Nuclear Chemistry - by Angad Deval

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Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear/radioactive chemistry is a sub field of chemistry dealing with radioactivity,

nuclear processes and the transformation of the nuclei of atoms, such as nuclear
transmutation and nuclear properties.
It is the chemistry of radioactive elements such as the actinides(atm no.89-103), radium
and radon together with the chemistry associated with equipment (such as nuclear
reactors) which are designed to perform nuclear processes. This includes the corrosion
of surfaces and the behavior under conditions of both normal and abnormal operation
(such as during an accident). An important area is the behavior of objects and materials
after being placed into a nuclear waste storage or disposal site.
Discovery of Nuclear chemistry:
1. Wilhelm Röntgen, a German mechanical engineer and physicist,
discovers X-Rays in 1882.
2. Following Wilhelm’s discoveries, many scientists begin working on
ionizing radiation.
3. One of the many scientist, Henri Becquerel, investigating the
relationship between phosphorescence and the blackening of
photographic plates, discovered that with no external source of
energy, the uranium generated rays which could blacken (or fog) the
photographic plate, and thus, radioactivity was discovered.
More detail about Nuclear chemistry:
Nuclear chemistry includes the study of chemical effects resulting from
the absorption of radiation within living animals, plants, and other
materials. The radiation chemistry controls much of radiation biology
as radiation has an effect on living things at the molecular scale. To
explain it another way, the radiation alters the biochemicals within an
organism, the alteration of the bio-chemicals then alters the chemical
processes which occurs within the organism, this change in chemical
processes then can lead to a biological outcome. As a result, nuclear
chemistry greatly assists the understanding of medical treatments
(such as cancer radiotherapy) and has enabled these treatments to
Radioactive decay:
One Feature of Nuclear chemistry used In many experiments is
radioactive decay, which is basically the emission of energy in the form
of ionizing radiation. One drawback of this feature though is that
ionizing radiation can affect the atoms in living things(plants
and animals both) which can cause damage to tissues and DNA
in genes.
Main Areas of research in Nuclear Chemistry:
1. Radiation chemistry: the study of the chemical effects of radiation on
matter; this is very different from radiochemistry as no radioactivity
needs to be present in the material which is being chemically changed by
the radiation. An example is the conversion of water into hydrogen gas
and hydrogen peroxide. Prior to radiation chemistry, it was commonly
believed that pure water could not be destroyed.
2. Chemistry for nuclear power: radiation chemistry and nuclear chemical
engineering play a very important role for uranium and thorium fuel
precursors synthesis, starting from ores of these elements, fuel
fabrication, coolant chemistry, fuel reprocessing, radioactive waste
treatment and storage, monitoring of radioactive elements release
during reactor operation and radioactive geological storage, etc.
3. Study for nuclear reactions: A combination of radiochemistry and
radiation chemistry is used to study nuclear reactions such as fission
and fusion. Some early evidence for nuclear fission was the formation
of a short-lived radioisotope of barium which was isolated from
neutron irradiated uranium . At the time, it was thought that this was a
new radium isotope, as it was then standard radiochemical practice to
use a barium sulfate carrier precipitate to assist in the isolation of
radium.[12] More recently, a combination of radiochemical methods
and nuclear physics has been used to try to make new 'superheavy'
elements; it is thought that islands of relative stability exist where the
nuclides have half-lives of years, thus enabling weighable amounts of
the new elements to be isolated. For more details of the original
discovery of nuclear fission see the work of Otto Hahn
4. The Nuclear fuel cycle: This is the chemistry associated with any
part of the nuclear fuel cycle, including nuclear reprocessing. The fuel
cycle includes all the operations involved in producing fuel, from
mining, ore processing and enrichment to fuel production (Front-end of
the cycle). It also includes the 'in-pile' behavior (use of the fuel in a
reactor) before the back end of the cycle. The back end includes the
management of the used nuclear fuel in either a spent fuel pool or dry
storage, before it is disposed of into an underground waste store or
a) Normal and abnormal conditions: The nuclear chemistry associated
with the nuclear fuel cycle can be divided into two main areas, one
area is concerned with operation under the intended conditions while
the other area is concerned with maloperation conditions where some
alteration from the normal operating conditions has occurred or (more
rarely) an accident is occurring. Without this process, none of this
would be true.
b) Absorption of fission products on surfaces: Another important area of
