Type Approval Updates - Feb 2021
Type Approval Updates - Feb 2021
Type Approval Updates - Feb 2021
Feb 2021
1. KSA
The Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) published a follow up public
consultation on its “Spectrum Outlook for Commercial and Innovative Use 2021-2023", along with
responses received to the previous public consultation, which took place in July 2020, on “Spectrum
for IMT-2020 and beyond.
2. Qatar
CRA is working on publishing a modified version of SRDs regulation to the public consultation soon,
and as per our conducted studies and based on the CEPT-ECC (ERC 70-03) recommendation, it is
expected that CRA will accommodate the high demand on SRDs which support 5 GHz different
frequency bands especially for those devices that will be installed in vehicles, by accepting the blocked
parts before and to increase the power limits for different bands (e.g. Bluetooth 2.4 GHz to 100
mw/20dBm) and other changes. Official notices are expected soon.
3. Algeria
The Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE) of Algeria has
published updated Short-Range Device Guidelines dated 17th January 2021 - ”Décret exécutif n° 21-
43 du 3 Joumada Ethania 1442 correspondant au 17 janvier 2021 fixant les caractéristiques des
dispositifs de faible portée utilisés dans l'établissement des réseaux privés internes radioélectriques.
Qtek Alpha FZ LLC, P.O. Box: 1251, 1204, Building no. A4, Al Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ, RAK, UAE