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Kidist Proposal

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CPU University Collage

Department Of Masters of Business Administration



kidist Firew Gezmu
Id no:

Submitted to Yirgalem takele (Dr)

June 2021

The government of Ethiopia has launched economic reforms, financial liberalization
measures and restructuring of financial institutions with the aim of promoting a competitive
environment and efficient banking services to the public. Commercial Bank of Ethiopia is one
of the strongest companies in banking industry in Ethiopia. It was incorporated as a share
company on December 16, 1963 per proclamation number 207-1955 to take over the
commercial banking activities of the former state Bank of Ethiopia. However, as it is the
leading company in banking industry, it is doesn’t meet the expectation of its customers.
There are repeated customer complains. Therefore, the major objective of this study is
assessing the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in five branches CBE. The
objective of the research, time schedule and the required budget is detailed in this proposal.

CHAPTER ONE:- INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................3
1.1. Background of the Study.................................................................................................3
1.2. Statement of the Problem.................................................................................................4
1.3. Research Question...........................................................................................................5
1.4. Objective of the study......................................................................................................5
1.5. Research Hypothesis........................................................................................................5
1.6. Significance of the study..................................................................................................6
1.7. Scope of the Study...........................................................................................................7
1.8. Limitations of the Study...................................................................................................7
2.1. Establishment of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.............................................................8
2.2. Services Rendered by Commercial Bank of Ethiopia......................................................8
2.3. Definition of Terms..........................................................................................................9
2.4. Service Concept...............................................................................................................9
2.5. Service Quality...............................................................................................................10
2.6. SERVQUAL...................................................................................................................12
2.7. Customer satisfaction.....................................................................................................12
2.8. Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction................................14
2.9. Customer loyalty............................................................................................................15
2.10. Review of some Previous Studies..................................................................................16
CHAPTER THREE:- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................................17
3.1. Research Design.............................................................................................................17
3.2. Sample Size and Sampling Techniques.........................................................................17
3.3. Types of data and instrument of data collection............................................................19
3.4. Method of data collection..............................................................................................19
3.5. Procedure of Data Collection.........................................................................................19
3.6. Method of Data Analysis...............................................................................................20
CHAPTER FOUR:- WORK PLAN AND REQUIRED BUDGET.............................................21

1.1. Background of the Study

In today’s fast changing competitive world, companies are either losing their significant
number of customer or attract additional customers because of their satisfactory services they
give to their customers. Particularly in service giving organization, delivering high quality
service is vital for their continued existence (Harris, 1996).

The bank industry is one of the strongest industries among the service giving organization in
the world. It provides various many services related to finance and to meet the desired
customer satisfaction, managers mainly use different techniques to improve their services.

There have been many of the subscribers complain on the quality of the various services that
the bank is rendering. Service quality is the most important that needs critical attention for an
organization to outshine their competitions. Service quality offers a way of achieving success
among competing services particularly, where a number of firms that offer nearly identical
service are comparing with in a small differences such us bank establishing service . Quality
may be the only difference; such differentiation can yield higher proportion of consumers
financial success or failure( kottler ,2012) .Since the importance of making continuous
customer service quality improvement program is to make profit, build good images, lead
the market and retain customers which lead customer loyalty (Ahmossawi , 2001).

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Banks operating in Ethiopia are facing lots of challenges due to increase in competition
amongst them. As a result various strategies are formulated to retain the customer and
increasing the service quality level has been considered key success factor. Service quality is
particularly essential in the banking services context because it provides high level of
customer satisfaction and hence it becomes a key to competitive advantage (Ahmossawi,

Currently most banks in Ethiopia are negatively affected by the network failure and system
interruption which result delayed service delivery time; as a result customers are sometimes
forced to stay long time in the premises of the bank. As we know the CBE has showed rapid

improvement since the Implementation of BPR but still now there is customer compliant in
network failure, power interruptions, low accessibility of ATM machines are still seen in the
branches of CBE, (Ayenew, 2014) and also sometimes customers complain due to stay in
waiting room for a while even if the system is working.