nuclear chemistry is the study of how fission products interact with surfaces;
this is thought to control the rate of release and migration of fission products
both from waste containers under normal conditions and from power
reactors under accident conditions. Like chromate and molybdate, the
99TcO4 anion can react with steel surfaces to form a corrosion resistant layer.
In this way, these metaloxo anions act as anodic corrosion inhibitors. The
formation of 99TcO2 on steel surfaces is one effect which will retard the
release of 99Tc from nuclear waste drums and nuclear equipment which has
been lost before decontamination (e.g. submarine reactors lost at sea). This
99TcO2 layer renders the steel surface passive, inhibiting the anodic corrosion
reaction. The radioactive nature of technetium makes this corrosion
protection impractical in almost all situations. It has also been shown that
99TcO4 anions react to form a layer on the surface of activated carbon
(charcoal) or aluminium. A short review of the biochemical properties of a
series of key long lived radioisotopes can be read on line.
5. One major use of Nuclear chemistry was done in 1911, when
Rutherford conducted the gold foil experiment, as a conclusion of
which the nucleus in atoms was discovered, the use of nuclear
chemistry here was alpha particle scattering, or, more into detail,
alpha decay. So alpha decay is a type of radiactive decay in which an
atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle.
Despite the growing use of nuclear medicine, the potential expansion of
nuclear power plants, and worries about protection against nuclear
threats and the management of the nuclear waste generated in past
decades, the number of students opting to specialize in nuclear and
radiochemistry has decreased significantly over the past few decades.
Now, with many experts in these fields approaching retirement age,
action is needed to avoid a workforce gap in these critical fields, for
example by building student interest in these careers, expanding the
educational capacity of universities and colleges, and providing more
specific on-the-job training
Spinout areas of Nuclear chemistry:
• Kinetics: The mechanisms of chemical reactions can be investigated by
observing how the kinetics of a reaction is changed by making an isotopic
modification of a substrate, known as the kinetic isotope effect. This is now
a standard method in organic chemistry. Briefly, replacing normal hydrogen
(protons) by deuterium within a molecule causes the molecular vibrational
frequency of X-H (for example C-H, N-H and O-H) bonds to decrease, which
leads to a decrease in vibrational zero-point energy. This can lead to a
decrease in the reaction rate if the rate-determining step involves breaking
a bond between hydrogen and another atom.Thus, if the reaction changes
in rate when protons are replaced by deuteriums, it is reasonable to
assume that the breaking of the bond to hydrogen is part of the step which
determines the rate.
• Uses within geology, biology and forensic science: Cosmogenic isotopes are
formed by the interaction of cosmic rays with the nucleus of an atom. These can
be used for dating purposes and for use as natural tracers. In addition, by careful
measurement of some ratios of stable isotopes it is possible to obtain new
insights into the origin of bullets, ages of ice samples, ages of rocks, and the diet
of a person can be identified from a hair or other tissue sample
• biology:Within living things, isotopic labels (both radioactive and nonradioactive)
can be used to probe how the complex web of reactions which makes up the
metabolism of an organism converts one substance to another. For instance a
green plant uses light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose by
photosynthesis. If the oxygen in the water is labeled, then the label appears in
the oxygen gas formed by the plant and not in the glucose formed in the
chloroplasts within the plant cells.
• nuclear spectroscopy:Nuclear spectroscopy are methods that use the nucleus to
obtain information of the local structure in matter. Important methods are NMR
(see below), Mössbauer spectroscopy and Perturbed angular correlation. These
methods use the interaction of the hyperfine field with the nucleus' spin. The
field can be magnetic or/and electric and are created by the electrons of the
atom and its surrounding neighbours. Thus, these methods investigate the local
structure in matter, mainly condensed matter in condensed matter physics and
solid state chemistry.
• nuclear magnetic resonance:NMR spectroscopy uses the net spin of
nuclei in a substance upon energy absorption to identify molecules.
This has now become a standard spectroscopic tool within synthetic
chemistry. One major use of NMR is to determine the bond
connectivity within an organic molecule. NMR imaging also uses the
net spin of nuclei (commonly protons) for imaging. This is widely used
for diagnostic purposes in medicine, and can provide detailed images
of the inside of a person without inflicting any radiation upon them.
In a medical setting, NMR is often known simply as "magnetic
resonance" imaging, as the word 'nuclear' has negative connotations
for many people.

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