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facility for manufacturing plasma proteins, biosimi- that we sell and the approach has been to continuously
lars, small molecule oncology products and vaccines. invest in manufacturing. The principle we follow is to do
In phase II, there will also be commercial scale manu- it ahead of demand and that was one of the reasons for
facturing facilities for gene therapy (a way to modify investing in a new campus,” he points out.
a person’s genes to cure diseases) and mRNA (a single But just what is the low-profile RLS all about? Accord-
stranded molecule carrying instructions to make pro- ing to Subramaniam, 65, a three-decade veteran of the
teins) products.” A biosimilar is a biological medicine group, the company, predominantly, has a play in medi-
that is highly similar to another that has already been cal biotechnology-based products and services. “Most
approved by regulators. of the products we make are used in critical and inten-
Once these products get to even higher volumes in sive care in hospitals. You will not find our products in
the market, there is the ability to expand the manufac- chemist shops,” he explains.
turing facilities in the Nashik campus. “Biotechnology is where we chose to be,” says Subra-
The bet on higher volumes is a reflection of the dy- maniam, picking his words carefully. It is an area with
namics of the biopharmaceuticals segment, which is very good business potential, but for every success there | 91
growing at an impressive 25 per cent annually. are, quite literally, hundreds of failures.
With the campus coming up and a host of ambi- The company is clear about addressing unmet medi-
tious plans to go with it, the outlook is understandably cal needs, and there is absolutely no room for error.
buoyant. “Reliance Life Sciences, while continuing to “When you make a product, it goes into the body of
strengthen the foundation it has created in medical a person who is critical. For instance, Reteplase (our
biotechnology products, has taken up several novel ini- product), is a clot buster for a patient [suffering from
tiatives in vaccines, peptides, gene and cell therapies, cardiac arrest], or albumin is for trauma, accidents or
mRNA and oligonucleotides. In the process, it would liver cases.”
be graduating its profile from making life-saving drugs Besides, it is a long-gestation business. But as Vinay
mostly to treat patients in intensive and critical care in Ranade, the company’s CEO, puts it, “not as long as an
hospitals to addressing unmet medical needs in rare innovator product and not as short as a generic product.
genetic diseases and disorders,” Mukesh Ambani, Re- Typically, we used to take four to five years and with
liance Industries’ Chairman and Managing Director, stringent regulations for something like biosimilars, it is
tells Business Today. Peptides are strings of amino acids now at six to seven years.” An innovator product is one
that are called the building blocks of proteins. that has a new chemical entity that has received a patent
on its chemical formulation or manufacturing process.
BREAKING IT DOWN Generics, meanwhile, are pharmaceutical drugs that
The buoyant mood is underpinned by a business that contain the same chemical substance as a drug that was
has been grown patiently and that is coming of age originally protected by chemical patents.
now. It has been nurtured with some basic guidelines In terms of numbers, RLS’s revenues have zoomed 25
that reflect the ethos of the group as a whole. per cent on an annualised basis over the last five years,
Many years ago, Ambani told Subramaniam, “If Subramaniam points out, while Ebitda (earnings be-
you don’t invest in manufacturing, you will not get fore interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation) has
scale.” Mega projects like Reliance’s Jamnagar refin- jumped 42 per cent (see chart A Tightly Run Ship). The
ery or the one for petrochemicals in Hazira bear testi- revenue for FY23 was around `2,400 crore or about $300
mony to this reasoning. “We make almost everything million, “with a valuation of $2 billion”.
500 10% 20
5% 10
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