Lance-Optical Analysis of Titania
Lance-Optical Analysis of Titania
Lance-Optical Analysis of Titania
Ryan Lance
Advisor: Dr. Janet Tate
Bachelors of Physics
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
May 5, 2018
1 Introduction 2
3 Methods 6
3.1 The Grating Spectrometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 SCOUT for Optical Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 Conclusion 15
6 Appendix 16
6.1 Grating spectrometer settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.2 Filtering 2nd Order Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.3 Band gap of the substrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7 Using SCOUT 17
7.1 User configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.2 The Layer Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.3 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
8 Acknowledgments 18
List of Figures
1 Indirect and direct band gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 The grating spectrometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 TiO2 Raw Film Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 Transmission, reflection, and corrected transmission spectra. . . . . . . . . . 8
5 High-energy region of raw spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6 Screenshot of the SCOUT interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
7 Refractive index model constructed in SCOUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
8 Density of states in the OJL band gap model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
9 High-fraction brookite film on SiO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
10 High-fraction anatase film on SiO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
11 High-fraction rutile film on SiO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
12 Gap energy vs. Thickness for many polyphase TiO2 films. The phase plots
(Rutile, Brookite, Anatase) show how much of each phase is present in each
film. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
13 Measurements taken on film 056-1. There is an inverse relationship between
the gap energy and film thickness–an artifact of the analysis. . . . . . . . . . 15
14 SnCaSe measurement. T , R, and T /(1 − R) with and without a color filter. . 17
List of Tables
1 Literature on the band gaps of rutile, anatase, and brookite. . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Band gaps and thicknesses of high-fraction films of anatase, rutile and brookite. 12
3 Grating Spectrometer Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
The optical transition in high-fraction polymorphs of titania (TiO2) were investigated to
determine the band gap behavior of the most common polymorphs—brookite, rutile, and
anatase—the values of which are varied in the literature. The direct optical band gaps of
brookite, rutile, and anatase, were determined to be 3.37(7)eV, 3.41(11)eV and 3.59(2)eV
TiO2 was grown in-house via pulsed-laser deposition onto fused silica. The reflection
and transmission spectra of high-phase fraction brookite, rutile and anatase, were measured
with a grating spectrometer. Optical analysis software, SCOUT, was implemented with
dielectric function models to perform a parameter fitting on transmission and reflection
spectra, produced by the optical models, to the experimental data. From the parameter
fitting, the optical absorption and index of refraction were extracted. The index of refraction
was approximately 2.5 at 500 nm. A relationship in the high-phase brookite film showed a
relationship between the thickness and band gap. Initially this appears to be a quantum well
effect. However, the relationship is in face determined to be a consequence of our calculations
favoring band gap fitting at low thicknesses–leading to an artificial trend.
1 Introduction
TiO2 is used abundantly in industry for paint pigmentation, as a photocatalyst, in dye-
synthesized solar cells, as a UV-protectant and more [1][2][3][4]. TiO2 is a wide band gap
semiconductor, with three common polymorphs; rutile, anatase and brookite. The ground
state, rutile, is easy to make and the most common found in industry, while brookite is the
least. As a result, rutile has been studied extensively, and its band gap energy is the most
well-known band gap of 3.0 eV. The band gaps of brookite and anatase are not known to the
same degree of precision as rutile—anatase has been reported to have a band gap of about
3.2 eV, and brookite has been reported to have a band gap anywhere between 3 eV to 3.6 eV.
There is a lack of consistency in the literature values of the band gaps of TiO2’s polymorphs
as shown in Table 1. TiO2 is usually assumed to be a direct band gap semiconductor, so
many labs measure for the direct band gap (labeled D). Often the indirect gap is measured
as well (labeled I).
Ref/Year Rutile (eV) Anatase (eV) Brookite (eV) TiO2 (B) (eV)
[3],2008 3.01(I)-3.37(D) 3.20(I)-3.53(D) 3.13(ID)-3.56(D)
[4],2018 3.45 (D)
[5],2014 3.2 3.0-3.2
[6],2012 3.0 (I) 3.2 (I) 3.03,3.05,3.13 (I)
[7],2014 3.0 (D) 3.2 (D) 3.29 (D)
[8],2013 3.03 3.20
Table 1: Literature on the band gaps of rutile, anatase, and brookite.
