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Evidence-based Research Practices

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Evidence-based Research Practices

When it comes to evidence-based nursing practices, effective communication is a key ingredient

to the administration of proper care and treatment plans. In this case, a new nurse was assigned a patient

was diagnosed with a central nervous system syndrome which is considerably rare and has no established

cure. The disorder seems to attack the central nervous system which leads to the failure in individual

ability to perform their daily activities effectively. With illnesses such as this, the patient has the ability to

depict symptoms which could be misdiagnosed either as schizophrenia or other disorders which would

hasten the patient’s debilitation (Huehn., Kuehn & Fick, 2019). The patient presented with memory

lapses, concentration issues, involuntary muscle movement and lack of muscular coordination,

deliriousness, compulsive behavior as well as significant mood swings. After a series of

psychotherapeutic treatments, the patient’s condition seemed to worsen which led to more questions into

the disease (Djulbegovic & Guyatt, 2017). With this regard, the symptoms were considerably

inconclusive which called for research into the patient’s family medical history as well as a dep dive into

the medical resources and journals addressing cognitive disabilities. based on this, it is advisable for the

nurse to conduct a study into the remaining viable explanations for the symptoms. The hospital resources

include hospital policies, online resources, journals and the expertise from lead diagnosticians.

Following a series of genetic tests and considerable study into the family history, the patient was

diagnosed with Huntington’s disease which is a cognitive disability that affects an individual’s behavior.

To most new practitioners the disease is fairly unknown considering the number of patients who have

suffered from the illness. Considering that there is no cure for the disease, it is vital for the administering

nurse to identify a management and treatment plan.

With regard to the resources, the first step to the patient treatment was referenced to the

organizational policies and professional ethics established by the National League for Nursing (NLN).

The organizational policies dictate the regulations in place for the treatment of such patients especially in

cases where the treatment changes from treatment into long-term care. Additionally, by consulting the

professional ethics outlined in the the NCBI bookshelf, the nurse is able to ensure that the treatment plan

selected is appropriate for both them and the patient (Djulbegovic & Guyatt, 2017). Secondly, in this

case, consulting a diagnostician to create a proper understanding of the disease and help formulate

necessary treatment plan. In this accord, the CINAHL journal combinations proved quite relevant in

providing information with regard to evidence on the management of cognitive related debilitations.

However, websites such as NCBI proved more relevant and more accurate with reference to the

effectiveness of the treatment plans especially with cognitive related issues (Shelton, Cooper &

Stirman, 2018). The combination of journals provides an updated source of information concerning the

disease starting with the signs and symptoms to the management plans for the disease. The credibility of

the sources used by the study was established through the use of the National Center for Complementary

and Integrative Health which acted as a determinant to the effectiveness of the information provided.

Online databases

NCBI journals and books: contains relevant journals and resources concerning the nursing care practice

raging from the ethics governing the profession to the rules behind the development of treatment and care

plans for patients.

Very-well-mind website: pertains information on cognitive psychology which allows the nurse to create

and understand the cognitive development better which comes in handy in the development of care plans.

Nursing at its best website: the website outlines the expectations of nursing care practices which dictate

the professional expectations of a practicing nurse in the development of an evidence-base care plan.

MDPI: the site emphasizes on the vitality of open communication between nurses and their superiors as

well as with the patients, depicting the vitality of the information to the development of care and

treatment plans.

PubMed: the site has proved significantly reliable with regard to the provision of sufficient information

regarding cognitive disability by providing a wide range of in-depth research and studies with regard to

cognitive disability, Huntington’s disease and appropriate nurse care practices.

Role of the baccalaureate

As a baccalaureate generalist, my responsibility is to direct and provide the practicing

practitioners with information that will create a better understanding of the processes of research as well

as act as educators to both the patients and their care takers (Huehn., Kuehn & Fick, 2019). In this

case, my role was to direct and supervise the actions of the new nurse to ensure that the information

gathered was relevant and significant to the case (Martinez & Elue, 2020). My basic role was to act as a

patient advocate ensuring that nurses deliver quality care based on care outcomes. In this case,

communication plays a vital role in the development of treatment plans since the process is heavily

dependent on the free flow of information between all involved parties. The use of horizontal, vertical and

diagonal communication is vital to the efficient flow of information.



Djulbegovic, B., & Guyatt, G. H. (2017). Progress in evidence-based medicine: a quarter century

on. The Lancet, 390(10092), 415-423.

Huehn, S. L., Kuehn, M. B., & Fick, K. E. (2019). Integrating spiritual care during

interprofessional simulation for baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Holistic

Nursing, 37(1), 94-99..

Martinez, E., & Elue, C. (2020). From community college to graduate school: Exploring the role

of academic advisors in promoting graduate education at baccalaureate degree-granting

community colleges. The Journal of Higher Education, 91(7), 1003-1027

Shelton, R. C., Cooper, B. R., & Stirman, S. W. (2018). The sustainability of evidence-based

interventions and practices in public health and health care. Annual review of public

health, 39, 55-76.

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