1.3. Research Question

1. What are the factors that affect customer satisfaction?

2. What are the relationship between customer satisfaction and the service quality?
3. What are the service quality dimensions that are needed to be improved?

1.4. Objective of the study

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of this study was to assess the impact of service quality on customer
satisfaction in the case of CBE south district of Addis Ababa branch.

1.4.2. Specific objectives

 To identify the factors that affect customer satisfaction.

 To examine the relationship between quality services and customer satisfaction of
 To provide some suggestions for the continuous improvement of services of CBE.

1.5. Research Hypothesis

In light of the objectives expressed above, the following hypotheses is formed and will be
assessed during the study.

Hypothesis 1

Ho1: There is a positive relationship between tangibility and customer satisfaction in banking

Hypothesis 2

Ho2: There is a positive relationship between reliability and customer satisfaction in banking

Hypothesis 3

Ho3: There is a positive relationship between responsiveness and customer satisfaction in

banking services.

Hypothesis 4

Ho4: There is a positive relationship between assurance and customer satisfaction in banking

Hypothesis 5

Ho5: There is a positive relationship between empathy and customer satisfaction in banking

1.6. Significance of the study

The output of this research could result in impact of service quality on customer satisfaction
in case of CBE Addis Ababa branch.

The finding of this study has the following importance:-

- The finding of this study help banks to understand the role of good customer service
on customer satisfaction.
- It provides solution for bank industry service quality problems and it may give them
an idea of where they are currently in terms of their service quality and what they
should do in the future.
- It initiates other interested researcher to undertake detailed study in this area.
1.7. Scope of the Study

The research scope was limited to the study of impact of service quality on customer
satisfaction in case of CBE that will be conducted in five branched located in Addis Ababa
with a specific focus on under south Addis Ababa district sampled branch only. Even though,
as it is well known, CBE has many branches in different area; due to time and financial
constraints the study was not undertake all branches of CBE. This study did not include non-
sampled branches of CBE and other private banks and the time before and after study
schedule was not included in the area of study.

1.8. Limitations of the Study

The problem that will encountered while conducting this study was lack of cooperation of the
respondents and their commitment to complete filling the questionnaires.


This chapter gives an overview of literature that is related to the research problem Presented
in the previous chapter. The establishment of commercial bank, service characteristics, service
quality, customer satisfaction, relation between customer satisfaction and service quality and
service quality model is included in order to give a clear idea about the research area.

2.1. Establishment of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia was incorporated as a share company on December 16, 1963
per proclamation number 207-1955 to take over the commercial banking activities of the
former state Bank of Ethiopia. Under this name, it began operation on January 1, 1964, with a
capital of Ethiopian Birr 20,000,000 and served for about 16 years. The bank was wholly
owned by the state and operated as an autonomous institution under the commercial code of
Ethiopia under the socialist regime in Ethiopia (1974-1991).

The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Share Company and Addis Bank had identical objectives
power and duties. Hence, the socialist regime saw it necessary to merge them in order to
eliminate the duplication of efforts and bring them under a centralized banking structure;
consequently, the present day commercial Bank of Ethiopia was established under
proclamation No.184 of Augest2,1980 (Belay, 1987).

2.2. Services Rendered by Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia provides three major services which comprises of Domestic
banking service, International banking service and recently E-payment services. Domestic
banking services consist of Deposit, Credit and Local transfer service, International banking
services consists of Trade service, Foreign service and International money transfer using
different money transfer agencies and E-payment service also includes Internet Banking
Service, ATM, POS, Card Banking and Mobile Banking Service (www.cbe.com).
2.3. Definition of Terms

Conceptual Definition

Variables conceptual definitions are presented as follows; Tangibility: physical facilities,

equipment, and appearance of personnel. Reliability: ability to perform the promised service
dependably and accurately. Responsiveness: willingness to help customers and provide
prompt service. Assurance: knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire
trust & confidence. Empathy: caring individualized attention the firm provides to its
Customers Zeithaml et al.(1990).

Service Quality The term refers to degree and direction of discrepancy between the
consumer‟s perceptions and expectations, or the extent to which a service meets or exceeds
customer expectations Parasuraman et al.( 1988).

Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is defined as the result of a cognitive and

affective evaluation, where some comparison standard is compared to the actually perceived
performance (Kumar, 2008).

2.4. Service Concept

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012), “service can be defined as economic activities
that produce time, place, form, or psychological utilities”. Many service firms have become
successful by identifying a previously unrecognized or unsatisfied customer wants. (Messay,
2012) stated “services are identifiable, intangible activities that are the main object of a
transaction designed to provide want satisfaction to customers”. (Messay, 2012) also stated
that the travel, hospitals, finance, entertainment, health care communications, utilities and
professional services fields are prime examples. Recognizing the importance of marketing,
many of these industries and organizations within them are now adding marketing-related
personnel. According to (Kotler, 2012) “services are growing ever faster in the world
economy, marketing up a quarter of the value of all international trade”. A service is an act or
performance that one partly can offer to another that is essentially intangible and doesn‟t
Result in the ownership of a thing. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical
product. (Kotler, 1998)

2.5. Service Quality

In today’s increasingly competitive business environment, service quality is essential for the
success of any organization. Service quality is important aspect that affects the
competitiveness of business. Banks should always increase the quality of service continuously
since there is no assurance that the current outstanding service will be suitable for future.
Thus, banks should develop new strategy to satisfy their customer and should provide quality
service to gain competitive advantage over competitors (Siddiqi, 2011).

Service quality is considered an important tool for a firm‟s struggle to differentiate itself from
its competitors (Ladhari, 2009). The relevance of service quality to companies is emphasized
especially the fact that it offers a competitive advantage to companies that strive to improve it
and hence bring customer satisfaction. The challenge in defining service quality is that it is a
subjective concept, like beauty. Everyone has a different definition based on their personal
experiences. It has also received a great deal of attention from academicians, practitioners and
services marketing literature, service quality is defined as the overall assessment of a service
by the customer. Researcher points out that, by defining service quality, companies will be
able to deliver services with higher quality level presumably resulting in increased customer
satisfaction. Understanding service quality must involve acknowledging the characteristics of
service which are intangibility, heterogeneity and inseparability. In that way, service quality
would be easily measured (Negi et al., 2009).

2.5.1. Service quality Dimensions

“Service's unique characteristics of intangibility, heterogeneity, and inseparability lead them to

possess high levels of experience and credence properties, which, in turn, make them more
difficult to evaluate than tangible goods” (Bitner and Zeithaml 1985). “Identification of the
determinants of service quality is necessary in order to be able to specify measure, control and
improve customer perceived service quality” (Johnston, 1995).
SERVQUAL “is a concise multiple-item scale with good reliability and validity that
researcher can use to better understand the service expectations and perceptions of consumers
and, as a result, improve service” (Parasuraman et al., 1988). SERVQUAL was also selected
since it is important when it is used occasionally to track the service quality trends, and when
it is used in combination with other forms of service quality instrument (Parasuraman et al.,

Parasuraman et al.(1985) identify ten determinants for measuring service quality which are
tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, communication, access, competence, courtesy,
credibility, security, and understanding/knowledge of customers. Later these ten dimensions
were further purified and developed into five dimensions i.e. tangibility, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance and empathy to measure service quality.“SERVQUAL”
Parasuraman et al.(1988). These five dimensions identified as follows:

 Tangibility

 Reliability

 Responsiveness

 Assurance

 Empathy

2.5.2. Service Quality Models

If we want to manage something, it should be measured first. Without measurement,

managers cannot be sure of whether service quality gaps exist or not and of course,
measurement is needed to determine whether goals for improvement are being met after
changes have been implemented (Christopher et al., 1992).

Measuring service quality has been one of the most persistent topics in management literature.
This is because the need to develop valid instruments for the systematic evaluation of firms‟
performance from the customer point of view; and the association between perceived service
quality and other key organizational outcomes, which has led to the development of models
for measuring service quality( Cronin et al., 2010).