The goal of this thesis is to provide measurements for the band gap of high-fraction
brookite, anatase, and rutile films. TiO2 films of high-phase brookite, rutile, and anatase
were grown and characterized. The films are deposited in a an amorphous phase using
pulse-laser deposition, then annealed at 400◦ C. Most of our films are annealed into some
combination of the three polymorphs. It is not understood yet how to make TiO2 consistently
choose the brookite phase, although ways to make pure-phase TiO2 nanoparticles from amor-
phous TiO2 and other techniques for growing high-fraction brookite films are in development
[3][4]. We have produced several films of high-phase brookite, anatase and rutile in thin film
form, and transmission and reflection spectra are measured using a grating spectrometer.
The direct band gap of the high-phase films were then calculated using an optical analysis
The band gaps of brookite, anatase, and rutile films are characterized using optical
spectrometry. Transmission and reflection data are taken between λ = 200 → 2000 nm via
grating spectrometer. Rudimentary calculations are performed using the Sellmeier equation
to model the refractive index and standardized thin film analysis. A method developed for
calculating the band gap developed by linearization of the absorption curve, colloquially
called Tauc analysis, is used to measure the band gap [10]. Tauc analysis provides us with
a way to measure the spectra for a direct or indirect band gap by linearizing the absorption
curve two different ways.
Another way we measure the band gap is by using an optical analysis software called
SCOUT. SCOUT provides a model constructed by [12] for incorporating direct band gap
transitions in the dielectric function models of our film. The direct gap model in SCOUT is
used to efficiently measure the spectra of many TiO2 films. SCOUT calculates the theoretical
transmission and reflection spectra from modeling a film with a dielectric function model
on a substrate of our choice, then fits the theoretical spectra to the experimental data
by adjusting parameters in the dielectric function model. This is a powerful method for
film characterization, and is capable of distinguishing the band gaps of rutile, brookite and
Where the index of refraction is the complex function:
ñ(λ) = nr + iκ (4)
In practice, an optimization algorithm changes parameters Ai and λ0i in the Sellmeier equa-
tion as well as thickness d to minimize the difference between theoretical transmittance and
reflectance to the experimental data. The the model fits the data in the low absorption
region, where only fringes are present. Completion of the fit yields the real part of the index
of refraction nr and the thickness d. Once the absorption is determined, the wave vector κ
is simulated from the absorption by the relationship:
κ= (5)
Which completes the dielectric function ñ(λ) for our material.
2.2 Absorption
Calculation of the band gap starts by measuring the absorption of a film. We first assume
the normalized intensity of reflection R, transmission T and absorption A add up to 1.
T +R+A=1 (6)
This is an assumption that works well for determining the absorption from bulk materials,
but the transmission and reflection data in films contain interference “fringes” that don’t
permit us to treat the absorption this way. We define the ‘corrected transmission’, Tc , to
be the transmitted intensity of light when there are no interference fringes. It is shown by
McIntyre [13] that by dividing the transmission by 1 minus the reflection, removes the fringes
from the spectra (for low absorption regions).
Tc = (7)
The corrected transmission will correctly remove the fringes from the film. The absorption
is defined by the change in intensity per unit length. For an absorption α(λ) and film
thickness d, the transmitted intensity for a film with no interference effects would be It (λ)
in accordance with Beer’s Law.
It = Io e−(αd) (8)
We can treat the corrected transmission as the transmission of light through our film with
the interference fringes removed (as if it were a bulk sample). The corrected transmission is
then the ratio between the throughput intensity and the incident intensity.
It T
= = e−αd (9)
I0 1−R
If the sample thickness is known (from analysis of the fringes), then absorption α can be
solved for by
1 − R
α = ln d−1 (10)
The absorption α(λ) contains all the relevant information for analyzing the band gap. Com-
puting the band gap can be done by linearizing the absorption and checking for the onset of
strong absorption (Tauc method) or by fitting a parameter model to the relevant spectra.
