H S Inspection Checklist
H S Inspection Checklist
H S Inspection Checklist
Is the workplace too noisy?
Is noise reduced at source by the provision of properly designed, well
maintained and adjusted tools or machines?
Are noise levels reduced by the use of sound-absorbent materials?
Can the source of any excessive noise be enclosed or isolated?
Is suitable hearing protection provided if noise levels cannot be
reduced by any other means?
Are all fire escapes and routes to emergency exit free from obstacles?
Are all emergency escape exits clearly marked?
Are there enough fire extinguishers of the correct type within easy
reach and near each exit?
Have workers been instructed in the evacuation procedures in the
event of an emergency?
Are there any exposed, loose or entangled wires or connections?
Are all switchboxes, panel boards and sockets provided with suitable
Is all electrical equipment effectively earthed?
Is all electrical equipment regularly inspected for signs of wear and
Have all substances used in the workplace been assessed and
adequately controlled under the COSHH Regulations?
Have safer materials and substances been substituted where
Are dust or fume producing machines enclosed or isolated?
Are sources of hazardous gases or vapours completely enclosed or
Is local exhaust ventilation adequate? Is it regularly cleaned and
Is suitable protective equipment provided where exposure cannot be
controlled by other means?
Has the need to use personal protective equipment been minimised by
the introduction of other risk control measures?
Is the protective equipment provided(eg safety glasses, face shields,
masks, ear defenders, safety footwear, helmets, gloves, etc)suitable
for the task?
Has all protective equipment which is used only at work been provided
at no cost to the worker?
Is all protective equipment in good condition and well maintained?
Have all workers who use personal protective equipment been
provided with full information on the risks they are being protected
from, and given instruction and training on proper use of the
Are all moving parts of machines and equipment fitted with
appropriate guards?
Are all machinery guards securely fastened to the machines?
Do machines have safety cut-out switches or other safety devices to
prevent the operation of machines while workers’ hands are in danger?
Can emergency stop controls be easily reached by all machine
Are safety devices and controls regularly checked, and the machines
properly maintained to ensure safe working?
Is maintenance work carried out safely, and machinery maintenance
logs kept up to date?
Are tools and work equipment suitable for the job?
Are tools of appropriate size, and shaped for easy and safe use?
Are locking devices(or similar)fitted to tools to reduce gripping or
handling force and vibration?
Are all tolls and equipment kept in good repair and properly
Has the location where the equipment or tools are being used been
assessed to identify any particular risks which may arise? For
example, working in confined spaces or a flammable atmosphere?
Is training provided for those who use tools and work equipment, and
also for their managers and supervisors?
Have all work tasks been assessed to determine whether the handling
of loads can be avoided altogether?
Have manual handling assessments taken account of factors other
than weight, such as the size and shape of the load and the condition
of the work environment?
Is mechanical equipment, such as lever, conveyors, vacuum lifters,
cranes, lift trucks and trolleys used to avoid manual handling?
Can the load be altered(for example, by reducing the size or weitht or
providing handles)to reduce the risk of injury?
Are workers properly trained in lifting and other manual handling
Does the layout of working surfaces, controls and equipment cause
workers to bend, stretch or adopt awkward postures?
Are footstands or platforms provided for standing workers to avoid the
need to work with raised hands or arms?
Are workbenches or tables for seated workers positioned at the
correct height to avoid awkward hand and are positions?
Are frequently operated switches and controls easily distinguishable
from each other by clearly identified sizes, shapes, colours and
Are all racks, storage bins and materials within easy reach of workers?
Could work which is carried out standing be done just as well whilst
Are all seats individually adjustable to suit the height of the work
surface and posture of the worker, and are footrests provided when
Are seats in good condition, with comfortable surfaces and cushions?
Do chairs have correctly sizd and positioned backrests to provide
lower back support?
Are there sufficient toilet facilities near to work areas, with separate
hand washing facilities and an adequate supply of hot water, soap or
hand cleaners?
Are toilet and washing facilities regularly cleaned and in a sanitary
Is a clean locker room provided for changing clothes, with facilities for
separating soiled working clothes from personal clothing?
Is there a comfortable separate room for workers to take rest breaks?
Is there a separate rest room(or area of the rest room)for non-
Is there a rest room for pregnant women and nursing mothers, near to
sanitary facilities and with somewhere to lie down?
Is there an adequate supply of fresh drinking water?
Is there a separate, hygienic and comfortable eating area which is
adequate for the numbers employed?
The questions on the preceding pages will not cover Some items which may need to be
all the things you may need to check during the checked could include:
course of your inspection. They will get you
• Accident reporting arrangements • Occupational health provision
started, but you will need to add subjects from the
list opposite to your checklist. The exact items you • Asbestos • Office furniture and equipment
add will depend upon the particular circumstances • Boilers and boiler-rooms • Overcrowding and
in your workplace. • Cleanliness(windows, work space requirements
You will need to develop specific questions for each surfaces, general state of the • Protection of pregnant women
subject, perhaps after you have carried out one or building etc) and nursing mothers
two inspections to get the feel of things. The lsit • Competent persons –their • Planned changes to processes,
opposite is not exhaustive and there may be other appointment and ability(ie the machinery or work organisation
areas or subjects not listed which need to checked skills and knowledge to do the job) • Risk assessments
at you workplace. Use your knowledge and • Deliveries to, and goods out of, • Transport
experience of the workplace to add anything which the workplace
is not listed to your own customised checklist. • Safe systems of work
• Doors, gates and escalators
• Safety supervision
• Dust control measures and management
• Display screen equipment(VDUs) • Supervision and training for
• Eye protection young and inexperienced workers
• Food hygiene • Shiftwork arrangements
• Fire precautions • Violence to staff
• Health and safety training and • Welfare and welfare facilities
instruction • Work in confined spaces
• Health surveillance arrangements • Workers with exceptional or
• Information provision addition needs(eg, safety systems
• Loading and unloading(of goods, and welfaire facilities covering
materials, products etc) the needs of disabled workers,
young workers, trainees etc)
• Lone workers
• Work organisation(ie too much
• Maintenance activities
work, repetitive or monotonous
• Non routine operations work, too little control over how
(for example, work activities the job is done etc)
which don’t necessarily happen
• Working time and rest breaks
everyday, or those that are not
(systems of work or work
being carried out at the time
schedule, too few rest breaks
General Secretary: Paul Kenny of inspection)
or difficulties taking breaks)
Deputy General Secretary: Debbie Coulter
National Office: 22–24 Worple Road
London SW19 4DD
Tel 020 8947 3131
Fax 020 8944 6552