Fishbone Diagram
Fishbone Diagram
Fishbone Diagram
Course Teacher:
Kakon Sultana
Assistant Professor
Dept. of PME
Fishbone Diagram
• A cause and effect diagram, often called a
“fishbone” diagram.
• A fishbone diagram is a visualization tool
for categorizing the potential causes of a
• Helps to identify the root cause of the
• This tool is used in order to identify a problem's root causes.
• Developed by Kaoru Ishikawa of Japan.
• 4M or 6M factors analysis done in brainstorming
• It combines the practice of brainstorming with a type of mind map template.
• It can help in brainstorming to identify possible causes of a problem and in
sorting ideas into useful categories.
• The brainstorming technique is used to identify potential causes.
• The effect is shown as the fish’s head,
facing to the right, with the causes
extending to the left as fishbones.
• The rib’s branch of the backbone for major
• Sub-branches for root causes are as many
as required.
4M Factor:
• The 4M is a method that allows one to identify and group
causes that impact a specific effect.
• 4M categories (Material, Method, Machine, Man) are
often used in the Cause-Effect Diagram created by Kaoru
• It is a good, intermediate tool for problem analysis.
6M Factor:
• The 6M-Manpower, Method, Machine, Material,
Milieu, and Measurement
• It is a mnemonic representing the characteristic
dimensions to consider when brainstorming
during “cause and effect” problem-solving
Figure: Piper Alpha disaster root causes
Why use Fishbone Diagram
1. Helps to determine the Root Cause of a Problem.
2. To identify the Key Inputs variables – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
3. Helps in identifying the possible cause for variation present in a process.
4. Increases knowledge of a process and its factors.
5. Helps to identify areas for data collection
Benefits of Fishbone diagram
ii. Break problems down into small pieces to find the real root cause.
(Primary cause).
Step 4. Identify Probable Causes that contribute to the problem/effects
(Secondary causes).
Step 5. Add detailed levels i.e. identify sub-causes & analyze the diagram. Also
called Tertiary causes.
Construct a Fishbone diagram for the following cases-
1. Mine accident
ii. Gas well blowout
i. Roof collapse
iii.Oil spill
ii. Methane gas explosion
iv.Fire hazard
iii. Fire explosion
i. Storage tank fire
iv. Dust explosion
ii. Pipeline fire
v. Oxygen deprivation
Figure: Fishbone Diagram for accident prevention
Thank You