Each polymorph of TiO2 that we find in our films has a different band gap, and each band
structure has indirect and direct transitions. Since all three phases show up in most of our
films-optical data is taken on regions where all three phases are present and multiple kinds
of transitions are taking place in each spectrum. We attempt to calculate the band gap by
assuming that the film has only a direct transition and only an indirect transition–which
means that both Tauc linearizations of absorption are used in band gap calculations. The
idealized representations of the density of states used in the Tauc method loosely match
real absorption in experiment. Due to the complexity of features such as tail states, we
use optical modeling software for computations. The optical models in SCOUT can fit
the experimental data by changing the parameters of a direct gap model and the index of
refraction. Performing measurements this way let the model adjust the dispersion relation
and the band gap simultaneously to obtain the best possible fit.
3 Methods
The thin films are measured optically by analyzing the transmission and reflection spectra
of the film the in ultra-violet (λ = 250 nm) visible and near infrared regions (λ = 2000 nm).
The transmission and reflection spectra contain interference fringes, which are analyzed to
measure the thickness of the film and dispersion relation of the material. The absorption and
band gap of the film are analyzed by computing the corrected transmission spectra, which
contains information about the absorption of the film. The spectra are measured using a
grating spectrometer, then analyzed with optical modeling software.
Figure 2: The grating spectrometer.
heretofore referred to as transmission and reflection, and they will be used in the analysis.
Once the raw data are collected, the transmission (T ) and reflection (R) spectra are calcu-
lated by first subtracting the dark spectrum, then dividing by the lamp reference spectrum.
This will yield the actual percent intensity (between 0 and 1) of reflection and transmission
for all wavelengths measured. The reflection and transmission are calculated by:
Ir − Idark
R= (11)
Ilamp − Idark
It − Idark
T = (12)
Ilamp − Idark
The spectra shown in figure 4 are the reflection and transmission spectra calculated
from the raw data. The gray curve is the corrected transmission T /(1 − R). The corrected
transmission is the transmission of the sample with the fringes removed. This is useful for
calculating the band gap using Tauc analysis, for which you need the corrected transmission
(equation 9).
The data for TiO2 film 072-4 was taken in the 250 to 999 nm range. The transmission
and reflection curves (blue and orange) contain fringes in the region of low absorption (above
λ = 350 nm). We can see in the transmission and corrected transmission the data drops to
zero around λ = 350 nm. The band gap is seen where the absorption begins to set in around
360 nm.
Figure 5: High-energy region of raw spectra
Figure 5 shows the intensities of the raw data in the high-energy region. The background
intensity (Raw Dark) is about 10−12 W through the whole range. Raw data collected with an
intensity less than 10−11 W are unlikely to yield physical information because the intensity
is comparable to the background level. Spectra taken in the ultraviolet region of our lamp
in Figure 5 show the absolute minimum of resolvable intensity starts around 175 nm or 7
eV. At this energy, the effect of the lamp warming causes the reflection spectra to be larger
than the intensity of the lamp—which is a nonphysical result. This is cured by letting the
lamp warm up for a longer time. The optimal time to take data is at least an hour after the
lamp has been turned on.
transmission and reflection spectra are on the right–a preliminary glance tells us this is a good
fit. The center displays the current layer stack: TiO2 on SiO2 , and the left side displays the
sample name, measured thickness, fit deviation, fit rating, and values of all the fit parameters
used in the measurement. The fit rating says this measurement is “Acceptable”, but the
user must judge for themselves whether or not the fit parameters are physically reliable. For
TiO2 , we expect our band gap to be between 3.1 eV and 3.7 eV (25,000 cm−1 and 30,000
cm−1 ).
To measure a thin film on glass, a substrate and thin film are defined in the layer stack,
with air in the half spaces on either side. The user defines the substrate (usually amorphous
glass), and the layer is given the properties of that material which are defined in the SCOUT
database or added by the user. The layer has some unknown thickness, index of refraction,
and absorption. These properties are given models with unknown parameters. The Sellmeier
equation is used to model the index of refraction, and the absorption is modeled by the OJL
band gap model. From the model for index of refraction, transmission and reflection spectra
are produced and compared to experimental data. The experimentalist gives SCOUT the
power to manipulate the model parameters (Sellmeier coefficients, band gap strength etc.).
