Ugc Notice Degree Certficates

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ilo, Tadepall, Guntur District" 52350) otic Texeghone! dain 274449 mal aphermedgral om ji ANDHRA PRADESH HIGHER EDUCATION REGULATORY AND MONITORING COMMISSION Ke I Fo, Sree Mahindra Brolave, NR Block (Bloc), From: To ‘The Member Secretary & CEO All the Higher Educational Institutions A.P. Higher Education Regulatory & And Student Community Monitoring Commission, ‘Tadepalli, Guntur Dis:riet-522501 Notice No.04 /APHERMC/ADMN/2021 __Date:05.02.2021 sir, Sub: APHERMC uploading certain information on the website of APHERMC-Reg ‘The APHERMC would like to draw the attention of all the higher educational institutions and the student community about varies notices issued by the UGC, pertaining to accreditations, Retention of certificates fee refund, Extension of date for submission of Ph,D/M.Phil and Thesis ete No,F.4-12/2013{10C) No.F.1-10/2020(CPP-I1 E.No.14-12/2019(CPP-1l) Notification on Refund of Fees and Non-Retention of original Certificates MEMBER fARY & CEO [MEMBER SECRETARY & CEO AP. HIGHER EDUCATION REGULATORY AND WONITORDG COMMISION 11 Page freer Sg sree University Grants Commission ir ta Delgo da swe hee yee = rg rea et 10002 sh rhe 1 hh Zoe Marg, New Oe 10002 a Ph 232m 239357 Prof, Rajish Jain on 01-2323 058 secretary mot econ NowF4-12201200C) Samoary 29,2021, ‘Sub: Accreditation of Higher Edveation Institutions University Grants Commission has been consistently striving for exeslence wih a specific Focus on quay. Accreditation s considered as one ofthe most significant and globally ecognised means 0 ensure quality ofthe eduction system, Hence, University Grants Commision (Mandatory sessment tnd Accreditation of higher Educational Instiuions) Regulations 2012 were noified to make it mandatory for each Highe Education Institution to get screed by the Assen Agency after passing out of to batches or sc yeas, whichever seater UGC has also set an ambitious target for itself that insitions shoul get accredited with minimum sore of 2 hy the year 2022, To accomplish this angst, UGC introduce eine called Params in the year 2019 for mentoring the non screed insitons. This initiative imtends to promote well performing accredited institutions to Imentor the NAAC aceeation aspiring instiutions 0 upgrade their academic performance and get, accredited, A well-esignd scheme of Mentor Menee rlitonship will not only benefit bath the instvions but also lend to quality education forthe students who are currently enol in the Indian higher education sytem, 167 Ment Institution have been approved 0 far ner “Paramarsh” o mentor 936 non-acredited HE. The lit of the Mentor Institutions may be sen on the UGC weit, ge ain We are aware of te ft that there are sla large number of institutions which are yet to be crete. These institutions are expected to make all out efforts to get themselves acreited at the catliet. Moreover, the NAAC atcrediaton apiing institutions may’ sek guidance from the Mentor Insitutions as well as other high performing institutions so that they’ can get an exposure 1 the best practices The HEIs are therfore expected to come forward for acrediaion 30 a8 &0 mtnain global standards and ensre quality of our higher education system aT (apis Jain) Freer ger an Univesity rons Commision “ secon se en Se 3 oar al tg 12 ae neem Pro anh aa recat ast ‘seewsy - Exava No#.-10/2020(CPP-0) 2 December, 2020 PUBLICNOTICE ‘The University Grants Commission has iesued Guldelines on Examination and ‘Academie Calendar for the Universites in view of COVID-'9 Pandemic and ‘subsequent Lockdown on 28h Apri, 2020. As pe hese Guelne, extension of Sic months was conveyed Tor MPHPh students who wore 12 submit Tet DBiscenationThees by 30th June, 2020, ue to COVID-18 Pandemic, the universities have remained closed for the past several months. Tereore, the students have not bean able to conduct fer Teseatchlexperiments nthe univers aboratries no they were able to sceees rary ‘onoes that ae ota! fr compan ot hess In vow ofthe above and in the larger iterost ofthe research scholars, a father ‘2xcension of six rons for terminal MPAPR D slugeris, who were suppossd fo ‘submitter thesisby 31" December, 2020, may bo granted by the universes 1 i 30" June. 2021 Eaonsion of six months, as menoned above, may aio be grand {ox subming evidence of pubicaton and presentation n we carerences. However, ‘he tenure of feonsnp of MPRIPAD willbe he same (8 yeas) att (RAINISH JAIN) Ww B freafaenera separa srt sity Grants Commission ins one ene, of 7 wate et sneer 5 act Fe 0002 1. core ot Ach Shh ae New De-11002 we on-anzacae/za27 Prof. Rajnish Jin Fons 01-203 58, Secretary Eno seyue i F.No.14-1212019(CPP4I) 14% August, 2020 Puss NON RETENTION OF CERTIFICATES OF TEACHERS BY HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS - REGARDING thas come tc the