For the purpose of measuring customer satisfaction with respect to different aspects of
service quality and to overcome problems which is created as a result of the gap between
management and customers, a survey instrument was developed by (Parasuraman,
Zeithmal and Berry in 1988). The instrument is called SERVQUAL. The basic assumption of
the measurement was that customers can evaluate a firm’s service quality by comparing their
perception with their experience. It is designed to measure service quality as perceived by the

Though, the SERVQUAL model has been the major generic model used to measure and
manage service quality across different service settings and various cultural backgrounds, it
has been subjected to a number of theoretical and operational criticisms (Buttle, 1996).

2.7. Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a post-purchase evaluation of a service offering. A traditional

definition of customer satisfaction followed the dissatisfaction paradigm of consumer
satisfaction/dissatisfaction, suggesting that customer satisfaction/ dissatisfaction is the result
of interaction between the consumer‟s pre-purchase expectations and post purchase

According to Rigopoulou et al. (2008) customer satisfaction is the state of mind that
customers have about a company when their expectations have been met or exceeded over the
lifetime of the product or service. Service companies have since recently focused on
customers in order to improve competitiveness. Customer satisfaction is one of the
important outcomes of marketing activity.
In the competitive banking industry, customer satisfaction is considered as the fundamental of
success. Satisfying customers is one of the main objectives of every business. Businesses
recognize that keeping current customers is more profitable than having to win new ones to
replace those lost since it cost the company a lot of money. Management and marketing
theorists emphasize the importance of customer satisfaction for a business‟s success
(Kennedy and Schneider, 2000).

Good customer satisfaction has an effect on the profitability of nearly every business. For
example, when customers receive good service, each will typically tell nine to ten people.
However, customers who receive poor service will typically relate their dissatisfaction to
between fifteen and twenty others Naik et al. (2010). Therefore, customer satisfaction is an
asset that should be monitored and managed just like any physical asset.

Higher customer satisfaction leads to greater customer loyalty which in turn leads to higher
future revenue. As a result, many market leaders are found to be highly superior- customer-
service orientated. They have been rewarded with high revenue and customer retention as
well. For that reason, organizations in the same market sector are forced to assess the quality
of the services that they provide in order to attract and retain their customers. Because
satisfied customers are a key to long-term business success (Zeithaml et al., 1996).

2.7.1. Customer Satisfaction Measurement

Customer satisfaction measurement involves the collection of data that provides information
about how satisfied or dissatisfied customers are with a service. This information can be
collected and analyzed in many different ways. Many organizations regularly check the levels
of customer satisfaction to monitor performance over time and measure the impact of service

Henley center headlight vision (Smith, 2007) states the research carried out in the UK with
public sector organizations suggests that there are five themes that are likely to be relevant
to all organizations in measuring customer satisfaction.

- Delivery of the service (how problems were handled, reliability, outcome.)

- Timeliness (waiting times, number of times contacted)
- Information (accuracy, enough information, kept informed)
- Professionalism (competent staff, fair treatment)
- Staff attitude (friendly, polite, sympathetic)

2.7.2. Importance of Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction measures how well a company's products or services meet or exceed
customer expectations. These expectations often reflect many aspects of the company's
business activities including the actual product, service, company, and how the company
operates in the global environment. Customer satisfaction measures are an overall
psychological evaluation that is based on the customer's lifetime of product and service
experience (Smith, 2007)

Effective marketing focuses on two activities: retaining existing customers and adding new
customers. Customer satisfaction measures are critical to any product or service company
because customer satisfaction is a strong predictor of customer retention, customer loyalty and
product repurchase.

2.7.3. Satisfaction Measurement

According to (Smith, 2007) Satisfaction measures involve three psychological elements for
evaluation of the product or service experience: cognitive (thinking/evaluation), affective
(emotional-feeling/like-dislike) and behavioral (current/future actions).Customer satisfaction
usually leads to customer loyalty and product repurchase. But measuring satisfaction is not
the same as measuring loyalty.

2.8. Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

(Kotler and Armstrong, 2012) advocate that satisfaction is the post-purchase evaluation of
products or services taking into consideration the expectations. Researchers are divided over
the antecedents of service quality and satisfaction.