In a optimization routine, SCOUT will change the model parameters to produce reflection
and transmission spectra that match up to experiment. For our measurements, SCOUT is
given the Sellmeier coefficients and parameters to the OJL band gap model. A typical model
of index of refraction is shown in Figure 7. The black and red lines are the real and complex
parts of the index of refraction respectively.
SCOUT can handle any number of layers, as well as the coherence of each layer. The
plane wave will retain its phase in layers that are coherent, and lose its phase in layers that
are incoherent. If the film is thin with respect to the coherence length of the light, then the
layer should be made coherent so that the light retains its phase through that layer. This is
a useful feature in SCOUT because only thin layers are coherent. The thin film layers are
Figure 7: Refractive index model constructed in SCOUT.
generally about 50-300 nm thick, while the substrates are generally 1 mm thick. As a result,
the plane wave will retain its phase through the film and not the substrate.
The O’Leary, Johnson, Lim (OJL) interband transition model (Figure 8), simulates direct
band gap absorption with tail states. The model has four parameters: gap energy, strength,
gamma, and decay. The gap energy expresses the width of the band gap, the gap strength
determines how sharp the gap onset is, the gamma parameter expresses the sub-gap ab-
sorption which could come from tail states or general disorder, and the decay expresses how
much the absorption decays after the gap in the high-frequency range.
The OJL model is similar to the Tauc model in that it assumes a parabolic density
of states–but it also contains a decaying exponential in the gap region. This is useful for
modeling tail states and line broadening in experimental data. OJL is used in tandem
with the Sellmeier equation to produce the complete index of refraction model used in the
measurement. The parameters of the OJL model and coefficients in the Sellmeier equation
become the “fit parameters” SCOUT uses to perform measurements.
4 Results and Discussion
Each TiO2 polymorph of interest (Brookite, Anatase and Rutile) has been created in a high-
phase fraction thin film form. Several regions of interest on each film were measured and
calculated for thickness, absorption and band gap behavior. The amorphous precursors were
created under specific conditions using pulse-laser deposition, then annealed at 400◦ C to
crystallization. The films were then measured using the grating spectrometer in the UV-Vis
region and calculations were performed in SCOUT.
Table 2: Band gaps and thicknesses of high-fraction films of anatase, rutile and brookite.
Table 2 lists the band gaps of anatase, rutile and brookite. The band gaps of anatase and
brookite are close to those found in literature: anatase has a band gap of about 3.6 eV,
and brookite a band gap of 3.4 eV, which is confirmed by Alotaibi. Rutile was measured to
have a larger band gap (3.3 − 3.5 eV) than is usually found in the literature. One spectrum
(reflection, transmission and corrected transmission) are plotted against wavelength for one
measurement on each film shown in the table in Figures 9, 10, and 11.
All three high-fraction films exhibit features common of TiO2 spectra. In the visual and
near infrared regions we see fringe behavior onset in the reflection and transmission spectra.
Figure 10: High-fraction anatase film on SiO2
These are removed in the corrected transmission–as it is approximately equal to unity in the
visual to near infrared regions for all films. In the ultraviolet region, photons have enough
energy to excite the electrons across the band gap–which causes strong absorption, at which
point the transmission goes to zero. The strong absorption also causes the reflectivity increase
to about 0.35 in each film.
Figure 12 contains four plots with data from TiO2 polyphase films. The the top left
plot shows the distribution of all the measurements taken. In the “All Films” figure, an ‘x’
indicates one measurement. All four plots contain the same films, but the size of the markers
Figure 12: Gap energy vs. Thickness for many polyphase TiO2 films. The phase plots
(Rutile, Brookite, Anatase) show how much of each phase is present in each film.
in the Rutile, Anatase and Brookite plots indicate the respective amount of Rutile, Anatase
and Brookite in each film. There is no obvious trend in the anatase phase, but the brookite
tends to favor thicknesses below 80nm, and rutile favors higher thicknesses—-although trace
amounts are present in many films. This is consistent with an observation in the literature
which points out that the brookite favors this same thickness region [1].
