LEO Satellite Constellation For Internet of Things
LEO Satellite Constellation For Internet of Things
LEO Satellite Constellation For Internet of Things
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2735988, IEEE Access
Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the evolutionary
directions of the Internet. This paper focuses on the low earth CONNECTION TYPES UNDER DIFFERENT SCENARIOS
orbit (LEO) satellite constellation-based IoT services for their
irreplaceable functions. In many cases, IoT devices are Connection
Scenario Devices
distributed in remote areas (e.g. desert, ocean, forest, etc.); type
especially in some extreme topography where direct access to Health monitoring Short-range,
terrestrial network is impractical, they can only be covered by E-health
devices cellular
satellite. Comparing to traditional geostationary earth orbit
(GEO) systems, LEO satellite constellation takes advantages of Home Smart household
low propagation delay, small propagation loss and global automation electrical appliances
coverage. Furthermore, revision of existing IoT protocol are Vehicles, lighting,
necessary to enhance the compatibility of the LEO satellite monitoring cameras,
constellation based IoT with terrestrial IoT systems. In this work, Smart city Cellular
smart parking devices,
we provide an overview of the architecture of the LEO satellite
air quality monitor
constellation-based IoT including the following topics: LEO
satellite constellation structure, efficient spectrum allocation, Smart grid Power meters LPWAN
heterogeneous networks compatibility, and access and routing Environmental Wild environmental
protocols. LPWAN
monitoring sensors
Index Terms—Internet of Things (IoT), LEO satellite Crustal movement
constellation, Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN), long
disaster LPWAN
range (LoRa), machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, forecasting
Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-IoT).
business management, environmental monitoring and smart
city [1-3]. Connection types under different IoT scenarios are
I. INTRODUCTION listed in Table I.
Machina Research, a global leading provider of market
T HE Internet of Things (IoT) is a burgeoning paradigm that
points out a novel direction of future internet, in which
numerous heterogeneous networks containing different user
intelligence and strategic, predicts 27 billion connected devices
and USD 3 trillion in revenue in 2025. It highlights the
data will be integrated transparently and seamlessly through direction of connections using Low Power Wide-Area Network
appropriate protocol stacks [1], [2]. This integration aims to (LPWAN) [4]. Comparing to short-range connections based on
enable anything with a transceiver to access Internet at all times WiFi, Zigbee, Near Field Communication (NFC), Bluetooth or
and places. Moreover, through those easy accesses, various in-building power line communication (PLC) and cellular
kinds of IoT devices such as, environmental monitoring sensors, connections, the wide range ones are more capable for remote
smart household electrical appliances, actuators, vehicles, etc., industrial scenario like smart grid and environmental
can exchange data with the IoT networks and provide monitoring. However, terrestrial-based LPWAN still cannot
unprecedented services for private users, business users, cover remote areas like desert, coastal waters and forests due to
government users, army and anyone who utilize IoT. The the commercial and engineering difficulties of constructing
obvious applications of the IoT will be visible for individual LPWAN in those areas.
needs such as e-health, home automation, and elderly To solve the aforementioned covering problem, satellite
assistance as well as for industrial needs like smart grid, communication for IoT comes into view. The potential
necessities of constructing satellite IoT system are listed as
Z. C. Qu is with Department of Communication Engineering, Nanjing
1) Firstly, the extreme topographies, such as cliff, valley, and
University of Posts and Telecommunication, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210003, steep slope, are places where geologic disasters are more
China. (e-mail: 1015010132@njupt.edu.cn) easily to happen while terrestrial networks cannot access
G. X. Zhang and J. D. Xie are with Department of Communication due to engineering difficulties. Satellite IoT system can
Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunication, Nanjing,
Jiangsu Province 210003, China. make a breakthrough in the limits of topography with its
Corresponding author: Gengxin Zhang (e-mail: satlab@126.com)
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forecasts the routing signaling earlier before disconnection of Modify Bearer Response
the ISL and broadcast the signaling once the ISL is connected. UL/DL data packets
After receiving the routing signaling, each satellite updates the Fig. 8. Data transmission using RRC resume operation.
routing table according to the path state collected by its
signaling without any acknowledgement. Each intermediate UE
satellite (DPG)
satellite fills the link state information between itself and its
previous satellite in the signaling record, which is referred to as Triggered into
“reverse detection”. When congestion occurred in one satellite, transmitting mode
searching a new route with low congestion level. Moreover, Connection Establish
DL UE data packets
[22] proposes QoS mapping techniques over heterogeneous Connection Establish Complete Match UE context
UE data packets information
networks and an applicable solution called technological ACK
S1 UE Context Resume
independent-service access point (TI-SAP), which are reliable Turn into deep Request
solutions for LEO constellation-based IoT network. sleep mode S1 UE Context Resume
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UE contain the UE ID and corresponding key and satellite play TABLE III
the role of authentication. The UE-satellite segment is similar INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS PARAMETERS
to the transmitting part of LoRa [45]. Upon finishing
transmission, UE turns into deep sleep mode until next Satellite altitude 780 km
transmitting trigger. The data processing gateway (DPG) in Satellite uplink TX EIRP 33 dBm -38.5 dBm
EGS, which utilizes proxy cache scheme, stores all context Satellite RX antenna gain 17dBi (noise figure 8dB)
information for establishing and resuming connection. After RX G/T -5dB/K
receiving the satellite downlink data, DPG will identifies Interference source TX
different UE’s data packages and then simulates corresponding 0 dBm
UE to complete higher layer operation using stored information. Abbreviations
The diagram is depicted in Fig. 9. By implementing DPG, space EIRP equivalent isotopically radiated power
segment pressure can be sharply released. TX transmitter
RX receiver
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2735988, IEEE Access
is 20dB higher than the later one’s, which is because the not allowed to access the medium concurrently [51],
simultaneously increasing propagation loss counteract the including spectral energy, cyclostationary detection and
accumulated interference. Therefore, performance of a SIR estimation [52], and shares information with
satellite-terrestrial hybrid system depending on population databases to update the real-time interference scenario.
density and elevation angle. Analysis results for Dusseldorf The core function of SE unit is dynamic channel assignment
referring to elevation angle and TISs are shown in Table IV. (DCA), which directly has respect to interference mitigation.