Whilst some believe service quality leads to satisfaction, others think otherwise. The studies
of many researchers suggest service quality leads to customer satisfaction. To achieve a high
level of customer satisfaction, they suggest that a high level of service quality should be
delivered by the service provider as service quality is normally considered an antecedent of
customer satisfaction (Mesay, 2012).
As service quality improves, the probability of customer satisfaction increases. Quality was
only one of many dimensions on which satisfaction was based; satisfaction was also one
potential influence on future quality perceptions (Clemes, 2008).

Parasuraman et al (1988) defined service quality and customer satisfaction as follows: Service
quality is a global judgment, or attitude, relating to the superiority of the service, whereas
satisfaction is related to a specific transaction. Satisfaction is a post consumption experience
which compares perceived quality with expected quality, whereas, service quality refers to
a global evaluation of a firm's service delivery system” (Parasuraman et al., 1985).

Siddiqi (2011) described that all the service quality attributes are positively related to
customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction is positively related to customer loyalty in
the retail banking settings. Furthermore, Daniel O. Auka (2012) also stated that high quality of
service will result in high customer satisfaction and increase loyalty.

2.9. Customer loyalty

Customer loyalties is a deeply held commitment to re buy or re patronize a preferred product

or Service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive purchasing of the same brand,
despite situational influences and marketing efforts. It can also be defined as the degree to
which a customer exhibits repeat purchasing behavior from a service provider, possesses a
positive attitudinal disposition toward the provider, and considers using this provider when a
need for this service arises. Loyalty is therefore an attitude or behavior that customers
explicitly repeat or exhibit (Seyed, 2007).

In addition, Loyalty in service businesses refers to the customer’s commitment to do business

with a particular organization, purchasing their products repeatedly and recommending others
to the organization’s products. (Christopher and Jochen, 2006) ascertain that customer loyalty
is actually the result of an organization creating a benefit for customer so that they will
maintain or increase their purchases from the organization. They indicate that true loyalty is
created when the customer becomes an advocate for the organization without incentives.
2.10. Review of some Previous Studies
There are many research works done related with this study. However the researcher tries to
see three of them which are more related to the topic. The titles with their objectives and
major findings are discussed below to have an insight about these studies.

The first work is MBA thesis done by (Aman, 2008) with title of “Effects of service delivery
process and service quality on customer satisfaction: a case study of EEPCO, North Western
region, Bahir Dar town customer service centers”. The main purpose of the study is to
examine the effect of service delivery process and service quality on satisfaction of customers
of EEPCO with the following specific objectives: To examine the effect of service delivery
process and service quality on customer satisfaction and to understand real situation on how
EEPCO handle its customers.

 On the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality. Research was
conducted in a bank in Tehran, Iran by Osman Mahamad, et.al (2010) revealed that
service quality would be one of the determinants of satisfaction. The finding that nearly 43
percent of customer‟s satisfaction changes is explained by service quality.
 On the relationship between Bank Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction in Ethiopian
Banking Sector, Messay (2012) concluded that all service quality dimensions are
positively correlated with customer satisfaction indicating 90.7% of the variance in
customer satisfaction can be predicted by the service quality offered by the private banks.
In addition, results of this research show that there is a positive significant relationship
between customer satisfaction and loyalty, and explain 62% of the variance.
 On the relationship between Service quality, satisfaction, perceived value among
customers in commercial banking in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya, Daniel O. Auka (2012)
concluded that service quality and customer satisfaction were positively and
significantly associated indicating 19.8% of the variance in customer satisfaction can be
predicted by the service quality offered by the commercial banks.
While the study primary aim is to assess the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction
of CBE, the research design and methodology section was clearly define the research design,
the sample and sampling techniques, sources and instruments that will be used while
collecting data, the procedure of data collection were intensively presented.

3.1. Research Design

A research design is simply the frame work of the study. From different types of research
designs descriptive and explanatory type of research design will be used as a main research
design for this study to the realization of intended objectives. The reason behind using
descriptive research design is because the researcher is interested in describing the existing
situation under study. (Creswell, 1994) stated that the descriptive method of research is a
technique of gathering information about the present existing condition. This research design
is a fact finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of findings. This study will
use explanatory research design to explaining, understanding, predicting and controlling the
relationship between variables. By taking cross-section of the population relevant data was
collected at one point in time.

