3° Simulado de Inglês

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There's a natural mystic blowing through the air; If you listen carefully now you will hear... Many
more will have to suffer, Many more will have to die - don't ask me why. Things are not the way they
used to be... One and all have to face reality now.

Bob Marley

Which of these statements is true according to the picture of the globe?

A) The Earth never gets hot.

B) Our planet is fine and healthy.

C) Everyone on Earth is safe and sound.

E) The Globe looks strong and happy.

E) The world needs help.


The lines of the song by Bob Marley tell us that

A) in the future, things will be better than today.

B) he is not worried about the world’s problems.

C) we have to ignore what is happening to the world.

D) nowadays things are different from the past.

E) everything will be all right soon.


Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase a seguir:

It was __________ honor for us to see __________ Queen of __________ England.

A) a – the – the

B) * – a – *

C) an – a – the

D) the – * – an

E) an – the – *


WORST é superlativo de:

A) well

B) good

C) worn

D) bad

E) wealthy


"A Chinese employee at Motorola complained that the company had been cheated when it bought
numbers wholesale for its own staff, because IT was given numbers that all ended in 4 (e.g. 54-
7424), which means death."

– The capital word IT in the sentence above refers to:

A) wholesale.

B) a Chinese employee.

C) the Motorola company.

D) the number 54-7424.

E) death.


Assinale a opção que NÃO descreve benefícios apontados na figura.

A) Sapatos com velcro e fáceis de fechar.

B) Calça comprida com elástico na cintura.

C) Bolso com fecho especial para guloseimas.

D) Blusa sintética e aderente à pele.

E) Jaqueta resistente ao vento.


Considere as seguintes afirmações:

I. As listas verticais indicadas afinam a silhueta.

II. A figura mostra sapatos que não se desgastam com o tempo.

III. Inactive Wear é apropriada para praticantes de exercícios físicos.

Está(ão) correta(s):

A) apenas a I.

B) apenas a II.

C) apenas a III.

D) apenas a I e II.

E) todas.


The following sentences should be completed with FEW or LITTLE:

I. Many of us tried but very __________ succeeded.

II. To our surprise, changes in foreign policy were __________.

III. That school is so expensive that only __________ children can attend it.

IV. That crane can lift objects weighing a __________ hundred pounds.
V. We had __________ chance of success.

– The sentence which must be completed which FEW are:

A) I and IV, only.

B) II and III, only.

C) I, II and V, only.

D) I, II, III and IV, only.

E) II, III, IV and V, only


Assinale a alternativa que é a correta versão da frase apresentada:

"Eu quero que eles se sintam em casa."

A) I want that they feel the house.

B) I wish they would touch home.

C) I wish they had homely feelings.

D) I want them to feel at home.

E) I'd like them to make themselves a house.


Assinale a alternativa correta: Could I __________ earlier tomorrow?

A) to leave

B) leave

C) leaves

D) left

E) leaving



Dadas as afirmações de que em português:

1. SCHOLAR significa LETRADO.

2. SENSIBLE significa SENSATO.

3. FABRIC significa TECIDO.

– Constatamos que está(estão) correta(s) :

A) Apenas a afirmação no 1.

B) Apenas a afirmação no 2.

C) Apenas a afirmação no 3.

D) Apenas as afirmações nos 1 e 2.

E) Todas as afirmações.


1– E
2– D
3– E

4– D
5– C
6– D
7– A

8– E
9– D
10 – E
11 – B


• Text Comprehension

• Adjectives and Adverbs

• Pronouns
• Quantifiers and Intensifiers
• Verbs

• Modal Auxiliaries
• False Cognate Words

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