YP-II Advertisement 26052023
YP-II Advertisement 26052023
YP-II Advertisement 26052023
Position of Young Professional-II (one) purely on contractual basis is vacant in PPV&FRA funded
Project – ‘DUS Center for Radish & Carrot’. Eligible candidates should mail their complete CV as per the
attached format giving full details of academic records and experience along with self-attested photocopy
of the supporting documents. Email for sending the application is amishsureja@gmail.com. Applications
should reach at this email ID on or before 17thJune, 2023 (5.30 pm). Walk-in-interview will be held on
20.06.2023 at 10.00 A.M onwards in the Division of Vegetable Science, ICAR - Indian Agricultural
Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi -110012.
1. Age limit: Minimum age is 21 years and Maximum age is 45 years as on the date of interview (age
relaxation of five years for SC/ST/Women and three years for OBC) for Young Professional-II.
2. The above post is purely temporary, time bound and co-terminus with the project. Appointment will
be offered for a period of one year and extendable subject to the satisfactory performance of the
candidate after evaluation, based on the progress and fund availability. The extension will be
governed as per ICAR OM No.F.No.Agril.Edn.1-06/2020-A&P dated 04.12.2020.
3. The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointments either at this Institute or in ICAR as
the position is co-terminus with the project. Non‐maintenance of the discipline and failure to
perform the assigned duties will make the YP-II liable for termination during the appointment period
as per ICAR rules.
4. The interview of eligible candidates will be held according to schedule given above.
5. The candidates will have to compulsorily submit the filled in application form (as per the format
annexed) and one set of the self-attested photocopies of all the required certificates from
matriculation onwards and an attested/self-attested recent passport size photograph pasted on the
application form. All the original certificates from matriculation onwards, date of birth certificate,
NET/equivalent certificate, degree certificate either original or provisional must be submitted for
verification and will be returned. Proof of experience and publications also need to be submitted.
6. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
7. The income tax or other tax will be deducted at source as per the prevailing rules.
8. Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination of
such candidatures.
9. The candidate intending to attend the interview, if any of his/her near or distant relative is an
employee of the ICAR/IARI, have to declare his/her name, designation, nature of duties,
relationship in advance in writing so as to reach the Division of Vegetable Science, ICAR-IARI,
New Delhi through e-mail amishsureja@gmail.com on or before 17thJanuary, 2023 (5.30 pm). If
on the date of interview such declaration is furnished and found that his relative is an employee of
ICAR/IARI, such candidates will not be allowed for interview.
10. All the other candidates are also required to compulsorily furnish the declaration duly signed and
submitted at the date of interview.
11. The candidates have to strictly submit the form annexed (typed/filled) duly signed and submit on the
date of interview.
12. Reporting time for interview: 20.06.2023 Time: 09.30 AM at the Division of Vegetable Science,
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi-110012.
All candidates who will appear for interview should take all proper precautions of COVID-19
pandemic as recommended by MoH, GoI.
(Assistant Administrative Officer)
Division of Vegetable Science,
ICAR-IARI, NewDelhi-12
Copy to:
1. All Project Director/ Head(s)/In-charge(s) of Division/Unit/RS/RC/KVK
2. PA to the Director/JD (R) / JD (Edu.) /JD(Ext.)/ JD (A), ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-12.
3. In-charge, AKMU, IARI, with the request that the same may please upload on IARI website for wider
4. Notice board, Division of Vegetable Science, ICAR-IARI, NewDelhi-110012.
Application for the post of Young Professional-II
आवेदनप्रारूप/Application Format
अपना स्वप्रमालित फ ट
यहााँ लिपकाएाँ /Paste
1. आवेदक का नाम/Name of the Applicant :
your self-attested
(बडे अक्षर ों में/In Block Letters) Photograph
5. आयु/Age:
8. ईमेल/E-mail:
12. क्या आि कही ं और कमगचारी हैं? (यपद हां, पनयोक्ता से पववरण और एनओसी प्रदान करें ,
रोजर्ार में उम्मीदवारों और एनओसी जमा नही ंकरने िर पवचार नही ं पकया जाएर्ा)/Are
you an employee elsewhere? (If Yes, provide the details and NOC from employer,
candidates in employment and not submitting NOC will not be considered):
13. द सोंदभों के नाम और पूरा पता, फ न नोंबर, ईमेल आलद लजनके साथ आपने काम लकया है ।/
Names and complete address, phone no, email etc. of two references with whom
you have worked.