notice of the UGC that many of the universitios! colleges/institutes collect the original academic certiieates, mark-sheets etc. atthe time fof issuing employment contracts to the teachers and then continue to retain those documents with them. The teachers face tough time recovering theie certificates from their employer educational institutions when they leave their job, Many have to forego their better prospects as they are not able fo recover their documents In time The UGC, taking a serious view on these matters, hereby notes that no employing Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) shall keep in their possession any teacher's academic certicatesidocuments in original which is akin to depriving them of their rights. Further every Higher Educational Institutions (Universities/Colleges/ Institutes) are mandatory required to issue employment contracts clearly specifying all the terms and condition in accordance with the stipulated norms of the UGC and other statutory bodies concered. Al the institutions are required to strictly comply the above, (Rajnish Jain) QP oe University Grants Commission Notification. Refund of Fees and Non-Retention of Original Certificates October, 2018 4. Introduetion: ‘The Commission has notified University Grants Commission (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012 on redressal of multifarious grievances of students, But given the sheer volume of the complaints regarding non-refund of fees and retention of original certificates by Higher Educational Institutions (HED, the Commission felt the need to notify elaborate instructions sa as to ‘curb such malpractices and decided to issue appropriate instructions in the {form of this Notification to all universities and other HEIs under the purview of the Ucc. 2, Objective: To prohibit coercive and profiteering institutional practices in the matters related to refund of fees in case of withdrawal from the programme and retention of original certificates atthe time of and / or after admission, In exercise of powers conferred by Section 12 (A) read with Section 12() of the UGC Act, 1956, the UGC issues this Notification for adoption of standard ‘operating procedures in the matters related to refund of fees in the event of student's withdrawal from the program and non-retention of certificates at the time of admission, 3. Application and Enforcement 3.1. The instructions contained in this Notification shall be in supersession to its earlier Public Notice dated 23.04.2007 and its Notification dated 16" December, 2016. It shall be applicable to Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research Programs run by universities included under Section 2 (0 of UGC Act, together with all colleges under their affiliating domain and. institutions declared as deemed to be universities under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 3.2 The provisions contained in this Notification shall come into force with immediate effect and shall have regulatory force on extant as well as future _svievances over issues and matters covered herein, 4. Specific provisions for Mandatory compliance by HEIs: ‘The Commission herewith lays down specific provisions and consequent ‘mandatory compliance on the issues related to () Refund of fees by the institution concerned in the event of the withdrawal from the programme by a student; and (2) Venineation and non-retention of academic and personal certificates of student; For any complaint in respect of (1) & (2) above, the grievance redressal ‘mechanism as preseribed under UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012, shall be followed. 4c1 Refund of Fees 4.1 No HEI shall make it mandatory for applicants to purchase the institutional prospectus at any time during the course of the programme of study. Purchasing prospectus shall be the personal choice of the applicant and hhe/she shall have rights to decide against it in case he/she wishes to access the ‘information from the institutional website, As laid down in the Right to Information Act, 2005, and reiterated in the UGC Guidelines on Students’ Entitlement, all HEIs shall disclose on their website and prospectus {information regarding the status of the institution, its affiliation, accreditation status, physical assets and amenities, course-wise sanctioned intake of students, various types of fees payable for different programmes, total fees payable for an entire programme, last date of admission, details of faculty, ‘members of governing bodies and minutes of the meetings of bodies like Acaddemie/Execative Council, sources of income, the financial situation and any other information about its funetio fully informed choice, , necessary for an applicant to make @ 4.12 HEIs shall charge fees in advance only for the semester/year in which a student is to engage in acaclemic activities. Collecting