high sediment
The Karati system
loads arising from grazing/poaching and riverside till-
The Karati is a relatively shorter, steeper system age of land. Silt deposition is also evident at the North
that has no significant tributaries and is purely first- Swamp site.
order. The headwater rises at an altitude of 2600 m Rough pasture and scrub are common riparian
(approximately the same altitude range as the Gilgil landscapes throughout the catchment, however sub-
headwaters and many of those of the Malewa) on the sistence and cash crop agriculture are extensive on the
Kinangop plateau, but cascades steeply from the Rift Kinangop Plateau and immediately above the Karati
Figure 8. Substrates at ten survey transects within RHS sites on the Gilgil, Karati and Nyamithi river systems.
Figure 9. Silt features at ten survey transects within RHS sites on the Malewa, Gilgil and Karati river systems.
gorge. The Karati is however virtually ‘blind’, dispers- Erosion, depostion and sedimentation in the river
ing into the North Swamp through various distributary systems
channels with no clear opening to the lake. Sedi-
ment flows from upstream erosion appear to contribute The data demonstrate a largely predictable pattern pre-
significantly to a delta-forming process. dominantly of erosion (indicated by bedrock, boulder
and cobble channel substrates, and gorged or deep
V valley forms) in the upper catchment, and the de-
The Nyamithi system position of sediments (channel substrate composed
of fines, with side bars and point bars) in the lower
The Nyamithi is a shorter and steeper first order sys- catchment. In addition to this relationship between to-
tem even than the Karati. Despite the channel becom- pography/erosion and bed type/depositional features,
ing indistinct some 4 km short of the lake, there is Tarras-Wahlberg et al. (2002) also found a distinct
overland flow over farmland to the lake shore during relationship between topography/channel pattern and
heavy rainfall events. The Nyamithi is predomin- the maturity, shape and size of riverine sediment
antly dry with a small channel width, but the bed- particles.
rock/boulder substrate in all but the lowland (Shamba) Overlaid upon this pattern are poaching of river
site indicate substantial river energy during periods of banks and erosion, sometimes severe, recorded
high flow. Fines eroded from these events contribute throughout the catchment. High sediments loads from
to the silt/mud bed of the increasingly indistinct river the Malewa catchment were responsible for the visible
channel at the Shamba site. plume extending from the mouth of the Malewa river
There is evidence from the terraced valleys and into the lake.
deeply incised/engorged channels through most of the It is possible, based on findings of this initial study
river length that the Nyamithi had significantly greater of the Naivasha catchment, to make a preliminary clas-
flashing volumes over longer geological timescales sification of the zones within the catchment, which
than at present. These appear to have deposited sub- has potential value in setting a geographic context
stantial amounts of silt into the lake, forming a delta for the delivery of sustainable development within the
which current flow volumes are now incapable of catchment (Figure 10).
The Kwamuya has been surveyed from the source to The initial purpose of the Naivasha catchment re-
the blind end as an example of one of the several tem- search programme was to establish a datum against
porary rivers running from the southern slopes of the which to assess future change. This is also poten-
catchment. It is a steep, short first-order stream which tially valuable in determining ‘hotspots’ of biological
stops some 100 m short of the lake edge. The land interest and problems, and supporting land use de-
between the end of the river channel and the lake shore cisions. Any threat to the hydrological regime of the
is cultivated, and the lakeside papyrus fringe is entire. Naivasha catchment could have potentially substantial
The river is dry for most of the year, reportedly consequences for the lake and river ecosystems, given
running only for a few days a year following periods of the apparent fine balance of inputs and outputs con-
heavy rainfall. Channel width increases downstream. tributing to the unique freshwater character of Lake
Bedrock and boulders are predominant throughout Naivasha.
most of the river system, although heavy overgraz- Erosion and loss of topsoil are a significant prob-
ing results in substantial erosion contributing to the lem worldwide and the magnitude of the problem is
silt deposits at the blind ending of the river. The amplified by both the thin erosive volcanic soils and
delta-forming processes postulated for the Nyamithi the increasing intensity and land use. Poorly-advised
system may also contribute to lowland silt deposits at land use practices such as tillage to the banktop and
a significantly smaller scale in the Kwamuya system. unrestricted stock access are commonplace, and may
contribute to increasing erosion. Unsympathetic ri-
parian land management leading to vegetation loss and
erosion also results in reductions in infiltration, further
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