3.2. Sample Size and Sampling Techniques

3.2.1. Population

According to (Zikumund, 2003) the definition of population is identifiable total set of

elements of interest being investigated by a researcher. The target population is defined as the
entire group a researcher is interested in. The target populations of this study will be the
customer of CBE Addis Ababa branch under North Addis Ababa District (NAAD) around
Adisu Gebya and Kechene area. This branch selected for this research because carries out all
banking function and many account holders. For this reason the branch can be qualified as a
good representative of the various categories of customer of CBE.
3.2.2. Sampling Techniques

(Creswell, 2009) define that it is the way of drawing inference about a population without
studying the entire population under study. It is also advantageous in time consuming and cost
saving. Thus, the researcher select North Addis Ababa district (NAAD) by using purposive
sampling method. From the variety of probabilistic sampling techniques, the researcher will
use stratified random sampling methods for large target population of the study. Robson
(2002) tell us that sampling theory supports stratified random sampling as an efficient choice
because the means of the stratified samples are likely to be closer to the mean of the
population overall.

3.2.3. Sample Size

Sample size is actually the total number of units which are going to be selected for the
analysis in the research study. CBE has 956 branches as of march 25, 2015 stretched across
the country. Due to financial constraints, Addis Ababa was convenience and selected for
collecting data. CBE Addis Ababa branch is divided in to four districts. The researcher
selected North Addis Ababa districts (NAAD).

In order to determine sample size; I will use the formula for calculating the required sample
size in five sampled banks. The formula was developed by Taro Yamane (1967). ). It is
calculated as follows

It is calculated as follows

1+ N (¿¿ 2)
n=N /¿
Where; n is the sample size

N is the population size

E is sampling error
3.3. Types of data and instrument of data collection

3.3.1. Sources of Data and Type

In order to achieve the objective of the study, the research approach used in this study will be
quantitative. Quantitative research focuses on determining the relationship between variations
of independent and dependent variables. The reason for choosing quantitative research
approach was to meet the purpose of examining how an independent variable affects a
dependent variable. With regard to the sources of data, the study used both primary and
secondary source of data. Based on the nature, scope, objectives and availability of time and
resource, the researcher used questionnaires and secondary data source like books, documents,
existing research papers, journals and publication, websites, CBE reports and other relevant
3.3.2. Primary Data Source Questionnaire

To gather primary data structured questionnaires will be prepared in English and will be
interpreted in to Amharic before they were distributed. The questionnaires will contain
personal information of respondents, customers‟ perception about the bank service delivery
system. The third part of the questioner was about service quality and the last part was about
customer satisfaction.

3.4. Method of data collection

For the proper achievement of the objectives of the study; among different primary data
collection method, questionnaire will be used. The respondents who are the clients of the
branch banks will be asked for cooperation and given the questionnaire when they were
receiving the service of specific branch. Structured questionnaires will be developed in
understandable and targeted (objective oriented) manner.

3.5. Procedure of Data Collection

The study will be based on both primary and secondary data sources. Information for the
research analysis will be taken from literature review as a secondary data source and also
from distribution of questionnaire as a primary data resource.
3.6. Method of Data Analysis

After Data collection, the datas will be changed and interpreted in to meaningful output after
it will be analyzed using soft wares like SPSS.
During the analysis of the collected data I will use different analysis mechanisms listed

A. Descriptive analysis
B. Pearson Correlation analysis
C. Multiple Regression Analysis
1. Work Plan
No Activities Time Schedule

Apr(5-16) Apr(17-26) Apr27- May 3 May(4-18)

1 Questionary
Preparation and

2 Data Analysis

3 Data Presentation

4 Report Writing

2. Required Budget for Items and facilities

No Item and other No Unit Price Total Amount Remark
facilitating costs (Birr) (Birr)
1 Pen 2 7 14

2 Pencil 2 7 14
2 Paper 200pages 1.5 300

3 Pad 1 45 45

4 Transportation Costs ---------------- ----------------- 500

5 Printing Costs ---------------- ----------------- 500
Total 1,373.00 Birr

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