advance fees for the entire programme of study or for more than one semester/year in which a student is enrolled is strictly prohibited, 4.19 If a student chooses to withdraw from the programme of study in which hhe/she is enrolled, the institution concerned shall follow the following five-tier system for the refund of fees* remitted by the student, S.No | Percentage of Refund of fees®” | Point of time when notice of| withdrawal of admission is received in the HEL w 700% 15 days or more before the formally-notified last date of admission o 90% Tass than 15 days before the formally-notified last date of, | admission @ Bo% 15 days or Tess after the formally] notified last date of admission @w 5% 30 days or Tess, but more than 15 ays, after formally-notified last date of admission @ 00% More than go days after formally: notified last date of admission NOTE : *Caution money and security deposit, which are not part of the fees chargeable, shall be refunded in full. 4.4 In ease of (1) in the table above, the HET concerned shall deduct an amount not more than 5% of the fees paid by the student, subject to a ‘maximum of Rs. 5,000/- as processing charges from the refundable amount. 4.145 Fees shall be refunded by all HEIs to an eligible'stiudent within fifteen days, from the date of receiving a written application from him/her inthis regard. 4.2 Verification and Non-retention of Students’ Academic and Personal certificates 4.2. No HEI shall insist upon a student to submit the original academic and personal certificates, like, mark-sheets, school leaving certificates and other such documents, at the time of submitting admission form, but the submission of self-attested copies thereof shall be mandatory. 4.2.2 HEls shall physically verify the originals at the time of admission of the student in his/her presence and return them immediately after satisfying ‘themselves about their authenticity, keeping the attested copies for their record. 4.2.3 The self-attested certificates of studen by institution concerned and/or the affiliating university for all purposes and administrative requirements and should there be a need for physical verification at any time during the course of the programme of study, such verification shall be undertaken and the original certificates thus used for verification shall be returned immediately tothe student concerned, shall he held valid and authentic 14.24 Taking the certificates into institutional custody under any circumstance or pretext i strictly prohibited 4.2 In case of any suspicion over the authenticity or genuineness of a certificate, reference may be made to university or the Board which issued the certfiate to the student and the admission be subjected to the authentication, but original certificate shall not be retained by the HET under any circumstance. 4.3 Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) 43 All HEls shall mandatorily have @ “Grievance Redressal Mechanism” (GRM) as mandated by UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012, as ‘amended from time to time, to address and effectively resolve complaints, ‘upresentations and grievances related to any of the issues mentioned in this Notification. ‘The GRM shall be av lableon HEI website. 4.3.3 HEIs shall ensure that all grievances received are addressed as deemed fit within go days. 5: Punitive Actions by Commission against defaulting HEIs ‘The Commission, in respect of any HET which contravenes or fails to ‘comply with the provisions of this Notification, shall proceed to take one or ‘more ofthe following actions, namely (@) withdrawal of declaration of fitness to receive grants under Section 12B of the UGC Act, 1956; (b) withholding any grant allocated to the HEI; (© declaring the HEL i under any of the general or special assistance programs of the ligible for consideration for any assistance Commission; (@ informing the general public, including potential eandidates for admission, through a notice displayed prominently in the newspapers or other suitable media and posted on the website of the Commis concerned; (© recommend to the affiliating university for withdrawal of affiliation, in ease ofa college / institute; (recommend to the Central Government for withdrawal of declaration as Institution deemed to be university, in case of an institution deemed to be university; (@) recommend to the appropriate State Government for appropriate necessary act or incorporated under a State Act; ion, about the non-compliance by the HEI n in ease of a university established (h) taking such other action within its powers as the Commissio may deem fi. Provided that no action shall be taken by the Commission under this Notification unless the HEI has been given an adequate opportunity of being heard. yt (Rajnish Jai Secretary

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