The analysis proves the potential feasibility for a Synthesizing the cognitive information collected by SA unit,
satellite-terrestrial hybrid system sharing the same frequency DCA is necessary to allocate the determined cognitive
band. However, the results show that satellite link is not resources, particularly the frequency channels, to UE. [49]
immune to terrestrial interference especially for areas with high proposes two allocating approaches focus on maximizing
population density. Meanwhile, several assumptions in [47] are overall system throughput and system availability, respectively.
not available considering the LEO constellation-based IoT In the allocating process, to ensure efficiency, factors such as
system; for instance, uplink TX ERIP is too high to meet the channel priorities and aggregation need to be considered. With
UE requirement of low power consumption. Therefore, the respect to channel priorities, DCA is designed to evaluate the
hybrid system cannot be designed solely on spectrum sharing, channel interference level in an adjustable time interval.
and further anti-interference measures should be taken into Suitable channels are prioritized in terms of interference power
consideration. expected on the next scan, which bases on SIR estimation
Two topics are worth considering in the framework of implemented in spectrum sensing. Meanwhile, SE unit also
potential anti-interference measures: 1) technology of cognitive performs power control in the downlink, which keep
radios (CRs) dealing with interference mitigation in satellite interference to the incumbent users below a specific threshold
networks; 2) spread spectrum (SS) techniques, namely direct on the premise of maintaining the system throughput.
sequence (DS) and frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), Apart from aforementioned techniques, several methods
in satellite communication (SATCOM). These topics are including compressive sensing (CS) and beamforming are used
discussed below. in CRs mechanisms. In [53], CS is suggested to operate channel
estimation due to the sparsity inherent in wireless channels.
A. Cognitive Radios Mechanisms for Interference mitigation
Since the active transmitting UE cannot be predicted in advance,
CRs, from its definition, is a radio system that is able to sense the sparsity condition in CS theory can be justified.
its operating electromagnetic environment and adjust the radio Beamforming, as an essential technique in 5G, can be
parameters to optimize system performance dynamically and implemented on satellite for interference detection and
automatically [48]. In order to utilize shared frequency bands, improving SIR of UEs [54].
CRs is needed while relieving interference from the terrestrial
B. SS Techniques in SATCOM
services and guaranteeing acceptable interference to the
incumbent users [49]. SS technique is a common method implemented in wireless
With special focus on Chinese Mainland, LoRa can be used communication systems to resist interference from same
in 470-510 MHz band and 779-787 MHz band in line with frequency band. In current IoT standards, LoRa adopt
LoRa alliance regulations [50] and State Radio Regulation of DS/CDMA for its physical layer transmitting protocol due to
China (SRRC). Table V provides the SRRC allocations of the the unlicensed frequency plan. Therefore, DS/CDMA can be
aforementioned frequency bands, where the services expressed also considered for LEO constellation-based IoT. In [55], total
in bracket are less important. As can be seen from Table IV, capacity in a shared CDMA/LEO environment is calculated,
LEO constellation-based IoT deploying in LoRa frequency which presents a theoretical base for implementing DS/CDMA
plan is sharing frequency bands with other radio services, in LEO constellation-based IoT. Furthermore, to improve
which means in downlink, UEs need to manage interference system efficiency, an adjustable spreading factor (SF) scheme
received from the incumbent users, and in uplink, UEs need to is recommended by LoRa alliance [56]. Under the circumstance
ensure their transmission does not impact the incumbent of LEO constellation-based IoT, basing on the channel state
receivers. Therefore, CRs mechanisms is necessary to mitigate information broadcasted by satellite, UE can adaptively adjust
the interference issues. SF and data rate in order to increase system throughput and
A spectrum utilization system with CRs mechanisms maintain UE power efficiency.
consists spectrum awareness (SA) unit and spectrum FH is another approach of SS and extensively used in
exploitation (SE) unit. The SA unit aims to gather knowledge military satellite systems to resist intentional and unintentional
about the incumbent users with the cooperation between interference. A fixed pseudorandom noise (PN) sequence is
databases and spectrum sensing. used in traditional FH operation, known to both transmitter and
1) Databases: The purpose of databases is to incorporate receiver, to switch a carrier among available channels. The
satellite broadcasting links and terrestrial services limitation of traditional FH, however, is that PN sequence will
characteristics in order to determine terrestrial interference inevitably switch a carrier that is persistently occupied by other
levels at any location and carrier frequency. Once received users since both transmitter and receiver have no channel state
interference level is deemed to exceed threshold, CRs information. To solve the limitation of static FH scheme, [57]
mechanisms then ought to mitigate the interference. proposes a dynamic frequency hopping (DFH) scheme
2) Spectrum Sensing: Spectrum sensing provides the combining with CRs techniques. In this approach, FH sequence
essential information to enable this interweave is no longer a fixed PN sequence but depending on the spectrum
communications in which primary and secondary users are sensing information. Basing on proactive sensing, DFH could
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2735988, IEEE Access
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