Figure 13: Measurements taken on film 056-1. There is an inverse relationship between the
gap energy and film thickness–an artifact of the analysis.
5 Conclusion
Our lab produced high phase fraction rutile, brookite and anatase from amorphous precur-
sors. The transmission and reflection spectra were measured using a grating spectrometer.
The data were then characterized in SCOUT, which used models for the index of refraction
and band gap to produce theoretical data then perform a minimization routine to change the
model parameters to fit the theoretical to the experimental spectra. The spectra of our high
phase fraction films were measured and the optical parameters were calculated in SCOUT,
yielding the values in table 2. A trend emerged in our analysis of the high phase fraction
brookite film, but it was argued that the relationship is an artifact of the analysis. In future
work, we will determine a more accurate model for TiO2 , and compare the calculations of
the band gap for various optical models that were not used in our analysis.
6 Appendix
6.1 Grating spectrometer settings
Table 3 lists the grating spectrometer settings available and the wavelengths they can be
safely be used at to obtain correct data. In a typical measurement of a TiO2 film, the grating
spectrometer is set to measure from 250 nm to 1000 nm in 1 nm increments with the 0.25
micron grating, Xe lamp, silicon detector, and no filter. This allows the user to take data of
a large enough region for fitting in SCOUT, while preventing the need to switching filters or
gratings. The 0.25 grating is strongly reflective in the UV region, making the band
Figure 14: SnCaSe measurement. T , R, and T /(1 − R) with and without a color filter.
7 Using SCOUT
7.1 User configurations
All the films were measured using an optical fitting software SCOUT produced and dis-
tributed by Wolfgang Thiess. In order to measure the optical properties of a film in SCOUT,
SCOUT needs to be configured to fit the transmission and reflection spectra. A configura-
tion can be created and saved for a later time. Configurations can be loaded by clicking
F ile → Open. A window opens up for the user to navigate to a configuration to load. Con-
figurations can be saved by clicking F ile → SaveAs then selecting the folder and naming
the new configuration.
7.2 The Layer Stack
To customize the configuration for measuring the properties of thin films, a new layer stack
should be created with at least two layers: a thin film and thick layer, where the thin film
is arranged above the thick layer. A half-space of air or vacuum is added on either side to
simulate the atmosphere. Something to notice is that the thin film is labeled as “coherent”
and the thick layer is “incoherent”, which is the only real difference between these two
objects. A simple layer gives the user the option to have coherence or not. The material of
the substrate can be chosen by drag-and-dropping a material from the materials database
listed on the right of the layer stack. If the film has a known dielectric function, it can be
chosen from the materials database, otherwise they will create a new material with some
7.3 Materials
A new material can be created and added to the “materials” menu. A new material will have
properties that are called “susceptibilities” in SCOUT. The built-in susceptibilities include
features to model simple index of refraction, oscillators, interband transitions, and more. For
a semiconductor, we can add two susceptibilities to model it accurately: a Sellmeier index
of refraction, and a band gap. The real part of the index of refraction is added by creating
a new “index of refraction” susceptibility, then entering the Sellmeier equation into the real
part of the susceptibility. The band gap model we generally choose is the OJL2 band gap
model. This was proposed in a paper by O’Leary, Johnson and Kim. It models a direct
band gap with some effects from tail states. This does a good job of simulating the band gap
of a semiconductor, while modeling flaws in materials by an exponentially decaying density
of states. The susceptibilities contain parameters that can be adjusted to change features
in the material. In the OJL2 model, the Gap Energy parameter changes the energy of the
band gap.
8 Acknowledgments
I would like to thank my research advisor Dr. Janet Tate who taught me about the physics
of thin films and gave me tutoring in technical writing and professional development. I would
like to thank James Haggerty, James May, Okan Agirseven, and Bethany Matthews for giving
me insight into materials physics, trusting me with their films, and supporting my endeavors.
I would like to thank Dr. McIntyre for letting me use his lab for film characterization. I
acknowledge support from the Dr. Russ and Dolores Gorman Faculty Scholar fund.
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