14. शोध ित्ों की सूची और अपतररक्त जानकारी (यपद कोई हो)/List of Research Papers and Additional
Information (if any):
15. क्या आपके लनकट/ दू र के ररश्तेदार आईसीएआर/ आईएआरआई में कायतरत हैं ? (यलद हाों , इसे घ लषत करना ह गा
और सीवी के साथ अि हस्ताक्षरी क सूलित करना ह गा। यलद साक्षात्कार की तारीख क सूलित या घ लषत लकया
जाता है , त उम्मीदवार का साक्षात्कार नही ों लकया जाएगा / अय ग्य घ लषत लकया जाएगा।आईसीएआर में काम
करनेवाले क ई लनकट / दू रके ररश्तेदार नही ों हैं / आईएआरआई सीवी के साथ अनु लग्नक-II में लदए गए प्रारूप में
एक घ षिा भी प्रस्तुत करे गा)/Are you having Near/ Distant Relative(s) working at ICAR/ IARI? (If
Yes, must declare it and communicate to the undersigned along with CV. If communicated or
declared on the date of interview, candidate will not be interviewed/will be disqualified. Candidates
having No Near/ Distant Relative(s) working at ICAR/ IARI will also furnish a declaration in the
format given in Annexure-II along with CV )
16. आवेदनमेंसत्यताकेसोंबोंिमेंस्व-घ षिा/Self-declaration regarding truthfulness in application:
मैं एतद्द्वारा घ षिा करता/ करती हों लक इस आवेदन में लदएगए सभी लववरि मेरे सवोत्तम ज्ञान और लवश्वास के अनुसार
सत्य, पूित और सही हैं । मैं समझता/ती हों और सहमत हों लकसाक्षात्कार/ ियन से पहले या बादमें लकसीभी समय लकसीभी
जानकारी के गलत /गलत/ अपूित या अपात्रता पाएजाने की स्थिलत में, मेरी उम्मीदवारी/लनयुस्थक्त रद्दकी जा सकती है या लबना
लकसी सूिना के खाररज कर दी जा सकती है।
I do hereby declare that all the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief. I understand and agree that in the event of any information being found false/
incorrect/ incomplete or ineligibility being detected at any time before or after interview/ selection, my
candidature/ appointment may be cancelled or is liable to be rejected without any notice.
लदनाों क/Date
िान/Place हस्ताक्षर/Signature…………………………..……….............
(उन उम्मीदवारों द्वारा अपग्रम रूि से प्रस्तुत पकया जाना है पजन के ररश्तेदार ICAR/IARI के
कमगचारी हैं; अन्य उम्मीदवार इसे सािात्कार के समय प्रस्तुत करें र्े/To be submitted in advance by
candidates whose relative(s) is an employee of ICAR/IARI; other candidates will furnish it at
the time of interview)
मैं, घ षिा करता/करती हों लक मैं आईसीएआर/ आईएआरआई, नई लदल्ली में कायतरत लनम्नललस्थखत व्यस्थक्तय ों से सोंबोंलित
हों, लजनके नाम, पदनाम, कततव्य ों की प्रकृलत और मेरे साथ सोंबोंि नीिे लदए गए हैं :
I............................................................................., declare that I am related to the following
Individual(s) employed in ICAR/IARI, New Delhi, whose name(s), designation, nature of duties and
relationship with me is furnished below:
कततव्य क
ों ाप्रकार/Nature of duties:
laca/k ¼Relationship½ %
उपर क्त उस्थल्लस्थखत जानकारी के गलत पाए जाने या लकसी तथ्य क छु पाने की स्थिलत में, साक्षात्कार के
ललए मेरी उम्मीदवारी / पदपरियन रद्द लकया जा सकता है ।
In the event of the above cited information is found to be incorrect or concealing any facts, my
candidature to the interview/ selection to the post is liable to be cancelled.