Reimbursement Undertaking New

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Undertaking form for Reimbursement of Excess Paid Fee

Applied Refund Amount

The HD
Accounts Department,

I, (Parents/Guardian) of (Name
of the student) having registration number undertakes that my ward has
paid excess fee due to reason below: -

(A) Loan Case: -

1. Name of the Bank
2. Contact No of the bank
3. Amount Received from the bank
*Loan account holder should be personally liable for any dispute with bank and In case student has taken loan from the
bank for hostel fee and if he/she is not availing university hostel facility then there is need of NOC from bank (i.e. bank
have no objection that whether student would stay inside the University hostel or outside the campus)

(B) Scholarship from State Govt.: -

1. Name of the State Govt.
2. Contact no of the department
3. Amount Received from the Govt.

(C) Any other Reason (Specify the reason to deposit the excess fee)

Note: -
1. Fill this form with correct information and upload the same to the following UMS pathway.

UMS Navigation → FMS → Fee Dashboard → Apply Reimbursement

2. Pass book copy of parents is required in case if reimbursement amount is more than Rs 10000/- and below Rs
10000/- students can give their pass book copy and to be noted that bank details i.e., Account holder name,
bank account number and IFSC code should be very clear

3. All process of reimbursement will take 15-20 days from the date of submission of documents as well as
completion of all above mentioned reimbursement formalities


Signature of the Parent/Guardian Relationship with Student Signing Date

Parent's Mobile No Student's Mobile No. Parent's Email ID

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